Samsung Electro Mechanics SWL-2300N PCMCIA Card User Manual Quick Guide final

Samsung Electro Mechanics PCMCIA Card Quick Guide final

Users Manual

1SAMSUNG MagicLANQuick Installation Guide(Wireless LAN Card)삼성 매직랜 무선랜 카드 설치 설명서Rev 2.0이 설명서는 영문과 국문이 동시에 기재되어 있습니다.This manual supports English and Korean.
2SAMSUNG MagicLANEnglish Manual
3Notice 1This manual cannot be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission ofSAMSUNG Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.SAMSUNG Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change this manual andthe specifications to improve products without prior notice. So you can get the mostrecent software and user documentation for all MagicLAN products on our web site.The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shallcaution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.All other brand and product names are trademarks of registered trademarks of theirrespective holders.http://www.MagicLAN.comService Dept. Tel : +82-31-218-2416,8,9,20  Fax : +82-31-218-2431Sales Dept.   <America>Tel : +82-31-218-2407,9,11    Fax : +82-31-210-5996<Europe>Tel : +82-31-218-2409        Fax : +82-31-210-5996<Asia>Tel : +82-31-210-5603        Fax : +82-31-218-2414JapanTel : +82-31-210-3122        Fax : +82-31-210-5996ChinaTel : +82-31-210-5703       Fax : +82-31-210-5996Copyright © 1999 - 2003 SAMSUNG Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.
4Notice 2Important Safety Informationz Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal.SAMSUNG will not be responsible for any damages caused by breaking the rules.z WLAN Card described in this document is approved for use in a wireless local areanetwork.z Remember to make backup copies of important data.z When you are transferring data, keep your laptop computer stationary. Roamingbetween access points (APs) may break the connection.z Only qualified service personnel must repair the equipment.z All wireless devices may get interference, which could affect performance.z Use approved accessories only. Do not connect incompatible products.z Use only accessories approved by the WLAN Card manufacturer for use with thisparticular WLAN Card. The use of any other types will invalidate any approval orwarranty applying to the WLAN Card, and may be dangerous.z Use only the region settings appropriate for the area where the WLAN Card is usedat the present time. Using the card in any other region or with an incorrect regionsetting is prohibited and may be illegal.z Operation of any radio transmitting equipment, including a WLAN Card, maycause interference with the functionality of inadequately protected medical devices.z Do not use the WLAN Card on aircraft.z Do not use the WLAN Card at a refueling point.z Do not use the WLAN Card near inflammable materials or chemicals.z Do not use the WLAN Card where blasting is in progress.z Do not use the WLAN Card when the use of wireless device may causeinterference or danger.z Do not use the WLAN Card where the use of cellular terminals is prohibited.z Microwave oven degrades the performance of wireless LAN drastically. So do notuse the WLAN card in the environment where Microwave oven is being used.
5Notice 3FCC Statement and Warnings :This device complies with Part 15 rules of the FCC and with RSS-210 of Industry ofCanada.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Manufacturers Federal Communications Commission Declaration of ConformityStatement:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in aresidential environment.  This equipment generates, uses, and radiates radio frequencyenergy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur. Ifthis equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to correct theinterference by one of the following measures:z REORIENT OR RELOCATE THE RECEIVING ANTENNA.z INCREASE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE EQUIPMENT AND RECEIVER.z CONNECT THE EQUIPMENT TO AN OUTLET ON A CIRCUITDIFFERENT FROM WHICH THE RECEIVER IS CONNECTED.z CONSULT THE DEALER OR AN EXPERIENCED RADIO/TVTECHNICIAN.CautionThe Part 15 radio device operates on a non-interference basis with other devices operatingat this frequency when using the listed antenna. Any changes or modifications to productnot expressly approved by Samsung Electro-Mechanics could void the user's authority tooperate this device.
6Declaration of Conformity for RF Exposure:The radio module has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET 65C and found compliantto the requirements as set forth in CFR 47 Sections 2.1091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4)addressing RF Exposure from radio frequency devices.  For the listed antenna, theequipment should be positioned more than 2.5cm(USB/PCMCIA, PCI : 20cm) from yourbody or nearby persons. Collocation Statement:This device must not be collocated with any other antenna or transmitters.
7EMC Warning(French)CE Statement and Warnings :Information Importante de Sécurité• Lisez ces simples directives. La violation des règles peut être dangereuse ou illégale.SAMSUNG ne sera pas responsable pour des dommages causés par la violation desrègles.• La carte WLAN décrite dans ce document a été approuvée pour utilisation dans unréseau local (local area network) sans fil.• N’oubliez pas de faire des copies de sécurité de toute information importante.• Pendant la transmission de données, ne déplaçez pas votre laptop. Le déplaçement entreaccess points (APs) peut couper la communication.• Le matériel sera uniquement réparé que par du personnel de service qualifié.• Tout appareillage sans fil peut recevoir de l’interférence, ce qui peut agir sur lefonctionnement.• N’utilisez que des accessoires approuvés. Ne connectez pas de produits incompatibles.• Utilisez seulement des accessoires approuvés par le constructeur pour l’usage encombinaison avec cette carte spécifique WLAN. L’utilisation d’autres types invalideratoute agrément ou garantie qui s’applique à la carte WLAN et peut être dangereuse.• Utilisez seulement des mises au point régionales convenables à la région où la carteWLAN est actuellement en usage. L’utilisation de la carte dans une autre région ouavec des mises au point régionales incorrectes est interdite et peut être illégale.• L’utilisation d’émetteurs radio, dont les cartes WLAN, peut causer de l’interférence surla fonctionnalité d’appareils médicaux sans protection suffisante.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN dans un avion.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN près d’un point de recharge de carburant.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN près de matières inflammables ou de produits chimiques.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN où des explosions sont en cours.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN quand l’usage d’appareils sans fil peut causer del’interférence ou du danger.• N’utilisez pas la carte WLAN où l’usage de terminaux sans fil est interdit.• Les fours à micro-ondes diminuent la fonctionnalité des LANs sans filconsidérablement. À cet effet, n’utilisez donc pas la carte WLAN dans unenvironnement où un four à micro-ondes est en usage.AVERTISSEMENTPendant l’installation et l’utilisation de cette combinaison d’émetteur et antenne, la limited’exposition de fréquence radio de 1 mW/cm² peut être excédée à courtes distances desantennes installées.À cet effet, l’utilisateur doit garder une distance minimale de 20 cm de l’antenne.
8EMC Warning(German)CE Statement and Warnings :Wichtige Sicherheitsinformation• Lesen Sie diese einfachen Richtlinien. Übertretung der Regeln kann gefährlich oderillegal sein. SAMSUNG ist nicht verantwordlich für Schaden welchen verursachtwerden durch Übertretung der Regeln.• Die WLAN Karte der beschrieben wird in dieses Dokument ist für WLAN Gebrauchgenehmigt worden.• Denken Sie daran Kopien von wichtige Information zu machen und aufzubewahren .• Solange Sie Daten übertragen, halten Sie denn Ihren Laptopcomputer unveränderlich.Verlegung des Gerätes zwischen Access Points (APs) kann die Verbindung lösen.• Das Gerät soll nur von qualifiziertes Sevicepersonal repariert werden.• Durch Interferenz kann das Funktionieren jedes drahtlosen Gerätes beeinflußt werden.• Nur genehmigte Accessoires sollen verwendet werden. Schließen Sie keineinkompatibele Produkte an.• Benutzen Sie in Kombination mit dieser spezifischen WLAN Karte nur Accessoireswelchen vom Hersteller genehmigt worden sind. Das Gebrauch von andere Typenmacht jede Zulassung oder Garantie die anwendbar ist auf die WLAN Karte fällig undkann gefährlich sein.• Beim Gebrauch sollen die jeweiligen regionalen Bedingungen berücksichtigt werden.Der Betrieb der Karte in einer anderen Region oder mit einer falschen regionalenEinstellung ist verboten und kann illegal sein.• Der Betrieb von Funkgeräte, einschließlich WLAN Karten, kann Interferenzverursachen auf das Funktionieren von unzureichend geschütze medizinische Geräte.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht in Flugzeuge benutzt werden.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht an einer Tankstelle benutzt werden.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht in der Nähe von entzündliche Materialen oderChemikalien benutzt werden.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht in der Nähe von Explosionen benutzt werden.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht benutzt werden wenn der Betrieb von drahtloser GerätenInterferenz oder Gefahr verursachen könnte.• Die WLAN Karte soll nicht benutzt werden wenn der Betrieb drahtloser Teminalsverboten ist.• Das Funktionieren von drahtlosen LANs wird von Mikrowellengeräte drastischnegativ beeinflußt. Deswegen soll die WLAN Karte nicht benutzt werden in einerUmgebung wo ein Mikrowellengerät benutzt wird.WARNUNGBei der Installation und Gebrauch dieser Kombination von Sendegerät und Antenne kann beigeringer Entfernung der installierten Antennen die Funkfrequenzintensitätsgrenze von1mW/cm² überschritten werden.Deswegen soll der Benutzer eine minimum Entfernung von 20 cm der Antenne betrachten.
9EMC Warning(Greek)CE Statement and Warnings :Σηµαντικές Πληροφορίες Ασφαλείας• ∆ιαβάστε αυτές τις απλές οδηγίες. Η µη τήρηση των κανόνων ενδέχεται να είναι επικίνδυνη ήπαράνοµη. Η SAMSUNG δεν θα είναι υπεύθυνη για οποιεσδήποτε ζηµίες προκληθούν απότη µη τήρηση των κανόνων.• Η κάρτα WLAN Card η οποία περιγράφεται στο παρόν έγγραφο έχει εγκριθεί για χρήση σεένα ασύρµατο τοπικό δίκτυο (wireless local area network).• Θυµηθείτε να δηµιουργήσετε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των σηµαντικών δεδοµένων σας.• Οταν µεταφέρετε δεδοµένα, ο φορητός προσωπικός σας υπολογιστής θα πρέπει να παραµένειακίνητος.  Η µετακίνηση ανάµεσα σε σηµεία πρόσβασης (Aps) ενδέχεται να διακόψει τησύνδεση.• Μόνο εξειδικευµένο τεχνικό προσωπικό θα πρέπει να επισκευάζει τον εξοπλισµό αυτό.• Ολες οι ασύρµατες συσκευές ενδέχεται να δηµιουργήσουν παρεµβολές,  οι οποίες θαµπορούσαν να επηρεάσουν την απόδοση.• Χρησιµοποιείτε µόνο εγκεκριµένα εξαρτήµατα. Μη συνδέετε ασύµβατα προϊόντα.• Χρησιµοποιείτε µόνο εξαρτήµατα τα οποία έχουν εγκριθεί από τον κατασκευαστή της WLANCard  για χρήση µε αυτή τη συγκεκριµένη WLAN Card. Η χρήση οποιονδήποτε άλλωντύπων θα καταστήσει άκυρη κάθε έγκριση ή εγγύηση που ισχύει στην περίπτωση της WLANCard, ενώ ενδέχεται να είναι και επικίνδυνη.• Χρησιµοποιείτε µόνο τις ρυθµίσεις περιοχής (region settings) που ισχύουν για την περιοχήόπου η WLAN Card χρησιµοποιείται την παρούσα στιγµή. Η χρησιµοποίηση της κάρτας σεοποιαδήποτε άλλη περιοχή ή µε λανθασµένες ρυθµίσεις περιοχής απαγορεύεται και ενδέχεταινα είναι παράνοµη.• Η λειτουργία οποιασδήποτε συσκευής που εκπέµπει ραδιοσήµατα, συµπεριλαµβανοµένης καιµιας κάρτας WLAN Card, ενδέχεται να δηµιουργήσει παρεµβολές και να επηρεάσει τηλειτουργικότητα ιατρικών συσκευές οι οποίες δεν διαθέτουν την πρέπουσα θωράκιση.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card σε αεροσκάφη.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card σε σηµεία ανεφοδιασµού καυσίµων.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card κοντά σε εύφλεκτα υλικά ή χηµικά.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card όταν βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη ανατινάξεις.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card όταν η χρήση ασύρµατων συσκευών ενδέχεται ναπροκαλέσει παρεµβολές ή κίνδυνο.• Μη χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card σε µέρη στα οποία απαγορεύεται η χρήση κυψελοειδώντερµατικών.• Οι φούρνοι µικροκυµάτων υποβαθµίζουν δραστικά τις επιδόσεις των ασύρµατων τοπικώνδικτύων. Ως εκ τούτου δεν θα πρέπει να χρησιµοποιείτε τη WLAN Card σε περιβάλλον στοοποίο χρησιµοποιούνται φούρνοι µικροκυµάτων.ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΚατά την εγκατάσταση και λειτουργία αυτού του συνδυασµού ποµπού και κεραίας, ενδέχεταινα ξεπεραστεί το όριο έκθεσης σε ραδιοσυχνότητα του 1mW/cm2 σε αποστάσεις πουβρίσκονται κοντά στις εγκατεστηµένες κεραίες. Για τον λόγο αυτό ο χρήστης θα πρέπει ναδιατηρεί µια ελάχιστη απόσταση 20 εκατοστών από την κεραία.
10EMC Warning(Italian)CE Statement and Warnings : Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza• Leggere queste semplici linee guida. La violazione delle regole può risultarepericolosa o illegale. SAMSUNG non sarà responsabile per eventuali danni provocatidalla violazione delle regole.• La Scheda WLAN descritta in questo documento è approvata per l'uso in una retelocale (LAN) senza fili.• Ricordarsi di effettuare copie di backup di dati importanti.• Durante il trasferimento dei dati, tenere fermo il proprio laptop. Passando fra diversipunti di accesso (AP) si può interrompere il collegamento.• Il dispositivo deve essere riparato unicamente da personale tecnico qualificato.• Tutti dispositivi senza filo possono ricevere interferenze, che possono comprometternele prestazioni.• Utilizzare unicamente accessori approvati. Non collegare il dispositivo a prodotti noncompatibili.• Utilizzare unicamente accessori approvati dal produttore della Scheda WLAN. Oltread essere pericoloso, l'uso di altri tipi di dispositivi renderà nulla qualsiasiapprovazione garanzia relativa alla Scheda WLAN.• Utilizzare unicamente le impostazioni regionali appropriate per l'area in cui la SchedaWLAN viene utilizzata al momento. L'uso della Scheda in altre regioni o conun’impostazione regionale non corretta è proibito e può essere illegale.• Il funzionamento di un qualsiasi dispositivo di trasmissione radio, compresa unaScheda WLAN, può provocare interferenze con la funzionalità di dispositivi medicisenza protezione adeguata.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN a bordo di aerei.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN presso un punto di rifornimento di carburante.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN accanto a materiali o chimici infiammabili.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN durante un’esplosione.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN qualora l'uso di dispositivi senza filo possa provocareinterferenza o costituire un pericolo.• Non utilizzare la Scheda WLAN laddove è proibito l'uso di cellulari.• Il forno a microonde compromette considerevolmente le prestazioni di una rete LANsenza fili. Per tale motivo, non usare la Scheda WLAN in un ambiente dove si fa usodi forno a microonde.AVVERTENZADurante l'installazione e l'uso di questa combinazione di trasmettitore ed antenna, èpossibile che venga superato il limite di esposizione alle radiofrequenze di 1mW/cm2 adistanze vicine alle antenne installate.Per tale motivo, l'utente deve mantenere una distanza minima di 20 cm dall'antenna.
11EMC Warning(Dutch)CE Statement and Warnings :Belangrijke Veiligheidsinformatie• Lees deze eenvoudige richtlijnen. De regels overtreden kan gevaarlijk of illegaal zijn.SAMSUNG kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor schade die isveroorzaakt door overtreding van de regels.• De in dit document beschreven WLAN Card is goedgekeurd voor gebruik in eendraadloos lokaal netwerk.• Vergeet niet reservekopieën van belangrijke informatie te maken.• Wanneer u data verzendt of ontvangt, verplaats uw laptopcomputer dan niet. Bijverplaatsing tussen access points (APs) kan de verbinding verbreken.• De apparatuur dient alleen door gekwalificeerd servicepersoneel gerepareerd teworden.• Alle draadloze apparatuur kan storing ondervinden, waardoor de werking beïnvloedkan worden.• Gebruik alleen goedgekeurde accessoires. Sluit geen producten aan die nietcompatibel zijn.• Gebruik alleen accessoires die door de WLAN Card fabrikant goedgekeurd zijn voorgebruik in combinatie met deze specifieke WLAN Card. Het gebruik van andere typesmaakt elke goedkeuring of garantie die van toepassing is op de WLAN Card ongeldigen kan gevaarlijk zijn.• Gebruik alleen de regionale instellingen die geschikt zijn voor het gebied waar deWLAN Card op dat moment gebruikt wordt. Het gebruik van de kaart in een andergebied of met een onjuiste regionale instelling is verboden en kan illegaal zijn.• Het gebruik van radio-zendapparatuur, waaronder WLAN Cards, kan storingveroorzaken op de functionaliteit van onvoldoende beschermde medische apparatuur.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet in een vliegtuig.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet bij een tankstation.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet in de nabijheid van ontvlambare materialen ofchemicaliën.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet waar explosies in uitvoering zijn.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet wanneer het gebruik van draadloze apparatuur storing ofgevaar kan veroorzaken.• Gebruik de WLAN Card niet waar het gebruik van draadloze terminals verboden is.• Magnetron-ovens verminderen de werking van wireless LANs drastisch. Gebruikdaarom de WLAN Card niet in een omgeving waar een magnetron-oven in gebruik is.WAARSCHUWINGBij installatie en gebruik van deze zender-antennecombinatie kan de blootstellingslimiet van deradiofrequentie van 1 mW/cm² overschreden worden op korte afstand van de geïnstalleerdeantennes.  De gebruiker dient daarom altijd minimaal 20 cm afstand te houden van de antenne.
12EMC Warning(Portuguese)CE Statement and Warnings :ADVERTÊNCIAQuando instalar e utilizar este conjunto de transmissor e antena, o limite de exposição àfrequência de rádio de 1mW/cm2 pode ser excedido junto a antenas.Por conseguinte, o utilizador deve manter uma distância mínima de 20 cm da antena.Importante Informação de Segurança• Leia estas simples instruções. O não cumprimento das regras pode ser perigoso ouilegal. A SAMSUNG não será responsabilizada por quaisquer danos provocados pelonão cumprimento das regras.• A placa WLAN Card descrita neste documento foi aprovada para utilização numa redede área local sem fio.• Não se esqueça de fazer cópias de segurança dos dados importantes.• Quando transferir dados, mantenha o computador portátil imóvel. O roaming entrepontos de acesso (APs) pode interromper a ligação.• O equipamento deve ser reparado apenas por pessoal de serviço qualificado.• Todos os dispositivos sem fio podem sofrer interferências, o que pode afectar odesempenho.• Utilize apenas acessórios aprovados. Não ligue produtos incompatíveis.• Utilize apenas acessórios aprovados pelo fabricante da placa WLAN Card Card parautilização com esta placa WLAN Card em particular. A utilização de quaisquer outrostipos invalidará qualquer homologação ou garantia aplicável à placa WLAN Card epode ser perigoso.• Utilize apenas as definições da região adequadas para a área onde a placa WLAN Cardé utilizada actualmente. A utilização da placa em qualquer outra região ou com umadefinição de região incorrecta está proibida e pode constituir violação à lei.• A utilização de qualquer equipamento de transmissão de rádio, incluindo uma placaWLAN Card, pode provocar interferências na funcionalidade de dispositivos médicosprotegidos de forma incorrecta.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card em aeronaves.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card em postos de reabastecimento de comb0ustível.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card perto de materiais ou produtos químicos inflamáveis.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card onde estejam a ser efectuados trabalhos de decapagem.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card quando a utilização de um dispositivo sem fios possaprovocar interferências ou constituir perigo.• Não utilize a placa WLAN Card onde a utilização de terminais celulares for proibida.• Os fornos de micro-ondas degradam extremamente o desempenho da LAN sem fios.Por isso, não utilize a placa WLAN Card em ambientes onde sejam utilizados fornos demicro-ondas.
13EMC Warning(Spanish)CE Statement and Warnings :Información Importante de Seguridad• Lea estas directrices simples. La contravención de las reglas puede ser peligrosa oilegal. SAMSUNG no será responsable de cualquier daños causados a resultas de lacontravención de las reglas.• La tarjeta WLAN descrita en este documento fue aprobada para el uso en una red local(LAN) inalámbrica.• Piense en hacer copias de seguridad de datos importantes.• Durante la transferencia de datos, no desplace su ordenador. El desplazamiento entreaccess points (APs) puede cortar la comunicación.• El equipo debe ser arreglado únicamente por personal de servicio cualificado.• Todo equipo inalámbrico puede tener interferencias, que pueden afectar elfuncionamiento.• Sólo utilice accesorios aprobados. No conecte accesorios incompatibles.• Sólo utilice accesorios aprobados por el fabricante de la tarjeta WLAN para el uso encombinación con esta tarjeta específica WLAN. El uso de otros tipos invaliderá todaaprobación o garantía aplicables a la tarjeta WLAN y puede ser peligroso.• Sólo utilice ajustes regionales aptos a la región donde la tarjeta WLAN está utilizadaactualmente. El uso de la tarjeta en otra región o con ajustes regionales incorrectosestá prohibido y puede ser ilegal.• El uso de equipos radio de transmisión, incluso tarjetas WLAN, puede causarinterferencias en el funcionamiento de equipos médicos sin protección suficiente.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN en aeronaves.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN en puntos de reabastecimiento de combustible.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN cerca de materiales inflamables o sustancias químicas.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN donde se efectúan explosiones.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN cuando el uso de equipos inalámbricos puede causarinterferencias o representar un peligro.• No utilice la tarjeta WLAN donde el uso de terminales inalámbricos está prohibido.• Los hornos de microondas disminuyen drásticamente el funcionamiento de las LANsinalámbricas. Por esa razón, no utilice la tarjeta WLAN en un entorno en el que unhorno de microondas esté en uso.ADVERTENCIADurante la instalación y el uso de esta combinación de transmisor y antenna, el límite deesposición de la frecuencia radio de 1 mW/cm² puede ser excedido junto a las antenasinstaladas. Por consecuencia, el usuario deberá mantener una distancia mínima de 20 cm de laantena.
14SpecificationsModel Name SWL-2300M SWL-2300N SWL-2300PSystem Interface MiniPCI Spec 1.0 (Type 3BForm Factor) CardBus Spec 7.0 PCI Spec 2.2Frequency Band2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)OperatingVoltage 3.3Vdc  (±5%) 3.3V±5% 5V±5%Receive mode : 315mA(Typical) Receive : 310mA (Typical) Receive :315mA (Typical)CurrentConsumption Transmit mode: 360mA(Typical) Transmit: 370mA (Typical) Transmit : 360mA(Typical)Data Rate 1, 2, 5.5 or 11Mbps 1, 2, 5.5 or 11Mbps 1, 2, 5.5 or 11MbpsSpreading DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)Output Power 15dBm(40mW) for 22MHzBandwidth40mW(16dBm) for 22MHzBandwidth,  7mW/MHz15dBm(32mW) for 22MHzBandwidthReceiveSensitivity-86dBm at 11Mbps(Typical)-86dBm(Typical) at11Mbps-86dBm at 11Mbps(Typical)Security 40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryption40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryption40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryptionAntennaSMT Ultra MiniatureCoaxial Connector 2piecesDual antennas supportingdiversityExternal 5dBi PatchAntenna with left-turnSMA  connector and 1.5mcableAvailable Drivers Microsoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/CEMicrosoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/XPSP1Microsoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/CEStandards IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11bMedia AccessProtocol CSMA/CA CSMA/CA CSMA/CATemperatureRangeOperating:  0~55℃  (32 ~131℉),Storage :  -20~70℃(-4℉~158℉)Operating :  0~45℃          (32 ~ 113℉),Storage  : -25~70℃       (-13~158℉)Operating:  0~55℃(32~131℉),Storage : -20~70℃(-4~158℉)Humidity 10% to 90% Non-condensing10% to 90% Non-condensing10% to 90% Non-condensingOperating Range(1024 bytes filetransfer)Open Space :150m(500ft)at 11Mbps,200m(660ft) at 2MbpsClosed Office: 30m(100ft)at 11Mbps, 50m(160ft) at2MbpsOpen Space : 150m(500ft)at 11Mbps, 200m(660ft) at2MbpsClosed Office: 30m(100ft)at 11Mbps, 50m(160ft) at2MbpsOpen Space :150m(500ft) at 11Mbps,200m(660ft) at 2MbpsClosed Office:30m(100ft) at 11Mbps,50m(160ft) at 2MbpsDimensions 59.6㎜×44.6㎜×5.0㎜109mmx54mmx5mm 126.8㎜×70.0㎜×18.0㎜Certifications&RegulatoryApprovalsWi-Fi certified Korea
15Wireless LAN Card driver & utility Installation Procedure.1. If you insert the MagicLAN Installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, softwarewill launch automatically. Then, click on the ‘Install MagicLAN Driver’.2. You can see the pictures of Wireless LAN Cards according to model names.Click on the model name to install it’s driver.3. You can see the list of Operating System in the right screen. Click on theOperating System that your computer system is using. You can click ContinueAnyway or Yes in the ‘Hardware Installation’ Message box or in the ‘DigitalSignature Not Found’ Message box.
164. After installing driver, click on ‘MENU’ and ‘Install Configuration Utility’ andyou can install configuration utility. After installing driver and utility, insert WirelessLAN Card.(notice that in case of PCI product like SWL-2300M/P , you must poweroff before inserting Wireless LAN Card into the system)5. Your computer system recognizes the Samsung Wireless LAN Card. If FoundNew Hardware Wizard appears, just click Next to install the driver.6. Now you can see MagicLAN tray icon( ) at the right bottom of your computerscreen. In Windows  2000 or XP, you must reboot the system to see the tray icon.7. Click MagicLAN tray icon( ). Then the utility requests you to create or selectthe new profile. You can follow the instructions to use Wireless LAN as peer-to-peer(802.11 Ad-hoc) or infrastructure communications.
17For more details about Windows CE, click on the “View User’s Guide”.Main Window of Wireless LAN Configuration UtilityAfter finishing the installation of Samsung Wireless LAN Card driver and configurationutility, you can see the tray icon at the right bottom of your computer screen. Clickingon that icon, you will see the graphical main window of configuration utility.Profile: Profile is the name of the current profile that configuration utility is using.Link Status : Link Status explains whether the client station is well connected or not toAccess Point in infrastructure mode or master station in ad-hoc mode .
18SSID : SSID is the name of the network that your computer system is connected to.Operating Mode : Operating mode describes the topology of the network that yourclient station is connected to. You can choose infrastructure mode or ad-hoc mode.BSSID : BSSID is the physical address of Access Point in case of infrastructure modeand the randomly generated value in case of 802.11 Ad-hoc mode.Channel : Channel shows the channel number that is the channel in use for thecommunications between the clients and AP or between the clients only. In case of theInfrastructure/802.11 Ad-hoc Mode, the channel number is scanned automatically (Youdon’t need to set the channel number).WEP : WEP shows that WEP encryption is enabled or disabled.  When WEP is enabled,your computer system protects the illegal access to the encrypted wireless networks.Power Saving : Power Saving shows that Power Saving Mode is enabled or disabled.Physical Address : Physical Address(MAC Address) is the unique identificationnumber (6 bytes in size) for the Wireless LAN card.IP Address : IP Address is an address used to send data from one computer to anotherto create the network of several computers. IP address is unique for every network cardinstalled on a computer to identify it from other computers.Subnet Mask : Subnet Mask is an address that enables along with an IP Address toshare a network Address within the LAN of company.Gateway : Gateway is a network point playing a role as a gateway to enter the othernetwork.DNS  : DNS is the system that transforms the name of an Internet domain to thecorresponding IP Address. IP Address is actually needed to locate a computer/server onthe Internet.Adapter Name : Adapter name shows the kind of WLAN card that the user is usingnow.
19Zero Configuration of Windows XP1. Click Wireless Network Connection icon   displayed on the right bottom ofdesktop.2. When you are using DHCP, just select one of Access Points in the Availablewireless networks in Wireless Network Connection dialog window.3. To manually set IP address, WEP and other wireless configuration, click onAdvanced  of  Wireless Network Connection dialog window and select WirelessNetworks in Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog window.4. After selecting one of the Available networks, click Configure. Set the SSID andparameters that you want to modify and then click on OK.
205. The Access Point that you selected will be displayed on the Preferred Networks inWireless Network Connection Properties dialog window
216. Click on the General Tab. After double-clicking the “Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)”,set TCP/IP parameters such as IP Address, Gateway and DNS. Then click on OK inInternet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties dialog window. Finally, click on OK inWireless Network Connection Properties dialog window.
22Available Channels of Wireless LANChannel Frequenc Korea FCC Canada ETSI Spain France Japan1 2412MH ○○○○○ ○2 2417MH ○○○○○ ○3 2422MH ○○○○○ ○4 2427MH ○○○○○ ○5 2432MH ○○○○○ ○6 2437MH ○○○○○ ○7 2442MH ○○○○○ ○8 2447MH ○○○○○ ○9 2452MH ○○○○○ ○10 2457MH ○○○ ○ ○○○11 2462MH ○○○ ○ ○○○12 2467MH ○ ○ ○○○13 2472MH ○ ○ ○○○14 2484MH ○
23삼성 매직랜한글 매뉴얼
24주의  사항1이  사용설명서는  삼성전기의  서면  승인  없이는  어떤  형식으로도  이  설명서의  일부또는 전부를 무단으로 복제하거나 사용할 수 없습니다.이  사용설명서의  내용은  예고  없이  바뀔  수  있습니다.  삼성전기  홈페이지를방문하시면 가장 최근의 드라이버나 매뉴얼을 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.이 사용설명서의 특허권, 상표, 저작권, 지적 소유권 등은 삼성전기에 있습니다.삼성전기와의  사용권  계약서에  밝힌  사항을  제외하고는  이  사용설명서의  구입이특허권, 상표, 저작권, 지적 소유권 등의 양도를 의미하는 것은 아닙니다.매직랜은 삼성전기 무선 랜의 등록상표입니다.Microsoft,  MS-DOS,  Windows,  그리고  Windows  NT는  Microsoft  Corporation의등록상표입니다.여기에 언급된 다른 제품이나 회사 이름은 각 소유자의 등록상표일 수 있습니다.기술지원Tel : +82-31-218-2416,8,9,20  Fax : +82-31-218-2431국내영업   Tel : +82-31-218-2442~6      Fax : +82-31-218-2414Copyright © 1999-2003 Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.주의  사항2z 다음과 같은 제한 사항을 주의 깊게 읽어 보십시오. 이를 어길 때에는 위험한상황에 처할 수 있고, 또한 법적인 처벌을 받을 수도 있습니다. 그에 따라
25발생되는 피해에 대해서는 삼성전기가 책임지지 않습니다.z 이 사용설명서에서 설명하는 무선 랜카드는 무선랜 네트워크에서 사용되도록승인된 것입니다.z 중요한 데이터는 백업해 두는 것을 잊지 마십시오.z 데이터를 전송할 때는 컴퓨터를 이동하지 마십시오. 엑세스 포인트 간에 로밍을할 경우 연결이 끊어질 수 있습니다.z 공인된 수리 전문가만이 무선 랜카드를 수리할 수 있습니다.z 모든 무선 장치들은 주파수 간섭을 받을 수 있고, 그 결과 성능에 영향을 미칠수도 있습니다.z 당사의 3V CARD를 사용하는 경우에는 Note PC가  3V PC CARD를 지원해야합니다.z 무선 랜카드 제조업체에 의해서 승인된 부속품만을 특정한 무선 랜카드와 함께사용할 수 있습니다. 다른 형태의 것들을 사용하게 되면 무선 랜카드에 대한보증을 받을 수 없습니다.z 현재 사용하고 있는 무선랜 지역 설정과 일치하는 지역에서 사용해야 합니다.무선 랜카드로 설정된 지역과 다른 곳이나 부적절한 지역 설정을 사용하는 것은금지되어 있고, 법적인 처벌을 받게 될 수도 있습니다.z 무선 랜카드를 포함한 어떤 종류의 무선 장치를 사용하게 되면 의료 장비의기능에 간섭을 일으킬 수 있습니다.z 비행기 운항 중에는 무선 랜카드를 사용하지 마십시오.z 연료나 화학 약품과 가까운 곳에서 무선 랜카드를 사용하지 마십시오.z 폭발 현장에서는 무선 랜카드를 사용하지 마십시오.z 무선 장치를 사용할 때 간섭이나 위험이 발생할 수 있는 경우에는 무선 랜카드를사용하지 마십시오.z 임의로 분해 시 발생되는 문제에 대해서는 책임을 지지 않습니다.SpecificationsModel Name SWL-2300M SWL-2300N SWL-2300PSystem Interface MiniPCI Spec 1.0 (Type 3BForm Factor) CardBus Spec 7.0 PCI Spec 2.2
26Frequency Band2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)2.400 ~2.4835GHz(Subject tolocal regulations)OperatingVoltage 3.3Vdc  (±5%) 3.3V±5% 5V±5%Receive mode : 315mA(Typical) Receive : 245mA (Typical) Receive mode : 315mA(Typical)CurrentConsumption Transmit mode: 360mA(Typical) Transmit: 310mA (Typical) Transmit mode: 360mA(Typical)Data Rate 1, 2, 5.5 or 11Mbps 1, 2, 5.5 or 11Mbps 1, 2, 5.5 or 11MbpsSpreading DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)DSSS(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum)Output Power 16dBm(40mW) for 22MHzBandwidth40mW(16dBm) for 22MHzBandwidth,  7mW/MHz16dBm(40mW) for 22MHzBandwidthReceiveSensitivity-86dBm at 11Mbps(Typical)-86dBm(Typical) at11Mbps-86dBm at 11Mbps(Typical)Security 40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryption40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryption40-bit/128-bit WEPEncryptionAntennaSMT Ultra MiniatureCoaxial Connector 2piecesDual antennas supportingdiversityExternal 5dBi PatchAntenna with left-turnSMA  connector and 1.5mcableAvailable Drivers Microsoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/CEMicrosoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/XPSP1/CEMicrosoft Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP/CEStandards IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11bMedia AccessProtocol CSMA/CA CSMA/CA CSMA/CATemperatureRangeOperating:  0~55℃  (32 ~131℉),Storage :  -20~70℃(-4℉~158℉)Operating :  0~45℃          (32 ~ 113℉),Storage  : -25~70℃       (-13~158℉)Operating:  0~55℃(32~131℉),Storage : -20~70℃(-4~158℉)Humidity 10% to 90% Non-condensing10% to 90% Non-condensing10% to 90% Non-condensingOperating Range(1024 bytes filetransfer)Open Space :150m(500ft)at 11Mbps,200m(660ft) at 2MbpsClosed Office: 30m(100ft)at 11Mbps, 50m(160ft) at2MbpsOpen Space : 150m(500ft)at 11Mbps, 200m(660ft) at2MbpsClosed Office: 30m(100ft)at 11Mbps, 50m(160ft) at2MbpsOpen Space :100m(330ft) at 11Mbps,150m(500ft) at 2MbpsClosed Office:20m(70ft) at 11Mbps,30m(100ft) at 2MbpsDimensions 59.6㎜×44.6㎜×5.0㎜109mmx54mmx5mm 126.8㎜×70.0㎜×18.0㎜Certifications&RegulatoryApprovalsWi-Fi certified Korea무선랜 카드 드라이버 및 유틸리티 설치 순서.1. 제공되는 CD를 넣으시면, 자동 실행됩니다. 여기서, ‘MagicLAN Driver 설치’를클릭하십시오.
272. 해당 카드의 모델명에 따라 제품의 사진을 볼 수 있으며, 드라이버를 설치하기위해서는 해당 카드의 모델명을 클릭합니다.3.  화면  오른쪽에  나타난  Operating  System중에서  설치하고자  하는  OS를클릭합니다.  설치  중간에  만일  ‘하드웨어  설치’  또는  ‘디지털  서명을  찾을  수  없음’이라는 화면이 뜨더라도 ‘계속’ 또는 ‘예’ 를 눌러주십시오.4. 드라이버 설치 후, ‘MENU’ 버튼과 ‘Configuration Utility 설치’ 를 클릭하여유틸리티를 설치합니다. 드라이버와 유틸리티 설치가 끝나면 카드를 삽입합니다.(주의: SWL-2300M/P와 같은 PCI 제품은 시스템 전원을 끄고 카드를 삽입해야합니다.)
285. 카드를 인식하고, ‘새 하드웨어 검색 마법사’가 뜨면 ‘다음’을 눌러서 드라이버를설치합니다.6. 이제 화면 오른쪽 하단에서 트레이 아이콘( )을 확인할 수 있습니다. Windows2000이나 XP의 경우에는 트레이 아이콘을 띄우기 위해서 재부팅이 필요합니다.7.  삼성  트레이  아이콘( )을  클릭하면  “먼저  프로파일을  생성하십시오.”라는메시지가 뜹니다. 계속 차례대로 지시에 따라서 설정을 하면, 피어-투-피어(802.11ad-hoc)나 infrastructure 통신을 사용하실 수 있습니다.Windows  CE에 대해  좀 더  자세한  사항을  보기 위해서는  매직랜  설치  CD의 ‘사용자설명서 보기’를 참조하십시오.무선랜 설정 프로그램의 메인 화면 구성환경설정  유틸리티는  삼성  무선랜  카드  설치프로그램을  실행할  때  설치가  됩니다.사용  중에는  바탕화면의  우측하단에  아이콘이  나타나는  것을  볼  수  있고,  아이콘을클릭하면  아래와  같은  화면이  나타나게  됩니다.  여기서  현재  설정되어  있는  무선랜카드의 설정을 확인할 수 있습니다.
29다음은 무선 랜 환경설정 화면에서 볼 수 있는 각 변수들의 의미를 설명합니다.프로파일  :  사용자  임의로  지정하는  것으로서,  각각의  프로파일들을  구분하기  위한임의의  이름을  나타냅니다.  그러므로  각각의  프로파일이름  설정  시  가지고  있는내용을 잘 보내줄 수 있는 이름을 사용하십시오.연결상태  :  Link  Status는  클라이언트가  ESS에  연결되어  있는  상태를  보여줍니다.(특히 AP와 802.11Ad-hoc에서 AP/Station 들의 연결 상태를 표시합니다)SSID  :  SSID  변수는  무선  랜  네트워크를  구성하는  그룹  명을  가리키는  것으로,ESSID라고도 합니다.작동모드  :  Infrastructure모드(AP를  통한  각  클라이언트들의  연결),  802.11Ad-hoc/Ad-hoc모드(각 클라이언트들간의 직접연결) 세가지가 있습니다.BSSID : Infrastructure Mode에서는 AP의 Physical Address를 나타내며 802.11 Ad-hoc에서는 Random Generation값이 됩니다.채널 : 무선 랜 네트워크에서 클라이언트와 AP 또는 클라이언트끼리 통신하는데사용하는 채널 값을 나타내는 것입니다. 단,네트워크 모드가infrastructure/802.11Ad-hoc으로 설정되어 있을 때는 채널을 자동으로 찾게 됩니다.WEP  : AP가  각  클라이언트들의  인증을  위한  암호  설정  상태입니다.  즉네트워크로부터의 인증되지 않은 접근을 암호를 설정함으로써 거부합니다.절전모드 : 현재 절전모드(power saving)의 여부를 나타냅니다.Physical  Address  : 현재  사용자의  무선LAN카드의  고유의  Physical어드레스를나타냅니다.IP  주소  : 인터넷상의  한  컴퓨터에서  다른  컴퓨터로  데이터를  보내는데  사용되는프로토콜로서, 인터넷상의 각 컴퓨터들은 다른 컴퓨터와 구별될 수 있도록 적어도 한개 이상의 고유한 주소를 갖습니다.
30서브넷  마스크:    회사내의  LAN내에서  한  네트워크의  주소를  공유  시키기  위해체계적인 IP주소가 부여된 상태를 말한다.게이트웨이 : 어떤 네트웍으로 들어가는 입구 역할을 하는 네트웍 포인트입니다.DNS  :  인터넷  도메인  이름들의  위치를  알아내기  위한  IP  주소로  바꾸어주는시스템입니다.  도메인  이름은  인터넷  주소로서  사람들이  기억하기  쉽고,  의미  있게붙인 이름이지만, 인터넷에서 어떤 컴퓨터를 실제로 찾기 위해서는 숫자 체계로 된 IP주소가 필요합니다.어댑터 이름 : 현재 사용자가 사용중인 무선 랜 카드의 종류를 나타냅니다.Windows XP의 Zero Configuration1. 바탕화면의 오른쪽 맨 하단에 있는 Tray Icon중에서 ‘무선 네트워크 연결’  을클릭하십시오.
312. DHCP를 사용하실 경우에는 위의 ‘무선 네트워크에 연결’ 메시지 상자에서   연결할AP를 바로 선택하시면 작업이 완료됩니다.3. 수동 IP설정이나 WEP, 특별한 환경구성을 할 경우에는 위 그림에서 ‘고급’ 버튼을클릭하고 ‘무선 네트워크’ 탭에서 ‘사용할 있는 네트워크’에서 AP를 하나 선택한 다음‘구성’버튼을 클릭하십시오. 이후 나오는 ‘무선 네트워크 연결 속성’메시지 상자에서SSID등 필요한 사항을 입력하고 ‘확인’버튼을 클릭하시면 ‘기본 설정 네트워크’에선택한 AP가 추가된 것을 보실 수 있습니다.
324.  그리고,  ‘일반’탭을  클릭하고  ‘인터넷  프로토콜(TCP/IP)를  더블클릭해서  IP주소,게이트웨이,  DNS  구성값을  입력한  후  ‘확인’버튼을  클릭하고  한번  더  ‘확인’버튼을클릭하면 모든 작업이 성공적으로 완료된 것입니다.  무선랜의 국가별 사용 채널채널 중심주파수 한국 미국 캐나다 유 럽 프랑스 스페인 일 본1 2412MHz ○○○○ ○○2 2417MHz ○○○○ ○○3 2422MHz ○○○○ ○○4 2427MHz ○○○○ ○○5 2432MHz ○○○○ ○○6 2437MHz ○○○○ ○○7 2442MHz ○○○○ ○○8 2447MHz ○○○○ ○○9 2452MHz ○○○○ ○○10 2457MHz ○○○○○○○11 2462MHz ○○○○○○○12 2467MHz ○○○○○13 2472MHz ○○○○○14 2484MHz ○

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