Proxim Wireless MESHMAXMP11R 802.11 a/b/g Access Point User Manual 2 MeshMAX5054Series User Guide

Proxim Wireless Corporation 802.11 a/b/g Access Point 2 MeshMAX5054Series User Guide

Users Manual 2 part 2

Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module149Wireless Interface/Card Trap GroupOperational Trap GrouporiTrapAuthenticationFailure  Client authentication failure has occurred. Authentication failures can range from:• MAC Access Control table• RADIUS MAC authentication• 802.1x authentication specifying the EAP-Type• WORP mutual authentication• SSID authorization failure specifying the SSID• VLAN ID authorization failure specifying the VLAN IDMajororiTrapUnauthorizedManagerDetected Unauthorized manager has attempted to view and/or modify parametersMajororiTrapRADScanComplete RAD scan is successfully completed InformationaloriTrapRADScanResults Provides information on the RAD Scan results InformationaloriTrapRogueScanStationDetected Rogue station detected InformationaloriTrapRogueScanCycleComplete  Rogue scan successfully completed InformationalTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapWLCFailure General failure wireless interface/card failure. CriticaloriTrapWLCRadarInterferenceDetected Radar interference detected on the channel being used by the wireless interfaceMajorMIC Attack Detected Supported in Web interface only MajorMIC Attack Report Detected Supported in Web interface only MajorTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapUnrecoverableSoftwareErrorDetected Unrecoverable software error detected. Causes software watch dog timer to expire, which in turn causes the device to reboot.CriticaloriTrapRADIUSServerNotResponding RADIUS server not responding to authentication requests sent from the RADIUS client in the deviceMajororiTrapModuleNotInitialized Module (hardware or software) not initialized MajororiTrapDeviceRebooting Device rebooting InformationaloriTrapTaskSuspended Task suspended CriticaloriTrapBootPFailed Response to the BootP request not received; device not dynamically assigned an IP addressMajorTrap Name Description Severity Level
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module150Flash Memory Trap GroupTFTP Trap GrouporiTrapDHCPFailed Response to the DHCP client request not received; device not dynamically assigned an IP address MajororiTrapDNSClientLookupFailure  DNS client attempts to resolve a specified hostname (DNS lookup) and a failure occurs because either the DNS server is unreachable or there is an error for the hostname lookup. Trap specifies the hostname that was being resolved.MajororiTrapSSLInitializationFailure SSL initialization failure MajororiTrapWirelessServiceShutdown  Wireless interface has shutdown services for wireless clientsInformationaloriTrapWirelessServiceResumed  Wireless interface has resumed service and is ready for wireless client connectionsInformationaloriTrapSSHInitializationStatus SSH initialization status MajororiTrapVLANIDUserAssignment User is assigned a VLAN ID from the RADIUS serverInformationaloriTrapDHCPLeaseRenewal AP requests DHCP renewal and receives new information from the DHCP server. Information includes the DHCP server IP address that replied to the DHCP client request, and the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address returned from the DHCP server.InformationaloriTrapTemperatureAlert Temperature is above or below acceptable operating margin. CriticalTemperature is within 5°C of upper or lower limit.  MajorTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapFlashMemoryEmpty No data present in flash memory  InformationalFlash Memory Corrupted Flash memory corrupted CriticaloriTrapFlashMemoryRestoringLastKnownGoodConfigurationCurrent/original configuration data file is found to be corrupted, and the device loads the last known good configuration fileInformationalTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapTFTPFailedOperation TFTP operation failed MajororiTrapTFTPOperationInitiated TFTP operation Initiated InformationaloriTrapTFTPOperationCompleted TFTP operation completed InformationalTrap Name Description Severity Level
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module151Image Trap GroupSNTP Trap Group Generic Trap GroupA generic SNMP trap may be sent for any of the following reasons:System Feature/License Group In addition, the AP supports these standard traps, which are always enabled:Trap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapZeroSizeImage Zero size image loaded onto device MajororiTrapInvalidImage Invalid image loaded onto device MajororiTrapImageTooLarge Image loaded on the device exceeds the size limitation of flashMajororiTrapIncompatibleImage Incompatible image loaded onto device MajororiTrapInvalidImageDigitalSignature  Image with invalid digital signature is loaded onto deviceMajorTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapSNTPFailure SNTP time retrieval failure MinororiTrapSNTPFailure SNTP sync-up failure MinorTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapGenericNotification (see following table) Generic SNMP Trap VariableTrap Reason/Type Additional Trap Information Severity LevelMesh Connection Failure Connection failure reason MajorLink Integrity Failure Target IP address of down link MajorTopology Change Ethernet MAC address of Mesh AP causing change; Mesh SSIDInformationalTrap Name Description Severity LeveloriTrapIncompatibleLicenseFile Incompatible license file MajororiTrapInvalidLicenseFile Invalid license file Major
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module152RFC 1215-Trap Bridge MIB (RFC 1493) Alarms All these alarm groups correspond to System Alarms that are displayed in the System Status, including the traps that are sent by the AP to the SNMP managers specified in the Alarm Host Table.Alarm Host TableTo add an entry and enable the AP to send SNMP trap messages to a Trap Host, click Add, and then specify the IP Address and Password for the Trap Host.NOTE: Up to 10 entries are possible in the Alarm Host table.•IP Address: Enter the Trap Host IP Address.•Password: Enter the password in the Password field and the Confirm field. •Comment: Enter an optional comment, such as the alarm (trap) host station name.To edit or delete an entry, click Edit. Edit the information, or select Enable,Disable, or Delete from the Statusdrop-down menu.SyslogThe Syslog messaging system enables the AP to transmit event messages to a central server for monitoring and troubleshooting. The access point logs “Session Start (Log-in)” and “Session Stop (Log-out)” events for each wireless client as an alternative to RADIUS accounting. See RFC 3164 at for more information on the Syslog standard.Trap Name Description Severity LevelcoldStart AP is on or rebooted InformationallinkUp AP's Ethernet interface link is up (working) InformationallinkDown AP's Ethernet interface link is down (not working) InformationalTrap Name Description Severity LevelNew Root AP has become the new root in the Spanning Tree networkInformationaltopologyChange Trap is not sent if a newRoot trap is sent for the same transitionInformational
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module153Figure 6-36 Syslog Configuration ScreenSetting Syslog Event NotificationsSyslog Events are logged according to the level of detail specified by the administrator. Logging only urgent system messages will create a far smaller, more easily read log than a log of every event the system encounters. Determine which events to log by selecting a priority defined by the following scale:   Configuring Syslog Event NotificationsYou can configure the following Syslog settings from the HTTP interface:•Enable Syslog: Place a check mark in the box provided to enable system logging.•Syslog Port Number: This field is read-only and displays the port number (514) assigned for system logging.•Syslog Lowest Priority Logged: The AP will send event messages to the Syslog server that correspond to the selected priority number and any priority numbers below it. For example, if set to 6, the AP will transmit event messages labeled priority 1 to 6 to the Syslog server. This parameter supports a range between 1 and 7; 6 is the default.•Syslog Heartbeat Status: When Heartbeat is enabled, the AP periodically sends a message to the Syslog server to indicate that it is active.Event Priority DescriptionLOG_EMERG 0 System is unusableLOG_ALERT 1 Action must be taken immediatelyLOG_CRIT 2 Critical conditionsLOG_ERR 3 Error conditions LOG_WARNING 4 Warning conditionsLOG_NOTICE 5 Normal but significant conditionLOG_INFO 6 InformationalLOG_DEBUG 7 Debug-level messages
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module154•Syslog Heartbeat Interval: If Syslog Heartbeat Status is enabled this field provides the interval for the heartbeat in seconds (between 1 and 604800). The default is 900 seconds.•Syslog Host Table: This table specifies the IP addresses of a network servers that the AP will send Syslog messages to. Click Add to create a new entry. Click Edit to change an existing entry. Each entry contains the following field:–IP Address: Enter the IP Address for the management host.–Comment: Enter an optional comment such as the host name.–Status: The entry is enabled automatically when saved (so the Status field is only visible when editing an entry). You can also disable or delete entries by changing this field’s value.Syslog MessagesThe following messages are supported in the AP:Syslog Message Name Priority Severity DescriptionAuto Configuration using DHCP 6 Informational Configuration filename and TFTP server address are obtained from DHCP when dynamic IP is configured on the device.Auto Configuration using Static IP 6 Informational Configured TFTP server address and configuration filename is used when Static IP is configured on the device.TFTP Server IP and configuration filename not present in DHCP response4 Minor Configuration filename and/or TFTP server address is not present in the DHCP response when using DHCP.TFTP Server IP Address used in AutoConfig feature6 Informational TFTP server IP address used for AutoConfig.TFTP Server filename used in AutoConfig feature6 Informational TFTP filename used for AutoConfig.Auto Configuration TFTP Download Failure4 Minor TFTP download of a configuration file for AutoConfig fails for the following reasons:• Incorrect or non-reachable TFTP server address• Incorrect or unavailable configuration filename• TFTP transfer timeout.Image Compatibility Check, Invalid Image2 Major One of the following failures occurs:• Invalid Signature• Zero File Size• Large File• Non VxWork Image• Incompatible ImageAP Heartbeat Status 5 Informational AP syslog keep alive message.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module155Client Login Authentication Status6 Informational Client logs in/authenticates. Message includes:• Client MAC Address• Authentication Type = None, ACL, RADIUS MAC, 802.1X• Cipher Type = None, WEP, TKIP, AES• Status = Allow, Deny• SSID to which client is connectingSample Message:<client mac address> | Status = <value> | SSID = <value> | Auth Type = <value> | Cipher Type = <value>Client De-Authentication Status 6 Informational Client de-authenticates. Message includes: • Client MAC Address• Cipher Type = None, WEP, TKIP, AES• Status = De-authentication reason, which can be any of the following:– Unknown reason– Stale authentication information– Authenticated STA leaving BSS– Inactivity– Association error– Class 2 frame received from non-authenticated STA– Class 3 frame received from non-associated STA– Associated STA leaving BSS– STA requesting information, but not yet authenticated– Enhanced security (RSN) required– Enhanced security (RSN) used inconsistently– Invalid Information Element– MIC Failure– WPA module de-auth• SSID to which client was connectedSample Message:<client mac address> | Status = <value> | SSID = <value> | Cipher Type = <value>RADIUS Accounting Start and Stop Messages6 Informational Start and Stop accounting messages for wireless clients.CLI Configuration File Start Execution6 Informational CLI configuration file execution starts.CLI Configuration File End Execution6 Informational CLI configuration file execution ends.Syslog Message Name Priority Severity Description
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module156Rogue ScanThe Rogue Scan feature provides an additional security level for wireless LAN deployments. Rogue Scan uses the selected wireless interface(s) for scanning its coverage area for Access Points and clients.A centralized Network Manager receives MAC address information from the AP on all wireless clients detected by the AP. The Network Manager then queries all wired switches to find out the inbound switch/port of these wireless clients. If the switch/port does not have a valid Access Point connected to it as per a pre-configured database, the Network Manager proceeds to block that switch/port and prevent the Rogue AP from connecting to the wired network.CLI Configuration File Execution Errors4 Minor There is an error in execution of the CLI configuration file. The message specifies the filename, line number, and error reason.SSH Initialization Failure 3 Major One of the following failures occurs:Keys not presentKeys cannot be generatedInternal error (no available resources)SSH Key Generation Successful 6 Informational SSH Key generation is successful.Wireless Service Shutdown 6 Informational Wireless service is shutdown.Wireless Service Resume 6 Informational Wireless service resumes.MIC Attack Occurred 4 Minor MIC attack occurred; wireless interface is shut down for 60 secondsMIC Attack from Wireless Station 4 Minor A MIC attack is detected from a wireless station.SNTP Time Retrieval Failure 4 Minor SNTP Client in the AP fails to retrieve time information from the configured SNTP servers. Also included in message: IP Address of SNTP server.SNTP Time Sync-Up Failure 4 Minor SNTP Client in the AP fails to synchronize the time with the SNTP server it was communicating with. Also included in message: IP Address of SNTP server.Incompatible license file 3 Major Incompatible license file is stored in flash memory during initialization or license file download. Also included in message: incompatibility reason.Invalid license file 3 Major Invalid license file is stored in flash memory during initialization or license file download. The license file is found to be invalid if the signed checksum verification fails.Mesh Connection Failure 3 Major AP fails to connect with an uplink Mesh AP or Mesh portal. Also included in message: uplink Mesh portal/AP MAC address, Mesh SSID, and reason for connection failure.Link Integrity Failure 3 Major Link integrity feature determines that link integrity target is down. Also included in message: Link Integrity target IP address.Topology Change 6  Informational Mesh AP changes its uplink Mesh connection. Also included in message: uplink Mesh AP/portal MAC address and Mesh SSID.Syslog Message Name Priority Severity Description
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module157Figure 6-37 Preventing Rogue AP AttacksThe figure above shows Client 1 connected to a Trusted AP and Client 2 connected to a Rogue AP. The Trusted AP scans the networks, detects Client 2, and notifies the Network Manager. The Network Manager uses SNMP/CLI to query the wired switch to find the inbound switch port of Client 2’s packets. The Network Manager verifies that this switch/router and port does not have a valid Access Point as per the administrator’s database. Thus it labels Client 2’s AP as a Rogue AP and proceeds to prevent the Rogue AP attack by blocking this switch’s port. APs can be detected either by active scanning using 802.11 probe request frames or passively by detecting periodic beacons, or both. Wireless clients are detected by monitoring 802.11 connection establishment messages such as association/authentication messages or data traffic to or from the wireless clients. There are two scanning modes available per wireless interface: continuous scanning mode and background scanning mode. Continuous Scanning ModeThe continuous scanning mode is a dedicated scanning mode where the wireless interface performs scanning alone and does not perform the normal AP operation of servicing client traffic.In continuous scanning mode the AP scans each channel for a channel scan time of one second and then moves to the next channel in the scan channel list. With a channel scan time of one second, the scan cycle time will take less than a minute (one second per channel). Once the entire scan channel list has been scanned the AP restarts scanning from the beginning of the scan channel list.Background Scanning ModeIn background scanning mode the AP performs background scanning while performing normal AP operations on the wireless interface.You can configure the scan cycle time between 1-1440 minutes (24 hours). The scan cycle time indicates how frequently a channel is sampled and defines the minimum attack period that can go unnoticed.In background scanning mode the AP will scan one channel then wait for a time known as channel scan time. The channel scan time affects the amount of data collected during scanning and defines the maximum number of samples (possible detections) in one scan. This is increased to improve scanning efficiency; the tradeoff is that it decreases throughput. The optimum value for this parameter during background scanning mode is 20ms.The channel scan time is calculated from the scan cycle time parameter and the number of channels in the scan channel list as follows: intra-channel scan time = (scan cycle time - (channel scan time * number of channels in the scan list))/number of channels in the scan list.NOTE: If the AP is configured as a Mesh AP, the background scanning interval will be the same as the Mesh scanning interval (20 ms if there is no uplink, or 180 ms if there is an uplink). NOTE: In Background Scanning mode, the Mesh AP may not immediately detect all APs entering the network. To ensure immediate detection of all APs entering the network, select Continuous Scanning mode.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module158Rogue Scan Data CollectionThe AP stores information gathered about detected stations during scanning in a Rogue Scan result table. The Rogue Scan result table can store a maximum of 2000 entries. When the table fills, the oldest entry gets overwritten. The Rogue Scan result table lists the following information about each detected station:• Station Type: indicates one of the following types of station:– Unknown station– AP station– Infrastructure Client Station– IBSS Client Station• MAC Address of the detected station• Channel: the working channel of the detected station• SNR: the SNR value of the last frame from the station as received by the AP• BSSID: the BSSID field stores the:– MAC address of the associated Access Point in the case of a client.– Zero MAC address or MAC address of the partner Access Point if the AP is a partner of a WDS linkThe AP ages out older entries in the Rogue Scan result table if a detected station is inactive for more than the Scan Result Table Ageing Time. Rogue ScanPerform this procedure to enable Rogue Scan on a particular interface or interfaces and define the Scan Interval and Scan Interface. See Figure 6-38.The Rogue Scan screen also displays the number of new access points and clients detected in the last scan on each wireless interface.1. Enable the Security Alarm Group. Select the Security Alarm Group link from the Rogue Scan screen. Configure a Trap Host to receive the list of access points (and clients) detected during the scan.2. Click Configure > Alarms > Rogue Scan.3. Enable Rogue Scan on the wireless interface by checking Enable Rogue Scan.NOTE: Rogue Scan cannot be enabled on a wireless interface when the Wireless Service Status on that interface is shutdown. First, resume service on the wireless interface.NOTE: Enabling Rogue Scan simultaneously with Broadcast Unique Beacon will cause a drift in the beacon interval and the occasional missing of beacons.4. Enter the Scan Mode. Select Background Scanning or Continuous Scanning. In Continuous Scanning mode the AP stops normal operation and scans continuously on that interface. In Background Scanning mode, the AP performs background scanning while doing normal AP operation on that interface.5. If the Scan Mode is Background Scanning, then enter the Scan Interval.• The Scan Interval specifies the time period in minutes between scans in Background Scanning mode and can be set to any value between 1 and 1440 minutes. 6. Configure the Scan Result Table Ageing Time. The AP ages out older entries in the Rogue Scan result table if a detected station is inactive for more than this time. The valid range is from 60-7200 minutes, the default is 60 minutes.7. Configure the Scan Results Trap Notification Mode to control the notification behavior when APs or stations are detected in a scan:• No Notification•Notify AP• Notify Client
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module159• Notify All (Notify both AP and Client detection)8. Configure the Scan Results Trap Report Style to control the way detected stations are reported in the notification:• Report all detected stations since last scan (default)• Report all detected stations since start of scan9. Configure the second wireless interface, if required.10.Click OK.The results of the Rogue Scan can be viewed in the Status page in the HTTP interface.Figure 6-38 Rogue Scan ScreenBridgeThe AP is a bridge between your wired and wireless networking devices. As a bridge, the functions performed by the AP include:• MAC address learning• Forward and filtering decision making• Spanning Tree protocol used for loop avoidance
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module160Once the AP is connected to your network, it learns which devices are connected to it and records their MAC addresses in the Learn Table. The table can hold up to 10,000 entries. To view the Learn Table, click on the Monitor button in the web interface and select the Learn Table tab. The Bridge tab has four sub-tabs:•Spanning Tree•Intra BSS•Packet ForwardingSpanning TreeA Spanning Tree is used to avoid redundant communication loops in networks with multiple bridging devices. Bridges do not have any inherent mechanism to avoid loops, because having redundant systems is a necessity in certain networks. However, redundant systems can cause Broadcast Storms, multiple frame copies, and MAC address table instability problems.Complex network structures can create multiple loops within a network. The Spanning Tree configuration blocks certain ports on AP devices to control the path of communication within the network, avoiding loops and following a spanning tree structure. For more information on Spanning Tree protocol, please see Section 8.0 of the IEEE 802.1d standard. The Spanning Tree configuration options are advanced settings. Proxim recommends that you leave these parameters at their default values unless you are familiar with the Spanning Tree protocol.NOTE: Spanning Tree protocol does not run on Mesh ports.NOTE: Spanning Tree protocol is disabled by default. When WDS is enabled, Spanning Tree protocol is automatically enabled. It may be manually disabled. If Spanning Tree protocol is enabled by WDS and WDS is subsequently disabled, Spanning tree will remain enabled until it is manually disabled.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module161Figure 6-39 Spanning Tree Sub-TabStorm ThresholdStorm Threshold is an advanced Bridge setup option that you can use to protect the network against data overload by:• Specifying a maximum number of frames per second as received from a single network device (identified by its MAC address).• Specifying an absolute maximum number of messages per interface.The Storm Threshold parameters allow you to specify a set of thresholds for each interface of the AP, identifying separate values for the number of broadcast messages/second and Multicast messages/second.When the number of frames for an interface or from a single network device exceeds the maximum value per second, the AP will ignore all subsequent messages in that second received on that interface or from that network device.•Address Threshold: Enter the maximum allowed number of packets per second.•Ethernet Threshold: Enter the maximum allowed number of packets per second.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module162•Wireless Threshold: Enter the maximum allowed number of packets per second.Intra BSSThe wireless clients (or subscribers) that associate with a certain AP form the Basic Service Set (BSS) of a network infrastructure. By default, wireless subscribers in the same BSS can communicate with each other. However, some administrators (such as wireless public spaces) may wish to block traffic between wireless subscribers that are associated with the same AP to prevent unauthorized communication and to conserve bandwidth. This feature enables you to prevent wireless subscribers within a BSS from exchanging traffic.Although this feature is generally enabled in public access environments, Enterprise LAN administrators use it to conserve wireless bandwidth by limiting communication between wireless clients. For example, this feature prevents peer-to-peer file sharing or gaming over the wireless network.To block Intra BSS traffic, set Intra BSS Traffic Operation to Block.To allow Intra BSS traffic, set Intra BSS Traffic Operation to Passthru.Packet ForwardingThe Packet Forwarding feature enables you to redirect traffic generated by wireless clients that are all associated to the same AP to a single MAC address. This filters wireless traffic without burdening the AP and provides additional security by limiting potential destinations or by routing the traffic directly to a firewall. You can redirect to a specific port (Ethernet or WDS) or allow the bridge’s learning process (and the forwarding table entry for the selected MAC address) to determine the optimal port. NOTE: The gateway to which traffic will be redirected should be node on the Ethernet network. It should not be a wireless client.Configuring Interfaces for Packet Forwarding Configure your AP to forward packets by specifying port(s) to which packets are redirected and a destination MAC address. 1. Within the Packet Forwarding Configuration screen, check the box labeled Enable Packet Forwarding.2. Specify a destination Packet Forwarding MAC Address. The AP will redirect all unicast, multicast, and broadcast packets received from wireless clients to the address you specify.3. Select a Packet Forwarding Interface Port from the drop-down menu. You can redirect traffic to:– Ethernet – A WDS connection (see Wireless Distribution System (WDS) for details)– Any (traffic is redirected to a port based on the bridge learning process)4. Click OK to save your changes.QoSWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)/Quality of Service (QoS) IntroductionThe AP supports Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), which is a solution for QoS functionality based on the IEEE 802.11e specification. WMM defines enhancements to the MAC for wireless LAN applications with Quality of Service requirements, which include transport of voice traffic over IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs.The enhancement are in the form of changes in protocol frame formats (addition of new fields and information elements), addition of new messages, definition of new protocol actions, channel access mechanisms (differentiated control of access to medium) and network elements (QoS/WME aware APs, STAs), and configuration management.WME supports Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) for prioritized QoS services. The WME/QoS feature can be enabled or disabled per wireless interface. For more information on QoS, see “Technical Bulletin 69504 Revision 2” at <>.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module163PolicyPerform the following procedure to enable QoS and add QoS policies:1. Click Configure > QoS > Policy.Figure 6-40 QoS Policy Sub-Tab2. To enable QoS, check the Enable Quality of Service checkbox.3. Configure the QoS Maximum Medium Threshold for all Admission Controls. Admission will be granted if the new requested traffic stream and already admitted time is less than the medium maximum threshold.4. To add a QoS Policy, click the Add button in the “QoS Policies Table” box. The Add Entries box appears.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module164Figure 6-41 Add QoS Policy5. Enter the Policy Name.6. Select the Policy Type:•inlayer2: inbound traffic direction, Layer 2 traffic type•inlayer3: inbound traffic direction, Layer 3 traffic type•outlayer2: outbound traffic direction, Layer 2 traffic type•outlayer3: inbound traffic direction, Layer 3 traffic type•spectralink: SpectraLink traffic7. Enter the Priority Mapping Index.For layer 2 policies, an index from the 802.1p to 802.1d mapping table should be specified. For layer 3 policies, an index from the 802.1p to IP DSCP mapping table should be specified. No mapping index is required for SpectraLink.8. Select whether to Enable QoS Marking.9. Click OK.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module165Priority MappingUse this page to configure QoS 802.1p to 802.1d priority mappings (for layer 2 policies) and IP DSCP to 802.1d priority mappings (for layer 3 policies). The first entry in each table contains the recommended priority mappings. Custom entries can be added to each table with different priority mappings.1. Click Configure > QoS > Priority Mapping.Figure 6-42 Priority Mapping2. Click Add in the 802.1p and 802.1d priority mapping table.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module166Figure 6-43 Add Priority Mapping Entry3. Select the 802.1p Priority (from 0-7) for 802.1d Priorities 0-7. 4. Click OK.5. Click Add in the IP Precedence/DSCP ranges and 802.1d Priority table. 6. Select the IP DSCP Range for each 802.1d Priority. 7. Click OK.NOTE: Changes to Priority Mapping require a reboot of the AP to take effect.Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA)WME uses Enhanced Distributed Channel Access, a prioritized CSMA/CA access mechanism used by WME-enabled clients/AP in a WME enabled BSS to realize different classes of differentiated Channel Access.A wireless Entity is defined as all wireless clients and APs in the wireless medium contending for the common wireless medium. EDCA uses a separate channel access function for each of the Access Categories (Index) within a wireless entity. Each channel access function in a wireless entity that contends for the wireless medium as if it were a separate client contending for the wireless medium. Different channel access functions in a given Wireless Entity contend among themselves for access to the wireless medium in addition to contending with other clients.STA EDCA Table and AP EDCA TableThis page is used to configure the client (STA) and AP Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) parameters. You can modify the EDCA values for both Wireless A and Wireless B.The EDCA parameter set provides information needed by the client stations for proper QoS operation during the wireless contention period. These parameters are used by the QoS enabled AP to establish policy, to change policies when accepting new stations or new traffic, or to adapt to changes in the offered load. The EDCA parameters assign priorities to traffic types where higher priority packets gain access to the wireless medium more frequently than lower priority packets.NOTE: Default recommended values for EDCA parameters have been defined; Proxim recommends not modifying EDCA parameters unless strictly necessary.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module167Perform the following procedure to configure the Station and AP EDCA tables.1. Click Configure > QoS > EDCA.Figure 6-44 EDCA Tables2. Click Edit and configure the following parameters in each table:
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module168NOTE: Changes to EDCA parameters require a reboot of the AP to take effect.•Index: read-only. Indicates the index of the Access Category (1-4) being defined:– 1 = Best Effort– 2 = Background–3 = Video–4 = Voice•CWMin: minimum Contention Window. Configurable range is 0 to 255.•CWMax: maximum Contention Window. Configurable range is 0 to 65535.•AIFSN: Arbitration IFS per access category. Configurable range is 2 to 15.•Tx OP Limit: The Transmission Opportunity Limit. The Tx OP is an interval of time during which a particular QoS enhanced client has the right to initiate a frame exchange sequence onto the wireless medium. The Tx OP Limit defines the upper limit placed on the value of Tx OP a wireless entity can obtain for a particular access category. Configurable range is 0 to 65535.•MSDU Lifetime: specifies the maximum elapsed time between a MSDU transfer request and delivery to the destination, beyond which delivery becomes unnecessary. Configurable range is 0 to 500 seconds.•Admission Control Mandatory: Possible values are True or False. Admission control defines if an Access Point accepts or rejects a requested traffic stream with certain QoS specifications, based on available channel capacity and link conditions. Admission control can be configured for each Access Category (Index).On the Policy sub-tab, the user can also configure a medium maximum threshold for all Admission Controls. Admission will be granted if the new requested traffic stream and already admitted time is less than the medium maximum threshold.Radius ProfilesConfiguring Radius Profiles on the AP allows the administrator to define a profile for RADIUS Servers used by the system or by a VLAN. The network administrator can define RADIUS Servers per Authentication Mode and per VLAN.The AP communicates with the RADIUS server defined in a profile to provide the following features:•MAC Access Control Via RADIUS Authentication•802.1x Authentication using RADIUS•RADIUS AccountingAlso, RADIUS Based Management Access allows centralized user management.The network administrator can configure default RADIUS authentication servers to be used on a system-wide basis, or in networks with VLANs enabled the administrator can also configure separate authentication servers to be used for MAC authentication, EAP authentication, or Accounting in each VLAN. You can configure the AP to communicate with up to six different RADIUS servers per VLAN/SSID:• Primary Authentication Server (MAC-based authentication)• Back-up Authentication Server (MAC-based authentication)• Primary Authentication Server (EAP/802.1x authentication)• Back-up Authentication Server (EAP/802.1x authentication)• Primary Accounting Server• Back-up Accounting ServerThe back-up servers are optional, but when configured, the AP will communicate with the back-up server if the primary server is off-line. After the AP has switched to the backup server, it will periodically check the status of the primary RADIUS server every five (5) minutes. Once the primary RADIUS server is again online, the AP automatically reverts from the backup RADIUS server back to the primary RADIUS server. All subsequent requests are then sent to the primary RADIUS server.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module169You can view monitoring statistics for each of the configured RADIUS servers. RADIUS Servers per Authentication Mode and per VLANThe user can configure separate RADIUS authentication servers for each authentication mode and for each SSID (VLAN). For example:• The user can configure separate RADIUS servers for RADIUS MAC authentication and 802.1x authentication• The user can configure separate RADIUS servers for each VLAN: VLAN1 could support only WEP clients, whereas VLAN2 could support 802.1x and WEP clients.Figure 6-45 RADIUS Servers per VLANThis figure shows a network with separate authentication servers for each authentication type and for each VLAN. The clients in VLAN 1 are authenticated using the authentication servers configured for VLAN 1. The type of authentication server used depends on whether the authentication is done for an 802.1x client or a non-802.1x client. The clients in VLAN 2 are authenticated using a different set of authentication servers configured for authenticating users in VLAN 2.Authentication servers for each VLAN are configured as part of the configuration options for that VLAN. RADIUS profiles are independent of VLANs. The user can define any profile to be the default and associate all VLANs to that profile. Four profiles are created by default, “MAC Authentication”, “EAP Authentication”, Accounting”, and “Management”.RADIUS Servers Enforcing VLAN Access Control A RADIUS server can be used to enforce VLAN access control in two ways: • Authorize the SSID the client uses to connect to the AP. The SSID determines the VLAN that the client gets assigned to.• Assigning the user to a VLAN by specifying the VLAN membership information of the user.Configuring Radius ProfilesA RADIUS server Profile consists of a Primary and a Secondary RADIUS server that get assigned to act as either MAC Authentication servers, 802.1x/EAP Authentication servers, or Accounting Servers in the VLAN Configuration. See Configuring Security Profiles.The RADIUS Profiles tab allows you to add new RADIUS profiles or modify or delete existing profiles.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module170Figure 6-46 RADIUS Server ProfilesAdding or Modifying a RADIUS Server ProfilePerform the following procedure to add a RADIUS server profile and to configure its parameters.1. Click Add to create a new profile. To Modify an existing profile, select the profile and click Edit. To delete an existing profile, select the profile and click Delete. You cannot delete a RADIUS server profile if it is applied to an SSID.2. Configure the following parameters for the RADIUS Server profile (see Figure 6-47):NOTE: This page configures only the Primary RADIUS Server associated with the profile. After configuring these parameters, save them by clicking OK. Then, to configure the Secondary RADIUS Server, edit the profile from the main page.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module171Figure 6-47 Add RADIUS Server Profile•Server Profile Name: the profile name. This is the name used to associated a VLAN to the profile. See Configuring Security Profiles. The Server Profile Name is also used in the Configure > Management > Services page to specify the RADIUS profile to be used for RADIUS Based Management Access.•MAC Address Format Type: This parameter should correspond to the format in which the clients’ 12-digit MAC addresses are listed within the RADIUS server and the way passwords are sent to the RADIUS server. Available options are:– Dash delimited/SS: MAC addresses are formatted with a dash between each pair of digits (xx-yy-zz-aa-bb), and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the shared secret (configured below).– Colon delimited/SS: MAC addresses are formatted with a colon between each pair of digits (xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the shared secret (configured below).– Single dash delimited/SS: MAC addresses are formatted with a dash between the sixth and seventh digits (xxyyzz-aabbcc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the shared secret (configured below).– No delimiters/SS: MAC addresses are formatted with no characters or spaces between pairs of hexadecimal digits (xxyyzzaabbcc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the shared secret (configured below).– Dash delimited/MAC: MAC addresses are formatted with a dash between each pair of digits (xx-yy-zz-aa-bb), and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the MAC address of the client.– Colon delimited/MAC: MAC addresses are formatted with a colon between each pair of digits (xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the MAC address of the client.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module172– Single dash delimited/MAC: MAC addresses are formatted with a dash between the sixth and seventh digits (xxyyzz-aabbcc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the MAC address of the client.– No delimiters/MAC: MAC addresses are formatted with no characters or spaces between pairs of hexadecimal digits (xxyyzzaabbcc) and the password sent to the RADIUS server is the MAC address of the client.•Accounting update interval: Enter the time interval (in minutes) for sending Accounting Update messages to the RADIUS server. A value of 0 (default) means that the AP will not send Accounting Update messages.•Accounting inactivity timer: Enter the accounting inactivity timer. This parameter supports a value from 1-60 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.•Authorization lifetime: Enter the time, in seconds, each client session may be active before being automatically re-authenticated. This parameter supports a value between 900 and 43200 seconds. The default is 0 (disabled).•Server Addressing Format: select IP Address or Name. If you want to identify RADIUS servers by name, you must configure the AP as a DNS Client. See DNS Client for details.•Server Name/IP Address: Enter the server’s name or IP address.•Destination Port: Enter the port number which the AP and the server will use to communicate. By default, RADIUS servers communicate on port 1812.•Server VLAN ID: Indicates the VLAN that uses this RADIUS server profile. If VLAN is disabled, this field will be grayed out.•Shared Secret and Confirm Shared Secret: Enter the password shared by the RADIUS server and the AP. The same password must also be configured on the RADIUS server. The default password is “public.”•Response Time (seconds): Enter the maximum time, in seconds, that the AP should wait for the RADIUS server to respond to a request. The range is 1-10 seconds; the default is 3 seconds.•Maximum Retransmissions (0-4): Enter the maximum number of times an authentication request may be transmitted. The range is 0 to 4, the default is 3.•Server Status: Select Enable from the drop-down box to enable the RADIUS Server Profile.3. Click OK.4. Select the Profile and click Edit to configure the Secondary RADIUS Server, if required.MAC Access Control Via RADIUS AuthenticationIf you want to control wireless access to the network and if your network includes a RADIUS Server, you can store the list of MAC addresses on the RADIUS server rather than configure each AP individually. You can define a RADIUS Profile that specifies the IP Address of the server that contains a central list of MAC Address values identifying the authorized stations that may access the wireless network. You must specify information for at least the primary RADIUS server. The back-up RADIUS server is optional.NOTE: Each VLAN can be configured to use a separate RADIUS server (and backup server) for MAC authentication. MAC access control can be separately enabled for each VLAN.NOTE: Contact your RADIUS server manufacturer if you have problems configuring the server or have problems using RADIUS authentication.802.1x Authentication using RADIUSYou must configure a primary EAP/802.1x Authentication server to use 802.1x security. A back-up server is optional.NOTE: Each VLAN can be configured to use a separate RADIUS server (and backup server) for 802.1x authentication. 802.1x authentication (“EAP authentication”) can be separately enabled for each VLAN.RADIUS AccountingUsing an external RADIUS server, the AP can track and record the length of client sessions on the access point by sending RADIUS accounting messages per RFC2866. When a wireless client is successfully authenticated, RADIUS
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module173accounting is initiated by sending an “Accounting Start” request to the RADIUS server. When the wireless client session ends, an “Accounting Stop” request is sent to the RADIUS server.NOTE: Each VLAN can be configured to use a separate RADIUS accounting server (and backup accounting server).Session LengthAccounting sessions continue when a client reauthenticates to the same AP. Sessions are terminated when:• A client disassociates.• A client does not transmit any data to the AP for a fixed amount of time. • A client is detected on a different interface. • Idle-Timeout or Session-Timeout attributes are configured in the Radius server.If the client roams from one AP to another, one session is terminated and a new session is begun.NOTE: This feature requires RADIUS authentication using MAC Access Control or 802.1x. Wireless clients configured in the Access Point’s static MAC Access Control list are not tracked.Authentication and Accounting AttributesAdditionally, the AP supports a number of Authentication and Accounting Attributes defined in RFC2865, RFC2866, RFC2869, and RFC3580.Authentication Attributes• State: Received in Access-Accept Packet by the AP during Authentication and sent back as-is during Re-Authentication.• Class: Received in Access-Accept Packet by the AP during Authentication and back as in Accounting Packets.• Session-Timeout– If the RADIUS server does not send a Session-Timeout, the AP will set the subscriber expiration time to 0, which means indefinite access. – The Termination Action attribute defines how the Session-Timeout attribute will be interpreted. If the Termination Action is DEFAULT, then the session is terminated on expiration of the Session-Timeout time interval. If Termination Action is RADIUS-Request, then re-authentication is done on expiration on the session.– If the RADIUS server sends a Session-Timeout, the value specified by the Session-Timeout attribute will take precedence over the configured Authorization Lifetime value.• Termination-Action– Valid values are: Default (0), RADIUS-Request (1). When the value is “default,” the Termination-Action attribute sends an accounting stop message and then reauthenticates. If the value is “RADIUS-Request,” the Termination-Action attribute reauthenticates without sending an accounting stop.• Idle Timeout– The AP internally maintains the Idle-Timeout attribute obtained for each of the users during their authentication process, and uses this time interval in place of accounting inactivity time for timing out clients.• Calling Station Id– MAC address of the client being authenticated.• Called Station Id– The AP sends the MAC address of its own wireless interface with which the client getting authenticated is getting associated, appended with the SSID. If VLAN is enabled, the SSID and corresponding VLAN ID get appended.• Acct-Interim-Interval– Obtained during the Authentication process and used for determining the time interval for sending Accounting Update messages.– This attribute value takes precedence over the value of the Accounting Update Interval.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module174Accounting Attributes• Acct-Delay-Time– Indicates how many seconds the AP has been trying to send a particular packet related to a particular user. This time can be used at the server to determine the approximate time of the event generating this accounting request.• Acct-Session-Id– Unique accounting ID that aids in tracking client accounting records. This attribute is sent in Start and Stop RADIUS accounting messages, and contains the client MAC address appended with the unique session ID.•Acct-Session-Time– Acct-Session-Time is calculated the following way (for each transmitted/retransmitted Acct-Stop): Acct-Session-Time = time of last sent packet - subscriber login time.• Acct-Input-Octets– Number of octets (bytes) received by subscriber.• Acct-Output-Octets– Number of octets (bytes) sent by subscriber.• Acct-Input-Packets– Number of packets received by subscriber.• Acct-Output-Packets– Number of packets sent by subscriber.• Acct-Terminate Cause– Indicates how the session was terminated.• Vendor Specific AttributesSSID/VLAN/SecurityThe AP provides several security features to protect your network from unauthorized access. This section gives an overview of VLANs and then discusses the SSID/VLAN/Security configuration options in the AP:•VLAN Overview•Management VLAN•Security Profile•MAC Access•Wireless-A or Wireless-BThe AP also provides Broadcast Unique Beacon/Closed System and Rogue Scan to protect your network from unauthorized access. See the Wireless-A or Wireless-B and Rogue Scan sections from more information.VLAN OverviewVirtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) are logical groupings of network hosts. Defined by software settings, other VLAN members or resources appear (to clients) to be on the same physical segment, no matter where they are attached on the logical LAN or WAN segment. They simplify traffic flow between clients and their frequently-used or restricted resources. VLANs now extend as far as the reach of the access point signal. Clients can be segmented into wireless sub-networks via SSID and VLAN assignment. A Client can access the network by connecting to an AP configured to support its assigned SSID/VLAN.AP devices are fully VLAN-ready; however, by default VLAN support is disabled. Before enabling VLAN support, certain network settings should be configured, and network resources such as a VLAN-aware switch, a RADIUS server, and possibly a DHCP server should be available.Once enabled, VLANs are used to conveniently, efficiently, and easily manage your network in the following ways:
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module175• Manage adds, moves, and changes from a single point of contact• Define and monitor groups• Reduce broadcast and multicast traffic to unnecessary destinations– Improve network performance and reduce latency• Increase security– Secure network restricts members to resources on their own VLAN– Clients roam without compromising securityVLAN tagged data is collected and distributed through an AP's wireless interface(s) based on Network Name (SSID). An Ethernet port on the access point connects a wireless cell or network to a wired backbone. The access points communicate across a VLAN-capable switch that analyzes VLAN-tagged packet headers and directs traffic to the appropriate ports. On the wired network, a RADIUS server authenticates traffic and a DHCP server manages IP addresses for the VLAN(s). Resources like servers and printers may be present, and a hub may include multiple APs, extending the network over a larger area.Figure 6-48 Components of a Typical VLANVLAN Workgroups and Traffic ManagementAccess Points that are not VLAN-capable typically transmit broadcast and multicast traffic to all wireless Network Interface Cards (NICs). This process wastes wireless bandwidth and degrades throughput performance. In comparison, a VLAN-capable AP is designed to efficiently manage delivery of broadcast, multicast, and unicast traffic to wireless clients. The AP assigns clients to a VLAN based on a Network Name (SSID). The AP can support up to 16 SSIDs per radio, with a unique VLAN configurable per SSID.The AP matches packets transmitted or received to a network name with the associated VLAN. Traffic received by a VLAN is only sent on the wireless interface associated with that same VLAN. This eliminates unnecessary traffic on the wireless LAN, conserving bandwidth and maximizing throughput.In addition to enhancing wireless traffic management, the VLAN-capable AP supports easy assignment of wireless users to workgroups. In a typical scenario, each user VLAN represents a workgroup; for example, one VLAN could be used for an EMPLOYEE workgroup and the other for a GUEST workgroup.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module176In this scenario, the AP would assign every packet it accepted to a VLAN. Each packet would then be identified as EMPLOYEE or GUEST, depending on which wireless NIC received it. The AP would insert VLAN headers or “tags” with identifiers into the packets transmitted on the wired backbone to a network switch. Finally, the switch would be configured to route packets from the EMPLOYEE workgroup to the appropriate corporate resources such as printers and servers. Packets from the GUEST workgroup could be restricted to a gateway that allowed access to only the Internet. A member of the GUEST workgroup could send and receive e-mail and access the Internet, but would be prevented from accessing servers or hosts on the local corporate network.Typical User VLAN ConfigurationsVLANs segment network traffic into workgroups, which enable you to limit broadcast and multicast traffic. Workgroups enable clients from different VLANs to access different resources using the same network infrastructure. Clients using the same physical network are limited to those resources available to their workgroup. The AP can segment users into a maximum of 16 different workgroups per radio, based on an SSID/VLAN grouping (also referred as a VLAN Workgroup or a Sub-network).NOTE: VLAN must be enabled to configure security per SSID.Management VLANFigure 6-49 Mgmt VLANVLAN Tagging ManagementControl Access to the APManagement access to the AP can easily be secured by making management stations or hosts and the AP itself members of a common VLAN. Simply configure a non-zero management VLAN ID and enable VLAN to restrict management of the AP to members of the same VLAN. CAUTION: If a non-zero management VLAN ID is configured then management access to the AP is restricted to wired or wireless hosts that are members of the same VLAN. Ensure your management platform or host is a member of the same VLAN before attempting to manage the AP.NOTE: When VLAN is enabled, ensure that all devices in the network share the same VLAN ID.1. Click Configure > SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module1772. Set the VLAN Management ID to a value of between 1 and 4094. (A value of -1 disables VLAN Tagging).3. Place a check mark in the Enable VLAN Tagging box.Provide Access to a Wireless Host in the Same WorkgroupThe VLAN feature can allow wireless clients to manage the AP. If the VLAN Management ID matches a VLAN User ID, then those wireless clients who are members of that VLAN will have AP management access.CAUTION: Once a VLAN Management ID is configured and is equivalent to one of the VLAN User IDs on the AP, all members of that User VLAN will have management access to the AP. Be careful to restrict VLAN membership to those with legitimate access to the AP.NOTE: When VLAN is enabled, ensure that all devices in the network share the same VLAN ID.1. Click Configure > SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN.2. Set the VLAN Management ID to use the same VLAN ID as one of the configured SSIDs. 3. Place a check mark in the Enable VLAN Tagging box.Disable VLAN Tagging1. Click Configure > SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN.2. Remove the check mark from the Enable VLAN Tagging box (to disable all VLAN functionality) or set the VLANManagement ID to -1 (to disable VLAN Tagging only).NOTE: If you disable VLAN Tagging, you will be unable to configure security per SSID.Security ProfileSee the following sections:•Security Features•Authentication Protocol Hierarchy•VLANs and Security Profiles•Configuring Security ProfilesSecurity FeaturesThe AP supports the following security features:•WEP Encryption: The original encryption technique specified by the IEEE 802.11 standard.•802.1x Authentication: An IEEE standard for client authentication.•Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/802.11i [WPA2]): A new standard that provides improved encryption security over WEP.NOTE: The AP does not support shared key 802.11 MAC level authentication. Clients with this MAC level feature must disable it.WEP EncryptionThe IEEE 802.11 standards specify an optional encryption feature, known as Wired Equivalent Privacy or WEP, that is designed to provide a wireless LAN with a security level equal to what is found on a wired Ethernet network. WEP encrypts the data portion of each packet exchanged on an 802.11 network using an Encryption Key (also known as a WEP Key).When Encryption is enabled, two 802.11 devices must have the same Encryption Keys and both devices must be configured to use Encryption in order to communicate. If one device is configured to use Encryption but a second device is not, then the two devices will not communicate, even if both devices have the same Encryption Keys.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module178802.1x AuthenticationIEEE 802.1x is a standard that provides a means to authenticate and authorize network devices attached to a LAN port. A port in the context of IEEE 802.1x is a point of attachment to the LAN, either a physical Ethernet connection or a wireless link to an Access Point. 802.1x requires a RADIUS server and uses the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) as a standards-based authentication framework, and supports automatic key distribution for enhanced security. The EAP-based authentication framework can easily be upgraded to keep pace with future EAP types.Popular EAP types include:• EAP-Message Digest 5 (MD5): Username/Password-based authentication; does not support automatic key distribution• EAP-Transport Layer Security (TLS): Certificate-based authentication (a certificate is required on the server and each client); supports automatic key distribution• EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (TTLS): Certificate-based authentication (a certificate is required on the server; a client’s username/password is tunneled to the server over a secure connection); supports automatic key distribution• PEAP - Protected EAP with MS-CHAP: Secure username/password-based authentication; supports automatic key distributionDifferent servers support different EAP types and each EAP type provides different features. See the documentation that came with your RADIUS server to determine which EAP types it supports.NOTE: The AP supports the following EAP types when Security Mode is set to 802.1x, WPA, or 802.11i (WPA2): EAP-TLS, PEAP, EAP-TTLS, EAP-MD5, and EAP-SIM.Authentication ProcessThere are three main components in the authentication process. The standard refers to them as:1. Supplicant (client PC)2. Authenticator (Access Point)3. Authentication server (RADIUS server)When the Security Mode is set to 802.1x Station, WPA Station, or 802.11i Station you need to configure your RADIUS server for authentication purposes.Prior to successful authentication, an unauthenticated client PC cannot send any data traffic through the AP device to other systems on the LAN. The AP inhibits all data traffic from a particular client PC until the client PC is authenticated. Regardless of its authentication status, a client PC can always exchange 802.1x messages in the clear with the AP (the client begins encrypting data after it has been authenticated).Figure 6-50 RADIUS Authentication IllustratedThe AP acts as a pass-through device to facilitate communications between the client PC and the RADIUS server. The AP (2) and the client (1) exchange 802.1x messages using an EAPOL (EAP Over LAN) protocol (A). Messages sent from the client station are encapsulated by the AP and transmitted to the RADIUS (3) server using EAP extensions (B).Upon receiving a reply EAP packet from the RADIUS, the message is typically forwarded to the client, after translating it back to the EAPOL format. Negotiations take place between the client and the RADIUS server. After the client has been
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module179successfully authenticated, the client receives an Encryption Key from the AP (if the EAP type supports automatic key distribution). The client uses this key to encrypt data after it has been authenticated. For 802.11a, 4.9 GHz, and 802.11b/g clients that communicate with an AP, each client receives its own unique encryption key; this is known as Per User Per Session Encryption Keys.Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/802.11i [WPA2])Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security standard designed by the Wi-Fi Alliance in conjunction with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The AP supports 802.11i (WPA2), based on the IEEE 802.11i security standard.WPA is a replacement for Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), the encryption technique specified by the original 802.11 standard. WEP has several vulnerabilities that have been widely publicized. WPA addresses these weaknesses and provides a stronger security system to protect wireless networks.WPA provides the following new security measures not available with WEP:• Improved packet encryption using the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and the Michael Message Integrity Check (MIC).• Per-user, per-session dynamic encryption keys:– Each client uses a different key to encrypt and decrypt unicast packets exchanged with the AP– A client's key is different for every session; it changes each time the client associates with an AP– The AP uses a single global key to encrypt broadcast packets that are sent to all clients simultaneously– Encryption keys change periodically based on the Re-keying Interval parameter– WPA uses 128-bit encryption keys• Dynamic Key distribution– The AP generates and maintains the keys for its clients– The AP securely delivers the appropriate keys to its clients• Client/server mutual authentication–802.1x– Pre-shared key (for networks that do not have an 802.1x solution implemented)The AP supports the following WPA security modes:•WPA: The AP uses 802.1x to authenticate clients and TKIP for encryption. You should only use an EAP that supports mutual authentication and session key generation, such as EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and PEAP. See 802.1x Authentication for details.•WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key): For networks that do not have 802.1x implemented, you can configure the AP to authenticate clients based on a Pre-Shared Key. This is a shared secret that is manually configured on the AP and each of its clients. The Pre-Shared Key must be 256 bits long, which is either 64 hexadecimal digits or 32 alphanumeric characters. The AP also supports a PSK Pass Phrase option to facilitate the creation of the TKIP Pre-Shared Key (so a user can enter an easy-to-remember phrase rather than a string of characters). •802.11i (also known as WPA2): The AP provides security to clients according to the 802.11i draft standard, using 802.1x authentication, a CCMP cipher based on AES, and re-keying.•802.11i-PSK (also known as WPA2 PSK): The AP uses a CCMP cipher based on AES, and encrypts frames to clients based on a Pre-Shared Key. The Pre-Shared Key must be 256 bits long, which is either 64 hexadecimal digits or 32 alphanumeric characters. The AP also supports a PSK Pass Phrase option to facilitate the creation of the Pre-Shared Key (so a user can enter an easy-to-remember phrase rather than a string of characters).NOTE: For more information on WPA, see the Wi-Fi Alliance Web site at Protocol HierarchyThere is a hierarchy of authentication protocols defined for the AP. The hierarchy is as follows, from highest to lowest:
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module180• 802.1x authentication (including 802.1x, WPA, WPA-PSK, 802.11i, 802.11i-PSK)• MAC Access Control via RADIUS Authentication• MAC Access Control through individual APs' MAC Access Control ListsIf you have both 802.1x and MAC Access Control authentication enabled, the 802.1x authentication takes precedence because it is higher in the authentication protocol hierarchy. This is required in order to propagate the WEP/TKIP/AES keys to the clients in such cases. If you disable 802.1x on the AP, you will see the effects of MAC authentication.In addition, setting MAC Access Control status to Strict will cause both MAC ACL settings and 802.1x settings to be applied. For example, assume that the MAC Access Control List contains MAC addresses to block, and that WPA-PSK is configured to allow access to clients with the appropriate PSK Passphrase. • If the MAC ACL status is set to Enable, WPA-PSK will take precedence, and clients in the MAC ACL with the correct PSK passphrase will be allowed. Only the WPA-PSK setting is taken into consideration. • If the MAC ACL status is set to Strict, then clients in the MAC ACL will be blocked even if they have the correct PSK passphrase. Clients will only be allowed if they have the correct passphrase and are NOT listed in the MAC ACL. In this way, both MAC and WPA-PSK settings are taken into consideration.VLANs and Security ProfilesThe AP allows you to segment wireless networks into multiple sub-networks based on Network Name (SSID) and VLAN membership. A Network Name (SSID) identifies a wireless network. Clients associate with Access Points that share an SSID. During installation, the Setup Wizard prompts you to configure a Primary Network Name for each wireless interface. After initial setup and once VLAN is enabled, the AP can be configured to support up to 16 SSIDs per wireless interface to segment wireless networks based on VLAN membership. Each VLAN can associated to a Security Profile and RADIUS Server Profiles. A Security Profile defines the allowed wireless clients, and authentication and encryption types. See the following sections for configuration details.Configuring Security ProfilesSecurity policies can be configured and applied on the AP as a whole, or on a per VLAN basis. When VLAN is disabled on the AP, the user can configure a security profile for each interface of the AP. When VLANs are enabled and Security per SSID is enabled, the user can configure a security profile for each VLAN.The user defines a security policy by specifying one or more values for the following parameters:• Wireless STA types (WPA station, 802.11i (WPA2) station, 802.1x station, WEP station, WPA-PSK, and 802.11i-PSK) that can associate to the AP.• Authentication mechanisms (802.1x, RADIUS MAC authentication) that are used to authenticate clients for each type of station.• Cipher Suites (CCMP, TKIP, WEP, None) used for encapsulating the wireless data for each type of station.Up to 16 security profiles can be configured per wireless interface.NOTE: Mesh security is configured on the Mesh tab.1. Click Configure > SSID/VLAN/Security > Security Profile.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module181Figure 6-51 Security Profile Configuration2. Click Add in the Security Profile Table to create a new entry. To modify an existing profile, select the profile and click Edit. To delete an existing profile, select the profile and click Delete. You cannot delete a Security Profile used in an SSID. Also, the first Security Profile cannot be deleted.3. Configure one or more types of wireless stations (security modes) that are allowed access to the AP under the security profile. The WEP/PSK parameters are separately configurable for each security mode. To enable a security mode in the profile (Non Secure Station, WEP Station, 802.1x Station, WPA Station, WPA-PSK Station, 802.11i (WPA2) Station, 802.11i-PSK Station), check the box next to the mode. See Figure 6-52.If the security mode selected in a profile is WEP, WPA-PSK, or 802.11i-PSK, then you must configure the WEP or Pre-Shared Keys.NOTE: If an 802.1x client that has already been authenticated attempts to switch to WEP, or if a WEP client that has already been connected attempts to switch to 802.1x, the AP will not allow the client to switch immediately. If this happens, either reboot the AP or disable the client/roam to a new AP for five minutes, and then attempt to reconnect to the AP. If the client is still unable to connect after waiting five minutes, reboot the AP.4. Configure the parameters as follows for each enabled security mode. See Figure 6-52.•Non Secure Station:• Authentication Mode: None. The AP allows access to Stations without authentication.— Non secure station should be used only with WEP or 802.1x security mode.• Cipher: None•WEP Station:• Authentication Mode: None• Cipher: WEP• Encryption Key 0, Encryption Key 1, Encryption Key 2, Encryption Key 3NOTE: When VLAN tagging is enabled, only Key 0 can be configured.• Encryption Key Length: 64, 128, or 152 Bits.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module182— For 64-bit encryption, an encryption key is 10 hexadecimal characters (0-9 and A-F) or 5 ASCII characters (see ASCII Chart for Mesh and Access Point Module).— For 128-bit encryption, an encryption key is 26 hexadecimal characters or 13 ASCII characters.— For 152-bit encryption, an encryption key is 32 hexadecimal characters or 16 ASCII characters.• Encryption Transmit Key: select Key 0, Key 1, Key 2, or Key 3NOTE: When VLAN tagging is enabled, only Key 0 can be configured.•802.1x Station:• Authentication Mode: 802.1x• Cipher: WEP• Encryption Key Length: 64 or 128 Bits. — If 802.1x is enabled simultaneously with WEP, the 802.1x Station’s encryption key length is determined by the WEP encryption key. •WPA Station:• Authentication Mode: 802.1x• Cipher: TKIP•WPA-PSK Station:• Authentication Mode: PSK• Cipher: TKIP• PSK Passphrase: an 8-63 character user-defined phrase. It is recommended a passphrase of at least 13 characters, including both letters and numbers, and upper and lower case characters, be used to ensure that the generated key cannot be easily deciphered by network infiltrators.•802.11i Station:• Authentication Mode: 802.1x• Cipher: CCMP based on AES•802.11i-PSK Station:• Authentication Mode: PSK• Cipher: CCMP based on AES• PSK Passphrase: an 8-63 character user-defined phrase. It is recommended a passphrase of at least 13 characters, including both letters and numbers, and upper and lower case characters, to ensure that the generated key cannot be easily deciphered by network infiltrators.5. When finished configuring all parameters, click OK.6. If you selected a Security Mode of 802.1x Station, WPA Station, or 802.11i Station, you must configure a RADIUS 802.1x/EAP server. Security Profile 1 will be used by default for all wireless interfaces.7. Reboot the AP.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module183Figure 6-52 Security Profile Table - Add Entries
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module184MAC AccessThe MAC Access sub-tab allows you to build a list of stations, identified by their MAC addresses, authorized to access the network through the AP. The list is stored inside each AP within your network. Note that you must reboot the AP for any changes to the MAC Access Control Table to take effect. Up to 1000 entries can be made in the table.The “MAC ACL Status” parameter (configurable on the SSID/VLAN/Security > Wireless A or B sub-tab) is per VLAN if VLAN Management is enabled. All other parameters besides “MAC ACL Status” are configured per AP, even if VLAN is enabled.The following list details the configurable MAC Access parameters.NOTE: MAC Access Control status is controlled on the SSID/VLAN/Security > Wireless A or B sub-tab. When set to Strict, changes to the MAC ACL table will take effect immediately, without a unit reboot. When not set to Strict, changes will not take effect until the unit is rebooted. •Operation Type: Choose between Passthru and Block. This determines how the stations identified in the MAC Access Control Table are filtered.– If set to Passthru, only the addresses listed in the Control Table will pass through the bridge. – If set to Block, the bridge will block traffic to or from the addresses listed in the Control Table.•MAC Access Control Table: Click Add to create a new entry. Click Edit to change an existing entry. Each entry contains the following field:–MAC Address: Enter the wireless client’s MAC address.–Comment: Enter an optional comment such as the client’s name.–Status: The entry is enabled automatically when saved (so the Status field is only visible when editing an entry). You can also disable or delete entries by changing this field’s value.NOTE: For larger networks that include multiple Access Points, you may prefer to maintain this list on a centralized location using the MAC Access Control Via RADIUS Authentication.Figure 6-53 MAC Access Configuration Screen
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module185Wireless-A or Wireless-BEach SSID can have its own Security Profile that defines its security mode, authentication mechanism, and encryption, so that customers can have multiple types of clients (non-WEP, WEP, 802.1x, WPA, WPA-PSK, 802.11i, 802.11i-PSK) on the same system separated per VLAN. See the Security Profile section for more information. Each SSID can support a unique VLAN. In order for the AP to support multiple SSID/VLANs, VLAN Tagging must be enabled. These parameters are configurable on the Wireless-A and Wireless-B screens.Configuring an SSID/VLAN with VLAN Tagging DisabledWith VLAN tagging disabled (from the SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN tab), only one SSID can be configured per interface. All parameters set on the Wireless-A or Wireless-B tab will be applied to that SSID.1. Click SSID/VLAN/Security > Wireless-A or Wireless-B.The SSID, VLAN, and Security Configuration page is displayed. Figure 6-54 SSID, VLAN, and Security Configuration (VLAN Tagging Disabled)2. Enable or disable RADIUS accounting on the VLAN/SSID by selecting Enable or Disable from the Accounting Status drop-down menu.3. Control the functionality of RADIUS MAC Authentication on the VLAN/SSID by selecting one of the following from the the RADIUS Authentication Status drop-down menu.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module186•Enable: MAC addresses in the MAC Access Control List stored on the RADIUS server are blocked or allowed, based on the MAC ACL settings. If a higher priority authentication protocol is also enabled, the higher-priority settings will override the MAC ACL settings.•Disable: RADIUS MAC ACL settings are disabled.•Strict: RADIUS MAC ACL settings are enabled. If a higher-priority authentication protocol is also enabled, RADIUS MAC ACL settings will be applied in addition to the higher priority authentication protocol settings.4. Control the functionality of the MAC Access Control List on the VLAN/SSID by selecting one of the following from the MAC ACL Status drop-down menu:•Enable: MAC addresses in the MAC Access Control List are blocked or allowed, based on the MAC ACL settings. If a higher priority authentication protocol is also enabled, the higher-priority settings will override the MAC ACL settings.•Disable: MAC ACL settings are disabled.•Strict: MAC ACL settings are enabled. If a higher-priority authentication protocol is also enabled, MAC ACL settings will be applied in addition to the higher priority authentication protocol settings. When MAC ACL Status is set to Strict, changes to the MAC ACL table will take effect without a device reboot.5. Enter Rekeying Interval in seconds (between 300 and 65525). When set to 0, this parameter is disabled. The default is 900 seconds.6. Enter the Security Profile used by the VLAN in the Security Profile field.7. Define the RADIUS Server Profile Configuration for the VLAN/SSID:• RADIUS MAC Authentication Profile• RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile• RADIUS Accounting ProfileIf 802.1x, WPA, or 802.11i security mode is used, the RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile must have a value.A RADIUS Server Profile for authentication for each VLAN shall be configured as part of the configuration options for that VLAN. RADIUS profiles are independent of VLANs. The user can define any profile to be the default and associate all VLANs to that profile. Four profiles are created by default, “MAC Authentication”, “EAP Authentication”, Accounting”, and “Management”8. If desired, scroll down to the scroll down to the SSID and VLAN Table and click Edit to modify the Network Name, VLAN ID, or QoS profile of the SSID/VLAN. NOTE: Because VLAN tagging is disabled, attempting to add a new SSID/VLAN will produce an error message.The Edit Entries screen will be displayed.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module187Figure 6-55 SSID/VLAN Edit Entries Screen (VLAN Tagging Disabled)9. Enter a unique Network Name (SSID) between 1 and 32 characters. This parameter is mandatory.NOTE: Do not use quotation marks (single or double) in the Network Name; this will cause the AP to misinterpret the name. 10.Enter a unique VLAN ID. This parameter is mandatory.• A VLAN ID is a number from -1 to 4094. A value of -1 means that an entry is “untagged.”• You can set the VLAN ID to “-1” or “untagged” if you do not want clients that are using a specific SSID to be members of a VLAN workgroup.• The VLAN ID must match an ID used by your network; contact your network administrator if you need assistance defining the VLAN IDs.11. Specify a QoS profile.12.Specify a 802.1p Priority.13.Set the Maximum TX Bandwidth in Kbps. If this parameter is set to 0, full bandwidth is available. 14.Set the Maximum RX Bandwidth in Kbps. If this parameter is set to 0, full bandwidth is available. 15.Select the status of Closed System to control whether the SSID is advertised in the beacon and manage the way probe requests are handled, as follows:•Enable: The SSID is not advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond to probe requests with an SSID only if the client has specified the SSID in the probe request. If the client sends a probe request with a null or “ANY” SSID, the AP will not respond. •Partial: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will not respond to "ANY" SSID requests. The Partial setting reduces network traffic by eliminating the repeated broadcast of SSIDs in probe responses. •Disable: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond with each configured SSID, whether or not an SSID has been specified in the probe request.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module18816.Enable Broadcast Unique Beacon using the drop-down menu. When enabled, Broadcast Unique Beacon allows the broadcast of a up to four unique beacons when the AP is configured for multiple SSIDs. If Closed System (above) is set to Partial or Disable, each beacon (up to four) will be broadcast a single SSID. If more than four SSIDs are configured, then three SSIDs will be broadcast in individual beacons; the fourth and subsequent SSIDs will be combined in one beacon and will not be broadcast. If Closed System is set to Enable, the SSID will not be broadcast in the beacon. If Broadcast Unique Beacon is disabled, a combined beacon will be broadcast. NOTE:  Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon will lower the total throughput of the AP by 2-4%. Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon simultaneously with Rogue Scan will cause a drift in the beacon interval and the occasional missing of beacons.17.Set the 802.1p Priority given to packets tagged with this VLAN ID. Enter a number between 0-7.18.If editing an entry, enable or disable the parameters on this page by electing Enable or Disable from the Statusdrop-down menu. If adding a new entry, this drop-down menu will not appear.19.Click OK to return to Wireless-A or Wireless-B Security Configuration Screen. 20.Reboot the AP.Configuring SSID/VLANs with VLAN Tagging EnabledWith VLAN Tagging enabled (from the SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN tab), multiple SSID/VLANs are supported. Parameters set on the Wireless-A or Wireless-B tab can be enabled per SSID by choosing the Enable Security per SSID option.1. Click SSID/VLAN/Security >Wireless-A or Wireless-B.2. Select the Enable Security Per SSID option. The screen will update to the following:
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module189Figure 6-56 SSID/VLAN Configuration (VLAN Tagging Enabled)NOTE: If you disable (uncheck) the Enable Security per SSID option, you will be able to add multiple SSID/VLANs, but the same configuration parameters (described below) will applied to all of them. 3. Click Add to configure additional SSIDs, VLANs, and their associated security profiles and RADIUS server profiles, or click Edit to modify existing SSIDs.The Add Entries or Edit Entries screen appears.Figure 6-57 SSID/VLAN Edit Entries Screen (VLAN Tagging Enabled)4. Enter a unique Network Name (SSID) between 1 and 32 characters. This parameter is mandatory.NOTE: Do not use quotation marks (single or double) in the Network Name; this will cause the AP to misinterpret the name.5. Enter a unique VLAN ID. This parameter is mandatory.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module190• A VLAN ID is a number from -1 to 4094. A value of -1 means that an entry is “untagged.”• You can set the VLAN ID to “-1” or “untagged” if you do not want clients that are using a specific SSID to be members of a VLAN workgroup. Only one “untagged” VLAN ID is allowed per interface.• The VLAN ID must match an ID used by your network; contact your network administrator if you need assistance defining the VLAN IDs.6. Select the status of Closed System to control whether the SSID is advertised in the beacon and manage the way probe requests are handled, as follows:•Enable: The SSID is not advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond to probe requests with an SSID only if the client has specified the SSID in the probe request. If the client sends a probe request with a null or “ANY” SSID, the AP will not respond. •Partial: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will not respond to "ANY" SSID requests. The Partial setting reduces network traffic by eliminating the repeated broadcast of SSIDs in probe responses. •Disable: The SSID is advertised in the beacon, and the AP will respond with each configured SSID, whether or not an SSID has been specified in the probe request.7. Enable Broadcast Unique Beacon using the drop-down menu. When enabled, Broadcast Unique Beacon allows the broadcast of a up to four unique beacons when the AP is configured for multiple SSIDs. If Closed System (above) is set to Partial or Disable, each beacon (up to four) will be broadcast a single SSID. If more than four SSIDs are configured, then three SSIDs will be broadcast in individual beacons; the fourth and subsequent SSIDs will be combined in one beacon and will not be broadcast. If Closed System is set to Enable, the SSID will not be broadcast in the beacon. If Broadcast Unique Beacon is disabled, a combined beacon will be broadcast. NOTE:  Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon will lower the throughput of the AP by 2-4%. Enabling Broadcast Unique Beacon simultaneously with Rogue Scan will cause a drift in the beacon interval and the occasional missing of beacons.8. Enable or disable the SSID Authorization status from the drop-down menu. SSID Authorization is the RADIUS-based authorization of the SSID for a particular client. The authorized SSIDs are sent as the tunnel attributes.9. Enable or disable RADIUS accounting on the VLAN/SSID under the Accounting Status drop-down menu.10.Enable or disable RADIUS MAC authentication status on the VLAN/SSID under the RADIUS Authentication Statusdrop-down menu.11.Enable or disable MAC Access Control List status on the VLAN/SSID under the MAC ACL Status drop-down menu.12.Enter the Rekeying Interval in seconds (between 300 and 65525). When set to 0, this parameter is disabled. The default is 900 seconds.13.Enter the Security Profile used by the VLAN in the Security Profile field.NOTE: If you have two or more SSIDs per interface using a Security Profile with a security mode of Non Secure, be aware that security being applied in the VLAN is not being applied in the wireless network.14.Define the RADIUS Server Profile Configuration for the VLAN/SSID:• RADIUS MAC Authentication Profile• RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile• RADIUS Accounting ProfileIf 802.1x, WPA, or 802.11i security mode is used, the RADIUS EAP Authentication Profile must have a value.A RADIUS Server Profile for authentication for each VLAN shall be configured as part of the configuration options for that VLAN. RADIUS profiles are independent of VLANs. The user can define any profile to be the default and associate all VLANs to that profile. Four profiles are created by default, “MAC Authentication”, “EAP Authentication”, Accounting”, and “Management”.15.Specify a QoS Profile.16.Set the 802.1p Priority given to packets tagged with this VLAN ID. Enter a number between 0-7.17.Set the Maximum TX Bandwidth in Kbps. If this parameter is set to 0, full bandwidth is available. 18.Set the Maximum RX Bandwidth in Kbps. If this parameter is set to 0, full bandwidth is available.
Configuration MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideAdvanced Configuration of Mesh and Access Point Module19119.If editing an entry, enable or disable the parameters on this page using Status drop-down menu. If adding a new entry, this drop-down menu will not appear.20.Reboot the AP.
192MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide7MonitoringThis chapter has the following information:Monitoring Options for Subscriber Module•Wireless–General–WORP•ICMP•Per Station•Features•Link Test•Interfaces•IP ARP Table•IP Routes•Learn Table•RIPMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module•Version•ICMP•IP/ARP Table•Learn Table•IAPP•RADIUS•Interfaces–Description of Interface Statistics•Station Statistics–Description of Station Statistics•Mesh Statistics–Topology–Neighbors–Link Statistics–Link TestMonitoring Options for Subscriber ModuleThis section describes using the Web interface to obtain detailed information about the settings and performance of the Subscriber module. Click the Monitor button to access this information. NOTE: The RIP tab is relevant only in Routing mode.Help and Exit buttons also appear on each page of the Web interface; click the Help button to access online help; click the Exit button to exit the application.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Subscriber Module193For an introduction to the basics of management, see Basic Management of Subscriber Module.WirelessGeneralClick Monitor >General to monitor the general performance of the wireless interface.WORPClick Monitor >Wireless > WORP to monitor the performance of the WORP interface.Possible values for the Registration Last Reason field are as follows:
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Subscriber Module194• None (successful registration)• Maximum number of SUs reached• Authentication failure• Roaming• No response from SU within the Registration Timeout Period• Low Signal QualityICMPClick Monitor > ICMP to view the number of ICMP messages sent and received by the Subscriber unit. It includes ping,route, and host unreachable messages.Per StationClick Monitor > Per Station to view station statistics. The SU Per Station tab contains Site Survey function. When Site Survey is activated, the SU scans all the available channels and channel bandwidths, and collects information about all the BSUs on those channels/bandwidths. FeaturesClick Monitor > Features to view the features supported on the unit.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Subscriber Module195NOTE: The Subscriber unit shows how many Ethernet hosts it supports on its Ethernet port as the “Max Users on Satellite” parameter.Link TestClick Monitor >Link Test to find out which wireless stations are in range and to check their link quality.NOTE: Link Test requires Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later.  Earlier versions do not support Link Test.Link Test for the unit reports the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value in dB; the higher this number, the better the signal quality.  Furthermore, it reports the signal level and noise level in dBm.  The latter two are approximations of the level at which the unit receives the signal of the peer unit and the background noise.• Clicking Explore from a BSU displays all its registered SUs.• Clicking Explore from an SU displays only the BSU with which it is registered.All stations displayed after “Explore” come up “Disabled.”  Select a station by changing Disabled to Start and click the Link Test button.  You can change multiple stations to Start, but only the last station in the list is displayed as the remote partner when you click the Link Test button.The Link Test provides SNR, Signal, and Noise information for both, the local and the remote unit’s levels.  Link Test stops when you close the Link Test page.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Subscriber Module196InterfacesClick Monitor > Interfaces to view detailed information about the IP-layer performance of the unit’s interfaces. There are two sub-tabs: Wireless and Ethernet. The following figures show both interfaces.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Subscriber Module197IP ARP TableClick Monitor > IP ARP Table to view the mapping of the IP and MAC addresses of all radios registered at the Subscriber unit. This information is based upon the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).IP RoutesClick Monitor > IP Routes to view all active IP routes of the Subscriber unit. These can be either static or dynamic(obtained through RIP). This tab is available only in Routing mode, and you can add routes only when in Routing mode.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module198Learn TableClick Monitor > Learn Table to view all MAC addresses the Subscriber unit has detected on an interface. The Learn Table displays information relating to network bridging. It reports the MAC address for each node that the device has learned is on the network and the interface on which the node was detected. There can be up to 10,000 entries in the Learn Table.This tab is only available in Bridge mode.RIPClick Monitor > RIP to view Routing Internet Protocol data for the Ethernet and Wireless interfaces.Monitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point ModuleTo monitor the AP using the HTTP/HTTPS interface, you must first log in to a web browser. See Logging In for instructions. You may also monitor the AP using the command line interface. See Command Line Interface (CLI) for more information To monitor the AP via HTTP/HTTPS:1. Click the Monitor button located on the left-hand side of the screen. The main Monitor screen will be displayed.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module199Figure 7-1 Monitor Main Screen2. Click the tab that corresponds to the statistics you want to review. For example, click Learn Table to see the list of nodes that the AP has discovered on the network. 3. If necessary, click the Refresh  button to update the statistics.Each Monitor tab is described in the remainder of this chapter. VersionFrom the HTTP interface, click the Monitor button and select the Version tab. The list displayed provides you with information that may be pertinent when calling Technical Support. With this information, your Technical Support representative can verify compatibility issues and make sure the latest software are loaded. This screen displays the following information for each Access Point component:•Serial Number: The component’s serial number, if applicable.•Name/ID: The AP identifies a system component based on its name or ID. Each component has a unique identifier.•Variant: Several variants may exist of the same component (for example, a hardware component may have two variants, one with more memory than the other).•Version: Specifies the component’s version or build number. The Software Image version is the most useful information on this screen for the typical end user.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module200Figure 7-2 Version Monitoring TabICMPThis tab provides statistical information for both received and transmitted messages directed to the AP. Not all ICMP traffic on the network is counted in the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) statistics.Figure 7-3 ICMP Monitoring TabIP/ARP TableThis tab provides information based on the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which relates MAC Address and IP Addresses.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module201Figure 7-4 IP/ARP Table Monitoring TabLearn TableThis tab displays information relating to network bridging. It reports the MAC address for each node that the device has learned is on the network and the interface on which the node was detected. There can be up 10,000 entries in the Learn Tab le .Figure 7-5 Learn Table Monitoring TabIAPPThis tab displays statistics relating to client handovers and communications between Access Points.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module202Figure 7-6 IAPP Monitoring TabRADIUSThis tab provides RADIUS authentication, EAP/802.1x authentication, and accounting information for both the Primary and Backup RADIUS servers for each RADIUS Server Profile. NOTE: Separate RADIUS servers can be configured for each RADIUS Server Profile.Select the RADIUS Server Profile to view statistics on from the Select Server Profile drop-down menu.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module203Figure 7-7 RADIUS Monitoring TabInterfacesThis tab displays statistics for the Ethernet and wireless interfaces. Figure 7-8 Interface Monitoring Tab (Ethernet)Description of Interface StatisticsThe following statistics are displayed for the Ethernet interface only, either of the wireless interfaces only, or for all interfaces:•Admin Status (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The desired state of the interface: Up (ready to pass packets), Down (not ready to pass packets, or Testing (testing and unable to pass packets).•Alignment Error (Ethernet): The number of frames received that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the Frame Check Sequence check.•Carrier Sense Errors (Ethernet): The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame. The count increments at most once per transmission attempt.•Deferred Transmission (Ethernet): The number of frames for which the first transmission attempt is delayed because the medium is busy.This number does not include frames involved in collisions.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module204•Description (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): Information about the interface (e.g., the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the hardware interface).•Duplicate Frame Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of duplicate frames received.•Ethernet Chipset (Ethernet): Identifies the chipset used to realize the interface. •Excessive Collisions (Ethernet): The number of frames for which transmission fails due to excessive collisions.•Failed ACK Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of times an acknowledgment (or ACK) is not received when expected.•Failed Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of packets not transmitted successfully due to too many transmit attempts.•Failed RTS Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of times a Clear to Send (CTS) is not received in response to a Request to Send (RTS).•FCS Error (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of Frame Check Sequence errors detected in received MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs).•FCS Errors (Ethernet): The number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the Frame Check Sequence check.•Frames Too Long (Ethernet): The number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size.•In Discards (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of error-free inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.•In Errors (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.•In Non-unicast Packets (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.•In Octets (bytes) (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.•In Unicast Packets (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of subnetwork unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.•Internal MAC Receive Errors (Ethernet): The number of frames for which reception fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted if it is not counted by the Frames Too Long, Alignment Error, or FCS Error counters. •Internal MAC Transmit Errors (Ethernet): The number of frames for which transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted if it is not counted by Late Collision, Excession Collision, or Carrier Sense Error counters.•Last Change (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The value of the sysUpTime object at the time the interface entered its current operational state. •Late Collisions (Ethernet): The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet•MAC Address (Wireless-Slot A/B): The station's assigned, unique MAC address,•Maximum Packet Size (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The size (in octets) of the largest datagram which can be sent/received•MIB Specific Definition (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the interface. For example, if the interface is an Ethernet interface, then this field refers to a document defining objects specific to ethernet.•Multicast Received Frame Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of multicast packets received.•Multicast Transmitted Frame Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of multicast packets transmitted.•Multiple Collision Frames (Ethernet): The number of successfully transmitted frames for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module205•Multiple Retry Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of packets successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission.•Operational Status (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The current state of the interface: Up (ready to pass packets), Down (not ready to pass packets, or Testing (testing and unable to pass packets).•Out Discards (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of error-free outbound packets chosen to be discarded to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.•Out Errors (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.•Out Non-unicast Packets (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a non-unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast orsubnetwork-multicast) address, including those that were discarded or not sent.•Out Octets (bytes) (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.•Out Unicast Packets (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent.•Output Queue Length (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The length of the output packet queue (in packets).•Physical Address (Ethernet): The interface's address at the protocol layer immediately below the network layer in the protocol stack.•Received Fragment Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of successfully received Data or Management MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs).•Retry Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of packets successfully transmitted after one or more retransmissions.•Single Collision Frames (Ethernet): The number of successfully transmitted frames for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision•Speed (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second. •SQE Test Errors (Ethernet): The number of times that the Signal Quality Error (SQE) Test Error message is generated by the physical layer signalling (PLS) sublayer.•Successful RTS Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of times a Clear to Send (CTS) is received in response to an Request to Send (RTS).•Transmitted Fragment Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of transmitted fragmented packets.•Transmitted Frame Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): This number of successfully transmitted packets.•Type (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The type of interface, distinguished according to the physical/link protocol(s) immediately below the network layer in the protocol stack.•Unknown Protocols (Ethernet/Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of packets received that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.•WEP Undecryptable Count (Wireless-Slot A/B): The number of undecryptable WEP frames received. Station StatisticsThis tab displays information on wireless clients attached to the AP and on Wireless Distribution System. Enable the Monitoring Station Statistics feature (Station Statistics are disabled by default) by checking EnableMonitoring Station Statistics and click OK.You do not need to reboot the AP for the changes to take effect. If clients are connected to the device or WDS links are configured for the device, the statistics will now be shown on the screen. Click Select to view the more detailed statistics for a client.Click on the Refresh button in the browser window to view the latest statistics. If any new clients associate to the AP, you can see the statistics of the new clients after you click the refresh button.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module206Figure 7-9 Station Statistics Monitoring TabDescription of Station StatisticsThe following stations statistics are displayed:•MAC Address: The MAC address of the wireless client for which the statistics are gathered. For WDS links, this is the partner MAC address of the link.•IP Address: The IP address of the associated wireless station for which the Statistics are gathered. ( for WDS links)•Interface to which the Station is connected: The interface number on which the client is connected with the AP. For WDS links this is the interface on which the link is configured.•Type: The type of wireless client (STA or WDS).•MAC Protocol: The MAC protocol for this wireless client (or WDS link partner). The possible values are 802.11a, 4.9 GHz, 802.11b, 802.11g.•Signal / Noise: The Signal /Noise Level measured at the AP when frames are received from the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner).•Time since Last Frame Received: The time elapsed since the last frame from the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) was received.•Number of Stations and WDS Links: The number of stations and WDS links monitored.The following stations statistics are available through SNMP:•Octets Received: The number of octets received from the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) by the AP.•Unicast Frames Received: The number of Unicast frames received from the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) by the AP.•Non-Unicast Frames Received: The number of Non-Unicast frames received (i.e. broadcast or multicast) from the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) by the AP.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module207•Octets Transmitted: The number of octets sent to the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) from the AP.•Unicast Frames Transmitted: The number of Unicast frames transmitted to the associated wireless station (or WDS link partner) from the AP.Mesh StatisticsThis Mesh tab and its related sub-tabs display statistics relating to Mesh functionality. See the following sections:•Topology•Neighbors•Link Statistics•Link TestTopologyThe Topology sub-tab displays the network topology of the Mesh network.  Figure 7-10 Mesh Statistics Topology Sub-TabNeighborsThe Neighbors sub-tab displays the system name, IP address, channel, path cost, number of hops to portal, Mesh type, and status of all Mesh APs within range of the AP.Figure 7-11 Mesh Statistics Neighbors Sub-TabLink StatisticsThe Link Statistics sub-tab displays the MAC address, IP address, receive rate, transmit rate, receive errors, transmit errors, and SNR for each Mesh link.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module208Figure 7-12 Mesh Statistics Link Statistics Sub-TabLink TestThe Link Test tab allows you to run two types of Mesh link tests:  Tree Type or Neighbor Type.The Tree Type link test is initiated from the Portal to any point on the Mesh tree. The Mesh units involved in the test must be in the "Active" stateThe Neighbor Type link test is initiated from any Mesh unit and to any other Mesh unit in its neighbor list the is in the  "Connected"/"Active" state. The Mesh units involved in the test must be on the same channel.
Monitoring MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideMonitoring Options for Mesh and Access Point Module209Figure 7-13 Mesh Statistics Link Test Sub-TabTo execute a Link Test, set the following parameters:•Test Type: Tree Type or Neighbor Type•Destination System Name: The destination Mesh unit.•Test Traffic Rate: The number of frames per second to test.•Frame Size: The size of each frame in test.•Test Duration: The duration for the entire whole testWhen a test is running, it will appear in the “Currently RUnning Mesh Link Test” section of the page. The “Time to Finish” field updates on each page refresh. Upon completion of a test, the test will appear under the “Mesh Link Test Results” section of the page. To view full results, select radio button of the desired test; results will be displayed in a new window., new window will open.NOTES:•No more 10 tests can be running and complete simultaneously. (For instance, if there are 5 tests running and 5 tests finished, when a sixth test begins to run, the oldest result will be deleted.) •Any topology change will delete all Tree Type tests (running or complete).
210MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide8CommandsThis chapter has following information:Command Functions for Subscriber Module•Download•Upload•Reboot•Reset•Help Link•DowngradeCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module•Introduction to File Transfer via TFTP or HTTP–TFTP File Transfer Guidelines–HTTP File Transfer Guidelines–Image Error Checking During File Transfer•Update AP–Update AP via TFTP–Update AP via HTTP•Retrieve File–Retrieve File via TFTP–Retrieve File via HTTP•Reboot•Reset•ResetCommand Functions for Subscriber ModuleThis section describes the commands that you can issue with the Web Interface.  Click the Commands button to access available commands. See the following:Help and Exit buttons also appear on each page of the Web interface; click the Help button to access online help; click the Exit button to exit the application.For an introduction to the basics of management, see Basic Management of Subscriber Module.DownloadClick Commands > Download to download configuration, image and license files to the unit via a TFTP server.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Functions for Subscriber Module211The following parameters may be configured or viewed:•Server IP address: Enter the TFTP Server IP address.•File Name: Enter the name of the file to be downloaded. If you are using the SolarWinds TFTP server software located on your product installation CD, the default directory for downloading files is C:\TFTP-Root.•File Type: Choose either Config, image, BspBl, or license.•File Operation: Choose either Download or Download and Reboot.Click OK to start the download.UploadClick Commands > Upload to upload a configuration or log file from the unit to a TFTP server.The following parameters may be configured or viewed:•Server IP address: Enter the TFTP Server IP address.•File Name: Enter the name of the file to be uploaded. If you are using the SolarWinds TFTP server software located on your product installation CD, the default directory for uploading files is C:\TFTP-Root.•File Type: Choose either Config or Eventlog.Click OK to start the upload.RebootClick Commands >Reboot to reboot the embedded software of the Subscriber unit. Configuration changes are saved and the unit is reset.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Functions for Subscriber Module212CAUTION: Rebooting the unit causes all users currently connected to lose their connection to the network until the Subscriber unit has completed the reboot process and resumed operation.ResetClick Commands > Reset to restore the configuration of the Subscriber unit to the factory default values.You can also reset the Subscriber unit by pressing the RESET button located on the side of the unit. Because this resets the unit’s current IP address, a new IP address must be assigned.CAUTION: Resetting the unit to its factory default configuration permanently overwrites all changes made to the unit. The unit reboots automatically after this command has been issued.Help LinkClick Commands>Help Link to set the location of the help files of the Web Interface. Upon installation, the help files are installed in the C:\Program Files\Tsunami\[Model Name]\Help folder.If you want to place these files on a shared drive, copy the Help folder to the new location and specify the new path in the Help Link box.DowngradeClick Commands > Downgrade to downgrade to a previous release. Downgrade currently is supported only to release 2.0.1 and later. Once you enter this command, the unit is downgraded to the specified release and is automatically rebooted. The filename specified and the filename of the image selected for downgrade must be the same version. The unit will download the file, re-format the configuration to match the version, and reboot to put the image into effect.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module213Command Function for Mesh and Access Point ModuleTo perform commands using the HTTP/HTTPS interface, you must first log in to a web browser. See Logging In  for instructions. You may also perform commands using the command line interface. See CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module for more information.To perform commands via HTTP/HTTPS:1. Click the Commands button located on the left-hand side of the screen.Figure 8-1 Commands Main Screen2. Click the tab that corresponds to the command you want to issue. For example, click Reboot to restart the unit.Following a brief introduction to TFTP and HTTP file transfer, each Commands tab is described in the remainder of this chapter. Introduction to File Transfer via TFTP or HTTPThere are two methods of transferring files to or from the AP: TFTP or HTTP (or HTTPS if enabled):
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module214• Downloading files (Configuration, AP Image, Bootloader, License, Private Key, Certificate, CLI Batch File) to the AP using one of these two methods is called “Updating the AP.” • Uploading files (Configuration, CLI Batch File, etc) from the AP is called “Retrieving Files.”TFTP File Transfer GuidelinesA TFTP server must be running and configured to point to the directory containing the file. If you do not have a TFTP server installed on your system, install the TFTP server from the installation CD.HTTP File Transfer GuidelinesHTTP file transfer can be performed either with or without SSL enabled.HTTP file transfers with SSL require enabling Secure Management and Secure Socket Layer. HTTP transfers that use SSL may take additional time.NOTE: SSL requires Internet Explorer version 6, 128 bit encryption, Service Pack 1, and patch Q323308.Image Error Checking During File TransferThe Access Point performs checks to verify that an image downloaded through HTTP or TFTP is valid. The following checks are performed on the downloaded image:• Zero Image size• Large image size• Non VxWorks image• AP image• Digital signature verificationIf any of the above checks fail on the downloaded image, the Access Point deletes the downloaded image and retains the old image. Otherwise, if all checks pass successfully, the AP deletes the old image and retains the downloaded image. These checks are to ensure that the AP does not enter an invalid image state. The storage of the two images is only temporary to ensure the proper verification; the two images will not be stored in the AP permanently.Image error checking functions automatically in the background. No user configuration is required.Update APUpdate AP via TFTPUse the Update AP via TFTP tab to download Configuration, AP Image, License file, Bootloader files, Certificate and Private Key files, and CLI Batch File to the AP. A TFTP server must be running and configured to point to the directory containing the file.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module215Figure 8-2 Update AP via TFTP Command ScreenIf you do not have a TFTP server installed on your system, install the TFTP server from the installation CD. You can either install the TFTP server from the CD Wizard or run OEM-TFTP-Server.exe found in the CD’s Xtras/SolarWindssub-directory.The Update AP via TFTP tab shows version information and allows you to enter TFTP information as described below.•Server IP Address: Enter the TFTP server IP Address.– Double-click the TFTP server icon on your desktop and locate the IP address assigned to the TFTP server.NOTE: This is the IP address that will be used to point the Access Point to the AP Image file.•File Name: Enter the name of the file to be downloaded (including the file extension). – Copy the file to the TFTP server’s root folder.•File Type: Select the proper file type. Choices include: –Config: configuration information, such as System Name, Contact Name, and so on.NOTE: The AP will reboot automatically when downloading a Config file.–Image: AP Image (executable program).–Upgrade BspBl: Bootloader software.–SSL Certificate: the digital certificate for authentication in SSL communications.–SSL Private Key: the private key for encryption in SSL communications.–SSH Public Key: the public key in SSH communications.–SSH Private Key: the private key in SSH communications.–CLI Batch File: a CLI Batch file that contains CLI commands to configure the AP. This file will be executed by the AP immediately after being uploaded.– License File•File Operation: Select either Update AP or Update AP & Reboot. You should reboot the AP after downloading files.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module216Update AP via HTTPUse the Update AP via HTTP tab to download Configuration, AP Image, Bootloader files, and Certificate and Private Key files to the AP. Once on the Update AP screen, click on the via HTTP tab.Figure 8-3 Update AP via HTTP Command ScreenThe Update AP via HTTP tab shows version information and allows you to enter HTTP information as described below.1. Select the File Type that needs to be updated from the drop-down box. Choices include: –Image for the AP Image (executable program).–Config for configuration information, such as System Name, Contact Name, and so on.NOTE: The AP will reboot automatically when downloading a Config file.–SSL Certificate: the digital certificate for authentication in SSL communications.–SSL Private Key: the private key for encryption in SSL communications.–Upgrade BSPBL: the Bootloader software.–CLI Batch File: a CLI Batch file that contains CLI commands to configure the AP. This file will be executed by the AP immediately after being uploaded.–SSH Public Key: the public key in SSH communications.–SSH Private Key: the private key in SSH communications.– License File2. Use the Browse button or manually type in the name of the file to be downloaded (including the file extension) in the File Name field. If typing the file name, you must include the full path and the file extension in the file name text box.3. To initiate the HTTP Update operation, click the Update AP button. A warning message gets displayed that advises the user that a reboot of the device will be required for changes to take effect.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module217Figure 8-4 Warning Message4. Click OK to continue with the operation or Cancel to abort the operation.NOTE: An HTTP file transfer using SSL may take extra time.If the operation completes successfully the following screen appears.Figure 8-5 Update AP SuccessfulIf the operation did not complete successfully the following screen appears, and the reason for the failure is displayed.Figure 8-6 Update AP UnsuccessfulRetrieve FileRetrieve File via TFTPUse the Retrieve File via TFTP tab to upload files from the AP to the TFTP server. The TFTP server must be running and configured to point to the directory to which you want to copy the uploaded file. We suggest you assign the file a meaningful name, which may include version or location information.If you don’t have a TFTP server installed on your system, install the TFTP server from the installation CD. You can either install the TFTP server from the CD Wizard or run OEM-TFTP-Server.exe found in the CD’s Xtras/SolarWindssub-directory.The Retrieve AP via TFTP tab shows version information and allows you to enter TFTP information as described below.•Server IP Address: Enter the TFTP server IP Address.– Double-click the TFTP server icon on your desktop and locate the IP address assigned to the TFTP server.•File Name: Enter the name of the file to be uploaded. •File Type: Select the type of file to be uploaded: Config file, CLI Batch File, or CLI Batch (Error) Log.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module218Use the following procedure to retrieve a file from an AP to a TFTP server:1. If retrieving a Config file, configure all the required parameters in their respective tabs. Reboot the device.2. Retrieve and store the file. Click the Retrieve File button to initiate the upload of the file from the AP to the TFTP server. 3. If you retrieved a Configuration file, update the file as necessary.4. If you retrieved a CLI Batch File or CLI Batch Log, you can examine the file using a standard text editor. For more information on CLI Batch Files.Figure 8-7 Retrieve File via TFTP Command ScreenRetrieve File via HTTPUse the Retrieve File via HTTP tab to retrieve configuration files, CLI Batch Files, or CLI Batch Logs from the AP. For more information on CLI Batch Files and CLI Batch Logs.1. Select the type of file (Config, CLI Batch File, CLI Batch Log) from the File Type drop-down menu.2. Click on the Retrieve File button to initiate the operation.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module219Figure 8-8 Retrieve File via HTTP Command ScreenA confirmation message is displayed, asking if the user wants to proceed with retrieving the file. Figure 8-9 Retrieve File Confirmation Dialog3. Click OK to continue with the operation or Cancel to abort the operation. On clicking OK, the File Download window appears.Figure 8-10 File Download Dialog Box4. On clicking the Save button the Save As window displays. Select an appropriate filename and location and click OK.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module220RebootUse the Reboot tab to save configuration changes (if any) and reset the AP. Enter a value between 0 and 65535 seconds; entering a value of 0 (zero) seconds causes an immediate reboot. Note that Reset, described below, does not save configuration changes.CAUTION: Rebooting the AP will cause all users who are currently connected to lose their connection to the network until the AP has completed the restart process and resumed operation.Figure 8-11 Reboot Command ScreenResetUse the Reset tab to restore the AP to factory default conditions. Since this will reset the AP’s current IP address, a new IP address must be assigned. See Logging In for more information.CAUTION: Resetting the AP to its factory default configuration will permanently overwrite all changes that have made to the unit. The AP will reboot automatically after this command has been issued.Figure 8-12 Reset to Factory Defaults Command ScreenHelp LinkUse the Help tab to configure the location of the AP Help files.During initialization, the AP on-line help files are downloaded to the default location: C:/Program Files/ORiNOCO/AP-4x00MR-LR/HTML/index.htm.To enable the Help button on each page of the Web interface to access the help files, however, copy the entire Help folder to a web server, then specify the new HTTP path in the Help Link box. NOTE: The configured Help Link must point to an HTTP address in order to enable the Help button on each page of the Web interface.
Commands MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCommand Function for Mesh and Access Point Module221NOTE: Use the forward slash character ("/") rather than the backslash character ("\") when configuring the Help Linklocation.NOTE: Add the AP’s management IP address into the Internet Explorer list of Trusted Sites.Figure 8-13 Help Link Configuration Screen
MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide2229Procedures for Subscriber ModuleThis chapter describes the following procedures:•TFTP Server Setup: Prepares the TFTP server for transferring files to and from the Subscriber unit. This procedure is used by the other procedures that transfer files.•Web Interface Image File Download: Upgrades the embedded software.•Configuration Backup: Saves the configuration of the Subscriber unit.•Configuration Restore: Restores a previous configuration through configuration file download.•Soft Reset to Factory Default: Resets the Subscriber unit to the factory default settings through the Web or Command Line Interface.•Hard Reset to Factory Default: In some cases, it may be necessary to revert to the factory default settings (for example, if you cannot access the Subscriber unit or you lost the password for the Web Interface).•Forced Reload: Completely resets the Subscriber unit and erases the embedded software. Use this procedure only as a last resort if the Subscriber unit does not boot and the “Hard Reset to Factory Default” procedure did not help. If you perform a “Forced Reload,” you must download a new image file as described in Image File Download with the Bootloader.•Image File Download with the Bootloader: If the Subscriber unit does not contain embedded software, or the embedded software is corrupt, you can use this procedure to download a new image file.TFTP Server SetupA Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server lets you transfer files across a network. You can upload files from the unit for backup or copying, and you can download the files for configuration and image upgrades. The SolarWinds TFTP server software is located on the product installation CD, or can be downloaded from You can also download the latest TFTP software from SolarWind’s Web site at instructions that follow assume that you are using the SolarWinds TFTP server software; other TFTP servers may require different configurations.NOTE: If a TFTP server is not available in the network, you can perform similar file transfer operations using the HTTP interface.To download or upload a file, you must connect to the computer with the TFTP server through the Subscriber unit. For information about installing the TFTP server, see Step 12: Install Documentation and Software.Ensure that:1. The upload or download directory is correctly set (the default directory is C:\TFTP-Root).2. The required image file is present in the directory.3. The TFTP server is running. The TFTP server must be running only during file upload and download. You can check the connectivity between the Subscriber unit and the TFTP server by pinging the Subscriber unit from the computer that hosts the TFTP server. The ping program should show replies from the Subscriber unit.4. The TFTP server is configured to both Transmit and Receive files (on the Security tab under File ! Configure), with no automatic shutdown or time-out (on the Auto-Close tab).Web Interface Image File DownloadIn some cases, it may be necessary to upgrade the embedded software of the Subscriber unit by downloading an image file. To download an image file through the Web Interface:1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.
Procedures for Subscriber Module  MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide2232. Access the Subscriber unit as described in Logging in to the Web Interface.3. Click the Commands button and the Download tab.4. Fill in the following details:•Server IP Address <IP address TFTP server>•File Name <image file name>•File Type Image•File Operation Download5. Click OK to start the file transfer.The Subscriber unit downloads the image file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a few seconds. When the download is complete, the Subscriber unit is ready to start the embedded software upon reboot.Configuration BackupYou can back up the Subscriber unit configuration by uploading the configuration file.   You can use this file to restore the configuration or to configure another Subscriber unit (see Configuration Restore). To upload a configuration file through the Web Interface:1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.2. Access the Subscriber unit as described in Logging in the Web Interface. 3. Click the Commands button and the Upload tab.4. Fill in the following details:•Server IP Address <IP address TFTP server>•File Name <configuration file name>•File Type Config•File Operation Upload5. Click OK to start the file transfer.The Subscriber unit uploads the configuration file. The TFTP server program should show upload activity after a few seconds. When the upload is complete, the configuration is backed up.Configuration RestoreYou can restore the configuration of the Subscriber unit by downloading a configuration file. The configuration file contains the configuration information of an Subscriber unit. To download a configuration file through the Web Interface:1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.2. Access the Subscriber unit as described in Logging in Web Interface.3. Click the Commands > Download.4. Fill in the following details:•Server IP Address <IP address TFTP server>•File Name <configuration file name>•File Type Config•File Operation Download• Click OK to start the file transfer.The Subscriber unit downloads the configuration file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a few seconds. When the download is complete and the system rebooted, the configuration is restored.
Procedures for Subscriber Module  MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide224Soft Reset to Factory DefaultIf necessary, you can reset the Subscriber unit to the factory default settings. Resetting to default settings means that you must configure the Subscriber unit anew.To reset to factory default settings using the Web Interface:1. Click Commands >Reset.2. Click the Reset to Factory Default button.The device configuration parameter values are reset to their factory default values.If you do not have access to the Subscriber unit, you can use the procedure described in “Hard Reset to Factory Default” below as an alternative.Hard Reset to Factory DefaultIf you cannot access the unit or you have lost its password, you can reset the Subscriber unit to the factory default settings. Resetting to default settings means you must configure the Subscriber unit anew.To reset to Subacriber unit, refer Reboot and Reset Functionality for Subscriber Module.Forced ReloadWith Forced Reload, you reset the Subscriber unit to the factory default settings and erase the embedded software. Use this procedure only as last resort if the Subscriber unit does not boot. If you perform a Forced Reload, refer .Reboot and Reset Functionality for Subscriber ModuleImage File Download with the BootloaderThe following procedures download an image file to the unit after the embedded software has been erased with Forced Reload or when the embedded software cannot be started by the Bootloader. A new image file can be downloaded to the unit with ScanTool, or the Command Line Interface through the unit’s serial port. In both cases, the file is transferred through Ethernet with TFTP. Because the CLI serial port option requires a serial RS-232C cable, Proxim recommends the ScanTool option.Download with ScanToolTo download an image file with the ScanTool:1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.2. Download the latest software from Copy the latest software updates to your TFTP server’s root directory. 4. Run ScanTool on a computer that is connected to the same LAN subnet as the unit. ScanTool scans the subnet for units and displays the found units in the main window. If in Forced Reload, ScanTool does not find the device until the unit Bootloader times out from its default operation to download an image. Click Rescan to re-scan the subnet and update the display until the unit shows up in Bootloader mode.5. Select the unit to which you want to download an image file and click Change.6. Ensure that IP Address Type Static is selected and fill in the following details:• Password• IP Address and Subnet Mask of the unit.•TFTP Server IP Address and, if necessary, the Gateway IP Address of the TFTP server.•Image File Name of the file with the new image.7. Click OK to start the file transfer.
Procedures for Subscriber Module  MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide225The unit downloads the image file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a few seconds. When the download is complete, the LED pattern should return to reboot state. The unit is ready to start the embedded software.After a Forced Reload procedure, the unit returns to factory default settings and must be reconfigured. ScanTool can be used to set the system name and IP address.To access the Subscriber unit see Logging in to the Web Interface.Download with CLITo use the CLI through the serial port of the unit, you need a standard serial connector and an ASCII terminal program such as HyperTerminal. Proxim recommends you switch off the unit and the computer before connecting or disconnecting the serial RS-232C cable.To download an image file:1. Set up the TFTP server as described in TFTP Server Setup.2. Download the latest software from Copy the latest software updates to your TFTP server’s root directory. 4. Use a straight-through serial cable to connect the unit’s serial port to your computer’s serial port.5. Start the terminal program (such as HyperTerminal), set the following connection properties, and then connect:• Connect using: Com Port: <COM1, COM2, etc., depending on your computer>• Port Settings: – Baud rate: 9600–Data Bits: 8– Stop bits: 1– Flow Control: None– Parity: None• Under File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup, enable the Send line ends with line feeds option. 6. Press the RESET button on the unit. The terminal display shows Power On Self Tests (POST) activity. After approximately 30 seconds, a message indicates: Sending Traps to SNMP manager periodically. After this message appears, the bootloader prompt appears.7. The command prompt is displayed; enter the following commands:set ipaddr <IP address nit>set ipsubmask <subnet mask>set ipaddrtype staticset tftpipaddr <IP address TFTP server>set tftpfilename <image file name>set ipgw <gateway IP address>rebootFor example:set ipaddr ipsubmask ipaddrtype staticset tftpipaddr tftpfilename image.binset ipgw
Procedures for Subscriber Module  MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide226The unit reboots and downloads the image file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a few seconds. When the download is complete, the unit is ready for configuration.After a Forced Reload procedure, the unit returns to factory default settings and must be reconfigured. ScanTool can be used to set the system name and IP address.To access the Subscriber unit see Logging in to the Web Interface.
227MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide10TroubleshootingThis chapter has following information:Troubleshooting for Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE)Troubleshooting Concepts for Subscriber Module•Connectivity Issues–Subscriber Module Does Not Boot–Cannot use the Web Interface•Communication Issues–Two Units Are Unable to Communicate Wirelessly•Setup and Configuration Issues–Lost Password–The Subscriber Module Responds Slowly–TFTP Server Does Not Work–Online Help Is Not Available–Changes Do Not Take Effect•VLAN Operation Issues–What if network traffic is being directed to a nonexistent host?•Link Problems–General Check–Statistics Check–Analyzing the SpectrumTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module•Troubleshooting Concepts•Symptoms and Solutions–Connectivity Issues–Basic Software Setup and Configuration Problems–Client Connection Problems–VLAN Operation Issues•Recovery Procedures–Soft Reset to Factory Defaults–Hard Reset to Factory Defaults–Forced Reload–Setting IP Address using Serial Port•Related Applications–RADIUS Authentication Server–TFTP Server
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting for Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE)228Troubleshooting for Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE) The PoE Does Not Work1. Verify that you are using a standard UTP Category 5 cable.2. Try a different port on the same PoE hub (remember to move the input port accordingly) – if it works, there is probably a faulty port or bad RJ-45 port connection.3. If possible, try to connect the MeshMAX unit to a different PoE hub.4. Try using a different Ethernet cable – if it works, there is probably a faulty connection over the long cable, or a bad RJ-45 connection.5. Check power plug and hub.6. If the Ethernet link goes down, check the cable, cable type, switch, and hub.Troubleshooting Concepts for Subscriber ModuleThis section helps you to isolate and solve problems with your Subscriber Module. In the event this chapter does not provide a solution, or the solution does not solve your problem, check our support website at you start troubleshooting, check the details in the product documentation. For details about RADIUS, TFTP, terminal and telnet programs, and Web browsers, refer to their appropriate documentation.In some cases, rebooting the Subscriber Module clears the problem. If nothing else helps, consider a Soft Reset to Factory Default or a Forced Reload. The Forced Reload option requires you to download a new image file to the Subscriber Module.Connectivity IssuesSubscriber Module Does Not BootThe Subscriber Module shows no activity (the power LED is off).1. Ensure that the power supply is properly working and correctly connected.2. Ensure that all cables are correctly connected.3. Check the power source.4. If you are using an Active Ethernet splitter, ensure that the voltage is correct.Cannot use the Web Interface1. Open a command prompt window and enter ping <ip address unit> (for example ping If the unit does not respond, make sure that you have the correct IP address. If the unit responds, the Ethernet connection is working properly, continue with this procedure.2. Ensure that you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later (version 6.0 or later recommended) or Netscape 6.0 or later.3. Ensure that you are not using a proxy server for the connection with your Web browser.4. Ensure that you have not exceeded the maximum number of Web Interface or CLI sessions.5. Double-check the physical network connections. Use a well-known unit to ensure the network connection is properly functioning.6. Perform network infrastructure troubleshooting (check switches, routers, and so on).
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Subscriber Module229Communication IssuesTwo Units Are Unable to Communicate WirelesslyIf a wireless link is possible after testing two units within close distance of each other, then there are two possible reasonswhy wireless connectivity is not possible while the MP.11 units are at their desired locations:There may be a problem in the RF path, for example, a bad connector attachment (this is the most common problem in installations) or a bad cable (water ingress).NOTE: The cables can be swapped with known good ones as a temporary solution to verify cable quality.Another reason may be related to an interference problem caused by a high signal level from another radio. This can be checked by changing the frequency and then verifying whether another channel works better or by changing the polarization as a way of avoiding the interfering signal. To know in advance how much interference is present in a given environment, a Spectrum Analyzer can be attached to a (temporary) antenna for measuring the signal levels on all available Channels.NOTE: The antennas are usually not the problem, unless mounted upside down causing the drain hole to be quickly filled with radome.If a wireless link is not possible after testing two units within close distance of each other, then the problem is either hardware or configuration related, such as a wrong Network name, Encryption key, Network Secret or Base Station Name. To eliminate these issues from being a factor, resetting the both units to factory defaults is the recommended solution.If a wireless link is not possible after resetting the units and verifying that one unit is a BSU with WORP Base interface configured and the other is a Satellite, then the problem is not configuration related and the only remaining reason is a possible hardware problem. Acquiring a third unit and then testing it amongst the existing units will help pinpoint the broken unit.Setup and Configuration IssuesThe following issues relate to setup and configuration problems.Lost PasswordIf you lost your password, you must reset the Subscriber unit to the default settings. See Hard Reset to Factory Default.The default password is public. If you record your password, keep it in a safe place.The Subscriber Module Responds SlowlyIf the Subscriber unit takes a long time to become available, it could mean that:• No DHCP server is available.• The IP address of the Subscriber unit is already in use.Verify that the IP address is assigned only to the Subscriber unit. Do this by switching off the Subscriber unit and then pinging the IP address. If there is a response to the ping, another device in the network is using the same IP address. If the Subscriber unit uses a static IP address, switching to DHCP mode could remedy this problem.• There is too much network traffic.TFTP Server Does Not WorkWith TFTP, you can transfer files to and from the Subscriber unit. Also see TFTP Server Setup. If a TFTP server is not properly configured and running, you cannot upload and download files. The TFTP server:• Can be situated either local or remote• Must have a valid IP address• Must be set for send and receive without time-out
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Subscriber Module230• Must be running only during file upload and downloadIf the TFTP server does not upload or download files, it could mean:• The TFTP server is not running• The IP address of the TFTP server is invalid• The upload or download directory is not correctly set• The file name is not correctOnline Help Is Not AvailableOnline help is not available:1. Make sure that the Help files are installed on your computer or server. See Step 12: Install Documentation and Software.2. Verify whether the path of the help files in the Web Interface refers to the correct directory. See Help Link.Changes Do Not Take EffectChanges made in the Web Interface do not take effect:1. Restart your Web browser.2. Log into the radio unit again and make changes.3. Reboot the radio unit when prompted to do so.Wait until the reboot is completed before accessing the Subscriber unit again.VLAN Operation IssuesThe correct VLAN configuration can be verified by “pinging” wired hosts from both sides of the device and the network switch. Traffic can be “sniffed” on the wired (Ethernet) network.   Packets generated by hosts and viewed on one of the backbones should contain IEEE 802.1Q compliant VLAN headers when in Transparent mode. The VLAN ID in the headers should correspond to one of the VLAN Management IDs configured for the unit in Trunk mode.The correct VLAN assignment can be verified by pinging:• The unit to ensure connectivity• The switch to ensure VLAN properties• Hosts past the switch to confirm the switch is functionalUltimately, traffic can be “sniffed” on the Ethernet interface using third-party packages. Most problems can be avoided by ensuring that 802.1Q compliant VLAN tags containing the proper VLAN ID have been inserted in the bridged frames. The VLAN ID in the header should correspond to the  assigned VLAN.What if network traffic is being directed to a nonexistent host?• All sessions are disconnected, traffic is lost, and a manual override is necessary.• Workaround: You can configure the switch to mimic the nonexistent host.Link ProblemsWhile wireless networking emerges more and more, the number of wireless connections to networks grows every day. The Tsunami MP.11 Subscriber unit is one of the successful product families used by customers today who enjoy the day after day high-speed, cost-effective connections. To successfully use the connections, technicians must be able to troubleshoot the system effectively. This section gives hints on how a Subscriber unit network could be analyzed in the case of “no link,” a situation in which the customer thinks that the link is down because there is no traffic being passed.The four general reasons that a wireless link may not work are related to:
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Subscriber Module231• Hardware• Configuration• Path issues (such as distance, cable loss, obstacles)• Environment (anything that is outside the equipment and not part of the path itself)You have tested the equipment in the office and have verified that the hardware and configurations are sound. The path calculation has been reviewed, and the path has been double-checked for obstacles and canceling reflections.  Still, the user reports that the link does not work.Most likely, the problem reported is caused by the environment or by improper tests to verify the connection. This article assumes that the test method, cabling, antennas, and antenna alignment have been checked.  Always do this before checking the environment.General CheckTwo general checks are recommended before taking any action:• Check whether the software version at both sides is the most current• Check for any reported alarm messages in the Event LogStatistics CheckInterference and other negative environment factors always have an impact on the number of correctly received frames. The Tsunami MP.11 models give detailed information about transmission errors in the Web interface, under Monitor.The windows that are important for validating the health of the link are:•Monitor / Wireless / General (Lowest level of the wireless network): Check FCS errors:  Rising FCS errors indicate interference or low fade margin.  So does Failed count.  If only one of those is high, this indicates that a source of interference is significant near one end of the link.•Monitor / Interfaces / Wireless (One level higher than Wireless / General): The information is given after the wireless Ethernet frame is converted into a normal Ethernet frame.  The parameters shown are part of the MIB-II.– Both operational and admin status should be up.  An admin status of down indicates that the interface is configured to be down.–In Discards and Out Discards indicate overload of the buffers, likely caused by network traffic, which is too heavy.–In Errors and Out Errors should never happen; however, it might happen if a frame’s FCS was correct while the content was still invalid.•Monitor / Wireless / WORP (Statistics on WORP): WORP runs on top of normal Ethernet, which means that the WORP frame is in fact the data field of the Ethernet frame.  Send Failure or Send Retries must be low in comparison to Send Success.Low is about 1%.  The same applies for Receive Success versus Receive Retries and Receive Failures.  Note that the Receive Failures and Retries can be inaccurate.  A frame from the remote site might have been transmitted without even being received; therefore, the count of that frame might not have been added to the statistics and the receiver simply could not know that there was a frame.–Remote Partners indicates how many SUs are connected (in case of a BSU) or whether a Base is connected (in case of a Subscriber).–Base Announces should increase continuously.–Registration Requests and Authentication Requests should be divisible by 3.  WORP is designed in a way that each registration sequence starts with 3 identical requests.  It is not a problem if, once in a while, one of those requests is missing.  Missing requests frequently is to be avoided.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module232•Monitor / Per Station (Information per connected remote partner): Check that the received signal level (RSL) is the same on both sides; this should be the case if output power is the same. Two different RSLs indicate a broken transmitter or receiver. A significant difference between Local Noise and Remote Noise could indicate a source of interference near the site with the highest noise. Normally, noise is about –80 dBm at 36 Mbps. This number can vary from situation to situation, of course, also in a healthy environment.•Monitor / Link Test (Information used by Administrators for on-the-spot checking): Check the received signal level (RSL) and noise level.  Compare the RSL with the values from path analysis.  If the figures differ significantly from the values recorded at the Per Station window, check for environment conditions that change over time.Analyzing the SpectrumThe ultimate way to discover whether there is a source of interference is to use a spectrum analyzer. Usually, the antenna is connected to the analyzer when measuring. By turning the antenna 360 degrees, one can check from which direction the interference is coming. The analyzer will also display the frequencies and the level of signal is detected.Proxim recommends performing the test at various locations to find the most ideal location for the equipment.Avoiding InterferenceWhen a source of interference is identified and when the level and frequencies are known, the next step is to avoid the interference. Some of the following actions can be tried:• Changing the channel to a frequency away from the interference is the first step in avoiding interference. The installer can select a DFS Preferred Channel.• Each antenna has a polarization; try to change to a polarization different from the interferer.• A small beam antenna looks only in one particular direction. Because of the higher gain of such an antenna, lowering the output power or adding extra attenuation might be required to stay legal. This solution cannot help when the source of interference is right behind the remote site.• Lowering the antennas can help avoid seeing interference from far away.Move the antennas to a different location on the premises. This causes the devices to look from a different angle, causing a different pattern in the reception of the signals. Use obstructions such as buildings, when possible, to shield from the interference.ConclusionA spectrum analyzer can be a great help to identify whether interference might be causing link problems on Tsunami MP.11 systems.Before checking for interference, the link should be verified by testing in an isolated environment, to make sure that hardware works and your configurations are correct. The path analysis, cabling and antennas should be checked as well.Statistics in the web interface under Monitor tell if there is a link, if the link is healthy, and a continuous test can be doneusing the Link Test.Troubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point ModuleNOTE: This section helps you locate problems related to the AP device setup. For details about RADIUS, TFTP, serial communication programs (such as HyperTerminal), Telnet applications, or web browsers, please see the documentation that came with the respective application for assistance.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module233Troubleshooting ConceptsThe following list identifies important troubleshooting concepts and topics. The most common initialization and installation problems relate to IP addressing. For example, you must have valid IP addresses for both the AP and the management computer to access the unit’s HTTP interface.•IP Address management is fundamental.•Factory default units are set for “Dynamic” (DHCP) IP Address assignment. The default IP address for the AP is169.254.128.132 if your network does not have a DHCP server. If you connect the AP to a network with an active DHCP server, then use ScanTool to locate the IP address of your unit. If a DHCP server is not active on your subnet, then use ScanTool to assign a static IP address to the unit.•The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) provides a means to download and upload files. These files include the AP Image (executable program) and configuration files. •If the AP password is lost or forgotten, you will need to reset to default values. The Soft Reset to Factory Default or Hard Reset to Factory Default procedures reset the configuration, but do not change the current AP Image. •The AP Supports a Command Line Interface (CLI). If you are having trouble locating your AP on the network, connect to the unit directly using the serial interface and see CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module for CLI command syntax and parameter names.•ScanTool does not work over routers. You must be connected to the same subnet/physical LAN segment to use ScanTool. Note that ScanTool also works over the wireless interface; you can run it on a wireless client connected to the target AP or an AP connected to the same LAN segment/subnet.•If all else fails… Use the Forced Reload procedure to erase the current AP Image and configuration file and then download a new image.Symptoms and SolutionsConnectivity IssuesConnectivity issues include any problem that prevents you from powering up or connecting to the AP.AP Unit Will Not Boot - No LED Activity1. Make sure your power source is operating.2. Make sure all cables are connected to the AP correctly.3. If you are using PoE, make sure you are using a Category 5, foiled, twisted pair cable to power the AP.Serial Link Does Not Work1. Make sure you are using a standard, straight-through, 9-pin serial cable. 2. Double-check the physical network connections.3. Make sure your PC terminal program (such as HyperTerminal) is active and configured to the following values: – Com Port: (COM1, COM2, etc. depending on your computer); – Baud rate: 9600; Data bits: 8; Stop bits: 1; Flow Control: None; Parity: None;– Line Feeds with Carriage Returns (In HyperTerminal select: File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup > Send Line Ends with Line Feeds)Basic Software Setup and Configuration ProblemsLost AP, Telnet, or SNMP Password1. Perform the Soft Reset to Factory Default in this guide. This procedure resets system and network parameters, but does not affect the AP Image. The default AP HTTP, Telnet, and SNMP passwords are all public.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module234Client Computer Cannot Connect1. Client computers should have the same Network Name and security settings as the AP.2. Network Names should be allocated and maintained by the Network Administrator.3. See the documentation that came with your client card for additional troubleshooting suggestions. AP Has Incorrect IP Address1. Default IP Address Assignment mode is dynamic (DHCP). If you do not have a DHCP server on your network, the default IP Address is If you have more than one unintialized AP connected to the network, they will all have the same default IP address and you will not be able to communicate with them (due to an IP address conflict). In this case, assign each AP a static IP address via the serial cable or turn off all units but one and change the IP address using ScanTool one at a time.2. The AP only contacts a DHCP server during boot-up. If your network’s DHCP server is not available while the AP is booting, the device will use the default IP address ( Reboot the AP once your DHCP server is on-line again or use the ScanTool to find the Access Point’s current IP address.3. To find the unit’s current IP address if using DHCP, open the IP Client Table in the DHCP Server and match the Access Point’s IP address to its MAC address (found on the product label). Alternatively, use ScanTool to identify an Access Point’s current IP address.4. Once you have the current IP address, use the HTTP or CLI Interface to change the unit’s IP settings, if necessary.5. If you use static IP Address assignments, and cannot access the unit over Ethernet, use the Initializing the IP Addess using CLI procedure. Once the IP Address is set, you can use the Ethernet Interface to complete configuration.6. Perform the Soft Reset to Factory Default in this guide. This will reset the unit to “DHCP” mode. If there is a DHCP Server on the network, the DHCP Server will assign an IP Address to the AP.HTTP Interface or Telnet Interface Does Not Work1. Make sure you are using a compatible browser: – Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack 1 or later– Netscape 7.1 or later2. Make sure you have the proper IP address. Enter your Access Point’s IP Address in the browser address bar, similar to this example:       the Enter Network Password window appears, leave the User Name field empty and enter the HTTP password in the Password field. The default HTTP password is public.3. Use the CLI over the serial port to check the IP Access Table, which can be restricting access to Telnet and HTTP.HTML Help Files Do Not Appear1. Verify that the HTML Help files are installed in the default directory:C:/Program Files/ORiNOCO/AP-4x00MR-LR/HTML.If the Help files are not located in this folder, contact your network administrator to find out where the Help files are located on your server. 2. Copy the entire folder to your Web server. 3. Perform the following steps to specify the path for the Help files:a. Click the Commands button in the HTTP interface.b. Select the Help tab located at the top of the screen.c. Enter the pathname where the Help files are located in the Help Link box. This must be an HTTP address.d. Click OK.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module235Telnet CLI Does Not Work1. Make sure you have the proper IP Address. Enter your AP IP address in the Telnet connection dialog, from a DOS prompt, type:         C:\> telnet <AP IP Address>2. Use the CLI over the serial port to check the IP Access Table, which can be restricting access to Telnet and HTTP.TFTP Server Does Not Work1. Make sure the TFTP Server has been started.2. Verify the IP address of the TFTP Server. The server may be local or remote, so long as it has a valid IP address.3. Configure the TFTP Server to “point” to the folder containing the file to be downloaded (or to the folder in which the file is to be uploaded).4. Verify that you have entered the proper AP Image file name (including the file extension) and directory path (if needed).5. If you have a problem uploading a file, verify that the TFTP server is configured to allow uploads (typically the default setting is to allow only downloads).Client Connection ProblemsClient Software Finds No ConnectionMake sure you have configured your client software with the proper Network Name and Security settings. Network Names and WEP Keys are typically allocated and maintained by your network administrator.Client PC Card Does Not Work1. Make sure you are using the latest PC Card driver software. 2. Download and install the latest ORiNOCO client software from Loss of Connection1. Make sure you are within range of an active AP. 2. You can check the signal strength using the signal strength gauge on your client software. Client Does Not Receive an IP Address - Cannot Connect to Internet1. If the AP is configured as a DHCP server, open the Web-browser Interface and select the Configure button and then the Network tab to make sure the proper DHCP settings are being used.2. If you are not using the DHCP server feature on the AP, then make sure that your local DHCP server is accessible from the Access Point’s subnet.3. If using PoE, make sure you are not using a crossover Ethernet cable between the AP and the hub.VLAN Operation IssuesVerifying Proper Operation of the VLAN FeatureThe correct VLAN configuration can be verified by “pinging” both wired and wireless hosts from both sides of the AP device and the network switch. Traffic can be “sniffed” on both the wired (Ethernet) and wireless (WDS) backbones (if configured). Bridge frames generated by wireless clients and viewed on one of the backbones should contain IEEE 802.1Q compliant VLAN headers or tags. The VLAN ID in the headers should correspond to one of the VLAN User IDs configured for the AP. NOTE: The Mesh and Access Point Module  supports 16 VLAN/SSID pairs per wireless interface, each with a configured security profile.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module236VLAN WorkgroupsThe correct VLAN assignment can be verified by pinging the AP to ensure connectivity, by pinging the switch to ensure VLAN properties, and by pinging hosts past the switch to confirm the switch is functional. Ultimately, traffic can be “sniffed” on the Ethernet or WDS interfaces (if configured) using third-party packages. Most problems can be avoided by ensuring that 802.1Q compliant VLAN tags containing the proper VLAN ID have been inserted in the bridged frames. The VLAN ID in the header should correspond to the user’s assigned network name.What if network traffic is being directed to a nonexistent host?• All sessions are disconnected, traffic is lost, and a Forced Reload is necessary. • Workaround: you can configure the switch to mimic the nonexistent host.I have just configured the Management ID and now I can't manage the AP?• Check to ensure your password is correct. If your password is incorrect or all inbound packets do NOT have the correct tag, then a Forced Reload is necessary. CAUTION: The Forced Reload procedure disconnects all users and resets all values to factory defaults.There Is No Data Link 1. Verify that the indicator for the port is “on.”2. Verify that the PoE hub is connected to the Ethernet network with a good connection.3. Verify that the Ethernet cable is Category 5 or better and is less than 100 meters (approximately 325 feet) in length from the Ethernet source to the AP.4. Try to connect a different device to the same port on the PoE hub – if it works and a link is established, there is probably a faulty data link in the AP.5. Try to re-connect the AP to a different output port (remember to move the input port accordingly) – if it works, there is probably a faulty output or input port in the PoE hub or a bad RJ-45 connection.“Overload” Indications1. Verify that you are not using a cross-over cable between the PoE output port and the AP.2. Verify that there is no short over any of the twisted pair cables.3. Move the device into a different output port (remember to move the input port accordingly); if it works, there is probably a faulty port or bad RJ-45 connection.Recovery ProceduresThe most common installation problems relate to IP addressing. For example, without the TFTP server IP Address, you will not be able to download a new AP Image to the AP. IP Address management is fundamental. We suggest you create a chart to document and validate the IP addresses for your system.If the password is lost or forgotten, you will need to reset the AP to default values. The Soft Reset to Factory Default and Hard Reset to Factory Default procedures reset configuration settings, but do not change the current AP Image. If the AP has a corrupted software image, follow the Forced Reload procedure to erase the current AP Image and download a new image.Soft Reset to Factory DefaultsUse this procedure to reset the network configuration values, including the password, IP address, and subnet mask. The current AP Image is not deleted. 1. Click Commands > Reset.2.  Click Reset to Factory Default; the device is reset to its factory default state.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module2373. If not using DHCP, use the ScanTool or use CLI over a serial connection to set the IP address, subnet mask, and other IP parameters. See CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module for CLI information. If you do not have access to the HTTP or CLI interfaces, use the procedure described in Hard Reset to Factory Default.Hard Reset to Factory DefaultsIf you cannot access the unit or you have lost its password, you can reset the unit to the factory default settings using the Reload button on the power injector, as described below. NOTE: This option is not available on FC versions of the hardware.1. Using the end of a paper clip or pin, depress and hold the Reload button on the side of the unit’s power injector for a minimum of 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds. The configuration is deleted from the unit and the unit reboots, using a factory default configuration.NOTE: You need to use a pin or the end of a paperclip to press the button.CAUTION: If you hold the Reload button for longer than 20 seconds, you may go into Forced Reload mode, which erases the unit’s embedded software. This software must be reloaded through an Ethernet connection with access to a TFTP server. See Forced Reload below for instructions.2. If not using DHCP, use the ScanTool or use CLI over a serial connection to set the IP address, subnet mask, and other IP parameters. See CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module for CLI information. Forced ReloadWith Forced Reload, you bring the unit into bootloader mode by erasing the embedded software. Use this procedure only as a last resort if the unit does not boot and the procedure did not help.CAUTION: By completing this procedure, the embedded software in the AP will be erased. You will need to reload the software before the unit is operational.To do a forced reload:1. Disconnect and reconnect power to the unit.2. Using the end of a paper clip or pin, immediate press and hold the Reload button on the side of the unit’s power injector for about 20 seconds.  Image and configuration are deleted from the unit.3. Follow one of the procedures below to load a new AP Image to the Access Point:– Download a New Image Using ScanTool– Download a New Image Using the Bootloader CLIBecause the CLI option requires a physical connection to the unit’s serial port, Proxim recommends the ScanTool option.Download a New Image Using ScanToolTo download the AP Image, you will need an Ethernet connection to the computer on which the TFTP server resides and to a computer that is running ScanTool (this is either two separate computers connected to the same network or a single computer running both programs).ScanTool detects if an Access Point does not have a valid software image installed. In this case, the TFTP Server and Image File Name parameters are enabled in the ScanTool’s Change screen so you can download a new image to the unit. (These fields are grayed out if ScanTool does not detect a software image problem.) Preparing to Download the AP ImageBefore starting, you need to know the Access Point’s IP address, subnet mask, the TFTP Server IP Address, and the AP Image file name. Make sure the TFTP server is running and configured to point to the folder containing the image to be downloaded.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module238Download ProcedureFollow these steps to use ScanTool to download a software image to an Access Point with a missing image:1. Download the latest software from Copy the latest software updates to your TFTP server.2. Launch ScanTool.3. Highlight the entry for the AP you want to update and click Change.4. Set IP Address Type to Static.NOTE: You need to assign static IP information temporarily to the Access Point since its DHCP client functionality is not available when no image is installed on the device.5. Enter an unused IP address that is valid on your network in the IP Address field. You may need to contact your network administrator to get this address.6. Enter the network’s Subnet Mask in the field provided.7. Enter the network’s Gateway IP Address, if necessary. You may need to contact your network administrator to get this address. You should only need to enter the default gateway address ( if the Access Point and the TFTP server are separated by a router.8. Enter the IP address of your TFTP server in the field provided.9. Enter the Image File Name (including the file extension). Enter the full directory path and file name. If the file is located in the default TFTP directory, you need enter only the file name.10.Click OK.The Access Point will reboot and the download will begin automatically. You should see downloading activity begin after a few seconds within the TFTP server’s status screen.11.Click OK when prompted that the device has been updated successfully to return to the Scan List screen.12.Click Cancel to close the ScanTool.13.When the download process is complete, configure the AP. Download a New Image Using the Bootloader CLITo download the AP Image, you will need an Ethernet connection to the computer on which the TFTP server resides. This can be any computer on the LAN or connected to the AP with a cross-over Ethernet cable.You must also connect the AP to a computer with a standard serial cable and use a terminal client, such as HyperTerminal. From the terminal, enter CLI Commands to set the IP address and download an AP Image.Preparing to Download the AP ImageBefore starting, you need to know the Access Point’s IP address, subnet mask, the TFTP Server IP Address, and the AP Image file name. Make sure the TFTP server is running and configured to point to the folder containing the image to be downloaded.Download Procedure1. Download the latest software from Copy the latest software updates to your TFTP server’s default directory.3. Use a straight-through serial cable to connect the Access Point’s serial port to your computer’s serial port.4. Open your terminal emulation program (like HyperTerminal) and set the following connection properties:• Com Port: <COM1, COM2, etc., depending on your computer>• Baud rate: 9600•Data Bits: 8• Stop bits: 1
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module239• Flow Control: None• Parity: None5. Under File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup, enable the Send line ends with line feeds option. HyperTerminal sends a line return at the end of each line of code.6. Press the RESET button on the AP. The terminal display shows Power On Self Tests (POST) activity. After approximately 30 seconds, a message indicates: Sending Traps to SNMP manager periodically. After this message appears, press the ENTER key repeatedly until the following prompt appears:[Device name]>7. Enter only the following statements:[Device name]> show (to view configuration parameters and values)[Device name]> set ipaddrtype static[Device name]> set ipaddr <Access Point IP Address>[Device name]> set ipsubmask <IP Mask>[Device name]> set tftpipaddr <TFTP Server IP Address>[Device name]> set tftpfilename <AP Image File Name, including file extension>[Device name]> set ipgw <Gateway IP Address>[Device name]> show (to confirm your new settings)[Device name]> rebootExample: [Device name]> show[Device name]> set ipaddrtype static[Device name]> set ipaddr[Device name]> set ipsubmask[Device name]> set tftpipaddr[Device name]> set tftpfilename MyImage.bin[Device name]> set ipgw[Device name]> show[Device name]> rebootThe AP will reboot and then download the image file. You should see downloading activity begin after a few seconds within the TFTP server’s status screen.8. When the download process is complete, configure the AP. Setting IP Address using Serial PortUse the following procedure to set an IP address over the serial port using the CLI. The network administrator typically provides the AP IP address.Hardware and Software Requirements• Standard straight-through serial data (RS-232) cable with one DB9 connector and one RJ11 connector (not included with FC units). • ASCII Terminal software, such as HyperTerminal.Attaching the Serial Port Cable1. Connect one end of the serial cable to the AP and the other end to a serial port on your computer.2. Power on the computer and AP, if necessary.
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module240Initializing the IP Address using CLIAfter installing the serial port cable, you may use the CLI to communicate with the AP. CLI supports most generic terminal emulation programs, such as HyperTerminal (which is included with the Windows operating systems). In addition, many web sites offer shareware or commercial terminal programs you can download. Once the IP address has been assigned, you can use the HTTP interface or the CLI over Telnet to complete configuration.Follow these steps to assign the AP an IP address:1. Open your terminal emulation program (like HyperTerminal) and set the following connection properties:• Com Port: <COM1, COM2, etc., depending on your computer>• Baud rate: 9600•Data Bits: 8• Stop bits: 1• Flow Control: None• Parity: None2. Under File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup, enable the Send line ends with line feeds option. HyperTerminal sends a line return at the end of each line of code.3. Press the RESET button on the AP.The terminal display shows Power On Self Tests (POST) activity, and then displays a CLI prompt, similar to the example below. This process may take up to 90 seconds.[Device name]> Please enter password:4. Enter the CLI password (default is public).The terminal displays a welcome message and then the CLI Prompt:[Device name]>5. Enter show ip. Network parameters appear:6. Change the IP address and other network values using set and reboot CLI commands, similar to the example below (use your own IP address and subnet mask). Note that IP Address Type is set to Dynamic by default. If you have a DHCP server on your network, you should not need to manually configure the Access Point’s IP address; the Access Point will obtain an IP address from the network’s DHCP server during boot-up.After each entry the CLI reminds you to reboot; however wait to reboot until all commands have been entered. [Device name]> set ipaddrtype static[Device name]> set ipaddr <IP Address>[Device name]> set ipsubmask <IP Subnet Mask>[Device name]> set ipgw <Default Gateway IP Address>[Device name]> show ip (to confirm your new settings)[Device name]> reboot 07. After the AP reboots, verify the new IP address by reconnecting to the CLI and enter a show ip command. Alternatively, you can ping the AP from a network computer to confirm that the new IP address has taken effect.8. When the proper IP address is set, use the HTTP interface or CLI over Telnet to configure the rest of the unit’s operating parameters.Related ApplicationsRADIUS Authentication ServerIf you enabled RADIUS Authentication on the AP, make sure that your network’s RADIUS servers are operational. Otherwise, clients will not be able to log in. There are several reasons the authentication server services might be unavailable, here are two typical things to check:
Troubleshooting MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideTroubleshooting Concepts for Mesh and Access Point Module241• Make sure you have the proper RADIUS authentication server information setup configured in the AP. Check the RADIUS Authentication Server’s Shared Secret and Destination Port number (default is 1812; for RADIUS Accounting, the default is 1813).• Make sure the RADIUS authentication server RAS setup matches the AP.TFTP ServerThe “Trivial File Transfer Protocol” (TFTP) server allows you to transfer files across a network. You can upload configuration files from the AP for backup or copying, and you can download configuration files or new software images. The TFTP software is located on the installation CD. If a TFTP server is not configured and running, you will not be able to download and upload images and configuration files to/from the AP. Remember that the TFTP server does not have to be local, so long as you have a valid TFTP IP address. Note that you do not need a TFTP server running unless you want to transfer files to or from the AP.After the TFTP server is installed:• Check to see that TFTP is configured to point to the directory containing the AP Image.• Make sure you have the proper TFTP server IP Address, the proper AP Image file name, and that the TFTP server is connected.• Make sure the TFTP server is configured to both Transmit and Receive files (on the TFTP server’s Security tab), with no automatic shutdown or time-out (on the Auto Close tab).
MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide242ACountry Codes for Subscriber ModuleIn the CLI and MIB browser, the country code is set using the string code, as shown in the following example.Example: To set Taiwan as the country:set syscountrycode TWNOTE: The country code must be entered in capital letters.
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country243Channels/Frequencies by Country Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHzAll Channels - 5 GHz (A5)All 5 GHz bands No All 20 MHz channels. All 10 MHz channels. All 5 MHz channels.Argentina (AR) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.825 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805)56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805)Australia (AU) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Austria (AT) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Belgium (BE) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Belize (BZ) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country244Bolivia (BO) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Brazil (BR) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Brazil 5.8 GHz (B1) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Brunei Darussalam (BN)5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Bulgaria (BG) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Canada (CA) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country245Canada DFS (C1) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.47 - 5.725 GHzYes 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680),  140 (5700) 54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)China (CN) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Colombia (CO) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Cyprus (CY) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country246Czech Republic 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Denmark (DK) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Dominican Republic (DO)5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Estonia (EE) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country247Finland (FI) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)France (FR) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Germany (DE) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Greece (GR) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country248Guatemala (GT) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Hong Kong (HK) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Hungary (HU) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Iceland (IS) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country249India (IN) 5.15 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.870 GHzNo 36 (5180), 40 (5200), 44 (5220), 48 (5240), 52 (5260), 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825), 169 (5845), 173 (5865) 36 (5180), 38 (5190), 40 (5200), 42 (5210), 44 (5220), 46 (5230), 48 (5240), 50 (5250), 52 (5260), 54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835),  169 (5845), 171 (5855),  173 (5865) 36 (5180), 37 (5185), 38 (5190), 39 (5195), 40 (5200), 41 (5205), 42 (5210), 43 (5215), 44 (5220), 45 (5225), 46 (5230), 47 (5235), 48 (5240), 49 (5245), 50 (5250), 51 (5255), 52 (5260), 53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835), 168 (5840), 169 (5845), 170 (5850), 171 (5855), 172 (5860), 173 (5865), 174 (5870)Iran (IR) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Ireland (IE) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Ireland 5.8 GHz (I1)  5.725 - 5.85 GHz  Yes 147 (5735), 151 (5755), 155 (5775), 167 (5835)145 (5725), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835), 169 (5845)145 (5725), 146 (5730), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835), 168 (5840), 169 (5845), 170 (5850)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country250Italy (IT) 5.47 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Japan (JP) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz Yes 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335)Japan2 (J2) 5.15 - 5.25 GHz No 34 (5170), 38 (5190), 42 (5210), 46 (5230)32 (5160),34 (5170), 36 (5180), 38 (5190), 40 (5200), 42 (5210), 44 (5220), 46 (5230), 32 (5160), 33 (5165), 34 (5170), 35 (5175), 36 (5180), 37 (5185), 38 (5190), 39 (5195), 40 (5200), 41 (5205), 42 (5210), 43 (5215), 44 (5220), 45 (5225), 46 (5230)Korea Republic (KR)5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Korea Republic2 (K2) 5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Latvia (LV) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country251Liechtenstein (LI) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Lithuania (LT) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Luxembourg (LU) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Macau (MO) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country252Malaysia (MY) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Malta (MT) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Mexico (MX) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Netherlands (NL) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)New Zealand (NZ) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country253North Korea (KP) 5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Norway (NO) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Panama (PA) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Philippines (PH) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Poland (PL) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country254Portugal (PT) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Puerto Rico (PR)  5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country255Russia (RU) 5.15 - 6.08 GHz No 30 (5150), 34 (5170), 38 (5190), 42 (5210), 46 (5230), 50 (5250), 54 (5270), 58 (5290), 62 (5310), 66 (5330), 70 (5350), 74 (5370), 78 (5390), 82 (5410), 86 (5430), 90 (5450), 94 (5470), 98 (5490), 102 (5510), 106 (5530), 110 (5550), 114 (5570), 118 (5590), 122 (5610), 126 (5630), 130 (5650), 134 (5670), 138 (5690), 142 (5710), 146 (5730), 150 (5750), 154 (5770), 158 (5790), 162 (5810), 166 (5830), 170 (5850), 174 (5870), 178 (5890), 182 (5910), 186 (5930), 190 (5950), 194 (5970), 198 (5990), 202 (6010), 206 (6030), 210 (6060), 214 (6070)30 (5150), 32 (5160), 34 (5170), 36 (5180) 38 (5190), 40 (5200), 42 (5210), 44 (5220), 46 (5230), 48 (5240), 50 (5250), 52 (5260), 54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 68 (5340), 70 (5350), 72 (5360), 74 (5370), 76 (5380), 78 (5390), 80 (5400), 82 (5410), 84 (5420), 86 (5430), 88 (5440), 90 (5450), 92 (5460), 94 (5470), 96 (5480), 98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710), 144 (5720), 146 (5730), 148 (5740), 150 (5750), 152 (5760), 154 (5770), 156 (5780), 158 (5790), 160 (5800), 162 (5810), 164 (5820), 166 (5830), 168 (5840), 170 (5850), 172 (5860), 174 (5870), 176 (5880) 178 (5890), 180 (5900), 182 (5910), 184 (5920), 186 (5930), 188 (5940), 190 (5950), 192 (5960), 194 (5970), 196 (5980), 198 (5990), 200 (6000), 202 (6010), 204 (6020), 206 (6030), 208 (6040), 210 (6050), 212 (6060), 214 (6070)30 (5150), 31 (5155), 32 (5160), 33 (5165), 34 (5170), 35 (5175), 36 (5180), 37 (5185), 38 (5190), 39 (5195), 40 (5200), 41 (5205), 42 (5210), 43 (5215), 44 (5220), 45 (5225), 46 (5230), 47 (5235), 48 (5240), 49 (5245), 50 (5250), 51 (5255), 52 (5260), 53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 68 (5340), 69 (5345), 70 (5350), 71 (5355), 72 (5360), 73 (5365), 74 (5370), 75 (5375), 76 (5380), 77 (5385), 78 (5390), 79 (5395), 80 (5400), 81 (5405), 82 (5410), 83 (5415), 84 (5420), 85 (5425), 86 (5430), 87 (5435), 88 (5440), 89 (5445), 90 (5450), 91 (5455), 92 (5460), 93 (5465), 94 (5470), 95 (5475), 96 (5480), 97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710), 143 (5715), 144 (5720), 145 (5725), 146 (5730), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835), 168 (5840), 169 (5845), 170 (5850), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835), 168 (5840), 169 (5845), 170 (5850), 171 (5855), 172 (5860), 173 (5865), 174 (5870), 175 (5875), 176 (5880), 177 (5885), 178 (5890), 179 (5895), 180 (5900), 181 (5905), 182 (5910), 183 (5915), 184 (5920), 185 (5925), 186 (5930), 187 (5935), 188 (5940), 189 (5945), 190 (5950), 191 (5955), 192 (5960), 193 (5965), 194 (5970), 195 (5975), 196 (5980), 197 (5855), 198 (5990), 199 (5995), 200 (6000), 201 (6005), 202 (6010), 203 (6015), 204 (6020), 205 (6025), 206 (6030), 207 (6035), 208 (6040), 209 (6045), 210 (6050), 211 (6055), 212 (6060), 213 (6065), 214 (6070) 215 (6075)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country256Saudi Arabia (SA) 5.15 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.825 GHzNo 36 (5180), 40 (5200), 44 (5220), 48 (5240), 52 (5260), 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)36 (5180), 38 (5190), 40 (5200), 42 (5210), 44 (5220), 46 (5230), 48 (5240), 50 (5250), 52 (5260), 54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)36 (5180), 37 (5185), 38 (5190), 39 (5195), 40 (5200), 41 (5205), 42 (5210), 43 (5215), 44 (5220), 45 (5225), 46 (5230), 47 (5235), 48 (5240), 49 (5245), 50 (5250), 51 (5255), 52 (5260), 53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Singapore (SG) 5.15 - 5.25 GHz and 5.725 - 5.85 GHzNo 36 (5180), 40 (5200), 44 (5220), 48 (5240), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)36 (5180), 38 (5190), 40 (5200), 42 (5210), 44 (5220), 46 (5230), 48 (5240), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)36 (5180), 37 (5185), 38 (5190), 39 (5195), 40 (5200), 41 (5205), 42 (5210), 43 (5215), 44 (5220), 45 (5225), 46 (5230), 47 (5235), 48 (5240), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Slovak Republic (SK)5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Slovenia (SI) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country257South Africa (ZA) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Spain (ES) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Sweden (SE) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Switzerland (CH) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country258Taiwan (158) 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.725 - 5.825 GHzNo 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)53 (5265), 54 (5270), 55 (5275), 56 (5280), 57 (5285), 58 (5290), 59 (5295), 60 (5300), 61 (5305), 62 (5310), 63 (5315), 64 (5320), 65 (5325), 66 (5330), 67 (5335), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Thailand (TH) 5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)United Kingdom (GB) 5.47 - 5.725 GHz Yes 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680), 140 (5700)98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)97 (5485), 98 (5490), 99 (5495), 100 (5500), 101 (5505), 102 (5510), 103 (5515), 104 (5520), 105 (5525), 106 (5530), 107 (5535), 108 (5540), 109 (5545), 110 (5550), 111 (5555), 112 (5560), 113 (5565), 114 (5570), 115 (5575), 116 (5580), 117 (5585), 118 (5590), 119 (5595), 120 (5600), 121 (5605), 122 (5610), 123 (5615), 124 (5620), 125 (5625), 126 (5630), 127 (5635), 128 (5640), 129 (5645), 130 (5650), 131 (5655), 132 (5660), 133 (5665), 134 (5670), 135 (5675), 136 (5680), 137 (5685), 138 (5690), 139 (5695), 140 (5700), 141 (5705), 142 (5710)United Kingdom 5.8 GHz (G1)5.725 - 5.85 GHz  Yes 147 (5735), 151 (5755), 155 (5775), 167 (5835)145 (5725), 147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835), 169 (5845)145 (5725), 146 (5730), 147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835), 168 (5840), 169 (5845), 170 (5850)United States (US) 5.725 - 5.85 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805), 165 (5825)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815), 165 (5825), 167 (5835)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815), 164 (5820), 165 (5825), 166 (5830), 167 (5835)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
Country Codes for Subscriber Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide Channels/Frequencies by Country259United States DFS (U1)5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.47 - 5.725 GHzYes 56 (5280), 60 (5300), 64 (5320), 100 (5500), 104 (5520), 108 (5540), 112 (5560), 116 (5580), 120 (5600), 124 (5620), 128 (5640), 132 (5660), 136 (5680),  140 (5700) 54 (5270), 56 (5280), 58 (5290), 60 (5300), 62 (5310), 64 (5320), 66 (5330), 98 (5490), 100 (5500), 102 (5510), 104 (5520), 106 (5530), 108 (5540), 110 (5550), 112 (5560), 114 (5570), 116 (5580), 118 (5590), 120 (5600), 122 (5610), 124 (5620), 126 (5630), 128 (5640), 130 (5650), 132 (5660), 134 (5670), 136 (5680), 138 (5690), 140 (5700), 142 (5710)NAUruguay (UY)  5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Venezuela (VE)  5.725 - 5.825 GHz No 149 (5745), 153 (5765), 157 (5785), 161 (5805)147 (5735), 149 (5745), 151 (5755), 153 (5765), 155 (5775), 157 (5785), 159 (5795), 161 (5805), 163 (5815)147 (5735), 148 (5740), 149 (5745), 150 (5750), 151 (5755), 152 (5760), 153 (5765), 154 (5770), 155 (5775), 156 (5780), 157 (5785), 158 (5790), 159 (5795), 160 (5800), 161 (5805), 162 (5810), 163 (5815)Country (Code) FrequencyBandsDFS Allowed Channels (Center Freq)20 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz
260MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideBCLI for Mesh and Access Point ModuleThis section discusses the following:•General Notes•Command Line Interface (CLI) Variations•CLI Command Types•Using Tables and Strings•Configuring the AP using CLI commands•CLI Monitoring Parameters•Parameter Tables•CLI Batch FileCLI commands can be used to initialize, configure, and manage the Access Point.• CLI commands may be entered in real time through a keyboard or submitted with CLI scripts.•A CLI Batch file is a user-editable configuration file that provides a user-friendly way to change the AP configuration through a file upload. The CLI Batch file is an ASCII file that facilitates Auto Configuration because it does not require the user to access one of the AP’s management interfaces to make configuration changes as is required with the proprietary LTV format configuration file. • The CLI is available through both the Serial Port interface and over the Ethernet interface using Telnet. NOTE: All CLI commands and parameters are case-sensitive.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide261General NotesPrerequisite Skills and KnowledgeTo use this document effectively, you should have a working knowledge of Local Area Networking (LAN) concepts, network access infrastructures, and client-server relationships. In addition, you should be familiar with software setup procedures for typical network operating systems and servers.Notation Conventions• Computer prompts are shown as constant width type. For example: [Device-Name]>• Information that you input as shown is displayed in bold constant width type. For example: [Device name]> set ipaddr• The names of keyboard keys, software buttons, and field names are displayed in bold type. For example: Click the Configure button.• Screen names are displayed in bold italics. For example, the System Status screen.Important Terminology• Configuration Files - Database files containing the current Access Point configuration. Configuration items include the IP Address and other network-specific values. Config files may be downloaded to the Access Point or uploaded for backup or troubleshooting.• Download vs. Upload - Downloads transfer files to the Access Point. Uploads transfer files from the Access Point. The TFTP server performs file transfers in both directions.• Group - A logical collection of network parameter information. For example, the System Group is composed of several related parameters. Groups can also contain Tables. All items for a given Group can be displayed with a show <Group> CLI Command.• Image File - The Access Point software executed from RAM. To update an Access Point you typically download a new Image File. This file is often referred to as the “AP Image”.• Parameter - A fundamental network value that can be displayed and may be changeable. For example, the Access Point must have a unique IP Address and the Wireless interface must be assigned an SSID. Change parameters with the CLI set Command, and view them with the CLI show Command.• Table - Tables hold parameters for several related items. For example, you can add several potential managers to the SNMP Table. All items for a given Table can be displayed with a show <Table> CLI Command.• TFTP - Refers to the TFTP Server, used for file transfers. Navigation and Special KeysThis CLI supports the following navigation and special key functions to move the cursor along the prompt line.Key Combination OperationDelete or Backspace Delete previous characterCtrl-A Move cursor to beginning of lineCtrl-E Move cursor to end of lineCtrl-F Move cursor forward one characterCtrl-B Move cursor back one characterCtrl-D Delete the character the cursor is onCtrl-U Delete all text to left of cursorCtrl-P Go to the previous line in the history bufferCtrl-N Go to the next line in the history bufferCtrl-W Delete the previous word
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide262CLI Error MessagesThe following table describes the error messages associated with improper inputs or expected CLI behavior.Tab Complete the command line? List available commandsError Message DescriptionSyntax Error Invalid syntax entered at the command prompt.Invalid Command A non-existent command has been entered at the command prompt.Invalid Parameter Name An invalid parameter name has been entered at the command prompt.Invalid Parameter Value An invalid parameter value has been entered at the command prompt.Invalid Table Index An invalid table index has been entered at the command prompt.Invalid Table Parameter An invalid table parameter has been entered at the command prompt.Invalid Table Parameter Value An invalid table parameter value has been entered at the command prompt.Read Only Parameter User is attempting to configure a read-only parameter.Incorrect Password An incorrect password has been entered in the CLI login prompt.Download Unsuccessful The download operation has failed due to incorrect TFTP server IP Address or file name.Upload Unsuccessful The upload operation has failed due to incorrect TFTP server IP Address or file name.Key Combination Operation
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide263Command Line Interface (CLI) VariationsAdministrators use the CLI to control Access Point operation and monitor network statistics. The AP supports two types of CLI: the Bootloader CLI and the normal CLI. The Bootloader CLI provides a limited command set, and is used when the current AP Image is bad or missing. The Bootloader CLI allows you to assign an IP Address and download a new image. Once the image is downloaded and running, the Access Point uses the normal CLI. This guide covers the normal CLI unless otherwise specified.Bootloader CLIThe Bootloader CLI is a minimal subset of the normal CLI used to perform initial configuration of the AP. This interface is only accessible via the serial interface if the AP does not contain a software image or a download image command over TFTP has failed.The Bootloader CLI provides you with the ability to configure the initial setup parameters as well as download a software image to the device. The following functions are supported by the Bootloader CLI:• configuration of initial device parameters using the set command•show command to view the device’s configuration parameters•help command to provide additional information on all commands supported by the Bootloader CLI•reboot command to reboot the deviceThe parameters supported by the Bootloader CLI (for viewing and modifying) are:• System Name• IP Address Assignment Type• IP Address•IP Mask• Gateway IP Address• TFTP Server IP Address• Image File Name (including the file extension)The following lists display the results of using the help command in the Bootloader CLI:Figure B-1 Results of “help” bootloader CLI commandThe following lists display the results of using the show command in the Bootloader CLI:
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide264Figure B-2 Results of “show” bootloader CLI command
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide265CLI Command TypesThis guide divides CLI Commands into two categories: Operational and Parameter Controls.Operational CLI CommandsThese commands affect Access Point behavior, such as downloading, rebooting, and so on. After entering commands (and parameters, if any) press the Enter key to execute the Command Line.Operational commands include:•?: Typing a question mark lists CLI Commands or parameters, depending on usage (you do not need to type Enter after typing this command)•done, exit, quit: Terminates the CLI session•download: Uses a TFTP server to download “image” files, “config” files, “bootloader upgrade” files, a “license” file, “SSL certificates”, “SSL private keys”, “SSH public keys”, “SSH private keys”, or “CLI Batch Files” to the Access Point•help: Displays general CLI help information or command help information, such as command usage and syntax•history: Remembers commands to help avoid re-entering complex statements•passwd: Sets the Access Point’s CLI password•reboot: Reboots the Access Point in the specified time•search: Lists the parameters in a specified Table•upload: Uses TFTP server to upload “config” files from Access Point to TFTP default directory or specified path? (List Commands) This command can be used in a number of ways to display available commands and parameters.The following table lists each operation and provides a basic example. Following the table are detailed examples and display results for each operation. Example 1. Display Command listTo display the Command List, enter ?.[Device-Name]>?Figure B-3 Result of “?” CLI commandOperation Basic ExampleDisplay the Command List (Example 1) [Device-Name]>?Display commands that start with specified letters (Example 2)[Device-Name]>s?Display parameters for set and show Commands (Examples 3a and 3b)[Device-Name]>set ?[Device-Name]>show ipa?Prompt to enter successive parameters for Commands (Example 4)[Device-Name]>download ?
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide266Example 2. Display specific CommandsTo show all commands that start with specified letters, enter one or more letters, then ? with no space between letters and ?.[Device-Name]>s?Figure B-4 Result of “s?” CLI commandExample 3. Display parameters for set and showExample 3a allows you to see every possible parameter for the set (or show) commands. Notice from example 3a that the list is very long. Example 3b shows how to display a subset of the parameters based on initial parameter letters.Example 3a. Display every parameter that can be changed[Device-Name]>set ?Figure B-5 Result of “set ?” CLI commandExample 3b. Display parameters based on letter sequenceThis example shows entries for parameters that start with the letter “i”. The more letters you enter, the fewer the results returned. Notice that there is no space between the letters and the question mark.[Device-Name]> show ipa?Figure B-6 Result of “show ipa?” CLI command[Device-Name]> show iparp?....
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide267Figure B-7 Result of “show iparp?” CLI commandExample 4. Display Prompts for Successive ParametersEnter the command, a space, and then ?. Then, when the parameter prompt appears, enter the parameter value. The parameter is changed and a new CLI line is echoed with the new value (in the first part of the following example, the value is the IP Address of the TFTP server).After entering one parameter, you may add another ? to the new CLI line to see the next parameter prompt, and so on until you have entered all of the required parameters. The following example shows how this is used for the downloadCommand. The last part of the example shows the completed download Command ready for execution.[Device-Name]> download ?<TFTP IP Address>[Device-Name]> download ?<File Name>[Device-Name]> download apimage ?<file type (config/img/bootloader)>[Device-Name]> download apimage img <CR>done, exit, quit Each of the following commands ends a CLI session: [Device-Name]> done[Device-Name]> exit[Device-Name]> quitdownload Downloads the specified file from a TFTP server to the Access Point. Executing download in combination with the asterisks character (“*”) will make use of the previously set TFTP parameters. Executing download without parameters will display command help and usage information.1. Syntax to download a file:[Device-Name]>download <tftp server address> <path and filename> <file type>Example:[Device-Name]>download APImage2 img2. Syntax to display help and usage information:[Device-Name]>download3.  Syntax to execute the download Command using previously set (stored) TFTP Parameters:[Device-Name]>download *
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide268helpDisplays instructions on using control-key sequences for navigating a Command Line and displays command information and examples.1. Using help as the only argument:[Device-Name]>helpFigure B-8 Results of “help” CLI command2. Complete command description and command usage can be provided by:[Device-Name]>help <command name>[Device-Name]><command name> helphistory Shows content of Command History Buffer. The Command History Buffer stores command statements entered in the current session. To avoid re-entering long command statements, use the keyboard “up arrow” (Ctrl-P) and “down arrow” (Ctrl-N) keys to recall previous statements from the Command History Buffer. When the desired statement reappears, press the Enter key to execute, or you may edit the statement before executing it.[Device-Name]> historypasswd Changes the CLI Password. [Device-Name]> passwd oldpassword newpassword newpasswordreboot Reboots Access Point after specified number of seconds. Specify a value of 0 (zero) for immediate reboot.[Device-Name]> reboot 0[Device-Name]> reboot 30
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide269search Lists the parameters supported by the specified table. This list corresponds to the table information displayed in the HTTP interface. In this example, the CLI returns the list of parameters that make up an entry in the IP Access Table. [Device-Name]> search mgmtipaccesstblFigure B-9 Results of “search mgmtipaccesstbl” CLI commanduploadUploads a text-based configuration file from the AP to the TFTP Server. Executing upload with the asterisk character (“*”) will make use of the previously set/stored TFTP parameters. Executing upload without parameters will display command help and usage information. 1. Syntax to upload a file:[Device-Name]>upload <tftp server address> <path and filename> <filetype>Example:[Device-Name]>upload APconfig.sys config2. Syntax to display help and usage information:[Device-Name]>help upload3. Syntax to execute the upload command using previously set (stored) TFTP Parameters:[Device-Name]>upload *Parameter Control CommandsThe following sections cover the two Parameter Control Commands (show and set) and include several tables showing parameter properties. These commands allow you to view (show) all parameters and statistics and to change (set)parameters. •show: To see any Parameter or Statistic value, you can specify a single parameter, a Group, or a Table. •set: Use this CLI Command to change parameter values. You can use a single CLI statement to modify Tables, or you can modify each parameter separately. “show” CLI CommandDisplays the value of the specified parameter, or displays all parameter values of a specified group (parameter table). Groups contain Parameters and Tables. Tables contain parameters for a series of similar entities.To see a definition and syntax example, type only show and then press the Enter key. To see a list of available parameters, enter a question mark (?) after show (example: show ?). Syntax:[Device-Name]>show <parameter>[Device-Name]>show <group>[Device-Name]>show <table>Examples:[Device-Name]>show ipaddr
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide270[Device-Name]>show network[Device-Name]>show mgmtipaccesstbl“set” CLI CommandSets (modifies) the value of the specified parameter. To see a definition and syntax example, type only set and then press the Enter key. To see a list of available parameters, enter a space, then a question mark (?) after set (example: set?).Syntax:[Device-Name]>set <parameter> <value>[Device-Name]>set <table> <index> <argument 1> <value 1> ... <argument N> <value N>Example:[Device-Name]>set sysloc “Main Lobby”[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 0 ipaddr ipmask Configuring Objects that Require RebootCertain objects supported by the Access Point require a device reboot in order for the changes to take effect. In order to inform the end-user of this behavior, the CLI provides informational messages when the user has configured an object that requires a reboot. The following messages are displayed as a result of the configuring such object or objects.Example 1: Configuring objects that require the device to be rebootedThe following message is displayed every time the user has configured an object that requires the device to be rebooted.[Device-Name]>set ipaddr following elements require rebootipaddrExample 2: Executing the “exit”, “quit”, or “done” commands when an object that requires reboot has been configuredIn addition to the above informational message, the CLI also provides a message as a result of the exit,quit, or donecommand if changes have been made to objects that require reboot. If you make changes to objects that require reboot and execute the exit command the following message is displayed:[Device-Name]>exit<CR> OR quit<CR> OR done<CR>Modifications have been made to parameters that require the device to be rebooted. These changes will only take effect after the next reboot.“set” and “show” Command ExamplesIn general, you will use the CLI show Command to view current parameter values and use the CLI set Command to change parameter values. As shown in the following examples, parameters may be set individually or all parameters for a given table can be set with a single statement. Example 1 - Set the Access Point IP Address ParameterSyntax:[Device-Name]>set <parameter name> <parameter value>Example:[Device-Name]> set ipaddr Address will be changed when you reboot the Access Point. The CLI reminds you when rebooting is required for a change to take effect. To reboot immediately, enter reboot 0 (zero) at the CLI prompt.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide271Example 2 - Create a table entry or rowUse 0 (zero) as the index to a table when creating an entry. When creating a table row, only the mandatory table elements are required (comment is usually an optional table element). For optional table elements, the default value is generally applied if you do not specify a value.Syntax:[Device-Name]>set <table name> <table index> <element 1> <value 1> …      <element n> <value n>Example:[Device-Name]> set mgmtipaccesstbl 0 ipaddr ipmask new table entry is created for IP address with a subnet mask.Example 3 - Modify a table entry or rowUse the index to be modified and the table elements you would like to modify. For example, suppose the IP Access Table has one entry and you wanted to modify the IP address:[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 1 ipaddr can also modify several elements in the table entry. Enter the index number and specific table elements you would like to modify. (Hint: Use the search Command to see the elements that belong to the table.)[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 1 ipaddr ipmask           cmt “First Row”Example 4 - Enable, Disable, or Delete a table entry or rowThe following example illustrates how to manage the second entry in a table.Syntax:[Device-Name]>set <Table> index status <enable, disable, delete>[Device-Name]>set <Table> index status <1=enable, 2=disable, 3=delete>Example:[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status enable[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status disable[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status delete[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status 2NOTE: You may need to enable a disabled table entry before you can change the entry’s elements.Example 5 - Show the Group ParametersThis example illustrates how to view all elements of a group or table.Syntax:[Device-Name]> show <group name>Example:[Device-Name]>show networkThe CLI displays network group parameters. Note show network and show ip return the same data.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide272Figure B-10 Results of “show network” and “show ip” CLI CommandsExample 6 - Show Individual and Table Parameters1. View a single parameter.Syntax:[Device-Name]>show <parameter name>Example:[Device-Name]> show ipaddrDisplays the Access Point IP address.Figure B-11 Result of “show ipaddr” CLI Command2. View all parameters in a table.Syntax:[Device-Name]> show <table name>Example: [Device-Name]> show mgmtipaccesstblThe CLI displays the IP Access Table and its entries.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide273Using Tables and StringsWorking with TablesEach table element (or parameter) must be specified, as in the example below. [Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 0 ipaddr ipmask are the rules for creating, modifying, enabling/disabling, and deleting table entries.•Creation– The table name is required.– The table index is required – for table entry/instance creation the index is always zero (0).– The order in which the table arguments or objects are entered in not important.– Parameters that are not required can be omitted, in which case they will be assigned the default value.• Modification– The table name is required.– The table index is required – to modify the table, “index” must be the index of the entry to be modified.– Only the table objects that are to be modified need to be specified. Not all the table objects are required.– If multiple table objects are to be modified the order in which they are entered is not important.– If the entire table entry is to be modified, all the table objects have to be specified.• Enabling/Disabling– The table name is required.– The table index is required – for table enabling/disabling the index should be the index of the entry to be enabled/disabled.– The entry’s new state (either “enable” or “disable”) is required.• Deletion– The table name is required.– The table index is required – for table deletion the index should be the index of the entry to be deleted.– The word “delete” is required.Using StringsSince there are several string objects supported by the AP, a string delimiter is required for the strings to be interpreted correctly by the command line parser. For this CLI implementation, the single quote or double quote character can be used at the beginning and at the end of the string. For example:[Device-Name]> set sysloc Lobby - Does not need quote marks[Device-Name]> set sysloc “Front Lobby” - Requires quote marks. The scenarios supported by this CLI are:“My Desk in the office” Double Quotes‘My Desk in the office’ Single Quotes“My ‘Desk’ in the office” Single Quotes within Double Quotes‘My “Desk” in the office’ Double Quotes within Single Quotes“Daniel’s Desk in the office” One Single Quote within Double Quotes‘Daniel”s Desk in the office’ One Double Quote within Single Quotes
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide274The string delimiter does not have to be used for every string object. The single quote or double quote only has to be used for string objects that contain blank space characters. If the string object being used does not contain blank spaces, then the string delimiters, single or double quotes, mentioned in this section are not required.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide275Configuring the AP using CLI commandsLog into the AP using HyperTerminal1. Open your terminal emulation program (like HyperTerminal) and set the following connection properties:• Com Port: <COM1, COM2, etc., depending on your computer>• Baud rate: 9600• Data Bits: 8• Stop bits: 1• Flow Control: None• Parity: None2. Under File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup, enable the Send line ends with line feeds option. HyperTerminal sends a line return at the end of each line of code.3. Enter the CLI password (default is public).NOTE: Proxim recommends changing your default passwords immediately. To perform this operation using CLI commands, see Change Passwords.Log into the AP using TelnetThe CLI commands can be used to access, configure, and manage the AP using Telnet. Follow these steps:1. Confirm that your computer’s IP address is in the same IP subnet as the AP.NOTE: If you have not previously configured the Access Point’s IP address and do not have a DHCP server on the network, the Access Point will default to an IP address of Go to the DOS command prompt on your computer.3. Type telnet <IP Address of the unit>.4. Enter the CLI password (default is public).NOTE: Proxim recommends changing your default passwords immediately. To perform this operation using CLI commands, see Change Passwords.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide276Set Basic Configuration Parameters using CLI CommandsThere are a few basic configuration parameters that you may want to setup right away when you receive the AP. For example:•Set System Name, Location and Contact Information•Set Static IP Address for the AP•Download an AP Configuration File from your TFTP Server•Set up Auto Configuration•Set Network Names for the Wireless Interface•Enable 802.11d Support and Set the Country Code•Enable and Configure TX Power Control for the Wireless Interface(s)•Configure SSIDs (Network Names), VLANs, and Profiles•Download an AP Configuration File from your TFTP Server•Backup your AP Configuration FileSet System Name, Location and Contact InformationNOTE: System name must:•Contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens.•Be limited to 31 characters.•Not begin with a number or hyphen.•Not contain blank spaces. [Device-Name]>set sysname <Name> sysloc <Unit Location>[Device-Name]>set sysctname <Contact Name>[Device-Name]>set sysctphone <Contact Phone Number> sysctemail <Contact E-mail address>[Device-Name]>show systemFigure B-12 Result of “show system” CLI CommandSet Static IP Address for the APNOTE: The IP Subnet Mask of the AP must match your network’s Subnet Mask.[Device-Name]>set ipaddrtype static [Device-Name]>set ipaddr <fixed IP address of unit>[Device-Name]>set ipsubmask <IP Mask>[Device-Name]>set ipgw <gateway IP address>[Device-Name]>show networkChange Passwords[Device-Name]>passwd <Old Password> <New Password> <Confirm Password> (CLI password)[Device-Name]>set httppasswd <New Password> (HTTP interface password)
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide277[Device-Name]>set snmprpasswd <New Password> (SNMP read password)[Device-Name]>set snmprwpasswd <New Password> (SNMP read/write)[Device-Name]>set snmpv3authpasswd <New Password> (SNMPv3 authentication password)[Device-Name]>set snmpv3privpasswd <New Password> (SNMPv3 privacy password)[Device-Name]>reboot 0CAUTION: Proxim strongly urges you to change the default passwords to restrict access to your network devices to authorized personnel. If you lose or forget your password settings, you can always perform the Soft Reset to Factory Defaults.Set Network Names for the Wireless Interface[Device-Name]>set wif <3 (Wireless Interface A) or 4 (Wireless Interface B)> netname <Network Name (SSID) for wireless interface>[Device-Name]>show wifFigure B-13 Results of “show wif” CLI command for an APEnable 802.11d Support and Set the Country CodeNOTE: On APs with model numbers ending in -WD, these commands are not available.Perform the following command to enable 802.11d IEEE 802.11d support for additional regulatory domains.[Device-Name]>set wif <3 (Wireless Interface A) or 4 (Wireless Interface B)> dot11dstatus <enable/disable>Perform the following command to set a country code:[Device-Name]>set syscountrycode <country code>Select a country code from the following table, derived from ISO 3166. Available countries will vary based on regulatory domain. Refer to the ISO/IEC 3166-1 CountryCode drop-down menu on the Configure > Interfaces > Operational Mode page; this menu contains a list of all the available countries in your regulatory domain.NOTE: If you select a country code that is not supported in your regulatory domain, clients may attempt to connect to a channel that is not supported by your AP. Country Code Country Code Country CodeAlgeria DZ Honduras HN Panama PAAlbania AL Hong Kong HK Papua New Guinea PG
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide278Argentina AR Hungary HU Peru PEArmenia AM Iceland IS  Philippines PHAustralia AU India IN  Poland PLAustria AT Indonesia ID Portugal PTAzerbaijan AZ  Ireland 5.8 GHz I1 Puerto Rico PRBahrain BH Israel IL Qatar QABelarus BY Italy IT Romania ROBelgium BE Jamaica JM Russia RUBelize BZ Japan JP Samoa WSBolivia BO Japan2 J2 Saudi Arabia SABrazil BR Jordan JO Singapore SGBrunei Darussalam BN  Kazakhstan KZ Slovak Republic SKBulgaria BG North Korea KP Slovenia SICanada CA  Korea Republic KR South Africa ZAChile CL  Korea Republic2 K2 South Korea KRChina CN Kuwait KW Spain ESColombia CO Latvia LV Sweden SECosta Rica CR  Lebanon LB Switzerland CHCroatia HR Liechtenstein LI Syria SYCyprus CY Lithuania LT Taiwan TWCzech Republic CZ  Luxembourg LU Thailand THDenmark DK Macau MO Turkey TRDominican Republic DO  Macedonia MK Ukraine UAEcuador EC Malaysia MY United Arab Emirates AEEgypt EG Malta MT United Kingdom GBEl Salvador SV Mexico MX United Kingdom 5.8 GHz G1Estonia EE Monaco MC United States USFinland FI Morocco MA United States World UWFrance FR Netherlands NL United States DFS U1Georgia GE New Zealand NZ Uruguay UYGermany DE Nicaragua NI Venezuela VEGreece GR Norway NO Vietnam VNGuam GU Oman OMGuatemala GT Pakistan PKCountry Code Country Code Country Code
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide279Enable and Configure TX Power Control for the Wireless Interface(s)The TX Power Control feature lets the user configure the transmit power level of the card in the AP.Perform the following commands to enable TX Power Control and set the transmit power level:[Device-Name]>set txpowercontrol enable[Device-Name]>set wif <interface number> currentbackofftpcvalue <0-9 dBm1-35 dBm>Configure SSIDs (Network Names), VLANs, and ProfilesPerform the following command to configure SSIDs and VLANS, and to assign Security and RADIUS Profiles.[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <Wireless Interface Index.SSID Index> ssid <Network Name> vlanid <-1 to 1094> ssidauth <enable/disable> acctstatus <enable/disable> secprofile <Security Profile Nmuber> radmacprofile <MAC Authentication Profile Name> radeapprofile <EAP Authentication Profile Name> radacctprofile <Accounting Profile Name> radmacauthstatus <enable/disable> aclstatus <enable/disable>Examples:[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl 3.1 ssid accesspt1 vlanid 22 ssidauth enable acctstatus enable secprofile 1 radmacprofile "MAC Authentication" radeapprofile "EAP Authentication" radacctprofile "Accounting" radmacauthstatus enable aclstatus enable[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl 4.1 ssid accesspt1 vlanid 22 ssidauth enable acctstatus enable secprofile 1 radmacprofile "MAC Authentication" radeapprofile "EAP Authentication" radacctprofile "Accounting" radmacauthstatus enable aclstatus enableDownload an AP Configuration File from your TFTP ServerStart the Solarwinds TFTP program (available on the installation CD), and click on the Security tab to verify that the TFTP server is configured to both transmit and receive files. (Note that TFTP programs other than Solarwinds may also require this setting.) Then enter the following commands:[Device-Name]>set tftpfilename <file name> tftpfiletype config            tftpipaddr <IP address of your TFTP server>[Device-Name]>show tftp (to ensure the filename, file type, and the IP address are correct)[Device-Name]>download *[Device-Name]>reboot 0After following the complete process (above) once, you can download a file of the same name (so long as all the other parameters are the same), with the following command:[Device-Name]>download *Backup your AP Configuration File Start the Solarwinds TFTP program (available on the installation CD), and click on the Security tab to verify that the TFTP server is configured to both transmit and receive files. (Note that TFTP programs other than Solarwinds may also require this setting.) Then enter the following commands:[Device-Name]>upload <TFTP Server IP address> <tftpfilename (such as “config.sys”)> config[Device-Name]>show tftp (to ensure the filename, file type, and the IP address are correct)After setting the TFTP parameters, you can backup your current file (so long as all the other parameters are the same), with the following command:[Device-Name]>upload *
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide280Set up Auto ConfigurationThe Auto Configuration feature which allows an AP to be automatically configured by downloading a specific configuration file from a TFTP server during the boot up process. Perform the following commands to enable and set up automatic configuration:NOTE: The configuration filename and TFTP server IP address are configured only when the AP is configured for Static IP. If the AP is configured for Dynamic IP these parameters are not used and obtained from DHCP. The default filename is “config”. The default TFTP IP address is “”. [Device-Name]>set autoconfigstatus <enable/disable>[Device-Name]>set autoconfigfilename <configuration file name>[Device-Name]>set autoconfigTFTPaddr <TFTP IP address>
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide281Other Network SettingsThere are other configuration settings that you may want to set for the AP. Some of them are listed below. •Configure the AP as a DHCP Server•Configure the DNS Client•Configure DHCP Relay and Configure DHCP Relay Servers•Maintain Client Connections using Link Integrity•Change Wireless Interface Settings•Set Ethernet Speed and Transmission Mode•Set Interface Management Services•Configure Wireless Distribution System•Configure MAC Access Control•Set RADIUS Parameters•Set Rogue Scan Parameters•Set Hardware Configuration Reset Parameters•Set VLAN/SSID Parameters•Set Security Profile ParametersNOTE: See Advanced Configuration for more information on these settings.Configure the AP as a DHCP ServerNOTE: You must have at least one entry in the DHCP Server IP Address Pool Table before you can set the DHCP Server Status to Enable.[Device-Name]>set dhcpstatus disable [Device-Name]>set dhcpippooltbl 0 startipaddr <start ip address>     endipaddr <end ip address> [Device-Name]>set dhcpgw <gateway ip address>[Device-Name]>set dhcppridnsipaddr <primary dns ip address>[Device-Name]>set dhcpsecdnsipaddr <secondary dns ip address> [Device-Name]>set dhcpstatus enable[Device-Name]>reboot 0CAUTION: Before enabling this feature, confirm that the IP address pools you have configured are valid addresses on the network and do not overlap the addresses assigned by any other DHCP server on the network. Enabling this feature with incorrect address pools will cause problems on your network.Configure the DNS Client[Device-Name]>set dnsstatus enable [Device-Name]>set dnsprisvripaddr <IP address of primary DNS server> [Device-Name]>set dnssecsvripaddr <IP address of secondary DNS server> [Device-Name]>set dnsdomainname <default domain name>[Device-Name]>show dnsFigure B-14 Results of “show dns” CLI command
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide282Configure DHCP RelayPerform the following command to enable or disable DHCP Relay Agent Status.NOTE: You must have at least one entry in the DHCP Relay Server Table before you can set the DHCP Relay Status to Enable.[Device-Name]>set dhcprelaystatus enableConfigure DHCP Relay ServersPerform the following command to configure and enable a DHCP Relay Server. The AP allows the configuration of a maximum of 10 server settings in the DHCP Relay Agents server table.[Device-Name]>set dhcprlyindex 1 dhcprlyipaddr <ip address> dhcprlycmt <comment> dhcprlystatus 1 (1 to enable, 2 to disable, 3 to delete, 4 to create)Maintain Client Connections using Link Integrity[Device-Name]>show linkinttbl (this shows the current links)[Device-Name]>set linkinttbl <1–5 (depending on what table row you wish to address)>              ipaddr <ip address of the host computer you want to check>[Device-Name]>set linkintpollint <the interval between link integrity checks>[Device-Name]>set linkintpollretx <number of times to retransmit before considering the link down>[Device-Name]>set linkintstatus enable[Device-Name]>show linkinttbl (to confirm new settings)[Device-Name]>reboot 0Change Wireless Interface Settings See Interfaces for information on the parameters listed below. The AP uses index 3 for Wireless Interface A (802.11a radio or 4.9 GHz radio) and index 4 for Wireless Interface B (802.11b/g radio).Operational Mode[Device-Name]>set wif <index> mode <see table>Autochannel Select (ACS)ACS is enabled by default. Reboot after disabling or enabling ACS.[Device-Name]>set wif <index> autochannel <enable/disable>[Device-Name]>reboot 0Mode Operational Mode1 dot11b-only2 dot11g-only3 dot11bg4 dot11a-only5 dot11g-wifi6 publicsafety
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide283Enable/Disable Closed System[Device-Name]>set wif <index> closedsys <enable/disable>Shutdown/Resume Wireless Service[Device-Name]>set wif <index> wssstatus <1 (resume)/2 (shutdown)>Set Load Balancing Maximum Number of Clients[Device-Name]>set wif <index> lbmaxclients <1–63>Set the Multicast Rate (802.11a or 4.9 GHz)[Device-Name]>set wif 3 multrate <6, 12, 24 (Mbits/sec)>Set the Multicast Rate (802.11b/g)[Device-Name]>set wif 4 multrate <1, 2, 5.5, 11 (Mbits/sec)>Enable/Disable Super Mode (802.11a/g only)[Device-Name]>set wif <index> supermode <enable/disable>Set the Distance Between APs [Device-Name]>set wif <index> distaps <1–5> (see below)[Device-Name]>reboot 0Set Ethernet Speed and Transmission Mode[Device-Name]>set etherspeed <value> (see below)[Device-Name]>reboot 0Value Distance Between APs1 Large2Medium3Small4Mini5MicroEthernet Speed and Transmission ModeValue10 Mbits/sec - half duplex 10halfduplex10 Mbits/sec - full duplex 10fullduplex10 Mbits/sec - auto duplex 10autoduplex
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide284Set Interface Management ServicesEdit Management IP Access Table[Device-Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl <index> ipaddr <IP address> ipmask <subnet mask>Configure Management Ports[Device-Name]>set snmpifbitmask <(see below)>[Device-Name]>set httpifbitmask <(see below)>[Device-Name]>set telifbitmask <(see below)>Choose from the following values: Set Communication Ports[Device-Name]>set httpport <HTTP port number (default is 80)>[Device-Name]>set telport <Telnet port number (default is 23)>Configure Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS)Enabling SSL and configuring a passphrase allows encrypted Secure Socket Layer communications to the AP through the HTTPS interface. [Device-Name]>set sslstatus <enable/disable>The user must change the SSL passphrase when uploading a new certificate/private key pair, which will have a corresponding passphrase.[Device-Name]>set sslpassphrase <SSL certificate passphrase>[Device-Name]>show http (to view all HTTP configuration information including SSL.)Set Telnet Session Timeouts[Device-Name]>set tellogintout <time in seconds between 1 and 300 (default is 30)>[Device-Name]>set telsessiontout <time in seconds between 1 and 36000 (default is 900)>100 Mbits/sec - half duplex 100halfduplex100 Mbits/sec - full duplex 100fullduplexAuto Speed - half duplex autohalfduplexAuto Speed - auto duplex  autoautoduplex (default)Interface Bitmask Description0 or 2 = Disable (all interfaces) All management channels disabled1 or 3 = Ethernet only Ethernet only enabled4 or 6 = Wireless A only Wireless A only enabled8 or 10 = Wireless B only Wireless B only enabled12 = Wireless A and Wireless B Wireless A and Wireless B enabled13 or 15 = Enable all interfaces All management channels enabledEthernet Speed and Transmission ModeValue
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide285Configure Serial Port InterfaceNOTE: To avoid unexpected performance issues, leave Flow Control at the default setting (none) unless you are sure what this setting should be.[Device-Name]>set serbaudrate <2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600> [Device-Name]>set serflowctrl <none, xonxoff>[Device-Name]>show serial Figure B-15 Result of “show serial” CLI CommandConfigure Syslog[Device-Name]>set syslogpriority <1–7 (default is 6)> [Device-Name]>set syslogstatus <enable/disable>[Device-Name]>set sysloghbstatus <enable/disable> (default is disable)[Device-Name]>set sysloghbinterval <1–604800> (default is 900 seconds)[Device-Name]>set sysloghosttbl <index> ipaddr <ipaddress> cmt <comment> status <enable/disable>Configure Intra BSS[Device-Name]>set intrabssoptype <passthru (default)/block)> Configure Wireless Distribution SystemCreate/Enable WDS[Device-Name]>set wdstbl <Index> partnermacaddr <MAC Address> status enable Enable/Disable WDS[Device-Name]>set wdstbl <Index> status <enable/disable>NOTE: <Index> is 3.1–3.6 (Wireless A) or 4.1–4.6 (Wireless B). To determine the index, type show wdstbl at the prompt.NOTE: When WDS is enabled, spanning tree protocol is automatically enabled. It may be manually disabled. If Spanning Tree protocol is enabled by WDS and WDS is subsequently disabled, Spanning tree will remain enabled until it is manually disabled. See Spanning Tree Parameters.Configure MAC Access ControlSetup MAC (Address) Access Control[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <index> aclstatus enable/disable[Device-Name]>set macacloptype <passthru, block>[Device-Name]>reboot 0Add an Entry to the MAC Access Control Table[Device-Name]>set macacltbl 0 macaddr <MAC Address> status enable[Device-Name]>show macacltbl
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide286Disable or Delete an Entry in the MAC Access Control Table[Device-Name]>set macacltbl <index> status <disable/delete>[Device-Name]>show macacltblNOTE: For larger networks that include multiple Access Points, you may prefer to maintain this list on a centralized location using the RADIUS parameters (see Set RADIUS Parameters).Set RADIUS ParametersConfigure RADIUS Authentication serversPerform the following command to configure a RADIUS Server and assign it to a VLAN. The RADIUS Server Profile index is specified by the index parameter and the subindex parameter specifies whether you are configuring a primary or secondary RADIUS server.[Device-Name]>set radiustbl <Index> profname <Profile Name> seraddrfmt <1 - IP Address 2 - Name> sernameorip <IP Address or Name> port <value> ssecret <value> responsetm <value> maxretx <value> acctupdtintrvl <value> macaddrfmt <value> authlifetm <value> radaccinactivetmr <value> vlanid <vlan id -1 to 4094> status enableNOTE: To create a new RADIUS profile, use 0 for <Index>.Examples of Configuring Primary and Secondary RADIUS Servers and Displaying the RADIUS ConfigurationPrimary server configuration:[Device-Name]>set radiustbl 1.1 profname "MAC Authentication" seraddrfmt 1 sernameorip port 1812 ssecret public responsetm 3 maxretx 3 acctupdtintrvl 0 macaddrfmt 1 authlifetm 900 radaccinactivetmr 5 vlanid 22 status enableSecondary server configuration:[Device-Name]>set radiustbl 1.2 profname "MAC Authentication" seraddrfmt 1 sernameorip port 1812 ssecret public responsetm 3 maxretx 3 acctupdtintrvl 0 macaddrfmt 1 authlifetm 900 radaccinactivetmr 5 vlanid 33 status enable[Device-Name]>show radiustblIndex                           : 1Primary/Backup                  : PrimaryProfile Name                    : MAC AuthenticationServer Status                   : notReadyServer Addressing Format        : ipaddrIP Address/Host Name            : Port                : 1812VLAN Identifier                 : -1MAC Address Format              : dashdelimitedResponse Time                   : 3Maximum Retransmission          : 3Authorization Lifetime          : 0Accounting Update Interval      : 0Accounting Inactivity Timer    : 5Index                           : 1Primary/Backup                  : BackupProfile Name                    : MAC Authentication
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide287Server Status                   : notReadyServer Addressing Format        : ipaddrIP Address/Host Name            : Port                : 1812VLAN Identifier                 : -1MAC Address Format              : dashdelimitedResponse Time                   : 3Maximum Retransmission          : 3...Index                           : 4Primary/Backup                  : BackupProfile Name                    : Management AccessServer Status                   : notReadyServer Addressing Format        : ipaddrIP Address/Host Name            : Port                : 1812VLAN Identifier                 : -1MAC Address Format              : dashdelimitedResponse Time                   : 3Maximum Retransmission          : 3Authorization Lifetime          : 0Accounting Update Interval      : 0Accounting Inactivity Timer    : 5Figure B-16 Result of “showradiustbl” CLI CommandSet Rogue Scan ParametersPerform the following command to enable or disable Rogue Scan on a wireless interface and configure the scanning parameters.The cycletime parameter is only configured for background scanning mode.[Device-Name]>set rscantbl <3 or 4> mode <1 for background scanning, 2 for continuous scanning> cycletime <cycletime from 1–1440 minutes> status <enable/disable>NOTE: Rogue Scan cannot be enabled on a wireless interface when the Wireless Service Status on that interface is shutdown. First, resume service on the wireless interface.Set Hardware Configuration Reset ParametersThe Hardware Configuration Reset commands allows you to enable or disable the hardware reset functionality and to change the password to be used for configuration reset during boot up.To disable hardware configuration reset, enter: [Device-Name]>set hwconfigresetstatus disableTo enable hardware configuration reset, enter: [Device-Name]>set hwconfigresetstatus enableTo define the Configuration Reset Password to be used for configuration reset during boot up, enter the following command[Device-Name]>set configresetpasswd <password>
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide288It is important to safely store the NOTE: It is important to safely store the configuration reset password. If a user forgets the configuration reset password, the user will be unable to reset the AP to factory default configuration if the AP becomes inaccessible and the hardware configuration reset functionality is disable.Set VLAN/SSID ParametersEnable VLAN Management[Device-Name]>set vlanstatus enable[Device-Name]>set vlanmgmtid <1–4094>[Device-Name]>show wifssidtbl (to review your settings)[Device-Name]>reboot 0Disable VLAN Management[Device-Name]>set vlanstatus disable or[Device-Name]>set vlanmgmtid -1[Device-Name]>reboot 0Add a Entry to the WIFSSID Table[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <index> ssid <Network Name> vlanid <-1 (untagged) or 1–4094> status enableSet Security Profile ParametersConfigure a Security Profile with Non Secure Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode nonsecure status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 2 secmode nonsecure status enableConfigure a Security Profile with WEP Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wep encryptkey<0-3> <value> encryptkeylength <value> encryptkeytx <value> status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 3 secmode wep encryptkey0 12345 encryptkeylength 1 encryptkeytx 0 status enableConfigure a Security Profile with 802.1x Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode 802.1x encryptkeylength <value> status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 4 secmode 802.1x encryptkeylength 1 status enableConfigure a Security Profile with WPA Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wpa status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 5 secmode wpa status enable
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide289Configure a Security Profile with WPA-PSK Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wpa-psk passphrase <value> status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 6 secmode wpa-psk passphrase 12345678 status enableConfigure a Security Profile with 802.11i Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode 802.11i status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 7 secmode 802.11i status enableConfigure a Security Profile with 802.11i-PSK Security Mode[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode 802.11i-psk passphrase <value> status enableExample:[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 8 secmode 802.11i-psk passphrase 12345678 status enable
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide290CLI Monitoring ParametersUsing the show command with the following table parameters will display operating statistics for the AP (these are the same statistics that are described in the Monitoring section).•staticmp: Displays the ICMP statistics.•statarptbl: Displays the IP ARP Table statistics.•statbridgetbl: Displays the Learn Table.•statiapp: Displays the IAPP statistics.•statradius: Displays the RADIUS Authentication statistics.•statif: Displays information and statistics about the Ethernet and wireless interfaces.•stat802.11: Displays additional statistics for the wireless interfaces.•statethernet: Displays additional statistics for the Ethernet interface.•statmss: Displays station statistics and Wireless Distribution System links.•statmesh: Displays statistics about the Mesh network.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide291Parameter TablesObjects contain groups that contain both parameters and parameter tables. Use the following Tables to configure the Access Point. Columns used on the tables include:• Name - Parameter, Group, or Table Name• Type - Data type• Value - Value range, and default value, if any• Access = access type, R = Read Only (show), RW = Read-Write (can be “set”), W = Write Only• CLI Parameter - Parameter name as used in the Access PointAccess Point network objects are associated with Groups. The network objects are listed below and associated parameters are described in the following Parameter Tables:•System Parameters - Access Point system information–Inventory Management Information - Hardware, firmware, and software version information•Network Parameters - IP and Network Settings–IP Configuration Parameters - Configure the Access Point’s IP settings•DNS Client for RADIUS Name Resolution - Configure the Access Point as a DNS client–DHCP Server Parameters - Enable or disable dynamic host configuration–SNTP Parameters - Configure –Link Integrity Parameters - Monitor link status•Interface Parameters - Configure Wireless and Ethernet settings–Wireless Interface Parameters•Wireless Distribution System (WDS) Parameters - Configure the WDS partnerships–Wireless Interface SSID/VLAN/Profile Parameters - Configure the SSIDs, VLANs, and security modes for each interface. Up to 16 SSIDs per wireless interface are supported; different security settings can be applied to each SSID, and a unique VLAN can be configured per SSID.–Ethernet Interface Parameters - Set the speed and duplex of the Ethernet port.–Mesh Parameters - Configure the Mesh network.•Management Parameters - Control access to the AP’s management interfaces–SNMP Parameters - Set read and read/write passwords–HTTP Parameters - Set up the graphical web browser interface. If required, enable SSL and configure the SSL certificate passphrase.–Telnet Parameters - Telnet Port setup–Serial Port Parameters - Serial Port setup–RADIUS Based Management Access Parameters - Configure RADIUS Based Management Access for HTTP and Telnet access.–SSH Parameters - Enable SSH and configure the host key.–TFTP Server Parameters - Set up for file transfers; specify IP Address, file name, and file type–IP Access Table Parameters - Configure range of IP addresses that can access the AP–Auto Configuration Parameters - Configure the Auto Configuration feature which allows an AP to be automatically configured by downloading a configuration file from a TFTP server during boot up.•Filtering Parameters–Ethernet Protocol Filtering Parameters - Control network traffic based on protocol type–Static MAC Address Filter Table - Enable and disable specific addresses–Proxy ARP Parameters - Enable or disable proxy ARP for wireless clients–IP ARP Filtering Parameters - Control which ARP messages are sent to wireless clients based on IP settings
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide292–Broadcast Filtering Table - Control the type of broadcast packets forwarded to the wireless network–TCP/UDP Port Filtering - Filter IP packets based on TCP/UDP port•Alarms Parameters–SNMP Table Host Table Parameters - Enter the list of IP addresses that will receive alarms from the AP –Syslog Parameters - Configure the AP to send Syslog information to network servers•Bridge Parameters–Spanning Tree Parameters - Used to help prevent network loops–Storm Threshold Parameters - Set threshold for number of broadcast packets–Intra BSS Subscriber Blocking - Enable or disable peer to peer traffic on the same AP–Packet Forwarding Parameters - Redirect traffic from wireless clients to a specified MAC address•RADIUS Parameters–Set RADIUS Parameters - Configure RADIUS Servers and assign them to VLANs.•Security Parameters - Access Point security settings–MAC Access Control Parameters - Control wireless access based on MAC address–Rogue Scan Configuration Table - Enable and configure Rogue Scan to detect Rogue APs and clients.–802.1x Parameters - Configure 802.1X Supplicant Timeout parameter–Hardware Configuration Reset - Disable or enable hardware configuration reset and configure a configuration reset password.–Other Parameters - Configure Security Profiles that define allowed security modes (wireless clients), and encryption and authentication mechanisms.•VLAN/SSID Parameters - Enable the configuration of multiple subnetworks based on VLAN ID and SSID.•Other Parameters–IAPP Parameters - Enable or disable the Inter-Access Point Protocol–Wireless Multimedia Enhancements (WME)/Quality of Service (QoS) parameters - Enable and configure Wireless Multimedia Enhancement/Quality of Service parameters, QoS policies, mapping priorities, and EDCA parameters. Apply a configured QoS policy to a particular SSID.
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide293System Parameters* Available only on APs with model numbers ending in -WD. When available, this object must be configured before any interface parameters can be set. Country IdentifiersNOTE: All countries may not be available on your AP.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterSystem Group N/A R systemName DisplayString User Defined RW sysnameLocation DisplayString User Defined RW syslocCountry Identifier* DisplayString See Country IdentifiersbelowRW sysworldcountrycodeContact Name DisplayString User Defined RW sysctnameContact E-mail DisplayString User Defined RW sysctemailContact Phone DisplayString User Definedmax 254 charactersRW sysctphoneFLASH Backup Interval Integer 0 - 65535 seconds RW sysflashbckintFlash Update 01RW sysflashupdateSystem OID DisplayString N/A R sysoidDescriptor DisplayString System Name, flash version, S/N, bootloader versionR sysdescrUp Time Integer dd:hh:mm:ssdd - dayshh - hoursmm - minutesss - secondsRsysuptimeSystem Security ID DisplayString Retrieved from flash ID R sysinvmgmtsecurityidEmergency Restore to defaultsResets all parameters to default factory valuesRW sysresettodefaultsNote: You must enter the following command twice to reset to defaults: set sysresettodefaults 1Country Indoor/Outdoor IdentifierAustria Indoor AT1Outdoor AT2Belgium Indoor BE1Outdoor BE2Cyprus Indoor CY1Outdoor CY2Czech Republic  Indoor CZ1Outdoor CZ2Denmark Indoor DK1Outdoor DK2Estonia Indoor EE1Outdoor EE2
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide294Finland Indoor FI1Outdoor FI2France Indoor FR1Outdoor FR2Germany Indoor DE1Outdoor DE2Greece Indoor GR1Outdoor GR2Hungary Indoor HU1Outdoor HU2Ireland Indoor IE1Outdoor IE2Italy Indoor IT1Outdoor IT2Latvia Indoor LV1Outdoor LV2Lithuania Indoor LT1Outdoor LT2Luxembourg Indoor LU1Outdoor LU2Malta Indoor MT1Outdoor MT2Netherlands Indoor NL1Outdoor NL2Norway Indoor NO1Outdoor NO2Poland Indoor PL1Outdoor PL2Portugal Indoor PT1Outdoor PT2Puerto Rico  Indoor PR1Outdoor PR2Russia Indoor/Outdoor RUSpain Indoor ES1Outdoor ES2Sweden Indoor SE1Outdoor SE2Switzerland Indoor CH1Outdoor CH2United Kingdom/Great Britain Indoor GB1Outdoor GB2Country Indoor/Outdoor Identifier
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide295Inventory Management InformationThe inventory management commands display advanced information about the AP’s installed components. You may be asked to report this information to a representative if you contact customer support.Network ParametersIP Configuration ParametersNOTE: The IP Address Assignment Type (ipaddrtype) must be set to static before the IP Address (ipaddr), IP Mask (ipmask) or Default Gateway IP Address (ipgw) values can be entered.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterSystem Inventory ManagementSubgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtComponent Table Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmptblComponent Interface TableSubgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmpiftblName Type Value Access CLI ParameterNetwork Group N/A R networkIP Configuration Group N/A R ip (Note: The network and ip parameters display the same information)IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddrIP Mask IpAddress User Defined RW ipmaskDefault Router IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW ipgwDefault TTL Integer User Defined (seconds)0 - 255, 64 (default)RW ipttlAddress Type Integer static dynamic (default)RW ipaddrtype
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide296DNS Client for RADIUS Name ResolutionDHCP Server Parameters* The DHCP Server (dhcpstatus) can only be enabled after a DHCP IP Pool table entry has been created.DHCP Server table for IP pools* IP addresses must be from within the same subnet as the AP.† Set End IP Address or Width, but not both.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterDNS Client Group N/A R dnsDNS Client status Integer enabledisable (default)RW dnsstatusPrimary DNS Server IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW dnspridnsipaddrSecondary DNS Server IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW dnssecdnsipaddrDefault Domain Name Integer32 User Defined (up to 254 characters)RW dnsdomainnameName Type Value Access CLI ParameterDHCP Server Group N/A R dhcpDHCP Server Status* Integer enable (1) (default)disable (2)delete (3)RW dhcpstatusGateway IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW dhcpgwPrimary DNS IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW dhcppridnsipaddrSecondary DNS IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW dhcpsecdnsipaddrNumber of IP Pool Table EntriesInteger32 N/A R dhcpippooltblentName Type Value Access CLI ParameterDHCP Server IP Address Pool TableTable N/A R dhcpippooltblTable Index Integer User Defined N/A indexStart IP Address* IpAddress User Defined RW startipaddrEnd IP Address*†IpAddress User Defined RW endipaddrWidth†Integer User Defined RW widthDefault Lease Time (optional)Integer32 3600 - 86400 sec (default)RW defleasetmMaximum Lease Time (optional)Integer32 3600 - 86400 sec (default)RW maxleasetmComment (optional) DisplayString User Defined RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enable (1)disable (2)delete (3)RW status
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide297DHCP Relay GroupThe DHCP Relay Group allows you to enable or disable DHCP Relay Agent Status.DHCP Relay Server TableThe DHCP Relay Server Table contains the commands to set the table entries. The AP supports the configuration of a maximum of 10 server settings in the DHCP Relay Agents server table.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterDHCP Relay Group Group N/A R dhcprelayStatus Integer enabledisableRW dhcprelaystatusDHCP Relay Server TableTable N/A R dhcprelaytblName Type Value Access CLI ParameterDHCP Relay Server TableTable N/A R dhcprelaytblDHCP Relay Server Table Entry IndexInteger32 1 - 10 R dhcprlyindexDHCP Relay Server Table Entry IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW dhcprlyipaddrDHCP Relay Server Table Entry CommentDisplayString User Defined RW dhcprlycmtDHCP Relay Server Table Entry StatusInteger enable (1)disable (2)delete (3)create (4)RW dhcprlystatus
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide298SNTP ParametersLink Integrity Parameters* Link integrity cannot be configured when the AP is configured to function as a Mesh AP. Link Integrity IP Target TableName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSNTP Group Group N/A R sntpSNTP Status Integer enabledisableRW sntpstatusPrimary Server Name or IP AddressDisplayString 0 - 255 characters RW sntpprisvrSecondary Server Name or IP AddressDisplayString 0 - 255 characters RW sntpsecsvrTime Zone Integer See MIB for requirementsRW sntptimezoneDaylight Savings Time Integer -2-10+1+2RW sntpdaylightsavingYear Integer32 N/A RW sntpyearMonth Integer32 1 - 12 RW sntpmonthDay Integer32 1 - 31 RW sntpdayHour Integer32 0 - 23 RW sntphourMinutes Integer32 0 - 59 RW sntpminsSeconds Integer32 0 - 59 RW sntpsecsAddressing Format Integer ipaddressnameRW sntpaddrfmtName Type Value Access CLI ParameterLink Integrity Group N/A R linkintLink Integrity Status* Integer enabledisable (default)RW linkintstatusLink Integrity Poll Interval Integer 500 - 15000 ms(in increments of 500ms)500 ms (default)RW linkintpollintLink Integrity Poll RetransmissionsInteger 0 - 2555 (default)RW linkintpollretxName Type Value Access CLI ParameterLink Integrity IP Target Table Table N/A R linkinttblTable Index Integer 1 - 5 N/A indexTarget IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddrComment (optional) DisplayString User Defined (up to 254 characters)RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enabledisable (default)deleteRW status
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide299Interface ParametersWireless Interface ParametersThe wireless interface group parameter is wif. Wireless Interface A (802.11a radio or 4.9 GHz radio) uses table index 3 and Wireless Interface B (802.11b/g radio) uses table index 4.Common Parameters to 802.11a, 4.9 GHz, and 802.11b/g* For 802.11a APs certified in the ETSI and TELEC regulatory domains and operating in the middle frequency band, disabling Auto Channel Select will limit the available channels to those in the lower frequency band.†Wireless Service Status cannot be shut down on an interface where Rogue Scan is enabled.‡Distance Between APs allows the AP to perform better in high noise environments by increasing the receive sensitivity and transmit defer threshold, as follows:Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterWireless Interfaces Group N/A R wifTable Index Integer 3 (Wireless Interface A) or 4 (Wireless Interface B)R indexOperational Mode Integer 1 = dot11b-only 2 = dot11g-only3 = dot11bg4 = dot11a5 = dot11g-wifi6 = publicsafetyRW modeSupported Channel BandwidthDisplayString Depends on Operational Mode R supportedchannelbandwidthChannel Bandwidth Integer32 1020RW channelbandwidthNetwork Name DisplayString 1 - 32 charactersMy Wireless Network (default)RW netnameAuto Channel Select (ACS)*Integer enable (default) disableRW autochannelDTIM Period Integer 1 - 2551 = defaultRW dtimperiodRTS/CTS Medium ReservationInteger 0 - 2347Default is 2347 (off)RW medresMAC Address PhyAddress 12 hex digits R macaddrWireless Service Status†Integer 1 = resume2 = shutdownRW wssstatusSupported Frequency ChannelsOctet String Depends on Regulatory Domain R suppchannelsLoad Balancing Max ClientsInteger 1 - 63 RW lbmaxclientsDistance Between APs‡Integer 1 (large) (default)2 (medium)3 (small) 4 (minicell)5 (microcell)RW distapsAP Link Length** Integer 200  - 45000 RW aplinklengthTransmit Power Control Integer enabledisableRW txpowercontrolTransmit Power Control Back-OffInteger 0 - 9 (dBm) RW currentbackofftpcvalue
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide300** Each 802.11 packet is acknowledged by the receiving station. On links longer than about 100m, the time that it takes for the ACK to get back to the sending station is long enough to cause the sending station to believe that the packet was not properly received. This problem can be corrected by adjusting the AP Link Length parameter to a value that is larger than the length in meters of the longest link being serviced by that AP.Distance Between APsReceive Sensitivity Threshold (dBm)Transmit Defer Threshold (dBm)Large -96 -62Medium -86 -62Small -78 -52Mini -70 -42Micro -62 -36
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide3014.9 GHz Specific Parameters802.11a Specific ParametersName Type Value Access CLI ParameterOperating Frequency ChannelInteger Varies by regulatory domain and country. See Available ChannelsRW channelSupported Data Rates Octet String See Transmit Rate, belowR suppdataratesTransmit Rate Integer32 10 MHz: 0 (Auto Fallback)3 Mbits/s4.5 Mbits/s6 Mbits/s9 Mbits/s12 Mbits/s18 Mbits/s24 Mbits/s27 Mbits/s. 20 MHz:0 (Auto Fallback)6 Mbits/sec9 Mbits/sec12 Mbits/sec18 Mbits/sec24 Mbits/sec36 Mbits/sec48 Mbits/sec54 Mbits/sec RW txratePhysical Layer Type Integer ofdm (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)RphytypeSuper Mode Integer enabledisable (default)RW supermodeName Type Value Access CLI ParameterOperating Frequency ChannelInteger Varies by regulatory domain and country. See Available ChannelsRW channelSupported Data Rates Octet String See Transmit Rate, below R suppdataratesTransmit Rate Integer32 0 (Auto Fallback)6 Mbits/sec9 Mbits/sec12 Mbits/sec18 Mbits/sec24 Mbits/sec36 Mbits/sec48 Mbits/sec54 Mbits/sec RW txratePhysical Layer Type Integer ofdm (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)Rphytype
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide302Regulatory Domain List DisplayString Varies by regulatory domain:USA -- FCCHong Kong -- HKAustralia -- AUEurope -- ETSIRussia -- RUJapan -- TELECSingapore -- IDATaiwan -- TWChina -- CNAsiaBrazilArgentinaSaudi ArabiaWorld Mode -- WOUndefinedR regdomainSuper Mode Integer enabledisable (default)RW supermodeName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide303802.11b Specific Parameters802.11b/g Specific ParametersName Type Value Access CLI ParameterOperating Frequency ChannelInteger 1 - 14; available channels vary by regulatory domain/country; see Available ChannelsRW channelMulticast Rate Integer 1 Mbits/sec (1)2 Mbits/sec (2) (default)5.5 Mbits/sec (3)11 Mbits/sec (4)RW multrateClosed Wireless System  Integer enabledisable (default)RW closedsysMAC Address PhyAddress 12 hex digits R macaddrSupported Data Rates Octet String 1 Mbits/sec2 Mbits/sec5.5 Mbits/sec11 Mbits/secR suppdataratesTransmit Rate Integer32 0 (auto fallback; default)1 Mbits/sec2 Mbits/sec5.5 Mbits/sec11 Mbits/secRW txratePhysical Layer Type Integer dsss (direct sequence spread spectrum) for 802.11bRphytypeRegulatory Domain List DisplayString Varies by regulatory domain:U.S./Canada -- FCCEurope -- ETSIJapan -- TELECR regdomainName Type Value Access CLI ParameterOperating Frequency ChannelInteger 1 - 14; available channels vary by regulatory domain/country; see Available ChannelsRW channelSupported Data Rates Octet String See Transmit Rate, below R suppdatarates
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide304* Also for 802.11g-wifi mode. 802.11g-wifi has been defined for Wi-Fi testing purposes; it is not recommended for use in your wireless network environment.† Available in 802.11b/g or 802.11g modes only.Transmit Rate Integer32 For 802.11b-only mode:0 (auto fallback; default)1 Mbits/sec2 Mbits/sec5.5 Mbits/sec11 Mbits/secFor 802.11g-only mode:*0 (auto fallback; default)6 Mbits/sec9 Mbits/sec12 Mbits/sec18 Mbits/sec24 Mbits/sec36 Mbits/sec48 Mbits/sec54 Mbits/secFor 802.11b/g mode:0 (auto fallback; default)1 Mbits/sec2 Mbits/sec5.5 Mbits/sec11 Mbits/sec6 Mbits/sec9 Mbits/sec12 Mbits/sec18 Mbits/sec24 Mbits/sec36 Mbits/sec48 Mbits/sec54 Mbits/secRW txratePhysical Layer Type Integer ERP (Extended Rate Protocol) R phytypeRegulatory Domain List DisplayString Varies by regulatory domain:USA -- FCCEurope -- ETSIRussia -- RUJapan -- TELECBrazilArgentinaSaudi ArabiaIsrael -- ILWorld Mode -- WOUndefinedR regdomainSuper Mode†Integer enabledisable (default)RW supermodeName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide305Wireless Distribution System (WDS) ParametersWireless Distribution System (WDS) Security Table ParametersThe WDS Security Table manages WDS related security objects.Wireless Interface SSID/VLAN/Profile ParametersThe Wireless Interface SSID table manages the SSIDs, VLANs, Security Profiles, and RADIUS Profiles associated to each SSID.For configuration examples, see Configure SSIDs (Network Names), VLANs, and Profiles.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterWDS Table Table N/A R wdstblPort Index Integer 3.1 - 3.6 (Wireless) R portindexStatus Integer enable, disable RW statusPartner MAC Address PhysAddress User Defined RW partnermacaddrName Type Value Access CLI ParameterWDS Security Table Table N/A R wdssectblTable Index Integer Primary wireless interface = 3 Secondary wireless interface = 4R indexSecurity Mode Integer 1 or none2 or wep3 or aesRW secmodeShared Secret DisplayString 6–32 characters W sharedsecretEncryption Key 0 WEPKeyType N/A W encryptkey0Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterWireless Interface SSID TableTable N/A R wifssidtblTable Index Integer Primary wireless interface = 3 Secondary wireless interface = 4R indexSSID Table Index Integer32 1 - 16 (SSID index) R ssidindexSSID DisplayString 2 - 32 characters RW ssidBroadcast Unique BeaconInteger enabledisableRW bcastbeaconClosed System Integer enable,disableRW denybcastprobereqVLAN ID VlanId -1 - 4094 or untagged RW vlanidRekeying Interval Integer32 0 (disabled)300 - 65535Default = 900RW reykeyintTable Row Status RowStatus enabledisabledeleteRW statusSSID Authorization Status per VLANInteger enabledisableRW ssidauth
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide306Ethernet Interface ParametersMesh Parameters.RADIUS Accounting Status per VLANInteger enabledisableRW acctstatusMAC ACL Status per VLANInteger enabledisableRW aclstatusSecurity Profile Integer32 User defined RW secprofileRADIUS MAC Profile DisplayString User defined RW radmacprofileRADIUS EAP Profile DisplayString User defined RW radeapprofileRADIUS Accounting ProfileDisplayString User defined RW radacctprofileQoS Policy Integer32 User defined RW qospolicyName Type Value Access CLI ParameterEthernet Interface Group N/A R ethernetSpeed Integer 1 (10halfduplex)2 (10fullduplex)3 (10autoduplex)4 (100halfduplex)5 (100fullduplex)6 (autohalfduplex)7 (autoautoduplex) (default)RW etherspeedMAC Address PhyAddress N/A R ethermacaddrName Type Value Access CLI ParameterMesh Group Group N/A R meshMesh Mode Integer 1 or disable (default)2 or meshportal3 or meshapRW meshmodeMesh Interface Number Integer32 3 (Wireless Interface A; 802.11a radio or 4.9 GHz radio)4 (Wireless Interface B; 802.11b/g radio)RW meshwifMesh SSID DisplayString 1–16 characters RW meshssidSecurity Mode Integer 1 or none2 or aes (default)RW meshsecurityShared Secret DisplayString 6–32 charactersDefault: publicW meshsecretMaximum Active Mesh LinksInteger32 1–32 Default: 6 for Mesh AP; 32 for Mesh PortalRW meshmaxlinksRoaming Threshold* Integer32 0–100 RW meshroamingthresholdBeacon on Uplink ObjStatus 1 or enable2 or disableRW meshbeacononuplinkHop Factor Integer32 0–10 RW meshhopfactorSignal Strength Factor Integer32 0–10 RW meshsignalstrengthfactorName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide307* Higher roaming threshold value creates a more static Mesh environment. Lower roaming threshold value creates a more dynamic Mesh environment.† A QoS profile corresponding to this index number must exist.‡ This command resets the following parameters to their default values: Maximum Active Mesh Links, Maximum Hops to Portal, Hop Factor, RSSI Factor, Medium Occupancy Factor, Receive Signal Strength Cut-off, and Roaming Threshold.Medium Occupancy FactorInteger32 0–10 RW meshmedocfactorSignal Strength Cutoff Integer32 0–26 RW meshsignalstrengthcutoffMax Hops to Portal Integer32 1–4 RW meshmaxhopsMesh Mobility Mode (Mesh AP only)Integer 1 (static)2 (roaming)RW meshmobilityReset Mesh Parameters to Defaults‡Integer32 1 or 2 RW meshadvresettodefaultMesh QoS Profile Integer32 1–10†RW meshqosprofileMesh Link Only (no client access on Mesh radio)Integer 1 (enable)2 (disable)RW meshlinkonlyMesh Auto Switch Mode (Mesh Portal only)Integer 1 (enable)2 (disable)RW meshautoswitchmodeCurrent Mesh Mode Integer 1 (Disabled) (default)2 (Mesh Portal)3 (Mesh AP)R meshcurrentmodeName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide308Management ParametersSecure Management ParametersSNMP ParametersHTTP Parameters* The help link must be set to an HTTP address. Use the forward slash character ("/") rather than the backslash character ("\") when configuring the Help Link location. Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterSecure Management Integer 1 (enable)2 (disable)RW securemgmtstatusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSNMP Group N/A R snmpSNMP Management Interface BitmaskInterface Bitmask 0 or 2 = No interfaces (disable)1 or 3 = Ethernet4 or 6 = Wireless A8 or 10 = Wireless B12 = Wireless A & B13 or 15 = All interfaces (default is 15)RW snmpifbitmaskRead Password DisplayString User Definedpublic (default)6 - 32 charactersW snmprpasswdRead/Write Password DisplayString User Definedpublic (default)6 - 32 charactersW snmprwpasswdSNMPv3 Authentication PasswordDisplayString User Definedpublic (default)6 - 32 charactersW snmpv3authpasswdSNMPv3 Privacy PasswordDisplayString User Definedpublic (default)6 - 32 charactersW snmpv3privpasswdName Type Value Access CLI ParameterHTTP Group N/A R httpHTTP Management Interface BitmaskInterface Bitmask 0 or 2 = No interfaces (disable)1 or 3 = Ethernet4 or 6 = Wireless A8 or 10 = Wireless B12 = Wireless A & B13 or 15 = All interfaces (default is 15)RW httpifbitmaskHTTP Password DisplayString User Defined (6 - 32 characters)W httppasswdHTTP Port Integer User DefinedDefault = 80RW httpportHelp Link* DisplayString User Defined RW httphelplinkSSL Status Integer enable/disable RW sslstatusSSL Certificate PassphraseDisplayString User Defined W sslpassphrase
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide309Telnet ParametersSerial Port ParametersRADIUS Based Management Access ParametersThe RADIUS Based Management Access parameters allow you to enable HTTP or Telnet Radius Management Access, enable or disable local user access, and configure the local user password.The default local user ID is root and the default local user password is public. “Root” cannot be configured as a valid user for RADIUS based management access when local user access is enabled.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterTelnet Group N/A R telnetTelnet Management Interface BitmaskInterface Bitmask 0 or 2 = No interfaces (disable)1 or 3 = Ethernet4 or 6 = Wireless A8 or 10 = Wireless B12 = Wireless A & B13 or 15 = All interfaces (default is 15)RW telifbitmaskTelnet Port Integer User Defined23 (default)RW telportTelnet Login Inactivity Time-outInteger 30 - 300 seconds60 sec (default)RW tellogintoutTelnet Session Idle Time-outInteger 60 - 36000 seconds900 sec (default)RW telsessiontoutName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSerial Group N/A R serialBaud Rate Integer 2400, 4800,9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600RW serbaudrateData Bits Integer 8 R  serdatabitsParity Integer none R serparityStop Bits Integer 1 R serstopbitsFlow Control Value none (default)xonxoffRW serflowctrlName Type Value Access CLI ParameterRadius Local User Status Integer enabledisableRW radlocaluserstatusRadius Local User PasswordDisplayString User Defined RW radlocaluserpasswdHTTP Radius Management AccessInteger enabledisableRW httpradiusmgmtaccessTelnet Radius Management AccessInteger enabledisableRW telradiusmgmtaccess
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide310SSH ParametersThe following commands enable or disable SSH and set the SSH host key.The AP SSH feature, open-SSH, confirms to the SSH protocol, and supports SSH version 2. The following SSH clients have been verified to interoperate with the AP’s server. The following table lists the clients, version number, and the website of the client. For key generation, only the OpenSSH client has been verified.Auto Configuration ParametersThese parameters relate to the Auto Configuration feature which allows an AP to be automatically configured by downloading a specific configuration file from a TFTP server during the boot up process. TFTP Server ParametersThese parameters relate to upload and download commands. When you execute an upload and/or download Command, the specified arguments are stored in TFTP parameters for future use. If nothing is specified in the command line when issuing subsequent upload and/or download commands, the stored arguments are used.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterSSH Status Integer enabledisableRW sshstatusSSH Public Host Key FingerprintDisplayString AP Generated RW sshkeyfprintSSH Host Key Status Integer createdeleteRW sshkeystatusClients Version WebsiteOpenSSH V3.4-2 http://www.openssh.comPutty Rel 0.53b 5.00 http://www.emtec.comAxessh V2.5 http://www.labf.comName Type Value Access CLI ParameterAuto Configuration Group N/A R autoconfigAuto Configuration Status Integer enable (default)disableRW autoconfigstatusAuto Config File Name DisplayString User Defined RW autoconfigfilenameAuto Config TFTP Server IP AddressIpAddress User Defined RW autoconfigTFTPaddrName Type Value Access CLI ParameterTFTP Group N/A R tftpTFTP Server IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW tftpipaddrTFTP File Name DisplayString User Defined RW tftpfilename
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide311IP Access Table ParametersWhen creating table entries, you may either specify the argument name followed by argument value or simply enter the argument value. When only the argument value is specified, then enter the values in the order depicted by the following table. CLI applies default values to the omitted arguments. Due to the nature of the information, the only argument that can be omitted is the “comment” argument.Filtering ParametersEthernet Protocol Filtering ParametersEthernet Filtering TableIdentify the different filters by using the table index.TFTP File Type Integer imgconfigbootloadersslcertificatesslprivatekeysshprivatekeysshpublickeyclibatchfile (CLI Batch File)cbflog (CLI Batch Error Log)RW tftpfiletypeName Type Value Access CLI ParameterIP Access Table Table N/A R mgmtipaccesstblTable Index Integer User Defined N/A indexIP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddrIP Mask IpAddress User Defined RW ipmaskComment (optional) DisplayString User Defined RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enable (default)disabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterEthernet Filtering Group N/A R etherfltFiltering Interface BitmaskInterface Bitmask 0 or 2 = No interfaces (disable)1 or 3 = Ethernet4 or 6 = Wireless A8 or 10 = Wireless B12 = Wireless A & B13 or 15 = All interfaces (default is 15)RW etherfltifbitmaskOperation Type passthrublockRW etherfltoptypeName Type Value Access CLI ParameterEthernet Filtering Table Table N/A R etherflttblTable Index N/A N/A R indexName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide312NOTE: The filter Operation Type (passthru or block) applies only to the protocol filters that are enabled in this table.Static MAC Address Filter TableProtocol Number Octet String N/A RW protonumberProtocol Name (optional) DisplayString RW protonameStatus (optional) Integer enable (1)disable (2)delete (3)RW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterStatic MAC Address Filter TableTable N/A R staticmactblTable Index N/A N/A R indexStatic MAC Address on Wired NetworkPhysAddress User Defined RW wiredmacaddrStatic MAC Address Mask on Wired NetworkPhysAddress User Defined RW wiredmaskStatic MAC Address on Wireless NetworkPhysAddress User Defined RW wirelessmacaddrStatic MAC Address Mask on Wireless NetworkPhysAddress User Defined RW wirelessmaskComment (optional) DisplayString max 255 characters RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enable (default)disabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide313Proxy ARP ParametersIP ARP Filtering ParametersBroadcast Filtering TableTCP/UDP Port FilteringThe following parameters are used to enable/disable the Port filter feature.TCP/UDP Port Filtering TableThe following parameters are used to configure TCP/UDP Port filters.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterProxy ARP Group N/A R parpStatus Integer enabledisable (default)RW parpstatusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterIP ARP Filtering Group N/A R iparpStatus Integer enabledisable (default)RW iparpfltstatusIP Address IpAddress User Defined RW iparpfltipaddrSubnet Mask IpAddress User Defined RW iparpfltsubmaskName Type Value Access CLI ParameterBroadcast Filtering Table Table N/A R broadcastflttblIndex Integer 1 - 5 N/A indexProtocol Name DisplayString N/A R protonameDirection Integer ethertowirelesswirelesstoetherboth (default)RW directionStatus Integer enabledisable (default)RW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterPort Filtering Group N/A R portfltPort Filter Status Integer enable (default)disableRW portfltstatusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterPort Filtering Table Table N/A R portflttblTable Index N/A User Defined(there are also 4 pre-defined indices, see Port Number below for more information)R indexPort Type Octet String tcpudptcp/udpRW porttype
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide314Alarms ParametersSNMP Table Host Table ParametersWhen creating table entries, you may either specifying the argument name followed by argument value. CLI applies default values to the omitted arguments. Due to the nature of the information, the only argument that can be omitted is the “comment” argument. Port Number Octet String User Defined(there are also 4 pre-defined protocols:Index 1: NetBios Name Service - 137, Index 2: NetBios Datagram Service - 138, Index 3: NetBios Session Service - 139, Index 4: SNMP Service - 161)RW portnumProtocol Name DisplayString User Defined(there are also 4 pre-defined protocols, see Port Number above)RW protonameInterface Bitmask Integer32 0 or 2 = No interfaces (disable)1 or 3 = Ethernet4 or 6 = Wireless A8 or 10 = Wireless B12 = Wireless A & B13 or 15 = All interfaces (default is 15)RW ifbitmaskStatus (optional) Integer enable (default for new entries)disable (default for pre-defined entries)deleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSNMP Trap Host Table Table N/A R snmptraphosttblTable Index Integer User Defined N/A indexIP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddrPassword DisplayString User Defined (up to 64 characters)WpasswdComment (optional) DisplayString User Defined (up to 254 characters)RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enable (default)disabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide315Syslog ParametersThe following parameters configure the Syslog settings.NOTE: When Heartbeat is enabled, the AP periodically sends a message to the Syslog server to indicate that it is active. The frequency with which the heartbeat message is sent depends upon the setting of the Heartbeat Interval.Syslog Host TableThe table described below configures the Syslog hosts that will receive message from the AP. You can configure up to ten Syslog hosts.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterSyslog Group N/A R syslogSyslog Status Integer enabledisable (default)RW syslogstatusSyslog Port Octet String 514 R syslogportSyslog Lowest Priority LoggedInteger 1 = LOG_ALERT2 = LOG_CRIT3 = LOG_ERR4 = LOG_WARNING5 = LOG_NOTICE6 = LOG_INFO (default)7 = LOG_DEBUGRW syslogpritologHeartbeat Status Integer enable (1)disable (2) (default)RW sysloghbstatusHeartbeat Interval (seconds)Integer 1 - 604800 seconds;900 sec. (default)RW sysloghbintervalName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSyslog Host Table Table N/A R sysloghosttblTable Index Integer 1 - 10 N/A indexIP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddrComment (optional) DisplayString User Defined RW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enabledisabledeleteRW status
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide316Bridge ParametersSpanning Tree ParametersSpanning Tree Priority and Path Cost TableStorm Threshold ParametersName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSpanning Tree Group N/A R stpSpanning Tree Status Integer enabledisable (default)RW stpstatusBridge Priority Integer 0 - 6553532768 (default)RW stppriorityMaximum Age Integer  600 - 4000 (in 0.01 sec intervals; i.e., 6 to 40 seconds)2000 (default)RW stpmaxageHello Time Integer 100 - 1000  (1/100 second; i.e., 1 to 10 seconds); enter values in increments of 100200 (default)RW stphellotimeForward Delay Integer 400 - 3000 (in 0.01 sec intervals; i.e., 4 to 30 seconds)1500 (default)RW stpfwddelayName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSpanning Tree Table Table N/A R stpblTable Index (Port) N/A 1 - 15 R indexPriority Integer 0 - 255128 (default)RW priorityPath Cost Integer 1 - 65535100 (default)RW pathcostState Integer disableblockinglisteninglearningforwardingbrokenR stateStatus Integer enabledisableRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterStorm Threshold Group N/A (see below) N/A stmthresBroadcast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec (default is 0)RW stmbrdthresMulticast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec (default is 0)RW stmmultithres
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide317Storm Threshold TableIntra BSS Subscriber BlockingThe following parameters control the Intra BSS traffic feature, which prevent wireless clients that are associated with the same AP from communicating with each other:Packet Forwarding ParametersThe following parameters control the Packet Forwarding feature, which redirects wireless traffic to a specific MAC address: Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterStorm Threshold Table Table N/A R stmthrestblTable Index Integer 1 = Ethernet3 = WirelessR indexBroadcast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec (default is 0)RW bcast Multicast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec (default is 0)RW mcast Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterIntra BSS Traffic Group N/A R intrabssIntra BSS Traffic OperationInteger passthru (default)blockRW intrabssoptypeName Type Value Access CLI ParameterPacket Forwarding MAC AddressGroup N/A R pktfwdPacket Forwarding MAC AddressMacAddress User Defined RW pktfwdmacaddrPacket Forwarding Status Integer enabledisable (default)RW pktfwdstatusPacket Forwarding Interface PortInteger 0 (any) (default)1 (Ethernet)2 (WDS 1)3 (WDS 2)4 (WDS 3)5 (WDS 4)6 (WDS 5)7 (WDS 6)RW pktfwdif
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide318RADIUS ParametersGeneral RADIUS ParametersRADIUS Server Configuration ParametersNOTE: Use a server name only if you have enabled the DNS Client functionality. See DNS Client for RADIUS Name Resolution.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterRADIUS Group N/A R radiusClient Invalid Server AddressCounter32 N/A R radcliinvsvraddName Type Value Access CLI ParameterRADIUS Authentication Table N/A R radiustblTable Index (Profile Index)Integer N/A R indexPrimary/Secondary Index Integer Primary (1)Secondary (2)R subindexStatus Integer enabledisableRW statusServer Address Format Integer IpaddrNameRW seraddrfmtServer IP Address or NameIpAddressDisplayStringUser defined (enter an IP address if seraddrfmt is ipaddr or a name if set to name; up to 254 characters if using a name)RW ipaddrPort (optional) Integer User Defined1812 (default)RW portShared Secret DisplayString User Defined6 - 32 charactersW ssecretResponse Time (optional) Integer 1 - 10 seconds3 (default)RW responsetmMaximum Retransmissions (optional)Integer 0 - 43 (default)RW maxretxRADIUS MAC Address FormatInteger dashdelimitedcolondelimitedsingledashdelimitednodelimiterRW radmacaddrformatRADIUS Accounting Inactivity TimerInteger32 1 - 60 minutes RW radaccinactivetmrAuthorization Lifetime  Integer32 900 - 43200 seconds W radauthlifetmRADIUS Accounting Update IntervalInteger32 10 - 3600 minutes RW radacctupdintervalVLAN ID vlanID -1 (untagged)1 - 4094RW radvlanid
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide319Security ParametersMAC Access Control ParametersMAC Access Control TableRogue Scan Configuration TableThe Rogue Scan Configuration Table allows you to enable or disable Rogue Scan and configure the scanning parameters.802.1x Parameters Hardware Configuration ResetThe Hardware Configuration Reset commands allows you to enable or disable the feature and to change the password to be used for configuration reset during boot up.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterMAC Address Control Group N/A R macaclStatus Integer enabledisable (default)RW aclstatusOperation Type Integer passthru (default)blockRW macacloptypeName Type Value Access CLI ParameterMAC Address Control TableTable N/A R macacltblTable Index N/A N/A R indexMAC Address PhysAddress User Defined RW macaddrComment (optional) DisplayString User Definedmax 254 charactersRW cmtStatus (optional) Integer enable (default)disabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterRogue Scan Configuration TableTable N/A R rscantblRogue Scan Mode Integer Bkscan (1)Contscan (2)RW modeRogue Scan Cycle Time Integer 1 - 1440 RW cycletimeRogue Scan Configuration Table IndexInteger 3 or 4 RW indexRogue Scan Status Integer enabledisableRW statusName Type Value Access CLI Parameter802.1x Group Group N/A R dot1xauthcfg802.1x Supplicant TimeoutInteger32 3 - 60 seconds (recommended range)RW dot1xsupptimeout
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide320Security Profile TableThe Security Profile Table allows you to configure security profiles. A maximum of 16 security profiles are supported per wireless interface.Each security profile can contain one or more enabled security modes (Non-secure station, WEP station, 802.1x station, WPA station, WPA-PSK station, 802.11i, 802.11i-PSK). The WEP/PSK parameters are separately configurable for each security mode. See the command examples in Set Security Profile Parameters.Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterHardware Configuration Reset StatusInteger enable (1)disable (2)R hwconfigresetstatusConfiguration Reset PasswordDisplayString User Defined RW configresetpasswdName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSecurity Profile Table Table N/A R secprofiletblTable Index Integer 1 - 16 (up to 16 per interface)RW indexSecurity Mode Integer nonsecurewep802.1xwpawpa-psk802.11i802.11i-pskRW secmodeAuthentication Mode Integer none802.1xpskR authmodeCipher Integer noneweptkipaesR ciphersuiteEncryption Key 0 Integer See Encryption Key FormatWencryptkey0Encryption Key 1 Integer See Encryption Key FormatWencryptkey1Encryption Key 2 Integer See Encryption Key FormatWencryptkey2Encryption Key 3 Integer See Encryption Key FormatWencryptkey3Encryption Transmit Key Integer 0 - 3 RW encryptkeytxEncryption Key Length Integer 1 (64 bits)2 (128 bits)3 (152 bits)RW encryptkeylengthPSK Passphrase Integer 8 - 64 characters W passphrase
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide321Encryption Key FormatIf WEP security mode is configured, then the appropriate key size must be configured. The AP supports 63-, 128-, and 152-bit encryption keys. Encryption keys may be configured using either hexadecimal or ASCII values, as described in the following table. Each ASCII character corresponds to two hexadecimal digits. See ASCII Character Chart for ASCII/Hexadecimal correspondence.VLAN/SSID ParametersOther ParametersIAPP ParametersNOTE: These parameters configure the Inter Access Point Protocol (IAPP) for roaming. Leave these settings at their default value unless a technical representative asks you to change them.Key Length Hexadecimal ASCII64-bit 10 characters (0 - F) 5 alphanumeric characters128-bit 26 characters (0 - F) 13 alphanumeric characters152-bit 32 characters (0 - F) 16 alphanumeric charactersName Type Value Access CLI ParameterVLAN Group N/A R vlanStatus Integer enabledisable (default)RW vlanstatusManagement ID VlanId -1 (untagged) or 1 - 4094RW vlanmgmtidName Type Value Access CLI ParameterIAPP Group N/A R iappIAPP Status Integer enable (default)disableRW iappstatusPeriodic Announce Interval (seconds)Integer 80120 (default)160200RW iappannintAnnounce Response TimeInteger 2 seconds R iappannrespHandover Time-out Integer 410 ms512 ms (default)614 ms717 ms819 msRW iapphandtoutMax. Handover RetransmissionsInteger 1 - 4 (default 4) RW iapphandretxSend Announce Request on StartupInteger enable (default)disableRW iappannreqstart
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide322Wireless Multimedia Enhancements (WME)/Quality of Service (QoS) parametersThe Wireless Multimedia Enhancements commands enable and configure Wireless Multimedia Enhancement/Quality of Service parameters per wireless interface. The following two commands are part of the Wireless Interface Properties table.Enabling QoSConfiguring QoS PoliciesThe QoS group manages the QoS policies:* QoS must be enabled on a wireless interface before spectralink can be enabled.† A priority mapping needs to be specified for a QoS Policy. The priority mapping depends on the type of policy configured. For Layer 2 policy types (inbound or outbound) a mapping index from the 802.1p to 802.1D table should be specified. For Layer 3 policy types (inbound or out-bound) a mapping index from the IP DSCP to 802.1D table should be specified. The mapping index, in both cases, depends on the number of mappings configured by the user. For SpectraLink policy type a mapping is not required.Specifying the Mapping between 802.1p and 802.1D PrioritiesThe QoS 802.1p to 802.1D Mapping Table specifies the mapping between 802.1P and 802.1D priorities. Name Type Value Access CLI ParameterQoS Status Object Status enabledisable (default)RW qosstatusQoS Maximum Medium ThresholdInteger 50 - 90 RW qosmaximummediumthresholdName Type Value Access CLI ParameterQoS Group Group N/A N/A qosQoS Policy Table Table N/A N/A qospolicytblTable Primary Index Integer N/A R indexTable Secondary Index Integer N/A R secindexPolicy Name Display String 0 - 32 characters RW policynamePolicy Type Integer inlayer2,inlayer3,outlayer2,outlayer3,spectralink*RW typePriority Mapping Index†Integer See Note †. RW mapindexApply QoS Marking Object Status enabledisableRW markstatusTable Row Status Row Status enabledisabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterQoS 802.1p to 802.1D Mapping TableTable N/A N/A qos1pto1dtblTable Index (Primary Index)Integer 0 - 7 R index802.1D Priority (Secondary Index)Integer 0 - 7 R 1dpriority802.1p Priority Integer 0 - 7 RW 1ppriority
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide323Specifying the Mapping between IP Precedence/DSCP Ranges and 802.1D PrioritiesThe QoS IP DSCP to 802.1D Mapping Table specifies the mapping between IP Precedence/DSCP Ranges and 802.1D priorities.QoS Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) ParametersThe following commands configure the client (STA) and AP Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) parameters. You can modify the EDCA values for both Wireless A and Wireless B.The EDCA parameter set provides information needed by the client stations for proper QoS operation during the wireless contention period. These parameters are used by the QoS enabled AP to establish policy, to change policies when accepting new stations or new traffic, or to adapt to changes in the offered load. The EDCA parameters assign priorities to traffic types where higher priority packets gain access to the wireless medium more frequently than lower priority packets.NOTE: We have defined default recommended values for EDCA parameters; we recommend not modifying EDCA parameters unless strictly necessary. Table Row Status Row Status enabledisabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterQoS IP DSCP to 802.1D Mapping TableTable N/A N/A qosdscpto1dtblTable Index (Primary Index)Integer 0 - 7 R index802.1D Priority Integer 0 - 7 R 1dpriorityIP DSCP Lower Limit Integer 0 - 62 RW dscplowerIP DSCP Upper Limit Integer 1 - 63 RW dscpupperTable Row Status Row Status enabledisabledeleteRW statusName Type Value Access CLI ParameterSTA EDCA Table Table N/A N/A qosedcatblTable Index Integer 3 (Wireless A)4 (Wireless B)R—QoS Access Category Integer 1 (Best Effort)2 (Background)3 (Video)4 (Voice)R—CWmin Integer 0 - 255 RW cwminCWmax Integer 0 - 65535 RW cwmaxAIFSN Integer 2 - 15 RW aifsnTx OP Limit Integer 0 - 65535 RW txoplimitMSDU Lifetime Integer 0 - 500 RW msdulifetimeAC Mandatory Truth Value 1 (Enable)2 (Disable)RW acmandatoryAP EDCA Table Table N/A N/A qosqapedcatblName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide324Examples:show qosedcatbl (or qosqapedcatbl)set qosedcatbl (or qosqapedcatbl) <Index>.<Access Category> <EDCA parameter> <value>For example: set qosedcatbl 3.1 cwmin 15Defining the QoS Policy used for a Wireless Interface SSIDThe QoS Policy object configures the QoS policy to be used per wireless interface SSID. This object is part of the Wireless Interface SSID Table; the CLI command for this table is “wifssidtbl.”* A QoS Policy number needs to be specified in the SSID table. This depends on the QoS policies configured by the user. Once the user has configured QoS policies, the user should specify the policy to be used for that SSID.Table Index Integer 3 (Wireless A)4 (Wireless B)R—QoS Access Category Integer 1 (Best Effort)2 (Background)3 (Video)4 (Voice)R—CWmin Integer 0 - 255 RW cwminCWmax Integer 0 - 65535 RW cwmaxAIFSN Integer 2 - 15 RW aifsnTx OP Limit Integer 0 - 65535 RW txoplimitMSDU Lifetime Integer 0 - 500 RW msdulifetimeAC Mandatory Truth Value truefalseRW acmandatoryName Type Value Access CLI ParameterQoS Policy Integer See Note* RW qospolicyName Type Value Access CLI Parameter
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide325CLI Batch FileA CLI Batch file is a user-editable file that lists a series of CLI set commands, that can be uploaded to the Access Point to change its configuration. The Access Point executes the CLI commands specified in the CLI Batch file after upload and the configuration gets changed accordingly. A CLI Batch file can also be used for Auto Configuration.The CLI Batch file does not replace the existing LTV format configuration file, which continues to define the configuration of the AP.The CLI Batch file contains a list of CLI commands that the AP will execute. The AP performs the commands in the file immediately after the file is uploaded to the AP manually or during Auto Configuration. The AP parses the file and executes the CLI commands. Commands that do not require a reboot take effect immediately, while commands that require a reboot (typically commands affecting a wireless interface) will take effect after reboot.Auto Configuration and the CLI Batch FileThe Auto Configuration feature allows download of the LTV format configuration file or the CLI Batch file. The AP detects whether the file uploaded is LTV format or a CLI Batch file. If the AP detects a CLI Batch file (a file with extension .cli), the AP executes the file immediately.The AP will reboot after executing the CLI Batch file. Auto Configuration will not result in repeated reboots if the CLI Batch file contains rebootable parameters.CLI Batch File Format and SyntaxThe CLI Batch file must be named with a .cli extension to be recognized by the AP. The maximum file size allowed is 100 Kbytes, and files with larger sizes cannot be uploaded to the AP. The CLI commands supported in the CLI Batch File are a subset of the legal AP CLI commands.The follow commands are supported: • Set commands• Reboot command (the reboot command ignores the argument (time)Each command must be separated by a new line. NOTE: The following commands are not supported: Show command, Debug command, Undebug command, Upload command, Download command, Passwd command, Kill command, and the Exit, Quit, and Done commands.Sample CLI Batch FileThe following is a sample CLI Batch File:set sysname system1set sysloc sunnyvaleset sysctname contact1set sysctphone 1234567890set sysctemail email@domain.comset ipaddr ipaddrtype staticset ipsubmask ipgw wif 3 autochannel disableset wif 3 mode 1set syslogstatus enableset sysloghbstatus enableset sysloghbinterval 5set wif 3 netname londonreboot
CLI for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide User Guide326Reboot BehaviorWhen a CLI Batch file contains a reboot command, the reboot will occur only after the entire CLI Batch file has been executed.There are two methods of uploading the CLI Batch File:• Upload• Upload and reboot (this option is to be used for a CLI Batch file containing the configuration parameters that require a reboot)CLI Batch File Error LogIf there is any error during the execution of the CLI Batch file, the AP will stop executing the file. The AP generates traps for all errors and each trap contains the following information:• Start of execution• Original filename of the uploaded file• End of execution (along with the status of execution)• Line number and description of failures that occurred during executionThe AP logs all the errors during execution and stores them in the Flash memory in a CLI Batch File Error Log named “CBFERR.LOG”. The CLI Batch File Error Log can be downloaded though TFTP, HTTP, or CLI file transfer to a specified host.
327 MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideCASCII Chart for Mesh and Access Point ModuleYou can configure WEP Encryption Keys in either Hexadecimal or ASCII format. Hexadecimal digits are 0-9 and A-F (not case sensitive). ASCII characters are 0-9, A-F, a-f (case sensitive), and punctuation marks. Each ASCII character corresponds to two hexadecimal digits.The table below lists the ASCII characters that you can use to configure WEP Encryption Keys. It also lists the Hexadecimal equivalent for each ASCII character.ASCII CharacterHex EquivalentASCIICharacterHexEquivalentASCIICharacterHexEquivalentASCII CharacterHexEquivalent!21939Q51i69"22:3AR52j6A#23;3BS53k6B$24<3CT54l6C%25=3DU55m6D&26>3EV56n6E'27?3FW57o6F(28@40X58p70)29A41Y59q71*2AB42Z5Ar72+2BC43[5Bs73,2CD44\5Ct74-2DE45]5Du75.2EF46^5Ev76/2FG47_5Fw77030H48`60x78131I49a61y79232J4Ab62z7A333K4Bc63{7B434L4Cd64|7C535M4De65}7D636N4Ef66~7E737O4Fg67838P50h68
MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide328DTechnical SpecificationsSee the following:•Part Numbers•Regulatory Approval and Frequency Ranges•Radio and Transmission Specifications•Receive Sensitivity•Maximum Throughput•Transmit Power Settings•Software Features•Mesh and Wi-Fi Features•LEDs•Interfaces•Other Specifications•Electrical•Physical and Environmental Specifications•MTBF and Warranty
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuidePart Numbers329Part NumbersMeshMAX 5054 SeriesPart Number Description9200-xx MeshMAX 5054WM Tri-radio, WiMAAX subscriber and Wi-Fi Mesh access point9201-xx MeshMAX 5054W Tri-radio, WiMAX subscriber and WiFi access pointRegulatory Approval and Frequency RangesRegion/Country Country GHz Number of Channels 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHzNorth America  USA 5.25 - 5.35 NA Up to 30 Up to 145.47 - 5.725 NA Up to 30 Up to 145.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5Canada 5.25 - 5.35 Up to 61 Up to 30 Up to 145.47 - 5.725 Up to 61 Up to 30 Up to 145.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5Mexico 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5EU Countries Austria 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Belgium 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Cyprus 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Czech Republic 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Denmark 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Estonia 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Finland 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11France 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Germany 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Greece 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Hungary 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Ireland 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 115.725 - 5.85 Up to 23 Up to 11 Up to 4Italy 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Latvia 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Lithuania 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Luxemburg 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Malta 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Netherlands 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Poland 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Portugal 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Slovakia 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Slovenia 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Spain 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Sweden 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11United Kingdom 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 115.725 - 5.85 Up to 23 Up to 11 Up to 4
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideRadio and Transmission Specifications330* FCC DFS in process.† IC DFS in process.Radio and Transmission SpecificationsReceive SensitivityMaximum ThroughputNOTE: Actual throughput performance in the field may vary.Other European CountriesIceland 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Liechtenstein 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Norway 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11Russia 5.15 - 6.08 Up to 193 Up to 93 Up to 47Switzerland 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 11South America Argentina 5.25 - 5.35 Up to 9 Up to 5 Up to 35.725 - 5.85 Up to 19 Up to 10 Up to 5Brazil 5.47 - 5.70 Up to 46 Up to 23 Up to 115.725 - 5.85 Up to 19 Up to 10 Up to 5Colombia 5.25 - 5.35 Up to 15 Up to 7 Up to 35.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5APAC Australia 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5China 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 17 Up to 9 Up to 5Hong Kong 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5India 5.15 - 5.35 Up to 32 Up to 16 Up to 85.725 - 5.85 Up to 28 Up to 14 Up to 7New Zealand 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 21 Up to 11 Up to 5S. Korea 5.725 - 5.85 Up to 17 Up to 9 Up to 5Singapore 5.15 - 5.25 Up to 13 Up to 7 Up to 45.725 - 5.85 Up to 17 Up to 9 Up to 5Taiwan 5.25 - 5.35 Up to 15 Up to 7 Up to 35.725 - 5.85 Up to 17 Up to 9 Up to 5Category SpecificationModulation Method OFDMRadio Speed 54, 48, 36, 18, 12, 9, 6Modulation 5 GHz band 2.4 GHz band64-QAM  48 and 54 Mbps 48 and 54 Mbps16-QAM 24 and 36 Mbps 12 and 18 MbpsQPSK  12 and 18 Mbps 12 and 18 MbpsBPSK  6 and 9 Mbps 6 and 9 MbpsRegulatory Approval and Frequency Ranges (continued)Region/Country Country GHz Number of Channels 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideReceive Sensitivity331Transmit Power Settings• 5.0GHz: +18dBm• 2.4GHz: +20dBm• Output Power Attenuation: 0 - 12 dB, in 1 dB steps• Output Power Values will have a tolerance of +- 1.5 dBSoftware FeaturesCategory SpecificationKey Features • WORP protocol • Dynamic Data Rate Selection • Transmit Power Control• Antenna Alignment• Integrity Check for Software Upload • 5, 10 and 20 MHz channelsSatellite Density • Dynamic Frequency SelectionFiltering • Ethernet protocol (Ethertype)• Static MAC• Storm threshold• IP address• Broadcast protocolServices • DHCP Server (RFC 2131)• DHCP Client (RFC 2131)• DHCP Relay (RFC 2131)• NAT (RFC 3022)• Bi-Directional Bandwidth Control VLAN • 802.1Q VLAN tagging and filtering protocol• Transparent passing of 802.1Q-compliant VLAN tagged frameSecurity Features • MAC Authentication• RADIUS MAC Access Control• RADIUS (RFC 2138)• WEP/AES-OCB encryptionRedundancy • Spanning Tree (802.1D)Bridging and Routing • Bridge (802.1d)• IP/RIPv1 (RFC 1058)• IP/RIPv2 (RFC 1388)• CIDR (RFC 1519)• IP (RFC 791)• ARP(RFC 826)QoS • Asymmetric bandwidth support• Packet Classification capabilties - 801.1D/802.1Q/802.1p priority; IPTOS;VLAN ID; IP Source/Destination• Addess;source/Destination port; Ethernet Source Destination Address; IP Protocol and Ethertype• Scheduling - Best Effort; Universal Grant Services; per srvice flow scheduling; priority, jitter and latency control for voice, video and data; min/max bandwidth enablingMobility • Subscriber RoamingLocal Monitoring • Serial CLI
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideReceive Sensitivity332Mesh and Wi-Fi FeaturesRemote Monitoring • Telnet CLI• HTTP•TFTP• SNMPv1, SNMPv2• MIB-II, Proxim MIBs, Bridge MIB, RIPv2 MIB, Etherlike MIBCategory SpecificationAuthentication • 802.1X support including PEAP, EAP-TLs, EAP-TTLS, EAP-SIM, and other EAP methods that conform to RFC 3748 to yield mutual authentication and dynamic per-user, per-session encryption keys• RADIUS-based MAC address authentication• Dynamic MAC address conrol list, automatically updated without rebooting APEncryption • 802.11i support for CCMP/AES keys of 128 bits (WPA2)• TKIP encryption• WEP keys of 64 and 128 bits• AES encryptionMessage Authentication • 802.11i AES message authenitication with 128 bits keys• TKIP with 128 bit Michael Message Integrity CheckIntrusion Detection • Rogue AP and client detection• Detect switch port of rogue access point when used in conjuction with ProximVisionTM802.11 MAC Level Functionality• Multiple SSID and BSSID• Auto Channel Selection• Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)• 802.1d support• Transmit power control• Qo support for mesh backhaul and access• Closed system• Channel Blacklist• Turbo mode• Super modeBridging and Filtering • IEEE 802.1d Bridging• VLAN Support• WDS Relay• Protocol Filtering• Modified Proxy ARP Support• Multicast/Broadcast Storm Filtering• TCP/UDP Port Filtering• Intra-BSS Clients blocking• Packet Forwarding• VPN filteringCategory Specification
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideReceive Sensitivity333LEDsNetwork Layer • DHCP Client• DHCP Server• DHCP Relay Agent• Inter Access Point Protocol (IAPP)• Link Integrity•Syslog • RADIUS Autheication• RADIUD Accounting Support• DNS Client•SNTP• TFTP Client• Telnet Server• HTTP Server• SNMPv1/SNMPv2/SNMPv3• Scan and ChangeRemote Management • SNMPv1; SNMPv2c and SNMPv3• MIBs Supported; ORiNOCO-Mesh; ORiNOCO-Subscriber; rfc 1213; rfc 1643; 802.11i-D3; IANAifType-MIB; MIB802• DHCP•Telnet• HTTP•TFTP•BootPSecure Configuration Support•SNMPv3• HTTPS• SSH• RADIUS Based Management Access authentication• Encrypted storage for security and management parametersCategory SpecificationTypes • Power • Mesh Activity• Ethernet ActivityCategory Specification
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideReceive Sensitivity334InterfacesOther SpecificationsElectricalPhysical and Environmental SpecificationsMTBF and WarrantyCategory SpecificationWired Ethernet • Auto-sensing 10/100BASE-TX ethernetAntenna Connector • 1 Standard Type-N female 5 GHz Mesh and Wi-Fi Radio• 1 Standard Type-N female 5 GHz WiMAX Radio• 1 Standard Type-N female 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi RadioCategory SpecificationWireless Protocol • WORP (Wireless Outdoor Routing Protocol) for Subscriber backaul• 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g for Wi-Fi Access• Proxim ORiNOCO Mesh CreationProtocol (OMCP) for mesh backhaul extensionBands Supported • 5.15-6.08 GHz for WORP radio• 5.15-5.85 GHz and 2.412-2.472 GHz mesh backhaul extensionChannel Bandwidth • 5,10 and 20 MHz for WORP radio• 20MHz for Mesh bacjhaul and Wi-Fi Access InfrastructureCategory SpecificationPoE Power Injector • Custom Power over Ethernet (802.3af compatible)• Input: Voltage 110 to 250 VAC (47-63 Hz)• Output: 48V@420mA MAX (injected into the Cat-5 cable)• Pin for reset to factory defaultsAC Power Support 110/240 VAC light pole power tap (purchased separately)Category SpecificationPhysicalDimensions (W x D x H) • Packaged: 14.57 x 13.70 x 8.19 in (370 x 348 x 208 mm)• Unpackaged: 10.5 x 10.5 x 3.25 in (267 x 267 x 83mm)Weight • Packaged: 12 Ibs (5.44 Kg)• Unpackaged: 5.5 Ibs (2.49 Kg)EnvironmentalStorage Temperature  -55°C to 80°C (-41° to 176° Fahrenheit) Operating Temperature -35°C to 60°CHumidity Max 100% relative humidity (non-condensing)Wind Loading 125 mphWater and Dust proof NEMA4ECategory SpecificationMTBF 100,000 hours
Technical Specifications  MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideReceive Sensitivity335Warranty 1 year parts and laborExtended Warranty and enchanced Service and Support options available with ServpakCategory Specification
336MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideESpecifications for Mesh and Access Point Module•Software Features•Available Channels
Specifications for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide337Software FeaturesThe tables below list the software features available on the Mesh and Access Point Module.•Number of Stations per BSS•Management Functions•Advanced Bridging Functions•Medium Access Control (MAC) Functions•Security Functions•Network FunctionsNumber of Stations per BSS* Number may vary based on combination of security methods used.Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleWithout security 124With security* 120
Specifications for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide338Management FunctionsAdvanced Bridging FunctionsMedium Access Control (MAC) Functions Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleWeb User Interface 3Telnet / CLI 3SNMP Agent 3Serial CLI 3Secure Management 3SSH 3RADIUS Based Management Access 3Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleIEEE 802.1d Bridging 3WDS Relay 3Roaming 3Protocol Filtering 3Multicast/Broadcast Storm Filtering 3Proxy ARP 3TCP/UDP Port Filtering 3Blocking Intra BSS Clients 3Packet Forwarding 3Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleAutomatic Channel Selection (ACS) 3Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)/Radar Detection (RD)*3Wireless Service Shutdown 3802.11d Support 3TX Power Control 3Wireless Multimedia Enhancements/Quality of Service (QoS)3Channel Blacklist 3Closed System  3
Specifications for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide339* DFS is required for 802.11a APs certified in the ETSI, TELEC, FCC, and IC regulatory domains and operating in the middle frequency band. When ACS is disabled, available channels are limited to those in the lower frequency band.Security Functions *Key lengths supported by 802.11a/4.9 GHz: 64-bit, 128-bit, and 152-bit.Key lengths supported by 802.11b: 64-bit and 128-bit.Key lengths supported by 802.11b/g: 64-bit, 128-bit, and 152-bit.†  EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and PEAP client supplicant supported.‡ Support is provided for a primary and backup RADIUS authentication server for both MAC-based authentication and 802.1x authentication per VLAN.§  Use in conjunction with WPA or 802.1x Authentication.Broadcast Unique Beacon  3Super Mode Support 3Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleSecurity Profiles per VLAN 3RADIUS Profiles per VLAN 3IEEE 802.11 WEP* 3MAC Access Control  3RADIUS MAC-based Access Control 3IEEE 802.1x Authentication†3Multiple Authentication Server Support per VLAN‡3Rogue Scanning to Detect Rogue Access Points and Clients3Per User Per Session (PUPS) Encryption §3Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)/802.11i (WPA2) 3Hardware Configuration Reset Disable 3
Specifications for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide340Network Functions * Includes Fallback to Primary RADIUS Server, RADIUS Session Timeout, RADIUS Multiple MAC Address Formats, RADIUS DNS Host Name Support, RADIUS Start/Stop Accounting.† DHCP client requests and IP lease renewals are sent on the Ethernet interface only, not on Mesh links. Feature Supported by Mesh and Access Point ModuleDHCP Client 3†DHCP Server 3†DHCP Relay Agent and IP Lease Renewal 3Inter Access Point Protocol (IAPP) 3Link Integrity 3System Logging (Syslog) 3RADIUS Accounting Support* 3DNS Client 3TCP/IP Protocol Support 3Virtual LAN Support Up to 16 SSID/VLAN pairs per wireless interface, with specific Security and RADIUS profiles. For more information, see the Advanced Configuration chapter.Mesh Networking 3
Specifications for Mesh and Access Point Module MeshMAX 5054 Series User Guide341Available Channels2.4 GHz (802.11b/g) Frequencies and Bandwidths5.0 GHz (802.11a) Frequencies and BandwidhsChannel Center Frequency (MHz) 20 MHz1 2412 32 2417 33 2422 34 2427 35 2432 36 2437 37 2442 38 2447 39 2452 310 2457 311 2462 3Channel Center Frequency (MHz) 20 MHz149 5745 3153 5765 3157 5785 3161 5805 3165 5825 3
342MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideFTechnical Services and SupportSee the following sections:•Obtaining Technical Services and Support•Support Options–Proxim eService Web Site Support–Telephone Support–ServPak Support
Technical Services and Support MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideObtaining Technical Services and Support343Obtaining Technical Services and SupportIf you are having trouble utilizing your Proxim product, please review this manual and the additional documentation provided with your product. If you require additional support and would like to use Proxim’s free Technical Service to help resolve your issue, please be ready to provide the following information before you contact Proxim’s Technical Services: • Product information– Part number of suspected faulty unit– Serial number of suspected faulty unit• Trouble/error information:– Trouble/symptom being experienced– Activities completed to confirm fault– Network information (what kind of network are you using?)– Circumstances that preceded or led up to the error– Message or alarms viewed– Steps taken to reproduce the problem• Servpak information (if a Servpak customer):– Servpak account number• Registration information:– If the product is not registered, date when you purchased the product– If the product is not registered, location where you purchased the productNOTE: If you would like to register your product now, visit the Proxim eService Web Site at  http://support.proxim.comand click on New Product Registration.
Technical Services and Support MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideSupport Options344Support OptionsProxim eService Web Site SupportThe Proxim eService Web site is available 7x24x365 at the Proxim eService Web Site, you can access the following services:•New Product Registration: Register your product for free support.•Open a Ticket or RMA: Open a ticket or RMA and receive an immediate reply.•Search Knowledgebase: Locate white papers, software upgrades, and technical information.•ServPak (Service Packages): Receive Advanced Replacement, Extended Warranty, 7x24x365 Technical Support, Priority Queuing, and On-Site Support.•Your Stuff: Track status of your tickets or RMAs and receive product update notifications. •Provide Feedback: Submit suggestions or other types of feedback.•Customer Survey: Submit an On-Line Customer Survey response.•Repair Tune-Up: Have your existing Proxim equipment inspected, tested, and upgraded to current S/W and H/W revisions, and extend your warranty for another year.Telephone SupportContact technical support via telephone as follows:  •US-Canada:  408-383-7700, 866-674-6626 (Toll Free)Hours of Operations: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM•APAC Countries:  040-23115490Hours of Operations: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM•International: 408-383-7700Hours of Operations: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PMServPak Support Proxim understands that service and support requirements vary from customer to customer. It is our mission to offer service and support options that go above-and-beyond normal warranties to allow you the flexibility to provide the quality of service that your networks demand. In recognition of these varying requirements we have developed a support program called ServPak. ServPak is a program of Enhanced Service Options that can be purchased individually or in combinations to meet your needs. •Advanced Replacement: This service offers customers an advance replacement of refurbished or new hardware. (Available in the U.S., Canada, and select countries.  Please inquire with your authorized Proxim distributor for availability in your country.)•Extended Warranty: This service provides unlimited repair of your Proxim hardware for the life of the service contract.  •7x24x365 Technical Support: This service provides unlimited, direct access to Proxim’s world-class technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  •Priority Queuing: This service allows your product issue to be routed to the next available Customer Service Engineer. To purchase ServPak support services, please contact your authorized Proxim distributor.   To receive more information or for questions on any of the available ServPak support options, please call Proxim Support at 408-383-7700 or send an email to
345MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideGStatement of WarrantyWarranty Coverage Proxim Wireless Corporation warrants that its Products are manufactured solely from new parts, conform substantially to specifications, and will be free of defects in material and workmanship for a Warranty Period of 1 year from the date of purchase. Repair or Replacement In the event a Product fails to perform in accordance with its specification during the Warranty Period, Proxim offers return-to-factory repair or replacement, with a thirty (30) business-day turnaround from the date of receipt of the defective Product at a Proxim Wireless Corporation Repair Center. When Proxim Wireless has reasonably determined that a returned Product is defective and is still under Warranty, Proxim Wireless shall, at its option, either: (a) repair the defective Product; (b) replace the defective Product with a refurbished Product that is equivalent to the original; or (c) where repair or replacement cannot be accomplished, refund the price paid for the defective Product. The Warranty Period for repaired or replacement Products shall be ninety (90) days or the remainder of the original Warranty Period, whichever is longer. This constitutes Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy and Proxim Wireless’s sole and exclusive liability under this Warranty. Limitations of Warranty The express warranties set forth in this Agreement will not apply to defects in a Product caused; (i) through no fault of Proxim Wireless during shipment to or from Buyer, (ii) by the use of software other than that provided with or installed in the Product, (iii) by the use or operation of the Product in an application or environment other than that intended or recommended by Proxim Wireless, (iv) by modifications, alterations, or repairs made to the Product by any party other than Proxim Wireless or Proxim Wireless’s authorized repair partners, (v) by the Product being subjected to unusual physical or electrical stress, or (vii) by failure of Buyer to comply with any of the return procedures specified in this Statement of Warranty. Support Procedures Buyer should return defective LAN Products within the first 30 days to the merchant from which the Products were purchased. Buyer can contact a Proxim Wireless Customer Service Center either by telephone or via web. Calls for support for Products that are near the end of their warranty period should be made not longer than seven (7) days after expiration of warranty. Repair of Products that are out of warranty will be subject to a repair fee. Contact information is shown below. Additional support information can be found at Proxim Wireless’s web site at SupportContact technical support via telephone as follows:  •US-Canada:  408-383-7700, 866-674-6626 (Toll Free)Hours of Operations: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM•APAC Countries:  040-23115490Hours of Operations: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM•International: 408-383-7700Hours of Operations: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PMWhen contacting the Customer Service for support, Buyer should be prepared to provide the Product description and serial number and a description of the problem. The serial number should be on the product.
Statement of Warranty MeshMAX 5054 Series User GuideOther Information346In the event the Customer Service Center determines that the problem can be corrected with a software update, Buyer might be instructed to download the update from Proxim Wireless’s web site or, if that’s not possible, the update will be sent to Buyer. In the event the Customer Service Center instructs Buyer to return the Product to Proxim Wireless for repair or replacement, the Customer Service Center will provide Buyer a Return Material Authorization (“RMA”) number and shipping instructions. Buyer must return the defective Product to Proxim Wireless, properly packaged to prevent damage, shipping prepaid, with the RMA number prominently displayed on the outside of the container. Calls to the Customer Service Center for reasons other than Product failure will not be accepted unless Buyer has purchased a Proxim Wireless Service Contract or the call is made within the first thirty (30) days of the Product’s invoice date. Calls that are outside of the 30-day free support time will be charged a fee of $25.00 (US Dollars) per Support Call. If Proxim Wireless reasonably determines that a returned Product is not defective or is not covered by the terms of this Warranty, Buyer shall be charged a service charge and return shipping charges. Other Information Search Knowledgebase Proxim Wireless stores all resolved problems in a solution database at the following URL: a Question or Open an Issue Submit a question or open an issue to Proxim Wireless technical support staff at the following URL: Adapter CardsProxim Wireless does not support internal mini-PCI devices that are built into laptop computers, even if identified as "ORiNOCO" devices. Customers having such devices should contact the laptop vendor's technical support for assistance. For support for a PCMCIA card carrying a brand name other than Proxim, ORiNOCO, Lucent, Wavelan, or Skyline, Customer should contact the brand vendor's technical support for assistance.

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