Sony A3880017 GSM 850/900/1800/1900 GPRS / EDGE / UMTS FDD1&2&5 HSDPA mobile phone with Bluetooth, A-GPS, FM receiver User Manual Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Sony Mobile Communications Inc GSM 850/900/1800/1900 GPRS / EDGE / UMTS FDD1&2&5 HSDPA mobile phone with Bluetooth, A-GPS, FM receiver Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB


08 user manual

ContentsGetting started......................6Assembly............................................6Turning on the phone.........................6Help....................................................7Charging the battery..........................7Phone overview..................................9Menu overview.................................11Navigation........................................13Memory............................................14Phone language...............................15Entering text.....................................15Walkman™ .........................16Stereo portable handsfree...............16Walkman™ player............................17TrackID™ and MusicID™ ................20Video player.....................................20FM radio ..........................................21MusicDJ™........................................22Record sound ..................................22AT&T Music......................................22Transferring andhandling content.................23Handling content in the phone.........23Sending content to anotherphone...............................................24Using the USB cable........................24Transferring content to and froma computer.......................................26Phone name.....................................28Using Bluetooth™ wirelesstechnology........................................28Backing up and restoring.................29Calling..................................30Making and receiving calls...............30Address Book ..................................32Speed dial........................................35More calling features........................36Messaging...........................39Text and multimedia messages.......39Conversations..................................40Voice messages...............................41Mobile Email.....................................41Instant Messaging (IM).....................41Imaging ...............................43Using the camera.............................43More camera features......................441This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Camera tips and tricks.....................45Viewing and tagging photos............45Using photos....................................46Working with photos........................46Printing photos.................................47MEdia™ Net........................48Bookmarks.......................................48History pages...................................48More browser features.....................48Internet security and certificates......49Synchronising.....................50Synchronising using a computer.....50More features......................51Flight mode......................................51Gesture control................................51Alarms..............................................52Calendar...........................................53Notes................................................53Tasks................................................54Profiles.............................................54Time and date..................................54Theme..............................................55Main menu layout.............................55Ringtones.........................................55Screen orientation............................55Games..............................................56Applications.....................................56Locks................................................56Password Saver ..............................58IMEI number.....................................58Using the flip....................................59Troubleshooting..................59Common questions..........................59Error messages................................62Hearing Aid Compatibility...63Hearing Aid Settings........................63Hearing Aid Compatibility andNew Technologies............................63Hearing Aid Compatibility Rating.....64Index....................................652This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Sony Ericsson  W518a  Walkman™This User guide is published by Sony EricssonMobile Communications AB or its local affiliatedcompany, without any warranty. Improvements andchanges to this User guide necessitated bytypographical errors, inaccuracies of currentinformation, or improvements to programs and/orequipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson MobileCommunications AB at any time and without notice.Such changes will, however, be incorporated intonew editions of this User guide.All rights reserved.©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2009Publication number: Attention: Some of the services and featuresdescribed in this User guide are not supported byall networks and/or service providers in all areas.Without limitation, this applies to the GSMInternational Emergency Number 112. Pleasecontact AT&T or your service provider todetermine availability of any specific service orfeature and whether additional access or usagefees apply.Please read the Important information before youuse your mobile phone.Your mobile phone has the capability to download,store and forward additional content, e.g. ringtones.The use of such content may be restricted orprohibited by rights of third parties, including but notlimited to restriction under applicable copyrightlaws. You, and not Sony Ericsson, are entirelyresponsible for additional content that youdownload to or forward from your mobile phone.Prior to your use of any additional content, pleaseverify that your intended use is properly licensed oris otherwise authorized. Sony Ericsson does notguarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of anyadditional content or any other third party content.Under no circumstances will Sony Ericsson be liablein any way for your improper use of additionalcontent or other third party content.Smart-Fit Rendering is a trademark or a registeredtrademark of ACCESS Co., Ltd.Bluetooth is a trademark or a registered trademarkof Bluetooth SIG Inc. and any use of such mark bySony Ericsson is under license.The Liquid Identity logo, SensMe, MusicDJ,PhotoDJ, TrackID and VideoDJ are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Sony Ericsson MobileCommunications AB.TrackID™ is powered by Gracenote MobileMusicID™. Gracenote and Gracenote MobileMusicID are trademarks or registered trademarks ofGracenote, Inc.WALKMAN, WALKMAN logo, Sony, Memory StickMicro™ and M2™ are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sony Corporation.Media Go is a trademark or registered trademark ofSony Media Software and Services.PictBridge is a trademark or registered trademark ofCanon Kabushiki Kaisha Corporation.Style-Up is a trademark or registered trademark ofSony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.MEdia is a trademark or registered trademark of ATTMobility.Yahoo! Is a trademark or a registered trademark ofYahoo! Inc.AOL and AIM are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of AOL LLC.AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Corporation.Ericsson is a trademark or registered trademark ofTelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition is atrademark or registered trademark of AdobeSystems Incorporated in the United States and/orother countries.Microsoft, ActiveSync, Windows, Outlook, WindowsMedia and Vista are registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates and/or other countries.3This is a draft publication for internal use only.
T9™ Text Input is a trademark or a registeredtrademark of Tegic Communications. T9™ TextInput is licensed under one or more of the following:U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,818,437, 5,953,541, 5,187,480,5,945,928, and 6,011,554; Canadian Pat. No.1,331,057, United Kingdom Pat. No. 2238414B;Hong Kong Standard Pat. No. HK0940329; Republicof Singapore Pat. No. 51383; Euro.Pat. No. 0 842463(96927260.8) DE/DK, FI, FR, IT, NL, PT, ES, SE,GB; and additional patents are pending worldwide.This product is protected by certain intellectualproperty rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution ofsuch technology outside of this product is prohibitedwithout a license from Microsoft.Content owners use Windows Media digital rightsmanagement technology (WMDRM) to protect theirintellectual property, including copyrights. Thisdevice uses WMDRM software to access WMDRM-protected content. If the WMDRM software fails toprotect the content, content owners may askMicrosoft to revoke the software's ability to useWMDRM to play or copy protected content.Revocation does not affect unprotected content.When you download licenses for protected content,you agree that Microsoft may include a revocationlist with the licenses. Content owners may requireyou to upgrade WMDRM to access their content. Ifyou decline an upgrade, you will not be able toaccess content that requires the upgrade.This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 visualand AVC patent portfolio licenses for the personaland non-commercial use of a consumer for (i)encoding video in compliance with the MPEG-4visual standard ("MPEG-4 video") or the AVCstandard ("AVC video") and/or (ii) decoding MPEG-4 or AVC video that was encoded by a consumerengaged in a personal and non-commercial activityand/or was obtained from a video provider licensedby MPEG LA to provide MPEG-4 and/or AVC video.No license is granted or shall be implied for any otheruse. Additional information including that relating topromotional, internal and commercial uses andlicensing may be obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.See MPEG Layer-3 audiodecoding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IISand Thomson.Java, JavaScript and Java-based trademarks andlogos are trademarks or registered trademarks ofSun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and othercountries.End-user license agreement for Sun Java Platform,Micro Edition.1. Restrictions: Software is confidential copyrightedinformation of Sun and title to all copies is retainedby Sun and/or its licensors. Customer shall notmodify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract,or otherwise reverse engineer Software. Softwaremay not be leased, assigned, or sublicensed, inwhole or in part.2. Export regulations: This product, including anysoftware or technical data contained in oraccompanying the product, may be subject toimport and export regulations of the EuropeanUnion, the United States and other countries. Theuser and any possessor of the product agrees tocomply strictly with all such regulations andacknowledges that it is their responsibility to obtainany required licenses to export, re-export, or importthis product. Without limiting the foregoing, and asan example, the user and any possessor of theproduct: (1) must not knowingly export or re-exportProducts to destinations identified pursuant toArticles in Chapter II of European Council Regulation(EC) 1334/2000; (2), must comply with U.S.government Export Administration Regulations("EAR", 15 C.F.R. §§ 730-774, ) administered by Department ofCommerce, Bureau of Industry and Security; and (3)must comply with economic sanctions regulations(30 C.F.R. §§ 500 et. seq.,., administered by the U.S.Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign AssetsControl. The user and any possessor of the product4This is a draft publication for internal use only.
may not transport or deliver the product, itsaccessories or separate software to any country,region, entity or person prohibited by theseregulations.Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure bythe United States government is subject to therestrictions as set forth in the Rights in TechnicalData and Computer Software Clauses in DFARS252.227-7013(c) (1) (ii) and FAR 52.227-19(c) (2) asapplicable.Other product and company names mentionedherein may be the trademarks of their respectiveowners.Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.All illustrations are for illustration only and may notaccurately depict the actual phone.Your phone is designed to make it easy for you toaccess a wide variety of content. For yourprotection, we want you to be aware that someapplications that you enable may involve thelocation of your phone being shared. Forapplications available through AT&T, we offerprivacy controls that let you decide how anapplication may use the location of your phone andother phones on your account. However, the AT&Tprivacy tools do not apply to applications availableoutside of AT&T. Please review the terms andconditions and the associated privacy policy foreach location-based service to learn how locationinformation will be used and protected. In addition,your AT&T phone may be used to access the Internetand to download, and/or purchase goods,applications, and services from AT&T or elsewherefrom third parties. AT&T provides tools for you tocontrol access to the Internet and certain Internetcontent. These controls may not be available forcertain devices which bypass AT&T controls.Instruction symbolsThese symbols may appear in the Userguide.NoteTipWarning>Use a selection or navigation key toscroll and select. See Navigation onpage 13.5This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Getting startedAssemblyBefore you start using your phone, youneed to insert a SIM card and thebattery.To insert the SIM card1Remove the battery cover.2Slide the SIM card into its holder withthe gold-coloured contacts facingdown.To insert the battery1Insert the battery with the label side upand the connectors facing each other.2Attach the battery cover.Turning on the phoneTo turn on the phone1Press and hold down  .2Enter your SIM card PIN, if requested,and select OK.3Select a language.4Follow the instructions to use the setupwizard for basic settings and usefultips.If you want to correct a mistake when youenter your PIN, press  .SIM cardWhen you register as a subscriber withAT&T, you get a SIM (SubscriberIdentity Module) card, which containsinformation about your subscription.Always turn off your phone and detach6Getting startedThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
the charger before you insert or removethe SIM card.You can save contacts on the SIM cardbefore you remove it from your phone.See To copy names and numbers to theSIM card on page 34.PINYou may need a PIN (PersonalIdentification Number) to activate theservices and functions in your phone.Your PIN is supplied by AT&T. EachPIN digit appears as *, unless it startswith emergency number digits, forexample, 112 or 911. You can see andcall an emergency number withoutentering a PIN.If you enter the wrong PIN three times ina row, the SIM card is blocked. See SIMcard lock on page 56.StandbyAfter you have turned on your phoneand entered your PIN, the name of thenetwork operator appears. This view iscalled standby. Your phone is nowready for use.Using other networksMaking and receiving calls, usingmessaging, and data transfer, forexample, Internet-based services,outside your home network (roaming),may incur additional costs. Contactyour operator for more information.HelpIn addition to this User guide, Featureguides and more information areavailable and information are also availablein your phone.To view information about functions•Scroll to a function and select Info, ifavailable. In some cases, Info appearsunder Options.To view the phone status•Select Menu > Settings > General >Phone status.Charging the batteryThe phone battery is partly chargedwhen you buy it.Getting started 7This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To charge the battery1Connect the charger to the phone. Ittakes approximately 2.5 hours to fullycharge the battery. Press a key to viewthe screen.2Remove the charger by tilting the plugupwards.You can use your phone while it ischarging. You can charge the battery atany time and for more or less than 2.5hours. You can interrupt the chargingwithout damaging the battery.8Getting startedThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Phone overview1 Ear speaker12345678910112 Screen3 Selection keys4 Call key5 Activity menu key6 Microphone7 Connector for charger, handsfree and USB cable8 End key, On/off key9 C key (Clear)10 Navigation key11 Silent keyGetting started 9This is a draft publication for internal use only.
12 Media player key - play/stop21  2022161718151314191213 Media player key - next/fast forward14 Screen light sensor15 Volume, digital zoom keys16 Battery cover17 Keylock switch18 Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) slot19 Loudspeaker20 Media player key - previous/rewind21 External display22 Main camera10 Getting startedThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Menu overviewAT&T MusicWALKMANShop MusicMusic IDXM RadioMusic VideosMake-UR-TonesCommunityMusic AppsMEdia NetCameraMy StuffCamera albumMusicPicturesVideoThemesWeb pagesGamesApplicationsOtherMessagingWrite newInbox/ConversationsMobile EmailIM*Call voicemailSent messagesDraftsSaved messagesTemplatesManage messagesSettingsMEdia MallAddress BookMyselfNew contactTools & AppsApplicationsToolsOrganiserAlarmsFM RadioRecord soundRecent CallsYellow PagesAT&T GPSAT&T NavigatorWhereShop GPS AppsEntertainmentPhotoMusicVideoGamesSettingsSettingsGeneralProfilesTime & dateLanguageGesture controlSoftware Update ***Voice controlNew eventsShortcutsFlight modeSecuritySetup wizardAccessibilityPhone statusMaster resetSounds & alertsRing volumeRingtoneSilent modeIncreasing ringVibrating alertMessage alertKey responseDisplayWallpaperMain menu layoutThemeScreen saverClock sizeBrightnessCallsSpeed dialSmart searchGetting started 11This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Forward callsManage callsVideo Share*Time & cost*Show/hide my no.HandsfreeOpen to answerConnectivityBluetoothUSBGPSPhone nameMobile networks***Internet settingsStreaming settingsMessage settings*SIP settingsIMS settingsAccessories* Some menus are operator-,network- and subscription-dependent.*** Menu appears only whenavailable.12 Getting startedThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
NavigationTo access the main menu•When Menu appears on the screen,press the right selection key to selectMenu.•If Menu does not appear on the screen,press  , and then press the rightselection key to select Menu.To navigate the phone menus•Press the navigation key  ,  ,   or   tomove through the menus.To select actions on the screen•Press the left, centre or right selectionkey.To view options for an item•Select Options to, for example, edit.To end a function•Press  .To return to standby•Press  .To navigate your media1Select Menu > Entertainment.2Scroll to a menu item and press  .3To go back, press  .To delete items•Press   to delete items such asnumbers, letters, pictures and sounds.Status bar iconsYou may see icons in the standbyscreen of your phone.Icon DescriptionGSM network signal strengthGPRS network is within rangeand can be usedEDGE network is within rangeand can be usedHSDPA network is within rangeand can be usedBattery strength indicatorBattery is chargingMissed incoming callVoicemail waitingAlarm is set and turned onGetting started 13This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Text messaging waitingBluetooth is turned onHeadphones are attachedInternet session is activeKeylock is onSilent mode is onShortcutsYou can use keypad shortcuts to godirectly to functions from standby.To use navigation key shortcuts•Press  ,  ,   or   to go directly to afunction.To edit a navigation key shortcut1Select Menu > Settings > General >Shortcuts.2Scroll to an option and select Edit.3Scroll to a menu option and selectShortc..Main menu shortcutsMenu numbering starts from the top lefticon and moves across and then downrow by row.To go directly to a main menu item•Select Menu and press   –  ,  , or  .The Main menu layout must be set toGrid. See To change the main menulayout on page 55.Activity menuThe activity menu gives you quickaccess to:•New events – missed calls and newmessages.•Running apps – applications that arerunning in the background.•My shortcuts – add your favouritefunctions to access them quickly.•Internet – quick access to theInternet.To open the activity menu•Press  .MemoryYou can save content on the memorycard, in the phone memory and on theSIM card. Photos and music are savedon the memory card, if a memory cardis inserted. If not, or if the memory cardis full, photos and music are saved inthe phone memory. Messages andcontacts are saved in the phone14 Getting startedThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
memory, but you can choose to savethem on the SIM card.Memory cardYou may have to purchase a memory cardseparately.Your phone supports Memory StickMicro™ (M2™) memory card addingmore storage space to your phone. Itcan also be used as a portable memorycard with other compatible devices.You can move content between thememory card and the phone memory.See Handling content in the phone onpage 23.To insert a memory card•Remove the battery cover and insertthe memory card with the gold-coloured contacts facing down.Phone languageYou can select a language to use inyour phone.To change the phone language1Select Menu > Settings > General >Language > Phone language.2Select an option.Entering textYou can use multitap text input or T9™Text Input   to enter text. The T9 TextInput method uses a built-in dictionary.To change text input method•When you enter text, press and holddown  .To shift between capitals and lower-case letters•When you enter text, press  .To enter numbers•When you enter text, press and holddown   –  .To enter full stops and commas•When you enter text, press  .To enter a symbol1When you enter text, select Options >Add symbol.Getting started 15This is a draft publication for internal use only.
2Scroll to a symbol and select Insert.To enter text using T9™ Text Input1Select, for example, Menu >Messaging > Write new > Message.2If   is not displayed, press and holddown   to change to T9 Text Input.3Press each key only once, even if theletter you want is not the first letter onthe key. For example, to write the word“Jane”, press  ,  ,  ,  . Writethe whole word before looking at thesuggestions.4Use   or   to view suggestions.5Press   to accept a suggestion.To enter text using multitap1Select, for example, Menu >Messaging > Write new > Message.2If   is displayed, press and hold down to change to multitap text input.3Press   –   repeatedly until thedesired letter appears.4When a word is written, press   toadd a space.To add words to the built-in dictionary1When you enter text using T9 TextInput, select Options > Spell word.2Write the word using multitap input andselect Insert.Walkman™You can listen to music, audio booksand podcasts. For more information,see Transferring content to and from acomputer on page 26.Stereo portable handsfreeTo use a handsfree•Connect a portable handsfree. Musicstops when you receive a call andresumes when the call has ended.If headphones are not included with thephone, you may purchase themseparately.16 Walkman™This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Walkman™ playerYou can use the media player keys tocontrol the Walkman™ player when thephone is closed. The keys must beunlocked. For information on how tounlock the keys, see To unlock themedia player keys on page 59.To play music1When the phone is open, select Menu> AT&T Music > WALKMAN.2Browse by category using thenavigation key.3Scroll to a title and select Play.You can use   to start playing musicwhen the phone is closed.   starts thelast used music application, that is theWalkman™ player or the radio.To stop playing music•When the phone is closed, press  .To fast forward and rewind•When the phone is closed, press andhold down   or  .To move between tracks•When the phone is closed, press   or.To minimise the player•When the phone is open, selectOptions > Minimise.To return to the player•When the phone is open and you arenot in any menu, press  .Shake controlTo switch tracks1When the phone is closed and music isplaying, press and hold down   andmove the phone to the right with a flickof your wrist to go to the next track.2To go to the previous track, use thesame action to the left.Walkman™ 17This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To shuffle tracks•When the phone is closed and music isplaying, press and hold down   andshake your phone.To change the volume1When the phone is closed and music isplaying, hold the phone out in front ofyou facing upwards.2Press and hold down   and bendyour arm upwards towards you toincrease the volume. To decrease thevolume, repeat the action in theopposite direction.PlaylistsYou can create playlists to organiseyour music. You can add tracks andfolders to a playlist. It may take a fewminutes for the phone to create aplaylist.To create a playlist1Select Menu > AT&T Music >WALKMAN > Playlists.2Scroll to New playlist and select Add.3Enter a name and select OK.4For each track you want to add, scrollto the track and select Mark.5Select Add to add the marked tracks tothe playlist.To add tracks to a playlist1When the phone is open, select Menu> AT&T Music > WALKMAN > Playlists.2Select a playlist.3Scroll to Add music and select Add.4For each track you want to add, scrollto the track and select Mark.18 Walkman™This is a draft publication for internal use only.
5Select Add to add the marked tracks tothe playlist.SensMe™With SensMe™ you can createplaylists in two ways, by mood or fromall the tracks in your phone. By mood,you first use Media Go™ to transfertracks to your phone. Information suchas mood, tempo and chords is thenadded. The tracks are displayed asdots on a map with two axes. In theAll view, all the tracks in your phone areplaced randomly on the map.To create a playlist by mood1When the phone is open, select Menu> Entertainment > Music.2Scroll to SensMe™ and select Open.3Press  ,  ,   or  .4Make sure you are in Mood view. If youare not, select Mood.5To preview different tracks, press  ,  , or  .6To choose an area of tracks, selectAdd and press   or  .7To create the playlist and play it in theWalkman™ player, select Create.8Select Options > Save playlist.9Enter a name and select OK.To create a playlist from All view1When the phone is open, select Menu> Entertainment > Music.2Scroll to SensMe™ and select Open.3Press  ,  ,   or  .4Make sure you are in All view. If you arenot, select All.5To preview different tracks, press  ,  , or  .6To choose an area of tracks, selectAdd and press   or  .7To create the playlist and play it in theWalkman™ player, select Create.8Select Options > Save playlist.9Enter a name and select OK.Audio booksIf you use Media Go™ to transfer audiobooks to your phone from a computer,you can listen to the audio books inyour phone. It may take a few minutesbefore a transferred audio bookWalkman™ 19This is a draft publication for internal use only.
appears in the list of available audiobooks.You can download the Media Go™software access audio books•Select Menu > AT&T Music >WALKMAN > Audio books.You can find audio books in formatsother than M4B and those that do nothave ID3v2 chapter tags in the Tracksfolder.TrackID™ and MusicID™TrackID™ and MusicID™ are musicrecognition services. You can searchfor title, artist and album name for atrack you hear playing on the radio inyour phone. TrackID can be used forsongs playing on the phone's built-inFM Radio. MusicID can be used forsongs playing on an external musicsource.To search for track information•When the built-in FM radio is playingselect Options > TrackID™.•When an external music source isplaying, select Menu > AT&T Music >MusicID™.For best results, use TrackID™ andMusicID™ in a quiet area.Video playerTo play videos1Select Menu > Entertainment > Video >Videos.2Scroll to a title and select Play.To stop playing videos•Press the centre selection key.To fast forward and rewind•Press and hold down   or  .To move between videos•Press   or  .To change the volume•Press the side volume key up or down.To change the video screen size1Select Options > Video size.2Select an option.To save a picture from a video clip1To pause the video clip, press thecentre selection key.2To save the paused image as a picture,select Options > Save picture.20 Walkman™This is a draft publication for internal use only.
FM radioYou can use the media player keys tocontrol the radio when the phone isclosed. The keys must be unlocked.For information on how to unlock thekeys, see To unlock the media playerkeys on page 59.Do not use your phone as a radio in placeswhere this is prohibited.To turn on the FM radio1Connect a handsfree to the phone.2Select Menu > Tools & Apps > FMRadio.You can use   to turn on the radiowhen the phone is closed.   starts thelast used music application, that is theradio or the Walkman™ player.To search for channels automatically•When the phone is open, selectSearch.To search for channels manually•When the phone is closed, press   or.To change the volume•Press the side volume key up or down.To minimise the FM radio•When the phone is open, selectOptions > Minimise.To return to the FM radio•Select Menu > Tools & Apps > FMRadio.Saving channelsYou can save up to 20 preset channels.To save channels automatically•When the phone is open, selectOptions > Auto save.To save channels manually1When the phone is open and you havefound a radio channel, select Options >Save.2Scroll to a position and select Insert.To select saved channels1When the phone is open, selectOptions > Channels.2Select a radio channel.Walkman™ 21This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To switch between saved channels•When the phone is closed, press andhold down   or  .MusicDJ™You can compose and edit your ownmelodies to use as ringtones. Pre-arranged sounds with differentcharacteristics are available.To compose a melody1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Tools>MusicDJ™.2Select to Insert, Copy or Paste sounds.3Use  ,  ,   or   to scroll between thesounds.4Select Options > Save melody.Record soundYou can record a voice memo or a call.Recorded sounds can also be set asringtones.In some countries or states it is requiredby law that you inform the other personbefore recording the call.To record a sound•Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Recordsound > Record.To record a call1During an ongoing call, select Options> Record.2To save the recording, select Save.To listen to a recording1Select Menu > Entertainment.2Scroll to Music and select Open.3Scroll to a recording and select Play.AT&T MusicGo to AT&T Music to access yourWalkman player, purchase ringtones orto access other music applications.AT&T Music options•WALKMAN – a music player.•Shop Music – discover, sample anddownload songs directly from yourmobile phone.•MusicID – identify the song title, artistor album in a flash by holding yourphone up to the music. MusicID canidentify millions of songs.•XM Radio – XM Mobile Radio® offerscommercial-free music stations.•Music Videos – stream your favoritemobile videos straight to your phone.•Make-UR-Tones – lets you createcustom ringtones from full tracksongs.22 Walkman™This is a draft publication for internal use only.
•Community – access a hot usercommunity where you can chat withyour friends about the latest music.•Music Apps – purchase music relatedapplications.To access AT&T Music•Select Menu > AT&T Music and selectan option.Transferring andhandling contentYou can transfer and handle contentsuch as pictures and music.You are not allowed to exchange somecopyright-protected material.   identifiesa protected item.Handling content in the phoneYou can use My Stuff to handle contentsaved in the phone memory or on amemory card. Tabs and icons in MyStuff show where the content is saved.If the memory is full, delete somecontent to create space.To view memory status1Select Menu > My Stuff.2Select Options > Memory status.3Select Memory card or Phone.To select more than one item in afolder1Select Menu > My Stuff.2Scroll to a folder and select Open.3Select Options > Mark > Mark several.4For each item you want to mark, scrollto the item and select Mark.Transferring and handling content 23This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To move items between the phonememory and the memory card1Select Menu > My Stuff.2Find an item and select Options >Manage file > Move.3Select Memory card or Phone.4Scroll to a folder and select Open.5Select Paste.To view information about content1Select Menu > My Stuff.2Find an item and select Options >Information.Sending content to anotherphoneYou can send content, for example, inmessages or using Bluetooth™wireless technology.To send content1Scroll to an item and select Options >Send.2Select a transfer method.Make sure the receiving device supportsthe transfer method you select.Using the USB cableYou can connect your phone to acomputer with the USB cable tosynchronise, transfer and back upphone content and use your phone asa modem. For more information, go toread Feature guides.Before using a USB cableSee Required operating systems onpage 27.Only use a USB cable supported by yourphone. Do not remove the USB cablefrom your phone or computer duringtransfer as this may corrupt the memorycard or the phone memory.PC SoftwareYou may use Windows® Explorer,Sony Ericsson PC Suite, or Media Go™with your phone. Sony Ericsson PCsoftware is available to usewith your phone.In the phone menu, you must select theUSB mode based on how you plan to24 Transferring and handling contentThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
use the USB cable with your phone.The table lists the available computer applications and the correspondingUSB mode for each.USB mode Purpose Computer applicationShow menu Displays the USB menu when the USBcable is attached to the phone. AnyPhone mode Synchronize the phone with acomputer. Sony Ericsson PC SuiteMedia transfer Transfer music, pictures, or other filesbetween your phone and a computer.The phone appears as a media deviceon your computer. Sony Ericsson PCSuite cannot access your phone in thismode.Microsoft® Windows®ExplorerPrint Print images from the Camera album.  Mass storage Transfer music, pictures or other filesbetween your phone and a computer.The phone functions are turned offautomatically. All functions exceptalarms and alerts are turned off inMass storage mode. The phone shutsdown, but restarts after removing thecable.Microsoft® Windows®Explorer and Media Go™USB default modeYou can select the USB mode thephone uses when a USB cable isattached.To change the USB default mode1Select Menu > Settings > theConnectivity tab > USB > USB defaultmode.Transferring and handling content 25This is a draft publication for internal use only.
2Select an option.Disconnect the USBThe correct method for disconnectingthe USB cable depends on the USBmode.To disconnect the USB cable safely inMass storage or Phone mode1When the phone is in Mass storage orPhone mode, right-click the removabledisk icon in Windows Explorer.2Select Eject.3When the message is shown, Massstorage session ended. It is now safe toremove the USB cable..To disconnect the USB cable safely inMedia transfer or Printer mode•Remove the USB cable.Transferring content to andfrom a computerWith Windows® Explorer or MediaGo™, you can transfer music fromCDs, music on your computer, or musicthat you have purchased online to amemory card. Windows® Explorer is afile manager that often comes with yourcomputer and can be used to view andmanage your files and folders. MediaGo™ enables you to transfer music,photos and videos between yourphone and a computer. You candownload Media Go™ Formore information on using the phonewith a USB cable, see Using the USBcable on page 24.To use the phone with Windows®Explorer1Connect a USB cable to the phone andthe computer.2On your phone (depending on thephone setup):•The phone may switch to Mediatransfer and be ready to use.•If prompted with a USB mode menu,select Media transfer.3On your computer:•Wait until the memory card appearsas an external disk in WindowsExplorer.•Drag and drop selected filesbetween the phone and thecomputer.•For full access to your music in themusic player, place it in the Musicfolder on the phone’s memory or amemory card. For more informationon how to move files already storedon your phone or memory card to theMusic folder, see To move items26 Transferring and handling contentThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
between the phone memory and thememory card on page 24.Do not remove the USB cable from yourphone or computer during transfer, as thismay corrupt the memory card.Required operating systemsYou need one of these operatingsystems to use Sony Ericsson PCsoftware:•Microsoft® Windows Vista™•Microsoft® Windows XP, ServicePack 2 or higherTo download Media Go™1Computer: In your Internet browser, goto a region and country.3Select Software downloads.4Select a phone from the list.5Select Read more and download underMedia Go™.6Select Download now and save the fileto your computer.Remember where you save the file.To install Media Go™ from thedownloaded file1Locate the downloaded Media Go™file on the computer.2Double-click the file and follow theinstructions.To transfer content using Media Go™Do not remove the USB cable from yourphone or computer during transfer, as thismay corrupt the memory card or thephone memory.1Connect the phone to a computer witha USB cable supported by your phone.2On your phone (depending on setup):•The phone may switch to Mediatransfer. If so, disconnect the cableand change the USB default mode toMass storage. See USB default modeon page 25. Do not remove the USBcable from your phone or computerduring transfer, as this may corruptthe memory card. Media Go™software is available for download•If prompted with a USB mode menu,select Mass storage. The phone willshut down in this mode but willrestart again when it is disconnectedfrom the USB cable.3On your computer: Drag and dropselected files between the phone andthe computer.4Wait until the phone appears in MediaGo™.Transferring and handling content 27This is a draft publication for internal use only.
5Move files between your phone and thecomputer in Media Go™.Phone nameYou can enter a name for your phonethat is shown to other devices whenusing, for example, Bluetooth™wireless technology.To enter a phone name1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Phone name.2Enter the phone name and select OK.Using Bluetooth™ wirelesstechnologyThe Bluetooth™ function is free ofcharge and makes wireless connectionto other Bluetooth devices possible.You can, for example:•Connect to handsfree devices.•Connect to several devices at thesame time.•Connect to computers and accessthe Internet.•Exchange items.•Play multiplayer games.A range within 10 metres (33 feet), with nosolid objects in between, isrecommended for Bluetoothcommunication.Before using Bluetooth wirelesstechnologyYou must turn on the Bluetoothfunction to communicate with otherdevices. You may also have to pair yourphone with other Bluetooth devices.To turn on the Bluetooth function•Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > Turn on.Make sure that the device you want to pairyour phone with has the Bluetoothfunction activated and Bluetooth visibilityturned on.To pair the phone with a device1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > My devices.2Scroll to New device and select Add tosearch for available devices.3Select a device.4Enter a passcode, if required.To allow connection to the phone1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > My devices.2Select a device from the list.3Select Options > Allow connection.4Select Always ask or Always allow.This is only possible with devices thatrequire access to a secure service.28 Transferring and handling contentThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To pair the phone with a Bluetoothhandsfree for the first time1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > Handsfree.2Select a device.3Enter a passcode, if required.Power savingYou can save battery power with thePower save function. In Power savemode you can only connect with asingle Bluetooth device. If you want toconnect with more than one Bluetoothdevice at the same time you must turnthis function off.To turn on power save•Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > Power save > On.Transferring sound to and from aBluetooth handsfreeYou can transfer the sound to and froma Bluetooth handsfree using a phonekey or the handsfree key.To transfer sound1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > Handsfree > Incoming call.2Select an option. In phone transferssound to the phone. In handsfreetransfers sound to the handsfree.You need to answer the call with thephone key for this setting to apply.To transfer sound during a call1During a call, select Sound.2Select from the list.Backing up and restoringYou can backup and restore contacts,the calendar, tasks, notes andbookmarks using the Sony Ericsson PCSuite.You can backup and restore AddressBook contacts, the calendar, tasks,notes and bookmarks using theSony Ericsson PC Suite.Before backing up and restoring, youneed to install the Sony Ericsson PCSuite, which is available fromwww.sonyericsson/support.You can backup and restore contactswithin your phone using a MemoryStick Micro™ (M2™) memory card.You can move content between thememory card and the phone memory.See Handling content in the phone onpage 23.Back up your phone content regularly tomake sure you do not lose it.Transferring and handling content 29This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To make a backup using theSony Ericsson PC Suite1Computer: Start the Sony Ericsson PCSuite from Start/Programs/Sony Ericsson/Sony Ericsson PCSuite.2Follow the instructions in theSony Ericsson PC Suite for how toconnect.3Phone: Select Phone mode.4Computer: Go to the backup andrestore section in the Sony Ericsson PCSuite and make a backup.To restore phone content using theSony Ericsson PC SuiteThe Sony Ericsson PC Suite will overwriteall the phone content during the restoreprocess. You may damage your phone ifyou interrupt the process.1Computer: Start the Sony Ericsson PCSuite from Start/Programs/Sony Ericsson/Sony Ericsson PCSuite.2Follow the instructions in theSony Ericsson PC Suite for how toconnect.3Phone: Select Phone mode.4Computer: Go to the backup andrestore section in the Sony Ericsson PCSuite and restore your phone.CallingMaking and receiving callsYou need to turn on your phone and bewithin range of a network.To make a call1Enter a phone number (withinternational country code and areacode, if applicable).2Press  .You can call numbers from your AddressBook and call list. See  Address Book  onpage 32, and Call list on page 32. Youcan also use your voice to make calls.See Voice control on page 36.To end a call•Press  .To make international calls1Press and hold down   until a “+”sign appears.2Enter the country code, area code(without the first zero) and phonenumber.3Press  .30 CallingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To re-dial a number•When Retry? appears select Yes.Do not hold your phone to your ear whenwaiting. When the call connects, yourphone gives a loud signal.To answer a call•Press  .To reject a call•Press  .To change the ear speaker volumeduring a call•Press the volume key up or down.To mute the microphone during a call1Press and hold down  .2Press and hold down   again toresume.To turn on the loudspeaker during acall•Press SpkrOn.Do not hold your phone to your ear whenusing the loudspeaker. This coulddamage your hearing.To view missed calls•Press   to open the call list.NetworksYour phone switches automaticallybetween GSM and 3G (UMTS)networks depending on availability.Emergency callsYour phone supports internationalemergency numbers, for example, 112or 911. You can normally use thesenumbers to make emergency calls inany country, with or without the SIMcard inserted, if you are within range ofa network.In some countries, other emergencynumbers may also be promoted. Yournetwork operator may therefore havesaved additional local emergencynumbers on the SIM card.To make an emergency call•Enter 112 (the international emergencynumber) and press  .To view your local emergencynumbers1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Special numbers >Emergency nos..Calling 31This is a draft publication for internal use only.
AT&T Video ShareYou can share experiences while on acall with friends and family when theyhappen or save them to share later.When on a call, the person who initiatesthe Video Share session transmits thevideo. Only the person placing a VideoShare call can save the Video Sharesession.Types of Video Share callsYou can share information live or a pre-recorded session.•Live share – streams live informationas the camera captures it.•Pre-recorded – allows you to share apreviously recorded Video Sharesession.Before you beginTo use Video Share service, bothparties on the call must have:•Video share service activated ontheir account.•3G coverage.•Video Share turned on.To initiate a Video Share session•While on a call, select Vid. Share.To accept a Video Share session•When you receive a Video Share callrequest, press Yes.To end a Video Share session•To continue the call, but end the VideoShare session, press Stop.To save Video Share sessions•Select Menu > Settings > the Calls tab> Video Share > Auto record.Call listYou can view information about recentcalls.To call a number from the call list1Press   and scroll to a tab.2Scroll to a name or a number and press.Address BookYou can save names, phone numbersand personal information in AddressBook. Information can be saved in thephone memory or on the SIM card.You can synchronise your contacts usingthe Sony Ericsson PC Suite.Default contactsYou can choose which contactinformation is shown as default. If32 CallingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Phone contacts is selected as default,your contacts show all the informationsaved in Address Book. If you selectSIM contacts as default, your contactsshow names and numbers saved onthe SIM card.To select default contacts1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Default contacts.3Select an option.Phone contactsPhone contacts can contain names,phone numbers and personalinformation. They are saved in thephone memory.To add a phone contact1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and select Add.3Enter the name and select OK.4Scroll to New number: and select Add.5Enter the number and select OK.6Select a number option.7Scroll between the tabs and addinformation to the fields.8Select Save.Calling contactsTo call a contact1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to a contact and press  .To go directly to the contacts list•Press and hold down   –  .To call with Smart search1Press   –   to enter a sequence of(at least two) digits. All entries whichmatch the sequence of digits orcorresponding letters are shown in alist.2Scroll to a contact or a phone numberand press  .To turn on or off Smart search1Select Menu > Settings > Calls > Smartsearch.2Select an option.Editing contactsTo add information to a phonecontact1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to a contact and select Options >Edit contact.3Scroll between the tabs and selectAdd or Edit.Calling 33This is a draft publication for internal use only.
4Select an option and an item to add oredit.5Select Save.If your subscription supports Calling LineIdentification (CLI) service, you canassign personal ringtones and pictures tocontacts.To copy names and numbers tophone contacts1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Copy from SIM.3Select an option.To copy names and numbers to theSIM card1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Copy to SIM.3Select an option.When you copy all contacts from yourphone to the SIM card, all existing SIMcard information is replaced.To automatically save names andphone numbers on the SIM card1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Auto save onSIM.3Select an option.To save contacts on a memory card1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Back up to m.card.SIM contactsSIM contacts can contain names andnumbers only. They are saved on theSIM card.To add a SIM contact1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and select Add.3Enter the name and select OK.4Enter the number and select OK.5Select a number option and add moreinformation, if available.6Select Save.Deleting contactsTo delete all contacts1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Delete allcontacts.3Select an option.Contact memory statusThe number of contacts you can savein your phone or on the SIM carddepends on available memory.34 CallingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To view contact memory status1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Advanced > Memory status.MyselfYou can enter information aboutyourself and, for example, send yourbusiness card.To enter Myself information1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to Myself and select Open.3Scroll to an option and edit theinformation.4Select Save.To add your own business card1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to Myself and select Open.3Scroll to My contact info and selectAdd > Create new.4Scroll between the tabs and addinformation to the fields.5Enter the information and select Save.GroupsYou can create a group of phonenumbers and email addresses fromPhone contacts to send messages to.See Messaging on page 39. You canalso use groups (with phone numbers)when you create accepted callers lists.See Accept calls on page 38.To create a group of numbers andemail addresses1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Groups.3Scroll to New group and select Add.4Enter a name for the group and selectContinue.5Scroll to New and select Add.6For each contact phone number oremail address you want to mark, scrollto it and select Mark.7Select Continue > Done.Speed dialSpeed dialling lets you select ninecontacts that you can dial quickly fromstandby. The contacts can be saved inpositions 1-9.To add contacts to speed dialnumbers1Select Menu > Address Book.2Scroll to New contact and selectOptions > Speed dial.3Scroll to a position number and selectAdd.4Select a contact.Calling 35This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To speed dial•Enter the position number and press.More calling featuresVoicemailIf your subscription includes ananswering service, callers can leave avoicemail message when you cannotanswer a call.To enter your voicemail number1Select Menu > Messaging > Settings >the Message settings tab > Voicemailnumber.2Enter the number and select OK.To call your voicemail service•Press and hold down  .Voice controlBy creating voice commands you can:•Voice dial – call someone by sayingtheir name•Answer and reject calls when youuse a handsfreeTo record a voice command usingvoice dialling1Select Menu > Settings > General >Voice control > Voice dialling > Activate.2Select Yes > New voice command andselect a contact. If the contact hasmore than one number, select thenumber to add the voice command to.3Record a voice command such as“John mobile.”4Follow the instructions that appear.Wait for the tone and say the commandto record. The voice command isplayed back to you.5If the recording sounds OK, select Yes.If not, select No and repeat steps 3 and4.Voice commands are saved in the phonememory only. They cannot be used inanother phone.To voice dial1Press and hold down a volume key.2Wait for the tone and say a recordedname, for example “John mobile.” Thephone plays the name back to you andconnects the call.Diverting callsYou can divert calls, for example, to ananswering service.To divert calls1Select Menu > Settings > Calls > Divertcalls.2Select a call type and a divert option.36 CallingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
3Select Activate.4Enter the number to divert calls to andselect OK.More than one callYou can handle more than one call at atime. For example, you can put anongoing call on hold, while you make oranswer a second call. You can alsoswitch between the two calls. Youcannot answer a third call withoutending one of the first two calls.Call waitingYou will hear a beep if you receive asecond call while call waiting is active.To activate call waiting•Select Menu > Settings > Calls >Manage calls > Call waiting > Activate.To make a second call1During the call, press  . This puts theongoing call on hold.2Select Options > Add call.3Enter the number to call and press.To answer a second call•During the call, press  . This puts theongoing call on hold.To reject a second call•During the call, press   and continuewith the ongoing call.To end an ongoing call and answer asecond call•During the call, select Replace activecall.Handling two voice callsYou can have calls ongoing and onhold at the same time.To switch between two calls•During the call, press  .To join two calls•During the call, select Options > Joincalls.To connect two calls•During the call, select Options >Transfer call. You are disconnectedfrom both calls.To end an ongoing call and return tothe call on hold•First press   and then  .Conference callsWith a conference call, you can have ajoint conversation with up to fivepeople.Calling 37This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To add a new participant1During the call, press  . This puts thejoined calls on hold.2Select Options > Add call.3Enter the number to call and press.4Select Options > Join calls to add thenew participant.5Repeat this task to add moreparticipants.To release a participant1Select Options > Release party.2Select the participant to release.To have a private conversation1During the call, select Options > Talkto and select the participant to talk to.2To resume the conference call, selectOptions > Join calls.Accept callsYou can choose to receive calls fromcertain phone numbers only.To add numbers to the acceptedcallers list1Select Menu > Settings > Calls >Manage calls > Accept calls > Only fromlist.2Scroll to New and select Add.3Select a contact or Groups.See Groups on page 35.To accept all calls•Select Menu > Settings > Calls >Manage calls > Accept calls > Allcallers.Showing or hiding your phone numberYou can decide to show or hide yourphone number when you make a call.To hide your phone number1Select Menu > Settings > Recent Calls >Show/hide my no..2Select Hide number.38 CallingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
MessagingText and multimediamessagesMessages can contain text, pictures,sound effects, animations, andmelodies. You can also create and usetemplates for your messages.When sending messages, the phoneautomatically selects the most suitablemethod (as a text or multimediamessage) for sending the message.Sending messagesYou can send messages from yourphone. The maximum size of astandard text message is 160characters including spaces if no otheritems are added to the message. If youenter more than 160 characters, asecond message is created. Yourmessages are sent as oneconcatenated message.To create and send a message1Select Menu > Messaging > Write new> Message.2Enter text. To add items to themessage, press  , scroll   and selectan item.3Select Continue > Addr. Book look-up.4Select a recipient and select Send.If you send a message to a group, youwill be charged for each member.To copy and paste text in a message1When you write the message, selectOptions > Copy & paste.2Select Copy all or Mark & copy. Scroll toand mark text in the message.3Select Options > Copy & paste > Paste.Receiving and saving messagesYou are notified when you receive amessage. Messages are automaticallysaved in the phone memory. When thephone memory is full, you can deletemessages or save them on a memorycard or on the SIM card.To save an incoming message on amemory card•Select Menu > Messaging > Settings >the Message settings tab > Save to >Memory card.To save a message on the SIM card1Select Menu > Messaging > Messagesand select a folder.2Scroll to a message and selectOptions > Save message.To view a message from the inbox1Select Menu > Messaging > Inbox.Messaging 39This is a draft publication for internal use only.
2Scroll to the message and select View.To call a number in a message•When you view the message, scroll tothe phone number and press  .TemplatesIf you often use the same phrases andpictures in a message, you can savethe message as a template.To add a message template1Select Menu > Messaging > Templates> New template > Add.2Enter text. To add items to themessage, press  , scroll   and selectan item.3Select Save.4Enter a title and select OK.To save a message as a template1Select Menu > Messaging > Inbox.2Scroll to the message and select View> Options > Save as template.Message optionsYou can set some options, such as theMessage alert and default storagelocation, to apply to all messages. Youcan set other options, such as theDelivery priority and Delivery time, foreach message you send.To set options for all messages1Select Menu > Messaging > theMessage settings tab.2Select an option.To set options for a specific message1When the message is ready and arecipient is selected, select Options >Advanced.2Scroll to an option and select Edit.ConversationsYou can choose whether to view yourmessages in Conversations or Inbox. Amessaging conversation shows allmessaging communication betweenyou and one of your contacts.To view messages in Conversations1Select Menu > Messaging > Inbox > theConversations tab.2Select a conversation.To send a message fromConversations1Select Menu > Messaging >Conversations.2Select a conversation.3Write a message and select Send.40 MessagingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Voice messagesYou can send and receive a soundrecording as a voice message.The sender and recipient must have asubscription supporting picturemessaging.To record and send a voice message1Select Menu > Messaging > Write new> Voice message.2Record the message and select Stop >Send > Addr. Book look-up.3Select a recipient and select Send.Mobile EmailCheck your email accounts, such asYahoo!™ Mail, AT&T Yahoo!™,Windows™ Live Mail, AOL™ andAIM™ quickly and easily.Before using Mobile Email•Verify that your AT&T accountsupports a data plan.•Have your email account informationready.To use Mobile Email1Select Menu > Messaging > MobileEmail.2Select the provider you want to use.Follow the prompts to enter yourusername and password.3Select Next to log into your account.To write a new email1From your Mobile Email inbox, selectOptions > Compose New.2Fill in each field.3Press Send.To delete an email1From your Mobile Email inbox, selectan email.2Select Options  > Delete.Menu names may change with differentemail providers.To view message options1From your Mobile Email inbox, selectan email.2Select Options  and scroll to an option.Menu names may change with differentemail providers.Instant Messaging (IM)Connect and log into the IM server tocommunicate online with your familyand friends. If your subscriptionsupports instant messaging andpresence services, you can send andMessaging 41This is a draft publication for internal use only.
receive messages and see contactstatus when they are online.To choose your IM settings1Select Menu > Messaging > IM.2Select IM community > Sign In.3Enter your account name andpassword to configure the account.4Select Sign In.After signing into an IM community, itsname replaces IM in the menu.To use IM1Select Menu > Messaging .2Select your IM community > Sign In.3Enter your password, if needed.4Press Sign In.To add a contact to the list1Select Menu > Messaging.2Select your IM community >Sign In.3Enter your password, if needed.4Press Sign In.5Select the Buddies tab > Options > Addbuddy.6Enter the contact’s screen name.The tab name varies depending on IMcommunity chosen.To send an IM1Select Menu > Messaging.2Select your IM community >Sign In.3Enter your password, if needed.4Press Sign In.5Select your IM community > theBuddies tab.6Select a buddy > Send IM.7Type your message and select Send.StatusShow your status to your contacts onlyor show it to all users on the IM server.To set the status1Select Menu > Messaging.2Select your IM community > My statustab.3Choose Available and select Edit.4Select an option.Save passwordPrior to logging in, you can store thepassword for your community to avoidentering it at each sign on.To save the password1Select Menu > Messaging.2Select your IM community >Sign In.3Select Save password:.Auto Sign inYou can bypass the sign in screenwhen logging in to your IM communityby turning on the phone.42 MessagingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To automatically sign in1Verify Save password: is on.2Select Menu > Messaging.3Select your IM community >Sign In.See Save password on page 42.ImagingYou can take photos and record videoclips to view, save or send. You findsaved photos and video clips inEntertainment and in My Stuff.Using the cameraTo activate the camera•Select Menu > Camera.Viewfinder and camera keys23678145Imaging 43This is a draft publication for internal use only.
1 Zoom in or out2 Take photos/Record video3 Select still camera or video camera4 Brightness5Self-timer6Night mode7 Camera: Shoot modeVideo: Video length8 Camera key guideTo take a photo1Activate the camera and press thenavigation key to scroll to  .2Press the centre selection key to take aphoto. The photo is automaticallysaved.To record a video clip1Activate the camera and press thenavigation key to scroll to  .2Press the centre selection key to startrecording.3To stop recording, press the centreselection key. The video clip isautomatically saved.To use zoom•Press   or  .When taking a photo, zoom is availableonly in VGA picture size.To adjust brightness•Press the volume key up or down.To view photos1Activate the camera and press thenavigation key to scroll to  .2Select Options > View all photos3Press   or   to scroll to a photo.To view video clips1Activate the camera and press thenavigation key to scroll to  .2Select Options > View all clips.3Scroll to a video clip and press thecentre selection key.More camera featuresTo change settings•Activate the camera and selectOptions.To view information about settings•Scroll to a setting and select Info.Photo fixYou can use Photo fix to improvephotos. In a one-click operation,44 ImagingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
brightness, light and contrast areadjusted to give you the best possiblephoto. The improvements are saved asa copy of the photo. The original photois not affected.To improve a photo with Photo fix1Activate the camera and press thenavigation key to scroll to  .2Make sure Review is set to On. SelectOptions > Review > On.3Take a photo.4During review, select Options > Photofix.Camera tips and tricksRule of thirdsDon’t place your subject in the middleof the frame. By placing it a third of theway in, you will achieve a better result.Hold it steadyAvoid blurry pictures by holding thecamera steady. Try to steady your handby leaning it against a solid object.Get closerBy getting as close as possible to yoursubject you won’t have to rely on thezoom. Try to fill your viewfinder withyour subject.Stay within the flash rangePictures taken beyond the maximumflash range will be too dark. Themaximum flash range is about foursteps away.Consider varietyThink different angles, move towardsthe object. Take some vertical pictures.Try different positions.Use a plain backgroundA plain background will help tohighlight your subject.Keep your lens cleanPhones are used in all manner ofweather and places and carried inpockets and bags. This results in thecamera lens becoming dirty andcovered with fingerprints. Use a softcloth to clean the lens.Viewing and tagging photosTo view photos in a slide show1Select Menu > Entertainment > Photo >Camera album.2Select a month.3Scroll to a photo and select View.4Select Options > Slide show.5Select a mood.Imaging 45This is a draft publication for internal use only.
Photo tagsYou can organise your photos withphoto tags. You can create new tags,assign one or several tags to a photo,or remove a tag from a photo. Photoswith the same tag are put togetherunder Photo tags. For example, you canadd tag "Vacation" to all your vacationphotos, and view them all in Phototags, under the tag "Vacation".To create a new photo tag1Select Menu > Entertainment > Photo >Camera album.2Select a month.3Scroll to a photo and select View.4Press   and select Options > New tag.5Enter a name and select OK.6Select an icon.7To tag the photo, select Options > Tagthis photo.To tag photos1Select Menu > Entertainment > Photo >Camera album.2Select a month.3Scroll to a photo and select View.4Press   and scroll to a tag.5Select Options > Tag this photo.6For each photo you want to tag, scrollto the photo and select Options > Tagthis photo.Using photosYou can add a photo to a contact.To use photos1Select Menu > Entertainment > Photo >Camera album.2Select a month.3Scroll to a photo and select View.4Select Options > Use as.5Select an option.Working with photosYou can view, enhance and organiseyour photos and video clips on yourcomputer by installing the Adobe™Photoshop™ Album Starter Edition. Itis available for download Media Go™ to transfer content toand from your phone. For moreinformation, see Transferring contentto and from a computer on page 26.PhotoDJ™ and VideoDJ™You can edit photos and video clips.To edit and save a photo1Select Menu > Entertainment > Photo >Camera album.2Select a month.3Scroll to a photo and select View.46 ImagingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
4Select Options > Edit in PhotoDJ™.5Edit the photo.To edit and save a video clip1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Tools >VideoDJ™.2Select Add > Video clip and scroll to avideo clip.3Select Edit and choose an option.4Edit the video clip.5Select Options > Save.To trim a video clip1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Tools >VideoDJ™.2Select Add > Video clip and scroll to avideo clip.3Select Edit > Trim.4Select OK > Set > Start to set thestarting point.5Select Set > End to set the endingpoint.6Select Trim > Options > Save.Printing photosYou can print your photos bytransferring them to a computer that isconnected to a standard printer. Formore information, see Transferringcontent to and from a computer onpage 26. You can also print photoswithout a computer by connecting yourphone directly to a printer that acceptsUSB, Bluetooth, or Memory Stick Duoconnections.To print photos using a USB cable1Connect a USB cable to the phone.2Connect the USB cable to the printer.3Select Menu > Settings > theConnectivity tab > USB > USB mode.4Disconnect and reconnect the cable tothe phone.5Select Print.6Select a month.7Scroll to a photo and select Options >Print.You should disconnect and re-connectthe USB cable if there is a printer error.To print photos via memory stick1Save the photos on your phone to M2Memory Stick.2Insert the M2 Memory Stick into aMemory Stick Duo adaptor.3Insert the Memory Stick Duo adaptorinto a printer that accepts MemoryStick Duo.You may have to purchase a M2 MemoryStick and a Memory Stick Duo adaptorseparately.You can also print using a Bluetoothcompatible printer that supports theObject Push Profile.Imaging 47This is a draft publication for internal use only.
MEdia™ NetYou can browse the Internet byaccessing MEdia Net.To start browsing1Select  .2Enter a Web address, a search phraseor the name of a bookmark.To exit the browser•Select Options > Exit browser.BookmarksYou can create and edit bookmarks asquick links to your favourite Webpages.To create a bookmark1When you browse the Internet, selectOptions > Tools > Add bookmark.2Enter a title and an address. SelectSave.To select a bookmark1Select  .2Select Options > Go to > Bookmarks.3Scroll to a bookmark and select Go to.History pagesYou can view Web pages you havebrowsed.To view history pages•Select   > Options > Go to > History.More browser featuresTo use pan and zoom on a Web page1When you browse the Internet, press.2Use the navigation key to move theframe.3Press Zoom.4To switch back to pan, press  .To use pan and zoom, Smart-Fit must beturned off.To turn on or off Smart-FitRendering™1Select Menu > > Options > Advanced >Smart-Fit.2Select an option.To make a call when you browse•Press  .To save a picture from a Web page1When you browse the Internet, selectOptions > Tools > Save picture.2Select a picture.To find text on a Web page1Select Options > Tools > Find on page.2Enter text and select Find.48 MEdia™ NetThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To send a link1When you browse the Internet, selectOptions > Tools > Send link.2Select a transfer method.Make sure the receiving device supportsthe transfer method you select.Internet keypad shortcutsYou can use the keypad to go directlyto an Internet browser function.Key ShortcutBookmarks -  Enter text to Enter address,Search Internet or search inBookmarksZoomPan & zoom (when Smart-Fitis off)To select Internet keypad shortcuts1Select  .2Select Options > Advanced > Keypadmode > Shortcuts.Internet security andcertificatesYour phone supports secure browsing.Certain Internet services, such asbanking, require certificates in yourphone. Your phone may alreadycontain certificates when you buy it oryou can download new certificates.To view certificates in the phone•Select Menu > Settings > General >Security > Certificates.MEdia™ Net 49This is a draft publication for internal use only.
SynchronisingYou can synchronise in two differentways. You can synchronise your phoneusing a computer program or you cansynchronise using an Internet service.Use only one of the synchronisationmethods at a time with your phone.For more information, go toread the Synchronisation Featureguide.Synchronising using acomputerYou can use a USB cable or Bluetoothwireless technology to synchronisephone contacts, appointments,bookmarks, tasks and notes with acomputer program such as MicrosoftOutlook®.Before synchronising, you need toinstall the Sony Ericsson PC Suite.Sony Ericsson PC Suite software isavailable for download Required operating systems onpage 27.To download Sony Ericsson PC Suite1Computer: In your Internet browser, goto a region and country.3Select Software downloads.4Select a phone from the list.5Select Read more and download underPC Suite.6Select Download now and save the fileto your computer.Remember where you save the file.To install Sony Ericsson PC Suite fromthe downloaded file1Locate the downloaded Sony EricssonPC Suite file on the computer.2Double-click the file and follow theinstructions.To synchronise using theSony Ericsson PC Suite1Computer: Start Sony Ericsson PCSuite from Start/Programs/Sony Ericsson/Sony Ericsson PCSuite.2Follow the instructions in theSony Ericsson PC Suite for how toconnect.3Phone: Select Phone mode.4Computer: When you are notified thatthe Sony Ericsson PC Suite has found50 SynchronisingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
your phone, you can startsynchronising.For usage details, see theSony Ericsson PC Suite Help sectiononce the software has been installed onyour computer.More featuresFlight modeIn Flight mode the network and radiotransceivers are turned off to preventdisturbance to sensitive equipment.When the flight mode menu is activatedyou are asked to select a mode the nexttime you turn on your phone:•Normal mode – full functionality•Flight mode – limited functionalityTo activate the flight mode menu•Select Menu > Settings > General >Flight mode > Continue > Show atstartup.To select flight mode1When the flight mode menu isactivated, turn off your phone.2Turn on your phone and select Flightmode.Gesture controlWhen the phone is closed, you canmute incoming calls or snooze alarmswith a hand gesture.To use gesture control•When a call comes in or the alarm rings,a light appears adjacent to the camera.More features 51This is a draft publication for internal use only.
When the light appears, sweep yourhand back and forth once in front of thecamera lens to mute the call or snoozethe alarm.The distance between your hand and thecamera lens must be 0–7 cm (0–3 inches).To turn on gesture control•Select Menu > Settings > General >Gesture control > Turn on.AlarmsYou can set a sound or the radio as analarm signal. The alarm sounds even ifthe phone is turned off. When the alarmsounds you can silence it or turn it off.To set the alarm1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Edit.3Scroll to Time: and select Edit.4Enter a time and select OK > Save.To set the recurrent alarm1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Edit.3Scroll to Recurrent: and select Edit.4Scroll to a day and select Mark.5To select another day, scroll to the dayand select Mark.6Select Done > Save.To set the alarm signal1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Edit.3Scroll to the   tab.4Scroll to Alarm signal: and select Edit.5Find and select an alarm signal. SelectSave.To silence the alarm•When the alarm sounds, press any key.•To repeat the alarm, select Snooze.To turn off the alarm•When the alarm sounds, press any key,then select Turn off.To cancel the alarm1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Turn off.The alarm in silent modeYou can set the alarm not to soundwhen the phone is in silent mode.To set an alarm to sound or not insilent mode1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Edit.3Scroll to the   tab.4Scroll to Silent mode: and select Edit.5Select an option.52 More featuresThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To set the snooze duration1Select Menu > Tools & Apps > Alarms.2Scroll to an alarm and select Edit.3Scroll to Snooze duration: and selectEdit.4Select an option.CalendarYou can synchronise your calendar witha computer calendar, with a calendar onthe Web or with a Microsoft® ExchangeServer (Microsoft® Outlook®).AppointmentsYou can add new appointments orreuse existing appointments.To add an appointment1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Calendar.2Select a date.3Scroll to New appointment and selectAdd.4Enter the information and confirm eachentry.5Select Save.To view an appointment1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Calendar.2Select a date.3Scroll to an appointment and selectView.To edit an appointment1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Calendar.2Select a date.3Scroll to an appointment and selectView.4Select Options > Edit.5Edit the appointment and confirm eachentry.6Select Save.To set when reminders should sound1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Calendar.2Select a date.3Select Options > Advanced >Reminders.4Select an option.A reminders option set in calendar affectsa reminders option set in tasks.NotesYou can make notes and save them.You can also show a note in standby.To add a note1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Notes.2Scroll to New note and select Add.More features 53This is a draft publication for internal use only.
3Write a note and select Save.To show a note in standby1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Notes.2Scroll to a note and select Options >Show in standby.To hide a note from standby1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Notes.2Scroll to the note shown in standby.This is marked with an icon. SelectOptions > Hide in standby.TasksYou can add new tasks or reuseexisting tasks.To add a task1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Tasks.2Select New task and select Add.3Select an option.4Enter details and confirm each entry.To set when reminders should sound1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Tasks.2Scroll to a task and select Options >Reminders.3Select an option.A reminders option set in tasks affects areminders option set in calendar.ProfilesYou can change settings such as thering volume and vibrating alert to suitdifferent locations. You can reset allprofiles to the phone’s original settings.To select a profile1Select Menu > Settings > General >Profiles.2Select a profile.To view and edit a profile1Select Menu > Settings > General >Profiles.2Scroll to a profile and select Options >View and edit.You cannot rename the Normal profile.Time and dateTo set the time1Select Menu > Settings > General >Time & date > Time.2Enter the time and select Save.To set the date1Select Menu > Settings > General >Time & date > Date.2Enter the date and select Save.54 More featuresThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To set the time zone1Select Menu > Settings > General >Time & date > My time zone.2Select the time zone you are in.If you select a city, My time zone alsoupdates the time when daylight savingtime changes.To change the clock size of thestandby screen1Select Menu > Settings > Display >Clock size.2Select an option.ThemeYou can change the appearance of thescreen through items such as coloursand wallpaper. You can also createnew themes and download them. Formore information, go set a theme1Select Menu > Settings > Display >Theme.2Scroll to a theme and select Set.Main menu layoutYou can change the layout of the iconsin the main menu.To change the main menu layout1Select Menu > Options > Main menulayout.2Select an option.RingtonesTo set a ringtone1Select Menu > Settings > Sounds &alerts > Ringtone.2Find and select a ringtone.To set the ringtone volume•Use the side volume keys to raise orlower the volume.To turn off the ringtone•Press   and then press and holddown  .The alarm signal is not affected.To set the vibrating alert1Select Menu > Settings > Sounds &alerts > Vibrating alert.2Select an option.Screen orientationYou can change between landscapeand portrait orientation, or select Autorotate to have the orientation changewhen you rotate the phone.More features 55This is a draft publication for internal use only.
To change screen orientation in thebrowser1Select  .2Select Options > View.3Select Landscape or Portrait.To change screen orientation inMedia1Select Menu > Entertainment >Settings > Orientation.2Select an option.GamesYour phone contains preloadedgames. You can also download games.For more information, go Helptexts are available for most games.To start a game1Select Menu > Entertainment > Games.2Select a game.To end a game•Press  .ApplicationsYou can download and run Javaapplications. You can also viewinformation or set differentpermissions.To select a Java application1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Applications.2Select an application.Java application screen sizeSome Java applications are designedfor a specific screen size. For moreinformation, contact the applicationvendor.To set the screen size for a Javaapplication1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Applications.2Scroll to an application and selectOptions > Screen size.3Select an option.To set a Java™ application as awallpaper1Select Menu > Settings > Display.2Select Wallpaper > Application.3Select a Java application.You can only see the Java applicationsthat have support for wallpaper.LocksSIM card lockThis lock only protects yoursubscription. Your phone will work with56 More featuresThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
a new SIM card. If the lock is on, youhave to enter a PIN (Personal IdentityNumber).If you enter your PIN incorrectly threetimes in a row, the SIM card is blockedand you need to enter your PUK(Personal Unblocking Key). Your PINand PUK are supplied by AT&T.To unblock the SIM card1When PIN blocked appears, enter yourPUK and select OK.2Enter a new four-to-eight-digit PIN andselect OK.3Re-enter the new PIN and select OK.To edit the PIN1Select Menu > Settings > General >Security > Locks > SIM protection >Change PIN.2Enter your PIN and select OK.3Enter a new four-to-eight-digit PIN andselect OK.4Re-enter the new PIN and select OK.If Codes do not match appears, youentered the new PIN incorrectly. If WrongPIN appears, followed by Old PIN:, youentered your old PIN incorrectly.To use the SIM card lock1Select Menu > Settings > General >Security > Locks > SIM protection >Protection.2Select an option.3Enter your PIN and select OK.Phone lockYou can stop unauthorised use of yourphone. Change the phone lock code(0000) to any four-to-eight-digitpersonal code.It is important that you remember yournew code. If you forget it, you have to takeyour phone to your local Sony Ericssonretailer.To use the phone lock1Select Menu > Settings > General >Security > Locks > Phone protection >Protection.2Select an option.3Enter the phone lock code and selectOK.To unlock the phone•Enter your code and select OK.To change the phone lock code1Select Menu > Settings > General >Security > Locks > Phone protection >Change code.More features 57This is a draft publication for internal use only.
2Enter the old code and select OK.3Enter the new code and select OK.4Repeat the code and select OK.Password SaverYou can save security codes, forexample, for credit cards. You must seta passcode to open the PasswordSaver.CheckwordThe checkword confirms that you haveentered the correct passcode. If thepasscode is correct, the correct codesare shown. If the passcode is incorrect,the checkword and the codes shownare also incorrect.To open Password Saver for the firsttime1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Password Saver.2Follow the instructions that appear andselect Continue.3Enter a passcode and select Continue.4Confirm the passcode and selectContinue.5Enter a checkword and select Done.To add a code1Select Menu > Tools & Apps>Organiser > Password Saver.2Enter a passcode and select Continue.3Scroll to New code and select Add.4Enter a name associated with the codeand select Continue.5Enter the code and select Done.To change a passcode1Select Menu > Tools & Apps>Organiser > Password Saver.2Enter your passcode and select OK.3Select Options > Change passcode.4Enter your new passcode and selectOK.5Re-enter the new passcode and selectOK.Forget your passcode?If you forget your passcode, you mustreset the Password Saver. This meansthat all entries in the Password Saverare deleted. The next time you enter thePassword Saver, you must proceed asif you are opening it for the first time.See To open Password Saver for thefirst time on page 58.IMEI numberKeep a copy of your IMEI (InternationalMobile Equipment Identity) number incase your phone is stolen.58 More featuresThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
To view your IMEI number•Press  ,  ,  ,  ,  .Using the flipWhen the phone is closed, you can usethe media player keys on the flip tocontrol your Walkman™ player orradio. You can lock these keys to avoidaccidental touch.To unlock the media player keys•Slide the keylock switch away from  .To lock the media player keys•Slide the keylock switch towards  .TroubleshootingSome problems will require you to callAT&T.For more support go questionsI have problems with memorycapacity or the phone is workingslowlyRestart your phone every day to freememory or do a Master reset.Master resetIf you select Reset settings, thechanges that you have made tosettings will be deleted.If you select Reset device, your settingsand content, such as contacts,messages, pictures, sounds anddownloaded games, will be deleted.You may also lose content that was inthe phone at purchase.To reset the phone1Select Menu > Settings > General >Master reset.2Select an option.3Follow the instructions that appear.Troubleshooting 59This is a draft publication for internal use only.
I cannot charge the phone or batterycapacity is lowThe charger is not properly connectedor the battery connection is poor.Remove the battery and clean theconnectors.The battery is worn out and needs to bereplaced. See Charging the battery onpage 7.No battery icon appears when I startcharging the phoneIt may take a few minutes before thebattery icon appears on the screen.Some menu options appear in greyA service is not activated. Contact yournetwork operator.I cannot use Internet-based servicesYour subscription does not includedata capability. Settings are missing orincorrect.You can download settings using thesetup wizard or by going download settings1Select Menu > Settings > User help >Settings download.2Follow the instructions that appear.Contact your network operator or serviceprovider for more information.I cannot send messages from myphoneMost messages require a servicecentre number to send them. Thenumber is supplied by AT&T and isusually saved on the SIM card. If thenumber to your service centre is notsaved on your SIM card, you mustenter the number yourself. To sendmost picture messages, you must setan MMS profile and the address of yourmessage server.To send most multimedia messages,you must set an MMS profile and theaddress of your message server. If noMMS profile or message server exists,you may be able to obtain the settingsautomatically from AT&T enter a service centre number1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Message settings > Text Message andscroll to Service centre. The number isshown if it is saved on the SIM card.2If there is no number shown, selectEdit.3Scroll to New ServiceCentre and selectAdd.60 TroubleshootingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
4Enter the number, including theinternational “+” sign and countrycode.5Select Save.To select an MMS profile1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Message settings > Multimedia Msg.2Select an existing profile or create anew one.To set the message server address1Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity >Message settings > Multimedia Msg.2Scroll to a profile and select Options >Edit.3Scroll to Message server and selectEdit.4Enter the address and select OK >Save.The phone does not ring or rings toosoftlyMake sure that Silent mode has notbeen set to On. See To turn off theringtone on page 55.Check the ringtone volume. See To setthe ringtone volumeon page 55.Check the profile. See To select aprofile on page 54.Check the divert call options. See Todivert calls on page 36.The phone cannot be detected byother devices using Bluetoothwireless technologyYou have not turned the Bluetoothfunction on. Make sure that the visibilityis set to Show phone. See To turn onthe Bluetooth function on page 28.I cannot synchronise or transfercontent between my phone and mycomputer, when using a USB cable.The cable or software has not beenproperly installed. Go toread Feature guides which containdetailed installation instructions andtroubleshooting sections.I have forgotten my code memopasscodeIf you forget your passcode, you mustreset the code memo. This means thatall entries in the code memo aredeleted. The next time you enter thecode memo, you must proceed as ifyou are opening it for the first time.To reset Password Saver1Select Menu > Tools & Apps >Organiser > Password Saver.Troubleshooting 61This is a draft publication for internal use only.
2Enter an incorrect passcode threetimes.3Reset Password Saver and delete allitems? appears.4Select Yes.Where can I find the regulatoryinformation such as my IMEI numberif I cannot turn on my phone?Error messagesInsert SIMThere is no SIM card in your phone oryou may have inserted it incorrectly.See To insert the SIM card on page 6.The SIM card connectors needcleaning. If the card is damaged,contact AT&T.Insert correct SIM cardYour phone is set to work only withcertain SIM cards. Check if you areusing the correct operator SIM card.Wrong PIN/Wrong PIN2You have entered your PIN or PIN2incorrectly.Enter the correct PIN or PIN2 andselect Yes.PIN blocked/PIN2 blockedYou have entered your PIN or PIN2code incorrectly three times in a row.To unblock, see SIM card lock onpage 56.Codes do not matchCodes that you have entered do notmatch. When you want to change asecurity code, for example your PIN,you have to confirm the new code. SeeSIM card lock on page 56.No netw. coverageYour phone is in flight mode. See Flightmode on page 51.Your phone is not receiving anynetwork signal, or the received signal istoo weak. Contact AT&T and makesure that the network has coveragewhere you are.The SIM card is not working properly.Insert your SIM card in another phone.If this works, it is probably your phone62 TroubleshootingThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
that is causing the problem. Pleasecontact the nearest Sony Ericssonservice location.Emerg. calls onlyYou are within range of a network, butyou are not allowed to use it. However,in an emergency, some networkoperators allow you to call theinternational emergency number 112.See Emergency calls on page 31.PUK blocked. Contact operator.You entered your personal unblockingkey code (PUK) incorrectly 10 times ina row.Hearing AidCompatibilityYour phone is designed for Hearing AidCompatibility (HAC) and uses settingsto optimize its use with hearing aids.Hearing Aid SettingsYou can choose the setting in thephone to match the setting in yourhearing aid before making or receivingcalls.To select a phone setting for HAC•Select Menu > Settings > General >Accessibility > Hearing aid and choosean option:•On – Use when your hearing aid is setto T-coil mode.•Off – Use when your hearing aid is setto Microphone mode.Hearing Aid Compatibility andNew TechnologiesThis phone has been tested and ratedfor use with hearing aids for some of thewireless technologies that it uses.However, there may be some newerwireless technologies used in thisphone that have not been tested yet foruse with hearing aids. It is important toHearing Aid Compatibility 63This is a draft publication for internal use only.
try the different features of this phonethoroughly and in different locations,using your hearing aid or cochlearimplant, to determine if you hear anyinterfering noise. Consult your serviceprovider about its return and exchangepolicies and for information on hearingaid compatibility.Hearing Aid CompatibilityRatingThis model handset was designed tocomply with the requirements set forthin Section 20.19 of the FederalCommunication Commission's (FCC)rules governing hearing aidcompatibility (HAC), for the reductionof RF interference and magneticcoupling (T-coil) to hearing aids. TheMicrophone (M) rating and T-coil (T)rating is defined and labeled on thehandset box. Devices meeting HACcompliance must have a minimum M3and/or T3 rating or above as defined bythe FCC in accordance with the latestANSI Standard C63.19. The (M) ratingrefers to lower RF emission levels of thehandset. The (T) rating refers to themagnetic coupling between thehandset and the T-coil compatiblehearing aid. Some hearing aids are alsoprovided an (M) rating, and are moreimmune than others to interference. Todetermine the (M) rating of your hearingaid, please contact your hearing healthprofessional. More information aboutdigital wireless devices and hearing aidcompatibility can be found Hearing Aid CompatibilityThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
IndexAactivity menu ........................................14Address Book .......................................32alarms ...................................................52answering service .................................36applications ..........................................56appointments .......................................53assembly ................................................6AT&T Video Share ................................32audio book ...........................................19auto rotate ............................................55Bbacking up and restoring .....................29batterycapacity ..........................................7charging .........................................8inserting ..........................................6Bluetooth™ wireless technology .........28bookmarks ...........................................48business card .......................................35Ccalendar ................................................53call divert ..............................................36call list ..................................................32call numbers in message ......................40caller-specific ringtones .......................33calls accepting .....................................38answering and rejecting ...............31emergency ...................................31handling two calls ........................37international ..................................30making and receiving ...................30putting on hold .............................37recording ......................................22camera .................................................43printing .........................................47code memo ..........................................61conference calls ...................................37contactsadding phone contacts ................33default contacts ...........................32groups ..........................................35Smart search ................................33costs .......................................................7Ddate ......................................................54downloadsettings .........................................60Eemergency numbers ............................31entering text .........................................15Ffile manager ..........................................23flight mode ...........................................51Index 65This is a draft publication for internal use only.
flip locking ..........................................59unlocking ......................................59FM radio ...............................................21Ggames ...................................................56gesture control .....................................51groups ..................................................35Hhandsfree .......................................16, 36Bluetooth™ wireless technology . 29hearing aid compatibility ......................64help .........................................................7hiding number ......................................38IIM .........................................................41imaging .................................................43IMEI number .........................................58instant messaging ................................41Internetbookmarks ...................................48screen orientation ........................56security and certificates ...............49settings .........................................60Kkeys ........................................................9Llanguage ...............................................15lock phone ...........................................57SIM card .......................................56lockingflip .................................................59Mmaster reset .........................................59Media Go™ ..........................................26media transfer ......................................27MEdia™ Net .........................................48memory ................................................14memory card ........................................15memory status .....................................34menu overview .....................................11messagestext and picture ............................39voice .............................................41messaginginstant ...........................................41microphone ..........................................31MMS See multimedia messagesMobile Email .........................................41model name ...........................................7multimedia messages ..........................39MusicDJ™ ............................................22MusicID™ .............................................20my phone number ..................................766 IndexThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Nnavigating menus .................................13notes ....................................................53Ppan and zoomWeb pages ...................................48password saver ....................................58PC Suite ...............................................50phone memory .................................7, 14phone mode .........................................50phone name .........................................28phone, turning on ...................................6photo fix ...............................................45PhotoDJ™ ............................................46photos ..................................................45editing ..........................................46improving .....................................45tags ..............................................46pictures ................................................45PIN ....................................................7, 57playlists ................................................18power saving ........................................29profiles ..................................................54PUK ......................................................56Rrecordinglistening to ....................................22ringtones ..............................................55setting ..........................................55roaming ..................................................7Sscreen orientation ...........................55, 56searchon Web pages ..............................48selection keys .......................................13SensMe™ .............................................19settingringtones ......................................55settingsdownload .....................................60settings, Internet ..................................60shake control ........................................17shortcuts ..............................................14SIM cardcopying to/from ............................34inserting ..........................................6lock and unblock ..........................56SMS See text messagesSOS See emergency numberssound recorder .....................................22speed dialling .......................................35standby ..................................................7notes ............................................54synchronising .......................................50TT9™ Text Input .....................................16tagging photos .....................................45tasks .....................................................54templates ..............................................40theme ...................................................55time ................................................54, 55Index 67This is a draft publication for internal use only.
time zone ..............................................55TrackID™ .............................................20transfer methodBluetooth™ wireless technology . 28USB cable ....................................24transferringmusic ............................................26photos ..........................................26sound ...........................................29turning on/offBluetooth™ function ....................28phone lock ....................................57SIM lock protection ......................57UUSB cable ............................................24Vvideo editing .........................................46video player ..........................................20video recorder ......................................43video ringtones .....................................55Video Share ..........................................32VideoDJ™ ............................................46voice control .........................................36voice messages ....................................41voicemail ..............................................36volumeear speaker ..................................31WWalkman™ player ..........................16, 17Web pageshistory ...........................................48Zzoom ....................................................4468 IndexThis is a draft publication for internal use only.
Important informationInformations importantesWichtige InformationenInformazioni importantiBelangrijke informatie2Important informationSony Ericsson Consumer Web siteOn there is a support section where help and tips are only a few clicks away. Here you will find the latest computer software updates and tips on how to use your product more efficiently.Service and supportYou have access to a portfolio of exclusive service advantages such as:• Global and local Web sites providing support• A global network of Call Centers• An extensive network of Sony Ericsson service partners• A warranty period. Learn more about the warranty conditions in this User guide.On, you will find the latest support tools and information. For operator-specific services and features, please contact your network operator. You can also contact our Call Centers. If your country/region is not represented in the list below, please contact your local dealer. (Calls are charged according to national rates, including local taxes, unless the phone number is a toll-free number.) If your product needs service, please contact the dealer from whom it was purchased, or one of our service partners. For warranty claims, save proof of purchase.Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use Please follow these guidelines. Failure to do so might entail a potential health risk or product malfunction. If in doubt as to its proper function, have the product checked by a certified service partner before charging or using it. Recommendations for care and safe use of our products• Handle with care and keep in a clean and dust-free place.• Warning! May explode if disposed of in fire.• Do not expose your product to liquid or moisture or excess humidity.• Do not expose to extreme temperatures. Do not expose the battery to temperatures above +60°C (+140°F).• Do not expose to flames or lit tobacco products. • Do not drop, throw or try to bend your product.• Do not paint or attempt to disassemble or modify your product. Only Sony Ericsson authorized personnel should perform service. • Consult with authorized medical staff and the instructions of the medical device manufacturer before using your product near pacemakers or other medical devices or equipment.• Discontinue use of electronic devices or disable the radio transmitting functionality of the device where required or requested to do so.• Do not use where a potentially explosive atmosphere exists.• Do not place your product or install wireless equipment in the area above an air bag in your car.• Caution: Cracked or broken displays may create sharp edges or splinters that could be harmful upon contact.• Do not use your Bluetooth Headset in positions where it is uncomfortable or will be subject to pressure.3Children Warning! Keep out of the reach of children. Do not allow children to play with mobile phones or accessories. They could hurt themselves or others. Products may contain small parts that could become detached and create a choking hazard. Power supply (Charger)Connect the charger to power sources as marked on the product. Do not use outdoors or in damp areas. Do not alter or subject the cord to damage or stress. Unplug the unit before cleaning it. Never alter the plug. If it does not fit into the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by an electrician. When power supply is connected there is a small drain of power. To avoid this small energy waste, disconnect the power supply when the product is fully charged. Use of charging devices that are not Sony Ericsson branded may impose increased safety risks. Battery New or idle batteries can have short-term reduced capacity. Fully charge the battery before initial use. Use for intended purpose only. Charge the battery in temperatures between +5°C (+41°F) and +45°C (+113°F). Do not put the battery into your mouth. Do not let the battery contacts touch another metal object. Turn off the product before removing the battery. Performance depends on temperatures, signal strength, usage patterns, features selected and voice or data transmissions. Only Sony Ericsson service partners should remove or replace built-in batteries. Use of batteries that are not Sony Ericsson branded may pose increased safety risks.Personal medical devicesMobile phones may affect implanted medical equipment. Reduce risk of interference by keeping a minimum distance of 15 cm (6 inches) between the phone and the device. Use the phone at your right ear. Do not carry the phone in your breast pocket. Turn off the phone if you suspect interference. For all medical devices, consult a physician and the manufacturer.DrivingSome vehicle manufacturers forbid the use of phones in their vehicles unless a handsfree kit with an external antenna supports the installation. Check with your vehicle manufacturer's representative to be sure that your mobile phone or Bluetooth handsfree will not affect the electronic systems in your vehicle. Full attention should be given to driving at all times and local laws and regulations restricting the use of wireless devices while driving must be observed.GPS/Location based functionsSome products provide GPS/Location based functions. Location determining functionality is provided “As is” and “With all faults”. Sony Ericsson does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such location information. Use of location-based information by the device may not be uninterrupted or error free and may additionally be dependent on network service availability. Please note that functionality may be reduced or prevented in certain environments such as building interiors or areas adjacent to buildings. Caution: Do not use GPS functionality in a manner which causes distraction from driving.Emergency callsCalls cannot be guaranteed under all conditions. Never rely solely upon mobile phones for essential communications. Calls may not be possible in all areas, on all networks, or when certain network services and/or phone features are used.4AntennaUse of antenna devices not marketed by Sony Ericsson could damage your phone, reduce performance, and produce SAR levels above the established limits. Do not cover the antenna with your hand as this affects call quality, power levels and can shorten talk and standby times.Radio frequency (RF) exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)When your phone or Bluetooth handsfree is turned on, it emits low levels of radio frequency energy. International safety guidelines have been developed through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. These guidelines establish permitted levels of radio wave exposure. The guidelines include a safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons and to account for any variations in measurements.Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is used to measure radio frequency energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone. The SAR value is determined at the highest certified power level in laboratory conditions, but because the phone is designed to use the minimum power necessary to access the chosen network, the actual SAR level can be well below this value. There is no proof of difference in safety based on difference in SAR value.Products with radio transmitters sold in the US must be certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). When required, tests are performed when the phone is placed at the ear and when worn on the body. For body-worn operation, the phone has been tested when positioned a minimum of 15 mm from the body without any metal parts in the vicinity of the phone or when properly used with an appropriate Sony Ericsson accessory and worn on the body.For more information about SAR and radio frequency exposure go to: (short for malicious software) is software that can harm your mobile phone or other computers. Malware or harmful applications can include viruses, worms, spyware, and other unwanted programs. While your device does employ security measures to resist such efforts, Sony Ericsson does not warrant or represent that your device will be impervious to introduction of malware. You can however reduce the risk of malware attacks by using care when downloading content or accepting applications, refraining from opening or responding to messages from unknown sources, using trustworthy services to access the Internet, and only downloading content to your mobile phone from known, reliable sources.AccessoriesUse only Sony Ericsson branded original accessories and certified service partners. Sony Ericsson does not test third-party accessories. Accessories may influence RF Exposure, radio performance, sound loudness, electric safety and other areas. Third-party accessories and parts may pose a risk to your health or safety or decrease performance.Accessible Solutions/Special NeedsIn the US, compatible Sony Ericsson phones may offer compatibility with TTY terminals (with use of necessary accessory). For more information call the Sony Ericsson Special Needs Center on 877 878 1996 (TTY) or 877 207 2056 (voice), or go to of old electrical and electronic equipment Electronic equipment and batteries should not be included as household waste but should be left at an appropriate collection point for recycling. This helps prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. Check local regulations by contacting your local city office, your household waste disposal service, the shop where you purchased the product or calling a Sony Ericsson Call Center.5Disposing of the battery Check local regulations or call a Sony Ericsson Call Center for information. Never use municipal waste.Memory cardIf your product comes complete with a removable memory card, it is generally compatible with the handset purchased but may not be compatible with other devices or the capabilities of their memory cards. Check other devices for compatibility before purchase or use. If your product is equipped with a memory card reader, check memory card compatibility before purchase or use.The memory card is formatted prior to shipping. To reformat the memory card, use a compatible device. Do not use the standard operating system format when formatting the memory card on a PC. For details, refer to the operating instructions of the device or contact customer support.WARNING:• If your device requires an adapter for insertion into the handset or another device, do not insert the card directly without the required adapter.Precautions on Memory Card Use• Do not expose the memory card to moisture.• Do not touch terminal connections with your hand or any metal object.• Do not strike, bend, or drop the memory card.• Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the memory card.• Do not use or store the memory card in humid or corrosive locations or in excessive heat such as a closed car in summer, in direct sunlight or near a heater, etc.• Do not press or bend the end of the memory card adapter with excessive force.• Do not let dirt, dust, or foreign objects get into the insert port of any memory card adapter.• Check you have inserted the memory card correctly.• Insert the memory card as far as it will go into any memory card adapter needed. The memory card may not operate properly unless fully inserted.• We recommend that you make a backup copy of important data. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to content you store on the memory card.• Recorded data may be damaged or lost when you remove the memory card or memory card adapter, or turn off the power while formatting, reading or writing data, or when you use the memory card in locations subject to static electricity or high electrical field emissions.Protection of personal informationErase personal data before disposing of the product. To delete data, perform a master reset. Deleting data from the phone memory does not ensure that it cannot be recovered. Sony Ericsson does not warrant against recovery of information and does not assume responsibility for disclosure of any information even after a master reset.Loudness warning! Avoid volume levels that may be harmful to your hearing.End User Licence AgreementThis wireless device, including without limitation any media delivered with the device, (“Device”) contains software owned by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB and its affiliated companies (“Sony Ericsson”) and its third party suppliers and licensors (“Software”). As user of this Device, Sony Ericsson grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable license to use the Software solely in conjunction with the Device on which it is 6installed and/or delivered with. Nothing herein shall be construed as a sale of the Software to a user of this Device. You shall not reproduce, modify, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile, otherwise alter or use any other means to discover the source code of the Software or any component of the Software. For avoidance of doubt, you are at all times entitled to transfer all rights and obligations to the Software to a third party, solely together with the Device with which you received the Software, provided always that such third party agrees in writing to be bound by these rules. You are granted this license for a term of the useful life of this Device. You can terminate this license by transferring all your rights to the Device on which you have received the Software to a third party in writing. If you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions set out in this license, it will terminate with immediate effect. Sony Ericsson and its third party suppliers and licensors are the sole and exclusive owner of and retain all rights, title and interest in and to the Software. Sony Ericsson, and, to the extent that the Software contains material or code of a third party, such third party, shall be entitled third party beneficiaries of these terms. The validity, construction and performance of this license shall be governed by the laws of Sweden. The foregoing shall apply to the full extent permitted by, when applicable, statutory consumer rights.Limited WarrantySony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden, (Sony Ericsson) or its local affiliated company, provides this Limited Warranty for your mobile phone and original accessory delivered with your mobile phone (hereinafter referred to as “Product”).Should your Product need warranty service, please return it to the dealer from whom it was purchased, or contact your local Sony Ericsson Call Center (national rates may apply) or visit for further information.Our warrantySubject to the conditions of this Limited Warranty, Sony Ericsson warrants this Product to be free from defects in design, material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase by a consumer. This Limited Warranty will last for a period of two (2) years as from the original date of purchase of the Product for your mobile phone, and for a period of one (1) year following the original purchase date of the Product for all original accessories (such as the battery, charger or handsfree kit) which may be delivered with your mobile phone.What we will doIf, during the warranty period, this Product fails to operate under normal use and service, due to defects in design, materials or workmanship, Sony Ericsson authorized distributors or service partners, in the country/region* where you purchased the Product, will, at their option, either repair or replace the Product in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated herein.Sony Ericsson and its service partners reserve the right to charge a handling fee if a returned Product is found not to be under warranty according to the conditions below.Please note that some of your personal settings, downloads and other information may be lost when your Sony Ericsson Product is repaired or replaced. At present Sony Ericsson may be prevented by applicable law, other regulations or technical restrictions from making a backup copy of certain downloads. Sony Ericsson does not take any responsibility for any lost information of any kind and will not reimburse you for any such loss. You should always make backup copies of all the information stored on your Sony Ericsson Product such as downloads, calendar and contacts before handing in your Sony Ericsson Product for repair or replacement.7Conditions1 This Limited Warranty is valid only if the original proof of purchase for this Product issued by a Sony Ericsson authorized dealer specifying the date of purchase and serial number**, is presented with the Product to be repaired or replaced. Sony Ericsson reserves the right to refuse warranty service if this information has been removed or changed after the original purchase of the Product from the dealer.2 If Sony Ericsson repairs or replaces the Product, the repair for the defect concerned, or the replaced Product shall be warranted for the remaining time of the original warranty period or for ninety (90) days from the date of repair, whichever is longer. Repair or replacement may involve the use of functionally equivalent reconditioned units. Replaced parts or components will become the property of Sony Ericsson.3 This warranty does not cover any failure of the Product due to normal tear and wear, or due to misuse, including but not limited to use in other than the normal and customary manner, in accordance with the Sony Ericsson instructions for use and maintenance of the Product. Nor does this warranty cover any failure of the Product due to accident, software or hardware modification or adjustment, acts of God or damage resulting from liquid.A rechargeable battery can be charged and discharged more than a hundred times. However, it will eventually wear out – this is not a defect and corresponds to normal wear and tear. When the talk time or standby time is noticeably shorter, it is time to replace your battery. Sony Ericsson recommends that you use only batteries and chargers approved by Sony Ericsson.Minor variations in display brightness and color may occur between the phones. There may be small, bright or dark dots on the display. These are called defective pixels and occur when individual dots have malfunctioned and cannot be adjusted. Two defective pixels are deemed acceptable.Minor variations in camera image appearance may occur between phones. This is not uncommon and is not regarded as a defective camera module.4 Since the cellular system on which the Product is to operate is provided by a carrier independent from Sony Ericsson, Sony Ericsson will not be responsible for the operation, availability, coverage, services or range of that system.5 This warranty does not cover Product failures caused by installations, modifications, or repair or opening of the Product performed by a non-Sony Ericsson authorised person.6 The warranty does not cover Product failures which have been caused by use of accessories or other peripheral devices which are not Sony Ericsson branded original accessories intended for use with the Product.Sony Ericsson disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, for failures caused to the Product or peripheral devices as a result of viruses, trojans horses, spyware, or other malicious software. Sony Ericsson strongly recommends that you install appropriate virus protection software on your Product and any peripheral devices connected to it, as available, and update it regularly, to better protect your device. It is understood, however, that such software will never fully protect your Product or its peripheral devices and Sony Ericsson disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, in case of failure by such antivirus software to fulfill its intended purpose.7 Tampering with any of the seals on the Product will void the warranty.8 THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, OTHER THAN THIS PRINTED LIMITED WARRANTY. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY ERICSSON OR ITS LICENSORS 8BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS OR COMMERCIAL LOSS; TO THE FULL EXTENT THOSE DAMAGES CAN BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration of implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.The warranty provided does not affect the consumer’s statutory rights under applicable legislation in force, nor the consumer’s rights against the dealer arising from their sales / purchase contract.* GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE OF THE WARRANTYIf you have purchased your Product in a country member of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in Switzerland or the Republic of Turkey, and such Product was intended for sale in the EEA or in Switzerland or in Turkey, you can have your Product serviced in any EEA country or in Switzerland or in Turkey, under the warranty conditions prevailing in the country in which you require servicing of the Product, provided that an identical Product is sold in such country by an authorised Sony Ericsson distributor. To find out if your Product is sold in the country you are in, please call the local Sony Ericsson Call Center. Please observe that certain services may not be possible elsewhere than in the country of original purchase due, for example, to the fact that your Product may have an interior or exterior which is different from equivalent models sold in other countries. In addition, please note that it may sometimes not be possible to repair SIM-locked Products.** In some countries/regions additional information (such as a valid warranty card) may be requested.Informations importantesSite Web grand public Sony EricssonLe site Web permet d’obtenir de l’aide et des conseils en seulement quelques clics. Vous y trouverez les dernières mises à jour des logiciels pour ordinateur et des conseils pour une utilisation optimale de votre produit.Service et supportVous bénéficiez d’un ensemble d’offres de service exclusives, comme :• Des sites Web mondiaux et locaux assurant le support des produits.• Un réseau mondial de Centres Relation Consommateur.• Un vaste réseau de partenaires de services agréés Sony Ericsson.• Une période de garantie. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les conditions de garantie dans ce Guide de l’utilisateur.Vous trouverez les outils et informations de support les plus récents sur le site Contactez votre opérateur réseau si vous souhaitez obtenir de plus amples informations sur des services et des fonctionnalités qui lui sont propres. Vous pouvez aussi contacter nos Centres Relation Consommateur. Si votre pays/région n’est pas répertorié dans la liste ci-dessous, contactez votre revendeur local. (S’il ne s’agit pas d’un numéro gratuit, l’appel vous sera facturé au tarif national en vigueur, toutes taxes locales comprises.) Si votre produit exige le recours à la garantie, veuillez contacter le revendeur auprès duquel vous l’avez acheté ou l’un de nos partenaires de services agréés. Conservez votre preuve d'achat, car vous en aurez besoin si vous devez faire intervenir la garantie.9Instructions pour une utilisation efficace et sans danger Respectez-les. Sinon, cela peut entraîner d’éventuels risques pour la santé ou un dysfonctionnement de l’appareil. Si vous doutez de son bon fonctionnement, faites-le vérifier par un partenaire de services agréé avant de le charger ou de l’utiliser. Recommandations d’entretien et d’utilisation sûre de nos produits• A volume élevé, les sons en provenance de l’extérieur peuvent être inaudibles. Evitez d’utiliser cette appareil en mode baladeur dans des situations ou le sens de l’ouïe ne doit pas être altéré ; en voiture, à bicyclette ou en traversant la rue par exemple.• Manipulez l’appareil avec précaution et rangez-le dans un endroit propre, exempt de poussière.• Avertissement ! La batterie risque d’exploser si vous la jetez au feu.• N’exposez pas votre appareil à des liquides ou à une humidité excessive.• Ne l’exposez pas à des températures extrêmes. N’exposez pas la batterie à des températures supérieures à +60°C (+140°F). • Ne tenez pas l’appareil à proximité d’une flamme ou d’une cigarette allumée. • Evitez de laisser tomber, de lancer ou d’essayer de plier l’appareil.• Ne peignez pas ou n’essayez pas de démonter ou de modifier votre appareil. Toute intervention doit être obligatoirement confiée à un personnel agréé Sony Ericsson. • Avant d’utiliser votre produit à proximité de stimulateurs cardiaques ou d’autres appareils médicaux, consultez le personnel médical compétent et lisez les instructions du fabricant de l’appareil concerné.• Cessez d’utiliser les appareils électroniques ou désactivez la fonctionnalité d’émission radio de l’appareil lorsque vous y êtes invité.• N’utilisez pas votre produit dans des zones présentant un risque d’explosion.• Ne placez pas votre appareil et n’installez pas d’équipements de télécommunication sans fil au-dessus des coussins de sécurité de votre voiture.• Attention : Un affichage fissuré ou cassé peut présenter des bords tranchants ou des éclats au contact desquels vous risquez de vous blesser.• N’utilisez pas votre oreillette Bluetooth dans une position inconfortable ou dans laquelle elle sera soumise à une pression.Enfants Avertissement ! Conservez hors de portée des enfants. Ne laissez pas les enfants jouer avec votre téléphone mobile ou ses accessoires. Ils pourraient se blesser ou blesser des tiers. Ces appareils peuvent contenir des petites pièces susceptibles de se détacher et de présenter des risques d’étouffement. Alimentation électrique (chargeur)Ne branchez le chargeur que sur les sources d’alimentation indiquées sur le produit. Ne l’utilisez pas à l’extérieur ou dans des endroits humides. Ne modifiez pas le cordon et évitez de l’endommager ou de tirer dessus. Débranchez le chargeur avant de le nettoyer. Ne modifiez jamais la fiche. Si elle ne s’insère pas dans la prise, faites installer une prise adéquate par un électricien. Lorsque le chargeur est branché, il consomme une petite quantité de courant. Pour éviter cette faible perte d’énergie, débranchez-le une fois l’appareil complètement chargé. L’utilisation de chargeurs d’une marque autre que Sony Ericsson peut augmenter les risques liés à la sécurité. Batterie La capacité des batteries neuves ou inutilisées peut être réduite à court terme. Chargez complètement la batterie avant sa première utilisation. Utilisez-la uniquement pour l’usage recommandé. Chargez la batterie à une température ambiante comprise entre 10+5°C (+41°F) et +45°C (+113°F). Ne mettez pas la batterie en bouche. Ne laissez pas les contacts de la batterie toucher un autre objet métallique. Mettez l’appareil hors tension avant de retirer la batterie. Les performances dépendent de la température, de l’intensité du signal, des habitudes d'utilisation, des fonctionnalités sélectionnées, ainsi que des transmissions vocales et Data. Seuls les partenaires de services Sony Ericsson sont habilités à retirer ou à remplacer des batteries intégrées. L’utilisation de batteries d’une marque autre que Sony Ericsson peut augmenter les risques liés à la sécurité.Appareils médicaux personnelsLes téléphones mobiles peuvent nuire au fonctionnement de certaines prothèses. Réduisez le risque d’interférences en maintenant une distance minimale de 15 cm (6 pouces) entre le téléphone mobile et la prothèse. Utilisez le téléphone à l’oreille droite. Ne transportez pas le téléphone dans la poche d’une chemise. Mettez le téléphone hors tension si vous soupçonnez la présence d'interférences. Si vous possédez tout autre appareil médical, demandez conseil à un médecin et à son fabricant.Sécurité routièreCertains constructeurs automobiles interdisent l’utilisation de téléphones dans leurs véhicules, sauf avec un kit Mains Libres et une antenne extérieure. Vérifiez auprès de votre concessionnaire que votre téléphone mobile ou oreillette Bluetooth n’affectera pas les systèmes électroniques de votre véhicule. A tout moment, toute votre attention doit se porter sur la conduite et vous êtes tenu de respecter la législation ainsi que les réglementations locales limitant l’utilisation d’appareils sans fil au volant.Fonctions de localisation/GPSCertains produits proposent des fonctions de localisation/GPS. La fonctionnalité permettant de déterminer l’emplacement est fournie « en l’état » et « avec toutes ses imperfections ». Sony Ericsson décline toute responsabilité quant à la précision de telles informations de localisation. L’utilisation par l’appareil d’informations basées sur la localisation risque de ne pas être ininterrompue ou exempte d’erreur et peut en outre dépendre de la disponibilité du service réseau. Veuillez noter que la fonctionnalité peut être limitée ou empêchée dans certains environnements comme à l’intérieur de bâtiments ou dans des zones situées à côté de bâtiments. Attention : Utilisez la fonctionnalité GPS de façon à ne pas être distrait lorsque vous êtes au volant.Appels d’urgenceCes appels ne peuvent être garantis dans toutes les conditions. Ne vous fiez jamais complètement à votre téléphone mobile pour effectuer des communications essentielles. Il peut s’avérer impossible de passer un appel en n’importe quel endroit, sur tous les réseaux cellulaires ou pendant l’utilisation de certains services réseau ou de certaines fonctions téléphoniques.AntenneL’utilisation d’antennes qui ne sont pas commercialisées par Sony Ericsson risque d’endommager votre téléphone, de réduire ses performances et de générer des niveaux de taux d’absorption sélective (SAR) supérieurs aux limites prescrites. Ne couvrez pas l’antenne avec la main, car cela risque d’affecter la qualité de l’appel et le niveau de puissance, ainsi que de réduire les temps de conversation et de veille.A pleine puissance, l'écoute prolongée de ce produit dans ses fonctions musicales peut endommager l'oreille de l'utilisateur.11Exposition aux hautes fréquences (HF) et taux d’absorption sélective (SAR)Lorsque votre téléphone ou mains libres Bluetooth est sous tension, il émet de faibles signaux HF (hautes fréquences). Des consignes de sécurité internationales ont été développées à partir d’évaluations complètes et régulières tirées d’études scientifiques. Ces consignes fixent des seuils d’exposition aux ondes radio autorisées. Elles prévoient une marge de sécurité destinée à assurer la sécurité de toutes les personnes, ainsi qu’à prévoir tout écart de mesure.Le taux d’absorption sélective (SAR, Specific Absorption Rate) permet de mesurer l’énergie hautes fréquences absorbée par le corps humain en cas d’utilisation d’un téléphone mobile. La valeur du taux d’absorption sélective est déterminée au niveau de puissance certifié le plus élevé, mesuré dans des conditions de laboratoire, mais comme le téléphone est conçu pour consommer le moins d'énergie possible pour atteindre le réseau choisi, elle peut être bien inférieure à cette valeur. Il n’existe aucune preuve qu’une différence de taux d’absorption sélective puisse entraîner une différence en matière de sécurité.Les produits dotés d’émetteurs radio vendus aux Etats-Unis doivent être certifiés par la FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Le cas échéant, des tests sont effectués lorsque le téléphone est placé au niveau de l’oreille et porté sur le corps. Si vous portez le téléphone sur vous, celui-ci a été testé à une distance de 15 mm au moins du corps, loin de tout objet métallique, ou encore lorsqu’il est utilisé correctement avec un accessoire de transport Sony Ericsson approprié.Pour plus d’informations sur le taux d’absorption sélective (SAR) et l’exposition aux hautes fréquences (HF), accédez au site Web : antiprogramme (malware, abréviation de malicious software en anglais) est un logiciel susceptible de nuire à votre téléphone mobile ou à d’autres ordinateurs. Les antiprogrammes ou applications nuisibles peuvent comprendre des virus, des vers, des spyware et d’autres programmes indésirables. Même si votre appareil applique des mesures de sécurité pour résister à ces intrus, Sony Ericsson ne peut garantir ou affirmer que votre appareil sera imperméable à toute intrusion d’antiprogramme. Vous pouvez cependant réduire le risque d’attaques d’antiprogrammes en usant de précautions lors du téléchargement de contenu et de l’acceptation d’applications, en veillant à ne pas ouvrir ou répondre aux messages provenant de sources inconnues, en utilisant des services de confiance pour accéder à Internet et en ne téléchargeant sur votre téléphone mobile que le contenu provenant de sources connues et fiables.AccessoiresUtilisez exclusivement des accessoires d’origine de marque Sony Ericsson, et faites uniquement appel à des partenaires de services certifiés. Sony Ericsson ne teste pas les accessoires d’autres fabricants. Les accessoires peuvent influencer l’exposition aux hautes fréquences (HF), les performances radio, le volume audio, la sécurité des composants électriques et d’autres domaines. L’utilisation d’accessoires et de pièces d’autres fabricants risque de mettre en péril votre santé et votre sécurité ou de réduire les performances.Solutions accessibles/Besoins particuliersAux Etats-Unis, les téléphones compatibles Sony Ericsson peuvent être utilisés avec les terminaux TTY (équipés de l’accessoire requis). Pour plus d’informations, appelez le Sony Ericsson Special Needs Center au 877 878 1996 (TTY) ou 877 207 2056 (voix), ou visitez le site Web au rebut de vos anciens appareils électroniques et électriques Les appareils électroniques et les batteries ne doivent pas être traités comme des déchets ménagers. Ils doivent être déposés dans un point de collecte adéquat pour le recyclage. Cela permet de prévenir les conséquences néfastes potentielles sur l'environnement et la santé. Vérifiez la réglementation locale applicable en contactant votre municipalité, votre service de collecte des déchets ménagers, votre revendeur ou en appelant un Centre Relation Consommateur Sony Ericsson.Mise au rebut de la batterie Vérifiez la réglementation locale ou appelez le Centre Relation Consommateur Sony Ericsson pour plus d’informations. Ne mettez jamais la batterie au rebut dans les déchets ménagers.Carte mémoireSi votre produit est fourni d’origine avec une carte mémoire amovible, il est généralement compatible avec le combiné acheté, mais il se peut qu’il ne soit pas compatible avec d’autres appareils ou avec les fonctionnalités de leurs cartes mémoire. Vérifiez la compatibilité des autres appareils avant tout achat ou utilisation. Si votre produit est équipé d’un lecteur de carte mémoire, vérifiez la compatibilité de la carte mémoire avant tout achat ou utilisation.La carte mémoire est formatée avant sa sortie d’usine. Pour reformater la carte mémoire, utilisez un appareil compatible. N’utilisez pas la commande habituelle de formatage du système d’exploitation lorsque vous formatez la carte mémoire sur un ordinateur. Pour plus d’informations, reportez-vous au mode d’emploi du périphérique ou contactez le support technique.AVERTISSEMENT :• Si votre périphérique nécessite un adaptateur pour pouvoir être inséré dans le combiné ou dans un autre périphérique, n’insérez pas la carte directement sans l’adaptateur requis.Précautions relatives à l’utilisation de la carte mémoire• N’exposez pas la carte mémoire à l’humidité.• Ne touchez pas les bornes avec les mains ou un objet métallique.• Ne frappez pas, ne pliez pas et ne laissez pas tomber la carte mémoire.• N’essayez pas de démonter ou de modifier la carte mémoire.• Ne rangez pas et n’utilisez pas la carte mémoire dans des endroits humides ou corrosifs, ou encore dans un endroit très chaud, notamment à l’intérieur d’un véhicule fermé en été, en plein soleil, à proximité d’un appareil de chauffage, etc.• Ne pliez pas et n’exercez pas une force excessive sur l’extrémité de l’adaptateur pour carte mémoire.• Ne laissez pas la saleté, la poussière ou des objets étrangers pénétrer dans le port d’insertion d’un adaptateur pour carte mémoire.• Assurez-vous que vous avez inséré correctement la carte mémoire.• Insérez la carte mémoire le plus loin possible dans l’adaptateur requis. Il est possible que la carte ne fonctionne pas correctement si elle n’est pas complètement insérée.• Nous vous recommandons d’effectuer une copie de sauvegarde de toutes vos données importantes. Nous ne sommes pas responsables en cas de perte ou de dégât occasionné au contenu enregistré sur la carte mémoire.13• Les données enregistrées risquent d’être endommagées ou perdues si vous retirez la carte mémoire ou l’adaptateur, si vous mettez le périphérique hors tension pendant le formatage, la lecture ou l’enregistrement de données, ou encore si vous utilisez la carte mémoire dans des endroits soumis à de l’électricité statique ou à des champs électriques élevés.Protection des informations personnellesEffacez vos données personnelles avant de mettre l’appareil au rebut. Pour supprimer les données, effectuez une réinitialisation générale. La suppression des données de la mémoire du téléphone ne garantit pas qu’il sera impossible de les récupérer. Sony Ericsson ne fournit aucune garantie quant à la récupération d’informations et n’assume aucune responsabilité wis-à-vis d’une divulgation ultérieure d’informations, même en cas d’exécution d’une réinitialisation générale.Avertissement relatif au volume sonore Evitez des niveaux de volume pouvant altérer l'audition.Contrat de Licence Utilisateur FinalCet appareil sans fil, y compris mais sans limitation tous les supports qui l’accompagnent, (« Appareil ») contient des logiciels appartenant à Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB et à ses filiales (« Sony Ericsson ») ainsi qu’à ses fournisseurs et concédants de licence tiers (« Logiciel »). En tant qu’utilisateur de cet Appareil, Sony Ericsson vous accorde une licence non exclusive, non transférable et non cessible d’utilisation du Logiciel uniquement avec l’Appareil sur lequel il est installé et/ou avec lequel il est livré. Aucun élément du présent Contrat ne constitue une vente du Logiciel à un utilisateur de cet Appareil. Vous ne pouvez pas reproduire, modifier, distribuer, soumettre à l’ingénierie inverse, décompiler, altérer ou recourir à tout autre moyen pour découvrir le code source du Logiciel ou de tout composant de celui-ci. Pour écarter tout doute, vous avez le droit, à tout moment, de transférer tous les droits et obligations du Logiciel à un tiers, mais uniquement avec l’Appareil que vous avez reçu avec le Logiciel, pour autant que le tiers accepte toujours par écrit d’être lié par les dispositions énoncées dans le présent Contrat. La présente licence vous est accordée jusqu’au terme de la vie utile de cet Appareil. Vous pouvez renoncer à cette licence en transférant par écrit à un tiers tous vos droits sur l’appareil sur lequel vous avez reçu le Logiciel. Si vous ne respectez pas l’intégralité des termes et conditions définis dans cette licence, elle prend fin avec effet immédiat. Sony Ericsson ainsi que ses fournisseurs et concédants de licence tiers sont les seuls et exclusifs propriétaires du Logiciel et en conservent tous les droits, titres et intérêts. Sony Ericsson et la partie tierce, pour autant que le Logiciel contienne des éléments ou du code d’une tierce partie, sont les bénéficiaires tiers des présents termes. La validité, l’interprétation et l’application de la présente licence sont régies par les lois de la Suède. Les prescriptions ci-dessus s’appliquent dans toute la mesure autorisée par les droits légaux éventuels des consommateurs.Garantie limitéeSony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, S-221 88 Lund, Suède, (Sony Ericsson) ou sa filiale nationale offre cette Garantie limitée pour votre téléphone mobile et tout accessoire d’origine fourni avec celui-ci (ci-après désigné sous le nom de « Produit »).Si votre Produit nécessite une réparation couverte par la garantie, veuillez le retourner au revendeur auprès duquel il a été acheté ou contactez le Centre Relation Consommateur Sony Ericsson de votre région (les tarifs nationaux peuvent s’appliquer) ou visitez pour obtenir des informations complémentaires.14Notre garantieSous réserve des conditions de la présente Garantie limitée, Sony Ericsson garantit que le présent Produit est exempt de défauts de conception, de matériaux et de fabrication au moment de l’achat initial par un consommateur. La durée de la présente Garantie limitée est de deux (2) ans à partir de la date initiale d’achat du Produit pour votre téléphone mobile et d’un (1) an à compter de ladite date pour tous les accessoires d’origine (notamment la batterie, le chargeur et le kit mains libres) éventuellement fournis avec ledit téléphone.Mesures a prendreSi, pendant la période de garantie, le présent Produit s’avère défectueux dans des conditions normales d’utilisation et d’entretien en raison de défauts de conception, de matériaux ou de fabrication, les distributeurs ou prestataires de services partenaires agréés de Sony Ericsson du pays/de la région* où vous avez acheté le Produit procéderont, à leur choix, soit à la réparation, soit au remplacement du Produit conformément aux conditions générales précisées ci-après.Sony Ericsson et ses prestataires de services partenaires se réservent le droit de facturer des frais de port s’il s’avère qu’un Produit renvoyé n’est pas couvert par la garantie conformément aux conditions ci-dessous.Veuillez noter que certains de vos réglages personnels, téléchargements et autres informations risquent d’être perdus lors de la réparation ou du remplacement de votre produit Sony Ericsson. Actuellement, des contraintes techniques, des réglementations ou la législation en vigueur peuvent empêcher Sony Ericsson d’effectuer des copies de sauvegarde de certains téléchargements. Celle-ci n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas de perte d’informations de quelque sorte que ce soit et ne vous dédommage pas pour de telles pertes. Vous devrez toujours effectuer des copies de sauvegarde de toutes  les informations stockées sur votre Produit Sony Ericsson, qu’il s’agisse de téléchargements, de l’agenda ou des contacts, avant de rendre ledit produit à des fins de réparation ou de remplacement.Conditions1 La présente Garantie limitée est uniquement valable si la preuve d’achat d’origine du présent Produit, délivrée par un revendeur agréé Sony Ericsson, mentionnant la date d’achat et le numéro de série**, est présentée avec le Produit à réparer ou à remplacer. Sony Ericsson se réserve le droit de refuser toute intervention sous garantie si les présents renseignements ont été supprimés ou modifiés après l’achat initial du Produit auprès du revendeur.2 Si Sony Ericsson répare ou remplace le Produit, la réparation de la panne concernée ou le Produit de remplacement devra être couvert pendant la durée restante de la période de garantie initiale ou pendant une période de quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours à compter de la date de réparation, selon la durée la plus longue. La réparation ou le remplacement pourra être effectué au moyen d’unités reconditionnées équivalentes au plan fonctionnel. Les pièces ou éléments remplacés deviendront la propriété de Sony Ericsson.3 La présente garantie ne couvre pas toute défaillance du Produit due à l’usure normale, une mauvaise utilisation, y compris, mais de façon non limitative, une utilisation autre que les conditions normales et habituelles, conformément aux instructions de Sony Ericsson en matière d’utilisation ou d’entretien. Elle ne couvre pas non plus toutes défaillances du Produit dues à un accident, une modification ou un réglage de logiciels ou matériels, à des cas de force majeure ou à des dommages résultant du contact avec un liquide.15Une batterie rechargeable peut être déchargée et rechargée plus de cent fois. Toutefois, elle finit par s’user. Il ne s’agit pas d’une défaillance, mais d’une usure normale. Si le temps de conversation ou de veille est nettement réduit, le moment est venu de remplacer la batterie. Sony Ericsson recommande d’utiliser exclusivement des batteries et des chargeurs agréés par Sony Ericsson.La couleur et la luminosité de l’affichage peuvent varier légèrement d’un téléphone à l’autre. De petits points clairs ou foncés peuvent apparaître sur l’affichage. Il s’agit de pixels dits défectueux qui apparaissent en cas de mauvais fonctionnement des points isolés et d’incapacité à régler ces derniers. Deux pixels défectueux sont jugés acceptables.L’aspect de l’image de l’appareil photo peut varier légèrement d’un téléphone à l’autre. Ce qui est normal et n’est pas considéré comme une défectuosité du module de l’appareil photo.4 Etant donné que le système cellulaire dont relève le fonctionnement du Produit est fourni par un opérateur indépendant de Sony Ericsson, cette dernière ne sera pas responsable du fonctionnement, de la disponibilité, de la couverture, des services ou de la portée de ce système.5 La présente garantie ne couvre pas les défaillances du Produit dues à des installations, des modifications, des réparations ou l’ouverture du Produit par une personne non agréée par Sony Ericsson.6 La garantie ne couvre pas les pannes du Produit résultant de l’utilisation d’accessoires ou d’autres périphériques qui ne sont pas des accessoires d’origine de marque Sony Ericsson conçus pour ce Produit.Sony Ericsson renonce à toutes garanties, expresses ou implicites, en cas de défaillances du Produit ou des périphériques dues à des virus, chevaux de Troie, logiciels espions ou tous autres logiciels malveillants. La société vous recommande vivement d’installer un logiciel antivirus approprié sur votre Produit et les périphériques qui lui sont raccordés, si un tel logiciel existe, et de le mettre à jour régulièrement pour mieux protéger votre dispositif. Il convient toutefois de remarquer qu’un tel logiciel ne protège jamais totalement votre Produit ou ses périphériques. Sony Ericsson renonce à toutes garanties, expresses ou implicites, si un tel logiciel antivirus ne respecte pas l’objectif visé.7 Toute modification des sceaux sur le Produit entraîne l’annulation de la garantie.8 IL N’EXISTE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE, ECRITE OU ORALE, AUTRE QUE LA PRESENTE GARANTIE LIMITEE IMPRIMEE. TOUTES LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES, Y COMPRIS, MAIS DE FACON NON LIMITATIVE, LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES DE QUALITE MARCHANDE OU D’ADEQUATION A UN USAGE SPECIFIQUE, SONT LIMITEES A LA DUREE DE LA PRESENTE GARANTIE LIMITEE. SONY ERICSSON OU SES CONCEDANTS NE DEVRONT EN AUCUN CAS ETRE RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT, Y COMPRIS, MAIS DE FACON NON LIMITATIVE, LES PERTES DE BENEFICES OU COMMERCIALES, DANS LA MESURE OU LA LOI AUTORISE L’EXCLUSION DE TELS DOMMAGES.Certains pays/états n’autorisent pas l’exclusion ou la limitation des dommages accessoires ou indirects, voire la limitation de la durée des garanties implicites. De ce fait, les limitations ou exclusions qui précèdent pourront ne pas s’appliquer à votre cas.16La garantie fournie n’affecte ni les droits légaux du consommateur selon la législation applicable en vigueur, ni les droits du consommateur vis-à-vis du revendeur découlant du contrat de vente/d’achat passé entre eux.* PORTEE GEOGRAPHIQUE DE LA GARANTIESi vous avez acheté votre produit dans un pays membre de l’Espace Economique Européen (EEE), en Suisse ou en République turque et si ledit Produit était destiné à être vendu dans l’EEE, en Suisse ou en Turquie, vous pourrez le faire réparer dans n’importe quel pays de l’EEE, en Suisse ou en Turquie, selon les conditions de garantie en cours dans le pays dans lequel vous le faites réparer, à condition qu’un produit identique soit vendu dans ce pays par un distributeur agréé Sony Ericsson. Pour savoir si votre Produit est vendu dans le pays où vous vous trouvez, appelez le Centre Relation Consommateur Sony Ericsson local. Veuillez noter que certains services ne sont pas disponibles ailleurs que dans le pays de l’achat initial, par exemple parce que votre Produit présente des composants internes ou externes différents des modèles équivalents vendus dans d’autres pays et que les produits verrouillés à l’aide de la carte SIM peuvent parfois ne pas être réparés.** Des informations supplémentaires (notamment une carte de garantie valide) peuvent être demandées dans certains pays/régions.Wichtige InformationenSony Ericsson-Website fur VerbraucherUnter finden Sie einen Support-Bereich mit Hilfeinformationen und Tipps. Die Site enthält Aktualisierungen der Computersoftware sowie Tipps zur effizienteren Nutzung des Produkts.Service und SupportSie profitieren von folgenden exklusiven Leistungen:• Globale und lokale Websites mit Supportinformationen• Globales Netz von Call Centern• Umfangreiches Netz von Sony Ericsson Servicepartnern• Garantie. Weitere Informationen zur Garantie enthält diese Bedienungsanleitung.Unter finden Sie die aktuellen Tools und Informationen. Wenden Sie sich mit Fragen zu betreiberspezifischen Diensten und Funktionen an den jeweiligen Netzbetreiber. Sie können sich auch an eines unserer Call Center wenden. Ist Ihr Land bzw. Ihre Region nicht in der nachstehenden Liste aufgeführt, setzen Sie sich mit Ihrem Händler in Verbindung. (Für Anrufe werden die üblichen Inlandsgesprächsgebühren (einschließlich Steuern) berechnet, sofern es sich nicht um eine gebührenfreie Rufnummer handelt.) Ist für das Produkt eine Kundendienstmaßnahme erforderlich, setzen Sie sich mit dem Händler, bei dem es erworben wurde, oder mit einem unserer Servicepartner in Verbindung. Bewahren Sie den Kaufbeleg auf. Dieser wird für Gewährleistungsansprüche benötigt.Richtlinien für den sicheren und effizienten Einsatz Beachten Sie sie sorgfältig. Andernfalls kann es zu Fehlfunktionen kommen und es besteht die Möglichkeit von Gesundheitsschäden. Wenn das Produkt nicht richtig zu funktionieren scheint, lassen Sie es von einem zugelassenen Servicepartner untersuchen, bevor Sie es laden oder benutzen. 17Empfehlungen zur Pflege und zum sicheren Einsatz unserer Produkte• Behandeln Sie das Gerät sorgfältig und bewahren Sie es an einem sauberen und staubfreien Ort auf.• Warnung: Explosionsgefahr in offenem Feuer.• Halten Sie das Gerät trocken.• Schützen Sie das Produkt vor extremen Temperaturen. Setzen Sie den Akku keinen Temperaturen über +60 °C (+140 °F) aus.• Setzen Sie das Produkt weder offenen Flammen noch Tabakglut aus. • Lassen Sie das Gerät nicht fallen und werfen oder biegen Sie es nicht.• Bemalen Sie das Produkt nicht und versuchen Sie nicht, das Produkt auseinanderzubauen oder zu modifizieren. Nur von Sony Ericsson autorisierte Personen dürfen Wartungsarbeiten durchführen. • Bevor Sie das Produkt in der Nähe von Herzschrittmachern oder anderen medizinischen Geräten und Systemen einsetzen, fragen Sie einen Arzt und beachten die Herstellerhinweise zum betreffenden medizinischen Gerät.• Stellen Sie die Nutzung elektronischer Geräte ein bzw. deaktivieren Sie alle Funktionen, die zur Abstrahlung von Hochfrequenz führen, wenn dies erforderlich ist oder wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden.• Nicht in Umgebungen mit potenziell explosiver Atmosphäre betreiben.• Platzieren bzw. montieren Sie das Gerät und drahtlos arbeitendes Zubehör nicht in dem Bereich, in dem sich ein Airbag gegebenenfalls entfaltet.• Warnung: Gesprungene oder zerbrochene Bildschirme können scharfe Kanten aufweisen oder Splitter abgeben und stellen deshalb eine Verletzungsgefahr dar.• Verwenden Sie das Bluetooth-Headset nicht in Positionen, die den Bedienungskomfort einschränken oder zu mechanischer Druckbelastung führen.Kinder Warnung: Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Lassen Sie Kinder nicht mit dem Mobiltelefon oder dessen Zubehör spielen. Sie könnten sich oder andere verletzen. An den Produkten können sich Kleinteile befinden, die sich lösen und verschluckt werden könnten. Netzteil (Ladegerät)Schließen Sie das Ladegerät ausschließlich an Stromquellen an, die den Angaben auf dem Produkt entsprechen. Nicht im Freien oder in feuchter Umgebung verwenden. Das Kabel darf nicht verändert, beschädigt oder auf Zug belastet werden. Trennen Sie das Gerät vor dem Reinigen von der Stromversorgung. Nehmen Sie keine Änderungen am Netzkabelstecker vor. Passt der Stecker nicht in die Steckdose, müssen Sie von einem Elektriker eine passende Steckdose installieren lassen. Sobald das Netzteil an eine Steckdose angeschlossen wird, verbraucht es eine geringe Menge Strom. Diese geringfügige Energievergeudung lässt sich vermeiden. Trennen Sie das Netzteil von der Stromversorgung, sobald der Akku vollständig geladen ist. Bei Verwendung von Ladegeräten, die nicht von Sony Ericsson stammen, besteht erhöhtes Sicherheitsrisiko. Akku Die Kapazität neuer oder selten benutzter Akkus kann vorübergehend reduziert sein. Laden Sie den Akku vor dem ersten Gebrauch vollständig auf. Ausschließlich für den vorgesehenen Zweck verwenden. Das Aufladen des Akkus sollte bei Temperaturen zwischen +5 °C (+41 °F) und +45 °C (+113 °F) erfolgen. Nehmen Sie den Akku nicht 18in den Mund. Achten Sie darauf, dass die Kontakte am Akku keine anderen Metallobjekte berühren. Schalten Sie das Gerät aus, bevor Sie den Akku entnehmen. Die Leistung hängt ab von der Temperatur, der Feldstärke, dem Nutzungsmuster, den aktivierten Funktionen sowie von der Datenübertragungscharakteristik von Sprach- und Datenverbindungen. Akkus, die fest in ein Gerät eingebaut sind, dürfen nur von Sony Ericsson Servicepartnern ausgebaut und ersetzt werden. Bei Verwendung von Akkus, die nicht von Sony Ericsson stammen, besteht erhöhtes Sicherheitsrisiko.Medizinische GeräteMobiltelefone können die Funktion von implantierten medizinischen Geräten beeinträchtigen. Wird ein Mindestabstand von 15 cm (6 Zoll) zwischen Telefon und Schrittmacher eingehalten, wird das Risiko einer Störung verringert. Halten Sie das Telefon an das rechte Ohr. Tragen Sie das Telefon nicht in der Brusttasche. Schalten Sie das Telefon aus, wenn Sie Störungen vermuten. Für alle medizinischen Geräte gilt: Fragen Sie einen Arzt und beachten Sie die Informationen des Herstellers.Auto fahrenEinige Kfz-Hersteller untersagen die Verwendung von Mobiltelefonen in ihren Fahrzeugen untersagen, wenn keine Freisprecheinrichtung mit externer Antenne eingesetzt wird. Klären Sie mit dem Fahrzeughändler, ob das Mobiltelfon oder das Bluetooth-Headset ohne Beeinträchtigung der Fahrzeugelektronik verwendet werden kann. Konzentrieren Sie sich ausschließlich auf den Verkehr und das Fahren. Die geltenden Bestimmungen und Gesetze zur Benutzung von Mobilfunkgeräten während der Fahrt sind zu beachten.GPS-/Ortsbezogene FunktionenEinige Produkte bieten GPS-/ortsbezogene Funktionen. Die Funktion zur Positionsermittlung wird in der vorliegenden Form und mit allen Fehlern bereitgestellt. Sony Ericsson trifft keinerlei Zusagen und übernimmt keine Garantie in Bezug auf die Genauigkeit der Positionsdaten. Die Verwendung positionsbezogener Daten durch das Gerät funktioniert möglicherweise nicht unterbrechungs- bzw. fehlerfrei und hängt zudem von der Verfügbarkeit entsprechender Netzdienste ab. Beachten Sie, dass die Funktionalität in bestimmten Umgebungen wie im Inneren von Gebäuden oder in deren Nachbarschaft möglicherweise nur eingeschränkt oder gar nicht verfügbar ist. Warnung: Verwenden Sie die GPS-Funktion beim Führen eines Kfz nicht so, dass Sie abgelenkt werden.NotrufeEs kann nicht garantiert werden, dass unter allen Bedingungen Anrufe möglich sind. Sie dürfen sich daher nie ausschließlich auf ein Mobiltelefon verlassen, wenn ein wichtiges Telefonat notwendig werden könnte. Anrufverbindungen sind eventuell nicht in allen Gebieten und Mobilfunknetzen oder auch dann nicht möglich, wenn bestimmte Dienste und/oder Leistungsmerkmale verwendet werden.AntenneDie Verwendung einer nicht von Sony Ericsson für Ihr Telefonmodell vertriebenen Antenne kann das Mobiltelefon beschädigen, die Leistung beeinträchtigen und SAR-Emissionen generieren, die die Grenzwerte überschreiten. Decken Sie die Antenne bei Benutzung nicht mit der Hand ab, da dies die Verbindungsqualität und die Sendeleistung beeinträchtigt, wodurch sich die Gesprächs- und Standby-Zeiten verkürzen können.19Funkfrequenzemissionen und SAR-Wert (Specific Absorption Rate)Wenn das Telefon oder das Bluetooth-Headset eingeschaltet ist, wird niedrige Funkfrequenzenergie abgestrahlt. Aus der regelmäßigen und sorgfältigen Auswertung wissenschaftlicher Studien wurden internationale Sicherheitsrichtlinien entwickelt. Diese Richtlinien beschreiben die zulässige Intensität der Funkfrequenzemissionen. Diese Richtlinien schließen eine Sicherheitsmarge ein, um die Sicherheit aller Menschen zu gewährleisten und Messwertabweichungen zu berücksichtigen.Die SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) dient zur Messung der Funkfrequenzenergie, die vom Körper bei der Benutzung eines Mobiltelefons aufgenommen wird. Der SAR-Wert bezeichnet den höchsten, im Laborversuch ermittelten Energiepegel. Das Telefon ist jedoch so ausgelegt, dass immer nur die Leistung abgestrahlt wird, die zur Verbindung mit einem bestimmten Netz minimal erforderlich ist. Im normalen Betrieb liegt der SAR-Wert des Mobiltelefons häufig deutlich unter dem so ermittelten Wert. Bisher gibt es keine Belege dafür, dass die Sicherheit durch unterschiedliche SAR-Werte beeinträchtigt wird.Produkte mit Funkfrequenzsendern, die in den USA vertrieben werden, müssen nach FCC-Richtlinien (Federal Communications Commission) zertifiziert sein. Bei Bedarf werden Tests durchgeführt, in denen das Telefon ans Ohr gehalten oder am Körper getragen wird. Das Telefon wurde beim Betrieb am Körper getestet und dabei in einer Entfernung von mindestens 15 mm zwischen Gerät und Körper ohne Metallkomponenten in unmittelbarer Nähe bzw. mit geeignetem Zubehör von Sony Ericsson für den Betrieb am Körper betrieben.Eitere Informationen zu Funkfrequenzemissionen und dem SAR-Wert finden Sie unter: (kurz für „Malicious Software“, bösartige Software) kann das Mobiltelefon und andere Computergeräte beschädigen. Zu den bösartigen oder schädlichen Softwareanwendungen gehören Viren, Würmer, Spyware und andere unerwünschte Programme. Zwar ist das Gerät mit Sicherheitsfunktionen gegen das Eindringen von Malware ausgestattet, doch kann Sony Ericsson nicht garantieren, dass das Gerät allen Eindringversuchen standhält. Sie können das Risiko von Malware-Angriffen jedoch verringern: Lassen Sie besondere Vorsicht walten, wenn Sie Daten herunterladen oder die Ausführung von Anwendungen akzeptieren. Öffnen und beantworten Sie keine Nachrichten von unbekannten Absendern. Nutzen Sie für den Internetzugang nur vertrauenswürdige Dienste. Laden Sie nur solche Daten auf das Mobiltelefon herunter, die aus bekannten, zuverlässigen Quellen stammen.ZubehörVerwenden Sie ausschließlich Originalzubehör von Sony Ericsson und zertifizierten Servicepartnern. Sony Ericsson testet keine Zubehörkomponenten von Dritten. Zubehörkomponenten können die HF-Emissionen, die Sende- und Empfangsleistung, die Tonlautstärke, die elektrische Sicherheit und andere funktionale Bereiche beeinflussen. Die Verwendung der Zubehör und Komponenten von Dritten kann die Leistung verschlechtern sowie Gesundheit und Sicherheit beeinträchtigen.Nutzungshilfen/Spezielle AnforderungenIn den USA können entsprechend ausgestattete Sony Ericsson-Telefone mit geeignetem Zubehör an TTY-Terminals angeschlossen werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie beim Sony Ericsson Special Needs Center unter 877 878 1996 (TTY) oder 877 207 2056 (Sprechverbindung) sowie auf der Website alter Elektrogeräte Elektronische Geräte, Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht mit dem Hausmüll entsorgt werden, sondern sind bei einer Sammelstelle abzugeben, die das Produkt dem Recycling zuführt. Damit werden potenzielle Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschäden vermieden. Weitere Informationen zu den geltenden Bestimmungen erhalten Sie bei der Gemeindeverwaltung, bei Ihrem Entsorgungsunternehmen, dem Händler, bei dem Sie das Produkt erworben haben, oder bei einem Call Center von Sony Ericsson.Entsorgung des Akkus Beachten Sie die regionalen Richtlinien oder setzen Sie sich mit einem Call Center von Sony Ericsson in Verbindung. Entsorgen Sie Akkus niemals mit dem Hausmüll.SpeicherkarteWenn das Produkt mit einer auswechselbaren Speicherkarte ausgeliefert wird, ist diese Speicherkarte grundsätzlich mit dem Mobiltelefon kompatibel, möglicherweise aber nicht mit allen anderen Geräten oder allen Funktionen der jeweils zugehörigen Speicherkarten. Ermitteln Sie die Kompatibilität anderer Geräte vor Verwendung oder Kauf. Ist das Produkt ist mit einem Lesegerät für Speicherkarten ausgestattet, ermitteln Sie vor Kauf oder Verwendung, ob die Speicherkarte kompatibel ist.Die Speicherkarte wird vor Auslieferung formatiert. Mit einem kompatiblen Gerät können Sie die Speicherkarte neu formatieren. Verwenden Sie nicht den Formatierungsbefehl des Betriebssystems, wenn Sie die Speicherkarte mit einem PC neu formatieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung des betreffenden Geräts, oder wenden Sie sich an die Kundenunterstützung.WARNUNG:• Wenn ein Adapter erforderlich ist, um die Speicherkarte in ein Mobiltelefon oder ein anderes Gerät einzusetzen, dürfen Sie die Speicherkarte nicht ohne diesen Adapter einsetzen.Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei der Verwendung von Speicherkarten• Setzen Sie die Speicherkarte keinen Flüssigkeiten aus.• Berühren Sie die Kontakte nicht mit der Hand oder mit Metallobjekten.• Schlagen Sie nicht auf die Speicherkarte, biegen Sie sie nicht und lassen Sie sie nicht fallen.• Versuchen Sie nicht, die Speicherkarte auseinander zu bauen oder zu modifizieren.• Benutzen und lagern Sie die Speicherkarte nicht in feuchten Umgebungen oder Umgebungen mit korrodierender Atmosphäre bzw. bei großer Hitze, wie sie im Sommer in Kfz herrschen kann, unter direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, neben einer Heizung usw.• Drücken und biegen Sie das Ende des Speicherkartenadapters nicht mit übermäßiger Kraft.• Halten Sie den Einschub jedes Speicherkartenadapters frei von Schmutz, Staub und sonstigen Fremdstoffen.• Überprüfen Sie, ob die Speicherkarte richtig eingelegt wurde.• Schieben Sie die Speicherkarte so weit wie nötig in den zu verwendenden Speicherkartenadapter. Die Speicherkarte arbeitet nicht ordnungsgemäß, wenn sie nicht richtig eingelegt wurde.• Wir empfehlen, dass Sie eine Kopie aller wichtigen Daten erstellen. Wir sind nicht für Verlust oder Beschädigung von Daten verantwortlich, die Sie auf der Speicherkarte ablegen.21• Aufgezeichnete Daten können verloren gehen oder beschädigt werden, wenn Sie die Speicherkarte oder den Speicherkartenadapter entnehmen bzw. das Gerät ausschalten, während Sie die Speicherkarte formatieren bzw. Daten lesen oder schreiben oder falls Sie die Speicherkarte in Umgebungen einsetzen, in denen starke Entladungen statischer Elektrizität oder starke elektrische Felder auftreten.Schutz persönlicher DatenLöschen Sie alle persönlichen Daten, bevor Sie das Produkt entsorgen. Stellen Sie die Werkseinstellungen im Gerät wieder her, um die Daten zu löschen. Das Löschen der Daten aus dem Telefonspeicher stellt nicht sicher, dass die Daten nicht von einem anderen Benutzer wiederhergestellt werden können. Sony Ericsson garantiert nicht, dass spätere Benutzer des Geräts nicht auf Ihre persönlichen Daten zugreifen können. Ferner übernimmt Sony Ericsson keine Verantwortung für das Bekanntwerden der Daten, nachdem eine Rücksetzung auf die Werkseinstellungen vorgenommen wurde.Lautstärkewarnung: Vermeiden Sie Lautstärkepegel, die Hörschäden nach sich ziehen können.Endbenutzer-LizenzvertragDieses Mobilfunkgerät sowie ohne Einschränkung die ggf. mitgelieferten Datenträger („Gerät“) enthält Software, die Eigentum von Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB und Tochtergesellschaften („Sony Ericsson“) sowie Lieferanten und Lizenzgebern ist („Software“). Sony Ericsson gewährt Ihnen als Benutzer des Geräts eine nicht exklusive und nicht übertragbare Lizenz zur ausschließlichen Nutzung der Software mit dem Gerät, in dem sie installiert ist und/oder mit dem sie geliefert wird. Keine der Aussagen in diesem Text darf als Verkauf der Software an einen Benutzer des Geräts interpretiert werden. Sie dürfen die Software und deren Komponenten nicht reproduzieren, modifizieren, vertreiben, Methoden des Reverse Engineering unterziehen, dekompilieren oder anderweitig ändern bzw. verwenden, um Kenntnis des Quellcodes zu erlangen. Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden: Sie dürfen jederzeit alle Recht und Pflichten hinsichtlich der Nutzung der Software an Dritte übertragen, jedoch nur in Verbindung mit dem Gerät, mit dem Sie die Software erhalten haben und sofern sich der jeweilige Dritte zur Einhaltung dieser Regeln verpflichtet. Die Lizenzdauer entspricht der Lebensdauer dieses Geräts. Sie können diesen Lizenzvertrag beenden, indem Sie alle Rechte an dem Gerät, in dem Sie die Software erhalten haben, schriftlich einem Dritten übertragen. Wenn Sie die in diesem Lizenzvertrag beschriebenen Bedingungen verletzen, hat dies die sofortige Beendigung des Lizenzvertrags zur Folge. Sony Ericsson sowie die Lieferanten und Lizenzgeber sind die alleinigen und exklusiven Eigentümer der Software und behalten alle Rechte, Titel und Ansprüche an und aus der Software. Sony Ericsson und – soweit die Software Materialien oder Code Dritter enthält – Dritte sind als Drittbegünstigte aus diesem Vertrag berechtigt. Gültigkeit, Auslegung und Durchsetzung dieser Lizenz erfolgt nach Maßgabe schwedischen Rechts. Das Vorstehende gilt in dem Umfang, der nach anzuwendenden Verbraucherschutzgesetzen zulässig ist.GarantiebedingungenSony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden, (Sony Ericsson) oder eine regionale Tochtergesellschaft gewährt diese Garantie für dieses Mobiltelefon und jegliches mit dem Mobiltelefon gelieferte Originalzubehör (insgesamt das „Produkt“).Wenn Sie für Ihr Produkt eine Garantieleistung in Anspruch nehmen müssen, bringen Sie es zu dem Händler, von dem Sie es erworben haben. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie beim Sony Ericsson Call Center in Ihrem Land (gegebenenfalls werden die national üblichen Gebühren fällig) oder unter der Adresse byreflighted byPreflighted by (                  )(                  )(                  )
22UNSERE GARANTIENach Maßgabe der Bedingungen dieser eingeschränkten Garantie garantiert Sony Ericsson, dass dieses Produkt zum Zeitpunkt des Ersterwerbs frei von Konstruktions-, Material- und Fertigungsfehlern ist. Diese Garantie gilt für zwei (2) Jahre ab Datum des Ersterwerbs dieses Produkts für das Mobiltelefon und für ein (1) Jahr ab Datum des Ersterwerbs dieses Produkts für alle Original-Zubehörkomponenten (z. B. Akku, Ladegerät oder Headset), die ggf. mit dem Mobiltelefon geliefert wurden.UNSERE LEISTUNGENWenn dieses Produkt während des Garantiezeitraums bei sachgemäßem Gebrauch und Service Konstruktions-, Material- oder Fertigungsfehler aufweist, wird ein Vertragshändler oder ein Servicepartner von Sony Ericsson in dem Land/der Region*, in dem bzw. der Sie das Produkt erworben haben, das Produkt unter Berücksichtigung der nachstehenden Bedingungen nach eigenem Ermessen entweder reparieren oder ersetzen.Sony Ericsson und die Servicepartner behalten sich das Recht vor, eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Rechnung zu stellen, wenn das Produkt nach Maßgabe der unten genannten Bedingungen keine Garantieansprüche begründet.Bei Reparatur und Austausch dieses Sony Ericsson-Produkts können Ihre persönlichen Daten sowie heruntergeladene Dateien und andere Daten verloren gehen. Derzeit kann Sony Ericsson aufgrund anzuwendender Gesetze und Richtlinien sowie technischer Beschränkungen möglicherweise nicht alle heruntergeladenen Dateien sichern. Sony Ericsson übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für Datenverluste jedweder Art und leistet keinerlei Schadensersatz für solche Datenverluste. Sie sollten immer Sicherungskopien aller in einem Sony Ericsson-Produkt gespeicherten Daten (heruntergeladene Dateien, Kalendereinträge und Kontakte) erstellen, bevor Sie das Sony Ericsson-Produkt für eine Reparatur oder einen Austausch aushändigen.BEDINGUNGEN1 Diese eingeschränkte Garantie gilt nur, wenn der Kaufbeleg mit Seriennummer** und Kaufdatum, der vom Sony Ericsson-Vertragshändler für den Erstkäufer ausgestellt wurde, zusammen mit dem zu reparierenden bzw. zu ersetzenden Produkt vorgelegt wird. Sony Ericsson behält sich das Recht vor, Garantieansprüche abzulehnen, wenn diese Informationen nach dem Kauf des Produkts entfernt oder geändert wurden.2 Wenn Sony Ericsson das Produkt repariert oder ersetzt, dann gilt der Garantieanspruch für den betreffenden Defekt bzw. das ersetzte Produkt für die verbleibende Dauer des ursprünglichen Garantiezeitraums bzw. für neunzig (90) Tage ab dem Reparaturdatum, je nachdem, welcher Zeitraum länger ist. Die Reparatur- bzw. Ersatzansprüche können mit funktional gleichwertigen, instand gesetzten Geräten erfüllt werden. Ersetzte Bauteile oder Komponenten werden Eigentum von Sony Ericsson.3 Diese Garantie gilt nicht für Fehler am Gerät, die entstanden sind durch normalen Verschleiß, falsche Benutzung oder Missbrauch, einschließlich, jedoch nicht beschränkt auf zweckfremde Verwendung des Geräts sowie Nichtbeachtung der Anleitungen von Sony Ericsson zu Gebrauch und Wartung. Diese Garantie gilt auch nicht für Fehler am Gerät aufgrund von Unfällen bzw. Veränderungen und Anpassungen der Hardware und Software, höherer Gewalt und Schäden durch Kontakt mit Flüssigkeiten.Ein Akku kann mehr als einhundert Mal ge- und entladen werden. Trotzdem findet ein gewisser Verschleiß statt, bei dem es sich nicht um einen Defekt handelt. Wenn die Gesprächs- oder Standby-Zeit deutlich kürzer wird, sollten Sie den Akku austauschen. Sony Ericsson empfiehlt die ausschließliche Verwendung von Akkus und Ladegeräten, die von Sony Ericsson freigegeben wurden.23Helligkeit und Farben des Bildschirms verschiedener Telefone können geringfügig voneinander abweichen. Auf dem Bildschirm können sich kleine helle oder dunkle Punkte befinden. Diese Punkte werden als schadhafte Pixel bezeichnet. Es handelt sich um einzelne Punkte mit Fehlfunktion. Eine Korrektur ist nicht möglich. Zwei schadhafte Pixel gelten als akzeptabel.Die Bildwiedergabe von Fotos kann auf verschiedenen Telefonen unterschiedlich ausfallen. Dies ist ganz normal und gilt nicht als Defekt des Kameramoduls.4 Da das Mobilfunknetz, in dem dieses Produkt betrieben wird, von einem von Sony Ericsson unabhängigen Anbieter bereitgestellt wird, ist Sony Ericsson nicht für Betrieb, Verfügbarkeit, Flächendeckung, Dienstgüte und Reichweite des betreffenden Systems verantwortlich.5 Diese Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Produktfehler, die durch Installationen, Modifikationen, Reparaturen oder Öffnung des Produkts durch nicht von Sony Ericsson autorisierte Personen verursacht werden.6 Die Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Produktfehler, die durch den Einsatz von Zubehörkomponenten oder Peripheriegeräten verursacht wurden, bei denen es sich nicht um Originalzubehör von Sony Ericsson handelt, das für dieses Produkt entwickelt wurde.Sony Ericsson schließt alle ausdrücklichen und konkludenten Garantien in Bezug auf Fehler des Produkts oder der Peripheriegeräte aufgrund von Viren, “trojanischen Pferden”, Spyware oder anderer Schadsoftware aus. Sony Ericsson empfiehlt dringend, dass Sie bei Verfügbarkeit geeignete Software zum Schutz vor Viren im Produkt und ggf. in angeschlossenen Peripheriegeräten installieren und regelmäßig aktualisieren, um das Gerät zu schützen. Solche Software kann Ihr Produkt und die Peripheriegeräte aber nie vollständig schützen. Deshalb schließt Sony Ericsson alle ausdrücklichen und konkludenten Garantien für den Fall aus, dass eine solche Antivirussoftware ihren Zweck nicht erfüllt.7 Die Beschädigung der auf dem Gerät angebrachten Siegel führt zum Erlöschen der Garantieansprüche.8 ES GELTEN KEINE AUSDRÜCKLICHEN GARANTIEN, GLEICH OB SCHRIFTLICH ODER MÜNDLICH ABGEGEBEN, AUSSER DIESER GEDRUCKTEN ERKLÄRUNG ZUR EINGESCHRÄNKTEN GARANTIE. SÄMTLICHE KONKLUDENTEN GARANTIEN, EINSCHLIESSLICH, JEDOCH OHNE BESCHRÄNKUNG AUF GARANTIEN DER HANDELSÜBLICHKEIT UND DER EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK, GELTEN NUR FÜR DIE DAUER DIESER EINGESCHRÄNKTEN GARANTIE. SONY ERICSSON UND DIE LIZENZGEBER SIND, SOWEIT EIN HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS GESETZLICH ZULÄSSIG IST, IN KEINEM FALL HAFTBAR FÜR MITTELBARE ODER FOLGESCHÄDEN GLEICH WELCHER ART, EINSCHLIESSLICH, JEDOCH OHNE BESCHRÄNKUNG AUF ENTGANGENE GEWINNE UND WIRTSCHAFTLICHE NACHTEILE.In einigen Ländern/Staaten ist der Ausschluss bzw. die Beschränkung von mittelbaren oder Folgeschäden bzw. die Beschränkung der Dauer konkludenter Garantien nicht zulässig. In diesem Fall gelten die vorstehenden Beschränkungen und Ausschlüsse nicht für Sie.Die Erklärung zur Garantie beschränkt weder die gesetzlichen Verbraucherrechte noch die Rechte des Verbrauchers gegen den Händler, die sich aus dem Kaufvertrag ergeben.24* GEOGRAFISCHER GELTUNGSBEREICH DER GARANTIEWenn Sie das Produkt in einem Mitgliedsland des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR), in der Schweiz oder in der Türkei erworben haben und das Produkt für den Verkauf in einem EWR-Land, in der Schweiz oder in der Türkei vorgesehen war, können Sie die Garantieleistungen für das Produkt in jedem EWR-Land, in der Schweiz oder in der Türkei nach Maßgabe der im jeweiligen Land geltenden Garantiebedingungen in Anspruch nehmen, wenn das identische Produkt im jeweiligen Land von einem Sony Ericsson-Vertragshändler vertrieben wird. Erfragen Sie beim Sony Ericsson Call Center, ob dieses Produkt in dem Land vertrieben wird, in dem Sie sich befinden. Beachten Sie, dass bestimmte Wartungsarbeiten nur im Land des ursprünglichen Erwerbs vorgenommen werden können, da sich interne oder externe Komponenten bei den verschiedenen Modellen unterscheiden können, die in unterschiedlichen Ländern vertrieben werden. Unter Umständen ist es nicht möglich, Produkte mit gesperrter SIM-Karte zu reparieren.** In einigen Ländern/Regionen müssen gegebenenfalls weitere Daten (z. B. eine gültige Garantiekarte) beigebracht werden.Informazioni importantiSito Web Sony Ericsson ConsumerAll'indirizzo è presente una sezione di supporto tecnico dove è facile trovare assistenza e reperire suggerimenti. Sono disponibili i più recenti aggiornamenti software per computer e consigli su come utilizzare il prodotto in modo più efficiente.Assistenza e supportoL'utente avrà accesso a una gamma di esclusivi vantaggi per l'assistenza quali:• Siti Web globali e locali che forniscono assistenza• Una rete globale di Call Center• Un'ampia rete di centri di assistenza partner Sony Ericsson• Un periodo di garanzia. Per ulteriori informazioni sulle condizioni di garanzia consultare questo manuale dell'utente.Nel sito saranno disponibili gli strumenti e le informazioni di supporto più recenti. Per servizi e funzioni specifici del gestore, contattare il gestore di rete. È anche possibile contattare i nostri Call Center. Se il paese/regione di residenza non sono inclusi nell'elenco sottostante, contattare il rivenditore locale (l'addebito sarà effettuato in base alle tariffe nazionali, comprese le imposte locali, a meno che non si tratti di un numero verde). Nell'eventualità che sia necessaria assistenza al prodotto, contattare il rivenditore presso il quale è stato acquistato oppure uno dei centri di assistenza partner. In caso di richiesta di garanzia, si consiglia di conservare la prova di acquisto.Avvertenze per la sicurezza e il corretto uso Si consiglia pertanto di seguirne le linee guida. In caso contrario potrebbe verificarsi un rischio per la salute o un cattivo funzionamento del prodotto. In caso di dubbi riguardo il corretto funzionamento, far controllare il prodotto da un centro di assistenza certificato prima di caricarlo o utilizzarlo. Raccomandazioni per la manutenzione e l'utilizzo sicuro dei prodotti• Maneggiare il prodotto con cura e conservarlo in un ambiente pulito e privo di polvere.• Attenzione! La batteria potrebbe esplodere se gettata nel fuoco.• Non esporre il prodotto a eccessiva umidità né immergerlo in liquidi.25• Non esporre il prodotto a temperature eccessivamente calde o fredde. Non esporre la batteria a temperature superiori a +60°C (+140°F). • Non esporre a fiamme vive oppure a sigari o sigarette accese. • Non lasciare cadere, lanciare o cercare di piegare il prodotto.• Non dipingere il prodotto né tentare di smontarlo o modificarlo. Le riparazioni vanno effettuate esclusivamente presso i centri autorizzati Sony Ericsson. • Consultarsi con il proprio medico e attenersi alle istruzioni del produttore del dispositivo medicale prima di utilizzare il prodotto in prossimità di pacemaker o altri dispositivi o apparecchiature medicali.• Interrompere l'utilizzo dei dispositivi elettronici o disattivare la funzionalità di trasmissione radio del dispositivo quando viene richiesto di farlo.• Non utilizzare il prodotto in zone a rischio di esplosioni.• Non posizionare il prodotto o apparecchiature wireless sopra l'airbag dell'automobile.• Attenzione: un display incrinato o rotto può comportare la presenza di bordi o schegge taglienti che potrebbero provocare lesioni al contatto.• Non utilizzare l'auricolare Bluetooth in posizioni scomode o dove potrebbe subire pressioni.Bambini Attenzione! Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Non consentire ai bambini di giocare con telefoni cellulari o accessori. Potrebbero ferire loro stessi o altre persone. I prodotti possono contenere componenti di dimensioni ridotte che potrebbero staccarsi, comportando il rischio di soffocamento. Alimentazione elettrica (caricabatterie)Collegare il caricabatterie ai tipi di sorgente indicati sul prodotto. Non utilizzare all'aperto o in aree umide. Non modificare o danneggiare il cavo né sottoporlo a tensione. Staccare l'unità dalla presa di corrente prima di pulirla. Non modificare la spina. Se questa non è adatta alla presa, rivolgersi a un elettricista specializzato per installare la presa adeguata. Quando si connette l'unità all'alimentazione elettrica, si può verificare una piccola perdita di energia. Per evitare ciò, scollegare l'alimentazione elettrica quando il prodotto è completamente carico. L'utilizzo di dispositivi di ricarica non Sony Ericsson potrebbe causare maggiori rischi per la salute. Batteria Batterie nuove o inattive possono avere capacità ridotte a breve termine. Ricaricare completamente la batteria prima dell'utilizzo iniziale. Utilizzare la batteria solo per lo scopo previsto. Caricare la batteria a temperature comprese tra +5°C (+41°F) e +45°C (+113°F). Non mettere la batteria in bocca. Evitare che i contatti metallici tocchino altri oggetti in metallo. Prima di estrarre la batteria, spegnere il prodotto. Le prestazioni dipendono dalle temperature, dalla potenza del segnale, dai modelli di utilizzo, dalle funzionalità selezionate e dalle trasmissioni vocali o dati. Le batterie incorporate devono essere rimosse o sostituite solo dai centri di assistenza partner Sony Ericsson. L'utilizzo di batterie non Sony Ericsson potrebbe causare maggiori rischi per la salute.Dispositivi medicali personaliI telefoni cellulari possono influire sul funzionamento di apparecchiature medicali ad impianto. Per ridurre il rischio di interferenza, mantenere una distanza di 15 cm (6 pollici) tra il telefono cellulare e il dispositivo. Utilizzare il telefono all'orecchio destro. Non riporre il telefono nel taschino interno della giacca. Spegnere il telefono in caso di possibili interferenze. Per tutti i dispositivi medicali, contattare un medico e il produttore del dispositivo.26Alla guidaAlcune case automobilistiche non consentono l'utilizzo di telefoni cellulari nella vettura senza un kit viva voce con un'antenna esterna. Verificare presso il distributore della marca del proprio veicolo che l'uso del telefono cellulare o del vivavoce Bluetooth non pregiudichi il corretto funzionamento della strumentazione elettronica di bordo. Prestare sempre molta attenzione alla guida e osservare le normative e le disposizioni locali relative all'utilizzo dei dispositivi wireless durante la guida.Funzioni GPS/basate sulla posizioneAlcuni prodotti forniscono funzioni GPS/basate sulla posizione. La funzionalità di rilevamento della posizione viene fornita "così come è" e "con tutti i difetti". Sony Ericsson non offre alcuna garanzia in merito all'accuratezza di tali informazioni sulla posizione. L'utilizzo di informazioni basate sulla posizione da parte del dispositivo potrebbe non essere ininterrotto o privo di errori e potrebbe inoltre dipendere dalla disponibilità del servizio di rete. Tale funzionalità potrebbe essere ridotta o impedita quando ci si trova in determinati ambienti, come all'interno di edifici o accanto a edifici. Attenzione: non utilizzare la funzionalità GPS in una modalità che può causare distrazione alla guida.Chiamate di emergenzaNon è possibile garantire le chiamate in tutte le situazioni. Non è mai consigliabile pertanto fare affidamento esclusivamente sui telefoni cellulari per comunicazioni importanti. Le chiamate potrebbero non essere consentite in alcune zone o reti oppure se sono attivi particolari servizi di rete e/o funzioni del telefono.AntennaL'utilizzo di dispositivi con antenna non commercializzati da Sony Ericsson potrebbe danneggiare il telefono, ridurne le prestazioni e produrre livelli SAR superiori ai limiti stabiliti. Non coprire l'antenna con la mano per evitare di ridurre la qualità della conversazione, i livelli di potenza e i tempi di conversazione e standby.Esposizione a radiofrequenze (RF) e SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)Quando è acceso, il telefono o l'auricolare Bluetooth trasmette bassi livelli di energia a radiofrequenza. Linee guida di sicurezza internazionali sono state sviluppate attraverso valutazioni periodiche approfondite di studi scientifici. Tali linee guida definiscono i livelli consentiti di esposizione alle onde radio. Inoltre, includono un consistente margine di sicurezza per garantire la sicurezza di tutti e per tenere conto di qualsiasi variazione delle misurazioni.Il SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) consente di misurare l'energia a radiofrequenza assorbita dal corpo quando si utilizza un telefono cellulare. Il valore SAR è il livello di potenza massima certificato in laboratorio, ma poiché il telefono è progettato per utilizzare la potenza minima necessaria a collegarsi alla rete prescelta, il livello effettivo SAR può essere al di sotto di questo valore. Non è dimostrato che a diversi valori SAR corrispondono diversi livelli di sicurezza.I prodotti con trasmettitori radio venduti negli Stati Uniti devono ottenere il certificato Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Quando richiesto, i test vengono eseguiti con il telefono posizionato vicino all'orecchio oppure indossato. Per l'utilizzo a contatto con il corpo, il telefono è stato sottoposto a test quando posizionato a una distanza minima di 15 mm dal corpo, se non sono presenti parti metalliche nelle vicinanze del telefono o se utilizzato correttamente con un appropriato accessorio Sony Ericsson e indossato.Per ulteriori informazioni sul SAR e sull'esposizione a radiofrequenze, visitare il sito: il termine malware (abbreviazione di "malicious software") si intende un software che può danneggiare il telefono cellulare o altri computer. Le applicazioni malware o dannose possono includere virus, worm, spyware e altri programmi non desiderati. Nonostante le misure di sicurezza adottate dal dispositivo, Sony Ericsson non garantisce che il dispositivo sarà in grado di opporsi all'introduzione di malware. È possibile tuttavia ridurre il rischio di attacchi malware, prestando molta attenzione quando si scarica del contenuto o si accettano applicazioni, evitando di aprire o rispondere a messaggi di mittenti sconosciuti, utilizzando solo servizi attendibili per accedere a Internet e scaricando sul telefono cellulare solo contenuto proveniente da fonti conosciute e affidabili.AccessoriUtilizzare solo accessori originali Sony Ericsson e rivolgersi solo a centri di assistenza certificati. Gli accessori di terze parti non vengono sottoposti a verifica da parte di Sony Ericsson. Gli accessori possono influire sull'esposizione a radiofrequenza, le prestazioni della radio, il volume elevato, la sicurezza elettrica e altre aree. Gli accessori e i componenti di terze parti potrebbero esporre l'utente a seri rischi per la propria salute e sicurezza nonché ridurre le prestazioni del prodotto.Soluzioni accessibili/esigenze specialiNegli Stati Uniti, i telefoni Sony Ericsson compatibili garantiscono compatibilità con i terminali TTY (con gli accessori necessari). Per ulteriori informazioni, rivolgersi al centro Sony Ericsson Special Needs Center al numero 877 878 1996 (TTY) o 877 207 2056 (chiamate vocali) oppure visitare il sito di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche obsolete Le apparecchiature elettroniche e le batterie non devono essere smaltite come un rifiuto domestico ma consegnate all'apposito centro di raccolta per il riciclo. Ciò al fine di evitare potenziali conseguenze nocive sull'ambiente e sulla salute. Attenersi alle disposizioni locali per lo smaltimento, contattando nella propria zona l'ufficio comunale competente, il servizio di smaltimento dei rifiuti domestici, il negozio presso cui è stato acquistato il prodotto oppure rivolgendosi a un Sony Ericsson Call Center.Smaltimento della batteria Attenersi alle disposizioni locali o rivolgersi a un Sony Ericsson Call Center per ulteriori informazioni. Non gettare il prodotto tra i normali rifiuti urbani.Memory cardSe il prodotto ha in dotazione una memory card rimovibile, generalmente è compatibile con l'apparecchio acquistato ma potrebbe non essere compatibile con altri dispositivi o con le funzioni delle corrispondenti memory card. Prima dell'acquisto o dell'uso, assicurarsi che sia compatibile con gli altri dispositivi. Se il prodotto è dotato di un lettore di memory card, prima dell'acquisto o dell'uso assicurarsi che la memory card sia compatibile.La memory card viene formattata prima della consegna. Per riformattarla, occorre utilizzare un dispositivo compatibile. Non eseguire la procedura standard di formattazione del sistema operativo in uso per formattare la memory card su un PC. Per informazioni dettagliate, consultare le istruzioni del dispositivo o contattare il servizio clienti.28ATTENZIONE:• Se il dispositivo richiede un adattatore per inserire la memory card nell'apparecchio o in un altro dispositivo, non tentare di inserire la memory card senza l'adattatore richiesto.Precauzioni per l'utilizzo della memory card• Non esporre la memory card a umidità.• Non toccare i connettori dei terminali a mani nude o con oggetti metallici.• Non forzare, piegare o lasciar cadere la memory card.• Non tentare di smontare o modificare la memory card.• Non utilizzare o conservare la memory card in ambienti umidi o corrosivi o in condizioni di calore eccessivo, ad esempio all'interno di una macchina chiusa in estate, sotto la luce diretta del sole, vicino a una fonte di calore e così via.• Non premere o piegare l'estremità dell'adattatore della memory card con forza eccessiva.• Non lasciare sporcizia, polvere o corpi estranei nella porta di inserimento dell'adattatore della memory card.• Verificare di avere inserito correttamente la memory card.• La memory card deve essere inserita completamente nell'adattatore, altrimenti potrebbe non funzionare correttamente.• Si consiglia di effettuare una copia di backup dei dati importanti. Sony Ericsson non si assume alcuna responsabilità per eventuali perdite o danneggiamenti al contenuto memorizzato sulla memory card.• I dati registrati potrebbero venire danneggiati o persi durante la rimozione della memory card o del relativo adattatore, quando si spegne l'apparecchio per eseguire la formattazione, durante la lettura o la scrittura dei dati o quando si utilizza la memory card in luoghi soggetti a elettricità statica o a elevate emissioni di campo elettrico.Protezione delle informazioni personaliCancellare i dati personali prima di disfarsi del prodotto. Per eliminare i dati, eseguire un ripristino totale. L'eliminazione dei dati dalla memoria del telefono non garantisce che tali dati non possano essere recuperati. Sony Ericsson non garantisce il recupero delle informazioni e non si assume alcuna responsabilità per un'eventuale divulgazione di tali informazioni, anche dopo un ripristino totale.Avvertenza sul volume elevato Evitare livelli di volume troppo elevati che potrebbero danneggiare l'udito.Contratto di licenza con l'utente finaleQuesto dispositivo wireless, che include senza alcuna limitazione qualsiasi supporto fornito con il dispositivo, ("Dispositivo") contiene software di proprietà di Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, delle relative affiliate ("Sony Ericsson") e dei suoi fornitori e licenziatari terzi ("Software"). All'utente del Dispositivo, Sony Ericsson garantisce una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile e non assegnabile per l'utilizzo del Software unicamente insieme al Dispositivo in cui è installato e/o con il quale è stato fornito. Quanto è esposto nel presente documento non deve essere inteso come vendita del Software a un utente del Dispositivo. Il cliente non dovrà riprodurre, modificare, distribuire, decodificare, decompilare o altrimenti alterare oppure utilizzare qualsiasi altro mezzo per tentare di scoprire il codice sorgente del Software o di qualsiasi componente del Software. A scanso di dubbi, l'utente è in qualsiasi momento 29autorizzato a trasferire tutti i diritti e gli obblighi relativi al Software a una terza parte, unicamente insieme al Dispositivo con cui è stato fornito il Software, purché l'altra parte accetti di mettere per iscritto il proprio vincolo a tali disposizioni. Questa licenza viene concessa per la durata di vita utile del Dispositivo. L'utente può comunque terminare questa licenza trasferendo in forma scritta a una terza parte tutti i diritti sul Dispositivo con cui è stato ricevuto il Software. La non osservanza dei termini e delle condizioni esposte in questa licenza causerà il termine della stessa con effetto immediato. Sony Ericsson e i suoi fornitori e licenziatari terzi sono gli unici ed esclusivi proprietari e detentori di tutti i diritti, i titoli e gli interessi relativi al Software. Sony Ericsson ed un'eventuale terza parte, qualora il Software contenga materiale o codice di tale terza parte, verranno nominati beneficiari terzi di queste condizioni. La validità, l'interpretazione e l'adempimento di questa licenza saranno governate dalle leggi di Svezia. Quanto sopra verrà applicato nella misura massima consentita dai diritti del consumatore previsti dalla legge, quando applicabile.Garanzia limitataSony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden, (Sony Ericsson) o le relative affiliate forniscono la presente garanzia limitata per il telefono portatile e i relativi accessori originali forniti insieme al telefono portatile (di seguito denominati "Prodotto").In caso di riparazioni in garanzia, il Prodotto va fatto pervenire al rivenditore presso il quale si è effettuato l'acquisto. In alternativa, è possibile rivolgersi al Sony Ericsson Call Center di competenza (potrebbero venire applicate le tariffe nazionali) o visitare il sito Web per ulteriori informazioni.LA GARANZIAIn base alle condizioni della presente garanzia limitata, Sony Ericsson garantisce che il Prodotto al momento dell'acquisto è privo di difetti di costruzione o relativi al design e ai materiali impiegati. La presente garanzia limitata avrà una validità di due (2) anni a decorrere dalla data iniziale di acquisto del Prodotto per il telefono portatile e di un (1) anno a decorrere dalla data iniziale di acquisto del Prodotto per tutti gli accessori originali (come la batteria, il caricabatterie o il kit viva voce) che possono essere consegnati unitamente al telefono portatile.RESPONSABILITÀSe durante il periodo di garanzia il Prodotto, in condizioni normali di utilizzo, dovesse presentare malfunzionamenti dovuti a difetti di design, costruzione o relativi ai materiali impiegati, i distributori autorizzati Sony Ericsson o i centri di assistenza partner del paese/regione* di acquisto del Prodotto procederanno, a propria discrezione, alla riparazione o alla sostituzione del Prodotto alle condizioni di seguito previste.Sony Ericsson e i centri di assistenza partner si riservano il diritto di addebitare le spese di riparazione se il Prodotto restituito non rientra nella garanzia, in base alle condizioni di seguito previste.Tenere presente che parte delle impostazioni personali, dei contenuti scaricati sul telefono e di altre informazioni potrebbero andare perduti quando il Prodotto Sony Ericsson viene riparato o sostituito. Al momento, la legge applicabile, altre norme o restrizioni tecniche impediscono a Sony Ericsson di effettuare copie di backup di determinati contenuti scaricati. Sony Ericsson non si assume alcuna responsabilità per informazioni perse di qualunque tipo né rimborserà l'utente in caso di eventuali perdite. Si consiglia di effettuare sempre copie di 30backup di tutte le informazioni salvate nei prodotti Sony Ericsson quali contenuti scaricati, dati dell'agenda e dei contatti prima di portare il Prodotto a un centro Sony Ericsson per la riparazione o la sostituzione.CONDIZIONI1 La presente garanzia limitata è valida solo se il Prodotto da riparare o sostituire è accompagnato dall'originale della prova di acquisto rilasciata dal rivenditore autorizzato Sony Ericsson, per questo Prodotto, con l'indicazione della data e del numero di serie**. Sony Ericsson si riserva il diritto di non effettuare la riparazione in garanzia se queste informazioni risultassero cancellate o modificate dopo il primo acquisto del Prodotto dal rivenditore.2 Qualora Sony Ericsson proceda alla riparazione o alla sostituzione del Prodotto, la riparazione del difetto in questione o il Prodotto sostituito godrà di un periodo di garanzia pari alla parte residua della garanzia originale oppure di novanta (90) giorni dalla data di riparazione (si considera il periodo più lungo). La riparazione o la sostituzione potranno essere effettuate anche tramite componenti rigenerati con funzionalità equivalenti. Le parti o i componenti sostituiti diventeranno di proprietà di Sony Ericsson.3 La presente garanzia non copre eventuali guasti dovuti alla normale usura o a un utilizzo non appropriato e non conforme al normale funzionamento secondo quanto indicato nelle istruzioni per l'uso e la manutenzione del Prodotto fornite da Sony Ericsson. Inoltre, la garanzia non copre difetti del Prodotto derivanti da eventi fortuiti, modifiche all'hardware o al software o adattamenti, cause di forza maggiore o danni derivanti dal contatto con liquidi.Una batteria ricaricabile può essere caricata e scaricata oltre centinaia di volte. Tuttavia, a lungo termine, la batteria si esaurisce. Non si tratta di un difetto, ma corrisponde alla normale usura. Se il tempo di conversazione o la durata in modalità standby sono eccessivamente brevi, la batteria deve essere sostituita. Sony Ericsson raccomanda di utilizzare esclusivamente batterie e caricabatterie approvati da Sony Ericsson.Tra i telefoni possono esserci variazioni minime nella luminosità e nei colori dei display. Potrebbero, ad esempio, apparire sul display piccoli punti luminosi o scuri definiti pixel difettosi che si verificano in caso di cattivo funzionamento di singoli punti e non possono essere corretti. Due pixel difettosi sono ritenuti accettabili.Tra i telefoni possono esserci variazioni minime nell'aspetto dell'immagine della fotocamera. Questa situazione non è affatto insolita e non è considerata un difetto della fotocamera.4 Poiché il sistema cellulare sul quale funziona il Prodotto non viene fornito da Sony Ericsson, Sony Ericsson non si ritiene responsabile per il funzionamento, la disponibilità, la copertura, i servizi o l'estensione del suddetto sistema.5 Questa garanzia non copre guasti del Prodotto dovuti a installazioni, modifiche o riparazioni o all'apertura del Prodotto eseguite da personale non autorizzato da Sony Ericsson.6 La garanzia non copre guasti del Prodotto dovuti all'utilizzo di accessori o altri dispositivi non originali Sony Ericsson progettati per essere utilizzati con il Prodotto.Sony Ericsson non riconosce alcuna garanzia, esplicita o implicita, per guasti causati al Prodotto o ai dispositivi da virus, trojan horse, spyware o altri software dannosi. Sony Ericsson consiglia di installare un software di protezione da virus appropriato nel Prodotto e in tutti i dispositivi ad esso collegati, se disponibili, e di aggiornarlo regolarmente, per proteggere meglio il telefono. Resta inteso, tuttavia, che tale 31software non proteggerà mai completamente il Prodotto o i suoi dispositivi e Sony Ericsson non riconosce alcuna garanzia, esplicita o implicita, qualora tale software antivirus non riesca a fornire la protezione prevista.7 La rottura dei sigilli del Prodotto invaliderà la garanzia.8 LA PRESENTE GARANZIA ANNULLA E SOSTITUISCE OGNI GARANZIA SCRITTA O ORALE PREVISTA DALLA LEGGE CHE SIA DEROGABILE PER VOLONTÀ DELLE PARTI; IN PARTICOLARE NON SI PRESTA ALCUNA GARANZIA SPECIFICA DI COMMERCIABILITÀ O DI IDONEITÀ A SCOPI PARTICOLARI DEL PRODOTTO. IN NESSUN CASO SONY ERICSSON O I PROPRI LICENZIATARI POTRANNO ESSERE RITENUTI RESPONSABILI PER DANNI ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI, QUALI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO E NON TASSATIVO, MANCATO PROFITTO O DANNI COMMERCIALI, NELLA MISURA IN CUI TALI DANNI NON VENGANO RICONOSCIUTI DALLA LEGGE.Alcuni paesi non consentono l'esclusione o la limitazione di danni accidentali o consequenziali, o la limitazione della durata di garanzie implicite, pertanto le limitazioni o esclusioni precedenti potrebbero non essere applicabili.La presente garanzia non pregiudica i diritti del consumatore previsti dalla legge né i diritti del consumatore nei confronti del rivenditore derivanti dal contratto di vendita/acquisto.* LIMITI GEOGRAFICI DELLA GARANZIASe il Prodotto è stato acquistato in un paese membro dello Spazio economico europeo (SEE) o in Svizzera o nella Repubblica di Turchia e tale Prodotto era destinato alla vendita nel SEE o in Svizzera o in Turchia, il Prodotto può usufruire dell'assistenza in uno qualsiasi dei paesi SEE o in Svizzera o in Turchia, in base alle condizioni di garanzia prevalenti nel paese in cui si richiede l'assistenza del Prodotto, a condizione che in tale paese venga venduto un Prodotto identico da un distributore Sony Ericsson autorizzato. Per sapere se il Prodotto di cui si dispone è commercializzato nel paese di residenza, contattare il Sony Ericsson Call Center locale. Tenere presente che potrebbe non essere possibile effettuare alcuni interventi in paesi diversi da quelli di acquisto originale, ad esempio nel caso in cui un componente interno o esterno del Prodotto sia diverso dai modelli equivalenti venduti in altri paesi. Si noti inoltre che talvolta potrebbe non essere possibile la riparazione di prodotti con carta SIM bloccata.** In alcuni paesi/regioni potrebbero essere richieste ulteriori informazioni (come una scheda di garanzia valida).32Belangrijke informatieSony Ericsson-websiteOp vindt u een Support-sectie met Help-teksten en tips die u met enkele klikken van de muis kunt openen. Hier vindt u de laatste, bijgewerkte computersoftwareversies en tips om de telefoon efficiënter te gebruiken.Service en ondersteuningU hebt toegang tot een grote verscheidenheid aan exclusieve servicevoordelen, zoals:• wereldwijde en lokale websites die ondersteuning bieden;• een wereldwijd netwerk van callcenters;• een uitgebreid netwerk van servicepartners voor Sony Ericsson;• een garantieperiode. Lees meer over de garantievoorwaarden in deze gebruikershandleiding.Op vindt u de nieuwste ondersteuningsprogramma's en informatie. Neem contact op met uw netwerkexploitant voor informatie over specifieke services en voorzieningen van de operator. U kunt ook contact opnemen met onze callcenters. Neem contact op met uw lokale leverancier als uw land/regio niet in onderstaande lijst staat. (Voor deze gesprekken gelden de nationale telefoontarieven, inclusief lokale belastingen, tenzij het telefoonnummer een gratis nummer is.) Als uw product moet worden gerepareerd, kunt u contact opnemen met de leverancier bij wie u het product hebt aangeschaft of met een van onze servicepartners. Bewaar uw aankoopbewijs als u aanspraak wilt maken op garantie.Richtlijnen voor veilig en efficiënt gebruik Houd u aan deze richtlijnen. Als u dit niet doet, kunnen er defecten optreden of kan zelfs uw gezondheid gevaar lopen. Als u twijfelt of het product correct werkt, laat u het product controleren door een gecertificeerde servicepartner voordat u het product oplaadt of gebruikt. Aanbevelingen voor een veilig gebruik van onze producten• Ga altijd voorzichtig om met het apparaat en bewaar het op een schone en stofvrije plaats.• Waarschuwing! De telefoon kan ontploffen wanneer deze in het vuur wordt gegooid.• Stel de mobiele telefoon niet bloot aan vloeistoffen, vocht of extreme damp.• Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan extreme temperaturen. Stel de batterij niet bloot aan temperaturen boven +60 °C (+140 °F).• Breng het apparaat niet in contact met open vuur of brandende rookwaren. • Laat de mobiele telefoon niet vallen, gooi er niet mee en probeer deze niet te verbuigen.• Schilder het product niet en probeer het niet uit elkaar te halen of er wijzigingen in aan te brengen. Onderhoud dient uitsluitend te worden uitgevoerd door erkend personeel van Sony Ericsson. • Neem contact op met uw arts en raadpleeg de instructies van de fabrikant van medische apparatuur voordat u het product gebruikt in de buurt van een pacemaker of andere medische apparatuur.• Stop het gebruik van elektronische apparaten of schakel de radioverzendfunctie van het apparaat uit wanneer dit is verplicht of wordt gevraagd.• Gebruik het product niet in explosieve omgevingen.• Plaats geen mobiele telefoon of andere draadloze apparatuur in de ruimte boven de airbag van uw auto.33• Waarschuwing: Gebarsten of gebroken schermen kunnen scherpe randen hebben of splinters veroorzaken die verwondingen of schade kunnen veroorzaken.• Gebruik de Bluetooth headset niet in posities waarin dit niet prettig is of waar er druk op uitgevoerd wordt.Kinderen Waarschuwing! Houd het product buiten het bereik van kinderen. Laat kinderen nooit met mobiele telefoons of accessoires spelen. Ze kunnen bij zichzelf of anderen letsel veroorzaken. Producten kunnen kleine onderdelen bevatten die los kunnen raken en verstikkingsgevaar met zich mee kunnen brengen. Stroomvoorziening (oplader)Sluit de oplader op stroomvoorzieningen aan zoals is aangegeven op het product. Gebruik het product niet buiten of in vochtige ruimten. Verander het snoer niet en zorg ervoor dat er geen druk op wordt uitgeoefend en dat het niet kan worden beschadigd. Koppel het apparaat los voordat u het reinigt. Verander de stekker nooit. Laat een passend stopcontact installeren door een erkend elektricien wanneer de stekker niet in het stopcontact past. Wanneer de stroomvoorziening wordt aangesloten, is er een kort stroomverlies. U kunt deze geringe energieverspilling vermijden door de stroomvoorziening los te koppelen wanneer het product volledig is opgeladen. Het gebruik van opladers van een ander merk dan Sony Ericsson kan veiligheidsriciso's met zich meebrengen. Batterij Nieuwe of niet-gebruikte batterijen kunnen tijdelijk minder capaciteit hebben. Laad de batterij de eerste keer volledig op. Gebruik de batterij alleen voor het doel waarvoor deze is bestemd. Laad de batterij alleen op bij een temperatuur tussen de +5 °C (+41 °F) en +45 °C (+113 °F). Steek de batterij niet in uw mond. Zorg dat de batterij niet in aanraking komt met een ander metalen voorwerp. Zet het product uit voordat u de batterij verwijdert. Prestaties zijn afhankelijk van temperatuur, signaalsterkte, gebruikspatronen, geselecteerde functies en spraak- of gegevenstransmissie. Alleen servicepartners voor Sony Ericsson mogen ingebouwde batterijen verwijderen of vervangen. Het gebruik van batterijen van een ander merk dan Sony Ericsson kan veiligheidsriciso's met zich meebrengen.Persoonlijke medische apparatuurMobiele telefoons kunnen invloed hebben op geïmplanteerde medische apparatuur. Verminder het risico op storingen door een afstand van minimaal 15 cm (6 inch) tussen de mobiele telefoon en het apparaat aan te houden. Houd de telefoon altijd tegen uw rechteroor. Draag de telefoon niet in uw borstzak. Zet de telefoon uit als u vermoedt dat deze storing veroorzaakt. Raadpleeg een arts en de fabrikant voor alle medische apparatuur.AutorijdenSommige autofabrikanten verbieden het gebruik van mobiele telefoons in hun voertuigen, tenzij daarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van een handsfree kit met een externe antenne. Vraag aan de vertegenwoordiger van uw automerk of uw mobiele telefoon of Bluetooth handsfree geen invloed heeft op de elektronische systemen in uw auto. Houd uw aandacht altijd bij het verkeer en leef altijd plaatselijke wetten en regelgevingen na die het gebruik van draadloze apparaten tijdens het rijden beperken.34Op GPS/locatie gebaseerde functiesSommige producten bevatten op GPS/locatie gebaseerde functies. De functionaliteit voor het bepalen van locaties wordt 'in een vast format' en 'met alle beperkingen' geleverd. Sony Ericsson doet geen beweringen en geeft geen garantie met betrekking tot de nauwkeurigheid van dergelijke locatiegegevens. Het gebruik van locatie-afhankelijke gegevens door het apparaat is mogelijk niet ononderbroken of foutloos en is mogelijk afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van netwerkdiensten. De functionaliteit kan afnemen of worden verhinderd door bepaalde omgevingsfactoren, zoals het interieur van gebouwen of gebieden naast gebouwen. Waarschuwing: gebruik GPS-functionaliteit nooit op een manier die u afleidt tijdens het rijden.AlarmnummersU kunt niet onder alle omstandigheden zeker zijn dat u kunt bellen. Vertrouw voor essentiële communicatie nooit uitsluitend op mobiele telefoons. Het kan zijn dat oproepen in bepaalde gebieden, bij een aantal cellulaire netwerken of bij gebruik van bepaalde netwerkservices en/of telefoonfuncties niet mogelijk zijn.AntenneAls u voor gebruik met dit model telefoon gebruikmaakt van antenneapparaten van een ander merk dan Sony Ericsson, kan de telefoon worden beschadigd en kunnen de prestaties achteruitgaan. Ook kunt u worden blootgesteld aan hogere SAR-waarden dan de opgegeven limieten (zie hieronder). Bedek de antenne niet met uw handen, aangezien dit invloed kan hebben op de oproepkwaliteit en energieniveaus, en de spreek- en stand-bytijd kan verkorten.Blootstelling aan radiofrequentie (RF) en SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)Wanneer de telefoon of Bluetooth headset wordt aangezet, wordt een kleine hoeveelheid radiofrequentie-energie uitgezonden. Op basis van periodieke en grondige evaluatie van wetenschappelijke onderzoeken zijn internationale veiligheidsrichtlijnen vastgelegd. Deze richtlijnen leggen aanbevolen niveaus voor blootstelling aan radiogolven vast. De richtlijnen voorzien in een ruime veiligheidsmarge die de veiligheid van alle personen garandeert, en die rekening houdt met alle mogelijke variaties voortvloeiend uit afwijkende meetmethoden.Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) wordt gebruikt om de hoeveelheid radiofrequentie-energie te meten die door het lichaam wordt geabsorbeerd tijdens het gebruik van een mobiele telefoon. De SAR-waarde wordt bepaald door het hoogste gecertificeerde energieniveau gemeten in laboratoria, maar omdat de telefoon is ontworpen voor het gebruik van de minimumhoeveelheid energie die nodig is om toegang te krijgen tot het gekozen netwerk, ligt de werkelijke SAR-waarde ver onder deze waarde. Het is niet bewezen of het verschil in SAR-waarde ook een verschil in veiligheid betekent.Producten met radiozenders die in de VS worden verkocht, moeten een FCC-keurmerk hebben (Federal Communications Commission). Indien nodig worden tests uitgevoerd terwijl de telefoon tegen het oor wordt gehouden en op het lichaam wordt gedragen. Als de telefoon op het lichaam wordt gedragen, wordt deze getest met een afstand van minimaal 15 mm van het lichaam, zonder dat er metalen voorwerpen in de buurt van de telefoon zijn, of als de telefoon wordt gebruikt met een geschikte accessoire van Sony Ericsson om deze telefoon op het lichaam te dragen.Op de volgende website vindt u meer informatie over SAR en blootstelling aan radiofrequenties: (afkorting van malicious software - schadelijke software) is software die schadelijk kan zijn voor uw mobiele telefoon of andere computers. Malware of schadelijke toepassingen zijn bijvoorbeeld virussen, wormen, spyware en andere ongewenste programma's. Omdat in het apparaat geen beveiligingsmaatregelen zijn geïmplementeerd tegen dergelijke pogingen, doet Sony Ericsson geen beweringen en garandeert Sony Ericsson niet dat het apparaat ontoegankelijk is voor dergelijke malware. U kunt het risico op aanvallen van malware echter verminderen door zorgvuldig te zijn wanneer u inhoud downloadt of applicaties accepteert, af te zien van het openen of beantwoorden van berichten uit onbekende bron, gebruik te maken van vertrouwde diensten voor toegang tot internet, en alleen content naar uw mobiele telefoon te downloaden van bekende en betrouwbare bronnen.AccessoiresGebruik alleen originele Sony Ericsson-accessoires en maak alleen gebruik van erkende servicepartners. Sony Ericsson test geen accessoires van derden. Accessoires kunnen invloed hebben op blootstelling aan radiofrequenties, de werking van de radio, volume van het geluid, elektrische veiligheid en andere aspecten. Gebruik van accessoires en onderdelen van derden kan de prestaties doen afnemen of een risico betekenen voor uw gezondheid of veiligheid.Toegankelijkheidsoplossingen/speciale behoeftenIn de VS zijn compatibele Sony Ericsson-telefoons mogelijk compatibel met TTY-terminals (met gebruik van de noodzakelijke accesssoire). Voor meer informatie belt u het Sony Ericsson Special Needs Center, telefoon 877 878 1996 (TTY) of 877 207 2056 (voice), of gaat u naar elektrische en elektronische apparatuur verwijderen Elektronische apparatuur en batterijen mogen niet als huishoudelijk afval worden verwijderd, maar dienen te worden achtergelaten op het daarvoor bestemde inzamelpunt voor recycling. Hierdoor helpt u mee eventuele schadelijke gevolgen voor het milieu en de volksgezondheid te voorkomen. Informatie hierover kunt u opvragen bij de gemeente, de afvalverwijderingsdienst of de winkel waar u het product hebt gekocht. U kunt ook een Sony Ericsson Call Center bellen.De batterij weggooien Lees de plaatselijke regelgeving erop na of bel een Sony Ericsson Call Center voor informatie. Gooi het apparaat niet weg met het huisvuil.GeheugenkaartAls uw product wordt geleverd met een verwijderbare geheugenkaart, is deze over het algemeen bruikbaar voor de gekochte handset, maar is mogelijk niet bruikbaar voor andere apparaten of de mogelijkheden van de geheugenkaarten daarvan. Controleer de bruikbaarheid van de geheugenkaart voor andere apparaten voordat u deze koopt of gebruikt. Als uw product is uitgevoerd met een geheugenkaartlezer, controleer de bruikbaarheid van de geheugenkaart op andere apparaten voordat u die koopt of gebruikt.De geheugenkaart wordt vóór verzending geformatteerd. Gebruik een compatibel apparaat als u de geheugenkaart opnieuw wilt formatteren. Formatteer de geheugenkaart niet op een pc met de standaardformattering van het besturingssysteem. Raadpleeg de bedieningsinstructies van het apparaat of neem contact op met de klantenservice voor details.Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications ABSE-221 88 Lund, Swedenwww.sonyericsson.comPrinted in Country36WAARSCHUWING:• Als het apparaat een adapter nodig heeft voor gebruik in de handset of een ander apparaat, mag u de kaart nooit rechtstreeks zonder de vereiste adapter plaatsen.Voorzorgsmaatregelen voor gebruik van geheugenkaart• Zorg ervoor dat de geheugenkaart niet vochtig wordt.• Raak de terminalaansluitingen niet aan met uw handen of een metalen object.• U mag de geheugenkaart niet stoten, buigen of laten vallen.• Probeer de geheugenkaart niet uit elkaar te halen of er wijzigingen in aan te brengen.• Gebruik of bewaar de geheugenkaart niet in een vochtige of corroderende omgeving of bij zeer hoge temperaturen, zoals een gesloten auto in de zomer, in direct zonlicht of bij de verwarming enzovoort.• Duw niet hard op het uiteinde van de adapter voor de geheugenkaart en buig dit niet.• Zorg ervoor dat er geen vuil, stof of andere ongewenste stoffen terechtkomen in de toegangspoort van de geheugenkaartadapter.• Controleer of u de geheugenkaart juist hebt geplaatst.• Plaats de geheugenkaart zo ver mogelijk in de benodigde geheugenkaartadapter. De geheugenkaart werkt mogelijk niet goed als deze er niet volledig in geschoven is.• We adviseren u een back-up te maken van belangrijke gegevens. We zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor verlies of beschadiging van content die u op de geheugenkaart hebt opgeslagen.• Opgeslagen gegevens kunnen worden beschadigd of kunnen verloren gaan wanneer u de geheugenkaart of geheugenkaartadapter verwijdert, de stroom uitzet tijdens het formatteren, lezen of schrijven van gegevens of als u de geheugenkaart gebruikt op plaatsen met statische elektriciteit of hoge elektrische veldemissies.Bescherming van persoonlijke gegevensWis persoonlijke gegevens voordat u het product wegdoet. Herstel de fabrieksinstellingen als u gegevens wilt verwijderen. Het verwijderen van gegevens uit het telefoongeheugen is geen garantie dat deze niet kunnen worden hersteld. Sony Ericsson kan niet garanderen dat niemand toegang kan krijgen tot uw gegevens, en is niet verantwoordelijk voor daaruitvolgende bekendmaking van genoemde gegevens, zelfs niet als een volledige reset is uitgevoerd.Geluidswaarschuwing Vermijd geluidsniveaus die schadelijk kunnen zijn voor het gehoor.GebruiksrechtovereenkomstDit draadloze apparaat, inclusief maar niet beperkt tot alle media die bij het apparaat worden geleverd, ('Apparaat') bevat software die het eigendom is van Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB en haar dochterondernemingen (Sony Ericsson') en de leveranciers en licentieverleners van Sony Ericsson ('Software'). Sony Ericsson verleent u als gebruiker van dit Apparaat een niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare, niet-toewijsbare licentie voor het gebruik van de Software, doch uitsluitend in combinatie met het apparaat waarop deze is geïnstalleerd of waarbij deze is geleverd. Niets in deze overeenkomst mag worden opgevat als een verkoop van de Software aan een gebruiker van dit Apparaat. U mag de broncode of onderdelen van de Software niet reproduceren, wijzigen, distribueren, decompileren of er reverse-engineering op toepassen, of de broncode of onderdelen van de Software op andere wijze achterhalen. Om twijfel te voorkomen hebt 37u te allen tijde het recht alle rechten en plichten in verband met de Software over te dragen aan een derde partij, doch uitsluitend samen met het Apparaat waarop u de Software hebt ontvangen en altijd op de voorwaarde dat deze derde partij schriftelijk met deze regels instemt. Deze licentie wordt u verleend voor de volledige levensduur van dit Apparaat. Deze licentie kan worden beëindigd door al uw rechten in verband met het apparaat waarop u de Software hebt ontvangen schriftelijk over te dragen aan een derde partij. Indien u de in deze licentie vermelde bepalingen niet naleeft, wordt de licentie met onmiddellijke ingang beëindigd. Sony Ericsson en de externe leveranciers en licentiegevers van Sony Ericsson zijn de enige en exclusieve eigenaars van de Software en behouden zich alle rechten, eigendomsrechten en belangen op en in de Software voor. Sony Ericsson en, voor zover de Software materiaal of code van een derde partij bevat, een dergelijke derde partij wordt de titel verleend van derden-begunstigden van deze voorwaarden. Op de geldigheid, constructie en prestaties van deze licentie is het recht van Zweden van toepassing. Het voorgaande is volledig van toepassing voor zover maximaal is toegestaan onder de wettelijke rechten van de consument.Beperkte garantieSony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden, (Sony Ericsson) of lokale vestiging verstrekt deze Beperkte garantie voor uw mobiele telefoon en elk origineel accessoire dat bij uw mobiele telefoon is geleverd (hierna ‘Product’ te noemen).Mocht het nodig zijn om gebruik te maken van de garantie op uw product, retourneer het product dan aan de leverancier bij wie u het product hebt gekocht of neem contact op met het regionale Sony Ericsson Call Center (hiervoor kunnen nationale tarieven in rekening worden gebracht) of bezoek voor meer informatie.Onze garantieConform de bepalingen in deze beperkte garantie garandeert Sony Ericsson dat dit product vrij is van defecten in ontwerp, materiaal en arbeid op het moment van oorspronkelijke aanschaf door een consument. Deze beperkte garantie is geldig voor een periode van twee (2) jaar vanaf de oorspronkelijke aanschafdatum van het product voor uw mobiele telefoon, en voor een periode van één (1) jaar vanaf de oorspronkelijke aanschafdatum van het product voor alle originele accessoires (zoals de batterij, de oplader of de handsfree-carkit) die eventueel bij uw mobiele telefoon worden geleverd.Wat wij doenIndien dit product gedurende de garantieperiode bij normaal gebruik en onderhoud niet functioneert vanwege ontwerp-, materiaal- of afwerkingsfouten, zullen bevoegde distributeurs of servicepartners van Sony Ericsson in het land of de regio* waar u het product hebt gekocht, het product naar eigen keus repareren of vervangen conform de voorwaarden en bepalingen die in dit document zijn neergelegd.Sony Ericsson en haar servicepartners behouden zich het recht voor een bedrag in rekening te brengen indien een geretourneerd product niet onder de garantie valt volgens de onderstaande voorwaarden.Wanneer het product wordt gerepareerd of vervangen, kunnen persoonlijke instellingen, downloads en andere informatie verloren gaan. Op dit moment is het voor Sony Ericsson wettelijk, via andere regelgeving of vanwege technische beperkingen onmogelijk om een kopie van bepaalde downloads te maken. Sony Ericsson is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige informatie die verloren gaat en biedt geen vergoeding voor een dergelijk verlies. 38Maak altijd een kopie van alle informatie op uw Sony Ericsson-product, zoals downloads, de kalender en contacten, voordat u uw Sony Ericsson-product ter reparatie of vervanging aanbiedt.Voorwaarden1 Deze beperkte garantie is alleen geldig indien de originele kwitantie voor dit product die door een geautoriseerde Sony Ericsson-dealer is afgegeven, met daarop de aankoopdatum en het serienummer**, wordt overlegd samen met het product dat moet worden gerepareerd of vervangen. Sony Ericsson behoudt zich het recht voor om onderhoud uit hoofde van de garantie te weigeren indien deze gegevens zijn verwijderd of gewijzigd na de oorspronkelijke aanschaf van het product bij de leverancier.2 Als Sony Ericsson de mobiele telefoon repareert of vervangt, geldt de resterende garantieperiode of de periode gedurende negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van de reparatie, als dat langer is, voor de reparatie van het relevante defect of voor het vervangende product. Reparatie of vervanging kan door middel van functioneel equivalente soortgelijke producten plaatsvinden. Vervangen onderdelen worden eigendom van Sony Ericsson.3 Deze garantie is niet van toepassing op tekortkomingen van het product ten gevolge van normale slijtage, misbruik (inclusief, maar niet beperkt tot, gebruik op een andere dan de normale en gebruikelijke wijze conform de instructies voor gebruik en onderhoud van het product), ongevallen, wijziging of aanpassing van software of hardware, calamiteiten, of schade ten gevolge van vloeistoffen.Een oplaadbare batterij kan meer dan honderd keer worden opgeladen en ontladen. Uiteindelijk zal deze echter slijten. Dit is geen defect en is het gevolg van slijtage door normaal gebruik. Wanneer de spreektijd of de stand-bytijd merkbaar korter is geworden, is het tijd de batterij te vervangen. Wij raden u aan alleen batterijen en opladers te gebruiken die door Sony Ericsson zijn goedgekeurd.Er kunnen zich minieme verschillen voordoen in de helderheid en kleur van de display van verschillende telefoons. Er kunnen kleine heldere of donkere puntjes worden weergegeven op de display. Deze worden ‘defecte pixels’ genoemd. Dit verschijnsel doet zich voor als afzonderlijke punten defect zijn. Deze kunnen niet worden hersteld. Als er twee defecte pixels zijn, wordt dit acceptabel geacht.Er kunnen zich minieme verschillen voordoen in cameraweergave tussen verschillende telefoons. Dit is gebruikelijk en wordt niet gezien als een storing van de cameramodule.4 Aangezien het cellulaire systeem waarop het product werkt, niet wordt verstrekt door Sony Ericsson, is Sony Ericsson niet verantwoordelijk voor de werking, beschikbaarheid, dekking, service of het bereik van dat systeem.5 Deze garantie vervalt bij productschade die is veroorzaakt door installaties, aanpassingen of reparatie, of het openen van het product door een niet door Sony Ericsson bevoegde persoon.6 De garantie vervalt bij productschade die is veroorzaakt door het gebruik van niet-originele Sony Ericsson-accessoires of -randapparatuur.Sony Ericsson is in geen geval aansprakelijk voor garanties, hetzij expliciet hetzij impliciet, voor storingen die aan het product of aan de randapparatuur worden veroorzaakt als gevolg van virussen, trojaanse paarden, spyware of andere schadelijke software. Sony Ericsson raadt u met klem aan geschikte antivirussoftware op uw product en 39eventueel op aangesloten randapparatuur te installeren, voor zover verkrijgbaar, en regelmatig een update op deze software uit te voeren om uw apparatuur beter te beschermen. Het is echter bekend dat dergelijke software uw product of de bijbehorende randapparatuur nooit volledig zal beschermen. Sony Ericsson is niet aansprakelijk bij garantieclaims, hetzij expliciet hetzij impliciet, in geval het product vanwege dergelijke antivirussoftware niet kan worden gebruikt voor het doel waarvoor het is bestemd.7 Bij beschadiging van verzegelingen van het product vervalt de garantie.8 ER ZIJN GEEN EXPLICIETE GARANTIES VAN TOEPASSING, HETZIJ SCHRIFTELIJK HETZIJ MONDELING, DAN DEZE GEDRUKTE BEPERKTE GARANTIE. ALLE IMPLICIETE GARANTIES, DAARONDER BEGREPEN, MAAR NIET UITSLUITEND IMPLICIETE GARANTIES VAN VERKOOPBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN BEPAALD DOEL, WORDEN BEPERKT DOOR DE DUUR VAN DEZE BEPERKTE GARANTIE. SONY ERICSSON OF HAAR LICENTIEGEVERS ZULLEN IN GEEN GEVAL AANSPRAKELIJK ZIJN VOOR INDIRECTE SCHADE OF GEVOLGSCHADE VAN WELKE AARD DAN OOK, DAARONDER BEGREPEN, MAAR NIET UITSLUITEND WINSTDERVING EN/OF BEDRIJFSSTAGNATIE.In sommige landen/staten is de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele schade, gevolgschade of de beperking van de duur van impliciete garanties niet toegestaan. De voorgaande beperkingen en uitsluitingen zijn dus mogelijk niet op u van toepassing.Deze garantie is niet van invloed op de wettelijke rechten van de consument onder het toepasselijk recht, noch op de rechten van de consument ten opzichte van de leveranciers, die voortvloeien uit een verkoop- of inkoopcontact.* GEOGRAFISCH BEREIK VAN DE GARANTIEWanneer u uw product hebt aangeschaft in een land dat lid is van de Europese Economische Ruimte (EER) of in Zwitserland of Turkije, en een dergelijk product bedoeld was voor verkoop in de EER of in Zwitserland of Turkije, kunt u uw product laten repareren in elk willekeurig EER-land of in Zwitserland of Turkije, onder de garantievoorwaarden die gelden in het land waarin u het product laat repareren, indien in het desbetreffende land een identiek product wordt verkocht door een erkende Sony Ericcson-distributeur. Neem contact op met het regionale Sony Ericsson Call Center als u wilt weten of uw product in het land wordt verkocht waarin u zich bevindt. Bepaalde services kunnen alleen worden geleverd in het land waarin u het product hebt gekocht, bijvoorbeeld vanwege het feit dat uw product aan buiten- of binnenzijde afwijkt van gelijkwaardige modellen die in andere landen worden verkocht. Houd er bovendien rekening mee dat producten met een SIM-lock niet altijd kunnen worden gerepareerd.** In sommige landen/regio’s kan om aanvullende informatie (zoals een geldige garantiekaart) worden gevraagd.Support/Support/Support/Assistenza/OndersteuningArgentina 800-333-7427questions.AR@support.sonyericsson.comAustralia 1-300650-600questions.AU@support.sonyericsson.comBelgique/België 02-7451611questions.BE@support.sonyericsson.com40Brasil 4001-04444questions.BR@support.sonyericsson.comCanada 1-866-766-9374questions.CA@support.sonyericsson.comCentral Africa +27 112589023questions.CF@support.sonyericsson.comChile 123-0020-0656questions.CL@support.sonyericsson.comColombia 18009122135questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comČeská republika 844550 055questions.CZ@support.sonyericsson.comDanmark 33 31 28 28questions.DK@support.sonyericsson.comDeutschland 0180 534 2020questions.DE@support.sonyericsson.comǼȜȜȐįĮ801-11-810-810210-89 91 919questions.GR@support.sonyericsson.comEspaña 902 180 576questions.ES@support.sonyericsson.comFrance 0 825 383 383questions.FR@support.sonyericsson.comHong Kong/ 8203 8863questions.HK@support.sonyericsson.comHrvatska 062 000 000questions.HR@support.sonyericsson.comIndia/ 39011111questions.IN@support.sonyericsson.comIndonesia 021-2701388questions.ID@support.sonyericsson.comIreland 1850 545 888questions.IE@support.sonyericsson.comItalia 06 48895206questions.IT@support.sonyericsson.comLietuva 8 70055030questions.LT@support.sonyericsson.comMagyarország +36 1 880 4747questions.HU@support.sonyericsson.comMalaysia 1-800-889900questions.MY@support.sonyericsson.comMéxico 01 800 000 4722questions.MX@support.sonyericsson.comNederland 0900 899 8318questions.NL@support.sonyericsson.comNew Zealand 0800-100150questions.NZ@support.sonyericsson.com41Norge 815 00 840questions.NO@support.sonyericsson.comÖsterreich 0810 200245questions.AT@support.sonyericsson.comPakistan 111 22 55 73(92-21) 111 22 55 73questions.PK@support.sonyericsson.comPhilippines/Pilipinas 02-6351860questions.PH@support.sonyericsson.comPolska 0 (prefiks) 22 6916200questions.PL@support.sonyericsson.comPortugal 808 204 466questions.PT@support.sonyericsson.comRomânia (+4021) 401 Ɋɨɫɫɢɹ8 (495) 787 0986questions.RU@support.sonyericsson.comSchweiz/Suisse/Svizzera 0848 824 040questions.CH@support.sonyericsson.comSingapore 67440733questions.SG@support.sonyericsson.comSlovensko 02-5443 6443questions.SK@support.sonyericsson.comSouth Africa 0861 6322222questions.ZA@support.sonyericsson.comSuomi 09-299 2000questions.FI@support.sonyericsson.comSverige 013-24 45 00questions.SE@support.sonyericsson.comTürkiye 0212 473 77 71questions.TR@support.sonyericsson.comɍɤɪɚʀɧɚ(+0380) 44 590 1515questions.UA@support.sonyericsson.comUnited Kingdom 08705 23 7237questions.GB@support.sonyericsson.comUnited States 1-866-7669347questions.US@support.sonyericsson.comVenezuela 0-800-100-2250questions.VE@support.sonyericsson.com43 919880questions.AE@support.sonyericsson.com4008100000questions.CN@support.sonyericsson.com02-25625511questions.TW@support.sonyericsson.com02-2483030questions.TH@support.sonyericsson.comLZT1089495/1R2APPreflighted byreflighted byPreflighted by (                  )(                  )(                  )
This is a draft publication for internal use only.FCC StatementDeclaration of ConformitySony Ericsson W518a Walkman™UMTS HSDPA band 1/2/5 GSM GPRS/EDGE850/900/1800/1900
FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Any change or modification not expressly approved by SonyEricsson may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.11
Industry Canada StatementThis device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la normeNMB-003 du Canada.12
Declaration of Conformity for  W518aWe, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB ofNya VattentornetSE-221 88 Lund, Swedendeclare under our sole responsibility that our productSony Ericsson type AAD-3880017-BVand in combination with our accessories, to which thisdeclaration relates is in conformity with the appropriatestandards EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V3.2.1, EN 301908-2:V3.2.1, EN 300 328:V1.7.1, EN 300 440-1:V1.4.1, EN 300440-2:V1.2.1, EN 301 489-3:V1.4.1, EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1, EN301 489-17:V1.3.2, EN 301 489-24:V1.4.1, EN 60 950-1:2006following the provisions of, Radio Equipment andTelecommunication Terminal Equipment directive  1999/5/EC .Lund, April 2009Rikko Sakaguchi,Corporate Vice President and Head of Creation & DevelopmentWe fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).Ce produit est conforme aux directives de R&TTE (1999/5/EC).Atendemos aos requisitos da Diretriz R&TTE (1999/5/EC).Cumplimos con los requisitos de la Directiva R&TTE – Normassobre equipos de terminales de radio y telecomunicaciones(1999/5/EC).13
www.sonyericsson.comSony Ericsson Mobile Communications ABSE-221 88 Lund, Sweden1226-3625.1

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