Scanreco TR03G410FH917 Remote Control - Portable Control Unit Handy User Manual G4 Economy

Scanreco AB Remote Control - Portable Control Unit Handy G4 Economy

User Manual

Document no Revision LanguageInstruction ManualRemote Control system RC400S106 A English
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 2 of 18Contents1 General ................................................................................. 31.1 Terminology 32 Preface ................................................................................. 42.1 General information 42.2 Notice and Warnings 53 General system description.................................................... 63.1 Schematic overview of Scanreco RC-400 G4 63.2 Portable Control Unit 73.3 Portable Control Unit Handy 123.4 Central unit (CU) 164 Safety regulations and operating instructions .......................174.1 Safety regulations 174.2 Operating instructions 18All rights reserved.Design, equipment, technical data and specification are subject to change or improvementwithout prior notice. The text of this manual, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying,recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of Scanreco AB, Sweden.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 3 of 18Document informationAttribute InformationDocument type ManualTitle Instruction manualSubtitle Remote Control System Scanreco RC-400 G4Document number S106Revision ARevision date 2009-09-25Revision historyRevision Date Name NoteA 2009-09-25 SCANRECO AB First creation of document1 General1.1 TerminologyAbbreviation DescriptionPCU Portable Control UnitCU Central UnitLED Light Emitting DiodeDV Dump Valve
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 4 of 182Preface2.1 General informationThis manual is intended as a complement to the crane / machine instruction bookand covers the Scanreco RC 400 Remote Control System.The Scanreco RC 400 offers the driver an extremely advanced remote control systemwith speed, precision, control and maximum safety.In order to ensure your safety and the safety of your crane / machine you shouldstudy and learn these instructions. This will enable you to quickly familiarise yourselfwith your new remote control system and how to utilise it.%Remotely controlled cranes may only be operated by qualified personnel. Thedriver must be aware of the contents of chapter 4 "Safety regulations andOperating instructions" before operation is started. Serious accidents mayoccur if these instructions are not followed.%To protect the portable control unit from damage and for safety reasons, thecontrol unit must be kept in a locked cab.%Follow the instructions given in the crane handbook regarding moving thecrane from its parking position, the best arm positioning while loads are beinghandled and parking of the crane.%Due to the unlimited variety of cranes, machines, objects, vehicles andequipment on which the remote control system are used, and the numerousstandards which are frequently the subject of varying interpretation, it isimpossible for the personnel at Scanreco to provide expert advice regardingthe suitability of a given remote control for a specific application. It is theresponsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of any Scanrecoremote control product for an intended application and to insure that it isinstalled and guarded in accordance with all country, federal, state, local, andprivate safety and health regulation, codes, standards and Scanrecorecommendation (this manual). If the Scanreco RC 400 G4 will be used in asafety critical application, the customer / driver must undertake appropriatetesting and evaluation to prevent injury to the ultimate user. Scanreco doesnot take responsibility for any damage or injure%Unauthorized tampering with Scanreco automatically invalidates guarantee.To the operator:Pause for a while and give yourself extra time to read chapters 3 (General systemdescription) and 4 (Safety regulations and Operating instructions).To the installer:Pause for a while and give yourself extra time to read chapters 5 (Installationinstructions) and "Inspection / Installation documents”.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 5 of 182.2 Notice and WarningsThisequipmentcomplieswithpart15oftheFCC Rulesand RSS-210ofIC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes ormodifications not expressly approved by Scanreco Industrielektronik AB will voidthe user’s authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:%Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.%Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.%Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.%Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 6 of 183 General system description3.1 Schematic overview of Scanreco RC-400 G4The Remote Control System is comprised of the following components (see figure3.1):Figure 3.1 Schematic overview of the Scanreco RC-400 G4.General scope of delivery (see your specification and Figure 3.1).No Description Qty1Portable Control unit (PCU) Chapter 3.2 11 Portable Control Unit Handy (PCU-H) Chapter 3.3 12Central unit (CU) Chapter 3.4 13 Emergency stop box (Optional) 14Cable kit supply cables + digital outputs 15Cable kit valves cables (analogue outputs) 1453112
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 7 of 183.2 Portable Control UnitThe Portable Control Unit is impact, weather resistant, light weight and compact.Figure 3.2 The Portable Control Unit.The manoeuvre levers are fully proportional and have spring return to the zeroposition, i.e. a "dead-man's-handle". The control unit has a stop function which willimmediately stop all movements.All manoeuvre levers are protected with a protective frame against unintentionalactivation and against mechanical damage.A LED and sound signal are used toindicate such things as operating and battery status and for a simple and diagnosticfault finding (see Figure 3.2).
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A 8 of 183.2.1 Stop function panelThere is a red stop function switch (STOP) with a manual twist reset, a push buttonand a red LED on the control unit's stop function panel, see figure 3.3.The control unit is started with the spring reset push button ( )All movement of the crane is stopped if the stop function is activated on the controlunit. The red LED indicates operating and battery status.Figure 3.3 View of a stop function panel.3.2.2 Function switch (Fn)The RC400 G4 offers two modes of operation controlled by the Function switch (Fn).The function switch (Fn) switches the lever between controlling analogue outputs anddigital outputs, this makes additional 8 on/off features eligible thru lever control.The green LED Fn indicates current mode of operation, if the LED Fn is lit the leversoperate the analogue outputs whilst if not lit the levers operate the digital outputs.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual 66026 A 9 of 383.3.4 Technical data (PCU)Item Technical dataBattery pack 7.2 VDCPortable Control Unit effectiveoperating timeApproximately 8 hours per chargeWeight 1,45/1,70 kg. (without/with battery pack)Dimension (W.H.D) 290x160x190 mmIP class IP65Ambient temperature (Celsius / Farenheit)-25°C to +70°C /approx. -15°F to to +160°F
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A10of183.2.4 Battery charger and battery chargingThe battery charger is using two different modes of charging. Initially the unit willcharge with a high current until the battery is charged, then it reduces to a tricklecharge mode until battery is removed. The normal charging time for an emptybattery is approximately 3 hours. The battery charger is designed not to damage thebattery even with long continuous charging (see figure 3.12).Figure 3.5 The battery charger.3.2.5 Battery Charger installation%The battery charger must be mounted in a vibration free area inside the cab orindoors and be protected against damp, direct sunlight and temperaturevariations.%Operating ambient temperature is 0° C to +70° C, but could be narrowerdepending on the battery specification.%The supply voltage to the battery charger should be +10 VDC to +35 VDC,externally fused with 3.0 Amp fuse.%The batter charger is constructed so that no damage will occur from longcontinuous charging.%Polarity for connection cable: Inc Marked Cable = +%Maximum power consumption for battery charger with battery: 400 mA%Power consumption for battery charger without battery: 10-20 mA%After connection the cable connector, put the cable inside the cable track asillustrated in figure 3.13 below
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A11of18Figure 3.6 After connecting the cable connector, put the cable inside the cable track.3.2.6 OperationThe battery charger will start a charge cycle when a new battery is inserted (greenLED starts blinking). After approx. 3 hours the battery is charged and ready for use(green LED is continuous ON). If the power supply is lost, the battery charger willremember the charging status and continue with a fast charge mode or trickle chargemode when the power is on again. As a safety precaution the charger will stopcharging after 3 hours whether the battery is fully energized or not. The green LEDwill be continuously ON.There are two LED indicators on the battery charger:%Red LED (power) - Indicates supply power.%Green LED (charging status) is blinking - Battery is charging (the charger is infast charge mode).%Green LED (charging status) is continuously ON - Battery is charged (the chargeris in trickle charge mode).
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A12of183.3 Portable Control Unit HandyThe portable control unit Handy can be supplied with one step, two step or withinnovative stepless infinitely variable (proportional) speed.The innovative push buttons which operate with stepless infinitely variable(proportional) speed - remains in direct proportion to the push buttons displacementfor maximum precision and performance of the crane/machine. Up to fourproportional functions can be controlled simultaneously (Handy-10). This steplessinfinitely variable speed is facilitated by an innovative unique push button technologydesign principle. The Handy series has large distinct push buttons and can be usedwearing working gloves, and the units are in are robust, light-weight, innovative,user-friendly and functional design.Figure 3.7 The Portable Control Units Handy.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A13of18Figure 3.8 LED Display and start-/stop buttons.3.3.1 LED DisplayA LED indicate functional and battery strength status as well as providing a simple,diagnostic, trouble-shooting option.The 7-segment display (MODE) indicates current mode of operation selected via thefunction switch (Fn)1 = Analogue output mode2 = Digital output modeThe battery indicator (High/Low) indicates current battery and charging status.The LED ON indicates if the unit is activated or deactivated.3.3.2 Stop buttonDeactivates the unit and immediately disables all outputs on the Central Unit.3.3.3 Activate / Function switch button (Fn)To activate the unit; press and hold the Stop button, press once on the Activate / Function switch button and then release the Stop button.The RC400 G4 offers two modes of operation controlled by the Function shift (Fn).While active, the Activate / function switch button (Fn) switches the push buttonsfrom controlling analogue outputs to digital outputs, this makes additional on/offfeatures available (additional 4 functions for the PCU-H6 and additional 8 functionsfor the PCH-H6).The 7-segment display (MODE) indicates current mode of operation (See chapter3.4.1.).LED ABATTERY STATUSMODE 1/2ACTIVATE / FUNCTION SWITCH BUTTON (Fn)STOP BUTTONRED LED ON
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A14of183.3.4 Battery operation20 hours operational life is guaranteed following charging. Recommended chargingtime is approximately two hours. The battery (powered by two NiMH AA-batteries) ishoused inside the hand-held unit and can be easily changed by the operator.When battery capacity is depleting the Portable Control Unit Handy will indicate thisby the LED on flashing continuously and buzzer sounding simultaneously, the unit willbe in an alarm state and no further operation is allowed until batteries are recharged.If operation is required; recharge batteries, replace batteries or connect the batterycharger in order to allow further operation. The batteries are rechargeable viastandard +12/24 VDC cigarette lighter charger or optional 110/220 VAC- charger.Figure 3.9 Battery housing, battery charger and batteries.3.3.5 Battery charger and battery chargingCharger functionalityThe PCU-H6 and PCU-H10 onboard charger is capable of charging NiMH batteriesTo achieve maximum performance a number of different charging modes are used.The active charge mode is indicated to the operator by using different flashing ratesof the charge LED.Charge pending modeThis mode is indicated by a flash rate of 1 second (LED is lit for 1 second and dark for1 second). This mode is entered if any of the following conditions is filled:%Battery is fully drained and a trickle charge is active to revive the battery.%A pre-charge qualification test is active to determine the battery health.%The ambient temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius and charging is notallowed.%The ambient temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and charging is notallowed.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A15of18Fast charge modeThis mode is indicated by a flash rate of ¼ second (LED is lit for 250ms and dark for250ms). This mode is entered if fast charge of the batteries is active. During fastcharge the batteries are charged with a current of 1A.Top off modeThis mode is indicated by a constantly lit charge LED. When fast charge mode isnaturally terminated a top off mode is entered to ensure maximum capacity isreached. Top off mode is performed for 170 minutes with a current of 62.5mA.Trickle charge modeThis mode is indicated by a constantly lit charge LED. Trickle charge is performed aslong as the battery voltage does not exceed faulty levels and the ambienttemperature is within limits.No battery modeThis mode is indicated by a constantly lit charge LED. Once batteries are connectedthe proper mode will be entered.Charge terminationThe fast charge mode is terminated if any of the following occurs:%Fast charge is active for more that 170 minutes.%Negative peak voltage is detected; this detection is disabled for the initial 5.3minutes of the fast charge period.%Ambient temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius.%Ambient temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.Important notice:%Use only batteries / battery chargers supplied by Scanreco, Sweden, for thespecific product.%Do not charge batteries in a hazardous environment.%Do not attempt to use a battery pack that is damaged, leaking, swollen orcorroded.%Avoid usage of battery / battery charger outside of the specified ambienttemperature.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A16of183.4 Central unit (CU)The central unit is manufactured in plastic and is provided with contacts forconnection for supply voltage, the electro-hydraulic converter valves, dump valve andON/OFF functions.Since the central unit can be exposed to very tough environments, the box isencapsulated to give protection from damp, heat, cold, dust, vibration and corrosiveenvironments.The central unit has short circuit proof inputs and outputs and has protection againstpolarity reversal, over-voltage, large incoming voltage transients and EMC / RF.Connection of the central unit can therefore be made without risk of damage. Thecentral unit is delivered for supply voltages of +12 / +24 VDC (+/- 20 %) withnegative ground. There is one standard car type fuse located inside the central unit.Plus fuse:  + 10 Amp.A transformer for standard mains voltages can also be used to provide the centralunit with supply voltage. Primary voltage: 110, 115, 220-240, 380, 440 VAC andsecondary voltage + 12 / +24 VDC (+/- 10%).The central unit is equipped with:1. Standard antenna2. Operational mode switch (Remote/Manual: See Chapter 4.2 Operationalinstructions)3. Programming port4. Status LED´s5. 7-segment LED DisplayFigure 3.10 The central unit.11234235
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A17of184 Safety regulations and operatinginstructions4.1 Safety regulationsThese instructions cover those special regulations which apply for remotely controlledcranes. The driver must be aware of the contents of these safety regulations.Remote controlled cranes may only be operated by trained personnel. The portablecontrol unit must never be passed over to any person who has not received trainingfor remote controlled cranes. If these instructions are not followed, serious accidentscan occur.THE OPERATOR MUST:%Check that the control unit matches the crane / machine which he is to operate.%Acquaint himself with the symbols and positions for operating functions anddirections.%Every time before starting work, check the stop function on the portablecontroller unit by doing the following:1. Operate a crane / machine function and press the stop button on the portablecontroller unit. The crane must immediately come to a standstill. No furthercrane movements are possible.2. If the cranes movement is not interrupted, crane operation must be stoppedimmediately and a service workshop visited.%During operation, walk or stand at a suitable distance from the crane to be ableto get a good view of the operation. No unauthorised persons may be within thecrane's working area.%Be aware that it is forbidden to convey loads over himself or fellow workers.%Release all manoeuvre levers (dead-man's-handles) if crane movement control islost and then immediately press the stop function on the control unit and theemergency stop on the crane.%The stop function on the control unit should always be in the depressed positionwhenever the unit is not in use. This applies even for short stoppages, forexample, if the driver wishes to move.%After a completed run, press the stop function on the control unit and on thecrane. The control unit must be kept out of reach of unauthorised persons.%Always report equipment faults or shortcomings to the person responsible for thecrane.%Check that none of the safety devices have been altered or removed.%Refer to the current regulations / instructions regarding "Personnel lifting withcranes”, “Overloading/overload protection ", "Visible signals during the operationof cranes" and "The location of cranes close to airports and high-tension powerlines".%Be aware of any other pertinent regulations and of any local regulations whichmay apply. These are to be found in the relevant safety regulations regardingcrane transport.
Document type Document number Rev PageManual S106 A18of18%Be aware of the contents in "OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS" and the handling andmethod of working of the remote control system. See next section " Operatinginstructions "4.2 Operating instructionsBefore operation, the driver must make himself aware of the contents in the "SAFETYREGULATIONS" for remotely controlled cranes. The driver must be aware of thefunction of all manoeuvre levers and switches.1. For remote control: Place the central unit operational mode switch into REMOTE.2. For manual/emergency operation: Place the central unit operational mode switchinto MANUAL. Power is now only supplied to the dump valve and the crane'sfunctions can be manoeuvred directly from the valve's hand levers.3. Twist up the emergency stop switches on the crane and on the PCU (Notrequired for the PCU-H (Equipped with spring return push button).4. Radio operation: Place a newly charged battery in the PCU’s battery holder.5A. Activate the PCU in accordance to below:1. Press the on button to activate, the red LED will light continuously.5B. Activate the PCU-H in accordance to below three step procedure:1. Press and hold the Stop button.2. Press once the Activate / Function switch button (Fn).3. Release the Stop button, the red LED will light continuously.6. The system is now ready for operation. The driver must be aware of allmanoeuvre lever/joystick and switch functions before operation is started.7. To switch off or to activate the stop function the stop function switches on thecontrol unit and the emergency stop on the crane should be pressed down. Thestop function on the control unit should always be in the depressed positionwhenever the unit is not in use. This applies even for short stoppages, forexample, if the driver wishes to move.8. To ensure a long life for the control unit and for reasons of safety, the controlunit must be kept locked in the cab. The control unit should be regularly wipedoff with a damp cloth for example.

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