Rapoo Technology 3000PI Wireless Optical Mouse User Manual 1090P AAP 1

Shenzhen Rapoo Technology Co., Ltd Wireless Optical Mouse 1090P AAP 1


User manual 2

Wireless Optical Mouse  雷柏無線光學滑鼠Quick Start Guide  (V1.0)   1090PVL]H:;+PPJк㒌ܜ亢⨈ݡᇍᡬѻકЁ᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼៪ܗ㋴ⱘৡ⿄ঞ৿䞣ḍ᥂Ё೑lj⬉ᄤֵᙃѻક∵ᶧ᥻ࠊㅵ⧚ࡲ⊩NJ䪙3E∲+J䬝&G݁Ӌ䫀(Cr(VI ))໮⒈㘨㣃3%%໮⒈Ѡ㣃䝮3%'(⬉㓚Cable⬉䏃ᵓ㒘ӊPWAsล᭭䚼ӊPlastic parts䞥ሲ䚼ӊMetal parts‵㛊䚼ӊRubber parts哴ᷛƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻ 㸼⼎䆹᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼೼䆹䚼ӊ᠔᳝ഛ䋼ᴤ᭭Ёⱘ৿䞣ഛ೼6-7ᷛޚ㾘ᅮⱘ䰤䞣㽕∖ҹϟDŽ⊼˖⦃ֱՓ⫼ᳳ䰤ⱘখ㗗ᷛপއѢѻકℷᐌᎹ԰ⱘ⏽ᑺ੠⑓ᑺㄝᴵӊDŽ䚼ӊৡ⿄᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼៪ܗ㋴ѻકЁ᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼៪ܗ㋴ⱘৡ⿄ঞ৿䞣ḍ᥂Ё೑lj⬉ᄤֵᙃѻક∵ᶧ᥻ࠊㅵ⧚ࡲ⊩NJ⬉䏃ᵓ㒘ӊPWAsPlastic ล᭭໪໇enclosureล᭭䚼ӊPlastic parts䞥ሲ䚼ӊMetal parts䪙3E∲+J䬝&G݁Ӌ䫀(Cr(VI ))໮⒈㘨㣃3%%໮⒈Ѡ㣃䝮3%'(⬉㓚Cable᥹ᬊ఼ƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻƻ 㸼⼎䆹᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼೼䆹䚼ӊ᠔᳝ഛ䋼ᴤ᭭Ёⱘ৿䞣ഛ೼6-7ᷛޚ㾘ᅮⱘ䰤䞣㽕∖ҹϟDŽ⊼˖⦃ֱՓ⫼ᳳ䰤ⱘখ㗗ᷛপއѢѻકℷᐌᎹ԰ⱘ⏽ᑺ੠⑓ᑺㄝᴵӊDŽ䚼ӊৡ⿄᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼៪ܗ㋴Company nameAddressTel#AV FUTURE LINK SDN BHDNO.23A,JALAN 5/152,TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN OUG,PUCHONG,58200 KUALA LUMPUR ,MALAYSIA(+0060)377830011Hongkong㟎☷Ё೑໻䰚Việt NamMalaysiaVim Yield Company 佭␃б啡ᅬฬ៤ὁ㸫 㰳ᗵ⫳Ꮉὁ໻ᒜᄫῧܼሸ852-31522789  DescriptionInformationCountry (or area)Company nameAddressTel#Tên công tyđịa chỉđiện thoại݀ৌৡ⿄ഄഔ⬉䆱CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHỆ NAM THÀNHSố 7, lô 14A, khu đô thị mới Trung Yên, đường Trung Hòa, quậnCầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam0084-4-37834530    䗷䠎䳏ᄤ᳝䰤݀ৌᮄ࣫Ꮦ∤ℶऔᮄৄѨ䏃ϔ↉ 㰳ῧ⏅ഇ䳋ᶣ⬉ᄤ᳝䰤݀ৌ⏅ഇ⽣ढϝ䏃ध䍞Ϫ㑾Ёᖗোὐሖ݀ৌৡ々ഄഔ䳏䁅ON    OFF USB㸹ٓ೼ֱ䋼ᳳݙˈᙼѿ᳝ҹϟଂৢᴗ߽˄˅໽ݙߎ⦄䋼䞣䯂乬ˈḍ᥂೑ᆊĀϝࣙā㾘ᅮѢѻક໪㾖Ϣࣙ㺙ᅠᭈⱘᚙމϟˈᇚ⹀ӊ䗔䖬㒭䌁фഄ⚍៪㗙䳋ᶣᣛᅮഄ⚍ˈ߁䌁фⱘ᳝ᬜ߁䆕ˈ䗔ಲᙼ᠔ᬃҬⱘ⹀ӊѻક䋻ℒDŽ˄˅໽ݙߎ⦄ѻક䋼䞣䯂乬ˈᙼৃҹࠄ䌁фഄ⚍៪㗙䳋ᶣᣛᅮഄ⚍᳈ᤶ⹀ӊѻકˈ៪㗙ࠄ䳋ᶣᣛᅮⱘ㓈ׂ㔥⚍ֱׂDŽ᳈ᤶПৢⱘ⹀ӊֱ䋼ᳳЎॳֱ䋼ᳳⱘ࠽ԭ໽᭄DŽ˄˅ᑈݙߎ⦄ѻક䋼䞣䯂乬ˈᙼৃҹࠄ䳋ᶣᣛᅮⱘ㓈ׂ㔥⚍ֱׂDŽ˄˅޵䌁ф1㋏߫ѻકⱘᅶ᠋ˈᑈݙѻકߎ⦄䋼䞣䯂乬ˈᙼৃҹࠡᕔ䳋ᶣ㒣䫔ଚ໘᳈ᤶᮄકDŽ䋼ֱ䰤ࠊᴀ᳝䰤䋼ֱϡ⎉Ⲫ⬅Ѣҹϟॳ಴ᇐ㟈ⱘ䯂乬៪ᤳണ˖˄˅ᛣ໪џӊǃ䇃⫼ǃ᪡԰ϡᔧ៪ӏԩ᳾ᥜᴗⱘ㓈ׂǃᬍ㺙៪㗙ᢚौ˗˄˅᪡԰៪㓈ᡸϡᔧˈ䗖⫼䖛⿟Ё䖱ডѻક䇈ᯢ៪䖲᥹ࠄϡ䗖ᔧⱘ⬉य़⑤˗˄˅៪㗙䗖⫼ᑊ䴲⬅䳋ᶣᦤկⱘ⍜㗫ક˄བ໛⫼⬉∴˅ˈԚ䗖⫼⊩ᕟ⽕ℶℸ㉏䰤ࠊⱘᚙމ䰸໪DŽ5601-06Z00-222M/N˖                        Rating:                       Approval No:                  CMIIT ID:     M/N˖                        Rating:                       Approval No:                  CMIIT ID:     RAPOO 雷柏OpenPushCloseFCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. (Example- use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices).This equipment complies with Part 15 of FCC RF Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause interference and2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Caution! The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment. ḍ᪮Ԣࡳ⥛䳏⊶䔏ᇘᗻ䳏″ㅵ⧚䕺⊩㽣ᅮ˖㄀कѠṱ㍧ൟᓣ䁡䄝ড়ḐПԢࡳ⥛ᇘ丏䳏″ˈ䴲㍧䀅ৃˈ݀ৌǃଚ㰳៪Փ⫼㗙ഛϡᕫ᪙㞾䅞᳈丏⥛ǃࡴ໻ࡳ⥛៪䅞᳈ॳ䀁㿜П⡍ᗻঞࡳ㛑DŽ㄀कಯṱԢࡳ⥛ᇘ丏䳏″ПՓ⫼ϡᕫᕅ䷓亯㟾ᅝܼঞᑆ᫒ড়⊩䗮ֵ˗㍧ⱐ⧒᳝ᑆ᫒⧒䈵ᰖˈឝゟेذ⫼ˈϺᬍ୘㟇⛵ᑆ᫒ᰖᮍᕫ㑐㑠Փ⫼DŽࠡ䷙ড়⊩䗮ֵˈᣛձ䳏ֵ⊩㽣ᅮ԰ὁП⛵㎮䳏䗮ֵDŽԢࡳ⥛ᇘ丏䳏″䷜ᖡফড়⊩䗮ֵ៪Ꮉὁǃ⾥ᅌঞ䝿Ⱆ⫼䳏⊶䔏ᇘᗻ䳏″䀁٭Пᑆ᫒DŽNCC警告語Declaration of ConformityHereby, ShenZhen Rapoo Technology Co., Ltd, declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.Canada Statement  This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.RAPOO 雷柏5.8G Nano Receiver user guide1.  Plug the Nano Receiver into a USB port of your computer.2.  Turn on the Wireless  Optical Mouse.3.  Move the Wireless Optical Mouse to get connected with the Nano Receiver.6[YNZNKY]OZINVU]KXUTㆊ朅࢛旇昘㣬ਙ54ͫ۸旇朅࢛Take out Receiver取出接收器 將接收器連接至電腦的USB介面,接收器將自動匹配鍵盤Plug the receiver into the usb port. The receiver will match  the keyboard automatically.推出並取下電池蓋Insert the battery, 1.5V AA*1 .裝入電池,規格:1.5V AA*1 蓋上電池蓋03041A5.8G Nano Receiver5.8G 超微型接收器Frequency Range/載波頻率:    5727~5804 MHzChannel No./頻道數目:        16Modulation Type /調變技術:     GFSKDate Rate/傳送速率:        1MbpsOutput Power/最大輸出功率:    0dB

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