Schneider Electric Systems Canada EB450-XXF01 Radio Data Modem Base User Manual E Series

Trio Datacom Pty Ltd (a wholly owned company of Schneider Electric) Radio Data Modem Base E Series

Users Manual Part 3

Page 61E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Poll Group SelectUnder the Polling menu, select Poll Group Select...This dialog box enables Adding/Removing of radios to/from theautomatic poll group.  Units in the Selection list box are available foradding to the poll group.  These units will not be polled during a grouppoll cycle.The line above Status Polls is a Processing Status Bar.  It willdisplay messages about errors, warnings and poll processing.Polling ButtonThe selected unit will be removed from the poll group, then polled atthe selectable rate (Poll Repetition time) by clicking the Polling button.Poll Repetition Time (2 to 3600 Sec)Is the rate at which individual status polling will occur.  Click on theApply button to apply any change made to the poll repetition time.Switch Exciter (HSC Only)Only visible if the selected unit is a Hot Standby Base station then aswitch base facility is provided for remote switching of the exciterunits.  With polling on, click on the Switch Exciter button.  Thechangeover may take a number of seconds.  The active unit will bedisplayed in the Active unit field.Note: The hot standby base station has a minimum toggle time of 1minute.  This is to avoid rapid switching between exciter units, shoulda fault be detected in both modems.Data LoggingStatus poll and Alarm data can be logged to a database file for viewingat a later date.  A relational database is created and managed usingMicrosoft Jet database engine Ver3.5.  The database file, which is an.mdb file, can be accessed with external programs such asMicrosoft Access.  You have the option of enabling logging of Statuspolls only, Alarms only or both.Log Status PollsTo log Status polls either select Log Status polls under the DataLogging menu item or click the corresponding toolbar button.Log AlarmsTo log Alarms either select Log Alarms under the Data Logging menuitem or click the corresponding toolbar button.Note: If Auto Logging ON is enabled in the settings dialog box, thenStatus Poll logging and Alarm logging will automatically be turned onwhen Group or Individual polling is turned on.View HistoryStatus poll history may be viewed using the Status Poll & AlarmHistory window.  This window has three tables: Status Poll History,Alarm History and Base Station Activity.  Each table has a Numberof Records box to indicate how big the selection is.You may select ALL to see every units poll results, or view anindividual units poll results.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerUnits in the Poll Group list box will be polled during a group pollcycle.Clicking the Save button will save any changes in the poll group tothe database.Group PollingThis is the standard mode of operation.  The diagnostic controller willcontinuously cycle through the poll group, unit by unit at the pollrepetition time (2 to 3600 secs).Bar GraphDisplay Bar Graph can be selected and will display all polls on theBar Graph.  If a unit alarms, the measurement in question will havea red background in the Text box.Individual PollAllows intensive polling of a single unit, independently of any grouppolling that may be active.  The individual poll window provides a bargraph display for rapid visual recognition of the radio modemsparameter levels.
  Page 62E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.The line above Status Polls is a Processing Status Bar.  It willdisplay messages about errors, warnings and poll processing.From To or ALL FieldsThese fields determine the time span you wish to view.  For example,if you have collected several months of data, and only wish to view a24 hour period, then adjust the From: and To: fields accordingly andselect the unit.When the History window first appears, the From: and To: fields willcontain the last 24 hours of data.If ALL is selected it will display the start and end dates of thedatabase. The Date/Time format will be as per the regional settingsshort date format.Note: The smaller the time span you select, the faster the databasesearch will be.  This will also depend on the poll rate that was usedduring that time span.SortingEach of these tables can be sorted in ascending order by: unit, date orpoll parameter.  To sort, just click on the required column header.To show the full status of a single report in the Alarm History click onthe box at the left by the unit name. Note this only works on valid pollresults not NoAck.PrintingA printout of each table is possible by clicking on the associated Printbutton.  The table data will be sent to the default printer and formattedas per your default printer configuration set up.View TrendThe logged status poll data can be viewed in graph format, whichallows viewing of status trends over selectable time spans.  Thisprovides a very effective and fast method of analysing a unitsoperating parameters over time.Select View Trend under the Data Logging menu item or click theassociated toolbar button.Features available include: Scaling of graph(s). View individual poll results using the cursor. Automatically scroll through the group poll database, unit byunit at a selectable time interval. No Acknowledge messages are displayed by a gap in thegraphed data and a NoAck in other on the Time Line.The line above Status Polls is a Processing Status Bar.  It willdisplay messages about errors, warnings and poll processing.Vertical Scale Setting Manually set the vertical scales by simple typing in the newlevel(s), then either press Enter or click on the Re Drawbutton, or select a new unit. Click the Default Ranges button to set all the vertical scalesback to the default levels. Click the Set Ranges to Alarm Limits button to set the verticalscale limits to the selected unit alarm limits.From: & To: FieldsThese fields determine the time span you wish to view.  For example,if you have collected several months of data, and only wish to view a24 hour period, then adjust the From: and To: fields accordingly.When the Trending window first appears, the From: and To: fields willcontain the last 24 hours of data.If ALL is selected it will display the start and end dates of thedatabase.Note:  The smaller the time span you select, the faster the databasesearch and draw. This will also depend on the poll rate that was usedduring that time span.Use the ALL button to set the From: and To: fields to the maximumand minimum dates found in the data in the database.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
Page 63E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Poll Group CycleWhen toggled ON, this will step through each radio in the poll groupand display the trend graph.  Set the step interval in the Step Every(Sec) field. Default = 2 secondsCursor:  Use the slider control, found at the bottom of the display tomove the cursor.  The cursor box displays the parameter data of thestatus poll at the current cursor position.Use the Set From button to set the From: field to the current cursorposition.Use the Set To button to set the To: field to the current cursorposition.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerTools - Statistical PerformanceThe diagnostic core of radios with Firmware V2.4.X and above have 6counters which store packet statistics for later retrieval.  They are:- Lost Synch Lost RxSig Good Frames Bad Frames Time Ticker RSSI TickerThe Diagnostic controller software uses these statistics to calculatepacket and bit error rates, network efficiency, bandwidth utilisation andradio link integrity.  These network analysis features are an invaluabletool for larger networks.Statistical Performance FormulaeTimers:Time Ticker (10mS): (RRT) = timer that increments by one every10mSecElapsed Time: = Total elapsed time in hh:mm:ss fromreset calculated from RRTRSSI Ticker (10mS): = timer that increments by one every10mSec when RxSig present.(Virtual connection to RxSig LED)Transmit Channel:Tx Frames: = Number of Tx HDLC frames.Tx Byte: = Number of Tx BytesAverage Frame Size: = TxByteCnt / TxFrameCntAverage Frame Rate (mSec): = TxFrameCnt / RTT * 0.01Channel Utilisation (%): = (TxByteCnt * 8) / (RTT *RFChannelBitRate)where RFChannelBitRate is 9600 or4800 Bits per sec.Receive Channel:Good Frames: = Good Frames RxdBad Frames: = Bad Frames Rxd. Rx HDLC frameerror.Good Bytes: = Good Bytes RxdAverage Frame Size: = GoodByteCnt / GoodFrameCntAverage Frame Rate (mSec): = (GoodFrameCnt + BadFrameCnt) /RTT * 0.01Channel Occupancy (%): = RSSIgoodTicker / RTT * 100(Average from reset)
  Page 64E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Click the Log Counters OFF/ON button to log the counters everytime they are updated.  These can be viewed on the Counter PollHistory Tab.Notes: The controller will attempt a series of polls when either resettingor retrieving the counters.  You should monitor the statuswindow to ensure that the poll process completes.  If errorsoccur, they may be due to conditions like packet collisions on abusy network, diagnostic controller trying to perform too manypoll functions (i.e. group polling, individual polling), etc. E Series data radios have 32 bit counters and will count for 1year, 4 months & 10 days if not reset occurs. If an HSC Base is selected, data will only be collected fromthat base, whether offline or online. With D Series pairs, datacan only be collected from the online unit.Indicative Packet Error Test Tab with Commissioning RecordThis Tab provides a simple link test facility.  When this is running,continuous Poll/Response diagnostic messages will be transmitted toand from the unit and Packet Error Rate results recorded. If aresponse is not received within the Poll Response Timeout period,then an error (last Packet) is recorded.  If the system is live, collisionsare likely and may effect Error results.Channel Occ Sliding: = RSSIgoodTicker / RTT * 100(Average from last update)Channel Utilisation (%): = (GoodByteCnt * 8) / (RTT *RFChannelBitRate)Miscellaneous:Lost Synch: = Increments on lost synch, must bevalidated with RxSig. (Virtualconnection to Synch LED)Lost RSSI: = Increments on lost RxSig (Virtualconnection to RxSig LED)Radio modems with Firmware Revisions 2.4.x and above have theadvanced statistical counters as noted above.  Firmware revisionsbelow this (i.e. 2.3.x) only have Good Frame count, Bad Framecount, Lost RSSI count and Lost Synch Count available.  Thediagnostic controller will detect which firmware the radio has, and onlyreport the available counters.Statistical Performance Counters WindowSelected UnitWhen a unit is selected, the controller will confirm that the firmwarerevision has been received.  If not, it will attempt to poll the radioautomatically to retrieve the revision number.RF Data RateSelect from the pull down menu 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps, dependingon your system settingsStatus BarReports any poll processing in progress or errors that may haveoccurred.Performance Counters TabThis is the main statistical performance tool used for assessingnetwork performance. Make sure log counters is checked on Click the Update Counters button to retrieve the currentstatistical performance results. Click the Auto Poll OFF/ON button to automatically updatethe counters every hour for selected unit.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerPrint Commissioning RecordFrom the Indicative Packet Error test a commissioning sheet can beprinted to file (e.g. using Adobe PDF Writer or similar), or printeddirectly.After running the test for the desired time (best results with no userdata), the test can be stopped with the Finish button.
Page 65E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerSelect Print Commissioning Record button and a page appears withthe results and also the unit identity, last poll results, system status anddate/time stamp for each record.On this page there is also a facility to type in a Comment field. Thisis useful for recording information such as where the test wasconducted and through what part of the system the test wasconducted. e.g. via a repeater.Press Print button when ready to send to the default printer.Counter Poll History TabThis is a database viewing facility.  When logging is enabled LogCounters, each time the counters are retrieved they will be written tothe database.  Adjust the From: & To: fields to view a specified timespan or press ALL to obtain complete database period. This might not be the true state of the physical connection and the truestate will be corrected (if necessary) in the Base 1 and  Base 2display boxes.Update Now ButtonPressing this button will immediately initiate a status poll sequence andon successful receipt of a status poll the display will update.Poll State Toggle Button Switches automatic status polling ON or OFF.  The poll rate isset on the Poll Settings window, which can be viewed bychoosing Setup..  from the Polling menu. The poll rate is dependent on the number of HSC windows thatare actively polling. The automatic poll rate for any one HSC window is equal tothe number of displayed HSC windows with polling ONmultiplied by the HSC Group Polling Poll Repetition Time.Base SelectLED display, indicates the online status of each unit.LED colour Switch Select StateOff Channel not selected (Offline)Green Online (Automatic).  Automatic changeoverswill be actioned by the HSC in response toalarm conditions.Green Blinking Change Over Pending. Waiting for one minutetime-out period before switching to offline base.Red Selected by Tview+ (Remotely).  Autochangeovers will not occur.Amber Selected by Switch on HSC (On Site).  Autochangeovers will not occur.Providing either of the bases is not forced online by the switch, theuser can force either of the bases online remotely by pressing BaseSelect button 1 or 2.  The user can revert back to Automatic mode byclicking on the Base Select Auto button.If the user attempts to switch bases within one minute of a basechangeover event, the change pending indication will appear (i.e.Online Unit LED Blinking Green).  The user should then wait until thechange over event occurs.Change Over EventsThis is a counter which indicates the number of automatic change overevents initiated by the HSC due to alarm conditions.Alarm StatusThe current alarm status (since the last alarm status poll) for theattached Base units is displayed below.LED colour Error StatusOff Unknown. The test hasnt been performed.Green No Alarm.   Tests passed.Red Active Alarm.   Test failedAmber Recovered Alarm.  Test failed previously buthas since recovered.Hot Standby Base/Repeater Controller (HSC) TabShows a list of available HSCs (paired E Series base stations).On entering the screen shown in above, an attempt will be made tocommunicate with both bases, in order to determine the status of theHSC. If the attempt is successful with either of the bases (only onebase needs to respond), then the diagnostic controller determineswhich base is connected to the HSC Base 1 port and which to theBase 2 port.  When entered in the database, Base 1 and Base 2 willinitially appear on this screen in alphanumeric order.
  Page 66E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerReset Alarms on HSCPressing this button will clear the change over event counter and thealarms displayed by both the HSC and the diagnostics controller.Digital I/O StatusDisplays digital I/O input and output status.Digital I/O Toggle ButtonsClicking these buttons will toggle the associated output state.Toggling the outputs of a HSC is a good way to determine if the HSChas failed.  If the toggled output state doesnt change, this will beindicated in the status message bar at the bottom of the HSC window.Logging ToggleWhen logging is ON, all status data including digital I/O is stored in thedatabase. See  database structure document.HSC Status MessagesStatus Messages CommentsNo Acknowledge 3 attempts to communicate with the HSChave failed.  In most cases, both bases aretried 3 times each.Re-Booted The online Base connected to the HSC hasbeen re-booted. This unit is a remote, not abase. The Unit has been entered in thedatabase as a Base, but is factory set as aRemote.Unknown ErrorCheck Error LogUnforeseen error events are captured, withany relevant data stored in the Error.log file.<Base Name> [<Serial>] is Forced Online by switchWhen a base is forced online by the switch,remote switching of bases is not possibleusing Tview+ Diagnostics.Base1/Base2 already forced onlineAn attempt was made to force a base onlinethat has already been forced online remotelyby Tview+ Diagnostics.Already in Auto mode The Auto button was pressed when the HSCwas already in automode.Output Toggle Process Failed. HSC may have failed.When attempting to toggle an output on theHSC, the output state didnt change.  Thiswould indicate that the HSC has failed.Changeover Pending. Wait up to one minute.A change over attempt has been made byeither the HSC or a remote Tview+ Diagnosticcontroller within one minute of a previouschange over event.  A change over to theoffline unit will not occur until the one minutetime period has expired.Base 1 and Base 2 connection state corrected. (Note names display).Up until the first time an HSC iscommunicated with, the Diagnostic controllerdoesnt know which of the paired bases inconnected to HSC ports One and Two.So the paired Bases are displayed inalphanumeric order.  The display is correctedon reception of the first message from eitherBase.Base/Repeater Digital I/OThe base/repeater digital I/O window operates in a similar manner tothe HSC window.
Page 67E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Networking - SettingThe Server should be configured properly first before any connectionattempts are made by clients.  It will always be safer to stop anypolling that may be in progress when making changes to the Serverclient set up.Local Host Settings TabIt is assumed that the workstation is running Windows, and has beenconfigured with the TCP/IP network protocol. Open or create a radio database. Under the Networking menu bar select Settings from themenu bar. In the Networking window click the Local Host Settingsbutton. The Local Host settings will appear, which contains the ServerHost Name, IP address, Local Port and Password. The Local Port is the socket number.  Select an unused socketnumber.  Usually a number between 1000 and 2000 would besafe. Enter a password.  This is required when in client mode, toaccess incoming data from the server. Apply Change.Creating Client Database- File/Paths TabWhen in Server mode the Diagnostic controller uses an additionaldatabase file (.mdb) to store Client information.  This file is linked to themain radio Database file.  The link is managed by the Microsoft Jetdatabase engine.  This separate linked file configuration permitsarchiving of the main radio database (.mdb) without losing clientconfiguration data.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerNetworkingMonitoring the radio network from other workstations on a LANnetwork is made easy with the networking facilities provided by theDiagnostics Controller.  The radio network controller can be configuredas either a Server or Client.  The Server will send poll information toeach attached client, depending on their access rights.Client groups can be set up.  Each Client can be assigned to oneclient group.  Each radio modem can be assigned to one or moreClient groups.A default Client group called ALL is automatically set up containingall radio units in the database.Client Groups Example:All Pumps TestTest Unit 1 Pump 1 Test Unit 1Test Unit 2 Pump 2 Test Unit 2Test Unit 3 Pump 3 Test Unit 3Pump 1Pump 2Pump 3In the above example, there are three client groups, ALL (the default),Pumps, and Test.  A Radio modem can be a member of more thanone group.Client Examples:Central This is the Diagnostic Server which is attachedto the radio network.Test Client This is a Diags controller in client mode.Pump Monitor This is a Diags controller in client mode.In this example, the Central workstation, running Diagnostics inServer mode, is polling all the radios in the network and distributing thereceived messages to the attached clients.The Test Client and Pump Monitor are receiving Status poll and alarminformation from the Central server.  The Test Client will only receivepoll information for radios found in the Test Client Group i.e. TestUnits 1, 2 and 3.  The Pump Monitor will only receive poll informationfor radios found in the Pumps Client Group i.e. Pumps 1, 2 and 3. In the Networking window click the File/Paths button. The Current Radio Database is displayed if open. Select Create New Client Database from the Action dropdown list. Click Execute to create and link the client database.
  Page 68E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Deleting a Client On the Remote Client Tab, select a client to delete by clickingon the record selector (left most column). Click the delete button to delete the client from the database.Adding Radio(s) to a Client group On the Radios tab select a Client Group. Using the Add and/or Remove buttons to add or removeradios from the Client Group. Under Networking on the menu bar, Select the Server Modebutton.  This will place the diagnostic controller into Servermode. The Diagnostic Controller Server is now ready distributemessages to client workstations.Setting Up a ClientIn Client mode, the diagnostics controller basically just mirrors thedisplay of the server.  Poll information can not be stored locally, pollingfunctions are not available via the remote server, and most of the toolsnormally provided are disabled.It is assumed that the workstation is running Win95/98/NT, has beenconfigured with the TCP/IP network protocol and has been added tothe Diagnostic Servers Client Groups. Under Networking on the menu bar, select  Settings. The Network settings window will appear, which contains theClient Host Name and IP address, which are view only. Enter the Client password as stored at the DiagnosticController Server. Enter the Local Port Address (socket number) as stored inthe Diagnostic Controller Server database. Click the Apply Change button. Under Networking on the menu bar, Select the Client Modebutton.  This will place the diagnostic controller into client mode.A local Diagnostic session can be operated while in client mode, bothstatus messages will appear on screen.Diags ClientA Client only version of this software is also available.  This must beused in conjunction with standard software running in Server Mode.Local Com ports are disabled permanently in this version.Adding Client Group(s) Click the Remote Client Groups tab. Enter the group name in the field provided. Click on the Add button to add the group name to the database.Deleting a Client Group Click on the Remote Client Groups tab. Select the group you wish to delete. Click on the Delete button to delete the group name from thedatabase.Adding a Client Click on the Remote Clients tab. Enter Client Name.  This can be either the remote clients Hostname or IP address.  Entering the client Host name requiresextra processing to resolve the name into an IP address.Entering the IP address directly in the Client name field is moreefficient, although more cryptic. Select a client group. Enter the clients password. Enter the client Port.  This is the socket number used at theremote client. Click the Add button to add the client to the database.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
Page 69E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Interpreting Poll ResultsGeneralThe results returned by the poll requests give an indication of systemperformance.  When a new modem is added to the database, defaultvalues are assigned for the limits of the returned results.  The user canassign different values to these limits as required, which is determinedby the fault tolerance level of their systems.RSSIThe default RSSI limits are set at -30 to -105 dBm (-110 dBm forBase/Repeater Station).  Above -30 dBm the front end of the receiverwill saturate and it is unlikely that signal levels much higher than thiswill ever be reported. Below -105/-110 dBm the error rate maybecome too high for some applications.  In the modem the RSSImeasurement is made periodically each 100mS, while R F carrier isbeing detected.Transmitter powerThe transmitter power limits are set at between 0mW and 20,000mW.The modems will normally be operating at a power level of 1 watt.The above limits are set to ±3dB of the nominal (3dB represents afactor of 2 for power measurements).The effect of a change in transmittal power can be transposed to thereceiver BER curves (3dB down at the transmitter is 3dB down at thereceiver).  The amount of variation tolerated will be determined by theRF path loss of the data link being used.If the modem is set to low power, then the transmittal power will benominally 200mW. Suggested limits for this would be 100mW and400mW (±3dB).For base station units or remote units set to high power, the nominaltransmitter power is 5 watts.  Suggested limits on these would be 2.5watts to 10 watts (±3dB).In the modem the reported transmit power measurement is given froma measurement made of the last transmission made by the modems.When the PTT is ON a periodic measurement is made of the transmitpower.  The modem stores this away and reports it when requested.Parameter Resolution Absolute accuracy @ RTDrift over Temp. range NotesTemperature 0.1 degC +/- 4 degC +/- 1 degCSupply Voltage 0.1 volts +/- 0.5V +/- 0.08V +/- 0.45%Rx Signal Strength 0.1 dBm +/- 3 dB +/- 2 dBFrequency Error 1Hz +/- 200Hz +/- 2500HzTx Power (Remote) 0.1 dBm +/- 1.5 dB +/- 0.3 dB Note 1Tx Reverse Power(Remote) 0.1 dBm +/- 3 dB +/- 1 dBTx Power (Base) 0.1 dBm +/- 0.8 dB +/- 1 dB Note 2Tx Reverse Power (Base) 0.1 dBmNotes:1. Remote Tx power measurements will vary due to power setting variation which can have an    initial error of +/- 0.5 dB and final error of +/- 0.2 dB2. Base Tx power measurements will vary due to power setting variation by the exciter which can    have an initial/final error of +/- 0.2 dB and overshoot by the PA <1 dB.TemperatureThe modem is specified to operate within the temperature range of -30°C to 65°C.  The defaults limits are set to -30°C and 60°C.  At65°C the modem goes into a high temperature foldback mode, whenthe power is reduced to the low power mode.  This is to reduce therisk of damage to the final stage of the transmitter at excessivetemperatures.The modem will operate outside this temperature range but it is notrecommended.Supply VoltageThe modem is specified to operate over a DC supply range of 11V to16V.  The default levels are set to 11.5V to 15.5V.  The modem will notoperate correctly outside these bounds and damage may occur withhigh voltage levels being applied.FrequencyThe frequency limits are set to ±3000Hz.  This is basically thedifference between the different ends of a data link.  If the differencegets much greater than this, data errors may occur (the modem willhave a degree of long term frequency drift of 1ppm / annum due to thephysical properties of internal components).Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
  Page 70E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Open Database Connectivity(ODBC)Open Database Connectivity is a programming interface that enablesprograms to access data in database management systems that useStructured Query Language (SQL) as a data access standard.  TheTview+ database system adheres to this standard.Tview+ uses the Microsoft Jet Database Engine, which is a Databasemanagement system that retrieves data from and stores data in userand system databases. The Microsoft Jet database engine can bethought of as a data manager component with which other data accesssystems, such as Microsoft Access, Visual Basic and Tview+, arebuilt.The .mdb file created by Tview+ for logging data is a MicrosoftAccess file, which can be directly accessed using Microsoft Access ,Excel and most other Microsoft products.Accessing Tviews logged data from another application or platform viaODBC is easy provided the application has an ODBC interfacecomponent.Configuring ODBC in Microsoft WindowsUsing Data Sources (ODBC)You can use Data Sources ODBC to access data from Tview+sdatabase management system.  To do this you must add softwarecomponents called drivers to your system. Data Sources ODBChelps you add and configure these drivers.  Tview+ requires theMicrosoft Access Driver (.mdb).In the Windows 98 and NT operating systems, Data Sources can beaccessed via the Control Panel.  Choose the ODBC Data Source(32bit) icon.In the Win2000 and XP operating systems Data Sources is accessedvia Administrative Tools.  Choose the Data Sources (ODBC) icon.The ODBC Data Source Administrator window will appear:Add Data Source Name (DSN)Click on the Add... button, to Add a Data Source Name (DSN) andthe associated Microsoft Access Driver.The Create New Data Source driver selection box appears.Select the Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) then click Finish.The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup window appears:Enter a Data Source Name (DSN):For example, enter Trio DataCom.Enter a Description:For Example, enter Trio DataCom Digital Wireless Network Log.Click on the Select... button, to select an existing database file:The Select Database window appears:Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
Page 71E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Microsoft Excel Database QueryExampleThis query will list status data (i.e. Temperature, Volts, Rx SignalStrength, Rx Frequency Error, Tx Forward Power, and Tx ReversePower) for a specified serial number occurring between specified dateranges.Two database queries will be required.  The first; to retrieve one recordfrom the RadioTable containing the radio name and location for thespecified serial number. The second; to retrieve a range of recordsfrom the StatusPoll table for the specified serial number, between andincluding the specified dates.1. Open a new workbook in Excel.2. In cell A1 enter the following text: Serial Number3. In cell A2 enter a serial number that exists in the database:e.g. 200614. In cell A4 enter the text: Start Date:5. In cell A5 enter the text: End Date:6. Highlight cell B4 and B5 and set the number format to: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss7. In cell B4 enter a suitable start date, e.g.  23-04-03 14:57:008. In cell B5 enter a suitable end date, e.g.  23-04-03 15:00:00The date range fields are intended to limit the query result to amanageable number of rows.  In this case the query resultwill contain records between and including the dates 23-04-0314:57:00 to 23-04-03 15:00:00.9. From the Data Menu, select Import External Data > NewDatabase Query..The Choose Data Source window will appear:Select the .mdb log file created by TVIEW+ then press OK.You are returned back to the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup window:Click OK to accept the settings.The ODBC Data Source Administrator window will re-appear asfollows:The ODBC driver setup for Tview+ is now complete.The next step is then to configure you application to connect to theTview+ database via this DSN.  As this process may vary fromapplication to application you should follow the instructions provided foryour application.To construct SQL statements to access Tview+ data, you need theTview+ database structure.The database structure is provided in Appendix D.Note: If you are using Microsoft applications such as Access andExcel you can access the data directly without the need to useODBC.10. Uncheck the Use the Query Wizard to create/edit queriesbox.11. Select the DNS Trio DataCom, which was created in DataSources earlier.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
  Page 72E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.12. Click OK. The Microsoft Query Application appears, with theAdd Tables selection box on top.13. Select and Add the Radio table.The Radio Table will appear on the Microsoft Query screen.14. Click on the Close button.15. In the Radio table, find the UnitName field and double clickon it to add this field to the query.16. Similarly, add the Location field to the query.17. From the view menu select Criteria, to view the criteriawindow.18. In the criteria field of the first column, enter field name Serial(use the pull down selection list).19. In the value field, enter the following text: [Enter serialNumber]. When the query is run, a prompt will appearcontaining this message. You need to enter an existing serialnumber for the query to work.20. From the Records menu choose Query Now to run thequery. Your screen should appear something like this:21. Save the query as Get Radio Detail.dqy22. From the File menu select Return Data to Microsoft Excel25. Click on the Get the value from the following cell button.26. Place the cursor on the serial number in cell A2.27. Make sure the Refresh automatically when cell valuechanges check box is ticked, then press OK.28. Press OK on the Import Data window. The Spreadsheetshould appear something like the following:You can do another query with a different serial number simply bychanging the number in cell A2.  The Unit Name and Location datawill automatically update.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller23. Back at the spreadsheet, an Import Data window appearsprompting for a cell location. Put the cursor in cell B1.24. Click on the Parameters button.
Page 73E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Query StatusPoll dataThe next Query will list the status data for the unit serial number in A2,occurring between and including the dates specified in cells B4 andB5.1. To query the StatusPoll table, return to step 9 and follow eachstep until you have completed step 12, then return here. TheMicrosoft Query Application appears, with the Add Tablesselection box on top.12. Save the query as Get Status Data.dqy13. From the File menu select Return Data to Microsoft Excel14. Back at the spreadsheet, an Import Data window appears,prompting for a cell location. Put the cursor in cell D1.15. Click on the Parameters button.2. Select and Add the StatusPoll table. The StatusPoll Tablewill appear on the Microsoft Query screen.3. Click on the Close button.4. In the StatusPoll table, find the Epoch field and double clickon it to add this field to the query.5. Similarly, add the Volts, Temp, RSSI, FreqErr, TxPWR andTxPWRrev fields to the query.6. From the view menu select Criteria, to view the criteriawindow.7. In the criteria field of the first column, enter field name Serial(use the pull down selection list).8. In the value field, enter the following text: [Enter SerialNumber].9. In the criteria field of the second column, enter field nameEpoch10. In the value field under Epoch, enter the following text:>=[Enter First Date] AND <=[Enter Last Date]11. From the Records menu choose Query Now to run thequery.  You will be prompted for an existing serial number,start date, and end date.Your screen should appear something like this:16. Select Enter Serial Number from selection list box.a. Click on the Get the value from the following cell.b. Place the cursor on the serial number in cell A2 andselect.17. Select Enter First Date from selection list box.a. Click on the Get the value from the following cell.b. Place the cursor on the date in cell B4 and select.18. Select Enter Last Date from selection list box.a. Click on the Get the value from the following cell.b. Place the cursor on the date in cell B5 and select.19. Make sure the Refresh automatically when cell valuechanges check box is ticked for each field, then press OK.20. Place the cursor in cell D1, then press OK.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network Controller
  Page 74E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.The Spreadsheet should appear something like the following:Changing the Serial Number in cell A2 will automatically update all thedisplayed data.  Similarly, changing either the Start or End Dates willautomatically update the Status Poll Data.In the figure below, you will note that the columns have beenaveraged using the spreadsheet AVERAGE function, and anadditional query has been included.The new query selects the last received poll for the specified serialnumber and displays the associated data.The Max query function is used on the Epoch field to get the last polldate.  This query has been configured to refresh every minute.An additional element has been added to the spreadsheet, whichcalculates the VSWR from the last poll data.Part J  TVIEW+ Management Suite -  Remote Diagnostics & Network ControllerTo fine tune, or to generate more complex queries you can display andedit the SQL statements corresponding to the queries previouslycreated in Microsoft Query by selecting SQL from the view menu.This figures shows the SQL select statement corresponding to thequery described in steps 29 to 40.
Page 75E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Appendix A - Application andTechnical NotesTN-4 Remote DiagnosticsAN-D3 SID Code Addressing Scheme for Small toMedium Sized Data Radio SystemsAN-D4 Trunked Multi-Stream Applications of the D SeriesProduct RangePart K  AppendicesPart K  AppendicesAppendix B - Slip ProtocolThe SLIP protocol, is a data transport protocol, originated and usedextensively in UNIX based systems, and thus also closelyassociated with TCP/IP networked systems.  Although not truly astandard it is so widely used that it has become the defacto standardfor serial interface in UNIX and many other networked systems.SLIP is a method of framing messages containing binary data, onasynchronous channels.  The asynchronous serial channel isconfigured for eight bit character size, no parity, and one stop.A specific binary code called FEND (Frame End, hexadecimalvalue=C0) is reserved to define a frame boundary.  Should this samecode occur in the data message to be transferred across the channelcontrolled under SLIP, then an escape sequence is used so that themessage byte will not be confused for a FEND.  This escapesequence, involves replacing the message hexadecimal C0 codewith a two byte sequence FESC, TFEND.  FESC (Frame Escape)is the binary code hexadecimal DB, and TFEND (Transposed FEND)is binary code hexadecimal DC.  Likewise, if the FESC characterever appears in the user data, it is replaced with the two charactersequence FESC, TFESC (Transposed FESC).  The TFESC is thebinary code hexadecimal DD.  The following table clarifies this.Abbreviation Description Hex.ValueFEND Frame end C0FESC Frame escape DBTFEND Transposed frame end DCTFESC Transposed frame escape DDAs characters arrive at the SLIP receiver, they are appended to abuffer containing the current frame.  Receiving a FEND marks the endof the frame, and consequently, succeeding bytes are considered partof the next frame.Receipt of a FESC code puts the SLIP receiver into escaped mode,causing it to translate a following TFESC or TFEND back to a FESCor FEND code, appending it to the buffer, and resuming its normalstate.  Receipt of any byte other than TFESC or TFEND while inescaped mode, is an error.  No translation occurs, and the SLIPreceiver leaves escaped mode.  A TFESC or TFEND received whilenot in escaped mode is treated as an ordinary character and storedaccordingly.  Reception of consecutive FEND characters, causes noaction to be taken (i.e. is not interpreted as zero length frames).An example of a typical SLIP frame is shown below.  The messageconsists of the string DA,C4,C0,C5,DB,20,BD,DC,DD.  The SLIPframe will be:-DA,C4,<FESC>,<TFEND>,C5,<FESC>,<TFESC>,20,BD,DC,DD,<FEND>     ==>            DA,C4,DB,DC,C5,DB,DD,20,BD,DC,DD,C0
  Page 76E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part K  AppendicesAppendix C - Firmware UpdatesRadio or Base Station Exciter FirmwareUpdateFirmware update is performed on a unit connected locally to the PC. Itis recommended that all cabling to the unit be disconnected prior tocommencing firmware update to minimise any interruption to theprocess or disturbances of signals on cables still connected. All otherTVIEW+ Management Suite utilities should also be exited during thefirmware update process. The steps to update the firmware as follows:1. Start the firmware update utility from the TView+ front panel.2. Disconnect power from the unit by turning off the power supplyor removing the power connector to the unit.3. Connect the serial cable from the PC to Port B on the unit4. Select the unit type from the options on the top right of thefirmware update main window. Please note that Exciterrefers to the radio contained inside the base station.Note: Firmware update to base station exciter will result infatal error display and fan on whilst in this mode.5. Select the file containing the firmware update package using theSelect button at the bottom of the main window. After openingthe file the browse window will close and a description of thefirmware package will appear in the main window.6. Initiate the firmware updating process using the Write button atthe bottom of the main window. Another logging window willappear.Base Station Display Firmware UpdateInstallation Instructions:1. Update of the front panel firmware uses the firmware updateutility supplied with the TVIEW+ Management Suite.2. Start the firmware update utility from the TVIEW+ front panel.3. In the firmware update utility select device type as BaseStation Front Panel4. Select the file containing the firmware update package using theselect button at the bottom of the main window. After openingthe file the browse window will close and a description of thefirmware package will appear in the main window.7. Reconnect power to the unit when prompted in the loggingwindow. The status LEDs on the unit including power should allbe extinguished and the transfer of firmware should commence.If this does not occur steps 6 & 7 should be repeated.Note: Remote radio status LEDs including power willall be off.8. The logging window will display the progress of each firmwareblock transferred and when complete a success dialogue boxappears. Type OK to close this dialogue box and type Exit inthe main window to exit the firmware update utility.9. Disconnect the cable from Port B and re power the unit toenable the new firmware.5. Ensure that the base station is powered.6. Connect the TVIEW+ cable to the front or rear system port ofthe base station.7. On the base station front panel depress and hold the DisplayOn/Off button, then momentarily depress the firmware updateswitch using a suitable probe before releasing the Display On/Off button. The firmware update switch is located behind thesmall hole (not labelled) in the front panel below the DisplayOn/Off button.Note: Display Status LEDs will be lit in this Mode.8. Initiate the firmware update process using the Write button atthe bottom of the main window. Another logging window willappear.
Page 77E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.9. The logging window will display the progress of each firmwareblock transferred and when complete a success dialogue boxappears. Click OK to close this dialogue box and click Exitin the main window to exit the firmware update utility.Note: If a mismatch occurs between selected file and devicetype, an error message will appear.10. Repower the base station to enable the new firmware.Hot Standby Controller FirmwareUpdateInstallation Instructions:1. Update of the hot standby firmware uses the firmware updateutility supplied with the TVIEW+ Management Suite.2. Start the firmware update utility from the TVIEW+ front panel.3. In the firmware update utility select device type as HotStandby Controller.4. Select the file containing the firmware update package using theselect button at the bottom of the main window. After openingthe file the browse window will close and a description of thefirmware package will appear in the main window.5. Ensure that the hot standby controller is powered.6. Connect the TVIEW+ cable to the front or rear system port ofthe hot standby controller.7. On the hot standby controller front panel depress and hold theReset Alarms button, then momentarily depress the firmwareupdate switch using a suitable probe before releasing theDisplay On/Off button. The firmware update switch is locatedbehind the small hole (not labelled) in the front panel to left ofReset Alarm button.Note: The two LEDs either side of the Select switch will belit green in this mode.8. Initiate the firmware update process using the Write button atthe bottom of the main window. Another logging window willappear.9. The logging window will display the progress of each firmwareblock transferred and when complete a success dialogue boxappears. Click OK to close this dialogue box and click Exitin the main window to exit the firmware update utility.Note: If a mismatch occurs between selected file and devicetype, an error message will appear.10. Repower the hot standby controller to enable the new firmware.Part K  Appendices
  Page 78E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Appendix D - Microsoft Access (.mdb) StructureTable DefinitionsTable 1.0 - RadioPart K  Appendices
Page 79E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Table 4.0 - AlarmCodePart K  AppendicesTable 2.0 - Status PollTable 3.0 - Alarm
  Page 80E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part K  AppendicesTable 4.1 - AlarmCodeTable 5.0 - Retries Table 5.1 - Poll Type
Page 81E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part K  AppendicesTable 6.0 - Poll TypeTable 7.0 - CounterTable 8.0 - HSCTable 9.0 - HSCAlarmState
  Page 82E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part K  AppendicesTable 10.1 - HSCchannelStateTable 11 - HSCstatusTable 12.0 - EBaseStatusTable 10.0 - HSCchannelStateTable 9.1 - HSCAlarmState
Page 83E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part L  SpecificationsPart L  SpecificationsRadioFrequency Range: 330-520 MHz (various sub-frequency bands available)Frequency Splits: Various Tx/Rx frequency splits - programmableChannel Selection: Dual synthesizer, 6.25 kHz channel stepChannel Spacing: 12.5 or 25 kHzFrequency Accuracy: ±1ppm (-30 to 60 C) (-22 to 140 F) ambient, Aging: <= 1ppm/annumOperational Modes: Simplex, Half duplexor Full duplex*Configuration: All configuration via Windows based softwareCompliances: ETSI    EN300113, EN301489, EN60950FCC     PART 15, PART 90IC    RS119, ICES-001ACA    AS4295-1995 TransmitterTx Power: 0.1 - 5W (+37 dBm) ±1 dB User configurable with over-temperature and reverse power protectionModulation: User configurable narrow band digitally filtered binary GMSK or 4 level FSKTx Keyup Time: <1mS  Timeout Timer: Programmable 0-255 secondsTx Spurious: <= -37 dBmPTT Control: Auto (Data) / RTS line (Port A or B) / System Port OverrideReceiverSensitivity: -118 dBm for 12 dB SINADSelectivity: Better than 60 dBIntermodulation: Better than 70 dBSpurious Response: Better than 70 dBAFC Tracking: Digital receiver frequency trackingMute: Programmable digital muteDiagnostics (Optional)Network wide operation from any remote terminal.Non intrusive protocol - runs simultaneously with the application.Over-the-air re-configuration of user parameters.Storage of data error and channel occupancy statistics. In-built Error Rate testing capabilities.ConnectionsUser Data Ports: 2 x DB9 female ports wired as DCE (modem)System Port: RJ45 for diagnostic, configuration and re-programmingAntenna: N female bulkhead. Separate N (Tx) and SMA (Rx) connectors for full duplex.*Power:  2 pin locking, mating connector suppliedLED Display: Multimode Indicators for Pwr, Tx, Rx, Sync, TxD and RxD data LEDs (for both port A and B)ModemData Serial Port A: RS232, DCE, 600-76,800 bps asynchronousData Serial Port B: RS232, DCE, 300-38,400 bps asynchronousSystem Port: RS232, 19,200 bps asynchronousFlow Control: Selectable hardware / software / 3 wire interfaceRF Channel Data Rate: 4800/9600/19,200 bps Half / Full duplex* Data Buffer: 16 kbyte of on-board RAMBit Error Rate: < 1x10-6 @ -110 dBm (4800 bps)< 1x10-6 @ -108 dBm (9600 bps) < 1x10-6 @ -106 dBm (19,200 bps)Collision Avoidance: Trio DataCom’s unique supervisory channel C/DSMA collision avoidance systemMultistream™: Trio DataCom unique simultaneous delivery of multiple data streams (protocols)Data Turnaround Time: <10mSFirmware: Field upgradeable Flash memoryGeneralPower Supply: 13.8 Vdc nominal (10-16 Vdc)Transmit Current: 750 mA nom. @ 1 W1600 mA nom. @5 WReceive Current: <125 mA nomSleep Mode Hardware: External control, < 1 mA Software: User configurable modesDimensions: Rugged Diecast Enclosure 170 x 150 x 42mm 6.7 x 5.9 x 1.65 inchesWith Mounting Plate 190 x 150 x 47mm 7.5 x 5.9 x 1.85 inchesMounting: Fitted Mounting PlateWeight: 1.27 kg (2.8lbs.)Options ERFD450 Full Duplex Operation with separate N (Tx) and SMA (Rx) connectorsDUPLX450BR External Duplexer, Band Reject (for single antenna operation)EDOVM Digital Order Wire Voice ModuleNEMA 4/R Stainless Steel Enclosure (IP65, NEMA 4 rated) TVIEW+™ Configuration, Network Management and Diagnostic Windows GUI SoftwareDIAGS/E Network Management and Remote Diagnostics Facilities per Radio ModemRelated ProductsEB450 Base StationEH450 Hot Standby Base Station95MSR 6 and 9 Port Stream Router Multiplexer* With ERFD450 full duplex option plus external   duplexer for single antenna operation09-01-2004ER450  Specifications
  Page 84E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part L  SpecificationsEB450  SpecificationsRadioFrequency Range: 330-520 MHz (various sub-frequency bands available)Frequency Splits: Various Tx/Rx frequency splits - programmableChannel Selection: Dual synthesizer, 6.25 kHz channel stepChannel Spacing: 12.5 or 25 kHzFrequency Accuracy: ±1ppm (-30 to 60°C) (-22 to 140°F) ambient Aging: <= 1ppm/annumOperational Modes: Simplex, Full duplex, heading (Optional Internal or external duplexer available for single antenna operation) Configuration: All configuration via Windows based softwareCompliances:ESTI   EN300 113, EN301 489, EN60950FCC   PART 15, PART 90IC   RS119, ICES-001ACA   AS4295-1995TransmitterTx Power: 5W (+37 dBm) ±1 dBUser configurables with over-temperature and reverse power protectionModulation: User configrable narrow band digitally filtered GMSK or  4 Level FSKTx Keyup Time: < 1 mS Timeout Timer: Programmable 0-255 secondsTx Spurious: <= -37 dBmPTT Control: Auto (on Data) / RTS line (Port A or B) / System Port OverrideReceiverSensitivity: -118 dBm for 12 dB SINADSelectivity: Better than 60 dBIntermodulation: Better than 70 dBSpurious Response: Better than 70 dBAFC Tracking: Digital receiver frequency trackingMute: Programmable digital muteDiagnostics (Optional)Network wide operation from any remote terminal.Non intrusive protocol - runs simultaneously with the application.Over-the-air re-configuration of user parameters.Storage of data error and channel occupancy statistics. In-built Error Rate testing capabilities.ConnectionsUser Data Ports: 2 x DB9 female ports wired as DCE (modem)System Port: RJ45 (front and rear)  for diagnostics, configuration and programmingAntenna: 2 x N female bulkhead (separate  Tx and Rx ports) 1 x N female bulkhead (with optional   internal duplexer)Power:  2 pin locking, mating connector suppliedLED Display: Multimode Indicators for Pwr, Tx, Rx, Sync, TxD and RxD data LEDs (for both port A and B)ModemData Serial Port A: RS232, DCE, 600-76,800 bps asynchronousData Serial Port B: RS232, DCE, 300-38,400 bps asynchronousSystem Port: RS232, 19,200 bps asynchronousFlow Control: Selectable hardware/software/3 wire interfaceRF Channel Data Rate: 4800/9600/19,200 bps Full duplexData Buffer: 16 kbyte of on-board RAMBit Error Rate: < 1x10-6 @ -110 dBm (4800 bps)< 1x10-6 @ -108 dBm (9600 bps) < 1x10-6 @ -106 dBm (19,200 bps)Collision Avoidance:  Trio DataCom’s unique supervisory channel C/DSMA collision avoidance systemMultistream™: Trio DataCom's unique simultaneous delivery of multiple data streams (protocols)Data Turnaround Time: <10mSFirmware: Field upgradeable FlashmemoryGeneralPower Supply: 13.8 Vdc nominal (11-16 Vdc)Transmit Current: 1.3 A nominal @ 1 W 2.5 A nominal @ 5 W Receive Current: < 350 mADimensions: 19” 2 RU rack mount 485 x 90 x 420 mm (Including heatsink) 19 x 3.5 x 16.5 inchesWeight: 5kg (11 Ibs)  (excluding optional duplexer)Digital I/O:2 Inputs monitered by TVIEW+ Diagnostics Software2 Outputs user configurable by TVIEW+ Diagnostics SoftwareOptions DUPLX450Bx Internal / External Duplexers, Band Reject and Band PassEDOVM Digital Order Wire Voice ModuleTVIEW+™ Configuration, Network Management and Diagnostic Windows GUI SoftwareDIAGS/E Network Management and Remote Diagnostics Facilities per Radio ModemRelated ProductsEH450 Hot Standby Base StationER450 Remote Data Radio95MSR 6 and 9 Port Stream Router   Multiplexer09-01-2004
Page 85E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part L  SpecificationsEH450  SpecificationsRadioFrequency Range: 330-520 MHz (various sub-frequency bands available)Frequency Splits: Various Tx/Rx frequency splits - programmableChannel Selection: Dual synthesizer, 6.25 kHz channel stepChannel Spacing: 12.5 or 25 kHz Frequency Accuracy: ±1ppm (-30 to 60°C) (-22 to 140°F) ambientAging: <= 1ppm/annumOperational Modes: Simplex, Full duplex (optional internal or external duplexer available for single antenna operation)Configuration: All configuration via  Windows based softwareCompliances: ETSI  EN300 113, EN301 489, EN60950FCC  PART 15, PART 90IC RS119, ICES-001ACA AS4295-1995TransmitterTx Power: 5W (+37 dBm) ±1 dBUser configurable with over-temperature and reverse power protectionModulation: User configurable narrow band digitally filtered GMSK or  4 Level FSKTx Keyup Time: < 2 mS  Timeout Timer: Programmable 0-255 secondsTx Spurious: <= -37 dBmPTT Control: Auto (on Data) / RTS line (Port A or B) / System Port OverrideReceiverSensitivity: -118 dBm for 12 dB SINADSelectivity: Better than 60 dBIntermodulation: Better than 70 dBSpurious Response: Better than 70 dBAFC Tracking: Digital receiver frequency trackingMute: Programmable digital muteDiagnostics (Optional)Network wide operation from any remote terminal.Non intrusive protocol - runs simultaneously with the application.Over-the-air re-configuration of all parameters.Storage of data error and channel occupancy statistics. In-built Error Rate testing capabilities.ConnectionsNOTE: Various duplicated configurations available.User Data Ports: 2 x DB9 female ports wired as DCE (modem)System Port: RJ45 (front and rear)  for diagnostics, configuration and programmingAntenna: 2 x N female bulkhead (separate Tx and Rx ports) 1 x N female bulkhead (with optional  internal duplexer)Power:  2 pin locking, mating connector(s) suppliedLED Display: Multimode Indicators for Pwr, Tx, Rx, Sync, TxD and RxD data LEDs (for both port A and B)ModemData Serial Port A: RS232, DCE, 600-76,800 bps asynchronousData Serial Port B: RS232, DCE, 300-38,400 bps asynchronousSystem Port: RS232, 19,200 bps asynchronousFlow Control: Selectable hardware/software/3 wire interfaceRF Channel Data Rate: 4800/9600/19,200 bps Full duplexData Buffer: 16 kbyte of on-board RAMBit Error Rate: < 1x10-6 @ -110 dBm (4800 bps)< 1x10-6 @ -108 dBm (9600 bps) < 1x10-6 @ -106 dBm (19,200 bps)Collision Avoidance:  Trio DataCom’s unique supervisory channel C/DSMA collision avoidance systemMultistream™: Trio DataCom's unique simultaneous delivery of multiple data streams (protocols)Data turnaround: <10mSFirmware: Field upgradeable Flash memoryHot Standby Controller (HSC)Features: Alarm indications, manual / auto changover control, continuous monitoring of Tx power, RSSI, frequency offset, recovered data, power supply, and diagnostic commands from each base. GeneralPower Supply: 13.8 Vdc nominal (11-16 Vdc)Transmit Current: 2.0 A nominal @ 1 W 3.2 A nominal @ 5 WReceive Current: < 1000 mADimensions: 19” 5 RU rack mount 485 x 225 x 420 mm (Including heatsink) 19 x 8.9 x 16.5 inchesWeight: 12.7 kg (28Ibs) (excluding optional duplexer)Digital I/O (HSC):TVIEW+ Diagnostics Software to;- Monitor 2 inputs- Set 2 outputsOptions DUPLX450Bx Internal / External Duplexers, Band Reject and Band PassEDOVM Digital Order Wire Voice ModuleTVIEW+™ Configuration, Network Management and Diagnostic SoftwareDIAGS/EH Network Management and Remote Diagnostics Facilities09-01-2004
  Page 86E Series Data Radio  User Manual© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.Part M  Support OptionsWebsite  InformationThe Trio DataCom website support  contains links to e-mail andtelephone support, technical notes, manuals, software updates.Please go to Technical SupportE-mail your questions to e-mailing questions to our support staff, make sure you tell usthe exact model number (and serial number if possible) of the Trioequipment you are working with. Include as much detail as possibleabout the situation, and any tests that you have done which may helpus to better understand the issue. If possible, please include yourtelephone contact information should we wish to further clarify anyissues.Telephone  Technical  SupportTelephone support is available at our head office telephone numberAustralia: (+61) 3 9775 0505 during Eastern Australian business hours(9am-5pm).Contacting the ServiceDepartmentThe Service department may be contacted by e-mail , or by telephone during Eastern Australianbusiness hours.Part M  Support Options
Page 87E Series Data Radio  User Manual © Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.T +613 9775 0505F +613 9775 0606E DATACOM GROUP41  Aster  AvenueCarrum Downs VICAustralia  3201Innovative  and  sophisticateddigital communicationsdesigns products and solutions Information  subject    to  change  without  notice.©  Copyright  2004  Trio  DataCom  Pty  Ltd.  All  rights  reserved.Issue:  02-04b

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