Systems and Technology STAVL1629 GPS Vehicle Tracking Device User Manual Part 2

Systems & Technology Corp. GPS Vehicle Tracking Device Part 2


User Manual Part 2

 CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 3. Getting Started with CAREU UW1 To install the the CAREU UW1  device, follow the instructions below for basic operations. 3.1 Hardware Installation 1. SIM Card Installation • Remove the screw at the bottom of the device to open it. Then you will find the SIM card slot inside. • Insert your SIM card into the device with SIM card's gold area down and the notched corner  toward  the notched edge of  the SIM card socket.  Make  sure  it is installed correctly in place. Reinstall the cover. SIM Card Chapter 3 7
8 CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 3 3.2 LED Indicator 1. GPS LED Indicator 2. GSM LED Indicator Power Mode GSM/GPRS Status GSM LED Power Off Off Off Low Power Off Off Full Power Acquiring Flash Red (three times/second) Full Power Registered Solid Red Power Mode GPS Status GPS LED Power Off Off Off Low Power Off Off Full Power Acquiring Flash Red (five times/second) Full Power Tracking Solid Red
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 1-Wire® Solution 3.3 With both power and communication delivered over the serial protocol of the CAREU UW1,  the 1-Wire® interface  provides combinations of memory,mixed signal and  secure authentication functions via a single contact serial interface of the CAREU UW1 . Benefits: • • • • • Single Contact Sufficient for Control and Operation Unique ID Factory-lasered in Each Device Power Derived from Signal Bus ("Parasitically Powered") Multidrop Capable: Supports Multiple Devices on Single Line Exceptional ESD Performance 9 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 1-Wire® Accessory: iButton® Wear tested for 10 year 16 mm Diameter 5mm Thick for F5 3mm Thick for F3 1. DS1990A-F5+ The DS1990A serial number iButton® is a rugged data carrier that serves as an electronic registration number for automatic identification. Data is transferred serially through the 1-Wire® protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return. Every DS1990A is factory layered with a guaranteed unique 64-bit registration number that allows for absolute traceability. The durable stainless-steel iButton package is highly resistant to environmental hazards such as dirt, moisture, and shock. Its compact coin-shaped profile is self-aligning with mating receptacles, allowing the DS1990A to be used easily by human operators. Accessories enable the DS1990A iButton to be mounted on almost any object, including containers, pallets, and bags. Chapter 3 10
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 2. Touch and Hold Probe & Cradle Using four basic types of connectors, 1-Wire® RJ-11, iButton®, Touch-and-Hold Probe, and Blue Dot™ Receptor, the DS1402 series of 1-Wire® network cables provides connectivity for iButton®. The cables are designed to connect any USB, serial, or parallel port 1-Wire® adapter to any iButton®. Both, the iButton® probe cables and the Blue Dot receptor cables can touch any iButton®, but can only hold the F5 version iButtons. The DS1402-BR8+ is the only cable that connects to the DS1401 iButton® Holder. CRADLE PROBE 11 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 3. 1-Wire® Network Topologies  Although 1-Wire® networks are often quite "free form" in structure, they usually fit into a few generalized categories, based on the distribution of the 1-Wire® slaves and the organization of the interconnecting wires. Linear topology. The 1-Wire® bus is a single pair, starting from the master and extending to the farthest slave device. Other slaves are attached to the 1-Wire® bus with insignificant (<3m) branches or "stubs." 1) Stubbed topology. The 1-Wire® bus is a single main line, starting at the master and extending to the farthest slave. Other slaves are attached to the main line through branches or stubs 3m or more in length. 2) Chapter 3 12
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 4. The Commands to Configure and Operate Accessory Operation 13 Chapter 3  AT$RFIDC  RFID control  Description   This command is used to set/query RFID control configuration. Once the RFID reader senses the tag and Input 1 (Ignition) is ON, the <Output ID> will keep ON until Input (Ignition) OFF for <Delay Time>.  Syntax   Write Command:  AT$RFIDC=<Action>[,<Output ID>,<Delay Time>]  Parameters   <Action>   1 – Logging When the alert condition is true, log the most re- cent  GPS position  to  non-volatile  flash  memory for future retrieval. 2 – Polling When the alert condition is true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 4 – Output Control When the RFID sense the tag, the specific out- put port would be enabled.  <Output ID>   Output ID 1 – Output 1  2 – Output 2 3 – Output 3  4 – Reserve 5 – Reserve  6 – Reserve 7 – Reserve  8 – Reserve   <Delay Time>   Delay time in 100ms for Output control (1~255)  Return Value   Write Command: OK:RFIDC Read Command: OK:RFIDC $RFIDC=<Action>,<Output ID>,<Delay Time> Error Response: ERROR:RFIDC  Example   T$RFIDC=3,1,10 OK:RFIDC  Note   RFID Report Format: Asynchronous Position Message + <RFID Data>
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 3 14  AT$IDRM  Detect RFID  Description   Syntax   Write Command: AT$IDRM=<Enable>,<IDCheckInterval>,<  Output  ID  >,<  Output Duration >,<Output Toggle>  Read Command: AT$IDRM?   Parameters   <Enable>   0 – Disable 1 – Enable  <IDCheckInterval>  (1~65535).  < Output ID >   1 – Output 1 2 – Output 2 3 – Output 3  < Output Duration >  Output duration in 100 millisecond. (0 .. 65535)  <Output Toggle>   The times from its current state to its alternate state and back again. (0~255)  Return Value   Write Command: OK:IDRM  Read Command: OK:IDRM $IDRM=<Enable>,<IDCheckInterval>,< Output ID >,< Output Duration >,<Output Toggle>  Error Response: ERROR:IDRM   Example   AT$IDRM=1,10,1,5,10 OK:IDRM
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide The 1-Wire® Temperature sensor is for DS18B20 sensor only. 15 Chapter 3  AT$TREPORT   Temperature sensor report configuration   Description   This command is used to set/query 1-Wire® temperature sensor configuration.   Syntax   Write Command: AT$TREPORT=<Temp Sensor ID>,<Trigger Mode>,<Action>,<Min Value>, <Max Value>,<Duration>,<Output ID>,<Output Control>   Read Comand: AT$TREPROT?   Parameters   < Temp Sensor ID>   1 – Temperature Sensor 1 2 – Temperature Sensor 2 3 – Temperature Sensor 3 4 – Temperature Sensor 4  < Trigger Mode >   0 – Disable 1 – Inside range of <Min Value> and <Max Value> 2 – Outside range of <Min Value> and <Max Value>   < Action >   1 – Logging: When all defined report conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval.  2 – Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station.  4 – Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, it set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state.  < Min Value >   The minimum degrees centigrade of the effective detecting range. Unit 0.1 degrees centigrade (-100 ~ +850)   < Max Value >   The maximum degrees centigrade of the effective detect- ing range.  Unit 0.1 degrees centigrade (-100 ~ +850)
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 3 16   < Duration >   Duration in seconds which temperature sensor is triggered inside/outside the specific range. (1~255)   < Output ID >   The unit hardware output number. Outputs are numbered 1 through 3. (For model U1: Output ID = 1~3)   <Output Control>   0 – Set output inactive. 1 – Set output active.   Return Value   Write Command: OK:TREPORT  Read Command: OK:TREPORT $TREPORT=<Analog Input ID>,<Trigger Mode>,<Action>,<Min Value>, <Max Value>, <Duration>,<Output ID>,<Output Control>,<Temperature in 0.1deg.C>  Error Response: ERROR:TREPORT   Example   AT$TREPORT=1,1,7,230,260,2,1,1 OK:TREPORT
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 17  Chapter 3 3.4 Device Configuration 1. In Windows XP desktop, click Start | All Programs | Accessories | Communications | HyperTerminal. 2. If you are prompted to input the information of your location, complete them to proceed. 3. On the File menu of HyperTerminal, click New Connection. 4. In the Name box, type a name that describes the connection. In the Icon box, click an appropriate icon. Press the OK button to proceed. 5. For Com port properties, configure as follows: Baud Rate --> Data Bits --> Parity --> Stop Bits --> Flow Control --> 115200 bps 8 None 1 None
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 6. In the connection that you have just set up, click File | Properties. Select the [Connect To]  tab.  From  the  [Connect  using]  drop down  list,  select  the  correct  com   port by checking it up at Windows XP's [DeviceManager] as previously mentioned on page  9. Go there by clicking Start | Control Panel | System | Hardware | Device Manager. Chapter 3 18
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 7. In the File menu, click Properties. Click the [Settings] tab. Press the ASCII Setup button. 8. In the [ASCII Sending] group box. Select both Send line ends with line feeds and Echo typed characters locally. Press the OK button. 19 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 9. Connect your the CAREU U1 PLUS device to power as mentioned in  Power, RS- 232, and I/O Cable Connection on page 9. The device startup message will be displayed. 10. In [HyperTerminal] window, type in the command "AT$VERSION?" and press the Enter key. The hardware and firmware version will show. As long as your [HyperTerminal] window appears as the screenshot below, a connection between the device and your system has already been built up and working. It is time to send all configuration commands. Chapter 3 20
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 3.5 Communication Settings The CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker communicates with your control center by either SMS or GPRS (TCP/UDP). Before the  device  is  installed  into a  vehicle,  communication parameters should be set. 1. SMS Configuration Use AT$SMSDST command to set a SMS control center phone number or short code.  For example, if the SMS control center phone number is +886123456789, the  AT$SMSDST command to be issued into HyperTerminal should be: AT$SMSDST=+886123456789 OK Then you can try to use cellular phone or SMS gateway to send a SMS message to  the CAREU U1 PLUS device. Send a SMS message --> "AT$MODID?" Device will response: $MODID=101000001 OK This proves a successful mobile phone SMS connection. 21 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1  Vehicle Tracker User Guide 2. GPRS Configuration Set GPRS servers by using the folloiwng commands: AT$APN=internet,username,password (APN=internet, Username=username, Password=password) OK AT$HOSTS=1,0,,6000 (Server IP address = and Port number =6000)  OK  AT$RETRY=5,10 (Message retry settings) OK AT$IPTYPE=1 (Using TCP/IP mode) OK AT$GPRSEN=1 (GPRS enable) OK AT$HB=60,1 (Heartbeat setting)  OK Please refer to the CAREU UW1  Protocol Document for more command details. Chapter 3 22
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 3.6 GPS Tracking Configurations After the device communication settings are done, the remote GPS tracking is ready to  function. The setting of GPS tracking can be done by using AT$PDSR command. For example, AT$PDSR=1,30,25,0,2,0,0,1,1(Tracking through GPRS by time interval 30 seconds)  OK For simple testing GPRS, run the TCP Server U-Series software which is provided by  S&T. It is simple server software that can wait for device connection and data. 237 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide For advanced testing, you need the software Intelli TracerPlus. Please  request this software through your sales contact. You can also apply for a testing account from S&T's FleetWeb solution through your sales contact. Chapter 3 24
 CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide The main page of the Intelli FleetWeb appears as below: 25 Chapter 3
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide 3.12 Firmware Upgrade The firmware of the CAREU UW1 can only be updated through USB interface. With the  firmware  loader  tool  provided  by S&T, firmware update  can  be done for  the device. Such firmware loader runs on Windows-based systems. To upgrade the firmware, follow the procedure below: 1). 2). 3). 4). Connect the device to your PC with the RS-232 cable. Connect the device to power. Power on the device. Run ServerUSeries.exe. A window displays as follows: 5). Press browse the button to browse to the firmware provided by S&T. 6). 7). Press the Start button to run the firmware program. After the writing progresses to 100%, it takes about 20 seconds for the update to completes. Firmware update completes. 8). Chapter 3 26
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 4. Technical Specification up to 96 Kbytes of SRAM • Frequency: 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHZ 27 Chapter 4 Hardware Requirements Description CPU ARM Cotex-M4  (84MHz )  Internal Memory  up to 512  Kbytes of  Flash memory External Memory 16M bytes   Cellullar  Cellullar Module: •  Vendor: u-blox  2G Module / 3G Module /4G Module   •  Antenna: Internal 4G/3G/2G Antenna                        GPS  GPS Module:  Dual Satellite System: •   GPS and GLONASS(Deafult) •   GPS and BeiDou •   GPS •   Vendor: u-blox Sensitivity: -167 dB ( GPS & GLONASS ) -165 dB  (GPS & BeiDou ) -166 dB (GPS ) @Tracking & Navigation Condition Time to First Fix: Cold Start: 26 Seconds at open sky ( GPS & GLONASS ) 27 Seconds at open sky ( GPS & BeiDou ) 29 Seconds at open sky ( GPS  ) Hot Start: 1 Second   GPS Antenna   Internal PITCH Antenna  LNA 28dB  GPS + GLONASS Antenna  GPS Antenna Size: 25x25x4mm Coxail Cable Type and Length 18mm
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Cycling life:500 Cycle • GPS:orange color Note: The specification herein is subject to change without prior notice. Chapter 4 28       I/O(standard)   Analog Input x 1 A. Voltage Range: 0-48 V B. Resolution: 12 bit  Digital Input x 3 A. 1 Positive Trigger( ACC) B. 2 Negative Trigger(Input 1,2)  Digital Output x 2 Open-Collector ,Imax 300mA x2(Output 1,2) 1-wire DS2482-100 Main power Remove detect  Yes GPS open/plug in detect Yes SIM CARD SIM Card Access: External(Full-size  ) support 1.8 or 1.5V     Battery  Lithium Polymer Battery Backup Battery: 900m AH Operating Temperature:Charge (0~40 °C),Discharge(-20~60 °C)   Battery  minimum operating voltage:3.8V (Will update at next version) Sensor 6 axis G-sensor and Gyroscope AGPS Yes Power Supplies 6-48 VDC    Power Consumption  operationl mode: 40mA ( @12V working voltage, GPS position & GSM connect to server ,Without battery. ) low power mode:1.5mA   Temperature  Operating: –20 °C to +60 °C(With Battery) Operating: –10 °C to +70 °C(Without Battery) Storage: –20 °C to +80°C  LED Indicator •  GSM:red color Logging 150,000 positions User Report 128 Sets Certificate CE & FCC & E-Mark & IP67
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Systems & Technology Corp. (S&T), founded in 1987, is a market leader in Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) solutions, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and navigation.  It has formed a professional development team  to innovate the most advanced and comprehensive GPS tracking products for the customers and has built a global service network to provide non-stop services and support. With the well-established marketing networks of over 100 distributors in the world, S&T is your trustworthy tracking solution provider.  phone or fax. For more product information, please contact S&T by Email, 29 Chapter 4  Web Site  Email Phone +886-2-2698-1599  Fax  +886-2-2698-1211
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide Chapter 5. Regulation FCC Regulations: 15.19(a)(3): This  device complies  with  part 15 of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is subject  to  the  following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 15.105(b): NOTE: This equipment  has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  pursuant  to  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules. These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If this  equipment does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio or  television  reception,  which  can  be determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could  void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In  order to avoid the  possibility of exceeding the  FCC  radio frequency exposure  limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8inches) during normal operation. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any  other antenna or transmitter. RF Exposure Information This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. Chapter 4 30
CAREU UW1 Vehicle Tracker User Guide   Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.    Users and installers must be provided with comprehensive installation instructions.  In particular, it must be clear that suggested location for installation of this device at more than 20cm away from passengers (front or rear) or bystanders.

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