Recsol I and C RECSPEED-8000E ADSL Modem User Manual

Recsol I&C; Co., Ltd. ADSL Modem

User Manual

ADSL Modem User’s ManualATM-based ADSL Broadband Access SystemRECSPEED-8000E
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual2- Contents -1. FCC Statement....................................................................................................32. Overview..............................................................................................................43. Introduction.........................................................................................................63.1. RECSPEED-8000E overview.......................................................................... 63.2. Components................................................................................................... 63.3. Name and functions........................................................................................ 73.3.1. Front panel................................................................................................ 73.3.2. Rear panel................................................................................................. 74. Installation...........................................................................................................94.1. Cable connection............................................................................................ 94.2. Installation and operation preference ............................................................... 94.3. PC specifications required ............................................................................ 104.4. Modem system default values(factory settings)............................................... 105. Modem operator menu.....................................................................................105.1. Main Menu – System Menu .......................................................................... 105.1.1. Main Menu – System – Password Change..................................................115.1.2. Main Menu – System – Firmware Upgrade ................................................115.1.3. Main Menu – System – Setting Values...................................................... 125.1.4. Main Menu – System – Reset System....................................................... 135.1.5. Main Menu – System – RS-232 Interface.................................................. 135.2. Main Menu – Bridge..................................................................................... 135.2.1. Main Menu – Bridge – Static Entry List.................................................... 145.2.2. Main Menu – Bridge –  Delete Static Entry List ........................................ 145.2.3. Main Menu – Bridge –  Static Entry List................................................... 155.3. Main Menu – Ethernet Interface.................................................................... 155.3.1. Main Menu – Ethernet – Show Statistics................................................... 155.3.2. Main Menu – Ethernet – Reset Statistics................................................... 165.4. Main Menu – ATM Interface......................................................................... 165.4.1. Main Menu – ATM Interface – Show Connections..................................... 165.4.2. Main Menu – ATM Interface – Create ATM PVC...................................... 175.4.3. Main Menu – ATM Interface – Delete ATM PVC...................................... 175.4.4. Main Menu – ATM Interface – AAL5 Statistics ........................................ 185.4.5. Main Menu – ATM Interface – ATM Statistics.......................................... 185.4.6. Main Menu – ATM Interface – Reset all Statistics..................................... 195.5. Main Menu – DSL Interface.......................................................................... 195.5.1. Main Menu – DSL Interface – Mode (Full/G.Lite)..................................... 195.5.2. Main Menu – DSL Interface – Link Status................................................ 205.5.3. Main Menu – DSL Interface – Link Initialization ...................................... 216. RECSPEED-8000E specifications and characteristics..................................22
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual31. FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measure:- Reorient or relocated the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.- Shielded cables must be used to comply with FCC regulations.WARNING (Part 15, Section 15.21)Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual42. OverviewAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) technology is the latest line coding technologyenabling subscribers to access the network at a high speed through the existing telephone lines. Itprovides subscribers with network access services from several tens Kbps up to several Mbps forthe downstream data from the ISP to the subscriber and from several tens Kbps up to 1 Mbps forthe upstream data from the subscriber to the ISP, depending on the physical length of thesubscriber line and the network service contract level with the ISP.Furthermore, along with new data transferring capabilities, subscribers are also provided withusual telephone services, as well.ADSL allows very cost-efficient application services with asymmetric traffic characteristics suchas high-speed Internet access and Video-On-Demand (VOD), by providing services wheredownstream data is about 10 times faster than upstream data.RECSPEED-8000E, RECSOL I&C  ADSL modem, is located in the customer premises of theADSL-based subscriber network, and allows the subscriber to use actual ADSL services. Thefollowing section describes how to use ADSL services through RECSPEED-8000E.For the said purpose, it is necessary to understand the entire network architecture. The entirenetwork configuration diagram is shown in the Figure-1.Figure-1 ADSL Service Network Configuration DiagramAs shown in Figure-1, RECSPEED-8000E is connected to the ATM backbone network adoptedfrom B-ISDN by base transmission method through the ADSL, and to the subscriber viaEthernet. Therefore, it basically requires the function to convert between ATM traffic of thenetwork and Ethernet traffic of the subscriber.For the said purpose, RECSPEED-8000E is designed to support the inter working structure forend-to-end services at Layer 2, for which it executes Ethernet Bridging Function.For a more specific description of the above, the diagram of entire network configuration in termsof end-to-end protocol structure is shown in the Figure-2.Service Provider Subscriber Network (ADSL)Public Network Customer PremiseATM PublicNetworkIS PIS PEnterpriseATM Access DeviceATM Access DeviceATM Access DeviceTelephone Office8050E8050E8050EPC RouterEnterpriseNetworkATM Access DeviceATM Access DeviceTelephoneOffice
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual5Figure-2 Protocol Inter working Structure of Entire Service NetworkDrv..Subscriber Subscriber Network(ADSL) Public Network Service ProviderMACRFC1483ATMAAL5MAC BridgingMACIP/IPX...PHYPHYI/FAPPsMACPHY ADSLRFC1483ATMAAL5MACIP/IPX...PHYI/F DrvAPPsMAC BridgingPHYATMPHYATMPHYATMADSLATMDW-8050EADSL
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual63. Introduction3.1  RECSPEED-8000E overviewRECSPEED-8000E is installed and connect to the customer premises, and enables the users toaccess ADSL services, through a convenient menu-driven interface:1) Access to system status and configuration information,2) Online software upgrade,3) Access to and setting of ATM VCC status information,4) Access to ADSL interface status information,5) Access to Ethernet interface status information,6) Bridging function, spanning tree setup and access to status information.RECSPEED-8000E features two methods of implementing user's interface. A user can connect aterminal directly to RS-232 serial port of RECSPEED-8000E, or use Telnet through the networkinterface.Upon initial installation of RECSPEED-8000E, however, it is possible only to access the serialport, since the IP address of RECSPEED-8000E is not assigned yet.Access to RECSPEED-8000E through the serial port is available with any standard terminalequipment at the speed of 9,600 baud rate.3.2 ComponentsUnpack the package of RECSPEED-8000E and verify that the following components areincluded. There should be following components (Refer to Figure-3).1) RECSPEED-8000E main body 1 set2) Ethernet cable (cross-connect) 1 ea3) Telephone cable 1 ea4) DC power Adapter 1 ea5) Cable for DC power Adapter 1 ea6) Micro filter 2 ea7) User’s manual 1 copy
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual73.3  Name and functions3.3.1 Front panelFigure-4 shows LEDs that are equipped on the front panel of RECSPEED-8000E.Figure-4 Front panel of RECSPEED-8000ERECSPEED-8000E has four LEDs as shown in the figure above, which instantaneously indicatethe modem status as described below:ON(Green) Indicates the connection to the power supply. This LED is on when power isprovided.LINK(Green) The LED indicates that the link status of ADSL. It blinks while the link isattempted, and remains on once the link is established.DATA(Green) The LED indicates data is transmitted over ADSL. That is, it blinks wheneverdata is received or transmitted over the ADSL.LAN(Green) The LED indicates the connection status of Ethernet. It remains on as long as thephysical connection is established normally.3.3.2 Rear panelThe following Figure-5 shows the switch and various connectors that are equipped on the rearpanel of RECSPEED-8000E.Figure-5 Rear panel of RECSPEED-8000ERECSPEED-8000EDATALINKONADSL modemLAN(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual8(1) Power switch Used for supply and blocking of power.(2) Power Port(DC IN) Connects the power connection cable.(3) Phone Port Connects the telephone cable.(alert : In front of telephone, Micro filter must be attached).(4) Line Port Connects the telephone cable in ADSL line.(5) LAN Port Connects the Ethernet cable.(the cable is cross-connected)(6) Serial port Connects the RS-232 serial cable.
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual94. Installation4.1 Cable connection1) Connect the power to the DC In Port for power supply in the RECSPEED-8000E mainbody by using the DC power adapter.2) Connect the LAN port of RECSPEED-8000E main body to the ethernet card of PC byusing the ethernet cable.3) Connect the telephone cable between the LINE port of RECSPEED-8000E main body andthe telephone connector that is installed in the house (mainly on the wall).4) Connect the serial cable between the RS-232 serial ports of PC and RECSPEED-8000Emain body.5) Connect the telephone cable between the telephone and the micro filter.6) Connect the RJ-11 connector, which is attached to the micro filter that is connected withthe telephone, to the PHONE port of RECSPEED-8000E main body.On the above, 5) and 6) are applied in case of telephone connection. (Refer to Figure-6)Figure-6 Cabling4.2 Installation and operation preferenceIf the cable installation is completed, supply the power for the PC and RECSPEED-8000E. If theterminal emulation program such as hyper-terminal is executed, the prompt that requests thepassword input is displayed on the screen.When the RECSPEED-8000E is produced, the password is set up as “8000E” for delivery.Therefore, if this password is entered, RECSPEED-8000E can be logged on. This passwordshould be changed for the future system security. If you forgot the password, you should receivethe technical support of the company.If the log on is successful, the main menu is displayed on the screen. After this, set up ATM PVCby using the functions provided from the main menu and then, if necessary, set up the IP addressof RECSPEED-8000E, the subnet mask, and the IP address of basic gateway.¨ç¨ì¨ë¨ê¨é¨èPC Àü¿øÄÉÀÌºíº®¸éWa l lPC power Cable
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual10For the details about how to set up, refer to the descriptions for menus by each level that areprovided with the user interface by each function.4.3 PC specifications required- 10 Base-T ethernet card- Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT* PC configuration : Pentium MMX-300MHz, Memory 64MB4.4 Modem system default values(factory settings)IP Address Information ATM PVC Information PasswordIP addressSubnet  MaskGateway10.0.0.1255. 8000E5. Modem operator menu PrecautionsThis chapter describes the modem operator menu that is used by the ADSL serviceprovider. The general subscribers had better not use this menu without the consentwith the ADSL service provider.If the installation process described in the chapter 3 is completed and the power is supplied forRECSPEED-8000E, the default booting screen of RECSPEED-8000E is displayed on the screenof standard terminal connected with the serial cable. After that, in order to verify, the legaloperator for system, the screen for password input is displayed.If the password is entered correctly in this status, the following default menu is displayed on thescreen. If the user presses the input character (English character surrounded with “[“ and “]”) thatindicates the menu to provide the desired function, she/he can move to the related sub-menu.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu[S] System[B]Bridge[E] Ethernet interface[A]Atm interface[D]Dsl interface[X]eXitEnter Selection:5.1  Main Menu – System MenuThis menu is used to display general information about RECSPEED-8000E system and to changesettings. It is displayed on the screen in the following format:
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual11RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu - SystemFirmware Version 8000E-XXXXSystem Uptime 0000:00:10:12:40Name of System  RECSPEED-8000EContact Name DAYTEK ElectronicsLocation VancouverlEthernet Address 00:00:3B:10:24:3BIP Address Mask Gateway[P] Password change[F] Firmware upgrade[S] Setting values[R] Reset system[I] rs-232 Interface[X] eXitEnter Selection:5.1.1 Main Menu – System – Password Change This menu is used to change the current password. The following screen is displayed. Asmentioned above, the factory preset password is “8000E” (in lowercase).RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – System – Password ChangeEnter New Password (up to 8 characters):  ********Re-Enter New Password: ********Recording Changes. This may take a while … DoneAfter the password is changed, the screen is returned to the previous menu.5.1.2 Main Menu – System – Firmware UpgradeThis menu is used to upgrade or change the firmware currently installed and operating inRECSPEED-8000E. For this purpose, firmware upgrade is supported by TFTP on your network.The following screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – System – Firmware Upgrade[T] Tftp – via network
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual12[X] ExitEnter Selection: TThis option appears when ‘T’ shortcut key is entered. When TFTP is used, the following screen isdisplayed first to prompt the user to enter IP address of the TFTP server and the file name. Ifinput parameter is not valid, the screen switches back to the previous menu.Do you upgrade the firmware ? (Y)es or (N)o : YESEnter TFTP Server''s IP Address (eg., : Filename : hasbv1.binPlease wait for preparing download...OK!Ip address: a67d14b0Filename: hasbv1.binTFTP Init OK in BINARY Form.TFTP Open OK in BINARY Form.Starting TFTP download in BIN Form...........................TFTP Close OK in BINARY FormTFTP download completed: 0xc1e8c bytesDo you proceed ? (Y/default No)ycurrent sector #3: remained bytes: 728716current sector #4: remained bytes: 663180current sector #5: remained bytes: 597644current sector #6: remained bytes: 532108current sector #7: remained bytes: 466572current sector #8: remained bytes: 401036current sector #9: remained bytes: 335500current sector #10: remained bytes: 269964current sector #11: remained bytes: 204428current sector #12: remained bytes: 138892current sector #13: remained bytes: 73356current sector #14: remained bytes: 7820current sector #15: remained bytes: 0Application firmware is upgraded successfullyUpgrade successfully5.1.3 Main Menu – System – Setting ValuesWith this menu option you can change some system configuration information for ease ofworking.The following screen is displayed.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – System – Setting Values
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual13[N] Name of system[C] Contact name[L] Location[I] IP Address                            [D] set configuration Default[X] eXitEnter Selection:Name of System is factory preset to RECSPEED-8000E, but user can change it later for choice.Up to 20 characters are provided for this field.Contact Name includes such information as the store where you bought this product and the like.Up to 20 characters are provided for this fieldLocation refers to the place where the system is installed. Up to 20 characters are provided forthis field.If IP Address is modified, you must also change the Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway.Default value is following.(Factory preset)IP Address : Mask : : menu[D](set configuration info as. Default) is selected, modem software configuration value.5.1.4 Main Menu – System – Reset SystemThis menu option is used to reset the system through user interface, without manipulating thepower switch.5.1.5 Main Menu – System – RS-232 InterfaceThis menu displays information about RS-232 serial port. The following screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – System – rs232 Interface=====================================Baud Rate 9600Data Bits 8 bit(s)Stop Bits 1 bit(s)Parity None=====================================Press any key to continue…5.2   Main Menu – BridgeThis menu option provides access to the status information and setting configuration for bridging
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual14function of RECSPEED-8000E. The following screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu - Bridge[S]   Static entry list[D]   Dynamic entry list[R]   Remove all dynamic entry[X]   eXitEnter Selection:5.2.1 Main Menu – Bridge – Static Entry ListThis menu displays registered static entries. Enter a specific port number to display. Thefollowing screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – Bridge – Static Entry  ListThe Total number of dynamic entry:  3===========================================================in-port dest. MAC address out-port (bit-mapped)-----------------------------------------------------------  1 ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff                   11111111  1 01-80-c2-00-00-00 11111110   0 00-00-3B-10-20-34 00000000===========================================================Press any key to continue…5.2.2 Main Menu – Bridge –  Delete Static Entry ListThis menu option is used to delete Ethernet address that has been registered by the user forfiltering table to execute bridging function of RECSPEED-8000E. The following screen isdisplayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu - Bridge – Dynamic Entry ListThe Total number of dynamic entry:  3============================Port MAC address----------------------------1 00-40-44-10-20-321 00-40-44-10-20-331 00-40-44-10-20-34
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual15============================Press any key to continue…5.2.3 Main Menu – Bridge –  Static Entry ListThis menu displays information about Ethernet interface.5.3  Main Menu – Ethernet InterfaceThis menu option displays information about Ethernet interface.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – Ethernet Interface[S] Show Statistics[R]Reset Statistics[X]eXitEnter Selection:5.3.1 Main Menu – Ethernet – Show StatisticsThis menu shows the statistics information received/transmitted via Ethernet interface.===========================================================Receive Statistics Transmit Statistics-----------------------------------------------------------Total Octets     2934524 Total Octets      123456Unicast Frames    231 Unicast Frames     234Non-unicast Frames   231 Non-unicast Frames       0Discards       0          Discards       0Errors                     0          Errors       0Unknown Protocol         0===========================================================Press any key to continue...
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual165.3.2 Main Menu – Ethernet – Reset StatisticsInitialize all statistic values related to the Ethernet interface, which is counted currently, as 0.5.4  Main Menu – ATM InterfaceThis menu option allows setting ATM PVC and displaying several status information related tothe ATM interface. The following screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface[S] Show connection[C] Create atm pvc[D] Delete atm pvc[L] aaL5 statistics[A] Atm statistics[R] Reset all statistics[X] eXitEnter Selection:5.4.1 Main Menu – ATM Interface – Show ConnectionsThis menu option displays the status of ATM PVCs that can be configured for RECSPEED-8000E. The following screen is displayed:(default value : port 2 vpi:0, vci:33, pcr: 1000)RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface – Show Connections===============================================Port   VPI   VCI    Type     AAL/                    PCR           No                                   Encapsulation      (kbps)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2      -     -      -        -                  -3      -     -      -        -                  -4      0     32     PVC      AAL5/SNAP          600   5      1     98     PVC      AAL5/SNAP          400Press any key to continue…At this time, each port number displayed operates as the logical bridge port. Therefore, if fourATM VCCs of which the setup is available are set up all, RECSPEED-8000Eoperates as themulti-bridge that has five ports (including one Ethernet port).
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual175.4.2 Main Menu – ATM Interface – Create ATM PVCThis menu is used to set the ATM PVC. Up to four ATM PVCs can be set. One ATM PVCoperates as one bridge port. At this time, such parameters as the port number of thecorresponding PVC, VPI/VCI value and PCR value must be specified.Values available for these parameters: 2 – 5 for port number, 0 – 255 for VPI value, 0 – 65535 forVCI value, and 0 – 1000 for PCR value.However, if the VPI value is set as 0, the VCI value is 32-65535. This is because VPI of 0/0- 0/31and VCI values are defined in advance by the related standards for the special use.In addition, the PCR value should not exceed 1000 by summing up the PCR values that are set inup to four set ATM VCCs. For example, if the PCR values of port number 2, 3, and 4 are 200,300, and 300 respectively, the PCR value of port number 5 available for the ATM VCC setupshould not exceed 200.The following screen is displayed.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface – Create ATM PVCInput Port No (2 – 5) : 3Input VPI Value (0 – 255) : 0Input VCI Value (0 – 65535) : 32Input PCR (0 – 1000 Kbps) : 640Recording Changes. This may take a while … DoneAfter setting the ATM VCC as shown above, verify the setup status by using the “Showconnection” menu, and the setup result is displayed.5.4.3 Main Menu – ATM Interface – Delete ATM PVCThis menu option is used to delete ATM PVCs. You must specify the number of port associatedwith ATM PVC to be deleted.If you do not know the port number to be deleted, first display the current PVC setup status andthen, enter the port number.The port number ranges from 2 to 5.The following example shows that the ATM VCC assigned for port number 2 is deleted.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface – Delete ATM PVCInput Port No (2 – 5) : 2Recording Changes. This may take a while … DoneAfter deleting the ATM VCC already set as shown above, verify the deleting status by using the“Show connection” menu.
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual185.4.4 Main Menu – ATM Interface – AAL5 StatisticsThis menu option displays the status information related to AAL5.The following example shows the statistics information on the port number 2.There is no meaning for the output of status information on the port that is not set currently.Therefore, the input for requesting the information on unset port is processed as the input error.Input Port No (2 – 5) : 2RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface – AAL5 Statistics=================================================Receive Statistics Transmit Statistics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Frames 0 Total Frames 0Total Octets 0 Total Octets 0User Cells 0 Total Cells 0OAM Cells 0 OAM Cells 0Bad OAM Cells 0 EFCI=1 Cells 0RM Cells 0 CLPI=1 Cells 0Bad RM Cells 0 Queue Overflow 0EFCI=1 Cells 0 Out of Cells 0CLPI=1 Cells 0 Inactive 0Discarded Cells 0 Loopback Requests 0Discarded Frames 0 Loopback Responses 0Inactive                     0 Loopback Reqs OK 0CRC Errors 0 Loopback Reqs Fail 0Reassembly Timeout 0Too Long Frames 0OAM AIS Cells 0OAM RDI Cells 0OAM CC Cells 0Loopback Requests 0Loopback Responses 0===========================================================Press any key to continue...5.4.5 Main Menu – ATM Interface – ATM StatisticsThis menu option displays the status or statistics information related to ATM layer.The AAL5 statistics information shows only the statistics value on one ATM VCC that isassigned for the specific port.However, this menu shows the statistic values related to ATM layer in all ports.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – ATM Interface – ATM Statistics
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual19===========================================================Receive Statistics Transmit Statistics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cells 0 Cells 0OAM Cells 0          OAM Cells 0CLPI=1 Cells 0 CLPI=1 Cells 0EFCI=1 Cells 0 EFCI=1 Cells 0RM Cells 0 RM Cells 0Discards 0HEC Error Cells 0OCDs 0OCD time (ms)   7672000===========================================================Press any key to continue...5.4.6 Main Menu – ATM Interface – Reset all StatisticsInitialize all statistic values related to all ATMs, which are counted currently, as 0.5.5 Main Menu – DSL InterfaceThis menu option displays the status related to the ADSL interface of RECSPEED-8000E.After the power is supplied for RECSPEED-8000E and required software is loaded, the ADSLlink is automatically set after about 20 seconds.The following screen is displayed:RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – DSL Interface[M] Mode (Full/G.Lite)[L] Link status[I] link Initialization[X]eXitEnter Selection:5.5.1 Main Menu – DSL Interface – Mode (Full/G.Lite)This menu is for the current setup status output and change on the ADSL line mode with whichRECSPEED-8000E attempts the link setup. This mode is divided into “G. Lite” and “Full Rate”types. The value for delivery is set as “G.Lite”.This mode should be changed according to the subscription conditions with the provider thatcurrently provides the user with ADSL service.The following screen is displayed.--- Adsl Mode
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual20* Current Mode : G.Lite * Select (F)ull or (G).lite : FullRecording Changes. This may take a while … DoneThe example above shows that the current setup mode is “G. Lite” and that to change the modeinto “Full Rate”, “F” is entered. Since this setup mode is stored even though the system power isblocked, it is not necessary to reset the mode after setting it once.5.5.2 Main Menu – DSL Interface – Link StatusThis menu option displays information about the current ADSL link status.Through this menu, the user can know the upstream and downstream physical line speed that iscurrently set between the ADSL service provider and user. This speed is also designatedaccording to the agreement with the subscribed ADSL service provider.The following example shows the status after the link setup is finished.RECSPEED-8000E - Main Menu – DSL Interface – Link Status--- ADSL Line StatusStatus    : OPERATIONAL (1)SnrMgn(dB)                    : 12Attenuation                     : 14PSDM(-dBM)             : 38ALARMS                       : No DefectADSL Framing Mode      :3Ds TxRate(kbps)    : 8160                          US TxRate(kbps) : 864CrcBlookLength    : 136            CroBlockLength: 174Symbol/Codeword          :1                                 Symbol/Codeword: 1CheckBytes               :8                                  ChckBytes      : 8Intl Delay(ms)   : 0                                                 Intl Delay(ms): 0Es Count          : 0ReceivedBlks   : 30498TransmittedBlks: 30498CorrectedBlks  : 0UncorrectedBlks: 0Press any key to continue...
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual215.5.3 Main Menu – DSL Interface – Link InitializationThis menu is used to set new ADSL link with new conditions. After changing the ADSL linemode of RECSPEED-8000E, execute this menu. Then, the line setup can be easily executedwithout the initialization operation of system.
RECSOL I&C ADSL  MODEM  RECSPEED-8000E  User’s manual226. RECSPEED-8000E specifications and characteristicsPhysical layer DMT, T1413 Issue 2 compliantITU-T 992.1, ITU-T 992.2Analog Device AD20msp930DMT, T1.413 Issue 2 compliantSupports both UADSL and Full rate ADSLG.Lite Software UpgradeableSize 140mm x 210mm x 32mm (W x D x H)Weight 760gConsumption power AC110 - 220 VAC/50-60MHzTemperature 0 OC - 40OCHumidity 10 % - 90 % non-condensingConnector ADSL: RJ-11Ethernet: RJ-45 CrossoverSerial: RS232 DB9Specification andauthentication Type Approval of telecom.

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