Sharp HRO00066 Cellular Transceiver User Manual Manual 2

Sharp Corporation Cellular Transceiver Manual 2


Manual 2[515/518]515Continued on next pageAppendix/External Devices/Troubleshooting*1 Up to 50 entries can be saved in the FOMA card.*2 Total number of the timers for starting and recording programs.*3 Save a national holiday besides holidays already saved.*4 For SMS, up to 20 received and sent messages can be saved in the FOMA card (nP. 228).*5Capacity may decrease depending on the available memory (nP. 348).*6 Pre-installed data is included.*7 Set up to five dictionaries.*8 Pre-installed folder is included.This model phone FOMA SH906i meets the MIC’s* technical regulation for exposure to radio waves.The technical regulation established permitted levels of radio frequency energy, based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The regulation employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit is 2 watts/kilogram (W/kg)** averaged over ten grams of tissue. The limit includes a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. The value of the limit is equal to the international guidelines recommended by ICNIRP***.All phone models should be confirmed to comply with the regulation, before they are available for sale to the public. The highest SAR value for this model phone is 0.457 W/kg. It was taken by the Telecom Engineering Center (TELEC), a Registered Certification Agency on the Radio Law. The test for SAR was conducted in accordance with the MIC testing procedure using standard operating positions with the phone transmitting at its highest permitted power level in all tested frequency bands. While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the MIC’s technical regulation. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR of the phone during operation can be well below the maximum value.For further information about SAR, please see the following websites:i-appli 100*5 –Mail-type i-appli 5 –Still picture 1,000*5 –User folder 20 –Movie/i-motion 100*5 –User folder 20 –Kisekae Tool 50*5 –User folder 20 –Machi-chara 50*5 –User folder 20 –Chara-den 50*5 –User folder 20 –Melody 500*5 –User folder 20 –PDF data 50*5 –User folder 20 –ToruCa 200*5 –User folder 20 –e-book/e-dictionary/e-comic 1,000*5, 6 –User folder 400*8 –Data typeNumber of applicable entries to be saved/registeredNumber of applicable entries to be protectedSpecific Absorption Rate (SAR)World Health Organization (WHO)  515 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分[516/518]Appendix/External Devices/TroubleshootingTELEC DoCoMo Corporation* Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications** The technical regulation is provided in Article 14-2 of the Ministry Ordinance Regulating Radio Equipment.***International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation ProtectionEuropean RF Exposure InformationYour mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear was $$ W/kg*.As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting power the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to reach the network.The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a hands-free device to keep the mobile phone away from the head.* The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing.FCC Notice This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC RF Exposure InformationYour handset is a radio transmitter and receiver.It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organisations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure standard for wireless handsets employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.Hereby, Sharp Telecommunications of Europe Ltd, declares that this FOMA SH906i is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.A copy of the original declaration of conformity can befound at the following Internet address: of  516 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分[517/518]Appendix/External Devices/TroubleshootingThe Japan Export Control Regulations (“Foreign Exchange and International Trade Law” and its related laws) will be applied to this product and its accessories under certain conditions. The Export Administration Regulations are also applied. To export or reexport this terminal and its accessories, conduct all legally required procedures at your own risk and expense. For details on the procedures, contact the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the US Department of Commerce.The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear and worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The highest SAR value for this model handset when tested for use at the ear is $$ W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is $$ W/kg.Body-worn Operation; This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept 1.5 cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a 1.5 cm separation distance between the user’s body and the back of the handset. The use of beltclips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly.The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model handset with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF emission guidelines. SAR information on this model handset is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID APYHRO00066.Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) Website at Control  517 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分[534/545]Index/Quick ManualRemove the Quick Manual attached to the end of this manual by cutting along the perforations and fold it as shown below.Carry the Quick Manual “Overseas Use” when the mobile phone is used with the International Roaming (WORLD WING) overseas.■Folding the Quick Manual Be careful of injuries when cutting out the Quick Manual.Quick ManualHow to use the Quick Manual(Completed)<Cut here>Cut along the perforations.This manual is produced using recyclable material. Please recycle when no longer  534 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>FOMA SH906iGeneral Inquiries <DoCoMo Information Center>(In English)※Can be called from mobile phones and PHSs.(In Japanese only)※Can only be called from DoCoMo mobile phones. Please confirm the phone number before you dial.(In Japanese only)※Can only be called from DoCoMo mobile phones.(In Japanese only)※Can be called from mobile phones and PHSs. Please confirm the phone number before you dial.1In stand-by, press a (for 1+ seconds)/[Phone].2Enter a name/t/9/enter a phone number/t/select a phone type icon/t/S/enter a mail address/t/select a mail address type icon/t/i/t/select Add to PushTalk PB/t.■Other save itemsQ: Group F: Secret codea: Company/school <: Select ring toneq: Department V: Mail ring toner: Title q: Called LED colorN: Postal code -: Called LED patternO: Postal address :: Mail/Message LED colorj: Location information +: Mail LED patternP: Birthday 8: Picture call setG: Memo 1: Substitute image;: Secret1In stand-by, press r (I)/q (M)/select a phone number/C/[Add to phonebook]/[Save new to phone]/add to the phonebook.1In stand-by, press a/select a name/C/[Edit data]/[Edit]/select an item/t/edit.Quick ManualRegistration/Contactss0120-005-250 (toll free)r(No prefix) 151 (toll free)If you have problems with your FOMAr(No prefix) 113 (toll free)s0120-800-000 (toll free)Adding to the phonebook (Phone) Adding to the phonebook from Redials/Received callsEditing phonebook entries1In the text input screen, press a/select the input mode/t.1In the text input screen, press m.1Move the cursor to the text and press c. To delete all text: At the end of the message, press c (for 1+ seconds).1In the text input screen, press a (for 1+ seconds)/select a phrase/t/t.1In the text input screen, press i. To switch between Pictograph and Deco-mail pictograph: Press i. To switch between single- and double-byte symbols: Press C.1In the text input screen, press m (for 1+ seconds)/select an emoticon/t.1In the text input screen, move the cursor to the start point/C/[Copy]/[Cut]/t.2Move the cursor to the end point/t.3Move the cursor to the paste location/* (for 1+ seconds).Ex.) 今日のテニス3時t1In the text input screen, press 2 (twice)/p/[今日]. As each hiragana character is entered, conversion candidates appear and they can be selected.Text inputChanging the input modeSwitching upper/lower caseDeleting textUsing phrasesEntering pictographs/symbolsEntering emoticonsCutting/Copying/Pasting textText input example–1– –2––4––3– –5–  535 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>2Press p/[の].3Press 453/o/[テニス]. Use o for One-touch conversion.4Press a (five times)/t/3. Press a (five times) for single-byte alphanumeric mode.5Press a (twice)/t/3 (twice)/*/p/[時]. Use * for dakuten mark.6Press i/t.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Disp/LED/Power saver]/[Font style]/[Font style setting]/select the font/t.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Disp/LED/Power saver]/[Font style]/[Font size]/[Individual setting]/select the [Input] field/t/select the font size/t/[Yes]. To change collectively: In stand-by, press 5 (for 1+ seconds).1In stand-by, press C/t/t.■Shooting panoramic pictures1In the still picture shooting screen, press m/t/move the FOMA terminal to either direction of left or right/t/t.1In the still picture shooting screen, press C/[Switch camera-mode]/[Movie]/t/t/[Save].1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[My picture]/select a still picture/t.Changing the font (font style)Changing the font sizeCameraShooting still picturesShooting moviesDisplaying still pictures1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[i-motion]/select a movie/t.1In the Custom menu, select [1Seg]/[Channel setting].2Select the number to save/C/[Auto channel set]/[Yes].3Select a prefecture/district/t/t/[Yes].1In the Custom menu, select [1Seg]/[Channel setting]/select a channel list/t.1In stand-by, press C (for 1+ seconds). To record a movie of 1Seg programs: While watching 1Seg, press i (for 1+ seconds)/(record)/i. To record 1Seg programs as a still picture: While watching 1Seg, press i.1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[1Seg]/select a video/t.1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[MUSIC]/select the data type/t/select music data/t.1In stand-by, press m (for 1+ seconds)/select the [To] field/t/select the input method.Select [Search phonebook]/select a recipient/t.Select [Direct input]/enter an address/t.Select [Sent messages]/select a recipient/t/t.Select [Rcvd messages]/select a recipient/t/t.Playing back moviesWatching 1SegPerforming the Automatic channel settingSelecting a channel listWatching 1SegWatching videosMusic playbackUsing the MUSIC PlayerKey operations during playbackTo pause/play tTo stop mTo adjust the volume uTo play previous song/return to the beginning of song qTo play next song rTo end MUSIC Player c/H/[Yes]MailComposing and sending i-mode mail–7––10––6– –8––11––9–  536 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>Select [Mail members]/select a mail member/t.2Select the [Sub] field/t/enter a subject/t/[Msg]/enter the message text/t/i.1In the text input screen, press C/[Decorate mail]/select a decoration type/t/specify decoration/t/input text/t/i.1In stand-by, press m (for 1+ seconds)/select the attachment field (No attachment)/t/select the file to attach.Select [Image]/select an image/i.Select [Melody]/select a melody/i.Select [i-motion]/select an i-motion/i.Select [ToruCa]/select a ToruCa/i.Select [PDF]/select a PDF/i.Select [Phonebook]/select a save destination/t/select a name/t.Select [Schedule]/select a save destination/t/(select a day/i)*/select a schedule/t.* No operation is needed if [microSD] is selected as the save destinationSelect [Bookmark]/select a save destination/t/select a bookmark/t.Select [Document]/select a file/i.Select [Other]/select a file/t.Select [Start cam (still)]/t/t.Select [Start cam (movie)]/t/t/[Save].1In stand-by, press m/[Compose SMS]/select the [To] field/t/[Direct input]/enter an address/t/[Msg]/enter the message/t/i.1Mail is automatically received.2Select [Mail]/select mail/t.1In stand-by, press m/[Check new message]. SMS: Press m/[Check new SMS].1In the received message details screen, press C/[Reply/Forward].2Select the reply method/t.3Compose and send a mail.1In the received message details screen, press C/[Reply/Forward]/[Forward].2Enter an address and send a mail.Sending Deco-mailAttaching a fileComposing and sending SMSReceiving mail automaticallyChecking for new i-mode mailReplying to i-mode mailForwarding i-mode mail1In the Custom menu/Basic menu, press a.1In the Basic menu, enter a function number.Menu listSwitching between the Custom menu/Basic menuRecalling a function numberUSnd/Vibrator/MannerUSelect volume phone ring vol, Mail ring vol, PushTalk tone vol, Key/Standby i-motion, Charge start sound, Charge end sound, Timer sound, GPS volumeVSelect sound Select ring tone, Select mail tone, PushTalk tone, Shutter sound, Timer sound, GPS toneWVibrator Vibration mode, Mail vibration, GPS vibrator, Touch panel vibXManner mode ON (Normal, Silent, Original), OFFYHeadset settingZRing time setting Mail ring time set, PT ring time set, GPS ring time set[Set mute ring time\Hold/On hold tone Set on hold tone, Set hold tone]Snd playbck (melody) Stereo effects, EqualizerVDisp/LED/Power saverUSet screen Stand-by display, Clock display, Calendar display, Stand-by memo disp, Desktop clockVFont style Font style setting, Font sizeWThemes Kisekae Tool, Call/Rcv display, Send/Rcv display, Submenu image, Dial image set, Animate notices, Signal/batt/s clock, Color theme settingUSnd/Vibrator/MannerXLED settings Called LED, Mail LED, Notice LED, In-call LED, Alarm/Timer LED, IC card LED, Open/close LED, GPS LEDYDisplay img quality Vibrant image mode, Control by sceneZLight/Power saver Norm (auto bright), Norm (fixed bright), Eco mode (Pwr saver), Original Eco mode[VeilView Dis temp in stdby, Pattern\Menu priorityVDisp/LED/Power saver–13– –14––16––15– –17––12–  537 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>WGeneral settingsUCheck status Owner Information, Check memory, Battery level, Check settingsVText input setting User dictionary, Dwnld dictionary, Edit phrase, Clear memory termsWAuto power ON/OFF Auto power ON, Auto power OFF, Link alarm/power ONXDate settingsYSelect languageZTOUCH CRUISER set Usage settings, Pointer speed, Scroll speed[USB mode setting\Scanning function Update, Set auto-update, Set scan, Version]Software updateTReset settingsXNW ServicesUVoice Mail Check messages, Play Messages, Activate VoiceMail, Set ring time, Deactivate VoiceMail, Check setting, Voice Mail setting, Notification setting, NotificationVCall waiting Activate, Deactivate, Check settingWCall forwarding Activate, Deactivate, Register number, Forwarding No. busy, Check settingXBar nuisance calls Register caller, Register selected No, Delete all entries, Delete last entry, Check No of entriesYNotify caller ID Check setting, Notify caller IDZCaller ID request Activate, Deactivate, Check setting[Talk time/cost\2in1 setting Mode switching, Phonebook 2in1 set, Stand-by display, Set call/receive No., 2in1 function OFF, Receive avoidance]In-call arrival act Set arrival act, Arrival Call ActYOther NW ServicesURemote control Activate, Deactivate, Check settingVDual network Switching, Status requestWEnglish guidance Guidance setting, Check settingXService numberドコモ故障問合せ, ドコモ総合案内・受付YAdditional service USSD, Reply messageZMulti number Set multi number, Check setting, Number setting[Chaku-moji Create message, Message display\Roaming guidance Activate, Deactivate, Status requestXNW ServicesZPhone settingsUIn-call settings Noise reduction, Reconnect signal, Quality alarmVHeadset sw to callWIncoming settings Any key answer, Auto answer setting, Melody Call settingXVideophone set Redial voice call, Set sending image, Display setting, Subscreen position, Visual preference, Notify switch mode, Hands-free, V-phone while packetYRecord message Record message, Answering duration, Reply message, reply imageZSet PushTalk Set PT arrival act, Hands-free PT[Set when folded Phone/Videophone, PushTalk\Self mode]Other settings Int’l prefix, Sub address, Int’l dial assist, International Roam., In-area status[SecurityUSecret modeVUIM Settings PIN1 code input set, Change PIN1 code, Change PIN2 codeWAccept/Reject calls Accept calls, Reject calls, Reject unknown, User unset, Reject payphone, Reject not supportXShow call/received Show rcvd calls, Show redialYShow sent/received Show sent messages, Show rcvd messagesZLock settings All lock, Keypad dial lock,Function lock, IC card lock,Multi easy lock set, Multi lock auto-set[Change security code\Writing authentic]Delete all data Delete user data, Del secret dataOther settings\Initial settingTOwn number–19––22––18– –20––23––21–  538 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>]UData boxUMy pictureVMUSICWMusic&Video chXi-motionY1SegZMelody[My Documents\Kisekae Tool]Machi-charaTChara-den]VLifeKitUBar code readerVReceive Ir dataWmicroSD manager View microSD data, Backup/restore, Import, New manager info, Format, USB mode settingXBluetoothAccept Registered, Receive Bluetooth, List/cnnct/discnnct, Register new device, Bluetooth Power OFF, Bluetooth settingYCard readerZText memo[Character reader\Schedule]Timer/Alarm Timer, Alarm, Wakeup TVTCalculatorRData Sec. ServiceSGPS menu Position location, i-appli, Location history, Set position loc., Loc.notification/set, Loc. request menu]WMedia toolUManga&BookReaderVDocument ViewerWPDF ViewerXVoice recorderYVoice memo/Rec msgZQuick searchOther menus]XMUSIC]YOsaifu-Keitai]Z1Seg※In the confirmation screen, select [Yes].Voice Mail Service is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that requires subscription.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW Services]/[Voice Mail].2Select [Activate VoiceMail]/[Activate VoiceMail]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate VoiceMail]. To play messages: Select [Play Messages]. To check messages: Select [Check messages].Call Waiting is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that requires subscription.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW Services]/[Call waiting].2Select [Activate]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To check settings: Select [Check setting].Call Forwarding Service is a free option (no monthly fees) that requires subscription.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW Services]/[Call forwarding].2Select [Activate]/[Activate]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To check settings: Select [Check setting].Other functionsManner mode enable/disable # (for 1+ seconds)Public mode (Drive mode) activate/deactivate * (for 1+ seconds)Multi easy lock activate/deactivate t (for 1+ seconds)Show i-Channel list c (J)Activate Quick search pShow i-mode menu iShow i-appli software list screen i (,) (for 1+ seconds)Supportbook $Activate Multi Assistant (Multitask) $ while using a functionDisplay Shortcut menu oRegister Shortcut menu $ (for 1+ seconds) when m appearsSide Key Guard Set/Disable q (for 1+ seconds)VeilView ON/OFF C (for 1+ seconds) in the screen other than stand-byNetwork servicesVoice Mail ServiceCall WaitingCall Forwarding Service–25– –26––28––27– –29––24–  539 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>Subscription is not required (no monthly fees).1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW Services]/[Caller ID request].2Select [Activate]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To check settings: Select [Check setting].Caller ID Request Service Icon list12345 789a bolkjihgfmp nq edst vr<zycw6xu1]Signal status2"Battery level{Charging37=AABNO i-mode/Full Browser4oSSL5GNIQ i-appli6AB GPS7mShortcut menu8UhHv[i-mode mail/SMS/Area Mail received 9ABGISTz8<9>07! Message R/Fa^ (gray) microSD Card is inserted^ (pink) microSD Card is being usedbClock displayca1Seg being recordedd]D to PkRecord messagee[Silent※Refer to P. 34 to P. 38 of the manual for detailed explanations of displayed icons.fbVibratorgZManner modeh_Public mode (Drive mode)iWXStorage status of i-mode centerjHIC card lock kRSTUVWKX Restriction indicatorl;Hands-freelMuteMBluetooth hands-freem\Alarmn0Music&Video Channel program reservationo=; i-mode mail send reservationpsEarphone/Microphone connectionqxUSB moderRFOMA card is malfunctioning or not insertedBNon-FOMA card is insertedsgSelf modetaPushTalkuLBluetoothvJ#tuNIr exchange/Bluetooth communication/External devicewPVeilViewx4KJ 3G/GSMyIH Status of Comics settingzQToruCa<Multitask<Emergency contacts in case of loss or other accidents>Omakase Lock※Omakase Lock is a paid service. If Omakase Lock is subscribed while or at the same time as when the use of the FOMA terminal is suspended, the usage fee of Omakase Lock is not charged.Enable/Disable Omakase Locks0120-524-360Office hours: 24hoursOther contacts<Contacts: ><Contacts: ><Contacts: >※Please confirm the phone number before you dial.–31––34––30– –32––35––33–  540 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>FOMA SH906iFor DoCoMo mobile phones※If you use the SH906i, you should dial the number +81-3-5366-3114 (to dial “+”, press the “0” key for 1+ seconds).For fixed-line telephones<Universal number>※See P.19 to P.20 and P.21 to P.22 for international call access codes of major countries (Table1) and international prefix number for the universal number (Table2).For DoCoMo mobile phones※If you use the SH906i, you should dial the number +81-3-6718-1414 (to dial “+”, press the “0” key for 1+ seconds).For fixed-line telephones<Universal number>※See P.19 to P.20 and P.21 to P.22 for international call access codes of major countries (Table1) and international prefix number for the universal number (Table2).■Setting in Japan1In stand-by, press i/[iMenu]/[English iMenu]/[Options]/[International Settings]/[i-mode services Settings]/[Yes]/select the [Enter i-mode Password] field/t/enter the i-mode password/t/[OK].■Setting in overseas1In stand-by, press i/[iMenu]/[English iMenu]/[International Settings]/[i-mode services Settings]/[Yes]/select the [Enter i-mode Password] field/t/enter the i-mode password/t/[OK].Quick Manual “Overseas Use”Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment ofcumulative cost overseas <DoCoMo Information Center> (24-hour service)International call access code of your country of stay (Table 1)-81-3-5366-3114*(toll free)* Communication charges to Japan will apply when you make a call from a fixed-line telephone.International prefix number for the universal number (Table 2)-800-0120-0151**Communication charges or other charges to your country of stay will apply.Failures encountered overseas<Network Technical Operation Center>(24-hour service)International call access code of your country of stay (Table 1)-81-3-6718-1414*(toll free)* Communication charges to Japan will apply when you make a call from a fixed-line telephone.International prefix number for the universal number (Table 2)-800-5931-8600** Communication charges or other charges to your country of stay will apply.Preparing for overseas useSetting i-mode■Setting in Japan1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Other NW Services]/[Remote control]/[Activate]/[Yes].■Setting in overseas1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Remote access(Int.)]/[Yes]/operate according to the voice guidance.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[General settings]/[Date settings]/select the [Auto time correction] field/t/[ON]/i.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[General settings]/[Date settings]/select the [Auto time correction] field/t/[OFF].2Press C/select a time zone/t/select a city/t/i.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[3G/GSM setting]/select the communication method/t. Unable to use 64K data communication by connecting a PC, etc. overseas.Setting the remote accessCorrecting the date and time automaticallySetting the time zone manuallyAvailable network3G network AvailableGSM network AvailableGPRS network AvailableSetting network communication systemServices available overseasCommunication service3G GSM GPRSVoice call AAAVideophone ABBi-mode mail ABAi-mode ABAi-Channel ABASMS AAAData communication(packet transmission)  ABA–1– –2––4––3– –5–  541 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>Default setting: Auto (Automatically switches telecommunications carriers)1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Network search mode].2Select [Auto]/[Yes]. To manually switch telecommunications carriers: Select [Manual]/select a telecommunications carrier/t. To re-search for the host network: Select [Network re-search].1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Network search mode]/[PLMN setting]/select the number of the priority order/C.2Select [PLMN manual select]/enter a country code (MCC)/t/enter a network code (MNC)/t/select a communication method/t/[Yes]. To save from a telecommunications carrier list: Select [UPLMN by list]/select a telecommunications carrier/t/select a communication method/t/[Yes]. To save the telecommunications carrier currently connected to: Select [Set VPLMN to PLMN]/[Yes]. To change the priority: Select [Change priority]/select a destination/t/[Yes].1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Operator name disp]/[Display on]/[Yes].Setting a search method of telecommunications carrierNetwork search modeSetting a telecommunications carrier to preferentially connect to Displaying a telecommunications carrier name in stand-byTelecom-munications carrier nameIf Network search mode is set to [Auto], reset Network search mode to the FOMA network (DoCoMo) automatically when the power is turned on after homecoming.■Setting to the FOMA network (DoCoMo) manually1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Network search mode]/[Manual]/[DoCoMo].■Using + to make an international call1In stand-by, press 0 (for 1+ seconds)/enter the country code, area code (city code) and other party’s phone number/s (Phone)/i ( When the area code (city code) begins with 0, omit the 0 when dialing. However, include 0 when making a call to landline phones in some countries or regions such as Italy.■Making an international call outside your country of stay using country code conversion0 at the beginning of a phone number is automatically converted to the country code set in Country code conversion.Example: Make a call from the phonebook1In stand-by, press a/select the other party/s (Phone)/i ([Call].■Making an international callSave a country number using Set country code to select a country code before making an international call.The following operation is available overseas only.1In stand-by, enter a phone number/C/[Add prefix setting]/[International Call]/select the country code/t/s (Phone)/i ( stand-by, enter a phone number/s (Phone)/i (■Making a call to the phone in your country of stay using the phonebook1In stand-by, press a/select the other party/s (Phone)/i ([Original number].■Making a call to a WORLD WING subscriber overseasEven when making a call to the phone in your country of stay, make an international call to Japan if the call recipient is a “WORLD WING” subscriber overseas.Setting after homecoming Making callsMaking a call outside your country of stay (including Japan)Making a call in your country of stay–7––10––6– –8––11––9–  542 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>1In stand-by, press 0 (for 1+ seconds)/81/enter the other party’s mobile phone number excluding the first 0/s (Phone)/i ( s to answer an incoming call.■Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from JapanEnter the phone number in the same way as it is entered in Japan and make a call.■Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from countries other than JapanEnter international access code of the country of the caller-81-user’s phone number excluding the first 0 and make a call.Make this setting while still in Japan※In the confirmation screen, select [Yes].1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Other NW Services]/[Roaming guidance].2Select [Activate]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To check settings: Select [Status request]. Depending on the overseas telecommunications carrier, the setting cannot be made.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Call barring].2Select [Activate]/[Yes]/select the barring method/t/enter the network security code/t. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]/[Yes]/enter the network security code/t. To check settings: Select [Status request].Receiving callsSetting the roaming guidance Call barring To use network service overseas, set Remote control to “Activate”.※In the confirmation screen, select [Yes].※Operate according to the voice guidance.1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Voice Mail(Int.)].2Select [Activate Voice Mail]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To play messages: Select [Play Messages]. To set the service: Select [Voice Mail settings].1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Call Forward (Int.)].2Select [Activate]. To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]. To set the service: Select [Settings].1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.]/[Roam. guidance(Int.)].The following shows “Country code” used when making international calls or setting International dial assist.(As of April 2008)Using network serviceVoice Mail (Int.)Call Forward (Int.)Roaming guidance (Int.)Country codes of major countriesCountry/Region Code Country/Region CodeAustralia 61 Hong Kong 852Austria 43 Hungary 36Belgium 32 India 91Brazil 55 Indonesia 62Canada 1 Italy 39China 86 Japan 81Czech 420 Macau 853Egypt 20 Malaysia 60Fiji 679 Maldives 960Finland 358 Netherlands 31France 33 New Caledonia 687Germany 49 New Zealand 64Greece 30 Norway 47–13– –14––16––15– –17––12–  543 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分
<Cut here>※For other country codes and details, refer to the DoCoMo “International Services website”.The following shows the International call access codes of major countries. (As of March 2008)Peru 51 Tahiti (French Polynesia) 689Philippines 63Russia 7 Taiwan 886Singapore 65 Thailand 66South Korea 82 Turkey 90Spain 34 U.K. 44Sweden 46 U.S.A. 1Switzerland 41 Vietnam 84Country/Region Code Country/Region Code International call access codes of major countries (Table 1)Country/Region Code Country/Region CodeAustralia 0011 Hungary 00Belgium 00 India 00Brazil 0021/0014 Indonesia 001Ireland 00Canada 011 Italy 00China 00 Luxemburg 00Czech 00 Macau 00Denmark 00 Malaysia 00Finland 00 Monaco 00France 00 Netherlands 00Germany 00 New Zealand 00Greece 00 Norway 00Hong Kong 001 Philippines 00Poland 00 Taiwan 002Portugal 00 Thailand 001Russia 810 Turkey 00Singapore 001 U.A.E. 00South Korea 001 U.K. 00Spain 00 U.S.A. 011Sweden 00 Vietnam 00Switzerland 00Country/Region Code Country/Region CodeThe following shows the International prefix number for the universal number of each country. (As of March 2008)For lost, stolen, and cost settlement, or malfunction of the FOMA terminal overseas, refer to “Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas” on the cover of Quick Manual “Overseas Use” or “Failures encountered overseas” on P.1. Add the “International call access code” or “International prefix number for the universal number” that is assigned to your country of stay, to the head of your phone number for inquiries.International prefix number for the universal number (Table 2)Country/Region Code Country/Region CodeArgentina 00 Hong Kong 001Australia 0011 Hungary 00Austria 00 Ireland 00Belgium 00 Israel 014Brazil 0021 Italy 00Bulgaria 00 Luxemburg 00Canada 011 Malaysia 00China 00 Netherlands 00Columbia 009 New Zealand 00Denmark 00 Norway 00Finland 990 Peru 00France 00 Philippines 00Germany 00 Portugal 00Singapore 001 Switzerland 00South Africa 09 Taiwan 00South Korea 001 Thailand 001Spain 00 U.K. 00Sweden 00 U.S.A. 011Country/Region Code Country/Region Code About inquiries overseas–19––22––18– –20––23––21–  544 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分[545/545] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~When using your FOMA terminal, please be considerate of those around you.■When in an area where use is prohibitedThere are places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited. Be sure to turn off your FOMA terminal in the following places.★On an aircraft ★In a hospital※There are people outside hospital wards who also use electric medical equipment. Please make sure that your FOMA terminal is turned off in the lobby and waiting room.■While drivingUsing a mobile phone in hand while driving is regarded as a punishable act.※If there is no choice but to receive a call, use Hands-free and tell the caller that you will “call back”, and then pull over to a safe place to make a call.■When in crowded places such as rush-hour trains in case somebody nearby is using an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillatorYour FOMA terminal may affect the operation of such equipment.■When in public places such as theaters, movie theaters, or museumsUse of your FOMA terminal in quiet public places will annoy others.■When using your FOMA terminal in a restaurant or a hotel lobby, lower your voice.■In crowded places, be careful not to obstruct other pedestrians.Access DoCoMo e-site for procedures to change your address or billing plan and for request of information materials.iMenu/料金&お申込・設定 (Charges & Applications/Setting)/各種手続き (ドコモeサイト) (Application procedure (DoCoMo e-site))My DoCoMo (各種手続き (ドコモeサイト) (Application procedure (DoCoMo e-site))※You will need your “Network Security Code” to access e-site from i-mode.※No packet communication charges are incurred when accessing e-site from i-mode. Accessing from overseas will incur charges.※You will need your “DoCoMo ID/Password” to access e-site from PC.※If you do not have or you have forgotten your “Network Security Code” or “DoCoMo ID/Password”, contact the number listed in General Inquiries on the back of this manual.※DoCoMo e-site may not be available depending upon the content of your subscription.※You may not be able to access some e-site services due to system maintenance, etc.From i-modePacket communication charges freeFrom a PCPlease follow proper etiquetteTurn off your FOMA terminal in the following placesBe careful of where you use your FOMA terminal and the volume of your voice and the ring toneBe considerate of the privacy of the individuals around youtPlease be considerate of the privacy of individuals around you when taking and sending images using a camera-enabled mobile phones.The following functions will help you to keep your manners in publicThere are useful functions you can use to set your FOMA terminal not to answer incoming calls, and to silence all sounds.●Manner mode (nP. 113)/Original manner mode (nP. 114)Silences the Key/Standby i-motion sound and all the sounds from the FOMA terminal, and Record message is set (Manner mode). When in the Manner mode, automatically set functions (Record message, Vibrator, Mic sensitivity up, Ring tone, Mail ring tone, alarm tone, Key/Standby i-motion sound and Low battery alarm) can be set to ON (enable)/OFF (disable) (Original manner mode).●Public mode (Drive mode) (nP. 74)The caller hears a guidance message that informs the receiver is driving and unable to answer. The call then disconnects. Your FOMA terminal does not sound even when it receives calls, so you can drive safely.●Vibration mode (nP. 111)Notifies incoming calls by vibration.●Record message (nP. 77)When you are unable to take a call, the Record message function records the caller’s message.※You can also use optional services such as Voice Mail Service (nP. 426) and Call Forwarding Service (nP. 429)  545 ページ  2008年4月17日 木曜日 午後2時12分

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