TCL Technoly Electronics 10 WIFI+BT Audio Module User Manual

TCL Technoly Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. WIFI+BT Audio Module

User manual

WIFI+BT Audio Module Model No.型号:TWM-A8516+MT6630T 版本Ve r s i o n :V1.2 公布日期Release Date: 2017-11-28 TONLY ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED.通力电子控股有限公司Address:Section 37, Zhongkai Hi-tech Development Zone, Huizhou Guangdong 516006, P.R.China 地址:中国广东省惠州市仲恺高新区惠风6 路37 号小区网址 ©2015 TONLY ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED.All rights reserved 保留所有版权
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Smart Voice AssistantDevice Module版本变更说明Document Revision History Revision版本Date日期Author作者Checkedby审核Description描述V1.0 2017-10-18 JianliLiang Firstrelease.V1.1 2017-12-26 JianliLiang 1.GPIODefine;IOPowerDomainadding.ThesemodifyarelimitedtoA,DversionPCB.V1.2 2018-01-10 JianliLiang 1.USBDM1,DP1,LCMRST,DSITEDelete;2.AD1,AD2,AD3,MicbiasPortadding;Thesemodify arelimited toDversionPCB.V1.3 2018-03-29 JianliLiang 1. ModulePin46functionmodify:GPI0117GPIO732. Pin26,43,42,44Redefinepinname.3 TONLYELECTRONICSHOLDINGSLIMITEDConfidential
 目录Table of Contents  法律声明Legal Notice, Disclaimer, Copyright  文档变更说明Document Revision History  目录Table of contents  1.系统概览System overview 1.1 通用说明 General Descriptions 1.2  性能特点Features 1.3 系统方框图Block Diagram  2.产品描述Production Description  引脚与功能说明Pin Layout & Pin Description  外观与尺寸 Appearance& Dimension  3.应用说明Application Explanation  4.电气特性Electrical Characteristics 工作条件
5TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential 直流特性DC characteristics  热特性Thermal characteristics  电流消耗Current consumption  5.射频性能RF Performance  6.认证与法规信息Certificate& Regulation  7.包装与订货说明 Package& Ordering information  8.环保声明Green Policy  9  推荐过炉温度 RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE REFLOW PROFILE  10.抗静电保护ESDProtection1. 系统概览System overview  通用说明 General Descriptions WIFI+BT Audio Mod , The highly integrated module makes the possibilities of web browsing, VoIP, Bluetooth applications. With seamless roaming capabilities and advanced security, also could interact with different vendors’ 802.11a/b/g/n Access Points in the wireless LAN. This compact module is a total solution for a combination of WiFi and Bluetooth V4.1technologies.  性能特点Features  Supports 20/40 Mhz at 2.4GHZ and 5GHz  Supports Bluetooth V4.1+HS, BLE and be backwards compatible with Bluetooth 2.1+ enhance data rate.  Supports WLAN-Bluetooth coexistence and ISM-LTE coexistence.  Supports Bluetooth for class1 and class2 power level transmissions without requiring an external PA.  Audio Interfaces: I2S  support microphone inputs ( PDM digital microphone)  Serial Interfaces: UART, SPI,I2C,USB  Integrated PMU supports multiple low energy States  Dimension: 56mm (L) × 41mm (W) ×2.54mm (H)
  系统方框图 Module Block Diagram  2.产品描述ProductionDescription引脚与功能说明Apperance&PinDescription& PhysicalDimensions Description & Apperance :
Smart Voice AssistantDevice Module7TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential  Physical Dimensions
Pin header information 
9TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential  PindescriptionsPIN NO. Symbol Description Function 1 PWR3V8 Power input  VCC input, typical voltage range :3.6V ~ 4.2V 2 PWR3V8 Power input  VCC input, typical voltage range :3.6V ~ 4.2V 3 GND  ground  Ground 4 GND  ground  Ground 5  DSP_3V3  Power output  3.3V power supply 6 GPIO24 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  GPIO24  Func_DPI_20;  Func_DPI_DE
    Func_ANT_SEL1;  Func_UCTS2;  Func_PWM_A;  Func_I2S_MCK;  Func_DBG_Mon-A-O 7  TC_3V3  Power output  3.3V power supply 8 GPIO25 Bi-directional Power domainwith3.3V FUNC_GPIO25.  Func_I2S_8CH_MCK;  Func_ I2S_MCK;  Func_DBG_Mon -A-1;  Func_PWM_B;  Func_URTS2;  Func_ANT_SEL0;  Func_DPI_VSYNC;Func_DPI_D19 9 I2C_SCL3 Bi-directional Power domainwith1.8V Func_I2C SCL2_0;  GPIO61.  Func_PWM_C 10 GPIO7 Bi-directional Power domainwith3.3V FUNC_GPIO7;  Func_SQI RST;  Func_DPI_D6;  Func_SDA1_0;  Func_EXT_RXDV;  Func_CONN_MCU_TMS;  FUNC_CON_MCU_AICE_JMSC;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_13 11 I2C_SDA3 Bi-directional Power domainwith 1.8V  FUNC_SDA2_0  GPIO60  FUNC_PWM_B 12 GPIO12 Bi-directional Power domainwith3.3V FUNC_GPIO12;  FUNC_CLKM5;FUNC_PWM_A;  FUNC_SPDIF_OUT;  FUNC_ANT_SEL4;  FUNC_DPI_D11;  FUNC_EXT_TXEN;FUNC_DBG_M ON_A_18. 13  1.8V OUT  Power output  1.8V power supply 14 GPIO0 Bi-directional Power domainwith 3.3V  FUNC_GPIO 0  FUNC_PWM_B;  FUNC_DPI_CK;
11TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential   FUNC_I2S2_BCK;  FUNC_EXT_TXD0;  FUNC_SQICS;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_6 15 GND  ground  Ground 16 GPIO10 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO10  FUNC_CLKM5  FUNC_SCL2_0  FUNC_EXT_FRAME_SYNC  FUNC_EXT_RXD2  FUNC_ANT_SEL2  FUNC_DPI_D9  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_16 17  VBUS  Power input  USB +5V input 18 SPI0_CS Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_SPI_CSB  FUNC_GPIO5  FUNC_UCTS2  FUNC_DPI_D16  FUNC_EXT_RXER  FUNC_CONN_MCU_TDI  FUNC_CONN_TEST_CK  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_11 19 AGND  ground  Ground 20 SPI0_MISO Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO 3;  FUNC_CLKM1;  FUNC_DPI_D14;  FUNC_SPI_MI;  FUNC_EXT_TXD3;  FUNC_CONN_MCU_DBGI_N;  FUNC_SQIWP;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_9 21  DM0  Bi-directional  USB data minus. 22 URXD2 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_URXD2;  FUNC_GPIO 34  FUNC_DPI_D5  FUNC_UTXD2  URXD2__FUNC_DBG_SCL  FUNC_I2S2_MCK  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_0 23 DP0  Bi-directional  USB data plus 24 UTXD2  Bi-directional   with   3.3VPower domain  FUNC_UTXD2;  FUNC_GPIO 35;
    FUNC_DPI_HSYNC;  FUNC_URXD2;  FUNC_DBG_SDA;  FUNC_DPI_D18;  FUNC_I2S3_MCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_1。 25 AD1 Bi-directional  Aux adc external input channel2 power level full scale is 1.45V. 26 I2S_DO Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_ GPIO 38;  FUNC_MRG_DI  FUNC_DPI_D1  FUNC_I2S0_DI  FUNC_I2S3_DO  FUNC_PCM0_DI  FUNC_EXT_MDIO  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_4 27 AD2 Bi-directional  Aux adc external input channel3 power level full scale is 1.45V. 28 MRG_CLK Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_MRG_CLK  FUNC_GPIO36  FUNC_DPI_D4  FUNC_I2S0_BCK  FUNC_I2S3_BCK  FUNC_PCM0_CLK  FUNC_IR  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_2 29 GND  ground  Ground 30 MRG_SYNCBi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_MRG_SYNC;  FUNC_GPIO37;  FUNC_DPI_D3;  FUNC_I2S0_LRCK  FUNC_I2S3_LRCK  FUNC_PCM0_SYNC  FUNC_EXT_COL  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_3 31 GPIO13 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO13  FUNC_TSF_IN;  FUNC_ANT_SEL5;  FUNC_DPI_D0;  FUNC_SPDIF_IN;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_19. 32 MRG_DO Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_MRG_DO  FUNC_GPIO39  FUNC_DPI_D2
13TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential   FUNC_I2S0_MCK  FUNC_I2S3_MCK  FUNC_PCM0_DO  FUNC_EXT_MDC  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_5 33 GPIO2 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO2  FUNC_CLKM0;  FUNC_DPI_D13;  FUNC_I2S2_LRCK;  FUNC_EXT_TXD2  FUNC_CONN_MCU_DBGACK_N; FUNC_SQISI;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_8 34 GPIO8 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO8;  FUNC_SQICK;  FUNC_CLKM3;  FUNC_SCL1_0;  FUNC_EXT_RXD0;  FUNC_ANT_SEL0;  FUNC_DPI_D7;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_14. 35 GPIO11 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_ GPIO11; FUNC_PWM_C; FUNC_ANT_SEL3; FUNC_CLKM4. 36 GPIO1 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO1 ;  FUNC_PWM_C;  FUNC_DPI_D12;  FUNC_I2S2_DI;  FUNC_EXT_TXD1;  FUNC_CONN_MCU_TDO;  FUNC_SQISO;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_7 37 SPI0_CLK Bi-directional with 3.3V Power domain  FUNC_SPI0-CLK;  FUNC_GPIO6.  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_12 38 GPIO72 Bi-directional with 3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO72;  FUNC_MSDC2_DAT2;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_LRCK;  FUNC_DPI_D23;  FUNC_PWM_C;
    FUNC_DBG_MON_B_19 39 SPI0_MOSI  Bi-directional   with   3.3VPower domain  FUNC_SP0_MOSI;  FUNC_GPIO4. 40 I2S_DI Bi-directional with 3.3V Power domain  FUNC_I2S3_DO;  FUNC_GPIO70;  FUNC_MSDC2_DAT0;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_DO2;  FUNC_DPI_D22;  FUNC_UTXD0;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_17 41 GPIO9 Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO9  FUNC_CLKM4;  FUNC_SDA2_0;  FUNC_EXT_FRAME_SYNC;  FUNC_EXT_RXD1;  FUNC_ANT_SEL1;  FUNC_DPI_D8;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_15. 42 I2S_LRCK Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_I2S3_LRCK;  FUNC_GPIO69;  FUNC_MSDC2_CLK;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_DO3;  FUNC_SCL1_0;  FUNC_DPI_D21;  FUNC_USB_SCL;  FUNC_I2S3_LRCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_16 43 I2S_BCLK Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_I2S3_BCK;  FUNC_GPIO68;  FUNC_MSDC2_CMD;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_DO4;  FUNC_SDA1_0;  FUNC_USB_SDA;  FUNC_I2S3_BCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_15. 44 I2S_MCLK Bi-directional   with   3.3V Power domain  FUNC_I2S3_MCK;  FUNC_GPIO71;  FUNC_MSDC2_DAT1;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_DO1;  FUNC_PWM_A;  FUNC_I2S3_MCK;  FUNC_URXD0;  FUNC_PWM_B;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_18.
15TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential45 GPIO50  Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_SPI_MISO  FUNC_GPIO50 46 GPIO73 Bi-directional with 3.3V Power domain  FUNC_I2S_8CH_BCK  FUNC_GPIO73  FUNC_PWM_A 47  GPIO51  Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_SPI_MOSI  FUNC_GPIO51 48 USB_OTG_P WR_EN Bi-directional   with   1.8V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO49 For USB_OTG_PWR_EN  FUNC_SPI_CK 49 GND  ground  Ground 50 I2C_SDA0  Bi-directional   with   1.8VPower domain  FUNC_SDA0_0;  FUNC_GPIO58. 51 I2C_SCL0  Bi-directional   with   1.8VPower domain  I2C SCL0;  FUNC_GPIO59. 52  MICBIAS0  Power output  Microphone bias A 53 I2S_BCK0 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_I2S0_BCK;  FUNC_GPIO57;  FUNC_URTS0;  FUNC_I2S3_BCK;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_BCK;  FUNC_PWM_C;  FUNC_I2S2_LRCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_30 54 I2S_DATA0_ IN Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_I2S3_DO;  FUNC_GPIO55;  FUNC_I2S0_DI;  FUNC_UCTS0;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_DO1;  FUNC_PWM_A;  FUNC_I2S2_BCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_28. 55 I2C_SDA1  Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_SDA1_0;  FUNC_GPIO52. 56 I2S_LRCK0 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_I2S0_LRCK;  FUNC_GPIO56;  FUNC_I2S3_LRCK;  FUNC_I2S_8CH_LRCK;  FUNC_PWM_B;  FUNC_I2S2_DI;  FUNC_DBG_MON_A_29 57 GND  ground  Ground 58 I2C_SCL1  Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_SCL1_0;  FUNC_GPIO53
 59 GPIO66  Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain   FUNC_I2S0_MCK 60 AD3 Bi-directional  Aux adc external input channel3 power level full scale is 1.45V. 61 URXD0 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO62;  FUNC_URXD0;  FUNC_UTXD0. 62 UTXD0 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO63;  FUNC_UTXD0;  FUNC_URXD0 63 USB_ID Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO41  FUNC_KPROW1;  FUNC_IDDIG;  FUNC_EXT_FRAME_SYNC;  FUNC_MFG_TEST_CK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_5. 64 POWER_ONPWR PowerKey, active low. 65 KPROW0 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_KPROW0;  FUNC_GPIO40;  FUNC_IMG_TEST_CK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_4. 66 GPIO43 Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_GPIO43;  FUNC_KPCOL1;  FUNC_USB_DRVVBUS;  FUNC_EXT_FRAME_SYNC;  FUNC_TSF_IN;  FUNC_DFD_NTRST_XI;  FUNC_UDI_NTRST_XI;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_7; 67  MC2_DA_1  PDM digital microphone  Digital microphone Data2 68  MC_CK_1  PDM digital microphone  Digital microphone Clk 69 I2S_MCLK_ TDM Bi-directional with 1.8V Power domain  FUNC_TDM_RX_MCK;  FUNC_GPIO100;  FUNC_CMDAT0;  FUNC_CMCSD0;  FUNC_ANT_SEL2;  FUNC_TDM_RX_MCK;  FUNC_DBG_MON_B_21 70  MC1_DA_1  PDM digital microphone  Digital microphone Data1 Remark:Boldness is the default function by Tonly’s software.
17TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED ConfidentialELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Supply Voltage  3.8V DC (Absolute Maximum Ratings 4.2V) Working current  RMS 300mA Sleep current  33mA WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS (unit : mm) Size  (L x W x H)  56mm (L) × 41mm (W) ×1.6mm (H) Weight ~8.5g 3.应用说明Application Explanations  All portable Smart devices 3.1 Application Block Diagram  4.  电气特性Electrical Characteristics Base Characteristics Recommended operating conditions Recommended operating conditions Min Max Unit Operatingtemperature -10 60°CPWR3V8  3.6 4.2V5.射频性能RF Performance
18TONLYELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Confidential2.4G BT BR Parameter Description Typ. Unit Output power  At max power output level 8 dBm 5.5±4 ICFT Initial carrier frequency drift ±18 kHz <±75 Carrier frequency drift One slot packet (DH1)  ±10  kHz  <±25 Three slot packet (DH3) ±10  kHz  <±40 Five slot packet (DH5)  ±10  kHz  <±40 Max. drift rate  10  kHz/50u s <20 Receiver sensitivity  BER < 0.1%  -90  dBm  EDR Parameter Description Typ. Unit Output power  π/4 DQPSK  5  dBm  2.5±4 8PSK 5 dBm 2.5±4 Frequency stability  ω0, π/4 DQPSK  ±4  kHz  <±10 ω0, 8PSK  ±4  kHz  <±10 ωi, π/4 DQPSK  ±18  kHz  <±75 ωi, 8PSK  ±18  kHz  <±75 |ω0+ωi|, π/4 DQPSK  ±20  kHz  <±75 |ω0+ωi|, 8PSK  ±20  kHz  <±75
 Modulation accuracy  RMS DEVM, π/4 DQPSK 8 % <20 RMS DEVM, 8PSK  8  %  <13 Peak DEVM, π/4 DQPSK 15 % <35 Peak DEVM, 8PSK  15  %  <25 Receiver sensitivity  π/4 DQPSK (BER < 0.01%) -90 dBm 8PSK (BER < 0.01%)  -89  dBm  LE Parameter Description Typ. Unit Output power(*)  At max. power output level 5.5 dBm 5.5±4 Carrier frequency offset and drift Frequency offset  ±10  kHz  <±150 Frequency drift  ±10  kHz  <±50 Max. drift rate  ±10  kHz/us  <±20 Parameter Description  Typ. Unit Receiver sensitivity (*) PER < 30.8%  -90  dBm  6.认证与法规信息Certification& Regulation The Certification:FCC&ICID、RED、SRRC、MICPretestOK.7.包装与订货说明Package & Ordering  Information Assembly Information
Smart Voice AssistantDevice Module 8.环保声明Green Policy This module can meet ROHS&REACH compliance. 9.推荐过炉温度 RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE REFLOW PROFILE NC10.抗静电保护 ESDProtection TWM-A8516-MT6330TisESD(electrostaticdischarge)sensitivedeviceandmaybe20  TONLYELECTRONICSHOLDINGSLIMITEDConfidential
The TMW-A8516+MT6630Thas been designed to pass certification with the antenna listed below. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.  ModelType ConnectorPeakgain(dBi)2400‐2483.5MHz5150‐5250MHz5250‐5350MHz5470‐5725MHz5725‐5850MHzN/APIFARF‐SMA3.0dBi6.396.396.396.39  damagedwithESDorspikevoltage.AlthoughTWM-A8516-MT6330Tiswithbuilt-inESDprotectioncircuits,pleasehandlewithcaretoavoidthepermanentmalfunctionortheperformancedegradation.FCC Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ● Reorient of relocate the receiving antenna. ● Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit difference from that to which the receiver is connected. ● Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Important Note: Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Country Code selection feature to be disabled for products marketed to the US/Canada. 1. The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users, and 2. The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna. As long as the three conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed. Important Note: In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization. End Product Labeling: The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following “Contains FCC ID: ZVA10” Manual Information to the End User: The OEM integrator has to be aware not provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual.  Antenna information
Antenna information The TMW-A8516+MT6630T has been designed to pass certification with the antenna listed below. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms. ISED Statement – English: This device complies with Industry Canada licenseexempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. The digital apparatus complies with Canadian CAN ICES3 (B)/ NMB3 (B). – French: Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement. This radio transmitter (ISED certification number: 9976A-10) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the maximum permissible gain indicated. Strictly prohibited for use with thisdevice with maximum antenna gain. Le présentémetteur radio (ISED certification number: 9976A-10) a étéapprouvée par industriecanada pour fonctionner avec le gain maximal indiqué.strictementinterdite pour utilisation avec cedispositif avec le maximum de gain d'antenne.  ModelType ConnectorPeakgain(dBi)2400‐2483.5MHz5150‐5250MHz5250‐5350MHz5470‐5725MHz5725‐5850MHzN/APIFARF‐SMA3.0dBi6.396.396.396.39Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. Déclarationd'exposition aux radiations Cetéquipementestconforme Canada limitesd'exposition aux radiations dans un environnement non contrôlé. Cetéquipementdoitêtreinstallé et utilisé à distance minimum de 20cm entre le radiateur et votre corps. This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following condition: The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna. As long as the condition above is met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed. Cetappareilestconçuuniquement pour les intégrateurs OEM dans les conditions suivantes: Le module émetteurpeut ne pas êtrecoïmplanté avec unautreémetteurouantenne. Tant que les 1 condition ci-dessussontremplies, des essaissupplémentaires sur l'émetteur ne seront pas nécessaires. Toutefois, l'intégrateur OEM esttoujoursresponsable des essais sur son produit final pour toutesexigences de conformitésupplémentairesrequis pour ce module installé. Important Note: In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the Canada authorization is no longer considered valid and the IC cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate Canada authorization.
The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual. Manuel d'information à l'utilisateur final Note Importante: Dans le casoùces conditions ne peuventêtresatisfaites (par exemple pour certaines configurations d'ordinateur portable ou de certaines co-localisation avec un autreémetteur), l'autorisation du Canada n'est plus considérécommevalide et l' IC ne peut pas êtreutilisé sur le produit final. Danscescirconstances, l'intégrateur OEM sera chargé de réévaluer le produit final (y comprisl'émetteur) etl'obtentiond'uneautorisationdistincte au Canada. End Product Labeling The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: Contains IC:9976A-10. Plaque signalétique du produit final Le produit final doitêtreétiquetédansunendroit visible avec l'inscriptionsuivante: Contient des IC:9976A-10. Manual Information to the End User The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. Caution:(i) Thedeviceforoperationintheband5150–5250MHzisonlyforindoorusetoreducethepotentialforharmfulinterferencetoco‐channelmobilesatellitesystems;(ii) Fordeviceswithdetachableantenna(s),themaximumantennagainpermittedfordevicesinthebands5250‐5350MHzand5470‐5725MHzshallbesuchthattheequipmentstillcomplieswiththeEIRPlimit;(iii) Fordeviceswithdetachableantenna(s),themaximumantennagainpermittedfordevicesintheband5725‐5850MHzshallbesuchthattheequipmentstillcomplieswiththeEIRPlimitsspecifiedforpoint‐to‐pointandnon‐point‐to‐pointoperationasappropriate;andoperationsinthe5.25‐5.35GHzbandarerestrictedtoindoorusageonly.Avertissement:(i) lesdispositifsfonctionnantdanslabandede5150à5250MHzsontréservésuniquementpouruneutilisationàl'intérieurafinderéduirelesrisquesdebrouillagepréjudiciableauxsystèmesdesatellitesmobilesutilisantlesmêmescanaux;(ii) pourlesdispositifsmunisd'antennesamovibles,legainmaximald'antennepermispourlesdispositifsutilisantlesbandesde5250à5350MHzetde5470à5725MHzdoitêtreconformeàlalimitedelap.i.r.e;(iii) pourlesdispositifsmunisd'antennesamovibles,legainmaximald'antennepermis(pourlesdispositifsutilisantlabandede5725à5850MHz)doitêtreconformeàlalimitedelap.i.r.e.spécifiéepourl'exploitationpointàpointetl'exploitationnonpointàpoint,selonlecas;Lesopérationsdanslabandede5.25‐5.35GHzsontlimitésàunusageintérieurseulement.

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