RJE Technologies AIA100 Pool alarm system for aquatic centers to alert first responders. User Manual RJE

RJE Technologies, Inc. Pool alarm system for aquatic centers to alert first responders. RJE

Users Manual

BY RJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.Users ManualRJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.15375 Barranca Parkway I-112 • Irvine, CA 92618 • Phone 949-943-3349Email: info@rjetechnologies.com  •  Website: www.rjetechnologies.com
Aquatic Incident Alert Users ManualComponents:Needed for installation: •  Power Drill  •  Screwdriver  •  LevelAIAI 100 Base with AC adapterAIAI 150 Receiver with adapterAIAI 200 Repeater with adapterAlarmPowerBatteryBY RJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.RepeaterBY RJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.AlarmPower BatteryBY RJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.ResetScrewantennainto sideof base
Suggested installation sitesThe AIAI 100 Base must see the pool and is suitable for outdoors instal-lation. The base has a siren and will alarm when activated by SOS sensors.Should be wall mounted 5 feet above ground level. It must be pluggedinto an AC outlet.The  AIAI  150  Receiver has  a  siren  and  should  be  placed  where  first responders can hear it. It must be plugged into a USB port or and AC outlet.The AIAI 200 Repeater 200 Repeater can be wall mounted and shouldbe placed in a location to extend range of signal if needed. The Repeaterdoes not have  a siren and is  used strictly to extend the range to the receiver. It must be plugged into an AC outlet.IntroductionRJE Technologies, Inc Aquatic Incident Alert is a commercial pool alarmsystem designed to alert responders when the life guard has entered thewater. SOS sensors are placed on the life guard’s tube and activated by awater switch. The system is designed to work in large facilities and hasan optional repeater to extend range if necessary.InstallationEach components has an antennae that must be screwed on. The Base andRepeater come with hardware to wall mount 5 feet above ground level.  The receiver can sit on a desk or shelf and has a USB cord and power adapter.OperationOnce the components are mounted and plugged in the system is readyto use. SOS sensors on the life guards’ tube will activate the alarm whenthey are in the water. The system will alarm at the Base and Receiver. Tostop the alarm, the SOS sensor must be wiped off and the reset buttonon the Base is pushed to rearm the system. The alarm cannot be stoppedat the First Responder location Receiver. The Repeater does not alarmnor can it stop the alarm.The power light on the Base and Receiver will always be on when the system is plugged in and the alarm light will flash when activated. Thebattery indicator on the base and receiver will flash when the battery inthe SOS sensor is low. Be sure to push the reset button on the Base after an alarm. This places thesystem back into armed mode. SOS sensors must be dry to discontinuethe alarm.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) NoticeModel: AIA100 (Aquatic Incident Alert)FCC ID: T5P-AIA100This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by RJE Technologies,Inc. could void the users authority to operate the equipment.Email: info@rjetechnologies.com • Website: www.rjetechnologies.com BY RJE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

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