Robert Bosch Car Multimedia AIVIP32R0 Navigation System with Bluetooth and WLAN User Manual

Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH Navigation System with Bluetooth and WLAN Users Manual

Users Manual

(1,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Table of Contents1IntroductionHow to use this manual ....... 1-2Safety information ................... 1-3Regulatory information ....... 1-42Getting startedControl buttons and touchscreen display ............................. 2-2Starting system .......................... 2-6Basic operation .......................... 2-6System settings ...................... 2-133Audio systemAudiooperation precautions .......... 3-2Names and functions ofaudio control buttons ....... 3-10Audio operations ................... 3-11Audio settings .......................... 3-33CD/USB memory device careand cleaning .............................. 3-344Hands-Free PhoneBluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System ............................. 4-25InformationInformation menu .................... 5-2NissanConnectSMServices (ifso equipped) ................................. 5-5SiriusXM Travel Link (ifso equipped) .............................. 5-16Apple CarPlay ........................... 5-21Android Auto ............................. 5-236Navigation (if soequipped)Safety information ................... 6-3Navigation screen .................... 6-3Map operation ............................ 6-4Setting destination ............... 6-15Route guidance ....................... 6-31Viewingtraffic information ................. 6-45Storinga location/route ..................... 6-48Navigation settings .............. 6-56General information fornavigation system ................ 6-587Voice recognitionVoice recognition ..................... 7-28Troubleshooting guideSystem unit ................................... 8-2Audio system ............................... 8-3Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System .......................... 8-12NissanConnectSMServices (ifso equipped) .............................. 8-15Apple CarPlay ........................... 8-16Android Auto ............................. 8-17Navigation (ifso equipped) .............................. 8-18Condition:
(2,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Voice recognition .................. 8-25Condition:
(3,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Condition:
(4,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]ForewordPrologueAIVINJN1-251BEBC1-23DC-4665-B405-18A0830C57B1NISSAN CONSUMER AFFAIRS DE-PARTMENTAIVINJN1-0A572194-58C0-4CCD-A796-B7907E2D317DFor assistance or inquiries about theNISSAN Navigation System, NISSAN war-ranty, service or general questions, con-tact the NISSAN Consumer AffairsDepartment at:For U.S. customersNissan North America, Inc.Consumer Affairs DepartmentP.O. Box 685003Franklin, TN 37068-50031-800-NISSAN-1(1-800-647-7261)For Canadian customersNissan Canada Inc.5290 Orbitor DriveMississauga, Ontario L4W 4Z51-800-387-0122Condition:
(5,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]FOREWORDAIVINJN1-801B9B40-26BD-49A7-A3FA-A8D4A5112094Thank you for purchasing a NISSAN vehi-cle.This user’s manual is for NissanConnectSMwith Navigation and Services featuringApple CarPlay and Android Auto offeredin your NISSAN vehicle.Operation instructions for the followingsystems are included in this manual..Audio.Hands-Free Phone.NissanConnectSMServices.Navigation.Voice recognition.Information and settings viewable onNissanConnectSMPlease read this manual carefully to en-sure safe operation of NissanConnectSMwith Navigation and Services featuringApple CarPlay and Android Auto..Because of possible specificationchanges and optional equipment,some sections of this manual maynot apply to your vehicle..All information, specifications and il-lustrations in this manual are those ineffect at the time of printing. NISSANreserves the right to change specifica-tions or design at any time withoutnotice..Do not remove this manual from thevehicle when selling this vehicle. Thenext user of the system may need themanual.Condition:
(6,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]MEMOCondition:
(7,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]1 IntroductionHow to use this manual ............................................................. 1-2For safe operation .................................................................... 1-2Reference symbols ................................................................... 1-2Screen illustrations .................................................................. 1-2Safety information .......................................................................... 1-3Regulatory information ............................................................... 1-4Laser product ............................................................................... 1-4Bluetooth® devices .................................................................. 1-4Condition:
(8,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]1. IntroductionHOW TO USE THIS MANUALAIVINJN1-D8FFB8FA-A072-42AA-8D6D-9FEA0AD9B6F9This manual uses special words, symbols,icons and illustrations organized by func-tion.Please refer to the following items andfamiliarize yourself with them.FOR SAFE OPERATIONAIVINJN1-AF356C63-BA5E-4B54-878D-6D8BA7D7E683WARNINGAIVINJN1-F375076F-362A-4309-A800-D1D6C6376A66This is used to indicate the presenceof a hazard that could cause death orserious personal injury. To avoid orreduce the risk, the procedures mustbe followed precisely.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-FFAF409C-10E2-45AA-BD7F-A8B0005F7083This is used to indicate the presenceof a hazard that could cause minor ormoderate personal injury or damageto your vehicle. To avoid or reduce therisk, the procedures must be followedcarefully.NOTE:Indicates items that help you under-stand and maximize the performance ofyour vehicle. If ignored, they may lead toa malfunction or poor performance.REFERENCE SYMBOLSAIVINJN1-A9CE57CF-4F6A-454A-9EF8-91C4E396725FINFO:This indicates information that is neces-sary for efficient use of your vehicle oraccessories.Reference page:This indicates the title and page that youshould refer to.< >:Indicates a button on the control panel.[ ]:This indicates a key/item displayed on thescreen.Voice Command:This indicates an operation by voicecommand.SCREEN ILLUSTRATIONSAIVINJN1-5F699818-FF71-447B-881E-832E1898366B.The illustrations in this manual arerepresentatives of various modelsand may not be identical with thedesign and specifications of your ve-hicle..Icons and menu items displayed onthe screen may be abbreviated oromitted from the screen illustrationswhen appropriate. The omitted iconsand menu items are described asdotted lines as illustrated.5GH0782XCondition:1-2
(9,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]SAFETY INFORMATIONAIVINJN1-E215E2CD-5877-46AC-B4EF-5D0B6683FCA9This system is primarily designed to helpyou support pleasant driving as outlinedin this manual. However, you, the driver,must use the system safely and properly.Information and the availability of servicesmay not always be up to date. The systemis not a substitute for safe, proper andlegal driving.Before using the system, please read thefollowing safety information. Always usethe system as outlined in this manual.WARNINGAIVINJN1-43837604-6D3B-4A88-95CC-9A1143515BA5.To operate the system, first parkthe vehicle in a safe location andset the parking brake. Operatingthe system while driving can dis-tract the driver and may result in aserious accident..Exercise extreme caution at alltimes so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation. If thesystem doesn’t respond immedi-ately, please be patient and keepyour eyes on the road. Inattentivedriving may lead to a crash result-ing in serious injuries or death..Do not rely on route guidancealone. Always be sure that alldriving maneuvers are legal andsafe in order to avoid accidents..Do not disassemble or modify thissystem. If you do, it may result inaccidents, fire or electrical shock..If you notice any foreign objects inthe system hardware, spill liquidon the system or notice smoke or asmell coming from it, stop usingthe system immediately and it isrecommended you contact aNISSAN dealer. Ignoring such con-ditions may lead to accidents, fireor electrical shock.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-CABB1B9E-B526-42ED-BC3A-AF6F2878701B.Some jurisdictions may have lawslimiting the use of video screenswhile driving. Use this system onlywhere it is legal to do so..Extreme temperature conditions[below −4°F (−20°C) and above158°F (70°C)] could affect the per-formance of the system..The display screen may break if itis hit with a hard or sharp object. Ifthe display screen breaks, do nottouch it. Doing so could result in aninjury.NOTE:Do not keep the system running withthe engine or the hybrid systemstopped. Doing so may discharge thevehicle battery (12V battery). When youuse the system, always keep the engineor the hybrid system running.1. IntroductionCondition:1-3
(10,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]1. IntroductionREGULATORY INFORMATIONAIVINJN1-E1B76219-B24A-4588-A087-0985C8AA0D4CLASER PRODUCTAIVINJN1-415B0FE3-387A-46ED-8CD5-D088A6D68506Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11Complies with 21 CFR Chapter 1, Subchap-ter JWARNINGAIVINJN1-A0667E60-909D-4DC4-8EE9-D1197E1F8DB1Use of controls or adjustments orperformance of procedures otherthan those specified herein may resultin hazardous radiation exposure.BLUETOOTH® DEVICESAIVINJN1-8A5804E2-2DFA-4F0E-BDCA-F37F6A4AFE93FCC Regulatory information (forU.S. and Canada)AIVINJN1-21B88979-0E69-41AF-A95F-076B80E68827Changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authorityto operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of theFCC Rules and Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, includ-ing interference that may cause unde-sired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNRd’Industrie Canada applicables aux appa-reils radio exempts de licence. L’exploita-tion est autorisée aux deux conditionssuivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas pro-duire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur del’appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillageest susceptible d’en compromettre lefonctionnement.TrademarksAIVINJN1-9FC03AD0-EBF8-481D-A9E5-F229D1F2B583Windows® and Windows Media® are regis-tered trademarks and trademarks in theUnited States of America and other coun-tries of Microsoft Corporation of the USA.Windows Media Player:This product is protected by certainintellectual property right of Microsoft.Use or distribution of such technologyoutside of this product is prohibited with-out a license from Microsoft.5GA0227XiPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc.5GD0030XApple, iPad®, iPhone®, iPod®, and iPodtouch® are trademarks of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries.Apple CarPlay is a trademark of Apple Inc.Use of the Apple CarPlay logo means thata vehicle user interface meets Appleperformance standards. Apple is not re-sponsible for the operation of this vehicleor its compliance with safety and regula-tory standards. Please note that the use ofthis product with iPhone®, iPod®, or iPad®may affect wireless performance.5GA0023XBluetooth® is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to RobertBosch GmbH.5GA0018XHD Radio Technology manufactured un-der license from iBiquity Digital Corpora-tion. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD RadioTMand the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos areproprietary trademarks of iBiquity DigitalCorp.Condition:1-4
(11,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GA0017XSiriusXM® services require a subscriptionafter trial period and are sold separatelyor as a package. The satellite service isavailable only in the 48 contiguous USAand DC. SiriusXM satellite service is alsoavailable in Canada; see Satellite Radio and SiriusXM Traf-fic subscriptions are sold separately or asa package, and are continuous until youcall SiriusXM to cancel. See SiriusXM Cus-tomer Agreement for complete terms SiriusXM Travel Link isavailable in select markets. For moreinformation, call Listener Care at 1-877-447-0011 or visit Satellite Radio and SiriusXM Tra-vel Link subscriptions are sold separatelyor as a package, and are continuous untilyou call SiriusXM to cancel. See SiriusXMCustomer Agreement for complete termsat SiriusXM Travel Linkis available in select markets. For moreinformation, call Listener Care at 1-877-447-0011 or visit StoreApple and the Apple logo are trademarksof Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. andother countries. App Store is a servicemark of Apple Inc.SiriSiri is a trademark of Apple Inc., registeredin the U.S. and other countries.Google PlayTMGoogle, Google Play are trademarks ofGoogle Inc.GoogleTMGoogle is a trademark of Google Inc.1. IntroductionCondition:1-5
(12,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]1. IntroductionMEMOCondition:1-6
(13,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2 Getting startedControl buttons and touch screen display ................. 2-2Control panel ................................................................................ 2-2Liquid crystal display .............................................................. 2-3Steering wheel switches ..................................................... 2-4USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection Ports andAUX (auxiliary) input jack ..................................................... 2-4Starting system ................................................................................. 2-6Start-up screen ........................................................................... 2-6Basic operation ................................................................................. 2-6Selecting menu from Launch Bar ................................ 2-6Touch panel operation ......................................................... 2-7Main screen operations ....................................................... 2-8Adjusting settings ..................................................................... 2-9How to input letters and numbers ............................. 2-9How to view and operate HOMEMENU screen .............................................................................. 2-10Functions disabled while driving ............................... 2-12System settings ............................................................................. 2-13Settings menu .......................................................................... 2-13connections settings ........................................................... 2-16Volume and Beeps settings ........................................... 2-19Clock settings ........................................................................... 2-19Display settings ....................................................................... 2-21Language setting ................................................................... 2-21Units settings ............................................................................ 2-21Keyboard type settings ..................................................... 2-21Return all settings to default ........................................ 2-21Condition:
(14,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedCONTROL BUTTONS ANDTOUCH SCREEN DISPLAYAIVINJN1-1D7E0D66-C372-4533-A154-A968B3FBAE87CONTROL PANELAIVINJN1-0F79FBFA-8617-4697-9F42-8714291E5E6B5GH0761XModels with navigation system5GH0762XModels without navigation system< >:Push to eject a CD.“Compact Disc (CD) player”(page 3-19)<MENU>:Push to display the HOME MENUscreen.“How to view and operate HOMEMENU screen” (page 2-10)<MAP> (models with navigation sys-tem):Push to display the current locationmap.“Navigation screen” (page 6-3)During route guidance with a mapscreen displayed, push this button toshow/hide the split screen.< >:Push to switch between the dayscreen (bright) and the night screen(dark) and to adjust the level of screenbrightness. Push and hold the buttonto turn off the display. Push thebutton again to turn on the display.<AUDIO>:Push to display the audio screen.When this button is pushed while theaudio screen is displayed, a screen toselect an audio source will be dis-Condition:2-2
(15,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]played.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)<VOLUME/ >:Push to turn the power of the audiosystem on and off. Turn to adjust thevolume.CD slot:Insert a CD into the slot.“Compact Disc (CD) player”(page 3-19)< >/< >:In audio operation, selecting and fast-forwarding/rewinding tracks as wellas radio station/channel scanningcan be performed.“Audio operations” (page 3-11)<BACK>:Pushing the button will display theprevious screen.Push and hold to quit the voicerecognition session.“7. Voice recognition”<TUNE·SCROLL/OK>:When a menu screen is displayed, turnthe dial to select items on the screen.Push to confirm the selected item orsetting.The button can also be used for audiooperations.“Audio operations” (page 3-11)Touch screen display:Various information and operationmenus are displayed on the liquidcrystal display. Touch keys and iconson the screen for operation.“Touch panel operation”(page 2-7)Some of the information displayed onthe vehicle information display arelinked with the touch screen display.< > (models without navigationsystem):Push to display phone screen.“4. Hands-Free Phone”LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYAIVINJN1-372A4E1B-44A4-402D-B2E2-BBC1C2EE95EAThe display is a liquid crystal display andshould be handled with care.WARNINGAIVINJN1-BF8A0598-D125-4FF1-B357-47FEEE82AED5Never disassemble the display. Someparts utilize extremely high voltage.Touching them may result in seriouspersonal injury.Characteristics of liquid crystaldisplay AIVINJN1-606BA666-3A03-489B-86FB-CE0129A6D140.If the temperature inside the vehicle isespecially low, the display will stayrelatively dim or the movement of theimages may be slow. These conditionsare normal. The display will functionnormally when the interior of thevehicle has warmed up..Some pixels in the display are darker orbrighter than others. This condition isan inherent characteristic of liquidcrystal displays, and it is not a mal-function..A remnant of the previous displayimage may remain on the screen. Thisscreen burn is inherent in displays, andit is not a malfunction..The screen may become distorted bystrong magnetic fields.Maintenance of displayAIVINJN1-A416EADC-8AF0-4234-BF0D-ADD3A5F4AF96CAUTIONAIVINJN1-9B4AABC5-8311-4654-81B7-56927F60D9CA.To clean the display screen, use adry, soft cloth. If additional clean-ing is necessary, use a smallamount of neutral detergent witha soft cloth.2. Getting startedCondition:2-3
(16,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting started.Clean the display with the ignitionswitch in the OFF position. If thedisplay is cleaned while the igni-tion switch is placed in the ONposition, unintentional operationmay occur..To clean the display, never use arough cloth, alcohol, benzine, thin-ner or any kind of solvent or papertowel with a chemical cleaningagent. They will scratch or deterio-rate the panel..Do not splash any liquid such aswater or car fragrance on the dis-play. Contact with liquid will causethe system to malfunction.To clean the display screen, use a dry, softcloth. If additional cleaning is necessary,use a small amount of neutral detergentwith a soft cloth. Never spray the screenwith water or detergent. Dampen thecloth first, then wipe the screen.STEERING WHEEL SWITCHESAIVINJN1-1B7CD1C1-5D48-4964-8816-2649513B59D05GH0763X< + - >:Push + or - side of the switch to adjustthe volume.< > (Back):Push to go back to the previousscreen while operating the voice re-cognition system.Push and hold to end a voice recogni-tion session.< > (TALK):Push to use the Voice Recognitionsystem. Push and hold to end theVoice Recognition session.“Giving voice commands”(page 7-2)When Apple CarPlay or Android Autois active, pushing and holding thisbutton will start a Siri or Talk toGoogle voice control session.“Siri operation” (page 5-22)“Talk to Google operation”(page 5-24)< >Push to receive a phone call. Push toend an active call.“4. Hands-Free Phone”INFO:Steering wheel switches are mainly for thevehicle information display control andmay not be able to operate the touchscreen display depending on the condi-tions.For other details of the vehicle informa-tion display, refer to the vehicle Owner’sManual.USB (Universal Serial Bus) CON-NECTION PORTS AND AUX (auxili-ary) INPUT JACKAIVINJN1-E9AC7D61-BCC2-48F6-87C6-43CA8EAE0D5DCondition:2-4
(17,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]WARNINGAIVINJN1-657A56AD-13C7-4818-B036-02410624DCC8Do not connect, disconnect or operatethe USB device while driving. Doing socan be a distraction. If distracted youcould lose control of your vehicle andcause an accident or serious injury.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-36464817-8CB6-4B42-9865-591E40742C6D.Do not force the USB device intothe USB connection port. Insertingthe USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damagethe port. Make sure that the USBdevice is connected correctly intothe USB connection port..Do not grab the USB connectionport cover (if so equipped) whenpulling the USB device out of theport. This could damage the portand the cover..Do not leave the USB cable in aplace where it can be pulled unin-tentionally. Pulling the cable maydamage the port.The vehicle is equipped with a USB con-nection port and an AUX input jack. Whenconnected, the in-vehicle audio systemcan play audio contents from the compa-tible device.5GH0764XUSB connection port and the AUX inputjack are located on the lower part of theinstrument panel.USB connection port:Connect a compatible device to playmedia such as iPod®, iPhone®, Androiddevice or a USB memory device.AUX (Auxiliary) input jack:Connect an audio player that acceptsa 1/8 in (3.5 mm) TRS connector (suchas an MP3 player etc.) to play music.INFO:Refer to your AUX and USB device manu-facturer’s owner information regardingthe proper use and care of the device.2. Getting startedCondition:2-5
(18,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedSTARTING SYSTEMAIVINJN1-F7A7E93C-1CA4-4F06-A2C8-03063B07BE78The system starts when the ignitionswitch is placed in the ACC or ON position.START-UP SCREENAIVINJN1-1CCFB241-BAB4-4C9C-8412-EF467F738826The start-up screen is displayed when theignition switch is placed in the ACC or ONposition.Models with NissanConnectSMServices:After an animated start-up screen isdisplayed, a message screen will be dis-played. Touch [OK] after reading andagreeing to the message displayed onthe screen. If you do not agree to themessage, some of the functions on thesystem will be disabled.Models with Intelligent Key:When Intelligent key is detected in thevehicle, the system will start up by push-ing <VOLUME/ >.NOTE:Do not keep the system running withthe engine or the hybrid systemstopped. Doing so may discharge thevehicle battery (12V battery). When youuse the system, always keep the engineor the hybrid system running.BASIC OPERATIONAIVINJN1-A9E6F207-4B16-4522-84EB-16B8F6F3D435The system can be operated with thetouch panel as well as switches on thecontrol panel and the steering wheel.This manual mainly describes the touchpanel operation.SELECTING MENU FROM LAUNCHBAR AIVINJN1-F5B8AC5D-C122-4534-9FC7-2A14ED1A68AA5GH0765XModels with navigation system5GH0803XModels without navigation systemVarious system functions can be accessedby touching the items on the Launch Barwhich is displayed on most of the mainmenu screens. (The Launch Bar does notappear on some screens such as scrolledmap screen, keyboard screen, etc.)Touch the item on the Launch Bar todisplay the corresponding screens.The items on the Launch Bar differaccording to which button on the controlpanel is pushed.The following menus are available on theLaunch Bar.When pushing <MENU>:Displayed items may vary depending onmodels and specifications.Condition:2-6
(19,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].[Phone]*“Phone” (page 4-4).[Info]“Information menu” (page 5-2).[Audio]“Audio operations” (page 3-11).[MENU]Touching [MENU] on the Launch Barwill display the center page of theHOME MENU screen..[Map]“Launch Bar ” (page 6-3).[Connections]“connections settings” (page 2-16).[Settings]“System settings” (page 2-13)When pushing <AUDIO>:Displayed items may vary depending onmodels and specifications.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)When pushing <MAP> (if so equipped):“Launch Bar ” (page 6-3)*: The key will be replaced by [CarPlay]when the Apple CarPlay is active, and itwill be replaced by [Android Auto] whenAndroid Auto is active.TOUCH PANEL OPERATIONAIVINJN1-A1BF9C2C-4643-4997-9E6E-93C94C9905ECThe system can be controlled mainly bythe touch panel operation.The following operations are example ofthe touch panel operation.The map operations are also availablewith touch panel operation.“Map operation” (page 6-4).Touch5GH0766XSelect the item on the screen to selectthe item and to display the corre-sponding screen.INFO:Some keys function differently dependingon whether the key is touched briefly orwhen it is being touched and held for afew seconds..Swipe/Flick5GH0767XMenu screen pages will skip to thenext page when swiped/flicked hori-zontally.Some of the list screens can also bescrolled by swiping/flicking on thescreen vertically.2. Getting startedCondition:2-7
(20,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedMAIN SCREEN OPERATIONSAIVINJN1-B2704A91-F2DB-44B4-827A-4CF2E650F379The following operations are generallyavailable on the various screen..Displaying previous screen5GH0768XTouch [ ] to return to the screendisplayed previously..Horizontal scrolling5GH0769XTouch [<] to scroll to the previouspage.Touch [>] to scroll to the next page.Indicates the position of the currentlydisplayed page..Vertical scrolling5GH0770XTouch [ ] or [ ] to skip to theprevious or next page.Touch [ ] or [ ] to scroll themessage or list one item at a time.Indicates the total number of items inthe list and the entry number of theselected item.INFO:Depending on the screens, swiping on thetouch screen can scroll pages vertically orhorizontally.Condition:2-8
(21,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].Scrolling list by selecting alphabet5GH0771XTouch a preferred location within thealphabetical list. The detailed alpha-bet list will be shown. Touch to scrollthe list items to the section thatbegins with the letter selected. Thealphabet list can be scrolled by touch-ing [ ] or [ ].INFO:When [A-Z] is displayed on the list screen,touching [A-Z] and turning <TUNE·SC-ROLL/OK> can also select a alphabet toscroll.ADJUSTING SETTINGSAIVINJN1-7511E082-9116-41D3-90B0-85329BDCEE4D5GH0773XTouch adjustment keys, such as [-]/[+],etc., to adjust each item. Each time a key istouched, the indicator moves along thebar.For items with [ON] indicator, touch themenu item to turn on/off the setting. Theindicator light will turn on when thesetting is turned on.HOW TO INPUT LETTERS ANDNUMBERSAIVINJN1-95CCE032-178B-4697-8BFB-8BB9856AFD9CBasic operations to enter letters andnumbers are explained here.Character and number input screens varydepending on the conditions.Alphabet input screenAIVINJN1-9244CA6E-8CE8-4E92-9F93-3F3D3E32096E5GH0774XEntered characters are displayed.Touch to delete the last characterentered.Touch and hold to delete all thecharacters entered.Touch to change the type of key-board.[A-Z]: Displays alphabet input screen.[AEB]: Displays symbol input screen.[123]: Displays number input screen.Touch to switch between the upper-case and lowercase character inputscreen.Touch to enter a space.2. Getting startedCondition:2-9
(22,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedTouch to enter a character.Touch to confirm the entry.Number input screenAIVINJN1-BCECD62B-4D09-48C9-997D-360243F5586E5GH0775XEntered characters are displayed.Touch to delete the last numberentered.Touch and hold to delete all thecharacters entered.Touch to enter a number.Touch to confirm the entry.HOW TO VIEW AND OPERATEHOME MENU SCREENAIVINJN1-CA23AE87-F50B-4970-A7BD-D9932C5241ABPush <MENU> to display the HOME MENUscreen.The HOME MENU consists of 3 pageswhich can display preferred Shortcutsand Widgets.5GH0776XShortcut icons:Icons for frequently used menu itemscan be placed on the HOME MENUscreens as Shortcuts.Widget:Useful information from primarymenu functions can be displayed asWidgets. Depending on the contentsof the Widget, keys may be availablefor operation of the menu function.Customizing HOME MENU screenAIVINJN1-6891DABF-54F5-4264-BFFC-F75F8C5E4B9BThe HOME MENU screen can be persona-lized by selecting which Shortcuts andWidgets be display and where to placethem on the screen.5GH0777X1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Customize Home Menu].3. Touch [Shortcuts] or [Widgets].4. Drag the Shortcut or Widget icon toeach page layout .If a different Shortcut or a Widget isalready located on the page layout ,a message will be displayed. Touch[Yes] to replace the Shortcut/Widget.The page layout can be changed bydragging the icons.Dragging an icon into the candelete the current Shortcut or WidgetCondition:2-10
(23,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]to create a blank spot.Available Shortcut categories:[Audio][Route] (if so equipped)[Phone][Settings][Info][Voice Recognition][Destination] (if so equipped)Available Widgets:[Phone][Audio][Turn by Turn] (if so equipped)[Current Conditions] (if so equipped)[5-Day Weather Forecast] (if so equipped)[Hourly Forecast] (if so equipped)[SXM Sports] (if so equipped)[Clock]INFO:.The categories of Shortcuts can bechanged by touching [Category]..Some widgets ([Audio], [Turn by Turn]and [Clock]) can be selected from 2shortcut spot size and 4 shortcut spotsize. All other Widgets require 4 short-cuts spots to be displayed..HOME MENU screen can display up toeight Shortcuts on a page..Touching [Settings] on the Launch Barand touching [Customize Home Menu]will also display the Customize HomeMenu screen..Access to the SiriusXM Travel Linkservices requires a SiriusXM subscrip-tion.“SiriusXM Travel Link” (page 5-16)2. Getting startedCondition:2-11
(24,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedFUNCTIONS DISABLED WHILE DRIVINGAIVINJN1-96075C82-A5BC-42F2-A4C5-DF0BB2863C3F5GH0804XExampleTo ensure safe driving, some functionscannot be operated or have limited op-eration while the vehicle is in motion.The on-screen text and keys for theserestricted functions will be “grayed-out” ormuted and cannot be selected whiledriving. In some cases, a screen messagewill appear indicating a restricted func-tion.Restricted functions while driving include:.Character (letter and number) inputscreen.Scrolling and viewing of certain listscreens.Displaying detailed information andselecting items on some informationscreens.Adding/editing home location, ad-dress book entries and current route.Registering cellular phones.Connecting Bluetooth® devices for thefirst time.Placing a call by dialing a number orselecting a phonebook entry.Setting phone, NissanConnectSMSer-vices (if so equipped), Bluetooth® func-tions, etc.Condition:2-12
(25,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].Various other settingsThese functions will become availableagain when the vehicle is not in motion.Some of the destination setting functionsthat become unavailable while driving canbe operated by voice recognition system.Available voice commands may differdepending on the language setting.SYSTEM SETTINGSAIVINJN1-811B4F8E-8E41-435D-BA44-76204FB0B276The system settings can be changed forpersonal convenience.SETTINGS MENUAIVINJN1-12A7E9D2-EBD5-4390-9640-2629B7A307F5Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar andtouch a setting item you wish to adjust.Available setting items may vary depend-ing on models and specifications.2. Getting startedCondition:2-13
(26,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedAvailable setting itemsSetting item Result[Connections] Displays the Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi and USB setting screen.“connections settings” (page 2-16)[Phone] Displays the Phone & text message setting screen.“Phone and text message assistant settings” (page 4-10)[Navigation] Displays the navigation settings screen.“Navigation settings” (page 6-56)[Sound] Displays the audio settings screen.“Audio settings” (page 3-33)[Volume & Beeps] Displays the volume adjustment screen.“Volume and Beeps settings” (page 2-19)[Clock] Displays the clock adjustment screen.“Clock settings” (page 2-19)[Customize Home Menu] Displays the HOME MENU editing screen.“Customizing HOME MENU screen” (page 2-10)[Customize Audio Sources] Displays the Audio menu editing screen.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)[NissanConnect Services] Displays the NissanConnectSMServices settings screen.“NissanConnectSMServices” (page 5-5)[System Voice] Displays the system voice settings screen.“System Voice settings” (page 7-12)[Camera] Displays the Camera setting screen.See vehicle Owner’s Manual for details of the monitor system.Condition:2-14
(27,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][Others] [Display] Displays other settings screens.“Display settings” (page 2-21)“Language setting” (page 2-21)“Units settings” (page 2-21)“Keyboard type settings” (page 2-21)“Return all settings to default” (page 2-21)[Language][Units][Keyboard Type][Return All Settings to Default][Apps] Displays the Apps settings screen.“Apple CarPlay settings” (page 5-22)“Android Auto settings” (page 5-25)2. Getting startedCondition:2-15
(28,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedCONNECTIONS SETTINGSGUID-B1D6479B-2DE5-4B50-AD8F-54A4EC13EA7DChanging the settings and viewing infor-mation of Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi and USB areavailable on the Connections settingsscreen.Setting Bluetooth®GUID-BEE172A8-E0E0-4F75-8762-230628E44312Your vehicle is equipped with the Blue-tooth® Hands-Free Phone System andBluetooth® audio device support. If youare an owner of a compatible Bluetooth®enabled cellular phone or Bluetooth®audio device, you can set up the wirelessconnection between your cellular phoneand the in-vehicle phone module or Blue-tooth® audio device and in-vehicle audiomodule. With Bluetooth® wireless technol-ogy, you can make or receive a telephonecall with your cellular phone in yourpocket and listen to Bluetooth® audio.“Bluetooth® audio” (page 3-28)“Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys-tem” (page 4-2)Connecting cellular phone/audio de-vice:5GH0778XTo use the Bluetooth® device with the in-vehicle system for the first time, the deviceconnection operation is required.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Bluetooth] and touch [AddNew]. A message is displayed.4. Touch [Yes] to connect a cellularphone. Touch [No] to connect an audiodevice and operate as guided by thesystem. (Operations may differ de-pending on the device.)NOTE:Some cellular phones or other devicesmay cause interference or a buzzingnoise to come from the audio systemspeakers. Storing the device in a differ-ent location may reduce or eliminate thenoise.INFO:.The paired phone will be added to thelist on the Bluetooth® connectionscreen..Touching another device name on thelist will switch the connected device..Touching [ ] will allow the device tobe connected via Bluetooth® and beused on the Hands-Free Phone Sys-tem..Touching [ ] will allow the device tobe connected via Bluetooth® and beused for Bluetooth® Audio..Touching [ ] will display the informa-tion of the phone device..Up to 6 Bluetooth® devices can beconnected. If 6 devices are alreadyconnected, one of the devices mustfirst be deleted before another devicecan be connected.Condition:2-16
(29,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].The pairing procedure of the cellularphone varies according to each cellu-lar phone. See the cellular phone Own-er’s Manual for the details..Visit a recommended Bluetooth®device.Bluetooth® settings:The Bluetooth® settings can be changedaccording to your preference.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Bluetooth].4. Touch [ ].Available setting itemsSetting item Action[Bluetooth] Turns the Bluetooth®connection on/off.[FavoritePhone]Set the phone whichtakes a priority to beconnected.[Favorite Audio] Set the Bluetooth® audiodevice which takes apriority to be connected.[Device Name] The device name can bechanged.[PIN] The PIN code can bechanged.INFO:With [Device Name], the device name thatappears on the screen can be changedand be renamed from the name set asdefault to the preferred name (such as“Steve’s Car” for example).Deleting cellular phone/audio device:Paired phones can be deleted from thelist.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Bluetooth].4. Touch [ ] by the phone device nameyou wish to delete.5. Touch [Delete]. Touch [Yes] when amessage appears.Wi-Fi SettingGUID-58574DBB-6838-41C9-A054-FAC518DD656AA Wi-Fi connection can be made to anavailable Wi-Fi network or near the vehi-cle. Wi-Fi connectivity is useful for updat-ing map data and system software, orusing online services such as OnlineSearch or Premium Traffic.“Updating System software”(page 5-4)“How to update map data”(page 6-64)2. Getting startedCondition:2-17
(30,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedConnecting to a Wi-Fi network:5GH0779XTo use the Wi-Fi connection for the firsttime, the following connecting proce-dures are required.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Wi-Fi].4. Touch the name of the device youwish to connect.5. Enter the network password andtouch [OK]. The device will be con-nected.The connected Wi-Fi device will beadded to the list on the connectionscreen.If a listed device is in a status capableof making Wi-Fi connection, touchingthe device name on the list will startthe connection.INFO:.Touching the [ ] will display the net-work information. Turning [Auto Con-nect] on will automatically connect thevehicle to the network if the network isavailable..Enabling the Wi-Fi hotspot functional-ity of your smartphone may incuradditional charges from your cellularprovider. Consult your cellular providercontract regarding the communica-tion fee..The Wi-Fi hotspot communication isnot available on this system as ofSeptember, 2017.Wi-Fi settings:The Wi-Fi settings can be changed ac-cording to your preference.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Wi-Fi].4. Touch [ ].5. Touch a preferred item.Available setting itemsSetting item Action[Wi-Fi] Turns the Wi-Fi connec-tion on/off.[Security] Security standard settingcan be changed.Deleting Wi-Fi network:The connected Wi-Fi devices can bedeleted from the list.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [Wi-Fi].4. Touch [ ] by the name of the networkyou wish to delete.5. Touch [Delete]. Touch [Yes] when amessage appears.Displaying USB device informationGUID-0410F8D5-4D74-4C02-A786-2D75AB254FECThe information of the connected USBdevice can be viewed.“USB memory device player”(page 3-21)Condition:2-18
(31,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GH0780X1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections].3. Touch [USB].4. Touch the name of the device youwish to check. The name and the typeof the device are displayed.VOLUME AND BEEPS SETTINGSAIVINJN1-210F184A-892E-4546-8D2A-0868DA7C4F52The volume of various functions includingaudio, phone, navigation voice guidance,and system beeps can be adjusted.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Volume & Beeps].Available setting items may vary depend-ing on models and specifications.Available setting itemsSetting item Action[Audio Vo-lume]Adjusts the volume levelof the audio system.[Guidance Vo-lume]Adjusts the volume levelof the guidance voice andthe voice recognition sys-tem voice responses.[Ringtone] Adjusts the volume levelof the ringtone of incom-ing calls.[Outgoing Call] Adjusts the outgoing callvolume.[Button Beeps] Turns on/off the buttonbeep sound and alarm forprohibited operations.[GuidanceVoice]Turns on/off the voiceguidance.CLOCK SETTINGSAIVINJN1-6FB05DB7-7A72-4B43-A7A5-4796C1370711Clock settings of the system can bechanged.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Clock].Available setting items may vary depend-ing on models and specifications.2. Getting startedCondition:2-19
(32,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting startedAvailable setting itemsSetting item Action[On-Screen Clock] Sets the clock display on/off. When this item is on, the clock display appears.[Clock Mode] [Auto]: Adjust clock time automatically using GPS.[Time Zone]: Adjust clock time reflecting selected time zone.[Manual]: Reflects [Set Clock Manually] settings.[Clock Format] The clock can be set to 12 hours or 24 hours.[Date Format] The display format of the day, month and year display can be selected.[Offset (Hour)] Adjusts the offset value (hour). [Clock Mode] must be set to [Auto] or [Time Zone] for thisoption.Adjusts the offset value (minutes). [Clock Mode] must be set to [Auto] or [Time Zone] for thisoption to be available.[Offset (Min.)][Daylight Savings Time] Turns on/off the daylight saving time setting. This option only appears to be available whenClock Mode is set to Time Zone.[Time Zone] Select an appropriate time zone from the list. [Clock Mode] must be set to [Time Zone] forthis option.[Set Clock Manually] Adjust the clock manually. Touch [+] or [-] to adjust the hours, minutes, day, month and yearup or down. [Clock Mode] must be set to [Manual] for this option.INFO:When the [On-Screen Clock] setting is turned on, the clock settings screen can also be displayed by touching the clock at the upperright corner of the screen.Condition:2-20
(33,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]DISPLAY SETTINGSAIVINJN1-6BF6BB79-7BC5-47FC-AE67-09BC1505C4C5Display settings can be adjusted.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Others].3. Touch [Display].4. Touch a preferred item to adjust thesetting.Available setting itemsSetting item Action[Display] Turns the screen off.Pushing and holding <>will also turn off the screen.Push the <>to turn thescreen back on.[Brightness] Adjusts the brightness ofthe display.[Contrast] Adjusts the contrast of thedisplay.[Black Level] Adjusts the black level ofthe display.LANGUAGE SETTINGAIVINJN1-D7E9171E-3B1C-414A-AD30-925AD34D89F6This changes the language and measure-ment unit used in the system.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Others].3. Touch [Language].Selects the preferred system lan-guage.The language setting is applied to thetouch screen display, voice announce-ments, the voice recognition system. Itcan also be applied to the vehicle informa-tion display.INFO:Do not change the position of the ignitionswitch while changing the language.UNITS SETTINGSGUID-5357F055-6C98-47D0-8C9F-E8D92E236164This changes the units used in the system.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Others].3. Touch [Units].Setting item Action[Distance] Select the distanceunit.[Temperature] Select the tempera-ture unit.INFO:.Do not change the position of theignition switch while changing thedistance or temperature..If the selected distance or tempera-ture is also supported by the vehicleinformation display, a confirmationmessage asking if you would like toalso change the distance or tempera-ture for the vehicle information displayis displayed. Select [Yes] to change thedistance or temperature on the vehicleinformation display.KEYBOARD TYPE SETTINGSGUID-9DE94100-E084-401F-AEC3-2D71C2119A0BThe keyboard layout of the characterinput screens can be selected.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Others].3. Type of keyboard can be changed bytouching [ABC] or [QWERTY] displayedby [Keyboard Type].RETURN ALL SETTINGS TO DE-FAULT GUID-F8F3CD4E-6B1E-4129-A4B4-C7A452414D93This resets others settings (display, lan-guage, etc.) to the default settings.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Getting startedCondition:2-21
(34,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]2. Getting started2. Touch [Others].3. Touch [Return All Settings to Default].4. Touch [Yes].Condition:2-22
(35,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3 Audio systemAudio operation precautions ................................................. 3-2Radio ................................................................................................... 3-2Compact Disc (CD) player ................................................... 3-4USB (Universal Serial Bus) connection ports ......... 3-5Compressed Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) ............ 3-5Bluetooth® streaming audio ............................................ 3-9Names and functions of audiocontrol buttons .............................................................................. 3-10Audio main buttons ............................................................. 3-10Audio control steering wheel switches ................ 3-11Audio operations ........................................................................... 3-11Audio main operation ......................................................... 3-11Radio ................................................................................................ 3-12Compact Disc (CD) player ................................................ 3-19USB memory device player ............................................ 3-21iPod® player ................................................................................ 3-24Bluetooth® audio .................................................................... 3-28Auxiliary (AUX) devices ....................................................... 3-31Smartphone audio ................................................................ 3-32Audio settings ................................................................................. 3-33Audio adjustments with audio adjust bar .......... 3-34CD/USB memory device care and cleaning ............ 3-34CD ....................................................................................................... 3-34USB memory device ............................................................. 3-34Condition:
(36,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemAUDIO OPERATION PRECAU-TIONSAIVINJN1-B0DBBB37-B849-425F-902A-DDABE30FE9B4CAUTIONAIVINJN1-EA479F95-2967-4EEA-8547-ECB13A8F56C8.Operate the audio system onlywhen the vehicle engine or thehybrid system is running. Operat-ing the audio system for extendedperiods of time with the engine orthe hybrid system turned off candischarge the vehicle battery..Do not allow the system to get wet.Excessive moisture such as spilledliquids may cause the system tomalfunction.RADIO AIVINJN1-2E7BDA12-EFEE-40F2-BD7E-0C1AD5ECA109Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ONposition before turning on the radio. If youlisten to the radio with the engine or thehybrid system not running, the ignitionswitch should be placed in the ACCposition.Radio reception is affected by stationsignal strength, distance from radio trans-mitter, buildings, bridges, mountains andother external influences. Intermittentchanges in reception quality normallyare caused by these external influences.Using a cellular phone in or near thevehicle may influence radio receptionquality.Radio receptionAIVINJN1-89FE3704-0B57-4447-88CD-7BD9D337A7DCYour radio system is equipped with state-of-the-art electronic circuits to enhanceradio reception. These circuits are de-signed to extend reception range, and toenhance the quality of that reception.However there are some general charac-teristics of both FM and AM radio signalsthat can affect radio reception quality in amoving vehicle, even when the finestequipment is used. These characteristicsare completely normal in a given recep-tion area, and do not indicate any mal-function in your radio system.Reception conditions will constantlychange because of vehicle movement.Buildings, terrain, signal distance andinterference from other vehicles can workagainst ideal reception. Described beloware some of the factors that can affectyour radio reception.Some cellular phones or other devicesmay cause interference or a buzzing noiseto come from the audio system speakers.Storing the device in a different locationmay reduce or eliminate the noise.FM radio receptionAIVINJN1-275BC1BF-3C52-437B-9A90-2B55439E4402SAA0306Range: the FM range is normally limited to25 to 30 miles (40 to 48 km), withmonaural (single station) FM havingslightly more range than stereo FM. Ex-ternal influences may sometimes interferewith FM station reception even if the FMstation is within 25 miles (40 km). Thestrength of the FM signal is directly relatedto the distance between the transmitterand receiver. FM signals follow a line-of-sight path, exhibiting many of the samecharacteristics as light. For example theywill reflect off objects.Fade and drift: As your vehicle movesaway from a station transmitter, theCondition:3-2
(37,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]signals will tend to fade and/or drift.Static and flutter: During signal interfer-ence from buildings, large hills or due toantenna position, usually in conjunctionwith increased distance from the stationtransmitter, static or flutter can be heard.This can be reduced by lowering the treblesetting to reduce the treble response.Multipath reception: Because of the re-flective characteristics of FM signals, di-rect and reflected signals reach thereceiver at the same time. The signalsmay cancel each other, resulting in mo-mentary flutter or loss of sound.AM radio receptionAIVINJN1-F3C8ECE4-EFC7-4ED4-9553-9C805FE5ED54AM signals, because of their low fre-quency, can bend around objects and skipalong the ground. In addition, the signalscan bounce off the ionosphere and bebent back to earth. Because of thesecharacteristics, AM signals are also sub-ject to interference as they travel fromtransmitter to receiver.Fading: Occurs while the vehicle is passingthrough freeway underpasses or in areaswith many tall buildings. It can also occurfor several seconds during ionosphericturbulence even in areas where no ob-stacles exist.Static: Caused by thunderstorms, electri-cal power lines, electric signs and eventraffic lights.HD RadioTMTechnology reception(for U.S.) AIVINJN1-633FD57A-547D-47B6-A341-C9B5BFCD27BDHD Radio Technology reception needs tobe activated to receive HD Radio broad-casts.“Radio Menu” (page 3-17)This enables you to receive radio broad-casts digitally (where available), providinga better quality sound with clear recep-tion. When this feature is not activated orHD Radio broadcasts are not available,you will receive analog radio (AM/FM)broadcasts.Satellite radio receptionAIVINJN1-2273FD6D-FB06-452C-998D-A63512E7162FWhen the satellite radio is used for the firsttime or the battery has been replaced, thesatellite radio may not work properly. Thisis not a malfunction. Wait more than 10minutes with the satellite radio ON andthe vehicle outside of any metal or largebuilding for the satellite radio to receive allof the necessary data.SiriusXM services require a subscriptionafter trial period and are sold separatelyor as a package. The satellite service isavailable only in the 48 contiguous USAand DC. SiriusXM satellite service is alsoavailable in Canada; see satellite radio performance may beaffected if cargo carried on the roof blocksthe satellite radio signal.If possible, do not put cargo near thesatellite antenna.A buildup of ice on the satellite radioantenna can affect satellite radio perfor-mance. Remove the ice to restore satelliteradio reception.3. Audio systemCondition:3-3
(38,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemCOMPACT DISC (CD) PLAYERAIVINJN1-DC5E2611-026D-452C-A4AC-47F0F8806FC5SAA0480.Do not force a compact disc into theCD insert slot. This could damage theCD and/or CD player..Trying to load a CD with the CD doorclosed could damage the CD and/orCD player..During cold weather or rainy days, theplayer may malfunction due to thehumidity. If this occurs, remove the CDand dehumidify or ventilate the playercompletely..The player may skip while driving onrough roads..The CD player sometimes cannotfunction when the passenger com-partment temperature is extremelyhigh. Decrease the temperature beforeuse..Only use high quality 4.7 in (12 cm)round discs that have the “COMPACTdisc DIGITAL AUDIO” logo on the disc orpackaging..Do not expose the CD to direct sun-light..CDs that are of poor quality, dirty,scratched, covered with fingerprintsor that have pin holes may not workproperly..The following CDs may not workproperly:— Copy control compact discs (CCCD)— Recordable compact discs (CD-R)— Rewritable compact discs (CD-RW).Do not use the following CDs as theymay cause the CD player to malfunc-tion.— 3.1 in (8 cm) discs— CDs that are not round— CDs with a paper label— CDs that are warped, scratched, orhave abnormal edges.This audio system can only play pre-recorded CDs. It has no capabilities torecord or burn CDs..If the CD cannot be played, one of thefollowing messages will be displayed.Disc read error:Indicates a CLV, Focus, TOC or Accesserror. Check and reinsert the CD. Makesure that it is inserted correctly.Please eject disc:Indicates a mechanism error. If the CDcan be ejected, eject and reinsert theCD. If the CD cannot be ejected, it isrecommended you visit a NISSAN deal-er for service.Unplayable file:Indicates that a readable file is notfound on the inserted CD. Check thedata in your CD.Condition:3-4
(39,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]USB (Universal Serial Bus) CON-NECTION PORTSAIVINJN1-B14770CC-B357-4196-BAA4-5BEF948ED871WARNINGAIVINJN1-D638FED5-E54C-411B-A0EC-FC59085277A5Do not connect, disconnect or operatethe USB device while driving. Doing socan be a distraction. If distracted youcould lose control of your vehicle andcause an accident or serious injury.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-29BDBF9A-FCE3-40F6-9211-F2C802EB06DC.Do not force the USB device intothe USB connection port. Insertingthe USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damagethe port. Make sure that the USBdevice is connected correctly intothe USB connection port..Do not grab the USB connectionport cover (if so equipped) whenpulling the USB device out of theport. This could damage the portand the cover..Do not leave the USB cable in aplace where it can be pulled unin-tentionally. Pulling the cable maydamage the port.The vehicle is not equipped with a USBdevice. USB devices should be purchasedseparately as necessary.This system cannot be used to formatUSB devices. To format a USB device, use apersonal computer.In some states/areas, the USB device forthe front seats plays only sound withoutimages for regulatory reasons, even whenthe vehicle is parked.This system supports various USB mem-ory devices, USB hard drives and iPod®players. Some USB devices may not besupported by this system..Partitioned USB devices may not beplayed correctly..Some characters used in other lan-guages (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) arenot displayed properly on the display.Using English language characterswith a USB device is recommended.General notes for USB use:Refer to your device manufacturer’s own-er information regarding the proper careof the device.Notes for iPod® use:.Improperly plugging in the iPod® maycause a checkmark to be displayed onand off (flickering). Always make surethat the iPod® is connected properly..Audiobooks may not play in the sameorder as they appear on an iPod®.COMPRESSED AUDIO FILES (MP3/WMA/AAC)AIVINJN1-59506932-77E0-4626-8C21-4A60DD222070Explanation of termsAIVINJN1-EB91730C-D0C7-441C-9028-C9C6F27A417B.MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving PicturesExperts Group Audio Layer 3. MP3 isthe most well-known compressed di-gital audio file format. This formatallows for near “CD quality” sound,but at a fraction of the size of normalaudio files. MP3 conversion of an audiotrack can reduce the file size byapproximately a 10:1 ratio (Sampling:44.1 kHz, Bit rate: 128 kbps) withvirtually no perceptible loss in quality.The compression reduces certainparts of sound that seem inaudible tomost people..WMA — Windows Media Audio (WMA) isa compressed audio format created byMicrosoft as an alternative to MP3. TheWMA codec offers greater file com-pression than the MP3 codec, enablingstorage of more digital audio tracks inthe same amount of space whencompared to MP3s at the same levelof quality.3. Audio systemCondition:3-5
(40,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system.Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the numberof bits per second used by a digitalmusic file. The size and quality of acompressed digital audio file is deter-mined by the bit rate used whenencoding the file..Sampling frequency — Sampling fre-quency is the rate at which the sam-ples of a signal are converted fromanalog to digital (A/D conversion) persecond..Multisession — Multisession is one ofthe methods for writing data to media.Writing data once to the media iscalled a single session, and writingmore than once is called a multises-sion..ID3/WMA tag — The ID3/WMA tag is thepart of the encoded MP3 or WMA filethat contains information about thedigital music file such as song title,artist, album title, encoding bit rate,track time duration, etc. ID3 tag in-formation is displayed on the Album/Artist/Track title line on the display..AAC — Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) isa compressed audio format. AAC of-fers greater file compression than MP3and enables music file creation andstorage at the same quality as MP3.Playback orderAIVINJN1-2A8E94F5-2F22-4C97-ACEA-E869F1816CEFSAA2494.The folder names of folders not con-taining compressed audio files are notshown on the display..The playback order is the order inwhich the files were written by thewriting software, so the files might notplay in the desired order..Music playback order of compressedaudio files is as illustrated.Condition:3-6
(41,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Specification chart for CDAIVINJN1-AAC8B434-0F38-48A8-87BC-ED7696C5F421Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RWSupported file systems CD, CD-R, CD-RWSupported ver-sions*1MP3Version MPEG1 Audio Layer3, MPEG2 Audio Layer3Sampling frequency MPEG1 Audio Layer3: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHzMPEG2 Audio Layer3: 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 24kHzBit rate MPEG1 Audio Layer3: 32 kbps - 320 kbpsMPEG2 Audio Layer3: 8 kbps - 160 kbpsWMA*2Version WMA7, WMA8, WMA9, WMA9.1, WMA9.2Bit rate/Sampling fre-quencyBit rate: Ver7, Ver8: 32-192kbps Ver9,Ver9.1,Ver9.2:32-192kbps, VBRSampling frequency: Ver7, Ver8:8k/11.025k/16k/22k/32k/44.1k Ver9,Ver9.1,Ver9.2:8k/11.025k/16k/22k/32k/44.1k/48 kHzAAC*3 Bit rate/Sampling fre-quencyBit rate: 8-256 kbps, VBRSampling frequency: 11.025-48kHzTag information (Song title, Artist name and Albumname)ID3 tag VER1.0, VER1.1, VER2.2, VER2.3, VER2.4 (MP3 only)WMA tag (WMA only)AAC tag (AAC only)Folder levels CD, CD-R, CD-RW: Folder levels: 8, Folders: 255 (including root folder), Files: 510 (Max.255 files for one folder)Displayable character codes*4 01: SHIFT-JIS, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16 BOM, UTF-16 Big Endian, UTF-16 LittleEndian, 02: UNICODE, 03: UTF-16*1 Files created with a combination of 48 kHz sampling frequency and 64 kbps bit rate cannot be played.*2 Protected WMA files (DRM) cannot be played.*3 Made by iTunes.3. Audio systemCondition:3-7
(42,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system*4 Available codes depend on what kind of media, versions and information are going to be displayed.Specification chart for USBGUID-6D2C4A13-89EC-4642-A614-FF0B956F762CSupported media USB2.0Supported file systems FAT12, FAT16, FAT32Folder levels Folder levels: 8, Files via folder: 255, Folders: 512 (including root folder), Files: 8000Tag information (Song title, Artist name andAlbum name)ID3 tag VER1.0, VER1.1, VER2.2, VER2.3, VER2.4 (MP3 only)WMA tag (WMA only)AAC tag (AAC only)Format Sampling frequency Supported bitrateMP3 *1 MPEG1 Layer-3 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 32-320 kbpsMPEG2 16, 22.05, 24 kHz 8-160 kbpsWMA *2 8, 11.025, 16 ,22.05, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 12-192 kbpsAAC (MPEG4) *3 (Extension “m4a” only) 11.025, 16, 22.05, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 8-320 kbps*1 MPEG2.5 is not supported.*2 WMA7, WMA8, WMA9, WMA9.1, WMA9.2 are supported. (WMA9 Professional, Lossless, Voice are not supported.)*3 Only AAC files encoded by iTunes are supported. HE-AAC (High-Efficiency) is not supported.Condition:3-8
(43,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]BLUETOOTH® STREAMING AUDIOAIVINJN1-24BDA0F9-283E-4615-995E-7F61FFF7F7B7.Some Bluetooth® audio devices maynot be recognized by the in-vehicleaudio system..It is necessary to set up the wirelessconnection between a compatibleBluetooth® audio device and the in-vehicle Bluetooth® module beforeusing the Bluetooth® streaming audio..The Bluetooth® streaming audio maystop playing when— receiving a hands-free call.— checking the connection to thehands-free phone.— connecting the hands-free phone orthe audio device.— downloading the phonebook mem-ory from the connected cellularphone..Do not place a Bluetooth® audio de-vice in an area surrounded by metal orfar away from the in-vehicle Blue-tooth® module to prevent tone qualitydegradation and wireless connectiondisruption..While an audio device is connectedthrough a Bluetooth® wireless con-nection, the battery of the devicemay discharge quicker than usual..This system supports the Bluetooth®Advanced Audio Distribution Profile(A2DP) and Audio/Video Remote Con-trol Profile (AVRCP)..Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Blue-tooth® functions share the same fre-quency band (2.4 GHz). Using theBluetooth® and the wireless LAN func-tions at the same time may slow downor disconnect the communication andcause undesired noise. It is recom-mended that you turn off the wirelessLAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Bluetooth®functions.3. Audio systemCondition:3-9
(44,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemNAMES AND FUNCTIONS OFAUDIO CONTROL BUTTONSAIVINJN1-AABAE45E-5D0B-46C4-B8C5-63D6B3725503AUDIO MAIN BUTTONSAIVINJN1-BF54B88E-4C49-415B-A092-1CE4DFB2AE855GA0199X< >:Push to eject a CD.CD slot:Insert a CD with the label side facingup.< >/< >:Push to select and fast-forward/re-wind tracks and to tune radio sta-tions/channels.<AUDIO>:Push to display the audio screen.Push again to display the audiosource select screen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)<VOLUME/ >:Push to turn on/off the audio system.Turn to adjust the volume.<TUNE·SCROLL/OK>:Turn to manually tune AM/FM, toselect SiriusXM channels or MP3/WMA/AAC folders.Push to select the highlighted itemwhen a menu screen is displayed.When this button is pushed when noitem on the screen is highlighted, theaudio settings can be adjusted.“Audio adjustments with audioadjust bar” (page 3-34)<BACK>:Depending on the screen, pushing thebutton will display the previousscreen.Condition:3-10
(45,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]AUDIO CONTROL STEERINGWHEEL SWITCHESAIVINJN1-8D8B77B0-542F-4040-8910-08948E84EDF45GA0187X<+ ->(Volume control):Push + or - side of the switch to adjustthe volume.< >/< >:Push while the audio system is turnedon to change tracks and radio presetstations or channels.INFO:Steering wheel switches are mainly for thevehicle information display control andmay not be able to operate the touchscreen display in all conditions.AUDIO OPERATIONSAIVINJN1-8910DA01-FA52-4035-BC56-AEEA46A2B06EAUDIO MAIN OPERATIONAIVINJN1-21A3D1F2-D88E-4CCE-B170-B9485A368E7FTurning audio system on/offAIVINJN1-DEC1D39C-0B79-4535-9FBF-86BD31187CDDThe ignition switch must be in the ACC orON position to turn on the audio system.Push <VOLUME/ >or <AUDIO> to turnon the last audio source that was playingimmediately before the system wasturned off. To turn off the audio system,push <VOLUME/ >again.Selecting audio sourceAIVINJN1-2A84B441-03C2-4E17-9A89-AC3DD54D9273Selecting from source menu screen:5GA0188X1. Push <AUDIO> when the audio screenis displayed.2. Select an audio source you prefer toplay.INFO:.Touching [Source] on the upper leftcorner of the audio screen will alsodisplay the audio source menu screen..The audio source can change byoperating the vehicle information dis-play. Refer to the vehicle Owner’sManual for the detail of the vehicleinformation display.Selecting from Launch Bar:5GA0189XThe source icons are displayed on theLaunch Bar. Touch the icon to select thepreferred audio source.Customizing audio Launch Bar:The source icons displayed in the audioLaunch Bar can be customized.3. Audio systemCondition:3-11
(46,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system5GA0190X1. Push <AUDIO> or touch [Source], whilethe Audio screen is displayed.2. Touch [Customize Audio Sources].3. Drag the preferred source icon to theLaunch Bar.4. Push <BACK> or touch to confirmthe setting.RADIO AIVINJN1-952EDDB7-2BDB-4ADF-BF9F-C1407C8FAA3EHow to view radio screenAIVINJN1-C7E211CC-F05B-44A2-86A6-770B8278B318 AM/FM screen:Condition:3-12
(47,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GA0191X[AM Menu]/[FM Menu]:Touch to display the radio menuscreen.“Radio Menu” (page 3-17)[Source]:Touch to display the audio sourcescreen to select another audio source.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Audio source indicator:Indicates the currently selected audiosource.Reception information display:Reception information currently avail-able such as frequency, station, name,etc. are displayed.Turn direction indicator (if soequipped):When a navigation route is set, turn-ing direction and the distance to thenext turn is displayed.Preset list:To listen to a preset station, touch thecorresponding station from the pre-set list. If displayed, touch [ < ] or [ > ] toscroll the preset list.Touch and hold one of the keys in thepreset list to store the currently play-3. Audio systemCondition:3-13
(48,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systeming station to that key location.“Presetting” (page 3-16)HD Radio mode on/off key (for U.S.):The HD Radio mode turns on and theindicator comes on by touching itwhile the AM or FM radio screen isdisplayed.SiriusXM screen:5GA0192XCondition:3-14
(49,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][SXM Menu]:Touch to display the SiriusXM menuscreen.“Radio Menu” (page 3-17)[Source]:Touch to display the audio sourcescreen to select another audio source.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Audio source indicator:Indicates the currently selected audiosource.Reception information display:The channel artwork will indicate thecurrently tuned channel name. Alsothe channel number, artist and title ofthe currently played song is displayed.Channel artwork:Images or artwork displayed by thecurrently playing channel.[Replay]:Up to 60 minutes of the broadcast ofthe currently playing channel can bereplayed. Touching [Presets] will re-turn to current SiriusXM reception.Traffic & Weather Now indicator/Sports flash indicator:An indicator will be displayed whenaudio traffic, weather, and sportsinformation is available for pre-regis-tered cities and sports teams. Theindicator color signifies the currentstatus:Traffic & Weather NowGray: not availableWhite: already readGreen: new information availableRed: replayingSports FlashGray: not availableWhite: favorite team(s) not playingGreen: favorite team(s) playingRed: replayingPreset list:To listen to a preset channel, touchthe corresponding channel from thepreset list. [ < ] or [ > ] to scroll thepreset list. If displayed, touch and holdone of the keys in the preset list tostore the currently playing station tothat key location.“Presetting” (page 3-16)Live Mode or Replay Mode indicator:The Live Mode is displayed whenreceiving the currently broadcastingchannel, and the Replay Mode isdisplayed when replaying.NOTE:.The SiriusXM function will not oper-ate without a subscription to Sir-iusXM Satellite Radio..HD Radio (for U.S.) reception needs tobe activated to receive HD Radiobroadcasts. This enables you to re-ceive radio broadcasts digitally(where available), providing a betterquality sound with clear reception.When this feature is not activated orHD Radio broadcasts are not avail-able, you will receive analog radio(AM/FM) broadcasts.Radio operationAIVINJN1-70A6C418-6C6D-4604-A521-AA2E6BCD59DCRadio activation and band selection:To listen to the radio, turn on the audiosystem and select a preferred radio band.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)3. Audio systemCondition:3-15
(50,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemINFO:When the stereo broadcast signal is weak,the radio will automatically change fromstereo to monaural reception.Tuning:To tune to stations/channels manually,turn <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> until the pre-ferred station is selected.Seek tuning:Push <>/< > or push and hold<>/< > on the steering wheel to seekup/down to the next receivable broadcaststation or channel.Presetting:Up to 6 for AM, 12 for FM and 18 for SXMstations/channels can be registered in thepreset list.1. Select a radio band (AM, FM or SXM).2. Tune to the station/channel you wishto store.3. Touch and hold one of the presetnumbers in the preset list.4. The information such as frequency(AM/FM), channel number (SXM), etc.will be displayed on the preset list.To select and listen to the preset stations/channels, push <>/< > on the steer-ing wheel briefly or touch a preferredstation/channel on the preset list on theradio screen.Condition:3-16
(51,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Radio MenuAIVINJN1-D950716C-9E53-45AA-A4AF-8EC5B4A2CD6ETouch [FM Menu], [AM Menu], and [SXM Menu] on each radio screen to display the corresponding menu screen.The following operations and settings are available.[FM Menu]/[AM Menu]:[SCAN] To scan tune the stations, touch [FM Menu] or [AM Menu] on the radio screen andthen touch [SCAN] or [Start Tune Scan]. The stations will be tuned from low to highfrequencies and stop at each broadcasting station for several seconds. Touching[SCAN] again during this period of several seconds will stop scan tuning and theradio will remain tuned to that station. Pushing and holding < >/< > will alsoscan tune the stations.[Info] Display the radio station information.[Refresh] Touch to update the station list displayed on the right side of the menu screen.[Station List] Touch to select a station from the station list.[SXM Menu]:[Now Playing] Displays the current SXM screen.[Channel List] Touch to display the channel list.[Direct Tune] Touch to select a channel by entering channel number directly. Touch [Now Playing] to return to theSXM screen.[Tag Artist] Touch to save the current artist as a favorite.[Tag Song] Touch to save the current song as a favorite.[Categories] Touch to select a channel by selecting from the category list.[Start Tune Scan] ZZZ[Favorite Artists: History] Touch to display the favorite artist alert history.[Favorite Songs: History] Touch to display the favorite song alert history.[Sports Flash: History] Touch to display the sports flash alert history.3. Audio systemCondition:3-17
(52,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system[Edit Favorite Artists] Turn on/off the notification for favorite artists . Touching [Turn All Alerts ON]/[Turn All Alerts OFF] canturn on/off for all artist at once. Touching [ ] can delete a stored favorite artist and [Delete All Favorites]deletes all stored artists.[Edit Favorite Songs] Turn on/off the notification for favorite songs . Touching [Turn All Alerts ON]/[Turn All Alerts OFF] canturn on/off for all song at once. Touching [ ] can delete a stored favorite song and [Delete All Favorites]deletes all stored song.[Edit Sports Flash Teams] Turn on/off the notification for a favorite team. Touching [Turn All Alerts ON]/[Turn All Alerts OFF] canturn on/off for all team at once. Touching [ ] can delete a stored favorite team. [Add Team] can add anew favorite team to the list.[Edit Favorite TWN City] ZZZ[Notification Settings] Touch to turn on/off the notifications for Artists, Songs, and Sports Flash.Turning on [Alert on Non-Audio Screens] can also display the notification on menu screens other thanthe audio screen.[Customize Channel List] Touch to customize the channel list. Only the selected channels will be tuned in to when you seek orscan the channels. You can select each item or select [Disable All Channels]/[Enable All Channels]. Youcan also turn on/off [Mature Channels].[Tune Start] Touch to turn on/off the tune start feature. This feature buffers the content playing on each of theSiriusXM preset channels, so that when a preset channel is selected, the currently playing song alwaysstarts playing from the beginning.INFO:.SiriusXM services require a subscrip-tion after trial period and are soldseparately or as a package. The satel-lite service is available only in the 48contiguous USA and DC. SiriusXM sa-tellite service is also available in Cana-da; see may take some time to receive theactivation signal after the initiation ofthe SiriusXM Satellite Radio subscrip-tion. After receiving the activationsignal, an available channel list willautomatically be updated in the radio.Change the position of the ignitionswitch from LOCK to ACC to updatethe SiriusXM channel list.Condition:3-18
(53,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]COMPACT DISC (CD) PLAYERAIVINJN1-A28D720F-2D75-4FE8-83A3-198D5B21527CHow to view CD screenAIVINJN1-E902B692-E481-4875-91FE-430C4B4967C65GA0193X[CD Menu]:Touch to display the CD Menu screen.“CD Menu” (page 3-21)[Source]:Touch to switch to the source selectscreen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Track information:Track information such as the songtitle, artist name and album name aredisplayed.Audio source indicator:Indicates that CD is the currentlyselected audio source.Play time and progress bar:The play time of the track is displayed.The bar indicates the progress inplaying the current track.Turn direction indicator (if soequipped):When a navigation route is set, turn-ing direction and the distance to thenext turn is displayed.CD operation keys:Touch to control CD playback func-tions.3. Audio systemCondition:3-19
(54,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system[ ] Each time [ ] is touched, therepeat mode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-20)[] Touch once to return to thebeginning of the current track.Touch again to select the pre-vious track. Touch and hold torewind the current track.[] Touch to play the track.[] Touch to pause the track.[] Touch to select the next track.Touch and hold to fast-forwardthe track.[] Each time [ ] is touched, therandom mode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-20)CD player operationAIVINJN1-28CAF061-63D9-4EF3-8A20-5A9D2E94AB19Loading:Insert a CD into the slot with the label sidefacing up. The CD will be guided auto-matically into the slot and start playing.Activation and playing:The CD mode can be also selected fromthe source list with a CD loaded.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)Skipping tracks:To skip the tracks, push<>/< >,touch [ ]/[ ] on the screen, or push<>/< > on the steering wheel re-peatedly until preferred track is selected.INFO:Depending on the condition, skipping tothe previous track may require pushingthe button or touching the key twice.Pushing the button or touching the keyonce may only restart the current trackfrom the beginning.Changing folders:To change folders, touch [CD Menu].“CD Menu” (page 3-21)Turn <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> to skip to dif-ferent folders. If no folders are found,tracks will be skipped.Fast-forwarding/rewinding:The following operation methods areavailable for rewinding and fast-forward-ing the track.Push and hold <>/< > or touch andhold []/[ ] to fast-forward or rewindthe track.Push and holding <>/< > on thesteering wheel can also fast-forward orrewind the track.Changing play mode:Repeat modeTouch [ ] on the CD screen to changethe repeat mode as follows..CD:(off) ?Repeat All ?Repeat Track ?(off).CD with compressed audio files:(off) ?[Repeat Folder] ?[RepeatTrack] ?(off)Random modeTouch [ ] on the CD screen to changethe random mode as follows.(off) Û[Random]Ejecting CD:Push <>to eject a CD. If the CD isejected and left unremoved, it will bereloaded into the slot for protection.Condition:3-20
(55,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:The ignition switch must be placed in theACC or ON position in order for the CD toeject.CD MenuAIVINJN1-BD38972D-E8A7-43E7-A28D-CE746107BE8DTouch [CD Menu] on the CD screen todisplay the CD menu screen.The following items are available.[Now Playing] Touch to return to the CDscreen.Folder* andtrack listThe folder and track list isdisplayed.Touch an item on the list toselect the folder or track.Touch [ ] and go back tothe previous screen.*: Displayed only when available.INFO:Touching [A-Z] and turning <TUNE·SC-ROLL/OK> can scroll the list to the sectionthat begins with the letter selected.USB MEMORY DEVICE PLAYERAIVINJN1-4ECBAE05-C74A-4D4B-B183-1F4933C3C92BConnecting USB memory deviceAIVINJN1-8B4A7CDA-0428-4D60-A67E-D4AD0C453CB2WARNINGAIVINJN1-7C36272E-AE1E-43BA-94B2-1E6C0F2EAB4ADo not connect, disconnect or operatethe USB device while driving. Doing socan be a distraction. If distracted youcould lose control of your vehicle andcause an accident or serious injury.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-CB76B5B0-513A-4CC4-AA5C-3FE7C3714282.Do not force the USB device intothe USB connection port. Insertingthe USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damagethe port. Make sure that the USBdevice is connected correctly intothe USB connection port..Do not grab the USB connectionport cover (if so equipped) whenpulling the USB device out of theport. This could damage the portand the cover..Do not leave the USB cable in aplace where it can be pulled unin-tentionally. Pulling the cable maydamage the port.Refer to your device manufacturer’s own-er information regarding the proper useand care of the device.When compatible storage devices areplugged into the port, compatible audiofiles on the storage devices can be playedthrough the vehicle’s audio system.For the location of the USB connectionport:“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connec-tion Ports and AUX (auxiliary) inputjack” (page 2-4)3. Audio systemCondition:3-21
(56,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemHow to view USB screenAIVINJN1-E9144E87-0DC7-4702-9C76-7699BDDE627E5GA0194X[USB Menu]:Touch to switch to the USB Menuscreen.“USB Menu” (page 3-24)[Source]:Touch to switch to the source selectscreen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Track information:Track information such as the songtitle, artist name and album name aredisplayed.Device name indicator:Indicates the name of the USB devicecurrently playing.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Album artworkAlbum artwork is displayed whenavailable if the setting is turned on.“USB Menu” (page 3-24)When the album artwork displaysetting is turned off, the turn directionand the distance to the next turn (if soequipped) are displayed when a routeis set.Condition:3-22
(57,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Play time and progress bar:The play time of the track is displayed.The bar indicates the progress inplaying a track.USB operation keys:Touch to control USB playback func-tions.[ ] Each time [ ] is touched, therepeat mode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-23)[] Touch to return to the begin-ning of the current track.Touch again to select the pre-vious track. Touch and hold torewind the current track.[] Touch to play the track.[] Touch to pause the track.[] Touch to select the next track.Touch and hold to fast-forwardthe track.[] Each time [ ] is touched, therandom mode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-23)USB memory device player op-eration AIVINJN1-D6F756B8-A874-4D4F-BD71-90C3D033F1C0Activation and playing:Connecting the USB memory device intothe port will start playing the USB mem-ory.USB memory device can also be played byselecting the source on the audio sourcemenu screen.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)To pause playing the USB memory device,touch [ ]. To resume playing, touch[].Selecting search method:A list of search methods is displayed in theUSB menu. Touch [USB Menu] to displaythe USB menu. Touch and select an itemto play the USB memory device in yourpreferred settings.Skipping tracks:To skip the tracks, push <>/< >,touch [ ]/[ ] on the screen, or push<>/< > on the steering wheel re-peatedly until preferred track is selected.INFO:Depending on the condition, skipping tothe previous track may require pushingthe button or touching the key twice.Pushing the button or touching the keyonce may only restart the current trackfrom the beginning.Fast-forwarding/rewinding:To rewind or fast-forward the track, pushand hold <>/< >, touch and hold[]/[ ], or push and hold < >/< >on the steering wheel.Changing play mode:Repeat modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therepeat mode as follows.(off) ?[Repeat Track] ?[Repeat List] ?(off)Random modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therandom mode as follows.(off) ?[Random] ?(off)3. Audio systemCondition:3-23
(58,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemUSB MenuAIVINJN1-D7405901-8E6D-4B27-8B77-BD50EA7A85CFTouch [USB Menu] on the USB screen todisplay the USB Menu screen.The following items are available.[Now Play-ing]Touch to display the USBscreen.[Folder List]*Touch to display the folderlist. Touch an item on the listto select the folder.The sub-folder or track listwill be displayed. Select asub-folder or track from thelist.[Album Art-work]Touch to turn on/off thealbum artwork display on theUSB screen.[Playlists] Touch to display the list ac-cording to the selected item.[Artists][Albums][Songs][Genres][Compo-sers]*: Displayed only when available.INFO:Touching [A-Z] and turning <TUNE·SC-ROLL/OK> can scroll the list to the sectionthat begins with the letter selected.iPod® PLAYERAIVINJN1-92F97DCC-8A7B-4962-B3EF-B537B5AA8CFEConnecting iPod®AIVINJN1-86159E90-EC5B-440C-8A60-183226DEE0E7WARNINGAIVINJN1-C453A87C-64C0-4767-B2B9-1DFB0071D5E4Do not connect, disconnect or operatethe USB device while driving. Doing socan be a distraction. If distracted youcould lose control of your vehicle andcause an accident or serious injury.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-C6CBE390-ED4E-4097-B728-0BB7E93ABE0F.Do not force the USB device intothe USB connection port. Insertingthe USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damagethe port. Make sure that the USBdevice is connected correctly intothe USB connection port..Do not grab the USB connectionport cover (if so equipped) whenpulling the USB device out of theport. This could damage the portand the cover..Do not leave the USB cable in aplace where it can be pulled unin-tentionally. Pulling the cable maydamage the port.Connect the iPod® to the USB connectionport.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connec-tion Ports and AUX (auxiliary) inputjack” (page 2-4)The battery of the iPod® will be chargedwhile the device is connected to thevehicle if the iPod® supports charging viaa USB connection.Depending on the device and firmwareversion of the iPod®, the display on theiPod® shows a NISSAN or Accessory At-tached screen when the connection iscompleted. When the iPod® is connectedto the vehicle, the iPod® music library canonly be operated by the vehicle audiocontrols.Compatibility:Made for.iPod touch® (5th generation).iPod touch® (4th generation).iPod classic® (6.2 generation)Condition:3-24
(59,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].iPod classic® (6.1 generation).iPod classic® (6th generation).iPod nano® (7th generation).iPod nano® (6th generation).iPod nano® (5th generation).iPhone® 6 Plus.iPhone® 6.iPhone® 5s.iPhone® 5c.iPhone® 5.iPhone® 4sINFO:.Make sure that the iPod® firmware isupdated..The LightningTMconnector works withiPhone® 5, iPod touch® (5th genera-tion), and iPod nano® (7th generation).The 30-pin connector works withiPhone® 4s, iPod touch® (4th genera-tion), iPod classic® and iPod nano® (5thand 6th generation).USB works with iPhone® 5, iPhone® 4s,iPod touch® (4th and 5th generation)iPod classic® and iPod nano® (5ththrough 7th generation)..Refer to your device manufacturer’sowner information regarding theproper use and care of the device.3. Audio systemCondition:3-25
(60,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemHow to view iPod® screenAIVINJN1-266AD5A0-1330-4370-8D3C-7E9AB4FC7E8E5GA0195X[iPod Menu]:Touch to display the iPod® Menuscreen.“iPod® Menu” (page 3-27)[Source]:Touch to switch to the source listscreen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Track information:Track information such as the songtitle, artist name and album name aredisplayed.Device name indicator:Indicates that iPod® is the currentlyselected audio source.Album artwork:Album artwork is displayed whenavailable if the setting is turned on.“iPod® Menu” (page 3-27)When the album artwork displaysetting is turned off, the turn directionand the distance to the next turn (if soequipped) are displayed when a routeis set.Play time and progress bar:The play time of the track is displayed.The progress bar indicates the pro-Condition:3-26
(61,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]gress in playing the current track.iPod® operation keys:Touch to control iPod® playback func-tions.[ ] Each time [ ] is touched, themode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-27)[] Touch to return to the begin-ning of the current track. Touchagain to select the previoustrack. Touch and hold to re-wind the current track.[] Touch to play the track.[] Touch to pause the track.[] Touch to select the next track.Touch and hold to fast-forwardthe track.[] Each time [ ] is touched, themode changes.“Changing play mode”(page 3-27)iPod® player operationAIVINJN1-28BF6832-2085-494B-A4E6-1813413B09C2Activation and playing:Connecting iPod® to the vehicle via USBcable will activate the iPod® mode.The iPod® can also be played by selectingthe source on the audio source menuscreen.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)Selecting search method:A list of search methods is displayed in theiPod® menu.Touch [iPod Menu] to display the iPod®menu. Touch and select an item to playthe iPod® in your preferred settings.Skipping tracks:To skip the tracks, push <>/< >,touch [ ]/[ ] on the screen, or push<>/< > on the steering wheel re-peatedly until preferred track is selected.INFO:Depending on the condition, skipping tothe previous track may require pushingthe button or touching the key twice.Pushing the button or touching the keyonce may only restart the current trackfrom the beginning.Turning <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> while a trackis playing will also skip the tracks.Fast-forwarding/rewinding:To fast-forward or rewind the track, pushand hold <>/< >, touch and hold[]/[ ], or push and hold < >/< >on the steering wheel.Changing play mode:Repeat modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therepeat mode as follows.(off) ?[Repeat List] ?(off)Random modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therandom mode as follows.(off) ?[Random] ?(off)iPod® MenuAIVINJN1-1EDCB51F-8470-481B-BD52-A860687C05EATouch [iPod Menu] on the iPod® screen todisplay the iPod® menu screen.The following items are available.3. Audio systemCondition:3-27
(62,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio system[NowPlaying]Touch to display the iPod®screen.[CurrentList]Touch to display the menu listwhich was displayed most re-cently.[AlbumArtwork]Touch to turn on/off the al-bum artwork display on theiPod® screen.[Playlists] Touch to display the list ac-cording to the selected item.[Artists][Albums][Songs][Genres][Compo-sers][Audio-books][Podcasts]INFO:On the list screen, touch and hold [ ] or[] on the right side of the screen tojump by letter for faster scrolling.BLUETOOTH® AUDIOAIVINJN1-6D822548-78A4-4D36-B8BE-13EE7D8B3971Your vehicle is equipped with Bluetooth®Audio.If you have a compatible Bluetooth®device with streaming audio capability(A2DP profile), you can set up a wirelessconnection between your Bluetooth® de-vice and the in-vehicle audio system. Thisconnection allows you to listen to theaudio from the Bluetooth® device usingyour vehicle speakers. It also may allowbasic control of the device for playing andskipping audio files using the AVRCP Blue-tooth® profile. Not all Bluetooth® deviceshave the same level of controls for AVRCP.Please consult the manual for your Blue-tooth® device for more details.Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Bluetooth®functions share the same frequency band(2.4 GHz). Using the Bluetooth® and thewireless LAN functions at the same timemay slow down or disconnect the com-munication and cause undesired noise. Itis recommended that you turn off thewireless LAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Blue-tooth® functions.Connecting Bluetooth® audio de-vice AIVINJN1-35FDD5DF-AF21-4074-8409-897CA408B2B2A Bluetooth® audio device must be con-nected to the vehicle before operation.“Setting Bluetooth®” (page 2-16)Condition:3-28
(63,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]How to view Bluetooth® audio screenAIVINJN1-7EB7CC01-4D10-4A62-9367-0139FAD07C365GA0196X[BT Menu]:Touch to display the Bluetooth® audiomenu screen.“BT Menu” (page 3-31)[Source]:Touch to switch to the source listscreen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Track information:Track information such as the songtitle, artist name and album name aredisplayed.Device name indicator:Indicates the name of the Bluetoothaudio device currently playing.Album artwork:Album artwork is displayed whenavailable if the setting is turned on.“BT Menu” (page 3-31)When the album artwork displaysetting is turned off, the turn directionand the distance to the next turn (if soequipped) are displayed when a routeis set.Play time and Progress bar:The play time of the track is displayed.The Progress bar indicates the pro-3. Audio systemCondition:3-29
(64,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemgress in playing the current track.Bluetooth® audio operation keys:Touch to control Bluetooth® audioplayback.[ ] Each time [ ] istouched, the repeatmode changes.“Changing playmode” (page 3-31)[] Touch to return to thebeginning of the currenttrack. Touch again toselect the previoustrack. Touch and hold torewind the current track.[] Touch to play the track.[] Touch to pause thetrack.[] Touch to select the nexttrack. Touch and hold tofast-forward the track.[] Each time [ ] istouched, the randommode changes.“Changing playmode” (page 3-31)INFO:Depending on the audio device that isconnected to the vehicle, track informa-tion may not be displayed.Bluetooth® audio operationAIVINJN1-1383FDB6-EEAE-412C-8E8F-2D0CFC7AD013The ability to pause, change tracks, fastforward, rewind, randomize and repeatmusic may be different between devices.Some or all of these functions may not besupported on each device.INFO:Depending on the Bluetooth® audio de-vice that is connected, it may not bepossible to perform audio operations ora delay may occur before music is playedback.Activation and playing:A Bluetooth® audio device can be playedby selecting the source on the audiosource menu screen.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)To pause playing the Bluetooth® audio,touch [ ]. Touch [ ] to resumeplaying.Skipping tracks:Push <>/< >, touch [ ]/[ ] on thescreen, or push <>/< > on the steer-ing wheel briefly to skip to the next or theprevious track.INFO:Depending on the condition, skipping tothe previous track may require pushingthe button or touching the key twice.Pushing the button or touching the keyonce may only restart the current trackfrom the beginning.While a track is playing, turning <TUNE·SC-ROLL/OK> will also skip the tracks.Changing folders:To change folders, touch [BT Menu].“BT Menu” (page 3-31)Turn <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> to skip to dif-ferent folders. If no folders are found,tracks will be skipped.Fast-forwarding/rewinding:To fast-forward or rewind the track, pushand hold <>/< >, touch and hold[]/[ ], or push and hold < >/< >on the steering wheel.Condition:3-30
(65,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Changing play mode:Repeat modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therepeat mode.Random modeTouch [ ] on the screen to change therandom mode.INFO:Available repeat/random modes changedepending on the connected device.BT Menu AIVINJN1-AAD511F7-A469-4A45-8111-0410E225502ETouch [BT Menu] on the Bluetooth® audioscreen to display the Bluetooth® audiomenu screen.The following items are available.[Now Play-ing]Touch to display the Blue-tooth® audio screen.[Album Art-work]Touch to turn on/off thealbum artwork display on theBluetooth® audio screen.[Connec-tions]Touch to display the con-nections screen.“connections settings”(page 2-16)Folder list * Touch to display the folderlist. Touch an item on the listto select the folder.[CurrentList]A list of the currently playingtrack is displayed.*: Displayed only when available.AUXILIARY (AUX) DEVICESAIVINJN1-7E4C982E-CE83-4819-8396-9601FE8561DBConnecting auxiliary devicesAIVINJN1-9776C08E-803B-4D3E-857D-1723F8FE9887The auxiliary input jack is located in themedia pocket.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connec-tion Ports and AUX (auxiliary) inputjack” (page 2-4)The auxiliary input jack accepts any stan-dard analog audio input such as from aportable cassette player, CD player or MP3player.INFO:Insert a 1/8 in (3.5 mm) stereo mini plug inthe audio input jack. If a cable with a monoplug is used, the audio output may notfunction normally.AUX operationAIVINJN1-8467D2B9-7D28-4DAB-8F80-11B9ACDD5164Activation and playing:Turn on an AUX device.Connect an AUX cable to the AUX deviceand the AUX jack. Select AUX mode fromthe audio source menu screen.“Selecting audio source” (page 3-11)3. Audio systemCondition:3-31
(66,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemHow to view AUX screenAIVINJN1-3A8A4717-B982-4AEC-B5FA-083909A32A945GA0197X[Source]:Touch to switch to the source listscreen.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Audio source indicator:Indicates that the AUX source iscurrently playing.Turn direction indicator (if soequipped):When a navigation route is set, theturn direction and the distance to thenext turn are displayed.Volume Setting keys:Touch one of the keys to select thesound output gain from [Low], [Med-ium] and [High].SMARTPHONE AUDIOGUID-09570053-D159-44C3-92FA-82928FDB59BAYou can also listen to music from yourcompatible smartphone using Apple Car-Play or Android Auto.“Apple CarPlay” (page 5-21)“Android Auto” (page 5-23)Connecting smartphoneGUID-85D99C1D-6F8E-4540-A0B8-CE584A4F7ED2Connect the iPhone® or Android device tothe USB connection port.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connec-tion Ports and AUX (auxiliary) inputjack” (page 2-4)Smartphone audio operationGUID-869103BD-04F6-4DB6-95CA-436C13C02B751. Connect the iPhone® or Android de-vice to the USB connection port andactivate CarPlay or Android Auto.2. Push <AUDIO>.3. Touch [Source].4. Touch [Apple CarPlay] or [AndroidAuto] in the audio source menuscreen, and the smartphone audiostarts activating.“Selecting audio source”(page 3-11)Condition:3-32
(67,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]AUDIO SETTINGSAIVINJN1-ECFE1718-B192-4A27-91B2-70E3D8B84B09Audio settings can be adjusted or audio related functions can be turned on/off with the following procedure.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Sound].Setting items Action[Bass]Adjust the speaker tone quality and sound balance by touching [-]/[+], [L]/[R] or [R]/[F].[Middle][Treble][Balance][Fade][Bass enhancer] When this item is turned on, system enhances bass sound.[Speed-Sensitive Volume] Automatically adjusts the volume depending on the vehicle speed. Touch [-]/[+] to changethe sensitivity level.3. Audio systemCondition:3-33
(68,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]3. Audio systemAUDIO ADJUSTMENTS WITHAUDIO ADJUST BARAIVINJN1-4037132B-707C-4A3D-B14B-B0CCB3B69C4B5GA0198XSound quality can be adjusted with <TU-NE·SCROLL/OK>. Push <TUNE·SCROLL/OK>, when a list screen is not displayed,and the audio adjust bar is displayed. Eachtime <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> is pushed, theselected setting item will change as fol-lows.[Bass] ?[Middle] ?[Treble] ?[Balance] ?[Fade]Turn <TUNE·SCROLL/OK> to adjust thelevel of the selected setting item.CD/USB MEMORY DEVICE CAREAND CLEANINGAIVINJN1-382E2C0C-F95D-4F32-83DB-7AC976003DF3CD AIVINJN1-2435A350-AAE3-4957-A686-FFDF46B8AF14SAA0451.Handle a CD by its edges. Never touchthe surface of the disc. Do not bendthe disc..Always place the discs in the storagecase when they are not being used..To clean a disc, wipe the surface fromthe center to the outer edge using aclean, soft cloth. Do not wipe the discusing a circular motion.Do not use a conventional recordcleaner or alcohol intended for indus-trial use..A new disc may be rough on the innerand outer edges. Remove the roughedges by rubbing the inner and outeredges with the side of a pen or pencilas illustrated.USB MEMORY DEVICEAIVINJN1-F355BB54-6B69-4B59-B94F-C82FA1BFE34F.Never touch the terminal portion ofthe USB memory device..Do not place heavy objects on the USBmemory device..Do not store the USB memory devicein highly humid locations..Do not expose the USB memory deviceto direct sunlight..Do not spill any liquids on the USBmemory device.Refer to the USB memory device Owner’sManual for the details.Condition:3-34
(69,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4 Hands-Free PhoneBluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System .......................... 4-2Indicators ......................................................................................... 4-3Phone ................................................................................................. 4-4Hands-free text messaging assistant ....................... 4-6Phone and text messageassistant settings ................................................................... 4-10Condition:
(70,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhoneBLUETOOTH® HANDS-FREEPHONE SYSTEMAIVINJN1-99952F72-0167-4B11-9D0E-D9F1C385EEA8WARNINGAIVINJN1-7F406CDD-BABB-46F8-BC69-A755B0FADFB7.Use a phone after stopping yourvehicle in a safe location. If youhave to use a phone while driving,exercise extreme caution at alltimes so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation..If you find yourself unable to de-vote full attention to vehicle op-eration while talking on the phone,pull off the road to a safe locationand stop your vehicle before doingso.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-8975B6E7-2E20-43DC-92EC-4B59345EC04DTo avoid draining the vehicle battery,use a phone only after starting theengine or the hybrid system.Your vehicle is equipped with Bluetooth®Hands-Free Phone System. If you are anowner of a compatible Bluetooth® en-abled cellular phone, you can set up thewireless connection between your cellularphone and the in-vehicle phone module.With Bluetooth® wireless technology, youcan make or receive a telephone call withyour cellular phone in your pocket.Once a cellular phone is connected to thein-vehicle phone module, the procedurefor connecting the phone does not needto be performed again. Your phone willautomatically re-connect to the in-vehiclephone module when the ignition switch isplaced in the ON position with the se-lected cellular phone turned on andcarried in the vehicle.You can register up to 6 different Blue-tooth® devices in the in-vehicle phonemodule. However, you can talk on onlyone cellular phone at a time.The Voice Recognition system supportsphone and text message commands, sodialing a phone number using your voiceis possible.“7. Voice recognition”Before using the Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System, refer to the followingnotes..Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Blue-tooth® functions share the same fre-quency band (2.4 GHz). Using theBluetooth® and the wireless LAN func-tions at the same time may slow downor disconnect the communication andcause undesired noise. It is recom-mended that you turn off the wirelessLAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Bluetooth®functions..Set up the wireless connection be-tween a compatible cellular phone andthe in-vehicle phone module beforeusing the Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System..Some Bluetooth® enabled cellularphones may not be recognized bythe in-vehicle phone module. Visit thewebsite below for a recommendedphone will not be able to use a hands-free phone under the following condi-tions:— Your vehicle is outside of the tele-phone service area.— Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive radio waves; suchas in a tunnel, in an undergroundparking garage, behind a tall build-ing or in a mountainous area.— Your cellular phone is locked inorder to prevent dialing..When the radio wave condition is notideal or ambient sound is too loud, itCondition:4-2
(71,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]may be difficult to hear the otherperson’s voice during a call..Immediately after the ignition switch isplaced in the ON position, it may beimpossible to receive a call for a shortperiod of time..Do not place the cellular phone in anarea surrounded by metal or far awayfrom the in-vehicle phone module toprevent tone quality degradation andwireless connection disruption..While a cellular phone is connectedthrough the Bluetooth® wireless con-nection, the battery power of thecellular phone may discharge quickerthan usual..Visit the website below for trouble-shooting help if the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System seems to be cellular phones or other devicesmay cause interference or a buzzingnoise to come from the audio systemspeakers. Storing the device in a dif-ferent location may reduce or elim-inate the noise..Refer to the cellular phone Owner’sManual regarding the telephone pair-ing procedure specific to your phone,battery charging, cellular phone an-tenna, etc..The antenna display on the monitormay not coincide with the antennadisplay of some cellular phones..The battery display on the monitormay not coincide with the batterydisplay of some cellular phones..Keep the interior of the vehicle as quietas possible to hear the caller’s voiceclearly as well as to minimize echo..If reception between callers is unclear,adjusting the incoming or outgoingcall volume may improve the clarity.“Volume and Beeps settings”(page 2-19).The microphone is located near themap light..Reduce background noise as much aspossible by closing windows andpointing HVAC vents away from theceiling.INDICATORSAIVINJN1-DF17CCD9-47EB-42F9-B647-1A1218B25DA15GF0096XWhen a cellular phone is connectedthrough the Bluetooth® wireless connec-tion, indicators for phone and textmessaging are displayed on the top ofthe screen.Indicates the number of unreadreceived messages.Indicates the Bluetooth® devicethat is.Indicates the strength of thesignal the Bluetooth® device isreceiving.Indicates the amount of re-maining Bluetooth® device bat-tery.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-3
(72,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhonePHONE AIVINJN1-023A5F01-7310-424C-B3E9-547E1F8FC21FConnecting Bluetooth® Hands-free PhoneAIVINJN1-46BD8347-EF56-4BDE-AE6B-DB97C7EC282DA cellular phone device must be con-nected to the Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System before operation. Up to 6Bluetooth® devices can be connected tothe system.“Setting Bluetooth®” (page 2-16)Phone selectionAIVINJN1-205885D8-3C6A-48D8-97F0-5631F1B29D25Follow the instructions below to select aconnected device for use with the Blue-tooth® Hands-Free Phone System.1. Models with navigation system:Touch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.Models without navigation system:Push <>on the control panel ortouch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Connections] and touch [Blue-tooth]. A list of the connected cellularphones is displayed.3. Touch one of the connected cellularphones from the list.When the connection is successful,"Connected" is displayed under thedevice name.If [ ] displayed in gray, touch [ ].INFO:.When touching [ ] next to the name,the cellular phone can be selected as ahands-free phone only..To select a phone, Bluetooth® of thecellular phone needs to be turned on.Making a callAIVINJN1-A10664E4-4636-4046-949D-803558D90AF11. Models with navigation system:Touch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.Models without navigation system:Push <>on the control panel ortouch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.2. Select one of the following methods tomake a call.5GF0097X[Quick Dial] :Select a telephone number registeredas a Quick Dial number.“Quick Dial” (page 4-12)[Phone Book] :Select a person and the phone num-ber you wish to call from the phone-book.Depending on the device, the phone-book will be downloaded from thecellular phone automatically when itis connected. If the automatic down-load does not take place, the tele-phone number must be transferred tothe hands-free phone system from thecellular phone prior to using thismethod.“Phone settings” (page 4-10)[Call History] :Select a telephone number from re-cent incoming, outgoing or missedcalls.[Dial Number] :Enter the phone number manuallyusing the keypad displayed on thescreen.“How to input letters and num-bers” (page 2-9)3. Dialing will start and the screen willchange to the call in progress screen.Condition:4-4
(73,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Receiving a callAIVINJN1-309AF505-32BC-4C5C-80D1-0E512251C11B5GF0098XWhen you receive a phone call, displayswitches to the Incoming Call screen anda ring tone.Taking a call:To answer the call, take one of thefollowing actions..Push <>on the steering wheel..Touch [Answer].Rejecting a call:To reject the call, take one of the followingactions..Push <>on the steering wheel..Touch [Decline].Holding a call:To hold the call, touch [Hold Call].INFO:Operation for answering and rejecting areceived phone call is also available on thevehicle information display. Refer to thevehicle Owner’s Manual for details.During a callAIVINJN1-C160F19D-493E-4687-BE13-1F6A2E523B4E5GF0099XThe call in progress screen will appearduring a call.To hang up the phone, touch [Hang up].Operations during a call:There are some options available otherthan hanging up a call or answering/rejecting incoming calls.Touch one of the following displayed keyson the screen to take action.AvailableitemAction[Use Handset] Transfer the call to thecellular phone.[Mute] When muted, your voicewill not be heard by theperson on the other end ofthe line.[Dial Number] Using the touch tone, senddigits to the connectedparty for using servicessuch as voicemail.[Switch Call]* Answer another incomingcall. The person you aretalking to will be placed onhold. Push once more tospeak to the person onhold again.*: Available when a call is received while onthe line with another person. The avail-ability of this function depends on thephone device.INFO:To adjust the person’s voice to be louderor quieter, push <+ -> on the steeringwheel or turn <VOLUME/ >while talk-ing on the phone.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-5
(74,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhoneCall from a second person:5GF0100XWhen another phone call is receivedduring a call, the Call Waiting screen willappear.Answering call from a second person:To answer the call from the secondperson and place the first caller on hold,take one of the following actions..Push <>on the steering wheel..Touch [Answer].Rejecting call from a second person:To reject a call from the second personand continue the conversation with thefirst caller, touch [Decline].During a call with a second person:5GF0101XTo hang up the phone and return to theconversation with the first caller, touch[Hang up].To switch between two calls on line, touch[Switch Call].HANDS-FREE TEXT MESSAGINGASSISTANTAIVINJN1-9092E6E3-0312-4427-83C9-7BCEA4744D55WARNINGAIVINJN1-16484565-69F4-46E9-97B3-C1982598651E.Use the text messaging featureafter parking your vehicle in a safelocation. If you have to use thefeature while driving, exercise ex-treme caution at all times so fullattention may be given to vehicleoperation..Laws in some jurisdictions mayrestrict the use of “Text-to-Speech.” Check local regulationsbefore using this feature..Laws in some jurisdictions mayrestrict the use of some of theapplications and features, such associal networking and texting.Check local regulations for anyrequirements..If you are unable to devote fullattention to vehicle operationwhile using the text messagingfeature, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONAIVINJN1-6D008478-9197-44FF-B37B-98DEC75BD2FCThis feature is disabled if the con-nected device does not support it. Seethe phone’s Owner’s Manual for de-tails and instructions.The system allows for the sending andreceiving of text messages through thevehicle interface.Condition:4-6
(75,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Receiving a messageAIVINJN1-21DB93A3-3BB9-4A41-BD63-D9FB66E9ED455GF0102XWhen the cellular phone connected to thevehicle receives a text message, a notifi-cation will appear on the touch screendisplay and on the vehicle informationdisplay with a tone.To check the message, touch [Read].Touch [Ignore] to save the message tobe checked later.If you want to respond using a predefinedmessage, touch the message for autoreply .The text message for auto reply can beedited.“Phone settings” (page 4-10)INFO:.Depending on the cellular phone, no-tification display setting needs to beturned on the phone device..Operation for reading a new messageis also available on the vehicle infor-mation display. Refer to the vehicleOwner’s Manual.Displaying received message listAIVINJN1-95452804-687D-42E4-A40B-91BFF2EC5D605GF0103X1. Models with navigation system:Touch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.Models without navigation system:Push <>on the control panel ortouch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Text Message].3. Touch an item on the list to read orreply to the message.INFO:Up to 20 messages can be stored in themessage list.Received message screenAIVINJN1-C9EDB768-A890-45FB-A50B-C65A60FEEDEE5GF0104XTouching [Read] on the new messagenotification screen or selecting a messagefrom the message list will show the detailsof the received message on the display.Available actions:.[Prev.]:Touch to read the previous message..[Next]:Touch to read the next message..[Play]/[Stop]:Touch [Play] to have the hands-freephone system read out the receivedmessage. Touch [Stop] to stop read-ing.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-7
(76,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free Phone.[Call]:If the sender of the message is regis-tered in the Phonebook, touch thisicon to make a call to the sender..[Reply]:A reply message can be selected fromthe template.“Sending a text message”(page 4-8)INFO:.Available keys may vary depending onthe situations..If the sender’s name and phone num-ber is registered in the Phonebook, thename of the sender is displayed whena message is received..To adjust the message reading voicevolume, push <+ -> on the steeringwheel or turn <VOLUME/ >..Some of the operations are also avail-able on the vehicle information dis-play. Refer to the vehicle Owner’sManual for details.Sending a text messageAIVINJN1-2F6880B3-BAEC-4B6F-91B4-5465323E6184This function may not be supporteddepending on the phone device.5GF0109X1. Models with navigation system:Touch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.Models without navigation system:Push <>on the control panel ortouch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Text Message].3. Touch [Create Message].Condition:4-8
(77,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]The following items are available.Available item Action[To][Enter Number by Keypad] Enter the phone number of the recipient using the keypad. Touch [OK] toconfirm.[Quick Dial] Select a recipient from the Quick Dial list.[Phonebook] Select a contact from the Phonebook.[Call History] Select a contact/phone number from call history.[Select Text] [Predefined] Touch to display a list of pre-defined text messages.[Customized] Touch to display a list of custom text message templates.Custom text can be created or edited from the setting menu.“Phone and text message assistant settings” (page 4-10)[Send] Touch to send the message.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-9
(78,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhonePHONE AND TEXT MESSAGE ASSISTANT SETTINGSAIVINJN1-1513E8E2-AF29-4D62-968F-3689E6A05889Phone settingsAIVINJN1-113ACEB2-74B1-46EA-92C5-7C0462E956E7Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System settings can be changed according to the user’s preference.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Phone].The following phone setting items are available.Setting item Action[Connections] Display the Connections screen. Phone connection, selection,deletion or etc,, are available.“connections settings” (page 2-16)[Quick Dial] [Edit] Entries in the Quick Dial can be edited. Touch [Add New] to registera new entry.“Quick Dial” (page 4-12)[Delete All] Deletes all of the phone number in the Quick Dial.[Phone Book] [Download Entire Phone Book] All of the phone numbers that are stored in a phonebook of acellular phone that is connected to the vehicle are downloaded atonce.[Auto Downloaded] Turns on/off automatic downloading of the phonebook from theconnected cellular phone.[Sort Phonebook by] Changes the sorted order of contacts in the phonebook.[Text Message] [Text Message] Turns the text message function on/off.[Text Message Ringtone] Turns the incoming message sound on/off.[Signature] Turns the signature setting for the outgoing text message on/off.[Auto Reply] Turns on/off the automatic text message reply function.[Auto Reply Text Message] Selects the text message to be used for the automatic replyfunction.[Edit Custom Text] Creates or edits a customized text message reply.Condition:4-10
(79,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][Notifications] [Driver Only] When this item is turned on, incoming call notification is displayedonly in the vehicle information display.[Vehicle Ringtone] Turns the vehicle ringtone on/off.[Automatic Hold] When this item turns on, an incoming phone call will be put on holdautomatically.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-11
(80,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhoneQuick DialAIVINJN1-0FB27751-B822-433A-977A-435B2430D2905GF0107XUp to 20 Quick Dial entries can beregistered.Quick Dial entries can be used to quicklymake a call or send text messages.Registration:1. Models with navigation system:Touch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.Models without navigation system:Push <>on the control panel ortouch [Phone] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Quick Dial].3. Touch [Edit].4. Touch [Add New] to register a phonenumber to the Quick Dial list.5. Select a method for registration.Available methods:.[Copy from Call History]:A phone number can be selectedfrom [All], [Incoming], [Outgoing], or[Missed] call history lists..[Copy from Phone Book]:A phone number can be selectedfrom the Phonebook..[Enter Number with Keypad]:A phone number can be enteredmanually using keypad.INFO:Available methods may vary depend-ing on cellular phone support.6. When a phone number has beenselected, the registration screen isdisplayed. Enter the phone numberand edit the entry information asnecessary.7. Touch [OK] to save the entry.INFO:Quick Dial entries can also be regis-tered by touching [Settings] on theLaunch Bar and then selecting[Phone].“Phone settings” (page 4-10)Voice Tag:A voice tag can be recorded for each ofthe registered Quick Dial numbers andcan be used to dial the number by speak-ing it.5GF0108XOn the Quick Dial registration screen,select [Relationship / Voice Tag]..Select a preferred voice tag from thelist..Touch [Customize Voice Tag] andtouch [Record] to register your originalvoice tag.Condition:4-12
(81,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:.Touch [Play] to play the recorded voicetag..Touch [Delete] to delete the voice tag.4. Hands-Free PhoneCondition:4-13
(82,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]4. Hands-Free PhoneMEMOCondition:4-14
(83,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5 InformationInformation menu ........................................................................... 5-2Updating System software ................................................ 5-4NissanConnectSMServices (if so equipped) ................ 5-5Subscription to NissanConnectSMServices .......... 5-5Legal disclaimer ......................................................................... 5-5NissanConnectSMServices features ........................... 5-5NissanConnectSMServices Menus ............................... 5-9Emergency support .............................................................. 5-13NissanConnectSMServices settings ......................... 5-15SiriusXM Travel Link (if so equipped) ............................. 5-16Viewing SiriusXM Travel Link ......................................... 5-16Notes on SiriusXM Traffic information .................. 5-16Using Sirius XM Travel Link ............................................. 5-18Apple CarPlay ................................................................................... 5-21Compatibility .............................................................................. 5-21Apple CarPlay operation ................................................... 5-21Apple CarPlay settings ....................................................... 5-22Apple CarPlay system limitations .............................. 5-22Android Auto .................................................................................... 5-23Compatibility .............................................................................. 5-23Initial Android Auto settings .......................................... 5-23Android Auto operation .................................................... 5-24Android Auto settings ........................................................ 5-25Android Auto system limitations ............................... 5-25Condition:
(84,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationINFORMATION MENUAIVINJN1-5E9B2C85-D229-414A-96FE-2A3389057A2BThe information screen sets or displays various information that is helpful for using the vehicle.5GH0750XPush <MENU> and then touch [Info] on the Launch Bar to display the Information menu.Available items may vary depending on models and specifications.Menu item Result[NissanConnect Services] Display the NissanConnectSMServices menu screen.“NissanConnectSMServices” (page 5-5)[SXM Weather] Display the the SXM Weather screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)[Traffic Information] Display the Traffic Information screen.“Viewing traffic information” (page 6-45)[SXM Sports] Display the SXM Sports screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)[SXM Stocks] Display the SXM Stocks screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)[SXM Fuel Prices] Display the SXM Fuel Prices screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)[SXM Parking] Display the SXM Parking screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)Condition:5-2
(85,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Menu item Result[SXM Movie Listings] Display the SXM Movie Listings screen.“Using Sirius XM Travel Link” (page 5-18)[Vehicle] [Eco Drive Report] Displays the Eco Drive Report.Your driving score will be displayed in real time, with 100 pointsdesignated as the score for ideal eco-driving.Touch [History] to view the Drive Report history. Touch [Reset] to clear thepast records.To improve your score:.When starting off, depress the accelerator gently..When cruising, accelerate and decelerate as little as possible..When decelerating, release the accelerator early.[Energy Flow] Displays energy information. Touch [History] to display the Fuel EconomyHistory screen.For details of the Energy Flow, refer to the vehicle Owner’s Manual.[Where am I?] The name and distance of the next/previous street, and other informa-tion that indicates the current vehicle location are displayed. GPS latitudeand longitude are shown on the bottom right.[System Information] [Software Version] Displays the information of the overall version, vehicle ID, etc.[Software Update] The System Software can be updated.“Updating System software” (page 5-4)[Map Update] The Map data can be updated.“How to update map data” (page 6-64)[SXM Information] Displays the SiriusXM information.The signal quality, subscription status and SXM radio ID are displayed.[Licence Information (OSS)] Displays the Open Source Software (OSS) licenses information.[GPS Position] Displays GPS information, such as number of satellites, latitude/long-itude, and approximate altitude, etc.[Apps] [Apple CarPlay] Display the Apple CarPlay screen.“Apple CarPlay” (page 5-21)5. InformationCondition:5-3
(86,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationMenu item Result[Android Auto] Display the Android Auto screen.“Android Auto” (page 5-23)INFO:A SiriusXM Travel Link or SiriusXM Traffic subscription is necessary to receive SiriusXM information services.UPDATING SYSTEM SOFTWAREGUID-C5812199-D226-4CAE-88BC-9850F5D75D4ASystem software updates can be down-loaded via Wi-Fi.1. Connect the Wi-Fi device.“Wi-Fi Setting” (page 2-17)2. Push <MENU> on the control paneland then touch [info] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [System Information].4. Touch [Software Update].INFO:When [Update Settings] is set to [Auto],a notification is made in case thatsoftware is updated.5GH0781X5. Touch [Start Software Update]. Thecurrent software version and date oflast check are displayed.6. To check for available updates, touch[Check For and Update]. A message isdisplayed when update availability isconfirmed.7. Touch [Download] to download thelatest software update.INFO:.If updating software is unnecessary,touch [OK] to return to the previousscreen..You will be charged separatelywhen the internet communicationis made via smartphones. Consultyour communication companies re-garding the communication fee..[Export Software Update Informa-tion] is not available on this system.Condition:5-4
(87,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]NISSANCONNECTSMSERVICES(if so equipped)AIVINJN1-17324563-EABE-48D2-BF54-CA6C6411D90BSUBSCRIPTION TO NISSANCON-NECTSMSERVICESAIVINJN1-79859816-B70D-4DAD-AB81-2CEDA8C9C449Except for services received under De-monstration Mode, it is necessary tosubscribe to NissanConnectSMServices inorder to use NissanConnectSMServices.To activate NissanConnectSMServices,you can enroll via the NissanConnectSMServices Companion App, NissanCon-nectSMportal website, or a NISSAN dealer.NissanConnectSMServices are offered bySiriusXM or other third party vendors inaccordance with the terms and condi-tions and privacy policies outlined in aSubscription Agreement.LEGAL DISCLAIMERAIVINJN1-738A7C04-99EB-48FC-9CCD-BDCCDF536ECBAvoid operating NissanConnectSMSer-vices in such a way that you are distractedwhile driving. Except for services providedunder Demonstration Mode, a NissanCon-nectSMServices Subscription Agreementis required to use this service.Beginning on the date of purchase of yourvehicle, a trial period for the services isincluded for a limited period of time. At theexpiration of the trial subscription period,your credit card will be charged and yourservice will automatically renew in accor-dance with the terms of your NissanCon-nectSMServices Subscription Agreement.Services are dependent upon subscriptionenrollment and the telematics devicebeing in operative condition, cellular con-nection availability, navigation map data,and GPS satellite signal reception, whichcan limit the ability to reach NissanCon-nectSMServices or to receive support. Theservice requires a compatible GSM/GPRScellular network. Should the cellular pro-vider terminate or restrict network ser-vice, services will not be available. Underthis circumstance, your service may besuspended or terminated without noticeand without liability to NISSAN, NISSAN’sthird party service providers, the under-lying wireless carrier or any third partybeneficiary. In the event that a change oftelecommunications systems or servicesbecomes necessary, you are solely re-sponsible for replacing, as well as the costof replacing, any equipment in the vehiclethat is necessitated. Terms and conditionsof NissanConnectSMServices SubscriptionAgreement apply.NISSANCONNECTSMSERVICESFEATURESAIVINJN1-6C449EE6-7E5C-4FD6-9F16-E808A8403302NissanConnectSMServices provides var-ious types of information and services byconnecting your vehicle to the Nissan-ConnectSMServices Data Center and Nis-sanConnectSMServices Response Centerusing the TCU (Telematics Control Unit)installed in your vehicle.WARNINGAIVINJN1-3351361F-A754-4DC9-B209-4D2EF539E24B.Radio waves could adversely af-fect electric medical equipment.Individuals who use a pacemakershould contact the device manu-facturer regarding any possibleeffects before using the system..The TCU antenna is installed insidethe upper central part of the in-strument panel. An occupantshould not get any closer to theantenna than specified by thepacemaker manufacturer. Theradio waves from the TCU antennamay adversely affect the opera-tion of the pacemaker while usingthe NissanConnectSMServices..Please note that the AutomaticCollision Notification (ACN) serviceand Emergency Calling (E-Call)5. InformationCondition:5-5
(88,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Informationfunction cannot be used in thefollowing conditions:— The vehicle moves outside theNissanConnectSMServices areaand connection with the TCU(Telematics Control Unit) is af-fected.— The vehicle is in a location withpoor signal reception such as atunnel, underground parking,behind a building or in a moun-tainous area..It may not be possible to make anemergency call depending on theseverity of a collision and/or emer-gency..Emergency functions and serviceswill not be available without a paidsubscription to NissanConnectSMServices..The Automatic Collision Notifica-tion (ACN) service may not functionproperly depending on the sever-ity of a collision and/or emer-gency.INFO:.NissanConnectSMServices featuresare dependent upon subscription en-rollment and the telematics devicebeing in operative condition, cellularconnectivity, navigation map data andGPS satellite signal reception. Termsand conditions of the NissanCon-nectSMServices Subscription Agree-ment apply..Enrollment is required in order toreceive NissanConnectSMServices.The services that can be received varydepending on the plan in which youare enrolled..A six-month trial is included beginningon the date of purchase, however youmust still be enrolled and activated touse services..After the trial period, you must enroll ina paid subscription for NissanCon-nectSMServices to continue using thefeatures. The services that can bereceived vary depending on the planto which you subscribe..Laws in some jurisdictions may restrictthe use of “Text-to-Speech.” Checklocal regulations before using thisfeature.NissanConnectSMServices may be up-dated. The latest detailed information isavailable on the following websites orfrom the support line.NissanConnectSMServices website:For supportline:1-855-426-6628.Roadside Assistance Service:Enhanced Roadside Assistance allowsyou to receive assistance from theRoadside Response Specialist for anon-emergency incident that requiresa towing or third-party response ser-vice. The service is accessed by touch-ing the Voice Menu button on thenavigation screen. Roadside Assis-tance may also be used in conjunctionwith the Emergency Assistance ser-vice, if warranted.“Emergency support” (page 5-13)Condition:5-6
(89,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].Emergency Calling (E-Call):The Emergency Calling (E-Call) featureprovides emergency assistance byconnecting to a Response Specialist.In the event of an emergency, by pushthe in-vehicle <SOS> button to use thisfeature. The Response Specialist pro-vides various assistance depending onthe situation.“Emergency support” (page 5-13).Automatic Collision Notification(ACN):The TCU (Telematics Control Unit)generates a signal automatically tothe NissanConnectSMServices Re-sponse Center in the case of anaccident severe enough to triggerone of the vehicle’s air bags. Uponthe signal, a Response Specialist re-ceives the vehicle location and custo-mer information and notifies theproper authorities in accordance withestablished policies and procedures..Curfew Alert:Customers can set time interval foracceptable and unacceptable opera-tion of the vehicle via NissanCon-nectSMPortal Website andNissanConnectSMServices CompanionApp. If the time restrictions are vio-lated, the customer will be automati-cally notified (e-mail, text message, orphone call)..Remote Door Lock/Unlock:The Remote Door Lock/Unlock featureallows the customer to access thevehicle remotely from the NissanCon-nectSMServices website or CompanionApp to send lock or unlock commandsto the vehicle.“Connecting to Interactive VoiceMenu” (page 5-10).Remote Sound Horn and FlashLights:Customers can activate the vehicle’sheadlights and horn via the Nissan-ConnectSMServices website or Com-panion App..Remote Engine Start:If the vehicle is equipped with bothTCU (Telematics Control Unit) andRemote Start, customers can remotelystart the vehicle via the NissanCon-nectSMServices website or CompanionApp..Alarm Notification:Customers will be notified if the vehiclealarm system is activated based ontheir notification preferences (e-mail,text, phone call)..Boundary Alert:Customers can set an area for thevehicle to stay in or out of via theNissanConnectSMServices website orCompanion App. Customers will benotified when vehicle is out-of-boundsbased on their notification prefer-ences (e-mail, text, phone call)..Maintenance Alert/Reminder:The center sends maintenance andother relevant info. to registered e-mail address (PC/Mobile) based on thevehicle information (e.g. driving mile-age and etc.) sent at the center accesstiming. Details of vehicle informationare separately examined..Journey Planner:Customers can create a multiple way-point route via Journey Planner on theNissanConnectSMServices websiteand send the details directly to theirvehicle..Destination Download:Customers can search for differentlocations via the NissanConnectSMServices website and send them di-rectly to their vehicle..Connected Search:Customers can access Internet searchengines directly from the vehicle to5. InformationCondition:5-7
(90,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Informationfind exact destinations to navigate to..Stolen Vehicle Locator:In the event that the customer’s vehi-cle is stolen, after filing a police reportthe customer can contact NissanCon-nectSMServices via phone and reportthe vehicle stolen. At that point, Nis-sanConnectSMServices emergencysupport staff will work with authoritiesto attempt to recover the vehicle..Valet Alert:Customers will be notified if theirvehicle is driven more than 0.2 milesonce they activate Valet Alert via theNissanConnectSMServices website orCompanion App.Notice to Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone usersAIVINJN1-A3748C05-1F87-4558-96C7-C217C525367AThe Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys-tem will be disabled and not be able totake phone calls while the vehicle isconnected to the NissanConnectSMSer-vices Response Specialists or the emer-gency support staff at theNissanConnectSMService Response Cen-ter. This is to avoid various services byNissanConnectSMServices Response Spe-cialists (such as Assisted Search) andNissanConnectSMServices emergencysupport staff being interrupted by incom-ing calls. Incoming phone calls receivedwhile the vehicle is connected to theService Center will not be listed in the callhistory of the Bluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System. However those incomingcalls may be listed in the call history ofyour mobile phone, depending on itscapabilities. After disconnecting commu-nication with the NissanConnectSMSer-vices Response Specialist orNissanConnectSMServices emergencysupport staff, check the incoming callhistory on your mobile phone when it issafe to do so.Service applicationAIVINJN1-6DCCAA7A-ED81-4962-9108-ED1D69CB8EDFA separately purchased NissanConnectSMServices subscription is required. For moredetails, refer to the NissanConnectSMSer-vices website or contact the NissanCon-nectSMServices support line.NissanConnectSMServices website:For supportline:1-855-426-6628INFO:If the vehicle is owned by another personand is resold, the subscription for thisservice must be canceled and all datastored on the device must be deleted.Operating tipsAIVINJN1-1B98368B-E567-43F0-A4F2-C01EC0EA40F0WARNINGAIVINJN1-D56B9698-6357-41FF-A5C7-FC6C7993EDEA.Use NissanConnectSMServicesafter stopping your vehicle in asafe location. If you have to useNissanConnectSMServices whiledriving, exercise extreme cautionat all times so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation..If you are unable to devote fullattention to vehicle operationwhile talking with the NissanCon-nectSMServices, pull off the road toa safe location and stop yourvehicle..Do not use NissanConnectSMServiceswith the engine or the hybrid systemstopped. Doing so may discharge theCondition:5-8
(91,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]vehicle battery..NissanConnectSMServices cannot beused under the following conditions:— NissanConnectSMServices subscrip-tion has expired.— The vehicle is outside the areawhere the cellular network serviceis receivable.— The vehicle is in a location with poorsignal reception such as tunnels,underground parking garages, be-hind buildings or in mountainousareas.— The line is busy.— The TCU (Telematics Control Unit) orother systems of your vehicle arenot working properly.— The NissanConnectSMServices net-work system is disabled..Information Feeds download cannotbe used when the vehicle is connectedto the NissanConnectSMServices DataCenter and NissanConnectSMServicesResponse Center..Communication with the NissanCon-nectSMServices Data Center is relatedto the data communication mode andmay cause occasional difficulty inreceiving signals, and the signal recei-vable area may be limited comparedto regular mobile phones..You may hear clicks or experienceinterruptions while speaking with theNissanConnectSMServices ResponseSpecialists. This is due to a shift in theconnection zone and is not a malfunc-tion..Depending on the line used, the soundvolume may decrease. Adjust the vo-lume as necessary..Received sounds may be distorted orambient noise may sound like voicesof a crowd. This is due to the use of thedigital line and is not a malfunction..You may hear your own voice from thespeaker when talking with the Nissan-ConnectSMServices Response Specia-lists due to a network disturbance.When this occurs, reconnect the lineafter a few minutes or at a differentlocation..This vehicle incorporates a communi-cation device that is called a TCU(Telematics Control Unit). The commu-nication connection between this unitand the NissanConnectSMData Centerallows for various services. When thesystem connects to the NissanCon-nectSMData Center, an antenna iconwill appear in the upper right corner ofthe screen. Use the service in a loca-tion where the symbol representinggood signal reception appears on thescreen.: When the signal reception is good: When the signal reception is bad.NissanConnectSMServices uses theTCU (Telematics Control Unit). Even ifthe signal strength bar of the in-vehicle data communication moduleindicates good reception, connectionto the NissanConnectSMData Centermay be disabled. This does not indi-cate a malfunction. Operate the sys-tem again after a few minutes.NISSANCONNECTSMSERVICESMENUS AIVINJN1-F0273C25-12FE-4DB7-B66D-1C90E9FC4E99With NissanConnectSMServices, variousinformation can be received and dis-played on the screen. The informationcan also be announced by the system.1. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe Launch Bar.2. Touch [NissanConnect Services].3. Select an item from the NissanCon-nectSMServices menu screens.5. InformationCondition:5-9
(92,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationAvailable items Content[Call Nissan Assis-tance]The system con-nects to the Nissan-ConnectSMServicescenter. Various ser-vices to supportyour driving areavailable by an-swering InteractiveVoice Menu.“Connecting toInteractiveVoice Menu”(page 5-10)[Connected Search] Searches for a des-tination via the In-ternet and sets aroute using the ve-hicle navigation sys-tem.“Searching byconnecting tothe internet”(page 6-24)[Destination Send toCar]Access a list of des-tinations sent to thevehicle from theNissanConnectSMServices center.“Using Destina-tion Send toCar”(page 6-24)[Journey Planner] Sets a route plandownloaded fromthe NissanCon-nectSMServiceswebsite.“Using JourneyPlanner”(page 6-25)[Message Box] Access the mes-sages sent to thevehicle from theNissanConnectSMData Center.“Message Box”(page 5-11)[NissanConnect Ser-vices Settings]NissanConnectSMServices settingscan be changed.“NissanConne-ctSMServicessettings”(page 5-15)Connecting to Interactive VoiceMenu AIVINJN1-421A0B6E-1AA0-41D5-9584-32C3CFD22611Various services to support your drivingare available by using the InteractiveVoice Menu. For more details, refer to theNissanConnectSMServices website orcontact the NissanConnectSMServicessupport line.NissanConnectSMServices website:For supportline:1-855-426-66281. Push <MENU> and touch [Info] on theLaunch Bar.2. Touch [NissanConnect Services].3. Touch [Call Nissan Assistance].4. The system connects to the Nissan-ConnectSMServices center and menuoptions will be announced. Speak yourpreferred option..Destination AssistanceSet a destination using an Interac-tive operator system..Roadside AssistanceConnect to the Roadside ResponseSpecialist..Valet AlertTurns on the Valet Alert functionand monitors the vehicle move-Condition:5-10
(93,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]ment within a certain range.5GB0697XINFO:.You can also connect to the Nissan-ConnectSMServices Interactive VoiceMenu by touching the Voice Menubutton on the map..After selecting [Call Nissan Assistance],it may take some time until the systeminitiates connection, depending on thetechnical environment and whetherthe TCU (Telematics Control Unit) isbeing used by other services..To avoid disconnecting the line, do notturn off the engine or the hybridsystem.Message BoxAIVINJN1-D3B19AAA-3DC2-4413-A9B6-ABCF17B88AC1Messages previously received from theNissanConnectSMData Center are dis-played in the Message Box.1. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe Launch Bar.2. Touch [NissanConnect Services].3. Touch [Message Box].4. A message list is displayed. Touchpreferred message from the list.Viewing message box:In addition to messages, the Message Boxalso stores information feeds.1. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe Launch Bar.2. Touch [NissanConnect Services].3. Touch [Message Box]. A list screen isdisplayed.4. Touch a preferred folder. A list ofmessages is displayed. The content isannounced by the system (Text-to-Speech) while the vehicle is beingdriven, or if parked, you can read thecontent on the display.INFO:.Touch [Stop] during communicationwith the NissanConnectSMServicesData Center to cancel the connection..A message is displayed when thecommunication is disconnected whiledownloading information due to apoor communication status. Select[Yes] to restart the download..Laws in some jurisdictions may restrictthe use of “Text-to-Speech.” Checklocal regulations before using thisfeature..Some terminology such as personalnames, place names, special terms,symbols, etc. may not be announcedcorrectly. This is not a malfunction..The system will pause announce-ments when interrupted by the voiceguidance given by the navigation sys-tem. When the voice guidance finishes,the system will restart the announce-ment..The volume can be adjusted when thesystem announces the information.“Volume and Beeps settings”(page 2-19)5. InformationCondition:5-11
(94,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Information.The selected content is read out whilethe vehicle is being driven, or if parked,you can read the content on thedisplay..Content settings can be made usingthe NissanConnectSMServices web-site. For more details, refer to theNissanConnectSMServices website orcontact the NissanConnectSMServicessupport line.NissanConnectSMServices website:For supportline:1-855-426-6628Screen information:When information is downloaded from theNissanConnectSMServices Data Center,the contents of the information are dis-played while the vehicle is stopped.5GH0805XContents:The contents of the NissanConnectSMServices feed are displayed.:If the feed contains map information,this icon is displayed. This locationcan be set as the destination.[ ]/[ ]:Moves to the next or previous page ifthe information has a number ofcontent pages.:If the feed contains phone numberinformation, this icon is displayed. It ispossible to make a phone call to thisnumber.Menu:Stops the Text-to-Speech voice an-nouncements and displays the opera-tion menu items on the right side ofthe screen.5GH0806XAfter parking the vehicle in a safe locationand touching [Menu], the operation menuis displayed on the right side of the screen.Condition:5-12
(95,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:The availability of the operation menuitems differs depending on the contentsof the selected information.EMERGENCY SUPPORTAIVINJN1-4CB95563-4BC2-4C4A-86CF-91272A2AE414NissanConnectSMServices provides var-ious services to support dealing withemergencies of the subscribed vehicleand the driver.For example, in case of an illness orserious injury, you can seek support bypushing the in-vehicle <SOS> button andconnecting to NissanConnectSMServices.NissanConnectSMServices can specify thelocation of the vehicle via GPS, and theinformation will be sent to the police orother agencies as needed.For information about other NissanCon-nectSMServices emergency support re-lated services, refer to theNissanConnectSMServices Services web-site or contact the NissanConnectSMSer-vices support line.NissanConnectSMServices website:For supportline:1-855-426-6628WARNINGAIVINJN1-BA450A5A-1C21-4C29-B306-4BD13E19D061.Please note that the AutomaticCollision Notification service andEmergency Call function cannot beused in the following conditions:— Emergency functions and ser-vices will not be available with-out a paid subscription toNissanConnectSMServices.— The NissanConnectSMServicesnetwork system is disabled.— The vehicle moves outside theservice area where the TCU(Telematics Control Unit) is con-nected to the system.— The vehicle is outside the areawhere the cellular network ser-vice is receivable.— The vehicle is in a location withpoor signal reception such astunnels, underground parkinggarages, behind buildings or inmountainous areas.— The line is busy.— The TCU (Telematics ControlUnit) or other systems of yourvehicle are not working properly.— It may not be possible to makean emergency call depending onthe severity of a collision and/oremergency..Park the vehicle in a safe locationand set the parking brake beforeoperating <SOS>..Only use this service in case of anemergency. There may be a pen-alty for inappropriate use of theservice..Radio waves could adversely af-fect electric medical equipment.Individuals who use a pacemakershould contact the device manu-facturer regarding any possibleeffects before using the system..The TCU (Telematics Control Unit)antenna is installed inside theupper central part of the instru-ment panel. An occupant shouldnot get any closer to the antennathan specified by the pacemaker5. InformationCondition:5-13
(96,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Informationmanufacturer. The radio wavesfrom the TCU antenna may ad-versely affect the operation of thepacemaker while using the Nis-sanConnectSMServices.Making an emergency callAIVINJN1-A7409108-5244-4D39-8759-9D27EED8CD915GH0353X1. Push <SOS>.2. When the line is connected, speak tothe Response Specialist.If you want to cancel the emergency call,push and hold <SOS> for a few seconds.INFO:.After <SOS> is pushed, it may takesome time until the system initiatesconnection, depending on the techni-cal environment and whether the TCU(Telematics Control Unit) is being usedby other services..An indicator light on <SOS> shows thereadiness of the emergency supportsystem. If the indicator light is notilluminated, pushing <SOS> does notconnect your vehicle to the ResponseSpecialist.The indicator light blinks while con-nected to the NissanConnectSMSer-vices Response Center..Even when the indicator light is illumi-nated, connection to the NissanCon-nectSMServices Response Center maynot be possible. If this occurs in anemergency situation, contact theauthorities by other means..To avoid disconnecting the line, do notturn off the engine or the hybridsystem.Condition:5-14
(97,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]NISSANCONNECTSMSERVICES SETTINGSAIVINJN1-BBEF517A-55F1-402B-8D8A-30E8BDC9B301The NissanConnectSMServices setting can be changed.1. Push <MENU>.2. Touch [Info] on the Launch Bar.3. Touch [NissanConnect Services].4. Touch [NissanConnect Services Settings].INFO:[NissanConnect Services] can also be accessed from [Settings] on the Launch Bar.Menu Action[Information Feed Setting] [Edit Feed List] [Sync All Feeds] The latest information feed list is received from the NissanCon-nectSMServices center.[Initialize Feed List] Returns the feed list to default.[Delete Message Box] Deletes message box.[Vehicle Data Sharing] [Share Vehicle Information] Turn the vehicle information sharing function on/off.[Delete Shared Vehicle Information] Delete the shared vehicle information.[Unit ID Information] Display the Unit ID, TCU (Telematics Control Unit) ID, SIM ID and VINInformation necessary for user registration.[Reset all NissanConnect Svcs. Settings to Default] All NissanConnectSMServices settings are returned to default.[Vehicle Data Transmission Setting] When [OK] is touched, data transmission to the NissanConnectSMData Center is enabled. Touch [Decline] to disable the Nissan-ConnectSMServices functions.5. InformationCondition:5-15
(98,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationSiriusXM TRAVEL LINK (if soequipped)AIVINJN1-20002703-B1B8-4022-8CC0-3025C4D3EEF9This service provides real-time informa-tion regarding current weather, fuelprices, parking information, sports scores,movie times and stock tickers. It is neces-sary to subscribe to use the SiriusXMTravel Link information.The SiriusXM Travel Link is broadcast tothe vehicle by SiriusXM Satellite Radio.WARNINGAIVINJN1-BD315167-249E-4B86-8E38-351CD04B1F27SiriusXM Travel Link information is nota substitute for attentive driving.Weather conditions change con-stantly and emergency situationscan arise without warning. Relyingonly on SiriusXM Travel Link informa-tion could result in serious personalinjury.VIEWING SiriusXM TRAVEL LINKAIVINJN1-507BB217-A929-4212-B9B5-004348ACB884SiriusXM Satellite Radio and SiriusXM Tra-vel Link subscriptions are sold separatelyor as a package, and are continuous untilyou call SiriusXM to cancel. See SiriusXMCustomer Agreement for complete termsat (for U.S.) or (for Canada). SiriusXM TravelLink is available in select markets.For more information, refer to the Sir-iusXM website or call Listener Care.SiriusXM website:For (English) Care:For U.S.1-877-447-0011For Canada1-877-438-9677INFO:.If a subscription is not active forSiriusXM Travel Link, a message ap-pears on the display and informationwill not be available..SiriusXM Travel Link information (likeWeather, Fuel, Parking, etc.) is availableonly for areas that provide this infor-mation to SiriusXM..Not all vehicles or devices are capableof receiving all services offered bySiriusXM. Data displays and individualproduct availability vary by vehiclehardware. Current information andfeatures may not be available in alllocations, or on all receivers. SiriusXMis not responsible for any errors orinaccuracies in the data services ortheir use in the vehicle.NOTES ON SiriusXM TRAFFIC IN-FORMATIONAIVINJN1-3C768737-3150-4B3D-BA4F-F358165C07E4.The SiriusXM Traffic information ser-vice is not provided for some cities. Inaddition, the cities for which the trafficinformation service is provided may bechanged..In some cases, infrastructure pro-blems may prevent the complete dis-play of the traffic information. This isCondition:5-16
(99,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]not a malfunction..Due to infrastructure problems, or dueto the time when the traffic informa-tion service broadcast is received, thedisplayed information may differ fromthe actual traffic conditions..Depending on the traffic information, adetour route may be slower than theoriginal route..SiriusXM Satellite Radio and SiriusXMTraffic subscriptions are sold sepa-rately or as a package, and are con-tinuous until you call SiriusXM tocancel. See SiriusXM Customer Agree-ment for complete terms at the Sir-iusXM website.SiriusXM website:For U.S.www. siriusxm.comFor (English) (French)SiriusXM Travel Link is available inselect markets. For more information,refer to the SiriusXM website or callListener Care.SiriusXM website:For (English) Care:For U.S.1-877-447-0011For Canada1-877-438-9677.SiriusXM Traffic is available in over 130metropolitan markets. For the mostcurrent list of markets covered, pleaserefer to the SiriusXM website or callListener Care.SiriusXM website:For (English) Care:For U.S.1-877-447-0011For Canada1-877-438-9677.Due to road maintenance, infrastruc-ture problems (e.g. malfunction ofroad sensors, outage of central com-puter of infrastructure) or natural dis-asters, there are times when some orall traffic information may not beavailable..Incident information is based on hu-man collection. Not all incidents thathave happened are collected andprovided..Due to infrastructure problems, ortransmission delay, there are timeswhen the information may differ fromthe actual condition. Always observesafe driving practices and follow alltraffic regulations..Due to the coverage and quality oftraffic information and road condi-tions, it is not always possible for thesystem to provide the shortest timeroute even when traffic information isconsidered.5. InformationCondition:5-17
(100,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Information.Traffic information that is displayedmay differ from information fromother media (e.g., radio), as othermedia may use different informationsources.USING SIRIUS XM TRAVEL LINKGUID-80D05B55-B3F4-42DD-B7AE-A3EF7A4049621. Push <MENU>.2. Touch [Info] on the Launch Bar.Condition:5-18
(101,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Menu item Result[SXM Weather] [Current Conditions] Current, hourly or 5-day weather information are displayed. Weatherinformation for nearby location, near the destination and your preferredcity set as a Favorite City can be confirmed. Favorite city can be changedby touching [Change City].[Hourly Weather Forecast][5-Day Forecast][Graphical Map] The weather forecast can be checked on the map. The detailedinformation is displayed by touching weather icons. Touch [Legend] toconfirm the meaning of the color displayed, and touch [Filter] to select atype of the weather information.[SXM Weather Alerts] Display the list of weather alerts. The detailed information is displayed bytouching the weather alert. Touch [Voice Alert Settings] to select theinformation you wish to get alerts and to set voice announcement on oroff.[Alert Map] The weather alerts can be confirmed on the map. The detailedinformation is displayed by touching the weather icon. Touch [Legend] toconfirm the weather alerts displayed.[Traffic Information] [Info on Route] Touch to display traffic information detected on the route to thedestination.[Nearby Traffic Info] Touch to display traffic information detected near the current vehiclelocation.[SXM Sports] Various sports and individual teams can be followed. Touch [Sports] andselect from the list to display information such as news, score orupcoming games.[SXM Stocks] Stock information can be checked.Touching [Add Stock] will also allow adding a favorite stock. Once a stockis added, it’s price and trend can be viewed. Red indicates the stock isdown and green indicates the stock is up. Touch [Delete Stock] to deletethe saved stocks. Up to 20 stocks can be saved. Only supported stockscan be added.5. InformationCondition:5-19
(102,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationMenu item Result[SXM Fuel Prices] Displays a list of the nearby gas stations for the current location ordestination. Touch a listed gas station for the detailed information. Touch[Save] to registered in a favorite, and the list is displayed by touching[Favorite]. Touch [Go Here] to set as a destination. Touch [Delete] to deletethe favorite.[SXM Parking] Displays a list of the nearby parking areas for the current location ordestination. Touch a listed parking area for the detailed information.Touch [Save] to registered in a favorite, and the list is displayed bytouching [Favorite]. Touch [Go Here] to set as a destination. Touch[Delete] to delete the favorite.[SXM Movie Listings] [Favorite Theaters] Displays a list of favorite theaters. Select the theater for detailedinformation. Touch [Go Here] to set as a destination. Touch [Movies] onthe list to display a list of movies that are playing at the theater. Whentouching a movie on the list, detailed information of the movie can bechecked.[Nearby Theaters] Displays a list of nearby theaters. Select the theater for detailedinformation. Touch [Go Here] to set as a destination. Touch [Save] can setthe theater as a favorite theater which can be listed in the FavoriteTheaters. Touch [Movies] on the list to display a list of movies that areplaying at the theater. When touching a movie on the list, detailedinformation of the movie can be checked.[Current Movies] Displays a list of movies that are currently playing. Touch a movie fromthe list to display detailed information. Touch [Theaters] to display thenearby theaters that are playing the selected movie. Select the theaterfrom the list and touch [Go Here] to set as a destination. Touch save as afavorite. Touch [Movies] on the theater list can check the movies that isplaying at the theater.[Search for a Theater] Search for a theater or movie by inputting the name of the theater ormovie.[Search for a Movie]Condition:5-20
(103,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Apple CarPlayAIVINJN1-2F4A0198-4EA3-402B-905C-8A97B30EE3C1WARNINGAIVINJN1-08AE9822-4941-4C3B-8473-E36201B89F4C.Stop your vehicle in a safe locationand apply the parking brake be-fore connecting your iPhone® tothe vehicle or operating your con-nected iPhone® for setup..If you are unable to devote fullattention to vehicle operationwhile using Apple CarPlay, pull offthe road to a safe location andstop your vehicle.You can use Apple CarPlay by connectinga compatible iPhone® to your vehicle via aUSB cable.With Apple CarPlay, your in-vehicle systemcan be used as a display and a controllerfor some of the iPhone® functions. AppleCarPlay features Siri which enables opera-tions via voice controls. Visit forinformation about the functions that areavailable and details about Apple’s privacypolicy.Certain vehicle information (e.g. locationand speed) may be shared with yourdevice while Apple CarPlay is in use.Carrier charges may apply to use AppleCarPlay.COMPATIBILITYAIVINJN1-57200BDF-E943-45F8-9ED1-7BFD321F3774The following iPhone® models supportApple CarPlay.Model Firmware versioniPhone® 5 orlateriOS 8.4 or laterRefer to the Apple website for moreinformation.INFO:.For best results, always update yourdevice to the latest software version..CarPlay will take the place of yourBluetooth® audio and Bluetooth®Hands-Free Phone functionality..Phone menu and access to the con-nected phone through voice recogni-tion system will be disabled whileApple CarPlay is connected. To accessyour phone, use the Siri function orselect the phone icon in the AppleCarPlay top menu screen.Apple CarPlay OPERATIONAIVINJN1-A682AF5E-1560-4F44-8560-D04EE0074E051. Connect the iPhone® to the USB con-nection port.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Con-nection Ports and AUX (auxiliary)input jack” (page 2-4)2. Depending on the setting, a StartupInformation screen will appear. Touch[Yes] to use Apple CarPlay.INFO:If you do not wish to display theStartup Information screen each timeyou activate Apple CarPlay, touch[Don’t ask anymore] on the StartupInformation screen. The Startup Infor-mation screen will not be displayedfrom the next Apple CarPlay activation.The Startup Information screen can beset to appear again in the Apple Car-Play setting menu.“Apple CarPlay settings”(page 5-22)3. The Apple CarPlay top menu screenwill appear. The iPhone® functionsdisplayed on the screen should nowbe operable using the in-vehicle sys-tem.4. To return to the Apple CarPlay topmenu screen after detailed operation,5. InformationCondition:5-21
(104,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Informationtouch [ ] on the lower corner of theApple CarPlay screen.5. To exit the Apple CarPlay screen andreturn to the NissanConnectSMmenuscreen, touch [NISSAN].INFO:When pushing the buttons such as<MENU> on the control panel, thecorresponding display to the buttonis displayed.6. To return to the Apple CarPlay screen,touch [CarPlay] on the Launch Bar.INFO:When your iPhone® is locked, Apple Car-Play can still be activated by operating theiPhone® and allowing Apple CarPlay acti-vation when asked.Siri operationAIVINJN1-016CA560-9A82-4480-ACFF-C212BEB65587With Siri, some of the functions in youriPhone® can be voice controlled.Make sure that Siri on your iPhone® isturned on.Activation:There are two ways to start a Siri session..Push and hold <>on the steeringwheel..Touch and hold [ ] at the lower cornerof the Apple CarPlay screen.INFO:.Push <>or touch [ ] to end Sirioperation..Keep the interior of the vehicle as quietas possible. Close the windows toeliminate the surrounding noises (traf-fic noises, vibration sounds, etc.),which may prevent the system fromrecognizing the voice commands cor-rectly..For functions that can be used withSiri, please refer to the Apple website.Phone operationAIVINJN1-CA86E5DA-1E0E-4802-B5B9-38BE555174E6If you wish to use your phone while AppleCarPlay is activated, follow the procedurebelow:1. Touch [Phone] on the Apple CarPlaytop menu.2. Operate the screen displayed to makea call, etc.Apple CarPlay SETTINGSAIVINJN1-65850203-2BC2-4381-947B-B8A88B6EF1111. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Apps].3. Touch [Apple CarPlay].Available items:.[Apple CarPlay]:When this item is turned on, AppleCarPlay will activate automaticallywhen a compatible iPhone® is con-nected to USB connection port..[Show Startup Information]:Allows you to set whether or not toshow the Apple CarPlay Startup Infor-mation screen upon each iPhone®connection.“Apple CarPlay operation”(page 5-21).[Nissan’s Help for Apple CarPlay]:Displays helpful tips for Apple CarPlayoperation.Apple CarPlay SYSTEM LIMITA-TIONS AIVINJN1-DE810B65-32DE-4575-96BD-BF2007415096For all features of Apple CarPlay to oper-ate correctly, it is necessary to have acompatible iPhone®, a cellular connectionand a data plan.When Apple CarPlay is operating, systemperformance is affected by the strength ofCondition:5-22
(105,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]the cellular connection or performance ofthe phone itself. If performance of thesystem decreases:.Disconnect and reconnect your phone.Close all apps and restart them.Cycle phone power off/on to restartIt is also recommended to use the AppleLightning cable that was provided withyour phone and confirm the latest soft-ware version is installed.Functionality of Apple CarPlay may de-crease or be lost if there are changes tooperating systems, hardware, software orother technologies central to supportingthe system that are outside of NISSAN’scontrol. Changing government regula-tions may also affect operation of AppleCarPlay.Android AutoGUID-412822B5-2ED1-4B16-AFE8-C7987322F2B9WARNINGGUID-F8F12F7F-E570-4749-8258-40D832DAC37A.Stop your vehicle in a safe locationand apply the parking brake be-fore connecting your compatiblesmartphone to the vehicle or op-erating your connected smart-phone for setup..If you are unable to devote fullattention to vehicle operationwhile using Android Auto, pull offthe road to a safe location andstop your vehicle.You can use Android Auto by connecting acompatible Android smartphone to yourvehicle via a USB cable.With Android Auto, your in-vehicle systemcan be used as a display and a controllerfor some of Android device functions.Android Auto features voice controls. for information aboutthe functions that are available and de-tails about Google’s privacy policy.Certain user and vehicle information (lo-cation and speed for example) may beshared with your device while AndroidAuto is enabled for use. Carrier chargesmay apply to use Android Auto.COMPATIBILITYGUID-182297CC-D302-4CCC-ABC9-9C0A51082A34For details about compatibility, visit theAndroid Auto website.INFO:.For best results, always update yourdevice to the latest software version..Bluetooth® audio and Bluetooth®Hands-Free Phone System cannot beused while Android Auto is active onthe same smartphone..Phone menu and access to the con-nected phone through voice recogni-tion system will be disabled whileAndroid Auto is connected. To accessyour phone, use the Talk to Googlefunction or select the phone icon inthe Android Auto top menu screen.INITIAL Android Auto SETTINGSGUID-52E7591D-B45F-4A36-9262-329DFD5AAF96Before using Android Auto, the AndroidAuto app must be downloaded on yoursmartphone.For downloading the Android Auto app,refer to the Google Play website.It may be necessary to operate thesmartphone to select the item whenconnected first. Depending on the selec-5. InformationCondition:5-23
(106,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. Informationtion such as approval, some of the fea-tures of Android Auto is not available.Android Auto OPERATIONGUID-D0FCADBE-7B14-4C0C-9561-B2096C501B47Unlock your phone’s screen before con-necting your smartphone.1. Connect your smartphone to the USBconnection port.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Con-nection Ports and AUX (auxiliary)input jack” (page 2-4)2. Depending on the setting, a StartupInformation screen will appear. Touch[Yes] to use Android Auto.INFO:.If you do not wish to display theStartup Information screen eachtime you activate Android Auto,touch [Don’t ask anymore] on theStartup Information screen. TheStartup Information screen will notbe displayed from the next AndroidAuto activation. The Startup Infor-mation screen can be set to appearagain in the Android Auto settingmenu..Bluetooth® will be turned on auto-matically when Android Auto isconnected to the vehicle..Some functions of Android Auto arenot available if the Bluetooth® is notconnected.3. The Android Auto top menu screen willappear. Use Android Auto by touchingthe screen or using voice operation.4. To exit the Android Auto screen andreturn to the NissanConnectSMmenuscreen, touch [ ].INFO:When pushing the buttons such as<MENU> on the control panel, thecorresponding display to the buttonis displayed.5. To return to the Android Auto screen,touch [Android Auto] on the LaunchBar.INFO:.Unlock your phone’s screen beforeconnecting your smartphone..While the smartphone is connected toAndroid Auto, the phone operationssuch as making or receiving calls canonly be done with Android Auto.Talk to Google operationGUID-AD68865B-24C2-483F-BD02-E7D3E5384D38Android Auto also supports voice opera-tion.Activation:There are two ways to start voice opera-tion..Push and hold <>on the steeringwheel..Touch [ ] at the Android Auto screen.INFO:.Push <>or touch [ ] to end voiceoperation..Keep the interior of the vehicle as quietas possible. Close the windows toeliminate the surrounding noises (traf-fic noises, vibration sounds, etc.),which may prevent the system fromrecognizing the voice commands cor-rectly..For functions that can be used, refer tothe Google website.Condition:5-24
(107,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Android Auto SETTINGSGUID-EC243861-E1D2-4256-996B-13627A0E5F531. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Apps].3. Touch [Android Auto].Available items:.[Always start Android Auto]:When this item is turned on, AndroidAuto will activate automatically whena compatible smartphone is con-nected to the USB connection port..[Ask to Start Android Auto]:Allows you to set whether or not toshow the Android Auto Startup Infor-mation screen upon each Androiddevice connection..[Nissan’s Help for Android Auto]:Displays helpful tips for Android Autooperation.Android Auto SYSTEM LIMITA-TIONS GUID-8FE5B302-BFD6-4E24-8F49-0F52508F7E4AFor all features of Android Auto to operatecorrectly, it is necessary to have a com-patible smartphone and a data plan.When Android Auto is operating, systemperformance is affected by the strength ofthe cellular connection or performance ofthe phone itself. If performance of thesystem decreases:.Disconnect and reconnect your phone.Close all apps and restart them.Cycle phone power off/on to restartIt also should be confirmed that the latestsoftware version is installed on the cellularphone.Functionality of Android Auto may de-crease or be lost if there are changes tooperating systems, hardware, software orother technologies central to supportingthe system that are outside of NISSAN’scontrol. Changing government regula-tions may also affect operation of AndroidAuto.5. InformationCondition:5-25
(108,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5. InformationMEMOCondition:5-26
(109,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6 Navigation (if so equipped)Safety information .......................................................................... 6-3Navigation screen ........................................................................... 6-3Displaying navigation screen ........................................... 6-3Launch Bar ................................................................................... 6-3Map operation .................................................................................... 6-4Map types ........................................................................................ 6-4Road color ...................................................................................... 6-7Moving map ................................................................................... 6-7Changing scale of map ........................................................ 6-7Changing map ............................................................................. 6-8Map settings ................................................................................. 6-9Setting information on map .......................................... 6-13Traffic information on map ............................................ 6-14Map Menu screen .................................................................. 6-14Setting destination ...................................................................... 6-15Basic operations ..................................................................... 6-15Free Text Search ..................................................................... 6-18Setting home or work locationas destination ........................................................................... 6-19Finding address ....................................................................... 6-19Finding points of interest ................................................ 6-20Searching from previous destinations .................. 6-22Searching from address book ..................................... 6-22Setting city center ................................................................. 6-23Setting with NissanConnectSMServices (ifso equipped) .............................................................................. 6-24Setting intersection .............................................................. 6-25Setting by phone number ............................................ 6-26Setting from stored routes .......................................... 6-26Setting with SiriusXM Travel Link ............................ 6-27Setting point on map ....................................................... 6-28Setting with latitude/longitude ................................ 6-28Using Door To Door Navigation ............................... 6-29Options before starting theroute guidance ...................................................................... 6-30Route guidance ............................................................................. 6-31About route guidance ...................................................... 6-31Route menu ............................................................................. 6-34Canceling Route ................................................................... 6-37Displaying Turn List .......................................................... 6-37Setting detour route ......................................................... 6-37Route Preference ................................................................. 6-38Recalculating route ............................................................ 6-41Editing route ............................................................................ 6-41Guidance settings ............................................................... 6-44Viewing traffic information .................................................. 6-45SiriusXM Traffic information ........................................ 6-45Premium Traffic information ...................................... 6-45Viewing available traffic information ................... 6-45Traffic information setting ........................................... 6-47Storing a location/route ........................................................ 6-48Storing location .................................................................... 6-48Storing route ........................................................................... 6-49Storing avoid area .............................................................. 6-49Condition:
(110,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Editing stored information ............................................. 6-50Deleting stored item ............................................................ 6-54Navigation settings ..................................................................... 6-56General information for navigation system ............ 6-58Current vehicle location ................................................... 6-58Route guidance ....................................................................... 6-61Route calculation ................................................................... 6-63How to update map data ................................................ 6-64Condition:
(111,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]SAFETY INFORMATIONAIVINJN1-86E86BA3-BF7E-40C4-BA2C-BCE97C60A7D2The navigation system is primarily de-signed to help you reach your destination.However, you, the driver, must use thesystem safely and properly. Informationconcerning road conditions, traffic signsand the availability of services may notalways be up to date. The system is not asubstitute for safe, proper, and legal driv-ing.WARNINGAIVINJN1-43837604-6D3B-4A88-95CC-9A1143515BA5Do not rely on route guidance alone.Always be sure that all driving man-euvers are legal and safe in order toavoid accidents.NAVIGATION SCREENAIVINJN1-C5FCA318-4BBA-4D15-A857-9B542ACCC9A3DISPLAYING NAVIGATION SCREENAIVINJN1-D8AC00A2-1C2D-4A70-9906-9AEEE4DB75F85GB0701XPush <MAP> or push <MENU> and touch[Map] on the HOME MENU Launch Bar todisplay the navigation screen.The current location map is displayed andmap functions can be operated. Destina-tion settings or other navigation opera-tions are also available from the LaunchBar.LAUNCH BARGUID-D5D4DD54-609E-45E6-8000-80EE515CBEAFThe Launch Bar displays key functionsrelated to operating the navigation sys-tem. Displayed items vary depending onthe route settings.5GB0699XDuring route guidance5GB0700XNon route guidance6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-3
(112,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)[Go Home] Sets the home location as adestination.“Setting home or worklocation as destination”(page 6-19)[POI] Search for a Point of Interestto set as a destination.“Finding points of in-terest” (page 6-20)[Destina-tion]Display the destinationmenu.“Setting destination”(page 6-15)[Zoom Out] Zoom out the map.“Changing scale ofmap” (page 6-7)[Zoom In] Zoom in the map.“Changing scale ofmap” (page 6-7)[Cancel] Cancel the route guidance.“Canceling Route”(page 6-37)[Route] Display the route menuscreen.“Route menu”(page 6-34)MAP OPERATIONGUID-D4FC98C8-FC44-47CD-AB7C-DFB95B4C855AMAP TYPESAIVINJN1-8F144229-3732-40A7-B87E-81F06E4649A2Two types of map views are available: 2Dmap and 3D map.2D mapAIVINJN1-EE372FB2-4CFF-45FF-B632-64E8205D13D0The 2D map displays the map in a two-dimensional environment similar to a road map.Condition:6-4
(113,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0703XScreen information:Destination:Indicates the location of the finaldestination.Suggested route:Appears in bold blue during routeguidance.Green: Freeways includedBlue: Freeways not includedWaypoint:Displays the location of the waypointthe vehicle will stop by before headingto the final destination. A maximum of5 waypoints can be set.Stored location:Displays the locations that are storedin the Address Book.“Storing location” (page 6-48)The icons can be changed accordingto your preferences.Next street name:Displays the next street name duringthe route guidance.Speed limit icon:Displays the speed limit of the roadthe vehicle is on.Arrow and distance:Indicates the distance to the nextguide point and the turning directionat that guide point.Map Menu:Touch to display the Map Menu.“Map Menu screen” (page 6-14)Direction indicator:Indicates the directional setting of themap.Touch the icon to change the mapview and the map orientation.“Changing map view and maporientation” (page 6-8)Remaining distance to the destina-tion:Indicates the approximate remainingdistance to the destination or way-point. This indicator will appear whena destination or waypoint is set androute guidance is started.Scale indicator:Indicates the scale of the map.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-5
(114,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Estimated time to the destination:Indicates the estimated time to thedestination or waypoint. This indica-tor will appear when a destination orwaypoint is set and route guidance isstarted.“Guidance settings” (page 6-44)Traffic reception status indicator:Indicates the reception condition ofthe traffic information.Green: Reception condition is good.Gray: Reception condition is not good.Vehicle icon:Indicates the current vehicle locationand the direction the vehicle is head-ing.Recommended lane indicator:TThe arrows and the recommendedlane for driving is displayed depend-ing on the current road and whetherthe destination is set or not.Blue: First recommendationWhite: Secondary recommendationGray: Not recommendedStreet name:Displays the name of the street thatthe vehicle is currently driving on.Voice Menu button (if so equipped):Touch the icon to connect to theNissanConnectSMServices VoiceMenu.“Connecting to Interactive VoiceMenu” (page 5-10)3D map GUID-C63CE7A8-5F3A-43AB-9739-240E40D6FC713D map displays the map from an ele-vated perspective. In 3D map, it is easy torecognize an image of the route becauseit provides a panoramic view over a longdistance.5GB0704XINFO:The map in 3D map always appears withthe current forward direction facing up.Building graphicsAIVINJN1-D52D68EF-B8E2-45F4-A665-3D4F393E1605Building graphics are stored in the mapdata for certain areas, and can be dis-played when the map is zoomed in.5GB0705X2D building graphics5GB0706X3D building graphicsCondition:6-6
(115,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:In an area where the building graphics arenot stored in the map data, the normalmap is displayed even when the map iszoomed in.ROAD COLORAIVINJN1-16035A1E-B7A3-449E-857D-82CE718C0B3BThe road types are differentiated by color.Dark Red FreewayLight Brown Major RoadLight Green Secondary RoadWhite Local RoadMOVING MAPAIVINJN1-7786F4B5-D56C-4754-9A7C-B9979A7906F1The map can be scrolled by touch screen.Map scrolling operations are limited whiledriving.Touch:5GB0707X2D map:When the map on the screen is touched,the cross pointer is displayed and theposition touched is set as the center ofthe screen.After moving the map, touch [ ] on themap screen or push <MAP> to display thecurrent location map screen.3D map:Touch the screen. The cross pointer isdisplayed at the center of the map.Touching the screen again will scroll themap toward the touched location.Long touch:Touch the direction to move to. The mapcontinues to scroll while the screen istouched.Drag:Drag the map while the screen is touchedto precisely scroll the map.Swipe/flick:Swipe or flick the screen to scroll the mapscreen quickly.CHANGING SCALE OF MAPAIVINJN1-9DD1AE71-61BA-4F81-A0EB-6A8BF290FBF95GB0708XTo change the map scale, touch [ZoomOut] or [Zoom In] on the Launch Bar. Thescale bar is displayed.The following operations can change themap scale while the scale bar is displayed:.Touch [Zoom Out] or [Zoom In] on theLaunch Bar.Touch [ ] or [ ] on the scale bar.Slide the scale bar indicatorChanging map scale with touchpanel operationGUID-69E6D5AB-95AC-4FEB-BF8F-EAC51A8D9351The map scale can also be changed bydirectly operating the map. Touch themap and display the cross pointer beforeperforming the scale change.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-7
(116,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Pinch-in5GB0246XTo view a wider area, pinch-in the mapscreen.Pinch-out5GB0243XTo view the map in detail, pinch-out themap screen.INFO:.While driving, pinch-in and pinch-outoperations are disabled.Map scaleAIVINJN1-254B822A-980F-405F-9359-0273C1E3FD89Map scale (map coverage) between 300miles (500 km) and 1/64 mile (15 m) can beselected.US Units Metric Units300 mi 500 km125 mi 200 km60 mi 100 km30 mi 50 km15 mi 25 km7.5 mi 12.5 km4 mi 6 km2 mi 3 km1 mi 1500 m1/2 mi 750 m1/4 mi 400 m1/8 mi 200 m1/16 mi 100 m1/32 mi 50 m1/64 mi 25 m1/64 mi 15 mINFO:Depending on the map scale, traffic in-formation icons cannot be displayed onthe map screen.“Traffic information on map”(page 6-46)CHANGING MAPAIVINJN1-EE435B0C-944B-44A6-A02B-44DFEE72CD3FChanging map view and maporientationAIVINJN1-35401E88-4D28-4449-AE8A-C5939593E4EAThe map view and the map orientationcan be changed by touching [ ] on themap screen.The screen will change to North Up,Heading Up and 3D each time [ ] istouched.5GB0751XNorth UpCondition:6-8
(117,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0752XHeading Up5GB0704X3DINFO:.You can also change the map viewfrom the map view settings screen.“Map settings” (page 6-9).A long range map is available thatdisplays a wider area in the directionthe vehicle is moving in the HeadingUp view.“Map settings” (page 6-9)Setting split screenAIVINJN1-59764D97-54A7-4CDA-A1FE-D6101B420713Two different maps can be displayed atonce on a screen with the split screensetting.5GB0710X1. Touch [ ] on the map screen.2. Touch [Map Settings].3. Touch [Change View].4. Select [Split: 2D Map] or [Split: 3D Map].INFO:The settings on the left split map can bechanged from map view settings menu.“Map settings” (page 6-9)MAP SETTINGSAIVINJN1-1F6AA0DC-5FB8-4E2E-9C33-C843D820D840The setup for the map view is performedfrom the Settings menu on the touchscreen display.1. Touch [ ] on the map screen.2. Touch [Map Settings].INFO:[Map Settings] can also be accessed from[Settings] on the Launch Bar.“Navigation settings” (page 6-56)6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-9
(118,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Available setting items may vary depending on models and specifications.Menu item Action[Change View] [2D Map] Displays 2D map.[3D Map] Displays 3D map.[Split: 2D Map] Displays 2D map on both left and right side of the split screen. Youcan see the different scale and settings of 2D maps at the sametime.[Split: 3D Map] Displays 2D map on the left side and 3D map on the right side ofthe screen.[View Settings] [Intersection] Displays the enlarged view of intersection on the left side of thescreen during route guidance.“Route guidance screens” (page 6-32)[Turn List] Displays the turn list on the left side of the screen when a route isset.“Route guidance screens” (page 6-32)[Drive Report] Displays your Eco drive report on the left side of the screen.Touch [History] to view the Drive Report history. Touch [Reset] toclear the past records.Touch [000] to switch to the full Eco drive report screen.Push <MAP> to switch to the full map screen.[Full Map] Displays full map screen.[Map Icons] Select the categories of POI icons to be displayed on the mapscreen.“Displaying map icons” (page 6-13)[Others] [Map Orientation] The map orientation can be selected from North Up or HeadingUp. [Map Orientation] is available only when 2D map is displayed.Condition:6-10
(119,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Menu item Action[Long Range] The position of the vehicle icon can be changed to view a widerarea in the traveling direction. The vehicle icon is located slightlylower than the center of the screen. Long Range is available onlywhen the map view is “Heading Up”.[Left Split Map Set-tings][Map Orientation] The map orientation for the left side of split screen can be selectedfrom North Up or Heading Up.[Long Range] Long Range Map View is available only when the left side of splitscreen is in Heading Up mode.With this item turned on, the vehicle position icon on the leftscreen will be located slightly lower than the center of the screenso that a wider area in the traveling direction can be viewed.[Map Scale] Allows to change the scale of the map displayed on the left side ofthe split screen.[Audio Display on Map] Turns on/off the audio information displayed at the top of thescreen.[Map Color] Sets map color from Color 1 - 4.[Map Text Size] [Large] Sets the font size of text displayed on the map screen.[Medium][Small][Select Text to Displayon Map][Place Names] Allows place names to be displayed on the map screen.[Facility Names] Allows facility names to be displayed on the map screen.[Road Names] Allows road names to be displayed on the map screen.[Map Scrolling Information] The icons and information can be set which appear on the mapscreen when the map scrolling is made.“Displaying map scrolling information” (page 6-13)6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-11
(120,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Menu item Action[Tracking Dots Dis-played on Map][Show Tracking Dots onMap]Turns the route tracking dots display on/off.[Dist. between TrackingDots]Select the interval between tracking dots.[Delete Track to CurrentLocation]Deletes the route tracking dots up to the current location.[Show All Freeway Exits on Route] Turns on/off the freeway exit information display.[Auto. Show Turn List on Freeway] The turn list can be displayed automatically while driving on afreeway.[North Up when Zoomed Out] When this setting is ON, the orientation of the map is automaticallychanged to North Up when the widest map scale is selected.[Back to Map] Back to the current location map.Condition:6-12
(121,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]SETTING INFORMATION ON MAPAIVINJN1-571EE76C-6CCB-4E21-8682-A57D3A386B15Some information on the map can bedisplayed or hidden.Displaying map iconsAIVINJN1-AA72987D-2743-4761-9338-7DED04C38996Displays map icons of certain points ofinterest (such as restaurants and gasstations, etc.) on the map.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch [Map Settings].4. Touch [Map Icons].5. Touch the preferred icon. The indica-tor of the selected icon illuminates.Available setting icons.Restaurant.Gas Station.Hotel.ATM.Rest AreaINFO:.[Map Icons] can also be accessed from[] on the Map screen..If brand icons are registered in themap data, the brand will be displayedon the map instead of the general mapicons.Displaying map scrolling informa-tion AIVINJN1-7E953B13-E5EF-41C1-88FC-C5E9ABF8FE535GB0711XInformation about the location, on whichthe center of the cross pointer is placed byscrolling on the map, can be set to bedisplayed.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [MapSettings].3. Touch [Others].4. Touch [Map Scrolling Information].5. Touch the preferred information item.The following information items areavailable..[Address Book Icons].[Traffic Icons].[Destination/Waypoint Icons].[Show Pop-Up for POIs].[Latitude/Longitude Info]INFO:.When the settings are turned on,placing the cross pointer on the iconswill display the information in a Pop-Up window. The latitude/longitude ofany point on the map where the crosspointer is located will be displayed onthe bottom left corner of the mapscreen..When the [ ] is displayed on the Pop-Up window, destination can be set bytouching it. Touch [ ] to display theplace information screen.On the place information screen,touch [Call] to call the selected placeif the key is available.Touch [Go Here] to set the selectedlocation as the destination.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-13
(122,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)TRAFFIC INFORMATION ON MAPAIVINJN1-76DF2039-9D48-4277-86E8-FF7C624B9B6DSiriusXM Traffic information or PremiumTraffic information is displayed on themap.“Traffic information on map”(page 6-46)MAP MENU SCREENAIVINJN1-0929BEAC-F11F-4396-A760-B4D3410181E5Touch [ ] while the current location mapscreen or a scrolled map screen is dis-played to display the menu correspondingto that screen.This menu can be used to quickly accesshelpful functions, such as setting a desti-nation and searching for points of interestnearby.Current location map screenAIVINJN1-EA83CF78-70AB-4C26-AB1F-C95D1370CA595GB0712XIf [ ] is touched while the current locationmap screen is displayed, the followingoptions are available..[Save Location]:Saves the current vehicle location inthe Address Book.“Storing location by moving map”(page 6-49).[Points of Interest]:Sets the Points of Interest as a desti-nation.“Finding points of interest”(page 6-20).[Map Settings]:Map view settings can be changed.“Map settings” (page 6-9).[Map Icons]:The map icons can be displayed orhidden by type.“Displaying map icons” (page 6-13).[Traffic Info Settings]:Set the various functions of the se-lected traffic information system.“Traffic information on map”(page 6-46).[Cancel Route]:Delete destination and waypoints.“Canceling Route” (page 6-37)Scrolled location map screenAIVINJN1-A63AF447-9FDA-4980-AA8F-A277E7E58E1F5GB0713XIf [ ] is touched while a scrolled mapscreen is displayed, the following optionsare available..[New Dest.]:Sets the map location pointed at bythe cross pointer as a new destination.“Setting point on map”(page 6-28)Condition:6-14
(123,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ].[Add to Route]:Adds the map location pointed at bythe cross pointer as a destination or awaypoint to the route already set.“Setting destination or waypoint”(page 6-41).[Nearby POIs]:Searches for points of interest nearthe map location.“Finding points of interest”(page 6-20).[Save Location]:Saves the map location pointed at bythe cross pointer in the Address Book.“Storing location by moving map”(page 6-49).[Delete]:Deletes a stored location or destina-tion (waypoint) when the cross pointeris placed over an icon.“Deleting individual item on map”(page 6-55)SETTING DESTINATIONAIVINJN1-501A39C4-2FAD-451F-B110-26D6B2F785A4The system can provide route guidanceonce a destination is set.BASIC OPERATIONSAIVINJN1-F50ACAED-A068-494D-AA64-CD603677AFC9Displaying destination settingmenu AIVINJN1-B2EBC8BC-3B61-48B8-A7CB-A84B9994A079There are several methods that can beused to set a destination. Select a pre-ferred method for finding and setting adestination.5GB0714XPush <MAP> and then touch [Destination]on the map Launch Bar.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-15
(124,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Availability of the destination setting methods varies depending on the models and specifications.Available destination setting methods:Setting item ActionQuick Search Bar Searches for a destination by inputting the address or POI names.“Free Text Search” (page 6-18)[Go Home] Searches for a route from the current location to the previously stored home location.“Setting home or work location as destination” (page 6-19)[Street Address] Searches for a destination by address.“Finding address” (page 6-19)[Points of Interest] Searches for a destination from various categories.“Finding points of interest” (page 6-20)[Previous Destinations] Searches for the destination from the previous destinations and a previous start point.“Searching from previous destinations” (page 6-22)[Work] Searches for a route from the current location to the previously stored work location.“Setting home or work location as destination” (page 6-19)[Address Book] Searches for a destination from the vehicle Address Book.“Searching from address book” (page 6-22)[City Center] Sets the center of a city as the destination.“Setting city center” (page 6-23)[NissanConnect Services] Search for a point of interest via the NissanConnectSMServices Data Center.“Searching by connecting to the internet” (page 6-24)[Intersection] Sets an intersection as a destination.“Setting intersection” (page 6-25)[Phone Number] Searches for a point of interest by a telephone number.“Setting by phone number” (page 6-26)[Stored Routes] Sets a route from the stored route data.“Setting from stored routes” (page 6-26)[SXM Travel Link] Sets a destination by using the SiriusXM Travel Link features.“Setting with SiriusXM Travel Link” (page 6-27)Condition:6-16
(125,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][By Map] Searches for a destination by map.“Setting point on map” (page 6-28)[Latitude/Longitude] Sets a destination from latitude and longitude.“Setting with latitude/longitude” (page 6-28)[Door to Door Navigation] Turns on/off Door TO Door navigation.INFO:.After setting a destination, the location of the destination can be adjusted and the location can be stored in the Address Book, etc.“Options before starting the route guidance” (page 6-30).The destination can be deleted.“Canceling Route” (page 6-37)6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-17
(126,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Specifying regionAIVINJN1-3E25FCC3-C8B2-44CB-BCC5-732F43DB2522With some destination setting methods,state/province and city can be specifiedprior to searching for destination loca-tions.5GB0715X1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch the desired search method.4. Touch [State/Province] or [City] if dis-played.5. Enter the name of the state, provinceor city and then touch [List]. A listscreen is displayed.6. Touch the preferred state, province orcity from the list.INFO:.When the system is restarted, the stateand province in which the vehicle isrecognized by the GPS to be locatedwill be set automatically as a state andprovince for location search..While entering the data, the expectedwords are displayed on the inputscreen. The list can be scrolled bytouching [<] or [>]..Touch [Change Area] to change thearea for conducting the locationsearch..Touch [Current State] to search for thedestination within the state or pro-vince where the vehicle is currentlylocated..After touching [City], touch [Last 5Cities] to display the last 5 cities setas destinations..In some cases, when a city name hasbeen entered, the number of matchingdestinations in the “Matches” columnmay be different from the numberdisplayed on the list screen. If thisoccurs, enter more characters tofurther reduce the number ofmatches..It is not possible to search for a routefrom the continental United States orCanada to Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puer-to Rico, etc.FREE TEXT SEARCHGUID-E261FFFD-3EE1-4472-A545-8EB5D1BB81FFA location or facility can be searched byinputting POI name or Address.5GB0716X1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Enter POI or Address].4. Enter the POI name or address. Afterfinishing the entry, touch [List]. A list ofstreets is displayed.Condition:6-18
(127,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:.While entering the facility name, theexpected selections are displayedon the input screen. The list can bescrolled by touching [<] or [>]..When your vehicle is a Wi-Fi net-work, touching [Online Search] cansearch the location considering thelatest information.“Wi-Fi Setting” (page 2-17).Touch [Option] to sort or narrowdown the result.5. Touch the preferred destination fromthe list. An entire route to the destina-tion is displayed.6. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.SETTING HOME OR WORK LOCA-TION AS DESTINATIONAIVINJN1-EFD628DF-FD10-4DDD-BDF4-340E595F2B4EThe home or work location can be quicklyset as the destination if the location isstored in advance.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [Go Home] or [Work].INFO:If the home or work location is notstored yet, the system will display amessage asking if you wish to store ahome or work location. Touch [Yes] tostore the home or working placelocation.“Storing home or work location”(page 6-48)4. An entire route to the destination isdisplayed. Touch [Start] to start routeguidance.INFO:[Go Home] can also be accessed from theLaunch Bar.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command to sethome or work as the destination:“Go Home”“Work”FINDING ADDRESSAIVINJN1-E974693C-B055-4844-9B8F-849E0623EC34The system supports searching for adestination by address.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [Street Address]. The streetaddress input screen is displayed.5GB0717X4. Input the street address..Touch [State/Province] to enter thestate or province name..Touch [House # & Street] to enterthe house number and the streetname. If the house number is notavailable, touch [No House #].After finishing the entry, touch [List].A list of streets is displayed.Touch [City] to enter the city name. Ifthe city name is not available, touch[All Cities].6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-19
(128,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)INFO:.While entering the data, the ex-pected words are displayed on theinput screen. The list can be scrolledby touching [<] or [>]..Touch [Last 5 Cities] to display thelast 5 cities set as destinations.5. After entering the address, touch [OK].The position of the selected location isdisplayed in the preview on the touchscreen display.6. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command tosearch for a destination by address:“Street Address”FINDING POINTS OF INTERESTAIVINJN1-E537C75F-F389-4D0C-BDC4-80E087FFBD4FThis allows you to find a facility by nameor by category. Specify the region and cityof the destination to find it more quickly.NOTE:Locations and business hours of facil-ities are subject to change, which maynot be reflected in the map data. Dou-ble-check this information before yougo to an emergency facility to ensurethat you can receive the proper support.Otherwise, you may not receive emer-gency help when you arrive at thedestination.A confirmation message also appearson the navigation screen. Follow thedisplayed instructions and check theitems required.Searching for a POI by nameAIVINJN1-42622348-4B68-4A78-9240-986407C6723B1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [POI] on the Launch Bar.3. Touch [Spell Name]. A character inputscreen is displayed.INFO:When a route is set, touch [Destination]on the Launch Bar and select [Point ofInterest] to select [Spell Name].5GB0718X4. Enter the name of the destinationfacility. After finishing the entry, touch[List]. A list screen is displayed.Condition:6-20
(129,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:.While entering the facility name, theexpected selections are displayedon the input screen. The list can bescrolled by touching [<] or [>]..To search for a POI with two or morewords, touch [Space] to enter aspace between each word..A connection to a Wi-Fi network isnecessary to use [Online Search]function.“Free Text Search” (page 6-18)The following optional functions areavailable by touching [Option] on thelist..[Along Route]:If a route is already set, the systemdisplays only the facilities locatedalong the route..[Near Destination]:If a route is already set, the systemdisplays only the facilities locatednear the destination..[Near Current Location]:The system displays only the facil-ities located near the current loca-tion..[Online Search]:The system searches the facilitiesusing on-line network information.“Free Text Search” (page 6-18).[Select City]:Narrow down the list by specifyingthe city..[Sort]:The list can be sorted by [By Dis-tance] or [By Name].5. Touch the preferred destination facil-ity from the list.6. A map of the selected place is dis-played. Touch [Start] to start routeguidance.INFO:.After setting a destination, the locationof the destination can be adjusted andthe location can be stored in theStored Location, etc.“Options before starting the routeguidance” (page 6-30)Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command tosearch for Points of Interest from a facilityname:“Points of interest <POI name>”Searching Points of Interest bycategoryAIVINJN1-351BE659-0AB9-473A-AC1A-38ABCADA93D61. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [POI] on the map Launch Bar.3. Touch [All Categories].4. Touch the preferred category. Thefacility list is displayed.5GB0719X6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-21
(130,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)INFO:If the selected category has subcate-gory, a list will be displayed. Select apreferred sub-category.The POI categories to be used fre-quently can be registered in the Pointsof Interest menu.5. Touch [Option] to narrow down, sortor refresh the list.“Searching for a POI by name”(page 6-20)6. Touch the preferred destination facil-ity from the list.Touch [Start] to start route guidance.INFO:If there is no nearby POI, a message askingwhether to search from an extended areawill be displayed. When [Yes] is selected,the system starts to search for POI in awider area.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command tosearch for Points of Interest from cate-gory:“POI by Category”Customizing POIsGUID-E1E635F3-5CB1-44EF-9341-C498E461FE2CThe POI categories displayed in the Pointsof Interest menu can be customized.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [POI] on the Launch Bar.3. Touch [Customize POIs].4. Touch the item number to be mod-ified.5. Touch the preferred POI category.Touch [YES] and the selected POIcategory is displayed in the Points ofInterest menu.SEARCHING FROM PREVIOUSDESTINATIONSAIVINJN1-CCA4B30F-6D42-498B-97B8-C74AE29C5414A previous destination or a previous startpoint can be set as the destination.Up to 100 previous destinations will beautomatically stored. If the number ofprevious destinations exceeds 100, theoldest one is automatically deleted andthe new destination is added.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Previous Destinations]. A listscreen is displayed.4. Touch the previous destination or aprevious start point from the list.5. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice commands todisplay the previous destinations/startpoint list:“Previous Destinations”SEARCHING FROM ADDRESSBOOK AIVINJN1-4C7DF925-9404-4CBE-A2DD-E3DD6D9BAF0BLocations frequently visited can be storedin the Address Book and reused to setdestinations.“Storing location” (page 6-48)1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Address Book].Condition:6-22
(131,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0720X4. Touch the preferred location from thelist.INFO:.Selecting [Sort] displays a list ofvarious sort functions.— [Sorted by Number]:The Address Book entries are dis-played in ascending numerical or-der.— [Sorted by Name]:The Address Book entries are dis-played in alphabetic order.— [Sorted by Icon]:By selecting a particular icon, a listthat contains only the AddressBook entries associated with thaticon is displayed.— [Sorted by Group]:By selecting a particular group (fa-mily, friends, leisure, etc.), the se-lected group is displayed at the topof the list..Touch [Add New] to add a newlocation.5. The selected destination is displayed.Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command to set adestination from the Address Book:“Address Book”SETTING CITY CENTERAIVINJN1-1CBCD129-BFBE-47D9-9EF0-BE9DCF8E2B24It is possible to set the center of aspecified city as a destination.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [City Center]. A character inputscreen is displayed.4. Enter the name of the city and touch[List]. A list screen is displayed.INFO:Touch [Last 5 Cities] to display the last5 cities recently set as destinations.5. Touch the preferred destination fromthe list.6. The selected destination is displayedon the map. Touch [Start] after con-firming the location of the displayeddestination.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command to setcity center as a destination:“City Center”6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-23
(132,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)SETTING WITH NISSANCON-NECTSMSERVICES (if so equipped)AIVINJN1-9C340FD6-BECA-47BF-B787-9D191405656DIt is possible to set the destination usingthe NissanConnectSMServices features.“NissanConnectSMServices”(page 5-5)INFO:Use of NissanConnectSMServices featuresis dependent upon a valid subscriptionand the telematics device being in opera-tive condition, as well as cellular connec-tivity, navigation map data and GPSsatellite signal reception being available.Searching by connecting to theinternet AIVINJN1-726DA97D-A533-42CE-BF37-EBEE35F369E0It is possible to find a point of interest byinputting a keyword and connecting tothe Internet. The searched location can beset as a destination.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [NissanConnect Services].4. Touch [Connected Search].5. Enter the keyword and touch [List].The system will connect to the Nissan-ConnectSMServices Data Center andthe search results will be displayed.6. Touch the preferred destination fromthe list.7. An entire route to the destination isdisplayed. Touch [Start] to start routeguidance.INFO:.Connected Search is a NissanCon-nectSMServices feature. It is necessaryto subscribe to NissanConnectSMSer-vices in order to use the feature..The Connected Search can also be setby pushing <MENU> and touching[Info] on the Launch Bar, and thentouching [NissanConnect Services].Using Destination Send to CarGUID-60E1571B-CE42-4215-AB73-CC0A553CA3C0Destination Send to Car enables you tosearch for destinations from a point ofinterest (POI) database accessed withinthe NISSAN Owner’s Portal Website.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [NissanConnect Services].4. Touch [Destination Send to Car].5. Select the preferred folder.6. Select the preferred channel. The list ofdestinations set using the NISSANOwner’s Portal Website is displayed.5GB0726X7. Select the preferred destination fromthe list. The position of the selectedlocation is displayed in the previewscreen.INFO:.Select [Update List] to update thelist of destinations..The Destination Send to Car canalso be accessed by pushing<MENU> and touching [Info] on theLaunch Bar, and then touching[NissanConnect Services].8. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Condition:6-24
(133,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Using Journey PlannerGUID-29B1256C-E3A9-41EA-B986-49C11C62B7F2It is possible to set the route according toa route plan created in advance using theNISSAN Owner’s Portal Website.INFO:Use of NissanConnectSMServices featuresis dependent upon a valid subscriptionand the telematics device being in opera-tive condition, as well as cellular connec-tivity, navigation map data and GPSsatellite signal reception being available.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [NissanConnect Services].4. Touch [Journey Planner]. The systemwill connect to the NissanConnectSMServices Data Center and display theJourney Planner list screen.5GB0727X5. Select the preferred route plan fromthe list.INFO:.Touch [Update List] to update thelist information.6. An entire route to the destination isdisplayed. Touch [Start] after confirm-ing the location of the displayed desti-nation.INFO:.The Journey Planner can also be setpushing <MENU> and by touching[Info] on the Launch Bar, and thentouching [NissanConnect Services]..Journey Planner is a NissanConnectSMServices feature. Subscription is re-quired to use the NissanConnectSMServices..Refer to the NISSAN Owner’s PortalWebsite for how to set the destinationusing Journey Planner.Searching by using Voice Menubutton on mapAIVINJN1-1F38A02D-BB30-4DCA-907E-78AAC84B29525GB0697XIt is possible to set a destination bytouching the Voice Menu button onthe map. You can choose from the optionsprovided by the voice guidance and speakyour choice, or ask the NissanConnectSMServices Response Specialists directly tosearch for your destination.“Connecting to Interactive VoiceMenu” (page 5-10)SETTING INTERSECTIONAIVINJN1-4599645B-7FEB-4FFC-9904-951F14B57AFCIt is possible to set an intersection of anytwo streets as the destination and havethe system calculate a route.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Intersection]. The Intersectionscreen is displayed.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-25
(134,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)5GB0721X4. Input the Intersection..Touch [State/Province] to enter thestate or province name if necessary..Touch [City] to enter the city name..Touch [1st Street] to enter the firststreet name. After finishing theentry, touch [List]. A list screen isdisplayed. Select the desired streetname..After the first street information isentered, touch [2nd Street] to enterthe second street name. After fin-ishing the entry, touch [List]. A listscreen is displayed. Select the de-sired street name.5. These steps are covered as part ofstep 4. No need to mention againtouch [OK]. The route is displayed.6. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Voice command1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand.Use the following voice command to setan intersection as destination:“Intersection”SETTING BY PHONE NUMBERAIVINJN1-87C28043-E7CD-4FB6-9E27-0811FF88248EIf the phone number of a facility is known,it is possible to search for a facility byentering the phone number.INFO:.If the area code of the specified tele-phone number does not exist in themap data, the system cannot searchfor the location..Only the locations included in thedatabase in the map data can besearched for by phone number. Resi-dential phone numbers cannot beused to search for a location.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Phone Number]. The telephonenumber input screen is displayed.4. Enter the telephone number includingthe area code. After finishing entry,touch [OK].5. The selected destination is displayed.Touch [Start] after confirming thelocation of the displayed destination.INFO:If there are more than one locationregistered for the phone number, a listscreen is displayed. Touch an item on thelist to select a preferred location.SETTING FROM STORED ROUTESAIVINJN1-174315DE-CFE8-4311-94E7-67FE9F3D0C92It is possible to select a preferred routefrom the stored routes.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Stored Routes]. A list screen isdisplayed.4. Touch the preferred route from thelist.Condition:6-26
(135,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0722X5. The entire route is shown on the map.Touch [Start] to start route guidance.INFO:.Touch [ ] to edit the stored route.“Editing stored route” (page 6-54).The stored route only includes loca-tions (destination and waypoints) androute calculation conditions, not theroute itself. Therefore, when the desti-nation is set using a stored route, adifferent route may be suggested ifthe current vehicle location is differentfrom the one when the route wasstored..To store the current route, touch[Store Current Route]. A route can bestored only when it includes one ormore waypoints.“Storing route” (page 6-49)SETTING WITH SiriusXM TRAVELLINK GUID-F5FEB20D-E940-4FA5-ABE9-3E9EC86568E3It is possible to set the destination usingthe features of SiriusXM Travel Link.“SiriusXM Travel Link” (page 5-16)INFO:A SiriusXM Travel Link subscription isnecessary to receive SiriusXM informationservices.Using SiriusXM Fuel PricesGUID-73465726-2D1E-4C80-94A8-CABC3EA5D56BSet the preferred gas station as thedestination using SiriusXM Fuel Prices.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [SXM Travel Link].4. Touch [SXM Fuel Prices].5. Touch the preferred gas station fromthe list.Available lists:[Favorite]:Displays the gas station saved as afavorite.[Nearby]:Displays the gas station near thecurrent location.[Near Dest.]:Displays the gas station near thedestination.6. Touch the preferred gas station fromthe list.7. Touch [Go Here].8. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Using SiriusXM ParkingGUID-DE37C6C1-F25A-4114-9F1F-D4B1BE3BA75ESet the preferred parking location as thedestination using SiriusXM Parking.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [SXM Travel Link].4. Touch [SXM Parking].5. Touch the preferred parking locationfrom the list.Available lists:[Favorite]:Displays the parking location saved asa favorite.[Nearby]:Displays the parking location near thecurrent location.[Near Dest.]:Displays the parking location near the6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-27
(136,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)destination.6. Touch the preferred parking from thelist.7. Touch [Go Here].8. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.Using SiriusXM Movie ListingsGUID-A19CDCCB-9911-466C-BDF4-D68526655EA9Set the preferred theater as the destina-tion using SiriusXM Movie Listings.1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the LaunchBar.3. Touch [SXM Travel Link].4. Touch [SXM Movie Listings].5. Search for the theater by the followingmethods.[Favorite Theaters]:Select from the list of theaters whichsaved have been as a favorite.[Nearby Theaters]:Select from the list of theaters near thecurrent location.[Current Movies]:Select from the list of current moviesand [Theaters]. Select the preferredtheater from the list to set as adestination.[Search for a Theater]:Search for the theater by inputting thename directly.[Search for a Movie]:Search for the movie by inputting thetitle directly.6. Touch [Go Here].7. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.SETTING POINT ON MAPAIVINJN1-1CECA297-8DF7-4E58-9746-C408EB3A9FBDIt is possible to set a location scrolled toon the map as the destination and havethe system calculate a route.5GB0723X1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [By Map].4. Scroll the map, place the cross pointerover the preferred location, and touch[OK].INFO:The point on the highlighted roadwhere the center of the cross pointeris located can be set as a destination.5. The entire route is shown on the touchscreen display. Touch [Start] to startroute guidance.Other settings1. Scroll the map, place the cross pointerover the preferred location, and touch[].2. Touch [New Dest.].3. The entire route is shown on the touchscreen display. Touch [Start] to startroute guidance.INFO:If a point on a freeway is set as thedestination, a confirmation message isdisplayed.SETTING WITH LATITUDE/LONG-ITUDE GUID-7434D3F5-2BF7-4F5E-8F39-AD8A6A3A84C1A destination can be set by specifying thelatitude and longitude of the location.Condition:6-28
(137,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0728X1. Push <MAP>.2. Touch [Destination] on the mapLaunch Bar.3. Touch [Latitude/Longitude]. A numberinput screen is displayed.4. Enter latitude and longitude of thelocation to be set as a destinationand touch [OK].5. The entire route is shown on the touchscreen display. Touch [Start] to startroute guidance.INFO:.To switch between entering latitudeand longitude, move the cursor bytouching [<] and [>]..Touch [Change] to switch the formatof the latitude and longitude..Touch [West] or [East] to set theappropriate longitude..Touch [North] or [South] to set theappropriate latitude..A message will appear if the selectedlocation is not included in the maparea.USING DOOR TO DOOR NAVIGA-TION GUID-1AEB5848-89CB-47EA-BF79-1BF04BA880B4The destination can be set using a com-panion smartphone application andtransferred to the vehicle. The routeguidance will continue with walking direc-tions via the companion smartphoneapplication after getting out of the vehicle.INFO:.A compatible smartphone and regis-tration is required to use the Door toDoor navigation feature..Door to Door Navigation can be down-loaded from Apple App store or Googleplay store..The registration is required for Door toDoor Navigation at the first boot..For more information about this tech-nology, visit the Door to Door Naviga-tion download page.1. Connect the smartphone to the vehi-cle via Bluetooth®.“Setting Bluetooth®” (page 2-16)INFO:[Sync with Door to Door Navi.] shouldbe turned on before using this feature.“Navigation settings” (page 6-56)2. Select a destination using the Compa-nion App on your smartphone.3. Transfer the destination from thesmartphone to the vehicle.4. A confirmation screen will be dis-played. Touch [Go Here] and the posi-tion of the transferred location isdisplayed in the preview on the touchscreen display.Touch [Store] to register the destina-tion in the address book.Touch [Ignore] to cancel the transferof the destination.5. Touch [Start] to start route guidance.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-29
(138,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)INFO:ZZZOPTIONS BEFORE STARTING THEROUTE GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-E83C964B-BC32-48FB-AF85-60942AFE2170Before starting the route guidance, selectmenus for route details to modify theroute, preview the turn list, or store theroute.5GB0736X.[Start]:Starts route guidance to the selecteddestination..[Add to Route]:Adds a location to the route previouslyset..[More Routes]:— [Fastest Route]Selects a route that is shortest intime.— [Energy-Saving]Selects a route for energy saving.— [Shortest Distance]Selects a route that is shortest indistance.— [Alternative]Selects an alternative route. An-other route can be selected bytouching [Multiple]..[Turn List]:Displays a detailed turn list. The mapcan be displayed and the turn can beavoided by touching a turning point.“Displaying Turn List ” (page 6-37).[Move Location]:Displays a map screen and allows thelocation of the destination to be ad-justed..[Information]:— [Place Info]Displays detailed information of thedestination. Touch [Go Here] to setthe destination. Touch [Call] (whenavailable) to make a phone call tothe facility set as a destination.— [Save Location]:Saves the location to the AddressBook.— [Store Route]:Store the route for later use.Condition:6-30
(139,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]ROUTE GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-FD38A9D2-BD38-4915-90E1-EFF73D4DAEA9ABOUT ROUTE GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-FD5538DC-DAD3-4D25-9388-EEEB98B01107After setting the route, select [Start] tostart the route guidance.Throughout the route guidance, the sys-tem navigates you through the guidepoints using visual and voice guidance.WARNINGAIVINJN1-E0F88CF2-5C7A-4E1E-B116-50BE3E1D0C9B.The navigation system’s visual andvoice guidance is for referencepurposes only. The contents ofthe guidance may be inappropri-ate depending on the situation..Follow all traffic regulations whendriving along the suggested route(e.g., one-way traffic).“Route guidance” (page 6-61)Voice guidance during route gui-dance AIVINJN1-B9542D5E-9818-4B43-8BA0-4E1F33E37BDBBasics of voice guidance:Voice guidance announces which direc-tion to turn when approaching an inter-section for which a turn is necessary.INFO:.There may be some cases in whichvoice guidance and actual road con-ditions do not correspond. This mayoccur because of discrepancies be-tween the actual road and the infor-mation on the map data, or may alsobe due to the vehicle speed..In case voice guidance does not cor-respond to the actual road conditions,follow the information obtained fromtraffic signs or notices on the road..Route guidance provided by the navi-gation system does not take carpoollane driving into consideration, espe-cially when carpool lanes are sepa-rated from other road lanes..The system will announce streetnames when the system language isset to English. Street names are notannounced when the system is set toFrench or Spanish.INFO:.When approaching a guide point (in-tersection or corner), destination, etc.during route guidance, voice guidanceannounces the remaining distanceand/or turning direction. Push andhold <MAP> to repeat voice guidance..Voice guidance settings can be chan-ged from [Intersection Guidance Set-tings].“Guidance settings” (page 6-44)6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-31
(140,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Example of voice guidance:INI0119“In about one quarter mile (400 me-ters), right (left) turn.”“Right (left) turn ahead.”“In about one quarter mile (400 me-ters) freeway entrance on your rightonto (road number and direction).”“Freeway entrance on your right onto(road number and direction).”“In about 1 mile (1.6 kilometers), exit onyour right.”“Take the second exit on your right.”“You have reached your destination.Ending route guidance.”Directions will differ, depending on theroad type.INFO:Distances may vary, depending on thevehicle speed.Route guidance screensAIVINJN1-1EC15C97-38ED-4C88-9336-8B6A6573F8DEVarious guidance screens are displayedon the touch screen display during routeguidance.The settings of the guidance screens canbe changed.“Map settings” (page 6-9)Route guidance on map screen:5GB0729XWhen route guidance starts, the smallturn arrow and the distance to the nextguide point are displayed in the upperright corner of the map screen. This arrowindicates the turning direction at the nextguide point (corner or intersection). WhenCondition:6-32
(141,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]approaching a guide an point, enlargedintersection view is displayed. Also, theremay be cases where next street namesare announced.Enlarged intersection view:5GB0730XWhen approaching a guide point, thesystem automatically changes to the splitscreen view and shows an enlarged viewof the intersection on the left side of thescreen. To switch to the full map screenwhile the enlarged intersection view isdisplayed, push <MAP>. The distance tothe guide point and the name of the nextstreet to drive on are displayed at the topof the screen.Junction guidance:5GB0731XWhile driving on a freeway, when thevehicle is approximately 1 mile (approxi-mately 2 km) from a junction, the systemautomatically switches to the split screenview and displays an enlarged view of thejunction on the left side of the screen.After the vehicle passes the junction, thesystem automatically returns to the fullscreen mode. To switch to the full mapscreen while the enlarged junction view isdisplayed, push <MAP>.Turn list:5GB0733XWhen [Turn List] in the view settings menuis turned on, a turn list can be displayed onthe left side of the screen. To switch to thefull map screen, push <MAP>.“Map settings” (page 6-9)The left screen automatically switches toan enlarged view of the intersection whenapproaching a guide point.5GB0691XWhen [Turn List] and [Show all FreewayExit on Route] are turned on and the routeincludes a freeway or toll road, all exits6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-33
(142,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)along the route and its exit informationwill be shown in the turn list. The exitinformation is shown as icons.With [Auto. Show Turn List on Freeway]turned on, the turn list will appear auto-matically when driving on freeways.“Map settings” (page 6-9)Selecting a waypoint from the exitinformation list:When exit information is displayed on theturn list, a waypoint to a facility locatednear the freeway exit can be set as awaypoint. The facility categories that arenot shown with an icon on the turn listcannot be selected.5GB0734X1. Touch the exit where the exit informa-tion icon is displayed. The category listscreen is displayed.2. Touch the POI category. A list offacilities located near the freeway exitis displayed.3. Touch the preferred facility for thewaypoint.4. The waypoint is set, and the routesearch is performed.“Options before starting the routeguidance” (page 6-30)5. Touch [Start] to start the route gui-dance.ROUTE MENUAIVINJN1-A1C01E8A-570A-408B-B0D8-CEBD91E269C3WARNINGAIVINJN1-90C2BA35-9CAB-465C-864F-2531EEB741B5Always stop the vehicle in a safelocation before modifying the routeconditions. Modifying the route con-ditions while driving may cause anaccident.During route guidance, the route condi-tions can be modified and the routeinformation can be confirmed. Set routeconditions according to your personalpreference.5GB0735XPush <MAP> when a destination is set,and then touch [Route] on the Launch Bar.The Route menu screen is displayed.Condition:6-34
(143,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Available settingsMenu item Result[Cancel Route] Cancels the current route guidance.“Canceling Route” (page 6-37)[Turn List] Displays the details of the suggested route.“Displaying Turn List ” (page 6-37)[Detour] A detour of a specified distance can be calculated.“Setting detour route” (page 6-37)[Route Preference] Set the route search conditions.“Route Preference” (page 6-38)[Recalculate] Manually search for the route again after changing the searchconditions, etc. and have the system calculate a route.“Recalculating route” (page 6-41)[Show Destination] [Move Location] Displays a map screen and allows the location of the destination to beadjusted.[Nearby POIs] Search for points of interest near the destination, such as restaurantsand gas stations, etc. The location can be set as a waypoint.[Save Location] Save the destination in the Address Book.[Edit/Add to Route] A destination or waypoint can be added to a route that has alreadybeen set.“Editing route” (page 6-41)[Guidance Settings] Various guidance settings can be customized.“Guidance settings” (page 6-44)[Store Route] A calculated route can be stored. A maximum of 10 routes can bestored. The stored routes can easily be recalled for future use.[Map Scroll] Displays a map screen where the location of the destination can beconfirmed.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-35
(144,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)[Simulation] Simulates the route guidance. This function provides a detailed imageof the route with voice guidance.The following operations are available:[]: Pauses the simulation.[]: Resumes the simulation.[]: Ends the simulation.[]: Increases the play speed. 4 levels of speed adjustment areavailable.[]: Decrease the play speed. 4 levels of speed adjustment areavailable.Condition:6-36
(145,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]CANCELING ROUTEAIVINJN1-8DC58B15-9628-42A9-83C4-AE2C6B35D56BIt is possible to delete a destination and allwaypoints that have already been set.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Cancel Route].3. A confirmation message is displayed.Touch [Yes] to delete the currently setdestinations and waypoints.INFO:The deleted destination and waypointscannot be reactivated.DISPLAYING TURN LISTGUID-30EC4F85-30D3-4792-8E7F-3027E110DC66Displays the details of the suggestedroute.5GB0737X1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Turn List].Setting avoid roadGUID-0206ED89-2F7C-41C6-8531-0E0C2FD3B109The detour to avoid a road is available bytouching the road name on the Turn Listdisplay.1. Touch the road on the list you prefer toavoid. The position of the selectedintersection is displayed.2. Touch [Avoid This Road].INFO:Touching [Show Map] can confirm theentire route.3. Display returns to the turn list. Touch[Recalculate]. The route is recalcu-lated.Touch [Cancel] to cancel the avoidsetting.SETTING DETOUR ROUTEAIVINJN1-69587962-3FE9-4EAB-B845-77B0F01E889CTo detour from the suggested route, canbe calculated for a specified distance.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Detour].3. Touch a detour distance. Availableoptions are: 1/4 mile (400m), 1/2 mile(1km), 1 mile (2km), 3 miles (5km) or 5miles (10km). After calculating thedetour, the system displays the detourroute on the map.INFO:.The detour setting can be canceled bytouching [Cancel Detour]..When the vehicle has deviated fromthe suggested route, [Detour] cannotbe selected..If the system cannot calculate a de-tour with the specified conditions theprevious suggested route is displayed..If the vehicle is traveling very fast, thedetour route may start from a locationthat the vehicle has already passed.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-37
(146,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)ROUTE PREFERENCEAIVINJN1-126160A4-D2D4-4B8A-8C2C-7E583DEBCA04It is possible to set the conditions of the route search.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Route Preference].3. Touch the item you would like to set.Setting Item Action[Basic Route Type] [Fastest Route] Prioritizes the use of fastest route.[Energy-Saving] Prioritizes a route which uses less energy.[Shortest Distance] Prioritizes the shortest route.The route may not be the shortest route because thesystem prioritizes roads that are easy to drive on for safetyreasons.[Other RoutingChoices][Minimize Freeway] Minimizes the use of freeways.[Minimize Toll Roads] Minimizes the use of toll roads.[Time RestrictedRoads][Use Restriction Info] Calculates route taking time restriction information intoconsideration.[Do Not Use Restriction Info] Calculates route without taking time restriction informa-tion into consideration.[Avoid] Calculates route avoiding the use of time restricted roads.[Seasonal RestrictedRoads][Use Restriction Info] Calculates route taking seasonal restriction informationinto consideration.[Do Not Use Restriction Info] Calculates route without taking seasonal restrictioninformation into consideration.[Avoid] Calculates route avoiding the use of seasonal restrictedroads.Condition:6-38
(147,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][Use Traffic Informa-tion][Auto] Calculates the route automatically taking traffic informa-tion into consideration.[Confirm] Calculates the route after confirming the route consider-ing traffic information.[OFF] Calculates the route without taking traffic informationinto consideration.[Use Avoid Area Settings] When enabled, the system avoids the previously definedavoid areas.[Use Ferries] Includes the use of ferries.[Use Unpaved Roads] Include the use of unpaved roads.[Use HOV Lanes] Include the use of HOV lanes[Route CalculationType][3type] Calculates 3type routes when confirming other routes.[1type] Calculate an alternative route when confirming otherroutes.[Estimated Time] [Destination] Displays the estimated time of arrival or remaining time tothe destination during route guidance.[Waypoint] Displays the estimated time of arrival or remaining time tothe waypoint during the route guidance.[Destination TimeSetting][Est. Time of Arr.] Displays the estimated time of arrival.[Trip Time Remaining] Displays the remaining time to arrival.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-39
(148,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)INFO:.If the vehicle greatly deviates from the suggested route, the system calculates a new route..Traffic jam information displayed on the map screen is not statistical traffic information..If [Do Not Use Restriction Info] is selected for [Time Restricted Roads] setting, the system calculates a route without anyconsideration of the regulations concerning the time or day of the week. Therefore, the suggested route may include a roadsubject to traffic regulations concerning the time or day of the week. When driving along the route, always follow all trafficregulations regardless of whether [Time Restricted Roads] is set to be considered or not..Even when [Use Traffic Information] is turned on, if traffic information has not been provided for the area, a detour may not alwaysbe indicated in a location where a traffic jam occurs..The system calculates to reduce the time required for the entire route from the start to the destination. If there are no appropriateroutes, the system may lead to a route where a traffic jam occurs instead of leading to a detour..The system may not lead to a detour if the traffic closure or a traffic jam occurs far from the present location.Condition:6-40
(149,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]RECALCULATING ROUTEAIVINJN1-338AF520-F4FD-419B-8060-6AF4890C9F43A route can be manually searched againafter changing the search conditions, etc.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Recalculate]. A message isdisplayed and the route is recalcu-lated.3. Touch [Start] or conduct other opera-tions as necessary.“Options before starting the routeguidance” (page 6-30)INFO:.When a waypoint has been set on theroute, the system will search for onlyone route, even if route recalculation isperformed..When the vehicle deviates from thesuggested route, the route from thecurrent location to the destination isautomatically searched again by theAuto Reroute function.“Route Preference” (page 6-38)EDITING ROUTEAIVINJN1-0CFA5674-26DB-4DBD-94B4-07D1D137A60E5GB0738X1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Edit/Add to Route].3. Edit the following settings and touch[Calculate].Available settings[Add Destination]:Touch to add a new destination.Current destination:Touch to edit or delete the destina-tion.“Editing/deleting destination orwaypoint” (page 6-42)Criteria for calculating a route to thedestination/waypoint:Touch to change the conditions forroute calculation.“Changing route calculation con-ditions” (page 6-42)[Add Waypoint]:Touch to add a waypoint.“Setting destination or waypoint”(page 6-41)Current waypoint:Modifies or deletes the waypoint.“Editing/deleting destination orwaypoint” (page 6-42)[Calculate]:After editing the route, the systemrecalculates a route with new condi-tions.Setting destination or waypointAIVINJN1-0BB2FCA4-907D-47E4-BFE0-38F304C36A5CA destination or waypoint can be added toa route that has already been set. Up to 5waypoints besides one destination can beset.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Edit/Add to Route].6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-41
(150,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)5GB0739X3. Touch [Add Destination] or [Add Way-point].INFO:If [Add Destination] is selected, thecurrent destination changes to a way-point.4. Set a destination or waypoint. Themethod of searching for a destinationor waypoint is the same as the one fora destination.“Setting destination” (page 6-15)5. Touch [Add to Route] to add thelocation to the route.6. The route information with the se-lected location added to the route isdisplayed. Adjust the route calculationconditions as necessary.“Changing route calculation con-ditions” (page 6-42)7. Touch [Calculate] to confirm the routechange. The route will be recalculated.INFO:.The prior route will be deleted auto-matically..Destinations or waypoints can also beadded from the Map Menu.“Scrolled location map screen”(page 6-14)Editing/deleting destination orwaypointAIVINJN1-CD749FF6-3A0C-4C28-9B11-71083532CB3DA destination or waypoint that has al-ready been set can be modified or deleted.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Edit/Add to Route].3. Touch a destination or waypoint thatis already set.5GB0740X4. Touch to edit the following settings:Available settings.[Delete]:A selected destination or waypointthat has already been set can bedeleted..[Change Order]:The order of a destination andwaypoints that are already set canbe changed..[Move Dest.]:The location of the destination orwaypoint can be adjusted by mov-ing the cross pointer across themap on the touch screen display.5. Touch [Calculate] to apply the change.INFO:If the destination is deleted, the finalwaypoint of the route becomes the desti-nation.Changing route calculation con-ditions AIVINJN1-2CFF4089-B7EE-40B4-A210-DBBEF76EF02BEach section of the route between way-points can have different route calcula-tion conditions.Condition:6-42
(151,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GB0742X1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Edit/Add to Route].3. Touch the route condition shown onthe preferred section of the route tothe destination or waypoint.4. Touch the preferred condition.“Route Preference” (page 6-38)5. The conditions are changed and thedisplay returns to the edit routescreen.6. Touch [Calculate] to apply the change.INFO:.The recalculated route may not be theshortest route because the systemprioritizes roads that are easy to driveon for safety reasons.Changing order of destinationand waypointsAIVINJN1-A503E69F-4403-4F87-813B-70DF8CB10CE1The order of a destination and waypointsthat are already set can be changed.5GB0741X1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Edit/Add to Route].3. Touch a destination or waypoint thatis already set.4. Touch [Change Order].5. Touch a preferred destination or way-point to replace the previously se-lected destination or waypoint.6. Touch [Calculate] to apply the change.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-43
(152,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)GUIDANCE SETTINGSAIVINJN1-7A6444E0-AFEC-465E-93B2-F84FA292326BVarious settings are available to customize the guidance information provided by the system.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Guidance Settings].3. Touch an item you would like to set.Setting item Action[Guidance Volume] Adjusts the volume level of voice guidance.[Guidance Voice] Activates or deactivates voice guidance.[Traffic Announcement] Activates or deactivates the traffic announcement.When this item is activated, the system provides an announcement trafficinformation events on the route. The indicator illuminates if traffic announcement isactivated.[Toll Booth Guide] Activates or deactivates the toll booth guidance.INFO:.The guidance volume can also be adjusted by turning <VOLUME/ >or pushing <+ -> on the steering wheel while voiceguidance is being announced..A SiriusXM Traffic subscription is necessary to use Traffic Announcement function.Condition:6-44
(153,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]VIEWING TRAFFIC INFORMA-TIONAIVINJN1-BB5C14C6-68BD-4F62-9328-48182A5DAB5CSiriusXM TRAFFIC INFORMATIONGUID-2EA7DE01-DAE9-4141-81D2-5B22E18AFC54SiriusXM Traffic information is a subscrip-tion service offered by SiriusXM SatelliteRadio.This service provides real-time informa-tion regarding traffic flow, accidents, roadconstruction and other incidents, whereavailable.SiriusXM Traffic combines informationfrom commercial and public traffic dataproviders including government depart-ments of transportation, police, emer-gency services, road sensors, camerasand aircraft reports. The traffic informa-tion is broadcast to the vehicle by theSiriusXM satellites. Available traffic infor-mation on the route the driver selected isshown on the navigation screen so trafficconditions between you and the destina-tion are known. Three types of real-timetraffic information for major roadways areshown on the navigation system:* Unscheduled traffic data for example,accidents and disabled vehicles.* Scheduled traffic data, for example roadconstruction and road closures.* Traffic flow information (rate of speeddata).WARNINGGUID-31935F5C-6104-4689-A71A-6926217ADFE0SiriusXM Traffic information is not asubstitute for attentive driving. Trafficconditions change constantly andemergency situations can arise with-out warning. Relying only on SiriusXMTraffic information may lead to acollision and could result in seriouspersonal injury.NOTE:.Turn [Use Premium Traffic] off whenreceiving SiriusXM Traffic informa-tion.“Traffic information setting”(page 6-47).Flow information is provided only forroads equipped with traffic sensorsand is not available in all marketscovered by the service. Flow datamay not be available on portions of aroad that is under construction..A SiriusXM Traffic subscription isnecessary to view Traffic Info.“SiriusXM Travel Link”(page 5-16)PREMIUM TRAFFIC INFORMATIONGUID-A94853C1-B1CF-48E0-A95F-2CA0EA659488The more detailed traffic information onthe road can be obtained from PremiumTraffic information.Premium Traffic information is availableby turning [Use Premium Traffic] on andconnecting Wi-Fi device or connectingsmartphone through Wi-Fi.“Traffic information setting”(page 6-47)VIEWING AVAILABLE TRAFFIC IN-FORMATIONAIVINJN1-7D5D383F-5F4C-4E8B-A72D-F7A55E47CC9EViewing traffic events from listAIVINJN1-98BC0A20-0A3E-4182-9DC8-E6BE6A36F52D1. Push <MENU> and then [Info] on theHOME MENU Launch Bar.2. Touch [SXM Traffic] or [Premium Traf-fic]. A list of available types of informa-tion are displayed.AvailableitemsFunction[ShowTraffic onthe Route]Displays a list of traffic infor-mation found on the routefrom the current vehicle loca-tion to the destination. Avail-able only when a route is set.[NearbyTrafficInfo]Displays a list of availabletraffic information around thecurrent vehicle location.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-45
(154,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)3. Touch the preferred item. A list ofavailable events are displayed.5GB0743X4. Touch an event from the list to checkthe detailed information and the map.Touch [Avoid] to search for an alter-nate route.Displaying urgent traffic informa-tion AIVINJN1-640E1972-00BA-4AAB-817F-9DD492D3BEE6When an urgent event is found around thecurrent vehicle location, a message popsup automatically on the touch screendisplay with a voice announcement.The message includes the icon, eventtype, event information and the directdistance from the current location to theevent.INFO:.When there are multiple urgent events,the event with the shortest directdistance from the current location isdisplayed..If the urgent event is on the recom-mended route, and if a detour is found,the detour route notification screen isdisplayed when the vehicle ap-proaches the detour point.Traffic information on mapAIVINJN1-349B2DD4-5AE0-4619-9823-43EBC8BCDC55Traffic information is displayed on both 2Dmap and 3D map screen.Screen information5GB0753XExampleRoad conditionsFree Flow: Green arrowModerate: Yellow arrowHeavy traffic: Red arrowSection affected by serious trafficevent: Purple arrowQueuing traffic: Orange (PremiumTraffic information only)Traffic information icon:If a route is not already set, all of thetraffic information icons on the mapscreen are displayed in gray. When aroute is already set, the icons on theroute are displayed in color, and theicons outside the route are displayedin gray.: Traffic jam: Slow traffic: Traffic flowing freely: Road closed: Accident: Road work: Narrow lanes: All other eventsCondition:6-46
(155,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Traffic indicator:Displays the reception condition oftraffic information transmitted fromthe provider.When reception condition of trafficinformation transmitted from theprovider is not detected, the trafficindicator will be “grayed-out”.Remaining distance and estimatedtime to the destination calculatedwith consideration of traffic infor-mation on route.INFO:Traffic icons are displayed in the scalelevel of 1/64 miles (25 m) - 5 miles (10 km)range. Some traffic icons are displayedonly on the map at higher detail levels.TRAFFIC INFORMATION SETTINGAIVINJN1-9E862250-858D-4540-8106-66DE14C1E881Settings for traffic information relatedfunctions can be changed.5GB0750X1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch [Traffic Info Settings].4. Touch the preferred setting. The in-dicator for the selected setting illumi-nates.Available setting items.[Use Premium Traffic]:Turns the Premium Traffic informationon/off..[Traffic Icon Selection]:Selects which types of traffic incidents(e.g., accident) will be displayed on themap screen..[Premium Traffic Update Settings](Premium Traffic information only)Sets the Premium Traffic information.INFO:.Even when [Show Traffic Flow on Map]and [Show Incidents on Map] are set tooff, the list display of [Info on Route]and [Nearby Traffic Info] will not beaffected.“Viewing traffic events from list”(page 6-45).Even when [Traffic Announcement] isset to off, the route guidance will notbe affected. Also, the announcementof emergency information and weath-er information will not be turned off.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-47
(156,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)STORING A LOCATION/ROUTEAIVINJN1-D56E2757-E480-448D-84DE-0D0260214C62STORING LOCATIONAIVINJN1-544965B9-F333-49EA-BE90-4D6BE51EE5F0Often visited locations can be stored inthe Address Book. The stored addressescan be easily retrieved to set them as adestination or waypoint. The AddressBook can store up to 200 locations.Storing home or work locationAIVINJN1-18F9446E-22F6-4B69-B465-63E96AFC7E1DA home or work location can be stored inthe system.5GB0744X1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Ad-dress Book].3. Touch [Home Location (None)] or[Work Location (None)].4. Touch an appropriate method to setthe location. Refer to the search meth-ods used for destination setting.“Setting destination” (page 6-15)When stored, the location is displayedat the center of the map on the touchscreen display.5. Edit the contents of the stored item asnecessary and touch [OK].“Editing stored location”(page 6-51)INFO:If you touch [Go Home] or [Work] on thedestination screen while the home orwork location is not stored yet, the systemwill display a message asking if you wishto store a home or work location. Touch[Yes] to store the home or work location.Storing location by searchingAIVINJN1-6B0517E8-1830-49EB-812C-0BAA64EC0CEAIt is possible to store a location bysearching in various ways.5GB0720X1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch [Address Book].4. Touch [Stored Locations].5. Touch [Add New].6. Touch an appropriate method to set alocation. Refer to the search methodsused for destination setting.“Setting destination” (page 6-15)7. Touch [OK].8. A message is displayed, and the ad-dress of the location is stored in theAddress Book.9. Adjust and edit the contents of thestored item as necessary. Touch [OK]to confirm.“Editing stored location”(page 6-51)INFO:.When the location is stored in theStored Locations, [Address Book] canbe used to search for the location.“Searching from address book”(page 6-22).When 200 locations are already stored,a new location cannot be stored until acurrently stored location is deleted.Condition:6-48
(157,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Storing location by moving mapAIVINJN1-F725F4DF-5CDD-4070-ADB6-D4BF2474895F1. Move to the preferred location on themap and touch [ ] on the touchscreen display.5GB0745X2. Touch [Save Location]. A message isdisplayed.3. The icon representing the stored loca-tion is displayed on the map. Push<MAP> to return to the current loca-tion map screen.STORING ROUTEAIVINJN1-B3907DCE-924F-48C0-BAC8-A06712252587A maximum of 5 calculated routes can bestored. Stored routes can be easily re-trieved and set as the suggested route.A route requires at least one waypoint inorder to be stored.1. Push <MAP> and then touch [Route]on the map Launch Bar.2. Touch [Store Route]. A confirmationmessage is displayed. Select [Yes] tostore the current route.Other settingsA route can also be stored using thefollowing procedure.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch [Address Book].4. Touch [Stored Routes].5. Touch [Store Current Route]. A con-firmation message is displayed.6. Confirm the contents of the messageand touch [Yes]. The current route isstored.INFO:.At least 1 waypoint must be set for theroute to be stored..A stored route includes only locations(destination and waypoints) and routecalculation conditions, not the routeitself..The route is stored in the first availableposition number in the stored routeslist..When 5 routes are already stored inthe address book, a new route cannotbe stored until a route is deleted.“Deleting stored item” (page 6-54)STORING AVOID AREAAIVINJN1-495A7589-BA25-41EF-82F6-33DEBDE7742EAn Avoid Area can be stored. The AvoidArea is an area that can be excluded froma route, such as a road that is alwayscongested. Once Avoid Areas are stored,the system avoids those areas whencalculating a route. Up to 20 Avoid Areascan be stored.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch [Address Book].4. Touch [Avoid Area].5GB0746X5. Touch [Add New].Touch an appropriate method tosearch for a location.“Setting destination” (page 6-15)6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-49
(158,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)6. Touch [OK].7. Adjust the information of the AvoidArea as necessary.“Editing avoid area” (page 6-54)8. Touch [OK] to store the avoid areainformation.INFO:.A maximum of 20 Avoid Areas can bestored. When 20 Avoid Areas arealready stored, a new Avoid Areacannot be stored until a currentlystored Avoid Area is deleted.“Deleting stored item” (page 6-54)EDITING STORED INFORMATIONAIVINJN1-39CF1CB1-4830-4B51-BE7E-70154B58A89CItems stored in the system can be edited.Condition:6-50
(159,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Editing stored locationAIVINJN1-D9E4FAC6-0EAD-4C1E-9D3C-A1EBC19926E11. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Address Book].Setting item Action[Home Location]* [Edit] [Show Icon on Map] Displays the home icon on the map.[Icon] Selects a home icon of a preferred design.[Sound] Sets the type of the alarm that sounds when thevehicle approaches home.[Direction] Sets the alarm to sound when approaching from aspecific direction.[Distance] Sets the alarm to sound when reaching a specificdistance to home.[Phone No.] Stores the home telephone number.[Move Location] Adjusts the stored home location.[Delete] Deletes the stored home location.[OK] Confirms and saves the edited home information.[Work Location]* [Edit] [Show Icon on Map] Displays the work icon on the map.[Icon] Selects a work icon of a preferred design.[Sound] Sets the type of the alarm that sounds when thevehicle approaches work.[Direction] Sets the alarm to sound when approaching from aspecific direction.[Distance] Sets the alarm to sound when reaching a specificdistance to work.[Phone No.] Stores the work telephone number.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-51
(160,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)[Move Location] Adjusts the stored work location.[Delete] Deletes the stored work location.[OK] Confirms and saves the edited work information.[Stored Locations] [Sort] [Sorted By Number] Sorts the stored locations.“Searching from address book” (page 6-22)[Sorted By Name][Sorted By Icon][Sorted By Group][Add New] Adds a new location.“Storing location by searching” (page 6-48)Stored LocationList[Edit] [Show Icon on Map] Displays the icon of a stored location on the map.[Name] Registers a name of the entry.[Voice Tag] Registers a voicetag for the entry which allows theentry to be used with the voice recognition system.[Icon] Selects an icon for the entry.[Sound] Sets the type of the alarm that sounds when thevehicle approaches the location.[Direction] Sets the alarm to sound when approaching from aspecific direction.[Distance] Sets the alarm to sound when reaching a specificdistance to the location.[Phone No.] Registers a phone number for the location.[Group] Registers a group of the entry.[Entry Number] Registers an entry number for the location.Condition:6-52
(161,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][Move Location] Adjusts the stored location information.[Delete] Deletes the stored location information.[OK] Confirms and saves the edited stored locationinformation.*: When home or work location has not been stored, [Home Location (None)] or [Work Location (None)] is displayed and a home or worklocation can be stored from the menu.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-53
(162,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)Editing stored routeAIVINJN1-FA819EB7-2462-4CCA-9FCA-6945BF4DA07F1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Ad-dress Book].3. Touch [Stored Routes].4. Touch the preferred stored route fromthe list.Setting item Action[Rename] Changes the stored routename.[Replace] Overwrites the storedroute with the currentroute.[Delete] Deletes the stored route.[OK] Applies the edited settings.Editing avoid areaAIVINJN1-7741D32C-748E-4BE2-9BE8-E72FF75E70C61. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Barand touch [Navigation].2. Touch [Address Book] and then touch[Avoid Area].3. Touch a preferred Avoid Area from thelist. Avoid Area settings screen will bedisplayed.Setting item Action[Rename] Changes the name of anAvoid Area.[Move Loca-tion]Adjusts the Avoid Area lo-cation.[Resize Area] Adjusts the size of theAvoid Area.[FWY] Sets the Avoid Area to in-clude or not include free-ways.On the map, the Avoid Areawill be displayed in green ifit includes a freeway or inblue if it does not include afreeway.[Delete] Delete an Avoid Area.[OK] Applies the edited setting.DELETING STORED ITEMAIVINJN1-A49F7444-AEBA-437D-B1BF-DA7457A3F577The locations and routes in the AddressBook can be deleted. Two deletion meth-ods are available: deleting an individualitem and deleting all stored items.INFO:.Deleted items cannot be restored.Before deleting an item, always makesure that the item is no longer needed.Condition:6-54
(163,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Deleting stored item individuallyAIVINJN1-B68C2A81-E5C0-4DB2-A740-FC904C09AB2A1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation] and touch [Address Book].3. Touch [Delete Stored Items].Select the preferred item and touch [Yes] to confirm deletion.Step 1 Step2 Action[Delete Home Location] Deletes home location.[Delete Work Location] Deletes work location.[Delete Ad-dress Book][Delete All] Deletes all stored locations.[Delete One] Deletes a selected stored location.[DeleteStoredRoutes][Delete All] Deletes all stored routes.[Delete One] Deletes a selected stored route.[Delete AvoidAreas][Delete All] Deletes all Avoid Areas.[Delete One] Deletes a selected Avoid Area.[Delete Pre-vious Desti-nations][Delete All Previous Destina-tions]Deletes all of the previous destinations.[Delete One Previous Destina-tion]Deletes a selected previous destination.[Delete Previous Start Point] Deletes the previous start point.Deleting individual item on mapAIVINJN1-62D39B7F-7242-4DA7-8F88-21A769ADE3F71. Align the cross pointer over the storedlocation to be deleted by moving onthe map, and then touch [ ].5GB0747X2. Touch [Delete].3. A confirmation message is displayed.Confirm the contents of the messageand touch [Yes].The stored item is deleted from theAddress Book.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-55
(164,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)NAVIGATION SETTINGSAIVINJN1-9D8690FE-57C7-4383-A650-C4EAEDB9B2D7The navigation system can be customized according to the user’s preference.1. Touch [Settings] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [Navigation].3. Touch the item you would like to set.Available items:[Map]Sets the display method and direction of the map.“Map settings” (page 6-9)[Guidance Settings]Sets the various functions for route guidance.“Guidance settings” (page 6-44)[Route Preference]Changes the routing preferences.“Route Preference” (page 6-38)[Traffic Info Settings]Sets the various functions of the Traffic information system.“Traffic information setting” (page 6-47)[Speed Limit Indication on Map]Turns on/off the speed limit display function. When this item is turned on, a speed limit indicator will appear on the map screen whenavailable.[Speed Limit Warning]Turns on/off the speed limit warning.Condition:6-56
(165,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ][Speed Limit Sensitivity]Adjusts the speed limit sensitivity. This function is available when [Speed Limit Warning] is turned on.[Address Book]Stores locations and routes. Stored items can be edited or deleted.“Storing a location/route” (page 6-48)[Customize POIs]Sets the POI categories to be displayed on the Points of Interest screen.“Customizing POIs ” (page 6-22)[Adjust Current Location]If the vehicle icon indicating the current vehicle location is not in the correct position, the location of the vehicle icon on the mapscreen can be adjusted.[Delete Stored Items]Deletes a stored location or route.“Deleting stored item individually” (page 6-55)[Delete Previous Destinations]Deletes all or one of the previous destinations or the previous start point.“Deleting stored item individually” (page 6-55)[Sync with Door To Door Nav.]Turns on/off Door to Door navigation.“Using Door To Door Navigation” (page 6-29)[Reset All Navigation Settings to Default]This resets various settings (display, volume level, etc.) to the default settings.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-57
(166,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)GENERAL INFORMATION FORNAVIGATION SYSTEMAIVINJN1-53E79F5D-9AE6-4984-955E-CB2A39EB4D66CURRENT VEHICLE LOCATIONAIVINJN1-3DB2B298-7959-42E7-A529-EBC2E6E1A510Display of current vehicle locationAIVINJN1-AC334D4E-00C5-4F0B-889E-D50DC5D61202This navigation system combines the dataobtained from the vehicle (by gyro sensor)and from GPS (Global Positioning System)satellites to calculate the current locationof the vehicle. This position is then dis-played throughout route guidance to adestination.What is GPS (Global PositioningSystem)?AIVINJN1-A33AD639-F86B-4DA8-B59E-2726CD899634GPS is a position detecting system thatuses satellites deployed by the U.S. gov-ernment. This navigation system receivesradio signals from three or more differentsatellites that orbit 13,049 miles (21,000km) above the earth in space, and detectthe position of the vehicle by utilizing theprinciple of triangulation.Positioning adjustment:When the system judges that the vehicleposition is not accurate based on vehiclespeed and gyro sensor data calculations,the system will automatically adjust theposition of the vehicle icon using GPSsignals.Receiving signals from GPS satellites:The reception of GPS signals can be weak,depending on the environment. Vehiclesin the following areas/environments maynot receive GPS signals.NAI0422*Inside tunnels or parking garagesNAI0423*In areas with numerous tall buildingsNAI0424*Under multi-layered highwaysCondition:6-58
(167,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]NAI0425*Areas with numerous tall treesNAI0713*In a canyonINFO:The GPS antenna is located on the instru-ment panel inside the vehicle. Do notplace any objects, especially cellularphones or transceivers, on the instrumentpanel. Because the strength of the GPSsignal is approximately one billionth ofthat of TV waves, phones and transceiverswill affect or may totally disrupt the signal.Incorrect display of vehicle posi-tion AIVINJN1-B4EC1A08-66C4-4494-8E5E-6CB5C47F02B9The following cases may affect the displayaccuracy of the vehicle’s position or tra-veling direction. The accuracy will returnto normal if the driving conditions returnto normal.NAI0426*When there is a similar road nearby.NAI0427*When the vehicle is traveling in anarea with a grid pattern road system.NAI0428*When the vehicle is passing through alarge Y-shaped intersection/junction.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-59
(168,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)NAI0429*When the vehicle is traveling on acontinuous, slowly curving road.NAI0430*When the vehicle is traveling on a roadwith repeating S-shaped curves.NAI0431*When the vehicle is on a loop bridge.NAI0432*When the vehicle is on a snow-cov-ered or unpaved road.NAI0433*When repeatedly turning left or right,or driving in zigzags.NAI0434*When the vehicle is rotated on aparking lot turntable while the igni-tion switch placed in the OFF position.Condition:6-60
(169,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]NAI0435*When driving on a road not displayedon the map screen or a road that hasbeen changed due to additional con-struction or other reasons.NAI0436*When the GPS positioning accuracy islow.INFO:.The vehicle icon may be misalignedwhen starting the vehicle just afterstarting the engine or the hybridsystem..The vehicle icon may also be misa-ligned if different sized tires or tirechains are installed..The system has a function that auto-matically corrects the vehicle iconposition when it is misaligned fromthe actual position..Vehicle position correction by GPSmay not function when the vehicle isstopped..If the vehicle icon position does notreturn to normal even after driving fora while, correct the vehicle icon posi-tion manually.Detailed Map Coverage Areas(MCA) for navigation systemAIVINJN1-A7515219-FB6B-4303-A8B1-B6FF7C9DABCDThis system is designed to help guiding tothe destination, and it also performs otherfunctions as outlined in this manual.However, the system must be used safelyand properly. Information concerningroad conditions, traffic signs and theavailability of services may not always beup-to-date. The system is not a substitutefor safe, proper and legal driving.Map data covers select metropolitanareas.Map data includes two types of areas:“Detailed coverage areas” providing alldetailed road data and other areas show-ing “Main roads only”.INFO:Detailed map data is not available in manyareas and is generally limited to selectmajor metropolitan areas.ROUTE GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-D4460D59-8C4D-4A28-8361-F3C3C250F896INFO:.The system will announce streetnames when the system language isset to English. Street names are notannounced when the system is set toFrench/Spanish.Repeating voice guidanceAIVINJN1-43C350DF-CAB4-4E5D-8440-651D34A03D54This function is available throughoutroute guidance, from the time after theroute calculation is completed until thevehicle arrives at the destination. Pushand hold the <MAP>. Voice guidance willbe repeated.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-61
(170,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)INFO:If <MAP> is pushed and held when thevehicle is going in the wrong direction,voice guidance will announce: “Pleasemake a legal U-turn if possible.”Notes on voice guidanceAIVINJN1-D97CC207-69BB-4213-9710-6F7BC47DE9D0.Voice guidance in this system shouldbe regarded as a supplementary func-tion. When driving the vehicle, checkthe route on the map and follow theactual roads and traffic regulations..Voice guidance is activated only forintersections with certain conditions.There may be cases where the vehiclehas to turn, but voice guidance is notprovided..Voice guidance contents may vary,depending on the direction of the turnand the type of intersection..The voice guidance timing will varydepending on the situation..When the vehicle has deviated fromthe suggested route, voice guidance isnot available. The system will notannounce this. Refer to the map andrecalculate the route.“Recalculating route” (page 6-41).Voice guidance may not accuratelycorrespond with road numbers anddirections at freeway junctions..Voice guidance may not accuratelycorrespond to street names at free-way exits..The displayed street names maysometimes differ from the actualnames..Voice guidance is not available whenthe [Guidance Voice] is turned off.“Volume and Beeps settings”(page 2-19).Voice guidance will start when thevehicle enters the suggested route.Refer to the map for directions to thestarting point of the route..When approaching a waypoint, voiceguidance will announce, “You havearrived at waypoint 1 (2, 3, 4,...).” Voiceguidance will switch to the next sec-tion of the route. When voice guidanceis not available, refer to the map fordirections..In some cases, voice guidance endsbefore arrival at the destination. Referto the destination icon on the map toreach the destination..If the system recognizes on which sidethe destination (waypoint) is located,voice guidance will announce “on theright/left” after announcing the arrivalat the destination..Voice guidance may be partially op-erational or inoperative due to theangle of roads at an intersection..Because freeway lane information isavailable only for approximately 7,000major freeways in North America, it isnot possible to display information forall junctions and exits..Freeway exit information may differfrom the information on the actual exitsigns..Because it is not possible to considerdata concerning roads that are sea-sonally available or unavailable, aroute may be displayed that does notmatch the actual traffic restrictions. Besure to follow the actual traffic restric-tions while driving..Canada and Alaska contain manyroads with incomplete map data. As aresult, when searching for a route, theroute may include roads with incom-plete data. In regions where road datais not complete, voice guidance maystop for long periods of time. Be sureCondition:6-62
(171,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]to follow the actual traffic restrictionswhile driving.ROUTE CALCULATIONAIVINJN1-EE073CB3-3FAF-4421-BD08-BF04F3C95D6B.There may be cases where carpoollanes are included on a suggestedroute when the automatic reroutingfunction is activated, even if the [TimeRestricted Rd] is set to [Use RestrictionInfo] or [Avoid].“Route Preference” (page 6-38).The navigation system does not pro-vide route guidance for roads dis-played in dark green..If the destination is set on a dark greenroad, the enlarged map display willswitch to the ordinary map screen atsome point and suggest a route that isnear the destination. The distance anddirection to the endpoint of the sug-gested route will be displayed in thelower right corner of the screen. Also,at this time, voice guidance will an-nounce, “The route to your destinationincludes roads through incompletemap areas. Voice guidance will not beprovided in these areas.”When approaching the endpoint of thesuggested route, voice guidance willannounce, “Entering the road withincomplete map data. Please use thedirection arrow and distance informa-tion to proceed to your destination.”To reach the destination, refer to themap screen. Always follow actualroads and regulations and drive safely..The suggested route may not be theshortest, nor are other circumstancessuch as traffic jams considered..Because of the inevitable difference inroad conditions and circumstancesbetween the time you use this systemand the time the information wasproduced for the map data, theremay be discrepancies in roads andregulations. In such cases, actual roadconditions and regulations take pre-cedence over map data information..During route calculation, the map willnot scroll, however the vehicle icon willmove according to the actual vehicle’smovement..During route calculation, buttons suchas <MAP> and <MENU> will be dis-abled..In some cases, after the calculation iscomplete, the calculated route maynot be immediately displayed..Waypoints that have been passed willbe disregarded by rerouting calcula-tion..If you scroll the map while the sug-gested route is being drawn, it maytake more time to finish drawing..Route calculation may not be com-pleted in the following cases.— If there is no main road within arange of 1.5 miles (2.5 km) from thevehicle, a message saying so willappear on the screen. Try recalcu-lating when the vehicle is closer to amain road.— If there is no main road within arange of 1.5 miles (2.5 km) from thedestination or waypoint, a messagesaying so will appear on the screen.Try setting the location closer to amain road.— If the vehicle is too close to thedestination or if there are no roadsto the destination, a message say-ing so will appear on the screen.— If it is impossible to reach thedestination or waypoints becauseof traffic regulations, etc.— If the only route to reach the desti-nation or waypoints is extremelycomplicated.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-63
(172,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped).The following may occur when theroute is displayed.— If you calculate a route on a mainroad, the starting point of the routemay not exactly match the currentvehicle location.— The endpoint of the route may notexactly match the destination.— If you calculate a route on a mainroad, the system may display aroute from another main road. Thismay be because the position of thevehicle icon is not accurate. In thiscase, park the vehicle in a safelocation and reset the vehicle icon,or continue driving to see if theposition of the vehicle icon is auto-matically adjusted before recalcu-lating the route.— There are cases in which the systemshows an indirect route to reachthe destination or waypoints, if youset them from stored or facilityinformation. In order to correct this,you must be careful about thetraffic direction, especially whenlanes with different travel directionsare shown separately, such as inter-changes and service areas.— This system makes no distinctionbetween limited traffic control andtotal control (blockage). It mayshow an indirect route even if theroad is usable.— Even if the ferry preference is set toOFF, a route that uses a ferry linemay be suggested.HOW TO UPDATE MAP DATAGUID-12B14EED-F217-4681-BB6D-9C3DAFF9250CMap data can be updated via USB or Wi-Fi(late availability).Updating with USB memoryGUID-038C70A5-969B-4B9E-9A5C-CBEDCE8A4B9BThe navigation map data can be updatedwith the latest information by download-ing a new map database to a USB memorydevice and installing it in the vehicle.1. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe HOME MENU Launch Bar.2. Touch [System Information] and thentouch [Map Update].5GB0748X3. Touch [Update by USB device].4. Touch [Save Map Information to USB]5. Insert blank USB memory device in theUSB connection port.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Con-nection Ports and AUX (auxiliary)input jack” (page 2-4)INFO:The remaining data in the USB mem-ory may be deleted.6. Touch [Start].7. Touch [OK] after saving the Map In-formation to USB.8. Access to the website ( with your per-sonal computer. Download and installthe map update tool in your personalcomputer. (first time only)9. Download the updated data and storeit in the USB memory by the mapupdate tool.10. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe HOME MENU Launch Bar.11. Touch [System Information] and thentouch [Map Update].12. Touch [Update by USB device].Condition:6-64
(173,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]13. Touch [Install Map Update from USB]14. Insert the USB memory in the USBconnection port.A pop-up message appears with avail-able options. Touch the preferred op-tion:[Yes]: To update all map data.[No]: To cancel the map update.15. Touch [OK] after completing the up-date.The update can be canceled whileupdating by touching [Cancel].WARNINGGUID-A391983D-1259-41AB-8745-CE1352702CEBStop your vehicle in a safe locationwhen updating the map data.INFO:.The map operation can not bemade while updating the map..Map data should be updated whilethe engine or hybrid system isrunning to prevent discharge ofthe vehicle battery.Updating using wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) GUID-EB00AB89-06ED-4BB7-8B78-FF5B1995B4F2Tha map data can be updated using thevehicle Wi-Fi connection. Wi-Fi communi-cations can be made by using Wi-Fi net-work, smartphone, etc.1. Connect the vehicle to an available Wi-Fi network.2. Push <MENU> and then touch [Info] onthe HOME MENU Launch Bar.3. Touch [Map Update] and then touch[System Information].4. Touch [Update by Smartphone or WiFihotspot].The Pop-Up message appears.[Select Area]: To select the area to beupdated.[Yes]: To update all map data.[No]: To cancel the map update.5. Touch [Select Area] , select the area tobe updated, and Touch [OK].6. Touch [Yes] to update all map data,[Select Area] to select the area to beupdated or [No] cancel the update.7. Touch [OK] after completing the up-date.The update can be canceled whileupdating by touching [Cancel].WARNINGGUID-521C86CB-7637-4105-B818-E6C54290EE77Stop your vehicle in a safe locationwhen updating the map data.INFO:.The map operation can not bemade while updating the map..Do not turn off the power source ofthe smartphone while updating..Map data should be updated whilethe engine or hybrid system isrunning to prevent discharge ofthe vehicle battery..The Wi-Fi hotspot communication isnot available on this system.Automotive products End UserLicense ProvisionsGUID-3C4B9E94-98F5-4838-9BCF-83365CD53FFBThe following terms and conditions applyto any use by you of any services providedby TomTom (the “TomTom Services”). Theservices are deemed to be provided byTomTom Global Content BV. You shouldnot use the TomTom Services if youcannot agree to the below.6. Navigation (if so equipped)Condition:6-65
(174,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)1. GRANT OF LICENSE: The TomTomServices are provided to you on anon-exclusive basis and you may onlyuse the TomTom Services for yourpersonal use and solely in combina-tion with the hardware device which isincorporated into your vehicle. Thelicense granted is nontransferable. Ifany software is provided as part of theTomTom services the you are onlyentitled to use the binary form of suchsoftware and have no right to receivethe source code. If upgrades, updatesor supplements to the TomTom Ser-vices are obtained or made availableto you, the use of such upgrades,updates or supplements are subjectto the foregoing unless other termsaccompany such upgrades, updatesor supplements in which case thoseterms apply. All other rights not speci-fically granted under this paragraphare reserved by TomTom.2. SAFETY: The TomTom Services areintended to be used for providinginformation and navigation servicesrelated to your journey only and arenot intended to be used as a safetyrelated tool and cannot warn youabout all dangers and hazards withrespect to the road you are driving.Therefore, it remains your duty to drivein a careful and safe manner (paying alldue care and attention to the road) aswell as observing all applicable trafficregulations and rules. It is your respon-sibility not to use the TomTom Ser-vices in a manner that would distractyou from driving safely.3. UPDATES AND CHANGES TO THE SER-VICES AND THESE TERMS: TomTomreserves the right, with or withoutnotice, to discontinue, update, modify,upgrade and supplement the Tom-Tom Services and to modify theseterms.4. RESTRICTIONS: You are prohibitedfrom renting, lending, public presenta-tion, performance or broadcasting orany other kind of distribution of theTomTom Services. Other than as per-mitted by applicable legislation, youwill not, and you will not allow anyperson to, copy or modify the Tom-Tom Services or any part thereof or toreverse engineer, decompile or disas-semble the TomTom Services. Youmay not use the Services in connec-tion with any illegal, fraudulent, dis-honest or unethical activity orbehaviour.5. OWNERSHIP: All intellectual propertyrights related to the TomTom Servicesare owned by TomTom and/or itssuppliers.6. LIMITED WARRANTY:.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THETOMTOM SERVICES HAVE NOTBEEN DEVELOPED TO MEET YOURINDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHAT IT IS THEREFORE YOUR RE-SPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THEFACILITIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THETOMTOM SERVICES MEET YOURREQUIREMENTS. TOMTOM DOESNOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THATTHE TOMTOM ERVICES OPERATEUNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE.YOU SHOULD BE PARTICULARLYAWARE OF THE FACT THAT CALCU-LATION ERRORS MAY OCCUR WHENUSING SOFTWARE IN A NAVIGATIONSYSTEM WHICH MAY, FOR EXAMPLE,BE CAUSED BY LOCAL ENVIRON-MENTAL CONDITIONS AND/OR IN-COMPLETE DATA. TOMTOM DOESNOT WARRANT THAT THE TOMTOMSERVICES ARE CAPABLE OF INTER-OPERATING WITH ANY OTHER SYS-TEM, DEVICE OR PRODUCT (E.G.SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE)..WITHOUT LIMITING CLAUSE 6.1ABOVE, THE TOMTOM SERVICES,AND ANY RESULTS GENERATED BYCondition:6-66
(176,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]6. Navigation (if so equipped)against you.Condition:6-68
(177,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7 Voice recognitionVoice recognition ............................................................................. 7-2Using Voice Recognition System .................................. 7-2Before starting ............................................................................ 7-2Giving voice commands ...................................................... 7-2System Voice settings ........................................................ 7-12Condition:
(178,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitionVOICE RECOGNITIONAIVINJN1-FAF38580-C669-4F26-B8D0-7EC58692FC6DUSING VOICE RECOGNITION SYS-TEM AIVINJN1-1C8F749E-4AF3-47FE-9FE0-7B0B8B8AF458InitializationAIVINJN1-60C8EC21-9C96-4FBC-A946-5937BAB414ECWhen the ignition switch is in the ON orACC position, Voice Recognition is initia-lized. When the initialization is complete,the system is ready to accept voicecommands. If <>on the steering wheelis pushed before the initialization com-pletes, the display will show a message towait until the system is ready.BEFORE STARTINGAIVINJN1-17B90F0D-2C92-4147-8CBB-60019E6215D6To get the best recognition performancefrom Voice Recognition, observe the fol-lowing items..The interior of the vehicle should be asquiet as possible. Close the windowsto eliminate the surrounding noises(traffic noise, vibration sounds, etc.),which may prevent the system fromcorrectly recognizing the voice com-mands..Wait until the tone sounds beforespeaking a command..Speak in a natural conversationalvoice without pausing between words..The system cannot recognize voicecommands spoken from passengerseats.GIVING VOICE COMMANDSAIVINJN1-B79272C7-32FE-481D-B7B3-A50FF427C81A1. Push < > located on the steeringwheel.5GE0058X2. A list of commands appears on thescreen, and the system provides thevoice menu prompt.Available category commands are dis-played on the left side of the screen.Speak or touch a category commandfrom the category command list.INFO:.Some of the commands for eachcategory are shown on the rightside of the screen and they can alsobe spoken without selecting a ca-tegory..After executing the category com-mand, only the commands relatedto the selected category can berecognized.“Command list” (page 7-6)3. After the tone sounds and the icon onthe screen changes from to ,speak a command. You can also selecta command by directly touching thescreen or by tilting <>/< > up ordown and pushing <OK> on the steer-ing wheel.INFO:The Voice Recognition system willpause its operation when no com-mand is given after three prompts. Toresume the operation, push <>onthe steering wheel.4. Continue to follow the voice menuprompts and speak the voice com-mands after the tone sounds until thepreferred operation is executed.Condition:7-2
(179,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]INFO:To cancel a voice command, push andhold <>on the steering wheel or<BACK> on the control panel.Operating tipsAIVINJN1-5EBE1C81-7EAE-4A5C-8323-F92B58DC3259.Speak a command after the tone..If the command is not recognized, thesystem will prompt you to speak thecommand again. Repeat the com-mand in a clear voice..Touch [ ] on the touch screen orpush <>on the steering wheel toreturn to the previous screen..To exit the Voice Recognition system,push and hold <>on the steeringwheel..To adjust the volume of the systemfeedback, push < + - > on thesteering wheel or turn the <VOLUME/>while the system is making anannouncement.The volume setting is also availablefrom [Guidance Volume] in the [Set-tings] menu on the Launch Bar.“Volume and Beeps settings”(page 2-19).When setting a destination for routeguidance with some search methods,such as POI, Intersection or City Centersearch, the search area is automati-cally set to the state/province whereyour vehicle is located. Change state/province to change the search area toanother state/province if necessary.Voice Prompt Interrupt:In most cases, you can interrupt the voicefeedback to speak the next command bypushing the <>on the steering wheel.After interrupting the system, wait for atone before speaking your command.One Shot Call:To use the system faster when making acall, you may speak the second levelcommand skipping speaking the first levelcommand. For example, push <>andsay “Redial” after the tone without firstsaying “Phone”.How to see voice commandscreen AIVINJN1-DA7924C7-AD6F-4EBB-A519-06BD7EFD97EA1. Push < > to display the first screenof the voice command list.2. Speak a command or select an item onthe voice command list. The Secondscreen is displayed.3. Speak a command or select an item onthe voice command list. The commandis executed or the next screen forfurther command is displayed.4. Follow the prompts to complete thecommands.Voice command screens:5GE0052XShows a list of available categories.Speak a category command or touchthe key of the corresponding cate-7. Voice recognitionCondition:7-3
(180,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitiongory.Touch [Settings] or say "Settings" todisplay the system voice settings.Shows a list of available commandsfor the selected category. Speak apreferred command.Touch [Help] or say “Help” to hear helpannouncements on how to use thesystem.INFO:Push <>to stop the help announce-ments.5GE0053XPreviously selected command.Command listYou can speak a command from thelist or touch the corresponding key.Preferred words can be spoken forthe part of the command enclosed in< >.[Previous]/[Next]Say as a command or touch to go tothe previous/next screen.5GE0054XSpeak a number from 1 to 5 or touchan item on the list screen to select theitem.How to speak numbersAIVINJN1-71FDCB5E-F8C6-44F6-B150-DA7EA47CDF74The Voice Recognition system requiresthe user to speak numbers in a certainway when giving voice commands.General rule:500, 800 and 900 can be pronounced as“five hundred”, “eight hundred” and “ninehundred” respectively.For other numbers, only single digits 0(zero) to 9 can be used. (For example, forthe number “600”, speaking “six zero zero”can be recognized by the system, but “sixhundred” cannot.)Example:1-800-662-6200“One eight hundred six six two six two zerozero”INFO:For the best recognition, speak “zero” forthe number “0”, and “oh” for the letter “o”.Voice command examplesAIVINJN1-4B0CA941-EB10-42BC-9DAB-3B5E138B4ADCAs examples, some additional basic op-erations that can be performed by voicecommands are described here.Example 1 Placing call by speaking aphone number:1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. Wait for the indicator to change to .Speak “Phone”.Condition:7-4
(181,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]5GE0055X3. Speak “Dial <number>”.5GE0056X4. The phone number recognized by thesystem is displayed on the screen. Ifthe number is correct, say “Dial”.5. The system will make a phone call tothe spoken phone number.Example 2 Setting home as a destina-tion (if so equipped):1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. Wait for the indicator change to .Speak “Navigation”.5GE0057X3. Speak “Go Home”. The navigation sys-tem will set home as a destination.INFO:.Location of home must be registeredto the Address Book prior to using thiscommand..The step of speaking “Navigation” canbe omitted.Example 3 Tuning station of FM:1. Push <>located on the steeringwheel.2. Wait for the indicator change to .Speak “Audio”.3. Speak “Tune to <name> FM”. Tune tothe radio station and switch to theaudio display.7. Voice recognitionCondition:7-5
(182,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitionCommand listAIVINJN1-F2834C42-3B75-40B0-98AA-9D1DBE4701C9To use the Voice Recognition function, you can speak commands in the order of 1st command, 2nd command and 3rd command. Youcan also operate the system by directly speaking the 2nd or 3rd command.Variable numbers or words such as names can be applied in the < > when speaking a command.Some navigation commands (if so equipped) are only for English.General CommandCommand ActionHelp Announces how to use voice guidance.Next Skip to the next page.Previous Skip to the previous page.Settings Displays the system voice settings.Phone CommandCommand ActionCall <name> Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the Quick Dial or phonebook.Call <name> mobile Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the phonebook of the cellularphone.Dial <number> Makes a call to a spoken phone number.Quickdial <name> Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the Quick Dial.Recent Calls Makes a call from the call history.Redial Makes a call to the last outgoing phone number.Read Text You can listen to recent text messages received.Send Text You can select a text message from a list and send it to a contact name.Select Phone Use this command to select a phone from a list of the registereddevices.Condition:7-6
(183,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Command ActionVoice Assistant Android device can be operated by voice command.Operating tips for phone command operation:.After the command “Call”, a name registered in the phonebook can be spoken for recognition, while a phone number can bespoken after the command “Dial”. Names from the phonebook cannot be spoken after the command “Dial”..The system has the function to read the text messages out loud, but misreading may occur in some cases..Even if nicknames such as “Mom” or “Dad” are registered in the cellular phone, the voice recognition system recognizes only names.To have the system recognize the nicknames, register the entries in the [Quick Dial] from the Phone menu.“Quick Dial” (page 4-12)Navigation command (if so equipped)Command ActionStreet Address <Add.> Used to search for a street address.Point of interest <name> Speak a POI name to search for as a destination.Nearby <name> Speak a POI name to search for a nearby facility.POI by Category Use this command to display a list of POI categories.Go Home Sets a route to your home location.Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previously entered destination.Work Sets a route to your work location.Address Book Use this command to display the locations registered in the AddressBook for destination search.City Center Sets a route to a city center.Nearby Freeways Sets a route to a nearby freeway.Cancel Route Cancels route and deletes the destination/waypoints.Recalculate Route Recalculates the route.Intersection Sets a route to an intersection.7. Voice recognitionCondition:7-7
(184,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitionCommand ActionZoom In <1-13> Increases the magnification of the map by the number of stepsspecified.Zoom out <1-13> Decreases the magnification of the map by the number of stepsspecified.Zoom to Street Level Change to the street map.Show North Up Sets the 2D full map to North Up.Show Heading Up Sets the 2D full map to Heading Up.Show Full Map Displays a full map.Show Split Map Displays a split map.Show 2D Map Change the current map to a 2D map.Show 3D Map Change the current map to a 3D map.Repeat Instruction Speaks the current navigation guidance.Voice Guidance On Turns the navigation guidance on.Voice Guidance Off Turns the navigation guidance off.Show POI Icons Select a category of the POI icon you wish to display on map. SelectedPOI icons will be displayed on the map screen.Remove POI Icons Select a category of the POI icon you wish to delete from the map.Selected POI icons will be deleted from the map screen.Operating tips for navigation command operation:.Depending on the area where the vehicle is located (such as in Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.), the system may not recognize the generalnavigation commands..Points Of Interest:— The POI commands searches for Points of Interest registered in the navigation system.— When searching for POI, the search is conducted within the current state/province or the state/province specified by “ChangeState” command. To change the state/province, speak “Change State” after the prompt and then after the next prompt, speakCondition:7-8
(185,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]the name of the state/province for which you wish to conduct the POI search. The state/province will be reset to the currentstate each time the voice recognition session is restarted.— The following POI main categories cannot be used for “Points of Interest” search with voice command operations while allregistered categories can be recognized for “Nearby” search:Others, Repair, Rental Car Agency, Parking, Police Station, Administration, ATM, Other Leisure, Bars & Clubs, Other Dealers,Motorcycle Dealership, Medical Offices, Post Office, Auto Parts, Banquets & Food Delivery, Carwash, Copying, Day Care, FireStation, Laundry & Cleaners, Office Supply, Other Services, Other Shopping, Package Delivery.Street Address:— Alphabet letters cannot be included when speaking a house number. When a specified house number cannot be found, alocation representing the address will be displayed.— Speak in a natural conversational speed without pausing between words for better recognition.— When the system recognizes the command incorrectly, correct the search conditions using commands such as “Change State”,“Change City”, “Change Street” or “Change House Number”.Audio CommandCommand ActionPlay <AM, FM etc.> Plays the preferred music source.SXM Preset <1-18> Plays the spoken SXM preset channel.Tune to <530-1710> AM Tunes to the AM band, selecting the last played station.Tune to <87.7-107.9> FM Tunes to the FM band, selecting the last played station.Tune to <name> FM Tunes to the FM band, selecting the station name.Tune to <name> SXM Tunes to the SiriusXM Satellite Radio band, selecting the channel name.Tune to <number> SXM Tunes to the SiriusXM Satellite Radio band, selecting the channelnumber.Play Song <name> Plays the music by selecting the track.Play Album <name> Plays the music by selecting the album.Play Artist <name> Plays the music by selecting the artist.Playlist <name> Plays the music by selecting the playlist.7. Voice recognitionCondition:7-9
(186,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitionCommand ActionPlay Genre <name> Plays the music by selecting the genre.Show Music List Displays a music list.Play All Songs Plays all the tracks.CD Track <number> Plays the CD, selecting the track number.Operating tips for audio command operation:.An audio device connected via Bluetooth® cannot be operated with the Voice Recognition system. Source change is only availablefor Bluetooth® streaming Audio..The Voice Recognition system may not function when the song information is too long (artist names, album titles, song titles andplay lists, etc.)..The SiriusXM function will not operate without a subscription to SiriusXM Satellite Radio..When playing USB files with the voice recognition system, do not pronounce the extension attached to the file name (such as “.mp3”)..Song titles registered in ID3 tags cannot be pronounced for voice recognition operation.Information CommandCommand ActionTraffic Displays the traffic information.Fuel Prices Displays the SXM Fuel Prices.Parking Displays the SXM Parking.Sports Displays the SXM Sports.Stocks Displays the SXM Stocks.Movie theaters Displays the SXM Movie Listings.Current Weather Displays the nearby weather (current weather).Weather Map Displays the SXM Weather map.5-day Forecast Displays the 5-day Forecast.Condition:7-10
(187,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Command Action6-hour Forecast Displays the 6-hour Forecast.Where am I? Displays information of the current position.INFO:A SiriusXM Travel Link or SiriusXM Traffic subscription is necessary to receive SiriusXM information services.“SiriusXM Travel Link” (page 5-16)7. Voice recognitionCondition:7-11
(188,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]7. Voice recognitionSYSTEM VOICE SETTINGSAIVINJN1-67D614E7-55A6-4EA8-BDE1-5FF2EFEB3D40The system voice settings can be chan-ged.1. Touch [Setting] on the Launch Bar.2. Touch [System Voice].3. Touch the item you would like to set.System VoiceAvailable item ActionBeep Only for Opening Prompt Beep sounds only for opening prompt.Short Prompts When this item is turned on, short and minimized voice feedback will beprovided.Best Match Lists Phone book ZZZArtist/Album/Song/Playlist ZZZVoice Preference Voice guidance setting can be selected from a male or female voice.Speech Rate Adjusts the speech rate of prompt.Condition:7-12
(189,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8 Troubleshooting guideSystem unit ........................................................................................... 8-2Liquid crystal display .............................................................. 8-2Audio system ...................................................................................... 8-3HD Radio technology (for U.S.) ........................................ 8-3Compact Disc (CD) player ................................................... 8-5iPod® player ................................................................................... 8-7USB memory device ................................................................ 8-9Bluetooth® streaming audio ......................................... 8-10Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System ....................... 8-12NissanConnectSMServices (if so equipped) ............. 8-15Apple CarPlay ................................................................................... 8-16Android Auto .................................................................................... 8-17Navigation (if so equipped) ................................................... 8-18Basic operations ..................................................................... 8-18Vehicle icon ................................................................................. 8-19Route calculation and visual guidance ................. 8-21Voice guidance ........................................................................ 8-23Traffic information ................................................................ 8-24Voice recognition .......................................................................... 8-25Condition:
(190,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSYSTEM UNITAIVINJN1-31400E7C-F4D3-4689-A9F6-88A5A28E5475LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYAIVINJN1-EAA5698F-0334-4DAC-A1E3-D24F8C3455F2Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe screen is too dark. The cabin temperature is too low. Wait until the cabin temperature becomesmoderate.Screen brightness is set to the maximumdarkness.Adjust the brightness setting of the screen.“Display settings” (page 2-21)The screen is too bright. Screen brightness is set to the maximumbrightness.Adjust the brightness setting of the screen.“Display settings” (page 2-21)A small black spot or a small bright spotappears on the screen.This is a typical phenomenon for liquid crystaldisplays.This is not a malfunction.A dot or stripe pattern appears on the screen. Electromagnetic waves that are generatedfrom neon billboards, high voltage electricpower cables, ham radios or other radiodevices equipped to other vehicles mayadversely affect the screen.This is not a malfunction.Image lag appears on the screen. This is a typical phenomenon for liquid crystaldisplays.This is not a malfunction.Image motion displayed on the screen is slow. The cabin temperature is less than 50°F(10°C).Wait until the cabin temperature rises towithin 50°F (10°C) and 122°F (50°C).When looking at the screen from an angle, thescreen lightens or darkens.This is a typical phenomenon for liquid crystaldisplays.Adjust the brightness setting of the screen.“Display settings” (page 2-21)The screen turns blue or an error message isdisplayed on the touch screen display.A system malfunction has occurred. It is recommended you contact a NISSANdealer for an inspection.Condition:8-2
(191,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]AUDIO SYSTEMAIVINJN1-A966E4C8-AA58-414B-9A6A-500CC260D786HD RADIO TECHNOLOGY (for U.S.)AIVINJN1-90CF80C5-A2F6-4DD9-AD49-0922798A4C14Sound AIVINJN1-D717575E-DAAA-47FF-98B5-B90F7B0F8694Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionDelay in digital audio on HD Radio broadcasts. The radio acquires an analog station first andblends to an digital signal.This is not a malfunction.Audio skips, stutters, or echoes. The radio station has not properly aligned thedigital and analog audio.Verify correct operation on another station.Report any station with poor performance.Volume changing up/down. The radio station has not properly aligneddigital and analog audio level.Verify correct operation on another stationand check for stations inthe area. Report any station with poorperformance.Sound fading in and out. The transition between analog and digital istaking place (blending).Verify transition performance on several sta-tions in the area. Report any stations withpoor alignment.Excessive blending (Transition between ana-log and digital).The receiver is located near the edge of thedigital coverage area.Refer to to verify radio stationsin your coverage area.Digital audio not better than analog audio. Audio processing on the digital audio at astation can potentially decrease the digitalaudio sound quality.Verify correct operation on another station.Report any station with poor performance.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-3
(192,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideFunctionalAIVINJN1-F51DB67F-D5AE-4734-AA5F-5C93EFF31D36Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionKeep losing my local stations. The digital coverage is slightly less than theanalog signal coverage.Verify correct operation on another station.This is expected behavior.Shadowing (urban/terrain) can cause re-duced digital coverage.Verify correct operation on another station.Some data fields are blank. Text information is sent at the broadcaster’sdiscretion.Verify correct operation on another station.Report station issues.Text information is truncated / appears to bemore available.The display is limited to a fixed number ofcharacters and more data is being sent thancan be shown.This is an intended behavior.AM reception changes at night. AM stations are required by the government(FCC) to lower their power at night.This is not a malfunction.Condition:8-4
(193,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]COMPACT DISC (CD) PLAYERAIVINJN1-8097E05E-298F-400A-AE85-F2150D8AD7BCSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionMusic cannot be played back. The disc is inserted upside down. Insert a CD with the label side facing up.Moisture condensation occurs inside the unit. Wait until the moisture evaporates (approxi-mately 1 hour).The cabin temperature is too high. Wait until the cabin temperature becomesmoderate.The disc is scratched or dirty. A disc is notalways playable if it is scratched.Wipe off any dirt from the disc.Depending on the condition in which they arestored, discs may become unreadable due todeterioration (for example, keeping the discsin the passenger compartment, etc.).Change the disc with a deterioration-freedisc. Do not use a deteriorated disc. The labelsurface of the disc may crack or chip, and thelayer of the label surface may eventually peeloff.The compressed audio files cannot be playedback.If both music CD files (CD-DA data) andcompressed audio files (MP3 data, etc.) aremixed on one disc, the audio compressionfiles cannot be played back.Prepare a disc that includes compressedaudio files only.The files are not named using characters thatare compliant with the specifications.Use the character codes and the number ofcharacters that are compliant with the spe-cifications for folder names and file names. Inaddition, always use “.MP3”, “.WMA”, “.mp3” or “.wma” for file extensions.It takes a long time before the music startsplaying.The disc contains a large amount of data. Some time may be required to check the files.It is recommended that unnecessary foldersor any files other than compressed audio filesshould not be recorded in a disc.The sound quality is poor. The disc is dirty. Wipe off any dirt from the disc.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-5
(194,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionNo sounds are played though the CD playtime is displayed.The system plays back the first track of themix mode disc. (Mix mode is a format in whichdata except music is recorded on the firsttrack and music data is recorded on oneother than the first track in a session.)Play back music data that are recorded onone other than the first track.Music cuts off or skips. The combination of writing software andhardware might not match; or the writingspeed, writing depth, writing width, etc. mightnot match the specifications.Create a disc using different writing speedsettings, etc.The system skips the selected track andmoves to the next track.A non-MP3/WMA file is given an extension of “.MP3”, “.WMA”, “.mp3” or “.wma”.Prepare MP3/WMA files.The system plays back a file that is prohibiteddue to copyright protection.Prepare playable files.The tracks do not play back in the desiredorder.The folder locations in the disc are changedby the writing software while the files arewritten in the disc.Check the settings of the writing software,and create a new disc.The CD cannot be ejected. The ignition switch is not placed in the ACC orON position.Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ONposition.Condition:8-6
(195,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]iPod® PLAYERAIVINJN1-4D70A092-9EC2-4F72-A4BF-D040AE970C29Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system does not recognize an iPod®. A connector cable is not correctly connected,or the iPod® does not correctly operate.Connect the connector cable again. If thesystem does not recognize the iPod® afterperforming this procedure above, reset theiPod®.The iPod® that is to be connected is notcompatible with the system.Check the iPod® model and firmware versionsavailable for the system.A USB extension cable is not correctly con-nected.Do not use a USB extension cable.The cable is rapidly connected to or discon-nected from the USB connection port.Slowly connect or disconnect the USB cable.An iPod® cannot be operated. The iPod® is connected to the in-vehicle audiosystem while headsets, etc. are connected tothe iPod®.Remove all equipment from the iPod® afterdisconnecting the iPod® from the system, andthen connect it to the system again.The iPod® is not operating normally. Disconnect the iPod® from the in-vehicleaudio system, and then connect it to thesystem again.The system plays back an album/file thatincludes a particular album art.Disconnect the iPod® from the in-vehicleaudio system, and then reset the iPod®.Disable the album art, and then connect theiPod® to the system.“iPod® Menu” (page 3-27)An iPod® does not respond. There are too many files in a category. Decrease the number of files in a category(less than 65500 files).The shuffle function is turned on. Turn off the shuffle function if many files arestored on the iPod®.Music cannot be played back. A connector is not connected to the iPod®. Firmly connect the connector to the iPod®.Playback cuts out. The sound cuts due to vibration resultingfrom an unstable location of the iPod®.Place the iPod® on a stable location where itdoes not roll over.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-7
(196,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionDistorted sound occurs. The EQ (equalizer) function of the iPod® isturned on.Turn off the EQ (equalizer) function on youriPod®.Battery charge of an iPod® takes longer. Battery charge of the iPod® may take longerwhile an iPod® is playing back.If the iPod® needs to be charged, it isrecommended to stop playing the music.Battery charge of an iPod® is unavailable. The cable that is connected to the iPod® maybe damaged or improperly connected.Check the cable currently in use.Functions cannot be operated using an iPod®that is connected to the in-vehicle audiosystem. -The operation of an iPod® must be performedusing the in-vehicle audio system after theiPod® is connected to the system.Sound skips. Surrounding circumstances (noise, etc.) maycause the sound to skip.This does not indicate a malfunction.A USB extension cable is used. Do not use a USB extension cable.Condition:8-8
(197,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]USB MEMORY DEVICEAIVINJN1-9B58E82E-0419-4E45-A82E-F6C87CFB97F2Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system does not recognize a USB device. A USB extension cable is used. Do not use a USB extension cable.A USB hub is used. Do not use a USB hub.A USB device is rapidly connected to ordisconnected from the USB connection port.Slowly connect or disconnect the USB device.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-9
(198,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideBLUETOOTH® STREAMING AUDIOAIVINJN1-31B3F814-D7EA-4A60-B53A-A05CC7472680Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionRegistration cannot be performed. The Bluetooth® audio device is not compa-tible with the in-vehicle audio system.Check the Bluetooth® audio device Owner’sManual.Bluetooth® is disabled on device. Check that the Bluetooth® function is enabledon device.The PIN code is incorrect. Check the PIN code for the Bluetooth® audiodevice that is to be registered.Check that the PIN code for the Bluetooth®audio device is consistent with that for the in-vehicle audio system.Another Bluetooth® device is used in thevehicle.Turn off the other Bluetooth® device until theregistration is completed.Music cannot be played back. The Bluetooth® audio device is not compa-tible with the in-vehicle audio system.Check the Bluetooth® audio device Owner’sManual.The system is not set to the Bluetooth® audiomode.Push <AUDIO> to select the Bluetooth® audiomode.A Bluetooth® adapter is turned off. Turn on a Bluetooth® adapter when it is usedfor a Bluetooth® audio device.Playback stops. The Bluetooth® audio device is not compa-tible with the in-vehicle audio system.Visit tocheck Bluetooth® audio device compatibility.A cellular call is active. This is not a malfunction.Sound may cut out when a Bluetooth® audiodevice is operated.Push <AUDIO> to select the Bluetooth® audiomode, and then operate a function on thetouch screen display of the in-vehicle systeminstead of conducting the operation on theBluetooth® audio device.Condition:8-10
(199,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionAudio operation cannot be performed. A Bluetooth® audio device that does notsupport audio operations is in use.Visit tocheck Bluetooth® audio device compatibility.An error occurs when connecting to a Blue-tooth® audio profile.Turn the power source of the Bluetooth®audio player off and on, and then resumeconnection with the system.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-11
(200,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideBLUETOOTH® HANDS-FREE PHONE SYSTEMAIVINJN1-BC6BB4C1-95BF-4792-A967-D8DDE888D56DSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionA cellular phone cannot be registered. The cellular phone is not compatible with thein-vehicle hands-free phone system.Use a cellular phone compatible with the system.Visit to checkcompatibility.Registration of the cellular phone has beenperformed incorrectly.Check the registration procedure, and then regis-ter the cellular phone again.A cellular phone cannot be connected oris disconnected after the registration iscompleted.The Bluetooth® setting of the in-vehiclehands-free phone system is turned off.Turn on the Bluetooth® setting of the system.The Bluetooth® setting of the cellular phoneis turned off.Turn on the Bluetooth® setting of the cellularphone.The remaining battery level of the cellularphone is low.Charge the battery of the cellular phone.The wireless Bluetooth® connection may bedisrupted depending on the location of thecellular phone.Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from the in-vehicle hands-free phone system. Do not place thecellular phone close to the seats or your body.Registration of the cellular phone is notcompleted.Perform registration of the cellular phone.A call to a particular phone number fails. If the system tries to make a call several timesto the same phone number (for example: theparty does not respond to the call, the party isout of the service area, or the call is aban-doned before the party responds), the systemmay reject a request to make a call to thephone number.Turn off the cellular phone and turn it on again toreset the connection.Condition:8-12
(201,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system does not recognize theconnection of a cellular phone. Thesystem does not receive or make a call.The cellular phone is not compatible with thein-vehicle hands-free phone system.Use a cellular phone compatible with the system.Visit to checkcompatibility.The cellular phone is not connected. Check the registration procedure, and then regis-ter the cellular phone again.The phone operation is limited by the func-tions (such as dial lock, etc.) of the registeredcellular phone.Remove any settings that are limiting use of thecellular phone, and then perform registrationagain.The other party cannot hear your voice.The other party can hear your voice, butit cracks or cuts out.Mute function is enabled. Verify mute function is disabled.The cellular phone is not connected. Check the registration procedure, and then regis-ter the cellular phone again.The fan speed of the heater/air conditioner istoo fast.Decrease the fan speed of the heater/air condi-tioner.The ambient noise level is excessive. (Forexample: heavy rain, construction sites, insidea tunnel, oncoming vehicles, etc.)Close the windows to shut out ambient noise.The noise generated by driving the vehicle istoo loud.Reduce the vehicle speed.The incoming or outgoing voice level is tooloud.Adjust the incoming or outgoing voice levelproperly.The voice is cut out or noise is heardduring a call.The wireless Bluetooth® connection may bedisrupted depending on the location of thecellular phone.Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from the in-vehicle hands-free phone system. Do not place acellular phone close to the seats or your body.When a cellular phone is operated tomake a call, the hands-free functionbecomes unavailable.Some models of a cellular phone do notswitch to the hands-free mode when they areoperated to make a call.This is not a malfunction. Make a call again usingthe hands-free function.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-13
(202,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe other party’s voice cannot be heard.There is no ring tone.The volume level is set to the minimum. Adjust the volume level.A cellular phone is not connected. Check the registration procedure, and then regis-ter the cellular phone again.Each volume level (ring tone, incomingvoice or outgoing voice) is different.Each volume level is not adjusted properly. Adjust each volume level properly.The antenna display is different betweenthe navigation screen and a cellularphone screen. Making or receiving a callis unavailable even though the antennadisplay shows that it is possible to do so.The antenna display varies depending on themodel of cellular phone.This does not indicate a malfunction. The antennadisplay and remaining battery level shown on thenavigation screen may be different from thoseshown on the cellular phone screen. Use them as areference.A voice cannot be heard clearly whenusing a cellular phone behind tall build-ings.Some structures such as tall buildings, etc.may cause irregular reflection of radio wavesor completely shut out radio waves that areused for cellular phones.Move to a place without tall buildings.Noise is heard when using a cellularphone under/near areas of elevatedrailroads, high voltage electric powercables, traffic signals, neon billboards,etc.Electromagnetic waves that are generatedfrom radio devices may adversely affect thecellular phone.This is not a malfunction.Noise is heard in the sound from theaudio system while using a cellularphone.Radio waves that are generated from acellular phone may adversely affect thesound from the audio system.This is not a malfunction.Sound skips or stutters. The cellular phone may have turned on thewireless LAN (Wi-Fi).Turn off the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi).Phonebook cannot be downloaded. An error occurred during the phone pairingprocess.Please delete the Bluetooth® pairing informationfrom both the mobile phone and vehicle systembefore registering it again.Phone does not support phonebook down-load function.Visit to checkcompatibility.Condition:8-14
(203,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]NISSANCONNECTSMSERVICES(if so equipped)AIVINJN1-C77D3493-DF41-4650-B88C-9DC569176B1DSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system cannot con-nect to the NissanCon-nectSMServices DataCenter.A subscription for the NissanCon-nectSMServices has not been estab-lished.Sign up for a subscription to the NissanConnectSMServices. For detailsabout subscriptions, contact the NissanConnectSMServices support lineat 1-855-426-6628.The communication line is busy. Try again after a short period of time.The vehicle is in a location where it isdifficult to receive radio waves.When the vehicle moves to an area where radio waves can betransmitted sufficiently, communication will be restored. When the iconon the display shows that the vehicle is inside the communication area,the system can be used.TCU (Telematics Control Unit) is notturned on.If the icon does not show that the vehicle is inside the communicationarea despite the fact that the vehicle is in that location, contact theNissanConnectSMServices support line at 1-855-426-6628.Radio wave reception is not sufficientfor TCU (Telematics Control Unit)operation.When the vehicle moves to an area where radio waves can betransmitted sufficiently, communication will be restored. When the iconon the display shows that the vehicle is inside the communication area,the system can be used.Some of the items that aredisplayed on the menuscreen cannot be selected.The vehicle is being driven and somemenu items are disabled.Stop the vehicle in a safe location and apply the parking brake beforeoperating the menu screen items.Some parts of the screenare not displayed.The vehicle is being driven and somemenu items are disabled.Operate the system after stopping the vehicle in a safe location andapplying the parking brake.The system does not an-nounce information.The volume level is set to the mini-mum.Adjust the volume level by operating the <VOLUME/ >located on thecontrol panel or on the steering wheel switch while the system isannouncing information.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-15
(204,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideApple CarPlayAIVINJN1-921676AA-D7C1-4E97-9EC4-367674E9315BSymptom Cause and CountermeasureCannot start Apple CarPlay though it is tethered to thevehicle.The USB cable is not connected to the USB connection port. Properly connect theUSB cable to USB connection port.Use Apple Lightning cable to connect your phone to the USB Connection Port andcheck the cable is not broken.“USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection Ports and AUX (auxiliary) input jack”(page 2-4)Apple CarPlay setting is not active on your iPhone®. Turn on “CarPlay” on youriPhone®.Device is not compatible with CarPlay. Check compatibility requirements.Apple CarPlay performance decreases. For example,slow connectivity or slow application functionality.orAn error message appears when trying to accessfeatures of Apple CarPlay. A blank screen appears whentrying to access maps.Confirm you have a compatible iPhone®, a cellular connection and an active dataplan.Use Apple Lightning cable to connect your phone to the USB connection port.Phone’s performance or cellular connection. Disconnect and reconnect yourphone.Phone’s performance or cellular connection. Close all apps and restart them.Phone’s performance or cellular connection. Cycle phone power off/on to restart.Cannot access Siri using the switch on the steeringwheel.The USB cable may not be properly connected. Disconnect and reconnect the USBcable.Siri setting is not enabled on the phone. Turn on “Siri” on your phone.Check that you are pushing and holding <>instead of just pushing the switchto initiate Siri operation.Condition:8-16
(205,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Android AutoGUID-6A75FEAF-7FAF-487C-9FFB-E2C40B65CC39Symptom Cause and Countermeasurezzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzz8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-17
(206,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideNAVIGATION (if so equipped)AIVINJN1-9CDB1CD7-F25C-4AF6-97FF-6E29E3C9EB64BASIC OPERATIONSAIVINJN1-63D868E1-81BC-4C67-BECA-983902BED4C1Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionNo image is displayed. The brightness is at the lowest setting. Adjust the brightness of the display.“Display settings” (page 2-21)The display is turned off. Push <>to turn on the display.The volume of the voice guidance is too highor too low.The volume is not set correctly, or the voiceguidance setting is turned off.Adjust the volume of the voice guidance orturn on the voice guidance setting.“Volume and Beeps settings” (page 2-19)No voice guidance is available. Voice guidance is not provided for certainstreets (roads displayed in gray).This is not a malfunction.No map is displayed on the screen. A screen other than a map screen is dis-played.Touch [Map] on the HOME MENU Launch Baror push <MAP>.The screen is too dim. The movement is slow. The temperature in the interior of the vehicleis low.Wait until the interior of the vehicle haswarmed up.Some pixels in the display are darker orbrighter than others.This condition is an inherent characteristic ofliquid crystal displays.This is not a malfunction.Some menu items cannot be selected. Some menu items become unavailable whilethe vehicle is driven.Park the vehicle in a safe location, and thenoperate the navigation system.Condition:8-18
(207,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]VEHICLE ICONAIVINJN1-C0C1C898-A889-456C-A1BE-60ABF2162EC7Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionNames of roads and locations differbetween 2D and 3D view.This is because the quantity of the displayed informa-tion is reduced so that the screen does not become toocluttered. There is also a chance that names of theroads or locations may be displayed multiple times, andthe names appearing on the screen may be differentbecause of a processing procedure.This is not a malfunction.The location of the vehicle icon ismisaligned from the actual position.The vehicle was transported after the ignition switchwas placed in the OFF position, for example, by a ferry orcar transporter.Drive the vehicle for a period of time on aroad where GPS signals can be received.The position and direction of the vehicle icon may beincorrect depending on the driving environments andthe levels of positioning accuracy of the navigationsystem.This is not a malfunction. Drive the vehiclefor a period of time to automaticallycorrect the position and direction of thevehicle icon.“Current vehicle location” (page 6-58)Driving with tire chains or tires that have been replacedmay result in an incorrect vehicle location display due tomiscalculation by the speed sensor.Drive the vehicle for a period of time (atapproximately 19 MPH (30 km/h) for about30 minutes) to automatically correct thevehicle icon position.If this does not correct the vehicle iconposition, it is recommended you contact aNISSAN dealer.The map data has a mistake or is incomplete (thevehicle icon position is always misaligned in the samearea).Updated road information will be includedin the next version of the map data.When the vehicle is traveling on a newroad, the vehicle icon is located onanother road nearby.Because the new road is not stored in the map data, thesystem automatically places the vehicle icon on thenearest road available.Updated road information will be includedin the next version of the map data.“How to update map data” (page 6-64)8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-19
(208,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe screen does not switch to thenight screen even after turning on theheadlights.The daytime screen was set the last time the headlightswere turned on.Set the screen to the night screen modeusing <>when turning on the head-lights.“Display settings” (page 2-21)The map does not scroll even whenthe vehicle is moving.The current location map screen is not displayed. Touch [Map] on the HOME MENU LaunchBar or push <MAP>.The vehicle icon is not displayed. The current location map screen is not displayed. Touch [Map] on the HOME MENU LaunchBar or push <MAP>.Condition:8-20
(209,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]ROUTE CALCULATION AND VISUAL GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-1302203A-3BB3-4E27-A68F-EB2EC58942E3Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionWaypoints are not included inthe auto reroute calculation.Waypoints that have been already passed are not includedin the auto reroute calculation.To go to that waypoint again, edit the route.Route information is not dis-played.Route calculation has not yet been performed. Set the destination and perform route calcu-lation.The vehicle is not on the suggested route. Drive on the suggested route.Route guidance is turned off. Turn on route guidance.Route information is not provided for certain types ofroads (roads displayed in dark green).This is not a malfunction.The auto reroute calculation (ordetour calculation) suggests thesame route as the one pre-viously suggested.Route calculations took priority conditions into consid-eration, but the same route was calculated.This is not a malfunction.A waypoint cannot be added. Five waypoints are already set on the route, including onesthat the vehicle has already passed.A maximum of 5 waypoints can be set on theroute. To go to 6 or more waypoints, performroute calculations multiple times as neces-sary.The suggested route is not dis-played.Roads near the destination cannot be calculated. Reset the destination to a main or ordinaryroad, and recalculate the route.The starting point and destination are too close. Set a more distant destination.The starting point and destination are too far away. Divide the trip by selecting one or twointermediate destinations, and perform routecalculations multiple times.There are time restricted roads (by the day of the week, bytime) near the current vehicle location or destination.Select [Do Not Use Restriction Info] in the[Time Restricted Roads] setting.“Route Preference” (page 6-38)A part of the route is not dis-played.The suggested route includes narrow streets (roadsdisplayed in gray).This is not a malfunction.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-21
(210,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe part of the route that thevehicle has already passed isdeleted.A route is managed by sections between waypoints. If thevehicle passed the first waypoint, the section between thestarting point and the waypoint is deleted (it may not bedeleted depending on the area).This is not a malfunction.An indirect route is suggested. If there are restrictions (such as one-way streets) on roadsclose to the starting point or destination, the system maysuggest an indirect route.Adjust the location of the starting point ordestination.The system may suggest an indirect route because routecalculation does not take into consideration some areassuch as narrow streets (gray roads).Reset the destination to a main or ordinaryroad, and recalculate the route.The landmark information doesnot correspond to the actualinformation.This may be caused by insufficient or incorrect map data. Updated information will be included in thenext version of the map data.“How to update map data” (page 6-64)The suggested route does notexactly connect to the startingpoint, waypoints or destination.There is no data for route calculation closer to theselocations.Set the starting point, waypoints and desti-nation on a main road, and perform routecalculation.Condition:8-22
(211,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]VOICE GUIDANCEAIVINJN1-A3BC94B6-484D-4996-8E51-9B1AA5530FE5Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionVoice guidance is not available. Voice guidance is only available at certain intersectionsmarked with . In some cases, voice guidance is notavailable even when the vehicle makes a turn.This is not a malfunction.The vehicle has deviated from the suggested route. Go back to the suggested route orrequest route calculation again.Voice guidance is turned off. Turn on voice guidance.Route guidance is turned off. Turn on route guidance.The guidance content does notcorrespond to the actual road con-ditions.The content of voice guidance may vary, depending on thetypes of intersections at which turns are made.Follow all traffic rules and regulations.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-23
(212,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideTRAFFIC INFORMATIONAIVINJN1-10AAF583-945C-4754-BF28-86265643DEC5Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionTraffic information is not displayed. Traffic information is not turned on. Turn on the traffic information.The vehicle is in an area where traffic informationis not available.Scroll to an area where traffic information isavailable.The subscription to SiriusXM Traffic is incomplete,or the subscription to SiriusXM Traffic has expired.Check the subscription status of SiriusXM Traffic.“Notes on SiriusXM Traffic information”(page 5-16)The map scale is set at a level where the display oficons is impossible.Check that the map scale is set at a level in whichthe display of icons is possible.“Traffic information on map” (page 6-46)With the automatic detour routeturned on, no detour route is set toavoid congested areas.There is no faster route compared to the currentroute, based on the road network and the trafficinformation.The automatic detour search is not intended foravoiding traffic jams. It searches for the fastestroute taking conditions such as traffic jams intoconsideration. Follow the current route.“Notes on SiriusXM Traffic information”(page 5-16)The route does not avoid a roadsection with traffic informationstating that it is closed due to roadconstruction.The navigation system is designed not to avoidthis event because the actual period of closuremay differ from the declared roadwork period.Observe the actual road conditions and follow theinstructions on the road for a detour whennecessary. If the road is closed, use the detourfunction and set the detour distance to avoid theroad section that is closed.Condition:8-24
(213,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]VOICE RECOGNITIONAIVINJN1-A8BC0EA8-7703-45A1-ACE6-B63B09F42786Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system does not operate or fails tointerpret the command correctly.The interior of the vehicle is too noisy. Close the windows or have the other occu-pants be quiet.The fan speed of the heater/air conditioner istoo fast.Decrease the fan speed of the heater/airconditioner.The noise generated by driving the vehicle istoo loud.Reduce the vehicle speed.The voice command is spoken in a low voice. Speak the command in a louder voice.The timing of speaking a command is tooearly.Speak the command after confirming thefollowing: a voice guidance is announced, atone sounds, and an icon on the screenchanges from gray to orange.The command is spoken too slowly. Speak in a natural voice without pausingbetween words.The system prompts to repeat a command. Pronunciation is unclear. Speak clearly.The command is spoken too late after thetone.Speak the command within 5 seconds afterconfirming the following: a voice guidance isannounced, a tone sounds, and an icon onthe screen changes from gray to orange.An improper command is spoken. Speak the command or a number that isdisplayed on the screen.Speak a command that is shown in thecommand list.The system does not correctly recognize anumber spoken.Too many numbers are spoken at once. Place a pause between the appropriate digitsfor correct recognition by the system. Whenspeaking a telephone number, place a pausebetween area codes, dial codes, etc.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-25
(214,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideSymptom Possible cause Possible solutionUSB memory device cannot be operated withvoice commands.Depending on the device, iPhone® or iPod®may be recognized as a USB memory device.This is not malfunctionMore than one audio device is connected toUSB connection port.Only one audio device can be operated withthe voice recognition system even whenmultiple numbers of devices are connected.Select an audio source to operate with thevoice recognition system.“System Voice settings” (page 7-12)The USB/iPod® operation screen is grayedout.The audio device is not connected. Connect an audio device to the system.An audio source to be operated with thevoice recognition system has not been se-lected.Select an audio source to be operated withthe voice recognition system.“System Voice settings” (page 7-12)An error message is displayed when trying toselect a track and operate USB/iPod®.The track information is being processed forregistration by the system.Song information will be loaded into thesystem when a new audio device is registeredfor the first time or when the song informa-tion in the pre-registered device has beenchanged. Please wait for the loading tocomplete which may take a few minutes to upto an hour.Exceeding number of songs are stored in theconnected audio device than it can hold.Decrease the number of songs stored in theaudio device.No song is stored in the audio device. Store songs in the connected audio device.Storing songs with information such as artistname, album name, song name, playlist, etc.,will make voice recognition song searchavailable.The system does not correctly recognize aPoint of Interest (POI) name spoken.There are some rare cases where a POIsearch is unavailable by speaking the facilityname but the location can be found on themap.This is not a malfunction. Consider using analternate search method, like street address.Condition:8-26
(215,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]Symptom Possible cause Possible solutionThe system does not correctly recognize aPoint of Interest (POI) name spoken.Partial or alias name is spoken. For best results, speak the full name.8. Troubleshooting guideCondition:8-27
(216,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]8. Troubleshooting guideMEMOCondition:8-28
(217,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]IndexNumber2D map ......................................................................... 6-4Number3D map ......................................................................... 6-6AAbout route guidance .................................... 6-31Adjusting settings ................................................. 2-9Android Auto ......................................................... 5-23Apple CarPlay ........................................................ 5-21Audio main buttons ......................................... 3-10Audio operation precautions ...................... 3-2Audio operations ................................................ 3-11AUX (auxiliary) input jack ................................. 2-4Auxiliary (AUX) devices ................................... 3-31BBluetooth® Hands-FreePhone System .......................................................... 4-2Bluetooth® streaming audio ......... 3-9, 3-28Building graphics .................................................. 6-6CCanceling Route ................................................. 6-37CD/USB memory device careand cleaning .......................................................... 3-34Changing map ........................................................ 6-8Changing order of destinationand waypoints ...................................................... 6-43Changing scale of map .................................... 6-7Clock settings ....................................................... 2-19Command list .......................................................... 7-6Compact Disc (CD) player ................ 3-4, 3-19Compressed AudioFiles (MP3/WMA/AAC) ....................................... 3-5Connecting Bluetooth®Hands-free Phone ................................................ 4-4Connecting to InteractiveVoice Menu ............................................................. 5-10Connectings settings ...................................... 2-16Control buttons and touchscreen display .......................................................... 2-2Control panel ........................................................... 2-2Current location map screen ................... 6-14Current vehicle location ............................... 6-58DDeleting stored item ........................................ 6-54Destination setting menu ........................... 6-15Displaying navigation screen ...................... 6-3Displaying urgenttraffic information ............................................. 6-46During a call .............................................................. 4-5EEditing route .......................................................... 6-41Editing stored information ......................... 6-50Emergency support ......................................... 5-13FFinding address ................................................... 6-19Finding points of interest ............................ 6-20Functions disabled while driving ........... 2-12GGiving voice commands .................................. 7-2HHands-free textmessaging assistant .......................................... 4-6How to see voice command screen ....... 7-3IInformation menu ................................................ 5-2iPod® player ............................................................ 3-24IndexCondition:9-1
(218,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]IndexLLaser product .......................................................... 1-4Launch Bar ................................................................. 2-6Liquid crystal display .......................................... 2-3MMaking a call ............................................................. 4-4Map Menu screen .............................................. 6-14Map types ................................................................... 6-4Map view settings ................................................. 6-9Moving map .............................................................. 6-7NNavigation screen ................................................. 6-3Navigation settings .......................................... 6-56NissanConnectSMServices ............................. 5-5NissanConnectSMServices settings ................................................. 5-15Notes on SiriusXMTraffic information ............................................ 5-16Number input screen ...................................... 2-10OOne Shot Call ........................................................... 7-3Options before starting theroute guidance .................................................... 6-30PPhone ............................................................................. 4-4Phone selection ...................................................... 4-4Phone settings ..................................................... 4-10QQuick Dial ................................................................. 4-12RRadio ................................................................ 3-2, 3-12Recalculating route .......................................... 6-41Receiving a call ....................................................... 4-5Route calculation ............................................... 6-63Route guidance .................................... 6-31, 6-61Route menu ............................................................ 6-34SSafety information .................................... 1-3, 6-3Scrolled location map screen ................... 6-14Searching from address book ................. 6-22Searching fromprevious destinations ..................................... 6-22Setting at information on map ............... 6-13Setting by phone number ........................... 6-26Setting city center ............................................. 6-23Setting detour route ....................................... 6-37Setting from stored routes ........................ 6-26Setting home as destination .................... 6-19Setting intersection .......................................... 6-25Setting point on map ..................................... 6-28Setting withNissanConnectSMServices .......................... 6-24Setting work as destination ...................... 6-19Settings menu ...................................................... 2-13Siri ................................................................................. 5-22SiriusXM Travel Link ......................................... 5-16Specifying region ............................................... 6-18Split screen ................................................................ 6-9Starting system ...................................................... 2-6Start-up screen ...................................................... 2-6Steering wheel controls for audio ........ 3-11Steering wheel switches ................................. 2-4Storing a location/route .............................. 6-48Storing avoid area ............................................. 6-49Storing home location ................................... 6-48Storing location ................................................... 6-48Storing route ......................................................... 6-49Subscription toNissanConnectSMServices ............................. 5-5System settings ................................................... 2-13Condition:9-2
(219,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]System voice settings .................................... 7-12TText message settings .................................. 4-10Touch panel .............................................................. 2-7Trademarks ............................................................... 1-4Traffic information on map ....................... 6-46Traffic information setting ......................... 6-47Turn list ...................................................................... 6-33UUSB (Universal Serial Bus)connection ports ........................................ 2-4, 3-5USB memory device player ........................ 3-21Using Destination Send to Car ................ 6-24Using Journey Planner ................................... 6-25VViewing SiriusXM Travel Link .................... 5-16Viewing traffic events from list ............... 6-45Viewing traffic information ........................ 6-45Voice Prompt Interrupt .................................... 7-3Voice recognition .................................................. 7-2Volume settings .................................................. 2-19IndexCondition:9-3
(220,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]IndexCondition:9-4
(221,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]MEMOIndexCondition:9-5
(222,1)[ Edit: 2017/ 5/ 8 Model: AIVINJ-N ]IndexMEMOCondition:9-6

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