Shintom Co M5016 PCS handset User Manual manual 7

Shintom Co Ltd PCS handset manual 7

manual 7

46KeysWhen you press the following keysrepeatedly in the name entry mode,the displayed letter will change inaccordance with the number of keypresses:ALPHANUMERIC KEYSKEY FUNCTIONTip:- A maximum of 30 letters (depending on the SIM) can beshown on the display.- When you press the same key more than twice to select aletter, press the key within an interval of 1 second. Other-wise, the cursor will move to the right of your last entry.However, if you wait for 1 second, the cursor will move tothe right and you will not need to press   to enter the nextletter.Displayed letter by number of presses12345678901231234567890--Key Mode(Space)(Change the case)# . , : ; / – _ @ & ? ¿ ! ¡abca b c à ä å æ ßd e f è ég h i ì j k lm n o ñ ò ö øp q r st u v ù üw x y zABCA B C Ä ÅÆ Ç ΓD E F ∆ É ΦG H I ΘJ K L Ξ ΛM N O Ñ Ö ØP Q R S Π ΣT U V ÜW X Y Z Ψ Ω* + - / = < > % ( ) £ ¥ ¤ §Toggles among upper case, lower case, and numerals.(On the top right of the screen, "ABC", "abc", and"123" are displayed, respectively.)Enters a letter behind it or numeral (for 0 to 9). Duringthe process of entering a letter, one second afterreleasing it, the cursor will move to the right for thenext letter entry.Shifts the cursor to the left.Clears the last letter. Pressing and holding clears it allletters.Shifts the cursor to the right.  :  :  :0 to 9,  :CLEAR:ModeCursor10. Clock CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM46
4711. Audio Settings11. Audio Settings (MENU 6)Within the Audio menu you can adjust the phone’s tones.Press MENU and select Audio, and press  .See page 21 for general information on the menu functions.Ringing Tone Selection (MENU 6-1)You can select a ringing tone from several types. Also, you canselect silent mode. (Set to “off”)NOTE:- When you choose “Off”, it becomes silent alert. Then anicon is displayed at the idle screen.Ringing Volume Setting (MENU 6-2)Select your desired volume level, and press  .The new setting will be displayed.Earpiece Volume Setting (MENU 6-3)Select your desired volume level, and press  .The new setting will be displayed.Key Tone Volume Setting (MENU 6-4)Select your desired volume level, and press  .The new setting will be displayed.Warning Tones Selection (MENU 6-5)You can enable or disable the Warning tones.You can select desired setting from On and Off.The new setting will be displayed. To activate the Warning tones,select On.DTMF Tones Selection (MENU 6-6)You can enable or disable the DTMF tones.You can select desired setting from On and Off.The new setting will be displayed. To activate the DTMF tones,select On.NOTE:- Please refer to page 17.␣ CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM47
48Vibrating Alert Setting (MENU 6-7)If the optional vibrating battery is installed, you can switch thevibrating alert on/off.  This sub-item is not displayed if the regularbattery is installed.If the vibrating alert is turned on then the alert for incoming callsworks as follows:• If no ring tone is selected or the volume is turned off, the phonewill vibrate and pause in a continuous cycle.Tip:- When Vibrating alert is On, when the power is switched on,the phone vibrates.Quiet ModeYour phone’s quiet mode is toggled on or off by pressing andholding down CLEAR at the standby mode. An icon is shown in thescreen when quiet mode is enabled.When switching to quiet mode the vibrator (if fitted) will give ashort burst to indicate this. When exiting quiet mode the phone willemit a short beep.When running in quiet mode all audio actions are silenced, exceptfor DTMF tones and call progress tones when in call. If your phonehas a vibration motor then this is used when alerting to incomingcalls, temporarily overriding any audio/vibrator alert settings.11. Audio Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM48
4912. Settings12. Settings (MENU 7)You can select various settings to set up your phone in accordancewith your preferences. To select settings, the menu operation isused.Press MENU and select Settings, and press  .See page 18 for general information on the menu functions.Phone Settings (MENU 7-1)Display Language Selection (MENU 7-1-1)Your phone is capable of displaying text in one of severallanguages.Own Number Review/Edit (MENU 7-1-2)You can store your own phone number for your later reference.Greeting Message Display (MENU 7-1-3)You can program a Greeting Message to be displayed upon power-up.Edit it or enter your new Greeting Message, or choose animationand press  .NOTE:- To restore the message to the original one in your phone,clear the current greeting message, and press  .Backlight Adjustment (MENU 7-1-4)You can adjust the backlight level of the display.You can select desired setting from following and press  .Off, 1, 2, 3 and Maximum. The new setting will be displayed.NOTE:- A brighter backlight will consume more power.Contrast Adjustment (MENU 7-1-5)You can adjust the contrast of the display.You can select desired setting from following and press  .1, 2 and 3. The new setting will be displayed.Menu Number Code System Selection(MENU 7-1-6)You can select desired setting from On and Off.The new setting will be displayed. To enable the system, select On. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM49
5012. SettingsAuto Shutdown Selection (MENU 7-1-7)You can set your phone to automatically turn itself off 5 minutesafter it enters standby mode.You can select desired setting from following and press  .On and Off. The new setting will be displayed. To enable thefeature, select On.Call Settings (MENU 7-2)Any Key Answering (MENU 7-2-1)You can answer incoming calls by pressing any key except  .You can select desired setting from On and Off.The new setting will be displayed. To enable the feature, select On.Call Waiting (MENU 7-2-2)During a call, your phone will advise you that a new call is waitingwhere such service is available. This is indicated by an alert tone and“waiting”.You can activate or cancel the Call Waiting function.You can also check the current status.Select On, Off, or Status, and press  .On: Select to enable this feature.Off: Select to disable this feature.Status: Select to review the current setting.Call Waiting FeatureWhen a new incoming call is received during a call, you canrespond to it as follows:• To answer a new incoming call:Press  , or MENU and select Multiparty/Hold answer. (Thefirst call will be put on hold.)• To end the first call and answer a new incoming call:Press MENU, select End & next, and press  .• To reject a new incoming call without answering it:Press MENU, select Multiparty/Reject, and press  .• To notify a party that you are busy with another call:Press MENU, select Multiparty/I am busy, then press  . CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM50
51International Roaming ServiceIf your service provider has International Roaming agreements withoverseas network operators, you can enjoy International RoamingService. For the details, please contact your service provider.NOTE:- During roaming, ( ) indicator lights up.Caller Number Status (MENU 7-2-3)When your phone receives an incoming call, the phone number ofthe caller will be displayed where this feature is in service.In addition, if the phone number of the caller is stored in yourPhone Book with the name, the caller’s name will be displayed. Youcan check the current status of call line identification options.Select the following:Select one of the following items, and press  .Show caller no. : Shows the phone number making theincoming callHide your no. : Hide your phone number whendialling outShow called no. : Displays the number of the phone you areconnected to on your screen, even if yourcall is diverted to another numberHide if called : This function overrides “show callednumber” and hides your phone numberfrom any callers.NOTE:- When the service contents can not be changed, ask yournetwork service provider.Minute Minder (MENU 7-2-4)Your phone will issue a tone every minute you are in an out-goingcall for your reference. You can disable or enable this feature.You can select desired setting from On and Off.The new setting will be displayed. To disable the feature, select Off.NOTE:- Minute Minder only operates while you are in a call.12. Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM51
5212. SettingsNetwork Settings (MENU 7-3)Network options (MENU 7-3-1)Select the network to use.Normally, you can use the service provider that the phoneautomatically receives, but you can also use this menu item to setthe service provider you want yourself.Automatic (MENU 7-3-1-1)When there is no particular need for you to make the selectionyourself, select this item.1  Press  .2  The search screen is displayed for finding the service providersthat your phone can currently receive.3  When receiving is complete, “Done” is displayed.4Press  .NOTE:- If “Network list” is executed, it may become impossible tosend or receive calls.  In this case, execute “Automatic”.Manual (MENU 7-3-1-2)If it is necessary for you to select the service provider yourself, selectone of the service providers received by your phone.1  Press  .2  The search screen is displayed for finding the service providersthat your phone can currently receive.3  After the search is completed, the network(s) that can beconnected to will be displayed. Select the network of your choicewith  / .NOTE:- Your phone can not display “Add” when the list is full.Changing your Network password (MENU 7-3-2)You can change your 4-digit Password available from the networkprovider.1Press  . “Network password” will be displayed.2Enter your current 4-digit Password and press  .“New password” will be displayed.3Enter your new 4-digit Password and press  .“Repeat new password” will be displayed. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM52
534Enter your new 4-digit Password again and press  .After a temporary display of “Working”, “Done” or “Please tryagain” will be displayed.CAUTION• Keep a record of your new Password in a safe place!Selecting a mode (MENU 7-3-3)See page 14.Restoring to Original Settings(MENU 7-4)This feature resets all settings made by you to the original settings(factory settings), including the Language display.After restoring, the screen will return to the standby screen.12. Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM53
5413. Security Settings13. Security Settings(MENU 8)Your phone is equipped with a versatile security system to preventunauthorised use of the phone or the SIM card.CAUTION• Once you change the password or lock code, keep arecord of it in a safe place! Also, immediately afterchanging it, turn off your phone before leaving itanywhere.Press MENU and select Security, and press .Enter the Handset lock code, and  .See page 18 for general information on the menu functions.SIM Card Lock Settings (MENU 8-1)To prevent fraudulent usage of your SIM card, you can select a PIN1(Personal Identification Number 1) code to be entered each timeyour phone is powered up. Your PIN code is usually supplied whenyou receive your SIM card.1Select SIM password.The current setting (On or Off) will be displayed.2Press  .Then, On, Off, and Change PIN will be displayed.• To enable SIM card lock:1) Select On, and press  . “Enter PIN1” will be displayed.2) Enter the PIN1 code, and press  .“PIN enabled” will be displayed.• To change the PIN1 code:1) Select Change PIN, and press  . “Enter old PIN1” willbe displayed.2) Enter the current PIN1 code, and press  .“Enter new PIN1” will be displayed.3) Enter new PIN1 code, and press  .Then, the screen will ask you to enter the same codeagain. “PIN changed” will be displayed.• To release SIM card lock:1) Select Off, and press  . “Enter PIN1” will be displayed.2) Enter the PIN1 code, and press  .“PIN disabled” will be displayed. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM54
55NOTE:- “Change PIN” does not appear when OFF is selected.To unlock your SIM card at powering on“Enter PIN1” will be displayed at powering on.Enter correct PIN1 code and press   to unlock the SIM card.NOTES:-The key entry for the code will be displayed by the letter “x”.- If you enter the wrong code, “PIN state unchanged” willbe displayed.- You can still make emergency calls on the phone even ifthe SIM card is locked.Handset Lock Settings (MENU 8-2)To prevent fraudulent usage of your phone, you can lock your phoneusing the lock code. Once you lock your phone, you will need to unlockyour phone each time it is powered up. You can change the lock code asrequired. The default handset lock code is 1234.1Select Handset lock.2Press  . On, Off, and Change code will be displayed.• To enable handset lock:Select On, and press  .• To change the lock code:1) Select Change code, and press  . “Enter old code” willbe displayed.2) Enter the current lock code, and press  .“Enter new code” will be displayed.3) Enter new lock code, and press  .Then, the screen will ask you to enter the same codeagain.• To release the handset lock:Select Off, and press  .To unlock your phone at powering on“UNLOCK” will be displayed at the bottom right of the screen atpowering on.Press  , enter the correct lock code, and press  .13. Security Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM55
5613. Security SettingsNOTES:- The key entry for the code will be displayed by the letter“x”.- If you fail to enter the correct lock code, the screen willreturn to the original screen.- You can still make emergency calls on the phone even ifyour phone is locked.Handset Call Barring (MENU 8-3)You can restrict outgoing calls and incoming calls of your phone.This is not controlled by the network service.Incoming Calls Barring (MENU 8-3-1)1The current setting (On or Off) will be displayed, and press  .2Select another item, and press  .To restrict incoming calls, select On.Outgoing Calls Barring (MENU 8-3-2)1The current setting will be displayed.2Select one of the following items, and press  .All: Bars all outgoing calls.List: The current prefixes entered by you are listed. If nothing islisted, “List empty” will be displayed. If the prefix is“nnn”, for example, then the calls thatbegin with “nnn” will be barred. If it is “00”, theninternational calls will be barred.1) Select one of the prefixes on the list, and press  .2) Select one of the following items, and press  .Add: You can add a new prefix.Edit: You can edit the selected prefix.Delete: You can delete the selected prefix.Clear all: You can clear all the prefixes.Off: Cancels outgoing call barring.Network Call Barring (MENU 8-4)You can restrict outgoing calls or incoming calls where such servicesare available.1Select Network call barring, and press  .2You can restrict the calls as follows:• To bar outgoing calls, select one of the following items, andpress  . CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM56
57Bar foreign calls (MENU 8-4-1), Only local and homecountry (MENU 8-4-2), and Bar outgoing calls (for alloutgoing calls) (MENU 8-4-5).• To bar incoming calls, select one of the following items, andpress  .Bar incoming calls (for all incoming calls) (MENU 8-4-3) andBar incoming if abroad (restricted if your phone is usedabroad) (MENU 8-4-4).3Select your desired item from the following, and press  .All services, Voice calls, Data, Fax, Messages, and Allexcept msg(messages).4Select one of the following items to choose the setting, andpress  .On: Select to enable this feature. You will need to enterthe Network password, and press  .Off: Select to disable this feature. You will need to enterthe Network password and press  .Status: Select to review the current status without enteringthe code.NOTE:- To check the contents of the service, press  / .To cancel all barring (MENU 8-4-6)1Select Clear all (MENU 8-4-6), and press  .2Enter the Network password and press  .NOTES:- Your initial Network password will be provided by yourservice provider.-The key entry for the code will be displayed by the letter “x”.- If you enter the wrong Network password, the screen willreturn to the original screen.13. Security Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM57
58Fixed Dialling (MENU 8-5)Your outgoing calls can be restricted to the phone numbers in theFixed Dialling list, if supported by your SIM card. The maximumnumber of Fixed Dialling entries depends on your SIM card. You canadd phone numbers to the Fixed Dialling list. Also, you can enableor disable the Fixed Dialling feature.Setting (MENU 8-5-1)To enable the Fixed Dialling feature, select On.To disenable the Fixed Dialling feature, select Off.List (MENU 8-5-2)1To edit the Fixed Dialling list, select Fixed dial list (MENU 8-5-2).The Fixed Dialling list will be displayed.2Select the name you wish to edit, and  press  .3Select one of the following items, and press  .Add: Enter a name and then the phone number youwish to add to the Fixed Dialling list.View number: You can review the contents of the Fixed Diallinglist.Edit: Edits the name and then the phone number.Delete: The selected item will be deleted.4If you are asked to “ENTER PIN2”, enter your PIN2 code.NOTES:- When you need to enter PIN2, you should ask the PIN2 ofyour service Centre.- For details on entering names into lists, see “Keys” onpage 46.13. Security Settings CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM58
5914. SIM Services14. SIM Services (MENU 9)In addition to the functions available in the phone, your SIM cardmay provide additional services that you can access in this menu.This menu is shown only if it is supported by your SIM card.The name and contents of this menu depended entirely on theservices vailable. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM59
6015. General SpecificationsFrequency Band: 900MHz and 1900MHzOperating Temperature:Main Unit: –10°C to + 55°CSupply Voltage: Standard Li-ion battery3.8 V 700mAhOptional NiMH battery3.6V 720mAhRF Power Output: Class 4 (GSM-900/2W)Class 1 (PCS-1900/1W)Dimensions:With standard Li-ion battery (BTL325):4.4” × 1.89” × 0.9”(112mm × 48mm × 23.5mm)With optional Li-ion battery (with vibrator) (VTL325):4.4” × 1.89” × 0.9”(112mm × 48mm × 23.5mm)With optional NiMH battery (BTR325):4.4” × 1.89” × 1.06”(112mm × 48mm × 27mm)With optional NiMH battery (with vibrator) (VTR325):4.4” × 1.89” × 1.06”(112mm × 48mm × 27mm)Weight:With standard Li-ion battery: 3.45oz (98g)With optional Li-ion battery (with vibrator): 3.5oz (100g)With optional NiMH battery: 3.9oz (113g)With optional NiMH battery (with vibrator): 4.1oz (115g)Talk Time:With standard Li-ion battery: 90-300 minutesWith optional Li-ion battery (with vibrator): 90-300 minutesWith optional NiMH battery: 90-300 minutesWith optional NiMH battery (with vibrator): 90-300 minutesStandby Time:With standard Li-ion battery: 60-110 hoursWith optional Li-ion battery (with vibrator): 60-110 hoursWith optional NiMH battery: 60-110 hoursWith optional NiMH battery (with vibrator): 60-110 hours* Subject to change without notice.* Times may vary depending on system.15. General Specifications CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM60

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