User manual of SATEL-TA13

  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   1             SATELLINE-M3-TR1   Transceiver Radio Modem  User Guide
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   2 IMPORTANT NOTICE  All rights to this manual are owned solely by SATEL OY (referred to in this user guide as SATEL). All rights reserved. The copying of this manual (without the written permission from the owner)  by printing, copying, recording or by any other means, or the full or partial translation of the manual to any other language, including all programming languages, using any electrical, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or other methods or devices is forbidden.   SATEL reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products, or to discontinue the manufacture of any of its products or to discontinue the support of any of its products, without any written announcement and urges its customers to ensure, that the information at their disposal is valid.   SATEL software and programs are delivered ”as is”. The manufacturer does not grant any kind of warranty including guarantees on suitability and applicability to a certain application. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer or the developer of a program responsible for any possible damages caused by the use of a program.  The names of the programs as well as all copyrights relating to the programs are the sole property of SATEL.  Any transfer, licensing to a third party, leasing, renting, transportation, copying, editing, translating, modifying into another programming language or reverse engineering for any intent is forbidden without the written consent of SATEL.  SATEL PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNED, INTENDED NOR INSPECTED TO BE USED IN ANY LIFE SUPPORT RELATED DEVICE OR SYSTEM RELATED FUNCTION NOR AS A PART OF ANY OTHER CRITICAL SYSTEM AND ARE GRANTED NO FUNCTIONAL WARRANTY IF THEY ARE USED IN ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS MENTIONED.     Salo, FINLAND 2009                Copyright: 2009 SATEL Oy No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of SATEL Oy. This document is provided in confidence and must not be distributed to third parties without the express permission of SATEL Oy.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   3 RESTRICTIONS ON USE  SATELLINE-M3-TR1 radio modem has been designed to operate on 403...473 MHz, the exact use of which differs from one region and/or country to another. The user of a radio modem must take care that the said device is not operated without the permission of the local authorities on frequencies other than those specifically reserved and intended for use without a specific permit.    WARNING! Users of SATELLINE-M3-TR1 radio modem in North America should be aware, that due to the allocation of the frequency band 406.0 – 406.1 MHz for government use only, the use of radio modem on this frequency band without a proper permit is strictly forbidden.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   4 PRODUCT CONFORMITY  SATELLINE-M3-TR1       SATEL Oy hereby declares that SATELLINE-M3-TR1 radio modems are in compliance with the essential requirements (radio performance, electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety) and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Therefore the equipment is labelled with the following CE-marking. The notification sign informs users that the operating frequency range of the device is not harmonised throughout the market area, and the local spectrum authority should be contacted before the usage of the radio modem is used.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   5 WARRANTY AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS  Read these safety instructions carefully before using the product:  o Warranty will be void, if the product is used in any way that is in contradiction with the instructions given in this manual, or if the radio modem housing has been opened or tampered with.   o The radio modem is only to be operated at frequencies allocated by local authorities, and without exceeding the given maximum allowed output power ratings. SATEL and its distributors are not responsible, if any products manufactured by it are used in unlawful ways.   o The devices mentioned in this manual are to be used only according to the instructions described in this manual. Faultless and safe operation of the devices can be guaranteed only if the transport, storage, operation and handling of the devices is appropriate. This also applies to the maintenance of the products.   o To prevent damage it is recommended that both the radio modem and any terminal devices are switched OFF before connecting or disconnecting the serial connection cable. It should be ascertained that different devices used have the same ground potential. Before connecting any power cables the output voltage of the power supply should be checked.   NOTE!   When selecting a suitable location for the radio modem it must be ensured that no water can get into the radio modem under any conditions. Direct sunlight is also to be avoided. It is not recommendable to install the radio modem on a strongly vibrating surface. Suitable dampening and/or isolation materials should be used in cases where the installation surface will be subjected to vibration.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   6 TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTICE ............................................................................................. 2RESTRICTIONS ON USE ......................................................................................... 3PRODUCT CONFORMITY ........................................................................................ 4WARRANTY AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................. 5TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 6INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 91TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... 101.1SATELLINE-M3-TR1 Technical Specifications ............................................ 102OPERATING VOLTAGE ............................................................................... 122.1Operating Voltage (PWR-module) ........................................................... 122.2Instructions how to change the PWR module .......................................... 122.2.1Fuse .................................................................................................................  132.2.2Power supply .....................................................................................................  133SERIAL INTERFACE ..................................................................................... 143.1D-15 connector ......................................................................................... 143.2Description of the D-15 connector: .......................................................... 153.326-pin PCB connector ............................................................................... 163.4RS-485/RS-422 interface ..........................................................................  173.4.1RS-485 interface ............................................................................................... 173.4.2RS-422 interface ............................................................................................... 183.5Termination of RS-422/485 lines ............................................................. 184USER INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 194.1On-board LED-indicators .........................................................................  194.2Programming Mode .................................................................................  204.2.1Changing the settings ........................................................................................ 20
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   7 5RF INTERFACE ............................................................................................ 225.1Transmitter ...............................................................................................  225.2Receiver .................................................................................................... 235.3Priority RX/TX ...........................................................................................  235.4Error correction ........................................................................................ 235.5Error checking .......................................................................................... 246TRANSPARENT DATA TRANSMISSION ....................................................... 256.1Serial interface, data format ................................................................... 256.2Handshake lines ...................................................................................... 266.2.1CTS-line ........................................................................................................... 266.2.2CD-line ............................................................................................................ 266.2.3RTS-line ............................................................................................................ 276.3Timing and delays during data transmission ......................................... 276.3.1Data buffering in the radio modem ..................................................................... 276.3.2Pause length ..................................................................................................... 286.3.3TX delay ........................................................................................................... 296.4Tests  7SETTINGS ...................................................................................................  317.1Changing parameters using a terminal device ....................................... 317.2Updating Firmware ..................................................................................  327.3Basic configuration and installation ........................................................ 328SW-RELATED COMMANDS AND OPTIONS ................................................ 348.1Repeater mode and addressing .............................................................. 348.2Message routing ...................................................................................... 348.3Virtual Mode Routing ...............................................................................  348.4SL-Commands .......................................................................................... 348.4.1Changing parameters using the SL-COMMANDS .................................................  359APPENDIX A .............................................................................................. 3610APPENDIX B .............................................................................................. 37
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   8 10.1Functional delays ..................................................................................... 3710.2Transmission related delays .................................................................... 3710.2.1Transmission delays when using a 12.5 kHz radio channel .................................... 3810.2.2Transmission delays using a 25 kHz radio channel ............................................... 40
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   9 INTRODUCTION  SATEL OY is a Finnish electronics and Telecommunications Company specialising in the design and manufacture of wireless data communication products. SATEL designs, manufactures and sells radio modems intended for use in applications ranging from data transfer to alarm relay systems. End users of SATEL products include both public organisations and private individuals.   SATEL is the leading European manufacturer of radio modems. SATEL radio modems have been certified in most European countries and also in many non-European countries.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   10 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 SATELLINE-M3-TR1 Technical Specifications   SATELLINE-M3-TR1  complies with the following international standards:  • EN 300 113-2  • EN 301 489 (EMC-requirements) • EN 60950 (Safety Standard)    RECEIVER TRANSMITTER Note! Frequency Range   403...473 MHz      Channel Spacing   12.5 kHz / 20 kHz / 25 kHz    programmable Tuning range  70 MHz          Spurious Radiations  < 2 nW  EN 300 113 and CRF47 part90   Frequency error tolerance  < 1 kHz     Sensitivity  - 114... -111 dBm  (BER < 10 E-3)    FEC On. See:Note 1 Co-channel Rejection   < 15 dB     FEC On Adjacent Channel Selectivity  > 45 / 50 dB     FEC On Intermodulation Attenuation  >45 dB    FEC ON Blocking     >86 dB    FEC ON Spurious Rejection  60 dB     FEC On Spurious Emission  <-57 / -47 dBm   < -70 dBm on 3rd harmonics. Others <  -120 dBm Power Consumption   <1.2 W <3 W @  0.5W output power <7 W @ 1W output power    Power Consumption,  Sleep ON   0.24 W typical     Communication Mode  Half-Duplex   Type of Emission     F1D    Carrier power     100, 200, 500, 1000 mW    Adjacent Channel Power      EN 300 113 and CRF47 part90   Carrier power stability      < ±1.5 dB        DATA MODEM     Timing RS-232  Electrical Interface   RS-232 & LVTTL or RS-232 & TTL Order options  Interface Connector   D-15  (female) as standard, others by request.    Data speed of  I/O-interface  300 – 38400 bps     Data speed of Radio Interface 19200 bps (25 kHz channel) / 9600 bps (12.5 kHz channel)    Data Formats   Asynchronous data    Modulation   4FSK, GMSK (PCC, TrimTalk)
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   11     GENERAL    Operating Voltage  Nominal: 3-9V and 6-30V 3.2-8.5V or  6.5-28Vdc  +/-10%. Two Voltage level options  Maximum Operating Temperature Range -30 °C ... +65 °C    Operational Normal Operating Temperature Range  -25 °C ... +55 °C   All specifications met Storage Temperature  -40 °C ... +80 °C    Antenna Connector  50 ohm, U.FL     Construction  PCB with sheet metal EMI shields     Size L x W x T  96 mm x 56 mm x  9 mm    Weight  50 g         OTHER MEASURES    ESD-failure threshold  8 kV contact, 15 kV air discharge     Note 1 Due to radio electronic design, the receiver is about 3-5dB less sensitive on the following 6 frequencies:  403.000MHz, 416.000MHz, 429.000MHz, 442.000MHz, 455.000MHz, 468.000MHz.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   12 2 Operating Voltage   2.1 Operating Voltage (PWR-module)  The SATELLINE-3AS-TR1 radio modem can have two (2) operating voltage ranges. The range is set at the factory. The voltage level must be mentioned in the order. The operating voltage range is changed by replacing the PWR-module.   The operating voltages are: 3.2-8.5 VDC or 6.5V - 28 VDC +/-10%.  The nominal voltages are 3-9V and 6-30V. The radio modem must only be connected to a power supply with an adequate current output. The Input Voltage range is marked in the label. The lower voltage PWR- module PCB is marked as SPL0006x and the higher voltage module is SPL0010x.  Note 2 Do not exceed the operating voltages range. Exceeding of the operating voltage may damage the module.  Note1 The modem withstands a live insertion or removal from the DTE-unit without switching OFF the power.  2.2 Instructions how to change the PWR module  The radio module includes a removable PWR module, which can be changed if needed.    Picture1 Use a small screw driver and move the sheet metal nails up one-by-one until it removes.        Picture2 Open the PWR module by setting a pen into the whole of the corner and bend as long as the module turns out.    Picture 2PWR-module Picture 1
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   13  Picture3 Press the new PWR module back in reverse order.       2.2.1 Fuse  A proper fuse must be connected in between the radio modem and the power supply. The correct value depends on the model (see list below). Recommended value is 2A slow.  2.2.2 Power supply  The radio modem must only be connected to a power supply with an adequate current output. The pins 15 and 14 of the D-connector are connected to the positive power supply line. The pins 8 and 7 of the D-connector are connected to negative power supply line (ground).  The DTR-line of the radio modem, which is connected to pin 1, can be used as an ON/STANDBY –switch, and in this way the radio modem can be switched either ON (operational state) or OFF (STANDBY). The logical state "1" (Open or more than +3.0 V, max Vdc) of the DTR-line corresponds to ON-state and a logical state "0" (.. <=0 V) corresponds to a STANDBY state.  In applications, where the radio modem is used as a portable device (meaning battery operation), the DTR-line (pin 1) should be connected to a logical state "0" always when it is possible to conserve battery power and prolong operational time between battery charging.   NOTE! There is a galvanic connection between signal ground (SGND, pin 7), ground (GND, pin 8), outer conductor of antenna connector and modem casing.             Picture 3
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   14 3 SERIAL INTERFACE  The radio modem is referred to as DCE (Data Communication Equipment) whereas the PC or equivalent device is referred to as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). The SATELLINE-M3-TR1  radio modem include a 15-pin ‘D’-type female connector, which contains all the connections required to establish communication between the radio modem, acting as the DCE, and the PC, acting as the DTE. The radio modem contains two (2) serial ports, which are designated as Port 1 or Port 2 for communication. Only one port at a time can be used for communication. The Interface must be specified in the order. The Port 1 is always RS-232, but the Port 2 can be set to LVTTL, TTL, RS-232 or RS422.  3.1 D-15 connector    D-15 female connector adapter of the radio modem  Pinout of the D-15  PORT PIN DIR SIGNAL PORT 1 RS-232 6 OUT CTS 9 OUT RD1 11 IN TD1 13 IN RTS PORT 2 TTL/LVTTL 2 OUT CTS 3 OUT RD 4 IN TD 5 IN RTS PORT 2 RS-232 2 OUT CD 3 OUT RD2 4 IN TD2 5 - NC PORT 2 RS-422 2 OUT A' 3 OUT B' 4 IN A' 5 IN B' COMMON 1 IN DTR 10 OUT DSR 12 IN MODE 7,8 - GND 14,15 -  VB
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   15 o DTE is an abbreviation for Data Terminal Equipment o DIR column below denotes the direction of the signal:  "IN" is from DTE to the radio modem, "OUT" is from the radio modem to the DTE. Port 1 complies always with the RS-232 standard.  Port 2 can comply either with the RS-232, LVTTL, TTL or RS-422 standards. The interface type is set at the factory according to the customer order. The user can set the Ports ON/FF  afterwards in the programming mode.   NOTE! Unused pins can be left unconnected. *) RTS and CTS handshaking connections remain the same irrespective of the port used (Port 1 or Port 2).  **) A and B designators are opposite in Profibus standard.       3.2 Description of the D-15 connector:  • DTR. Data Terminal Ready. When open or connected to + Voltage the unit is ready for normal transfer mode.  When connected to Ground the unit goes to low current consumption mode.  OFF =   <=0V, ON = >= 3V-30V.  • CTS. Clear To Send.  • RD. Receive data. Asynchronous serial data.  • TD. Transmit data.  Asynchronous serial data.  • RTS. Request to Send.  • CTS. Clear To Send.  • GND. Ground  Both the negative pole of the operating voltage and the signal ground.  • MODE. Programming pin. When floating or connected to +VDC the unit is in normal mode. When connected to Ground the unit is in programming mode.   NOTE! When the MODE-Pin (Pin 12 of the D-Connector) is connected to Ground,  the modem is in the Programming Mode and Port 1 (PINS 6, 9, 11,13) will be in use! If you normally use Port 2 for data transmission, the serial cable must be changed to a suitable type when switching over to the configuration mode.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   16 MODE = operational mode. When the MODE-line is connected to ground (GND), the radio modem enters the Programming Mode which is used to change the settings of the radio modem (i.e. configuration, set-up). If the MODE-line is not connected, the radio modem will enter the Data Transfer Mode, in which data can be transmitted and received. The Programming Mode is used only when installing a radio modem and changing the operational parameters of a network. Normally the radio modem is always in the Data Transfer Mode.  • RTS, Request To Send  • PWR +VDC. Vb Positive pole of the operating voltage.  NOTE!  • Port 1 or 2 can be defined using the Configuration Manager. When the Program switch of the adapter is switched ON (Programming-mode) the default Port is always Port 1, 9600, N8, 1. When the Port has been defined, it’ll be activated by switching the Power OFF-ON, or switching the Program Switch switched to OFF.   3.3 26-pin PCB connector                     Vertical strip, male.                          Horizontal header, female.               126141311314 26
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   17 3.4 RS-485/RS-422 interface  3.4.1 RS-485 interface  RS-485 is an extension of the RS-422 standard and enables the connection of more than two devices on to the same bus. Communication is half-duplex, so there is only one cable pair, compared to two when using the RS-422. The RS-485 standard defines the electrical characteristics of the connections in such a way as to prevent possible data contention states as well as cable shorts etc. from harming the devices themselves. To enable RS_485 function set the modem must be ordered with RS-422 Interface. When RS-485 is used the RS-422 on Port 1 must be ON.  TR1        NARS-2-4A                                   RT  120  ΩRadio modem Cable TerminalCable R T  120  Ω RTB A B ' A ' TRB' A'BAPort 2 =RS-422  RS-485
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   18 3.4.2 RS-422 interface  RS-422 standard defines a serial data transfer method, which is very similar to the RS-232 standard. In RS-422 however, the signal lines are balanced (or differential) transmission lines. A balanced (or differential) transmission line is formed by using two signal wires together to convey each single signal. Because the state of the signal is defined by the mutual voltage difference (hence the name differential), any common mode disturbances induced into the lines will cancel out. The effect of different signals moving in the same cable will also be smaller than in the case of the RS-232. Transmission distance can be considerably longer than when using RS-232 type of connection, and distances of 1 km are possible.   As an example, let’s examine the TX-signal: TX-signal will be transmitted using two lines (A and B). A logical ”1” corresponds to a situation, where the voltage on line A is greater than the voltage on line B. Correspondingly a logical ”0” corresponds to a situation, where the voltage on line A is smaller than the voltage on line B.     3.5 Termination of RS-422/485 lines  Each differential pair of wires is a transmission line. A transmission line must be terminated properly to prevent, or at least minimise, harmful reflections formed between the transmitting and receiving end of the transmission line. A common method of terminating a RS-485 type of transmission line is to connect a so-called termination resistor, between the wires and at both ends of the transmission line. Even when there are more than two devices on the same transmission line, the termination resistors are needed only at the ends of the transmission line. The termination resistor must be selected so that its resistance matches the characteristic impedance of the transmission line as close as possible (typical values range from 100 to 120 Ω). When using a RS-422 type of connection the termination resistor is connected only at each of the receiving ends. Termination resistors are particularly important when using long transmission lines and/or high data transfer speeds.  RT  120 ΩRTRT  120 ΩRTBB'AA'B' BA' ARadio modem Cable TerminalCable
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   19 4 USER INTERFACE    4.1 On-board LED-indicators  There are two (2) LED-indicators on the PCB of the radio modem, and they give an indication of the status of the serial port and the radio interface:  LED Colour Indication OFF, SLEEP ON Red, Flashing Power Green ON/OFF Inactive Active  RX/TX Red Data indicator, Programming Mode No data transferred Programming mode Data transfer    Description of the LED-indicators:  • Power indicates the status of Power ON/OFF   • RX/TX indicates that the radio modem is receiving or transmitting data via serial port  • Mode indicates whether the modem on Data- or Programming mode     • Power ON/OFF. ON=Green. • DATA on line (RX/TX)= Red Flashing
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   20 4.2 Programming Mode  The settings of SATELLINE-3AS-TR1 are fully configurable in Programming Mode by using a suitable terminal program.  The most recommendable set-up (optional): NARS-1F interface adapter, CRS-9 cable, a power supply and the SaTerm terminal program.  NARS-1F contains a switch to enable easy shifting into the Programming Mode. Other suitable terminal programs like SATEL Configuration Manager may also be used.  The radio modem will shift into the Programming Mode by connecting the D-connector pin 12 to ground (GND). When using the NARS-1F this can be accomplished by moving the slide switch downwards.   In the Programming Mode, the radio modem will use serial port PORT1, with settings 9600 bps, N, 8,1 (data transfer speed 9600 bps, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit). For more detailed instructions for changing each setting. 4.2.1 Changing the settings  o Connect cables (RS-232 cable to PC COM-port, power supply cable to power supply).  o Switch on the PC and start SaTerm program (or other terminal program).  o Open a terminal window and then choose  ”Pr” (in case you are using some other terminal program, set the serial port parameters of the program as follows: 9600 bits/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, which is always the default in Programming Mode).  o Connect PROG-pin to ground (if using the NARS-1F adapter, slide the switch downwards), the radio modem shifts now into the Programming Mode. The screen should look similar to the one shown in the picture below.  o Make desired changes to the settings.  o Save changes by pressing ”E” in the main menu. If you don’t want to save changes, press ”Q”.  o Disconnect PROG-pin from ground (if using the NARS-1F adapter, slide the switch upwards), the radio modem should now return to the Data Transfer Mode.    ***** SATELLINE-3AS M3-TR1 ***** SW: / HW: SPL0005B  / PV: 00.00  / IM: 02 / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current settings ---------------- 1) Radio frequency   436.5000 MHz ( CF 436.5000 MHz, spacing 25 kHz ) 2) Radio settings    Tx power level 1000 mW / Signal threshold -112 dBm / FCS OFF /                      TX start delay 0 ms / Diversity RX OFF / EPIC PWRSave OFF /                      Compatibility Satel 3AS     3) Addressing        RX address OFF / TX address OFF /                      RX address to RS port OFF / TX address autoswitch OFF
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   21 4) Serial port 1     ON  / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit  5) Serial port 2     OFF / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit (RS-232)6) Handshaking       CTS Clear to send / CD RSSI-threshold /                       RTS Ignored / Pause length 3 bytes  7) Additional setup  Error correction OFF / Error check OFF / Repeater OFF /                       SL-commands ON / Priority TX / Full CRC16 check OFF 8) Routing           OFF 9) Tests             OFF  A) Restore factory settings E) EXIT and save settings Q) QUIT without saving  Enter selection >    More information at
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   22 5 RF INTERFACE   The SATELLINE-M3-TR1 module has a single antenna connector with an impedance of 50 ohm.   The user can change the frequency of the radio modem afterwards within the frequency range.  The data speed of the radio interface depends on the chosen radio channel spacing. A channel spacing of 25 kHz enables a data speed of 19200 bps and a channel spacing of 12.5 kHz and 20 kHz enables, correspondingly, a data speed of 9600 bps. The data speed of the radio interface is always fixed (19200 bps or 9600 bps), irrespective of the data speed of the serial interface. If the data speeds of the radio interface and the serial interface differ from each other, the radio modem will temporarily buffer the data in transfer, so no data loss will occur.   5.1 Transmitter  The output power of the transmitter is adjustable between 100, 200, 500 or 1000 mW. The greatest allowable power depends on limits set by local authorities, which should not be exceeded under any circumstances. The output power of the transmitter should be set to the smallest possible level which still ensures error free connections under variable conditions. Large output power levels using short connection distances can, in the worst case, cause disturbances to the overall operation of the system.    OUTPUT POWER dBm 100 mW +20 200 mW +23 500 mW +27 1 W +30 Possible output power settings    NOTE! Setting the radio data modem output power level to that which exceeds the regulations set forth by local authorities is strictly forbidden. The setting and/or using of non-approved power levels may lead to prosecution. SATEL and its distributors are not responsible for any illegal use of its radio equipment, and are not responsible in any way of any claims or penalties arising from the operation of its radio equipment in ways contradictory to local regulations and/or requirements and/or laws.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   23 5.2 Receiver  The sensitivity of the receiver depends on the channel spacing of the radio modem (=data speed of the radio interface) and on the mode of the FEC (error correction) according to the table below:   FEC OFF  FEC ON 25 kHz  -110 dBm  -113 dBm 20 kHz  -112 dBm  -115 dBm 12.5 kHz  -112 dBm  -115 dBm  The Signal Threshold Level setting of the receiver determines a level above which the search for the actual data transfer signal is active. If the Signal Threshold Level setting is set too low, it is possible that the receiver is trying to synchronise itself with noise, in which case, the actual data transmission might remain unnoticed. Alternatively, weak data transmissions will be rejected, even though they would be otherwise acceptable.   5.3 Priority RX/TX  SATELLINE-3AS-TR1_xx offers a Priority setting, which selects the priority between reception and transmission. The setting can be changed in Programming Mode. By default, transmission has higher priority than reception i.e. the default value is Priority TX.    Priority TX means that a terminal device attached to a radio modem decides the timing of the transmission. The transmitter is immediately switched on when the terminal device starts to output data. Should reception be in progress, the radio modem will stop it and change to a transmit state. There is no need to use any handshaking for the control of timing.   Priority RX means, that a radio modem tries to receive all data currently in the air. If a terminal outputs data to be transmitted (or an SL command) it will buffered. The radio modem will wait until the reception has stopped before transmitting the buffered data. This will result in timing slacks to the system, but decreases the number of collisions on the air; this is particularly useful in systems based on multiple random accesses.  If the Repeater Function has been set on, priority setting is automatically switched to RX mode.  5.4 Error correction  FEC,  Forward  Error  Correction. FEC-function is switched ON (or OFF) by using the Programming Mode. When activated, the FEC-function will automatically add additional error correction information, which increases the amount of transmitted data by 30 %. It is used by the receiving radio modem to correct erroneous bits - as long as the ratio of correct and erroneous bits is reasonable. Error correction improves the reliability of data transfer via the radio interface especially in unfavourable conditions. FEC-function should be used when link distances are long and/or if
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   24 there are many disturbances in the radio channels used. The use of the FEC-function will, however decrease the data transfer throughput of data by about 30 %. For a listing of exact delays introduced by using FEC-function.  To switch the FEC-function ON in the Programming Mode, select: 1) Error correction   ON 5.5 Error checking  When the error checking is switched on, the radio modem will add a checksum to the transmitted data. When the data is received, the checksums are verified before data is forwarded to the serial port. There are two different options for error checking that can be accessed in the Additional setup menu in the Programming Mode:  2) Error check    6) Full CRC16 check  Error check checks data partially while data is received.  Full CRC16 check function adds two checksum characters at the end of the user data message. At the reception end the receiver receives first the whole package and if the checksum matches the data message is forwarded to the serial port. If Full CRC16 check is selected it must be set ON for all radio modems in the same network. Otherwise the checksum characters appear at the end of user message on the serial port.      NOTE! All radio modems, which are to communicate with each other, must have the same setting for FEC (ON or OFF). If the transmitting radio modem and the receiving radio modem has different settings, data will not be received correctly.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   25 6 TRANSPARENT DATA TRANSMISSION 6.1 Serial interface, data format  The SATELLINE-3AS-TR1 radio modem serial interface uses an asynchronous data format. No external synchronising signal is needed, since necessary timing information is acquired from the start and stop bits transmitted before and after each data field bits (byte).   The data transfer speed of the serial interfaces can be set to 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bps (bits per second). The length of the data field must be 7, 8 or 9 bits. When using a data field length of 7 or 8 bits, a parity bit may also be used.  One character to be transmitted will thus contain a start bit; the data bits (which define the specific character in question); an optional parity bit and one or two stop bits. The overall length of one character is therefore 10, 11 or 12 bits. This should be taken into account when calculating the data throughput capability of a system. In other words, the number of start, stop and parity bits must be considered. A useful rule of thumb is that at a data transfer speed of 9600 bps, the transmission of one character will require roughly one millisecond (1 ms).   Start Data Parity End  Asynchronous character data format  Example: With an 8-bit data character length and taking, for example, a decimal value of ”204”, (which corresponds to a binary value of  ”11001100”) and with a start bit value of ”0”, parity bit set to either “NO” (NONE), ”0” or ”1” and with a stop bit value of ”1”, the possible combinations are listed in the table below:  DATA FORMAT CHARACTER CHARACTER LENGTH 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit 0110011001 10 bit 8 bit, even parity, 1 stop bit 01100110001 11 bit 8 bit, odd parity, 1 stop bit 01100110011 11 bit 8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bits 01100110011 11 bit 8 bit, even parity, 2 stop bits 011001100011 12 bit 8 bit, odd parity, 2 stop bits 011001100111 12 bit  If the settings of data speed, character length, parity or the number of stop bits differ between the radio modem and the terminal, errors will be introduced into the transferred data. The serial port settings of each individual radio modem in a system can all be different apart from the data length setting (7, 8 or 9 bits), which must always be the same in each individual radio modem. In other words, the serial port used, the data transfer speed, parity and number of stop bits; can be different in different parts of a same system. This is especially useful where one part of the system uses an RS-485 serial port and another part uses the RS-232 serial port. In other words, radio modems may also be utilised as serial port adapters in addition to the more common role of wireless data transfer.  The serial port settings can be changed in the Programming Mode.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   26 6.2 Handshake lines  When using the RS-232 serial interface, handshake signals can be used to control data transfer. Handshake signals are used, for example, by the radio modem to inform the terminal that the radio channel is busy, and that it cannot initiate transmission. The terminal can also control the radio modem via RTS-line.  Line  Direction CTS To terminal RTS To modem CD To terminal  A common way of using handshaking signals is to monitor the CTS-line and ignore the others. Usually the terminal is fast enough to handle the data received by the radio modem, so the use of RTS-line is not necessary.  Handshaking is not needed if the system protocol is designed to prevent collisions (data contention) by the use of polling, or if there is little traffic and also if there is no harm from occasional data contention situations (several radio modems try to transmit at the same time). 6.2.1 CTS-line  The options for CTS-line are: 1) Clear To Send CTS is active when the radio modem is ready to accept data for new transmission. CTS will shift into inactive state during data reception and transmission.   2) TX buffer state CTS will shift into inactive state only if the radio modem’s TX buffer is in danger of overflowing. This typically happens when the serial interface data transfer speed is greater than the radio interface transfer speed and the size of transmitted messages is large. 6.2.2 CD-line  The options for CD-line are:  1) RSSI-threshold CD is active whenever a signal with a level exceeding the level required for reception exists on the radio channel. It doesn’t make any difference if the signal is an actual data transmission, a signal of a radio transmitter not belonging to the system, or even an interference signal caused for example, by a computer or a peripheral device. CD is also active when the radio modem in question is transmitting.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   27 2) Data on channel CD will switch to active state only after recognition of a valid data transmission. CD will not react to interference signals.   3) Always ON CD is always in the active state. This option can be used with terminal equipment, which use the CD-line as an indicator of an active connection (the radio modem can transmit and receive at any time).   6.2.3 RTS-line The options for RTS-line are:  1) Ignored RTS-line status is ignored.  2) Flow control The radio modem transmits data to the terminal device only when the RTS-line is active. Non-active state of the RTS-line will force the radio modem to buffer the received data. This option is used if the terminal device is too slow to handle data received from the radio modem.   3) Reception control RTS-line controls the reception process of the radio modem. An active RTS-line enables reception (as normal).   Non-active RTS-line will interrupt reception process immediately, even if the radio modem is receiving a data packet. This option is used to force the radio modem into WAIT State for an immediate channel change.   6.3 Timing and delays during data transmission  When using a radio modem for data transmission, certain delays will be formed through the use of a radio interface and from the radio modem circuitry itself. These delays exist when the radio modem switches from Standby Mode to Data Transfer Mode and during reception and transmission of data. For detailed delay values in each case see Appendix B.  6.3.1 Data buffering in the radio modem  Whenever the radio modem is in Data Transfer Mode it monitors both the radio channel and the serial interface. When the terminal device starts data transmission the radio modem switches to transmission mode. At the beginning of each transmission a synchronisation signal is transmitted and this signal is detected by another radio modem, which then switches into receive mode. During the transmission of the synchronisation signal the radio modem buffers data into its memory. Transmission ends when a pause is detected in the data sent by the terminal device, and after all buffered data has been transmitted. When the serial interface speed is the same or slower than the speed of the radio interface, the internal transmit buffer memory cannot overflow. However, when the serial interface speed exceeds the speed of the radio interface, data will eventually fill transmit buffer memory. In this instance, it will take a moment after the
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   28 terminal device has stopped transmission of data for the radio modem to empty the buffer and before the transmitter switches off. The maximum size of transmit buffer memory is one kilobyte (1 kB). If the terminal device does not follow the status of the CTS-line and transmits too much data to the radio modem, the buffer will be emptied and the transmission is restarted.  In the receive mode, the buffer works principally in the above described way thus evening out differences in data transfer speeds. If the terminal device transmits data to a radio modem in receive mode, the data will go into transmit buffer memory. Transmission will start immediately when the radio channel is available.  6.3.2 Pause length  The modem recognises a pause on the serial line (a pause is defined as a time with no status changes on the RS-232 interface TD-line). The pause detection is used as criteria for: o End of radio transmission - When the transmit buffer is empty and a pause is detected, the modem stops the transmission and will then change the radio to the receive mode. o SL-command recognition - For a SL-command to be valid, a pause must be detected before the actual “SL…” character string. o User address recognition - In order for the start character to be detected, a pause must precede it in transmission.  Traditionally, in asynchronous data communication, pauses have been used to separate serial messages from each other. However, the use of non-real-time operating systems (frequently used on PC-type hardware) often adds random pauses, which may result in the user data splitting into two or more separate RF transmissions. This may cause problems especially in the systems including repeater stations.   In order to match the operation of the radio modem to the user data, the Pause length parameter can be adjusted on the programming menu. It may have any value between 3 and 255 characters. The default value is 3 characters.  Notes:  o The absolute time of Pause length is depending on the serial port settings. For example, 1 character is ~1.04 ms at 9600 bps / 8N1 (10 bits). o The maximum absolute time is always 170 ms independent from the value of the Pause length given in the set-up. o An increase in the Pause length increases the round trip delay of the radio link correspondingly; this is due to the fact that the radio channel is occupied for the time of the Pause length after each transmission (the time it takes to detect a pause). If this is not acceptable, the TX delay setting may also be useful in special cases.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   29 6.3.3 TX delay  The radio modem can be configured to delay the beginning of a radio transmission by 1...65000 ms. This function can be used to prevent packet contention in a system, where all substations would otherwise answer a poll of a base-station simultaneously. During this delay data sent to the radio modem is buffered. Although the priority setting is "RX" , radio modem is prevented to change over to receiving mode during the period of the TX delay.If this function is not needed, the delay time should be set to 0 ms.  6.4 Tests  The radio modem can be switched to the Test Mode, where it will send a test packet on the radio channel. The test packet is a normal data transmission, which can be used, for example, when directing antennas during system installation.  When the test packet transmission has been switched on and saved by using the Programming Mode, the transmitting radio modem needs only a power supply and an antenna.  If the channel spacing of the radio modems is 25 kHz, it is recommended to use 38400 bps as a serial data speed of the receiving radio modem. In the case of 12.5 / 20 kHz channel spacing the data speed of 19200 bps is recommended.   There are two Test Modes:  Short data block test In this test mode the radio modem sends a short test string, which is preceded by a consecutive number, and it ends to the line feed character. The short data block is repeated continuously after 1 s break.  Short data block test is suitable for running data communication tests. Error-free reception of data can be monitored using a suitable terminal program.  Example of a short data blocks:   00 This is a testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem   01 This is a testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem   02 This is a testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem   Long data block test Long data block consists of character strings, which are repeated without breaks 50 s time period. After 10 s break the test transmission is started again.   Long block data test can be used for measuring Tx output power, standing wave ratio (SWR) of the antenna system or received signal strength at Rx stations. Please note that SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 Epic has to be the version equipped with a cooling element if Long block data test is set on at higher than 1 W Tx output power.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   30  Example of a long data blocks:   This is a long testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem   This is a long testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem   This is a long testline of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modem
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   31 7 SETTINGS  The configuration of SATELLINE -3AS-TR1 radio modems can be easily changed. Simply by connecting the Mode pin to ground (GND) the radio modem will switch into Programming Mode. Serial port PORT 1 is used whenever the radio modem is in the Programming Mode. The serial port settings are 9600 bps, N, 8,1 (data transfer speed 9600 bps, no parity, character length 8 bits and one (1) stop bit).   If the SL-command function has been activated active radio channel and addresses can be changed without switching the radio modem into Programming Mode. Serial port settings will remain as those defined previously when the radio modem was in Programming Mode.    7.1 Changing parameters using a terminal device  PORT 1 of the radio modem is connected to a terminal device or a PC, which is in terminal emulation state. (This can be accomplished by using a suitable program such as the SaTerm program or the Windows™ Hyper Terminal program). Check the wiring of the serial port connection cable. Terminal device serial port settings must be set to 9600 bps, N, 8, 1 (data transfer speed 9600 bps, no parity, data length 8 bits and one (1) stop bit). MODE-pin is then connected to ground (GND). Following this the radio modem will transmit the following message to the terminal (certain configuration settings might differ from the ones shown):   ***** SATELLINE-3AS M3-TR1 ***** SW: / HW: SPL0005B  / PV: 00.00  / IM: 02 / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current settings ---------------- 1) Radio frequency   438.0000 MHz ( CF 438.0000 MHz, spacing 25 kHz ) 2) Radio settings    Tx power level 1000 mW / Signal threshold -112 dBm / FCS OFF /                      TX start delay 0 ms / Diversity RX OFF / EPIC PWRSave OFF /                      Compatibility Satel 3AS     3) Addressing        RX address OFF / TX address OFF /                      RX address to RS port OFF / TX address autoswitch OFF 4) Serial port 1     ON  / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit  5) Serial port 2     OFF / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit (RS-232)6) Handshaking       CTS Clear to send / CD RSSI-threshold /                       RTS Ignored / Pause length 3 bytes  7) Additional setup  Error correction OFF / Error check OFF / Repeater OFF /                       SL-commands ON / Priority TX / Full CRC16 check OFF 8) Routing           OFF 9) Tests             OFF  A) Restore factory settings E) EXIT and save settings Q) QUIT without saving  Enter selection >   More information at
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   32  7.2 Updating Firmware  The Firmware can be updated in two ways: • By using terminal program. Instructions to use this method are given by request.  • By using Configuration Manager (CM), which requires The SATEL Configuration Manager, a cable adapter between the module and a PC with serial port.  The firmware of SATELLINE-3AS-TR1 is stored in a flash memory. If needed the software is easily updated by SaTerm terminal program. Please see the user guide of SaTerm for more details.  The SATEL Configuration Manager is configuration and setup software that has been explained in a separate User Manual.   7.3 Basic configuration and installation  The radio modem is shipped with the following default settings (unless otherwise specifically ordered): DEFAULT VALUES  OF THE ADJUSTABLE SETTINGS ( the user can change these settings later on ) Setting Default value Notes Operating frequency 438.000  MHz  Range: 403-473 MHz Channel Spacing  25 kHz Range:12.5kHz, 20kHz, or 25 kHz Tx Power  1000 mW Range: 100, 200, 500 or 1000 mW Protocol SATEL 3AS SATEL 3AS, Option1=PCC 4-FSK, Option 2=PCC GMSK, 3=TrimTalk Addressing RX Address OFF /  TX Address OFF  Tx-Delay 0 ms  Signal threshold -115 dBm  SyncInterval  default (=21845 bytes)  Rx-Delay  0 ms  Pause length 3 characters  FEC  OFF  Error check OFF  Error correction OFF  Serial port 1 settings Port function=DATA Data speed=9600 bps Data bits=8 Parity=None Stop bits=1 Pause length=3 bytes  NOTE! To switch the radio modem back into Data Transfer Mode the MODE-pin  must be disconnected from ground (GND).
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   33 Serial port 2 settings Port function=DATA Data speed=9600 bps Data bits=8 Parity=None Stop bits=1 Pause length=3 bytes  Handshaking settings CTS=Clear to send CD=RSSI threshold RTS=Ignored Handshaking lines apply to the DATA-port. SL-commands ON   When creating a test connection, you can also use the Windows-based SATEL Configuration Manager, (available for free from authorised SATEL dealers or directly from SATEL Customer Support). Basic settings for the serial port of the host computer, when using a terminal program to communicate with SATEL radio modems, are as follows: “COM1, 9600 bps, 8-bit data, none parity, 1 stop bit”.   The power cable (+Vb and GND) must be connected to a power supply with a proper output voltage and with a minimum output current of 2 A (for 6-9V PWR-module) and 1 A (for 6-30V PWR-module).
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   34 8 SW-RELATED COMMANDS AND OPTIONS  8.1 Repeater mode and addressing  Repeaters and addressing may be used to extend the coverage area of a radio modem network, and to direct messages to selected radio modems in the network. In large systems, with several repeaters and formed repeater chains, it is often practical to use routing instead of plain addresses.  More information at  8.2 Message routing  This feature allows messages from terminal devices to be automatically routed over the radio modem network to a specified recipient terminal.  More information at  8.3 Virtual Mode Routing  More information at   8.4 SL-Commands  An SL-command is a one continuous string of characters, which is separated from other data by pauses that are equal or greater than time defined by Pause length parameter (default=3 characters)  in the set-up. No extra characters are allowed at the end of an SL-command.  Serial interface settings are the same as in data transfer and MODE pin MUST NOT be connected to ground (GND). SL-command is properly recognised also in the case when the command string is terminated in <CR> (=ASCII character no. 13, Carriage Return, 0x0d) or <CR><LF> (<LF> = ASCII char. no. 10, Line Feed, 0x0a). If multiple SL commands are sent to the radio modem the next command can be given after receiving the response ("Ok" or "Error") of the proceeding command. In addition, it is recommended to implement a timeout to the terminal software for recovering the case when no response is received from the radio modem.  When the power of a radio modem is switched off the configuration settings of a radio modem always return to values defined initially using the Programming Mode, thus resetting any settings changed using SL-commands during power on. It is however possible to save settings changed by using SL-commands and to make them the new configuration settings.
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   35 The radio modem will acknowledge all commands by returning an "OK" (command carried out or accepted) or the requested value, or an "ERROR" (command not carried out or interpreted as erroneous) message.   8.4.1 Changing parameters using the SL-COMMANDS  The controlling terminal device can change the configuration settings of a radio modem. This is accomplished with the help of SL-commands, which can be used during data transfer. SL-commands can be used to change e.g. the frequency or addresses. It is also possible to interrogate a radio modem in order to gain information concerning current settings that are in use. The terminal device is either a PC or a programmable logic (PLC) together with suitable (terminal) program. SL-commands must be enabled (in the set-up) before they can be used.   More information at
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   36 9 APPENDIX A             ASCII CHARACTER TABLE       D H A D  H A D H A D H A D H A D  H A 0 0 NUL 43  2B  + 86 56 V 129 81  172 AC  215  D7   1 1 SOH 44  2C  , 87 57 W 130 82  173 AD  216  D8   2 2 STX 45  2D  - 88 58 X 131 83  174 AE  217  D9   3 3 ETX 46  2E  . 89 59 Y 132 84  175 AF  218  DA   4 4 EOT 47  2F / 90 5A Z 133 85  176 B0  219  DB   5 5 ENQ 48  30  0 91 5B [ 134 86  177 B1  220  DC   6 6 ACK  49  31  1 92 5C \ 135 87  178 B2  221  DD   7 7 BEL 50  32  2 93 5D ] 136 88  179 B3  222  DE   8 8  BS 51  33  3 94 5E ^ 137 89  180 B4  223  DF   9 9  HT 52  34  4 95 5F _ 138 8A  181 B5  224  E0   10 A LF 53  35  5 96 60 ` 139 8B  182 B6  225  E1   11 B VT  54  36  6 97 61 a 140 8C  183 B7  226  E2   12 C  FF 55  37  7 98 62 b 141 8D  184 B8  227  E3   13 D  CR 56  38  8 99 63 c 142 8E  185 B9  228  E4   14 E  SO 57  39  9 100 64 d 143 8F  186 BA  229  E5   15 F  SI 58  3A  : 101 65 e 144 90  187 BB  230  E6   16 10  DLE 59  3B  ; 102 66 f 145 91  188 BC  231  E7   17 11 DC1 60  3C  < 103 67 g 146 92  189 BD  232  E8   18 12 DC2 61  3D  = 104 68 h 147 93  190 BE  233  E9   19 13 DC3 62  3E  > 105 69 i 148 94  191 BF  234  EA   20 14 DC4 63  3F  ? 106 6A j 149 95  192 C0  235  EB   21 15 NAK 64  40  @ 107 6B k 150 96  193 C1  236  EC   22 16  SYN 65  41 A 108 6C l 151 97  194 C2  237  ED   23 17  ETB 66  42  B 109 6D m 152 98  195 C3  238  EE   24 18 CAN 67  43  C 110 6E n 153 99  196 C4  239  EF   25 19  EM 68  44  D 111 6F o 154 9A  197 C5  240  F0   26 1A  SUB 69  45  E 112 70 p 155 9B  198 C6  241  F1   27 1B  ESC 70  46  F 113 71 q 156 9C  199 C7  242  F2   28 1C  FS  71  47  G 114 72 r 157 9D  200 C8  243  F3   29 1D  GS  72  48  H 115 73 s 158 9E  201 C9  244  F4   30 1E  RS  73  49  I 116 74 t 159 9F  202 CA  245  F5   31 1F  US 74  4A  J 117 75 u 160 A0  203 CB  246  F6   32 20   SP 75  4B  K 118 76 v 161 A1  204 CC  247  F7   33 21  !  76  4C  L 119 77 w 162 A2  205 CD  248  F8   34 22  "  77  4D  M 120 78 x 163 A3  206 CE  249  F9   35 23  #  78  4E  N 121 79 y 164 A4  207 CF  250  FA   36 24  $  79  4F  O 122 7A z 165 A5  208 D0  251  FB   37 25  %  80  50  P 123 7B { 166 A6  209 D1  252  FC   38 26  &  81  51  Q 124 7C | 167 A7  210 D2  253  FD   39 27  '  82  52  R 125 7D } 168 A8  211 D3  254  FE   40 28  (  83  53  S 126 7E ~ 169 A9  212 D4  255  FF   41 29  )  84  54  T 127 7F  170 AA  213 D5       42 2A  *  85  55  U 128 80  171 AB  214 D6
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   37 10 APPENDIX B 10.1 Functional delays  Function  Delay (ms) Wakeup time from STAND-BY to ON (controlled by DTR line) 123 ms (CTS active) Wakeup time from Power OFF -> Power ON (=ready to receive) 123 ms/typical Serial interface, turnaround time of RS-232 0 Serial interface, turnaround time of RS-485 <1 ms SL-Ping response time from remote modem 222 ms  10.2 Transmission related delays Delay from the end of transmission to the end of reception on the serial interface:                             Modem 1 TD-line Modem 2 RD-line Delay   Time start                     start                   DATA DATA
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   38 10.2.1 Transmission delays when using a 12.5 kHz radio channel  Transmission delays (ms) without FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                             Number of bytes sent Bps  1  10 100 500 1200  40 40 29 22 4800  34 34 31 22 9600  32 32 32 27 19200  32 35 64 193 38400  32 36 91 352  Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.    0501001502002503003501 10 100 500Delay / msNumber of Bytes12.5 kHz radio channel without error correction1200480096001920038400
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   39 Transmission delays with FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                      Number of bytes sent Bps  1  10 100 500 1200  52 49 48 50 4800  45 45 44 44 9600  44 44 68 121 19200  44 44 104 360 38400  48 48 132 496  Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.     01002003004005006001 10 100 500Delays / msNumber of Bytes12.5 kHz radio channel with error correction1200480096001920038400
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   40 10.2.2 Transmission delays using a 25 kHz radio channel  Transmission delays without FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                   Number of bytes sent Bps  1  10 100 500 1200  30 30 18 16 4800  23 23 21 12 9600  23 23 21 17 19200  22 22 22 19 38400  22 22 38 102   Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% marginal.   0204060801001201 10 100 500Delay / msNumber of Bytes25 kHz radio channel without error correction 1200480096001920038400
  SATELLINE-M3-TR1     User Guide, Version 1.4   41 Transmission delays with FEC-function (Forward Error Correction).                                       Number of bytes sent Bps  1  10 100 500 1200  35 34 29 30 4800  28 28 27 23 9600  28 28 28 23 19200  28 28 36 64 38400  27 27 58 185  Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% margin.           0204060801001201401601802001 10 100 500Delay / msNumber of Bytes25 kHz radio channel with error correction1200480096001920038400

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