Shintom Co M5016 PCS handset User Manual manual 6

Shintom Co Ltd PCS handset manual 6

manual 6

37then press the 6 key three times for “o”.Pressing the 0 key gives a space. The   key changes betweenuppercase and lowercase letters. To switch to numeric inputmode, press and hold down the   key. Press the   key oncequickly to insert smart punctuation, or press and hold the key to choose from the whole range of symbols. To entersymbols, press the 1 key once quickly. You can correct amistyped letter or number by using the CLEAR key to removeit.•Numeric - Numeric input mode.•Symbols - Symbols input mode.Press the  /   to select desired symbols, then pressappropriate number key.Creating a Short Message (MENU 3-3)Message can be created and sent.1Enter a text message, and press  .2Enter the number directly or select the Phone Book using MENU,display desired number, and press  .3Select Save (the screen will ask you to send the message aftersaving it), or select Send to send it without saving it.NOTE:- You can also create a text message using the Phone Book.Refer to “Using T9 Predictive Text Input” on page 36.Message Settings (MENU 3-4)Storing Service Centre Number (MENU 3-4-1)You need to store the phone number of the Short Message ServiceCentre before sending messages.Enter the phone number of the Service Centre in full internationalformat, and press  .Message Alert (MENU 3-4-2)You can enable or disable the message alert.To activate the message alert, select On.8. Messages CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM37
388. MessagesMessage Lifetime (MENU 3-4-3)You can select one of 8 message lifetimes.You can select desired setting from:One hour, Two hours, Six hours, One day, Two days, Oneweek, Four weeks, and Six months.Message Format (MENU 3-4-4)You can select the format or protocol ID of a message, if yourservice provider supports it.You can select desired setting from:Normal, Fax, Voicemail, ERMES, Nation’l paging, X. 400, andInternet.Initially, Normal will be selected.Voicemail (MENU 3-5)You can receive a voicemail if your service provider supports it.You will need to set the voicemail number settings as abovebeforehand.Get a voicemail (MENU 3-5-1)You can call the registered voicemail number, connect to thevoicemailbox, then listen to your voicemail.Voicemail No. (MENU 3-5-2)Input the voicemailbox number you received from your serviceprovider, then press  .To change the voicemailbox number:1From the voicemailbox number input screen, press CLEAR, theninput the new telephone number.2Press  .Information message (MENU 3-6)You can receive messages on various topics such as weather andtraffic information from your service provider, where such servicesare available.Reviewing Information Messages(MENU 3-6-1)You can review all Information messages received.Settings (MENU3-6-2)Allows the necessary settings for receiving information messages. CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM38
39Language Selection (MENU 3-6-2-1)This function sets the language for receiving various informationservices.Always set this service first before receiving an information service.NOTE:- When Insert or Add to end is selected, if no language hasbeen set yet, “List empty” is displayed.Insert:You can use this submenu when no language has been set and youwant to add a new language to the list of selected languages.1Press  .2Select Insert, then press the  .3The list of registered languages is displayed.4Select your preferred language, then press  .Add to end:You can use this submenu to add a new language to the end of thelist of set languages.1Press  .2Select Add to end, then press  .3The list of already registered languages is displayed.  Press  .Delete:This removes a language from the list of set languages.1Select the name of the language to delete, then press  .2Select Delete, then press  .Subject Selection (MENU 3-6-3-2)You can obtain messages by selecting your preferred subjects fromthe subject list on your phone.  Also, you can add your preferredsubjects to the Subject list.Create Subject (MENU 3-6-3-2-1)You can register an information service not included among thosepre-registered.1Press  , then select Add.2Press  , then input the Subject code.3Press  , input the service name, then press   again.8. Messages CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM39
40Editing registered information1Select the service to be edited with   / , then press  .2Select View/Edit, then press  .3The Subject code editing screen is displayed. Input the new code,then press  .4The name editing screen is displayed. Input the new name, thenpress  .For details on entering and editing service names, see “Keys” onpage 46.Deleting registered information1Select the service to be deleted with   / , then press  .2Select Delete, then press  .Current list (MENU 3-6-3-2-2)You can register up to two information services into your phonefrom those registered.Registering/adding information services1Press  , then select Add.2A list of the pre-registered information services is displayed, soselect the desired service from this list with  / .3Press  .Deleting an information service1Select the service to be deleted with   / , then press  .2Select Delete, then press  .8. Messages CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM40
419. Call Diverting (MENU 4)This feature allows your phone to divert (forward) incoming calls toa preset number.  You can select Divert Call function setting for thefollowing cases where such services are available:Press MENU and select Divert calls, and press  .See page 18 for general information on the menu functions.Divert All Calls (MENU 4-1)1Select one of the following items, and press  .On:             Select to enable this feature.            The screen will ask you to enter the phonenumber to which the calls will be diverted,            press  .Off: Select to disable this feature.Status: Select to review the current status.By service: You can select which of multiple call divertingservices you want to use.1Select the desire service from All services,Voice calls, Data, Fax, Messages, and Allexcept msgs., then press  .2The screen will ask you to enter the phonenumber to which calls will be diverted, soinput that number, then press  .NOTES:- When setting menu item 4-3(MENU 4-3), set the phonenumber to divert (forward) to, then set the delay fromwhen a call is received until it is diverted (forwarded).Then, press  .- To check the contents you have set for Divert Calls, selectStatus with menu item 4-1(MENU 4-1) and follow  /  orthe soft key guidance.9. Call Diverting CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM41
42Divert when your phone is busy(MENU 4-2)1Follow steps 1 and 2 in section “Divert for All Calls (MENU 4-1)”.Divert when you do not answer(MENU 4-3)1Follow steps 1 and 2 in section “Divert for All Calls (MENU 4-1)”.Divert when your phone is out ofrange (MENU 4-4)1Follow steps 1 and 2 in section “Divert for All Calls (MENU 4-1)”.Cancel All (MENU 4-5)1Press  . Then, all the divert settings will be cleared.9. Call Diverting CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM42
4310. Clock10. Clock (MENU 5)Your phone provides clock and alarm functions.Press MENU and select Clock, and press  .See page 21 for general information on the menu functions.Alarm Clock Settings (MENU 5-1)Once you have set the clock and date (refer to page 44), you canset an alarm clock in various ways. In addition to the normal alarmclock which will be activated by specifying the time and date, youcan repeat the alarm at the selected interval. Also you can show atext message with an alarm, as a reminder. Note that, to use analarm clock, you need to set the Alarm Status to on. When analarm is issued, ( ) will appear on the top of the standby screenwith an alarm tone.Setting an Alarm Clock (MENU 5-1-1)Select your desired item from the following, and press  .Date, Time, Tone, Message, Repeat, and Alarm state.When you have set an item mentioned here, the screen will returnto the original screen to allow other alarm settings.• When Date is selected:Enter the date for the alarm (e.g. 30/12/2001), and press  .• When Time is selected:Enter the time for the alarm (e.g. 17:30), and press  .• When Tone is selected:Select your desired tone from several tones, and press  .(The selected tone will sound. You can also set it to Off.)• When Message is selected:Enter a message, and press  .• When Repeat is selected:Select your desired item (None, Daily, Weekly or Monthly),and press  .• When Alarm state is selected:Select one of the following items, and press  .Enabled : alarm will go on at set timeDisabled : set off the alarmAfter finishing the above settings, press  .The following items will be displayed:• To save the new alarm settings, select Save, and press  .• To cancel the current alarm settings, select Cancel, and press  .• To exit without saving the alarm settings, press  .For details on entering messages, see “Keys” on page 46. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM43
4410. ClockNOTES:-Up to four different alarms can be set. Once four alarms havebeen set, the system will no longer go into alarm setting mode(MENU 5-1-1).-You can set multiple alarm clock settings. The settings arestored in your phone according to the time and date being set.- When you select Disabled in Alarm state, no alarm will beactivated.- Please check the Date and the Time when you switch fromDisabled to Enabled in the Alarm State.Alarm List Review (MENU 5-1-2)You can review the current alarm list with the  /  keys.  Selectthe alarm to delete/edit, then press  .• To review and edit the alarm, select View/Edit, and press  .• To delete the alarm from the list, select Delete, and press  .Alarm Clear (MENU 5-1-3)You can clear all alarm settings at one time.“Clear all alarms?” will be displayed.To clear all alarm settings, press  .Clock and Date Settings (MENU 5-2)Time/Date Format Settings (MENU 5-2-1/5-2-2)You can select desired setting from 12 hour and 24 hour and dateformat (D:M:Y, M:D:Y or Y:M:D).The new setting will be displayed.Time and Date Display Selection (MENU 5-2-3)You can select desired setting from Time only, Date only, Date &Time and Off.The new setting will be displayed.NOTE:- The time and date will be displayed at the top right of thestandby screen. If Date & time is selected, they arealternately displayed on the screen. CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM44
45Daylight Saving Adjustment (MENU 5-2-4)You can use the daylight saving feature which will move the currenttime forward by one hour.You can select desired setting from Off and On. The new settingwill be displayed.NOTE:- When you disable this feature, the clock display willreturn to the normal setting.Time and Date Settings (MENU 5-3/5-4)Enter time/date, and press  .Each time you press the dial key for an entry, the cursor scrolls foreach digit.Time example: 17:30 (for 24-hour time format)05:30 PM (for 12-hour time format)Date example: 30/12/2001 (for D:M:Y date format)NOTE:- Please change the AM/PM indication using the   key.Time Zone Setting (MENU 5-5)By setting the time zone (difference in time), you can obtain thelocal time without changing the time setting for the clock.Enter the time difference.To move the clock backward by hh:mm, enter hh:mm (-hh:mm). (“-” is already set.)To move the clock forward by hh:mm, press the   key to changethe sign to “+”, then enter hh:mm (+hh:mm).To enter it, press  .Then, the clock will shift by the amount you entered.10. Clock CEL GDU325 (p.41-59) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:20 AM45

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