Shinko Electric Co SSOHT300VHTCOM OHT Vehicle User Manual

Shinko Electric Co Ltd OHT Vehicle Users Manual

Users Manual

SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   YTEM-3518   Rev.1   Operation Manual   1SSOHT-300 SystemVehicle Operation ManualS-NEW02-0029Revision 0Apr. 26, 2002The information furnished herein by  SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. is proprietary and confidential toSHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. personnel and is not to be duplicated, published, or disclosed toany third party in whole or in part without permission from SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.Copyright© 1999 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
2   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualThe information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms of a License, Non-disclosure and/or Confidentiality Agreement and constitutes and contains valuableproprietary information and trade secrets of SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. embodyingsubstantial creative efforts and confidential information, ideas, and expressions.  Accordingly,strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the governing Agreement, including,without limitation, all restrictions on use and disclosure, is required as a condition to the useof the information contained herein.  Except as may be permitted in the applicableAgreement, the information herein may not be reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part.Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth insubparagraph <c> (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause atDFARS 252.277-7013SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.100 Takegahana, Ise city,Mie prefecture,516-8550, JapanTelephone: +81-596-36-3180Facsimile: +81-596-36-3974
ContentsSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   3Contents1. SSOHT-300 System and Vehicle Overview................ 51.1. Purpose of the SSOHT-300 ............................................... 51.2. SSOHT-300 System ........................................................... 51.3. Non-Contact Power Supply............................................... 81.4. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)Regulation (provisional) .............................................................. 81.5. Notice and Warning of FCC (provisional)......................... 92. OHT Vehicle ............................................................... 112.1. External Appearance of the OHT Vehicle....................... 112.2. Parts Name and Function................................................ 122.2.1. Vehicle Body............................................................................... 122.2.2. Bumper........................................................................................ 122.2.3. Vehicle Stop Switch.................................................................... 122.2.4. Fall Prevention Mechanism ........................................................ 122.2.5. Front Monitor Sensor.................................................................. 122.2.6. Display Panel and Operation Panel............................................ 133. Specifications............................................................ 153.1. General Specifications.................................................... 153.1.1. Wafer Carrier............................................................................... 153.1.2. Transport Unit............................................................................. 153.1.3. Environmental Condition (Needs a review!! )............................. 153.2. Basic Technology Specifications.................................... 164. Emgergency Stop Procedures ................................. 174.1. EMO (Emergency Off)...................................................... 174.1.1. Location of EMO ......................................................................... 174.1.2. EMO Operation............................................................................ 174.2. The Stop Button on the Vehicle...................................... 174.2.1. The Vehicle Stop (emergency stop) Button on the Vehicle........ 175. Operation ................................................................... 195.1. Vehicle Operation Mode .................................................. 195.2. Auto mode........................................................................ 195.3. Local mode ...................................................................... 20
Contents4   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual6. Teaching..................................................................... 216.1. References....................................................................... 216.2. Two Types of Teaching.................................................... 216.3. Remote Control Box ........................................................ 227. Preparation ................................................................ 237.1. Preparation of the OHT Vehicle ...................................... 237.2. Preparation of the Remote Control Box ......................... 237.3. Registration of a Vehicle F Number................................ 237.3.1. Confirmation of the DIP Switches of the Remote ControlSwitches ..................................................................................... 247.3.2. Registration of F Number ........................................................... 248. Remote Control Box Position................................... 259. Remote Control Operation........................................ 279.1. Remote Control Operation List....................................... 279.2. Status Transition during the Remote ControlOperation.................................................................................... 289.3. Basic Button Operation................................................... 299.4. Remote Control Operation Button Assignment............. 299.4.1. Function Button.......................................................................... 299.4.2. Operation Button ........................................................................ 2910. Installation and Removal of the Vehicle .................. 3310.1. Vehicle Exchange on the Track....................................... 3310.1.1. Installation of the Vehicle ........................................................... 3310.1.2. Removal of the Vehicle............................................................... 3311. Error Recovery Procedures...................................... 35
OverviewSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   51.  SSOHT-300 System and Vehicle Overview1.1.  Purpose of the SSOHT-300SSOHT-300 is an automatic transport system used in semiconductor fabrication plant cleanrooms.1.2. SSOHT-300 SystemA floor plan of the typical SSOHT-300 system is shown in Figure 1.2.1.Figure 1.2.2 shows the example of the Shinko demo system.The main system equipment is the OHT vehicle (hereinafter OHV ).  It is suspended from theOHT track and runs along the track.  The OHV has a hoisting mechanism and the hoistedFOUP ascends and descends between the process tool ports. Ports are usually called loadports.A sectional view is shown in Figure1.2.3.  The OHT track is supported from the ceiling of thebuilding, and the OHT is suspended from the track.  The OHV runs under linear motor power,and the power is supplied from the track by a non-contact power supply system.  The non-contact power supply system is comprised mainly of OHV pickup coils and the power cableswithin the track.Figure 1.2.1  Typical SSOHT-300 system Floor PlanStocker StockerProcess ToolProcess ToolMaintenance Lifter
Overview6   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualFigure 1.2.2  Shinko Demo System Example OHT VehicleMaintenance LifterOHVCGround Power Supply PanelOHT TrackFOUPProcess tool
OverviewSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   7Figure 1.2.3  Sectional ViewCablePickup Coil
Overview8   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual1.3. Non-Contact Power SupplyThe non-contact power supply is an electromagnetic coupling and can be understoodas a special type of transformer.  It supplies power to the OHV.  The track is equippedwith power cables, and is constantly supplied with an alternating current from the powersupply panel on the ground.  Shinko uses an 8.66 kHz alternating current as a mainpower source.Signals of approximately 300kHz and 350kHz are used for communication betweenthe OHV and ground controller on top of the 8.66kHz for the main components.1.4. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Regulation(provisional)FCC regulations for the Shinko SSOHT-300 system and the SSOHT-300 system: thereare two applicable FCC regulations. Section 15 (c), and the section concerningintentional radiator is applicable.Section 18 applies to the power supply and relevant component parts (Refer to Figure1.4.1).Figure 1.4.1  FCC Regulations and the OHT ConfigurationCommunicationMaintenanceLifterCPUServo,etc.OHT VehicleCMCPowerSupplyPowerSupplySection 15(C):Intentional, radiatorOHVC(OHT VehicleController)(FCC approved)
OverviewSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   91.5.  FCC Notice and Warning (provisional)NoticeBased on test results, this system was determined to conform to the class A limit for digitaldevices in accordance with FCC regulation Section 15.Such a limit has the purpose of sufficiently preventing harmful interference when the equipmentis used in a business-operating environment.This equipment generates, uses, and may radiate high frequency energy.  If it is not installed orused according to the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to wirelesscommunication.Use of this equipment in a residential area may cause harmful interference in which case theuser is required to correct the interference at their own expense.FCC WarningIf any changes or modifications are made without explicit approval of the party involved who isresponsible for regulatory compliance, the user's right to use the equipment may be revoked.
Overview10   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.
VehicleSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   112.  OHT Vehicle2.1.  External Appearance of the OHT VehicleFigure 2.1.1. External View of the OHT VehicleThe external view of the OHT vehicle is shown in Figure 2.1.1.BumperVehicle Stop ButtonOptical I/OOperation PanelObstacle SensorsDisplay PanelFront Sensor
Vehicle12   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual2.2.  Part Names and Function2.2.1. Vehicle BodyThe vehicle is comprised of X, Y, , and Z axis.  The X axis is for moving the vehicle,and the Y-mechanism is comprised of the M1 and M2 axes.  Operating the M1 andM2 axes enables movements in the Y direction (horizontal movement of the vehiclebody) and the  direction (rotation of the vehicle body).  The Z axis moves the gripperup and down.The X axis is driven by a linear motor, the M1 and M2 axes by an AC servomotor, the Zaxis by an AC servomotor, and opening/closing of the gripper by a brush-less DC motor.The gripper is suspended by four belts that are reinforced with steel wires.2.2.2. BumperThe bumper is a contact tape switch and is installed around the vehicle.  When thiscomes into contact with any obstacle, the power supply to the drivers for main four axes(X axis, M1 and M2 axes, and Z axis) will be shut off.  For safety purposes, two bumperswitches are installed in parallel.2.2.3.  Vehicle Stop SwitchThe vehicle is equipped with a vehicle stop button.  Pressing this button will shut offthe power supply to the drivers for the main four axes just like the bumpers do.2.2.4. Fall Prevention MechanismThe vehicle is equipped with fall prevention arms.  If the FOUP falls while running, thearms prevent the FOUP from falling.2.2.5. Front Monitor SensorAt the front of the vehicle, there are obstacle sensors (right, down, and side.  Up andleft sensors are optional), an approaching sensor, a straight travel block sensor, acurve travel block sensor, a dead zone sensor, a front vehicle detection sensor, and afront vehicle confirmation sensor.The obstacle sensors are adjusted at 2.8m for the slowdown signal output distanceand 0.8m for the stop signal output distance.The approaching sensor is adjusted to send a stop signal when the vehicle comes to0.3m.The straight travel block sensor and the curve travel block sensor are attached to theY- mechanism part, and their receivers are installed on the vehicle.  The transmittersare installed on the track (the straight travel block sensor transmitters on the straightarea, and the curve travel block sensor transmitters on the curved area), and whenbeams emitted by the transmitters are received, each sensor sends stop signals.The dead zone sensor is optional.  The detection distance is adjusted at 15cm.The front vehicle detection sensor's receiver and transmitter are installed respectivelyat the front and back of  the vehicle running part bogie and used for detecting a vehicleahead.The front vehicle confirmation sensor's receiver and transmitter are also installedrespectively at the side front and side back of the vehicle and are used for detecting avehicle in front when running on the straight track.
VehicleSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   132.2.6.  Display Panel and Operation PanelThe display panel and the operation panel are shown in Figures and,respectively.  The meaning of the display panel LED and the operation panel parts aredescribed in Tables and  Display PanelFigure  Operation PanelLED1LED2LED3LED4LED5 LED6LED7LED8LED9LED10LED11LED12LED13LED14 LED15LED16LED17LED18LED19LED20LED21LED22LED23LED24LED25LED26LED27LED28LED29LED30SW1   7SEG2  7SEG3  7SEG4  7SEG5  7SEG1SW106SW104SW103 SW102SW101CNP112CNP108CNP103CNP106CNP04CNP01
Vehicle14   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualFigure  Meaning of the Indicator LEDLEDNo Color Meaning LEDNo Color Meaning1Green16 Red Illuminates when error occurs.2Green17 Green Illuminates at the front M/D roller right(facing the direction of travel)position.3Green18 Green Illuminates at the back M/D rollerright position.4GreenIllumination controlled by theCPU.For monitoring control status(Ex: remote control status).19 Green Illuminates at the front M/D roller leftposition.5GreenIlluminates when detecting aload on the FOUP. 20 Green Illuminates at the back M/D roller leftposition.6GreenIlluminates when detecting aload on the FOUP. 21 Green7GreenIlluminates when the gripper isclosed. 22 Green The obstacle sensor (or valid sensor) is far.8GreenIlluminates when the gripper isopen. 23 Green The obstacle sensor (or valid sensor) is near.9GreenFall prevention 24 Green Illuminates when the  sensorresponds.10 GreenIlluminates when the fallprevention mechanism isclosed.25 Green Illuminates at detection by the deadzone sensor.11 GreenFOUP fall is detected. 26 Green The curve travel block sensor12 GreenIlluminates whencommunication is received. 27 Green The straight travel block sensor.13 GreenIlluminates whencommunication is sent. 28 Green The front vehicle detection sensor(far)14 GreenGuide rail left status display 29 Green The  front  vehicle  detection  sensor(near)15 GreenGuide rail right status display 30 Green Front vehicle check7SEG1-5:SW1: Switch for checking lamps.  When the switch is on, all LED and 7SEG will light up.Table  Panel - 02  Parts DescriptionConnectorNumber Use SwitchNumber UseCNP01 24V external input SW101 Vehicle status selection switchThe key can be removed at theAUTO (center) position.CNP04 Manual break operation input SW102 E84CNP103 Gripping, fall prevention, and theM/D roller manual operation SW103 Error resetCNP106 Debugging and FDD connection SW104 CPU resetCNP108 Teaching communication (option) SW106 232C input switch1: PB9-07   (Lookdown sensor)2: PB-10Z3: CPU232CCNP112 232C input
SpecificationsSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   153.  Specifications3.1. General Specifications3.1.1. Wafer CarrierName 300mm wafer FOUPTypeManufacturerMaterial SEMI E47.1-0299(1999) compliantColor SEMI E47.1-0299(1999) compliantWeight 8.7kg-f (Max. including 25 wafers)Dimensions 430mm(width) × 356mm (depth) ×338mm (height)External Shape SEMI E47.1-0299(1999) compliant3.1.2. Transport UnitOne FOUP per one vehicle.3.1.3. Environmental ConditionCleanliness Class 100 (0.1µm)Temperature 15-25°CHumidity ↓%Corrosive Gas NoneFloor Surface Punching plateCeiling Material ULPA filterCeiling Height 12 feetDesired Strength forthe Ceiling Height ↓
Specifications16   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual3.2.  Basic Technology SpecificationsTable 3.2.1  Basic SpecificationsItem SpecificationsExternal Dimensions 440 (W) x 675 (L) x 936 (H: including the track)Weight 97Kg (no load)Receiving System Non-contact power supply system (8.6kHz)Power Consumption Max. 500wTransport Control Ground command by the OHVCControl SystemRunningControl Self-control by barcodes and the front monitor sensor.Merge/diverge control by the guide rail.Merge/DivergeMethod M/D rollers and M/D guide.CommunicationMethod Power line communication method, 19,200bps (FCC compliant)Four axes (X axis, Z axis, M1 and M2 axes)X axis (run) LSM(Two motors are serially-connected)Z axis(up/down) 200w AC servomotorMain Driving AxisM1 and M2axes(Y-)30w AC servomotor (2 units)Straight line speed: 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.05(m/s)Curved line speed: 0.4 (m/s)Running SpeedReverse travel (enabled only in the remotecontrol operation):  0.2m/sAcceleration: ±1m/s2Minimum CurveRadius 0.5mAscending/Descending Speed Max. 1.0m/s (adjustable speed 1m/s2)Loaded Weight Max. 10kg (one unit of the FOUP fully loaded with 300mm)X direction 0.1mmY direction 0.1mmdirection 0.1°Positioning Resolution(Command resolution)Z direction 0.1mmPosition Correction Y direction: ±30mm;  direction (rotation): ±10°Cleanliness 0.1µm, Class 100OperatingEnvironment Ambient temperature: 15C-25C;  Humidity:Ascending/Descending Stroke Max. 2700mmTraveling Direction Top view counter-clockwise.Cover Flame-retardant material Roa (Tsutsunaka Plastic Industry) (Syntheticmaterial made of V0 class ABS and polycarbonate)Distance between themark sensor and thetransfer center point150mm (The distance between the stop mark (black bar edge) and thetransfer center point is 150mm.)Optical I/O Position 250mm from the center of the track.Complied Standards JIS, UL, CE, (SEMI S2)
Emergency Stop ProceduresSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   174.  Emergency Stop Procedures4.1.  EMO (Emergency Off)4.1.1. Location of EMOThe SSOHT-300 system EMO button is located on the front of the power supply panel,which is usually installed on the wall under the track in a clean room.Note:  There is not an EMO button on the vehicle.4.1.2. EMO OperationPower to the entire SSOHT-300 system will be shut off when the button is pressed.Power to the power supply panel, maintenance lifter and the OHVC will be shut off.The power supply for all of the vehicles in the system is shut off, and the vehicles willcoast to a rest.Exception: The UPS (Un-interruptible Power Supply) for the OHVC will not be cutoff at that point.The UPS will be shut off after processed data is saved.[For customers considering FAB operation, the location to install the EMO switchneeds to be decided.]4.2.  Vehicle Stop Button4.2.1.  The Vehicle Stop (emergency stop) Button on the VehicleA vehicle stop button is installed on each vehicle.  By pressing this button, the powersupply to the drivers for the vehicle's main four axes (X axis, Z axis, M1 and M2 axes)will be cut and the vehicle will stop operation (the X axis will coast to a stop.)
Emergency Stop Procedures18   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.
OperationSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   195.  Operation5.1. Vehicle Operation ModeThe vehicle has three operation modes.  The vehicle operation modes are shown inFigure 5.1.1.Figure 5.1.1.  Explanatory drawing of the Vehicle Operation Modes5.2. Auto mode(1) Turn the key switch on the operation panel of the vehicle to the Auto mode positionto move the vehicle onto the track from the maintenance lifter.(2) When the maintenance lifter ascends and is ready to place the vehicle onto thetrack, push the vehicle to the position where the power can be supplied.(3) Wait for the power to be supplied by the non-contact power supply and for thevehicle to be initialized.(4)  Once the vehicle is initialized, track entry is signaled from the OHVC.(5) When the vehicle receives a track entry signal from the OHVC, it moves at a slowspeed while searching for barcodes pasted on the track.(6)  When the vehicle finds a barcode, the vehicle is displayed on the OHVC screen, andthe track entry operation is complete.(7) After the completion of the track entry, the automatic operation will begin accordingto signals from the OHVC.Turn on thepowerManual mode* Used formaintenanceoperations.Local mode* Used for remotecontrol operations.Auto mode* Used forautomaticoperations(controlled bythe OHVC).The key switch onthe operationpanel is at theManualposition.The key switch onthe operation panelis at the LocalpositionThe key switch onthe operation panelis at the Autoposition.Return to theAuto mode iscontrolled bythe remotecontrol.Switching intoLocal mode iscontrolled fromthe controlstation.
Operation20   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual5.3. Local modeIn this mode, the vehicle is controlled by the remote control box.There are two ways to switch into this mode.(1) Turn the key switch on the control panel to "Local."(2) Send a signal from the OHVC to change to "Local."For operating the remote control box, please refer to the "Remote Box ControlInstruction Manual."
TeachingSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   216.   Teaching6.1. References1   Teaching Instruction Manual2   Remote Control Box Specifications3   Remote Control Box Instruction Manual6.2.  Two Types of TeachingThere are two types of teaching method.(1) Manual teaching (Standard)In manual teaching, the operator uses the remote control to teach theequipment.(2) Semi-automatic teaching (option)Set the LED for target at the bottom of the gripper, and set the PSD (positionsensing device) at the load port.The gripper comes down to just above the height of FOUP.  By looking at theLED, the PSD detects a misalignment of the FOUP center and the load portFOUP center.The teaching controller sends a message to tell the vehicle to correct itsposition.  The vehicle moves the X axis and the M1/M2 axes (Y- direction) toreduce  the misalignment to 0.The vehicle stores this teaching information as position data.
Teaching22   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual6.3.  Remote Control BoxThe external appearance and part names of the remote control box is shown in Figure6.3.1. Figure 6.3.1.  External Appearance of the Remote Control BoxVehicle Stop ButtonSignal Output PartSignal Output LEDBattery Change LEDPower ON/OFF SwitchRotary Switch for Vehicle Number Setting (lower)Rotary Switch for Vehicle Number Setting (upper)Reset ButtonReturn ButtonShift Button
PreparationSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   237.  PreparationPreparation for  remote control operations is described below.7.1.  Preparation of the OHT VehicleThe OHT vehicle has three modes.(1)  Manual mode---------Maintenance purposes only(2)  Auto mode------------Automatic running mode(3)  Local mode-----------Remote control operation modeRemote control operations are performed in the (3) Local mode.There are two ways to switch from the Auto mode into the Local mode.(1)  Turn the key switch on the operation panel to the “Local” position.(2)  Send a signal from the OHVC to switch to the “Local” mode.7.2.  Preparation of the Remote Control BoxThe rotary switch of the remote control box must be set to the same number as the F-number of the remote control receiver on the vehicle side.The setting must be done, after selecting the selection range of the F-number, accordingto the following procedures.(1)  The setting can be done by using the two rotary switches (Refer to Figure 6.3.1).Setting Range: 01-FF (01-255)(2)  Turn on the power of the remote control box.7.3.  Registration of a Vehicle F NumberDangerMaintenance and teaching must be performed by personnel who have received maintenance and teaching training.
Preparation24   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual7.3.1.  Confirmation of the DIP Switches of the Remote Control SwitchesRemove the back cover of the remote control box and set or confirm the DIPswitches asshown below.Figure Back View and the DIPSwitch of the Remote Control Box7.3.2.  Registration of F NumberThe method for registering the F-number to the remote control receiver on the vehicleside is described below.(1) When removing the rubber cap of the remote control box, the mode switch (slideswitch) will appear.  Set the switch to the left to change to the write mode.(2)  Registration is done by the transmitter.  By pressing the send key for a few seconds,the F-number set by the transmitter will be sent.  In this case, the write signal pilotlamp of the receiver (WRT) will change from a flashing to a solid light.(3) After it is registered, switch the mode switch to the normal mode and replace therubber cap.    ON1234
Remote Control Box PositionSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   258.  Remote Control Box PositionThis remote control box uses infrared light.  For remote control operations, the light from theremote control must be facing toward the receiver of the vehicle.  The receiver is located underthe side cover of the vehicle (Refer to Figure 8.1).Figure 8.1.Remote Control Box PositionThere is a remotecontrol receiver installedon the back corner ofthe vehicle facing down.Turn the remote controltoward that direction.
Remote Control Box Position26   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.
Remote Control OperationSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   279.  Remote Control Operation9.1.  Remote Control Operation ListTable 9.1.Remote Control Function ListButton Mode Button Shift key OFF Status Shift key ON (Note 5) Status1 M/D roller left TAP2 M/D roller right TAP3 Forward creep (0.05m/s) HOLD4 Reverse travel (-0.2m/s) ↑5 Run forward at the midspeed (0.4m/s)↑671RunMode8 Obstacle sensor on/off TAP/toggle2 Positioning mode HOLD3 Playback (loaded) (Note 1) HOLD4 Playback (unloaded) (Note 1) HOLD1 Move the X axis forward HOLD Open/close the gripper (Note 2) TAP/toggle2 Move the X axis backward ↑Store offset data 3 sec.3 Move the Y axis forward ↑Open/close the fall preventionmechanismTAP/toggle4 Move the Y axis in the reardirection↑Store teaching data 3 sec.5 Move the Z axis downward(slow speed)↑Move the Z axis to the teachingpositionHOLD6 Move the Z axis upward(slow speed)↑Move the Z axis downward at ahigh speedHOLD7 Turn the  axis clockwise ↑5 Teachingmode8 Turn the  axis counter-clockwise↑Return to the home position(Inoperable when the gripper isopen)HOLD6  Switch to the HOST mode 3 sec.78  Shutdown (Note 3) 3 sec.TAP: Press the button once to execute the operation.HOLD: The operation is executed while the button is being pressed.  It pauses whenthe button is released.3 sec.: The operation is executed when the button is pressed for three seconds.Note 1: Transfer playback occurs while the button is being pressed.  Details are asfollows: •  It operates while the button is being pressed, and it pauses when thebutton is not pressed.•  When pressing the Return (interrupt) button while pausing, the gripperwill be closed, and it returns to the main operation after returning tothe home position.Note 2: It opens/closes by a TAP when there is no load.Note 3: MANU (It switches to manual status:  All axes servos off)Switch to this mode when bringing the vehicle into the maintenance station..Note 4: Data storage complete buzzerNote 5: When the Shift key is on, LED1 illuminates on the panel.
Remote Control Operation28   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual9.2.  Status Transition during the Remote Control OperationFigure 9.2.1.Status Transition during the Remote Control OperationInitialized status(right after thepower is on)WaitInterlockReset<RETURN>Wait forrunning Positioning inoperation Playback inoperation Return to thehome positionWait for teachingEach axisinoperationReturn to thehome position Teaching positionis moving Open/close the gripOpen/close the fallpreventionStore themisalignment/ teachingdataPlayback in pauseRunning Enable/disable the obstaclesensor<1>ON-OFF <RETURN>ON-OFF <2>ON OFForComplete<2>, <3>,<4> ON OFF <8> ON-OFF Complete<3>, <4>  ON Complete CompleteOFF <3>, <4> ON <RETURN>ON-OFF<RETURN>ON-OFF <5>ON-OFFOFF<1> - <8>  ONComplete<SHIFT> + <8>ON-OFFComplete<SHIFT> +<2>, <4>ON  3 seconds<SHIFT> + <5>ONCompleteorOFF<SHIFT> + <1>, <3>ONCompleteNote 1: N of <N> indicates a button number.Note 2: <SHIFT>+ indicates the SHIFT ON status.Note 3: ON indicates the button is continuously pressed.Note 4: ON-OFF indicates the button is once pressed then released.
Remote Control OperationSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   299.3. Basic Button OperationThe button operations of the remote control are described below.(1) By pressing the function buttons and the operation buttons, the correspondingfunctions can be performed.(2) Each time the shift button is pressed, it toggles between Shift ON and ShiftOFF.(3) When the shift key is on, a different function can be performed by pressing anotherbutton.(4) Whether the shift key is currently on or off is indicated by LED1 on the panel (When itis on, the LED illuminates).9.4.  Remote Control Operation Button Assignment9.4.1. Function ButtonThe function buttons can perform the functions defined in Table  Function Button ListFunction Button SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ONVehicle stop button Vehicle emergency stop ---RESET button Error reset ---RETURN button Return (or interrupt) ---9.4.2. Operation ButtonDifferent functions can be assigned by each remote control operation.  When Functions are SelectedThe function selection buttons are shown in Table  Button Assignment when Functions are selectedFunction Button SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ON1 Running operation ---2 Positioning run ---3 Load playback operation ---4 Unload playback operation ---5 Teaching operation ---6 Switch to the HOST mode ---7 --- ---8 --- ---  In Running OperationButton assignment in the running operation is shown in the table  Button Assignment in the Running OperationFunction Button SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ON1 M/D roller left ---2 M/D roller right ---3 Forward at the first speed(slow speed) ---4 Backward at the first speed(0.2m/s) ---5 Forward at the secondspeed (0.4m/s) ---6 --- ---7 --- ---8 Obstacle sensor on/off ---
Remote Control Operation30   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual9.4.2.3.  In Transfer TeachingButton assignment in transfer teaching is shown in Table  Button Assignment in Transfer TeachingFunction Button SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ON1 Move in the X direction(forward) Open/close the gripper2 Move in the X direction(backward) Store offset data3 Move in the Y direction(front, vehicle left side) Open/close the fallprevention mechanism4 Move in the Y direction(rear, vehicle right side) Store teaching data5 Move in the Z direction(downward) Lower the teachingposition6 Move in the Z direction(upward) ---7 Move in the  direction (CW) ---8 Move in the   direction(CCW) Return to the homeposition9.4.2.4.  Exceptional Operation ButtonExceptional operation buttons are shown below. Before Initial WaitingAssignment of the interlock reset button when returning to the home position before theinitial waiting is shown in Table9. Button Assignment before Initial WaitingFunction Button SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ON1 Grip open    Note 1 ---2 --- ---3 --- ---4 --- ---5 --- ---6 --- ---7 --- ---8 --- ---RETURN Interlock Reset    Note 2 ---Note 1: Opening of the grip is possible when there is no load.  When there is a load, itbecomes an error.Note 2: When the gripping part is not at its home position, the interlock will be stopped.This button is used to reset this condition.
Remote Control OperationSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   319.  When an Error OccursButton assignment when an error has occurred is shown in Table  Button Assignment when an Error OccurredFunction Buttons SHIFT- OFF SHIFT- ON1 M/D roller left ---2 M/D roller right ---3 --- ---4 --- ---5 --- ---6 --- ---7 --- ---8 --- ---RESET Error Reset ---
Remote Control Operation32   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.
Installation and Removal of the VehicleSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   3310. Installation and Removal of the VehicleInstall and remove the vehicle onto/from the OHT track using the maintenance lifter.10.1. Vehicle Exchange on the Track10.1.1.  Installation of the Vehicle(1)  A backup vehicle is loaded onto the vehicle cart.  Move this backup vehicle to themaintenance lifter.(2)  Connect the lifter operation panel to the connector on the ground.(3)  Turn on the key switch on the lifter operation panel to turn on the power to theoperation panel.(4)  When the operation panel menu screen is displayed, press Manual and perform thefollowing operations.(5)  Lower the lifter rail and connect it to the vehicle cart.(6)  Move the vehicle manually from the vehicle cart onto the lifter.  When doing this,make sure that you press the vehicle stopper on the lifter to release it.(7)  Bring the lifter up with the backup vehicle loaded.(8)  When the lifter reaches the top, the UP button will illuminate.  Lock the lifter stopperand release the vehicle stopper.(9)  Use the push bar to move the vehicle manually to the position on the track wherenon-contact power can be supplied.(10) Once a series of operations is completed, turn off the key switch on the operationpanel and disconnect the connector.10.1.2. Vehicle Removal(1)  Move the vehicle on the lifter rail manually using the push bar.(2)  Connect the lifter operation panel connector and the connector on the ground.  Afterconnecting them, turn the key switch on the operation panel on, and wait for themenu screen to be displayed.(3)  When the menu screen is displayed, lower the lift and connect the vehicle cart andthe lifter.(4)  Move the vehicle manually from the lifter onto the vehicle cart.(5)  Bring up the lifter.(6)  When the lifter reaches the top, lock the lifter stopper and release the vehiclestopper, then turn off the key switch on the operation panel and disconnect theconnector.WarningDo not install/remove the vehicle when the FOUP is loaded on.Do not go into the operation area of the maintenance shifter/lifter.
Installation and Removal of the Vehicle34   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.
Error Recovery ProceduresSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation Manual   3511. Error Recovery ProceduresRecovery procedures when an error has occurred are described below.(1) An error has occurred.(2) Check the error condition.(3) Make sure that you keep the vehicle log with more than 2000 entries and the OHVCcommunication log with more than 1000 entries.………Note 1(4) Ref er  to  the troubleshooting section of the "Maintenance Manual" for the error conditionand perform an error recovery.(5) If an immediate recovery is difficult, move the vehicle to the maintenance lifter by  remotecontrol and the push bar to remove it from the track (also remove from the OHVC registration),then investigate the cause and perform a recovery.(6) The running route where the error occurred will be closed due to the error.  Once the error hasbeen recovered,  (or after removing the problem vehicle from the track), release the closedroute from the OHVC.(7) Switch the OHVC to automatic mode, and automatic operations will be resumed.Note 1: For the log file name, choose a name that is easy to understand.Example) Vehicle Log: V(vehicle number)-(error number)-(date)-(serial number 01-)Communication Log: H(vehicle number)-(error number)-(date)-(serial number 01-) DangerRecovery from an error can be performed only by personnelwho have received training in maintenance and teaching.
Error Recovery Procedures36   SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD   S-NEW02-0029   Rev.1   Operation ManualIntentionally left blank.

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