Rosslare SP-N6G HomeLogiX User Manual HomeLogiX Software Manual

Rosslare Enterprises Ltd HomeLogiX HomeLogiX Software Manual


Users Manual I

 Advanced Wireless Security Panel Software Manual      September 2009
 Pursuant to FCC §15.21 [ 54 FR 17714 , Apr. 25, 1989, as amended at 68 FR 68545 , Dec.9, 2003], changes or modifications made to equipment, which are not expressly approved by Rosslare Enterprises, Ltd., may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Table of Contents HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page ii   Table of Contents 1.  ............................................................................. 4 Introduction1.1  ........................................................ 4 Remote PC Activities2.  ........................................................ 5 Installing HomeLogiXTM2.1  ...................................................... 5 System Requirements2.2  ...................................................... 5 Installing the Software3.  ........................................................................ 7 Getting Started3.1  ............................................................... 7 Basic Concepts3.2  ....................................................... 7 Running the Software3.3  ....................................... 9 The HomeLogiX  Main WindowTM3.4  ......................................................................  10 Main Tasks4.  ............................ 11 Creating and Managing Panel Accounts4.1  .................................................  11 Creating a Panel Group4.2  ..................................... 12 Creating a New Panel Account4.3  ............................................... 12 Saving the Configuration4.4  ............................. 13 Changing an Existing Panel Account4.5  ..............................................  15 Deleting a Panel Account5.  ....................................................... 16 Editing a Panel Account5.1  ...................................................... 16 Account Information5.2  ............................................................................. 17 Zones5.3  ......................................................................  17 Enrollment5.4  .......................................................................... 19 Security5.5  ........................................................... 21 Communications5.6  ....................................................................  24 Automation5.7 ....................................................................... 26 Messages6.  ............................................ 27 Communicating with the Panel6.1  .............................  27 Setting the Panel Authorization Code
Table of Contents HomeLogiX Software Manual Page iii  6.2  ................................................. 27 Uploading from a Panel6.3  ................................................ 29 Downloading to a Panel6.4  ................................................ 30 Refreshing the Properties6.5  .................. 30 Uploading the Date and Time from a Panel6.6  ..................  31 Downloading the Date and Time to a Panel6.7  .......................... 32 Restoring the Panel to Factory Defaults6.8  ...................................................  32 Disconnecting a Panel7. ................................................ 33 Viewing System Information7.1  ............................  33 Viewing the Panel Account Properties7.2  ...................................................  33 View the System Status7.3  ........................................... 34 Applying Actions via the PC7.4  ....................................... 35 Refreshing the Panel Manually7.5  ................................ 35 Refreshing the Panel Automatically7.6  ................................................. 36 Viewing the Events Logs8.  ........................................................ 38 Configuring the System8.1  ............................................................ 38 General Options8.2  ............................................... 41 Communication Options9.  .............................................. 43 Performing Database Backup9.1  ..............................................  43 Backing up the Database9.2  ................................................. 43 Restoring the DatabaseAppendix A.  .......................................... 45 Technical Support
Introduction 1. Introduction The HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer (referred to as HomeLogiXTM) is a software application designed to support installers of the HomeLogiXTM Wireless Panel (referred to as wireless panel). HomeLogiXTM allows its users to define the configuration for a wireless panel, edit the configuration and download it to the wireless panel. HomeLogiXTM displays currently defined wireless panels and the properties for each panel.  HomeLogiXTM allows the installer to upload the current wireless panel configuration and make changes. The installer can then download the new configuration to the wireless panel. The wireless panel can be connected to HomeLogiXTM either directly via an RS-232 cable and Rosslare's MD-14 RS-485 to RS-232 converter or remotely using a modem. See the HomeLogiXTM Installer Guide for more details on connecting the wireless panel to HomeLogiXTM. 1.1 Remote PC Activities The following are remote PC Activities which can be performed via the HomeLogiXTM PC Software: • Arming Away • Arming Home • Disarming • Set bypass to zone • Remove bypass indication from zone • Turning on or off a PGM device   Note: HomeLogiXTM now enables remote actions when the panel is armed.  HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 4
Installing HomeLogiXPTM HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 5  2. Installing HomeLogiXTM  This chapter describes how to install HomeLogiXTM. 2.1 System Requirements Hardware Requirements • Pentium 4 or higher  • Minimum 256MB RAM  • 100MB available Hard Disk space • One available serial COM port  Software Requirements • Microsoft Windows 2000, NT , XP  Ancillary equipment • Rosslare’s MD-N33 or similar third party modem • Telephone cable (2-wire to RJ-11) for working in remote mode  • Rosslare's MD-14 RS-485 to RS-232 converter 2.2 Installing the Software The following describes how to install HomeLogiXTM. To install HomeLogiXTM: 1.  From the CD provided, double click on the file HomeLogiXSetup.exe. The Select Target window is displayed.
Installing HomeLogiXPTM  Figure 1 - Select Target Window 2. Click Browse to change the destination folder. 3.   Click Install to begin the installation. The installation runs and then the Completed window is displayed.  Figure 2 - Installation Completed Window 4. Click Close to complete the installation. HomeLogiXTM is successfully installed. HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 6
Getting Started 3. Getting Started This chapter explains what you need to know before using HomeLogiXTM.  3.1 Basic Concepts HomeLogiXTM is a Microsoft Windows application used to manage wireless panels installed in various locations. The user creates a panel account for each owner of a wireless panel. The panel account holds all the configuration information for a specific wireless panel. The configuration can then be downloaded to the wireless panel via a direct connection to the PC or remotely using a modem. The user can also connect to a wireless panel to check its live status, events log and to make changes to the configuration. 3.2 Running the Software The following section explains how to run HomeLogiXTM. To run HomeLogiXTM: 1.  From the Start menu, select Programs > Rosslare > HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer > HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer.   The Login window is displayed.  Figure 3 - Login Window 2.  The first time you run HomeLogiXTM, the default User Name “master” and password “xxxxxxxx” are displayed.  Click OK. The first time you run HomeLogiXTM you will be asked to change your user name and password. HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 7
Getting Started  Figure 4: Change Login Details dialog  3.  Enter the new user name and new password. Confirm new password and click OK. Verify that the new user name and password have been changed successfully. The application starts up and the HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer window appears. See The HomeLogiX  Main WindowTM   on page 9.   9. 4.  After running the HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer with the changed user details, enter the User Name and Password and click OK.  The HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer window appears. See The HomeLogiX  Main WindowTM   on pageHomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 8
Getting Started 3.3 The HomeLogiXTM Main Window  HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 9  Figure 5: HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer Window The HomeLogiXTM main window is used as a central place for accessing all the features and options available. The HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer window contains the following areas:  1 Menu bar  Access main options. 2 Toolbar  Quickly access frequently used operations. 3 Panel Tree Contains the panel accounts and groups already definedthe system.  in 4 Properties Area Displays properties of the current selection in the left pane. 5 Assistance bar Gives assistance by displaying a short description of the field you are in. 6 Status bar  Displays the current communication status of the system.  The example above shows a panel account that has been defined in the system. Panel accounts are listed in the panel tree on the left. The Properties Area on the right displays the properties for the selected panel. XYZ[\]
Getting Started HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 10  ng escribed in detail in the chapter Creating and Managing Panel Accounts  on page 11. o ts. l r he properties of a panel account. 3.4 Main Tasks These are the main tasks you need to perform to get started usiHomeLogiXTM. Each task is d• Creating a Panel Group  (on page 11) – creates a panel group syou can organize your panel accoun•reating a New Panel Account  (on p Cage 12) – creates a new paneaccount for an owner of a wireless panel. • Saving the Configuration  (on page 12) – saves the configuration foa panel account. • Changing an Existing Panel Account  (on page 13) – lets you make changes to t
Creating and Managing Panel Accounts 4. Creating and Managing Panel Accounts This chapter describes how to create and manage panel accounts. 4.1 You ing to panel grou orate panel Exist nts can be copied into a panel group using the Edit Menu commands or by right clicking on a panel account and using the edit commands. To add a new panel group: 1. In the Panel Tree, right click on the place where you want to add a panel group. Creating a Panel Group  can organize panel accounts in the Panel Tree accordps. For example, you can create a group for your corpaccounts and another group for your private home panel accounts. ing panel accouThe right click menu is displayed.  Figure 6 - Right Mouse Menu - Add New Panel Group 3.   such 2. Click on Add New Panel Group. A new panel group is added at the mouse position. In the edit field that appears, enter the name of the panel groupas Private Homes.  Figure 7 - Add New Panel Group  Note: You can also change the panel account name at any time by right clicking on the name of the panel and choosing Rename.  HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 11
Creating and Managing Panel Accounts HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 12  4.2 Creating a New Panel Account You create a new panel account for every owner of a wireless panel.  To create a new panel account: 1. From the Panel Account menu, select New. Alternatively, you can right-click on Panel Groups in the Panel Tree and select Add New Panel Account from the dropdown menu. Under Panel Groups, a new panel account is added. 2.  In the edit field that appears, enter the name of the panel account such as Office.   Figure 8 - New Panel Account 4.3 Saving the Configuration Saving the configuration, saves any changes made to the selected panelaccount.    the panel ar. To save changes made to a panel account: 1.  In the Panel Tree, select the panel account to save. 2. From the Panel Account menu, click Save Configuration. You can alsosave changes in a panel account by right clicking on  account and choosing Save or from the toolbIn the status bar the message “Panel saved” appears.
Creating and Managing Panel Accounts  Figure 9 - Status Bar - Panel Saved 4.4 Changing an Existing Panel Account You can change the properties for each panel account. This is the main e applic  the behavior of the wireless panel.  change pro e Panel Tree, select the panel account to change. l  In the right pane type the information in the property fields. e  tus bar displays “Panel m ing the Configuratioaspect of th ation and definesYou cannotTo change an1.  In theperty items that are grayed out. xisting panel account: 2.  Under the pane  account name, select the item to change (forexample, Accou3. nt Information). Once you hav made a change to a panel account, the staodified” until you save the configuration (see Savn  on page 12. HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 13
Creating and Managing Panel Accounts HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 14   Figure 10 - Status Bar - Panel Modified These are the panel account properties available for editing. They are described in further details later in this guide. Section Description Account Information   on Details about the owner of the pplus information about the wirelePage 16 anel account ss panel. Zones  on page 17 Details about the Zone type and description.  Enrollment  on page 17 Details about each enrolled detector. Security  on page 19 Settings to automatically arm or disarm the wireless panel for specific days and times. Settings for the time delay before activating the alarm state.  Communications  on page 21 Communication settings between the Central Station and the wireless panel. Details of private phone numbers that can be called by the wireless panel. Automation  on page 24 Settings for up to two external devices, called PGMs that can be controlled by the wireless panel.
Creating and Managing Panel Accounts Section Description Messages  on page  Settings for the Keypad tone function as well as 26 defining custom zone descriptions 4.5 Deleting a Panel Account The following describes how to delete a panel account. For example,need to delete an account when the owner removes the wireless pafrom the premises. To delete a panel account:  you nel ount to delete. unt 1.  In the Panel Tree, select the panel acc2. From the Edit menu, click Delete or right click on the panel accoand select Delete from the menu. The following warning window is displayed.  el Account WarnFigu. Click Yes tre 11 - Delete Pano delete the selecting Window ed panel account. 3HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 15
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 16  5. Edit nelis chapter d riouanel account. 5.1 Account InformatioAccount Information contains delus in ut tho etless panel.  count Information:   Once you have finished modifying ld also download the latest configuration to the r Account Information: ing a Pa  Account  Thpescribes the va s properties that you can modify for a n tails about the owner of the panel account pincludes the version of the wireformation abowner’s general de wireless panel. Account Information ails and the hardware and software To access Ac• Click on a panel account in the Panel Tree and then click Account Information below the panel account name.  After modifying the properties, remember to save the configuration (see  on page 12).Saving the Configurationthe properties you shouwireless panel (see Downloading to a Panel  on page 29). The following properties are available undeSection Property Item Description Owner  Owner Name  The name of the person wInformation  panel account. ho owns the  Owner Telephone Theow telephone number of the panel ner. OwnPhonnel  Own ses where the Information PanVers panel. This item cannot be changed.  er Mobile e The mobile phone number of the paowner. er Address  The address of the premiwireless panel is installed. el Firmware ion The firmware version of the wireless Panel  DialeVers component of the wireless panel. This el.  (01-31), MM = month (0-12), YY = year (last two digits). r Firmware ion The firmware version of the dialer item cannot be changed.  Format  The date format displayed by the panDD = Day of the month Date
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 17  Description Section Property Item  Time Format  The time format displayed by the panelHH = hours (0-23), hh = hours (00-12), mm = minutes (00-59). Note: 00:00 = 12:00AM and 12:00 = 12:00PM. . Installer  Installer Code  The 4 digit access codeInformation  of the installer.  5.2 ZonA zone is an area secured by a se o forty zones for each panel account. Fo  you can specify the type of ne (for exa imion su droo accessClick unbelo ndifyving the C g the propertie lso do e wireless pan nloading to a Panel  on page 29). e followingroperty  oes nsing device. You can define up tr each zonezodescriptmple, interior, perch as attic or beeter) as well as giving it a meaningful om.  T  Zones: • fter mo on a panel accow the panel accout in the Panel Tree and then click Zones t name. ASaing the properties, reonfiguration  on pas you should ael (see Dowmember to save the configuration (see e 12). Once you have finished modifyingwnload the latest configuration to thTh  properties are available under Zones: P Item Descripti n Zone Type  .ri r -HouType of zoneoptions: InteSilent, 24 You can choose from the following or, Perimeter, Delay, Fire 24-Hour, 24-Hour Audible, Chime Zone  Description The descriptiopredefined lisn of the zone. You can choose from a t or you can create up to five custom descriptions.   f thchanged. C(version 2 and up)  isand the No A are p.3 Enrollment The installer must enroll every detector using the wireless panel. Once each detector is enrolled, upload the panel and the enrolled detectors. The detectors are listed in the Enrollment section.  Chime Type The type o e chime played when zone options are No Activity  hecks  The default  disabled. If No Activity Checks is enabled ctivity Timer is enabled, checks for no activity erformed for this zone.  5
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 18  llment: n (see  page 12). Once you have finished modifying so download the latest configuration to the To access Enro• Click on a panel account in the Panel Tree and then click Enrollment below the panel account name. After modifying the properties, remember to save the configuratioSaving the Configuration  onthe properties you should alwire ss ple anel (see Downloading to a Panel  on page 29). The following properties are available under Enrollment: Section Property Item Description Detector  Detector # Type  The device family type for the detector of the zone. This item cannot be changed.   Detector # RF ID  The identification number for the wireless This item cannot be changed.detector.    tor 40 (Wired)Detec Allows you to enable or disable the use of a wired detector  Controls ont  Remote Remote CRF ID rol #  The identification number for the remotecontrol. This item cannot be changed.  Remote ContPanic ButtoFunction rn  Remote Cont FunOff Button Fun ontuttoutton Keyol #  Set the function for the remote conpanic button to activate the PGM. rol #  Set the function for the remote control trol On ButtonRemote Contction  on button to activate the PGM. rol # ction Set the function for the remote controloff button to turn off the PGM.   Remote C"Home" Brol # n Set the function for the remote control home (partial) button Function siB iButton Key # n.  RF ID  The identification number for the iButtoThis item cannot be changed. Remote Keypads Keypad # RF  or the remote keypad. This item cannot be changed. ID  The identification number fRepeaters  Repeater # RF ID  The identification number for the repeater. This item cannot be changed. Wireless Sirens RF Siren # ID  The identification number for the wireless siren. This item cannot be changed.
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 19  urity You can set the wireless panel to automatically arm or disarm for specific nd ti an al  tate er cactivating t tateo acces  • Click on a panel a nel Tree and then click Se  thAfter modi tion (see ving the  the properties you should  st configuration to the anloin rSection Property Item 5.4 Secdays aalarm smes. You c so the ownhe alarm sso set the time delay before activating thean enter and exit the premises without .  T s Security:ccount in the Pacurity belowfying the propee panel account name. rties, remember to save the configuraSa  Configuration  on page 12). Once you have finished modifyingalso download the latewireless pThe follownel (see Dowg properties aading to a Panel  on page 29). e available under Security: Description Delays  Exit Delay (seconds) During this period (1-99 seconds) after arming, a zone violation will not set the alarm state. During this period, a user may exit the premises.  Entry Delay (seconds) In the armed mode, this is the delay time between violation of a zone and an alarm event. During this period (1-99 seconds) a user may disarm the panel.  The mode for this auto arming schedule. ThAuto-rming ay) e A(DArm Mode options are: Disabled, Home or Away.  Arm Time  The time for automatically arming the wireless panel for this day of the week.  Disarm Time The time for automatically disarming the wireless panel for this day of the week. If the disarm time is prior to the arm time, disarm is performed on the following day.
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 20  Section Property Item Description Sirens tes) Siren Time (MinuThe number of minutes (0-99) to sound the sirens in case of an alarm.    Relay Polarity  ally Closed. eneral ecurity tings )  be triggered. The options are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, . Sirens Mode The sirens will be activated if the specified arming mode is set. The options are: Away,Away + Home.  Wired Siren  The polarity of the wired siren. The options are: Normally Opened, Norm Internal Siren  The status of the internal siren. The options are: Enabled or disabled. GSSetSupervision Time (HoursIf this number of hours elapsed and HomeLogiXTM did not receive any message from a zone, a zone trouble event willand 48 Jamming Detection  Defines the method used to detect attempts tojam the RF signals from its enrolled detectors. The options are: Disabled, UL Enabled, and ENEnabled.  ity  If the timer i  ours) s enabled and there is no activity for the specified number of hours for any of the  No ActivTimer (H(version 2  and up) zones where no activity check is enabled, a trouble event is reported. The options are: Disabled, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 30. Trouble Beeps If enabled, beeps are generated during system trouble. The options are: Enabled or Disabled. Bypass  The method of setting a zone as bypassed. The : Off, Manual, Force.    Options  options are Quick Arm  If enabled, HomeLogiXTM may be armed without entering a user code. The options are: Enabled or Disabled.  Panic Button  If enabled, pressing the panic button will be reported (with a chime if the Audible value is selected). The options are: Disabled, Audible, and Silent. Duress Code  The duress (forced disarm) code - 4 decimal digits. Alarm Cancel Time (Minutes) During this time window (0-60 minutes), after an alarm started, a disarm will result in an Alarm Cancelled message sent to the Central Station.
Editing a Panel Account Section Property  Description Item  ort  If an alarm is triggered, the alarm message to the  secAlarm AbTime (Seconds)  Central Station is delayed for this number ofonds (0-60) in order to allow the user to ort it via disarm. This abbuis effective only for rglar type of zones.   Backlight Time TimAlwHide Displaye the backlight remains on. The options are: ays or 15 seconds. n, HomeLogiXTM opt Off.  ps  If On, each press of a key on the panel keypad   CommunicaYou can define the details forat is monitoring the w less panel itself. salled     If Oarm hides its status display when ed and shows only the prompts. The ions are: On or Key Beewill beep. The options are: On or Off. 5.5 tions  the communications between the Central ireless panel and the wireStation thou can alan be cYco define private pby the wirelesshone numbers and a paging service that panel.   Note: The only details o anged by the r settings that can be chu aser, and which  re almost entirely changed only by the i re of thenstaller, a  following nature. Adding a new detector, sensor o ting r remote control, or removing an exisone. To acces unica• Clofter modife C  erti ould alsonnload s Comm tions: ick on a panel account in the Panel Tree and then click mmunications below the panel account name. yCASaing the propertiesonfiguration  on pes you s, remember to save the configuration (see age 12). Once you have finished modifying download the latest cving the propireless pathwhel (see Dowonfiguration to the ing to a Panel  on page 29). HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 21   Note: For the unit to accept the communication changes you m  theust activate  installer programming on the panel itself, then exit to update the dialer with the configuration changes.
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 22  The following properties are a mmunications: Section Property  Description vailable under CoItem Panel  Phone e Panel Phon The telephone number used to connect to the wireless panel. PRrivate  eporting edPrivate Phone 1 Number  The phone number to call when the select event occurs.  Private Phone 2 Number The phone number to call when the selected event occurs. The phone number to call when the select Private Phone 3  edNumber  event occurs.  Note: When using a PABX type the number for an outside line then “,” followed by the telephone number.   Private ReportinOptions g   The list of event types that are reported tothe private phone numbers specified. The options are: Alarms, Troubles, Alerts, Bypass, Arm/Disarm, Restore. Dialing Attempts The number of attempts (1-5) the panel wilmake in order to connect to a specified l   ettings CS Connection Method r the panel uses to connect to the Central private phone number before trying the next private phone number. This option specifies which phone numbeCentral  StationS)  (CSStation. The options are: Primary Only, Alternate, Secondary Only, and Both.  Primary Phone Number The primary phone number used for the panel to connect to the Central Station.  Note: When using a PA  outside line BX type the number for anthen “,” followed by the telephone number.     Secondary Phone Number The secondary phone number used for the panel to connect to the Central Station.  Secondary Account Code The account code for the secondary Central Station connection. Primary Account Code The account code for the primary Central Station connection. Primary Reporting Options The list of event types that are reported to the Central Station using the primary number. The options are: Alarms, Troubles, Alerts, Bypass, Arm/Disarm, and Restore.
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 23  Section Property Item Description  Secondary Reporting Options to Alerts, Bypass, Arm/Disarm, and Restore. The list of event types which are reported the Central Station using the secondary number. The options are: Alarms, Troubles,  Reporting Mode  This mode defines whether a message  a rted   Attemptsreported to the Central Station will includesingle event or multiple events.   Reporting Protocol DialingDefines the structure of the repomessages. Current Option is: Contact ID  The number of attempts (1-16) made by tpanel the o connect to the Central Station. Days Between  The number of days (1-30) between tests of the line connecting to the Central Station. number of minutes (0-240) after an AC rted rn ). ication Line Tests  Line Tests Time  The time of day for testing the line to the Central Station.  AC Fail  The Reporting Delay (Minutes) power failure before this event is repo(assuming the AC power did not retuduring this periodTwo Way Voice (2WV)   Define the way 2-Way Voice commun is made, and set the preferences for thfeature. is Setup  CS 2WV Mode  Installer can Enable/Disable the 2-Way Voice .  panel waits for Mode of the system in this menu via the PCClick the drop-down menu and select which option you want to use.  CS 2WV Timeout  The Time that the HomeLogiX(Seconds)  2WV actions from the CS.  Note: 1. The reporting mode in Central Station (CS) Settings must be set to: "Multiple Events". 2. After changing any communication parameters via the PC software, the installer must enter the installer mode, and then return Normal mode in order for the new communication parameters to take effect.
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 24   Item Description Section PropertyMiscellane Fax Defous CommunieMode ctions Settings at ming ring immediately.aIf enabled, the panel recognizes when a caller disconnects after one or two rings and answers the next inco  Number of Rings  The number of rings (1-15) detected by a  it answers an incoming call. ation ed to authenticate communications with the panel. This code u  The wireless panel can c• Click on a paneAutomation belo l account name. utomation properties in• Automation Settactivated direct the wireless panel. • PG ber (#device. fter modi  propving the C ration ying e proper hould e wireless panel (see Downhe following propertpanel befored  The code us Up/DownloaAuthorizCode  must be the same as the Panel’s master code.  5.6 A tomationontrol up to two external devices, called PGMs.  on: To access Automatil account in the Panel Tree and then click w the paneA clude these sections: ings  on page 25– for enabling PGMs to be ly from M Num )  on page 25 – the settings for the external A fying the erties, remember to save the configuration (see   on page 12). Once you have finished modifSathonfiguties you s  also download the latest configuration to thloading to a Panel  on page 29) T  are the  ies available under automation:
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 25  Auto ation Settings mProperty Item  Description Panel Keypad PGM Function If efronabled, you can activate the PGMs directly m the panel keypad.  PGM Number (#) Section Property Item Description Pulsing  Pulse Time  The amount of time (1-99) in(Seco seconds that the  pnds)  PGM erforms pulsing.    Triggers  Arm A The act l s arme ff  Arm H e act panel  arme  On, Off sar The act  will execute when the panel   The options are Ignore, On, Off and Pulse. Alarm The act  alarm is signal r Disabled.  Panic  The ac e panic is signal ns are Ignore or Pulse.   Trouble  The action this PGM will execute when the trouble is signaled. The options are Ignore or Pulse.  AC Loss  The action this PGM will execute when AC loss is signaled. The options are Disabled or Enabled.  Remote Control # Panic The action this PGM will execute when this remote control sends a panic message. The options are Ignore, On, Off, Pulse and Toggle.  Zone # Opened or Detected The action this PGM will execute when this zone is either opened or detected. The options are Ignore, On, Off, Pulse and Toggle. See Zones  on page 17 for a description of Zones. way  ion this PGM will execute when the paned away. The options are Ignore, On, Olse. ion this PGM will execute when the d home. The options are Ignore,iand Puome  Thisand Pum is disarmed.lse. ion this PGM Di   ion this PGM will execute when theed. The options are Enabled otion this PGM will execute when thed. The optio
Editing a Panel Account HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 26   as well as defining custom zone descriptions. See Zones section on page 17 for more n click  essages: 5.7 Messages The messages section allows setting the keypad tone functioninformation on Zones. To access Messages: • Click on a panel account in the Panel Tree and theMessages below the panel account name. After modifying the properties, remember to save the configuration (see Saving the Configuration  on page 12). Once you have finished modifyingthe properties you should also download the latest configuration to the wireless panel (see Downloading to a Panel  on page 29) The following properties are available for MSection Property Item Description Options  Panel  When enabled,Keypad Mute Functacts as a mute button for the system beeps and voice announcements ion  the numeric key “5” when the system is in disarmed mode. Custom Zone  Custom  TheDescriptions  Zone Description # re are five custom zones that can be set.    A customized description may be assigned to one of the zones (maximum of 16 printable ASCII characters).
Communicating with the Panel 6. Communicating with the Panel This chapter describes how to communicate with a wireless panel and the actions that can be performed. 6.1 Setting the Panel Authorization Code The authorization code is used to authenticate communications between HomeLogiXTM software and the HomeLogiXTM wireless panel. You need to set the panel authentication code in the panel account before performing any type of communication between the panel and the PC. See the Communications section on page 21, specifically Up/Download Authorization Code paragraph. 6.2 Uploading from a Panel You can upload the current information defined for a wireless panel in order to view and modify the existing configuration. There are two ways of uploading from a panel: • Uploading from a local panel – the panel is conne ed directly to the PC. •Uploading from  is connected To upload 1.   Tree, select the panel account from which to upload.  2. From the Upload From menu, choose either Local Panel or Remote Panel. You can also access Upload from the toolbar button. ct remotely via a modem.  a remote panel – the panelfrom a panel: In the Panel The Upload window is displayed. HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 27
Communicating with the Panel  Figure 12 - Upload Window 3.  Check the items to include in the upload and click OK. These are the same options available in the Panel Tree. The following  is connecting to window is displayed while the software the panel.  Figure 13 - Retrieving Panel Information Window HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 28
Communicating with the Panel HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 29  The Upload Preview window is displayed and lists all of the uploaded items that have different values from the current panel.  Figure 14 - Upload Preview Window 4.  Uncheck any items you do nclick OK. ot wish to save in the current panel and th the uploaded information. 6.3 Youy ed to the PC or Remote Panel if the panel is connected via a The current panel account is updated wiDownloading to a Panel  can download the information in HomeLogiXTM to a wireless panel. To download to a panel: 1. From the Download To menu, select Local Panel if the panel is directlconnectnetwork. 2.  The Download window is displayed.
Communicating with the Panel  Figure 15 - Download Window 3.  Check t e items to include in the download and click OK. s updated with the downloaded information. utton. hThe panel iHomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 30  6.4 You can refresh the properties in the panel account to ensure they have been updated from the database. To refresh the properties: 1. From the Actions menu, select Refresh.  Refreshing the Properties  You can also access Refresh by clicking on the toolbar bAll the properties in all the accounts are refreshed froUploading the Date and Time from a Panel  can upload the date and time fromm the database. 6.5 You  a wireless panel to verify if they are To upload the date and time from a panel: 1.  In the Panel Tree, select the panel account. 2. From the Actions menu, click Upload Date / Time. You can also activate this command by right-clicking on the panel account and choosing Upload Date / Time. The following window appears while connecting to the panel. correct.
Communicating with the Panel  Figure 16 - Upload Date and Time Window  The following window appears. The date and time from the panel aruploaded and the panel account properties updated. e  3.   Click OK. 6.6 Downloading the Date and Time to a Panel You can download the date and time to a wireless panel. For example if you previously uploaded the date and time from a wireless panel and confirme ad a new datdatTo download the date and time from a panel:  d that the date and time were incorrect, you can downloe and time to the wireless panel. You can use either the PC clock e and time or you can choose any other date and time.  1.  I the Panel Tree, select the panel an  ccount. 2. From the Actions menu, click Download Date / Time. You can also activate this command by right-clicking on the panel account andchoosing Download Date / Time.  The following window appears.  Figure 17 - Download Date and Time Window HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 31
Communicating with the Panel HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 32  e with the PC or e from the calendar. he HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer efaults anel’s settings to the factory defaults. For To restore t1.  anel Tree, select the account panel.  Panel to Factory Defaults. You 3.  You can check the box to synchronize the Date/Timyou can uncheck this option and select a date/tim4. Click OK.  The date and time from tapplication are downloaded to the wireless panel. 6.7 Restoring the Panel to Factory DYou can restore an account pexample, you can use this feature for troubleshooting, by returning the panel to the factory defaults and then changing one setting at a time.  he panel to factory defaults: In the P2. From the Actions menu click Restorec n also activate this command bya  right-clicking on the panel account and choosing Restore Panel to Factory Defaults.  Figure 18 - Restore Factory Defaults Warning Window The account panel properties are returned to their factory default state. 6.8 Disconnecting a Panel When the HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer application has connected to a wireless panel, most actions are not available until you disconnect from the wireless panel. Use Disconnect after performing an upload or download operation. To disconnect from a panel: 1.  In the Panel Tree, select the panel. 2. From the Actions menu, click Disconnect. You can also disconnect by click the Disconnect button on the toolbar.   The panel is disconnected.
Viewing System Information 7. Viewing System Information This chapter describes how to view live system information from  Account Properties isplayed in the Properties The system status allows you to check the live status of a wireless panel. e system status for a panel: ect the account panel.   on an account panel and choosing View atus or by clicking the button on the toolbar.a wireless panel. 7.1 Viewing the PanelYou can view the properties of a panel account.  To view the properties: • In the Panel Tree, select the account panel. Alternatively, from the View menu, click on Properties. The properties for the selected panel are dArea. 7.2 View the System Status To view th1.  In the Panel Tree, sel2. From the View menu, click System Status. This action can also beaccessed by right clicking  System StThe Properties Area displays the System Status for the panel.  Figure 19 - View System Status HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 33
Viewing System Information HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 34  ow includes the following areas: tus of the panel in text, including nd RF Jam in the colored check-colored check-boxes. Date/Time – Displays the panel date/time. gend of the mapped system information ons to be performed on the panel, such as Arm Home, Arm Away, Disarm.  g Actions via the PC  Software to run actions on the Panel ons window, click the  iew System Status screen, in Actions window, click the  indow, click the  Bypass Zone To bypass a zone: • In View System Status screen, in Actions window, select the zone number from the drop-down list, and then click Bypass button. The View System Status wind• Panel Status – Displays the stapower, tamper, low battery abox. • PGM Status – Displays the PGM status of PGM1 and PGM2 in the • Panel • Legend – Displays the Leas shown in columns A/O, T, B, S and X. • Actions – Buttons enable acti7.3 ApplyinYou can use the HomeLogiXTM PCitself (see Figure 19). Arm Home To arm home: • In View System Status screen, in ActiArm Home button. Arm Away To arm away: • In VArm Away button Disarm To disarm: • In View System Status screen, in Actions wDisarm button.
Viewing System Information HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 35  Restore Bypassed Zone To restore a bypassed zone: • In View System Status screen, in Actions window, select the zone number from the drop-down list, and then click UnBypass button. Turn PGM On To turn ON a PGM 1 or 2: • In View System Status screen, in Actions window, click the On button of the relevant PGM. Turn PGM OFF To turn OFF a PGM 1 or 2: • In View System Status screen, in Actions window, click the Off button o Toolbar. To refresh  panel status manually: • In the 7.5 Refreshing the Panel Automatically ou can set automatic panel refresh sessions by following the next ick the Disconnectf the relevant PGM. 7.4 Refreshing the Panel Manually You can refresh the panel manual using the SystemToolbar, click the Live System View button. Yprocedure. To refresh panel status automatically:  1. In the Toolbar, cl  button.  select Options, and then in the General tree em View.  View window is displayed. 2. In the Tools menu,view select SystThe System
Viewing System Information  Figure 20 – Refreshing Automatically 3. Select Continuous Retrievals  4. Select Frequency of Retrievals (seconds). HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 36   Note: Please use a "Frequency of Retrievals" value greater then 3.  7.6 Viewing the Events Logs All actions that take place in HomeLogiXTM are saved in the Events log. You can view the Events log for the following: • Last 20 events • Last 50 events • All events To view the Events Log: 1. From the View menu, click Events Log. 2.  Choose the Events log option to display. The Events log is displayed in the Properties Area.
Viewing System Information  Figure 21 - View Events Log The Event Log window includes the following information: • Event No. – Displays the event number and the severity level color. • Event Type – The event type displays the type of event reported by the system. • Reported By – The zone which reported the event is displayed in this column. • Event Time – The time the event took place is displayed in this column.   HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 37
Configuring the System 8. Configuring the System This chapter describes the options available to configure your HomeLogiXTM application. You can set the options from the Tools menu by clicking on Options. 8.1 General Options The general options include these sections: • MiscellanUser Login in options, you can change your user name and password.  eous  on page  39 • User Login  below • Languages  on page 39 • System View  on page 39 In the User Log Figure 22 -User Login Options To change the user login:  Login Information window enter the current user name and 1.  In the Userpassword and click Change. The User Information window is displayed. HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 38
Configuring the System  Figure 23 - User Information Window 2.  Enter the new user name and password. 3.  Confirm the new user name and password and click OK. The user name and password are changed to the new user name and password. Languages In this version of HomeLogiXTM, English and Turkish are the only supported languages.  4 - LanguaFigure 2 ges Options System View In the System View options you can set whether to update information continuously from a wireless panel or to perform a single retrieval of information from the wireless panel. This option is used when a wireless panel is directly connected to HomeLogiXTM via a cable. If you set the HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 39
Configuring the System HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 40  retrieval to be continuous, you can also set the frequency of retrievals in seconds.  Figure 25 - System View Options s llaneous options you can set an automatic save time, enable logging, set an idle time before logout and set warnings for long MiscellaneouIn the Miscesession remote connections. Option Description Automatic Save of Panel Data Set how often to automatically save the panel account data. Session Logging  Set whether to enable session logging. Idle Time Before Logout  Set after how much idle time to automatically logout. This option is only available under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP. Warning about long remote connections Set the time to warn for a long remote connection and how often to display a warning.
Configuring the System  Figure 26 - Miscellaneous Options 8.2 Communication Options remote s.  cal options, you can set the Cfor a direct connection with the wirele l. You can set the communication options for both local and connectionLocal Under Lo om Port and the Device Type used ss pane Figure 27 - Local Communications Options HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 41
Configuring the System Remote HomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 42  Under Remote options you can change the modem settings.   The following options are available under Remote opti ns: Option oDescription Modem Name  Displays the name for your modem. Com Port  Choose a com port. Dial g mode to be tone or pulse. ing  Set the dialinModem Speaker  Turn the modem speaker on or off. Connection Timeout (seconds)  Set the timeout for a connection in seconds. Data Transfer Timeout (seconds)  Set the timeout for data transfer in seconds.
Performing Database Backup 9. Perfo rming Database Backup This chapter describes how to backup and restore the database. 9.1 Backing up the Database It is recommended to regularly backup your data. Backup Database creates an Application Backup File in c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Rosslare\ HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer\Backups. Each time you do a backup, a new file is created in the directory. To backup the database: 1.  In the menu, click Tools – Backup Database. The following window appears.  Figur dow ated in ers\Application Data\Rosslare\ HomeLogiXTM Remote Programmer\Backups. 2. Click OK. 9.2 Restoring the Database You can restore the database from a backup. To restore the database: 1. From tng warning window appears. e 28 - Database Backup Successful WinA zip file containing a backup of the database is crec:\Documents and Settings\All Ushe Tools menu, select Restore Database. The followi Figure 29 - Restore Backup Warning Window HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 43
Performing Database Backup 2. Click Yes. The Select backup file window is displayed.  Figure 30 - Select Backup File Window 3.   from the list and click Open. Select the backup fileThe following window appears.  Figure 31 - Data Replacement Successful Window up.  4. Click OK. The database is now restored from the backHomeLogiX Software Manual  Page 44
Performing Database Backup HomeLogiX Software Manual Page 45  Appendix A. 64BTechnical Support Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa Rosslare Security Products Headquarters 905-912 Wing Fat Industrial Bldg,  12 Wang Tai Road,  Kowloon Bay Hong Kong  Tel: +852 2795-5630  Fax: +852 2795-1508  E-mail: HTUsupport.apac@rosslaresecurity.comUT  United States and Canada  1600 Hart Court, Suite 103 Southlake, TX, USA 76092 Toll Free:+1-866-632-1101 Local:+1-817-305-0006 Fax: +1-817-305-0069 E-mail:  Europe Global Technical Support & Training Center  HaMelecha 22 Rosh HaAyin, Israel 48091  Tel:  +972 3 938-6838  Fax: +972 3 938-6830  E-mail:  South America Pringles 868, 1640 Martinez Buenos Aires Argentina Tel:  +54 11 4798-0095 Fax: +54 11 4798-2228 E-mail:   Web Site: HTUwww.rosslaresecurity.comUT

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