Root RGW2400-OD Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Transceiver User Manual 1 4 1E 2 1 Wiya comments

Root Inc Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Transceiver 1 4 1E 2 1 Wiya comments


Program manual

Z0105001-L00-01            RGW series Setup manual   For Version 1.4.1           ROOT Inc.
  1. Setup Method 1.1 Connections First, it is required to login in order to set up this unit. There are two methods to login; one is through serial line, and two, through telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) from a host on LAN.  When setting up with serial line, we suggest using terminal software such as Hyperterminal for personal computers. Setup configurations for terminal software are as follows: Data Transfer Rate: 19200 bps Character Bit Length: 8 Parity Check: None Stop Bit Length: 1 Flow Control: RGW 2400/OD - hardware flowßIsn’t it “None”?, as Japanese manual says  To connect with SSH, prior setup by serial line or telnet is required. Refer to "Generating Host key of SSH" (Section 1.7.50).   1.2  Setup There are two methods for setup: One is to use command-line shell by command input from console; the other is to directly rewrite configuration file from internal OS shell. Setup through internal OS shell requires knowledge of both OS and network. Please contact us regarding specific setup method.   1.3  User Mode and Privileged Mode The command-line shell has two modes which are privileged mode and user mode.  Mode Description Prompt Privileged Mode A mode that can execute all commands "$" User Mode A mode that can execute only basic commands and display commands ">"
1.4  Setting by Command Line Shell A login prompt is displayed when connected with telnet:   login: Enter user name "admin":   login: admin<CR> Proceed to enter password:   Password:xxxxxxxx<CR> (Note: Entered password is not displayed. See Section 3 for factory default user mode password setting.) When login is accomplished, prompt > is displayed. When changing the setup, it is required to move to privileged mode. To move to privileged mode, enter command:   >administrator<CR> Proceed to enter password for privileged mode:   password:xxxxxxxx<CR> (Note: Entered password is not displayed. See Section 3 for factory default privileged mode password setting.) Prompt $ is displayed.  To connect with SSH, please refer to "Generating Host key of SSH" (Section 1.7.50).
  1.4.1  List of Command Line Shell Functions Function Description Supplement to Command By pressing [TAB] key, command string is inserted to the supplemental part possible Help on Commands By pressing [?] key, displays list of available command or description of each command.  Example:       $ip?       *ip address *ip route add *ip route delete  Since no command is formed in ip, commands starting with ip are displayed. $ ip address ?  usage: ip address"Interface Ipaddress Netmask"  e.g.      : $ ip address ep0  Since the command "ip address" is unique, usage and examples are displayed. Editing Command Line This function supports editing of command line.   The key bind of each is as follows: Key Description Back Space Deletes one character before cursor Ctrl-A Moves cursor to the head of command line Ctrl-E Moves cursor to the end of command line Ctrl-D Deletes the character on cursor Ctrl-U Deletes the entire command line Ctrl-F (->) Moves cursor to the right Ctrl-B (<-) Moves cursor to the left Ctrl-K Deletes the character after cursor  Record of Entered Commands Retains records of inputted command Key Description Ctrl-P Calls previous recorded entry Ctrl-N Calls next recorded entry
1.5 List of Commands  Setup Item Command Setting password passwd Setting host name hostname Setting IP address ip address Setting static route ip route add Deleting static route ip route delete Setting ICMP Redirect send out ip icmp redirect Setting wireless frequency wireless channel Setting wireless transmission rate wireless tx rate Setting wireless WEP function wireless wep encryption Setting wireless WEP key number wireless wep key use Setting wireless WEP key value wireless wep key value Setting wireless port type wireless port Setting wireless network name wireless network Setting wireless station name wireless station Switching infrastructure mode to Access Point wireless BSS AP mode Setting wireless SSID wireless ssid Adding wireless MAC address filter wireless macfilter add Deleting wireless MAC address filter wireless macfilter delete Setting static ARP entry arp add Deleting ARP entry arp delete Setting to choose the use of RIP rip Setting to choose to send static route with rip rip static-supply Setting RIP action rip action Setting RIP version rip version Setting to choose the use of filter filter Setting Filter filter add Deleting Filter filter delete Setting to choose the use of NAT nat Setting map action of NAT nat add map Setting bimap action of nat nat add bimap
Setting map-block action of nat nat add map-block Setting rdr action of nat nat add rdr Deleting nat nat delete Setting to choose the use of DHCP server dhcp Setting IP address to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp pool Setting validity period of IP address to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp expire Setting DNS server to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp dns add Deleting DNS server to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp dns delete Setting domain name to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp domain Setting default route to be distributed by DHCP server dhcp defaultroute Setting DHCP relay agent dhcp relay Setting to choose the use of SNMP function snmp Setting SNMP community name snmp community Setting location of SNMP snmp location Setting contact of SNMP snmp contact  Setting access of SNMP snmp access Setting TRAP of SNMP snmp trap Setting of syslog syslog Setting of host to transfer syslog syslog host Setting facility to transfer syslog syslog add Deleting facility to transfer syslog syslog delete Generating SSH host key ssh keygen Setting SSH authenticate method ssh authentication Downloading SSH public key ssh keyget Setting telnet access access telnet Setting monitor access access monitor Setting ssh access access ssh Save save Loading setting contents load
Cold start cold start Updating firmware update Setting date and time date Displaying software version show version Clearing ARP cache clear arp Confirming saved contents show setup Displaying host name show hostname Displaying IP address show ip address Displaying static route show ip route Displaying date and time show date Displaying lease status of DHCP server show dhcp Displaying filtering status show filtering Displaying status of NAT show nat Displaying status of SSH show ssh Displaying ARP cache table show arp Displaying elapsed time from start show uptime Displaying wireless signal strength show wireless signal strength Displaying wireless setting show wireless status Displaying status of MAC address filter show wireless macfilter Displaying wireless infrastructure mode of Access Point show wireless ap Displaying SNMP setting show snmp Restart restart Ping ping Log out quit Moving to privileged mode administrator Displaying command help help Referring to command history history Close exit
1.6 Typographical Conventions  Typographical conventions used in the command list are shown below.  Convention Description Example(s) Courier new, regular style Command ip address italics Indicates a variable which must be replaced with a real value. ip address Interface IPaddress Netmask  square brackets [  ] The  argument within the brackets may be omitted. Do not enter the brackets in the command line. ssh keygen version [overwrite] Quotation marks " " Enclosed  expression  must be entered exactly as shown (hard coded). Do not enter the quotation marks in the command line. "all" | bar (exclusive OR) You must enter one, and only one, of the items separated by the bar. Do not enter the bar in the command line. ne0| wi0| lo0 Braces { } List of arguments from which you must choose an item in syntax descriptions, or an enclosed phrase. Do not enter the braces in the command line.  Port { = | ! | <= | >= } portNo
 1.7 Explanation of Each Command    Each item is set without the need to restart.  1.7.1  Setting Password Input format passwd user Parameter user - user        : Password of user mode   - administrator : Password of privileged mode Description Sets password Note Password for privilege mode executes in only the privilege mode. To discontinue entry, enter Ctrl-D. Only alphabet characters and numerals can be entered in character string. Number of characters is up to 8 characters. To refer or to change the setting will be unable due to loss of password. Also, method to initialize the password (cold start) will be unable due to loss of password.  1.7.2 Setting Host Name  Input format hostname hostname Parameter hostname - Hostname with domain name Description Sets hostname Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ hostname  1.7.3 Setting IP Address Input format ip address Interface IPaddress Netmask Parameter -Interface  Interface name  Ethernet: ne0  Wireless: wi0  -IP address ip address -Netmask netmask
Description Sets IP address to specified interface. Example $ip address wi0   1.7.4 Setting Static Route Input format ip route add Destination Netmask Gateway Parameter Destination  - Destination IP address  Netmask  - Destination netmask  Gateway  - IP address of gateway Description Sets static route. When Netmask is omitted, host route is set. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Examples $ ip route add  $ ip route add default (In case of default mode) $ ip route add 1 (In case of host route)  1.7.5 Deleting Static Route Input format ip route delete Destination Netmask Gateway Parameter Destination - Destination IP address Netmask -Destination netmask  Gateway - IP address of gateway Description Deletes static route Note Executes only in privilege mode. Examples $ ip route delete $ ip route delete default (In case of default route)  $ ip route delete (In case of host route)  1.7.6 Setting ICMP Redirect Send Out  Input format ip icmp redirect flags Parameter flags
- enable  In use  - disable  Not in use Description Chooses use of ICMP Redirect send out function or not. Example $ icmp redirect enable  1.7.7 Setting Wireless Frequency Input format wireless channel Channel Parameter Channel Description Sets wireless frequency    Channel Frequency(MHz) Channel Frequency(MHz)                    1 2412 8 2447                    2 2417 9 2452                    3 2422 10 2457                    4 2427 11 2462                    5 2432 12 2467                    6 2437 13 2472                    7 2442 14 2484                 Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ wireless channel 3  1.7.8 Setting Wireless Transmission Rate Input format wireless txrate Rate Parameter Rate -Wireless transmission rate 1 – 15   Value Rate Value Rate 1 1Mbps fixed 9 11 -> 1Mbps 2 2Mbps fixed 10 11 -> 2Mbps 3 2 -> 1Mbps 11 11 -> 2 -> 1Mbps 4 5.5Mbps fixed 12 11 -> 5.5Mbps 5 5.5 -> 1Mbps 13 11 -> 5.5 -> 1Mbps 6 5.5 -> 2Mbps 14 11 -> 5.5 -> 2Mbps 7 5.5 -> 2 ->1Mbps 15 11 -> 5.5 ->2 -> 1Mbps 8 11Mbps fixed
Description Sets wireless transmission rate Note  Executes only in privileged mode in case of infrastructure mode on Access Point, it is not possible to set wireless transmission rate. Example $ wireless txrate 8  1.7.9 Setting Wireless WEP Function Input format wireless wep encryption flag Parameter Flag - enable : In use - disable : Not in use Description Chooses the use of WEP in case of packet transmission. Note Executes only in privileged mode. In case setting of transmission rate is 5.5M or 11Mbps, actual transmission rate may be lowered when WEP is used. Example $ wireless wep encryption enable  1.7.10 Setting Wireless WEP Key Number Input format wireless wep key use flag Parameter flag - flag 1 - 4 Description Sets WEP key number to be used in transmission. Note Executes only in privileged mode Example $ wireless wep key use 1  1.7.11 Setting WEP Key Value Input format wireless wep key value flag value Parameter            flag - key number (1 - 4)  value - ASCII (5 characters), or HEX (10 character hexadecimal number starting with 0x.) Description Sets WEP key value. Note Key length is automatically decided according to length of value.
Example $ wireless wep key value My Keyßthe “key number” is missing and 2 ASCII wording (“My” and “Key”). Is this example correct?      1.7.12 Setting Wireless Port Type Input format wireless port value    Parameter  Value -1: BSS mode (client station in infrastructure mode) -3: Ad-hoc mode (factory set value)    Description Sets RGW to act as a  c lient station in infrastructure (BSS) or ad hoc mode. Note Executes only in privileged mode. This command allows the RGW to function as a wireless client station in an 802.11b basic service set (BSS).  To set up the RGW as an Access Point, use the wireless BSS AP mode command (section 1.7.15). The wireless port command cannot be used while wireless BSS AP mode is enabled. Example $ wireless port 3  1.7.13 Setting Wireless Network Name Input format wireless network value Parameter value  - Network name (SSID) in BSS mode (max. 30 characters) Description Sets network name during BSS mode. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Enables communication with an Access Point having the same network name (SSID) when RGW is functioning as a wireless client station in infrastructure mode.  To set the network name (SSID) when RGW is functioning as an Access Point, use the wireless ssid command (section 1.7.16) instead.
Example $ wireless network NetBSD_IBSS  1.7.14 Setting Wireless Station Input format wireless station value Parameter Value - Station name of BSS mode (max. 30 characters) Description Sets station name during BSS mode Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Sets a distinguishing name and is valid in wireless port 1 during BSS mode. Some monitoring programs poll the station name of each wireless client in the BSS for identification purposes. Example $ wireless station NetBSD_Wave LAN/IEEE_node   1.7.15 Switching to Wireless Infrastructure Mode of Access Point Input format wireless BSS AP mode flag Parameter flag - enable: Set infrastructure mode of Access Point - disable: Delete infrastructure mode of Access Point Description Sets RGW to function as the Access Point in an 802.11b BSS. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Access Point is enabled [disabled] after the following commands are entered: 1. wireless BSS AP mode enable [disable] 2. save 3. restart 4. save When flag is set to disable, RGW operates in ad-hoc mode. Important note: The SSID cannot be modified after wireless BSS AP mode is enabled. SSID parameter should be set using wireless ssid command (section 1.7.16) prior to enabling wireless BSS AP mode.  Example $ wireless BSS AP mode enable   1.7.16 Setting Wireless SSID
Input format wireless ssid value Parameter value -SSID of infrastructure mode (max. 30 characters) Description Specifies SSID during infrastructure mode of Access Point. Notes Executes only in privileged mode.                         Enables communication with station of BSS mode having same network name. This command can only be used when Access Point mode of infrastructure is in operation. Example $ wireless ssid NetBSD_IBSS   1.7.17 MAC Address Filter Input format wireless macfilter add param Parameter Param - Specify MAC address Description Sets MAC address that permits wireless LAN communication. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Permits communication with all wireless terminal, when MAC address is not set. Maximum number of entries of MAC address filter is 50. Example $wireless macfilter add 11:22:33:44:55:66   1.7.18 Deleting MAC Address Filter Input format wireless macfilter delete param Parameter param  - Specify MAC address Description Deletes MAC address that registered into MAC address filter. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Permits communication with all wireless terminal when MAC address is not set. Example   $ wireless macfilter delete 11:22:33:44:55:66
   1.7.19 Setting Use or Non Use of RIP Input format  rip flag Parameter flag - enable : use - disable : Not in use Description Chooses to use RIP or not. Note Executes only in privileged mode Example $ rip enable         1.7.20 Setting to Announce Static Route in RIP Input format rip static-supply flag Parameter flag - enable : Announce static route - disable : Do not Announce static route Description  Sets to announce  static route in RIP Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ rip static-supply enable   1.7.21 Setting Rip Action Input format rip action interface action Parameter interface  - interface name action - supply : Send and receive route - listen : Receives route only
- disable : Neither send nor receive route Description Sets RIP action Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example rip action wi0 supply   1.7.22 Setting RIP Version Input format rip version interface version Parameter interface -interface name version  - ripv2:Uses RIPv2 (multicast) - ripv12:Uses RIPv2 (multicast ) and RIPv1 (broadcast).      - ripv1:Uses RIPv1 (broadcast).       Description Sets RIP version. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ rip version wi0 ripv2  1.7.23 Setting to Use Filter Input format Filter flag Parameter flag - enable : In use - disable : Not in use Description Chooses to use IP filter or not Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ filter enable   1.7.24 Setting IP Filter Input format filter add number action inout [ log level  facility.level][quick] [on interface] [proto proto] [  from [!] address [port] to [!] address [port] ] [flags] [with] [keep]  [group] Parameter                       number  -0-655335 : Filter No. action
 - block: puts mark on the packet to be cancelled.   - pass: Puts mark on the packet to be passed. inout  - in: A rule for a packet which enters from interface and enters RGW.   - out: A rule for a packet which exits from RGW to interface. log  - log: Specifies “log” keyword to log IP filtering  - level: Specifies syslog facility and level preceded by “level”  keyword  - facility: facility of syslog (auth, user, daemon)  - level: level of syslog (info, notice, warning, err...)  Transfer to host specified by syslog command mentioned in later quick  - quick: adapts immediately to rule on interface  - on ne0| wi0| lo0 : Specifies interface  proto  - tcp/udp | udp | tcp | icmp  address  - any | format | mask format port  - port{= | ! | <|> | <= | > = | eq | ne | lt | gt | le | ge}  portNo  flags  - Combination of TCP flag, FSRPAU. Can be specified during proto  tcp(F=FIN, S=SYN, R=RST, P=PUSH, A=ACK, U=URG) with  - with ipopts : with IP option  - with short : extremely short packet  - with frag : fragmented packet  keep  - keep state : implements filtering by keep state controlling  condition of session  group  - head N : makes new group N
 - group N : sets rule in group N Description Sets filtering for IP packet Note Executes only in privileged mode. Sorted according to filter No. and set in ascending order. Example $ filter add 100 block out proto tcp from to any port = 80  1.7.25 Deleting IP Filter Input format filter delete number Parameter number - 0-65535 : filter No. Description Deletes filtering for IP packet Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ filter delete 100  1.7.26 Setting the Use of NAT Input format nat flag Parameter flag  - enable : Use  - disable : No use Description Chooses use or no use of NAT. Note Executes only in privileged mode.  NAT function in Ethernet side will be valid when switched to enable , factory set (wireless side: global and Ethernet side: private). Example $ nat enable  1.7.27 Setting map Action of NAT Input format nat add map number interface address1 -> address2 [portmap Proto ports| proxy port portname tag/protocol] Parameter Number  - 0-255 : NAT No. (common at nat add * command) interface         - name of interface  address1
 - IP address on local side  - format address2  - IP address on global side  - format proto  - tcp/udp|udp|tcp ports  - auto|{lower limit of port No.}:{upper limit of port No.} format portname  - name of port (eg: ftp) tag  - tag protocol  - protocol Description Sets map action of NAT Notes Executes only in privileged mode.       Sorted according to nat No. common to nat setup and set in ascending order      Examples $ nat add map 10 ne0 10.0.0/8-> portmap tcp/udp 1025:65000 $ nat add map 15 ne0 10.0.0/8-> 0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp  1.7.28 Setting bimap Action of NAT Input format nat add bimap number interface address1 -> address2 Parameter number  - 0-255 : NAT No. (common at nat add command) interface  - name of interface address1  - IP address on local side  - format address2  - IP address on global side  - format
Description Sets bimap action of NAT Notes Executes only in privileged mode.  Sorted according to nat No. common to nat setup and set in ascending order. Example $ nat add bimap 3 ne ->          1.7.29 Setting map-block Action of NAT Input format nat add map-block number interface address1 -> address2 [ports port] Parameter           number  - 0-255 : NAT No.(common at nat add*command) interface  - name of interface address1  - IP address on local side  - format adderss2  - IP address on global side  - format port  - auto|port No.  Description Sets mapblock action of NAT Note Executes only in privileged mode.  Sorted according to nat No. common to nat setup and set in ascending order. Example $ nat add map-block 2 ne -> ports auto
   1.7.30 Setting rdr Action of NAT Input format nat add rdr number interface address1 port port ->address2 port port proto Parameter            number  - 0-255 : NAT No. (common at nat add* command) interface  - name of interface address1  - IP address on local side  - format address2  - IP address on global side port  - Port No. proto  - tcp/udp|tcp|udp (default value: tcp) Description Sets rdr action of NAT Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Sorted according to nat No. common to nat setup and set in ascending order. Example $ nat add rdr 5 ne0 port 7777 -> port 20  1.7.31 Deleting NAT Input format nat delete number Parameter             number  - 0-255 : NAT No. Description Deletes NAT entry Note Executes only in privileged mode Example $ nat delete 3   1.7.32 Setting to Choose the Use of DHCP server
Input format nat flag [interface] Parameter flag  - enable : Use  - disable : Not in Use interface  - name of interface using DHCP server function. It assumes ne0 when omitted. Not required during disable. Description Chooses between use and no use of DHCP server function. Notes Executes only in privileged mode.  Distribute IP address must be in the interface network. Refer to limitation for details. Example $ dhcp enable    1.7.33 Setting IP Address Range to be Distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp pool ipaddress1 ipaddress2 Parameter            ipaddress 1  - Head of IP address ipaddress2  - End of IP address Description Sets range of IP address to be distributed through DHCP server. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp pool  1.7.34 Setting Expiration of IP Address to be distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp expire period Parameter                             period  - Expiration of IP address (Second) Description Sets expiration of IP address to be distributed through DHCP server. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp expire 7200
1.7.35 Setting DNS Server to be distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp dns add ipaddress Parameter ipaddress * IP address of DNS server Description Sets DNS server to be distributed through DHCP server. Note       Executes only in privileged mode. Maximum of 2 can be registered. Example                      $ dhcp dns add   1.7.36 Deleting DNS Server to be distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp dns delete ipaddress Parameter ip address   -iP address of DNS server Description Deletes DNS server to be distributed through DHCP server. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp dns delete   1.7.37 Setting Domain Name to be distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp domain domainname Parameter domainname  - Domain name Description Sets domain name to be distributed through DHCP server. When domainname is omitted, domain name is not distributed. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp domain  1.7.38 Setting Default Route to be distributed through DHCP server Input format dhcp defaultroute [defaultroute] Parameter defaultroute  -IP address of default route Description Sets default route to be distributed through DHCP server. When defaultroute is omitted, default route is not distributed. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp defaultroute
1.7.39 Setting DHCP Relay Agent  Input format dhcp relay flag Parameter                        flag - IP address : IP address of DHCP server - disable : Not in use Description Sets DHCP relay agent. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ dhcp relay  1.7.40 Setting to Choose the Use of SNMP Server Function Input format snmp flag Parameter                            flag - enable : Use - disable : Not in use Description Chooses use and no use of SNMP server. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example  $ snmp enable   1.7.41 Setting SNMP Community Name Input format snmp community name Parameter                             name  - community name Description Sets SNMP community name. Up to maximum of 31 characters. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ snmp community secret   1.7.42 Setting Location of SNMP Input format snmp location str Parameter                            str  - Character string Description Sets location of SNMP. Up to maximum of 255 characters. Note Executes only in privileged mode.
Example $ snmp location 1-17-8 Nishikata Bunkyo-ku Tokyo Japan    1.7.43 Setting Contact of SNMP Input format snmp contact str Parameter str  - Character string Description Sets contact of SNMP. Up To maximum of 255 characters. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ snmp contact Tarou Yamada <>    1.7.44 Setting Access of SNMP Input format snmp access [ipaddress|network] Parameter ipaddress  -ip address | "all" network  -network address with netmask format Description Specifies accessible host range to RGW with SNMP . Notes Executes only in privileged mode.  Checking of IP filter is implemented prior to checking the setting of this access. Example $ snmp access    1.7.45 Setting SNMP TRAP Input format snmp trap mode flag [community [port]] Parameter mode  - v1|v2|inform   v1:snmp v1 v2:snmp v2                     inform:NOTIFICATION flag
 - IP address : host of IP address sending the trap          - disable : not in use community  name of community used for sending trap and not required during   disable port  - port No. (use 162 during omission) not required during disable Description Specifies type of trap and host sending snmp trap when restarted and/or detected invalid access. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ snmp trap v2 root     1.7.46 Setting to Choose the Use of syslog Function Input format syslog flag Parameter flag  - enable :  use  - disable : not in use Description Chooses use and no use of syslog function. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ syslog enable   1.7.47 Setting Host to Transfer syslog Input format syslog host ipaddress Parameter ipaddress  - IP address : IP address of host to transfer syslog Description Sets IP address of host to transfer syslog. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ syslog host   1.7.48 Setting Facility to Transfer syslog Input format syslog add facility level
Parameter facility  kern | user | auth | authpriv | syslog    | cron | ftp | uucp | local0-7 |  daemon |* level  emerg | alert | crit | err | warning |   notice | info | debug | none | * Description  Sets facility and its level to transfer syslog. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ syslog add * info      1.7.49 Deleting Facility to Transfer syslog Input format syslog delete facility level Parameter facility  kern | user | auth authpriv| syslog |    cron | ftp | uucp | local0-7|  daemon |* level   emerg | alert | crit | err | warning |    notice | info | debug | none | * Description Sets facility and its level to delete syslog. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ syslog delete kern crit   1.7.50 Generating Host Key of SSH Input format  ssh keygen version [overwriteßIsn’t it better to enclose it with “ “? because it is hard coding] Parameter version  - v1 : generate host key of SSHv1 - v2 : generate host key of SSHv2 - v12 : generate host key of both SSHv1 and SSHv2
overwrite  Specified when overwriting host key already generated Description Generates host key of RGW Notes  Executes only in privileged mode.  It takes a while to complete this command. To specify v2 and v12, Ver 1.4.0 and latter only can be used. Example  $ ssh keygen v1     1.7.51 Setting Authentication Method of SSH Input format ssh authentication way Parameter way  - passwd: password authentication is valid  - key: public key authentication is valid         - both: both password and public key authentications  are valid Description Specifies authentication method of SSH. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Factory set default: both. Example $ ssh authentication key     1.7.52 Downloading Public Key of SSH Input format ssh keyget version URL Parameter version  - v1 : download public key of SSHv1  - v2 : download public key of SSHv2 URL  - URL with open key Description Downloads public key to RGW. Notes An access will be valid with public key downloaded by this command. Executes only in privileged mode. To specify v2, Ver 1.4.0 and later only can be used.
Example $ ssh keyget v1   1.7.53 Switching Version of SSH Input format                             ssh version version Parameter      version  - v1: SSHv1  - v2: SSHv2         - v12: both Description Switches Version of SSH Notes An access will be valid with specified SSH version by this command. Executes only in privileged mode. Ver 1.4.0 and later only can be used on this command. Example  $ ssh version v12  1.7.54 Setting telnet Access Input format access telnet [ipaddress|network] Parameter ipaddress  - IP address | "all" network   - network address having netmask format Description  Specifies host range possible to access to RGW with telnet. Notes Executes only in privileged mode. Checking IP filter is implemented prior to checking setup access Example    1.7.55 Setting http Access Input format access http [ipaddress|network] Parameter   Description   Notes   Example    éThis command explanation is missing.  1.7.56 Setting monitor Access
Input format access monitor [ipaddress|network] Parameter ipaddress  - IP address | "all" network         - network address having netmask format Description Specifies host range possible to access to RGW with monitor. Notes  Executes only in privileged mode. Checking IP filter is implemented prior to checking setup access. The monitor is an application which displays wireless condition of RGW that operates on Windows. It can be downloaded from ROOT Inc. home page. Example     1.7.57 Setting SSH Access Input format access ssh [ipaddress|network] Parameter ipaddress  - IP address | "all" network  - network address having netmask format Description Specifies host range possible to access to RGW with ssh. Notes  Executes only in privileged mode. Checking IP filter is implemented prior to checking setup access. Example    1.7.58 Save Input format  save Parameter None Description  Saves setup contents. Notes  Executes only in privileged mode. Reflected on system file and setup file is saved in command format.
1.7.59 Setting Static ARP Input format arp add ipaddress macaddress  Parameter ipaddress  - IP address macaddress  - MAC address Description Sets entry of static ARP Example  $ arp add 11:22:33:44:55:66  1.7.60 Deleting ARP Input format  arp delete ipaddress Parameter ipaddress  - IP address Description  Deletes ARP entry set to IP address. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example $ arp delete              1.7.61 Loading Setup with tftp               Input format  load tftp ipaddress file Parameter ipaddress  -IP address | disable file  -load specified file (not required during disable) Description Loads contents of file. Notes Executes only in privileged mode.  When save is implemented after specifying tftp server with this command, load of setup file with tftp is implemented during restart. To get with tftp during start, implement after setup of default route, and overwrite parameters that were already set. Example     1.7.62 Cold Start Input format cold start
Parameter None Description Returns equipment to factory default setting. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Restarts after returning to factory default setting.   1.7.63 Updating Firmware Input format  update url Parameter url   - URL of file to be downloaded Description Downloads file and update firmware. Note Executes only in privileged mode. Example     1.7.64 Setting Date and Time Input format date yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM Parameter yyyy                                                       - Year mm    - Month dd    - Day HH  - Hour MM  - Minute Description Sets date and time. Note When this command is set, it is reflected on system. Example $ date 2000/12/24 12:30  1.7.65 Restart Input format restart Parameter None Description  Restarts system.
Notes Executes only in privileged mode. This function is possible by reboot.   1.7.66 Clearing ARP Cache Input format clear arp Parameter None Description Clears ARP cache table. Note Executes only in privileged mode.   1.7.67 Displaying Host Name Input format show hostname Parameter None Description Displays host name registered in system. Note     1.7.68 Displaying IP Address Input format  show ip address Parameter None Description Displays IP address registered in system. Note Displays IP address allocated to wireless and ethernet  1.7.69 Displaying Static Route Input format show ip route Parameter None Description Displays static route registered in system. Note Does not display route that is automatically generated by kernel (route to directly connected network etc.).   1.7.70 Displaying Lease Status of DHCP server Input format show dhcp Parameter None
Description Displays lease status of DHCP server Note None  1.7.71 Displaying Filtering Input format show filtering Parameter None Description Displays status of filtering (Number of packet that matches rule). Note Head number of each rule is number of packet that matches rule and is not a filter number. To display filter number, use show setup command.   1.7.72 Displaying ARP Cache Table Input format show arp Parameter None Description Displays ARP cache table. Note     1.7.73 Displaying Elapsed Time from Start Input format show uptime Parameter None Description Displays elapsed time from start. Note       1.7.74 Displaying Firmware Version Input format  show version Parameter None Description Displays this command line shell and information on OS version.  1.7.75 Displaying Date and Time
Input format show date Parameter None Description Displays present date and time.   1.7.76 Displaying Wireless Signal Strength Input format  Show wireless signal strength Parameter  None Description  Displays wireless signal strength. Note     1.7.77 Displaying Wireless Setting Input format Show wireless status Parameter None Description Displays wireless status Note  This command is intended to display status of internal driver as maintenance purpose. To confirm setting value use show setup command.   1.7.78 Displaying Access Point Mode on Wireless Infrastructure  Input format show wireless AP Parameter None Description Displays Access Point mode on wireless infrastructure.    Note This command displays to confirm Access Point mode on infrastructure.     1.7.79 Displaying SNMP Setting Input format  show snmp Parameter None Description Displays SNMP setting.
Note    1.7.80 Displaying SSH Setting Input format show ssh Parameter  None Description  Displays SSH status. Note     1.7.81 Checking Contents of Setting Input format show setup Parameter None Description  Checks contents of setting.   1.7.82 Checking Saved Contents of Command Format Input format show config Parameter None Description  Checks saved contents of command format. Note      1.7.83 ping Input format ping Ipaddress Parameter  Ipaddress  - IP address of remote side                          Description Issues ICMP Echo to IP address of remote side. Note    1.7.84 Log Out Input format quit or exit Parameter None Description Logs out from command line shell.
Note     1.7.85 Moving to Privileged Mode Input format administrator Parameter  None Description  Moves to privileged mode. Note    1.7.86 Displaying Command Help Input format help command Parameter None Description Displays help of commands.   1.7.87 Referring to History Input format history Parameter None Description Displays present history. Note
 Note  The command line shell can be implemented through serial line, telnet, or  SSH, but following message is displayed when multiple numbers of command line shells are operated simultaneously.  WARNING: another administrator is still alive (Detected when command line shell is already in operation)  ATTENTION: Two or more administrator are active now!!! (Displayed to all command line shell in operation)  When a separate setting is implemented simultaneously a setting which can not be anticipated may occur. In such case, it is recommended to implement minimum amount of settings then restart.  The command line shell observes non-communication time when there is no input for approximately 300 seconds, the session is shutdown automatically. However, non-communication observation is not implemented during operation of each command.     1.8 Limitations  The command line shell has following limitations:  1.8.1  DHCP To start DHCP it is required to set each item of DHCP and press command "$ dhcp enable."  1.8.2  Others Please refer to "4. Tips and Hints for Setup."
 3. Factory Default Settings The settings when leaving our factory are as follows:  Data Settings Contents User Mode user name "admin" User Mode Password "admin" Privileged Mode Password  "admin" Host Name rgw IP Address and Netmask Ethernet Side:  Wireless Side: Static Route  None Default Route Access Control None RIP Not Used SNMP Used. No trap. DHCP Not Used IP Filter Not Used MAC Address Filter Not Used NAT  Not Used SYSLOG Not Used Load Tftp Not Used SSH: Version implemented  SSHv1 SSH: Generating Host Key  Not Generated SSH: Public Key Download  Not Set SSH: Authentication Method  Password Authentication/public key Authentication Wireless Communication Mode  Ad-Hoc Mode
 4. Tips and Hints for Setting Up  A various knacks for setting up RGW are described in this chapter:  4.1 Wireless  4.1.1 Communication Mode  In wireless communication of RGW, there are 2 modes: Ad infrastructure.  The switching for these are implemented by using wireless setup of command line shell. The factory default setting is in Ad-hoc, and to change to infrastructure mode an Ad-hoc mode is implemented.   In order to make RGW to Access Point of infrastructure mode, it is implemented by wireless BSS AP mode enable command from Ad-hoc mode. However, you must save & reboot after that. After restart, it operates as Access Point of infrastructure mode, so that make required settings, and save. This enables to keep the setting of RGW as Access Point of infrastructure mode.  Following is summary of switch over to infrastructure mode:   -1. Various settings
 -2. wireless BSS AP mode enable  -3. save ( store setting )  -4. reboot ( restart RGW )  -5. After restart, other settings  -6. save ( store setting )  (Note: Even if no change is made in "5. other settings", please make sure to implement "6. save.")  It is not possible to directly switch Access Point of infrastructure mode to Station of infrastructure mode. It is necessary once to switch Access Point to Ad-hoc mode from wireless BSS AP mode disable.  The following steps are made to switch from Access Point of infrastructure mode to Ad-hoc mode:   -1. wireless BSS AP mode disable  -2. save ( store setting)  -3. reboot ( restart RGW )  -4. After restart, save ( store setting )  (Note: Please make sure to "4. save" after restart.)  The wireless port command is used to switch Ad-hoc mode and Station of infrastructure mode. Use of this command immediately switches the mode of RGW , and there is no need to restart.  Please note that when above switching of modes are made with wireless links•Athe link will be disconnected when operation switch over.  On Access Point of infrastructure mode, there are following limitations:  ∗   * On wireless relay, MAC address filter and IP filter do not work. ∗   * There is no roaming function. The RGW does not support an Extended Service
Set (ESS). ∗  * The wireless transfer rate depends on the settings on the client station side. That is why it is not possible to set the wireless txrate command in AP mode. Also, when Access Point is observed by monitor program, the transfer rate does not indicate a valid value. (does this mean that the transfer rate observed by the monitor program is inaccurate, or that the invalid value ‘0’ is shown?) ∗   * The possible link of Station is 200 maximum.  Since, on infrastructure mode  flow of beacon and control data, general, an the actual rate is lower than Ad-hoc mode.   4.1.2 WEP It is possible to encrypt the data (MPDU) that RGW transmits on air. In order to code this,  WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), a  secret key method can be used. Up to 4 keys can be registered for each RGW. Since WEP require coding and compounding processes, an actual transfer rate may be lowered in comparison without using the WEP. For details, please refer to our home page.   4.1.3 Wireless Relay  A single unit of RGW enables wireless packet relay. There are 2 methods for relaying:  When wireless port type is Ad-hoc, relay is in IP layer. On infrastructure mode, Access Point implements relay in MAC layer.  However, relay with a single unit becomes a transfer using a same wireless channel as actual rate is lowered to below 1/2. On relay in IP layer, the station implemented must set in an order as not to send out ICMP redirect. Depending upon its condition, host routing becomes required. For details, please refer to our home page. On relay in MAC layer, please note that IP filter and MAC address filter do not work at the station implementing relay.
 By using 2 units of RGW linked both with Ethernet, each RGW is enable to be used with different wireless channels, so that generally an actual rate increases than relaying with a single RGW.    4.2 Fire Wall  4.2.1 IP Filter The syntax of IP filter rule is explained in the previous chapter, but terms of each parameter with examples are mentioned here:  Once more, syntax of filter rule is indicated:  filter add  number action inout [log level facility.level] [quick] [on interface] [proto proto] [from[!] address [port] to [!] address [port]][flags][with] [keep][group]  Each filter rule has a number, and IP packet received by RGW is assessed in order by all rules. And, it is processed accordingly to finally matched rule ( There are exceptions which is mentioned later).  The IP filter of RGW is set to default permit (pass). In other words, a packet do not matches to any rule is permitted. In addition, filter number having order and rule sequence to set RGW is an independent one.  * For action, set "pass" or "block", and when it matches the rule specify action of either pass or cancel.  * For inout, set "in" or "out", and specify either packet going in RGW or going out of RGW.  filter add 10 block in from any to any filter add 11 pass in from any to any
When these 2 rules are specified, all packets received by RGW initially checks rule No.10. All packet matches and becomes action of block(cancel). Furthermore, rule No.11 is checked next. All packet matches at No.11 and becomes action of pass (pass). From above results, operation (pass)  of rule No.11 which finally matched is implemented. After all, in case of above 2 rules all packet passes.      * For quick, it is possible to specify "quick." When a packet matches rule specified "quick", this packet is not assessed in later filter rule.   For example, in order to RGW to un-pass packet from host, when received packet from this address, block it, and there is no longer a need to check the rule. In such a case, by specifying quick keyword an action is immediately applied in case it matches it.  filter add 15 block in quick from to any filter add 16 pass in from any to any    In this setting, the packet from is blocked (block) by rule No.15 specified by quick. In the next rule No.16, it is intended to pass all packets, but packet matched to rule No.15 is specified as quick, checking of next rule is not applied.  * On "on interface", it is possible to specify wi0 (wireless side) and ne0 (ethernet side). Also, lo0 (loopback device) can be specified too. On internal RGW, it possesses IP address in device lo0, and it is used for internal process.   It is not possible to access externally to this address. On the contrary, please note that an trouble may occur to operation of RGW when any access is blocked (block) to of device lo0. When this "on interface" keyword does not exist, all interface, ne0, wi0 and lo0, become the target.    filter add 20 pass in quick on lo0 from any to filter add 21 block in from to any filter add 22 pass in on wi0 from to any filter add 23 block out on ne0 from to any  On rule No.20, an access of loop back device is immediately permitted.
On rule No.21, the packet is blocked (block) from address for private network that is already reserved.  The wireless side (wi0), however, is linked to network of so that on No.22, pass is specified only in  Since it follows finally matched rule, the rule up to this point, for example, when packet from comes from wireless side becomes pass, but packet from Ethernet side and/or is blocked (block). The rule No.23 is to prevent packet from address for reserved private network to going to Ethernet side.    On proto, is possible to specify "tcp/udp", "tcp", "udp", or "icmp", and  based on these protocol classifications the filter rule can be set. When there is no proto, it matches all classifications. In the example below, packets tcp and udp from  Ethernet side passes (pass), but icmp from Ethernet side is blocked (block).  filter add 40 pass in on ne0 proto tcp/udp from any to any filter add 41 block in on ne0 proto icmp from any to any  * As you understand already, the rule can be set on packet by specifying IP address and/or network such as from and to. Also, "any" which expresses all hosts can be specified.  On port, port number for TCP/UDP can be specified, and filter rule specified with specific port can be set. The port is valid in TCP and UDP packets. Also, when port is not specified all ports becomes the target of rule. In the following example, TCP packet directed to port No.80 from wireless side passes (pass).  filter add 50 pass in on wi0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80    On flags, it is possible to specify F(FIN),S(SYN),R(RST),P(PUSH),(ACK), U(URG) of TCP flag, and it is also possible to set filter rule according to type of flags. The packet of TCP flag which do not match specified in flags do not match filter rule.
On with, it is possible to specify "ipopts","short",or "frag." ipopt can detect packet having IP option on IP header. short can improperly detect packet with short IP header. frag can detect fragmented IP header.   filter add 60 block in quick from any to any with short   In this filter rule, packet with improperly short IP header is immediately blocked (block).  When keep state is specified, it is possible to set filter rule controlling the status. When keep state is specified, a new TCP session is settled and information of this session is stored internally. And the packet after this session which is stored in RGW can implement to pass without having to check with separate filter in both directions. Even in case of UDP packet when keep state is specified, IP address and port No. of UDP packet is stored in memory for 600 seconds, and can pass only UDP packet of reverse direction with same IP address and port No. On icmp, when keep state is specified, the reply in respect to this icmp can pass for 600 seconds.  filter add 70 pass out quick on ne0 proto udp from any to any keep state filter add 71 pass out quick on ne0 proto tcp from any to any flags S keep state filter add 72 block in quick on ne0 proto tcp from any to any flags FUP  On rule No.70, it passes (pass) udp packet going out to Ethernet side,  and passes (pass) udp packet of this response for 600 seconds. On rule No.71, it passes (pass) tcp packet with S flag going out to Ethernet  side, and after that passes (pass) packet of session input/output wise.  On rule No.72 when a packet of flag F(FIN),U(URG),P(PSH) comes from Ethernet side, it is immediately blocked (block). However, it does not reach this rule when the status is controlled in rule from previous checking of No.70 and 71.   The head is an indicator to give discrimination number to the packet that matches filter rule. The packet which matched this rule checks discrimination number by filter rule in the group. With these head and group, group of filter rule can be generated. In addition, by specifying quick on filter rule with this head, after checking the rule with same group of that discrimination number, checking of other rules is not applied.
 filter add 100 pass in on ne0 from any to any filter add 101 block in quick on ne0 from to any filter add 102 block in quick on ne0 from to any filter add 110 block out on wi0 from any to any filter add 111 pass out quick on wi0 proto tcp/udp from any to any flags S keep state filter add 112 pass out quick on wi0 proto icmp from any to any keep state  When above set of rule is optimized by head and group, it becomes as follows:  filter add 100 pass in on ne0 from any to any head 1 filter add 101 block in quick on ne0 from to any group 1 filter add 102 block in quick on ne0 from to any group1 filter add 110 block out on wi0 from any to any head 2 filter add 111 pass out quick on wi0 proto tcp/udp from any to any flags  S keep state group 2 filter add 112 pass out quick on wi0 proto icmp from any to any keep state group 2  On set of rule optimized by head and group when rule No.100 matches first, rules No.101 to 102 are checked in order. The rules No.101 to 102  are specified by quick  so that it is immediately blocked (block) when matched. When it does not match the rules from No. 101 to 102, it is immediately passed (pass) from rule of No.100.  The packet going out to wireless side (wi0) do not match rule of No.100, so that the next rule to be assessed becomes No.110. When it matches rule of No.110, rules of No.111 and 112 are checked in order. When it matches  each an action appropriate to each rule is applied. When it does not match rules of No.111 and 112, the block of action of No.110 is applied.  As you can see grouping of filter rule by use of head and group enables better comprehension of complex set of rules as well as improvement of filtering performance. In addition, the values specified in head and/or group is not relevant  to filter number.
4.2.2 NAT              In the above network configuration, in order to access to global side from client linked to network of private side, it is made possible with following command:  nat add map nnn wi0 ->  On this command, the internal dispatch IP address ( is rewritten to in RGW and goes out to the global side. However, the port number of dispatch packet of TCP/UDP do not change. In order to avoid overlap dispatch port number, it is changed by specifying keyword, portmap.      nat add map nnn wi0 -> portmap tcp/udp 20000:30000  On this command, on top of change of IP address of TCP and UDP packets, the dispatch port number enables to change in the range of 20000 to 30000. As for range of port number for portmap keyword, it is possible to specify in auto.      This command works similarly to the following:       nat add map nnn wi0 ->0/32 portmap tcp/udp 20000:30000  Also, it is known that several application protocols do not work within NAT. The NAT
in RGW corresponds with proxy to ftp, and access is possible for client without the need to change to passive mode by using following command:  nat add map nnn wi0>0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp  To summarize above the rule for NAT in general is as follows:  nat add map 10 wi0 -> 0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp nat add map 11 wi0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp auto nat add map 12 wi0 -> 0/32  Each rule of NAT is assessed in numerical order. For example, when command No.12 is specified before No.10, all packet going out to global side from changes only IP address so that expected operation of NAT will not be obtained.   The packet of icmp changes only the IP address so that for example, the  ping in contrary from multiple clients to same host at global side is responded only to initially demanded client.  It is possible to reach from global side by setting server on inner side of NAT.  nat add bimap 100 wi0 ->   From this command an access to from outside of NAT corresponds to access of host of inside NAT.  On bimap, spoof to host is possible, but on rdr, spoof of service becomes possible. For example:  nat add rdr 101 wi0 port 80 -> port 8000  With this command, an access to port No.80 of from outside  of NAT becomes access to host port No.8000 of of inside NAT. With this rdr, it is possible during each port (each service) to distribute packet to separate port of separate host.
 Note: The packet entering RGW implements address change of NAT before  process of IP filter. On the other hand, packet going out of RGW implements process of IP filter before address change of NAT.

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