Raytek DFQMX4 IR Thermometer DFQMX4TD User Manual MX4TD BT Huell Ray E1 RevH1

Raytek GmbH IR Thermometer DFQMX4TD MX4TD BT Huell Ray E1 RevH1


MX4 TDBluetooth®HIGH PERFORMANCEINFRARED THERMOMETERRev. H101/200557701-E1™Worldwide HeadquartersRaytek Corporation1201 Shaffer Road,  PO Box 1820Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1820 USATel: +1 831458 1110Fax: +1 831425 4561solutions@raytek.comwww.raytek.comRaytek China CompanyBeijing, ChinaTel: +86 10 64 39 22 55Fax: +86 10 64 37 02 85info@raytek.com.cnRaytek Japan, Inc.Tokyo, JapanTel: +81 3 57 33 60 65Fax: +81 3 57 33 60 99info@raytekjapan.co.jpSouth American HeadquatersRaytek do BrasilSorocaba, SP BrasilTel: +55 15 32 17 60 46Fax: +55 15 32 17 56 94info@raytek.com.brEuropean HeadquartersRaytek GmbHBerlin, GermanyTel: +49 30 4 78 00 80Fax: +49 30 4 71 02 51raytek@raytek.deUnited KingdomTel:  +44 1908 63 08 00Fax: +44 1908 63 09 00ukinfo@raytek.comFranceTel: +33 1 64 53 15 40Fax: +33 1 64 53 15 44info@raytek.frWARRANTYRaytek warrants this product to be free from defects in material andworkmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year*from date of purchase except as hereinafter provided. This warrantyextends only to the original purchaser (a purchase from Raytek orRaytek’s licensed distributors is an original purchase). This warrantyshall not apply to fuses or batteries. Factory calibration is warranted fora period of one year. The warranty shall not apply to any product whichhas been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, or abnormal conditions ofoperation or storage. Should Raytek be unable to repair or replace theproduct within a reasonable amount of time, purchaser’s exclusive remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price upon return of the product.In the event of failure of a product covered by this warranty, Raytek willrepair the instrument when it is returned by the purchaser, freight prepaid, to an authorized Service Facility within the applicable warranty period, provided Raytek’s examination discloses to its satisfaction that the product was defective. Raytek may, at its option,replace the product in lieu of repair. With regard to any covered product returned within the applicable warranty period, repairs orreplacement will be made without charge and with return freight paidby Raytek, unless the failure was caused by misuse, neglect, accident,or abnormal conditions of operation or storage, in which case repairswill be billed at a reasonable cost. In such a case, an estimate will besubmitted before work is started, if requested.The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed orimplied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness, or adequacy for any particular purpose or use.Raytek shall not be liable for any special, incidental or consequentialdamages, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise.GARANTIEBEDINGUNGENRaytek gewährt für dieses Produkt eine Garantie von einem Jahr* ab dem Kaufdatum. Der Hersteller garantiert, daß das Produkt im genannten Zeitraum bei ordnungsgemäßer Anwendung und Wartungkeine Material- und Bearbeitungsfehler aufweist. Ausnahmen sind im folgenden festgelegt. Diese Garantie gilt nur für den Ersterwerber (der Erwerb des Produktesvon Raytek oder einem autorisierten Raytek-Händler gilt als Ersterwerb). Die Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Sicherungen oderBatterien. Für die im Werk vorgenommene Kalibrierung gewährtRaytek eine Garantiefrist von einem Jahr. Die Garantie schließt keineProdukte ein, die mißbräuchlich oder fahrlässig verwendet, beschädigtoder unzulässig betrieben oder gelagert wurden.Die vorstehenden Garantiebedingungen ersetzen alle anderen eventuellgemachten ausdrücklichen oder stillschweigenden Zusicherungen.Raytek übernimmt keine Haftung für einen besonderen, beiläufigenoder mittelbaren Schaden, gleich ob dieser im Rahmen des Vetrages,durch eine unerlaubte Handlung oder auf andere Weise entstanden ist.* European Union (EU): two years/zwei Jahre* Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarksowned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensedto LinTech GmbH, Berlin Germany.FCC NOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired opera-tion.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when the equipment is operated ina commercial environment. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructionmanual, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications. Operation of this equipment in a residen-tial area is likely to cause harmful interference in whichcase the user will be required to correct the interferen-ce at his own expense.WARNING: Modifications not expressly approved bythis company could void the user's authority to operatethe equipment.FCC ID: STG-DFQMX4
CONDITIONS DE GARANTIERaytek accorde sur ce produit une garantie d’un an* à compter de ladate d’ achat. Le fabricant garantit pendant cette période l’ absence device de matériau ou de fabrication, à condition que le produit soit util-isé et entretenu normalement et à l’ exclusion des cas définis ci-après. La présente garantie ne s’ applique qu’ au premier acheteur(est considéré comme premier achat l’ acquisition d’ un produit vendudirectement par Raytek ou par un distributeur agréé par lui). Lesfusibles et les piles sont exclus de la garantie. Raytek accorde une garantie d’ un an sur l’ étalonnage effectué en usine. L‘ utilisation d’ un produit dans un but non conforme à l’ usageauquel il est destiné, la négligence, l’ utilisation de produits abîmés,les erreurs d’ utilisation ou de stockage entraînent une exclusion degarantie.Dans le cas où Raytek ne serait pas en mesure de réparer ou de remplacer le produit dans un délai convenable, l’ acheteur pourraexiger uniquement le remboursement du prix de l’ appareil contrerestitution de ce dernier au vendeur.Raytek assurera la réparation des appareils tombés en panne pendantla période de garantie. L’ acheteur expédiera l’ appareil défectueux àune station technique agréée, à ses frais et pendant le délai degarantie. Raytek se réserve le droit de procéder à l’ échange de l’ appareil au lieu de le réparer. La réparation ou le remplacementseront effectués gratuitement si l’ appareil d éfectueux est retournépendant le délai de garantie. Les frais de retour au client seront à lacharge de Raytek. Les frais de réparation seront facturés au clientlorsque la panne sera liée à un défaut de manipulation ou d‘ utilisation, à de la négligence, à des causes extérieures ou à unstockage inapproprié. Un devis sera établi avant réparation à lademande du client.Les présentes conditions de garantie remplacent toutes les autreassurances qui auraient pu étre données expressément ou tacitement.Raytek décline toute respons abilité pour tout dommage particulier,causé incidemment ou indirectement, que celui-ci soit survenu dansle cadre du présent contrat ou ait été provoqué par un délit civil oupar toute autre cause.* European Union (EU): two years/deux ansCONDIÇÕES DE GARANTIAPara o presente produto a Raytek concede uma garantia de um ano*contados a partir da data de compra. O fabricante garante que o produto está livre de defeitos de materiais e de fabricação durante operídodo mencionado se o produto for devidamente utilizado e conservado. As exceções são estipuladas a seguir. Esta garantia sóserí1 concedida ao primeiro adquirente (a compra do produto naRaytek ou num concessioní1rio autorizado da Raytek é consideradaprimeira aquisição). A garantia não cobre fusídveis e pilhas. A Raytekconcede uma garantia de um ano para a calibragem feita na fí1brica.A garantia não inclui produtos utilizados ou danificados indevida ou negligentemente, produtos usados ou armazenados inadmissivelmente. Caso a Raytek não esteja em condições de repararou substituir o produto durante um perídodo de tempo apropriado, ocomprador pode solicitar o reembolso do preço contra devolução doproduto como úfanico recurso.Em caso de um defeito no aparelho durante o perídodo coberto pelagarantia, a Raytek responsabiliza-se pela reparação do mesmo. Cabeao comprador enviar o aparelho reclamado por conta própria e duranteo perídodo de garantia para um posto autorizado de assistíancia técnica. A Raytek reserva-se o direito de substituir o aparelho em vezde repará-lo. Ao enviar o aparelho defeituoso durante o perídodo degarantia, a reparação ou a substituição do mesmo são gratuitos. Oscustos da remessa do aparelho ao cliente serão pagos pela Raytek. Seo defeito resultar de tratamento impróprio, negligíancia, danos causados por efeitos exteriores, condições inadmissídveis de utilização ou armazenamento, os custos da reparação serão correspondentemente faturados. Neste caso é possídvel calcular umaestimativa dos custos antes da reparação por pedido do clientescondições de garantia presentes substituem todas as outras garantiasfeitas eventualmente explídcita ou implícitamente. A Raytek não seresponsabiliza por danos particulares, acidentais ou diretos, sejamcausados no quadro do presente contrato, em consequíancia de atosilídcitos ou de qualquer outra forma.* European Union (EU): two years/dois anosCONDICIONES DE GARANTÍARaytek concede en relación a este producto una garantía de un año* apartir de la fecha en que se realice la compra. El fabricante garantizaque el producto, dentro del espacio de tiempo referido, siempre que seaplique correctamente y se lleve a cabo el mantenimiento adecuado, noha de presentar fallos de material o de fabricación. Más adelante semencionará alguna excepción. Esta garantía es válida respecto de laadquisición primaria (se entiende por adquisición primaria del producto aquella llevada a cabo directamente de Raytek o bien pormedio de un establecimiento autorizado por Raytek). La garantía nocubre los fusibles ni las pilas. En relación al calibrado llevado a caboen fábrica, Raytek concede un tiempo de garantía de un año. La garantía no cubreningún producto que haya sido usado inadecuada o negligentemente, se haga hecho funcionar o se haya almacenado estando dañado o demanera no autorizada.En el caso de que a Raytek no le sea posiblereparar o substituir un producto dentro de un plazo razonable, el comprador, con carácter de reivindicación jurídica única, puede exigirla devolución de la suma a la que haya ascendido la compra devolviendo por su parte el producto en cuestión. En el caso de undefecto del aparato que tenga lugar durante el tiempo de garantía,Raytek se hace cargo de la reparación. Para ello, el comprador, corriendo con los gastos, ha de enviar el aparato que sea objeto dereclamación a un servicio de reparaciones autorizado dentro del plazode validez de la garantía. En caso de que lo considere conveniente,Raytek se reserva el derecho de substituir el aparato en lugar de hacerse cargo de la reparación. Si se envía un aparato defectuosodurante el tiempo en que es válida la garantía, la reparación o bien lasubstitución del aparato el cliente una cuenta por los costes correspondientes a la reparación. En este caso el cliente puede solicitar un presupuesto para la reparación antes de llevarse ésta a cabo.Las presentes condiciones de garantía substituyen las demás eventuales garantías realizadas de modo explícito o implícito. Raytekno acepta niguna responsabilidad respecto a especiales daños ocasionales o indirectos, bien hayan acontecido éstos en el marco delcontrato bien se deban a un manejo indebido o a calesquiera otrascausas. defectuoso es gratis. Los costes del envío de vuelta al clientecorren a cargo de Raytek. En el caso de que el defecto se deba a unamanipulación incorrecta, negligencia, daño causado por agentes exteriores, almacenamiento o empleo no autorizados, recibirá* European Union (EU): two years/dos años
englishIntroduction 3Features/Accessories 3Functions (User interface) 4Display 4Batteries 5Measurement (Quick Start) 5Measurement (Continuous) 6Measurement (Spot size) 6Selecting a function 7Laser On/Off 7Emissivity explained 8Emissivity adjustment 8Emissivity Table of Values 9Emissivity Unknown value 9Mode Maximum 10Mode Minimum 10Mode Difference 11Mode Average 11Mode  Probe connection 12Setup High Alarm 13Setup Low Alarm 13Setup Time 14Setup Date 14Setup Offset 15Mode Min-Max values 15Data Logger (How to store data) 16Data Recall 16Display (Graphic Display) 17Display (Auto or Man. range) 17Display Begin (Man. range) 18Display End (Man. range) 18Display Cycle 19Settings (DIP switch settings) 19Appendix A: Special  order models 23Appendix B: Troubleshooting 24Appendix C: Maintenance 25Appendix D: Laser Warning Label 26Appendix E: Cautions 27Appendix F: Emissivities table 29Specifications 30Factory Defaults 31NIST/DKD CE Conformity 32Table of Contents
englishWe hope you enjoy usingyour infrared thermometer!It measures the amount ofinfrared energy emitted bya target object, and calculates the temperatureof that object´s surface.INTRODUCTION  Your thermometer includes:- Laser sighting- Adjustable emissivity- High/Low Alarm- MAX, MIN, DIF, AVG- Data Logger (100 points)- Trigger lock- Graphic display ... and more!FEATURESACCESSORIES(optional)The accessories package for your infraredthermometer, if ordered,includes:- external power supply- thermocouple type K- Windows-based software- RS232 cableOPTIONAL POUCHThe optional pouchcomes with a belt clipand helps to protect yourinfrared thermometerwhen not in use.3
4Function keys and display:(A) Visual and audible alarm(B) Display(C) Up and Down keys(D) Enter(E) Handle and battery compartment(DIP switches for adjustments areinside handle)(F) Trigger(G) Tripod mount(H) 6 main function keysFUNCTIONSUSER INTERFACEDisplayed functions:(1) Laser condition /Lock symbol(2) Time (or date)(3) Main temperaturedisplay(4) Graphic display(5) Emissivity value(6) Status bar(7) Mode indicator(8) Battery life indicator(9) MAX, MIN, DIF, AVGsymbolsDISPLAYABCDEFGH123456789
english5BATTERIESTo open the battery compartment, press gently on the top part ofthe handle (1) to releasethe catch (2) and pivotthe grip as shown in thefigure.Orient the batteries (twoalkaline R6 (AA, UM3))as shown on the housing.MEASUREMENTQUICK STARTTo take a temperaturemeasurement, hold theunit as shown. Aim at thetarget. Pull the trigger (F).The temperature of theobject being measured isshown on the display (B).The temperature will bedisplayed for sevenseconds after the triggeris released.The unit automatically switches “off” after7 seconds if a function key is not pressed.The last settings are stored. The displayreturns to the last mode selected.To recall the last reading, press ENTERwithout pulling the trigger.FB21
6MEASUREMENTCONTINUOUSOpen the battery compart-ment and switch LOCK"on" to lock the unit on.You may mount the unit ona tripod, using the tripodmount. Pull the trigger forcontinuous temperaturemeasurement. (The laserwill not be locked on.)To unlock, switch LOCKoff.STANDARD MODELOptical Chart3000 1201.00024SPOT DIA. (IN)SPOT DIA. (mm)DISTANCE: SENSOR TO OBJECT (mm)DISTANCE: SENSOR TO OBJECT (IN)FOCUS POINT D:S = 60:1    FAR FIELD D:S = 35:10.76 IN @ 46 IN19 mm @ 1150 mm15002500 100601.22.32.929.058.072.0200044.010005002501002423300.9 0.81 0.821.51 1.852.519.81088472482036460.87The measured spot size depends on the distancebetween the object you are measuring and the infraredthermometer. The relationship between distance andspot size is 60:1 at the focus point. The D:S in the farfield (>33ft/10m) is 35:1.MEASUREMENTSPOT SIZE
The laser sight simplifiessighting of the measure-ment object. It shows thespot size that includes themeasured target.To turn the laser on or offpress the LASER button(K) when the trigger ispulled. A laser symbol (1)appears when the laser ison. The laser automaticallyturns off if you release thetrigger.7englishTo select a function, firstturn the unit on by pullingthe trigger (F). Then pushthe button of the desiredfunction (H). To changefunctions, press ENTERor the function buttonagain, and then the newfunction button.SELECTINGA FUNCTIONLASERON/OFFHFlaser ONsymbolK1
8Reflected energyEmitted energyTransmitted energy EMISSIVITYTargetThe amount of infraredenergy radiated by anobject depends on itsemissivity and itstemperature.The emissivity depends onthe material and its surfacecharacteristics. For moreaccurate readings, adjustthe emissivity value for the type of material beingmeasured.EMISSIVITYEMISSIVITY EXPLAINEDTo adjust the emissivityvalue, press EMISS (P).Use the Up and Downkeys to select “Free“(“Free” will have a flashing underline) (7).Press EMISS again.“Free” is not underlined,and the emissivity icon (5)flashes. Use the Up andDown keys (C) to adjust.Press ENTER (D) toactivate this setting.EMISSIVITYADJUST EMISSIVITYP57CD
To adjust the unit’s emissivity value for amaterial with unknownemissivity, plug in theprobe.Pull the unit’s trigger.Place the measuring tip of the probe on thearea to be measured.Wait for the reading tostabilize.EMISSIVITYTABLE OF VALUESTo choose the emissivityof a material, pressEMISS (P). The displayshows a material name(7), an emissivity value,and the calculatedtemperature value (5). Tochoose another material,use the Up and Downkeys (C). Press ENTER(D) to activate this setting.EMISSIVITYUNKNOWN VALUENote the indicated probe temperature reading.Release the trigger. Pull the trigger again. Measurethe same area using infrared measurement. Press the emissivity button (P). Use the Up and Down keys(C) to select the material name “Free” which will beshown in the display (7). Press the emissivity button(P) again until the emissivity sign (5) flashes. Use the arrow keys (C) to change the emissivity value until the temperature matches the probe’s reading.9englishP75CD
O10To activate the MAX mode,press MODE (O) until theMAX symbol appears (9).The measured maximumtemperature is displayed(3) as long as the trigger is pulled or locked on. Thereal time temperature isshown in the lower part ofthe display (NORM) (7).MODEMAXIMUMTo activate the MIN mode,press MODE (O) until theMIN symbol (9) appears.The measured minimumtemperature (3) is displayed as long as the trigger is pulled or lockedon.The real time temperatureis shown in the lower partof the display (NORM) (7).MODEMINIMUMO937MAX937MIN
O311englishMODEDIFFERENCETo activate the DIF mode,press MODE (O) until theDIF symbol (9) appears.The difference betweenthe measured max andmin temperatures is displayed (3) as long asthe trigger is pulled orlocked on. The real timetemperature is shown inthe lower part of the display (NORM) (7).MODEAVERAGETo activate the AVG mode,press MODE (O) until theAVG symbol (9) appears.The average value of measured temperatures (3) is displayed as long as the trigger is pulled orlocked on. The real timetemperature is shown inthe lower part of the display (NORM) (7).O97DIF37AVG 9
12101112Open the battery compart-ment and set the switchesON or Off according to thedesired probe type.(10) NTC - thermistor(11) TC - thermocouple(12) Thermocouple type J(13) Thermocouple type KMODE TC/NTCPROBECONNECTIONSConnect the probe to theinput (U). Press MODE,until the desired probesymbol (7) appears. Theprobe temperature isshown in the lower part ofthe display (6). The realtime infrared temperatureis shown in the maindisplay (3).13U763
13englishSETUPHIGH ALARMThe high alarm (HiAl) generates an audible andvisual (flashing LED (A)and laser) alarm if thetemperature is above thesetpoint.To set the alarm value (6),Press SETUP (N) once,and use the Up and Downkeys (C).Then press ENTER (D) to activate this setpoint.NA6CDThe low alarm (LoAl) generates an audible andvisual (flashing LED (A)and laser) alarm if thetemperature is below thesetpoint. To set the alarmvalue (6), Press SETUP(N) twice and use the Upand Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D)to activate this setpoint.SETUPLOW ALARMNA6DC
N14To set the time, pressSETUP (N) three times.Change the time (2)using the Up and Downkeys (C).Then press ENTER (D)for each time segment toactivate this time setting.The time appears on thedisplay, is stored withinthe data logger, and ispart of the printer output.SETUPTIMESETUPDATETo set the date, pressSETUP (N) four times.Change the date using theUp and Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D) for each date segment toactivate this date setting.The date (2) is stored within the data logger and is part of the printeroutput.N2C2DCD
SETUPOFFSETThis function is used with aselected emissivity to addor subtract an offset value(±10°C/±18°F) to thetemperature value. Pressthe Setup button (N) until"Offset" appears in the display. With the arrowkeys (C) adjust the displayto the corrected value.Press ENTER (D) to confirm. If OFFSET is used, a symbol (1) appears inthe display. The OFFSET feature allows thetemperature values for several units to be matched,correcting for the allowed temperature tolerance difference between units. The OFFSET function canalso be used to increase the accuracy for a narrowtemperature range.15englishN1DCMODEMIN-MAX VALUESTo show the minimumand maximumtemperature values duringa measurement at thebottom of the display,press MODE (O) until thetwo values appear (6).MODEMAX MIN DIF AVG TC/NTC MIN-MAXO6
16DATA LOGGERHOW TO STORE DATATo Recall stored data,press the ENTER button(D), without pulling thetrigger. Then press theDATA button (M) until RCLappears on the display. Alog location will be shown(6).To select another log loca-tion, use the Up and Downkeys (C).DATARECALLM6DCBy pressing the ENTERbutton (D) the LOG function (6) appears onthe display. Pull the trigger(F) and hold it. Aim at the target. Be sure that thelaser sighting is inside the target. Gently release the trigger to record thetemperature. The nextlocation will be shown on the display.This function is also initiat-ed by pressing the DATAbutton (M) once.D6FM
17englishThe graphic display (4)shows the temperature asa picture. The last tenmeasurements are shown(B). It is possible to choosebetween Auto Range andManual Range. In manualrange the user defines thebeginning and endingtemperature points of thegraph.DISPLAYGRAPHIC DISPLAYDISPLAYAUTO OR MAN RANGEPress DISPLAY (L) once.Use the Up and Downkeys (C) to toggle betweenranges. Auto Range isautomatically defined bythe measured maximumand minimum value.Manual Range (ManRange) is user defined(see DISPLAY, BEGIN section).BLC4
18To set the BEGIN valuefor the graphic display(Man Range is activated),press DISPLAY (L) until“Begin” is shown at thestatus bar. Use the Upand Down keys (C) toselect the value (6).DISPLAYBEGIN(Man. Range)DISPLAYEND(Man. Range)To set the END value ofthe graphic display (Man.Range), press DISPLAY(L) until ”End” is shown atthe status bar. Use the Upand Down keys (C) toselect the value (6).LC6LC6
19englishCYCLE allows theadjustment of thedisplay interval.Press DISPLAY (L)until Cycl.: (7) isshown at the statusbar. To select theinterval time, use theUp and Down keys(C). The default valueis pre-set for 0.2 sec.DISPLAYCYCLEChange the setting in theunit by using the DIPswitches located in thebattery compartment (seeBATTERIES section).Lock: Trigger locked (on) or unlocked (off).°C/°F: changes between°C and °F and date and time format.Buzzer: Audible alarm On or Off.SETTINGS(PART 1)LC7
20Lock C/ FDigi/AnaLaserflashLtd. AccessSet DefaultBacklightBuzzerTC-J/TC-KNTC/TCTime/DatePrinterON ONLockDigi/AnaLaserflashLtd. AccessSet DefaultBacklightBuzzerTC-J/TC-KNTC/TCTime/DatePrinter C/ FFactory DefaultsDIP-Switch SettingsCelsius setting shown Fahrenheit setting shownSETTINGS(PART 2)Backlight: Backlight On or Off.Set Default: Activates the factory defaults by overwriting listed settings (see specifications).Ltd. Access: No function buttons will work.Laserflash: The laser flashes in case ofover- or underranging of thealarm values.
21englishPrinter: (ON) The printer’s data output(RS232) is working as long as the triggeris pulled. The protocol includes:(14) Date(15) Time(16) Target temperature - infrared(17) Target temperature- probe "X"See software manual for other printoutoptions.1514 1716SETTINGS(PART 3)PRINTER
22Digi/Ana:Digital or Analog output.Digital (RS232) outputmust be used with theprinter or a PC. Analogoutput (mV/°) is usuallyused for data logging.Time/Date:Time or date shown on the display.SETTINGS(PART 4)SETTINGS(PART 5)CONTACT PROBESNTC/TC:Thermistor (NTC) or thermocouple (TC).TC-J/TC-K:Type of thermocouples.The temperature rangefor the probes:K: -30°C to 400°C (-25°F to 750°F)J : -30°C to 650°C(-25°F to 1200°F)NTC: -30°C to 120°C(-25°F to 250°F)Note:The temperature rangesgiven are for the unit’soptional type K thermocouple.
23englishCLOSE FOCUS MODELOptical Chart 500201000.9325 23SPOT DIA. (IN)SPOT DIA. (mm)DISTANCE: SENSOR TO OBJECT (mm)DISTANCE: SENSOR TO OBJECT (IN)FOCUS POINT D:S = 50:1    FAR FIELD D:S = 12:10.24 IN @ 11.8 IN6 mm @ 300 mmClose Focus60.6215,5 15020.9225040.7518,71007.9 9.8 200  2500.49 0.3712,3 9,240 10002.8170The measured spot size depends on the distancebetween the object you are measuring and the infraredthermometer. The relationship between distance andspot size is 50:1 at the focus point. The D:S in the farfield is 12:1.The best distance between sensor and object is from10 cm (4“) up to 50 cm (20“).APPENDIX ASPECIAL ORDER MODELSClose-Focus ModelSub-Zero ModelTemperature Range: -50 to 500°C (-58 to 932°F)Following is the accuracy table for the sub-zero model when the ambient temperature is 25°C (77°F) ±5°C (9°F):Target Temperature Accuracy-5 to 500°C  (23 to 932°F) ±1% of reading or ±1°C (2°F),whichever is greater-30 to -5°C  (-22 to 23°F) ±1.5°C (3°F)-50 to -30°C (-58 to -22°F) ±2°C (4°F)
24TROUBLESHOOTINGCode Problem  Action-O-  Target temperature is over  Select targetorwithin unit’s-U- under range  specsEEPROM-Err EEPROM error  ContactFactoryCalAreaErr calibration errors  ContactProbCalEr FactoryBattery icon  Battery is low  Replaceflashes or BatteriesLowBattBlank display  Battery is dead  ReplaceBatteriesLaser won’t  Low or dead battery  Replacework BatteriesAmbient above 45oC (113oF) Operateunit in 45oC (113oF)ambient orbelowDisplay “ON” Display locked “ON” Disconnectthe unit fromthe PC orpowersupplyAPPENDIX BTROUBLESHOOTING
25englishAPPENDIX CMAINTENANCELens Cleaning: Blow offloose particles using cleancompressed air. Brushremaining debris away witha camel’s hair brush. Wipethe surface with a moistcotton swab. The swabmay be moistened withwater or a water basedglass cleaner.NOTE: DO NOT usesolvents to clean the plastic lens.Cleaning the Housing: Toclean the exterior housing,use soap and water or amild commercial cleaner.Wipe with a damp spongeor soft rag.
26CAUTION! Do not stare into beam!Avoid indirect exposure viareflective materials!APPENDIX DLASER WARNING LABEL SERIAL NUMBER LABELManufacturer,AddressMade in Germany: Month, YearModel: XXXXXXXSerial: 000000-0000-0000Power Requirements 3 V
english27Avoid static electricity, arc welders, and inductionheaters. Keep away from very strong EMF (electromagnetic fields). Don’t leave the unit on or near objects of high temperature.WARNING:DO NOT touch live voltage with contact probe. Use the wrist strap for cable support.APPENDIX ECAUTIONS
28Avoid abrupt changes in temperature.If this occurs, allow 40 minutes forthermal stabilization before use toprevent the possibility of inaccuratetemperature readings. Use only the powersupply from the manufacturer.APPENDIX ECAUTIONS (cont.)Thermal Shock
29englishAPPENDIX FEMISSIVITIESAluminum* 0.30Asbestos 0.95Asphalt 0.95Basalt 0.70Brass* 0.50Brick 0.90Carbon 0.85Ceramic 0.95Concrete 0.95Copper* 0.95Dirt 0.94Frozen food  0.90Hot food 0.93Glass (plate)  0.85Ice 0.98Iron* 0.70Lead* 0.50Limestone 0.98Oil 0.94Paint 0.93Paper 0.95Plastic** 0.95Rubber 0.95Sand 0.90Skin 0.98Snow      0.90Steel* 0.80Textiles 0.94Water 0.93Wood*** 0.94* oxidized** opaque, over 20 mils***natural
SPECIFICATIONSTemperature Range - 30 to 900°C (- 25 to 1600°F)Display Resolution 0.1°C (0.2°F)Accuracy ± 0.75% of  reading or(Infrared) ± 0.75K (± 1,5°F), whichever is greaterat 25°C (77°F) ambient temperature,± 2K (± 4°F) for targetsbelow -5°C (23°F)Ambient derating < 0.05K/K or < 0.05%/K,whichever is greater at+ 25°C (77°F) ± 25K (± 45°F)Optical Resolution 60:1 (19mm spot size at 1.15 M.)(Standard Focus) (0.75in. spot size at 3.8 feet)Optical Resolution 50:1( 6mm spot size at 0.3 M.)(Close Focus) (0.24in. spot size at 0.98 feet)Accuracy ± 2K or ± 0.75%,(Thermocouple K & J) whichever is greaterAccuracy(Thermistor)-30 to 0°C (-22 to 32°F) ± 0.6K0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F) ± 0.4K70 to 100°C (158 to 212°F) ± 1K100 to 120°C (212 to 248°F) ± 1.5KRepeatability ± 0.5% of reading or ± 0.5°C (1°F),(Infrared) whichever is greater,± 1°C (± 2°F) for targetsbelow -5°C (23°F)Response Time (95%) 250 mSecHot Spot Detection (30%) 85 mSecSpectral Range 8 to 14 µmAmbient Operating Range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature -20 to 50°C (-4 to 122°F)(without batteries)Analog output 1 mV/°C(°F)Digital Output RS23230
english31FACTORY DEFAULTSDefault RangeEmissivity/Gain 0.95  0.10 to 1.50 in steps of 0.01Emissivity Table Free  30 materialsMode normalHi Alarm 50°C (100°F)  -30 to 900°C(-25 to 1600°F)Lo Alarm 0°C (32°F)  -30 to 900°C (-25 to 1600°F)Offset Adjust 0°C (0°F)  -10 to 10°C (-18 to 18°F)Graphic Display Auto Range  Auto Range / Man RangeCycle Time 0.2 sec  0.1 sec to 300 secPrinter Mode Data Recording  3 modes,selectablevia softwarePrinter output ASCII8 bits1 Stop bitNo ParityBaud Rate 9600Data logger 100 pointspre-set with emissivity 0.95Lo-Al: 0°CHi-Al: 50°Cadjustable only via Software AccessorySPECIFICATIONS (Cont.)Power  2 x 1.5 V Alkaline Type AABattery Life 13 hrs. (50% laser and 50% backlight on)Power supply 7.5 V >200 mA (Using the power supply(External) the display automatically switches on)Dimensions  200 x 170 x 50 mm (7.9 x 6.7 x 2 inches)Tripod Mount  1/4”-20 UNC
32This instrument conforms to the followingstandards:EMC: - EN 61326-1Safety: - EN 61010-1:1993 / A2:1995- EN 60825-1:1994This product herewith complies with therequirements of the EMC Directive89/336/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC.This instrument conforms to the Standardsof the European Community.CE CONFORMITYNIST/DKDCERTIFICATIONThe temperature sources used to calibrate thisinstrument are traceable to the U.S. NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST)and the Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (DKD). NISTand DKD certificates are available as an optionfrom the manufacturer.
Infrared Thermometer with LinTech* Bluetooth moduleThis infrared thermometer allows wireless data transfer with the aid of Bluetooth technology.System requirements:- Windows-compatible computer (operating system 98, ME, 2000, XP or higher)- Bluetooth system fully installed on the computer (not included)- BlueTool configuration software (included)After the Bluetooth system has been installed as required on the computer, the thermometer can be operated in two different modes:1. Passive modeIn this mode, the thermometer is constantly activated and is searched for by the computer. This is advan-tageous when continuous temperature monitoring should take place. Attention: As a result of continuous operation, the thermometer‘s batteries are discharged much faster then during intermittent use.Proceed as follows:1. Switch on the thermo-meter with the measurement button.2. Press the Setup button on the display. The words “Bluetooth on-up, off-down“ appear. Activate Bluetooth with the Up button below the display. A lightning symbol in the display indicates that the Bluetooth module is ready - the lock symbol signals continuous operation.Note: If the automatic battery test finds that the battery is too weak here (display: “LowBat - no BT“), the Bluetooth application is not started.3. Now start the Bluetooth software on your computer and allow it to search for and connect the Bluetooth devices.  (Please refer to the relevant operating instructions for how this happens in the case of your Bluetooth application)4. The thermometer is reco-gnized as “IR Therm....“. The requested PIN is “1234“ when the unit is delivered. With the right mouse button, click on the symbol for the device and select “Eigenschaften/Properties“ in the submenu. Make a note of the ComPort‘s number. The green LED on the left above the thermometer‘s display signals the existing connection.5. If you have not already done so, now start the relevant application software for the thermometer. Before you can exchange data between the thermometer and computer, you must set in this software the number of the ComPort found under Point 4.* Please refer to the LinTech specifications overview for the exact specification of the Bluetooth module used.6. Press the Setup button and then the Down button below the display to end the Bluetooth connection.If data is being transferred at this time, you cannot deactivate the Bluetooth module.Important note: The above refers to the thermo-meter as delivered. It can be programmed on a user-defined basis with the aid of the “BlueTool“ software. For details, see the section “User-defined configuration“.2. Active modeAfter switching on, the thermometer automatically establishes contact with the computer, the address of which has been programmed for the thermometer.This is done by the supplied BlueTool software (for details, see the section “User-defined configu-ration“). The active mode is particularly suitable for intermittent operation of the infrared thermometer. The thermometer‘s power consumption is significantly less than in passive mode.Making contact with the computer and  data transfer Open the thermometer‘s handle and switch the DIL switch 9 to ON (Master). Switch on the thermometer with the measurement button.In the display, a framed lightning symbol points to the Bluetooth module in active mode and the thermometer starts to search for the associated computer. When the connection has been made, a green LED lights up on the left above the display and the color of the Bluetooth symbol changes on the connected computer. You can now transfer data to the thermometer‘s user software.The thermometer automatically switches itself off after approximately 7 seconds if the measurement button is not pressed and if there is no data transfer.3. User-defined configurationPreparing the thermometerOpen the device‘s handle and set the DIL switch 5 to ON (Set Default). “Default ?“ appears in the display. At this point in time, it is essential for the DIL switch 9 to be set to OFF (Slave). Now start the Bluetooth module as descri-bed under “Passive mode“.Programming the thermo-meter with the aid of BlueToolStart the Bluetooth software on your computer and start the device search. Make the connection by double clicking on the symbol for the in-frared thermometer (signaling by the green LED on the left above the display and the color of the Bluetooth symbol changes on the computer). The properties can be displayed by right-clicking on the service under 
Serial Ports. Note the number of the  connected ComPort.Now start the BlueTool application, enter the ComPort number just found and then click on Connect.A configuration window opens.It shows various details of the device and several fields for calling up additional setting possibilities.First open ”Device settings“.Here you can give the thermometer a name and change the PIN.Attention: Be sure to make a note of this PIN, because you will be asked to provide it for encrypted transmissions and connections with the aid of the BlueTool software. SPP must be selected as the ComHardware mode and the con-nection indicator must be deactivated. Confirm the settings with OK. Now open ”Master settings“.Here, place a tick in front of both “Master - automa-tic connection attempt“ and “Master attempts to establish connection when starting“. The address of the current computer is in the Remote BTA fieldNote: Only if you wish to address another computer  (e.g. PDA or notebook) with the thermometer later must you enter the Bluetooth address of the other computer here. The same applies to the PIN in this window. It is  then binding for the connection with the other computer.  It is therefore essential to note it.Click on OK. In the main window, first click on “Save  settings“ - the data is transferred to the thermometer.With “Update“, you can call up the current settings to check them.Then end the program. Now switch the DIL switch 5 in the thermometer‘s handle back to OFF. Press the DOWN button under the display. Now wait until the device  switches itself off automatically (approximately 7 s).FCC NOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference recei-ved, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment gene-rates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. WARNING: Modifications not expressly approved by this company could void the user‘s authority to ope-rate the equipment.FCC ID: STG-DFQMX4.

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