Safety Instruments AVONISIZ7 Viking Z Seven SCBA User Manual Avon Viking Z Seven

International Safety Instruments, Inc. Viking Z Seven SCBA Avon Viking Z Seven

Users Manual

COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 1PREFACEWARNINGS,  CAUTIONS  AND  NOTESPlease read all carefully.Failure to properly use and maintain thisproduct could result in injury or death.INTENTThis manual is intended to acquaint owners and users withthe operation of the VIKING Z SEVEN, CBRN models of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, and to provide importantsafety information and limitations. All information, illustrationsand specifications in this manual are based on the latestproduct information available at the time of printing. The rightis reserved to make changes at any time without notice.IMPORTANTALL PERSONNEL USING THIS APPARATUS SHALL BETHOROUGHLY TRAINED BY A QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORIN DONNING, OPERATION, INSPECTION AND EMER-GENCY OPERATION.EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY INSPECTED,FUNCTIONALLY CHECKED AND CLEANED AFTER EACHEXPOSURE TO INTENSE HEAT OR HARSH CHEMICALS.UNDER A KNOWN CBRN CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE,PROPER DECONTAMINATION AND DISPOSAL PROCE-DURES MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LO-CAL GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR PROCE-DURES. IF CONTAMINATED WITH LIQUID CHEMICALWARFARE AGENTS, DISPOSE OF THE SCBA AFTER DE-CONTAMINATION.The VIKING SCBA is designed to be simple to use and easyto maintain and will operate for many years if properly main-tained and cleaned. The instructions for care and use givenin this manual must be read, understood and carefully fol-lowed before the apparatus is used.The procedures in this manual DO NOT render AVON-ISI lia-ble for any losses or injury arising from any actions based onuse of same.Spare parts and accessories are available through your localAVON-ISI authorized distributor. Service beyond the scope ofthis manual is not recommended. If a problem persists, theapparatus should be removed from service, tagged for repair,and forwarded to an AVON-ISI Certified Service Center or tothe AVON-ISI factory for evaluation and/or repair. Do notmark the unit with inks or paints, which might be flammable,or cover any approved labels, such as NIOSH labels.TRAININGAVON-ISI strongly recommends that the training programused be consistent with NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire De-partment Occupational Safety and Health Programs andNFPA 1852, Standards on Selection, Care, and Maintenanceof Open –Circuit SCBA’s. Training and servicing programsare available upon request. Please contact AVON-ISI or yourlocal distributor for further details.APPROVALSAll Viking Z SEVEN SCBA are CBRN certified and NIOSHapproved, meeting the NFPA 1981 Standard, 2007 Editionand the NFPA 1982 Standard, 2007 Edition (when equippedwith PASS) requirements.NIOSH/OSHA WARNINGSThe following warnings are given in accordance with accept-ed safety conventions and/or NIOSH/OSHA requirements,and apply to the use of breathing apparatus in general.HEALTH LIMITATIONS:  Wearers of the SCBA should becertified medically fit prior to use. In addition, there are bothphysiological and psychological limitations which should beconsidered before using SCBA. They include, but are not lim-ited to:* Emphysema* Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease* Bronchial asthma* X-ray evidence of pneumonia* Evidence of reduced pulmonary function* Coronary artery disease* Severe or progressive hypertension* Epilepsy (grand mal or petit mal)* Pernicious anemia* Diabetes (insipidus or mellitus)* Breathing difficulties when wearing an SCBA* Claustrophobia or anxiety when wearing an SCBA* Abnormal EKG results from resting or stress tests* Punctured or ruptured ear drumWORKING TEMPERATURES:  The VIKING SCBA is ap-proved for respiratory protection during entry into or escapefrom oxygen deficient atmospheres, gases, and vapors attemperatures above -25°F. When used below freezing, caremust be exercised to prevent moisture from entering the de-mand exhalation valve. The facemask should remain on thedocking hook when not in use. On the AirSwitch model, theslide should be stored in the up position when not in use. Forthe RDV demand valve, the RDV should be stored on thedocking station found on the waistbelt. This includes whencylinders are being changed.DURATION OF USE:   Although the VIKING has been ap-proved as either a 30-minute, 45-minute, or 60-minute breath-ing apparatus, the wearer’s varying work rate, physical condi-tion and other factors could substantially shorten the actualusable duration of the unit.SCBA LIMITATIONS:  An SCBA can only protect the wear-er’s respiratory system.  Other protection may be necessaryto avoid contamination through skin absorption. If these typesof materials are suspected, an effective full-body covering ofimpermeable material must be worn with the SCBA. A univer-sal Level A HazMat suit is available for the VIKING SCBAfrom HazMat suit manufacturers.FACIAL HAIR:  Facial hair or any other items which may in-terfere with the facemask-to-face seal, including the nosecup,or the operation of the exhalation valve, must not be allowed.These include beards, sideburns, mustaches, bangs, headcoverings, or anything else that may interfere with the correctseal of the facemask and/or nosecup to the face. See NFPA1500 and ANSI Z88.2EYE WEAR:  Eye glasses shall not be used when the temple
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI2bars interfere with the proper seal of the facemask to theface.  If a user must wear corrective lenses while wearing theSCBA, they can be mounted in the facemask using a speciallens mounting kit (AVON-ISI p/n 136003) available fromAVON-ISI or through your local AVON-ISI authorized distribu-tor.MANUAL BYPASS:  In compliance with NIOSH requirements,the Viking SCBA has a manually operated bypass which pro-vides a continuous flow of air to the facemask when required,independent of normal operation of the regulator. The bypassis opened by turning the red knob on the AirSwitch 90 de-grees in the direction shown by the knob arrow. The RDV by-pass opens by turning towards the user. Use of the bypasswill shorten the duration of the SCBA.CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR VIKING Z SEVENMODELD - Airline respirators can be used only when the respirators aresupplied with respirable air meeting the requirements of CGA G-7.1 Grade D or higher quality.E - Use only the pressure ranges and hose lengths specified in theUser's Instructions.I - Contains electrical parts which have not been evaluated as anignition source in flammable or explosive atmospheres by MSHA/NIOSH.J - Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result ininjury or death.M - All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used andmaintained in accordance with MSHA, OSHA, and otherapplicable regulations.N - Never substitute, modify, add, or omit parts. Use only exactreplacement parts in the configuration as specified by themanufacturer.O - Refer to User's Instructions and/or maintenance manuals forinformation on use and maintenance of these respirators.S - Special or critical User's Instructions and/or specific use limita-tions apply. Refer to User's Instructions before donning.CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR VIKING Z SEVENMODEL WITH CBRN PROTECTION APPROVALI - Contains electrical parts which have not been evaluated as anignition source in flammable or explosive atmospheres by MSHA/NIOSH.J - Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result ininjury or death.M - All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used andmaintained in accordance with MSHA, OSHA, and otherapplicable regulations.N - Never substitute, modify, add, or omit parts. Use only exactreplacement parts in the configuration as specified by themanufacturer.O - Refer to User's Instructions and/or maintenance manuals forinformation on use and maintenance of these respirators.S - Special or critical User's Instructions and/or specific use limita-tions apply. Refer to User's Instructions before donning.Q - Use in conjunction with personal protective ensembles thatprovide appropriate levels of protection against dermal hazards.R - Some CBRN agents may not present immediate effects fromexposure, but can result in delayed impairment, illness or death.T - Direct contact with CBRN agents requires proper handling of theSCBA after each use and between multiple entries during thesame use. Decontamination and disposal procedures must befollowed. If contaminated with liquid chemical warfare agents,dispose of the SCBA after decontamination.U - The respirator should not be used beyond 6 hours after initialexposure to chemical warfare agents to avoid possibility of agentpermeation.WARNINGONLY THOSE SCBA  UNITS THAT DISPLAY THE BELOW LABELON THE BACKFRAME AT THE  ATTACHMENT OF THE CYLINDERSPOON ARE CERTIFIED AS CBRN AGENT APPROVED.NOTE: If your department has both CBRN and non-CBRN approvedunits, be sure to check the backframe for this label prior todonning an SCBA when using in environments where there isthe possibility of cbrn agents being present. Failure to do somay result in injury or death.AVON-ISI ALSO DISPLAYS THIS CBRN LABELON THE FACEMASK OF CBRN AGENTAPPROVED UNITS. THE CBRN FACEMASKLABELS ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE VISORON BOTH THE RIGHT AND LEFT LOWERCORNERS.ANY FACEMASK THAT DOES NOT HAVE THISABOVE LABEL ON THE INSIDE VISOR SHOULD NOT BE USED INENVIRONMENTS WHERE THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OFCHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS BEING PRESENT.FACEMASKS, BACKFRAMES, O-RINGS, AND SEALS ON ANAVON-ISI CBRN APPROVED VIKING SCBA ARE NOT COMPATI-BLE WITH NON-CBRN APPROVED UNITS. DO NOT INTER-CHANGE PARTS WHEN DOING REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE.CONSULT AVON-ISI CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR FURTHER DE-TAILS ON CBRN APPROVED PARTS. REFER TO NIOSH AP-PROVAL MATRIX (PN 084130).S- SPECIAL OR CRITICAL USER’S INSTRUCTIONS• Special or critical User's Instructions and/or specific uselimitations apply. Refer to User's Instructions before donning.• Avon-ISI Recommends breathing air quality in accordance withNFPA 1989, p. 16, sec. 5.2.3, Item 4 standard on breathing airquality for fire and emergency departments.• Approved for respiratory protection during entry into or escape foroxygen deficient atmospheres, gases and vapors at temperaturesabove -25°F.• Approved only when compressed gas container is charged withair meeting the requirements of CGA G-7.1 Grade D or higherquality that has a dew point of -65°F or lower and a maximumparticulate level of 5 mg/m3 air.• The compressed gas container shall meet applicable DOTspecifications.• When used as a combination apparatus, only 20% of the servicepressure may be used on entry.
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 3All Viking Z SEVEN SCBA are NIOSH CBRN agent approved,NIOSH approved and NFPA 1981Standard, 2007 Editioncompliant. The Viking Z SEVEN features a heads-up display(HUD) that monitors cylinder pressure and an emergency RICconnector that is used to refill the air of a down fire fighter.The Viking Z SEVEN model has VAS (Voice AmplificationSystem) and data logging as standard features. Additionaloptions of the Z SEVEN model include radio interface, voiceactivated communications, integrated PASS, buddy breatherand airline. All Vikings are available with light weight carboncylinders in 30, 45 or 60 minute rated durations.The AVON-ISI Viking Z SEVEN is a self-contained, open-cir-cuit, compressed-air breathing apparatus, which is approvedby the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) and certified compliant to NFPA 1981Standard onOpen-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Fire andEmergency Service, 2007 Edition. Positive pressure insidethe facemask, both during inhalation and exhalation, ensuresthat any leakage due to improper fit or component failure willbe an outward flow of air.The Viking Z SEVEN SCBA consists of several major compo-nents described in the following paragraphs.1.1 FACEMASKThe AVON-ISI full facemaskassembly has a two point pull-forward Nomex net harnesswith an optically-corrected,double curve high-impactpolycarbonate visor. The vi-sor’s scratch-resistant coatingconforms to NFPA standards.The interior of the visor has apermanent anti-fog coating.The facemask standard sealis high-strength butyl blendand has a patented blendedshape which fits the firefight-er's helmet without readjust-ment. A standard black inner-mask nosecup reduces dead-airspace and CO2 buildup. The facemask has CBRN labels af-fixed at both lower corners of the visor.An in-mask HUD is mounted to the inner-mask nosecup. Themask display includes five LEDs: red = ¼ full, yellow = ½ full,1st green = ¾ full, 2nd green = full, and the last elevated yel-low = low battery indicator. The HUD indicates remaining cyl-inder pressure and provides the primary end-of-service time1.0   DESCRIPTION OF VIKING Z SEVEN SCBAalarm. The HUD can also provide additional status indicatorsdepending upon the options ordered.1.2 AIRSWITCH® REGULATORThe patented AirSwitch second stage regulator is incorporat-ed into the facemask and combines the demand and exhala-tion valves to greatly reduce breathing resistance. This alsoallows for a longer duration of cylinder use. A speech dia-phragm provides excellent clarity and voice reproductionwhile incorporating the exhalation valve.The AirSwitch features a fresh air mode which allows usersto go from cylinder air to outside air by depressing the twocontrol slide tabs inward and then raising the slide upwardsfully. Push down for cylinder or supplied air. The AirSwitchshould stay open prior to donning and doffing of the VIKINGSCBA. The AirSwitch is made of high performance engi-neered plastics and incorporates a true manual bypass con-trol for emergency use.Down for supplied airUp for ambient air• This approval applies only when the device is supplied withrespirable breathing air through 6 to 300 feet of hose at airpressures between 80 to 120 pounds per square inch gauge orfrom self contained air supply.NOTE:  Viking CBRN SCBAs are not approved for supplied airuse in confirmed or potential CBRN environments.• If the supplied air fails, open the cylinder valve, unplug supply airand proceed to fresh air immediately.•      Use adequate skin protection when worn in gases and vaporsthat poison by absorption (example:  hydrocyanic-acid gas).yellow(low battery)greenyellowredS- SPECIAL OR CRITICAL USER’S INSTRUCTIONS, CONTINUED
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI41.3 REMOVABLE DEMAND VALVE (RDV)REGULATORThe Viking RDVregulator is a maskmounted second stageregulator with a 1/8thturn positive lockingmechanism, whichsecures into thefacemask. The RDVfacemask incorporatesa speech diaphragmthat provides excellentspeech clarity evenunder heavy breathing.The standard HUD is still inside the facemask with themicrophone. Docking the RDV on the facemask also alignsthe electronic connection in one simple step. After removingthe RDV from the facemask, it should be stored in the dockingstation on the waistbelt strap to keep free of dirt and debris.1.4 FIRST STAGE PRESSURE REDUCERAir leaves the cylinder, pass-es through a sintered bronzefilter in the handwheel elbowassembly, and then contin-ues on through a high pres-sure flexible hose to the first-stage pressure reducerwhere it is reduced to ap-proximately 125 psi. The re-ducer is a simple piston typethat requires no adjustmentand incorporates an automat-ic, self-seating pressure relief valve to protect the low-pres-sure components downstream. It is made of high quality alu-minum, and is securely mounted inside the backframe assem-bly.1.5 END-OF-SERVICE INDICATORSThe primary End-of-Service indica-tor is incorporated into the HUD.The display will flash a single redLED at 23% to 27% of rated cylin-der pressure per NIOSH require-ments. The primary end-of-servicealarm meets NFPA 1981, 2007Edition requirements.The secondary End-of-Serviceindicator is a bell mounted in-side the backframe which is setto activate at 23-27% of ratedcylinder pressure per NIOSHand NFPA requirements.1.6 BACKFRAME AND HARNESSThe backframe and harness assembly utilize ergonomic de-sign principles to produce a com-fortable, low profile unit that evenlydistributes the SCBA weight be-tween the wearer’s hips and shoul-ders.The unique double-wall backframeof the Viking protects major airlines,the first stage reducer, bell alarmand digital components. A quick-re-lease cylinder band fits a widerange of cylinders with an infinitelyadjustable latch to ensure a tight fit-ting cylinder.The harness material is NFPA com-pliant, custom woven KEVLAR®.The upper harness has very resilient foam rubber padding foradded comfort and PBI/KEVLAR cover for maximum durabili-ty and protection. There is an optional backframe plate thatcan be ordered (p/n 099038) to reinforce the upper harnessstraps for departments that do heavy simulation training offire fighter rescue operations. A lower lumbar pad is standardfor added comfort and support.1.7 CONTROL CONSOLEThe control console and PASS assembly communicate witheach other through a wirelessnetwork. The network uses a dis-creet frequency that eliminatesnoise and resistance to other ra-dio frequencies. This wirelessnetwork joins the Control Con-sole and PASS assembly to-gether, allowing for constant datato be exchanged. The PASS mo-tion sensor on the Z SEVEN is inthe Control Console. When mo-tion is detected, the PASS will re-set for 25 seconds.NOTE: Only Duracell MN 1500 or Energizer E91 1.5 volt AAbatteries are to be used with the battery packs. Besure to place batteries in the direction as indicatedon the battery compartment in order to prolong bat-tery and fuse life. Use of other batteries will void theintrinsic safety end of servicealarm
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 51.7.1      SERVICING CYLINDER VALVEAfter each use, and prior to recharging, the cylinder valve mustbe inspected for damage. If a new valve is replacing a valvethat was damaged in use, it will be necessary to hydrotest thecylinder before installing the new valve.NOTE: Any maintenance on the valve that requiresdisassembly should be conducted by an AVON-ISIAuthorized personnel or an AVON-ISI technician whois well trained in the hazards of high pressureequipment. Never attempt to remove the valve fromthe cylinder while there is any pressure in thecylinder. Open the valve completely to be sure it isempty. If the gauge shows pressure but you think thecylinder is empty, contact the AVON-ISI factory foradvice by calling 888-474-7233.NOTE: Prior to revalving a cylinder, you must perform thefollowing inspection:• Remove o-ring from sealing threads on cylindervalve.• Clean threads to remove any lubricant.• Inspect the cylinder threads, ensuring the threadsare not distorted or cracked.• Inspect the valve threads, ensuring the threads arenot distorted or cracked.• Install new o-ring.If any threads are distorted or cracked, the parts shouldbe tagged “Out of Service” and be condemned.1.8 CYLINDER AND VALVE ASSEMBLYA range of cylinder types and capacities are available on theVIKING 2216 psi and 4500 psi models. (Please see the tablein Section 1.10 for specifics.)The cylinder valve is of aluminum construction with apermanent teflon coating. The valve outlet is a standardCGA-346 fitting on 2216 psi cylinders, and a standard CGA-347 fitting on 4500 psi cylinders. Each valve has a dual-reading pressure gauge. Valve protection is provided by anelastomeric bumper. See section 2.3.2 for inspection prior touse.The valve can be used with AVON- ISI cylinder assembliesbetween 23 cubic feet and 87 cubic feel. The cylinder valvehas a burst disc type safety device to protect the cylinderfrom over pressurization.The cylinders and valve are matched according to pressure.The maximum pressure on the gauge built into the cylindervalve should match the pressure rating on the cylinder. A2216 psi valve will not fit into a 4500 psi cylinder and viceversa. For easy recognition AVON- ISI has made 4500 psihandwheels red and a 2216 psi handwheel black. (Exception:Every Viking Z SEVEN has a RIC fitting attached near thehandwheel that allows a downed fire fighter to have theircylinder charged from an outside source. NFPA 1981, 2007Edition requires this fitting on all SCBA’s manufactured for firefighters. The RIC fitting is compatible with othermanufacturers and is intended as an emergency refill only.The RIC fitting will not work as a transfill system between twoSCBA’s.  There is a dust cap cover for the fitting to preventdebris on the fitting. See section 4.7 for detailed workinginstructions.1.10 Mounting SCBAIf you mount the Viking Z Seven in a jump seat or mountingsystem of any vehicle, you must ensure that the mounting de-vice meets NFPA standards and that the mounting devicedoes not interfere with components such as cylinder, thatcould cause damage or cause sudden loss of cylinder pres-sure.all Viking ST models will have black handwheels no matterwhat the pressure rating of the cylinder.)The cylinder valve has two sets of male threads - one willscrew into the cylinder and the other is used to attach to thepneumatics of the SCBA. The latter threads are referred to asCGA (Compressed Gas Association) threads. It is important toprotect the CGA threads so that the pneumatics will alwaysscrew onto them without doing damage to the handwheel onthe pneumatics.If any threads are distorted or cracked, the parts shouldbe tagged “Out of Service” and be condemned.HANDLING PRECAUTIONS:NEVER LIFT OR CARRY UNIT BY THE HIGH PRESSUREHOSES.  IF A HIGH PRESSURE HOSE BECOMES KINKEDOR OTHERWISE DAMAGED, IT SHOULD BE REPLACED.CHECK FOR DAMAGE NEXT TO THE METAL ENDS OFTHE HOSE.1.9 RAPID INTERVENTION CREW (RIC) FITTING
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI61.10 VIKING CYLINDER TABLEaAll Carbon Cylinders have 5 year hydrostatic intervals.024.037.00 2216 Aluminum 1287 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min. 20.5 lbs. 6.9 in. 5 years Life024.035.00 2216 Hoop-Wrapped Glass 1301 liters, 45.5 cu. ft. 30 min. 16.0 lbs. 6.9 in. 3 years 15 years124001 2216 Full Wrapped Carbon 1301 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min. 10.4 lbs. 6.8 in. 5 yearsa15 years024.098.00 4500 Hoop-Wrapped Glass 1287 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min 15.9 lbs. 5.5 in. 3 years 15 years124002 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 1287 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min. 11.0 lbs. 5.4 in. 5 yearsa15 years124003 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 1887 liters, 66 cu. ft. 45 min. 14.8 lbs. 6.8 in. 5 yearsa15 years124004 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 2516 liters, 88 cu. ft. 60 min. 19.2 lbs. 7.1 in. 5 yearsa15 years124027 4500 Hoop-Wrapped Glass 1287 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min 15.9 lbs. 4.0 in. 3 years 15 years124028 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 1287 liters, 45 cu. ft. 30 min 11.0 lbs. 5.4 in. 5 yearsa15 years124029 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 1887 liters, 66 cu. ft. 45 min 14.8 lbs. 56.8 in. 5 yearsa15 years124030 4500 Full Wrapped Carbon 2516 liters, 88 cu. ft. 60 min 19.2 lbs. 7.1 in. 5 yearsa15 years024.066.00 4500 Full Wrapped Glass 1282 liters, 45.3 cu. ft. 30 min 14.1 lbs. 5.6 in. 3 years 15 years024.085.00 4500 Full Wrapped Glass 1854 liters, 65.5 cu. ft. 45 min 18.9 lbs. 6.8 in. 3 years 15 yearsPart Pressure Material Free Air Capacity NIOSH Rated Cylinder & Cylinder Hydrostatic CylinderNumber PSIG Duration @ Valve Charged Diameter Interval Lifeb40 lpm WeightWARNINGTHE APPARATUS MUST NOT BE USED UNTIL THE FOL-LOWING TESTS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY COMPLET-ED.  ANY DISCREPANCY NOTED DURING THE PRE-USECHECK AND INSPECTION SHALL BE CORRECTED ONLYBY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL PRIOR TO USE OF THEAPPARATUS.2.3.1 Visually inspect complete apparatus for worn oraged parts and damaged components.2.3.2      Basic cylinder inspection shall include:A. Inspect gauge for damage.B. Inspect cylinder for mechanical damage (cracks,dents, gouges) or signs of heat or chemicaldamage. (Refer to CGA C-6.2 Guideline for VisualInspection and Requalification of Fiber ReinforcedHigh Pressure Cylinders for all wrapped cylin-ders.)C. Check that hydrostatic test date on cylinder iscurrent.D. Check that cylinder valve threads are not dam-aged.E. Check that the valve body is not bent.F.  Check that the burst disc outlet is clean and freeof debris.G. If any item listed above is noted, depressurizecylinder to a slight positive pressure, tag, and takeout of service. 2.1 UNPACKINGOpen the storage case or shipping container. Observe the rel-ative position and placement of the various components forfuture repacking. Remove the SCBA from the container andplace on a clean dry surface. Remove the facemask from pro-tective bag. Remove battery pack from protective bag. Installbattery pack into backframe according to battery pack instal-lation instruction in section 8.3. Install control console batter-ies according to installation instructions in section 8.3. Re-move Posichek 3 test results and keep in a file for reference.2.2 INVENTORY AND EXAMINATIONExamine unit for physical condition and appearance of allcomponents. Be sure the following major components are in-cluded:•Facemask and regulator assembly in storage bag•Backframe and harness assembly•Cylinder and valve assembly•Batteries for control console•Backframe battery pack with batteries for- if equippedwith PASS•Options ordered with unit: buddy breather, airline, etc.2.3 ROUTINE CHECKS AND INSPECTIONSThe following procedure shall be used for new incoming unitsand daily inspections of the apparatus. An SCBA not routinelyused, but kept for emergency use, shall be inspected at leastmonthly. All other breathing apparatus shall additionally be in-spected after each use.NOTE: BLACK KEVLAR CYLINDER BAGS (PART #: 138082, 138091, 138092, 138093) ARE OPTIONAL COSMETIC COVERS THAT MAY BE PURCHASED TO COVER CYLINDERS.2.0   ROUTINE CHECKS
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 72.3.3 AirSwitch:  Open control slide on AirSwitch bypressing inward and upward on two protruding tabson both sides of control slide. Also make sure thered bypass knob is in the closed position (i.e. fullyturned clockwise when looking at front of mask). Seeparagraph 3.1.9 for connection instructions.RDV:  Push inward on the RDV First Breath Button.Also, make sure the red bypass knob is in the closedposition.2.3.4 Ensure high pressure handwheel is tightened com-pletely prior to opening the cylinder valve. Open thecylinder valve slowly by turning the cylinder valveknob counterclockwise to the fully open position.The console should emit an audible chirp. The bellshould activate and then shut off. There should beno air flow from the facemask. If air is flowing, checkthat the bypass valve is closed.WARNINGENSURE THAT ONLY A 2216 PSI CYLINDER IS USEDWITH LOW PRESSURE PNEUMATICS AND A 4500 PSICYLINDER IS USED WITH HIGH PRESSURE PNEUMAT-ICS.2.3.5 CHECK CYLINDER PRESSURE: The heads-up dis-play will have four lights "on" when the cylinder isfull. When the cylinder pressure is between 3/4 and7/8, the top green light will be flashing and the ana-log pressure gauge readout should read at or abovethe 7/8th level. If the top green light is "off" or belowthe specified levels, refill the cylinder or replace witha fully charged cylinder.2.3.6 AirSwitch:  While holding the facemask, push downon the top of the control slide to close the AirSwitchand QUICKLY push back to the UP position. Thereshould be a rush of air when the slide is pusheddown, and the air flow should stop when the slide isin the UP position.RDV:  RDV can be attached from either left or rightorientation. Dock RDV into facemask by turning theRDV until the bypass knob is facing either the 1o'clock or 4 o'clock position depending on user com-fort. Place RDV into mask and rotate till latch is inthe 12 o'clock position (1/8th turn to lock).  Inhale toactive airflow. Attempt to rotate RDV to ensure RDVis locked.2.3.7 Open bypass and check for constant air flow. Closebypass.2.3.8 BATTERY CHECK:  If the batteries are low, the topyellow LED on the HUD will be "ON". In addition, ifequipped with PASS, the control console will make abeeping noise every 15 seconds to alert the status ofthe PASS battery and the console LED will be red.See paragraph 8.3 to replace the batteries.2.3.9 LEAK TEST:  For the Airswitch, ensure the controlslide is in the up position and the bypass is closed.For the RDV, push inward on the first breath buttonto stop airflow and make sure bypass is closed. Us-ing a full cylinder, open the cylinder valve slowly untilthe pneumatics are completely pressurized. Allowpressure to stabilize for 30 seconds. Close cylindervalve for one minute. Open cylinder valve slowly andobserve the analog gauge needle movement. If theneedle on the gauge moves more than 1/8th inch, theViking should be removed from service and taggedfor repair.bypasslatchFirst 4 lights ofthe HUD showscylinder pressure
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI8WARNINGIF ANY OF THE PREVIOUS TESTS FAIL, REMOVE APPA-RATUS FROM SERVICE, TAG, AND RETURN FOR REPAIRBY AVON-ISI AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL.TECHNICIAN MAINTENANCEAT LEAST ONCE PER YEAR, THE ENTIRE SCBA SHOULDBE PLACED OUT OF SERVICE AND TAGGED FOR ANNU-AL FLOW TESTING BY AN AVON-ISI AUTHORIZEDTRAINED TECHNICIAN.2.4 SCBA RETIREMENTOver the course of time, the Viking SCBA needs to be evalu-ated on its' overall condition. Inspect the Viking's harness as-sembly for frayed, deteriorating harness', stress cracks in thebackframe and in general, it's overall condition. Another con-sideration is passing the annual dynamic flow testing require-ments. Over time components may need to be replaced orconsideration must be made to retire the SCBA.Fire Department that plans on retiring their SCBA's or nolonger meet the current NFPA requirements, should reviewNFPA 1852, 2002 Edition, section 4.3 and 4.6 for guidelineson retiring an SCBA.3.1 DONNING PROCEDURES3.1.1 Position the VIKING SCBA on the ground with thecylinder valve facing away from the wearer.3.1.2 Spread the shoulder straps and fold open the sidearms.  Ensure all strap assemblies (side and waist)are fully extended and waist belt buckle assembly isnot connected.  Reach inside the harness assemblyand grasp the frame with both hands.3.1.3 Swing the unit up and over the head, making surethat the elbows extend through the loops formed bythe shoulder straps.  Allow the unit to slide down theback.3.1.4 Pull directly down on the shoulder straps to adjustposition of unit on back, attach chest strap.3.1.5 Connect the waistbelt buckle and adjust waistbelt toa comfortable snug fit by pulling simultaneously onboth left and right adjustment straps. Tuck the ex-cess waistbelt and shoulder strap pull-downs insidethe waistbelt.2.3.10 PASS: If equipped, open cylinder to pressurize thepneumatics console and PASS alarm should chirptwice to indicate both devices are active. AllowPASS to go into pre-alarm and full alarm. ResetPASS. Inspect console for cracks and abrasion, ob-serve low battery indicators on front cover of con-sole. Inspect front speaker cover for cracks. Refer tosection 9.0 for console function buttons. If any partof console is damaged, tag the unit our of service.2.3.11 LOW PRESSURE ALARM TEST:  Gradually reducethe system pressure by slightly opening the bypassvalve. Verify that the bell sounds and the mask dis-play blinks a single red LED as the needle from theanalog gauge is at the 1/4th increment.2.3.12 Check the RIC fitting to ensure the dust cover is inplace.IMPORTANTCOMPLETE ALL ROUTINE CHECKS AND INSPECTIONPROCEDURES OUTLINED IN SECTION 2 BEFORE START-ING DONNING PROCEDURES, SECTION 3.3.0   DONNING PROCEDURES AND SAFETY CHECKS
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 93.1.8 To connect the facemask to the Viking unit, connectelectronics plug partially into socket, then connectfacemask plug into connector. Press firmly in to lockboth fittings into each socket. A click should beheard when it is locked in place securely.NOTE: When connecting the facemask hose to the connec-tor, make sure both hoses are connected and thesocket sleeve has moved forward. If socket sleevehas moved forward without the facemask hose con-nected, air will leak out of the socket connector.For the RDV mask, the HUD electronic connectionis made when the RDV is docked into the facemask.Prior to donning the RDV, ensure that the contactpins are free of any debris.NOTE: In an IDLH atmosphere, such as a CBRN response,ensure that the facemask is connected to the pneu-matic connection prior to entering the hazardousarea to prevent contamination.NOTE: Prior to docking the RDV, the user can perform anegative pressure check on the AVON-ISI mask.Place your hand to block off the RDV opening in thefacemask. Inhale slightly and hold your breath.Facemask should move inward slightly and stay inthat position unit user exhales. It may be difficult toperform this with a gloved hand. Annual fit testing isrequired to ensure proper fit. Two LED on consolewill be greenNOTE: It is not necessary to perform a negative pressurecheck on the AirSwitch because it is designed as apositive pressure facemask. AVON-ISI recommendsannual fit testing to ensure a proper fitting facemask.AVON-ISI offers facemasks in three different sizes toensure a proper fit. Refer to the AVON-ISI InstructionSheet for the Viking Facemask (p/n 084022, a/wA49022) for proper sizing of the facemask.contactpinsPull strapsFORWARDon netharness3.1.6 Don AirSwitch mask: With the control slide in the"up" position and with one hand on the head harnessstraps, put chin into facemask first and then pull har-ness straps over head. Position facemask so thatchin fits snugly into chin cup and pull the two har-ness adjusters forward evenly. Pull net toward baseof the skull to ensure it is seated fully.Don RDV mask: Do not dock the RDV regulator un-til after the mask is donned. With one hand on thehead harness straps, place chin into facemask andthen pull harness strap over users head. Positionfacemask so the chin fits securely in the chin cupand pull the two harness adjusters forward evenly.Pull net toward base of the skull to ensure it isseated fully.IMPORTANTDO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE FACEMASK. DOING SO MAYCAUSE DISCOMFORT OR FACEMASK DEFORMATIONAND LEAKAGE.3.1.7 Ensure the AirSwitch control slide is in the UP(open) position, and the bypass valve is closed.WARNINGBE SURE TO ALIGN THE CONNECTOR AND FACEMASKPLUG CORRECTLY AS SHOWN ABOVE. DAMAGE WILLRESULT TO THE PIN IN THE CONNECTOR IF THE ELEC-TRONICS PLUG IS MISTAKENLY PUSHED INTO IT.electronicsplugfacemask plugconnector
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI103.1.9 Ensure high pressure handwheel is tightened com-pletely prior to opening the cylinder valve. Open thecylinder valve slowly by turning the cylinder valvecounter-clockwise to the fully OPEN position. Thecontrol console should emit an audible chirp.Ifequipped with PASS, the PASS should emit an au-dible chirp.  The bell should activate and then shutoff and the HUD should be "on", showing quarter in-crements of cylinder pressure. The yellow "low bat-tery" LED will light and then turn off.NOTE: On the RDV, the HUD will activate AFTER the RDVis docked into the facemask.3.1.10 AirSwitch: To activate cylinder airflow push downon the control slide.RDV: To activate air flow, remove RDV from dockingstation on waistbelt and dock the RDV on thefacemask by orientating the bypass valve in the 1o'clock or 4 o'clock position, push RDV into the frontopening, and rotate 1/8th turn. Inhale to activate air-flow.WARNINGIF USER IS UNABLE TO ACTIVATE THE “FIRST BREATH”OPEN BYPASS IMMEDIATELY, REMOVE RDV, CLOSECYLINDER VALVE AND TAG “OUT OF SERVICE”.3.2 SAFETY CHECKSWARNINGTHESE SAFETY CHECKS MUST BE PERFORMED BE-FORE ENTERING A HAZARDOUS AREA.  FAILURE TOPERFORM THESE CHECKS MAY RESULT IN RESPIRATO-RY INJURY OR DEATH.3.2.1 AirSwitch positive pressure fit check:  With cylin-der valve open, push down on the control slide to ac-tivate air supply and breathe normally.RDV positive pressure fit check: With the maskdonned and the RDV docked, inhale to activate air-flow.Insert two fingers between the facemask and face.Gently lift the facemask seal away from the face andensure a good outward flow of air, showing that thefacemask pressure is positive. Reseal facemask andstop breathing for 3 seconds. There should be nosound of air leaking from the regulator, and thereshould be no airflow sensed in the eye region of themask.3.2.2 ALARM CHECK:  Close the cylinder valve and con-tinue to breathe normally. As the air reaches the ¼full level the red LED light should flash rapidly andall other lights should be out. The secondary bellalarm should also activate.3.2.3 Open cylinder valve. Take two to three deep breathsto ensure you are getting adequate air into thefacemask. The facemask should not move towardsyour face.3.2.4 AIRSWITCH BYPASS CHECK:  The red bypassknob is located in the center of the AirSwitch. Turnthe bypass knob clockwise as viewed inside themask (the direction shown by the knob arrow) toopen the bypass valve. A constant flow of air shouldpass into the facemask. Turn the knob in the oppo-site direction to turn the bypass valve off.RDV BYPASS CHECK:  The bypass knob on theRDV is located on the right side (from the wearerview). To open, rotate knob towards the user fully. Aconstant flow of air should pass into the facemask.Turn the knob in the opposite direction to close.bypass
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 11IMPORTANTTHE USER SHOULD BE TRAINED ON HOW TO HANDLE APOSSIBLE EMERGENCY BEFORE ENTERING A HAZARD-OUS AREA.The Viking Z Seven SCBA can be equipped with a variety offully-integrated solid state features that offer safety andcommunication advantages for the user. Review section 9 fordetailed instructions of available options.4.1 READING THE HEADS-UP DISPLAY (HUD)4.1.1 The HUD includes five LED lights: two green, twoyellow and one red. Each of the 4 LEDs in a rowrepresents a quarter increment of the rated servicepressure. As cylinder pressure decreases, the LEDschange status. At full rated service pressure, all fourLEDs are on. As cylinder pressure drops below full,the top green LED begins blinking. At ¾ rated servicepressure, the top green LED turns off and the nextgreen LED begins blinking. At ½ rated servicepressure, the second green LED turns off and theyellow LED begins blinking. At ¼ rated servicepressure, the yellow LED turns off, and the red LEDblinks at a fast rate. The top offset yellow light is a lowbattery indicator. Refer to the following table for moreinformation regarding mask pressure display interpre-tation.3.2.5 RECHECK CYLINDER PRESSURE:  Check theheads-up display. Four lights should be "on". Thetop green light may be flashing, indicating at least7/8th full. Verify the analog gauge is at or above the7/8th level.3.2.6 BATTERY CHECK:  The top yellow LED will be "ON"when the control console batteries are low. If thepass batteries are low, displays red LED on consoleand the pass alarm will chirp every 15 seconds. TheLED on the console will be red. If the SCBA shows alow battery warning, replace batteries in accordancewith section VAS CHECK3.2.7.1 Turn SCBA on by either opening cylinder valve or bymanually depressing on buttons. Hold mask up to face and speak into mask. Listen to speech emanating from VAS speaker andensure its intelligibility and function.WARNINGSIF ANY OF THE ABOVE CHECKS FAIL, DO NOT PRO-CEED. REMOVE THE APPARATUS FROM SERVICE, TAG,AND RETURN FOR REPAIR BY AVON-ISI AUTHORIZEDPERSONNEL.USE OF THE BYPASS IN NON-EMERGENCY SITUATIONSWILL SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE DURATION OF THE AP-PARATUS.THE BYPASS WILL NOT FUNCTION IF THE CYLINDER ISOUT OF AIR.yellow (B)(low battery)greenyellowred4.0  DURING USERemainingCylinderPressureFullFull → 3/43/4 → 1/21/2 → 1/4Below 1/4 Low battery:consoleRED••••YELLOW•••GREEN•••GREEN YELLOW• = On = Blinking = Off•4.2 NORMAL USE4.2.1 Monitor cylinder pressure for remaining air supplyusing the HUD. Cylinder pressure can also bemonitored with the analog pressure gauge. Refer tochart in paragraph 4.1.1 for the LED light sequence.4.2.2 The end-of-service-time alarms (mask display andbell) activate when there is approximately 25% of thefull air supply remaining.  Egress when alarmsactivate.  WARNING:  25% OF A FULL CYLINDERMAY BE INSUFFICIENT IN SOME CIRCUM-STANCES TO SAFELY EXIT FROM AN IDLHATMOSPHERE. One example would be a long-distance ingress through a continuous IDLH atmo-sphere. In such situations, begin egress prior toactivation of the end-of-service-time indicator.4.3 CBRN SPECIFIC ACTIONSHazardous materials, such as CBRN agents, maynot present immediate effects from exposure, but canresult in delayed impairment, illness, or death.Use the AVON-ISI Viking with CBRN agent approvalin conjunction with personal protective ensemblesthat provide appropriate levels of protection against
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI12dermal hazards. Refer to page 2 of this manual,Cautions and Limitations for CBRN ProtectionApproval.4.4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHANGINGCYLINDERS4.4.1 Make sure cylinder valve is closed and all air is re-leased from the pneumatic system.4.4.2 Pull outward on the upper portion of the locking latchto release tension.4.4.3 Disconnect handwheel from cylinder valve and re-move cylinder by sliding cylinder upward throughcylinder band.4.4.4 Insert new full cylinder by sliding down throughcylinder band until cylinder rests against bottomretainer. Connect handwheel to cylinder valve andposition cylinder.4.4.5 Close the locking latch.4.5 CYLINDER BAND ADJUSTMENT4.5.1 Pull outward on the upper portion of the lockinglatch to release tension.4.5.2 To loosen the cylinder band, grab the inner cylinderband strap and pull out/away from the adjustmentlatch.To tighten the cylinder band, grab the outer cylinderband strap and pull up/away from the adjustmentlatch.  Slide the slack across the inner strap.4.5.3 Further adjust cylinder band length until tight.  Makesure that the locking latch is in the open position. Slide the slack across the lower strap.4.5.4 Close the locking latch.NOTE: Over tightening latch can break the latch. Cylinderband should hold cylinder firmly.4.6 EMERGENCY EGRESS INDICATORSIf any of the following situations occur, egress immediately:A. Exposure to flashoverB. Exposure to high temperatureC. Harness failureD. Chattering or unusual noises from SCBAE. Submersion in water (Note: In this situation the VIKINGwill continue to supply air on demand to a depth of atleast 3 meters.)F. SCBA subjected to high impact such as a fallG. Air flow decreases such that the facemask movesinward toward the face during inhalation (Note: In thissituation, open bypass to provide extra, constant flow.)H. Air flows constantly at a high rate (Note: In thissituation, adjust the flow rate by slowly closing thecylinder valve until a comfortable flow rate is estab-lished. The flow rate should match the bypass flow rateduring normal operation.)
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 13I . Digital pressure gauge, mask pressure display, orother digital options cease to function properly.J. End-of-service indicators activate.K. Chemical agent egress indicators:1. Dizziness2. Partial loss of vision3. Shortness of breath4. Restricted breathing5. Localized pain6. Redness of skin4.7 RIC FITTING PROCEDURESThe RIC fitting is designed as an emergency refill only andhas specific uses and functions per NFPA 1981, 2007Edition. The system can only be used to fill approved SCBAcylinders. The RIC fitting has an internal balanced pistonthat prevents over pressurization of a cylinder. A check valveprevents fire fighters from transfilling SCBA’s, or any otherunapproved use on AVON-ISI products. Users will be able tohave a 4500 psi cylinder as a supplied air system andconnect to a 2216 psi SCBA RIC connector. Air will stopflowing automatically from the high-pressure cylinder whenthe correct pressure (2216 or 4500) is achieved.To recharge a cylinder on a downed fire fighter, an approvedcharging hose must be used. The AVON-ISI Rescuer usesthe following approved hoses: a 3 foot RIC Charging Hose(p/n 162051), a 6 foot RIC Charging Hose (p/n 162052), or a10 foot RIC Charging Hose (p/n 162053) for filling thecylinder in IDLH atmospheres.4.7.1 Open cylinder valve of supplied air and remove thedust cap from the RIC charging hose. Inspect thefire fighters cylinder for damage and ensure that thecylinder valve is fully opened.WARNINGCYLINDERS THAT ARE DAMAGED MAY SUDDENLYRUPTURE IF CHARGED.4.7.2 Remove dust cap from the RIC fitting on the SCBAand attach the RIC charging hose to it. Listen forleaks on the SCBA that is being filled. Rechargingwill take between 2-4 minutes, depending on thecylinder duration and pressure. When the pressuresequalize, unplug the charging hose from the SCBAand replace dust covers and exit. During aprolonged rescue, users can leave the supplied aircylinder plugged into the downed fire fighter’sSCBA, adding additional duration to the cylinder.NOTE: If any time during charging, a leak is detected;discontinue charging and exit IDLH atmosphereimmediately.NOTE: In a non-emergency situation, cylinders shall not berefilled through the RIC.4.7.3 Once clear of an IDLH atmosphere, close the cylindervalve on the RIC charging hose. Ensure there is nodebris in the dust cap prior to pushing on the dustcap. The bottom of the dust cap reads "press torelieve". With dust cap in place, push down on dustcap on a hard surface to bleed pressure.4.7.4 Top off cylinder attached to charging hose before nextuse to ensure proper service time.IMPORTANTDO NOT REMOVE ANY EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU ARECLEAR OF AN IDLH ATMOSPHERE.4.8 PASSThe wireless network between the PASS and control consolemust always be updating. You must verify on start-up that theconsole's LEDs are green. If console LED flashes red for morethan 30 seconds, the PASS will go into alarm and will not turnoff until backframe batteries are removed. Usually the cause islow battery from either power source that never was changed.bottom of RICcharging hose
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 15IMPORTANTDirect contact with CBRN agents requires proper handling ofthe SCBA after each use and between multiple entries duringthe same use. Decontamination and disposal procedures mustbe followed. If contaminated with liquid chemical warfareagents, dispose of the SCBA after decontamination. Forcomplete instructions on decontamination procedures for achemical environment, please reference National InstituteStandard Technology (NIST) Special Publication 981 AVOID DAMAGE TO THE VISOR, DO NOT PLACE THEFACEMASK DOWN ON ROUGH SURFACES.6.1 CLEANING AIRSWITCH REGULATOR ANDFACEMASK6.1.1 Disconnect facemask hose by pushing connectorinto socket and pulling back on the socket sleeve.The electronics will unplug with the facemask hose.Open the AirSwitch.6.1.2 Wash the facemask in cool to warm soapy water.Use a mild, non-detergent, dish washing soap (e.g.Ivory). The heads-up display is completely submers-ible.NOTE: Do not immerse the hose end and electrical connec-tor in water.6.1.3 After rinsing, shake to remove excess water, pluginto low pressure line and close AirSwitch to allowfree-flow for a few seconds. Repeat process severaltimes.NOTE: Where further cleaning due to heavy contaminationis required, clean with AVON-ISI recommended dis-infectant/cleaner (p/n 013004) after rinsing thefacemask. Use of other disinfectants may causedamage to SCBA components.6.1.4 When dry, polish the visor inside and out with a softclean, lint-free cloth.6.1.5 Ensure all head harness straps are fully extended,ready for use.WARNINGIF THE APPARATUS IS LIKELY TO BE STORED AT TEM-PERATURES BELOW FREEZING (32°F), THE FACEMASKMUST BE THOROUGHLY DRIED WITH PARTICULAR AT-TENTION TO THE AIRSWITCH.6.2 CLEANING RDV FACEMASK6.2.1 Disconnect RDV from the facemask by pulling backon latch and rotate 1/8 turn. Dock on RDV dockingstation.WARNINGDO NOT SUBMERSE RDV INTO WATER. DOING SO WILLDAMAGE INTERNAL COMPONENTS OF THE REGULA-TOR.6.2.2 Wash the facemask in cool to warm soapy water.Use a mild, non-detergent, dish washing soap (e.g.Ivory). The heads-up display is completely submers-ible.6.2.3 After rinsing, shake to remove excess water.6.2.4 Towel dry inside and out with a soft clean, lint-freecloth until no water is visible.NOTE: Where further cleaning due to heavy contaminationis required, clean with AVON-ISI recommended dis-infectant/cleaner (p/n 013004) after rinsing thefacemask. Use of other disinfectants may causedamage to SCBA components.6.3 CLEANING SCBA6.3.1 Fully extend shoulder straps and waistbelt to fullopen position. Clean off any dirt with a mediumbristle brush or sponge and a mild, non-detergentdishwashing soap.NOTE: Do not use bleach or any compound containing chlo-rine as they will tend to rapidly deteriorate the fabric.CAUTIONIF IT IS NECESSARY TO CLEAN THE EXTERIOR OF THEAIRSWITCH, CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO ENSURE NOTRACE AMOUNTS OF WATER ARE LEFT IN THEAIRSWITCH OPENING. CONNECT UNIT TO FULL CYLIN-DER AND ACTIVATE THE AIRSWITCH'S BYPASS ANDCONTROL SLIDE TO BLOW WATER OUT, PARTICULARLYIF THE APPARATUS IS TO BE USED OR STORED AT TEM-PERATURES BELOW FREEZING.WARNINGDO NOT IMMERSE BELL OR CONTROL CONSOLE INWATER. PERFORM ALL TESTING AND MAINTENANCEWORK IN A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT.NOTE:   The control console on the Viking should be cleanedor decontaminated by using a clean, damp cloth withan AVON-ISI recommended disinfectant/cleaner(Part Number 013004).6.0   AFTER USE CLEANINGelectricalconnector
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI16stored empty with the cylinder valve closed to preventcontamination or condensation inside the cylinder.8.2.2 Prior to filling cylinder, follow the basic inspectionprocedures outlined in paragraph Cylinder air shall meet or exceed the standards inNFPA 1500, paragraph Fill cylinder to maximum rated pressure (FULL). Waitat least 30 minutes to allow cylinder to cool, then addextra air to return to full at room temperature. (Note:pressure drops when cylinder temperature drops.)8.3 BATTERY PACKSBATTERIES FOR CONTROL CONSOLE: Thecontrol console battery pack powers the HUD, VASand radio interface. The battery pack accommodatessix alkaline batteries. The low battery indicator is thein-mask HUD offset top yellow light, displaying a solidyellow light. The LED light on the console will be asolid red.BATTERIES FOR PASS: The PASS battery packwithin the backframe powers only the PASS option.It accommodates two sets of four AA alkalinebatteries. Each set of four is independent of theother in case of a battery failure. As battery voltagedrops, each set of four batteries switch to thehighest voltage side available until the HUD lowbattery indicator shows that all eight batteries needreplacing. The low battery indicator is the in-maskHUD offset top yellow light, displaying a solid yellowlight. The PASS alarm will also emit an audible chirpNOTE: The Viking SCBA facemask and elastomers shouldbe inspected periodically for cracks, abrasions, cutsand signs of heat or chemical damage. If detected,the unit should be taken out of service until repaired.8.1 MAINTENANCE INTERVALS8.1.1 Perform annual dynamic flow test using Posichek IIIwith AVON-ISI software as outlined in NFPA 1852.8.1.2 Every three years disassemble, clean and inspect o-rings on major components.8.2 CYLINDER FILLING PROCEDURES8.2.1 Basic cylinder inspection shall include:A. Inspect gauge for damage.B. Inspect cylinder for mechanical damage (cracks,dents, gouges) or signs of heat or chemicaldamage. (Refer to CGA C-6.2 "Guideline forVisual Inspection and Requalification of FiberReinforced High Pressure Cylinders" for allwrapped cylinders.)C. Check that hydrostatic test date on cylinder iscurrent.D. Check that cylinder valve threads are notdamaged.E. Check that the valve body is not bent.F. Check that the burst disc outlet is clean and freeof debris.G. If any item listed above is noted, depressurizecylinder to a slight positive pressure, tag, andtake out of service.NOTE: Cylinders that are tagged for repair should always be7.1 SCBA STORAGE7.1.1 Complete routine checks and inspection proceduresoutlined in Section 2.3 of this manual.7.1.2 Ensure complete apparatus is clean and dry.7.1.3 Ensure AirSwitch is in the UP position, and the by-pass knob is in the CLOSED position.7.1.4 Ensure RDV is stored in RDV docking station.7.1.5 Ensure facemask and head harness straps are fullyextended. Unplug facemask assembly and store incase, positioned to avoid distortion.7.1.6 Ensure shoulder and waistbelt straps are fully ex-tended.7.1.7 Place the complete apparatus in the storage case orsuitable storage place so it can be easily reached foremergency use.7.1.8 Mounting SCBA in vehicle:  When storing the SCBAusing mounting brackets, ensure that brackets aresecure and that no sharp objects will come in contactwith the SCBA. Ensure that the brackets do not inter-fere with the backframe components.7.1.9 Ensure control console is turned off and is clean anddry.7.0 SCBA STORAGE8.0    USER MAINTENANCE
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 17every 12 seconds and the console LED pass light willbe red.NOTE: Electronics will operate at least two hours in lowbattery mode.Battery life depends on many variables. Some firedepartments may use the Viking once every day forsix months before they have to change batteries.Another fire department may only use the Vikingonce a month. Both batteries may have to bereplaced within six months. The difference is theamount of power loss from using the electronicoptions. The Viking Z SEVEN has several optionsthat can increase battery consumption. The VASdraws about 700 ma. and radio communicationsdraws about 250 ma. The rest of the lights that useLED’s draw very little power. Heat and cold alsoaffect battery life. During internal heat tests (160 ºF)and cold tests (-25º F) battery life dropped by 50%.WARNINGWHEN REPLACING THE AA BATTERIES, ENSURE THATTHE BATTERIES ARE NOT INSTALLED BACKWARDSWITHIN THE BATTERY PACK. REVERSING THEPOLARITY OF THE BATTERY FOR EVEN ONE SECONDCAN CAUSE THE BATTERY TO LEAK OVER TIME. IF ABATTERY IS INSTALLED BACKWARDS, DO NOT USETHIS BATTERY BUT DISPOSE OF THIS BATTERY.FAILURE TO REPLACE THIS BATTERY WILL CAUSECORROSION OVER TIME AND CAUSE A COMPLETEBATTERY FAILURE.Note: Only Duracell MN 1500 or Energizer E91 AAbatteries are approved for use through intrinsicsafety standards for use on the Viking SCBA.8.3.1 CONTROL CONSOLE BATTERY PACK REMOVAL:Remove the two screws on the back cover of theconsole. Seperate the cover from the console base.It may be necessary to carefully pry the cover off.The batteries are in pairs of two.8.3.2 CONTROL CONSOLE BATTERY REPLACEMENT:Remove old batteries, observice the polarity. Installnew batteries using new alkaline MN 1500 or E 91AA batteries. Ensure that each battery touches eachcontact point. Tighten screws to secure backconsole cover. Do NOT over-tighten.8.3.3 PASS BATTERY PACK INSTALLATION:  Ensurebattery pack seal is in place, free from debris, andthat the “T” guard between the battery clips is inplace, protecting against shorting out the batteryfuse. Push battery pack into battery compartmentsuch that the clips snap over the two brass contactpins. The control console will turn on, emit an audiblechirp, and then turn off.  Secure battery pack tobackframe with four Torx screws.8.3.4 PASS BATTERY PACK REMOVAL:  Completelyloosen four Torx screws which secure the batterypack to the backframe. Begin lifting battery pack out ofthe battery compartment by prying with a coin or flat-head screwdriver under the battery pack recess.8.3.5 PASS BATTERY REPLACEMENT:  With the batterypack removed from the backframe, remove oldbatteries from battery pack and replace with new AAalkaline batteries.  Ensure that each battery is properlyinstalled, noting polarity as shown in battery compart-ment and battery compartment tray. Ensure that eachbattery touches both battery pack contacts. Ensurebattery pack seal is in place, free from debris. Priorto placing the battery pack within the backframe,ensure that the “T” guard between the battery postsis in place, protecting against shorting out thebattery fuse. Push battery pack into battery compart-ment such that the clips snap over the two brasscontact pins. The control console will turn on, emit anaudible chirp, and then turn off. Secure battery packto backframe with four Torx screws.8.4 NET HEAD HARNESS REPLACEMENTTools Required:  Harness tool8.4.1 Pull up on top retaining clip that holds head harnessin place. Slide harness through the clip and pullthrough bracket. Repeat on other side. Remove lowerstrap from adjuster.8.4.2 Position new head harness to match up withfacemask.8.4.3 Slide head harness through the two top visor brack-ets using harness tool or jeweller screwdriver to pullharness through opening.8.4.4 Slide retaining clip through head harness and lock inplace.8.4.5 Attach lower straps through adjuster rollers.8.5 BACKFRAME HARNESS REMOVAL FORCLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION8.5.1 Upper Shoulder Strap Removal/Installation8.5.1.1 Separate lower shoulder straps from upper shoulderstraps by passing straps through buckles. Pull z-fold  through plastic tabs on left shoulder strap.
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI188.5.1.3 Pull comm cable through Kevlar loops. Slide backframe cap up to provide access to uppershoulder strap brackets. Push upper shoulder straps into backframe approxi-mately one inch. Turn brackets upright and pull out ofbackframe. Pass upper shoulder straps through backframe capslots to remove backframe cap. For installation, reverse the above steps.8.5.2 Side Arm Removal/InstallationTools required: two T-25 torx, Loctite 2228.5.2.1 Remove any accessory that is attached to waist beltstrap. Remove side arms by using two torx drivers tounscrew the bottom screw. To install, reverse the above steps and use Loctite222 on the lower sidearm screws before tightening.8.5.3 Lower Shoulder and Waistbelt Strap Removal andInstallation8.5.3.1 Separate lower shoulder straps from upper shoulderstraps by passing straps through buckles. Remove waistbelt straps by passing waistbelt strapsthrough lower shoulder strap buckles. The male belt buckle is attached to the left side of thebackframe. The female belt buckle is attached to theright side of the backframe (from the user's perspec-tive). Pass right lower shoulder strap through right sidearm. Starting on the outside, pass strap through sidearm until buckle is positioned 3" from side arm. Passback to the outside, then inside, then outside, andthen inside. Pass right lower shoulder strap throughright upper shoulder strap buckle. Do not pass strapthrough two slots at bottom of side arm. Repeatinstructions for left lower shoulder strap.# Description1 PASS Panic button2 Shift key: select voice level activation3 Function key: select On/Off for VAS4 Right LED: green = console power onred = low battery indicator5 Left LED: green = PASS onflashing red = PASS pre or full                             alarm6 PTT - push to talk button for radio com7 Center speaker for VAS and radio com8 PASS reset buttons power on/off buttons9 Radio interface connection10 Facemask interface power cable11 Pressure transducer connectionChart  for Control Console Keys and Description9.1 CONTROL CONSOLE KEYS & FUNCTIONS9.1.1 The control console is mounted on the upper leftshoulder strap. As with the HUD, the console turnson automatically when the cylinder valve is opened.The control console has several function buttons.Please review the following diagram for locationsand the chart for function. All locations are fromthe users perspective.9.0      VIKING Z SEVEN OPTIONSNOTE: At <120 psi = HUD will not display any lightsAuto off delay - after cylinder is closed,console will turn off automatically after 2minutes on non-pass units.102356748(not pictured)                              91118
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 199.1.2 COMMUNICATIONSThe Viking Z SEVEN is available with several communicationoptions. The microphone is a standard feature and is mountedinside the facemask on the nosecup. It offers excellent speechclarity. All communications have a noise suppressor to reduceexhaled breathing air noise.Note: The Viking Z SEVEN electronics and pneumaticsturn on automatically when the cylinder valve isopened. The SCBA electronics can be turned onmanually by depressing the lower two ON/OFF but-tons on the console. VOICE AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM (VAS)The VAS uses a sealed, in-mask microphone tocapture the user's voice, amplifies it, and thenbroadcasts it from the speaker on the console. Thisis particularly useful in communicating with otherpeople nearby when the SCBA is in the positivepressure mode. VAS is preset to be voice acti-vated. You must speak slightly louder than normalto activate VAS.The VAS is on standby mode whenever the SCBAcylinder is opened. When speech is sensed, it turnson the amplifier and sends it to the console. Shortlyafter speech ends, the amplifier goes back intostandby mode.VAS can be turned off if the user desires. To turnoff the VAS, the cylinder valve must be opened andpower activated to the control console. To disablethe VAS, push inward on the Function key andpush the PTT button. An audible chirp should beheard. VAS is now in the off setting. To turn VASback on, repeat the above function. When the Vi-king SCBA is powered down, the system will defautto VAS "on" when the electronics are activiated. VOICE ACTIVATION LEVELSThe microphone activation level is adjustable for in-dividual preference. Push the Shift button on thefront of the console inward and hold. The HUDfacemask display will flash the preset point of thevoice activation level. To change the settings, whileholding the Shift key, push the PTT button once.This will raise the activation point. Continue to pushthe PTT to your personal preference. Release theShift key to set activation level. To go from Level 4to Level 1, hold the Shift key inward and push thePTT button again.There are ten set points for the voice activationlevel. Level 1 is the most sensitive activation pointup to a Level 10 being the least sensitive activationpoint.  Each level will be displayed a specific num-ber of HUD light(s) that activate. With each in-creased level, less inhalation breathing noise isheard, but voice must be raised higher to begin am-plification in order for  the microphone to detectspeach. The settings are a follows:Level HUD LED Pattern1 Flashing Red2 Red, Flashing Yellow3 Red, Yellow, Flashing Green                               4 Red, Yellow, Green, Flashing Green                               5 Red, Yellow, Green, Green                               6 Flashing Red, Low bat                               7 Red, Flashing Yellow, Low Bat                               8 Red, Yellow, Flashing Green, Low Bat           9 Red, Yellow, Green, Flashing Green, Low Bat                              10 Red, Yellow, Green, Green, Low Bat1     2      3      4     5      6      7      8      9 RADIO INTERFACEWhen the Z SEVEN is equipped with radio interface, ithas the ability to significantly decrease the backgroundnoise of outgoing transmissions. This is due to theplacement of the sealed microphone inside thenosecup, which is well insulated from ambient noise. In-coming transmissions are broadcast from the consolespeaker. On units designed for use by law enforcement,incoming transmissions are recieved through an op-tional ear speaker.A separate radio lead is required to integrate the con-sole to the radio. The radio connects to the interfacecable on the lower control console..There are two ways to key the radio and transmit: in themanual mode, press and hold the Push-To-Talk button(PTT) on the side of the console. As an indication thatthe PTT button has been pressed, the right LED indica-tor light turns green on in the console display and asolid green light on the HUD. If VAS is installed withRadio Interface, the VAS is disabled whenever the radiois keyed.To activate the hands free VOX mode, press and re-lease the PTT button twice within one second (doubleclick). A flashing red light will illuminate on the controlconsole display. In this mode, the radio is keyed auto-matically whenever the SCBA senses user speech. TheHUD will illuminate only the top green (full) light when-ever user speech has keyed the radio. When speechhas ended, the unit automatically turns off the amplifierto conserve the battery and the HUD again monitorscylinder pressure. To end the hands free mode, doubleclick the PTT button again.9.1.3 Viking Z SEVEN PASSThe PASS on the Viking Z Seven is an NFPA 1982compliant Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) thatis integrated with the SCBA and with the otherAmount breathingnoise amplified
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI20electronic systems. It requires no adjustments.The PASS is automatically activated when thecylinder is opened or may be manually turned on bypushing both "ON/OFF" side buttons on the consolesimultaneously. Once turned on, it normally operatesin the “sensing” mode where it looks for motion at theconsole. PASS Operating Instructions       WARNINGALWAYS TEST THE  PASS PRIOR TO ENTRY INTOA HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE. IF THE LOWBATTERY WARNING SIGNAL ACTIVATES,INSTALL NEW BATTERIES AFTER USE OR PRIORTO USING THE VIKING Z SEVEN. THE CONTROLCONSOLE WITH PASS SHOULD BE POSITIONEDFLAT AGAINST THE SHOULDER STRAP.When the PASS is turned on, a chirp will be heard onthe control console speaker, followed by a chirp fromthe PASS alarm on the backpack. Additionally, the leftLED users prospective on the console display willslowly flash green when PASS is on. When there is alack of motion sensed at the control console for over25 seconds, the PASS will go into pre-alarm andsound an audible warning that will progressively getlouder until the PASS goes into full alarm. While inpre-alarm, the red (¼ full) and top green (full) lightson the HUD will flash and the PASS LED light on theconsole will change to rapidly flashing red. In pre-alarm, motion to the control console or pushing theside buttons on the console will return the PASS tothe sensing mode.If no motion is sensed for a full 35 seconds (includingthe pre-alarm warning), the PASS will go into fullalarm and can only be reset by pushing in on the twoside ON/OFF buttons on the console. PASS Safety Certification and Approval• The Viking Z SEVEN with PASS  is CertifiedIntrinsically Safe for use in Class 1, Division 1,Group C and D; Class II, Div 1, Groups E,F, and G.• NFPA Specification: Meets the current NFPA 1981,2007 edition specifications and NPFA 1982, 2007edition.• NIOSH Specification: Meets the standards of42CFR, Part 849.1.3.3 PASS SpecificationsAlarm level: greater than 95 dbA @ 3 m (approxi-mately 10 ft)Visual / Audio Indicators:Turn ON Chirp from Console speaker, then chirp fromPASS alarm, and flashing green PASS light.Turn OFF Low beep from console speakerPre-alarm (No motion sensed for 25 seconds):PASS light turns from green to red and flashrate increasesEnd lights on mask display flash alternatelyPre-alarm warning with increasing soundlevelAlarm (No motion sensed for 35 seconds):PASS alarm soundsPASS LED light on console flashes redMask display shows cylinder pressureMaintenance After each use, clean the control console witha damp cloth and warm water. Do not usecleaning solvents. Inspect each unit for signsof physical damage.Life Depending on the frequency of use, thePASS may have to be retired from service ifseverely damaged. PASS LimitationsThe VIKING Z SEVEN is designed to meet the designand performance requirements for Personal AlertSafety Systems (PASS) to be used by firefightersengaged in rescue, fire fighting, and other hazardousduties defined in the NFPA 1982 Standard on PASS,2007 edition. Failure to ensure that the Viking ZSEVEN PASS is fully operational prior to use mayexpose the user to serious injury or death. Althoughthe Viking Z SEVEN PASS meets the currentstandards, there is no guarantee against PASSfailure. Most performance properties of the PASScannot be tested by users in the field. PASS WarrantyAVON-ISI warrants the Viking Z SEVEN PASS to befree from defects in workmanship and materials for aperiod of one year from date of purchase. AVON-ISIwill not repair or replace any merchandise that hasbeen damaged from accident, misuse, or abuse whilein the possession of the end-user. AVON-ISI shall notbe liable for any direct, incidental or other consequen-tial loss or damage arising out of the failure of thedevice to operate. PASS issues may be reported toAVON-ISI Customer Service at (888) 474-7233. Afterworking with the manufacturer to resolve any issues,they may be reported to SEI at (703) 442-5732.9.2 VIKING STEALTH MODEThe Viking Z-ST model designed for law enforcement has thecapability of turning off the control console. The Stealth Modeis a standard feature of the Viking Z-ST.On units with the stealth mode option, depress the funtionkey and the PPT button on the control console for one sec-ond to turn off VAS. The HUD will still display cylinder pres-sure and acknowledge radio transmissions. All communica-tions will be received through the optional ear piece interfacecable. To reset to normal mode, depress the function key andPTT button on the control console for one second.
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 21LIMITATIONS & OPERATIONNOTE: The EAS option is  available on all models of theViking SCBA. The EAS tether is designed so you do not have tounplug the regulator hose from the facemask in anIDLH atmosphere. The EAS tether includes two feetof retractable hose stored within the backframe. Theend of the hose includes two couplings, one male andone female, and a combination handle/dust cap.When stored, the EAS handle is located on the lowerright side of the backframe (from the user’s perspec-tive). In an emergency, the EAS tether is pulled out ofthe backframe and connected to another EAS tetherforming a four foot long combined tether hose. If the EAS is used, egress immediately to a safe,respirable atmosphere. The rescuer must monitortheir cylinder air closely due to increased air con-sumption. Although the EAS is a NIOSH accepted SCBAaccessory, NIOSH does not approve the use of EASdevices. Use of the EAS voids NIOSH approvalswhile in use. REMOVE THE EAS TETHER:  Using your right hand,reach back above the cylinder valve knob and locatethe buddy breather handle. Pull down on the handleand completely pull out the hose. The tether isapproximately two feet long. CONNECT TO ANOTHER EAS TETHER:  Each EAStether includes both male and female quick connectcouplings. Connect one coupling, either male orfemale, to the opposite coupling on the other EAS9.3 ADDITIONAL OPTIONS9.3.1 AIRLINE DESCRIPTION, LIMITATIONS & OPERA-TIONNOTE: Airline options are  available on all models of theViking SCBA. The Airline Attachment is located on the left waistbeltstrap. It is approved with Hansen HK. Hansen HKcouplings include locking devices.IMPORTANTOnly Hansen HK airline fittings are offered on CBRN certifiedunits.The use of airline attachments on CBRN approved units arenot NIOSH CBRN approved for use in confirmed or potentialCBRN environments. When using supplied air, the user must ensure thatthe cylinder valve is closed. Failure to do so mayresult in reduced cylinder duration. Airline respirators can be used only when therespirators are supplied with respirable air meetingthe requirements of CGA G-7.1 Grade D or higherquality. When used as a combination apparatus, only 20% ofthe service pressure may be used on entry. This approval applies only when the device issupplied with respirable breathing air through 6 to300 feet of hose at air pressures between 80 to 120pounds per square inch gauge or from self containedair supply. Follow Donning Procedures located in Section 3.0and Safety Checks in Section Plug airline hose from Viking into supplied airlinehose. Supplied air pressure shall be between 80 to120 psi. Close cylinder valve and continue to breathenormally. If supplied air is interrupted, open cylindervalve fully, unplug airline hose and then egress to asafe area. Take necessary actions to monitor the supplied airsource pressure while operating with supplied air. To transfer from supplied air to cylinder air, opencylinder valve first.  Disconnect supplied air hose byretracting coupling sleeve.9.3.2 ESCAPES AIR SYSTEM (EAS) DESCRIPTION,Pull Down
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI22tether. Air will start to flow immediately. Egress to a safe, respirable atmosphere and thendisconnect EAS tethers. To store EAS tether, while the SCBA pneumatics arepressurized, push the hose length back into thebackframe. Snap the handle into the backframe andreplace dust caps.IMPORTANTThe EAS tether should be reinstalled into the storage areaafter use while the SCBA pneumatics are pressurized toprevent damage to the hose.NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera-tion is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.International Safety Instruments, Inc. (AVON-ISI) warrantsthe VIKING SCBA to the original owner to be free fromdefects in materials and workmanship from the date ofshipment from AVON-ISI’s factory for 15 years of thisproduct. To maintain this warranty, the purchaser mustperform maintenance and inspections as prescribed in theowner’s instruction manual, which shall include promptreplacement or repair of defective parts, and replacement ofparts per the maintenance schedule as prescribed in theowner’s instruction manual. This warranty does not apply toexpendable or consumable parts whose normal lifeexpectancy is less than one (1) year.AVON-ISI’s obligation under this warranty is limited toreplacing or repairing, at AVON-ISI’s option, any defectivepart if returned to AVON-ISI in Lawrenceville, GA, or anAVON-ISI authorized service center. Shipping charges are tobe prepaid by the buyer. Upon inspection, AVON-ISI willrepair all products that prove to have been defective due todefects in materials and/or workmanship. AVON-ISI shall bereleased from all obligations under this warranty in the eventrepairs or modifications are made by persons other than itsown or authorized service personnel, or if the warranty claimresults from misuse of the product.AVON-ISI warrants the Viking Digital’s solid- statecomponents to be free from defects in workmanship andmaterials for a period of one (1) year from the date ofpurchase.In addition, this warranty does not apply to elastomer orrubber components since they can be adversely affected byundue exposure to heat, sun, water, chemicals, ozone, orother deteriorating elements.  Also excluded from thiswarranty are facemask lenses, compressed-air cylinders andparts that become defective through normal use.  Thedecision as to what constitutes normal use shall be madesolely by AVON-ISI.AVON-ISI will not repair or replace under warranty anymerchandise that has been damaged from accident,alteration, misuse, or abuse while in the possession of theend-user.  AVON-ISI shall not be liable for any direct,incidental or other consequential loss or damage arising outof the failure of the device to operate.THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY,AND IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS HEREOF.AVON-ISI SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. AVON-ISI neither assumes nor authorizes anyother person or firm to assume on AVON-ISI’s behalf anyliability in any way connected with the sale of AVON-ISIproducts.To validate this warranty, the Warranty & Registration Cardsupplied with the apparatus MUST be detached, completed,and returned to AVON-ISI WITHIN 30 DAYS of purchase.10.0 VIKING SCBA WARRANTYChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party respon-sible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equip-ment.This device generates and radiates radio frequency energy in the 2.4-2.485 GHz range. Use in other than the certified configuration may ex-ceed RF exposure limits and void the users authority to operate the equip-ment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in ac-cordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separationbetween the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISI 23If corrections by a Certified AVON-ISI Service Technician DO NOT resolvethe  problem, tag the unit "Out of Service" and have the SCBA serviced byan AVON-ISI Certified Service Center.Pressure Display on wrong setting.May be on 2216 (low pressure)when 4500 (high pressure) unit.Lights in the facemask turn onslowly as cylinder is opened. Badtransducer1. Radio2. Interface lead1. Facemask board2. Bad speaker or speaker wire3. Control Console4. Turn VAS "on"Poor facemask electronics contactTwo lights "on" with full cylinderCylinder pressure, slow reactingRadio interface interferenceVAS not workingVAS with static noiseTurn on Control Console and checkpressure: should read "22" for lowpressure and "45" for high pressure.If on wrong setting, remove batterypack, push and hold in PTT buttonand install battery pack. Cycle backand forth using PTT buttonTag for repair1. Check radio on another Viking2. Check interface lead on anotherViking. If background noise, touchlead at Viking connection to groundconnection. If noise stops, neednew interface lead.1. Tag for repair2. Tag for repair3. Tag for repair4. Tag for repairLubricate facemask electronics plugwith diolectric grease.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION11.0  TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDENOTE:  Only AVON-ISI trained technicians are qualified to perform repairs that require any adjustments or replacement of parts. This trouble-shooting guide is to help aid the user in determining the cause of the problem and not meant to be a quick guide in doing repairs.SI nContact InformationIn the event of a product concern, contact your authorized distrbutor or Avon-ISI, who will provide the necessary information forissue resolution. To report any serious concerns or to speak with a certification organization, use the following contact information:ManufacturerAvon-ISI  Customer ServicePhone: 888-474-7233Certifying AgenciesNational Institute of Occupational and Health (NIOSH)Phone:412-386-6686Safety Equipment Institute (SEI)Phone: 703-442-5732
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISITABLE OF CONTENTSPREFACE-IMPORTANT POINTS 1Intent 1Training 1Approvals 1NIOSH warnings 1Cautions and Limitations 2Special or Critical User Instructions 21.0 DESCRIPTION OF VIKING SCBA 31.1 Facemask 31.2 AirSwitch Regulator 31.3 RDV Regulator 41.4 First Stage Pressure Reducer 41.5 End-of-Service Alarms 41.6 Backframe and Harness 41.7 Control Console 41.8 Cylinder and Valve Assembly 51.9 Rapid Intervention Crew Fitting 51.10 Viking Cylinder Table 52.0 ROUTINE CHECKS 62.1 Unpacking 62.2 Inventory and Examination 62.3 Routine Checks and Inspections 62.4 SCBA Retirement 83.0 DONNING PROCEDURES AND SAFETYCHECKS 83.1 Donning Procedures 83.2 Safety Checks 104.0 DURING USE 114.1 Reading the Heads-Up Display 114.2 Normal Use 114.3 CBRN Specific Actions 114.4 Instructions for Changing Cylinders 124.5 Cylinder Band Adjustment 124.6 Emergency Egress Indicators 124.7 RIC Fitting Procedures 134.8 PASS 135.0 AFTER USE PROCEDURES 145.1 Doffing 146.0 AFTER USE CLEANING AND CYLINDERCHANGING 156.1 Clean AirSwitch Regulator/Facemask 156.2 Clean RDV Facemask 156.3 Cleaning SCBA 157.0 SCBA STORAGE 167.1 SCBA Storage 168.0 USER MAINTENANCE 168.1 Maintenance Intervals 168.2 Cylinder Filling Procedures 168.3 Battery Pack 168.4 Facemask Harness Replacement 178.5 Backframe Harness Removal 179.0 VIKING OPTIONS 189.1 Control Console Keys & Functions 189.2 Stealth Mode 209.3 Additional Options 2110.0 WARRANTY 2211.0 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 23
COPYRIGHT 2007 AVON - ISIViking Z SEVEN SCBAUser's ManualAVON- ISI922 Hurricane Shoals RoadLawrenceville, GA 30043Phone: 770-962-2552Fax: 770-963-2797www.intsafety.comPart Number: 084126 Rev. AArtwork Number: A49257 Rev. AOctober 2007ISO 9001 Certified  WARNINGDisassembly of the components beyond the procedures described herein shall not beperformed. Additional disassembly may cause component damage and shall only beperformed by ISI authorized personnel or the factory.VIKING Z SEVEN CBRN MODELSVIKING Z SEVEN 2216 PSI, 30 MINUTENIOSH APPROVAL TC-13F-551CBRNVIKING Z SEVEN 4500 PSI, 30 MINUTENIOSH APPROVAL TC-13F-552CBRNVIKING Z SEVEN, 4500 PSI, 45 MINUTENIOSH APPROVAL TC-13F-553CBRNVIKING Z SEVEN, 4500 PSI, 60 MINUTENIOSH APPROVAL TC-13F-554CBRNAVON - ISI

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