Shintom Co M5016 PCS handset User Manual manual 2

Shintom Co Ltd PCS handset manual 2

manual 2

82. Your Phone     KEY NAME FUNCTION1 (Power and Ends a call or turns your phone on and off.END/Soft key In the text line at the bottom of display,right) key performs the functions.2 (SEND/Soft Initiates and answers a call.key left) key In the text line at the bottom of display,performs the functions.3 (MENU) key Enters menu mode.4 (Up) key In standby mode, shows the last numbersdialled. In the menu mode or within a list,moves the cursor up to select an item.5 (Down) key In standby mode, shows the last numbersreceived. In the menu mode or within a list,moves the cursor down to select an item.6CLR (CLEAR) keyClears your entry or corrects wrong item.7Digit keys Enter phone numbers, alphanumericinformation, etc.8() key Enters  . Holding this key will show “+”,which is used in placing international calls.9() key Enters  . Holding this key will display “P”,which is used for DTMF sending.4 Up KeyEarpiece ReceiverAntenna (fixed)Display2. Your PhoneKeypad Names and Functions5 Down Key6 CLEAR  Key7 Digit Keys9 ( ) Key2 SEND Key8 ( ) KeyMicrophone1 Power/     END Key3 MENU KeyEarphone jack CEL GDU325 (p.01-20) Eng.pm6 8/2/01, 10:10 AM8

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