ST Microelectronics S R L MHBGW1 Bodyguardian Control Unit User Manual Body Gateway

ST Microelectronics S.R.L. Bodyguardian Control Unit Body Gateway


Product literature

    1/12             SPMHBGW1  Body Gateway Electronic patch  Data brief 1.1Features    Single Lead AFE for ECG with self calibration circuitry   Bio-impedance   STM32F M3 Cortex ARM cortex  BT radio class 2: STLC 2584  Digital 3 axis Accelerometer: LIS 331 DLH  External parallel NAND FLASH 2Gbit  Battery Level sensing  Rechargeable battery LiPo 380 mAh   3 LEDs   Mechanical ON/OFF button         Functions  • Heart rate detection • One lead ECG recording and transmission • Physical activity estimation • Breathing rate measurement • Body position detection                       Applications  • Elderly people home monitoring •  Chronic cardiac disease monitoring •  Event monitoring •  Single lead holter
    SPMHBGW1 2/12       Contents  1 Body Gateway device description ..................................................................................................................... 3 2 Body Gateway device architecture .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Hardware: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Embedded SW Framework: ........................................................................................................................ 4 3 Embedded SW Framework ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Connectivity: ............................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Embedded Data Aggregator........................................................................................................................ 5 3.2.1 ECG: extraction of .............................................................................................................................. 5 3.2.2 Bio-impedance: extraction of .............................................................................................................. 5 3.2.3 Accelerometer: extraction of ............................................................................................................... 5 4 Operating modes: ............................................................................................................................................. 6 5 Physiological parameters & personalization features ........................................................................................ 7 5.1 Parameters: ................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Personalization: .......................................................................................................................................... 7 6 Body Gateway mechanical dimension .............................................................................................................. 8 6.1 Body Gateway device ................................................................................................................................. 8 7 Power consumption......................................................................................................................................... 10 7.1 Usage model example 1: streaming mode ................................................................................................ 10 7.2 Usage model example 2: monitoring mode ............................................................................................... 10 8 ECG EC38 signal snapshot ............................................................................................................................ 11 9 Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................................................................... 12 Safety and EMI Approval, ................................................................................................................................... 12 10 Revision history ......................................................................................................................................... 12
SPMHBGW1     3/12  RoHS compliance ST modules are RoHS compliant and comply with ECOPACK® norms.  1 Body Gateway device description  The  Body  Gateway  (BGW)  Devices  is  a  wearable  electronic,  battery  operated  device  that  is worn on  the chest for the acquisition, recording and transmission of physiological parameters to external devices which can analyze or forward the data to additional storage elements or system.  The  BGW  device  is  also  capable  to  record  symptomatic  and  asymptomatic  events  and  is  indicated  for ambulatory monitoring of non lethal cardiac arrhythmias.   Additionally,  resident  in  the  Body  Gateway  device  is  a  heart  rate,  respiration  rate  and  activity  level calculation  algorithm,  which  allows  the  system  to  manage  information  messages  from/to  the  Server according to specific settings defined by the physicians/operators.  The  device  is  a  part  of  a  Multi-parameter  Analysis  System,  Body  Gateway  System  (BGW  system)  and communicates  via  a  BT  radio  link  with  the  external  device.  Specification  of  BGW  System  is  beyond  the scope of this document.  At its heart is a 32-bit ARM Cortex microcontroller with 768 kByte Flash, chosen for its flexible architecture and low power processing capability. Bluetooth radio was selected for connectivity because its availability in most commercial mobile phones ensures proper coverage and patient access.
    SPMHBGW1 4/12         2 Body Gateway device architecture  2.1  Hardware: The hardware architecture for the BGW device is shown here below.      2.2 Embedded SW Framework:  The embedded SW Frameworks  includes a RT OS,  board  support package,  proprietary  data aggregation algorithms, embedded memory management system, a BT stack and proprietary data exchange protocol. This  SW  is  modular  and  provides  an  application  interface  to  allow  integration  in  customer  specific environment including the possibility to plug in proprietary algorithms for physiological data elaboration.
SPMHBGW1     5/12    3 Embedded SW Framework  3.1 Connectivity:   Bluetooth Radio class 2  BT supported profiles: SPP  Point to point link to a PC or to any BT enabled device, supporting SPP service, both as a client and as a server  Proprietary data exchange protocol on top of SPP designed to optimize power consumption minimizing packets overhead.  3.2 Embedded Data Aggregator  3.2.1 ECG: extraction of  · Heart rate · RR peak variability · Heart Rate variability · Electrode detachment alert  3.2.2 Bio-impedance: extraction of  · Breathing rate  3.2.3 Accelerometer: extraction of  · Activity level index  · Body posture   Baselines and thresholds are programmable for 3.2.1., 3.2.2., 3.2.3. with hysteresis to avoid false alerts.
    SPMHBGW1 6/12       4 Operating modes:  Platform can operate in 4 modes:  a) Power down mode : BGW device is completely switched off  b) Idle mode: the BGW device is visible and connectable to the remote unit through the BT link  c) Streaming Mode: is when the Body Gateway is powered ON and sampling the data as specified in the Configuration Settings, sending them directly to the External Device with periodicity specified by the last configuration commands received from the External Device.  d) Monitoring mode: is when the Body Gateway is powered ON, gathering and storing in the internal memory data at the frequency specified in the Configuration Settings, and sending the data as requested by the Associated Device.
SPMHBGW1     7/12   5 Physiological parameters & personalization features  5.1 Parameters:   Heart rate   Heart rate reliability   RR interval variability  Breathing rate  Activity level  Body position  Other available data:   ECG raw  Z0 bio impedance   Electrode reliability  Battery level  5.2 Personalization:  Available data and parameters depends on the selected operative mode   Streaming mode  Raw Data: · ECG (128 or 256 Hz) · 3-axis  accelerometer (32Hz or 64Hz or 50 Hz) · dZ  bioimpedance  (32 Hz) · Z0 bioimpedance (32Hz)  Derived values: · Heart rate values, · Heart rate reliability, · Breathing rate values, · Activity level, · RR interval variability, · Body position values, · Battery level  Monitoring mode  Raw Data o ECG (128 or 256 Hz)  Derived values o Activity level  o Body position values o Breathing rate values o Heart rate values o Heart rate reliability o RR interval variability o Battery level
    SPMHBGW1 8/12      Signals and Parameters  Streaming Mode  Monitoring mode  ECG raw  128/256 Hz  128/256 Hz  Heart Rate  1 each 10-15-30-60 secs  1 each 10-15-30-60 secs  Heart Rate Reliability 1 each 10 secs  1 each 10 secs  R-R Variability  1 each 10 secs  1 each 10 secs           XYZ raw  50.0 Hz  -  Activity level  1 each 5-10-15-30-60 secs  1 each 5-10-15-30-60 secs           BIOIMP-Z0 raw  32 Hz  -  BIOIMP-DZ raw  32 Hz   -  Breathing Rate  1 each 15-30-60 secs  1 each 15-30-60 secs           Battery Level  1 each 10-15-30-60 secs  1 each 10-15-30-60 secs    6 Body Gateway mechanical dimension    6.1 Body Gateway device   BGW device is water resistant IPx4   Mechanical dimension:  • Weight: 35g  • Size: 59 x 50 x 16.4mm
SPMHBGW1     9/12
    SPMHBGW1 10/12       7 Power consumption  7.1 Usage model example 1: streaming mode  Continuous  data  acquisition,  processing  and  real  time  transmission  (ECG  raw  signal,  Bio-impedance signal, accelerometer data raw signal, HR,  BR, Activity level, RR variability, HR reliability and battery level)   Using a 3.7V 380 mAh rechargeable battery, battery will last in 16Hours   7.2 Usage model example 2: monitoring mode  Continuous data acquisition, processing and storage (ECG raw signal, Bio-impedance signal, HR, BR, Activity  level,  RR  variability,  HR  reliability  and  battery  level),  wireless  uploading  of  all  physiological parameters plus 5 minutes ECG and bio-impedance raw data per hour   Using a 3.7V 380 mAh rechargeable battery, battery will last in 40 hours
SPMHBGW1     11/12   8  ECG EC38 signal snapshot
    SPMHBGW1 12/12      9 Regulatory Compliance  FCC FCC ID: S9NMHBGW1  This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   CE Safety and EMI Approval,  Compliance with  IEC 60601-1 IEC 60601-1-1 IEC 60601-1-2 IEC 60601-1-4 IEC 60601-1-6 IEC 60601-2-47 IEC 60601-2-49 IEC 60529 EC38 EC57 UL 60601-1 CAN/CSA C22.2    10 Revision history  Date Revision Description of changes 10/07/2011 1.0 First issue.
SPMHBGW1     13/12         Please Read Carefully:  Information  in  this  document  is  provided  solely  in  connection  with  ST  products.  STMicroelectronics  NV  and  its subsidiaries  (“ST”)  reserve  the  right  to  make  changes,  corrections,  modifications  or  improvements,  to  this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.  All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.  Purchasers are solely responsible for choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein.   No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document.  If  any  part  of  this document  refers  to  any  third  party  products  or  services  it  shall  not  be  deemed  a license grant by ST for the use of such a third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of  such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.   UNLESS  OTHERWISE  SET  FORTH  IN  ST’S  TERMS  AND  CONDITIONS  OF  SALE  ST  DISCLAIMS  ANY EXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED  WARRANTY  WITH  RESPECT  TO  THE  USE  AND/OR  SALE  OF  ST  PRODUCTS INCLUDING  WITHOUT  LIMITATION  IMPLIED  WARRANTIES  OF  MERCHANTABILITY,  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE  (AND  THEIR  EQUIVALENTS  UNDER  THE  LAWS  OF  ANY  JURISDICTION),  OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT.  UNLESS  EXPRESSLY  APPROVED  IN  WRITING  BY  AN  AUTHORIZED  ST  REPRESENTATIVE,  ST PRODUCTS  ARE  NOT  RECOMMENDED,  AUTHORIZED  OR  WARRANTED  FOR  USE  IN  MILITARY,  AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING,  OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS  OR SYSTEMS WHERE  FAILURE  OR  MALFUNCTION  MAY  RESULT  IN  PERSONAL  INJURY,  DEATH,  OR  SEVERE PROPERTY  OR  ENVIRONMENTAL  DAMAGE.  ST  PRODUCTS  WHICH  ARE  NOT  SPECIFIED  AS “AUTOMOTIVE GRADE” MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.   Resale  of  ST  products  with  provisions  different  from  the  statements  and/or  technical  features  set  forth  in  this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.   St and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.  Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.  The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.  © 2011 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved  STMicroelectronics group of companies  Australia – Belgium - Brazil – Canada - China – Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India – Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta – Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom – United States of America

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