SK Global 2201686 Radar Detector User Manual www RadioShack with CircleR eps

SK Global Radar Detector www RadioShack with CircleR eps

users manual

Owner’s ManualPlease read before using this equipment.360° Laser/Radar Detectorwith VG-2  Page 1  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
2ContentsFeatures .................................................................................  3A Quick Look .........................................................................  5Safety Alert System .........................................................  7Installation .............................................................................  7Selecting a Mounting Location  ........................................  7Mounting Guidelines .................................................  8Windshield Mounting  .......................................................  9Hook-and-Loop Mounting  ..............................................  10Connecting Power  ..............................................................  11Operation .............................................................................  12Demonstrating Alerts .....................................................  12Operation Settings .........................................................  13Selecting the City and Highway Modes ..................  13Selecting Display Brightness ..................................  14Muting the Audio Alert  ............................................  14Receiving and Identifying Radar, Laser, Safety Alert, and VG-2 Signals ......................................  14Troubleshooting ..................................................................  16Care anFcc Statementd Maintenance ........................................................  18................. .. ..................................................  20Replacing the Fuse ........................................................  19© 2000 Tandy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.RadioShack,, and FAST are trademarks used by Tandy  Page 2  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
3FeaturesˆFeaturesYour RadioShack 360° Laser/Radar Detector can alert you tomany traffic radar and laser systems with its distinct visual andaudio alerts. It receives X-, K-, and Ka-band radar signals, anddetects both the instant-on and laser systems many law en-forcement agencies use to measure vehicle speed. Plus, yourdetector can give you advance warning of potential road haz-ards by detecting signals from transmitters that broadcast Safe-ty Alert System alerts.Note: Before reading this Owner's Manual, read the suppliedbooklet Questions and Answers About Vehicle Speed Detectionto familiarize yourself with the terms and uses associated withyour detector.Your detector's features include:360° Detection — detects laser signals from all around your ve-hicle.X-, K-, Ka-Band, Laser, and Ultralyte Laser Signal Detection— warns you when it detects signals from traffic radar or laserdevices. Different tones and display indicators let you know thetype of signal received.Safety Alert System Detection — alerts you to the presenceof potential road hazards, approaching emergency vehicles,and busy railroad crossings broadcast by a Safety Alert  Page 3  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
4FeaturesVG-2 Protection — makes your detector invisible to the VG-2radar detector when it senses VG-2 operation.Instant-On or Pulse Radar Protection — alerts you to suddenhigh level and laser signals.City/Highway Modes — let you minimize alerts when you arein areas that have false radar sources.City/Highway Indicator — lights when you select city mode.FAST (False Alert Suppression Technology) — helps pre-vent false alarms caused by non-traffic radar sources.Tutorial Mode — lets you experience how the detector alertsyou with its detection display and tones to the different signalsthe detector recognizes.Your radar/laser detector includes the following items:• coiled power cord• windshield bracket with suction cups• hook and loop tape• spare fuse• Question and Answer About Vehicle Speed DetectionImportant: Some areas have laws regulating the use of radardetectors. Check with your local law enforcement agency aboutthe laws in your  Page 4  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
5A Quick LookˆA Quick Look360° Laser Eye — receives incoming laser signals directed atyour vehicle from all directions.VOLUME/OFF — turns the detector on and off and lets you ad-just the volume.DIM — controls the brightness of your detector's indicators.P (Power) Indicator — lights when the detector is turned on.X (X-Band Radar) Indicator — flashes when the detector de-tects an X-band radar signal.CITYMUTEDIMVOLUME/OFF PXLVG2CSO32K/KaM360° Laser EyeDC 12V  Page 5  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
6A Quick LookL (Laser) Indicator — both indicators under L (X and K/Ka)flash when the detector detects a laser signal.K/Ka (K/Ka-Band Radar) Indicator — flashes when the detec-tor detects either a K- or Ka-band radar signal.2 and 3 — signal strength indicators that flash to provide an ac-curate visual indication of the strength of radar signals the de-tector receives.M (Emergency Vehicle) Indicator — flashes when the detec-tor detects the signal related to an emergency vehicle from asafety alert transmitter.O (Moving Train) Indicator — both indicators under O (M andS) flash when the detector detects the signal related to a mov-ing train from a safety alert transmitter.S (Stationary Road Hazard Situation) Indicator — flasheswhen the detector detects the signal related to a stationary roadhazard from a safety alert transmitter.C (City) Indicator — lights when the detector is in the citymode.VG-2 Indicator — lights when a VG-2 signal is detected.MUTE — silences the alert tone for about 20 seconds.CITY (City/Highway) — switches between the city and highwaymodes.DC 12V Jack — provides easy power cord  Page 6  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
7InstallationSAFETY ALERT SYSTEMThe Safety Alert System employs low-powered transmittersused by some emergency services and road crews to alert driv-ers to hazardous road conditions. The system can indicate sta-tionary, moving, or railroad hazards. The system has the potential to dramatically decrease the oc-currence of traffic accidents by increasing drivers' awareness oflocal road hazards. Having this safety alert compatible laser/radar detector will ensure that you are ready to benefit from thissystem wherever it is in use.ˆInstallationSELECTING A MOUNTING LOCATIONFor the best performance, select a location that provides the de-tector’s sensors a direct view of the road. Notes: • The detector's radar antenna is at the opposite end fromthe indicators. • Though the detector has a 360° laser and radar detectioncoverage, the radar detection is more sensitive to oncom-ing  Page 7  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
8InstallationMounting GuidelinesFollow these guidelines when selecting a location.• Choose a location that does not block the driver's view ofthe road.• Mount the detector in a level position with a clear view toboth the front and rear of your vehicle and insure its view ofthe road is not blocked by any metal object.• Some vehicles have InstaClear‚ or ElectriClear‚ defog-ging windshields, which have metal coatings that block sig-nals. Some vehicles have a solar shield that block signals.Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see if your vehiclehas any of these features. A detector installed in a vehiclewith any of these features will probably not detect a signal.• Since window tinting reduces the received strength of lasersignals, you should not mount the detector behind anytinted glass.• Do not mount the detector where the driver or a passengermight hit it in a sudden stop or accident.Caution: Place the detector out of view when you leave the ve-hicle. This keeps the detector out of sight of thieves and pre-vents exposing it to extremely high temperatures, which mighttemporarily impair your detector's  Page 8  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
9InstallationWINDSHIELD MOUNTINGThe supplied suction-cup windshield bracketlets you easily mount the detector on thewindshield.Caution: Do not use the bracket in a vehiclethat has a plastic coating on the windshielddesigned to protect passengers during an accident. If you usethe bracket on this type of windshield, you might permanentlymar the windshield's surface. For an alternative mounting meth-od, see “Hook-and-Loop Mounting” on Page 10.1. Clean the selected windshield area, position the bracket onthe windshield, and press firmly on each suction cup tosecure it in place. 2. Slide the detector onto the base plate until it snaps intoplace.To adjust the mounting angle, remove the detector from thebracket, then the bracket from the windshield and adjustthe bracket by carefully bending  Page 9  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
10 InstallationHOOK-AND-LOOP MOUNTINGIn some vehicles, the dashboard may be the best location tomount the detector. For this mounting, use the supplied hook-and-loop tape as follows.1. Use a damp cloth to clean the bottom of the detector andthe dashboard. Let both surfaces dry.Note: The tape's adhesive might not stick to a surfacetreated with vinyl cleaner or protectant.2. Remove the tape's paper backing and stick the tape to thebottom of the detector (do not cover the serial number).Tip: On a curved dashboard, cut the supplied strip in halfand use one strip on each side of the bottom of the detec-tor.3. Remove the paper backing from the other side of the tapeand press your detector onto the  Page 10  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
11Connecting PowerˆConnecting PowerCaution:• Use only the supplied power cord. If your power cord is lostor damaged, you can order a replacement cord from yourlocal RadioShack store.• Before plugging the power cord's cigarette-lighter plug intoyour vehicle's cigarette-lighter socket, make sure the plug'stip is screwed firmly onto the plug. See “Replacing theFuse” on Page 19 for more information about the cigarette-lighter plug.• Unplug the power cord's cigarette-lighter plug from yourvehicle's cigarette-lighter socket when you turn off the igni-tion. This prevents draining your vehicle's battery if youleave the detector on when you turn off the ignition.Plug the supplied power cord's barrel plug into the detector's DC12V jack. Then plug the cord's cigarette-lighter plug into your ve-hicle's cigarette-light socket.Note: If the detector does not operate when you turn it on, re-move the cigarette-lighter plug from your vehicle's socket andcheck the socket for ashes and other debris. Also, check thefuse in the cigarette-lighter plug and your vehicle's fuse block(see “Replacing the Fuse” on Page 19)  Page 11  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
12 OperationˆOperationTo turn on the detector, rotate VOLUME/OFF toward VOLUMEuntil it clicks. After self-testing, the P (power) indicator lights.To adjust the volume, rotate VOLUME/OFF left or right.To turn off the detector, rotate VOLUME/OFF toward OFF until itclicks and all indicators turn off.DEMONSTRATING ALERTSTo familiarize yourself with your detector’s different alerts andwarning indicators or to check the alerts and warning indicators,you can run a demonstration.To start the demonstration, turn on the detector while holdingdown DIM and CITY. The demonstration starts when the P indi-cator flashes.To select the demonstration for each alert and warningindicator, press DIM. The detector demonstrates the alerts inthe following order:To stop the demonstration, press CITY at any time.1. X-Band Alert 6. VG-2 Alert2. K-Band Alert 7. Emergency Vehicle Alert3. Ka-Band Alert 8. Railroad Alert4. Laser Alert 9. Road Hazard Alert5. Ultralyte Laser Alert  Page 12  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
13OperationOPERATION SETTINGSSelecting the City and Highway ModesYour detector has two operating modes: city and highway. Incity mode, the detector requires a stronger X-, K-, or Ka-bandsignal before it sounds or indicates an alert.Notes: • City mode helps prevent false alerts in tightly populatedareas where radar signals can bounce off surroundingstructures.• The city mode has no effect on laser alerts or instant-onradar.The highway mode provides maximum sensitivity for open-roaddriving. The unit is preset to highway mode when you turn it on.To select the city mode, press CITY. The C indicator lights.To return to the highway mode, press CITY again and the C indi-cator turns  Page 13  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
14 OperationSelecting Display BrightnessYou can select from three levels of brightness for your radar de-tector indicators: bright, dim, and dark. The indicator’s bright-ness level is always set to full brightness when you turn it on.Press  DIM once to reduce the indicators’ brightness by 70%.Press DIM a second time to turn off all indicators except the P in-dicator. Press DIM a third time to return all indicators to fullbrightness.Muting the Audio AlertWhile the detector sounds a radar or safety alert signal, you canpress  MUTE to temporarily silence the detector. The detectorautomatically resets the mute to off 20 seconds after the radaror safety alert signal stops. Or, you can simply press MUTEagain before it resets to return the detector to normal operation.Note: The laser alert signal remains audible even if you pressMUTE.RECEIVING AND IDENTIFYING RADAR, LASER, SAFETY ALERT, AND VG-2 SIGNALSWhen your detector senses a radar signal, it responds with dif-ferent audible and visual alarms to indicate the signal type forX-, K-, and Ka-band signals. The detector also indicates the sig-nal strength by increasing the rate at which it flashes the indica-tors and sounds the tone as you get closer to the radar source.In addition, the 2 and 3 signal strength indicators flash to visual-ly indicate the strength of radar  Page 14  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
15OperationWhen your detector senses an Instant-On radar signal, itsounds continuous beeps, then all indicators light.When your detector senses a laser signal, both the X- and K/Kaindicators flash, and the detector sounds continuous tones forabout 3 seconds. When your detector senses a Ultralyte laser signal, the X-, K/Ka-, 2, and 3 indicators flash in order. When VG-2 is detected, the VG-2 indicator flashes and the de-tector sounds a distinctive tone. The detector does not respondto any radar source during a VG-2 alert, and laser alerts are notaffected.Note: If there is another detector in the vicinity, you might re-ceive false signals.When your detector senses a Safety Alert signal, it respondswith distinctive audible and visual alarms to indicate the alerttype for emergency vehicle (M), Rail Road Alert (O), or RoadHazard (S)  Page 15  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
16 TroubleshootingˆTroubleshooting If you have problems operating your detector, these sugges-tions might help.Problem SuggestionThe detector does not turn on.Be sure all power connections are secure. The cigarette-lighter socket might be dirty. Clean it with fine emery cloth to ensure a good, clean connection.Check the fuse in the power cord's cigarette lighter plug. See “Replacing the Fuse” on Page 19. Check the fuse that controls power to your vehicle's cigarette-lighter socket. See your vehicle's owner's manual. Caution: Do not place any metal object other than the cigarette lighter or cigarette-lighter plug in the cigarette-lighter socket. Doing so could blow a fuse in your vehicle or cause the metal object to become very hot.The detector gives a false alert when you use vehicle accessories such as power windows, motorized mir-rors, brakes, and so on.Check the vehicle's electrical system for loose connections, including the main battery cable and alternator con-nections. Install a filter capacitor (1000 µF, 35 volts), on the back of the cigarette-lighter socket, across the power  Page 16  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
17TroubleshootingIf you cannot solve the problem after trying these suggestions,take your detector to your local RadioShack store for assistance.The detector performs the self-test, but does not respond to radar signals when you see a police car.A police car might not be equipped with radar (see the supplied booklet, Questions and Answers About Vehicle Speed Detection). Police might be using VASCAR-type speed detection (see the supplied booklet, Questions and Answers About Vehicle Speed Detection).The detector has poor laser detection range.Be sure the laser detection lens is not blocked.Be sure the detector is properly mounted. See “Selecting a Mounting Location” on Page 7.Use lens-cleaning solution to clean the laser detection lens.Problem  Page 17  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
18 Care and MaintenanceˆCare and MaintenanceYour RadioShack 360° Laser/Radar Detector is an exampleof superior design and craftsmanship. The following sugges-tions will help you care for your detector so you can enjoy itfor years.• Keep the detector dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry immedi-ately. Liquids might contain minerals that can corrode theelectronic circuits.• Keep the detector away from dust and dirt, which cancause premature wear of parts.• Handle the detector gently and carefully. Dropping it candamage circuit boards and cases and can cause thedetector to work improperly.• Wipe the detector with a damp cloth occasionally to keepit looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning sol-vents, or strong detergents to clean the detector.Modifying or tampering with the detector’s internal compo-nents can cause a malfunction and might invalidate its war-ranty. If your detector is not performing as it should, take it toyour local RadioShack store for assistance.  Page 18  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
19Care and MaintenanceREPLACING THE FUSEIf the detector stops operating, follow these steps to check thefuse in the power cord's cigarette-lighter plug and replace it witha 2-amp, 11/4 × 1/4, fast-acting fuse, if necessary.Caution: Using a fuse that does not meet the above require-ments can damage your detector, the power cable, or the vehi-cle's electrical system.1. Turn the knurled ring on thecigarette-lighter plug counter-clockwise to unscrew it.Caution: If you must use pliers to loosen the ring, be care-ful not to crush the ring or the metal tip inside the ring.2. Remove the ring and tip fromthe power cord’s cigarette-lighter plug, then remove the oldfuse.Note: Take care not to lose the ring or tip, or the springinside the plug.3. Check the fuse. If it has blown, replace it.4. Replace the metal tip inside the ring, make sure the springis intact, then place the fuse inside the cigarette-lighter plugand screw the ring back onto the plug. Make sure the tip isvisible when you reassemble the cigarette-lighter plug.Caution: Never use pliers or other tools to retighten thering on the cigarette-lighter plug.Knurled  Page 19  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM
22-16  Page 20  2002.9.5   4: 37 PMFcc StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,      including interference that may cause undesired     operation.NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIP-MENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.20Fcc Statement
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RadioShack — A Division of Tandy CorporationFort Worth, Texas 7610222-168603A00Printed in KoreaLimited One-Year WarrantyThis product is warranted by RadioShack against manufacturing defects in material andworkmanship under normal use for one (1) year from the date of purchase from Ra-dioShack company-owned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers.EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIESAND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DU-RATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPTAS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBIL-ITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANYLIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY USE ORPERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THISWARRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROMINCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT ORANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IFRadioShack HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclu-sion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or ex-clusions may not apply to you.In the event of a product defect during the warranty period, take the product and the Ra-dioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any RadioShack store. RadioShackwill, at its option, unless otherwise provided by law: (a) correct the defect by product repairwithout charge for parts and labor; (b) replace the product with one of the same or similardesign; or (c) refund the purchase price. All replaced parts and products, and products onwhich a refund is made, become the property of RadioShack. New or reconditioned partsand products may be used in the performance of warranty service. Repaired or replacedparts and products are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period. Youwill be charged for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of thewarranty period.This warranty does not cover: (a) damage or failure caused by or attributable to acts ofGod, abuse, accident, misuse, improper or abnormal usage, failure to follow instructions,improper installation or maintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excessvoltage or current; (b) any repairs other than those provided by a RadioShack AuthorizedService Facility; (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosmetic damage; (e)transportation, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation,set-up service adjustment or reinstallation.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights whichvary from state to state.RadioShack Customer Relations, 200 Taylor Street, 6th Floor, Fort Worth, TX 76102We Service What We Sell12/  Page 20  Friday, March 31, 2000  2:09 PM

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