SMART Technologies SRP05 Smart Response LE and PE Remote control User Manual SMART Response User s Guiude

SMART Technologies Inc. Smart Response LE and PE Remote control SMART Response User s Guiude


SMARTResponse™ 2011Interactive Response SystemUser's Guide
Product registrationIf you register your SMART product, we’ll notify you of new features and software upgrades.Register online at the following information available in case you need to contact SMARTSupport.Serial number:Date of purchase:FCC noticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Appendix 1: IC RSS 210 noticeThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditionssuivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage estsusceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Trademark noticeSMART Response, SMART Notebook, SMARTBoard, SMART Sync, Senteo, smarttech, the SMART logo and all SMART taglines are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of SMARTTechnologiesULC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, DirectX, PowerPoint and Excel areeither registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Mac, Mac OS, Safari and Finder are trademarks of Apple, Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries. Adobe, Flash and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or othercountries. Intel, Pentium and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. ExamView is aregistered trademark of FSCreations, Inc. All other third-party product and company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Copyright notice© 2007–2011 SMARTTechnologiesULC. All rights reserved. The use and copying of SMART Response assessment software is subject to a license agreement. Any otheruse is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by anymeans without the prior written consent of SMARTTechnologiesULC. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitmenton the part of SMART.One or more of the following patents: US6320597; US6326954; US6741267; US7151533; US7499033; and CA2252302. Other patents pending.July 2011
Important informationSafety information iCompliance iiBefore you use your SMARTResponse™ interactive response system, please read and understandthe safety warnings and precautions described in this guide. These safety warnings and precautionsinstruct you in the safe and correct operation of the system and its accessories so you can preventinjuries to yourself and others or damage to the equipment. You must always ensure that theSMARTResponse system is being used correctly.N N O T EIf you own a SMART product other than a SMARTResponse system, refer to the user’s guide thatcame with your product for relevant warnings and maintenance instructions.Safety informationW W A R N I N GlFailure to follow the installation instructions that ship with the SMART product could result inpersonal injury or damage to the product.lWhen using your SMARTResponse system with a SMARTBoard™ interactive whiteboardand projector, do not stare into the beam of light created by the projector. Instruct children notto look in the direction of, or stare at, this beam of light.lEnsure that any cables extending across the floor to your SMART product are properlybundled and marked to prevent a trip hazard.lTo reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the components to rain or moisture.C C A U T I ONlUse only the batteries provided or equivalent replacements. Do not attempt to recharge thebatteries.i
lDo not install batteries with the polarity (+/-) reversed.lDo not dispose of batteries in a fire or incinerator.Dispose of batteries according to the laws and regulations of your region. If you do not knowthe applicable rules for your region, consult the battery manufacturer.lDo not use abrasive erasers or harsh chemicals when cleaning SMARTResponse systemhardware.lDo not open the receiver or clicker units to attempt repairs. Refer all service to authorizedSMART service personnel.I I M P O R T A N TlYou must connect the USB cable that came with your SMART product to a computer thathas a USB compliant interface and that bears the USB logo. In addition, the USB sourcecomputer must be compliant with CSA/UL/EN 60950 and bear the CE mark and CSA and/orUL Mark(s) for CSA/UL 60950. This is for operating safety and to avoid damage to theSMART product.lIf your SMART product requires replacement parts, make sure the service technician usesreplacement parts specified by SMART Technologies or parts with the same characteristicsas the original.ComplianceThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by SMART Technologies mayvoid the user’s authority to operate this equipment.I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O Nii
ContentsImportant information iSafety information iCompliance iiChapter 1: About the SMARTResponse system 1Introduction 1Features 2Hardware – clickers and receivers 4Chapter 2: Getting started 5Using your SMART Response system 7Environmental requirements 8Computer requirements 9Connecting hardware and activating SMART Response software 11Activating SMART Response software 15Selecting how students answer questions 17Starting SMARTResponse LE software the first time 20Asking instant questions 22Setting up Teacher Tools 23Creating a class list 28Editing a class list 35Chapter 3: Using SMARTResponse software 39About SMARTNotebook software 40Creating assessments 42Adding questions to the assessment 45Starting and connecting to a class 62Connecting to the class 66Disconnecting students from a class 71Using clickers 73Completing assessments 82Chapter 4: Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results 91Importing assessment results 92Reviewing assessment results 94Flagging results 96Generating student performance reports 97Generating class performance reports 98iii
Printing and exporting questions and results 99Chapter 5: Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem 103Preventing component damage 103Changing the clicker batteries 104Resetting clickers 105Receiver indicator lights 105Troubleshooting the receiver 106Troubleshooting SMARTResponseCE connection issues 107Importing student responses 107Other troubleshooting tips 109Appendix A: Hardware environmental compliance 111Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations (WEEE directive) 111Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS directive) 111Batteries 111Packaging 112Covered electronic devices 112China’s Electronic Information Products regulations 112U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act 112California Air Resources Board – Airborne Toxic Control Measure 112Restriction of Certain Chemicals (REACH directive) 113C O N T E N T Siv
Chapter 1: About the SMARTResponsesystemIntroduction 1Integration with SMART Notebook SE (Student Edition) software 1Features 2Hardware – clickers and receivers 4IntroductionThe SMARTResponse interactive response system is an assessment tool that enhances learning.It facilitates summative and formative assessment by enabling you to pose a question before, duringor after a lesson to find out whether students are on track. You can use the feedback to help shapethe rest of your lesson.Once you finish the lesson, create a question set with SMART Response assessment software toevaluate learning more formally. You can feel confident that the students have answered the waythey intended, because they can verify and change their self-paced responses directly.Teachers can easily add creativity to questions by combining text with images to make questionsmore dynamic. The SMARTResponse system comes with SMARTNotebook™ collaborativelearning software, and offers 6,000 learning objects that you can add to quizzes.The SMARTResponse system also increases one-to-one interaction by enabling teachers to surveyand engage students and to collect responses.Integration with SMART Notebook SE (Student Edition) softwareSMARTNotebookSE software enables your students to connect to your class, take quizzes andassessments, respond to questions and submit their work. For more information on how students useSMARTNotebookSE software with SMARTResponseCE interactive response software, see theSMARTNotebookSE online Help.Chapter 11
FeaturesFeature DescriptionIntegration withSMARTNotebooksoftwareOpen SMART Response software from a tab in SMARTNotebooksoftware. With SMART Notebook’s Gallery of more than 6,000 items ofgraphic-rich content, you can add images and other multimedia content toyour questions and/or assessments.SMARTNotebook FullScreen mode toolbarWhen you put SMARTNotebook software in Full Screen mode, SMARTResponse buttons for creating questions, running assessments andviewing results appear in the toolbar. You can use SMARTNotebooksoftware in Full Screen mode to reduce distractions while presenting yourlesson.SMARTNotebookTransparent modetoolbarWhen you put SMARTNotebook software in Transparent mode, SMARTResponse buttons for creating questions, running assessments andviewing results appear in the toolbar. In Transparent mode you can useother applications and see supporting content while presenting yourlesson.Multiple assessmentoptionsCompile questions for formative and summative assessment, preparequizzes or exams in advance and ask spontaneous questions to gaugestudent comprehension at any point during a lesson.Teacher Tools Access, view and manage all assessment data in one location. Thispowerful tool enables you to create class lists and manage tests andquizzes.Question variety Teachers can ask different types of questions, including true or false, yesor no, multiple choice, multiple answer, numeric fraction or mathexpression and text answer.Familiar user interface SMART Response software’s intuitive software lets you create pages thathave clear, contextual and concise information for users at any level ofexperience.Math expressionquestions andintelligent gradingWhen you create an expression question with a correct answer, you canchoose which intelligent expression grading option that SMARTResponseuses to determine which mathematically equivalent answers you want toaccept as correct.Monitoring studentsduring and after the testYou can monitor how much time is remaining for a quiz. Grades areimmediately calculated after the test and displayed in graphical charts andnumeric tables.C H A P T E R 1About the SMARTResponse system2
Feature DescriptionPreviewing resultsduring an assessmentYou can see what responses students have submitted during theassessment and get immediate feedback on how the class is doing.Easy-to-view results Display results in easy-to-view pie charts or graphs, which you can theninsert on a SMART Notebook page for a closer view and to add your ownnotes in digital ink. You can also view results in detail, so you can seeexactly how each student has answered.Add or change correctanswers to completedassessmentsUsing Teacher Tools, you can choose to accept a submitted answer ascorrect in addition to (or instead of) the original correct answer. SMARTResponse software calculates the students' grades after the changes.Multiple print options Print assessments as handouts so students can complete them at theirown pace, or add comments to completed assessments that can beprinted and used later as study guides.Anonymous mode Allows students to respond with complete anonymity. Students can useSMART Response software without signing in, or they can participate inan assessment using any clicker, allowing you to gauge the group'sunderstanding.Integration with third-party question bankSMART Response software is compatible with commonly used fileformats, so you can easily import questions from other applications,including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint®, PDFs and third-party questionbanks.Integrated Gradebook Through Teacher Tools Gradebook, you can build comprehensive studentprogress reports which can be as simple or as detailed as you need.Create high-level comparisons of class performance, specific reportsbased on tagged characteristics such as demographics or curriculumstandards, or personalized reports on how individual students are doing.Tagging You can tag students and questions and automatically generate reportswith comprehensive student and class performance breakdowns.You can also tag key words to describe various characteristics, correlatequestions to curriculum standards and break down performance into aprintable chart.C H A P T E R 1About the SMARTResponse system3
Hardware – clickers and receiversFeature DescriptionRadio frequency (RF)technologyRF technology provides a reliable wireless connection between thestudent clickers and the central receiver. You don’t need a line of sight tothe clickers, and the clickers and the receiver can connect within a 100'(30 m) range.Ergonomic design Designed to fit comfortably in young hands or to lie flat on a desk. Evenyoung students find the durable handheld clickers easy to use andcomfortable to hold. Responding to questions is quick and easy.Ability to input mathexpressionsXE clickers have dedicated buttons that enable students to enter complexmath and science expressions.Ability to enter symbolsas well as letters withdiacriticsIn XEmode, you can enter common math and science symbols. You canalso enter diacritics (letters with special symbols or accents).LCD screen The easy-to-read LCD screen has room to display several lines of text.Students can see whether responses have been sent, and they can reviewthe status of their clicker’s battery power and network connection.Descriptive icons Icons on the LCD screen enable students to monitor the battery power andthe network status of their clicker.Extended battery life Each clicker uses long-lasting AA or AAA batteries.Easy connection The receiver connects to a computer using a USB cable, and it doesn’trequire an additional power adapter.Flexible installation The receiver weighs just under 6 oz. (165 g) and easily mounts onto walls,desks or tables.C H A P T E R 1About the SMARTResponse system4
Chapter 2: Getting startedUsing your SMART Response system 7Teacher Tools 7SMART Response system hardware 7Using the interactive response system 8Environmental requirements 8Temperature 8Humidity 8Water and fluid resistance 8Dust and scratching 8Electrostatic discharge (ESD) 9Conducted and radiated emissions 9Computer requirements 9Windows operating systems 9Mac OS X operating system software 10Connecting hardware and activating SMART Response software 11Connecting the receiver 11Recommended height for mounting the receiver 11Extending the USB cable 13Checking the receiver’s status 14Activating SMART Response software 15Activating SMART Response CE software 16Activating SMART Response VE software 16Selecting how students answer questions 17Multiple SMART Response devices mode limitations 19Why don't I use Multiple SMART Response devices mode all the time? 19Starting SMARTResponse LE software the first time 20Pairing student clickers 20Assigning clicker IDs 21Asking instant questions 22Setting up Teacher Tools 23Starting Teacher Tools 23Starting Teacher Tools in CE mode using SMARTSync Class List Server 24Creating a SMART Teacher file 24Chapter 25
Editing your SMART Teacher file 25Adjusting privacy and alert options 25Using Privacy mode 25Changing alerts 26Applying encryption methods 26Configuring service ports 27Creating a class list 28Creating a class list in Teacher Tools 28Importing a class list from Excel 29Creating class lists for all modes except LE 29Creating class lists for LE mode 30Importing the class list 31Importing a class list from a CSV file 32Creating class lists for all modes except LE 32Creating class lists for LE mode 32CSV file formatting 33Tips for formatting CSV files for importing class lists 33Using SMARTSync Class List Server class lists 34Editing a class list 35Editing student information 35Adding students to a class list 35Removing students from a class list 36Tagging students 37Changing a class's passing grade 37C H A P T E R 2Getting started6
Using your SMART Response systemUsing the SMART Response interactive response system, you can perform planned or spontaneousstudent assessments in the same software you use to deliver your lessons—it integrates seamlesslywith SMART Notebook collaborative learning software.You can easily prepare exams in advance or spontaneously quiz students during a lesson and receiveimmediate responses from your class. Depending on the mode you're using, SMART Responsesoftware supports several different types of questions, including true or false, yes or no, multiplechoice, multiple answer, text answers, and numerical fractions and expressions. You can importquestions from third-party question banks, Microsoft applications and other common programs.After students submit their answers, you can see the results by percentage in a graphical format,which gives an accurate representation of the whole class's performance, not just that of individualstudents.Teacher ToolsUsing Teacher Tools, you can access, view and manage all assessment data in one location. Youcan create class lists and set up, conduct and manage tests and quizzes. You can track eachstudent's progress over several assessments, and you can even tag questions with key words toevaluate test results and student performance in greater detail.Teacher Tools makes it easy for you to keep everything organized. The easy-to-use management toolautomatically files test results in the built-in gradebook. It also lets you manage your class lists andview performance reports and test scores.The Teacher Tools Gradebook gives you quick access to test results, making it easy to preparereports and conduct evaluations. Reports can be as simple or as detailed as you need. Create high-level comparisons of class performance, specific reports based on tagged characteristics such asdemographics or curriculum standards, or personalized reports on how individual students perform.You can also create reports that show grades for the entire school year.SMART Response system hardwareThe SMART Response receiver and clickers use radio frequency technology to provide a reliablewireless connection between the student clickers and the central receiver. You don't need a line ofsight to the clickers, and the range is 100' (30 m). The receiver verifies receipt of every signal andmessages automatically re-send if they aren't received.C H A P T E R 2Getting started7
Students find the handheld clickers easy to use and comfortable to hold. Students can easily readseveral lines of text on the large display screen. They can see if responses have been sent and canreview the status of their clicker's battery power and network connection.Using the interactive response systemYou can purchase SMART Response interactive response system software for both Windows andMac computers that meet the minimum requirements. See Computer requirements on the next pagefor information.You can use SMART Response software's integrated SMART Notebook features on any computer,so you can take your laptop home to develop assessment questions without having to connect areceiver. You can then copy the assessment files to a classroom computer where you can run yourassessments.When you install SMART Response software, by default, the installation program installs SMARTNotebook software, SMARTProduct Drivers and SMART Response software. SMARTResponsesoftware includes Teacher Tools and menus that appear in the SMART Notebook software toolbar.You can use the software for free for 30 days after which you must activate the software.Environmental requirementsBefore installing or using your SMART Response interactive response system, review the followingenvironmental requirements and compliance statements.TemperatureSMART Response components can operate in the temperature range of 41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C).In addition, the product can withstand storage temperatures from -40°F to 120°F (-40°C to 50°C).HumiditySMART Response components can operate in up to 80% relative humidity, non-condensing.Water and fluid resistanceSMART Response components are for indoor use only and don’t meet any salt-spray or water-ingress requirements. Don’t pour or spray any liquids directly onto SMART Response components.These liquids can get into areas where they can damage sensitive electronic components.Dust and scratchingSMART Response components are for use in office and classroom environments, and they aren’t forindustrial use where heavy dust and pollutants can cause malfunctions or impaired operation. They’reC H A P T E R 2Getting started8
designed for pollution degree 1 (P1) as per EN61558-1, which is defined as “No pollution or only drynon-conductive pollution.”Electrostatic discharge (ESD)SMART Response components meet the requirements of EN61000-4-2 severity level 4 for direct andindirect ESD. No malfunction or damage up to 15 kV (both polarities) with a 330 ohm, 150 pF probe(air discharge). Unmated connectors meet 8 kV for direct (contact) discharge.Conducted and radiated emissionsSMART Response hardware’s narrowband radiated electric field meets the limits for Class Bperformance, as defined in EN55022/CISPR 22.Computer requirementsWindows operating systemslPentium® 4 or later processorl512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)lFree hard disk space:Software Space requiredSMARTNotebook software 277 MB___Gallery Essentials 549 MB___Lesson Activity Toolkit 111 MBSMARTProduct Drivers 145 MBSMART Response assessment software 47 MBSMARTSync Teacher software 37 MBCommon platform 62 MBTotal 1228 MBlWindows® XP SP3, WindowsVista® SP2 or Windows 7 operating systemlInternetExplorer® Internet browser 6.0 or laterlAdobe® Flash® Player 10 Firefox® plug-inlAdobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX® control for SMARTNotebook softwareC H A P T E R 2Getting started9
lAdobe Reader® 8.0 or laterlMicrosoft® DirectX® technology 8.1 or later (required for SMART Video Player)Mac OS X operating system softwarel1.5 GHz Intel® or later processorl1 GB of RAMlFree hard disk space:Software Space requiredSMARTNotebook software 163 MB___Gallery Essentials 499 MB___Lesson Activity Toolkit 70 MBSMARTProduct Drivers 203 MBSMART Response assessment software 65 MBSMARTSync Teacher software 25 MBCommon platform 257 MBTotal 1282 MBlMac OS X 10.5.8 or later operating system softwarelAdobe Reader® 8.0 or laterlSafari application program 4.0.2 or laterlAdobe Flash Player 10 or laterN N O T E So1 MB = 1024² bytes, 1 GB = 1024³ bytes.oSMART Response assessment software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.C H A P T E R 2Getting started10
Connecting hardware and activating SMARTResponse softwareTo send information to and receive information from SMART Response clickers, you must connectthe SMART Response receiver to your computer. You can then check the receiver's status inTeacher Tools.I I M P O R T A N TYou must activate your SMART Response software within 30 days of installation. SMARTResponse software automatically activates when you connect your SMART Response receiver. Ifthe activation is not successful, use the manual procedure in this section to find your license codeand activate the software.N N O T EIf you're using SMARTResponse software in CE or VE mode, which doesn't require a receiver,see Activating SMART Response CE software on page 16 for instructions.Connecting the receiverI I M P O R T A N TlDo not connect the receiver to your computer until after you install SMART Responsesoftware.lFor operating safety and to prevent damage to the receiver, connect its USB connector onlyto a computer that has a USB compliant interface and that bears the USB logo. In addition,the USB source computer must be compliant with CSA/UL/EN 60950 and bear the CE markand CSA and/or UL mark(s) for CSA/UL 60950.lThe receiver has a USB 2.0 full-speed peripheral interface that runs at speeds of up to 12Mbps. The unit works with USB 2.0- and USB 1.1-compliant USB interfaces.Recommended height for mounting the receiverUnlike infrared devices, SMART Response receivers don’t require an unobstructed line-of-sighttransmission path, such as that required by infrared devices. You can operate SMART Responseover longer distances if you minimize interference, signal reflections and the number and size ofobjects between the receiver and the clickers.C H A P T E R 2Getting started11
Choose a location for the receiver that’s as high as possible and in plain view of the students’clickers. For permanent installations, use a USB extender to mount the receiver high on a wall. Tominimize interference from other radio-frequency equipment, position the receiver away from otherwireless products, such as 2.4 GHz routers and cordless telephones.W W A R N I N GTo prevent product damage or personal injury, route the USB cable where it will not be stepped onor tripped over.gTo connect the receiver1. Position the receiver in an unobstructed location away from other wireless products, such as2.4 GHz routers and cordless telephones.oFor temporary installations, place the receiver on top of your desk.oFor permanent installations, mount the receiver on a wall or on the front of a piece offurniture using two screws (not provided).Orient the receiver with the long side or edge facing the class as shown.C H A P T E R 2Getting started12
2. Insert the receiver's captive USB cable connector into an available USB receptacle on yourcomputer.The Ready light on the receiver turns on to indicate that the receiver is receiving power.On Windows computers, the first time you connect the receiver, a balloon message appearsfrom the notification area indicating that new hardware has been detected.I I M P O R T A N TIf the balloon message indicates that Windows is starting to try to locate a driver from theMicrosoft website, stop the search. If Windows does not find the driver on your computer,you did not install SMART Response software. Install the software and repeat the aboveprocedure.3. See Checking the receiver’s status on the next page to verify that the receiver is workingproperly.Extending the USB cableIf the provided 6' (1.8 m) USB cable attached to the receiver isn’t long enough, use active USBextender cables, USB extenders or hubs.This graphic shows the SMART active USB extension cable (Part No. USB-XT).In some cases, you can use up to four cables to extend the length to about 80' (25m), which is the limit of the USB specification. Passive USB extension cablesaren’t supported.Alternatively, USB extenders that use Cat 5 cabling can extend the range toapproximately 325' (100 m) at a much higher cost. The more economical SMARTUSB extender pair (Part No. CAT5-XT) can extend the USB connection up to 120'(36.6 m) for Windows computers or 90' (27.5 m) for Mac computers using an RJ45Cat 5 cable.These units require that you use the provided 6' (1.8 m) cables or use cables andconnectors that meet the same specifications. Impedance mismatches and poorconnections can cause signal degradation and performance problems.N N O T ESome computers use internal active hubs to provide more USB receptacles. The computer’soperating system could interpret these internal hubs as external devices, limiting the number ofUSB extenders you can use.C H A P T E R 2Getting started13
Checking the receiver’s statusIf you connected the receiver, you're ready to start a class session. You can check the receiver’scommunication status at any time using the following procedure.gTo check the receiver’s status1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar.A message appears below the Configure Devices heading indicating how many receivers areconnected.2. Click the icon below the Configure Devices heading.Teacher Tools starts.The Devices window appears showing a status message.3. If a “Your SMART Response receiver is connected and working” message appears, theSMART Response receiver is connected and communicating with the SMART Responsesoftware. The receiver name appears below the Devices button.Click My Receiver to display the classroom name and the make, model and hardware ID(MAC address) of the receiver.ORIf a “Your SMART Response receiver is not connected” message appears, the SMARTResponse receiver isn’t connected or isn’t working properly. The receiver name doesn’t appearbelow the Devices button.Check the receiver connections or repeat the receiver installation. See Connecting the receiveron page 11.C H A P T E R 2Getting started14
Activating SMART Response softwareYou must activate your SMART Response software within 30 days of installation. SMARTResponse software automatically activates when you connect your receiver.lIf you are using SMART Response software in CE mode, see Activating SMART ResponseCE software on the next page.lIf you are using SMART Response software in VE mode, see Activating SMART ResponseVE software on the next page.N N O T E SlYou must connect your computer to the Internet and connect the SMART Response receiverto your computer before you can activate the software.lAfter you find your license code, you don't need to connect the SMART Response receiver tothe other computers that you want to activate SMART Response software on.After you complete the following procedure to find your license code, you can use the code to activateSMART Response assessment software on other computers, as outlined in the License tab in theAbout SMART Response dialog box.gTo find the license code after the software is activated1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select About SMART Response.2. Record the license code that appears on the Description tab.gTo activate SMART Response software on other computers1. On the other computer, click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification areaor Mac menu bar, and then select Check for Updates and Activation.The SMARTProduct Update dialog box appears and displays the time remaining in yoursoftware's evaluation period.N N O T EIf your SMART Response software is already activated, the Status (Days Left) columnshows Activated beside SMART Response.C H A P T E R 2Getting started15
2. Click Activate.If your 30 day evaluation period has expired, the SMARTResponse Software EvaluationExpired dialog box appears. Click Activate Now.If you are within the 30 day evaluation period, the SMART Response Software Evaluationdialog box appears and displays the time remaining in your software evaluation period. ClickActivate Now.3. Type your license code and e-mail address, and then click Next.Your SMART Response software activates.Activating SMART Response CE softwareYou must activate SMART Response software within 30 days of installation. After you install thesoftware, use the following procedure to activate it.gTo activate SMART Response CE software1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Check for Updates and Activation.The SMARTProduct Update dialog box appears and displays the time remaining in yoursoftware's evaluation period.N N O T EIf your SMART Response software is already activated, the Status (Days Left) columnshows Activated beside SMART Response.2. Click Activate.3. Type your product key in the text box, select the I accept check box, and then click Next.N N O T EIf you don't have a software license, contact your authorized local reseller SMART Response VE softwareYou must activate SMART Response within 30 days of installation.gTo activate SMART Response VE software1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Check for Updates and Activation.C H A P T E R 2Getting started16
The SMARTProduct Update dialog box appears and displays the time remaining in yoursoftware's evaluation period.N N O T EIf your SMART Response software is already activated, the Status (Days Left) columnshows Activated beside SMART Response.2. Click Activate.3. Type your product key in the text box, select the I accept check box, and then click Next.N N O T EIf you don't have a software license, contact your authorized local reseller how students answer questionsStudents can answer questions using one of these options:lSMART Response / Senteo clickerslSMART Response PE clickerslSMART Response LE clickerslSMART Response XE clickerslSMARTNotebookSE software on student deviceslSMART Response VE using Internet enabled deviceslMultiple SMART Response devices, optionally including SMART Response VEEach of these options has a corresponding mode in SMART Response software. The first time youstart SMARTResponse software, it prompts you to select the operating mode. Subsequently, youcan select the appropriate mode for the devices in your classroom using the SMART ResponseSetup Tool.N N O T E SlIf you have more than one type of SMART Response responding device in your classroom,you can choose Multiple SMART Response devices mode, or you can choose the mode thatmatches the type of device you’re using, and then use only that type of device while in thatmode.C H A P T E R 2Getting started17
lSome question types aren't available in all responding modes. See About question types onpage 45 for more information.lStudents can use SMART Response PE, SMART Response LE or SMART Response XEclickers, SMARTNotebookSE (SMART Response CE) or Internet enabled devices(SMART Response VE) while SMART Response is in Multiple SMART Response devicesmode, but there are some limitations. See Multiple SMART Response devices modelimitations on the next page for more information.gTo open the SMART Response Setup Tool on a Windows computer1. Close SMART Notebook software and Teacher Tools if they're running.2. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Setup Tool.The SMART Response Setup Tool window opens.gTo open the SMART Response Setup Tool on a Mac computer1. Close SMART Notebook software and Teacher Tools if they're running.2. Click the SMART Response icon in the or Mac menu bar, and then select Setup Tool.The SMART Response Setup Tool window opens.gTo select how students answer questions1. Open the SMART Response Setup Tool.2. Select one of the following options:oSMART Response LE oSMART Response PEoSMART Response XE oSMART Response / SenteooSMART Response VE oSMARTNotebookSEoMultiple SMART Response devicesoInclude SMART Response VEN N O T E SoClasses that are running stop automatically.oThe SMARTNotebookSE option isn't currently available for Mac OS X operatingsystem software.C H A P T E R 2Getting started18
3. Click OK.A message appears stating that your setup has changed. If you switch to SMART ResponseVEor Multiple SMART Response devices mode, a message appears asking you to accept theterms of use. Click I Accept.When you start SMART Response software, your students can answer questions using thedevice(s) you selected in step 2.Multiple SMART Response devices mode limitationsIn addition to using any available SMART Response clickers, students can useSMARTNotebookSE software (SMART Response CE) or Internet enabled devices (SMARTResponse VE) while SMART Response is in Multiple SMART Response Devices mode. This can beparticularly useful if you have a variety of responding devices in your class.I I M P O R T A N TYou must be licensed to use all the devices you want to use in Multiple SMART Response Devicesmode. See Activating SMART Response software on page 15.Why don't I use Multiple SMART Response devices mode all the time?When in Multiple Devices mode, SMART Response software features are limited to those that allmodes share.The following are examples of limitations when in Multiple SMART Response devices mode:lStudents are unable to answer text questions.lStudents are unable to answer SMART Response XE math expression questions.lStudents can only answer the first question of an assessment when they use SMARTResponse LE clickers.lStudents are unable to answer multiple answer or mathematics questions when they useSMART Response LE clickers.C H A P T E R 2Getting started19
Starting SMARTResponse LE software the firsttimeYou can use SMARTResponse LE in two modes: Anonymous mode and Sign-in mode. See AboutSign In and Anonymous modes on page 62 for information about the operating modes..Before you can use SMARTResponse LE in your classroom in Anonymous mode, you mustlassign a classroom name to the receiver, which you can do by creating a .teacher file, or bystarting an assessment in SMARTNotebook software.lpair the students' clickers with the SMARTResponse receiver.To use SMARTResponse LE in Sign-in mode, in addition to the above, you mustlassign clicker IDs to each student’s clicker (which you can do when you pair the clickers withthe receiver).lcreate a class with a class list containing the clicker IDs.N N O T E SlYou’re unable to assign a classroom name while you install SMARTResponse software.You can create a classroom name only after the software is installed and Teacher Toolsstarts for the first time.lIf you created a .teacher file on another computer, you can copy it to your computer and openit instead of creating a new file.Pairing student clickersI I M P O R T A N TYou must connect the receiver and start a class before you can pair the clickers with the receiver.gTo pair clickers with the SMARTResponse receiver1. If a class isn’t running, start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.C H A P T E R 2Getting started20
2. Select Anonymous Mode, and then click Start Class.The receiver’s Power light flashes and then turns solid green. The receiver’s Transmit lightflashes green.3. Press the clicker's Power and Menu buttons simultaneously for two seconds.Teacher Mode appears on the screen.4. Using the clicker’s Up and Down buttons, select Scan & Pick, and then press Enter.The clicker searches for available classrooms.5. Use the clicker’s Up and Down buttons to select your class from the list, and then pressEnter.If your connection is successful, a “Paired With RCV” message appears.6. Use the Up and Down buttons to select Exit, or hold down the clicker’s Power button to turnoff the clicker.7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for the rest of your clickers.You’re now ready to start a class and ask questions in Anonymous mode. See Asking instantquestions on the next page to ask single questions, or see Adding questions using the InsertQuestion wizard on page 47 to create assessments.Assigning clicker IDsBefore your students can connect and use their clickers, you must program each student’s clickerwith a unique clicker ID number. When your students connect to a class, SMART Responsesoftware checks their clicker ID's against the class list to determine whether they are valid membersof the class.If their clicker IDs aren't in the class list, the clickers don't connect.gTo program clicker IDs into the clickers1. If the clicker is turned on, press the clicker's Power button to turn it off.2. Press the clicker's Power and Menu buttons simultaneously.Teacher Mode appears on the clicker’s screen.3. Use the Up and Down buttons to scroll to Clicker ID, and then press Enter.C H A P T E R 2Getting started21
4. Use the Up and Down buttons to select a unique number between 1 and 199, and then pressthe Menu button.I I M P O R T A N TEach clicker's ID must be unique and must correspond to the student’s clicker ID in yourclass list. See Creating a class list on page 28 for information.5. Use the Up and Down buttons to scroll to Exit, and then press Enter.The clicker starts and is ready to use.6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for every clicker in your class.Asking instant questionsUse the Instant Question feature to introduce the SMART Response interactive response system toyour students. Instant questions are individual questions you ask spontaneously—they aren't part ofan assessment. When you use the Instant Questions feature, you’re unable to type a question orassign a correct answer.You can ask an instant question verbally, write or type it on an interactive whiteboard and add objectsdirectly onto the SMART Notebook page.N N O T EEnsure that you start your class and that all students are connected before you ask an instantquestion.gTo ask individual questions using the Instant Question feature1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or the Mac menu bar,and then select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Click the Insert Question icon on the toolbar.T T I PIf Insert Question isn't on the toolbar, you can right-click the toolbar and add it.3. Click one of the Instant Question buttons.The Instant Question dialog box appears asking whether you want to insert the question on thispage or on a new page.C H A P T E R 2Getting started22
4. Select one of the options.T T I PIf you want to use the same option by default, select the Always perform this actionoption. You can change the default in the Preferences menu.A SMART Notebook page appears showing the possible answers to the question. TheResponse tab changes to Single Question, and the Progress button is selected.The question starts automatically and appears on the student's display.N N O T EIf you haven't started a class, a message appears asking you to select a class. Select aclass, and then click Start Class.5. Present your question to the class.6. After all students answer the question, click Stop this question.7. To save the results, click Save .To add another question without clearing the results of the previous question, don't click Clear,and then repeat steps 2 to 6.Setting up Teacher ToolsWith Teacher Tools, you canlcheck the status and performance of the receivers, clickers and students.lselect Sign In mode or Anonymous mode of operation.lmanage class lists.lstart classes so that students can sign in.When you open Teacher Tools for the first time, you create a SMART Teacher file. You can later editthe SMART Teacher file and adjust the privacy options.Starting Teacher ToolsWhen you start Teacher Tools for the first time, it opens to the Welcome to Teacher Tools view whereyou can create a SMART Teacher file, manage class lists, generate class or student performancereports and perform many other tasks.C H A P T E R 2Getting started23
lIf this is the first time you're starting SMARTResponse software in LE mode, see StartingSMARTResponse LE software the first time on page 20 for information.gTo start Teacher ToolsClick the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, and thenselect the icon below the Teacher Tools heading.Teacher Tools appears in Gradebook view.N N O T EIf SMARTNotebook software is open, you can also start Teacher Tools by selecting Response >Teacher Tools.Starting Teacher Tools in CE mode using SMARTSync Class List ServerWhen SMARTResponse software is in CE mode (using SMART Notebook SE software) andconnected to a SMARTSync Class List server, and you start Teacher Tools, a Welcome dialog boxappears. You can select one of the teacher names in the dialog box to load the AdministeredTeacher's class information into Teacher Tools. See Using SMARTSync Class List Server classlists on page 34 for more information.Creating a SMART Teacher fileIf you want to save all of your class lists and assessment results, you need to create a SMARTTeacher file. Your SMART Teacher file also enables your students to find and connect to yourclasses when they connect in Sign In mode.If you need to, you can create additional SMART Teacher files after you create the initial one.gTo create a SMART Teacher file the first time you use SMART Response software1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select the icon below the Teacher Tools heading.The Welcome to Teacher Tools wizard appears.N N O T EThe wizard appears only if you haven't created a SMART Teacher file.2. Type your name and other information in the text boxes. The Save button is unavailable untilyou provide all the required information.3. Click Save.ASave As dialog box appears.C H A P T E R 2Getting started24
4. Type a file name, and then click Save.The .teacher file saves and the Gradebook window appears displaying the teacher’s name.gTo create an additional SMART Teacher file1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select File > New.The Gradebook Information screen appears.3. Type your information in the text boxes, and then click Save.4. Browse to where you want to save your SMART Teacher file, and then click Save.Editing your SMART Teacher fileThe first time you started SMART Response Teacher Tools, you created a SMART Teacher file to letyour students find and connect to your class. See Creating a SMART Teacher file on the previouspage.You can use the following steps to change the information in your SMART Teacher file.gTo edit your SMART Teacher file1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.N N O T EYou're unable to edit your classroom name if a class is running.2. Click Edit beside the Gradebook name.The Edit Gradebook Information window appears.3. Edit the information, and then click Done.Adjusting privacy and alert optionsYou can set the level of student information that appears on your display and define whether you wantstudent sign-in and sign-out alerts to appear.Using Privacy modeBy default, SMART Response software displays student information such as ID numbers andgrades. If you don't want to display sensitive information in front of your class you can turn PrivacyC H A P T E R 2Getting started25
mode on.gTo hide private informationClick the Privacy: Off button in the upper right corner of the screen.gTo display private informationClick the Privacy: On button in the upper right corner of the screen.Changing alertsYou can set SMART Response software to display an alert message on your screen when studentssign in or out.N N O T EAlerts appear only when the SMART Response Desktop menu is running.gTo set sign-in and sign-out alerts1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows computers) or Teacher Tools > Preferences (Maccomputers) from the menu bar.The SMART Response Preferences dialog box appears.3. Click the Alerts tab.4. Select or clear the check boxes for the alerts you want to display or hide, and then click OK.Applying encryption methodsYou can set SMARTResponse CE software to use SSL or Diffie-Hellman encryption. SSLencryption allows other programs to access SMARTResponse CE software. Diffie-Hellmanencryption (the default method) doesn't allow other programs to access SMARTResponse CEsoftware.N N O T EThe system administrator can override this setting.C H A P T E R 2Getting started26
gTo apply an encryption method1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows computers) or Teacher Tools > Preferences (Maccomputers) from the menu bar.The SMART Response Preferences dialog box appears.3. Click the Encryption tab.4. Select Diffie Hellman or SSL Digital Certificate from the Method drop-down list.If you selected SSL Digital Certificate, additional options appear:oSelect Automatically generated certificate if you want SMART Response CEsoftware to generate and use a security certificate.oSelect Imported certificate, and then browse to and select the certificate you want toimport, to use an existing certificate.5. Click OK.Configuring service portsYou can specify the ports SMARTResponse CE software uses for the file data channel andencrypted data channel, or set the software to use random ports.gTo specify the service ports1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23,Teacher Tools appears.2. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows computers) or Teacher Tools > Preferences (Maccomputers) from the menu bar.The SMART Response Preferences dialog box appears.3. Click the Networking tab.4. Clear the Randomize check boxes beside the Encrypted data channel and File data channelboxes if they're selected, and then type the port numbers you want to use.5. Click OK.C H A P T E R 2Getting started27
gTo use random service ports1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23,Teacher Tools appears.2. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows computers) or Teacher Tools > Preferences (Maccomputers) from the menu bar.The SMART Response Preferences dialog box appears.3. Click the Networking tab.4. Select the Randomize check box beside the Encrypted data channel or File data channelboxes.5. Click OK.Creating a class listBefore you can start a class in Sign In mode, you must have a class list. You can use Teacher Toolsto create a list, or you can import one from a Microsoft Excel® or comma separated values (CSV) file.N N O T EYou don't need to create a class list if you're starting the class in Anonymous mode. For moreinformation, see About Sign In and Anonymous modes on page 62.Creating a class list in Teacher ToolsgTo create a class list1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Click Add a Class in the Gradebook area on the left.3. Type a name for your class (for example, Math), add any optional details in the ClassInformation boxes, and then click Add.After a short delay, the new class's window appears and the class name appears in theGradebook area.4. Click the Students tab at the top of the window.C H A P T E R 2Getting started28
5. Click Add on the toolbar.The Properties window appears below the table.6. If you are using SMARTResponse LE clickers, type a unique number between 1 and 199 in theClicker ID box.N N O T EThe clicker IDs in the class list must correspond with the IDs programmed into the studentclickers.7. Type a unique 1 to 15 digit ID in the Student ID box.8. Type a student's name in the Name boxes. The student's e-mail address and tags are optional.You can also type name and ID information directly in the table.N N O T EYou can use tags to categorize the students in custom groupings that SMARTResponsesoftware uses when you create student reports.The student information saves to the class list as you type it.9. Repeat these steps for each student.Importing a class list from ExcelI I M P O R T A N TThis feature is supported by SMARTResponse software for Windows operating systems only.If you use Microsoft Excel to maintain class lists, you can import an .xls or .xlsx file into TeacherTools to create a SMARTResponse class list. You might find it easier to copy the list of names inyour current Excel document into a new spreadsheet.Creating class lists for all modes except LEUse the following procedure to create class lists for classes that don't use LE clickers.gTo create a class list in an Excel spreadsheet1. Open the Excel spreadsheet that contains your students' names.2. Insert a blank row at the top of the spreadsheet if it doesn't already have one.3. Type ID Number in the first cell (A1).4. Type First Name in the first cell of the second column (B1).C H A P T E R 2Getting started29
5. Type Last Name in the first cell of the third column (C1).6. Move the first and last names into the columns directly below the headings.7. In column A, type a unique 1 to 15 digit ID number for each student.EXAMPLEA B C1 ID Number First Name Last name2 1234 David Jones3 6789 Jane Doe4 5678 John Swartz5 3456 Mary Smith8. Save the spreadsheet.Creating class lists for LE modeUse the following procedure to create class lists for classes that use LE clickers.gTo create a class list in an Excel spreadsheet1. Open the Excel spreadsheet that contains your students' names.2. Insert a blank row at the top of the spreadsheet if it doesn't already have one.3. Type ID Number in the first cell (A1).4. Type Clicker ID in the first cell of the second column (B1).5. Type First Name in the first cell of the third column (C1).6. Type Last Name in the first cell of the fourth column (D1).7. Move the first and last names into the columns directly below the headings.8. In column A, type a unique 1 to 15 digit ID number for each student.C H A P T E R 2Getting started30
9. In column B, type a unique clicker ID from 1 to 199 for each student's clicker.EXAMPLEA B C D1 ID Number Clicker ID First Name Last name2 12345 1 David Jones3 67890 2 Jane Doe4 56789 3 John Swartz5 34567 4 Mary SmithN N O T E SoThe clicker ID must match the ID programmed into the student’s clicker. SeeAssigning clicker IDs on page 21.oIf you don’t include a Clicker ID column in the spreadsheet, SMART Responsesoftware will insert sequential Clicker IDs into the class list. You must then match theclicker IDs to the clickers either by editing the class list or by re-programming theclickers.10. Save the spreadsheet.Importing the class listgTo import a class list from an Excel spreadsheet1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Click Add a Class in the Gradebook area on the left.3. Type a name for your class, add any optional details to the Class Information boxes, and thenclick Add.After a short delay, the new class's window appears, and the class name appears in theGradebook area.4. Click the Students tab at the top of the window.5. Click the Import button at the top of the window, and then select Students.The Import dialog box appears.6. Select the class you want to import the student list into, and then click Next.7. Select Microsoft Excel from the Import from list, and then click Next.C H A P T E R 2Getting started31
8. Browse to and select the .xls or .xlsx file containing the class list, and then click Open.After a short delay, the names and IDs from the spreadsheet appear in the Students page. Youcan now edit each student's properties, as required.Importing a class list from a CSV fileIf you use a database or spreadsheet program to maintain class lists, you may be able to export classlists as comma separated values (CSV) files. Refer to your database or spreadsheet program's Helpor user's guide for more information.Creating class lists for all modes except LEUse the following procedure to create class lists for classes that don't use LE clickers.gTo create a class list in CSV formatAfter exporting your class list as a CSV file, format your file in a text editor so that the first threevalues are ID Number,First Name and Last Name as shown below.EXAMPLEIDNumber,First Name,Last Name,12345,John,Doe,54321,Jane,Doe,56789,Bob,Jones,98765,Barb,WhiteFor more information, see CSV file formatting on the next page.Creating class lists for LE modeUse the following procedure to create class lists for classes that use LE clickers.gTo create a class list in CSV formatAfter exporting your class list as a CSV file, format your file in a text editor so that the first four valuesare ID Number,Clicker ID,First Name and Last Name as shown below.EXAMPLEIDNumber,Clicker ID,First Name,Last Name,12345,1,John,Doe,54321,2,Jane,Doe,56789,3,Bob,Jones,98765,4,Barb,WhiteC H A P T E R 2Getting started32
For more information, see CSV file formatting below.gTo import a class list from a CSV file1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Click Add a Class in the Gradebook area on the left.3. Type a name for your class, add any optional details to the Class Information boxes, and thenclick Add.After a short delay, the new class's window appears, and the class name appears in theGradebook area.4. Click the Students tab at the top of the window.5. Click the Import button at the top of the window, and then select Students.The Import dialog box appears.6. Select the class you want to import the student list into, and then click Next.7. Select Comma Separated Values (CSV) from the Import from list, and then click Next.8. Browse to and select the CSV file containing the class list, and then click Open.After a short delay, the names and IDs from your CSV file appear in the Students page. Youcan now edit each student's properties, as required.CSV file formattingTips for formatting CSV files for importing class listsThe following is the general format you should use for CSV files:The order of the columns isn't important, but the first row must contain the column headingsidentifying what's in each column.lYou must have a column with the heading ID Number.oYou must put a single space between ID and Number.oIn place of ID Number, you can use ID,Student ID or Number.oIf you don't use a correct column name for the ID Number, the software is unable toimport the list.C H A P T E R 2Getting started33
lSpecify student first and last names in separate columns.oFor the student's given name, use First Name for the column heading.oFor the student's family name, use Last Name as the column heading.oYou must put a single space between First (or Last) and Name.oIn place of First Name, you can use Given Name.oIn place of Last Name you can use Last,Family Name or Surname.lYou can also use the heading Full Name to import a single value that combines the first andlast names.oYou must put a single space between Full and Name.oIn place of Full Name, you can use Full or Name.oIf you use Full Name, the software checks to see whether the first and last names areseparated by a comma (Last, First). If there isn't a comma, it separates the names with aspace (First Last).oIf you put three or more names with spaces between them, the software uses the lastword as the last name and joins all of the first words to form the first name. For example,"Michael John Smith" is split with the last name as Smith, and the first name as MichaelJohn.N N O T EIf your spreadsheet or database software automatically inserts quotation marks around the commaseparated values, the software ignores them and the import works properly.Using SMARTSync Class List Server class listsWhen you use SMART Response software in CE mode, you can use class list information from aSMARTSync Class List Server instead of using a class list you created using Teacher Tools.Teachers using SMART Sync can create class list information and store it on their SMARTSyncClass List Server. When you start SMART Response Teacher Tools, you can then select whichteacher's class information to use for your class.Alternatively, teachers using SMARTSync software can start a SMART Response class using theirclass information.C H A P T E R 2Getting started34
Editing a class listAfter you create a class list, you can use Teacher Tools to edit it.N N O T E SlYou're unable to edit a class list or remove students from it if a class is running. However,you can add students and import class lists after a class has started.lWhen you use SMART Response in CE mode while connected to a SMARTSync Class ListServer, you can't make changes to the class list information stored on the server.Editing student informationN N O T EYou’re unable to edit student information if a class is running.gTo edit student information1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select the class from the Gradebook area on the left.3. Click the Students tab.The class list appears.4. Select the student whose information you want to edit.The Properties tab appears below the class list.5. Type the changes into the Properties boxes.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each student.Adding students to a class listgTo add a student to a class list1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select the class from the Gradebook area on the left.C H A P T E R 2Getting started35
3. Click the Students tab.The class list appears.4. Click Add on the toolbar.The Properties tab appears below the class list.5. Type a unique number of 1 to 15 digits in the Student ID box.N N O T E SoIf you are using SMART Response in CE mode, you can use up to 40 alphanumericcharacters in the Student ID box.oStudents with alphanumeric IDs or IDs of more than 15 characters can't sign in using aclicker or Internet-enabled devices (VE mode).The student information saves to the class list as you type it.6. Type a student's name in the Name boxes. The student's e-mail address and tags are optional.You can also type name and ID information directly in the table.T T I PYou can use tags to categorize the students in custom groupings that SMART Responsesoftware uses when you create student reports. See Tagging students on the next page.7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each student.Removing students from a class listN N O T EYou're unable to remove students from a class list if a class is running.gTo remove a student from a class list1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select the class from the Gradebook area on the left.3. Click the Students tab.The class list appears.4. Select the student you want to remove, and then click Delete on the toolbar.C H A P T E R 2Getting started36
A message appears asking you to confirm the deletion.5. Click Yes.Tagging studentsYou can use tags to identify groups or categories of students. SMART Response software uses thetags to sort student results when you generate class performance reports. For example, if you assignthe tags “Senior” and “Junior” to the students, SMART Response software adds a chart to the report,with one bar for each of the two tags.You can assign multiple tags to a student by separating the tags with a semicolon (;), for example“Senior;Honors” and “Junior;Honors”. In this case, SMART Response software adds a chart to thereport, with three bars (one each for “Senior”, “Junior” and “Honors”).You can also create tag subcategories by separating the tags with a colon (:). An example would be“Gender:Male” and “Gender:Female”. In this case, SMART Response software generates a singlereport section for “Gender” showing data grouped in “Male” and “Female” subcategories.Changing a class's passing gradeWhen you create a class list, you define the passing grade for the class. You can change that gradelater if you want.gTo change a class's passing grade1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select the class from the Gradebook area on the left.3. Click Edit beside the class name.The Edit Class Information window appears.4. Edit the Passing Grade value, and then click Done.C H A P T E R 2Getting started37
Chapter 3: Using SMARTResponsesoftwareAbout SMARTNotebook software 40SMARTResponse software with SMARTResponse software 41Setting SMART Response preferences in SMART Notebook software 41Creating assessments 42Creating an assessment 42Adding content pages to the assessment 43Defining feedback options 44Adding questions to the assessment 45About question types 45Adding questions using the Insert Question wizard 47About intelligent expression grading 48Creating answer keys 51Importing questions from a Word document 52Example Word document question formats 53Importing questions from an XML or SQZ file 54Importing questions from a PDF file 55PDF document formatting 56Importing questions from ExamView HTML 57Exporting ExamView tests 58About ExamView HTML question importing 59Setting answers for imported questions 60Adding choices to a question 60Tagging questions 61Starting and connecting to a class 62Before class begins 62Safety tips for teachers 62Starting a class 62About Sign In and Anonymous modes 62Starting a class in Anonymous mode 63Starting a class in Sign In mode 64Monitoring clickers 65Chapter 339
Connecting to the class 66Connecting in Anonymous mode 66Connecting in Sign In mode 67Manually connecting to a class 69Locking sign-in 70Disconnecting students from a class 71Disconnecting all students 71Disconnecting individual clickers using Teacher Tools 71Students disconnecting manually 72Using clickers 73About SMARTResponse PE clickers 73Changing SMARTResponse PE clicker settings 73Answering yes or no questions 74Answering true or false questions 74Answering multiple choice questions 74Answering multiple answer questions 75Answering number, fraction or decimal questions 75Answering text answer questions 77About SMART Response LE clickers 78Clicker Buttons 78Using the Teacher mode menu 79About SMART Response XE clickers 80Asking questions 81Completing assessments 82Starting an assessment 82Collecting question responses 86Reviewing results after an assessment 86Previewing results during an assessment 88About SMARTNotebook softwareUse SMARTNotebook collaborative learning software to save notes written on a SMART interactiveproduct or at your computer as a series of pages. You can use SMARTNotebook software to create apresentation full of colorful clip art, graphics, text and Adobe Flash Player compatible files. Then youcan present that SMARTNotebook file, keeping your audience’s attention as you move and interactwith these objects. When your audience provides comments and suggestions, write their input on apage using the pen tray tools or the pen buttons in SMARTNotebook software.Because SMARTNotebook software works on many platforms, you can share files created on aWindows computer with people who use a Mac computer. You can also export yourSMARTNotebook file as a cross-platform HTML or PDF file, or as a series of image files.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software40
SMARTResponse software with SMARTResponse softwareThe integration of SMARTResponse software with SMARTNotebook software means that you cancreate question sets, import questions from Microsoft Word or XML files and start and stop questionsessions directly from SMARTNotebook software. You can export the class’s and individualstudents’ results to a Microsoft Excel file or an HTML page. Using SMART Response software’sprinting feature, create handout materials, copies of the questions and graded results pages for eachstudent and for the class. This section introduces the SMARTResponse software features inSMARTNotebook software. For more information about using other SMARTNotebook features,refer to SMART Notebook’s online Help or the SMART website.Setting SMART Response preferences in SMART Notebook softwareYou can customize the default behavior of some of SMART Notebook software's SMART Responsefeatures.gTo define how SMART Response software inserts instant questions1. Select Response > Preferences from the SMART Notebook menu bar.2. If you want the Insert Question button to insert the question on a SMART Notebook page thatalready has notes or images on it, select Insert on the current page when possible.If you want to create a new page containing your question, select Always insert on a newpage.If you want SMART Response software to ask you each time, select Always ask beforeinserting (default setting).gTo define the Response tab options1. Select Response > Preferences from the SMART Notebook menu bar.2. Select Pie Chart or Bar Chart In the Default chart type for tab results drop-down list to definethe type of results chart you want to display by default.3. If you want to display the Response tab immediately after you start an assessment so you canimmediately monitor the progress of the assessment, select Show the Response tab whenyou start an assessment.If you want to display the Response tab immediately after you stop an assessment so you canimmediately display the assessment results, select Show the Response tab when you stopan assessment.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software41
Creating assessmentsYou can use SMART Notebook software to create assessments.Creating an assessmentBy creating assessments, you can collect results for each question and for the entire assessment atthe same time. You can define feedback options that show whether students answered correctly,what the correct answer was and how the class performed on the question or the entire assessment.You can install SMART Response software on any computer to create question sets that you canlater copy to and run on the computer system in your classroom.N N O T EYou're unable to run assessment files on a computer with standard SMART Notebook softwareinstalled. You must have SMART Notebook software that includes SMART Response software.gTo create an assessment1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Click the Response tab.T T I POn Windows computers, you can clear the Auto-hide option to keep the options visible whileyou work on your assessment.3. Click Title Page.The Insert Title Page dialog box appears.4. In the top text box, type a title for your assessment.5. Select the type of assessment you want to create, and then click Add. Optionally, you cantype Subject and Topic information.Title page information appears on the SMART Notebook page, and the Response tab displaysseveral options that enable you to customize your assessment.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software42
gTo edit the assessment title page and description1. On the SMART Notebook page, double-click the title, grade, subject or date text to change itsproperties or edit the text.2. Click the Response tab.3. In the Description area, edit the options you defined when you created the assessment.N N O T EIf you edit the SMART Notebook page, the Description information doesn't change.Similarly, if you edit the Description information, the SMART Notebook page doesn't change.gTo add question and content pages to your assessmentSee Adding questions to the assessment on page 45 and Adding content pages to the assessmentbelow.gTo save your assessment1. Click Save .ASave As dialog box appears.2. Browse to a folder, type a file name, and then click Save.Adding content pages to the assessmentYou can add content pages anywhere in your assessment to introduce questions or providebackground information.gTo add a content page1. Create your assessment. See Creating an assessment on the previous page for moreinformation.2. Click the Page Sorter tab, and then select the page you want to insert a content page after.3. Click the Response tab.4. Click the Next Steps tab.5. Click Make the next page a content page.A blank page appears.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software43
6. Use SMART Notebook's tools to add text, images or Adobe Flash Player compatible files fromthe Gallery.Defining feedback optionsFeedback options allow you to show your students their individual grades, the correct answers andthe class average.N N O T EThe feedback options available vary depending on the SMART Response mode.Feedback option DescriptionAfter you stop collectingresponsesThe students can see how they answered and see their grades afteryou click Stop.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show class average.After all questions areansweredThe students can see how they answered and see their grades afterthey finish answering all questions.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show the class average.After each question isansweredThe students can see how they answered each question and seetheir grades after they finish answering all questions.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show class average.Don't show students theirgradesThe students can't see how they answered or their grades.Don't allow students to saveassessmentStudents using SMARTNotebook SE software can't save theassessment to their binders after they finish.gTo define feedback options1. Create your assessment. See Creating an assessment on page 42 for more information.2. On the Response tab for the assessment's title page, select one of the options described in theprevious table from the Show results to students drop-down list.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software44
Adding questions to the assessmentSMART Response supports up to seven question types depending on the device students use toanswer questions.You can add questions to the assessment using the Insert Question wizard or by importing questionsfrom a Microsoft Word document, XML file, SQZ file, PDF file (Mac only) or ExamView® HTML file.After you create a question, you can add choices to it or tag it.About question typesUsing SMART Response software, you can ask the following types of questions either individually oras question sets. You can also add notes to any question type that appears when you print thequestion results.N N O T E SlOpinion questions don’t have a correct answer and aren’t worth points.lIf you include a question of a type that isn't supported in the SMARTResponse mode you'reusing, the question appears with an Unsupported Question Type icon in the Page Sortertab in SMART Notebook software.QuestiontypeDescription Students can answer withStd. PE LE NBSE XE VE MultiYes or no Students use the Y(green onLEclickers) or N(red on LEclickers) button to answer aquestion. You can alsochoose the Opinion optionto allow either answer.True orfalseStudents use the True (greenon LEclickers) or False (redon LE clickers) button toanswer a question. You canalso choose the Opinionoption to allow either answer.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software45
QuestiontypeDescription Students can answer withStd. PE LE NBSE XE VE MultiMultiplechoiceStudents use a single button,Athrough J, to answer thequestion. Select from 2 to 10answers (2 to 5 answers forLE clickers) for a question.You can also choose theOpinion option to allow anyanswer.MultipleanswerStudents use the Athrough Jbuttons to select the correctcombination of answers tothe question. Select from 2 to10 answers for the question.You can also choose theOpinion option to allow anycombination of answers.Number,fraction ordecimalStudents use the numberbuttons to answer questionswith numeric answers usingwhole numbers, fractions ordecimals. You can alsochoose the Opinion optionto allow any answer.TextanswerStudents type the answer tothe question. You canchoose the Opinion optionto allow any answer. There isa 20-character limit on textanswer questions.Number,fraction orexpressionStudents use math symbolsand numeric values toanswer the question. Thereis a 30-character limit onexpression answers.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software46
Adding questions using the Insert Question wizardWith SMART Notebook software, you can ask your students questions and collect their answers.gTo add a question using the Insert Question wizard1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Click Insert Question on the toolbar.T T I PIf Insert Question isn't on the toolbar, you can right-click the toolbar and add it.The Insert Question wizard appears.3. Click the thumbnail of the question type you want to add, and then click Next.4. Type the question in the text box.5. If you use tags to create categories in your reports, type them in the Tags box using theexamples, and then click Next.6. For yes or no and true or false questions, select the correct answer or the Opinion option.For number, fraction or expression questions, type the correct answer or select the Opinionoption.For multiple choice or multiple answer questions, select the number of answers, type theanswers in the text boxes, click Next, and then select the correct answers or the Opinionoption.For text answer questions, type one to four acceptable answers or select the Opinion option.See Note 1 below.For number, fraction or expression questions, use the expression editor to create theexpression question, and then use the editor to create a correct expression answer. See Note 2below.7. Type the number of points the student receives for a correct answer.T T I PThe value can be a whole or decimal number.8. If you want to create more questions, click Insert Another, and then repeat steps 2 to 7.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software47
9. Click Finish.10. Optionally, use SMART Notebook's tools to add images or Adobe Flash Player compatiblefiles from the Gallery.N N O T E S1. Text answer questions are case-sensitive. You can enter up to four answers to supportdifferent capitalizations (for example, "iron", "Iron" and "IRON").2. SMARTResponse XE software's intelligent expression grading feature compares thestudent responses to the correct expression answer to determine whether it is equivalentbased on the Intelligent Grading settings you define. See About intelligent expressiongrading below for more information.About intelligent expression gradingWhen you create an expression question and correct answer, intelligent expression grading acceptsmultiple representations of that answer expression as correct.A student’s answer is always graded correct if it:lmatches the question's correct answer exactlylhas a different representation, but is mathematically equivalent and uses the same terms andoperators in the same order as the question's correct answerYou can use intelligent grading options to decide which other mathematically equivalent answers toaccept as correct. The following graphic shows the three levels of equivalency that you can define foryour questions.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software48
The following table shows examples of how SMARTResponse software's intelligent expressiongrading compares expression answers to the question's correct expression answer.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software49
The following table shows examples of how student answers would be graded depending on whichequivalency option you chose.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software50
Creating answer keysIf you already have a quiz or assessment in another format, such as in a hardcopy format, or in amultimedia file, you can create an answer key for that assessment to record the assessment'sprogress and student's grades. You can then use SMART Response tools to generate, export andprint assessment and student reports.When you create an answer key you create a SMARTNotebook file containing a series of SMARTResponse question pages showing possible answers to your assessment questions but withoutquestion content. When you start your assessment, students can use SMART Response devices toanswer the questions at their own pace.N N O T EThe question options available when you create your answer key change depending on SMARTResponse operating mode you are using. See Selecting how students answer questions on page17.gTo create an answer key1. Click Response >Create Answer Key.The Create Answer Key dialog box appears.2. Type a title in the Title box.3. Select an option from the Type drop down list.4. Select the thumbnail for the type of question you want.The correct answer options available depend on the question type you select.5. Select or type the correct answer, or the Opinion option for this question.6. Adjust the points value and create tags for this question, if required.7. If you selected Multiple answer,Text or Number, fraction, expression questions in step 4, clickAdd.The Questions table updates showing your selection.8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each question.9. Click Create.SMARTNotebook software adds pages for each question, preceded by a title page.10. Click File > Save As, type a file name, and then click Save.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software51
You can now start the assessment, and ask the students to respond to the questions. Refer toStarting and connecting to a class on page 62 for information. You can edit your answer key using thesame procedures found in Adding questions to the assessment on page 45.Importing questions from a Word documentI I M P O R T A N TThis feature is supported on SMART Response software for Windows computers only.When you import questions from a Microsoft Word document, SMART Response software'sconversion utility uses a variety of techniques to identify which paragraphs are questions, whichparagraphs are possible answers and what type of question to create from the given information. Itsmost basic technique is to interpret the numbering of the paragraphs. The software also searches forkey words when parsing the paragraphs. The software then converts the paragraphs into SMARTNotebook assessment pages. See Example Word document question formats on the next page formore information.N N O T ESMART Response software is unable to provide the correct answers to imported questions.gTo import questions from a Word document1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area, and then select OpenNotebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select Response > Import Question From > Microsoft Word.The Open dialog box appears.3. Browse to and select the Word document, and then click Open.A progress bar appears and closes when the conversion is complete.4. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the title page.5. Optionally, edit and customize the title page and description.6. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the first question page and check it carefully toverify that the conversion process was successful.7. Repeat step 6 for all questions in the assessment.After you import the questions, see Setting answers for imported questions on page 60.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software52
Example Word document question formatsThe following list of questions is an example of how to format your Word document before you importit into SMARTResponse software.N N O T ESome SMARTResponse modes don't support all of the following example question types. SeeSelecting how students answer questions on page 17 for more information.1. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the majority of poor children live in:a. urban areasb. suburban areasc. rural areas2. Can you fill a 10 L aquarium with five 2 L pitchers of water?YesNo3. True or false: Half of all even whole numbers are divisible by 4.TrueFalse4. Let x = 3. Compute y from the equation below.y = 20 - 4xAnswer: ____________________________5. Which Native American group lived in the highlighted area on the map?a. Kwakiutlb. Siouxc. IroquoisN N O T EEnsure that you format the questions in your Word document like the ones in these examplesbefore you import the file. In most cases, the import utility ignores headers and footers in the Worddocument.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software53
Importing questions from an XML or SQZ fileSMART Response software includes an import feature for converting questions from ExamViewformat XML files or SMARTSync™ classroom management software SQZ files into question sets.SMART Response software uses the tags in the XML and SQZ files to extract questions, answersand correct responses, and then converts the information into assessment pages.I I M P O R T A N TYou must have or create an ExamView formatted XML text file or a SMARTSync software SQZfile before you can perform this procedure. Binary ExamView formatted files are not supported.gTo import questions from an XML or SQZ file1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select Response > Import Question From > XML.The Open dialog box appears.3. Browse to and select an XML or SQZ file, and then click Open.A progress bar appears, followed by the title page for the new question set.4. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the first question page.5. Add a title page to the assessment, and then customize the page and description as desired.6. Edit and customize the first question page as desired.Check the question carefully, including the correct answer (see below), to verify that theconversion process was successful.7. Repeat step 6 for all questions in the set.8. Click Save .ASave As dialog box appears.9. Browse to a folder, type a name for the file, and then click Save.After you import the questions, see Setting answers for imported questions on page 60C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software54
Importing questions from a PDF fileI I M P O R T A N TThis feature is available only with SMART Response for Mac computers.When you import questions from a PDF file, the SMART Response conversion utility interprets thenumbering of the paragraphs. The software also recognizes key words when parsing the paragraphs.The software then converts the paragraphs into SMART Notebook assessment pages.I I M P O R T A N TEnsure that you format the questions in your PDF file like the ones in PDF document formatting onthe next page before you begin this procedure.gTo import questions from a PDF file1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Mac menu bar, and then select Open NotebookSoftware.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select Response > Import Question From > PDF File.The Open dialog box appears.3. Browse to and select the PDF file, and then click Open.A progress bar appears and closes when the conversion is complete.4. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail of the title page.5. Edit and customize the title page and description.6. Edit and customize the first question page.7. Check the question carefully to verify that the conversion process was successful.8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all questions in the assessment.After you import the questions, see Setting answers for imported questions on page 60C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software55
PDF document formattingThe text below shows examples of multiple choice questions formatted so that SMART Responsesoftware can easily convert them to question pages.1. How is the boy involved in the dog’s care?a. He feeds the dog twice a day.b. He walks the dog once a day.c. He cleans up the dog’s messes.d. He gives the dog a lot of affection.2. What percentage of the U.S. Government budget goes to welfare and Social Security?a. 25% to welfare and 25% to Social Securityb. less than 1% to welfare and 20% to Social Securityc. 20% to welfare and 1% to Social Securityd. less than 1% to welfare and less than 1% to Social SecurityN N O T E SlYou can import only multiple choice questions.lRemove headers and footers from your PDF file because the import utility will attempt toconvert them into questions.lIntroduction, background or source information not related to questions should be onseparate pages.lText and graphics that the import utility can't convert into questions are imported to aSMART Notebook page as a graphic.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software56
Importing questions from ExamView HTMLYou can import ExamView 5.2.0 and 6.2.1 HTMLquestion files into a SMARTResponseassessment. See Exporting ExamView tests on the next page for information about exportingHTMLquestion files from ExamView.N N O T ESMART Response is unable to identify the correct answers to imported questions. You must setthe correct answers after you import the questions. See Setting answers for imported questions onpage 60.gTo import questions from an ExamView HTML file1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select Response > Import Question From > ExamView HTML.The Open dialog box appears.3. Browse to and select the HTMLfile, and then click Open.A progress bar appears and closes when the conversion is complete.4. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the title page.5. Optionally, edit and customize the title page and description.6. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the first question page and check it carefully toverify that the conversion process was successful.See About ExamView HTML question importing on page 59 for information about howExamView questions are converted to SMARTResponse questions.7. Repeat step 6 for all questions in the assessment.After you import the questions, see Setting answers for imported questions on page 60.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software57
Exporting ExamView testsYou can export ExamView 5.2.0 and 6.2.1 online tests as HTML documents.gTo export an HTMLtest document from ExamView 5.2.01. In ExamView Test Generator 5.2.0, select File > Publish Online Test.The Publish Online Test dialog box appears.2. In Step 1, type a title for the assessment.3. In Step 2, select the Save test as an HTMLdocument to your hard drive option, and thenclick Next.4. In Step 3, select the Publish a study guide option, and then click Next.I I M P O R T A N TIf you do not select the Publish a study guide option, you must manually add answerinformation to the questions.T T I PYou can also select the Show Rational,Show Feedback and Show Reference options.SMARTResponse converts any notes in the rational, feedback and reference boxes toSMARTNotebook notes.5. Type a file name for the HTML file, and then click OK.ExamView creates the HTMLfile and a _files folder containing all the image files used in thetest.gTo export an HTMLtest document from ExamView 6.2.11. In ExamView Test Generator 6.2.1, select File > Export to HTML.The Export to HTML dialog box appears.2. Type a title for the assessment, select the Export as study guide option, and then click OK.T T I PYou can also select the Show Rational,Show Feedback and Show Reference options.SMARTResponse converts any notes in the rational, feedback and reference boxes toSMARTNotebook notes.3. Type a file name for the HTML file, and then click OK.ExamView creates the HTMLfile.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software58
About ExamView HTML question importingThe following table shows how SMARTResponse software imports ExamView HTML question files.This ExamView question type Imports as this SMARTResponse question typeTrue or false True or falseModified true or falseThis is a two-part question: if theanswer is false, the student modifiesthe question to make it true.True or falseMultiple choice Multiple choiceChoice labels import in uppercase letters. Custom choicelabels don't import.Multiple answer Multiple answerChoice labels import in uppercase letters. Custom choicelabels don't import.Yes or no Yes or noNumeric response If the original answer is a decimal or fraction value, itimports as a Numeric, decimal, fraction question.If the original answer is a math expression, it imports as anOpinion Numeric, fraction, expression question.Short answer or text answer Text answerOnly the first 20 characters of the answer import.Matching Content pageProblem Text answerOnly the first 20 characters of the answer import.Essay Text answerOnly the first 20 characters of the answer import.Case Text answerOnly the first 20 characters of the answer import.Other Text answerOnly the first 20 characters of the answer import.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software59
Setting answers for imported questionsAfter you import questions, you can set or change the answers to your assessment questions.gTo set the answers for imported questions1. In the Page Sorter tab, select the thumbnail for the first question page.2. Select Response > Set All Answers.The Set All Answers dialog box appears.3. Type or select the correct answers from the options for all questions, and then click Done.4. Click Save .ASave As dialog box appears.5. Browse to a folder, type a file name, and then click Save.You can run the question set on this computer or copy the SMART Notebook file to anycomputer that has SMART Response software installed.Adding choices to a questionAfter you create a question, you can add choices to it.gTo add a choice to a question1. Click the Page Sorter tab.2. Select the thumbnail of the question page you want to add a choice to.3. Select Response > Add Choice.4. Follow the on-screen instructions.5. If you have to change the correct answer for the question, select Response > Set AllAnswers, and then make the changes.N N O T EIf you add choices to a true/false, yes/no, number/faction/decimal or text answer question,the question changes to multiple choice.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software60
Tagging questionsUsing the Insert Question wizard, you can add tags to the questions you create in SMART Notebooksoftware. You can also add or change the tags to questions after you finish creating an assessment.You can use tags to identify groups or categories of questions. SMART Response software uses thetags to sort responses to questions when you generate Student Performance and Class Performancereports. For example, if you assign the tags "Difficult" and "Easy" to the questions,SMARTResponse software creates a chart in the report for questions with "Difficult" and "Easy"tags.You can assign multiple tags to a question by separating the tags with a semicolon (;), for example,"Science;Nature" and "Science;Astronomy". SMART Response software then generates one chartwith three bars for "Science", "Nature" and "Astronomy".You can also create tag subcategories by separating the tags with a colon (:), for example,"Science:Basic" and "Science:Advanced". In this case, SMART Response software generates asingle report section for "Science" showing data grouped into "Basic" and "Advanced" subsections.gTo add or change tags in existing questions1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select File > Open, and then select your assessment file.The SMART Notebook file appears displaying the title page.3. Select the thumbnail for the question page you want to add tags to.The question page appears.4. Click the SMART Response tab, and then select the Properties tab.5. If the Tags box isn't visible, click Show beside the Answer Key heading.6. Type your tags in the Tags box. When you finish, click the page.7. Press Page Up or Page Down to select other questions as required, and then repeat step 6.8. Save your assessment.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software61
Starting and connecting to a classTo use SMART Response interactive response system in your classroom, you must start a classand allow students to connect to it. You can monitor the student connections during the class anddisconnect them when the class is done.Before class beginsSafety tips for teachersWhen using SMART Response with a SMART Board interactive whiteboard and a projector:lTell students not to look directly at the light beam from the projector. Instead, encourage themto keep their back to the projector when working at the interactive whiteboard. Before they turnto face the class, they should take a big step (or two) sideways.lMake sure you don’t look directly into the light beam from the projector. Keep your back to theclass when you write over a projected image. Step to the side of the interactive whiteboardbefore you turn to face the class.lTell your students not to touch the projector, because it can become extremely hot duringnormal operation.lDon’t use a chair to increase a student’s reach. If your students can’t reach the top of theinteractive whiteboard, lower it. You may need to remount a wall-mounted unit to a lowerposition. If your interactive whiteboard is mounted on a floor stand, lower it with the help ofanother adult.lTell students not to run in the vicinity of the floor stand, because they could trip over the floorstand’s feet.Starting a classYou can start a class in Sign In mode or Anonymous mode.About Sign In and Anonymous modesBefore you start a class session, you must decide whether you want the system to operate in Sign Inmode or Anonymous mode. This table summarizes the characteristics of each mode.Sign In mode Anonymous modeTeachers use a class list that identifies eachstudent by name and ID number.Teachers can operate the system without a classlist.Students can connect to the class, but they mustsign in with their assigned ID numbers.Students can connect to the class withoutidentifying themselves.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software62
Sign In mode Anonymous modeTeachers can control when students can sign inby locking a class.Teachers can't control when students usingclickers can sign in to their class.Under the teacher's control, students can seetheir own grades, but they can't see any otherstudents' grades.Under the teacher's control, students can seetheir own grades, but they can't see any otherstudents' grades.If the Remember names check box is selected,teachers can identify individual students as theyconnect to the class.Teachers can see how many students areconnected.Teachers can use Gradebook to save andanalyze student and class performance overtime.Teachers are unable to save and analyze studentand class performance over time.Teachers can generate student and classreports.Teachers are unable to generate student or classperformance reports.Teachers can see, export and print the total classgrade.Teachers can see, export and print the total classgrade.Teachers can see, export and print total scoresfor each question.Teachers can see, export and print total scoresfor each question.Teachers can see, export and print eachstudent's grade for each question and for thewhole assessment.Teachers are unable to identify student names orindividual grades.Teachers can review results during theassessment in the Response tab for the class asa whole and for individual students (if theRemember names check box is selected).Teachers can view results for the class as awhole during the assessment in the Responsetab.Starting a class in Anonymous modeYou don't need a class list to operate SMART Response software in Anonymous mode. See AboutSign In and Anonymous modes on the previous page for more information.gTo start a class in Anonymous modeIn SMARTNotebook software, select Response > Start Class, and then select AnonymousMode.lIf students are using clickers,the receiver’s Ready light flashes and then turns solid green, andthe receiver's Transmit light flashes green.lIf SMARTResponse software is in CE mode, the name of the SMARTTeacher file and classinformation appears in the student's SMARTNotebook SE Quick Links tab.You can now ask the students to connect.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software63
N N O T E SlYou can start a class and the assessment at the same time in SMARTNotebook softwareby selecting Response >Start Assessment.If you don't have a class list, the class starts in Anonymous mode. If you do have a class list,a list of classes appears where you can select Anonymous mode.lYou can also start a class in Teacher Tools.lIf the students are already signed in to a class using clickers or SMARTNotebook SEsoftware and you select Anonymous Mode, the software switches to Anonymous mode.lIf the students are connected in Anonymous mode and you start a class that requires sign-in,the students are signed off and then asked to sign in.Starting a class in Sign In modeWhen you use SMART Response software in Sign In mode, you can monitor each student’sresponses and create reports on student and class performance. For more information, see AboutSign In and Anonymous modes on page 62.N N O T EBefore you can start a class and have students connect in Sign In mode, you must have a classlist. If you don't have a class list, you can create or import one. See Creating a class list on page28.I I M P O R T A N TBefore you can use SMART Response LE software in LE mode, you mustlassign clicker IDs to each student’s clicker. See Pairing student clickers on page 20.lcreate a class with a class list containing the clicker IDs. See Creating a class list in TeacherTools on page 28.gTo start a class in Sign In modeIn SMARTNotebook software, select Response > Start Class, and then select Sign In Mode.lIf students are using clickers,the receiver’s Ready light flashes and then turns solid green, andthe receiver's Transmit light flashes green.lIf SMARTResponse software is in CE mode, the name of the SMARTTeacher file and classinformation appears in the student's SMARTNotebook SE Quick Links tab.You can now ask the students to connect.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software64
N N O T EYou can also start a class in Teacher Tools.Monitoring clickersYou can use Teacher Tools to see if a clicker is logged on or if it's in Anonymous mode. If the clickeris logged on, you can also see the student's name. You can see each clicker's hardware ID (MACaddress) and identify which logged-on student is using it.The display shows the signal strength of each clicker, as measured by the receiver. If the signal levelis low for one or more clickers, and they are having communication problems, you can reposition thereceiver or remove signal path obstructions.gTo monitor clickers1. Start a class and have your students connect their clickers.The SMART Response receiver indicator lights are green.2. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.3. Click the Devices button in the left column.The Devices window appears with the message "Your SMART Response receiver isconnected and working". The receiver name appears below the Devices button.N N O T EIf the "Your SMART Response receiver is not connected" message appears, the SMARTResponse receiver isn't connected or isn't working properly. Check the receiver connectionsor repeat the receiver installation.4. Click My Receiver, and then click the Clickers tab at the top of the window.The Clickers window appears and displays a table of all connected clickers. Each row of thetable shows one clicker's signal strength, battery condition, student name and hardware ID(MAC address).N N O T EIf students' clickers are connected anonymously, the Student Name field displaysAnonymous.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software65
Connecting to the classAfter you start a class, you can tell your students to connect to the class.How the students connect to the class depends on SMART Response software's current mode. Inaddition, you can prevent students from signing in.Connecting in Anonymous modeYou must start a class in Anonymous mode before your students connect. See Starting a class inAnonymous mode on page 63.I I M P O R T A N TIn all modes except VE mode, students must know the class name.gTo connect PE clickers in Anonymous modeWhen the “SMART Response is ready to use” balloon message appears, tell your students to followthis procedure.1. Press the clicker's Power button for one second.A message appears asking if you want to join the last class the clicker was connected to or finda different class.Students using LE clickers see a "Hello" message appears on their clicker's display.2. Press the Enter button to join the last class.ORPress the Down button to select Find a class, and then press Enter.The clicker scans for classes, and then displays a list of classes within range. Press the Upand Down buttons to select the correct class, and then press Enter.3. Press the Enter button to connect.gTo connect XE clickers in Anonymous modeWhen the “SMART Response is ready to use” balloon message appears, tell your students to followthis procedure.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software66
1. Press the clicker's Power button for one second.2. Use the soft keys to join the last class.ORUse the soft keys to find a class, and then to select the class.gTo connect LE clickers in Anonymous modeTell the students to press their clicker's Power button for one second.A "Hello" message appears on the clicker display.gTo connect SMARTNotebook SE users in Anonymous modeTell your students to follow the steps described in the SMARTNotebook SE online Help system.N N O T E SlIf you selected the Lock Sign In option, the student sees a “Fail to login” message. If thisoccurs, unlock Sign In, and then tell the students to reconnect.lWhen all of your students are connected, you can start asking questions. Refer to Creatingassessments on page 42 for information about using SMART Notebook software to askquestions and create assessments.Connecting in Sign In modeYou must start a class in Sign In mode before your students connect. See Starting a class in Sign Inmode on page 64.I I M P O R T A N TWhen students use PEclickers, XE clickers, or SMARTNotebook SE software to connect to aclass in Sign In mode, they must know the class name. They must also sign in with a unique IDnumber.gTo connect PEclickers in Sign In modeAfter you start a class, tell your students to follow this procedure.1. Press the clicker's Power button for one second.A message appears asking if you want to join the last class the clicker was connected to or finda different class.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software67
2. Press the Enter button to join the last class.ORPress the Down button to select Find a class, and then press Enter.The clicker scans for classes, and then displays a list of classes within range. Press the Upand Down buttons to select the correct class, and then press Enter.A connecting message appears, followed by a message asking for an ID number.3. Press the number buttons to enter your ID number, and then press Enter.If the ID is valid, a message appears asking you to confirm your name.N N O T EIf the teacher selected the Lock Sign In option, a message appears on the clicker indicatingthat the student can't sign in at this time, and then a Retry option appears.4. Press the Enter button to connect.A welcome message appears.gTo connect XEclickers in Sign In modeAfter you start a class, tell your students to follow this procedure.1. Press the clicker's Power button for one second.A message appears asking if you want to join the last class the clicker was connected to or finda different class.2. Use the soft keys to join the last class.ORUse the soft keys to find a class, and then select the class.A connecting message appears, followed by a message asking for an ID number.3. Press the number buttons to enter your ID number, and then press the soft key to sign in.If the ID is valid, a message appears asking you to confirm your name.N N O T EIf the teacher selected the Lock Sign In option, a message appears on the clicker indicatingthat the student can't sign in at this time, and then a Retry option appears.4. Press the soft key to connect.A welcome message appears.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software68
N N O T EIf a student attempts to sign in using an ID that another student is already using, a messageappears indicating that they're unable to sign in and lets them retry.gTo connect SMARTNotebook SE in Sign In modeAfter you start a class, tell your students to sign in by following the procedure described in theSMARTNotebook SE online Help system.gTo connect LEclickers in Sign in modeTell your students to press their clicker's Power button for one second.A "Hello" message appears on the clicker display.When all of your students are connected, you can start asking questions. Refer to Creatingassessments on page 42Creating assessments on page 42for information about using SMARTNotebook software to ask questions and create assessments.Manually connecting to a classI I M P O R T A N TYou can perform this procedure only if SMART Response software is in CE mode.After you start a class, students can connect to it automatically by following the steps in the SMARTNotebook SE online Help system. Students can also connect manually by entering your class'sInternet Protocol (IP) address and port number.The following procedure explains how to find this information so you can provide it to your students.gTo find your class's IP address and port number1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Ensure that your class is started.3. Click Connect students manually on the Home tab.The Manual Connection Information screen appears and displays your class's IP address andport number.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software69
Locking sign-inYou can block students from signing in to your class. Select the Lock Sign In button to blockstudents from signing in before you're ready or to block late students from signing in. When you starta class, sign-in is unlocked by default. If you stop and restart SMART Response software or open anew class list, sign-in unlocks.N N O T E SlIn PE, LE and XE modes, you can lock sign-in only in Sign In mode.lIn CE mode, you can lock sign-in in Sign In and Anonymous modes.lYou are unable to lock sign-in in VE mode.gTo block students from signing in1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. If a class isn't already started, select a class in the Gradebook area, and then click StartClass.3. Click Lock Sign In.Students are unable to sign in.N N O T EIf students disconnect from your class when sign-in is locked, they're unable to sign in again untilyou click Unlock Sign In.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software70
Disconnecting students from a classYou can disconnect students from a class in three ways. You can disconnect them simultaneously.disconnect individual clickers using Teacher Tools or have your students manually disconnect theirclickers.Disconnecting all studentsYou can disconnect all students simultaneously.gTo disconnect all students by stopping the classSelect Response > Stop Class in the SMARTNotebook menu bar.lAll clicker-connected students disconnect, and a message appears on their clickers indicatingthat the class is over and that the clickers are turning off. The Transmit and Receive lights onthe receiver turn off and the Ready light turns red.lAll SMARTNotebookSE software-connected students disconnect from the class, and amessage appears stating “All students are signed out”.Disconnecting individual clickers using Teacher ToolsN N O T EThis option is available only if the students are connected to a class in Sign In mode.gTo disconnect individual clickers using Teacher Tools1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.2. Select the active class in the Gradebook area.3. Click the Students tab.4. Select the row of the student you want to disconnect.The Properties window appears below the student list table.5. Click Disconnect Clicker at the top-right corner of the window.The Log Off Student dialog box appears.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software71
6. Click OK to disconnect the student.N N O T EThe student can log back on immediately.ORIf you don't want the student to be able log on for a while, select Also ban this student for,select the number of minutes, and then click OK.Students disconnecting manuallyStudents with SMARTResponse clickers can disconnect them by pressing the Power button for oneto two seconds.If signed-in students turn off their clickers when a question set is started, they can turn on theclickers, sign in with the same ID and join the assessment in progress without losing any previousanswers. If students are connected anonymously, they lose any previous answers when theyreconnect.gTo disconnect after connecting to the wrong classStudents using PE or LE clickersTell students to log off by pressing the Menu button, selecting Sign out and then pressing the Enterbutton.Students using XE clickersTell students to log off by pressing the Sym button, pressing the spacebar, and then selecting LogOut.They can then connect and sign in to the correct class without turning off their clickers.Students using SMART Response CE softwareTell students to sign out by clicking Disconnect, and then sign in to the correct class.T T I PFor more information on how students connect to SMART Response CE classes using SMARTNotebook SE software, see the SMART Notebook SE online Help.In Sign In mode, if students disconnect during an assessment, they can sign in with the same ID tojoin the assessment without losing the answers they previously entered. In Anonymous mode,students lose any previously entered answers when they reconnect.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software72
Using clickersAfter students connect their clickers to your class, they can use their clickers to completeassessments.In addition, students using SMART Response PE or XE clickers can ask questions using theirclickers and change their clicker settings.About SMARTResponse PE clickersChanging SMARTResponse PE clicker settingsStudents can press the Menu button at any time to log off the session or to modify the clicker'ssettings. These options are available in the menu:Option DescriptionSign out Press to log off a class without turning off the clicker.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software73
Option DescriptionLanguage Not supported at this time.Contrast Press to brighten or darken the clicker's LCD display. Use theselection buttons to increase or decrease the contrast.Device info Press to display the clicker’s MAC address and firmware version.Advanced You must have a valid security code to open this menu. Yourcustomer support representative can provide the code to helptroubleshoot clicker problems.Answering yes or no questionsStudents can answer yes or no questions using the following two buttons on their clickers:N N O T EThese are the same buttons students use to answer true or false questions.Answering true or false questionsStudents can answer true or false questions using the following two buttons on their clickers:N N O T EThese are the same buttons students use to answer yes or no questions.Answering multiple choice questionsStudents can answer multiple choice questions using the following buttons on their clickers:C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software74
EXAMPLETo answer C, a student would pressAnswering multiple answer questionsStudents can answer multiple answer questions using the following buttons on their clickers:EXAMPLETo answer A and C, a student would press and then press .Answering number, fraction or decimal questionsStudents can enter numbers using the following buttons on their clickers:C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software75
gTo enter a decimal number1. Enter the numbers to the left of the decimal point.2. Press .3. Enter the numbers to the right of the decimal point.gTo enter a fraction1. Enter the numerator2. Press .3. Enter the denominator.gTo enter a mixed fraction1. Enter the whole number2. Press .3. Enter the numerator.4. Press .5. Enter the denominator.gTo change a number from positive to negative (or vice versa)Press .C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software76
Answering text answer questionsStudents can answer text questions using the following buttons on their clickers:Responding to text answer questions on a SMART Response PE clicker is similar to texting on a cellphone.EXAMPLETo respond "iron", a student would do the following:1. Press three times to enter i.2. Press three times to enter r.3. Press three times to enter o.4. Press two times to enter n.I I M P O R T A N TText answers are case sensitive. If the only acceptable answer to a text answer question is "Iron",students must enter "Iron" and not "iron" or "IRON". To change to uppercase, students presson their clickers.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software77
gTo enter a spacePress .gTo make a change1. Use the arrow buttons to move the cursor to the character you want to change.2. Press the Delete button to delete the character.3. Enter a new character.About SMART Response LE clickersThe students use only the Power, selection and answer buttons. The other buttons are for Teachermode.Clicker ButtonsClicker button DescriptionPower Press for one second to turn on the clicker. Press for one to two secondsto turn off the clicker.Selection Scroll through option lists.Enter Make or confirm a selection.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software78
Clicker button DescriptionAsk Question Displays the clicker ID.Menu Press with the Power button to open the clicker menu in Teacher mode.See Using the Teacher mode menu below.Answer Five colored buttons with geometric shapes to answer questions.Using the Teacher mode menugTo put SMART Response LE clickers into Teacher modePress the Power and Home buttons simultaneously.N N O T EYou can press the Home button by itself without any effect.Press the Enter button to make your selections. Press the Home button to return to the primarymenu.The following options are available in the Teacher mode menu:Option DescriptionScan & Pick Pair the clicker with your receiver during setup.Show Rcv PID Display the current Pan ID.Clicker ID Set the Clicker ID.Contrast Lightens or darkens the clicker’s LCD display. Use the upand down arrows to increase or decrease the contrast.Device Info Display the clicker’s MAC address and firmware version.Restore Default Restore the clicker’s factory default settings.Exit Exit Teacher mode to connect to the class.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software79
About SMART Response XE clickersButton/key name Key FunctionPower button Press and hold to turn clicker on or off.Soft keys Press to select functions displayed on the LCD display. Thefunctions depend on the clicker's mode.Press to answer multiple choice, multiple answer, true/falseand yes/no questions.Letter and numberkeysPress to insert lowercase value.Press while holding the Shift key to insert an uppercasevalue.Press and hold a,e,i,o,u,y,cor nkeys to select othercharacter variations.Symbol key Press and release to select green key functions.Press and hold to display a menu where you can selectsymbols.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software80
Button/key name Key FunctionSpacebar/MenubuttonPress to add a space in text or mathematical expressions.Press after pressing the Sym key to display a menu whereyou can select Raise hand,Symbols or other functionsdepending on clicker mode.DirectionalkeypadPress to navigate menu options or navigate text andmathematic expression content.Shift key Press and then press a letter key to enter an uppercasecharacter.Math expressionkeys–fractionPress to insert fractional values in an expression.Math expressionkeys–rootPress to insert a square root value in an expression.Press after pressing the Sym key to insert a radicand.Math expressionkeys–superscript/subscriptPress to insert a superscript value in an expression.Press after pressing the Sym key to insert a subscript valuein an expression.Asking questionsAt any time during a class, students using SMART Response PE or XE clickers can request theteacher's attention.lStudents using SMART Response PE clickers can press the Ask Question button.lStudents using SMART Response XE clickers can press the Sym button, press the spacebar,and then select Raise hand.Teacher Tools displays the number of students who have questions on the Home tab beside theQuestions heading.gTo identify students with questions1. Click the Students tab in Teacher Tools Gradebook to show the list of student names and IDs.In the Status column, you might see one or more rows with a question icon .2. If you've answered a student's question, select the row that displays the student's name, andthen click the Clear Question icon in the top-right corner of the Properties window.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software81
Completing assessmentsAfter you create an assessment, you can start it in SMART Response software. Students thencomplete the assessment. During the assessment, you can view results.Starting an assessmentWhen you use SMART Notebook software to ask questions, SMART Response uses the optionsyou set in Teacher Tools to control how students interact with the teacher. If students are usingclickers, before starting a SMART Response assessment, check that the receiver is connected andready. If you don’t have a SMART Notebook assessment file, you must create one. See Creating anassessment on page 42 for more information.gTo open and set assessment options1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, andthen select Open Notebook Software.A blank SMART Notebook page appears.2. Select File > Open.3. Select the SMART Notebook file containing your questions, and then click Open.The assessment file's title page appears.4. Click the Response tab, and then click Properties if it isn't already selected.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software82
5. Select the Remember names check box to display student names in the Response tab duringthe assessment.ORClear the Remember names check box to hide student names in the Response tab during theassessment.N N O T E SoSelect the Remember names check box if you want to identify students when youreview results during the assessment.oClear the Remember names check box if you want to display the SMART Notebookfile on a SMART Board interactive whiteboard during the assessment but don't wantstudents to see each other's results.oYou can review, print and export the results after the assessment even if you clear theRemember names check box.6. Select one of the following options from the Show results to students drop-down list:N N O T EThe feedback options available vary depending on the SMART Response mode.Feedback option DescriptionAfter you stopcollecting responsesStudents can see how they answered and see their grades after youclick Stop.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show the class average.After all questions areansweredStudents can see how they answered and see their grades afterthey finish answering all questions.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show the class average.After each question isansweredStudents can see how they answered each question and see theirgrades after they finish answering all questions.If you select this option, you can also choose to show the correctanswers with grades and show the class average.Don't show studentstheir gradesStudents can't see how they answered or see their grades.Don't allow students tosave assessmentStudents using SMARTNotebook SE software can't save theassessment to their binders after they finish.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software83
gTo start an assessment and ask questions in PE, XE and CE modes1. Start a class now, if you haven't already done so.2. Have your students connect to the class, if they haven't already done so.3. Select Response > Start Assessment.The Response tab opens with the Progress button selected.If you’re displaying the questions on a screen, you can control the students’ progress byselecting each question page in turn.4. Use the Forward or Back buttons on the the menu bar to open a question page.ORClick the Page Sorter tab, and then select the thumbnail of a question page.5. Click Response > Stop Assessment in the menu bar to end the session.6. If you chose to show results to students, select Response > End Review Mode when thestudents are done reviewing their results.7. Click Save to save the results.gTo start an assessment and ask questions in LE mode1. Start a class now, if you haven't already done so.2. Have your students connect to the class, if they haven't already done so.3. Select Response > Start Assessment.The Response tab opens with the Progress button selected.If you’re displaying the questions on a screen, you can control the students’ progress byselecting each question page in turn.4. Use the Forward or Back buttons on the the menu bar to open a question page.ORClick the Page Sorter tab, and then select the thumbnail of a question page.5. Select Response > Start Question.The Response tab opens with the Progress button selected.6. Ask your students to answer the question with their clickers.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software84
7. When the “All the students have answered” message appears in the Response tab, selectResponse > Stop Question.A chart showing your students’ results and several options appears in the Response tab.Select the options you want.8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each question in your assessment.N N O T EYou must stop the current question before you can ask another question.9. Click Response > Stop Assessment in the menu bar to end the session.10. If you chose to show results to students, select Response > End Review Mode when thestudents are done reviewing their results.11. Click Save to save the results.gTo start an assessment and ask questions in VE mode1. Start a class, if you haven't already done so.2. Select Response > Start Assessment.The Assessment Started dialog box appears displaying the URL and Assessment ID that thestudents need to connect to the assessment.The Response tab opens with the Progress button selected.3. Tell your students to browse to, and then enter their Student IDsand the Assessment ID.The assessment appears on their browsers.4. When all your students are connected, click OK to close the Assessment Started dialog box.5. Use the Forward or Back buttons on the the menu bar to open a question page.ORClick the Page Sorter tab, and then select the thumbnail of a question page.6. Click Response > Stop Assessment in the menu bar to end the session.7. Click Save to save the results.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software85
Collecting question responsesN N O T EMake sure that you start your class and that all the students using clickers are connected beforeyou ask questions.gTo collect question responses1. Select Response > Start Assessment.If you haven’t started a class, a message appears asking you to select a class. Select a class,and then click Start Class.A message appears on the clickers asking the students to respond.2. After all students answer the questions, select Response > Stop Assessment.N N O T ESMART Notebook software stores the results in your document. Remember to save yourdocument after you collect responses.3. If you want to save the questions as a SMART Notebook file, select File > Save (or Save As).ASave As dialog box appears.4. Browse to a destination folder, type a file name, and then click Save.Reviewing results after an assessmentYou can use SMART Response software to collect and display results instantly after you run anassessment. You can use assessments as an interactive learning tool and as a way to give studentscontinual feedback on what they're learning.gTo display instant class assessment results1. After all students answer the questions, return to the assessment's title page.2. Click SMART Notebook's Response tab if it isn't already open.3. Select Progress > Stop this assessment.The Progress button changes to Results. A summary of the class's performance appears,including a chart showing the class's responses to each question.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software86
4. If you want to view more detailed class results, click Show beside Details.A list of students, their grades and the duration of the assessment appears.I I M P O R T A N TUse discretion when displaying sensitive grade information to all class members. If youstarted the class in Sign In mode, consider clearing the Remember names check box beforeyou start the assessment to hide student names in the Response tab. (You can later review,print and export the results in Teacher Tools.)N N O T EIf you start the class in Anonymous mode or clear the Remember names check box beforeyou start the assessment, student names display as Anonymous-1,Anonymous-2, and soon.gTo display instant results for each question1. After all students answer the questions, return to the assessment's title page.2. Click SMART Notebook software's Response tab if it isn't already open.3. Select Progress > Stop this assessment.The Progress button changes to Results. A chart representing the class's performanceappears.4. Click the Page Sorter tab, and then select a question.5. Click the Response tab.6. Click Results.A summary of the class's responses to the question appears, including a chart showing thenumber of responses to each possible answer.T T I P SoYou can change the type of chart displayed by selecting Show bar chart or Show piechart.oYou can insert the chart into the question page by clicking Insert chart intoNotebook.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software87
7. Click Show beside Details.A list showing each student's submitted response appears, including the time it took torespond.I I M P O R T A N TUse discretion when displaying sensitive grade information to all class members. If youstarted the class in Sign In mode, consider clearing the Remember names check box beforeyou start the assessment to hide student names in the Response tab. (You can later review,print and export the results in Teacher Tools.)N N O T EIf you start the class in Anonymous mode or clear the Remember names check box beforeyou start the assessment, student names display as Anonymous-1,Anonymous-2, and soon.Previewing results during an assessmentYou can use SMART Response software to display results instantly while you run an assessment.You can use assessments as an interactive learning tool and a way to give students continualfeedback on what they're learning.I I M P O R T A N TYou must have two or more students participating in your assessment to use this feature.gTo preview class assessment results1. Start your assessment, if it isn't already running.2. Display the question using the Page sorter or the left and right arrows.3. Click SMART Notebook software's Response tab, and then select the Progress button.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software88
4. Click Show beside Results Preview.A chart showing the class's current responses to the question appears.N N O T E SoThe chart changes as students answer the question, and changes as students changetheir answers.oSelect the assessment's title page to preview a summary of the progress of all theassessment's questions. You can use this chart to see how much of the assessmentthe class has completed.C H A P T E R 3Using SMARTResponse software89
Chapter 4: Reviewing, printing andexporting assessment resultsImporting assessment results 92Formatting the results files for importing 92Importing a class results file 92CSV and XLS file formatting 93Reviewing assessment results 94Flagging results 96Generating student performance reports 97Generating class performance reports 98Printing and exporting questions and results 99Printing from SMARTNotebook software's Response menu 99Exporting results 100The Teacher Tools Gradebook gives you quick access to test results, making it easy to preparereports and conduct evaluations. Reports can be as simple or as detailed as you need. You cancreate high-level comparisons of class performance, specific reports based on tagged characteristicssuch as demographics or curriculum standard and personalized reports on how individual studentsperform. You can also create reports that show grades for the entire school year.You can display results and generate reports to review during an assessment or after you run anassessment. In addition, you can print or export questions and assessment results.N N O T EAssessment results for students aren't saved in Anonymous mode.Chapter 491
Importing assessment resultsYou can import the results of an assessment that you performed without using your SMARTResponse system. You can then generate reports that combine the results from your assessmentswith the imported results.You can import results using either comma separated values (CSV) files or Microsoft Excel files(Windows operating systems only).N N O T EThe ID numbers you use in the list you import must match the ID numbers assigned to the studentsin the class list that you're using.Formatting the results files for importingYou must use the headings ID Number and Marks when you format the CSV, XLS or XLSX file forimporting. If you're using information from another program, copy it to a new file and then format it asshown in CSV and XLS file formatting on the next page.Importing a class results fileYou can import a class results file using Teacher Tools.gTo import a class results file1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. In the Gradebook area, select the class you want to import the results to.3. Click Import on the menu bar, and then select Assessments.4. Click the target class, and then click Next.5. Type the title, and then select the type of the assessment. Optionally, type the subject andtopic information.6. Select the Percentage or Raw values score formats, and then click Next.7. Select the file type, and then click Next.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results92
8. Browse to and select the file, and then click Open.The student results information appears in the Students and Assessments tabs. You can alsogenerate reports that include the imported scores.CSV and XLS file formattingEXAMPLEComma separated values (CSV) fileID Number,Marks8781,338727,328534,182504,228759,298753,358815,258811,288716,26EXAMPLEExcel spreadsheet (XLS) fileA B1 ID Number Marks2 8781 333 8727 324 8534 185 2504 226 8759 297 8753 358 8815 259 8811 2810 8716 26C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results93
Reviewing assessment resultsAfter you run and stop an assessment, Teacher Tools records the class results and each student'sresults. At any time after you run an assessment, you can review the student, question orassessment results and performance. If you ask a series of questions consecutively, their results areaggregated so that you can review them as a single assessment.N N O T EUse discretion when displaying sensitive information to all class members. To hide sensitiveinformation, click the Privacy: Off indicator before you display student or assessment results. SeeAdjusting privacy and alert options on page 25 for more information.gTo display student results1. If a class is running, stop it.2. In Teacher Tools, select the class name in the Gradebook area.The class window appears with the Home tab selected.3. Click the Students tab.After a short delay, a table of results appears. If you previously turned on Privacy mode, thestudent IDs and average scores appear as gray shapes in the table.4. If Privacy mode is on, click the Privacy: On indicator .The columns of the table of class results show the student names, ID and average score for allthe assessments each student has participated in.gTo display detailed results for each student1. Complete the above procedure, and then select the student's row.The student's information appears in the lower pane.2. Click the Performance tab.An Assessment Results over Time graph appears showing the student's results compared tothe class average for all assessments since the first assessment was run.N N O T EThe graph is hidden when Teacher Tools is in Privacy mode.3. Place your pointer over the graph to display details about the specific assessment.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results94
4. Click the Results tab.A table appears showing detailed information about each assessment the student hasparticipated in, including the date and the score the student achieved. If the student's score isbelow the passing grade you defined when you created the class, the score appears in red. SeeChanging a class's passing grade on page 37 for information.gTo display class assessment results1. If a class is currently running, stop it.2. In Teacher Tools, select the class name in the Gradebook area.The class window appears with the Home tab selected.3. Click the Assessments tab.After a short delay, a table of results appears listing all assessments that the class hasparticipated in, including the class average score for each assessment. If the class averagescore is below the passing grade you defined when you created the class, the score appears inred. See Changing a class's passing grade on page 37 for information.gTo display detailed results for each assessment1. Complete the previous procedure, and then select the assessment's row.The lower pane of the window displays the assessment's properties.2. Click the Performance tab.AStudent Achievement per Question graph appears showing the student responses to eachquestion.N N O T EThe graph is hidden when Teacher Tools is in Privacy mode.3. Place your pointer over the graph to display details about the specific questions.4. Click the Results tab.A table appears showing the mark each student received for the assessment. If the student'sscore is below the passing grade you defined when you created the class, the mark appears inred.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results95
gTo display and change results for each question in an assessment1. If a class is running, stop it.2. In Teacher Tools, select the class name in the Gradebook area.The class window appears with the Home tab selected.3. Click the Assessments tab.After a short delay, a table of results appears listing all assessments that the class hasparticipated in.4. Select the row for the assessment you want to display.5. Click the Questions tab.A list of the assessment's questions appears showing the student responses to each question.6. If you want to change an answer to be graded as correct or incorrect, select the question youwant to change, and then select or clear the Correct checkbox.The student grades and the class average change.Flagging resultsYou can add a blue flag to a student’s results as a visual reminder to follow up for any reason, forexample, if a student requires remedial work. You can also clear the blue flag from the student’sresults.N N O T EIf students are disconnected during an assessment, a Disconnected Student icon appears besidetheir names. To clear this flag, see Importing student responses on page 1.gTo add a follow-up flag1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Toolsappears.2. Select the class the student belongs to in the Gradebook class list.The class information appears.3. Click the Students tab.4. Select the student’s name in the list.The student’s information appears in the lower pane.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results96
5. Click the Results tab.6. Select the assessment result you want to flag in the list.7. Click the Set flag icon above the results list.A blue flag appears in the Mark column.gTo clear a follow-up flag1. In the Results tab, select the assessment result with the flag you want to clear.2. Click the Clear flag icon above the results list.The flag disappears.Generating student performance reportsYou can generate student performance reports at any time after your assessments are complete. Youcan tailor the reports to include all classes or select classes. You can also create reports for individualstudents or for all students in the selected classes at one time.gTo generate a student performance report1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. In the Reports area, click Student Performance.The Student Performance Report window appears.3. In the Class drop-down list, select the class you want a report for.ORSelect All classes for a report on all classes.4. In the Student drop-down list, select the student you want a report for.ORSelect All students for a report on all students.5. Define the Report Period if you want a report for a specific range of dates.6. In the Include drop-down list, select Selected assessment types or All assessment types.7. If you chose Selected assessment types, select the types you want a report for from thecheck list that appears.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results97
8. Browse to the location where you want to save the report file, and then click Create.SMART Response software creates one or more reports as PDF files that appear in yourdefault PDF viewer. The files are named using the student name and ID and the date the fileswere created.If you generate one report, the report opens automatically. If you generated multiple reports, thereports' folder location appears in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder.Generating class performance reportsYou can generate class performance reports at any time after your assessments are complete. Youcan tailor the reports to include all classes or select classes. You can also create reports on allassessment types or on specific types of your choice.gTo generate a class performance report1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. In the Reports area, click Class Performance.The Class Performance Report window appears.3. In the Class drop-down list, select the class you want a report for.ORSelect All classes for a report on all classes.4. Define the Report Period if you want a report for a specific range of dates.5. In the Include drop-down list, select Selected assessment types or All assessment types.6. If you chose Selected assessment types, select the types you want a report for from thecheck list that appears.7. Browse to the locations where you want to save the report file, and then click Create.SMART Response software creates one or more reports as PDF files that appear in yourdefault PDF viewer. The files are named using the class name and ID and the date the fileswere created.If you generate one report, the report opens automatically. If you generated multiple reports, thereports' folder location appears in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results98
Printing and exporting questions and resultsUsing SMART Notebook software's Response menu, you can create hard copies of questions,handouts and student results. You can also export questions and student results to an Excelspreadsheet, a comma separated values (CSV) file or an HTML web page.Printing from SMARTNotebook software's Response menuYou can print a variety of information from the Response menu in SMART Notebook software. Youcan create and include header, footer and date information, and select a page range to print.Print option DescriptionThumbnails On one page, print up to six full-color, reduced images of SMARTNotebook pages. You can include page numbers, image borders and pagetitles.Handouts On one page, print up to three full-color, reduced images of SMARTNotebook pages, with ruled lines for notes. You can include pagenumbers, image borders and page titles.Full page On one page, print a full-color image of a SMART Notebook question page.You can include page numbers.Questions Print several questions on a page. If the question page doesn't have anyobjects or images, only the text appears. If there are objects on thequestion page, a full-color thumbnail of the question appears. You caninclude page numbers.Results N N O T EThis option is available only after you stop your assessment.Print several questions on a page. If the question page doesn't have anyobjects or images, only the text appears on the page. If there are objectson the question page, a full-color thumbnail of the question appears. In thePrint Preview view, you can click the question to toggle from thumbnail totext-only format.The correct answer and the student’s response appear beside eachquestion, and the total score appears at the top of the first page. You caninclude page numbers.You can print a summary of the results for all students in the class list orfor selected students.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results99
gTo print questions or resultsSelect Response > Print, and then select the print option you want.ORFor other options, select Response > Print > More Print Options to open SMART Responsesoftware's print window.N N O T EThe Questions and Results print options are available only if the SMART Notebook file includesSMART Response questions and saved results information. If the assessment is still running, or ifit stops before any student answers a question, no results are saved.Exporting resultsIf you save your SMART Notebook file after you ask questions, or after you run an assessment, youcan open the SMART Notebook file at any time to view the results.You can export the results to an Excel spreadsheet (Windows only), to an HTML page for viewing ona web browser or to a comma separated values (CSV) file that you can import into many spreadsheetand database applications. See CSV and XLS file formatting on page 93. You can also export theresults to a third-party gradebook in one of the predefined formats, or you can create a custom format.N N O T EYou can export results only after you stop the assessment. If you clear the results after you stop,the results are permanently deleted and you're unable to print or export them. After you save andclose the SMART Notebook file, you can open the file and print or export the results.gTo export results from Teacher Tools1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select File > Export from the menu bar.The Export dialog box appears.3. In the list, select the class with the results you want to export, and then click Next.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results100
4. Select the By student option if you want to export results for your entire class (the defaultselection) or for an individual student. If you want to export results for an individual student,also select the student's name from the drop-down list.ORSelect the By assessment option if you want to export the results of a class assessment or allassessments the class has taken.ORSelect the To another gradebook format option if you want to export the results to a third-party gradebook.N N O T EIf you select the CSV file format, you can customize the format to be compatible with yourthird-party gradebook. SMARTResponse software saves the customized format so that youdon't have to customize the format each time you export the results.5. Click Next.6. Select the format you want to export the results in, and then click Next.The Save As dialog box appears.7. Browse to a folder, type a name for the file, and then click Save.The results export and open in your computer's default file viewer.gTo export results from SMARTNotebook software1. Stop the assessment if it's running.I I M P O R T A N TDo not clear the results.2. In SMART Notebook software, select Response > Export results to > Microsoft Excel.N N O T EExporting to Excel isn't available on Mac computers.ORSelect Response > Export results to > Web Page (HTML).ORSelect Response > Export results to > Comma Separated Values (CSV).The Save As dialog box appears.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results101
3. Browse to a folder, type a name for the file, and then click Save.Either Excel or your default web browser opens showing the exported file.C H A P T E R 4Reviewing, printing and exporting assessment results102
Chapter 5: Maintaining your SMARTResponsesystemPreventing component damage 103Cleaning the receiver and clickers 104Transporting SMART Response hardware 104Changing the clicker batteries 104Resetting clickers 105Receiver indicator lights 105Troubleshooting the receiver 106Resetting the receiver 106Interpreting the receiver indicator lights 106Troubleshooting SMARTResponseCE connection issues 107Importing student responses 107Finalizing disconnected students' results in Teacher Tools 108Other troubleshooting tips 109Preventing component damageC C A U T I ONlDo not use sharp or pointed objects, such as ballpoint pens or pointers, to press the clickerbuttons.lDo not use abrasive erasers or harsh chemicals to clean the receiver or clickers.lAvoid setting up and using your system in an area with excessive levels of dust, humidity orsmoke.Chapter 5103
Cleaning the receiver and clickersWith proper care, your SMART Response hardware will provide years of trouble-free performance.Follow these cleaning tips to maintain your SMART Response system:lRemove dust with a damp cloth before you use a cleaner.lClean the unit’s surface with a household glass cleaner, such as Windex®, daily, weekly or asrequired.lDo not spray cleaner directly onto the clicker. Instead, spray a small amount of cleaner on acloth and then gently wipe the clicker.Transporting SMART Response hardwareIf you need to ship your SMART Response hardware, repack it with as much of the original packagingas possible. If you prefer to use your own packaging materials, make sure you adequately protect theproduct.Changing the clicker batteriesUnder normal operating conditions, the clicker batteries can operate for up to 200 days. When youreplace them, use fresh batteries of the same type and quality, and change all of them at the sametime.C C A U T I ONlDo not install batteries with the polarity (+/-) reversed.lDo not attempt to recharge the batteries.lDo not dispose of batteries in a fire or incinerator.lDispose of batteries according to your region’s laws and regulations. If you don’t know theapplicable rules for your region, consult your battery manufacturer.gTo change the clicker batteries1. If the clicker is on, turn it off.2. Using the included Phillips screwdriver, remove the screwfrom the back of the clicker, and then remove the cover.3. Remove all of the exhausted batteries and dispose of themaccording to local regulations.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem104
4. Insert fresh batteries.5. Replace the cover and screw.Resetting clickersIf a clicker isn't operating as expected, you might need to reset it. Perform the following steps to resetyour clicker.gTo reset a clicker1. If the clicker is on, turn it off.2. Using the included Phillips screwdriver, remove the screw from the back of the clicker, andthen remove the cover.3. Remove the batteries.4. Press and hold the Power button for at least five seconds.5. Replace the batteries.6. Replace the cover and screw.Receiver indicator lightsReceivers have the following indicator lights:lReady lightlTransmit lightlReceive lightThe Ready light is in the upper right corner of the receiver. The Ready light indicates the operationalstate of the receiver module. The Transmit and Receive lights flash green to indicate transmit andreceive activity between the receiver and the clickers.The following table shows the Ready light’s normal states. If the light’s behavior doesn’t match astate listed here, refer to Troubleshooting the receiver on the next page.Ready lightstateDescriptionOff The receiver is disconnected from the computer.Solid red The receiver has power, but either it isn’t communicating with the computer or noclass is started.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem105
Ready lightstateDescriptionSolid green The receiver is receiving power and communicating successfully with SMARTResponse software.Troubleshooting the receiverC C A U T I ONDo not open the receiver or the clicker units to attempt repairs. Refer all service inquiries toauthorized SMART service personnel.Resetting the receiverIf your SMART Response system behaves erratically (possibly because of a static discharge orpower fade), you might be able to restore normal operation by resetting the receiver.Reset the receiver completely by disconnecting and then reconnecting the USB cable.Interpreting the receiver indicator lightsIf you experience a problem with your receiver, you can use its indicator lights to troubleshoot it.Ready light TransmitlightReceivelightReceiver stateRed, green,yellowGreen Green The receiver is starting up. Lights flash in sequence.FlashinggreenOff Off The receiver is scanning radio channels.FlashinggreenAny state Any state The receiver is accepting commands from thecomputer.Green ConstantflashingFlasheswhen itreceives datafrom a clickerReceiver has power and is communicating with thecomputer, but it isn’t receiving commands.Yellow Off Off The receiver has power, but communication circuitshave failed.Flashing red Flashing Flashing Manufacturing tests are running, and the receiver isn’toperational. All lights flash together.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem106
Ready light TransmitlightReceivelightReceiver stateFlashingyellowAny state Any state The receiver software checksum failed.FlashingyellowFlashing Flashing The receiver has a software failure.Troubleshooting SMARTResponseCEconnection issuesIf students using SMARTNotebook SE software are disconnected during an assessment, they canstill complete the assessment offline and save their responses to a USB storage device from whichyou can import their answers. See Importing assessment results on page 92.If your students are disconnected from your class and aren't able to reconnect, try the following tips.lEnsure that the student's network cable is properly connected to the student's device. If it'sconnected, disconnect it, and then reconnect it.lEnsure that your own network cable is properly connected to your computer. If it's connected,disconnect it, and then reconnect it.lUse the Windows network connection repair utility. See your operating system's Help systemfor more information.lIf your students can't see your class in SMART Notebook SE software, try connecting themmanually. See Manually connecting to a class on page 69.lContact your system administrator for help.Importing student responsesIf students are disconnected during an assessment, SMART Notebook SE software automaticallyattempts to reconnect to the class. If the software is unable to reconnect, students can still completetheir assessments offline and save their responses to a USB drive from which you can import theiranswers. Disconnected students will be prompted to save their responses after they click Finish inSMART Notebook SE software.gTo import student responses1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem107
2. Connect the student's USB drive to your computer.3. Select Import > Student Responses from the toolbar.The Select Unsent SMART Response Files dialog box appears.4. Browse to and select the unsent response (.unsent) file, and then click Open.The Import dialog box appears and displays a progress bar.5. When the import is complete, click OK.Finalizing disconnected students' results in Teacher ToolsIf students are disconnected from your class during an assessment before they submit theirresponses, a Disconnected Students icon appears beside their names in the Assessments tab,indicating that their marks aren't final. If you import a disconnected student’s responses or edit adisconnected student’s mark, the Disconnected Students icon disappears.If you want to manually clear the icon and set the marks as final, follow the instructions below.gTo set a disconnected student's mark as final1. Start Teacher Tools. See Starting Teacher Tools on page 23.Teacher Tools appears.2. Select the class the student belongs to in the Gradebook class list.The class information appears.3. Click the Students tab.4. Select the student's name in the list.The student's information appears in the lower pane.5. Click the Results tab.6. Select the row of the student whose mark you want to set as final, and then click the Clear flagicon .The icon disappears.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem108
Other troubleshooting tipsSymptom/observation Action/remedyWhen you export SMART Responsequestion set results from a SMARTNotebook file using the CSVcommand, fractions change to dates.In your exported results, change the exported dates tofractions, add a space before each fraction and convert themonth to its numerical value. The converted month is thefraction’s numerator, and the day is the denominator.Your computer doesn’t recognizeSMART Response software, and thereceiver’s Status LED light remainssolid red.Remove the SMART Response hardware drivers on yourcomputer, and then reconnect the receiver following theinstructions in The SMARTResponse System ReceiverDoesn't Work ( receiver's Status LED flashes redwhen SMARTResponse software is inCE or VE mode.This is normal. When SMARTResponse software is in amode that doesn't require a receiver, the software doesn'tstart the hardware drivers.Responses from students don’t appearin SMART Notebook reports.Wait at least 10 seconds after the last student respondsbefore you stop a question set.Additional SMART Responsereceivers don’t connect to the networkwhen you install more than onereceiver on your computer.Disconnect the additional receiver’s USB plug to resumenormal operation. Disconnect and reconnect the firstreceiver’s USB plug if it doesn’t work, or if the Status lightturns red.N N O T EInstalling more than one receiver affects your computer’sperformance and doesn’t increase your reception.C H A P T E R 5Maintaining your SMART Responsesystem109
Appendix A: Hardware environmentalcomplianceSMART Technologies supports global efforts to ensure that electronic equipment is manufactured,sold and disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentRegulations (WEEE directive)Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment regulations apply to all electrical and electronic equipmentsold within the European Union.When you dispose of any electrical or electronic equipment, including SMARTTechnologiesproducts, we strongly encourage you to properly recycle the electronic product when it has reachedend of its life. If you require further information, please contact your reseller or SMARTTechnologiesfor information on which recycling agency to contact.Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances(RoHS directive)This product meets the requirements of the European Union’s Restriction of Certain HazardousSubstances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC.Consequently, this product also complies with other regulations that have arisen in variousgeographical areas, and that reference the European Union’s RoHS directive.BatteriesBatteries are regulated in many countries. Check with your reseller to find out how to recycle usedbatteries.There are special regulations that must be met when shipping a product that has a lithium ion batterypackaged with the product or shipping a lithium ion battery. When returning a SMARTTechnologiesAppendix A111
product which contains a lithium ion battery or returning a lithium ion battery, callSMARTTechnologies RMA for information on these special shipping regulations:l1.866.518.6791, Option 4 (U.S./Canada)l1.403.228.5940 (all other countries)PackagingMany countries have regulations restricting the use of certain heavy metals in product packaging. Thepackaging used by SMARTTechnologies to ship products complies with applicable packaging laws.Covered electronic devicesMany U.S. states classify monitors as covered electronic devices and regulate their disposal.Applicable SMARTTechnologies products meet the requirements of the covered electronic devicesregulations.China’s Electronic Information ProductsregulationsChina regulates products that are classified as EIP (Electronic Information Products).SMARTTechnologies products fall under this classification and meet the requirements for China’sEIP regulations.U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement ActThe United States has enacted the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act which limits the lead(Pb) content in products used by children. SMARTTechnologies is committed to complying with thisinitiative.California Air Resources Board – Airborne ToxicControl MeasureCalifornia has enacted a law to restrict the emissions of formaldehyde from composite woodproducts. The SMARTTechnologies products that contain composite wood products are compliant tothis regulation.A P P E N D I X AHardware environmental compliance112
Restriction of Certain Chemicals (REACHdirective)The European Union has enacted the EU REACH Directive which restricts the use of certainchemicals in products. SMARTTechnologies is committed to complying with this initiative.A P P E N D I X AHardware environmental compliance113

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