Quanta Computer OA8BCM94306MP NoteBook User Manual Using Your Gateway M275 Notebook

Quanta Computer Inc NoteBook Using Your Gateway M275 Notebook

Users Manual System 5

280Chapter 16: Using the Gateway M275 Port Replicatorwww.gateway.comBackComponent Icon DescriptionS/PDIF digital audio jack Plug an optical (Toslink) AC-3 digital audio cable into this jack.S-Video out jack Plug a standard S-Video cable into this jack and the jack on an S-Video device (such as a television or VCR). For more information, see “Viewing the display on a television” on page 162.USB  ports Plug USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices (such as a USB Iomega™ Zip™ drive, printer, scanner, camera, keyboard, or mouse) into these ports.Power connector Plug the AC adapter cable into this connector.Microphone jack Plug a microphone into this jack.Headphone jack Plug amplified speakers or headphones into this jack. The built-in speakers on your convertible tablet PC are turned off when speakers or headphones are plugged into this jack.This jack is turned off when headphones are plugged into your convertible tablet PC’s headphone jack.S/PDIF digital audio jackHeadphone jackLine in jackPower connectorEthernet jackSerial port Monitor portParallel portUSB portsS-Videoout jackPS/2 keyboard portPS/2 mouse portMicrophone jack
281Backwww.gateway.comLine in jack Connect an external audio input source (such as a stereo) to this jack so that you can record sound on your convertible tablet PC or play sound through your convertible tablet PC speakers.Parallel port Plug a parallel device (such as a printer) into this port.Serial port Plug a serial device (such as a digital camera) into this port.Monitor port Plug an analog VGA monitor into this port.Ethernet jack Plug a 10/100 Ethernet network cable into this jack. For more information, see “Connecting to a wired Ethernet network” on page 48 and “Networking Your Gateway M275” on page 207.PS/2 keyboard port Plug a Personal System/2 (PS/2) keyboard into this port. Attaching a PS/2 keyboard to your port replicator may deactivate the built-in keyboard.PS/2 mouse port Plug a Personal System/2 (PS/2) mouse into this port. Attaching a PS/2 mouse to your port replicator may deactivate the touchpad.Component Icon Description
282Chapter 16: Using the Gateway M275 Port Replicatorwww.gateway.comConnecting to the port replicatorYou can attach your convertible tablet PC to the port replicator while your convertible tablet PC is off, on, or in Standby mode.Attaching to the port replicatorTo attach your convertible tablet PC to the port replicator:1Connect external devices to the ports on the port replicator.2Make sure the docking release latch is in the raised position.3Align the connector holes on the bottom of your convertible tablet PC with the docking posts on the port replicator.4Press down on the docking release latch until your convertible tablet PC moves into place.Important Your convertible tablet PC may detect additional devices and add drivers after being attached to the port replicator. This process must be completed for components to work correctly. Follow any on-screen instructions, if necessary.
283Connecting to the port replicatorwww.gateway.comDisconnecting from the port replicatorYou can separate your convertible tablet PC from the port replicator while your convertible tablet PC is off or on (not in Standby or Hibernate mode).To separate your convertible tablet PC from the port replicator:1If your convertible tablet PC is off, go to Step 2.-OR-Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Undock Computer. The Undock Computer menu item appears in the Start menu only while your convertible tablet PC is docked.2Pull up on the docking release latch. Your convertible tablet PC will move out and away from the port replicator.3Lift your convertible tablet PC off of the port replicator.
284Chapter 16: Using the Gateway M275 Port Replicatorwww.gateway.comSecuring your port replicatorYou can secure your convertible tablet PC and port replicator to an object by using the security ring located on the left side of the port replicator and the Kensington lock slot located on the left side of your convertible tabletPC.To secure your convertible tablet PC and port replicator:1Open the security ring on the port replicator.2Attach your convertible tablet PC to the port replicator.3Secure one end of the Kensington cable to a solid object, then run the other end of the cable through the security ring and lock it into the slot provided on the left side of your convertible tablet PC.
17285TroubleshootingThis chapter provides some solutions to common convertible tablet PC problems. Read this chapter to learn how to:■Troubleshoot typical hardware and software problems■Get telephone support■Use automated troubleshooting systems■Get tutoring and trainingIf the suggestions in this chapter do not correct the problem, see “Getting Help” on page 51 for more information about how to get help.
286Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comSafety guidelinesWhile troubleshooting your convertible tablet PC, follow these safety guidelines:■Never remove the memory bay cover, keyboard, or hard drive kit if your convertible tablet PC is turned on, the batteries are installed, or while the modem cable, network cable, or AC power adapter are connected to your convertible tablet PC.■Make sure that you are correctly grounded before accessing internal components. For more information about preventing damage from static electricity, see “Preventing static electricity discharge” on page 260.■After you complete any maintenance tasks where you remove the memory bay cover, keyboard, or hard drive kit, make sure that you replace the cover, keyboard, or hard drive kit, reinstall any screws, then replace the batteries before you start your convertible tablet PC.Warning Do not try to troubleshoot your problem if power cords or plugs are damaged, if your convertible tablet PC was dropped, or if the case was damaged. Instead, unplug your convertible tablet PC and contact a qualified computer technician.
287First stepswww.gateway.comFirst stepsIf you have problems with your convertible tablet PC, try these things first:■Make sure that the AC power adapter is connected to your convertible tablet PC and an AC outlet and that the AC outlet is supplying power.■If you use a power strip or surge protector, make sure that it is turned on.■If a peripheral device (such as a keyboard or mouse) does not work, make sure that all connections are secure.■Make sure that your hard drive is not full.■If an error message appears on the screen, write down the exact message. The message may help Gateway Technical Support in diagnosing and fixing the problem.■If you added or removed peripheral devices, review the installation procedures you performed and make sure that you followed each instruction.■If an error occurs in a program, see the program’s printed documentation or the online help.Software support toolsYour convertible tablet PC may include the following support tool to help you diagnose and fix problems:■PC Doctor is a comprehensive hardware diagnostic and system information tool that can test your convertible tablet PC and determine its configuration. PC Doctor provides 85 professional diagnostic tests directly from your convertible tablet PC.This support tool is available by clicking/tapping Start, All Programs, then clicking/tapping Gateway Utilities.Help and Support For more information about troubleshooting, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword troubleshooting in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
288Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTroubleshootingAudioSee “Sound” on page 308.BatterySee “Power” on page 305.Device installationYou have computer problems after adding a new deviceSometimes a new device, such as a PC Card, can cause a system resource (IRQ) conflict. Check IRQ usage to determine if there is an IRQ conflict.To check IRQ usage:1Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Performance and Maintenance.2Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap System, click/tap the Hardware tab, then click/tap Device Manager. The Device Manager window opens.3Click/Tap View, then click/tap Resources by type. Double-click/Double-tap Interrupt request (IRQ). All IRQs and their hardware assignments are displayed.Help and Support For more information about IRQs, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword IRQs in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
289Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTo free IRQ resources for the new device:1In the Device Manager window, check the device list for a resource conflict. A resource conflict appears as a black exclamation point in a yellow circle.2Remove the device you are trying to install, then determine which one of the existing devices or ports you can disable.3Right-click/Button-tap the device or port you want to disable, then click/tap Disable. The device or port is disabled.Diskette drive (external)The diskette drive is not recognized■Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■The USB cable may not be inserted completely into the USB port. Press the cable into the port, then try to access the diskette again.You see an “Access Denied” or “Write protect” error message■Move the write-protection tab in the upper-right corner of the diskette down (unprotected).■The diskette may be full. Delete unnecessary files on the diskette and try again.■Not all diskettes are IBM-compatible. Make sure that the diskette you are using is IBM-compatible.■Try a different diskette. Occasionally diskettes are flawed and cannot be read by the diskette drive.You see a “Disk is full” error message■Delete unnecessary files on the diskette.■Try a different diskette. Occasionally diskettes are flawed and cannot be read by the diskette drive.■Run Error checking on the diskette. For more information, see “Checking the hard drive for errors” on page 238. If errors are detected and corrected, try using the diskette again.
290Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comYou see a “Non-system disk”, “NTLDR is missing”, or “Disk error” error message■Eject the diskette from the diskette drive, then press ENTER.■Make sure that the diskette you are using is IBM-compatible.The diskette drive status indicator is lit continuouslyRemove the diskette from the drive. If the indicator stays on, try restarting your convertible tablet PC.DisplayThe screen is too darkAdjust the brightness using the system keys. For more information, see “System key combinations” on page 30.The screen resolution is not correctChange the screen resolution from the Display Properties dialog box. For more information, see “Adjusting the screen resolution” on page 195.The text on the display is dim or difficult to read■Adjust the brightness and contrast using the system keys. For more information, see “System key combinations” on page 30.■Change the display settings. For more information, see “Adjusting the screen and desktop settings” on page 193.■Move your convertible tablet PC away from sources of electrical interference, such as televisions, unshielded speakers, microwaves, fluorescent lights, and metal beams or shelves.Help and Support For more information about changing the screen resolution, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword screen resolution in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
291Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comThe display has pixels that are always dark or too brightThis condition is normal and inherent in the TFT technology used in active-matrix LCD screens. Gateway’s inspection standards keep these to a minimum. If you feel these pixels are unacceptably numerous or dense on your display, contact Gateway Technical Support to identify whether a repair or replacement is justified based on the number of pixels affected.DVD or DVD/CD-RW drivesYour convertible tablet PC does not recognize a disc■The disc may not be seated correctly in the tray. When you place a disc on the tray, make sure that you press the disc firmly onto the spindle so the retainers hold the disc in place.■The modular drive may not be inserted completely into the modular bay. Press the module into the bay, then try to access the disc again.■Make sure that the disc label is facing up, then try again.■Try a different disc. Occasionally discs are flawed and cannot be read by the drive.■Some music CDs have copy protection software. You may not be able to play these CDs on your convertible tablet PC.■Your convertible tablet PC may be experiencing some temporary memory problems. Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Clean the disc. For more information, see “Cleaning CDs or DVDs” on page 293.An audio CD does not produce sound■Make sure that the CD label is facing up, then try again.■Some music CDs have copy protection software. You may not be able to play these CDs on your convertible tablet PC.■Make sure that the volume control on your convertible tablet PC is turned up. For more information, see “System key combinations” on page 30.■Make sure that the Windows volume control is turned up. For more information, see “Adjusting the volume” on page 102.■Make sure that Mute controls are turned off. For more information about the mute setting, see “System key combinations” on page 30 or “Adjusting the volume” on page 102.
292Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com■Make sure that headphones are not plugged into the headphone jack. For the location of the headphone jack, see “Left Side” on page 3 and “Back” on page 280.■If you are using powered speakers, make sure that they are plugged in and turned on.■Clean the CD. For more information, see “Cleaning CDs or DVDs” on page 293.■Your convertible tablet PC may be experiencing some temporary memory problems. Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Reinstall the audio device drivers. For more information, see “Reinstalling device drivers” on page 249.A DVD movie will not play■Make sure that the label or side you want to play is facing up, then try again.■Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Clean the DVD. For more information, see “Cleaning CDs or DVDs” on page 293.■DVD discs and drives contain regional codes that help control DVD title exports and help reduce illegal disc distribution. To be able to play a DVD, the disc’s regional code and your DVD drive’s regional code must match.The regional code on your DVD drive is determined by your convertible tablet PC’s delivery address. The regional code for the United States and Canada is 1. The regional code for Mexico is 4. Your DVD drive’s regional code must match the regional code of the disc. The regional code for the disc is on the disc, disc documentation, or packaging.If the DVD movie does not play, the disc’s regional code and your DVD drive’s regional code may not match.■Make sure that the InterVideo program has been installed on your convertible tablet PC. See “Playing a DVD” on page 124 for more information.A DVD does not produce sound on a TV■Audio is not transmitted through the S-Video out jack. Use the built-in speakers, a set of headphones or external powered speakers, or connect your convertible tablet PC to a stereo system to hear sound while playing a DVD.
293Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comCleaning CDs or DVDsWipe from the center to the edge, not around in a circle, using a product made especially for the purpose.File managementA file was accidentally deletedIf a file was deleted at a DOS prompt or in Windows while holding down the SHIFT key, the file cannot be restored.To restore deleted files:1Double-click/Double-tap the Recycle Bin icon.2Right-click/Button-tap the file you want to restore, then click/tap Restore. The file is restored to the place where it was originally deleted from.If the Recycle Bin was emptied before you tried to restore a file, the file cannot be restored.Help and Support For more information about restoring deleted files, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword System Restore in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
294Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comHard driveYou see an “Insufficient disk space” error message■Delete unnecessary files from the hard drive using Disk Cleanup. For more information, see “Using Disk Cleanup” on page 237.■Empty the Recycle Bin by right-clicking/button-tapping the Recycle Bin icon, then clicking/tapping Empty Recycle Bin.■Save your files to a diskette or another drive. If the hard drive is full, copy any files not regularly used to diskettes or other backup media, then delete them from the hard drive.You see a “Data error” messageThis may be the result of a defective area on the hard drive. To fix hard drive problems, run the Error checking program. For more information, see “Checking the hard drive for errors” on page 238.The hard drive cannot be accessed, or you see a “General failure reading drive C” error message■If a diskette is in the diskette drive, eject it and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Make sure that the hard drive is installed correctly. Remove it, firmly reinsert it, then restart your convertible tablet PC. For more information, see “Replacing the hard drive kit” on page 273.■If your convertible tablet PC has been subjected to static electricity or physical shock, you may need to reinstall the operating system.Caution All deleted files will be lost when you empty the Recycle Bin.Help and Support For more information about file management, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword file management in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
295Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comYou see a “Non-system disk”, “NTLDR is missing”, or “disk” error message■Eject the diskette from the diskette drive, then press ENTER.Interface/PortsThe buttons on the convertible tablet PC’s LCD panel do not do what they are supposed to■The button functions have been changed. Reset button functions in the Buttons tab of the Tablet and Pen Settings dialog box. For more information, see “Programming the buttons” on page 201.The convertible tablet PC does not recognize the PC Card■The card is incorrectly inserted. Eject the card and re-insert it with the label side up. For more information, see “Adding and removing a PC Card” on page 258.The convertible tablet PC does not recognize a USB or 1394 peripheral device■The peripheral device is not connected to the convertible tablet PC correctly. Check the connection cable, and be sure it is inserted in the correct port on the convertible tablet PC and the peripheral device.■The correct driver is not built into Windows XP. Use the device’s installation CD or check the manufacturer’s Web site for the correct driver.InternetYou cannot connect to the Internet■Make sure that the modem cable is plugged into the modem jack and not the Ethernet network jack. See “Right Side” on page 5 to make sure that the connections have been made correctly.■Make sure that your convertible tablet PC is connected to the telephone line and the telephone line has a dial tone.■If you have the call waiting feature on your telephone line, make sure that it is disabled.■Make sure that you are not using a digital, rollover, or PBX line. These lines do not work with your modem.
296Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com■Make sure that your account with your Internet service provider (ISP) is set up correctly. Contact your ISP technical support for help.■Make sure that you do not have a problem with your modem. For more information, see “Modem (dial-up)” on page 298You see an “Unable to locate host” message and are unable to browse the InternetThis problem can occur when you have typed a URL (Web address) incorrectly, you have lost your Internet connection, or your ISP is having technical difficulties.Double-check the URL or try a different URL. If the error message still appears, disconnect from the ISP connection and close your browser, then reconnect and open the browser. If you still get the error, your ISP may be having technical difficulties.Connecting to a Web site takes too longMany factors can affect Internet performance:■The condition of the telephone lines in your residence or at your local telephone service■The condition of the Internet computers to which you connect and the number of users accessing those computers■The complexity of graphics and multimedia on Web pages■Having multiple Web browsers open, performing multiple downloads, and having multiple programs open on your convertible tablet PCPeople are sending you e-mail messages, but you have not received any mail■Click/Tap the receive button in your e-mail program.■Make sure that your account with your Internet service provider (ISP) is set up correctly. Contact your ISP for technical support.Help and Support For more information about troubleshooting Internet connections, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword troubleshooting connections in the Search box  , then click/tap the arrow.
297Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comKeyboardThe built-in keyboard does not work■Attaching a PS/2 keyboard to your port replicator while your convertible tablet PC is running may deactivate the built-in keyboard.The external keyboard does not work■Make sure that the keyboard cable is plugged in correctly.■Remove all extension cables and switchboxes.■Clean the keyboard by using an aerosol can of air with a narrow, straw-like extension to remove dust and lint trapped under the keys.■Try a keyboard that you know works to make sure that the keyboard port works.■If you spilled liquid in the keyboard, turn off your convertible tablet PC and unplug the keyboard. Clean the keyboard and turn it upside down to drain it. Let the keyboard dry before using it again. If the keyboard does not work after it dries, you may need to replace it.A keyboard character keeps repeating or you see a “Keyboard stuck” or “Key failure” error message■Make sure that nothing is resting on the keyboard.■Make sure that a key is not stuck. Press each key to loosen a key that might be stuck, then restart your convertible tablet PC.MemoryYou see a “Memory error” message■Make sure that the memory modules are inserted correctly in the memory bay slots. For more information, see “Adding or replacing memory” on page 261.■Use PC Doctor or a third-party diagnostic program to help determine if a memory module is failing. For more information, see “Adding or replacing memory” on page 261.You see a “Not enough memory” error message■Close all programs, then restart your convertible tablet PC.
298Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comMemory card readerDrive letter for the memory card slot does not appear in the My Computer window■Reboot your convertible tablet PC.Modem (dial-up)Your modem does not dial or does not connect■Make sure that the modem cable is plugged into the modem jack and not the Ethernet network jack. See “Right Side” on page 5 to make sure that the connections have been made correctly.■Make sure that your convertible tablet PC is connected to the telephone line and the telephone line has a dial tone.■Make sure that the modem cable is less than 6 feet (1.8 meters) long.■Remove any line splitters or surge protectors from your telephone line, then check for a dial tone by plugging a working telephone into the telephone wall jack.■If you have additional telephone services such as call waiting, call messaging, or voice mail, make sure that all messages are cleared and call waiting is disabled before using the modem. Contact your telephone service to get the correct code to temporarily disable the service. Also make sure that the modem dialing properties are set appropriately.To check the dialing properties:1Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Printers and Other Hardware.2Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Phone and Modem Options icon, then click/tap the Dialing Rules tab.Help and Support For more information about troubleshooting memory errors, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword memory error in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
299Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com3Click/Tap the location from which you are dialing, then click/tap Edit.4Make sure that all settings are correct.■Disconnect any answering machine, fax machine, or printer that is on the same line as the modem. Do not connect these devices to the same telephone line as the modem.■Make sure that you are not using a digital, rollover, or PBX line. These lines do not work with your modem.■Check for line noise (scratchy, crackling, or popping sounds). Line noise is a common problem that can cause the modem to connect at a slower rate, abort downloads, or even disconnect. The faster the modem, the less line noise it can tolerate and still work correctly.Listen to the line using your telephone. Dial a single number (such as 1). When the dial tone stops, listen for line noise. Wiggle the modem cable to see if that makes a difference. Make sure that the connectors are free from corrosion and all screws in the wall or telephone wall jack are secure.You can also call your telephone service and have the telephone line checked for noise or low line levels.■Try another telephone line (either a different telephone number in your house or a telephone line at a different location). If you can connect on this line, call your telephone service.■Try connecting with the modem at a lower connection speed. If reducing the connect speed lets you connect, call your telephone service. The telephone line may be too noisy.You cannot connect to the Internet■The ISP may be having technical difficulties. Contact your ISP for technical support.■See if the modem works with a different communications program. The problem may be with just one program.Help and Support For more information about dialing properties, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword dialing in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
300Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comYour 56K modem does not connect at 56KCurrent FCC regulations restrict actual data transfer rates over public telephone lines to 53K. Other factors, such as line noise, telephone service provider equipment, or ISP limitations, may lower the speed even further.If your convertible tablet PC has a v.90 modem, the speed at which you can upload (send) data is limited to 33.6K. If your convertible tablet PC has a v.92 modem, the speed at which you can upload data is limited to 48K. Your ISP may not support 48K uploads.You can check modem connection speeds and dial-up network (DUN) connections by accessing the gateway.your.way dial-up server. The server also contains drivers, patches, and updates for current Gateway hardware and software.The server provides a secure connection and is a stand-alone server. You cannot use it to access the Internet. The server cannot be accessed Mondays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CT.To access the gateway.your.way dial-up server:1Insert the red Drivers and Applications CD into the DVD or DVD/CD-RW drive.2Click/Tap Help, then click/tap Support Web Site.3To check your modem connection speed, click/tap the Direct Dial option. After your modem connects, move the mouse pointer over the Dial-Up Networking icon (located next to the clock on your taskbar). Your modem connection speed appears.Your fax communications program only sends and receives faxes at 14,400 bps when you have a 56K modemCurrent fax technology only supports a maximum send and receive rate of 14,400 bps.The modem is not recognized by your convertible tablet PC■Make sure that the line connected to the modem is working and plugged into the appropriate port on your convertible tablet PC. See “Right Side” on page 5 to make sure that the connections have been made correctly.
301Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com■If the modem shares the telephone line with another device, make sure that the telephone line is not in use (for example, someone is on the telephone, or another modem is in use).■Use the modem cable that came with your convertible tablet PC. Some telephone cables do not meet required cable standards and may cause problems with the modem connection.■Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Run Windows modem diagnostics.To run modem diagnostics:1Close all open programs.2Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Printers and Other Hardware.3Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Phone and Modem Options icon, then click/tap the Modems tab.4Click/Tap your modem, then click/tap Properties. The Modem Properties dialog box opens.5Click/Tap the Diagnostic tab, then click/tap Query Modem. If information about the modem appears, the modem passed diagnostics. If no modem information is available, a white screen appears with no data, or if you get an error such as port already open or the modem has failed to respond, the modem did not pass diagnostics.Help and Support For more information about modem troubleshooting, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword modem troubleshooting in the Search box  , then click/tap the arrow.
302Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comThe modem is noisy when it dials and connectsWhen your modem tries to connect to another modem, it begins handshaking. Handshaking is a digital “getting acquainted” conversation between the two modems that establishes connection speeds and communication protocols. You may hear unusual handshaking sounds when the modems first connect. If the handshaking sounds are too loud, you can turn down the modem volume.To turn down the modem volume:1Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Printers and Other Hardware.2Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Phone and Modem Options icon, then click/tap the Modems tab.3Click/Tap the modem you want to adjust, then click/tap Properties.4Click/Tap the Modem tab, then adjust the Speaker volume control.5Click/Tap OK twice to close the Phone and Modem Options dialog box.MouseThe external mouse does not work■Make sure that the mouse cable is plugged in correctly.■Shut down and restart your convertible tablet PC.■Remove all extension cables and switch boxes.■Try a mouse you know is working to make sure that the mouse port works.The external mouse works erratically■Clean the mouse. For more information, see “Cleaning the mouse” on page 245.■Some mouse pad patterns “confuse” optical mice. Try the mouse on a different surface.
303Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comNetworksYou cannot connect to your company networkEvery network is unique. Contact your company computer department or network administrator for help.Operating systemThe program I am working in has stopped responding but the cursor moves and other programs work■The program has crashed. Press the Windows Security button   on the convertible tablet PC’s LCD panel to open the Task Manager and close the non-responsive program.-OR-Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to open the Task Manager and close the non-responsive program.The convertible tablet PC keeps showing the wrong date and time even after resetting■The CMOS battery on the system board may need to be replaced. Contact Gateway technical support.The convertible tablet PC seems to be operating more slowly than usual■The hard drive is full or nearly full. Run the Disk Cleanup utility to clear out unnecessary and temporary files, and remove unneeded programs and files. For more information, see “Using Disk Cleanup” on page 237.■The hard drive needs defragmenting. Run Disk Defragmenter to consolidate files and folders on the hard drive. For more information, see “Defragmenting the hard drive” on page 240.Help and Support For more information about network troubleshooting, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword network troubleshooting in the Search box  , then click/tap the arrow.
304Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com■The convertible tablet PC is in Portrait or Secondary Landscape orientation. Though changing the orientation should not slow the convertible tablet PC considerably, try changing back to Primary Landscape orientation.PasswordsYour convertible tablet PC does not accept your passwordMake sure that CAPS LOCK and PAD LOCK are turned off, then retype the password.You forgot your startup passwordThe password feature (which is set in the BIOS Setup utility) is very secure, with no easy way to recover a forgotten password. You must return your convertible tablet PC for repair. Call Gateway Technical Support for instructions.PC CardsYou installed a PC Card and now your convertible tablet PC is having problems■The card is incorrectly inserted. Eject the card and re-insert it with the label side up. For more information, see “Adding and removing a PC Card” on page 258.■Make sure that you have correctly installed required software for the PC Card. For more information, see your PC Card’s documentation.■Make sure that the PC Card you installed is not causing a system resource conflict. For more information on resource conflicts, see “Device installation” on page 288.PenThe convertible tablet PC does not respond to the pen■You are not using the correct pen. Use only Penabled digitizer pens by Wacom such as your convertible tablet PC’s pen. The convertible tablet PC does not respond to some other tablet pens or plastic pens.
305Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comThe pen tip does not line up with the pointer when I tap the screen■The pen and display need recalibrating in both Landscape and Portrait mode. Recalibrate through the Pen Settings tab of the Tablet and Pen Settings dialog box. For more information, see “Adjusting tablet and pen settings” on page 200.PowerYour convertible tablet PC is not working on AC power■Make sure that your AC power adapter is connected correctly to your convertible tablet PC. For more information, see “Connecting the AC adapter” on page 19.■If your convertible tablet PC is plugged into a surge protector, make sure that the surge protector is connected securely to an electrical outlet, turned on, and working correctly. To test the outlet, plug a working device, such as a lamp, into the outlet and turn it on.■Make sure that the AC power adapter cables are free from cuts or damage. Replace any damaged cables.Your convertible tablet PC is not working on battery power■Make sure that the battery is installed correctly. For more information, see “Replacing the main battery” on page 172.■Make sure that the optional secondary battery is installed correctly. For more information, see “Installing a secondary battery” on page 174.■Make sure that the batteries are fully recharged. For more information, see “Recharging the battery” on page 169.■Make sure that the battery is calibrated correctly. For more information, see “Recalibrating the battery” on page 170.Your convertible tablet PC will not turn off, even after sliding and holding the power switch for five secondsIf your convertible tablet PC has “frozen,” and sliding and holding the power switch for five seconds does not turn it off, insert a straightened paper clip into the reset hole on the bottom of your convertible tablet PC. For the location of the reset hole, see “Bottom” on page 7.
306Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comThe battery seems to run down very quickly■Peripheral devices and programs that make heavy use of the hard drive drain the battery more quickly. Use AC power whenever possible, and readjust the Power Properties to Max Battery when AC power is unavailable. For more information, see “Changing the power scheme” on page 179.■The battery is weakening or defective. All batteries run down in time, but if a new battery appears to be defective, contact Gateway about replacing it.The convertible tablet PC will not turn on■The Power switch has not been fully engaged. Slide and hold the Power switch for at least a half-second, but no more than three seconds.■The battery is fully discharged but AC power is not connected. Connect the AC adapter to power the convertible tablet PC and charge the battery.The convertible tablet PC turns on and the hard drive status indicator flashes, but nothing appears on the display■Display brightness is set too low. For more information, see “Adjusting brightness” on page 192.The convertible tablet PC will not enter Hibernate mode■Hibernate mode is not activated. For more information, see “Activating and using Hibernate mode” on page 182.The convertible tablet PC will not come out of Standby or Hibernate mode when running on battery power.■The battery fully discharged and AC power is not connected. Connect the AC power adapter to power the convertible tablet PC and charge the battery.The display goes black while the convertible tablet PC is still turned on■Convertible tablet PC has gone into Standby after sitting idle (power status indicator is blinking blue). Slide and hold the Power switch for about a second to resume operations.■Convertible tablet PC has gone into low-battery Hibernate (power status indicator is blinking blue). Slide and hold the Power switch for about a second to resume operations, and charge the battery.
307Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comPrinterThe printer will not turn on■Make sure that the printer is online. Many printers have an online/offline button that you may need to press.■Make sure that the power cable is plugged into an AC power source.The printer is on but will not print■Check the cable between the printer and your convertible tablet PC. Make sure that it is connected to the correct port.■Make sure that the printer is online. Many printers have an online/offline button that you may need to press so the printer can start printing. Press the button to put the printer online.■Check the port and cable for bent or broken pins.■If the printer you want to print to is not the default printer, make sure that you have selected it in the printer setup.To set a default printer:1Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Printers and Other Hardware.2Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Printers and Faxes icon. The Printers and Faxes window opens.3Right-click/Button-tap the name of the printer you want to be the default printer, then click/tap Set as Default Printer.■Reinstall the printer driver. See the guide that came with your printer for instructions on installing the printer driver.You see a “Printer queue is full” error message■Make sure that the printer is not set to work offline.
308Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTo make sure that the printer is not set to work offline:1Click/Tap Start, then click/tap Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click/tap Printers and Other Hardware.2Click/Double-click/Tap/Double-tap the Printers and Faxes icon. The Printers and Faxes window opens.3Right-click/Button-tap the name of the printer you want to use. If the menu shows a check mark next to Use Printer Offline, click/tap Use Printer Offline to clear the check mark.■Wait until files have been printed before sending additional files to the printer.■If you print large files or many files at one time, you may want to add additional memory to the printer. See the printer documentation for instructions for adding additional memory.You see a “Printer is out of paper” error messageAfter adding paper, make sure that the printer is online. Most printers have an online/offline button that you need to press after adding paper.SoundYou are not getting sound from the built-in speakers■Make sure that headphones are not plugged into the headphone jack. For the location of the headphone jack, see “Left Side” on page 3 and “Back” on page 280.■Make sure that the volume control on your convertible tablet PC is turned up. For more information, see “System key combinations” on page 30.■Make sure that the Windows volume control is turned up. For more information, see “Adjusting the volume” on page 102.Help and Support For more information about printer troubleshooting, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword printer troubleshooter in the Search box  , then click/tap the arrow.
309Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com■Make sure that Mute controls are turned off. For more information about the mute setting, see “System key combinations” on page 30 or “Adjusting the volume” on page 102.TouchpadThe touchpad does not work.Attaching a PS/2 mouse to your port replicator may deactivate the touchpad.VideoThe external monitor is not working■Make sure that you have pressed FN+LCD/CRT to activate the external monitor option.■Make sure that the monitor is turned on and that the video cable is connected correctly.TV out is not working■Make sure that you have activated TV out. For more information, see “Viewing the display on a television” on page 162.■Make sure that the television is turned on and that the S-Video cable is connected correctly.■Televisions in different countries use different standards. If you are traveling, you may need to change the TV Out mode. For more information, see “Viewing the display on a television” on page 162.Help and Support For more information about troubleshooting sound issues, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword sound troubleshooter in the Search box  , then click/tap the arrow.
310Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTelephone supportBefore calling Gateway Technical SupportIf you have a technical problem with your convertible tablet PC, follow these recommendations before contacting Gateway Technical Support:■Make sure that your convertible tablet PC is connected correctly to a grounded AC outlet that is supplying power. If you use a surge protector, make sure that it is turned on.■If a peripheral device, such as a keyboard or mouse, does not appear to work, make sure that all cables are plugged in securely.■If you have recently installed hardware or software, make sure that you have installed it according to the instructions provided with it. If you did not purchase the hardware or software from Gateway, see the manufacturer’s documentation and technical support resources.■If you have “how to” questions about using a program, see:■Online Help■Printed documentation■The Microsoft Windows documentation■The software publisher’s Web site■See the troubleshooting section of this chapter.■Have your customer ID, serial number, and order number available, along with a detailed description of your problem, including the exact text of any error messages, and the steps you have taken.■Make sure that your convertible tablet PC is nearby at the time of your call. The technician may have you follow troubleshooting steps.Warning To avoid bodily injury, do not attempt to troubleshoot your convertible tablet PC problem if:■Power cords or plugs are damaged■Liquid has been spilled into your convertible tablet PC■Your convertible tablet PC was dropped■The case was damagedInstead, unplug your convertible tablet PC and contact a qualified computer technician.
311Telephone supportwww.gateway.comTelephone numbersGateway offers a wide range of customer service, technical support, and information services.Automated troubleshooting systemTelephone numbersYou can access the following services through your telephone to get answers to your questions:Service description How to reachUse an automated menu system and your telephone keypad to find answers to common problems. 800-846-2118 (US)877-709-2945 (Canada)Resource Service description How to reachFax on demand support Order a catalog of documents on common problems, then order documents by document numbers. The documents will be faxed to you.800-846-4526 (US)877-709-2951 (Canada)Gateway’s fee-based software tutorial serviceGet tutorial assistance for software issues billed by the minute. 800-229-1103 (charged to your credit card)900-555-4695 (charged to your telephone bill)Gateway Technical Support Talk to a Gateway Technical Support representative about a non-tutorial technical support question. (See “Before calling Gateway Technical Support” on page 310 before calling.)TDD Technical Support (for hearing impaired) is available:Weekdays 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Central TimeWeekends 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time800-846-2301 (US)800-846-3609 (Canada and Puerto Rico)605-232-2191 (all other countries)800-846-1778 (TDD)America Online Get support for your America Online ISP account 800-827-6364 (US)888-265-4357 (Canada)CompuServe Get support for your CompuServe ISP account 800-848-8990 (US)Sales, accounting, and warrantyGet information about available systems, pricing, orders, billing statements, warranty service, or other non-technical issues.800-846-2000 (US)888-888-2037 (Canada)
312Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTutoring and trainingGateway’s Technical Support professionals cannot provide hardware and software training or tutorial services. Instead, Gateway recommends the following tutoring and training resources.Self-helpIf you have how-to questions about using your Gateway-supplied hardware or software, see the following resources:■The printed or online documentation that came with your hardware or software. In many cases, additional product information and online documentation for Gateway-supplied hardware can be found in our Web site’s Documentation Library■This user’s guide■The software publisher’s Web siteTutoringFor help on using hardware or software that came with your Gateway convertible tablet PC, contact Gateway’s fee-based tutorial hotline:■800-229-1103 (rate charged per minute; charged to a major credit card)■900-555-4695 (rate charged per minute; charged to your telephone bill)Help and Support For more how-to information about Windows XP, click/tap Start, then click/tap Help and Support.Type the keyword practice in the Search box , then click/tap the arrow.
313Tutoring and trainingwww.gateway.comTrainingGateway provides the following in-person and computerized training:Resource Service description For more informationIn-Store Training at Gateway stores Our friendly and knowledgeable software trainers can teach you how to use the Internet and the most popular software programs, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.www.gateway.com/storeGateway Learning Libraries A variety of courses and tutorials are available on CD. Select from several easy-to-use learning libraries.www.gateway.com/trainingOnline Training from Learn@GatewayMore than 450 online courses are available from Learn@Gateway. All you have to do is go online and log in. You select the subject matter, and the learning format (self-paced tutorials or virtual classrooms), all from the comfort of your convertible tablet PC.www.learnatgateway.com/
314Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.com
A315Safety,Regulatory, andLegal InformationImportant safety informationYour Gateway system is designed and tested to meet the latest standards for safety of information technology equipment. However, to ensure safe use of this product, it is important that the safety instructions marked on the product and in the documentation are followed.Warning Always follow these instructions to help guard against personal injury and damage to your Gateway system.
316Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comSetting up your system■Read and follow all instructions marked on the product and in the documentation before you operate your system. Retain all safety and operating instructions for future use.■Do not use this product near water or a heat source such as a radiator.■Set up the system on a stable work surface.■The product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the rating label.■If your computer has a voltage selector switch, make sure that the switch is in the proper position for your area. The voltage selector switch is set at the factory to the correct voltage.■Openings in the computer case are provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover these openings. Make sure you provide adequate space, at least 6 inches (15 cm), around the system for ventilation when you set up your work area. Never insert objects of any kind into the computer ventilation openings.■Some products are equipped with a three-wire power cord to make sure that the product is properly grounded when in use. The plug on this cord will fit only into a grounding-type outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into an outlet, contact an electrician to install the appropriate outlet.■If you use an extension cord with this system, make sure that the total ampere rating on the products plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating.■If your system is fitted with a TV Tuner, cable, or satellite receiver card, make sure that the antenna or cable system is electrically grounded to provide some protection against voltage surges and buildup of static charges.Care during use■Do not walk on the power cord or allow anything to rest on it.■Do not spill anything on the system. The best way to avoid spills is to avoid eating and drinking near your system.■Some products have a replaceable CMOS battery on the system board. There is a danger of explosion if the CMOS battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace the battery with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.■When the computer is turned off, a small amount of electrical current still flows through the computer. To avoid electrical shock, always unplug all power cables and modem cables from the wall outlets before cleaning the system.■Unplug the system from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified personnel if:■The power cord or plug is damaged.■Liquid has been spilled into the system.■The system does not operate properly when the operating instructions are followed.■The system was dropped or the cabinet is damaged.■The system performance changes.
317Important safety informationwww.gateway.comReplacement parts and accessoriesUse only replacement parts and accessories recommended by Gateway.Important Do not use Gateway products in areas classified as hazardous locations. Such areas include patient care areas of medical and dental facilities, oxygen-laden environments, or industrial facilities.Warning To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunications line cord.
318Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comRegulatory compliance statementsWireless GuidanceLow power, Radio transmitting type devices (radio frequency (RF) wireless communication devices), may be present (embedded) in your notebook system. These devices may operate in the 2.4 GHz (i.e. 802.11B/G LAN & Bluetooth), 5.2 GHz (i.e. 802.11A LAN), and traditional cellular or PCS cellular bands (i.e. Cellular data modem). The following section is a general overview of considerations while operating a wireless device.Additional limitations, cautions, and concerns for specific countries are listed in the specific country sections (or country group sections). The wireless devices in your system are only qualified for use in the countries identified by the Radio Approval Marks on the system rating label. If the country you will be using the wireless device in, is not listed, please contact your local Radio Approval agency for requirements. Wireless devices are closely regulated and use may not be allowed.The power output of the wireless device or devices that may be embedded in your notebook is well below the RF exposure limits as known at this time. Because the wireless devices (which may be embedded into your notebook) emit less energy than is allowed in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, Gateway believes these devices are safe for use. Regardless of the power levels, care should be taken to minimize human contact during normal operation.The wireless devices installed in this system are intended to be used indoors. In some areas, use of these devices outdoors is prohibited.Some circumstances require restrictions on wireless devices. Examples of common restrictions are listed below:Warning Radio frequency wireless communication can interfere with equipment on commercial aircraft. Current aviation regulations require wireless devices to be turned off while traveling in an airplane. 802.11B (also known as wireless Ethernet or Wifi) and Bluetooth communication devices are examples of devices that provide wireless communication.Warning In environments where the risk of interference to other devices or services is harmful or perceived as harmful, the option to use a wireless device may be restricted or eliminated. Airports, Hospitals, and Oxygen or flammable gas laden atmospheres are limited examples where use of wireless devices may be restricted or eliminated. When in environments where you are uncertain of the sanction to use wireless devices, ask the applicable authority for authorization prior to use or turning on the wireless device.
319Regulatory compliance statementswww.gateway.comWarning Every country has different restrictions on the use of wireless devices. If your system is equipped with a wireless device, when traveling between countries with your system, check with the local Radio Approval authorities prior to any move or trip for any restrictions on the use of a wireless device in the destination country.Warning If your system came equipped with an internal embedded wireless device, do not operate the wireless device unless all covers and shields are in place and the system is fully assembled.Warning Wireless devices are not user serviceable. Do not modify them in any way. Modification to a wireless device will void the authorization to use it. Please contact Gateway for service.Warning Only use drivers approved for the country in which the device will be used. See the Gateway System Restoration Kit, or contact Gateway Technical Support for additional information.Warning In order to comply with FCC requirements transmitters must not be operated (or co-located) in conjunction with any other transmitter or antenna installed in the convertible tablet PC.
320Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comUnited States of AmericaFederal Communications Commission (FCC)Intentional emitter per FCC Part 15Low power, Radio transmitter type devices (radio frequency (RF) wireless communication devices), operating in the 2.4 GHz band and/or 5.15 – 5.35 GHz band, may be present (embedded) in your notebook system. This section is only applicable if these devices are present. Refer to the system label to verify the presence of wireless devices.Wireless devices that may be in your system are only qualified for use in the United States of America if an FCC ID number is on the system label.This equipment complies with FCC radio frequency electromagnetic signal (RF) exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment of a portable transmitting device.The wireless devices installed in this system are intended to be used indoors. In some areas, use of these devices outdoors is prohibited.Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Unintentional emitter per FCC Part 15This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio and television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:■Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna■Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver■Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected■Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning Wireless devices are not user serviceable. Do not modify them in any way. Modification to a wireless device will void the authorization to use it. Contact Gateway for service.Warning The transmitting device embedded in this system may not be used with any antenna other than provide with the system.
321Regulatory compliance statementswww.gateway.comCompliance Accessories: The accessories associated with this equipment are: shielded video cable when an external monitor is connected. These accessories are required to be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC rules.FCC declaration of conformityResponsible party:Gateway Companies, Inc.610 Gateway Drive, North Sioux City, SD 57049(605) 232-2000   Fax: (605) 232-2023Product:■Gateway M275This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this product is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Gateway could void the FCC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product.
322Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comTelecommunications per FCC part 68 (applicable to products fitted with USA modems)Your modem complies with Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. On the computer or modem card is a label that contains the FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this device. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.An FCC-compliant telephone line cord with a modular plug is required for use with this device. The modem is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68-compliant. See installation instructions for details.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine the number of devices which may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.If this device causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. The telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of this equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.This equipment cannot be used on telephone company-provided coin service. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission or public service commission for information.When programming or making test calls to emergency numbers:■Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.■Perform such activities in the off-peak hours such as early morning or late evenings.The United States Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains, in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent, an identification of the business, other entity, or other individual sending the message, and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. Refer to your fax communication software documentation for details on how to comply with the fax-branding requirement.
323Regulatory compliance statementswww.gateway.comCanadaIndustry Canada (IC)Intentional emitter per RSS 210Low power, Radio transmitter type devices (radio frequency (RF) wireless communication devices), operating in the 2.4 GHz band and/or 5.15 – 5.35 GHz band, may be present (embedded) in your notebook system. This section is only applicable if these devices are present. Refer to the system label to verify the presence of wireless devices.Wireless devices that may be in your system are only qualified for use in Canada if an Industry Canada ID number is on the system label.This equipment complies with Industry Canada radio frequency electromagnetic signal (RF) exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment of a portable transmitting device Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Warning To prevent radio interference to licensed service or co-channel Mobile Satellite systems, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.Warning Wireless devices are not user serviceable. Do not modify them in any way. Modification to a wireless device will void the authorization to use it. Contact Gateway for service.Warning The transmitting device embedded in this system may not be used with any antenna other than provide with the system.Warning The 802.11A radio LAN your system may have been equipped with operates in the same frequency range as high power radar, which has priority use, and may damage the radio LAN if both are present and being used in the same area.
324Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comUnintentional emitter per ICES-003This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of Industry Canada.Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par Industrie Canada.Telecommunications per Industry Canada CS-03(for products fitted with an IC-compliant modem)The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operation, and safety requirements. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the users’ satisfaction.Before installing this equipment, users should make sure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the inside wiring associated with a single-line individual service may be extended by means of a certified connector assembly. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.Users should make sure, for their own protection, that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.Warning To avoid electrical shock or equipment malfunction do not attempt to make electrical ground connections by yourself. Contact the appropriate inspection authority or an electrician, as appropriate.
325Regulatory compliance statementswww.gateway.comMexicoIntentional emitterLow power, Radio transmitter type devices (radio frequency (RF) wireless communication devices), operating in the 2.4 GHz band, may be present (embedded) in your notebook system. This section is only applicable if these devices are present. Refer to the system label to verify the presence of wireless devices.Wireless devices that may be in your system are only qualified for use in Mexico if a COFETEL ID is on the system label.This equipment complies with radio frequency electromagnetic signal (RF) exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment of a portable transmitting device.Unintentional emitterAt this time there are no mandatory requirements for Unintentional Emitters. However, this device does comply with multiple requirements for other countries and regions as listed on the system label and in the user’s manual.Laser safety statementAll Gateway systems equipped with CD and DVD drives comply with the appropriate safety standards, including IEC 825. The laser devices in these components are classified as “Class 1 Laser Products” under a US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Radiation Performance Standard. Should the unit ever need servicing, contact an authorized service location.California Proposition 65 WarningWarning Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure. To prevent exposure to laser beams, do not try to open the enclosure of a CD or DVD drive.Warning This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or reproductive harm.
326Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Informationwww.gateway.comNoticesCopyright © 2003 Gateway, Inc.All Rights Reserved14303 Gateway PlacePoway, CA 92064 USAAll Rights ReservedThis publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from Gateway.The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. Gateway may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, Gateway is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway Web site at www.gateway.com. In no event will Gateway be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.In the interest of continued product development, Gateway reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.Trademark Acknowledgments1-800-GATEWAY, ActiveCPR, ALR, AnyKey, black-and-white spot design, CrystalScan, Destination, DestiVu, EZ Pad, EZ Point, Field Mouse, Gateway 2000, Gateway Country, gateway.net, Gateway stylized logo, Perfect Scholar, Solo, TelePath, Vivitron, stylized “G” design, and “You’ve got a friend in the business” slogan are registered trademarks and black-and-white spotted box logo, GATEWAY, Gateway Astro, Gateway@Work, Gateway Connected touch pad, Gateway Connected music player, Gateway Cyber:)Ware, Gateway Education:)Ware, Gateway Flex Case, Gateway Gaming:)Ware, Gateway GoBack, Gateway Gold, Gateway Learning:)Ware, Gateway Magazine, Gateway Micro Server, Gateway Money:)Ware, Gateway Music:)Ware, Gateway Networking Solutions, Gateway Online Network (O.N.) solution, Gateway Photo:)Ware, Gateway Professional PCs, Gateway Profile, Gateway Solo, green stylized GATEWAY, green stylized Gateway logo, Gateway Teacher:)Ware, Gateway Video:)Ware, HelpSpot, InforManager, Just click it!, Learn@Gateway, Kids BackPack, SERVE-TO-ORDER, Server Watchdog, the Spotted G Gateway Logo and the Spotted G Logo, SpotShop, Spotshop.com, and Your:)Ware are trademarks of Gateway, Inc. Intel, Intel Inside logo, and Pentium are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Macrovision statementIf your computer has a DVD drive and an analog TV Out port, the following paragraph applies:This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
          327IndexAAC adapterconnecting 19connector 6, 280damaged 19defective 20international adapters 176troubleshooting 306AC-3 digital audio jack 280access point network 216accessoriespurchasing 13safety precautions 317accountsAmerica Online 81ISP 81user 205acoustic handset coupler 186ad hoc networking 218, 219addingicons to desktop 61user accounts 205See also installingaddresse-mail 86Web 84airplane power adapter 13alarms 178, 180America Online 82application key 28, 29arrow keys 28, 29AU file 107audioadjusting volume 31digital jack 280headphone jack 4, 280microphone jack 3, 8, 280muting 31, 102playing 105, 107, 108, 114recording 105streaming 209troubleshooting 308volume down button 31volume up button 31audio CDadding tracks to library 121copying 134creating 130editing track information 120playing with MusicMatch 116See CDaudio filestreaming 209automobile power adapter 13AVI file 107Bbackground 197backing up files 152, 242battery 13alarm options 178, 180alternate power sources 176bay 7, 172changing 172charge indicator 20, 26, 168charge status 168charging 19, 169conserving power 176icons 168installing 172installing secondary 174latch 7managing power 176monitoring charge 168recalibrating 170recharging 19, 169release latch 7safety guidelines 17secondary 2, 174storing 230
328          baysbattery 7, 172CD drive 2, 110diskette drive 110DVD drive 2, 110DVD/CD-RW drive 2, 110DVD-RW/CD-RW drive 2, 110hard drive 7, 273memory 7, 261memory card reader 110module 2, 110second hard drive 2, 110secondary battery 174BIOS Setup utility 170, 188break system key 30brightnessadjusting 192brightness system keys 28, 30, 31broadband Internet connection 49, 80, 208browserWeb 81, 83browsing for files and folders 70buttonsprogramming 201security 303setting functions 295button-tapping 41Ccable lockconvertible tablet PC 3, 5, 278port replicator 284using while traveling 188cable modem 49, 80, 212, 216calibrating 42, 305cameraSee digital cameraSee digital video cameraCaps Lock indicator 27capturing video 158cardsadding memory card 155adding PC Card 258inserting memory card 155inserting PC Card 258installing memory card 155installing PC Card 258memory card slots 3, 154PC Card eject button 259PC Card slot 3reinstalling PC Card 258removing memory card 155removing PC Card 258replacing memory card 155replacing PC Card 258troubleshooting memory card 298troubleshooting PC Card 304care and maintenance 190, 230carrying case 13CD adding tracks to your library 121cleaning 293copying 134, 142creating audio 130, 148creating data 125, 138creating label 152creating music 130, 148editing track information 120inserting 113playing audio with MusicMatch 116playing music 114troubleshooting 291CD Copier 134CD driveSee DVD driveCD-RWSee CDCD-RW driveSee DVD/CD-RW drivecellular telephonememory cards 154Certificate of Authenticity 11changing bay modules 110cleaningaudio CD 293
          329case 244CD 293computer exterior 244computer screen 245DVD 293keyboard 245LCD panel 245mouse 245screen 245clicking 36, 41clipboard 66close button 63closingprogram 63, 78unresponsive program 24window 63, 78colorchanging depth 193changing desktop 197changing number of 193changing scheme 196connectingAC adapter 19camera 156digital camera 156external keyboard 28external monitor 160keyboard 28modem 47port replicator 282printer 49, 225projector 160PS/2 keyboard 281PS/2 mouse 281scanner 49, 225surge protector 21to Ethernet 48to Internet 49, 82to network 48to Web site 84video camera 158connectionsAC-3 digital audio 280audio 3, 280digital audio out 280digital camera 6, 49, 279, 280digital video camera 3, 49, 158, 159diskette drive 6, 49, 279, 280docking 6, 278Ethernet 6, 48, 281external audio 3, 281external speakers 4, 280Firewire 3, 49, 158, 159flash drive 6, 279headphone 4, 280i.Link 3, 49, 158, 159IEEE 1394 3, 49, 158, 159keyboard 6, 279, 280, 281line in 281microphone 3, 8, 280modem 5, 47monitor (VGA) 6, 160, 281mouse 6, 279, 280, 281network 6, 48, 281parallel 281port replicator 6, 278power 6, 19, 280printer 6, 279, 280, 281projector 160PS/2 281PS/2 keyboard 281PS/2 mouse 281S/PDIF 280scanner 6, 49, 279, 280serial 281speaker 4, 280S-Video (TV) out 162, 280Toslink digital audio 280troubleshooting 295USB 6, 49, 279, 280VGA 6, 160, 281video camera 3, 49, 158, 159Zip drive 6, 49, 279, 280copyingCD 134, 142data CD 134, 142
330          data DVD 134, 142files and folders 66, 78music CD 134, 142music tracks 145text and graphics 78copyright notice 326creatingCD label 152data CD 125data DVD 125desktop icons 61desktop shortcuts 61documents 74DVD label 152folders 65movies 158MP3 files 118music CD 130, 148music files 118Customer ServiceAccounting 311Sales 311Warranty 311customizing 191cuttingfiles and folders 66, 78text and graphics 78Ddefault printer 307defragmenting hard drive 240deleting files and folders 60, 68, 69, 78, 237desktopadding icons 61adding shortcuts 61adjusting settings 193changing background 197changing color depth 193changing color scheme 196changing number of colors 193selecting screen saver 199using 59, 60using Start menu 60device driversSee driversdialing codes 186digital audiousing 108digital audio S/PDIF jack 280digital cameraconnecting 156serial port 281USB port 6, 279, 280digital photographyconnecting a digital camera 156using memory card reader 154digital video cameraconnecting 158IEEE 1394 port 3directional keys 29Disk Cleanup 237Disk Defragmenter 240disketteinserting 152troubleshooting 289diskette driveactivity indicator 153eject button 152locating 3replacing drive module 110troubleshooting 289using 152displayadjusting brightness 192brightness 192changing orientation 192changing resolution 195maintaining 230orientation 192, 304properties 160settings 193switching 30troubleshooting 290, 306using 38using screen saver 199
          331Do More With Gateway 53docking port 6, 278docking release latch 278documentationeSupport 55Gateway Web site 55help 52Help and Support 52online help 54documentscreating 74opening 76printing 77saving 75double-clicking 36, 41double-tapping 41downloading files 85dragging 37driversreinstalling 249updating 55, 251drivesbacking up files 242CD 2changing modular drives 110checking for errors 238checking for free space 236defragmenting 240deleting files 237diskette 3, 152DVD 2, 112DVD/CD-RW 2, 112, 125, 136DVD-RW/CD-RW 2, 125hard drive 7, 273identifying drive types 112installing and replacing 110replacing hard drive 273sharing 208troubleshooting 289, 291, 294types 112viewing contents 64viewing files and folders 64DSL modem 49, 80, 212, 216DVDcleaning 293copying 134, 142creating data 125, 138creating label 152inserting 113playing 124, 162troubleshooting 291DVD driveidentifying 112locating 2replacing drive module 110status indicator 25testing 152testing speed 152troubleshooting 291using 112DVD/CD-RW driveidentifying 112locating 2replacing drive module 110status indicator 25testing 152testing speed 152troubleshooting 291using 112, 125, 136DVD-RW/CD-RW drivereplacing drive module 110using 125EEasy CD Creator 125eject buttondiskette drive 153electrostatic discharge (ESD) 260e-mailaddress 86button 33checking for messages 87program 81sending 86transferring settings from old computer 225
332          using 86EmPower power adapter 176Error-checking 238eSupportfinding specifications 12using 55Ethernetconnecting 48jack 6, 48, 281turning wireless Ethernet on or off 220wired network 210, 211wireless network 210, 214external audio jack 281external monitor 6, 30, 281EZ Pad touchpadSee touchpadFfan 6Fast Ethernet 211faxesautomatically canceling 99canceling 97configuring Fax 91failed transmission 98installing Fax 90receiving and viewing 97retrying 98sending 93sending from program 96sending scanned image 96setting up cover page template 95troubleshooting 300filesbacking up 242copying 66, 78cutting 66, 78deleting 60, 68, 78, 237downloading 85finding 70, 71moving 66opening 36, 60pasting 66, 78recovering 68renaming 78searching for 70, 71, 222transferring 187, 222troubleshooting 293types 222viewing list 64Files and Settings Transfer Wizard 222findingfiles and folders 70, 71, 222Help and Support topics 52specifications 12Firewire port 3, 49, 158, 159floppy diskSee disketteFn key 28, 29, 30folderscopying 66, 78creating 65cutting 66, 78deleting 60, 68, 78finding 70, 71moving 66opening 36, 64pasting 66, 78recovering 68renaming 78searching for 70, 71viewing list 64fragmentation 240function keys 28, 29Ggamemulti-player 209GatewayeSupport 12model number 7, 10serial number 11, 12Web address 55Web site 55gateway.your.way dial-up server 300
          333gigabit Ethernet 211Hhard drivebacking up files 242bay 7checking for errors 238checking for free space 236defragmenting 240deleting files and folders 237installing 273replacing 273scanning for errors 238status indicator 25troubleshooting 294, 303headphone jack 4, 280helpbutton 34online 54using 52Help and Supportsearching 52starting 52using 52Help and Support Center 58Hibernate mode 177, 182troubleshooting 306home office network 207hot-swapping 49, 258hyperlinks 83Ii.Link port 3, 49, 158, 159IEEE 1394 port 3, 49, 158, 159IEEE 802.11creating a network 210speed and frequency 215using a network 214using while traveling 187indicatorsSee status indicatorsInkball 58inkjet printer 14installingbattery 172, 174bay modules 110camera 156cards 154, 258device drivers 249devices 49, 288digital camera 49, 156digital video camera 49drivers 249drives 110DVD drive 110DVD/CD-RW drive 110DVD-RW/CD-RW drive 110Fax 90hard drive 273InterVideo DVD player 124memory 261Microsoft Fax 90PC Card 258peripheral devices 49, 225Pinnacle Expression 159printer 49, 225programs 227, 252recordable CD drive 110recordable DVD drive 110scanner 49, 225secondary battery 110, 174Windows 254Internal wireless label 11Internetaccount 81broadband connection 49button 34connecting to 82downloading files 85requirements to access 81sharing access 208transferring settings from old computer 224troubleshooting 295using 80Internet connection
334          sharing 208troubleshooting 295, 299Internet radio 123Internet service provider (ISP)connecting to 82disconnecting from 82setting up account 81transferring settings from old computer 224using 80, 81InterVideo DVD Player 124IRQ conflicts 288ISP See Internet service providerJjacksSee connectionsKKensington cable locklock slot 3, 5, 278port replicator 284using while traveling 188key combinations 30keyboardbuttons 28cleaning 245connecting 28features 28icon 44, 202locating 9PS/2 port 281shortcuts 78troubleshooting 297USB port 6, 279, 280keysapplication 28, 29arrow 28, 29battery status 30Break 30brightness 28, 29, 30, 31directional 29Fn 28, 29, 30function 29LCD brightness 29, 31LCD/CRT 30navigation 28, 29numeric keypad 29Pad Lock 30Pause 30power status 30Scroll Lock 30Standby 30Status 30system 28, 29system key combinations 30toggle display 30volume control 29Windows 28, 29Llabelinternal wireless 11Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity 11model number 7, 10serial number 11wireless networking 11laser printer 14latchbattery 7docking release 278LCD panel release 2pen 7LCD brightness system keys 29LCD panelchanging resolution 195cleaning 245release latch 2switching display 30troubleshooting 290using screen saver 199LCD panel buttonslocating 8LCD/CRT system key 30
          335lightsSee status indicatorsline in jack 281line protector 186line tester 186links 83lockKensington cable 3, 5, 188, 278Mmaintenancebacking up files 242checking for drive errors 238checking hard drive space 236cleaning case 244cleaning component exteriors 244cleaning computer display 245cleaning keyboard 245cleaning mouse 245defragmenting 240deleting files 237display screen 230general guidelines 230, 231pen 231suggested schedule 232using Scheduled Task Wizard 242virus protection 233Max Battery power setting 306maximize button 63Media Player 107, 114memoryadding 261bay 7installing 261purchasing 13removing 262, 265replacing 261troubleshooting 297upgrading 261memory card readerlocating 3memory card types supported 154using 154memory cardsSee cardsmenu bar 63messageschecking e-mail 87sending e-mail 86microphonebuilt-in 105microphone jack 3, 8, 280MicrosoftCertificate of Authenticity 11Fax 89Wordpad 74MIDI file 107minimize button 63model number 10, 188modemcable 49, 80connecting 47connection speed 300DSL 49, 80international adapter 186jack 5, 47protecting from power surge 21troubleshooting 298using 81modular bay 2See also baysmonitoradding an external 160changing resolution 195color quality 161controls 193display properties 160port 6, 281screen resolution 161using screen saver 199mousecleaning 245PS/2 port 281troubleshooting 302USB port 6, 279, 280See also touchpad
336          movingfiles 66files from old computer 221, 222folders 66Internet settings from old computer 224pointer 36screen objects 37settings from old computer 221MP3 filecreating 118editing track information 120playing 107streaming 209MP3 playermemory cards 154MPEG fileSee MP3 filemulti-function buttons 9, 33multimediaadjusting volume 102playing audio CD 114playing DVD 124recording audio 105using diskette drive 152using DVD drive 112using Windows Media Player 107, 114, 124multi-player gameplaying 209musicSee audiomusic librarybuilding 121changing settings 122music trackscopying 145MusicMatchbuilding music library 121changing library settings 122creating MP3 files 118creating music files 118editing track information 120listening to Internet radio 123playing audio CD 116muting sound 31, 102My Computer button 34Nnavigation keys 28, 29Nero Express 136networkjack 6, 48, 281troubleshooting 303network equipment shopping list 213, 217, 219networkingaccess point 216, 217ad hoc 218, 219computers 207data transfer speed 211, 214Ethernet 210, 211games 209internal wireless label 11peer-to-peer 218, 219selecting connection type 210sharing devices 209sharing drives 208sharing Internet connections 208sharing printers 209signal strength 214streaming audio 209streaming video 209turning off wireless Ethernet 220turning on wireless Ethernet 220wired connections 210, 211wireless connections 210, 214non-technical supportAccounting 311Sales 311Warranty 311Norton Antivirus 233NTSC/PAL jack 162numeric keypadstatus indicator 27using 28, 29
          337Oonline helpbutton 34Help and Support 52using 54openingconvertible tablet PC 2documents 76files 36, 60folders 36, 64LCD panel 2programs 36, 60shortcut menu 37operating systemtroubleshooting 303option bayschanging modules 110orientationchanging 192PPad Lockstatus indicator 27, 30system key 30parallel port 49, 281password 188, 304pastingfiles and folders 66, 78text and graphics 78pause text scrolling 30PC CardSee cardsPC Doctor 287PCMCIA cardSee cardsPDAmemory cards 154peer-to-peer networking 218, 219pen 5, 38, 41button 44calibrating 42, 304care 231gestures 43latch 7release latch 7replacing point 231tips 44troubleshooting 304peripheral devices 13, 49troubleshooting 306photographySee digital photographyPinnacle Expression 158playingaudio CD 114audio CD with MusicMatch 116audio file 105, 107DVD 124Media Player file 107multimedia files 107multi-player games 209music CD 114Windows Media Player file 107Plug and Play devicesIEEE 1394 support for 49USB support for 49pointermoving 36port replicatorattaching convertible tablet PC 282docking port 6, 278release latch 278separating convertible tablet PC 283using 13, 277portsSee connectionspowerAC adapter 19, 176advanced settings 178, 181alarms 178, 180battery 24, 168, 169, 170, 172, 176button 4, 30, 178changing modes 177changing schemes 179changing settings 178
338          connector 6, 19, 280conserving battery power 176damaged cord 19, 20EmPower adapter 176extending battery life 176Hibernate mode 177, 182indicator 23, 26international adapter 189management 167, 176schemes 178, 179source problems 21SpeedStep settings 178Standby mode 23, 177Standby/Resume 30status box 30status indicator 23, 26surge protector 21troubleshooting 305, 306turning off convertible tablet PC 23turning on convertible tablet PC 22power adapterairplane 13automobile 13printerdefault 307inkjet 14installing 49, 225laser 14parallel port 281sharing 209troubleshooting 307USB port 6, 279, 280printing documents 77programsclosing 78closing unresponsive 24installing 227, 252opening 36, 60reinstalling 227, 252projectoradding 160color quality 161display properties 160screen resolution 161PS/2 port 281Rradiolistening with MusicMatch 123radio approval authorities 187radio frequency wireless connections 187RAMSee memoryrebooting convertible tablet PC 24recalibrating battery 170recharging battery 169recordable driveidentifying drive 112status indicator 25troubleshooting 291using 112, 125, 136recordingaudio file 105CD tracks 118, 145data CD 125, 138data DVD 125, 138music CD 130, 148recovering files and folders 68Recycle Bindeleting files and folders 68emptying 69recovering files and folders 68using 60re-dialing telephone 98reinstallingdrivers 249peripheral devices 225printer 225programs 227, 252scanner 225software 227, 252Windows 254removing files and folders 60, 68, 69, 78, 237renaming files and folders 78
          339replacingSee installingreset holelocation 7using 24resetting convertible tablet PC 24resolutionchanging 195restarting convertible tablet PC 24Restoration CDs 248restoring files and folders 68right-clicking 37, 41rocker switchchanging settings 204using 36router 212, 213Roxio Easy CD Creator 125SS/PDIF digital audiousing 108S/PDIF digital audio jack 280safetycaring for computer 230general precautions 16, 18, 315guidelines for troubleshooting 286static electricity 260saving documents 75ScanDiskSee Error-checkingscannerinstalling 49, 225USB port 6, 279scanning drivefor errors 238for viruses 233Scheduled Tasks Wizard 242screenadjusting settings 193changing color depth 193changing number of colors 193changing resolution 195resolution 161saver 199troubleshooting 290, 309screen objectsgetting information 37moving 37selecting 36Scroll Lockstatus indicator 27, 30system key 30Search utility 72searchingfor files and folders 70, 71, 72, 222in Help and Support 52security featuresKensington cable lock 3, 5, 278Kensington lock ring 284security while travelling 188serial number 11, 12, 188serial port 49, 281setting upsafety precautions 316sharingdevices 209drives 208Internet connection 208printer 209See also networkingshortcut menusaccessing 37shortcutsadding to desktop 61buttons 34closing programs 78closing windows 78copying 78cutting 78deleting files and folders 78keyboard 78opening menu 37pasting 78renaming files and folders 78selecting adjacent items in list 78selecting items in list 78
340          switching between files, folders, or programs 78shutting down convertible tablet PC 23, 24small office network 208SO-DIMM 261softwareSee programssoundadjusting 31, 102controls 29, 102muting 31, 102troubleshooting 308Sound Recordermaking audio recordings 105playing file 105speakersbuilt-in 4, 5jack 4, 280specifications 12speech recognition 44, 46, 58SpeedStep technology 178Standbytroubleshooting 306Standby mode 23, 30, 177Standby system key 30Start button 60Start menu 60startingconvertible tablet PC 22programs 36, 60startup password 188static electricity 260status indicatorsbattery charge 26, 168Caps Lock 27drive activity 25DVD drive 25DVD/CD-RW drive 25hard drive 25location 6, 8, 9numeric keypad 27, 30Pad Lock 27, 30power 23, 26Scroll Lock 27, 30Sticky Notes 58streaming audio and video 209supportHelp and Support Center 58support toolPC Doctor 287surge protector 21Suspend 30S-Video (TV) out jack 162, 280system identification label 7, 10system keys 28, 29combinations 30TTablet and Pen Settings 58, 200Tablet PC Input Panel 44, 58tapping 41taskbar 60Technical Support 311technical supportautomated troubleshooting 311eSupport 12FaxBack support 311resources 310Technical Support 311tips before contacting 310tutorial service 311telephoneacoustic handset coupler 186automatically canceling fax 99canceling fax 97configuring Fax 91installing Fax 90line protector 186line tester 186receiving and viewing faxes 97retrying fax 98sending fax 93sending faxes from program 96sending scanned image fax 96setting up fax cover page template
          34195using Fax 89telephone support 310televisionplaying DVD on 162TV out jack 162viewing display on 162testingDVD drive 152tipspen 44title bar 63Toslink digital audio jack 280touchpadbuttons 35, 36changing settings 203clicking 36double-clicking 36dragging screen objects 37locating 9moving pointer 35, 36moving screen objects 37opening files, folders, and programs 36opening shortcut menu 37right-clicking 37rocker switch 36selecting screen objects 36trainingCD 313classroom 313Gateway Learning Libraries 313Learn@Gateway 313transferringfiles from Internet 85files from old computer 221, 222Internet settings from old computer 224settings from old computer 221travel tips 185troubleshootingaudio 308automated system 311cleaning CD 293cleaning DVD 293device installation 288diskette drive 289display 290DVD drive 291DVD/CD-RW drive 291Error-checking 238faxed answers 311faxes 300files 293gateway.your.way dial-up server 300general guidelines 287hard drive 294Internet connection 295, 299IRQ conflict 288keyboard 297LCD panel 290memory 297memory card reader 298modem 298mouse 302network 303passwords 304PC Cards 304PC Doctor 287power 305printer 307reinstalling drivers 249safety guidelines 286screen 290, 309screen area 290screen resolution 290sound 308support tool 287technical support 310telephone support 310touchpad 309video 309Web site connection speed 296turning offconvertible tablet PC 23, 24S/PDIF 108
342          wireless Ethernet 220turning onconvertible tablet PC 22S/PDIF 108wireless Ethernet 220tutoringfee-based 312TV out (S-Video out) jack 162Uundocking 283updatingdevice drivers 55Norton AntiVirus 233upgrading 257USB flash drive 13USB port 6, 49, 279, 280user accountsadding 205switching 205VVGA port 6, 160videocapture 158playing 107, 124streaming 209S-Video out jack 280troubleshooting 309video cameraconnecting 158video filestreaming 209virusprotecting against 233removing with Norton AntiVirus 233voice recognition 58volumeadjusting 31, 102adjusting modem 302controls 29, 102muting 31, 102system keys 28, 31troubleshooting 308Wwaking up convertible tablet PC 23WAV file 107Web browserbutton 34using 81, 83Web page 83Web siteconnecting to 84defined 83downloading files 85Gateway 55windowclose button 63closing 63, 78identifying components 62maximize button 63menu bar 63minimize button 63title bar 63Windowsclipboard 66desktop 59Files and Settings Transfer Wizard 222installing 254Product Key Code 11reinstalling 254reinstalling drivers 249Search utility 72updating drivers 251Windows Journal 58Windows key 28, 29Windows Media Player 107, 114, 124Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 58wired Ethernet networkcreating a network 210equipment list 213example 212using 211
          343wireless Ethernetlabel 11using while traveling 187wireless Ethernet networkaccess point equipment list 217access point example 216ad hoc equipment list 219ad hoc example 218creating a network 210peer-to-peer equipment list 219peer-to-peer example 218turning off 220turning on 220using 214Wordpad 74World Wide Web (WWW)downloading files 85using 83writing 38, 44ZZip drivebacking up files 242USB port 6, 279

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