Rexon Technology RL328V Professional Portable Radio (VHF) User Manual User s Guide

Rexon Technology Corp Professional Portable Radio (VHF) User s Guide


User Manual Part 1

User’s GuideModel No.RL328LMR Handheld Part Names & Functions:
TOP1Power/Volume Knob: Rotate it to turn onthe transceiver and to adjust the volume.2. Antenna Connector: Fit the antenna tothis MX type connector.FRONT3. LED:4. SPEAKER5. MIC6. LCD Display7.UP & DOWN8.MODE9.SCAN10.ENTERSIDE
11. External Speaker/Mic Connector12.Battery Pack:13. Release Buckle14. Priority Button15. PTT (Push To Talk) Button16. MON (Monitor) ButtonFitting & Removing the Battery Pack:To install the battery pack:1. Fit the bottom edge of the    battery pack into the holes   of the transceiver bottom.2. Push the battery pack down to the transceiver’saluminum chassis till a chip sound is heard.To remove the battery pack:1.   Keep pressing the release  buckle of the battery pack and lift the batterypack up from the transceiver’s body.Charging the Battery Pack:1LIFT UP2PUSH DOWN
1.) Connect the jack of AC adaptor into the socket of the charging cradle.2.) Plug the AC adaptor into the power outlet.3.) Insert the radio into the cradle4.) Charge the radio with standard charger for 10-12 hours; with rapid charger for 2 hours.**Make sure the radio is turned off while charging it.**Do not forget to remove the radio from the charger when the battery is full-charged.DISPLAY SYMBOLS:
BCLOPRI DCSBTLOCTSH   LVOX12345678 91213151011141.) PRI: indicates the priority channel. (Dealer Programmable)2.) BCLO: indicates busy channel lockout function (Dealer Programmable)3.) BTLO: indicates busy tone lockout function (Dealer Programmable)4.) CTS: indicates continuous tone coded squelched system5.) DCS: indicates digital coded squelch6.)    : indicates button press tone is active.7.)  : indicated when the keypads have been locked. 8.)   : indicates time-out timer function is active.  (Dealer Programmable)   9.)  : shows battery condition.  Replace or recharge the battery pack when    thisicon displays 2 or fewer segments of the battery.   10.)   : indicates the radio is transmitting.  11.)   : indicates busy channel.    12.)  : indicate the strength of TX or RX signal. 13.)VOX  : indicates “VOX” is activated.
14.)H or L  : indicates TX output power: H means high; L means low. 15.)Channel Number: Displays channel number 01-99.Basic Operation:Turn the radio On & OFF1.) Rotate the PWR/VOL knob clockwise till the radio is turned on.  The radio gets started to auto testfor two second.  During auto testing, all icons on LCD will appear.2.) After auto testing is done, LCD will show channel number and the functions has been activated byyour dealer.3.) Rotate the PWR/VOL knob clockwise to increase its volume or counterclockwise to reduce itsvolume.4.) To turn the radio off, rotate the PWR/VOL know counterclockwise to the SelectionRL-328 is allowed to be programmed with 99 Channels.  To select a channel, press the UP/DOWN keyto select a channel.ReceivingRL-328 can be programmed to work channel by channel in “Open traffic” or “GroupMode” (cTCSs or DCS).  Group mode prevents other users on the same channel frombeing heard on your radio.*Open Traffic: In this mode, you will hear all communication transmitted on the channel.  When amessage is received your squelch will un-mute, you will hear the message.*Group Mode: TCS/DCS (continuous Tone Code Squelch system / Digital Coded Squelch) areparticular TX signaling as an access key to work a repeater (encoder) or to unlock the party’s signalingsensitive squelch.  In group mode, you will receive only messages coming from parties sending a properTX signaling.  By this way, more radios share the same frequency.MonitorPress and release the “MON” button on the side of the radio to pen the squelch.  Thisallows you to over ride the squelch and the “CTCSS” or “DCS” tones.  It is useful tomonitor the channel before you transmit to ensure there is no one using the channelwhen you have CTCSS or DCS tones programmed.TransmittingBefore transmitting, monitor the channel you are using to ensure it is not busy.  Keeppressing PTT button and start talking at approximately 2 inches from the MIC hole.
During transmitting, the LED on the top of the radio will glow red.  Release PTTbutton when you have finished talking.Scan   The advanced scan function of RL-328 allows optionally looking for carrier or carrier with CTCSS orDCS.  Your dealer can program the channels to be scanned on the scan list.*Normal Scan allows you to scan all the channels you have listed through PC programming.  PressSCAN button, you will see the channel numbers cycling continuously.  When the radio stops on a“Busy” channel, the SCAN mode will stop and resume after about 5 seconds.  If your radio has scanneda channel on which there is a party you want to talk to, you can directly communicate with the party bypressing the PTT button.  To stop scanning, press SCAN button again.*Delete a Nuisance channel allows you remove temporarily the channels which you don’t want to hearfrom the scan list.  During scanning, when the radio is locked onto a busy channel, press “ENTER” toremove this channel from the scan list.  It won’t be scanned until the radio is turned on again.Mode Setting:Squelch LevelPress MODE for one time, LCD shows   Andthen, press UP/DOWN key to increase or decrease squelch level from 0 to 8.  0 means squelchcanceling, 8 means tight squelch.  Setting the radio to the tight squelch level, you can avoid unwantedsignals or noise, but you may not receive a weak signal.  So, it will be better for you to select the normalsquelch level (default value: 3).  Press ENTER to save the setting and get back to operation mode orpress MODE to continue setting.VOX Sensitivity LevelPress MODE repeatedly (normally twice) till LCDshows    Press UP/DOWN key to adjust VOX sensitivity from 0 to 5: 0 means VOX canceling; 1 meansthe most sensitive (for quiet environment); 5 means the least (for noisy environment).  Press ENTER tosave the setting and get back to operation mode or press MODE to continue setting.BEEP while pressing the buttonsPress MODE repeatedly (normally 3 times) till LCD showsPress UP/DOWN key tochoose turning ON or OFF the button press beep.  Press ENTER to save the setting and get back tooperation mode or press MODE to continue setting. SQL:3  VXL:3 bP:ON
CALL Ringer SelectionPress MODE repeatedly (normally 4 times) till LCDshows.  Press UP/DOWN key to choose call ringer type from 1 to 9.  Press ENTER to save the settingand get back to operation mode or press MODE to continue setting.TX Power SelectionPress MODE repeatedly (normally 5 times) till LCD showsPress UP/DOWN key to choose TX output power:  H means high power; L means low power.  PressENTER to save the setting and get back to operation mode or press MODE to continue setting.Keypad LockPress MODE repeatedly (normally 6 times) till LCD shows Press UP/DOWN key to choose keypadlock:  “OFF” means unlock; “On” means lock.  When keypad is locking, there is a key icon shown onLCD and only PTT, MON, & PRI buttons work.  Press ENTER to save the setting and get back tooperation mode or press MODE to continue setting.Advanced Operations:Handsfree transmit (VOX) VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) allows you to automatically switch the transmission in hands freemode just by speaking to the built-in microphone, no need to press PTT button. 1.)To activate VOX:  Turn off the radio.  Keep Pressing PTT button and turn the radio on.  “VOX”icon will be displayed.  During VOX mode, PTT button is disabled.2.)To select VOX sensitivity according to the environment:  We suggest that you should set VOX forminimum sensitivity.  Sensitivity set too high could cause accidental transmissions, especially inhigh noise environments.3.) To deactivate VOX:  Turn the radio off and turn it on again.Setting “Group Mode” (CTCSS/DCS) codesCTCSS/DCS prevents you from hearing any conversation that is not using the same (TCS or DCS)code.  This does not make your conversation private.1.) Select the channel which has been programmed with TCS or DCS code, and then, turn the radio off.CALL:0 PwR:H KL:OFF
2.) Keep pressing MON & ENTER buttons and turn on the radio, there will be “TCS” or “DCS” iconflashing.3.) Press Mode button to choose TX or RX respectively.  And then, press up/down key to choose thecode number you want.  (see the table below)  Press ENTER to confirm your selection.4.) Turn off the radio to quit code setting.Disable “Group Mode” (CTCSS/DCS) codes1.) Select the channel you want to disable its tone code (TCS or DCS).  And then, turn off the radio.2.) Keep pressing MON button and turn on the radio.  On the top of LCD will show TCS or DCSflashing.3.) Press UP/DOWN key to choose “OFF” to disable the tone code.  And then, press ENT button toconfirm your choice.4.) When you turn on the radio again, you will see TCS or DCS keep flashing on the top of LCD.  Itmeans its tone code has been disabled.If you want to enable the tone code, keep pressing MON button and turn on the radio.And then, press UP/DOWN key to choose “On” to enable the tone code.  Press ENTbutton to confirm your choice.CTCSS codecode Freq. code Freq. code Freq. code Freq. code Freq.01 67.0 11 97.4 21 135.5 31 192.8 41 165.502 71.9 12 100.0 22 141.3 32 203.5 42 171.303 74.4 13 103.5 23 146.2 33 210.7 43 177.304 77.0 14 107.2 24 151.4 34 218.1 44 183.505 79.7 15 110.9 25 156.7 35 225.7 45 189.906 82.5 16 114.8 26 162.2 36 233.6 46 196.607 85.4 17 118.8 27 167.9 37 241.8 47 199.5
08 88.5 18 123.0 28 173.8 38 250.3 48 206.50991.5 19 127.3 29 179.9 39 69.3 49 229.11094.8 20 131.8 30 186.2 40 159.8 50 254.1DCS TableÆ023 025 026 031 032 036 043 047 051 053054 065 071 072 073 074 114 115 116 122125 131 132 134 143 145 152 155 156 162165 172 174 205 212 223 225 226 243 244245 246 251 252 255 261 263 265 266 271274 306 311 315 325 331 332 343 346 351356 364 365 371 411 412 413 423 431 432445 446 452 454 455 462 464 465 466 503506 516 523 526 532 546 565 606 612 624627 631 632 654 662 664 703 712 723 731732 734 743 754Priority ScanPriority scan allows you to select a channel that will be monitored more often than the others whilescanning.  Your dealer can program a priority channel through PC.  Or you can choose a channel and setit as the priority channel.SET THE PRIORITY CHANNEL: 1.) Keep pressing PRI button and turn on the radio.2.) Choose the priority channel you want to set.  And then, press ENT button to confirm.3.) Turn the radio on again.
PRIORITY SCAN:Set the radio to the priority channel and press SCAN button.  You will see the radio scanning like thefollowing mentioned.Normal Scan CH1>CH2>CH3…>CH99>CH1Priority Scan CH1>CH2>CH1>CH3>CH1>CH4>CH1>CH5….Dual WatchDual watch is a function that allows you to scan the priority channel and one active channel.1.) Choose the active channel.2.) Keep pressing PRI button for 2 seconds, the radio will begin scanning between the active channeland the priority channel.3.) Press PRI button again to stop dual watch scanning.TOT (Time-Out Timer)TOT is the function that prevents from locking up a repeater or frequency byprolonged keying of PTT.  The time-out timer limits the amount of time you have totransmit your message.  When you reach the time limit which has been programmedby your dealer, your transmission will be cut off.  In order to transmit again, you mustpush PTT button to reset the timer.   Disable TOT   1.)Keep pressing UP key and turn on the radio. There will be    flashing on the top of LCD.2.)Press UP/DOWN key to choose “OFF” to disable TOT function.  And then,    press ENT button to confirm your choice.3.)When you turn on the radio again, you will see a    keepflashing on the top of LCD.  It means Time-Out Timer has been disabled.
BCLO (Busy Channel LockOut); BTLO (Busy Tone Lockout)BCLO is a Dealer programmable feature that disables the radio’s transmitter, when theRX signal is being received.  Furthermore, BTLO won’t disable the radio’s transmitteruntil RX signal with the same tone (CTCSS or DCS) is received.Disable BCLO or BTLO1.)Switch to the channel which has been programmed with BCLO or BTLO function,and then, turn off the radio.2.)Keep pressing MODE button and turn on the radio.  There will be a BCL or BTLicon flashing on the top of LCD.3.)Press UP/DOWN key to choose “OFF” to disable BCLO or BTLO function.  Andthen, press ENT button to confirm your choice.4.)When you turn on the radio again, you will see BCL or BTL icon keep flashing onthe top of LCD.  It means BCLO or BTLO function has been disabled.CLONEClone is a function that allows you to copy the original setting of one radio to theothers.  1.)Keep pressing UP & DOWN keys and turn on the radio to be copied (TX).         LCD will appears2.)Repeat procedure 1 for the other radio to copy (RX). CLOnE
3.)Press ENT key of TX radio.  If clone is OK, the LCDs of both radios will show       4.)If clone is not successful, the LCD of both radios will showPlease repeat procedure 3 again. End  EO1

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