Sirius XM Radio XMCK20 XM Satellite RX and FM TX User Manual Layout 1

Sirius XM Radio Inc. XM Satellite RX and FM TX Layout 1

Users Guide

®user guideXMCK20
Quick Start1. Set up your XpressR2. Activate your XM subscription online or byphone 1 800 XM RADIO (1-800-967-2346 )3. Listen to XM*4. Manage your channels using presetsQuick Start2*Hardware and required monthly subscription sold separately. Installation cost and other fees and taxes, including a one-time activation feemay apply. Subscription fee is consumer only. XM products, programming, services, and fees are subject to change, at any time, without no-tice. Channels with frequent explicit language are indicated with an XL. Channel blocking is available for XM radio receivers by calling 1-800-XM-RADIO. Subscriptions subject to Customer Agreement available at XM service only available in the 48 contiguousUnited States. ©2007 XM Satellite Radio Inc. All rights reserved.
Contents3IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn.............................................. 4Features............................................................ 4Safety Instructions........................................ 5What’s in the Box .......................................... 7XpressRControls ............................................ 8Remote ............................................................ 9Using this Guide ........................................ 10VVeehhiiccllee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn............................ 11Mounting the XM Antenna .................... 14Installing the Vent or Swivel Mount .... 15How to Receive XM Through your Car’sStereo ............................................................ 18Making Your FM Radio an XM Radio .. 22AAccttiivvaattiioonn.................................................. 25UUssiinngg yyoouurr XXpprreessssRR............................ 27XXpprreessssRRCCoonnttrroollssListening to Live XM.................................. 28Direct Entry .................................................. 29Using Presets................................................ 29Categories .................................................... 30Jump .............................................................. 30Info .................................................................. 31Display............................................................ 3130-Minute Replay ...................................... 33TuneSelect .................................................... 36MMeennuu OOppttiioonnss............................................ 37Change Display .......................................... 37Edit Alerts...................................................... 39Stocks ............................................................ 41Info Extras .................................................... 42Channel Access .......................................... 43Antenna Aiming ........................................ 45Set Time ........................................................ 46Factory Defaults.......................................... 49FM Modulator.............................................. 49Line Out ........................................................ 51Set Tone ........................................................ 52CCuussttoommeerr SSuuppppoorrtt.............................. 53Troubleshooting ........................................ 54Specifications .............................................. 56Product Registration ................................ 58Patent Information .................................... 59FFCCCC SSttaatteemmeenntt...................................... 60WWaarrrraannttyy.................................................... 61
4introductionFeaturesCongratulations on your purchase of the Audiovox XpressR ™.  Your new XpressRincludes:Multi channel monitoring, view six channels at once View current and previous channels at the same timeShortcut to FM frequenciesScan music category30 minute Replay- Pause and replay up to 30 mintues of live broadcast.GameSelect- Finds your favorite sport and team events.TuneSelect- Finds your favorite songs by song title or artist name if they are currentlyplaying on any XM channel.  Personalized Stock and Sports Tickers- Track your favorite stocks and sports scores onyour XpressR’s display while listening to your favorite music.A bright, white LED backlit display with “Auto Dimming” capabilities.Enjoy XM’s 170 channels from coast to coast, with over 80,000 hours of entertainmenteach month. XM offers musical choice, variety, and discovery – worlds beyond yourown collection – plus a wide range of news, sports, talk, comedy, kids, and entertain-ment channels. Hear XM live, or replay what you missed.We recommend that you read the entire manual before using your XpressR.
introduction5Safety InstructionsPlease read and understand all the instructions to avoid injury to yourself and/or damageto your XpressR. Please be aware that XM claims no responsibility for damage from dataloss due to breakdown, repair, or other causes.XXpprreessssRRDDiiggiittaall AAuuddiioo PPllaayyeerr Do not expose to extreme temperatures (above 140°F or below -4°F, or above 60°Cor below -20°C).  Do not expose to moisture. Do not use XpressRnear or in water. Do not let any foreign matter spill into XpressR. Do not expose to chemicals such as benzene and thinners. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners. Clean with a soft damp cloth only. Do not expose to direct sunlight, fire, flame or other heat sources for a prolongedperiod. Do not try to disassemble and/or repair XpressRyourself. Do not drop your XpressRor subject it to severe impact. Do not place heavy objects on XpressR. Do not subject XpressRto excessive pressure. Do not touch the XpressRwith wet hands. Do not store in dusty areas.
6CCaauuttiioonn::Opening the case may result in electric shock.CCaauuttiioonn::The uninsulated parts inside the power adapter and cradle may cause electricshock or fire. For your safety, please do not open these components. Do not let metallicobjects, such as necklaces or coins, come into contact with the power adapter plugs.CCaauuttiioonn::To avoid electric shock, use the power adapter only with an outlet thatmatches the shape of the adapter’s plug.CCaauuttiioonn::Make sure that you insert the adapter’s plug all the way into the outlet.CCaauuttiioonn::Do not plug several devices into the same electrical outlet.IImmppoorrttaanntt::Always read and understand the user guide to prevent problems.WWaarrnniinngg::Use the power adapter and cradle away from water sources to avoid fire or electric shock.EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnFollow local guidelines for waste disposal when discarding packaging and electronicappliances.Your Satellite Radio receiver is packaged with cardboard, polyethylene, etc., and doesnot contain any unnecessary materials.WWaarrnniinnggssWhen using this product it is always important to keep your eyes on the road andhands on the wheel. Not doing so could result in personal injury, death, and/or dam-age to your XpressRReceiver, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or other property.XpressRshould be placed in your vehicle where it will not interfere with the function ofsafety features, e.g., deployment of airbags. Failure to correctly place XpressRmay re-sult in injury to you or others if the unit becomes detached during an accident and/orobstructs the deployment of an airbag.introduction
introduction7What’s in the Box?852741963muteinfo menudisplay0jump p/d+XpressRCar CradleCar Power AdapterRemote ControlXM Car AntennaXM SureConnectCassette AdapterSwivel MountVent MountSwivel Mount Preparation Kit
introduction83300--MMiinnuuttee RReeppllaayy BBuuttttoonnssPause and replay up to 30minutes of live XM broadcast.XpressRFunctionsPPoowweerr BBuuttttoonnDDiissppllaayy                        Changes the way content isviewed on the display.LLeefftt aanndd RRiigghhtt AArrrroowwss                        Search for channels bycategory.55--wwaayy NNaavviiggaattiioonn KKnnoobb                       Previews channels; also selectsvarious menu options.MMeennuu                        Access advanced featuresand configuration options.XXMM BBuuttttoonn                        Confirms selection for chan-nel and menu items also pressand hold  to TuneSelect.PPrreesseett//DDiirreecctt                       Selects between directchannel entry and up to 30presets.JJuummpp                     Switches betweencurrent channel andprevious channel.IInnffoo                     Displays either yourpersonal stock or infoextras information.NNuummbbeerr KKeeyyss                    Enter a channel di-rectly or select yourfavorite preset.
introduction9852741963muteinfo menudisplay0jump p/d+Remote Control Functions3300--MMiinnuuttee RReeppllaayy BBuuttttoonnssPause and replay up to 30minutes of live XM broadcastPPoowweerr BBuuttttoonnDDiissppllaayy                        Changes the way contentis viewed on the displayAArrrrooww BBuuttttoonnss                       Select menu entries,change channels.MMeennuu                        Access advanced featuresand configuration options.XXMM BBuuttttoonn                        Confirms selected channelor menu options.PPrreesseett//DDiirreecctt                       Selects between directchannel entry and up to 30presets.JJuummpp                     Switches between currentchannel and previous chan-neliinnffoo                     Displays either your personalstock or info extras informa-tion.NNuummbbeerr KKeeyyss                    Enter a channel directlyor select your favoritepreset.++ aanndd --                       Change channels or controlvolume for audio system(sold separately)MMuuttee                     Silences live or replayedXM content.
introduction10Using the 5-way Navigation KnobThe knob not only rotates, but it toggles. To toggle the knob, press on the edge and in thedirection you want to toggle. Using This GuideThroughout this guide, you will see instructions such as  Select MMeennuuAAnntteennnnaa AAiimmiinngg.This tells you to perform the following actions:1. Press the MMeennuubutton.2. You will see a menu icon that represents “Antenna Aiming.”  Rotate knob to highlightAntenna Aiming, then press the XM button to select it.Not all of the menu items described in this guide may appear on your XpressRdisplay.Some menu items will only be seen when XpressRis used in an accessory home kit orboombox (Sold Separately).Toggle right Toggle left Toggle up Toggle downPress center button(XM button)
vehicle installation111vehicle installation
vehicle installation12Vehicle installationEvery vehicle is different; for your safety, follow all instructions carefully. Consult aprofessional installer if you have questions.1.  To begin, first decide which method of installation is best for your vehicle:Cassette Adapter:  Use the cassette adapter if your vehicle’s audio system has a builtin cassette player.   XM SureConnect:  You can listen to your XpressRthrough your car stereo by usingXpressR’s built-in FM modulator and the XM SureConnect. Simply find an unused FMfrequency on the stereo and set your XpressRto transmit on that same frequency. Seeyour XM SureConnect installation guide.  FM Direct Adapter: The third option is the FM Direct Adapter (sold separately).  Werecommend professional installation if you choose to use this method of install.Audio input: Some vehicles come with an audio input jack.  If your vehicle has thistype of input you can simply use a mini audio cable (sold separately).XM SureConnectCassette Adapter
vehicle installation132.  Once you have chosen your method of installation, next decide where in your vehicleyou would like to mount your XpressR.  The two included methods are vent mount and swivel mount:3.  Next decide the best location for your XM antenna. Mount this antenna to the roof or trunk of the vehicle. During installation, make sure you are outdoors and the antenna is not obstructed by tall buildings.4.  Finally you will connect all of the plugs to the car cradle and lock your XpressRinto place.  Once in place you can activate your XpressRNow that you have all of the parts you need,  you are ready to begin installing yourXpressR.Swivel MountVent Mount
Step 1:  Mounting the XM AntennaMount the XM antenna to the roof or trunk of the vehicle. During installation,make sure you are outdoors and the antenna is not obstructed by tall buildings.For best results mount the XM antenna to the outside of your vehicle. Below arethe recommended options.The XM antenna contains a strong magnet, allowingit to stick to any metal parts of your vehicle.  vehicle installation14Magnetoption 1option 2Keep excess cable behind or under the dashboard.
Step 2:  Installing the Vent Mount or Swivel MountInstalling the vent mountTo install the vent mount, find a horizontal vent that is strong enough to hold yourXpressRand car cradle. To remove the vent mount, push it into the vent and lift upwardsslightly to release the mount’s hooks from the vent vane.Some parts of the vent mount can be adjustedto  better suit your vent.  vehicle installation15
vehicle installation16Installing the swivel mountTo install the swivel mount, first find a suitable location. The swivel mount’s adhesive isvery strong and may be difficult to remove. Do not install this mount on leather sur-faces and make sure the air temperature is at least 60°F (15°C).Clean the mounting surfaces with thesurface preparation kit.Peel away the adhesive liner and firmly press theswivel mount to the surface for 30 seconds. Allow24 hours before using the mountadhesive liner
vehicle installation17You can orient your swivel different waysto accommodate the space available inyour vehicle.If you need to remove the mount, carefully lift the adhesive pad with your fingers or aspoon. Warming with a hair dryer for several minutes will help soften the adhesive.  Yourswivel mount comes with an extra adhesive pad.You can adjust this screw to adjustthe tension of the mount with ascrewdriver.
vehicle installation18Step 3: How to receive XM through your car stereoThere are several methods of receiving XM through your car stereoCassette Adapter:  Use the cassette adapter if your vehicle’s audio system has a builtin cassette player.   XM SureConnect:  You can listen to your XpressRthrough your vehicle’s audio systemby using XpressR’s built-in FM modulator and the XM SureConnect. Simply find an un-used FM frequency on the stereo and set your XpressRto transmit on that same fre-quency.  For XM SureConnect install, please see your XM SureConnect Installationguide.Professional Wired: The third option is the FM Direct Adapter (sold separately).  Werecommend professional installation if you choose to use this method of install. Audio input: Some vehicles come with an audio input jack.  If your vehicle has thistype of input you can simply use a mini audio cable (sold separately).Plug the antenna, power adapter, and either the cassette adapter or XM SureConnectinto the car cradle as shown on the next page.  The FM Direct Adapter is not pictured.
vehicle installation19XM AntennaPower AdapterXM SureConnectCassette  AdapterYou can use either the XMSureConnect, the cassetteadapter, or a mini audio cable(not included) in the line out.  XpressRCar Cradleor
vehicle installation20Once you have all of the cables correctly connected you can lock your XpressRinto thecar cradle.  Slide your XpressRinto the car cradleuntil it is in place.Note:  Make sure the car cradle is inthe unlocked position before insert-ing your cradle lockingmechanism
vehicle installation21Slide the locking mechanisminto place.  This ensures thatyour XpressRalways stays inplace. If you haven’t already doneso, hook the car cradle to themount.
vehicle installation22Now that your XpressRis all set up, it is time to power it up.  If you are using the XMSureConnect you will need to read Step 4.  If you are using the cassette adapter you areall finished and ready to move on to activation on page 26.Step 4:  Making Your Vehicle’s FM Radio an XM RadioYour XpressRcontains a built-in FM modulator that transmits the XM audio signal toyour vehicle’s FM radio.First, turn on your car stereo.  You will need to find a suitable FM frequency in order toget the best sound.  A suitable FM frequency is an unused frequency or weak stationthat is not located near a strong FM station in your area.  Follow the steps below formore help:1.  Go to for recommended FM frequencies in yourarea.2.  Enter your local USPS Zip Code.3.  You will see the recommended FM frequencies in your area.  Try the “vacant” chan-nels first.4.  Set your vehicle’s FM radio to one of the recommended frequencies.  Now set yourXM receiver to the same frequency using the menu settings.  For more information,see FM Frequency on page 495.  If the audio quality is not satisfactory, you can repeat these steps by choosing an-other frequency.
vehicle installation23You will see a chart that looks like this:This chart represents the FM channels in the Washington, DC area. The spikes representthe strength of the FM channel.  Someone in DC would choose a “vacant” channel like92.9 that is unused and located between two weaker channels.Next, power on your XpressR.  Be sure all of your cables are properly connected. Go tochannel 1, this is the preview channel.  You will not hear any sound through your vehi-cle’s audio system until you have choosen an FM Frequency.  Note: XpressRwill automatically enter a demo mode if either of these two conditionsexists:1. If your XM antenna is not connected and your XpressRis not activated.2. If your XM antenna is connected, you are not receiving a signal, and your XpressRis not activated.Note: Your XM radio may not modulate on each of the frequencies shown on theRadio-Locator site. Check your XpressRfor the frequencies that are usable for you.
Press MMeennuuFFMM MMoodduullaattoorr         FFMM FFrreeqquueennccyy.Match the frequency to the frequency you see on your car’s FM radioNow you should be able to hear your XpressRthrough your FM stereo.  If you can’t hearany sound please check all of your connections and be sure your XM antenna is not ob-structed.  Visit Troubleshooting (page 54) for more information.Now you will learn how to activate and use your XpressR.88.388.188.788.988.5FM Modulator > FM Freqvehicle installation24
activation26Before you can listen to XM content, you must activate your XpressR.1. Set up your XpressR, car cradle, power adapter, and antenna (pages 11- 24). Make sureXpressRcan receive the XM signal.2. Find the 8-character XM Radio ID, which is printed on the package or on the back ofyour XpressR. Or select XM channel 0 to view the Radio ID. Record the Radio ID here forreference: The XM Radio ID does not use the letters I, O, S, or F.4. Activate your XM Satellite Radio service online at or by calling 1 800 XM RADIO  (1-800-967-2346 ). You will need a major credit card. The website will walk you through activation, selecting a service plan, and creating an XM account.  XM will send a signal from the satellites to activate the full channel lineup. Activation normally takes 10 to 15 minutes, but during peak busy periods you may need to keepyour XpressRon for up to an hour. When you can access the full channel lineup on yourXpressR, you’re finished!
27using your XpressR3using your XpressR
using your XpressR28Listening to Live XMTurn on your XpressR. Subscribe to XM (page 26) if you haven’t done so already.SSeelleeccttiinngg CChhaannnneellssRotate the knob to scroll through the list of channels. Press the XM button to selectthat channel. You can also set up XpressRso that you do not have to press the XM but-ton to select a channel. See “Direct Tune” on page 43.- OR –Press the number keys on your XpressRor the remote that correspond to the channelnumber.- OR –Pressing one of the preset buttons that correspond to the channel number. Whenyou’ve entered a valid channel number, your XpressRwill tune to that channel within 2seconds.xmradio.comXM Preview 1What's on XM?Direct 5:13
using your XpressR29DDiirreecctt EEnnttrryy1. Press the p/d button until the word “Direct” appears in the display.2. Press the number keys corresponding to the channel number. For example, for channel 31, press 3followed by 1. You can select the channel faster by pressing the XM button after entering the channel number.UUssiinngg PPrreesseettssThere are 30 presets in all; each bank (A, B, and C) holds 10 presets. Press the “p/d” but-ton to select the proper bank. Use these banks to organize your favorite channels or tocreate separate preset banks for additional users to enjoy.  To set a channel preset:1. Tune to the desired channel.2. Press the p/d button until the appropriate “Preset” bank (Preset A, B, or C) appears inthe display.3. Press and hold the number key that corresponds to the preset you would like to set.XpressRbeeps when the channel is stored.To select a stored preset:1. Press the p/d button until the appropriate “Preset” bank (Preset A, B, or C) appears in the display.2. Press one of the number keys. XpressRwill tune to that channel.
using your XpressR30CCaatteeggoorriieessXM channels are organized into categories, or genres, such as “Rock,” “Jazz,” or “News.”To find a channel by category:1. Toggling the knob left and right will display categories2. Rotate knob and press the XM button to select a channelPreset categories are displayed within categories only when channels are assigned to thosepresets (see Using Presets). When  you are browsing the channels by category you have the option to Scan all channelsin that category, or to revert back to the all channels list.JJuummppPress the jump button to switch to the channel that was previously being listened to.Pressing the jump button more than once allows you to switch between two channels at atime.  Display mode 4 allows you to view both current channel and previous channel at thesame time.Vox!XM Classics>Scan Classical>All ChannelsXM Pops110113112ClassicalWhen you choose scan, each chan-nel in the category plays for 5 sec-onds. To stop scanning, press theXM button to select that channel.While a category is being scanned,the word "Scan" will flash on andoff.
using your XpressR31IInnffooPress the info button to display either stock quotes or Info Extras.  See pages 41 and 42for more information on each of these features.DDiissppllaayyPress the display button to change the way you view the content on the display.There are 4 different display modes.   Display mode 2 (single channel)Display mode 3 (split display with 6 channels) Display mode 4(split display with previous channel)Display mode 1 (single channel large font)DriveXM Cafe 45REM5:13DirectXM Cafe 45Fred 44Ethel 47Top Tracks 46Drive45REMXM Cafe XMU 43Direct All Channels5:14Take it Home74B.B. KingBluesvilleDirect Previous Channel5:1545XM CafeDriveREMREMDriveXM Cafe 45
using your XpressR32Turning the knob in display modes 1, 2  and 4 display the “All Channels“list with the currentchannel you are listening to as the highlighted channel. Turning the knob in display mode3 scrolls through the displayed channel list. When using left and right arrow to view cate-gories, turning the knob scrolls through the channels within that category.Display Mode 3When in display mode 3, you can view channel names, artist names or song titles in the dis-played channel list. To change the way this content is displayed the channel list must be ac-tive. Turn the knob or toggle the knob in either the left or right direction to make thedisplayed channel list active.Channel name is displayedArtist name is displayed is displayed Song title is displayedBe sure a channel within the displayedchannel list is highlighted before press-ing “display.” If it is not highlighted youwill switch to display mode 4 instead.XM Cafe 45Fred 44Ethel 47Top Tracks 46Drive45REMXM Cafe XMU 43Direct All Channels5:14REM 45U2 44Red Hot Chili Pe 47Led Zeppelin  46Drive45REMXM Cafe Coldplay 43Direct All Channels5:14Drive 45New Year's Day 44Snow (Hey Oh) 47Whole Lotta Lov 46Drive45REMXM Cafe Clocks 43Direct All Channels5:14
using your XpressR33If you have channels assigned to your presets, channel numbers will be displayed withthe preset number rather than the channel number.You can revert back to “All Channels” by selecting “ View All Channels”.   You can alsoscan each preset channel.  You are able to view your presets by channel name, artist name, or song title by press-ing “display.”  Be sure that one of the channels is highlighted before pressing “display.”(See page 32 for more information).  You can also toggle left and right to view cate-gories.3300--MMiinnuuttee RReeppllaayy30-Minute Replay gives you the opportunity to “hear that again.”  This feature appliesto the current listening session only. Turning your XpressRoff removes all tracks fromthe up-to-30 minute buffer.Both display modes 3 and 4 display a list of replayed tracks. To navigate through the"replay list", you can either rotate the knob and press the “XM” button or press the re-play buttons to select a track.Fuego sp A-3U-POP A-2>View All Channels>Scan Preset AClocks47ColdplayEthel Ethel A-1Preset A-1 Preset A11:55Channel numbers assignedto your current preset will bedisplayed with the presetnumber rather than thechannel number.
using your XpressR34Older info is displayed at the bottom of the list.  As new content is added, it appears atthe top of the list.  Display mode 2 (single channel)DriveXM Cafe 45REM4:30Direct3:11 3:35Displays elapsed timeof current track withinthe replay buffer.Displays total time ofcurrent track within thereplay buffer.Space between white barsrepresents tracks withintotal replay session.Display updates asnew track begins.Replay Status Bar rep-resents the total re-play sessionXM Cafe 45U-POP 29XM Cafe 45XM Cafe 45Drive45REMXM Cafe U-POP 29Direct Replay List5:353:11Display modes 3 and 4 Both split display modes ( 6 channelsmode and view previous channel) displaya list of replay content.  You can choose todisplay artist names, song titles or chan-nel names within the replay list by press-ing display.
using your XpressR35REMDriveXM Cafe 45In display mode 1 (large font) you will only see play, pause, rewind, or fast-forward sym-bol in the top right corner next to the channel number, when in replay mode.  When you are in Display mode 1 (large font) or Display mode 2 (single channel), youcan access the replay list by turning the knob.  You can change the way the informationis displayed by pressing “display” while the list is visible.  Navigating Replay1. Press the       button. If a track has been playing for less than 5 seconds, XpressRrewinds to the beginning of the previous track. If the track has been playing for longer than 5 seconds, XpressRrewinds to the beginning of the current track. Upon entering the replay buffer, XpressRwill display “Replay” on the display.2. Pressing the       button again skips backward to previous tracks in the order they played.  XpressRallows you to access up to 30 minutes of previously listened to live broadcast. Press and hold      for 3 seconds to skip to the beginning of your replay list.  3. Pressing the      button skips forward in the track list.4. To exit 30-Minute Replay and return to the live XM broadcast, press and hold the      button for 3 seconds; XpressRwill display “LIVE” on the display.
using your XpressR36To Pause a Track1. Press the        button. The pause icon appears in the display.2. To resume playback from where you had paused, press the         button again.3. To return to the live XM broadcast, press and hold the      button until XpressRbeeps and displays “LIVE” on the display.TTuunneeSSeelleeccttTuneSelect finds your favorite artist or song whenever they’re currently being playedon any XM channel.  XpressRcan track up to 20 of your favorite artists or songs.To TuneSelect a song or artist:1. At any live display press and hold the knob for 3 seconds2. Choose between TuneSelecting the artist or TuneSelecting the song3. When any song or artist in your TuneSelect list is currently playing on any other XM channel, XpressRwill alert you audibly and visually. Tune to that channel by pressing the XM button.To edit your TuneSelect list see “Edit Alerts”under the Menu Items page.  When you attemptto add more than 20 artists or songs, yourXpressRwill give you the option to replace oneof your previously saved selectionsTuneSelect SongTuneSelect ArtistReplace An Existing TuneSelectTuneSelect List FullDo Not Replace And Exit
using your XpressR37MMeennuu OOppttiioonnssWhen your XpressRis in the car cradle (and using either SureConnect or FM Direct acces-sory to transmit audio), and you press Menu, your display will look like this:Note: pressing the Menu or toggling the knob left, allows you to back out of any menu.Change DisplayChange DisplayFM Modulator(car cradle only)ExitFactory Defaults Set TimeAntenna AimingChannel AccessInfo ExtrasStocksEdit Alerts
using your XpressR38CChhaannggee DDiissppllaayyDisplay SettingsTo change the display’s brightness, contrast, backlight timer, and Auto Dimming sta-tus:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Change Display Display Settings.2. Rotate knob to scroll through items on display.3. Press the XM button to select an item.4. Rotate knob to adjust the selected item.5. Press the XM button to confirm your selection.6. Then press either the Menu button or toggle the knob to the left repeatedly until you return to normal operation.Leaving the Auto Dimming feature "off" means the user has to manually adjust thebrightness of the display. Enabling the Auto Dimmer (turning it "On") means thatXpressRadjusts the brightness of the display for  daytime and night time mode.
using your XpressR39Display ScrollingAt times cold weather can negatively affect the visual quality of scrolling text. Displayscrolling can be enabled or disabled globally.  By default Display Scrolling is set to “On”.When Display Scrolling is set to “On”, all on display items such as Artist Name, Song Title,Info Extras, and Stock information that need to scroll have the ability to do so. SettingDisplay Scrolling to “Off” disables all items from scrolling allowing only to page.To disable all display scrolling:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Change Display Display Scrolling (On)A confirmation display will be displayed stating Display Scrolling is “Off”.  All on display information will Page instead.  To enable all display scrolling:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Change Display Display Scrolling (Off)A confirmation display will be displayed stating Display Scrolling is “On”EEddiitt AAlleerrttssEdit TuneSelectTuneSelect finds your favorite artist or song whenever they’re currently being played onany XM channel.  To edit your TuneSelect list:Press the Menu button, scroll to Edit Alerts Edit TuneSelect.
using your XpressR40A list of songs and or artists that have beenTuneSelected will be displayed.  Select anartist or song to change its alert status orchoose to delete the TuneSelect. XpressRcan track up to 20 of your favorite artistsand songs.Edit GameSelectAdding sports and teams at the info extras menu in which XM broadcasts  (see page 42 )automatically adds those sports and teams to your GameSelect list. GameSelect finds andalerts you as to whenever your favorite sports and teams are being played on any other XMchannel.  XpressRwill store up to 50 GameSelects. To edit your GameSelect list:Press the Menu button, scroll to Edit Alerts Edit GameSelect.A list of sports and teams that you have added will be displayed.  Select a sport or team tochange its alert status. XpressRcan track up to 50 of your sports and teams.Note:  You will only receive a GameSelect alert on those events in which XM broadcasts.All AlertsSelecting All Alerts changes the status of all alerts globally.  By default  All Alerts are “On”.To disable All Alerts:Yeah Yeah YeahsEdit Alerts > Edit TuneSelectNew Years DayFallenWhole Lotta LoveRed Hot Chili PeppersTuneSelected by song TuneSelected by artist Alert is turned off for that item
using your XpressR411. Press the Menu button, scroll to Edit Alerts All Alerts (On)A confirmation display will be displayed stating All Alert is “Off”. All audible and display alerts are disabled.To enable All Alerts:1.  Press the Menu button, scroll to Edit Alerts All Alerts (Off)2.  Enable any GameSelect or TuneSelect alert when all alerts are set to “Off”.A confirmation display will be displayed stating All Alert is “On”. All audible and display alerts are enabled.  SSttoocckkssXM Satellite Radio broadcasts information such as sports scores, stocks, and other fea-tures. XpressRcan track up to 20 of your favorite stock symbols, displaying the priceand daily movement on the display.*To add a stock symbol:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Stocks Add Stocks2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to select each letter in the desired stock symbol. Press the XM button after each letter.3. Press the XM button to confirm and save the stock symbol in memory.4. Press the Info button once to view your personal Stock Ticker at any live XM display.*You can track any stock and most indices listed on the NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ. Market information isdelayed approximately 25 minutes. Stock data provided by ComStock, Inc.Rotate Dial For Stock SymbolsStocks > Add StocksStock Symbol
using your XpressR42Note: XpressRhas an embedded list of more than 9,000 regularly traded stock symbolsthat helps complete partial entries and prevents you from entering a non-existent symbol.To erase a stock symbol:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Stocks Erase Stocks2. XpressRdisplays a list of the stock symbols you have created. Highlight stocks by using the scroll wheel and select a stock using the XM button to make your choice. Choose yes from the decision display to erase the stock symbol.  Erasing the stock symbol will remove it from the list.3. Press the Menu button several times to return to normal operation.IInnffoo EExxttrraassXM Satellite Radio will broadcast additional information such as sports scores and otheruseful information features. XpressRcan track up to 50 of your favorite Sports and orTeams.To Choose Sports or Teams:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Info Extras> Sports. A list of sports will be displayed.2. scroll to highlight a sport or team.3. Press the XM button to select that sport or team. The “-“symbol in front of the sport or team will be replaced with a “+” symbol.  The “+” symbol being added to the front of the sport or team indicates:-  The sport or team is added to your info extras.-  The sport or team information will be displayed at any live XM display.
using your XpressR43-  The sport or team is added to your GameSelect list if broadcast on XM. GameSelect finds and alerts you when your favorite sports and teams are being played on any other XM channel. To Edit your GameSelect list see page 40.Note:  You will only receive a GameSelect alert on those events in which XM broadcasts.4. Press the Info button to view your info extras on any live XM display.CChhaannnneell AAcccceessssDirect TuneNormally, as you scroll through live XM channels while rotating the knob, you can pre-view the channel list before selecting one channel. XpressRdoes not switch to thatchannel until you push the XM button. You can change this behavior so that XpressRautomatically tunes to the channel that you’re previewing.To enable Direct Tune:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Channel Access Direct Tune (Off)A confirmation display will be displayed stating Direct Tune is “On”. XpressRwill auto-matically tune  to the channel that you preview.DriveXM Cafe 45REM5:13DirectSports scores provided Sports Stock Quotes provided StocksDriveXM Cafe 45REM5:13Direct
using your XpressR44To disable Direct Tune:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Channel Access Direct Tune (On)A confirmation display will be displayed stating Direct Tune is “Off”. XpressRreturns toits default state: you have to push the XM button to switch to a channelChannel Skip/AddYou can simplify the list of channels that you see when you browse through categoriesor the all channels list by selecting channels to skip. To skip a channel:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Channel Access Channel Skip/Add2. XpressRdisplays a list of channels. By default, a “+”is in front of each channel. The “+” symbol indicates the channel is not skipped within the channel list.3. To skip a channel, use the scroll wheel to highlight a channel. Press the XM button to change the “+” to a “-“.The “-” symbol indicates the channel is skipped within the channel list.4. To add a channel back to the channel list, use the scroll wheel to highlight a skipped channel. Press the XM button to change the “-“ to a “+”. 5. Pressing either the Menu button or toggle the XM button to the left, XpressRdisplaysa confirmation display stating the channel list has been updated.
using your XpressR45Explicit Language ChannelsThose channels identified with a “xL” in front of the channel name are “Explicit LanguageChannels”. You can choose to skip all “Explicit Language Channels” by performing the fol-lowing steps: 1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Channel Access Explicit Language Channels (On)A confirmation display will be displayed stating all Explicit Language channels are “Off”.All Explicit Language channels will be removed from the channel list and the channel listat the channel skip/add sub menu.To add all “Explicit Language Channels” to the channel list:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Channel Access Explicit Language Channels (Off)A confirmation display will be displayed stating all Explicit Language channels are “On”.Note: You can still tune to skipped channels by entering the channel number (in directentry mode) or by pressing a preset (in preset mode) if that channel has already beenstored. This is not considered an appropriate method for performing “parental control.”Channel Skip/Add should not be used as a form of parental control. To completely blockaccess to an XM channel, contact XM Listener Care at 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) or online at
using your XpressR46AAiimmiinngg tthhee AAnntteennnnaaFor optimal reception of XM’s live satellitesignal, your XpressRantenna should havean unobstructed view of the XM satellitesin the southern sky. In large cities, XM alsohas a network of ground repeaters to helpincrease the signal coverage.Your XpressRcan help you aim the antenna to pull in the strongest possible signal.1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Antenna Aiming2. Slowly turn and tilt the antenna. The “Satellite” and “Terrestrial” signal bars will change.  Find the position that gives the strongest signal strength on either “Satellite”or “Terrestrial.”3. The antenna aiming display remains as long as it’s needed to help you position the antenna. When you’ve found the best position, press the “menu” button or left togglerepeatedly to exit the menu.4. Select XM channel 1. You should be able to listen to the XM Preview Channel.SSeett TTiimmeeSet ClockSelect Time ZoneThe time is automatically set using the XM signal. To set the correct time for yourlocation: SatelliteTerrestrialAntenna Aiming
using your XpressR471. Press the Menu button, scroll to Set Time Set Clock Select Time ZoneScroll through the list of time zones and select your time zone, the XpressRclock willupdate.Daylight Savings TimeYou can also choose whether or not to adjust your settings for daylight savings time.1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Set Time Set Clock Daylight Savings Time12/24 Hour ModeTo display time in 12 or 24 hour format, select the desired format by Set Time SetClock 12/24 Hour Mode.Automatic PowerNormally, XpressRturns on whenever it receives power. To disable automatic power:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Set Time  Automatic Power (On)When Automatic power is set to “Off”, you must now use the power button to turnXpressRon and off.To enable automatic power:1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Set Time Automatic Power (Off)XpressRturns on automatically whenever it receives power.
using your XpressR48Sleep Timer (Home stand option only, sold seperately)Options: OFF, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 45 Minutes, and 1 HourYour XpressRhas a sleep timer that can automatically shut off the unit after a period oftime. By default, the sleep timer is set to “Off”. Perform the following steps to adjust thesleep timer for your XpressR: 1. Press the “menu” button, scroll to Set Time  Sleep Timer2. Select the desired time period.3. Press the XM button; you will receive a confirmation display displaying your selection.4. To reset the sleep timer, you can:-restart XpressR-wait for XpressRto automatically shut down. On restart XpressRreturns to its default state: Sleep timer “Off”.-select the "Off" option from the Set Time Sleep Timer menuDelayed Power Off (car cradle option only)Options: OFF, 60 Minutes, 90 Minutes, 120 Minutes, and 180 minutes If the cigarette lighter is always powered, you can set XpressRto automatically turn offafter 60 to180 minutes after you turn it on.1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Set Time  Delayed Power Off2. Select the desired time period.
using your XpressR493. Press the XM button; you will receive a confirmation display displaying your selection.The setting is saved even if you turn XpressRoff. The “Delayed Power Off” setting is onlyactive when you use the XpressRcar cradle. To reset the “Delayed Power Off” to “OFF”(meaning XpressRwill not automatically shut down in its car cradle):1. Press the “menu” button, scroll to Set Time Delayed Power Off2. Select Off3. Press the XM button; you will receive a confirmation display displaying your selection.FFaaccttoorryy DDeeffaauullttssThis feature erases all of your personal settings in the presets, TuneSelect, GameSelect,Stock Ticker, and Sports Ticker and resets all other settings to the original factory config-uration.1. Press the Menu button, scroll to Factory Defaults2. Confirm by selecting Yes, or cancel by selecting No.FFMM MMoodduullaattoorrFM FrequencyIf you choose to use the FM modulator to lis-ten to XM in your vehicle, you will need tofind a suitable FM frequency in order to getthe best sound. A suitable FM frequency isan unused frequency or weak station that isnot located near a strong FM station in yourarea. (See page 22).88.388.188.788.988.5FM Modulator > FM Freq
using your XpressR50After selecting a FM Frequency, you will be giventhe choice to add that Frequency to your “FM Pre-sets”.  Creating a list of FM Presets is a valuableshortcut for those people who need to changeFM Frequencies often. You can assign a FM Fre-quency to FM Presets by: -Press any 0-9 buttons to assign that frequency tothat number.-Or--Scroll to any FM-# and press the XM button to assign that frequency to that number(For more information, see FM Preset on page 50).FM LevelWhen listening to your XpressRusing the FM modulator, you can adjust its volumelevel to match other audio sources (your CD player, other FM stations, or MP3 player).1. Press the Menu button, scroll to FM Modulator FM Level2. Rotate the knob counter clockwise to decrease the FM Level or rotate the knob clockwise to increase the FM Level.3. Press the XM button to accept changes.A confirmation display will be displayed stating FM Level has been “Updated”.FM PresetsCreating a list of FM Presets is a valuable shortcut for those people who need tochange FM Frequencies often. There are three ways to access the FM Presets menu:107.797.395.9 FM-1FM-2FM-3FM-4FM-5FM-6FM-7FM-8FM-9FM-0FM Modulator > FM Preset
using your XpressR511. Press the Menu button, scroll to FM Modulator  FM Frequency.  After choosing afrequency the FM Presets list will be displayed.2. Press the Menu button, scroll to FM Modulator FM Presets.3. Press and hold Jump for 3 seconds at any live XM display.To select a FM Frequency from the FM Preset menu, either: Press a number key on your XpressR that has a FM Frequency assigned to it-OR-Scroll to any FM-# that has a FM Frequency assigned to it and press the XM buttonTo exit the FM Presets list do one of the following:1. Press the Menu button2. Select a FM Preset3. After 30 seconds the display will time outLLiinnee OOuutt LLeevveellThere are two methods of connecting theLine Out on the XpressRcar cradle directlyto your car’s stereo to transmit audio:1. Using the cassette adapter2. If you car stereo has an audio input called “Aux In”Either of these methods will give you the best audio quality. When using either ofthese methods to transmit audio through your car’s stereo, you can adjust XpressR’saudio level to match other audio sources. Line Out Level
using your XpressR521. Press the menu button, scroll to Line Out Level2. Rotate the knob counter clockwise to decrease the Line Out Level or rotate the knob clockwise to increase the Line Out Level.3. Press XM button to accept changes.  A confirmation display will be displayed statingLine Out Level has been “Updated”.Do not use the Line Out Level menu item as a volume control; use the volume controlon your car stereo instead.  Line out level is used to adjust the volume level to matchother audio sources (your CD player, other FM stations, or MP3 player).SSeett TToonnee (Audio system option)*You can adjust the bass and treble to suit the kind of music you’re listening to.1. Press the menu button, scroll to and select “Set Tone”2. Rotate knob to highlight either “Bass” or “Treble”.3. Press the XM button to select an item.4. Rotate knob clockwise to increase levels and rotate knob counter clockwise todecrease levels.5. Press the XM button to confirm your selection.6. Then press either the menu button or toggle the knob to the left repeatedly until you return to normal operation.Set Tone*Audio Systems are sold separately
5Customer Support53customer support
customer support54TroubleshootingXpressRis designed and built to provide you with trouble-free performance withoutthe need for servicing. If it does not appear to be functioning properly, follow thesetroubleshooting steps first to try to remedy the situation yourself:1.  Attach all connections firmly and securely.2. Make sure the cigarette lighter/auxiliary power socket is clean and free of corrosion.3. If you have installed XpressRin a vehicle and it does not power on, check the 12V adapter fuse by unscrewing the ribbed end of the 12V adapter. If required, replace with a 1-amp fuse only. If the 12V adapter does not have a removable end-cap, it hasan internal fuse that resets itself after it is left unplugged for a period of time.If you see this on the display: You should:No Signal  Something is blocking the XM signal. Move your XM antenna away  from the obstructed area (e.g., an underground garage). Make surethe XM antenna is mounted outside of the vehicle.Antenna  Be sure that the antenna cable is fully inserted on the connector. Make sure the cable is not bent or broken. Turn XpressRoff, then on, to reset this message.Off Air The channel you’ve selected is not currently broadcasting.Tune to another channel.Loading Your XpressRis acquiring audio or program information from the XM signal. This message should disappear in a few seconds in good signal conditions.Updating XM is updating your XpressRwith the latest encryption code. Simply wait a few seconds until the update is done. – OR – You maybe attempting to tune to a channel that is blocked or unavailable.--- (no artist or title) No program information, such as artist name, song title, or channel  exists.
customer support55If this happens: You should:XpressRshuts off unexpectedly. Check whether you set the sleep timer, and set it to “Off” if desired.Check whether “Vehicle Mode/Delayed Power Off” is set, and set itto “Off” if desired. XpressRremember the “Vehicle Mode” setting even when you turn the device off.You do not receive all the XM channels you  Check tipped any channels (page 43). If you still do have subscribed to. not receive all channels, your XpressRmay not be activated. Con-tact XM Satellite Radio. See page 26.No audio. Check all connections between your XpressRand your stereo system.No song title or artist name is displayed. Nothing is wrong with your XpressR. That information may be in the process of being updated. Some channels, such as news and sports, may not have such information.No audio when listening to XpressRthrough  Check that your XpressRand your radio are tuned to the same FMan FM radio. frequency.Audio fades or has static when listening  You might be hearing interference from another FM station. First check all cables for a proper connection on your XpressRcar dock. If the problem persists, you might be hearing interference from another FM station. Set your XPressRand your radio to a different FM frequency. Audio sounds too soft Raise or lower the FM audio level until the sound quality improves.XM Instant Traffic and Weather channels  Nothing is wrong with your XpressR. These channels use a sound different than other channels different audio technology than the other XM channels
customer support56SpecificationsXpressRDimensions 115 mm (W) x 63 mm (H) x 16 mm (D)4.5 in (W) x 2.5 in (H) x 0.6 in (D)Weight 128 g4.5 ozAudio output 3.5 mm mini-stereo jackAntenna connector (home and car cradle) RF SMBExternal power Voltage: 5 V DCCurrent: 2000 mAPolarity:
customer support57RemoteDimensions 40 mm (W) x119 mm (H) x 14 mm (D)1.5 in (W) x 4.7 in (H) x 0.55 in (D)Weight 40 g1.4 ozBattery Type: CR2032Voltage: 3 VModel NumbersXpressRXMCK20XPress universal home kit XMHU20 XPress universal car kit XMCU20
customer support58Product Registration1. Register your product. We will keepthe details of your purchase on file tohelp you refer to this information inthe event of an insurance claim suchas loss or theft.2. Receive updates on the latest prod-ucts and technologies.3. Download owner’s manuals, orderproduct catalogues, research newproducts, and much more.Serial Number: IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT ((SSeerriiaall NNuummbbeerr))The serial number of this device is located on the backof this unit. For your own security and convenience, be sure to record this number forfuture warranty claims.
customer support59Patent InformationTTeecchhnnoollooggyy. It is prohibited to, and you agree that you will not, copy, decompile, dis-assemble, reverse engineer, hack, manipulate, or otherwise access and/or make avail-able any technology incorporated in receivers compatible with the XM Satellite Radiosystem. Furthermore, the AMBE (r) voice compression software included in this prod-uct is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights, andtrade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.  The software is licensed solely for usewithin this product.  The music, talk, news, entertainment, data, and other content onthe Services are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and allownership rights remain with the respective content and data service providers. Youare prohibited from any export of the content and/or data (or derivative thereof) ex-cept in compliance with applicable export laws, rules and regulations. The user of thisor any other software contained in an XM Radio is explicitly prohibited from attempt-ing to copy, decompile, reverse engineer, hack, manipulate or disassemble the objectcode, or in any other way convert the object code into human-readable form.
FCC Statement60FCC StatementPlease note that the power cable that has been supplied with your device is supplied with permanentlyattached ferrite beads. It is the responsibility of the user to use the power cable with the ferrite beads.The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by XM Satellite Radio Inc.can void the user’s authority to operate this device.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pur-suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the installation instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip-ment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the affected receiver.- Increase the separation between the XM equipment and the affected receiver.- Connect the XM equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the affected receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: The FCC and FAA have not certified this Satellite Radio Receiver for use in any aircraft(neither portable nor permanent installation). Therefore, XM Satellite Radio cannot support thistype of application or installation
warranty621122 MMoonntthh LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyyAUDIOVOX ELECTRONICS CORPORATION (the Company) warrants to the original retailpurchaser of this product that should this product or any part thereof, under normal useand conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship within 12 months fromthe date of original purchase, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced with new or re-conditioned product (at the Company's option) without charge for parts and repair labor.To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, the product is to bedelivered with proof of warranty coverage (e.g. dated bill of sale), specification of de-fect(s), transportation prepaid, to an approved warranty station or the Company at theaddress shown below.This Warranty does not extend to the elimination of externally generated static or noise,to costs incurred for installation, removal or reinstallation of the product, damage tospeakers, accessories, or vehicle and home electrical systems, malfunction of satellitetransmissions, repeater signal or receiver unit.This Warranty does not apply to any product or part thereof which, in the opinion of theCompany, has suffered or been damaged through alteration, improper installation, mis-handling, misuse, neglect, accident, or by removal or defacement of the factory serialnumber/bar code label(s). THE EXTENT OF THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THEREPAIR OR REPLACEMENT PROVIDED ABOVE AND, IN NO EVENT, SHALL THE COMPANY'SLIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASER FOR THE PRODUCT.
warranty63This Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties or liabilities.  ANY IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, SHALL BE LIM-ITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN WARRANTY.  ANY ACTION FOR BREACH OF ANYWARRANTY HEREUNDER INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITYMUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN A PERIOD OF 48 MONTHS FROM DATE OF ORIGINAL PUR-CHASE.  IN NO CASE SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR IN-CIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WHATSOEVER.  No person or representative is authorized to assume for theCompany any liability other than expressed herein in connection with the sale of thisproduct.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the ex-clusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage so the above limitations orexclusions may not apply to you.  This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and youmay also have other rights which vary from state to state.U.S.A. :  AUDIOVOX ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, 150 MARCUS BLVD., HAUPPAUGE, NEWYORK   11788  1-800-645-4994 CANADA : CALL 1-800-645-4994 FOR LOCATION OF WARRANTY STATION SERVING YOURAREA
Audiovox Electronics Corporation150 Marcus Blvd.Hauppauge, New York  11788U.S.A.1 800 645 4994www.audiovox.comPrinted on Recycled Paper©2007 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.XM name and related logos are trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.XMCK20

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