Shintom Co M5016 PCS handset User Manual manual 4

Shintom Co Ltd PCS handset manual 4

manual 4

15Placing Calls Using your Phone Book1To open your Phone Book, press   in standby mode, thenpress   (or press and hold  ).2Select your desired name as follows:• Press  /  to search for the name, or• Press one of keys 1 to 9 once to search for the first letterbelonging to the key. Then, press  /  to locate the name.3To make a call, press  .NOTES:- To use your Phone Book, you need to store phone numberinformation in your Phone Book beforehand.- Please be sure to enter the corresponding name whenentering a phone number in your Phone Book. If you donot, the name will not appear on the display.Placing Emergency CallsYou can make emergency calls even if your phone or SIM card islocked. You can also make emergency calls without your SIM card.• To make an emergency call without your SIM card, enter themobile phone emergency number 112 and press  .• To make an emergency call when your SIM card is locked, press.Placing International Calls1Press and hold   to display “+”.2Enter the country code of the phone number you wish to call.3Enter the phone number.4Press  .Last Number RedialIn standby mode, you can redial the last number dialled.1In standby mode, press  .The last number dialled will be displayed.2To place a call, press   again.DTMF SendingIn dialling phone numbers, you can insert “P” by pressing andholding   key.  “P” will be used to send the DTMF.1Enter a phone number.2Press and hold   to display “P”.3Enter a number for DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency).4. Basic Operation CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM15
164Press  .The phone number and “Calling” will be displayed.After the call is sent, “Auto DTMF” will be displayed.After 5 seconds, it will start sending by DTMF.Receiving Calls1When an incoming call is received, a ringing tone will sound and“Incoming call” will be displayed.2Press   and you will be able to talk with the other party.3To end your call, press  .NOTE:- When silent mode or, quiet mode is used, a ringing tonewill not be heard. (Refer to page 47, 48.)BacklightingWhen Backlighting On is preset (see page 49) and you press anykey, the backlighting for the display and the keypad will turn on toprovide easier operation. The backlighting will go out 15 secondsafter your last key press.Key Lock Function (  +  )You can activate the Key Lock function to avoid accidental keyoperations.1In standby mode, press   then  .“LOCK” at the bottom of the display will be changed to“UNLOCK”.No key entry will be valid except emergency number 112 untilthe Key Lock function is released.Releasing the Key Lock Function1Press   then   again.“UNLOCK” will be changed to “LOCK”. Your key entry willbecome valid.4. Basic Operation CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM16
17Useful Information During CallsThe following are the basic operations that you can access duringcalls.Microphone MuteThe Microphone Mute function will deactivate the microphone ofyour phone so you can converse at your location and not beoverheard by the party on the line. To change Microphone Mutesetting, press  . “MUTE” or “UNMUTE” will appear at thebottom of the display.Muting the MicrophoneDuring a call, press   to change “MUTE” to “UNMUTE”.Releasing MuteDuring a call, press   to change “UNMUTE” to “MUTE”.NOTE:- The mute mode will automatically be released when yourcall is terminated.Switching DTMF Tone On/OffYou can send DTMF tones during a call. This function is used forsending DTMF tones to answering machines, computerizedequipment, etc. to communicate with them.1During a call, press  .2Press  /  to select DTMF on (or DTMF off).3Press  .Then, the DTMF tones will be switched on (or off).Calling Up the Main MenuDuring a call, you can enter the “Phone Book” and “Messages”main menu. (For details on these menus, see pages 25 and 33.)1During a call, press  .2Press  /  to select Main Menu, then press  .3Press / to select either Phone Book or Messages, then press.To return to the original screen, press   until the originalscreen is displayed.4. Basic Operation CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM17
18Storing a Number In the Scratch Pad MemoryDuring a call, you can enter a number in the scratch pad memoryand, after the call, you can place a call to the number.1During a call, enter a phone number.After the call, the number will be displayed.To cancel the number, press  .2After the call, press   to place a call to the number.NOTES:- When “No service” is displayed, you cannot place norreceive calls as mobile phone service is not available.- When “Enter PIN1” is displayed, PIN (PersonalIdentification Number) security (SIM card lock) is active.In this case, enter your PIN1 code and press  .- When the wrong PIN1 code is entered three consecutivetimes, your phone will block the SIM card.In this case, enter your PUK (Personal Unblocking Key)code.  This PUK code will be supplied by your serviceprovider.- If you enter the wrong PUK code 10 times in succession,the SIM card will not be able to be used any more.In this case, please contact your service provider for a newSIM card.- Some SIM cards utilize a PIN2 code for accessing specialfunctions. Please contact your service provider for furtherinformation on PUK2 and PIN2 codes.- When your phone is powered up without your SIM card,“Insert SIM card” will be displayed.In this case, power off your phone and insert your SIMcard.4. Basic Operation CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM18
19Multiparty CallYou can make a multiparty call where such a service is available.Making a Second Call During a Call1Place a call to the first party.2During the call, place the second call and press  .The first call will automatically put on hold.To swap between two calls:During a call, press   and select Swap from the in-call menu.To end the current call:1Select the caller to be disconnected using  / .2To disconnect the caller, press   and select End current fromthe in-call menu.Adjusting the Earpiece VolumeYou can adjust the earpiece volume of thephone during a Multiparty call.Press  , then select Volume and press.Press    to  increase and   to decrease thevolume level.4. Basic Operation CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM19
204. Basic OperationMaking a Multiparty CallsUp to five callers can join a Multiparty call.To activate a Multiparty call:While making a multiparty call, you need one active call and one onhold, press   and select Multiparty/Join all from the in-callmenu, in order.The call on hold will be connected with the current active call toform a Multiparty call, where every person can talk to one another.To add other members to a Multiparty call:The menu indicated by the selected screen is different.Place a call to add the next member of the Multiparty call (up to 5members).Then, press   and select Multiparty/Join all in order.To perform various functions during a Multiparty call:Press   and select Multiparty/“one of the following items”in order.Multiparty↓Hold all calls: To put the Multiparty call on hold.Join all: To join all calls to the active Multiparty call.Exclude: Place the selected party of a multiparty call onhold.Private: Hold a private call with one party in a multipartycall. Other parties are put on hold.Transfer: To connect one caller to another caller and toleave the call.To disconnect a member of a Multiparty call:You can disconnect the member whose phone number is currentlydisplayed.Press   and select End current. CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM20
215. Using the MenuThe basic menu operation that is common to all menu operations isexplained here.The following shows the key operation to be used to enter asubmenu to select an item.Accessing a Menu Function byScrolling1Press MENU to enter the menu mode.Press  /  to select the desired mainmenu, (e.g. Settings).2Press   .Press   /  to select a desired submenus(e.g. Call settings).3Press   .If the menu you have selected containssubmenus, repeat step 2.4Press   .Press  /  to find the setting of yourchoice. Press   to confirm the chosensetting.5. Using the Menu CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM21
225. Using the MenuAccessing a Menu Function byShortcutYour phone has a menu number code system in which the menunumber code appears on the top right on the screen (MENU 6-1,for example). You can directly enter the menu  by pressing MENUfollowed by the code.For example, to set the Any Key Answer off:In standby mode, press MENU   ,    7   ,    2   ,1   ,    2   in orderFor menu shortcuts, see the “List of Menu Map“Menu numberThis feature is effective even if it is not displayed.As for the setting of display/non-display, refer to page 47.Exiting a Menu FunctionPress   until the previous menu screen appears.Using the Soft KeysBelow the display you can find two so-called soft keys.Their functions depends on the guiding texts shown above thekeys.For example, in standby mode,   and   act as follows:: REDIAL key for redialling the last call: EXIT key for exiting the current status or MenuGuiding textSoft keys CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM22
231-1 View namesSearchAddView number/ListEditDeleteSpeed dial nosUsed spaceMessage1-2 Add new name1-3 SettingsRecent calls (MENU 2)2-1 Missed calls2-2 Received calls2-3 Dialled numbers2-4 Clear logs2-4-1 Yes2-4-2 No2-5 Call timers2-5-1 Last call2-5-2 All calls2-6 Call costs2-6-1 Last call2-6-2 All calls2-6-3 Clear logs2-6-4 Cost units2-6-5 Max costMessages (MENU3)3-1 Incomingmessages3-2 Outgoingmessages3-3 Create message3-4 Message settings3-4-1 Message centre3-4-2 Message alert3-4-3 Message life time3-4-4 Message format3-5 Voicemail3-5-1 Get voicemail3-5-2 Voicemail No.3-6 Info message3-6-1 Read info messages3-6-2 SettingsDivert calls (MENU 4)4-1 Divert all calls4-2 Divert when busy4-3 Divert onno answer4-4 Divert whennot found4-5 Cancel allClock (MENU 5)5-1 Alarm clock5-1-1 Set alarm5-1-2 List alarms5-1-3 Clear all5-2 Clock Settings5-2-1 Time format5-2-2 Date format5-2-3 Display5-2-4 Daylight saving5-3 Set time5-4 Set date5-5 Set time zoneList of Menu MapPhone Book (MENU 1)Page 25Page 29Page 33Page 41Page 435. Using the Menu CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM23
24Audio (MENU 6)6-1 Ringing tone6-2 Ringing volume6-3 Earpiece volume6-4 Keypad tones6-5 Warning tones6-6 DTMF tones6-7 Vibrating alert .settingSettings (MENU 7)7-1 Phone settings7-1-1 Language7-1-2 Own number7-1-3 Greeting7-1-4 Backlight level7-1-5 Contrast7-1-6 Menu numbers7-1-7 Auto shut down7-2 Call settings7-2-1 Any key answer7-2-2 Call waiting7-2-3 Caller number status7-2-4 Minute minder7-3 Networksettings7-3-1 Network options7-3-2Change network password7-3-3 Select mode7-4 Reset settingsSecurity (MENU 8)8-1 SIM password8-1-1 On8-1-2 Off8-1-3 Change PIN8-2 Handset lock8-2-1 On5. Using the MenuPage 49Page 548-2-2 Off8-2-3 Change code8-3 Handset callbarring8-3-1 Bar incoming8-3-2 Bar outgoing8-4 Network callbarring8-4-1 Bar foreign calls8-4-2 Only local and homecountry8-4-3 Bar incoming calls8-4-4 Bar incoming ifabroad8-4-5 Bar outgoing calls8-4-6 Clear all8-5 Fixed dialling8-5-1 Fixed dial settings8-5-2 Fixed dial listSIM Services (MENU 9)9 SIM ServicesPage 59Page 47 CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM24
256. Phone Book Operation6. Phone BookOperation (MENU 1)You can store phone numbers, names, and messages in your PhoneBook. The maximum number which you can enter depends on yourSIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. For your phone alone, themaximum number is 18.Press MENU and select Phone Book, and press  .See page 21 for general information on the menu functions.Dialling From Your Phone Book(MENU 1-1  / )Direct Dialling1In the Phone Book list, select the name to which you wish toplace a call.• Press  /  to search for the name.• Press one of keys 1 to 9 once to search for the first letterbelonging to the key.  Then, press  /  to locate the name.2To place a call, press  .If nothing has been entered in Phone Book list, then list emptywill be displayed in step 1.Dialling after Search1In the Phone Book list, press MENU, select Search, and press  .2Enter the first one or more letters of the name, and press  .Searching will start and the name will be displayed.3To place a call, press  .Dialling after Storing a MessageAfter selecting the phone number to call, you can prepare amessage.For details on how to input a message, see page 36.1With Phone Book displayed, select the phone number to call,then press MENU.2Select Message, then press  .  Input your message.  When theinput is complete, press  .3The phone number being called is displayed, so if it is correct,press  . CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM25
266. Phone Book Operation4Select either Save or Send, then press  .Save:  The input message is saved.Send:  The input message is sent.NOTES:- When saving the input message, if “SIM full” is displayed,delete messages using the method given for MENU 3-2Delete (Page 35).- To send to a phone number other than the one selected atfirst, you can either select the other phone number inStep 3 or input it directly.Editing Your Phone Book(MENU 1-1  / )1In the Phone Book list, select the name you wish to edit.2Press MENU, select Edit, and press  .The selected current name will be displayed.3Edit the name, and press  .4Edit the phone number, and press  .The screen will ask you to select the memory location in whichyou wish to store the entry.5Select one of the memory locations (SIM card, Handset, or Speeddial), and press  .For details, refer to step 5 in “New Entry In Your Phone Book”.Deleting an Entry From Your PhoneBook (MENU 1-1  / )1In the Phone Book list, select the name you wish to delete.2Press MENU, select Delete, and press  .The selected current name will be displayed.3To delete the entry, press  .To exit without deleting, press  .New Entry In Your Phone Book(MENU 1-2)1The name entry screen will be displayed. Enter a name, andpress  .The phone number entry screen will be displayed.2Enter a phone number, and press  .The screen will ask you to select the memory location in whichyou wish to store the entry. CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM26
273Select one of the memory locations, and press  .When selecting SIM card:The entry will be stored in the first vacant location in the SIMcard and the screen will then return to the Phone Book menu.When selecting Speed dial:“Select speed key (0..9)” will be displayed.Press one of the 0 to 9 keys (10 in total).Then, the entry will be stored in the SIM card (first 10 locations)and the display will then return to the Phone Book menu. If thekey is already registered, the screen will ask you whether youwish to overwrite or not. If yes, press  . Otherwise, press  .When selecting Handset:The entry will be stored in the first vacant location in your phoneand the screen will then return to the Phone Book menu.NOTE:- For details about entering a name, see "Using T9Predictive Text Input" on page 36.Tip:- Once you have saved numbers to the speed dial keys, youcan perform speed dialling. (Refer to page 28.)- When “Please wait” is displayed after pressing  / ,please wait awhile. Then press  /  again.- The entries stored in the SIM card will be able to be usedwith other GSM phones.Additional Entry In Your PhoneBook (MENU 1-2)The name entry screen will be displayed.1Add the new entry by following the same procedure as fromStep 3 of the item “New Entry in your Phone Book”.Setting (MENU 1-3)Set View (MENU 1-3-1)You can place a call after reviewing the detailed information in theentry.The phone can show the stored phone numbers and names in twodifferent ways, you can select:List Viewshows three names at a time6. Phone Book Operation CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM27
286. Phone Book OperationFull Viewshows a single name, a phone number andmemory location no. together.Press  , select Full View or List View, and press  .Memory Space Review (MENU 1-3-2)1In the Phone Book list, press MENU, select Used space, andpress  .The memory spaces will be displayed.e.g.: SIM 15/80  (65 locations out of 80 are free.)Handset 4/18 (4 locations out of 18 are free.)2To exit, press  .Speed Dialling List Review (MENU 1-3-3)You can review the names registered to the speed dialling keys 0 to 9.1In the Phone Book list, press MENU, select Speed dial nos. Andpress  .The speed dialling list will be displayed. For any key not yetregistered, “--- is empty” will be displayed.2To exit, press  .NOTE:- You cannot place a call from the Speed Dialling list.Speed DiallingYou can place a call from the stored memory locations 1 to 10 inthe SIM card by simply pressing and holding one digit key.1In standby mode, press and hold one of 10 keys (0 to 9).Dialling will automatically start after the name and phonenumber are displayed.NOTE:- You will need to store the phone number in the PhoneBook (Speed Dial memory) beforehand. Refer to “NewEntry In Your Phone Book” on page 26. CEL GDU325 (p.21-28) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:15 AM28
297. Recent Calls Menu Operation7. Recent Calls MenuOperation (MENU 2)The last numbers dialled, received, and missed (incoming calls thatwere not answered) are stored in the Recent Calls list. In addition toreviewing the list, you can place a call by selecting one of thenumbers.Press MENU and select Recent Calls, and press  .See page 21 for general information on the menu functions.Missed Calls Review and Call(MENU 2-1)Telephone numbers for calls you did not answer are recorded inorder.Press   to display the next number in this list.To view details for a missed call:With the telephone number being displayed, press MENU.First, the name of that party is displayed.  You can shift to the timeand date of the call with  / .To dial the telephone number of a missed call:With the telephone number, time, or date being displayed,press  .NOTES:- When you select the desired number, by pressing  /the time and date when you missed the call will bedisplayed.- If there are no numbers missed on the recent list, “Listempty” will be displayed.Received Calls Review and Call(MENU 2-2)Telephone numbers for calls you answered are recorded in order.Press   to display the next number in this list.To view details for a received call:With that telephone number being displayed, press MENU.First, the name of that party is displayed.  You can shift to the timeand date of the call with  / . CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM29
307. Recent Calls Menu OperationTo dial the telephone number of a received call:With the telephone number, time, or date being displayed,press  .Tip: (Using  )1In standby mode, press   once.A list of the last numbers received will be displayed.2Press  /  to select the desired number.To exit the screen, press  .3Press   to place a call.NOTES:- If there are no numbers received on the Recent Calls list,“List empty” will be displayed.- When you select the desired number, by pressing  /the time and date when you answered the call will bedisplayed.Dialled Calls Review and Call(MENU 2-3)Telephone numbers for calls you dialled are recorded in order.Press   to display the next number in this list.To view details for a dialled call:With the telephone number being displayed, press MENU.First, the name of the party is displayed.  You can shift to the timeand date of the call with  / .To redial the telephone number of a dialled call:With the telephone number, time, or date being displayed,press  .Tip: (Using  )1In standby mode, press   once.A list of the last numbers dialled will be displayed.2Press  /  to select the desired number.To exit the screen, press  .3Press   to place a call.NOTES:- If there are no numbers dialled on the Recent Calls list,“List empty” will be displayed.- When you select the desired number by pressing  / ,the time and date when you made the call will bedisplayed. CEL GDU325 (p.29-40) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:17 AM30

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