Strategic Technologies STISURETRAC User Manual part 2

Strategic Technologies Inc. part 2

user manual part 2

STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. LOCK BasicsLOCK BasicsThe LOCK is a device that is carried by the person who installs equipment on participants.  TheLOCK has two functions that are required during installation.  The first function which is activatedwhen you push the         PRU+ button, allows access to Special Function Mode / Extended SpecialFunction Mode on the PRU+  (See Page 36 for more information on Special Function Mode andPage 38 for more information on Extended Special Function Mode).   The second function which isactivated when you push the        PID button will reset the strap circuitry on a PID (See Page 11 formore information on resetting the PID).Replacing the BatteryThe LOCK uses a standard 9V alkaline battery (non-rechargeable).  To replace the battery push thetwo round “buttons” on each side of the LOCK at the same time.  This will cause the bottom covercap to be released.  You can then simply replace the battery that is currently in the LOCK.Low Battery IndicatorThe LOCK will indicate if the battery is low by flashing green / red when any button is pushed.  TheLOCK may continue to operate for several installations after the light starts flashing.The LOCK
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. FVU BasicsFVU BasicsThe Field Verification Unit (drive-by) is designed to receive signals from the PID while away theparticipant is away from their area of confinement.  The small portable package allows an officer todrive to a site away from the area of confinement and determine if the participant is located in thearea.  The FVU is supplied with an AC adapter for use at the office and a cigarette lighter caradapter for use while travelling in a vehicle.  The FVU will also run off standard AA batteries that areeasily replaceable.  The FVU is supplied with a standard rubber duck (stubby) antenna (range : 450'/ 137m).  There is also available (optional) a Mag-Mount antenna that gives the FVU greaterrange(range : 600' / 183m).  The display is backlit so that it is easily read while in no lightsurroundings.When the FVU is turned on (switch is located on the right side of the FVU) it displays the titlescreen indicating the current software version (ie: 1.7), as shown below.This title screen will be displayed for several seconds, and the display will then be cleared. The dateand time will be displayed next, as shown below.The format for the date is mm/dd and hh:mm.  When the FVU receives a signal from a  PID it willdisplay the code of the PID and the alarm status on the bottom line, as shown below.The PID code (021) is displayed in the bottom left corner of the display.  The alarm statusmessages are displayed next to the code. “S” indicates a Strap Tamper is present on thistransmission.  “L” indicates a low PID battery is present on this transmission.SureTrac FVUversion 1.701/05            12:1001/05            12:10021     S      L
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. FVU BasicsSetting up the FVU1. Connect the appropriate antenna to the antenna connector on the left side of the FVU.2a. Batteries:Slide open the battery compartment door on the bottom of the FVU and insert six (6) AAbatteries according to the diagram inside the compartment.2b. AC Wall AdapterPlug the AC adapter cord into the power connector on the left side of the FVU and plug thetransformer into a standard 110VAC outlet.2c. Cigarette Lighter AdapterPlug the cigarette lighter cord into the power connector on the left side of the FVU and plug theother end into an automobile cigarette lighter socket.Setting the date and timeTo set the date and time, press the clock set button using the tip of a pen or similar object.  Aflashing cursor will be displayed under the month of the display.  Press the back light button toadjust the month.  Use the clock set button to move to the day, hour and minute settings and adjustthem with the back light button.  When done, press the clock set button one more time.  The cursorwill disappear and the FVU will resume normal operation.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. CMU BasicsCMU BasicsThe Cellular Module Unit provides the ability to “Actively” monitor participants even if the participantdoes not have a telephone line (or lives in an area with no telephone coverage).  Using the cellularnetwork, the CMU allows the PRU to communicate with the central computer.  Once the CMU hasbeen activated by the local cellular company, simply follow the Installation procedures below andthe CMU will work seamlessly with the PRU.InstallationPlace the CMU on a stable surface near the PRU and close to an AC power outlet.Connect the PRU to the CMU by plugging the PRU’s telephone cord into the jack on the CMU.Plug the CMU’s AC power cord into an available 110VAC outletActivate the CMU by using a pen or other similar object to turn the power switch on. The powerswitch will illuminate when the unit is active.Proceed with the normal PRU installation instructions.Removal1. Follow the normal de-installation instructions for the PRU.2.  De-activate the CMU by using a pen or other similar object to turn the power switch off. Thepower switch will not be illuminated when the unit has been de-activated.3. Unplug the CMU from the 110VAC outlet.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Installation ProceduresPRU+  Installation ProceduresThere are several methods of installation available with the PRU+.  The PRU+ can monitor aparticipant’s compliance to their curfew with or without being connected to a telephone line.  ThePRU+ communicates with the central monitoring computer using a standard telephone line (ActiveMode) and/or may also monitor when no telephone line is available by periodically connecting it to atelephone line (Passive Mode) to download its information.  The following pages describe bothtypes of installation in detail.The latest version of the firmware (v2.1) introduces a new style of installation that will drasticallysimplify the installation of the PRU+ set.   Quick Install guides the installer through all necessarycriteria to install a PRU+ in the participant’s area of confinement.   Once these criteria have beenmet the PRU+ will automatically call into the Central Computer and pick up the final configurationsettings including the participant’s curfew information.    Note: curfew information is not initiallyin the PRU+ and must be received from the central computer.Classic Installation has been preserved for installations that require additional information.  ClassicInstallation uses Test Mode to assist in the installation process.  Although more steps are needed toinstall the PRU+ using Test Mode the installer has a greater degree of flexibility in complexinstallations, especially if variable range is needed.Each set of instructions (Active / Passive) has separate sections for Quick Install or ClassicInstallation.  These sections guide the installer through the same steps in the  installation processbut using that particular installation method.   During installation choose the method desired (QuickInstall or Classic) and use only the section selected.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode InstallationActive Mode InstallationThese instructions should be used if the participant is to be monitored via a telephone line in theparticipant’s residence.  The PRU+ will call into the Central Computer on a regular basis reportingall activity.Pre-InstallationA. If your equipment is monitored by our Monitoring Center:-- Fax the Enrollment Form to the Monitoring Center, giving as much time as possible beforethe PRU+  is to be installed at a participant’s residence.   The Monitoring Center must benotified before the PRU+ calls in.  See Passive Mode Operation (See Page 24) for moredetails on installation of a PRU+ in a passive monitoring situation.B.  If you monitor your own equipment:-- Assure you have entered the participant data on your system before you install the PRU+in the participant’s residence.  See Passive Mode Operation (Page 24) for more details oninstallation of a PRU+ in a passive monitoring situation.PRU+  Installation - Quick InstallUse this method if you are going to use the Quick Install Feature found in Firmware Version 2.1.1.  Position the PRU+:  Remove the PRU+ and AC power adapter from the case.  Place thePRU+ in a central location, preferably closer to the participant’s bedroom than their livingarea, elevated at least three feet / ninety centimetres from the floor.2. Plug in the PRU+:  Plug one end of the AC power adapter into a standard 110 Voltelectrical outlet and the other end into the PRU+.  Note : Do not connect the telephoneline. The PRU+ will turn on, displaying the title screen.  It will then display the date and timescreen.  The power and charge LED will be lit.  The charge LED will go out when the PRU+internal battery is fully charged.3. Clear Stored Events:  Press and hold the       PRU+ button on the LOCK until the PRU+prompts  “Please Wait....”.    When the display prompts “B=Function Mode” press “B” buttononce.   The display will prompt  “B=Clear Events”.  Press “B”, the display will now prompt“A=** Clear ** / B=Cancel”.  Press “A”  to clear all events.4. Enter Quick Install:  Press “A” button once.  When the display prompts “B=Quick Install”,press the “B” button to enter Quick Install.   Follow the messages on the top line.  Plug thetelephone line into the jack marked LINE on the back of the PRU+.  The display will thenprompt  “Waiting for PID”
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode InstallationPID InstallationFigure 3: Installing the battery in the PIDTransmitter - showing battery well Battery5. Install the Battery:  Remove the PID , baseplate, one strap, one locking bar, one lockingpin and the battery from the case.  Simply place the battery into the PID battery well so thatthe alignment mark on the battery lines up with the alignment mark on the PID. Rotate thebattery counterclockwise until the tabs on the battery slide under the two lock down posts.(See Figure 3 : installing the battery in the PID).6. Size the Strap: Attach the wide end of the strap to the PID baseplate.  With the baseplateon the outside of the leg, wrap the strap around the participant’s leg, just above the ankle.Size the strap so that it fits comfortably around the participant’s leg.  Cut off any excessstrap that is above the two hole positions that will fit into the other side of the strap (SeeFigure 4 : Strap installation)Figure 4 : Strap Installation
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode Installation
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode Installation7. Install Strap and PID: Replace the baseplate and strap around the leg, and attach thenarrow end that has been cut to length to the baseplate.  Push the PID into the baseplate atthe strap end.  The PID is now hinged to the baseplate.  Firmly close the PID and baseplatetogether by pushing down on the open end.Figure 5 : Attach the PID to the baseplate8. Install Locking Mechanism: Insert the slider bar under the strap into the hole in the side ofthe PID  (See Figure 6 : Slider Bar) so the end of the slider bar is flush with the strap.  Pressa pin through the hole in the strap and into the slider bar.  This locks the PID together.Figure 6 : Slider Bar9. Check Strap Tightness:  Check the strap tightness on the side opposite the PID.  Thereshould not be a space of more than ½ inch or 1.4 centimetres between the strap and theskin.Installation Completion10. Reset the PID: When the PRU+ has received a signal from the PID, the display on thePRU+ should prompt “Check strap”.   Use the LOCK’s         PID button to reset the alarmson the PID.  If the alarms have been properly reset, the PRU+ will prompt  “Everything ok,Calling in now”  and will immediately start to call into the Central Computer11. Installation complete:  When “Call Successful” is displayed, installation is complete.PRU Installation - Classic
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode InstallationUse this method if you are going to use the standard installation technique.1.  Position the PRU+:  Remove the PRU+ and AC power adapter from the case.  Place thePRU+ in a central location, preferably closer to participant’s bedroom than their living area,elevated at least three feet / ninety centimetres from the floor.2. Plug in the PRU+:  Plug one end of the AC power adapter into a standard110 Volt electricaloutlet and the other end into the PRU+.   Note : Do not connect the telephone line. ThePRU+ will turn on, displaying the title screen.  It will then display the date and time screen.  Thepower and charge LED will be lit.  The charge LED will go out when the internal battery in thePRU+ is fully charged.3. Clear Stored Events:  Press and hold the  PRU+ button on the LOCK until the PRU+ prompts“Please  Wait....”.When  the  display prompts “B=Function Mode” press “B” buttononce.   The display will prompt  “B=Clear Events”.  Press “B”, the display will now prompt“A=** Clear ** / B=Cancel”.  Press “A”  to clear all events.4. Test for RF Signal Strength:  Press “A” button twice.  When the display prompts “B=TestMode”, press the “B” button to enter Test Mode.  Look at the top line marked “RFStr”. Thedisplay will have a value on the top line that indicates the signal strength of the lasttransmission of the PID displayed.  Position the participant on the outer limits of the area ofconfinement and note the value displayed.  To reduce the range the PRU+ will monitor theparticipant set the RSSI setting in Extended Special Function Mode to this value minus 15%.(See page 38.)Note setting this value higher will reduce the size of the area of confinement.PID Installation5. Install the Battery:  Remove the PID , baseplate, one strap, one locking bar, one locking pinand the battery from the case.  Simply place the battery into the PID battery well so that thealignment mark on the battery lines up with the alignment mark on the PID. Rotate the batterycounterclockwise until the tabs on the batteryslide  under the two lock down posts. (See Figure 3 :installing thebattery in thePID).Figure 3:Installing thebattery in thePID
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode Installation6. Size the Strap:  Attach the wide end of the strap to the PID baseplate.  With the baseplate onthe outside of the leg, wrap the strap around the participants leg, just above the ankle. Size thestrap so that it fits comfortably around the participant’s leg.  Cut off any access strap that isabove the two hole positions that will fit into the other side of the strap (See Figure 4 : Strapinstallation)Figure 4 : Strap Installation7. Install Strap and PID:  Replace the baseplate and strap around the leg, and attach the narrowend that has been cut to length to the baseplate.  Push the PID onto the baseplate at the strapend. The PID is now hinged to the baseplate.  Firmly close the PID and baseplate together bypushing down on the open end.Figure 5 : Attach the PID to the baseplate8. Install Locking Mechanism: Insert the slider bar under the strap into the hole in the side ofthe PID (See Figure 6 : Slider Bar) so the end of the slider bar is flush with the strap.  Press apin through the hole in the  strap  and  into  the  sliderbar.  This locks the PID together.Figure 6 : Slider Bar
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode Installation9. Check Strap Tightness: Check the strap tightness on the side opposite the PID.  Thereshould not be a space of more than ½ inch or 1.4 centimetres between the strap and the skin.Installation Completion10. Test the PID Signal:  Watch the PRU+ in test mode, to ensure that the signal from the  PID isbeing received.  The PID code number will be displayed and the PRU+ will beep to indicate ithas received the signal from the assigned PID.  Note: during the first 5 seconds after the PRU+receives the signal there will be a “+” immediately in front of the PID number. This willdisappear after 5 seconds.  If the PID signal is not received within 1 minute, remove the PIDand check that the battery is properly installed.11. Reset the PID:  When a signal has been received by the PRU+, use the LOCK’s PID button toreset the alarms on the PID.  Wait until the next signal from the PID.  If the alarms has beenproperly reset, the PID number will be displayed, with no icons following it.12. Complete the Installation:  On the PRU+, press the “A” button until  “B=Exit” is displayed.Press button “B” to exit.  Note: the telephone is now connected to the PRU+.  Connect thetelephone line to the wall and to the “LINE” jack on the PRU+.  The PRU+ will call the CentralComputer.  When “Call Successful” is displayed, installation is complete.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.  Active Mode InstallationDe-Installation / RemovalA.  If your equipment is monitored by our Monitoring Center:-- Fax the Inactivation Form to the Monitoring Center on the same day that the unit is to beremoved from the participant’s residence.  It is important that the PRU+ does not continue tocall into the CC after the Inactivation form has been sent.  If the PRU+ cannot be retrievedfrom the residence have the participant disconnect the telephone cord until to can be pickedup.B.  If you monitor your own equipment:-- Assure the participant‘s sentence ends on the same day that the unit is removed from theparticipant’s residence.1. Turn the PRU+ Off:  Press and hold the       PRU button on the LOCK until “Please Wait...”  isdisplayed on the PRU+.  When “A=Turn PRU Off” is displayed, press button “A” on the PRU+.Disconnect the AC power adapter from the standard 110 volt electrical outlet.  The PRU+ willturn off in approximately five seconds.2. Disconnect the PRU+:  Disconnect the AC power adapter from the back of the PRU+.Disconnect the telephone cord from the PRU+ and wall jack.  Place the PRU+, AC poweradapter and telephone cord into the carry / storage case.3. Remove the Pin and slider bar:  Using a tool such as a small screwdriver, rotate the lockingpin on the PID all the way around two times (in both directions). This will break the locking pinand will enable the slider bar to be removed.4. Remove the PID from the Baseplate:  Remove the locking pin and slider bar.  At the sliderbar end, lift the PID away from the baseplate (like opening a clam shell).5. Remove the Battery: Remove the battery from the PID by pulling it out of the battery well andplace it in the plastic container in the carry / storage case.  DO NOT TRY TO TURN THEBATTERY.6. Remove the strap:  Remove the strap from the baseplate.  Replace the baseplate back ontothe PID and return the PID to the carry / storage case.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Passive ModePassive ModePassive Mode is used when a telephone line is unavailable at the participant’s house.  The PRU+can store up to 2500 separate events in it’s internal memory.  This allows the PRU+ to be placed inthe area of confinement to monitor the participant.  The PRU+ can then be brought in anddownloaded at a later date.  After the PRU+ transfers all of it’s information to the central computer acomplete record of the participant’s activity will be available.  The information stored inside thePRU+ should be downloaded at least once per week.Important Information Regarding Passive Mode OperationSince the PRU+ will be placed in a participant’s home without constant contact with the CentralComputer, it is important that the PRU+ make an initial call to the Central Computer before the unitis placed in the participant’s home.  This call will enable the  PRU+  to receive the necessary curfewand time information from the CC to start monitoring the participant.  The call can be done from anytelephone prior to installation in the participant’s residence.   The PRU+ WILL NOT be able tomonitor the participant is this initial call is not performed.Note : Do not turn the PRU+ off or reset the unit after the PRU+ has successfully completed it’s callor it will lose all of the stored curfew information.If the initial setup call is performed at your office, confirm if your office requires an additional digit toaccess an outside line.  If an additional digit (ie. 9) is required before an outside line is accessiblethen this digit can be inserted into the dial string by changing the dial prefix setting in ExtendedSpecial Function Mode.  For more information on changing the telephone number refer to ExtendedSpecial Function Mode on page 38.After the operating PRU+ has been taken to the participants home the PRU+ must be plugged intothe wall outlet.  Once this has been done the report will indicate an ac ok event. The unit isequipped with a motion sensor that will indicate movement. (See Individual Status Log Report onPage 50)  This message is important because it could potentially indicate that the participant istaking the PRU+ with him / her when he / she leaves the area of confinement.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Passive Mode InstallationPassive Mode InstallationThese instructions should be used if the participant is to be monitored without the use of a phoneline in the participant’s residence.  The PRU+ needs to be downloaded on a regular basis so thatthe stored events can be viewed.Pre-InstallationA. If your equipment is monitored by our Monitoring Center:-- Fax the Enrollment Form to the Monitoring Center, giving as much time as possible (½hour minimum) before the unit is to be hooked up to an participant.  The Monitoring Centermust be notified before the unit calls in.B.  If you monitor your own equipment:-- Assure you have entered the participant data on your system before you proceed with theinstallation. The curfew call back ranking should be set to ‘0'.PRU Installation - Quick InstallUse this method if you are going to use the Quick Install Feature found in firmware version 2.1.1. Plug in the PRU+: Plug one end of the AC Adapter into a 110 Volt AC Outlet and the otherend into the PRU+.  The PRU+ will turn on, displaying the title screen.  It will then display thedate and time screen.  The power and charge LED will be lit.  The charge LED will go out whenthe unit is fully charged.2. Clear Stored Events: Press and hold the         PRU+ button on the LOCK until the PRU+prompts “Please Wait....”.  When the display prompts “B=Function Mode” press B button once.The display will prompt “B=Clear Events”. Press B the display will now prompt A=** Clear ** /B=Cancel.  Press A to clear all events.3. Enter Quick Install: Press A button once.  When the display prompts “B=Quick Install”, pressthe B button to enter Quick Install.   Follow the messages on the top line.  Plug the telephoneline into the jack marked LINE on the back of the PRU.  The display will then prompt “Waitingfor PID”PID Installation4. Install the Battery:  Remove the PID , baseplate, one strap, one locking bar, one locking pinand the battery from the case.  Simply place the battery into the PID battery well so that thealignment mark on the battery lines up with the alignment mark on the PID. Rotate the batterycounterclockwise until the tabs on the battery slide under the two lock down posts. (See Figure3 : installing the battery in the PID).
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Passive Mode InstallationFigure 3:Installing thebattery in thePID5. Size the Strap:  Attach the wide end of the strap to the PID baseplate.  With the baseplate onthe outside of the leg, wrap the strap around the participants leg, just above the ankle.  Sizethe strap so that it fits comfortably around the participant’s leg.  Cut off any access strap that isabove the two hole positions that will fit into theother  side  of  the strap (See Figure 4 : Strapinstallation)Figure 4 : Strap Installation6. Install Strap and PID:  Replace the baseplate and strap around the leg, and attach the narrowend that has been cut to length to the baseplate.  Push the PID ontothe baseplate at the strap end. The PID is now hinged to thebaseplate.  Firmly close the PID and baseplate together by pushingdown on the open end.Figure 5 : Attach the PID to thebaseplate
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Passive Mode Installation
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Passive Mode Installation7. Install Locking Mechanism: Insert the slider bar under the strap into the hole inthe side of the PID (See Figure 6 : Slider Bar) so the end of the slider bar is flushwith the strap.  Press a pin through the hole in the strap and into the slider bar.  Thislocks the PID together.Figure 6 : Slider Bar8. Check Strap Tightness: Check the strap tightness on the side opposite the PID.There should not be a space of more than ½ inch or 1.4 centimetres between thestrap and the skin.Installation Completion9. Reset the PID: Once a signal has been received, the display should prompt “Checkstrap”  Use the LOCK’s PID button to reset the strap tamper on the PID.  If the strapsever has been properly reset, the PRU+ will prompt “Everything ok, Calling in now”and will immediately start to call into the Central Computer10. Complete the Installation: When “Call Successful” is displayed, initial setup iscomplete.11. Position the PRU+: Remove the PRU+ and AC Adapter.  Place the PRU+ in acentral location, preferably closer to the participant’s bedroom than their living area,elevated at least three feet / ninety centimetres from the floor.  Assure that the PRU+ isplugged into AC power when it reaches the participant’s home (be careful that the ACoutlet that the PRU+ is plugged into cannot be switched off with a light switch).

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