Robert Bosch RK225 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter User Manual gkflhma 1a p65

Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd Low Power Communication Device Transmitter gkflhma 1a p65


User manual Pt2

FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI1Fuel Recommendations ................................................ 1-2Breaking in Your New Hyundai ..................................... 1-3Keys.............................................................................. 1-3Door (Teft-Alarm System)...................................... 1-4, 1-6Power Windows ............................................................ 1-8Seats............................................................................. 1-9Seat Belts.................................................................... 1-14Child Restraint System ............................................... 1-20Supplemental Restraint (AIRBAG) System (SRS) ..... 1-26Instrument Cluster and Indicator Lights ...................... 1-34Warning and Indicator Lights ...................................... 1-36Multi-Function Light Switch ......................................... 1-43Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch ............................... 1-45Sunroof ....................................................................... 1-51Mirror........................................................................... 1-54Hood Release ............................................................. 1-57Cruise Control ............................................................. 1-63Audio Remote Control Switch ..................................... 1-65Heating and Cooling Control ....................................... 1-67Stereo Sound System ................................................. 1-84Audio System.............................................................. 1-86Antenna ..................................................................... 1-1231gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM1
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI2FUEL RECOMMENDATIONSCAUTION:Your Hyundai's New Vehicle Limited War-ranty may not cover damage to the fuelsystem and any performance problems thatare caused by the use of fuels containingmethanol or fuels containing MTBE (MethylTertiary Butyl Ether) over 15.0% vol. (Oxy-gen Content 2.7% weight.)B010B01A-AATWhat About Gasohol?Gasohol (a mixture of 90% unleaded gasolineand 10% ethanol or grain alcohol) may be usedin your Hyundai. However, if your engine devel-ops driveability problems, the use of 100%unleaded gasoline is recommended. Fuels withunspecified quantities of alcohol, or alcoholsother than ethanol, should not be used.B010A01JM-AATUse Unleaded GasolineUnleaded gasoline with a Pump OctaneRating of 87 (Research Octane Number 91)or higher must be used in your Hyundai.B010D01A-AATDo Not Use MethanolFuels containing methanol (wood alcohol) shouldnot be used in your Hyundai. This type of fuelcan reduce vehicle performance and damagecomponents of the fuel system.!B010A02GKUNLEADEDFUEL ONLYB010C01A-AATUse of MTBEHyundai recommends that fuels containingMTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) over 15.0%vol. (Oxygen Content 2.7% weight) should notbe used in your Hyundai.Fuel containing MTBE over 15.0% vol. (OxygenContent 2.7% weight) may reduce vehicle per-formance and produce vapor lock or hardstarting.CAUTION:o Do not "TOP-OFF" after the first nozzleshut off when refueling.o The fuel cap must be tightened until capclicks, otherwise "      " light may illumi-nate.!gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM2
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI3BREAKING IN YOUR NEWHYUNDAIB010E01A-AATGasolines for Cleaner AirTo help contribute to cleaner air, Hyundai rec-ommends that you use gasolines treated withdetergent additives, which help prevent depositformation in the engine. These gasolines willhelp the engine run cleaner and enhance per-formance of the Emission Control System.B010F01A-AATOperation in Foreign CountriesIf you are going to drive your Hyundai in anothercountry, be sure to:o Observe all regulations regarding registra-tion and insurance.o Determine that acceptable fuel is available.B020A01S-AATDuring the First 1,200 Miles (2,000 Km)No formal "break-in" procedure is required withyour new Hyundai. However, you can contrib-ute to the economical operation and durability ofyour Hyundai by observing the following recom-mendations during the first 1,200 miles (2,000km).o Don't drive faster than 55 MPH (88 km/h).o While driving, keep your engine speed (rpm,or revolutions per minute) between 2,000rpm and 4,000 rpm.o Use moderate acceleration. Don't startquickly or depress the accelerator pedalfully.o For the first 200 miles (300 km), try to avoidhard stops.o Don't lug the engine (in other words, don'tdrive so slowly in too high a gear that theengine "bucks"-shift to a lower gear).o Whether going fast or slow, vary your speedfrom time to time.o Don't let the engine idle longer than 3 minutesat one time.o Don't tow a trailer during the first 1,200 miles(2,000 km) of operation.KEYSB030A01A-AATFor greater convenience, the same key oper-ates all the locks in your Hyundai. However,because the doors can be locked without a key,carrying a spare key is recommended in caseyou accidentally lock one key inside the car.B030A01Egkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM3
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI4WARNING:o Unlocked doors can be dangerous. Be-fore you drive away (especially if thereare children in the car), be sure that all thedoors are securely closed and locked sothat the doors cannot be inadvertentlyopened from the inside. This helps en-sure that the doors will not be openedaccidentally. Also, when combined withthe proper use of seat belts, locking thedoors helps keep occupants from beingejected from the car in case of an acci-dent.o Before opening the door, always look forand avoid oncoming traffic.o In case of accident, the door is unlockedautomatically (If installed).!DOORB040A02Y-AATDOOR LOCKSB030C01Y-AATILLUMINATED IGNITION SWITCH(If installed)Whenever a door is opened, the ignition switchwill be illuminated for your convenience, pro-vided the ignition switch is not in the "ON"position.The light will go off approximately 10 secondsafter closing the door or when the ignition switchis turned on.B030C01E-1B030B01S-AATRecord Your Key NumberA code number is stamped on the key numberplate that came with the keys to your Hyundai.This key number plate should be kept in a safeplace, not in the vehicle. The key number shouldalso be recorded in a place where it can be foundin an emergency.If you need additional keys, or if you should loseyour keys, your authorized Hyundai dealer canmake new keys if you can supply the keynumber.B030B01Egkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM4
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI5B040C01S-AATLocking From the OutsideThe doors can be locked without a key.To lock the doors first push the inside lockswitch to the "LOCK" position so that the redmark on the switch is not visible, then close thedoor.NOTE:o When locking the door this way, be care-ful not to lock the door with the ignitionkey left in the vehicle.o To reduce the chance of theft, alwaysremove the ignition key, close all win-dows, and lock all doors when leavingyour vehicle unattended.HGK2009B040B01JM-AATLocking and unlocking front doors with akeyo The door can be locked or unlocked with akey.o Lock the door by turning the key toward thefront of the vehicle and unlock it by turning thekey toward the rear.NOTE:The driver's door can be unlocked by turn-ing the key once toward the rear. If you wishto unlock all doors, turn the key againtoward the rear within 4 seconds.The passenger's side will lock or unlock alldoors with just one rotation.HGK2008LOCKUNLOCKB040D01S-AATLocking From the InsideTo lock the doors from the inside, simply closethe door and push the lock switch to the "LOCK"position. When this is done, neither the outsidenor the inside door handle can be used.NOTE:When the door is locked, the red mark on theswitch is not visible.HGK2010UNLOCKLOCKgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM5
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI6B070B02GK-AATArmed StagePark the car and stop the engine. Arm thesystem as described below.1) Remove the ignition key from the ignitionswitch.2) Make sure that the engine hood and tail gateare closed and latched.3) Lock the doors using the transmitter of thekeyless entry system.After completion of the steps above, the turnsignal light will blink once to indicate that thesystem is armed.!HGK2009B040G01GK-GATCentral Door LockThe central door locking is operated by pushingthe driver's door lock switch toward the front orrear of the vehicle. If the passenger door is openwhen the switch is pushed, the door will remainlocked when closed.NOTE:o When pushing the switch toward therear, all doors will unlock.When pushing the switch toward thefront, all doors will lock.o When the door is unlocked, the red markon the switch is visible.o The central door locking is operated byturning the key (driver's door only) to-ward the front or rear of the vehicle.THEFT-ALARM SYSTEMB070A01A-AAT(If Installed)This system is designed to provide protectionfrom unauthorized entry into the car. This sys-tem is operated in three stages: the first is the"Armed" stage, the second is the "Alarm" stage,and the third is the "Disarmed" stage. If trig-gered, the system provides an audible alarmwith blinking of the turn signal light.NOTE:1) If any door, tail gate or engine hoodremains open, the system will not bearmed.2) If this happens, rearm the system asdescribed above.3) Once the system is armed, only the tailgate may be unlocked using the keywithout disarming the system.CAUTION:Do not arm the system until all passengershave left the car. If the system is armed whilea passenger(s) remains in the car, the alarmmay be activated when the remainingpassenger(s) leaves the car.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM6
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI7B070C01GK-AATAlarm StageThe alarm will be activated if any of the followingoccur while the car is parked and the system isarmed.1) A front door is unlocked and opened withoutusing the transmitter.2) The tail gate is opened without using the key.3) The engine hood is opened.The siren will sound and the turn signal lamp willblink continuously for 30 seconds. (This hap-pens 3 times). To turn off the system, unlock thedoor with the transmitter.CAUTION:Avoid trying to start the engine while thesystem is armed.!B070D04GK-AATDisarmed StageThe system will be disarmed when either of thefollowing steps are taken:1) The driver's or passenger's door is un-locked by depressing the "UNLOCK" buttonon the transmitter.2) In the middle of alarming or after alarming, itkeeps for 30 seconds when the key is turnedto the "ON" position.After completing one of steps above, the turnsignal light will blink twice to indicate that thesystem is disarmed.NOTE:If any door, tail gate or engine hood is notopened within 30 seconds, the system willbe rearmed.HGK102LOCKUNLOCKB070F01A-GATKEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (If installed)NOTE:This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC rules. Operation is subject to the fol-lowing two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful  in-terference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including inter-ference that may cause undesired opera-tion.CAUTION:Changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for com-pliance could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.Locking doors1. Close all doors.2. Push the "LOCK" button on the transmitter.3. At the same time all doors lock, the turn signallights will blink once to indicate that thesystem is armed.Unlocking doors1. Push the "UNLOCK" button on the transmitter.2. At the same time all doors unlock, the turnsignal lights will blink twice to indicate that thesystem is disarmed.!gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM7
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI8POWER WINDOWB050A01GK-AATThe power windows operate only when theignition key is in the "ON" position. The mainswitches are located on the driver's arm restand control the front windows on the respectivesides of the vehicle. The windows may beopened by depressing the front portion of theswitch. To stop at the desired opening, releasethe switch. The window may be closed by pullingthe front portion of the switch. In order to preventoperation of the passenger front window by thepassenger, a window lock switch (1) is providedon the arm rest of the driver's door. To disablethe passenger's power window, push the win-dow lock switch. To revert to normal operation,push in on the window lock switch again.HGK2015(1)B070E02GK-GATReplacing the batteryWhen the transmitter's battery begins to getweak, it may take several pushes on the buttonto lock or unlock the doors, and the LED will notlight. Replace the battery as soon as possible.Battery type : CR2032Replacement instructions:1. Carefully separate the case with a bladescrewdriver as shown in the illustration.HGK122Screwdriver2. Remove the old battery from the case andnote the polarity. Make sure the  polarity ofthe new battery is the same(+side facingdown), then insert it in the transmitter.NOTE:Install a new battery within 30 seconds afterremoving the old one. If installing a newbattery takes more than 30 seconds, takethe following steps.1) Turn the ignition key to the "ACC" posi-tion.2) Make sure that the turn signal lampsblink once by pushing the "LOCK" or"UNLOCK" button on the transmitter.HGK121Batterygkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM8
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI9!HGK2016WARNING:(1)Be careful that someone's head, handsand body are not trapped by a closingwindow.(2)Never try to operate the main switch onthe driver's door and the individual doorwindow switch in opposing directionsat the same time. If this is  done, thewindow  will stop and cannot be openedor closed.(3)Do not leave children alone in the car.Always remove the ignition key for theirsafety.Auto-Down Window  (Driver's Side)(If Installed)The Auto-Down window is moved to its fullyopen position by pushing the switch. To stop atthe desired position push in on the switch again.B050A02GK!SEATSB080A01A-AATADJUSTABLE FRONT SEATSWARNING:Never attempt to adjust the seat while thevehicle is moving. This could result in lossof control or an accident which may causedeath, serious injury or property damage.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM9
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI10!WARNING:To minimize risk of severe injury in theevent of a collision or a sudden stop, boththe driver's and passenger's seatbacksshould always be in an upright positionwhile the vehicle is in motion. The protec-tion provided by the seat belts and airbagsin a frontal collision may be reduced signifi-cantly when the seatbacks are reclined.There is greater risk that the driver andpassenger will slide under the seatbelt whichmay result in serious injury if a crash occurswhen the seatbacks are reclined. The seatbelt and airbags cannot provide properprotection to an occupant if the seatback isreclined.B080C01A-AATAdjusting Seatback AngleTo recline the seatback, lean forward to takeyour weight off it, then pull up on the reclinercontrol lever at the outside edge of the seat. Nowlean back until the desired seatback angle isachieved. To lock the seatback into position,release the recliner control lever.HGK2028!B080B02A-AATAdjusting Seat Forward and RearwardTo move the seat toward the front or rear, pullthe lock release lever upward. This will releasethe seat on its track so you can move it forwardor rearward to the desired position. When youfind the position you want, release the lever andslide the seat forward or rearward on its trackuntil it locks into the desired position and cannotbe moved further.HGK2027WARNING:To ensure the seat is locked securely, at-tempt to move the seat forward or rearwardwithout using the lock release lever.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM10
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI11B080D02JM-AATAdjustable HeadrestsHeadrests are designed to help reduce the riskof neck injuries.To raise the headrest, pull it up. To lower it, pushit down while pressing the lock knob. To removethe headrest, raise it as far as it can go thenpress the lock knob while pulling upward. Thisshould only be done when the seat is notoccupied.Lock KnobHGK2032!B080D01JMo For maximum effectiveness in case of anaccident the headrest should be ad-justed so the middle of the headrest is atthe same height as the top of theoccupant's eyes. For this reason, theuse of a cushion that holds the bodyaway from the seatback is not recom-mended.o Do not operate vehicle with the head-rests removed as injury to the occupantsmay occur in the event of an accident.Headrests may provide protection againstneck injuries when properly adjusted.o Do not adjust the headrest hejght whilethe vehicle is in motion.WARNING:B080E01F-AATLumbar Support Control(Driver's seat only)The driver's seat is equipped with adjustablelumbar support.To increase the amount of lumbar support, pullthe lever forward.To decrease it, push the lever toward the rear.SOFTHGK2030FIRMgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM11
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI12B130A01GK-AATREAR SEAT ENTRY  (Walk in device)The driver and front passenger's seatbacksshould be tilted to enter the rear seat.By pulling up the walk in device lever (1) at theleft-upper side of the driver side seatback, theseatback will tilt forward. Then pull the lockrelease lever (2) up to move the seat forward.HGK2036(1)(2)!B129A01F-AATREAR SEAT POSITIONSWARNING:This vehicle contains two rear seating po-sitions only and a seat belt for each seatingposition. Thus, never permit more than twooccupants to ride in the rear seat becausean unrestrained occupant could be seri-ously injured or killed in the event of avehicle crash.B129A01GKB080F01F-AATSeat Cushion Height Adjustment(Driver's Seat Only) (If Installed)To raise or lower the front part of the seatcushion, turn the knob forward or rearward.HGK2029gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM12
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI13!By pulling up the walk in device lever (1) at theright-upper side of the passenger side seatback,the seatback will tilt forward. Then push the seatforward to allow the occupants to enter.Recliner MemoryBy pulling up the walk in device lever (1)  theseatback is reclined and returned to the  originalposition.WARNING:Don't drive with the passenger side seatbackreclined. It is dangerous to move it whiledriving. Be sure the seatback is caterredfirmly before driving.HGK2036-1(1)B099A01F-AATBEFORE FOLDING THE REAR SEATSIn order to prevent the shoulder belt from beingdamaged while folding the rear seat, the shoul-der belt must be passed through the hanger tokeep it out of the way.CAUTION:Seat belts must be removed from the hangerwhen in use.!HGK2034B110A02S-AATFOLDING REAR SEATBACKSThe rear seatbacks may be folded to facilitatecarrying long items or to increase the luggagecapacity of the vehicle.o To unlock the seatback, push the seatbacklocking button, then pull forward on theseatback panel.o When you return the seatback to its uprightposition, always be sure it has locked intoposition by pulling and pushing on the top ofthe seatback.HGK2035gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM13
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI14!SEAT BELTSB150A01S-AATSEAT BELT PRECAUTIONSWARNING:All occupants of the vehicle must wear theirseat belts at all times. Note that this vehicleis equipped with a Supplemental Restraint(Airbag) System as discussed beginningon page 1-26. The seat belts must be usedin conjunction with the supplementalairbag system. State laws may require thatsome or all occupants of the vehicle useseat belts. The possibility of increased in-jury or severity of injury in an accident willbe increased if this elementary safety pre-caution is not observed. In addition, followthe other instructions provided in this sec-tion.!B140A01S-AATREAR SEAT WARNINGFor the safety of all passengers, luggage orother cargo should not be piled higher than thetop of the seatback. In addition, do not placeobjects on the rear shelf as they may moveforward during braking or in an accident andstrike vehicle passengers.B140A01GK!WARNING:The purpose of the fold-down rearseatbacks is to allow you to carry longerobjects than could otherwise be accommo-dated. Never allow passengers to sit on topof the folded down seat back while the caris moving as this is not a proper seatingposition and no seat belts are available foruse. This could result in injury in case of anaccident or sudden stop. Objects carriedon the folded down seatback should notextend higher than the top of the frontseats. This could allow cargo to slide for-ward and cause injury or damage duringsudden stops.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM14
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI15!B150B03Y-AATInfant or Small ChildAll 50 states have child restraint laws. Youshould be aware of the specific requirements inyour state. Child and/or infant safety seats mustbe properly placed and installed in the rear seat.Information about the use of these restraintsbegins on page 1-20.WARNING:Every person in your vehicle needs to beproperly restrained at all times, includinginfants and children. In a collision, an unre-strained child can become a "missile" in-side the car. The force required to hold achild on your lap could be so great that youcould not hold the child. Any child riding inthe vehicle should always be in a properrestraint in the rear seat of the vehicle.NOTE:Small children are best protected from in-jury in an accident when properly restrainedin the rear seat by a child restraint systemthat meets the requirements of the FederalMotor Vehicle Safety Standards. Beforebuying any child restraint system, makesure that it has a label certifying that itmeets  Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-dard 213. The restraint must be appropriateB150C02A-AATLarger ChildrenChildren who are too large for child restraintsystems should always occupy the rear seatand use the available lap/shoulder belts. The lapportion should be fastened snug on the hips andas low as possible. Check belt fit periodically. Achild's squirming could put the belt out of posi-tion. Children are afforded the most safety in theevent of an accident when they are restrainedby a proper restraint system in the rear seat. Ifa larger child (over age 13) must be seated inthe front seat, the child should be securelyrestrained by the available lap/shoulder belt andthe seat should be placed in the rearmostposition. Children under the age of 13 should berestrained securely in the rear seat. Neverplace a child under the age of 13 in the front seat.NEVER place a rear facing child seat in the frontseat of a vehicle.for your child's height and weight. Checkthe label on the child restraint for thisinformation. See page 1-20.B150D01A-AATPregnant WomenThe use of a seat belt is recommended forpregnant women to lessen the chance of injuryin an accident. When a seat belt is used, the lapbelt portion should be placed as low and snuglyas possible on the hips, not across the abdo-men. For specific recommendations, consult aphysician.B150E01A-AATInjured PersonA seat belt should be used when an injuredperson is being transported. When this is nec-essary, you should consult a physician forrecommendations.B150F01A-AATOne Person Per BeltTwo people (including children) should neverattempt to use a single seat belt. This couldincrease the severity of injuries in case of anaccident.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM15
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI16B160C01A-AATKeep Belts Clean and DrySeat belts should be kept clean and dry. If beltsbecome dirty, they can be cleaned by using amild soap solution and warm water. Bleach, dye,strong detergents or abrasives should not beused because they may damage and weakenthe fabric.B160D01A-AATWhen to Replace Seat BeltsEntire in-use seat belt assembly or assembliesshould be replaced if the vehicle has beeninvolved in an accident. This should be doneeven if no damage is visible. Additional ques-tions concerning seat belt operation should bedirected to your Hyundai Dealer.!B160A01A-AATCARE OF SEAT BELTSSeat belt systems should never be disassembledor modified. In addition, care should be taken toassure that seat belts and belt hardware are notdamaged by seat hinges, doors or other abuse.WARNING:When you return the rear seatback to itsupright position after the rear seatback wasfolded down, be careful not to damage theseat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure thatthe webbing or buckle does not get caughtor pinched in the rear seat.B160B01A-AATPeriodic InspectionIt is recommended that all seat belts be in-spected periodically for wear or damage of anykind. Parts of the system that are damagedshould be replaced as soon as possible.!B150G01A-AATDo Not Lie DownTo reduce the chance of injuries in the event ofan accident and to achieve maximum effective-ness of the restraint system, all passengersshould be sitting up and the front seats shouldbe in an upright position when the car is moving.A seat belt cannot provide proper protec-tion ifthe person is lying down in the rear seat or if thefront seat is in a reclined position.WARNING:Sitting in a reclined position or lying downwhen your vehicle is in motion can bedangerous. Even if you buckle up, your seatbelts can't do their job when you're re-clined.The shoulder belt can't do its job becauseit won't be against your body.Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crashyou could go into it with great force, receiv-ing serious neck or other injuries.The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crashthe belt could go up over your abdomen.The belt forces would be applied there, notat your strong pelvic bones.This could cause serious internal injuries.For proper protection when the vehicle is inmotion, have the seatback upright.Then sit back in the seat and wear your seatbelt properly. See page 1-17.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM16
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI17B170A04A-AATHEIGHT ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEATSHOULDER BELTYou can adjust the height of the shoulder beltanchor to one of the 4 positions for maximumcomfort and safety.If the height of the adjusting seat belt is too nearyour neck, you will not be getting the mosteffective protection. The shoulder portion shouldbe adjusted so that it lies across your chest andmidway over your shoulder nearest the doorand not your neck.To adjust the height of the seat belt anchor,lower or raise the height adjuster into an appro-priate position. To raise the height adjuster, pullit up. To lower it, push it down while pressing theheight adjuster button.HGK2038!Release the button to lock the anchor intoposition. Try sliding the height adjuster to makesure that it has locked into the position.WARNING:o The height adjuster must be in the lockedposition when the vehicle is moving.o The misadjustment of height of theshoulder belt could reduce the effective-ness of the seat belt in a crash.B180A01L-AATSEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System withEmergency Locking Retractor:To Fasten Your BeltTo fasten your seat belt, pull it out of the retractorand insert the metal tab into the buckle. Therewill be an audible "click" when the tab locks intothe buckle.The seat belt automatically adjusts to the properlength only after the lap belt portion is adjustedmanually so that it fits snugly around your hips.If you lean forward in a slow, easy motion, thebelt will extend and let you move around. If thereis a sudden stop or impact, however, the belt willlock into position. It will also lock if you try to leanforward too quickly.B180A01Lgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM17
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI18!NOTE:Although the combination retractor pro-vides the same level of protection for seatedpassengers in either emergency or auto-matic locking modes, it is recommendedthat seated passengers use the emergencylocking feature for improved convenience.The automatic locking function is intendedto facilitate child restraint installation. Toconvert from the automatic locking featureto the emergency locking operation mode,allow the unbuckled seat belt to fully re-tract.WARNING:o For maximum restraint system protec-tion, seat belts must always be usedwhenever the car is moving.o Seat belts are most effective whenseatbacks are in the upright position.o Children must always be  seatbelted inthe rear seats. Never allow children toride in the front passenger seat.o The shoulder belt should be positionedmidway over the shoulder nearest thedoor for the most effective protection.Never wear the seat belt under the armnearest the door. Wearing the belt underthe arm nearest the door could causeserious or fatal injuries in an accident.B190A01Y-AATSEAT BELTS -Front Passenger and RearSeat 3-Point System with CombinationLocking RetractorTo Fasten Your BeltCombination retractor type seat belts are in-stalled in the rear seat positions to help accom-modate the installation of child restraint sys-tems. Hyundai strongly recommends that chil-dren always be seated in the rear seat. NEVERplace any infant restraint system in the frontseat of the vehicle.This type of seat belt combines the features ofboth an emergency locking retractor seat beltand an automatic locking retractor seat belt. Tofasten your seat belt, pull it out of the retractorand insert the metal tab into the buckle. Therewill be an audible "click" when the tab locks intothe buckle. When not securing a child restraint,the seat belt operates in the same way as thedriver's seat belt (Emergency Locking Retrac-tor Type). It automatically adjusts to the properlength only after the lap belt portion of the  seatbelt is adjusted manually so that it fits snuglyaround your hips. When the seat belt is fullyextended from the retractor to allow the instal-lation of a child restraint system, the seat beltoperation changes to allow the belt to retract, butnot to extend. (Automatic Locking RetractorType) see page 1-24.Check to make sure that the belt is properlylocked and that the belt is not twisted.NOTE:Seat belt reminder light comes and stays onuntil the seat belt is fastened when theignition key is turned "ON" or "START".And, the warning chime will also sound forabout 6 seconds.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:39 PM18
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI19!o Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. Atwisted belt can't do its job as well. In acollision, it could even cut into you. Besure the belt webbing is straight and nottwisted.o Be careful not to damage the belt web-bing or hardware. If the belt webbing orhardware is damaged, replace it.WARNING:!B200A01A-AATAdjusting Your Seat BeltWARNING:You should place the lap belt portion as lowas possible and snugly across your hips,not on your waist. If the lap belt is locatedtoo high on your waist, it may increase thechance of injury in the event of a collision.Both arms should not be under or over thebelt. Rather, one should be over and theother under, as shown in the illustration.Never wear the seat belt under the armnearest the door.B200A01LB210A01A-AATTo Release the Seat BeltThe seat belt is released by pressing the re-lease button in the locking buckle. When it isreleased, the belt should automatically drawback into the retractor.If this does not happen, check the belt to be sureit is not twisted, then try again.B210A01Lgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM19
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI20!o Always make sure that the shoulder beltportion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi-tioned midway over the shoulder, neveracross the neck or behind the back.Moving the child closer toward the seatbelt buckle may help provide a goodshoulder belt fit. The lap belt portion ofthe lap/shoulder belt or the center seatlap belt must always be positioned aslow as possible on the child's hips andas snug as possible.o If the seat belt will not properly fit thechild, Hyundai recommends the use ofan approved booster seat in the rear seatin order to raise the child's seating heightso that the seat belt will properly fit thechild. Before purchasing a booster seat,make sure that it meets applicable Fed-eral Motor Vehicle Safety Standards(FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory foruse with this vehicle.o Never allow a child to stand up or kneelon the seat.o Never use an infant carrier or child safetyseat that "hooks" over a seatback; it maynot provide adequate security in an ac-cident.WARNING:!WARNING:o A child restraint system must be placedin the rear seat. Never install a child orinfant seat on the front passenger's seat.Should an accident occur and cause thepassenger side airbag to deploy, it couldseverely injure or kill an infant or childseated in an infant or child seat. Thus,only use a child restraint in the rear seatof your vehicle.o A safety belt or child restraint systemcan become very hot if it is left in a closedvehicle on a sunny day, even if the out-side temperature does not feel hot. Besure to check the seat cover and bucklesbefore placing a child there.o When the child restraint system is not inuse, store it in the trunk or fasten it witha safety belt so that it will not be thrownforward in the case of a sudden stop oran accident.o Children who are too large to be in a childrestraint should still sit in the rear seatand be restrained with the available lap/shoulder belts. Never allow children toride in the front passenger seat.CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMB230A03A-AATChildren riding in the car should sit in the rearseat and must always be properly restrained tominimize the risk of injury in an accident, suddenstop or sudden maneuver. According to acci-dent statistics provided by the National High-way Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),children are safer when properly restrained inthe rear seats than in the front seat. Largerchildren not in a child restraint should use oneof the seat belts provided.All 50 states have child restraint laws. Youshould be aware of the specific requirements inyour state. Child and/or infant safety seats mustbe properly placed and installed in the rear seat.You must use a commercially available childrestraint system that meets the requirements ofthe Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards(FMVSS).Children could be injured or killed in a crash iftheir restraints are not properly secured. Forsmall children and babies, a child seat or infantseat must be used. Before buying a particularchild restraint system, make sure it fits your carand seat belts, and fits your child. Follow all theinstructions provided by the manufacturer wheninstalling the child restraint system.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM20
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI21!o Never allow a child to be held in a person'sarms while they are in a moving vehicle,as this could result in serious injury tothe child in the event of an accident or asudden stop. Holding a child in a movingvehicle does not provide the child withany means of protection during an acci-dent, even if the person holding the childis wearing a seat belt.WARNING:B230B02GK-GATUsing a Child Restraint SystemFor small children and babies, the use of a childseat or infant seat is required. This child seat orinfant seat should be of appropriate size for thechild and should be installed in accordance withthe manufacturer's instructions. It is furtherrequired that the seat be placed in the vehicle'srear seat since this can make an importantcontribution to safety. Your vehicle is providedwith two child restraint hook holders for installing the child seat or infant seat.B230C04F-AATInstalling a Child Restraint Seat with the"Tether Anchorage" SystemTwo child restraint hook holders are located onthe luggage compartment floor.To install the child restraint seatB230E02GKTether Anchor Cover Child RestraintHook HolderB230E01GKCovering shelfFront of VehicleTether strap hookBlanking coversRear luggage compartment floor1. Open the tether anchor cover on the rearluggage compartment floor.2. Route the child restraint seat strap over theseatback.For vehicles with adjustable headrests, routethe tether strap under the headrest andbetween the headrest posts, otherwise routethe tether strap over the top of the seatback.3. Remove the blanking covers on the cover-ing shelf.4. Connect the tether strap hook to the childrestraint hook holder through the hole on thecovering shelf and tighten to secure the seat.Child RestraintHook Holdersgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM21
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI22!!WARNING:o There is no center rear seating position.o Do not install a child restraint seat at thecenter of the rear seat using the vehicle'sISOFIX anchors. The ISOFIX anchors areonly provided for the left and right out-board of the rear seat. Do not misuse theISOFIX anchors by attempting to attacha child restraint seat in the middle of therear seat position to the ISOFIX anchors.In a crash, the child restraint seat ISOFIXattachments may not be strong enoughto secure the child restraint seat prop-erly in the center of the rear seat and maybreak, causing serious injury or death.o Do not mount more than one child re-straint to a single tether or to a childrestraint lower anchorage point. theimproper increased load may cause theanchorage points or tether anchor tobreak, causing serious injury or death.o Attach the ISOFIX or ISOFIX-compatiblechild restraint seat only to the appropri-ate locations shown in the illustration.o Always follow the installation and useinstructions provided by the manufac-turer of the child restraint.B230D01GK-AATSecuring the child Restraint seat withthe "ISOFIX" systemSome child seat manufacturers make childrestraint seats that are labeled as ISOFIX orISOFIX-compatible child restraint seats. Theseseats include two rigid or webbing mountedattachments that connect to two ISOFIX an-chors at specific seating positions in your ve-hicle. This type of child restraint seat eliminatesthe need to use seat belts to attach the child seatfor forward-facing child restraint seats.ISOFIX anchors have been provided in yourvehicle. The ISOFIX anchors are located in theB230F01GKleft and right outboard rear seating positions.Their locations are shown in the illustration.WARNING:Do not mount more than one child restraintto a single tether or to a child restraint loweranchorage point. The improper increasedload may cause the anchorage points ortether anchor to break, causing seriousinjury or death.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM22
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI23!Follow the child seat manufacturer's instruc-tions to properly install child restraint seats withISOFIX or ISOFIX-compatible attachments.Once you have installed the ISOFIX child re-straint, assure that the seat is properly attachedto the ISOFIX and tether anchors. Also, test thechild restraint seat before you place the child init. Tilt the seat from side to side. Also try to tugthe seat forward. Check to see if the anchorshold the seat in place.WARNING:If the child restraint is not anchored prop-erly, the risk of a child being seriouslyinjured or killed in a collision greatly in-creases.HGK261B230G01O-AATInstallation on outboard Rear SeatsTo install a child restraint system in the outboardrear seats, extend the shoulder/lap belt entirelyfrom its retractor until a "click" is felt. This willengage the seat belt retractor automatic lockingfeature, which allows the seat belt to retract butnot extend. Install the child restraint system,buckle the seat belt and allow the seat belt totake up any slack. Make sure that the lap portionof the belt is tight around the child restraintsystem and the shoulder portion of the belt ispositioned so that it can not interfere with thechild's head or neck. Also, double check to besure that the retractor has engaged the auto-matic locking feature by trying to extend web-On outboard rear seatsHGK1010The ISOFIX anchors are located between theseatback and the seat cushion of the rear seatleft and right outboard seating positions.B230D02GKISOFIX Anchor ISOFIX AnchorPosition Indicatorgkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM23
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI24B180B02GK-AATPre-tensioner Seat Belt (If Installed)Your Hyundai vehicle is equipped with driver'sand front passenger's pre-tensioner seat belts.The purpose of the pre-tensioner is to makesure that the seat belts fit tightly against theoccupant's body in certain frontal collisions.The pre-tensioner seat belts can be activatedalone or, where the frontal collision is severeenough, together with the airbags.When the vehicle stops suddenly, or if theoccupant tries to lean forward too quickly, theseat belt retractor will lock into position. Incertain frontal collisions, the pre-tensioner willactivate and pull the seat belt into tighter contactagainst the occupant's body.HXG229!WARNING:o If the retractor is not in the AutomaticLocking mode, the child restraint sys-tem can move when your vehicle turns orstops abruptly.o Do not install any child restraint systemin the front passenger seat. Should anaccident occur and cause the passengerside airbag to deploy, it could severelyinjure or kill an infant or child seated inan infant or child seat. Therefore, onlyuse a child restraint system in the rearseat of your out of the retractor. If the retractor is in theautomatic locking mode, the belt will be locked.After installation of the child restraint system, tryto move it in all directions to be sure the childrestraint system is securely installed. If youneed to tighten the belt, pull more webbingtoward the retractor. When you unbuckle theseat belt and allow it to retract, the retractor willautomatically revert back to its normal seatedpassenger emergency locking usage condi-tion.NOTE:o Before installing the child restraint sys-tem in any seating position, read theinstructions supplied by the child re-straint system manufacturer.o If the seat belt does not operate as de-scribed, have the system checked imme-diately by your authorized Hyundaidealer.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM24
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI25NOTE:o Both the driver's and front passenger'spre-tensioner seat belts will be activatedin certain frontal collisions. The pre-tensioner seat belts can be activatedalone or, where the frontal collision issevere enough, together with theairbags.o When the pre-tensioner seat belts areactivated, a loud noise may be heard andfine dust, which may appear to be smoke,may be visible in the passenger com-partment. These are normal operatingconditions and are not hazardous.o Although it is harmless, the fine dustmay cause skin irritation and should notbe breathed for prolonged periods. Washall exposed skin areas thoroughly afteran accident in which the pre-tensionerseat belts were activated.!WARNING:To obtain maximum benefit from a pre-tensioner seat belt:1. The seat belt must be worn correctly.2. The seat belt must be adjusted to thecorrect position.CAUTION:o The sensor that activates the SRS airbagis connected with the pre-tensioner seatbelts. The SRS airbag warning light                onthe instrument panel will illuminate forapproximately 6 seconds after the igni-tion key has been turned to the "ON"position, and then it should turn off.o If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-ing properly, this warning light will illu-minate even if there is no malfunction ofthe SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbagwarning light does not illuminate whenthe ignition key is turned to "ON" or if itremains illuminated after illuminate ap-proximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-nates while the vehicle is being driven,please have an authorized Hyundai dealerinspect the pre-tensioner seat belts andSRS airbag system as soon as possible.!AIRBAGThe seat belt pre-tensioner system consistsmainly of the following components.Their locations are shown in the illustration.1. SRS airbag warning light2. Seat belt pre-tensioner assembly3. SRS control moduleDriver's airbagB180B01GK23Passenger'sairbag1gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM25
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI26!NOTE:Be sure to read information about the SRSon the labels provided on the front of thesun visor and in the glove box.WARNING:o As its name implies, the SRS is designedto work with, and be supplemental to,the driver's and the passenger's threepoint seat belt systems and is not asubstitute for them. Therefore, your seatbelts must be worn at all times while thevehicle is in motion. The airbags deployonly in certain frontal impact conditionssevere enough to cause significant in-jury to the vehicle occupants.o The SRS is designed to deploy theairbags only when an impact is suffi-ciently severe and when the impact angleis less than 30° from the forward longi-tudinal axis of the vehicle and will notdeploy in side, rear or rollover impacts.Additionally, the airbags will only de-ploy once. Thus, seat belts must be wornat all times.o Front airbags are not intended to deployin light collisions in which protectioncan be provided by the seat belt alone.SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT(AIRBAG) SYSTEM (SRS)B240A01GK-GATYour Hyundai is equipped with a SupplementalRestraint (Airbag) System. The indications ofthe system's presence are the letters "SRS AIRBAG" embossed on the ornament in the steer-ing wheel and the passenger's side front panelpad above the glove box.The Hyundai SRS consists of airbags installedunder the pad covers in the center of thesteering wheel and the passenger's side frontpanel above the glove box. The purpose of theSRS is to provide the vehicle's driver and/or thefront passenger with additional protection thanthat offered by the seat belt system alone, incase of a frontal impact of sufficient severity.B240A01GKDriver's Airbag!WARNING:o Pre-tensioners are designed to operateonly one time. After activation, pre-tensioner seat belts must be replaced.All seat belts, of any type, should alwaysbe replaced after they have been wornduring a collision.o The pre-tensioner seat belt assemblymechanisms become hot during activa-tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seatbelt assemblies for several minutes afterthey have been activated.o Do not attempt to inspect or replace thepre-tensioner seat belts yourself. Thismust be done by an authorized Hyundaidealer.o Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat beltassemblies.o Do not attempt to service or repair thepre-tensioner seat belt system in anymanner.o Improper handling of the pre-tensionerseat belt assemblies, and failure to heedthe warnings to not strike, modify, in-spect, replace, service or repair the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies may leadto improper operation or inadvertentactivation and serious injury.o Always wear seat belts when driving orriding in a motor vehicle.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM26
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI27o No objects should be placed over or nearthe airbag modules on the steeringwheel, instrument panel, and the  frontpassenger's  panel above  the  glove  box,because any  such object could causeharm if the vehicle is in a crash severeenough to cause the airbags to deploy.o If the airbags deploy, they must be re-placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.o Do not tamper with or disconnect SRSwiring, or other components of the SRSsystem. Doing  so could result in injury,due to accidental firing of the airbags orby rendering the SRS inoperative.o Do not install a child restraint system inthe  front passenger seat position. Achild restraint system must never beplaced in the front seat. The infant orchild could be severely injured or killedby  an airbag deployment in case of anaccident.o Do not allow children to ride in the frontpassenger seat. If older children (teen-agers and older) must ride in the frontseat, make sure they are always properlybelted and that the seat is moved back asfar as possible.!WARNING: !o For maximum safety protection in alltypes of crashes, all occupants includ-ing the driver should always wear theirseat belts whether or not an airbag isalso provided at their seating position tominimize the risk of severe injury ordeath in the event of a crash. Do not sitor lean unnecessarily close to the airbagwhile the vehicle is in motion.o The SRS airbag system must deploy veryrapidly to provide protection in a crash.If an occupant is out of position becauseof not wearing a seat belt, the airbag mayforcefully contact the occupant causingserious or fatal injuries.WARNING:!o Front airbags are not intended to deployin side-impact, rear-impact or rollovercrashes. In addition, airbags will notdeploy in frontal crashes below the de-ployment threshold speed.o The driver should sit back as far aspossible while still maintaining controlof the vehicle. If you are sitting too closeto the airbag, it can cause death or seri-ous injury when it inflates.WARNING:Rear impactB240A02GKSide Impact Rollovergkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM27
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI28B240B03GK-AATSRS Components and FunctionsThe SRS consists of the following components:- Driver's Airbag Module- Passenger's Airbag Module- Knee Bolster- SRS Service Reminder Indicator (SRI)- SRS Control Module (SRSCM)The SRSCM continually monitors all elementswhile the ignition is "ON" to determine if a frontalor near-frontal impact is severe enough torequire airbag deployment.B240B01L A fully inflated airbag in combination with aproperly worn seat belt slows the driver's or thepassenger's forward motion, thus reducing therisk of head and chest injury.After complete inflation, the airbag immediatelystarts deflating, enabling the driver to maintainforward visibility.B240B03LB240B02LThe SRS service reminder indicator (SRI) onthe instrument panel will illuminate for about 6seconds after the ignition key is turned to the"ON" position or after the engine is started, afterwhich the SRI should go out.The airbag modules are located both in thecenter of the steering wheel and in the frontpassenger's panel above the glove box. Whenthe SRSCM detects a considerable impact tothe front of the vehicle, it will automaticallydeploy the airbags.Upon deployment, tear seams molded directlyinto the pad covers will separate under pres-sure from the expansion of the airbags. Furtheropening of the covers then allows full inflation ofthe airbags.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM28
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI29CAUTION:When installing a container of liquid airfreshener inside a vehicle, do not place itnear the instrument cluster nor on the in-strument panel pad surface. If there is anyleakage from the air freshener onto theseareas (instrument cluster, instrument panelpad or air ventilator), it may damage theseparts. If the liquid from the air freshenerdoes leak onto these areas, wash them withwater immediately.!Passanger's AirbagB240B01GK!B240B05LWARNING:o The SRS can function only when theignition key is in the "ON" position. If theSRS SRI does  not come on, or continu-ously remains on after illuminate forabout 6 seconds when the ignition keyis turned to the "ON" position, or afterthe engine is started, illuminates whiledriving, the SRS is not working properly.If this occurs, have your vehicle immedi-ately inspected by your Hyundai dealer.o The SRS can function only when theignition key is in the "ON" position. If theSRS SRI does  not flash, or continuouslyremains on after flashing for about 6seconds when the ignition  key is turnedto the "ON" position or  after the engineis started, comes on while driving, theSRS is not working properly. If this oc-curs, have your vehicle immediately in-spected by your Hyundai dealer.o Before you replace a fuse or disconnecta battery terminal, turn the ignition keyto the "LOCK"  position or remove theignition key. Never remove or replace theair bag related fuse(s) when the ignitionkey is in the "ON" position. Failure toheed this warning will cause the SRS SRIto illuminate.!CAUTION:Do not install or place any accessories(drink holder, cassette holder, sticker, etc)on the front passenger's panel above theglove box in a vehicle with a passenger's airbag. Such objects may become dangerousprojectiles and cause injury if thepassenger's air bag inflates.Passanger's Airbaggkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM29
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI30B990B04Y-AATSide Impact Airbag (If installed)Your Hyundai is equipped with a side impactairbag in each front seat. The purpose of theairbag is to provide the vehicle's driver and/orthe front passenger with additional protectionthan that offered by the seat belt alone. The sideimpact airbags are designed to deploy onlyduring certain side-impact collisions, depend-ing on the crash severity, angle, speed and pointof impact. The side impact airbags are notdesigned to deploy in all side impact situations.B990B02Y!o Do not install any accessories on theside or near the side impact airbag.o Do not use excessive force on the side ofthe seat.o Do not place any objects over the airbagor between the airbag and yourself.o Do not place any objects (an umbrella,bag, etc.) between the front door and thefront seat. Such objects may becomedangerous projectiles and cause injuryif the supplemental side impact airbaginflates.o To prevent unexpected deployment ofthe side impact airbag that may result inpersonal injury,avoid impact to the sideairbag sensor when the ignition key ison.WARNING:!WARNING:o The side impact airbag is supplementalto the driver's and the passenger's seatbelt systems and is not a substitute forthem. Therefore your seat belts must beworn at all times while the vehicle is inmotion. The airbags deploy only in cer-tain side impact conditions severeenough to cause significant injury to thevehicle occupants.o For best protection from the side impactairbag system and to avoid being injuredby the deploying side impact airbag,both front seat occupants should sit inan upright position with the seat beltproperly fastened. The driver's handsshould be placed on the steering wheelat the 9:00 and 3:00 o'clock positions.The passenger's arms and hands shouldbe placed on their laps.o Do not use any accessory seat covers.o Use of seat covers could prevent orreduce the effectiveness of the system.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM30
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI31B240C02A-AATSRS Careo The SRS is virtually maintenance free andthere are no parts you can safely service byyourself. The entire SRS system must beinspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer10 years after the date that the vehicle wasmanufactured.o Any work on the SRS system, such asremoving, installing, repairing, or any workon the steering wheel must be performed bya qualified Hyundai technician. Improperhandling of the airbag system may result inserious personal injury.NOTE:Your vehicle's Supplemental Restraint Sys-tem Control Module is equipped a record-ing device which may record the use of theseat belt restraint system by the driver andfront passenger in certain collisions.!WARNING:o Do not install a child restraint system inthe  front passenger seat position. Achild restraint system must never beplaced in the front seat. The infant orchild could be severely injured or killedby an airbag deployment in case of anaccident.o Modification to SRS components or wir-ing, including the addition of any kind ofbadges to the  pad covers or modifica-tions to the body structure, can ad-versely affect SRS performance and leadto possible injury.B240C01HP!o For cleaning the airbag pad covers, useonly a soft, dry cloth or one which hasbeen moistened with plain water. Sol-vents or cleaners could adversely affectthe airbag covers and proper deploy-ment of the system.o No objects should be placed over or nearthe airbag modules on the steeringwheel, instrument panel, and the  frontpassenger’s panel above the glove box,because any  such object could causeharm if the vehicle is in a crash severeenough to cause  the airbags to inflate.o If the airbags inflate, they must be re-placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.o Do not tamper with or disconnect SRSwiring, or other components of the SRSsystem. Doing  so could result in injury,due to accidental firing of the airbags orby rendering the SRS inoperative.o If components of the airbag system mustbe discarded, or if the vehicle must bescrapped,  certain safety precautionsmust be observed. Your Hyundai dealerknows these precautions  and can giveyou the necessary information. Failureto follow these precautions and proce-dures could increase the risk of personalinjury.WARNING:gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM31
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI32!o If you sell your vehicle, make certain thatthis manual is transferred to the newowner.o If your car was flooded and has soakedcarpeting or water on the floor, youshouldn't try to start the engine; havethe car towed to an authorized Hyundaidealer.WARNING:B240D01JM-AATAdditional Safety PrecautionsoNever let passengers ride in the cargoarea (trunk) or on top of a folded-downback seat. All occupants should sit upright,fully back in their seats with their seat beltson and their feet on the floor.oPassengers should not move out of orchange seats while the vehicle is mov-ing. A passenger who is not wearing a seatbelt during a crash or emergency stop canbe thrown against the inside of the vehicle,against other occupants, or out of the ve-hicle.oEach seat belt is designed to restrain oneoccupant. If more than one person uses thesame seat belt, they could be seriouslyinjured or killed in a collision.oDo not use any accessories on seatbelts. Devices claiming to improve occu-pant comfort or reposition the seat belt canreduce the protection provided by the seatbelt and increase the chance of seriousinjury in a crash.oPassengers should not place hard orsharp objects between themselves andthe airbags. Carrying hard or sharp objectson your lap or in your mouth can result ininjuries if an airbag inflates.oKeep occupants away from the airbagcovers. All occupants should sit upright, fullyback in their seats with their seat belts on andtheir feet on the floor.  If occupants are tooclose to the airbag covers, they could beinjured if the airbags inflate.oDo not attach or place objects on or nearthe airbag covers. Any object attached toor placed on the front or side impact airbagcovers could interfere with the proper opera-tion of the airbags.oDo not modify the front seats. Modifica-tion of the front seats could interfere with theoperation of the supplemental restraint sys-tem sensing components or side impactairbags.oDo not place items under the front seats.Placing items under the front seats couldinterfere with the operation of the supple-mental restraint system sensing compo-nents and wiring harnesses.oNever hold an infant or child on your lap.The infant or child could be seriously injuredor killed in the event of a crash.  All infants andchildren should be properly restrained inappropriate child safety seats or seat beltsin the rear seat.gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM32
1FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI33WARNING:o Sitting improperly or out of position canresult in serious injury or death in acrash.o Always sit upright, fully back in the seat,with your seat belt on, and your feet onthe floor.Adding Equipment to or Modifying YourAirbag-Equipped Vehicle.If you modify your vehicle by changing yourvehicle's frame, bumper system, front end orside sheet metal or ride height, this may affectthe operation of your vehicle's airbag system.!gkflhma-1a.p65 9/8/04, 5:40 PM33

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