Sony Group MV65ST DVD Player With FM Transmitter User Manual MZ 65ST

Sony Corporation DVD Player With FM Transmitter MZ 65ST

User Manual

© 2004 Sony CorporationMV-65STFor installation and connections, refer to “Connection” on page 8.Owner’s RecordThe model and serial numbers are located on the bottom of the unit.Record these numbers in the space provided below.Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding thisproduct.Model No. MV-65ST  Serial No.2-021-315-11 (1)Operating InstructionsPortable DVDPlayer
2DANGER INVISIBLEAVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN.CAUTIONThe use of optical instruments with thisproduct will increase eye hazard.CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments orperformance of procedures other thanthose specified herein may result inhazardous radiation exposure.This is located on the drive unit's internalchassis.To prevent fire or shock hazard, do notexpose the unit to rain or moisture.This symbol is intended toalert the user to the presence ofuninsulated “dangerousvoltage” within the product’senclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude toconstitute a risk of electricshock to persons.This symbol is intended toalert the user to the presence ofimportant operating andmaintenance (servicing)instructions in the literatureaccompanying the appliance.WarningWarningThis equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.  Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.  However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.  If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:— Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.— Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.— Connect the equipment into an outlet ona circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.You are cautioned that any changes ormodifications not expressly approved in thismanual could void your authority to operatethis equipment.CAUTIONThe use of optical instruments with thisproduct will increase eye hazard.For the customers in the UnitedStatesThis product contains mercury. Disposal ofthis product may be regulated if sold in theUnited States. For disposal or recyclinginformation, please contact your localauthorities or the Electronics IndustriesAlliance (
3Table of ContentsWelcome ! .............................................................. 4Precautions ............................................................ 4About this manual ............................................... 5About discs this player can play ........................ 6Connection ............................................................ 8Resetting the player ........................................... 10Location of controls ........................................... 11Various PlaybackPlaying a disc ...................................................... 13Searching a chapter/title/track directly .......... 14Resume playback .................................................15Using MP3/JPG menu ........................................15Displaying elapsed time ................................... 16Changing the subtitle language ....................... 17Using a DVD menu ............................................ 18Using the TOP MENU button ............................18Using the MENU button .....................................18Changing the audio language .......................... 19Changing angles ................................................. 19Changing the audio output .............................. 20Using the PBC (playback control) function .... 20Changing SetupSystem settings — SYSTEM menu .................. 21Selecting the language on the menus— OSD LANGUAGE..................................... 21Setting the screen saver— SCREEN SAVER ........................................22Returning this player to the factory setting— LOAD SETUP DEF.................................... 22Settings for DVD playback— DVD SETUP menu .................................. 22Selecting the audio language for DVD — AUDIO .......................................................22Displaying the subtitles for DVD— SUBTITLE ................................................... 23Setting the aspect ratio for the TV screen— TV SCREEN ...............................................23Displaying the multi-angle notice— ANGLE MARK .......................................... 23Preparing for the initial parental setting — PARENTAL CONTROL .......................... 23Setting the password — PASS WORD .............. 24Selecting the speaker mode— SPEAKER menu ....................................... 25Selecting the downmix mode— DOWNMIX ................................................25Selecting the digital audio output mode— AUDIO menu ........................................... 25Selecting the color system for the outputvideo signal — VIDEO menu ..................... 26Monitoring video signals input from theconnected device ........................................... 26Selecting the color system for the inputvideo signal.................................................... 27Settings by using the MENU button on themonitor ........................................................... 27Adjusting the contrast .........................................27Adjusting the brightness ..................................... 28Adjusting the color ..............................................28Adjusting the hue (NTSC only) ......................... 28Adjusting the dimmer .........................................28Resetting the adjustments................................... 28Setting the screen mode ...................................... 28Setting the FM transmitter .................................. 29Setting the blue background screen .................. 29Exiting the menu operation ................................ 29Turning the image upside down...................... 30Setting the reference volume ............................ 30Additional informationMaintenance........................................................ 31Notes on discs ..................................................... 32About MP3 files .................................................. 33Specifications ...................................................... 34Troubleshooting.................................................. 35Error display ....................................................... 36Language Code List ........................................... 37
4PrecautionsTo avoid the risk of serious injury or accident,read the following precautions beforeinstalling and operating the player.On safetyDo not put any foreign objects in the DC IN12V jack.On power sources•Use house current or car battery (12 V DC).•For use in your house, use the AC poweradaptor supplied with the player. Do not useany other AC power adaptor since it maycause the player to malfunction.•Connect the AC power adaptor to an easilyaccessible AC outlet. Should you notice anabnormality in the AC power adaptor,disconnect it from the AC outletimmediately.•The player is not disconnected from the ACpower source (mains) as long as it isconnected to the wall outlet, even if theplayer itself has been turned off.•If you are not going to use the player for along time, be sure to disconnect the powersupply (AC power adapter or car batterycord). To remove the AC power adaptor fromthe wall outlet, grasp the plug itself; neverpull the cord.On heat build-upHeat may build up in the player if it is used foran extended period of time. This, however, isnot an malfunction.For driver's safetyComply with your local traffic rules andregulations.•While driving— The driver must not watch or operate theplayer. It may lead to distraction andcause an accident.— The driver must not use the headphones.It may lead to distraction and cause anaccident.Park the car in a safe place when thedriver watch and operate the player or usethe headphones.Thank you for purchasing this Sony PortableDVD Player. You can enjoy its various featureseven more with:•DVD/Video CD/Audio CD playback.•Support DTS/Dolby digital through opticaldigital output terminal.•MP3/JPG file playback (recorded on CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs).•Supplied controller accessoryCard remote commanderRM-X137Before operating the player, please read thisoperating instructions thoroughly and retain itfor future reference.CopyrightsThis product incorporates copyright protectiontechnology that is protected by method claimsof certain U.S. patents, other intellectualproperty rights owned by MacrovisionCorporation, and other rights owners. Use ofthis copyright protection technology must beauthorized by Macrovision Corporation, and isintended for home and other limited viewinguses only unless otherwise authorized byMacrovision Corporation. Reverse engineeringor disassembly is prohibited.Manufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic”, and thedouble-D symbol are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories. Confidential unpublished works.Copyright 1998-1999 Dolby Laboratories. Allrights reserved.“DTS,” “DTS Digital Surround” and “DTSDigital Out” are trademarks of Digital TheaterSystems, Inc.Welcome !Polarity ofthe plug
5About this manualConventions•Instructions in this manual describe how touse the player mainly by using the controlson the supplied wireless card remotecommander.•The icons below are used in this manual:•While operating— Do not insert your hands, fingers orforeign objects into the player. It maycause injury or damage to the player.— Take extra care not to wind the wire of theheadphones around your neck avoidinginjury or suffocation in the event of asudden movement of the vehicle.— Keep small articles out of the reach ofchildren.•If the player does not work, check theconnections first. If everything is in order,check the fuse.•If your car was parked in direct sunlight,allow the player to cool off before operatingit.•Avoid installing the player in places:— subject to temperature below 0 °C (32 °F)or above 45 °C (113 °F)— subject to direct sunlight— near heat sources (such as heaters)— exposed to rain or moisture— exposed to excessive dust or dirt— subject to excessive vibration— subject to heat:Keep the player away from nearby hotvehicle components that heat up overtime such as hoses, high current wires,and braking systems components. Makesure to leave enough room for ventilationon openings and slots to protect from overheating.If you have any questions or problemsconcerning the player, please consult yournearest Sony dealer.Moisture condensationOn a rainy day or in a very damp area,moisture condensation may occur inside thelenses. Should this occur, the player will notoperate properly. In such a case, remove thedisc and wait for about an hour until themoisture has evaporated.To maintain high sound qualityBe careful not to splash juice or other softdrinks onto the player or discs.Icon MeaningFunctions available for DVDVIDEOs or DVD-Rs/DVD-RWs invideo modeFunctions available for Video CDsor CD-Rs/CD-RWs in video CDformatFunctions available for music CDsor CD-Rs/CD-RWs in music CDformatFunctions available for files in MP3format stored on CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWsFunctions available for files inJPEG format stored on CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs
6RegioncodeAbout discs this player canplayThis player can play the following discs:•DVD•DVD-R•DVD-RW•Video CD•Audio CD•CD-R/CD-RWDisc type Label on the discDVD VideosVideo CDsAudio CDsMP3 files/JPEG files“DVD VIDEO,” “DVD-R” and “DVD-RW” aretrademarks.Notes on CD-Rs (recordable CDs)/CD-RWs (rewritable CDs)•Some CD-Rs/CD-RWs (depending on theequipment used for its recording or thecondition of the disc) may not play on thisplayer.•You cannot play a CD-R/CD-RW that is notfinalized*.•You cannot play a CD-R/CD-RW that isrecorded in Multi Session.•You can play MP3/JPEG files recorded onCD-ROMs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs.*A process necessary for a recorded CD-R/CD-RWdisc to be played on the audio CD player.Region code of DVDs this playercan playThis player has a region code printed on therear of the player and will only play DVDs thatare labeled with identical region codes. DVDslabeled ALL will also be played on this player.If you try to play any other DVD, the message“REGION ERROR” will appear on the screen.Depending on the DVD, the region codeindication may not appear even if the DVD isprohibited by area restrictions.   Cautions• This player CANNOT play these discs.— DVD-Audio — DVD-RAM— DVD-ROM — CD-G— SVCD — CD-I— Photo-CD — VSD— Active-Audio (Data)— CD-Extra (Data)— Mixed CD (Data)— CD-ROM (the data other than the MP3/JPEGfile)— DVD-RW recorded in VR mode• This product incorporates copyright protectiontechnology that is protected by method claims ofcertain U.S. patents and other intellectualproperty rights owned by MacrovisionCorporation and other rights owners. Use of thiscopyright protection technology must beauthorized by Macrovision Corporation, and isintended for home and other limited viewinguses only unless otherwise authorized byMacrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering ordisassembly is prohibited.
7Note on PBC (Playback Control)This player conforms to Ver. 1.1 and Ver. 2.0 ofVideo CD standards. You can enjoy two kindsof playback according to the disc type.Disc typeVideo CDs withoutPBC functions(Ver. 1.1 discs)Video CDs withPBC functions(Ver. 2.0 discs)Note on DTS-encoded CDsWhen playing DTS*-encoded CDs, excessivenoise will be heard from the analog stereooutputs. To avoid possible damage to theaudio system, the consumer should takeproper precautions when the analog stereooutputs of this player is connected to anamplification system. To enjoy DTS DigitalSurround™ playback, an external 5.1-channelDTS Digital Surround™ decoder system mustbe connected to the digital output of thisplayer.* “DTS,” “DTS Digital Surround” and “DTS DigitalOut” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems,Inc.Terms for discsDVD structureDiscTitleChapterYou canVideo playback (movingpictures) as well as music.• Interactive softwarewith menu screensdisplayed on themonitor(PBC Playback, page20).• Video playbackfunctions.• High-resolution stillpictures if they areincluded on the disc.Video CD/Audio CD structure• TitleThe longest section of a picture or musicfeature on a DVD, e.g., a movie for videosoftware, or an album for audio software, etc.•ChapterSections of a picture or a music feature thatare smaller than titles.  A title is composed ofseveral chapters.  Each chapter is assigned achapter number enabling you to locate thechapter you want.  Depending on the disc,chapters may not be recorded.•TrackSections of a picture or a music feature on aVideo CD/Audio CD.  Each track is assigneda track number enabling you to locate thetrack you want.•SceneOn a Video CD with PBC (playback control)functions, the menu screens, moving picturesand still pictures are divided into sectionscalled “scenes.”  Each scene is assigned ascene number enabling you to locate thescene you want.TrackDisc
8ConnectionOn AUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUTconnectorsYou can connect a TV to the AUDIO/VIDEOOUTPUT connectors to output the contentsbeing played back on the player.  Connect theyellow plugs of the audio/video cable to thevideo connectors on both the TV and theplayer and connect the white plugs and the redplugs to the white (left audio) connectors andred (right audio) connectors respectively.On AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT connectorsYou can connect a VTR, etc. to the AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT connectors to input thecontents being played back on the device.  Youcan connect the device in the same way asdescribed on  “On AUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUTconnectors” above.Optical cable(not supplied) To a digitalamplifier, etc.AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT OPTICAL OUTPUTDC IN 12VAUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUTTwo headphonesconnectors(at the side)AC poweradaptor(supplied)Audio/videocable(not supplied)Antenna for FMtransmission(supplied)Power cord for thecigar lighter socket(supplied)TV, etc.To audio/videoinput connectorsTo the cigar lighter socketWhen using theplayer in the carTo awalloutletNotes•When connecting the other device to the player,be sure to connect the player to the powersource after all other connections are completed.•If an obstacle such as cigar ash is caught insidethe cigar lighter socket, the contact between thepower cord plug and the socket becomesincomplete and the plug may get extremely hotduring use. To avoid this, check the socket andclean it if necessary before connecting the powercord.* Polarity of the plugThis player is supplied with two types ofpower cable. When you use the player in thecar, connect the player to the cigar lightersocket; when using at home, connect it to theAC outlet.*AC power cord(supplied)
9Installing the player in the carThe player can be installed in the car by usingthe supplied mounting straps.1Attach the angled hook on each of thesupplied mounting straps to the fourbrackets at the bottom of the player.2Attach the round hooks to the car.Be sure to hook the player to a steadyobjects such as the headrest shafts of theseat or the seat rails.When you attach the player to the centerconsole, secure the round hooks to thebottom edge of the console.3Take in the slack of the belts to securethe player.Example when the player is attached behindthe seatExample when the player is attached betweenthe seatsExample when the player is attached to thecenter consolecontinue to next page tTo the car To the playerRound hook Angled hook
10REVERSEResetting the playerBefore operating the player for the first time,you must reset the player.Press (RESET) with a pointed object, such as aballpoint pen. Pushing it with force by using aneedle may damage the player.Notes• When you press (RESET), some of the previoussettings may be lost. If this occurs, make thesettings again.•It takes about 10 seconds for the player to resetitself after pressing (RESET). Do not insert a discduring this time. If you do, the player may not bereset properly.RESETWhen the player is installed behindthe seat or between the seatsThe player is installed upside down.Do the procedure below to turn the picture onthe screen upside down and switch the audiochannels to use the player.1Open the monitor of the player, rotate itin 180 degrees, then close it with thescreen facing upward.2Turn on the player, then press(REVERSE) on the monitor.To cancel this, press (REVERSE) again.When the player is attached to the center console•When picture noise appears or the sounddropouts occur due to vibrations from the car,place a cushioning material under the player.• If a gap exists between the top of the centerconsole and the bottom of the player, fill thegap with a material with optimum thickness sothat the player becomes stable.
11MV-65STDISC INRESET67890qaqdqsqfqgRefer to the pages listed for details.1Monitor2VOL –/+ buttons  13, 27To turn up or down the volume or to selectthe item during menu operation.3Disc slot4DISC IN lightWhen a disc is in the player, the DISC INlight glows orange.5POWER (on/off) button  13To turn on/off the player.6u (play/pause) button  13, 14, 15, 207x (stop) button  14, 158. (previous)/> (next) buttons  14,209Receptor for the card remotecommanderq; Reverse button  10, 30To switch images upside down andreverse the output of the audio Speakers (left/right)qs MENU button  27To make various display settings and FMtransmitter setting.qd HEADPHONES jacksTo connect the headphones. 2 sets ofheadphones can be connected.qf Z (eject) button  14Available to eject a disc from the playereven when the player is turned off.qg RESET button  10NoteEven when the player is turned off by pressing(POWER), you can eject a disc from the player,though you cannot insert a disc.continue to next page tLocation of controls
12Card remote commander RM-X137ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLRefer to the pages listed for details.1DISPLAY button  16To display the time information of the disc.2Number buttons (0 to 9)  14, 20, 243TOP MENU button  18To display the top menu of a recordedDVD.4MENU button  18, 20To display the recorded DVD menu, or toturn on/off the PBC (Playback control)menu of a Video CD.5O (return) button  206./> (previous/next) buttons  14, 207m (fast reverse)/M (fast forward) buttons  148M/,/m/< buttons  14, 15, 18, 219POWER (on/off) button  13To turn on/off the player.q; SEARCH button  14To specify a desired point on a disc bychapter, title, or CLEAR buttonqs SUBTITLE button  17To change the subtitle language whileplaying a DVD.qd ENTER button  14, 21To enter a setting.qf ANGLE button  19To select the multiple angles of view whileplaying a DVD.qg AUDIO button  19To change the audio output/audiolanguage.qh  (slow reverse)/y (slow forward)buttons  14qj u (play/pause) button  13, 14, 15, 20qk x (stop) button  14, 15ql SETUP buttons  22Used to perform menu operations.w; INPUT button  26To select the input source.wa VOL (–/+) buttons  13, 27To turn up or down the volume.The corresponding buttons of the cardremote commander control the samefunctions as those on the player.Instructions in this manual describe how to usethe player by mainly using the card remotecommander.TipRefer to “Replacing the lithium battery of the cardremote commander” for details on how to replacethe battery (page 31).
13Various PlaybackThis chapter describes various functions forplayback.Playing a disc       ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOL./>uxPOWERSEARCHM/m</,/ym/MVOL1Open the monitor and adjust the tilt andswivel.2Press (POWER) to turn on the player.The monitor turns on and the green light ofthe POWER switch on the player lights up.Numberbuttons3Insert the disc  (labeled side up) into theplayer.Playback starts automatically.If a disc is already inserted or playback doesnot start automatically, press u to startplayback.4Press (VOL) (+) or (VOL) (–) on the cardremote commander to adjust thevolume.To turn off the powerPress (POWER) so that the green light of thePOWER switch on the player turns off.After useTurn off the player and disconnect the powercord from the power source.Note on using the player in the carUsing the player while the ignition key is inACC position and the engine is stopped maycause the car battery to run down.Notes•Even when the player is turned off, you can ejecta disc from the player, though you cannot inserta disc.•Read the instruction manual supplied with thedisc to play with this player.•When you play an 8-cm disc (e.g., CD-single), besure to insert it to the center area of the disc slot.•Depending on the recording method used on thedisc, it may take a minute or more beforeplaying.•Depending on the condition of the disc, it maynot play back (page 32).•A high-bit rate MP3 file such as 320 kbps may notplay back properly.continue to next page t
14Operation for playbackTo Do thisStop playback Press x*1Eject the disc Press Z on theplayer.Pause Press u *2.Press again toresume playback.Go to the next chapter, Press >track, or sceneGo back to the preceding Press .chapter, track, or sceneFast forward/ Press M/m whilefast reverse playing*3 *4Each press changesthe playback speedas follows:  2 timesnormal speedt 4 times normalspeed t 8 timesnormal speed t 16times normal speedt 32 times normalspeed t normalplayback speed.Slow forward Press y/ while(DVD/Video CD only)/ playing *4Slow reverse Each press changes(DVD only) the playback speedas follows:  1/2 timesnormal speed t 1/4times normalspeedt 1/8 timesnormal speedt 1/16 times normalspeedt 1/32 timesnormal speedtnormal playbackspeed.*1If the resume playback function is activated, youcan resume playback later by pressing u. Fordetails, see “Resume playback” (page 15).*2 DVD/Video CD/Audio CD/MP3/JPEG“X” is displayed on the screen.*3 DVD/Video CD/Audio CD/MP3/JPEGNo sound is output during fast forward or fastreverse.*4 A disc other than a DVD returns to normalplayback when a track/MP3 file finishes.Searching a chapter/title/trackdirectly1During playback or pause, press(SEARCH) to display search screen.•DVD*1Each time you press (SEARCH), thesearch screen changes as follows:  “TIMESEARCH,” “SELECT TITLE,” and “OFF.”When you press < or , button while“SELECT TITLE” is displayed in thescreen, the screen toggles between“SELECT CHAPTER” and “SELECTTITLE.”•Video CD (only when PBC is off)/AudioCD*2Each time you press (SEARCH), thesearch screen toggles between “TIMESEARCH” and “SELECT TRACK.”2Press the number buttons to enter thedesired chapter/title/track number.When “TIME SEARCH” is displayedWhen “SELECT TITLE,” “SELECT CHAPTER,” or“SELECT TRACK” is displayed3Press (ENTER).*1Search is possible even while the player isstopped.*2 You can use the number buttons on the cardremote commander to select the track.NoteYou cannot set “0.”
15Resume playbackYou can resume playback from the pointwhere the playback has been stopped. Theplayer memorizes the point even after thepower is turned off.1During playback, press x to stop.The player memorizes the point whereplayback is stopped.•DVD/Video CD/Audio CD“PRESS PLAY KEY TO LASTPLAY”appears on the screen.2Press u to start playback.“LASTPLAY” appears on the screen andplayback starts from the point whereplayback has been stopped.•MP3/JPEGWhen resume playback is activated,playback starts from the beginning of theMP3/JPEG file (track) during which youhave stopped playback.Notes• To deactivate the resume function, press x againwhile playback is stopped. “PRESS PLAY KEY TOPLAY” appears on the screen at this time.• The resume function will be deactivated whenthe disc is ejected.• The resume function will also be deactivatedwhen the ignition key is turned to OFF positionor when the player is disconnected from thepower source.Using MP3/JPG menuWhen you insert a disc containing MP3 orJPEG files, playback automatically starts andthe MP3/JPG menu appears on the screen.To make settings on the MP3/JPG menu, pressx to stop the player.To select a folder or a fileWhile the player is stopped, use M/m buttonsto select the folder or a file, then press(ENTER).When you press (ENTER) after selecting afolder, files inside the folder appear.To select the display modeWhile the player is stopped, use ,/<buttons to select “DISPLAY,” then press(ENTER) repeatedly to select the displaymode.Each time you press (ENTER), display modechanges as follows:  MP3 ONLY (only MP3files are displayed) t JPG ONLY (only JPEGfiles are displayed) t MP3 AND JPG (MP3files and JPEG files are grouped anddisplayed).To select the playback modeWhile the player is stopped, use ,/</mbuttons to select “PLAYMODE,” then press(ENTER) repeatedly to select the playbackmode.Each time you press (ENTER), playback modechanges as follows:  REPEAT DISC (repeats allthe tracks on the disc) t NORMAL (normalplayback) t REPEAT DIR (repeats all thetracks within the directory) t REPEAT ONE(repeats one track) t RANDOM (plays tracksat random; the same track may be played morethan once) t SHUFFLE (plays tracks atrandom; tracks are played only once).continue to next page t
16Displaying elapsed time       You can display the elapsed time and theremaining time of DVDs, Video CDs andAudio CDs.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLDISPLAYDuring playback, press (DISPLAY).The elapsed time or the remaining time isdisplayed at the upper left.Each time you press (DISPLAY), the displaychanges as follows:•DVDElapsed time of the titleRemaining time of the titleElapsed time of the chapterRemaining time of the chapterOFF (default display)Notes•While playing back, you cannot change a folderor file with the MP3/JPG menu. Only the files inthe selected folder can be selected with the ./> button. To change the folder, stop playback.•Names for the MP3 folders and files aredisplayed properly when they consist ofalphabets, numbers, or symbols only. Folders andfiles containing other characters are displayed as“DIR--001” or “FILEOPEN--001.”
17•Video CD•Audio CDTo turn off the time informationPress (DISPLAY) repeatedly to select “OFF.”Elapsed time of the discElapsed time of the track and audiomode (stereo/mono)Elapsed time of the track and PBCsetting (ON/OFF)Remaining time of the trackOFF (default display)Changing the subtitlelanguage Some DVDs have recorded subtitles in one ormore languages. You can turn the subtitles onor off, or change the subtitle language on suchDVDs.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLSUBTITLEPress (SUBTITLE) during playback.The subtitle language is displayed at theupper left.Example: a subtitle language displayEach time you press (SUBTITLE), thelanguage switches within the list of subtitlelanguages recorded on the disc.To turn off the subtitlePress (SUBTITLE) repeatedly to select “OFF.”Notes• You can also change the subtitle languages bychanging Setup*. See “Displaying the subtitlesfor DVD — SUBTITLE” (page 23).* You can change to a specific subtitle languageusing the DVD SETUP menu, only if thelanguage is included in both the disc and themenu. In some discs, the initial language to bedisplayed is specified regardless of the DVDSETUP menu setting.• This function varies or may not work, dependingon the DVD.The disc contains 2subtitle languages andthe first language iscurrently selected.Remaining time of the discElapsed time of the discOFFElapsed time of the track(default display)
18Using the MENU buttonSome DVDs have more comprehensive menuthat includes such things as the audiolanguages, subtitle languages, titles, andchapters, etc.1During a DVD playback, press (MENU).The DVD menu is displayed.2Press M/,/m/< to select the desireditem.3Press (ENTER).If additional selection screens appear,repeat step 2 and 3.Notes• Some DVDs do not have a DVD menu and onsome DVDs, the contents of the DVD menu andtitle menu are the same.• On some DVDs, “DVD Menu” may be expressedas “MENU.”• On some DVDs, “Press ENTER” may be expressedas  “Press SELECT” in step 3.• The contents of the DVD menu differ, dependingon the DVD.• Read the instruction manual supplied with aDVD.Using a DVD menu With some DVDs you can use the originalmenu such as Title menu and DVD menu. Intitle menu, you can play your favorite scene orsong  by selecting titles of songs and scenes.You can select an item, subtitle language,audio language etc. by selecting a DVD menu.The contents of title menus and DVD menusdiffer, depending on the DVD. There may besome DVDs which have no recorded menus.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLTOP MENUMENUENTERM/m</,Using the TOP MENU buttonSome DVDs have a title menu. From the titlemenu you can select a title for playback. Titlesare the longest sections of a picture or musicfeature on a DVD, e.g., a movie, or an albumfor audio software, etc. The TOP MENUbutton is available to display the initial menuscreen.1During DVD playback, press (TOP MENU).The title menu* (top menu) is displayed.* The contents of the title menu differ,depending on the DVD.2Press M/,/m/< to select the desiredtitle.3Press (ENTER).The title you selected starts to play.
19Changing the audiolanguage Some DVDs have multiple audio languagesyou can choose from.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLAUDIODuring playback, press (AUDIO)repeatedly to select the desired audiolanguage.The current audio language is displayed atthe upper left.Example: an audio language displayWhen the display for the language codeappears, input the language codecorresponding to the desired language(page 37).Notes• You can switch the audio language only ifmultiple audio languages are recorded on theDVD.• You can also change the audio languages byusing the DVD menu (page 18) or the DVD SETUPmenu* (page 22).* You can change to a specific audio languageusing the DVD SETUP menu, only if thelanguage is included in both the disc and themenu. In some discs, the initial language to beoutput is specified regardless of the DVD SETUPmenu setting.• This function varies or may not work, dependingon the DVD.The format of the sound source(Dolby D, DTS, or LPCM) may appear.Changing anglesSome DVDs have multiple alternative anglesrecorded for certain scenes. If you have set“ANGLE MARK” to “ON” (page 23), a noticeappears at the scene.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLSETUPANGLE1During playback of a DVD havingmultiple alternative angles recorded,press (ANGLE) when a notice appears.The number of the currently selected angleis displayed at the upper right.2Press (ANGLE) repeatedly to select yourfavorite angle number, while the anglenumber is displayed.Each time you press (ANGLE), the anglenumber switches.Notes• You can switch the angle only if multiple anglesare recorded on the DVD.• The total number of recorded angles differsdepending on the DVD and scene.• You can switch the angle only during normalplayback. You cannot switch the angle duringfast forward/reverse playback.• When the selected scene with multi anglesappears, the angle is automatically switched tothe angle number you selected in step 2.• This function varies or may not work, dependingon the DVD.The angle number youhave currently selected/the total number ofmultiple alternativeangles
20Using the PBC (playbackcontrol) function During playback of a PBC compatible VideoCD, you can display the PBC menu and selectthe item from the menu.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLMENU./>uO1Insert a Video CD, then press(MENU) repeatedly to select “PBC ON.”Depending on the Video CD, the PBC menumay be displayed automatically afterinserting a Video CD.Each time you press (MENU), the PBCmenu function turns on or off.2Press u.The PBC menu is displayed.3While the PBC menu screen is displayed;— press the number buttons to select thenumber of the desired item.— press ./> to go to the previous/next page.Button functions vary or may not work,depending on the Video CD.Notes• To display the PBC menu during playback of aVideo CD, press (MENU) repeatedly to select“PBC ON,” then press u.• During playback of a Video CD with “PBC ON,”press ./> to change the item. The PBCmenu is not displayed but the item you selectedstarts to play.• During playback of a Video CD with “PBC ON,”press O to display the PBC menu and the Bmark.• The PBC menus differ, depending on the VideoCD. Read the instruction manual supplied withthe Video CD.Changing the audio output You can select the desired audio output from“STEREO” or “L-MONO/R-MONO” duringVideo CD or Audio CD playback.ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLAUDIO1During playback, press (AUDIO).The current output is displayed at theupper left.Example: an audio output displayL-MONO2Press (AUDIO) to select the desiredoutput from “STEREO” or “L-MONO/R-MONO” while the output is displayed.Each time you press (AUDIO), the outputswitches.Numberbuttons
21Changing SetupYou can set up and adjust this player using theon-screen setup menus. Most settings need tobe set when you first use this player.Setup menus are:•SYSTEM menu (system settings)•DVD SETUP menu (settings for DVDplayback)•SPEAKER menu (setting for downmix mode)•AUDIO menu (settings for digital audiooutput)•VIDEO menu (settings for video output)ENTERSEARCHPOWERDISPLAYCLEARSETUPAUDIOANGLESUBTITLEMENUTOP MENUINPUT1234567890VOLENTERM/m</,SETUPRefer to “Settings by using the MENU buttonon the monitor” (page 27) for settings of themonitor.System settings — SYSTEMmenuSelecting the language onthe menus — OSD LANGUAGEYou can select the language used for themenus from the English and Japanese.1Press (SETUP).2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“OSD LANGUAGE.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect the language, then press (ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the SYSTEM menu.
22Setting the screen saver  —SCREEN SAVERIf you set the “SCREEN SAVER” setting to“ON,” the screen saver image appears whenyou leave the player in pause or stop mode formore than 15 minutes. The screen saver willhelp prevent the monitor from becomingdamaged.1Press (SETUP).2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“SCREEN SAVER.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “ON,” then press (ENTER).When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, the player exits the SYSTEM menuand normal display resumes.4Press (SETUP) to exit the SYSTEM menu.To turn off the screen saver settingSelect “OFF” in step 3.Returning this player to thefactory setting— LOAD SETUP DEFYou can return this player to the factory settingexcept your password (page 24) and parentalsetting (page 23). Follow the steps below.Note that this operation is possible only whenthe player is stopped.1Press (SETUP).2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“LOAD SETUP DEF,” then press (ENTER).3Press (SETUP) to exit the SYSTEM menu.Settings for DVD playback— DVD SETUP menu Selecting the audio languagefor DVD — AUDIOSome DVDs have multiple audio languagesyou can select from.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“AUDIO.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect the language, then press (ENTER).When you have selected “OTHER,” press Mor m button repeatedly to select “AUDIOCODE,” then enter the language code (page37).4Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.Notes• Regardless of setting to the desired language,other language may be automatically activated,depending on the DVD.• Some DVDs are prohibited to change the audiolanguage output, even if multiple languages arerecorded.
23Displaying the subtitles forDVD — SUBTITLEIf subtitles are recorded on the discs, you canchange the subtitles or turn the subtitles onand off.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“SUBTITLE.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect the language, then press (ENTER).When you have selected “OTHER,” press Mor m button repeatedly to select “SUBTITLECODE,” then enter the language code (page37).4Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.NoteRegardless of setting to the desired language,other language may be automatically activated,depending on the DVD.Setting the aspect ratio forthe TV screen — TV SCREENWhen you connect the player to a TV to watchthe DVD on TV screen, make this settingaccording to the type of the TV screen.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“TV SCREEN.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “4:3 PS,” “4:3 LB,” or “16:9,” thenpress (ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.Displaying the multi-anglenotice — ANGLE MARKIf various angles (multi-angles) for a scene arerecorded on the DVD and you have set the“ANGLE MARK” to “ON,” a notice appears atthe scene.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“ANGLE MARK.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “ON,”  then press (ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.To turn off the angle markSelect “OFF” in step 3.Preparing for the initialparental setting — PARENTALCONTROLPlayback of some DVDs can be limitedaccording to a predetermined level, such as theage of the viewer. The Parental controlfunction allows you to set a playbacklimitation level.This setting is possible only when a passwordis entered as described in “Setting thepassword” (page 24).1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“PARENTAL CONTR.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect the limitation level, then press(ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.continue to next page t
24Refer to the following table. Parental levels ofthe table are on the MPAA (Motion PictureAssociation of America) rating system. If youset this player to level “4” for example, DVDswith levels “5,” “6,” “7,” and “8” cannot beplayed.This Player MPAA Rating System“8” No restriction“7” “NC-17”: No one 17 andunder admitted“6” “R”: Restricted“5” “—”:“4” “PG-13”: Parents stronglycautioned“3” “PG”: Parental guidancesuggested“2” “—”:“1” “G”: General audienceSetting the password — PASSWORDWhen you set the password for the first time,be sure to set the parental control together.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “DVD SETUP”menu appears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“PASS WORD.”3Use the number buttons to enter “5370.”“NEW PASSWORD” appears and theplayer is ready to accept the new password.4Use the number buttons to enter a newpassword.5Press (SETUP) to exit the DVD SETUPmenu.NoteIf you forget your registered password, enter“5370.”
25Selecting the speakermode — SPEAKER menuSelecting the downmix mode— DOWNMIXYou can select the downmix mode from“STEREO” or “LT/RT.” The downmixfunction is used to create stereo (2-channel)signals from more than 5 separated digitalsignals of a source.STEREO:  Select this when the connected audioequipment does not support DolbySurround (Pro Logic).LT/RT:  Select this when the connected audioequipment supports Dolby Surround(Pro Logic).1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “SPEAKER” menuappears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“DOWNMIX.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “STEREO” or “LT/RT,” then press(ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the SPEAKERmenu.Selecting the digital audiooutput mode — AUDIO menuYou can set the mode of the audio signalsoutput from the OPTICAL OUTPUTconnector. “BITSTREAM” or “LPCM 48K” canbe selected.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “AUDIO” menuappears on the screen.2Press M or m button repeatedly to select“DIGITAL OUTPUT.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “BITSTREAM,” “LPCM 48K,” or“OFF,” then press (ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the AUDIO menu.Notes•When “OFF” is selected, no signal is output fromthe OPTICAL OUTPUT connector.•When you connect the player and a digitalrecording device such as an MD player throughan optical cable to record the CD contents withthat device, the contents will be recorded as onecontinuous track.
26Selecting the color systemfor the output videosignal — VIDEO menuWhen you connect the player to a TV to watchthe DVD on TV screen, make this settingaccording to the color system of your country.Note that this setting does not affect the screenof the player.AUTO:  Changes the color system for the videosignal output from the playerautomatically according to the colorsystem recorded on the DVD.NTSC:  Always outputs the NTSC signal.PAL:  Always outputs the PAL signal.1Press (SETUP), then press < or ,button repeatedly until “VIDEO” menuappears on the screen.2Press M or m repeatedly to select “COLORSYSTEM.”3Press  < or , button repeatedly toselect “AUTO,” “NTSC,” or “PAL,” thenpress (ENTER).4Press (SETUP) to exit the VIDEO menu.Monitoring video signalsinput from the connecteddeviceSwitch the input channel to monitor videosignals input from the device connected to theVIDEO INPUT connector of the player.1Press (POWER) to turn on the player.The current input channel (DVD) appearson the screen for 5 seconds.2Press (INPUT) repeatedly to select“VIDEO.”Each time you press the button, “DVD” and“VIDEO” alternate.Be sure to change the input channel settingto “DVD” to play the DVD with this player.
27Selecting the color systemfor the input video signalThe player detects the color system of theinput video signal (NTSC or PAL) and changesthe setting automatically (auto mode).Do the steps below to change the color systemsetting for the input video signal manually.1Press (POWER) to turn on the player.The current input channel (DVD) appearson the screen for 5 seconds.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to select “NTSC” or “PAL.”NoteWhen changed manually, color system setting forthe input video signal does not return to automode until the player is turned off or inputchannel setting is changed. Therefore, when it isset to “PAL,” the DVD recorded in NTSC systemcannot be viewed on the monitor of the playerunless you turn off the player, then turn it onagain.Settings by using theMENU button on themonitorYou can make settings for the monitor andfrequency for the FM transmitter by using(MENU) on the monitor.Each time you press (MENU), the settingscreen changes in the following sequence:Picture t Brightness t  Color t Hue*1 tDimmer t Video Adjust t Screen Mode tFM Transmitter t Blue Back  t Menu Off.*1 “Hue” appears only when the NTSC color systemis selected as the input source (page 27).NoteWhile making the following settings, the VOL +/–buttons on the card remote commander can beused to adjust the volume.Adjusting the contrast1Press (MENU) on the monitor.The “Picture” screen appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to adjust the contrast.The settable range is 0 to 63, and the defaultsetting is 32.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.
28Adjusting the brightness1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Brightness” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to adjust the brightness.The settable range is 0 to 63, and the defaultsetting is 30.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Adjusting the color1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Color” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to adjust the color.The settable range is 0 to 63, and the defaultsetting is 32.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Adjusting the hue (NTSConly)1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Hue” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to adjust the color.The default setting is “CTR” (center).When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Adjusting the dimmer1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Dimmer” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to select “On” or “Off.”The default setting is “Off.”When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Resetting the adjustmentsYou can reset the picture, brightness, color,hue, dimmer settings at single operation.1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Video Adjust” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitor to resetthe settings.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.NoteInput channel, color system for the input videosignal (NTSC/PAL), screen mode, and bluebackground setting are not reset when you do thesteps above.Setting the screen modeThe screen mode can be selected from the foursettings below:Normal: An image with an aspect ratio of 4 to3 (regular image).Full: An image with an aspect ratio of 4 to3 enlarged to the left and right edgesof the screen.Zoom: An image with an aspect ratio of 4 to3 enlarged to the left and right edgesof the screen, with the overflowingparts (top and bottom) cut off to fillthe screen.Wide: An image with an aspect ratio of 16to 9.1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Screen Mode” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitorrepeatedly to select the screen mode.The default setting is “Full.”When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.
29Setting the FM transmitterWhen using the player in the car, you cantransmit the audio signals to the FM radio andoutput the signals from the car stereo. Do theprocedure below to turn on or off the FMtransmitter and select the frequency.1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “FM Transmitter” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitor to select“On” or “Off.”The default setting is “On.”3To select the frequency, press (REVERSE)on the monitor.“Frequency” screen appears.4Press (VOL) +/– on the monitor to selectthe frequency.The settable range is 88.3 MHz to 89.9 MHz,in 0.2-MHz steps.5Press (REVERSE) on the monitor toreturn to “FM Transmitter” screen.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Notes•If headphones are connected to the player, FMtransmitter function does not work even when“On” is selected.•Depending on the location in which this player isattached, FM signals may not reach the car radioand audio output from the car stereo maybecome interrupted. If this happens, adjust theposition of the FM transmission antenna or movethe reception antenna of the car radio closer tothe player.•If noise is heard due to the interference with thelocal FM broadcast, change the FM transmissionfrequency.•When the FM transmitter is turned off, youcannot change the frequency setting.Setting the blue backgroundscreenWhen this item is set to “On,” the bluebackground screen appears when no videosignal is received.1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Blue Back” appears.2Press (VOL) +/– on the monitor to select“On” or “Off.”The default setting is “Off.”When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.Exiting the menu operation1Press (MENU) on the monitor repeatedlyuntil the “Menu Off” appears.2Press (MENU) on the monitor again.The normal screen resumes.When 5 seconds elapse with no buttonpressed, normal display resumes.
30Setting the referencevolumeYou can set the reference volume level foradjusting the volume by using (VOL) +/– onboth the monitor and the card remotecommander.Press (POWER) and press (VOL) +/– onthe monitor while no menu screenappears.The settable range is 0 to 47, and the defaultsetting is 10.When you keep pressing down the button,the value changes continuously.Turning the image upsidedownTo use the player in upright position, do thefollowing steps to turn the images on themonitor upside down and switch the audiochannels.Press (REVERSE) on the monitor.“Reverse On” appears for 5 seconds and theimage on the monitor turns upside down.To resume the normal images, press(REVERSE) on the monitor again.“Reverse Off” appears for 5 seconds.
31AdditionalinformationMaintenanceFuse replacementWhen replacing the fuse of the power cord forthe cigar lighter socket, be sure to use onematching the amperage rating stated on theoriginal fuse. If the fuse blows, check thepower connection and replace the fuse. If thefuse blows again after replacement, there maybe an internal malfunction. In such a case,consult your nearest Sony dealer.xWarningNever use a fuse with an amperage ratingexceeding the one supplied with the player asthis could damage the player.Replacing the lithium battery ofthe card remote commanderWhen the battery becomes weak, the range ofthe card remote commander becomes shorter.Replace the battery with a new CR2025 lithiumbattery. Use of any other battery may present arisk of fire or explosion.xNotes on lithium battery•Keep the lithium battery out of the reach ofchildren. Should the battery be swallowed,immediately consult a doctor.•Wipe the battery with a dry cloth to assuregood contact.•Be sure to observe the correct polarity wheninstalling the battery.•Do not hold the battery with metallictweezers, otherwise a short-circuit mayoccur.WARNINGBattery may explode if mistreated.Do not recharge, disassemble, or dispose ofin fire.+ side upFuse
32Notes on discs•To keep the disc clean, do not touch thesurface. Handle the disc by its edge.•Keep your discs in their cases or discmagazines when not in use. Do not subjectthe discs to heat/high temperature. Avoidleaving them in parked cars or ondashboards/rear trays.•Do not attach labels, or use discs with stickyink/residue. Such discs may stop spinningwhen used, causing a malfunction, or mayruin the disc.          •Do not use any discs with labels or stickersattached.The following malfunctions may result fromusing such discs:— Inability to eject a disc (due to a label orsticker peeling off and jamming the ejectmechanism).— Inability to read audio data correctly (e.g.,playback skipping, or no playback) due toheat shrinking of a sticker or label causinga disc to warp.•Discs with non-standard shapes (e.g., heart,square, star) cannot be played on this player.Attempting to do so may damage the player.Do not use such discs.•Before playing, clean the discs with acommercially available cleaning cloth. Wipeeach disc from the center out. Do not usesolvents such as benzine, thinner,commercially available cleaners, or antistaticspray intended for analog discs.Music discs encoded with copyrightprotectionThis product is designed to play back discsthat conform to the Compact Disc (CD)standard. Recently, various music discsencoded with copyright protection aremarketed by some record companies. Please beaware that among those discs, there are somethat do not conform to the CD standard andmay not be playable by this product.
33About MP3 filesMP3 (MPEG 1 Audio Layer-3) is a standardtechnology and format for compressing asound sequence. The file is compressed toabout 1/10 of its original size. Sounds outsidethe range of human hearing are compressedwhile the sounds we can hear are notcompressed.Recommended MP3 file formatSampling frequency 32k, 44.1k, 48k(Hz)Bitrate (bps) 128kNotes on discsYou can play MP3 files recorded on CD-ROMs,CD-Rs, and CD-RWs.The disc must be in the ISO 9660* level 1 orlevel 2 format, or Joliet in the expansionformat.* ISO 9660 FormatThe most common international standardfor the logical format of files and folders ona CD-ROM.There are several specification levels. InLevel 1, file names must be in the 8.3 format(no more than 8 characters in the name, nomore than 3 characters in the extension“.MP3”) and in capital letters. Folder namescan be no longer than 8 characters. There canbe no more than 8 nested folder levels. Level2 specifications allow file names up to 31characters long.Each folder can have up to 8 trees.For Joliet in the expansion format, make sureof the contents of the writing software, etc.Notes• With formats other than ISO 9660 level 1 andlevel 2, folder names or file names may not bedisplayed correctly.• When naming, be sure to add the file extension“.MP3” to the file name.• If you put the extension “.MP3” to a file otherthan MP3, the player cannot recognize the fileproperly and will generate random noise thatcould damage your speakers.•The following discs take a longer time to startplayback.—a disc recorded with complicated treestructure.—a disc to which data can be added.•A high-bit rate MP3 file such as 320 kbps may notplay back properly.The playback order of the MP3 filesThe playback order of the folders and files is asfollows:937824615Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Tree 5(root)TipTo specify a desired playback order, before thefolder or file name, input the order by number(e.g., “01,” “02”), then record contents onto a disc(The order differs depending on the writingsoftware).Folder(album)MP3 file(track)
34SpecificationsSystemLaser Semiconductor laserSignal format system NTSC/PALAudio characteristicsFrequency response 20 Hz to 20 kHzSignal to noise ratio 90dB (A)Harmonic distortion 0.03 %Dynamic range 90dBWow and flutter below measurable limits (±0.001% W PEAK)GeneralOutputs Audio outputVideo outputOptical outputHeadphones outputInputs Audio inputVideo inputDC 12V inputPower requirements 12 V DCDimensions Approx. 188 × 99 × 241 mm(7 1/2 × 4 × 9 1/2 in)(w/h/d)Mass Approx. 2.3 kg(5 lb 1 oz)Operating temperature 0 ˚C to 45 ˚C(32 ˚F to 113 ˚F)Supplied accessories Mounting straps (4)AC power adaptor (1)(including AC power cord(1))Power cord for the cigarlighter socket (1)Antenna for FMtransmission (1)Card remote commander  RM-X137 (includinglithium battery (1))Carrying bag (1)Operating Instructions (1)MonitorSystem Liquid crystal color displayDisplay Manual flipdown panelDrive system TFT-LCD active matrixsystemPicture size 6.5 inches wide screen(16:9)Picture segment 280,800 (w 1200 × h 234)dotsDesign and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.
35TroubleshootingThe following checklist will help you remedyproblems you may encounter with the player.Before going through the checklist below,check the connection and operatingprocedures.GeneralThis player does not turn on.•Check that the AC power adaptor or thepower cord for the cigar lighter socket isconnected correctly.•If the power cord for the cigar lightersocket is used, check the fuse.tIf the fuse is blown, replace it with acorrectly rated fuse.tIf the fuse blows again, consult yournearest Sony dealer.•The player may be overheated.tMake sure that the player is turned off.Wait until the player cools off, thenpress (POWER) again.Disc playbackA disc cannot be loaded.•Another disc is already loaded.•The disc is forcibly inserted upside downor in the wrong way.MP3 files cannot be played back.•Recording was not performed according tothe ISO 9660 level 1 or level 2 format, orthe Joliet convention in the expansionformat.•The file extension “.MP3” is not added tothe file name.•Files are not stored in MP3 format.MP3 files take longer to play back thanothers.The following discs take a longer time tostart playback.—a disc recorded with a complicated treestructure.—a disc to which data can be added.Playback functions such as pause aredeactivated.•The RESET button has been pressed.•The disc is ejected.The sound skips.•Dirty or defective disc.•The player is installed in the place subjectto severe vibrations.continue to next page tPictureThere is no picture.•Color system setting has been changedmanually while playing a DVD.tChange the setting according to thecolor system of the DVD, turn off theplayer and turn it on again, or switchthe input channel to “VIDEO,” thenswitch it to “DVD.”•Check that the device connected to theAUDIO/VIDEO INPUT connectors isconnected correctly.•If there is no picture on the TV screen, etc.connected to the player, check that thedevice connected to the AUDIO/VIDEOOUTPUT connectors is connectedcorrectly.Picture noise appears.•Dirty or defective disc.•The player is installed in the place subjectto severe vibrations.OperationThe card remote commander does notfunction.•Remove any obstacles between the cardremote commander and this player.•Use the card remote commander closer tothe remote control sensor.•Point the light emitter of the commander atthe remote control sensor of the player.•Replace the battery in the remote if it isweak.The player does not play from thebeginning when playing a disc.•Resume Playback may be activated.tPress x again or eject the disc.•Depending on the DVD, a title menu or aDVD menu may automatically appear onthe monitor during playback.tSelect the desired menu (page 18).•Depending on the Video CD, the PBCmenu display automatically appears on themonitor during playback.tSelect the desired menu (page 20).
36Playback stops automatically.The disc may contain an auto pause signal.While playing such a disc, this player stopsplayback at the signal.You cannot perform certain functions, suchas Stop or Search Playback.With some discs, you cannot activate thesefunctions.The language for the sound track cannot bechanged when you play a DVD.• Multilingual tracks are not recorded onthe DVD.• Changing the language for the track isprohibited on the DVD.The subtitle language cannot be changedwhen you play a DVD.•Multilingual subtitles are not recorded onthe DVD.•Changing the language for the subtitles isprohibited on the DVD.The subtitles cannot be turned off whenyou play a DVD.Depending on the DVD, you may not beable to turn the subtitles off.The angles cannot be changed when youplay a DVD.•Multi-angles are not recorded on the DVD.•Change the angles at a scene recorded withmultiple angles (page 19).•Changing the angles is prohibited on theDVD.This player does not operate properly.Static electricity, etc., may affect this player’soperation.tTurn off the player, allow the player tocool, then press (POWER) again.Error displayError displaysThe following indications will be displayed forabout 8 seconds.POWER OFF OVERHEATThe player may be overheated.tAllow the player to cool off, then press(POWER) again.REGION ERRORThe region code of the DVD currently in theplayer does not conform to the player.tMake sure the region code of the DVDand the player (page 6).DISC ERROR•The data recorded on the disc is damaged.•The player does not support the format inwhich the data is recorded to the disc.The operation cannot be done.
37Language Code ListThe language spellings conform to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) standard.Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Language6565 Afar 7089 Frisian 7771 Malagasy 8382 Serbian6566 Abkhazian 7165 Irish 7773 Maori 8385 Sundanese6570 Afrikaans 7168 Scots/Gaelic 7775 Macedonian 8386 Swedish6577 Amharic 7176 Gallcian 7776 Malayalam 8387 Swahili6582 Arabic 7178 Guarani 7778 Mongolian 8465 Tamil6583 Assamese 7185 Gujarati 7779 Moldavian 8469 Tegule6588 Aymara 7265 Hausa 7782 Marathi 8471 Tajik6590 Azerbaijani 7273 Hindi 7783 Malay 8472 Thai6665 Bashkir 7282 Croatian 7784 Maltese 8473 Tigrinya6669 Byelorussian 7285 Hungarian 7789 Burmese 8475 Turkmen6671 Bulgarian 7289 Armenian 7865 Nauru 8476 Tagalog6672 Bislama 7365 Interlingua 7869 Nepali 8479 Tonga6678 Bengali 7378 Indonesian 7876 Dutch 8482 Turkish6679 Tibetan 7383 Icelandic 7879 Norwegian 8484 Tatar6682 Breton 7384 Italian 7982 Oriya 8487 Twi6765 Catalan 7387 Hebrew 8065 Punjabi 8575 Ukrainian6779 Corsican 7465 Japanese 8076 Polish 8582 Urdu6783 Czech 7473 Yiddish 8083 Pushto/Pashto 8590 Uzbek6789 Welsh 7487 Javanese 8084 Portuguese 8673 Vietnamese6865 Danish 7565 Georgian 8185 Quechua 8679 Volap_k6869 German 7575 Kazakh 8277 Raeto-Romance 8779 Wolof6890 Bhutani 7576 Greenlandic 8279 Romanian 8872 Xhosa6976 Greek 7577 Cambodian 8285 Russian 8979 Yoruba6978 English 7578 Kannada 8365 Kinyarwanda 9072 Chinese6979 Esperanto 7579 Korean 8368 Sanskrit 9085 Zulu6983 Spanish 7583 Kashmiri 8372 Serbo-Croatian6984 Estonian 7585 Kurdish 8373 Sinhalese6985 Basque 7589 Kirghiz 8375 Slovak7065 Persian 7665 Latin 8376 Slovenian7073 Finnish 7678 Lingala 8377 Samoan7074 Fijian 7679 Laotian 8378 Shona7079 Faroese 7684 Lithuanian 8379 Somali7082 French 7686 Latvian Lettish 8381 Albanian
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