Shintom Co M5016 PCS handset User Manual manual 5

Shintom Co Ltd PCS handset manual 5

manual 5

31Deleting Stored Numbers (MENU 2-4)You can delete the current numbers dialled, received, and missed inthe Recent Calls list at any time.Press  /  to select Yes, and press  .“Please wait” will be displayed and your phone will return tostandby mode.To cancel deleting, select No, and press  .Call Timer Review (MENU 2-5)You can show the time for the last call or all calls in standby mode.The time for last call/all calls will be displayed in minutes.Select one of the following items, and press  .Last Call (MENU 2-5-1), All Calls (MENU 2-5-2)Call Cost Review (MENU 2-6)You can show the cost of the current call during a call, if yournetwork service provider supports the feature.Select one of the following items, and press  .Last Call (MENU 2-6-1), All Calls (MENU 2-6-2)• To clear the log for Last call/All Calls:1) Select Clear logs (MENU 2-6-3), and press  .“Enter PIN2” will be displayed.2) Enter your PIN2 code, and press  . Then, all the data ofthe cost will be cleared.7. Recent Calls Menu Operation CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM31
32Cost Unit Reading/Setting (MENU 2-6-4)• To review the current cost per call unit setting:1) Select Read units, and press  .Price/unit will be displayed with the three-letter descriptionthat shows the currency.• To set the cost per call unit:1) Select Set units, and press  . “Enter PIN2” will bedisplayed.2) Enter your PIN2 code, and press  .3) Enter the cost per call unit, and press  .Use the   key to enter a decimal point.4) Enter the three-letter identification for the currencychosen, and press  .Example: “UKP” for UK pounds.Please contact your service provider for the identificationletters.(You can register the letters as you like or your serviceprovider will provide them.)Max Cost Reading/Setting (MENU 2-6-5)• To review the current cost limit setting:1) Select Read limit, and press  .The maximum cost being set will be displayed with thethree-letter description that shows the currency.• To set the maximum cost limit:1) Select Set limit, and press  . “Enter PIN2” will bedisplayed.2) Enter your PIN2 code, and press  .3) Enter the maximum cost limit, and press  .NOTES:- The key entry for the code will be displayed by the letter“x”.- Your PIN2 code will be provided by your service provider.- When you enter the wrong PIN2 code, “Invalid PIN Pleasetry again” will be displayed.- When the wrong PIN2 is entered three consecutive times,your phone will not accept any further PIN2 entry. In thiscase, enter your PUK2 (Personal Unblocking Key) code.Please contact your service provider for furtherinformation on your PUK2 code.7. Recent Calls Menu Operation CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM32
338. Messages8. Messages (MENU 3)This feature operation may be offered by your mobile serviceprovider. Before using this feature, you must subscribe to themthrough your home mobile service provider. Please contact yourmobile service provider for more information.Press MENU and Message, and press  .See page 21 for general information on the menu functions.NOTE:- These optional network services may not be available inall areas.Short Message ServiceYou can receive and send short text messages via the network,where such services are available.Reading Messages (MENU 3-1)When you receive a new message, the message indicator ( ) willbe displayed on the standby screen.Select the message you wish to read from the message list with  / and press  .Where no messages have been received, “No more message” willbe displayed.NOTE:- If the SIM is full, the message indicator ( ) will flash andthe network will hold it until you delete another messagefrom the SIM. How to delete it is described in Reviewing/Editing Short Messages on page 32.Editing Incoming Messages(MENU3-1  / )Messages that have been received can be edited, saved, and sent.1Select the message you wish to edit from the message list with/  and press  .2Press   then select Edit.3The body of the incoming mail (message to send) will be shown.Edit the text then press  .4The telephone number can also be edited if necessary. (MENUcan also be pressed to bring up the telephone book to edit thesettings for the receiver of the message.) CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM33
348. Messages5Select Save or Send (save then send edited message or sendmessage without saving).Deleting Incoming Messages(MENU3-1  / )Deletes messages that have been received.1Select the message to delete with  /  and press  .2Press   and selected Delete then press   again.3Select either Yes or No and press  .NOTE:- To delete all received messages, select Delete all from thebottom of the message list.Forwarding Incoming Messages(MENU3-1  / )Messages that have been received can be forwarded elsewhere.1Select the message to forward from the message list with  /and press  .2Press   and select forward then press   again.3Enter the number to the recipient of the message beingforwarded and press  .4Select Save or Send (save then send edited message or sendmessage without saving).Text Reply (MENU3-1  / )Reply to received messages with text.1Press   while the message that has been received is beingdisplayed.2Select Text reply and press  .3Enter your reply in the text input screen and press  .4Re-enter the telephone number if necessary and press  .5Select Save or Send (save then send edited message or sendmessage without saving).Voice Call (MENU3-1  / )Make a phone call to the sender of a message that has beenreceived. CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM34
351Press   while the message is being displayed.2Select Voice call and press   to dial the number to the sender ofthe message.Extracting Numbers from IncomingMessages (MENU3-1  / )Phone numbers can be extracted from incoming messages and acall can be made to the number.1Press   while a messaging containing a phone number is beingdisplayed.2Select Extract nos. and press   to extract the phone number.Pressing   twice will dial the number that has been extracted.Reviewing Outgoing Messages(MENU3-2  / )Messages that have been sent can be reviewed.Select the message that you wish to review with  /  and press. The message list containing messages that have been sent andsaved will be displayed. When there is no message list, “Nomessages” will be displayed.Editing Outgoing Messages(MENU3-2  / )Please refer to Editing Incoming Messages (MENU3-1,  / ).Deleting Outgoing Messages(MENU3-2  / )Please refer to Deleting Incoming Messages (MENU3-1,  / ).Forwarding Outgoing Messages(MENU3-2  / )Please refer to Forwarding Incoming Messages (MENU3-1,  / ).Extracting Numbers from OutgoingMessages (MENU3-2  / )Please refer to Extracting Numbers From Incoming Messages(MENU3-1,  / ).8. Messages CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM35
368. MessagesUsing T9 Predictive Text InputT9 predictive text entry is available in some areas of your phone thatrequire text entry, as opposed to numbers only.It comprises several main modes:In the Message create screen (e,g, MENU, 3, 3), press MENU, thenselect the desired mode as follows;      •T9 English - English text input mode.To enter text, press each key once for each letter you want andthe phone predicts the word you are typing. For example, totype “Hello” at a T9 text entry screen, press the keys 4, 3, 5, 5,6 once each. As you type the letters displayed will change toreflect the most likely word for the letters you have entered.You must type the whole word before trying to correctindividual letters.If the word you have typed is not the one you want, press the1 key to scroll through the other options. The   key can beused to change the case and to input numbers.  To change thecase, press the   key once quickly.  To input numbers, pressand hold down the   key to switch to numeric input mode.Punctuation and other symbols are available via the   key.Press the   key once quickly to insert smart punctuation, orpress and hold the   key to choose from the whole range ofsymbols. Press the number key associated with the symboldisplayed to enter that symbol and return to T9 text entry. Ifyou cannot immediately see the symbol you want, press the and   keys to scroll through other options.You can correct a mistyped letter or number by using theCLEAR key to remove it.•Multi-tap - This mode can be used to add words to theEnglish database.In multi-tap text entry mode different letters are reached bycycling through the options: one press gives the first character,two quick presses the second, and so on. To type the word“Hello”, you need to press the 4 key twice quickly to give an“H”, then change case using the   key. Next press the 3 keytwice to give “e”, then the 5 key three times to give “I”, and*2 Switched to the nextmode each time the key is pressed.T9 EnglishMulti-tapNumberSymbols*1 Press MENU, use/ to select themode and press  to switch.: Capital letters: Only the initialletter iscapitalized.(None): Small letters CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM36

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