Spectralink PTB800 User Manual NetLink Wireless ug

Spectralink Corporation NetLink Wireless ug

Users Guide

Using The NetLinkWireless TelephoneThe Wireless Telephone HeadsetSpectraLink offers optional headsets for use innoisy environments or if you need to have yourhands free while talking on the Wireless Tele-phone.To use the headset, simply plug it into the jack onthe side of the Wireless Telephone. The headsetis specially designed to work properly with TheNetLink Wireless Telephone. We do not recom-mend using other headsets.Answer A CallTo answer a call when your headset is pluggedin, press any key except PWR or END.Low Headset VolumeThe volume level can be adjusted separately forheadset use. Plug the headset in and press FCNuntil VOLUME displays. Use the keypad to entera volume level from 1 (softest) to 8 (highest).This sets the low volume. High volume is auto-matically set two levels higher than low volume.Toggle between high and low volume by press-ing the VOL key while in a call.About Battery PacksThe Wireless Telephone will need to have its Battery Pack recharged periodically. The NickelMetal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable WirelessTelephone Battery Pack gives you four hours oftalk time or 80 hours of stand-by time. Stand-bytime is when the Wireless Telephone is turnedon, but you are not using it.The Wireless Telephone also supports a Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) battery pack, which supportstwo hours talk time and 40 hours stand-by.Indications of Low BatteryThe Wireless Telephone will notify you whenthe charge on the Battery Pack becomes low. Ifthe Wireless Telephone is in use, the BATT mes-sage will display and you will hear a soft beepthrough the earpiece every six seconds. Youhave two minutes to complete the call or changethe Battery PackThe Battery Pack can be changed while the call isstill in progress. Do not press END. Quickly re-move the discharged Battery Pack and replacewith a charged Battery Pack, press PWR, andthen press START to resume the call in progress.If the Wireless Telephone is idle, you will hear abrief modulated ring signal and the Low Batterymessage will display. Your Wireless Telephonewill not operate until you replace the BatteryPack. Depending on the charging equipment youhave purchased, you will either place the WirelessTelephone in a Charging Stand to charge the Bat-tery Pack, or you will remove the Pack from theWireless Telephone and install it in the charger.Headset and Battery PacksRemoving and Replacing the BatteryPack on the Wireless TelephoneTo remove the Battery Pack, press down on theoval button above the Battery Pack on the backof the Wireless Telephone. Slide the Pack towardthe bottom of the Wireless Telephone until itstops, then lift up.To replace the Battery Pack, first properly alignthe top of the Battery Pack with the arrows onthe label on the back of the Wireless Telephone.Gently press and slide the Pack toward the top ofthe Wireless Telephone until it snaps into place.You should not have to force it against the Wire-less Telephone.Take care not to short the battery contacts on thepack with metal objects such as coins, keys orpaper clips. Shorting the contacts can cause per-manent damage.Charging the Wireless TelephoneChargers are shipped with the appropriate power supply for the site's location. Connect the Standor Charger to an appropriate wall outlet via itspower supply and it's ready for use. Chargers op-erate in a 50° to 85° F (10° to 30° C) environ-ment. Do not expose them to freezing tempera-tures or direct sunlight.The Dual Charging StandThe SpectraLink Dual Charging Stand is a two-slot desktop charger designed to charge the Nick-el Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Packs requiredto operate Wireless Telephones. Full charging isaccomplished in approximately two hours.Only NiMH Battery Packs with a YELLOWlabel on the handset contact side may be chargedin the Dual Charging Stand.Older Battery Packs with a GREEN label will notcharge. If the indicator light is fast flashing with aBattery Pack or handset in the slot, check to makesure the Battery Pack has a YELLOW label.• Before you use the Wireless Telephone,the Battery Pack must be charged. See Battery Packs.• You can only use the Wireless Telephone with your facility's telephone system. It is not a public cellular phone.• The PWR key turns the Wireless Telephone on and off. The STARTand END keys begin and end calls.When you finish a call, press the ENDkey, not the PWR key. • Keep the Wireless Telephone awayfrom your ear when it is ringing.• The microphone is in the Wireless Tele-phone's lower right corner. This is asensitive microphone that works wellwhen the telephone is correctly posi-tioned on your ear. There is no need tospeak directly into the microphone, butdo not cover it with your hand orcheek when talking on the WirelessTelephone.• The Wireless Telephone's LCD paneldisplays information about the statusof your Wireless Telephone andprompts you about features.• If the Wireless Telephone's BatteryPack is low, you will hear a soft beepand see the BATT or LOW BATTERYmessage in the display.• Improper disposal of Battery Packs candamage the environment. Dispose ofbatteries properly.• You can control the Wireless Tele-phone's volume level and the type ofring. See Setting User Preferences.• To protect the Wireless Telephone, usea carrying case.Tips For UseThis section applies to the Wireless Telephone, Dual Charging Stand and the Quick Charger equally.The Wireless Telephone and Chargershave been designed to withstand the wearand tear of normal use; however, avoiddropping the Wireless Telephone orknocking it against hard surfaces. Carrying the Wireless Telephone in a holster or carrying case will help to protect it.There are no serviceable parts in the Wireless Telephone or Chargers. Youshould not open the Wireless Telephonecase nor disassemble the Chargers. Doingso will void your warranty.Turn off the Wireless Telephone and unplug the Charger before you cleanthem. Never immerse either in water.Clean the exterior surfaces, including thecharging contacts, with a cloth that hasbeen slightly moistened with water. Takecare not to exert undue pressure on theCharger electrical contacts while wiping.Wiping the handset surface with a water-dampened cloth or paper towel willremove most films or residues. If the soiling is too stubborn for plain water, amild detergent solution may be used. Besure to wipe away any detergent residuewith a clean water-dampened cloth.The Wireless Telephone may be cleanedwith any general-purpose household glassand surface-type cleaner. DO NOTSPRAY THE HANDSET DIRECTLY!Isopropyl alcohol may be used occasionally applied by a cloth or papertowel. When using alcohol, do not rub the keypad characters vigorously. Doingso will significantly degrade legibility.Do not use any chemical cleaners. Theycan harm the plastic shell. If necessary, asmall amount of mild surface or windowcleaner can be applied to the cloth, but donot spray the cleaner onto the WirelessTelephone or Charger.NetLink WirelessTelephone FunctionsNetLink WWireless TTelephoneKeypad && IIndicatorsFCC InformationThis device complies with part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful inter-ference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received,including interference that may causeundesired operation.NOTE:It is recommended that standardacceptance procedures be followedprior to operating this equipment inproximity of life-support systems.To minimize risk of interference,pacemaker users should not carrythe Wireless Telephone next to thepacemaker.Operation of the Wireless Telephonemay produce an audible noise notice-able to hearing aid users. It is recom-mended that a SpectraLink headset beused by hearing aid users.© 2001, SpectraLink CorporationPN 72-0064-00 Rev. DSpectraLink CorporationBoulder, Colorado USAwww.spectralink.comUUsseerr GGuuiiddeeNNeettLLiinnkk WWiirreelleessssTTeelleepphhoonneeSetting UserPreferencesSwitch Volume LevelsThe Wireless Telephone has two volume levels, low and high. Set the low volume level by pressingFCN until VOLUME displays. Use keypad to select a level from 1 (softest) to 8 (loudest). High volumeis automatically set two levels higher than low volume. Toggle between high and low volume by pressing the VOL key while in a call.MaintenanceGeneral Care of the Wireless Telephone and ChargersTurn the Wireless Telephone OnPress the PWR key for about 1 second. You willhear a double chirp. Your extension will display. TheNO SVC message will display briefly. When it goesout, you are ready to make and receive calls.Answer A CallThe Wireless Telephone will ring or vibrate to alertyou. Additionally, a line indicator on the display mayflash, and the display may show information aboutthe call, such as caller's name and extension. To answer a call, press the START key and hold theearpiece to your ear.If you are on a call and hear subdued ringing, a callis coming in on a second line. To answer this call,put your first call on hold and press the line key thenthe line number of the second call.Place A CallPress the START key, wait for dial tone, then dialthe number. Dial calls with the Wireless Telephoneexactly as with your desk phone. Your telephone sys-tem may require you to select a line by pressing theLINE key, followed by a line number. To hang up when you've finished the call, press theEND key. Do not use the PWR key to end a call, because thatwill turn your Wireless Telephone off and you willnot receive calls until you turn the Wireless Tele-phone back on.Turn the Wireless Telephone OffPress the PWR key for about 1 second. You willhear a single chirp. If you accidentally turn your Wireless Telephone offduring a conversation, you can restore your conver-sation by pressing the PWR key and then theSTART key, provided the person you are talking tohas not hung up.Mute MicrophoneTo mute the microphone so you can hear but won'tbe heard, press FCN then press 1. MUTED appearson the Wireless Telephone display. Press FCN then1again to restore voice pickup. Note that this func-tion is programmable and may be assigned to a dif-ferent key sequence. Contact your system adminis-trator for more information.Access To Telephone System FeaturesTo access the features of your telephone system fromthe Wireless Telephone, press FCN anytime while ina call to display a menu of available features. Pressthe key(s) for the desired feature, or press FCNagain to display more options. Select EXIT MENUSto exit.If your telephone system supports softkeys, pressingFCN provides access to softkey functions. You willneed to press FCN twice to display the featuremenu.Because softkey and system features vary, your sys-tem administrator will explain them for your tele-phone system.1. Hold the pack above the Wireless Telephone.2. Position the pack so that thetop edge of the pack alignswith label as shown.3. Press down gently andslide the pack upwardsto lock it in place.The Dual Charging Stand should not be used tocharge Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Battery Packs.When you are not using your WirelessTelephone keep it turned off and in the Stand.Do not place anything in the Dual ChargingStand other than the Wireless Telephone. Youmight damage the contacts. Bent contacts can keep the Wireless Telephone from charging.Using the Dual Charging StandPlace the Dual Charging Stand on a flat, hori-zontal surface.Place the Wireless Telephone in the front com-partment facing forward. It may be on or offduring charging. A single spare Battery Packmay be placed in the rear slot.  Either slot canbe chosen to take priority. The first BatteryPack placed into either slot is charged first. There are two indicator lights, one for eachcharging slot. A solid light indicates the BatteryPack in the corresponding slot is charging. Thelight turns off when the Charger is finishedcharging the Battery Pack. A flashing light indi-cates the Battery Pack is not charging and mustbe replaced. If the light is off, it indicates thatthe slot is empty, not charging or the unit ispowered off.Cleaning the Dual Charging StandClean the Dual Charging Stand by wiping thesurface with a clean, water-dampened cloth orpaper towel. A mild detergent solution may beused. Be sure to wipe away any detergentresidue with a plain water dampened cloth. DONOT IMMERSE THE DUAL CHARGINGSTAND IN WATER OR OTHER LIQUID.The Battery Pack contacts may be cleaned withisopropyl (rubbing) alcohol applied with a Q-tip, cloth, or paper towel. Do not push or pullthe exposed Battery Packs contacts.  DO NOTPOUR LIQUIDS INTO THE SLOTS.The Quick ChargerThe Quick Charger holds a single Battery Packand can charge it in approximately one hour.Place the Battery Pack on the Charger by gentlysliding the Pack upward into the Charger in amanner similar to installing it on the WirelessTelephone. If placed correctly, the light on theQuick Charger will shine solid green. When thePack is fully charged, the green light will beginto flash.Every 11th charge the Quick Charger will auto-matically recondition the Battery Pack, as indi-cated by the flashing amber light. This may takefrom three to six hours depending on the stateof the Battery Pack. To enter or exit the recon-ditioning mode, press the Mode button whilethe Battery Pack is on the Quick Charger.When the Wireless Telephone is on but not in use, press and briefly hold            to display menus. Check with your system administrator for specific features supported by your Wireless Telephone.PRESS RIGHT ARROW to display next menu item.to display previous menu item.to select or change item.to return to previous menu level.to exit menus.PRESSPRESSPRESSPRESSLEFT ARROWZEROFCNENDMenuVolume levelRing Type High Noise Mode Extension DescriptionSets audio volume level. Select Telephone Ring to set the standard ring on theWireless Telephone. Normal is factory default. VibratorRing works only if your Wireless Telephone has the optional vibrating ringer.Auxiliary Ring is used only by external applications.Adjusts the Wireless Telephone to account for background noise.Sets extension number associated with your WirelessTelephone.User EntryUse keypad to select a level from 1(softest) to 8 (loudest).Press 0 to select desired ring type.The ring type currently set displayswith an asterisk.Select an option that describes thenoise in your environment.Use keypad to enter extension number.Function                  Button                            ActionPower onPower offAnswer callHang upPlace callSelect lineAdjust volume during callPut call on holdMute/Unmute microphonePress and hold PWR until double chirp, then releasePress and hold PWR until single chirp, then releasePress STARTPress ENDPress START, dial numberPress START then press LINE, then select line number (1-9)Press VOL while you are talking to toggle between base volumelevel and a louder volume levelPress HOLDPress FCN then 1IndicatorNO SVCAlarm/RestoreBATTBeepMSGDescriptionThe Wireless Telephone cannot receive orplace calls. You may be outside of the coveragearea. Walk back into the covered area. A re-store tone indicates service is re-established.Your Battery Pack charge is low. You will alsohear a beep in the earpiece. Your Battery Packneeds to be recharged.You have a voice mail message.

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