Primatronix CV100R Speakphone with Remote Control User Manual CV100 NEW

Primatronix Ltd Speakphone with Remote Control CV100 NEW

User Manual

THE FEATURE ORIENTED PHONE SYSTEMFOR EVERY HOMEWith exclusive Emergency Help Systemyou can Call-4-Help with a press of a buttonHear who is callingbefore you decide to answer an incoming phone call*Answer your phone  and speak hands-freeeven if you can’t get to the phone**USER MANUAL ClearVoice 50™ClearVoice 100™ClearVoice 200™14GHI7PQRSABC2JKL58TUV03DEF6MNO9WXYZ#MENU2FLASHHOLDREDIALSPEAKERLOUDEXITA Quality Of Life ProductTMCLIPLOUD LOWHANDSETCALLBACKDELETE SCROLLCALL#AMPMCLIPNEWREPEATVOICEConsumer Helpline 1-888-558-7420
1TABLE OF CONTENTSImportant Safety Instructions ...........................................................................................................2Safety Instruction for Batteries .........................................................................................................2Installation Instructions .....................................................................................................................2Important Notes ..................................................................................................................................3FCC Wants You to Know.....................................................................................................................3Service ................................................................................................................................................4General Information ...........................................................................................................................4About Your  Unit...................................................................................................................................4Location of Controls ..........................................................................................................................5Installation ..........................................................................................................................................6Where to install this feature-oriented telephone  /  Installing batteries  /  To replace the battery ofthe remote pendant: ClearVoice 100™ and ClearVoice 200™  /  Choose your location  /  Connectingthe ClearVoice 50, 100 or 200  /  Wall MountingSpecial highlight Features.................................................................................................................8Setting Up to Use All the Features of Your  Unit ...............................................................................9Setting the language  /  Setting the LCD contrast  /  Setting the TIME and DATE  /  Setting theTone/Pulse  /  Setting the Ringer Tone  /  Setting the Voice ON/OFF  /  Ringer Volume Control  /Handset Volume Control/Tone Receiving AdjustmentUsing the Telephone.........................................................................................................................12Dialling a Call  /  Pre Dialing a Call  /  Receiving a Call  /  Speaker Volume Control  /  Redial  /Pause  /  Hold  /  Flash  /  Hearing Aid Compatibility  /  Important Features of your telephone  /Phone Book  /  Storing up to 30 telephone numbers in the phone book including emergency be called in an emergency  /  To review the Phone Book Memory  /  To dial the displayedtelephone number of Phone Book Memory  /  Recording/Editing/Deleting voice prompt of nameof phone book  /  To Edit the Phone Book Memory  /  To Delete the Phone Book MemoryEmergency Features ........................................................................................................................17Emergency Help System  /  Emergency Message  /  Phone Book (Emergency Nos.)  /  To reviewthe Phone Book Memory  /  To dial and check a displayed emergency telephone number from thePhone Book Memory  /  Recording/Editing/Deleting voice prompt of name of phone book  /  ToEdit the Phone Book Memory  /  To Delete the Phone Book Memory  /  To Store Numbers hotkey and    /  To activate the Emergency Help System  /  Important Information  about  EmergencyHelpSystem  /  Checking the Range of the Dual Wireless Help Pendant (CV 112)The Caller ID .....................................................................................................................................24Receiving a Call (the telephone can store up to 64 calls)  /  Viewing the Caller ID Memory  /  Erasethe Caller ID Memory  /  Call Back (Redial) from the Caller ID Memory  /  Copy from the Caller IDto the Phone Book  /  Important ReviewIn Case of Difficulty ..........................................................................................................................26Limited Ninety-Day Warranty ...........................................................................................................27
2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reducethe risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:1. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundrytub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.2. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be aremote risk of electric shock from lightning.3. Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.4. Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this manual. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.They may explode. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instructions.5. Plug the adaptor to the socket-outlet that near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSAFETY INSTRUCTION FOR BATTERIESCAUTION:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR INJURY TO PERSONS, READ AND FOLLOW THESEINSTRUCTIONS.1. Use only 4 x AA alkaline battery. Pendant uses a 12V alkaline battery.2. Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. The cell may explode. Check with local codes for possiblespecial disposal instructions.3. Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released electrolyte is corrosive and may cause damage to theeyes or skin. It may be toxic if swallowed.4. Exercise care in handling battery in order not to short the battery with conduction materials such asrings, bracelets and keys. The battery or conductors may overheat and cause burns.5. Do not attempt to recharge the battery identified for use with this product. The battery may leakcorrosive electrolyte or explode.6. Do not attempt to rejuvenate the battery identified for use with this product by heating them. Suddenrelease of the battery electrolyte may occur causing burns or irritation to eyes or skin.7. When inserting battery into this product, the proper polarity or direction must be observed. Reverseinsertion of the battery can cause charging, and that may result in leakage or explosion.8. Remove the battery from this product if the product will not be used for a long period of time (severalmonths or more) since during this time the battery could leak in the product.9. Discard “dead” battery as soon as possible since “dead” battery are more likely to leak in a product.10. Do not store this product, or the battery identified for use with this product, in high-temperatureareas. A battery that is stored in a freezer or refrigerator for the purpose of extending shelf likeshould be protected from condensation during storage and defrosting. The battery should be stabilizedat room temperature prior to use after cold storage.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.2. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.3. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnectedat the network interface.4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.NOTE: Refer to “FCC Wants You To Know” section before connection to telephone.
3IMPORTANT NOTES• The telephone portion of your dialer/message console has been tested and found to comply withall applicable UL and FCC standards.• This product is not a security system or an emergency service device.• The manufacturer makes no claim as to the suitability of this product to perform as a life-savingdevice. See section marked LIMITED NINETY DAY WARRANTY for full warranty conditions.• The unit will not work through a switchboard,some phone systems that don’t always supply astandard dial tone or phone systems that require a delay, (for example, some systems where youmust dial a number to get an outside line). For more information, call 1-888-558-7420.FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOWThis equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. Onthe bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in theformat US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company.An applicable certification jacks Universal Service Order Codes (USOC) for the equipment is provided(i.e., RJ11C) in the packaging with each piece of approved terminal equipmentThe REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and stillhave all of those devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sumof the REN’s of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of thenumber of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact yourlocal telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area.If your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company maydiscontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advance noticeisn’t practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be informed of your right to file a complaintwith the FCC.Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures thatcould affect the proper functioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to giveyou an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience trouble with thistelephone equipment, disconnect from the network until the problem has been corrected or until youare sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection toparty lines is subject to state tariffsWarning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. Some telephone equipment operate atfrequencies that may cause interference to nearby TV’s and VCR’s; to minimize or prevent suchinterference, the base of telephone equipment should not be placed near or on top of a TV or VCR; and,if interference is experienced, moving the telephone equipment farther away from the TV or VCR willoften reduce or eliminate the interference. However there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.
4• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.a) A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network mustcomply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A complianttelephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to acompatible modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.b) NOTICE: If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensurethe installation of this telephone does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions aboutwhat will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.Telemergency Ltd.200-16B2 13th AvenueRonkonkoma, N.Y. 11779Telephone: (631) 467-6700SERVICEAccording to FCC regulations, this equipment, which has been certified and registered by the FCC,may only be repaired by authorized persons. If repairs or adjustments are made by an unauthorizedperson, the FCC certification may be voided. Should you encounter any problems, please call the toll-free Consumer Helpline for assistance:1-888-558-7420, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (E.S.T.)Any Questions?STOP...don't take unit back to the store.Call our toll-free number... 1-888-558-7420Listen as our experts talk you through the problemGENERAL INFORMATIONUNPACKINGThis package contains:• ClearVoice 50, 100 or 200• Accessory: Wireless remote pendant CV111 (for ClearVoice 100™ only)• Accessory: Wireless dual remote pendant CV112 ( for ClearVoice 200™ only)• One Quick Instruction Guide• One AC Adaptor• One modular Line Cord• User Manual/Warranty InformationIf anything is missing or damaged, contact us at 1-888-558-7420. keep the package to transport unit.For your reference keep a record of date of purchase and code number on the pendant. Please keepthe sales receipt for warranty reference.Date of Purchase_______________________________ABOUT YOUR UNITClearVoice 50, 100 and 200 can be used as a standard telephone, dial a number from memory, dial anumber from its phone book, can let you listen to who is calling you if you have Caller ID service, use asa standard speakerphone, use to Call-4-Help in an emergency, can be used as a speakerphone remotely(optional on ClearVoice 50) even if you cant get to the phone plus much more. ClearVoice Models50,100 and 200 can even offer full usage of these features for up to 12 hours of power failure(s).
514GHI7PQRSABC2JKL58TUV03DEF6MNO9WXYZ#MENU2FLASHHOLDREDIALSPEAKERLOUDEXITA Quality Of Life ProductTMCLIPLOW      LOUDHANDSETCALLBACKDELETE SCROLLCALL#AMPMCLIPNEWREPEATVOICELOCATION OF CONTROLS1.  button2. CALL BACK / OK button3. DELETE button4. Handset Holder5.  button6. Speaker7. Handset volume control8. Dial keypad9. Loud LED10. Display11. New Call LED12.  button13.  button14. Ringer Hi/Mid/Lo switch15.  button16. MENU button17. Tone Hi/Lo switch18.  button19. FLASH button20.  switch21. HOLD button22. REDIAL button23. Ringer LED24. SPEAKER button with LED25. Pendant button26. Pendant LEDOPTIONAL PENDANT1235678910111213141516171819202122232442526
6INSTALLATIONWhere to install this feature-oriented telephoneWhen installing this feature-oriented telephone, consider that the unit should be placed in an area ofcommon use during the day and night time.ClearVoice 200™ users should locate the phone within 10-15 feet line of sight from where user spendsa lot of time. The remote pick-up can be from a distance far greater than the 10-15 feet. This allowsusers the remote speakerphone features of the unit plus remote activation of the Emergency HelpSystem™, for those who may not easily get to the telephone or are concerned with falling.ClearVoice 100™ users should locate the phone within 10-15 feet from where they spend a lot of time.This allows them to use the remote speakerphone features of the unit. ClearVoice 100™ users canpurchase the remote activation of the Telemergency Emergency Help System by calling the consumerhelpline @ 1-888 558-7420.ClearVoice 50™ can purchase an optional accessory to include the remote features of each these unitsremotely by calling the Consumer Helpline 1 888 558 7420.Installing batteriesYour telephone requires four AA batteries (not supplied) if you wish to utilize all features during powerfailures. During power failures, full functionality of the telephone is maintained for a total of a maximumof 12 hours total power failure time. If you do not have batteries installed the basic phone function ofcalling out and receiving a call can still be used.Note: The telephone numbers in memory and the voice recordings are stored in non-volatile flashmemory which do not require battery backup.Before opening the battery compartment, make sure the telephone is disconnected from the telephoneline and the 120V AC Adaptor is disconnected from the unit.1. Use a flat-blade screwdriver to lift the battery compartment door.2. Insert four AA alkaline batteries into the compartment as indicated by the polarity symbols.3. Snap the battery compartment door back into place.Note: If   appears on the display or the display dims, replace the batteries with 4 new alkaline AAbatteries to assure maximum power failure time.To replace the battery of the remote pendant: ClearVoice 100™ and ClearVoice200™The pendant is equipped with a pre-installed internal battery.1. Use a screwdriver to remove the screw on the lower case of the pendant and remove the lower case.2. Replace the 12V DC Alkaline battery with a fresh one.3. Replace the lower case and secure it with the screw.4. It is important that full functionality be checked out after replacing battery.
7Choose your locationYour ClearVoice 50,100 or 200 must be placed on a hard surface and connected to both the telephonewall jack and an AC power source. Allow at least one inch to the rear and four inches above the unit forventilation. If you have a ClearVoice 100 or 200, we suggest you locate it in a location within 10 feet ofwhere user spends much of his time.For users of ClearVoice 100 or 200: You can activate the speakerphone on an incoming call of theClearVoice 100 or 200 remotely. You can typically speak form up to 10-15 feet from the phone whichshould be in direct line of sight. Speaking louder can allow you to speak up to 20 feet, line of sight.For users of ClearVoice 200: The ClearVoice 200 is supplied with a dual pendant which can activate thespeakerphone, but also can activate the emergency mode from a distance of up to 80 feet.  This rangemay be reduced by structural or environmental conditions.For users of ClearVoice 50 and 100: You can purchase accessory(s) which can activate both thespeakerphone for incoming calls as well as activating the Emergency Help System.To retain full operation of ClearVoice 50, 100 and 200, during power failures insert 4 AA batteries (notincluded) into the battery compartment located at bottom of unit. You may do this by simply disconnectingthe AC adaptor from the power source, then removing the battery cover, connecting the batteries andreplacing the cover. Then immediately connect AC Adaptor to AC outlet to assure battery life is notbeing affected.  Note: The AA batteries should be alkaline.Connecting the ClearVoice 50, 100 or 200:1. A. Plug one end of the supplied telephone cord into the jack labeled TEL LINE located at the back ofthe unit.B. Plug the other end of the supplied modular cord into the telephone wall jack.2. A. Plug the supplied power cord of the AC Adaptor into the jack labeled DC9V 200ma located on theback of the unit.B. Plug the other end of the power cord into an electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch.Wall MountingOn a Wall Phone Plate1. Press and lift out the handset holder. Rotate it 180°, and snap it into place so it will hold the handsetin place when the phone is mounted on the wall.2. Insert the mounting bracket’s two tabs into the matching slots opposite the keyhole slot on the undersidephone’s base. Then press down and slide the bracket upward until the tabs snap into place.3. Plug one end of the supplied short modular cord into the LINE jack at the back of the base.4. Plug the cord’s other end into the wall plate jack, then align the base’s keyhole slots with the wallplate studs and slide the phone downward to secure it.On a Wall Without a PlateTo mount the phone directly on a wall, in addition to the preceding steps, you need two screws (notsupplied) with heads that fit into the keyhole slot on the bottom of the base.1. Drill two holes 83mm apart (vertically). Then thread a screw into each hole, letting the heads extendabout 5mm from the wall.2. Substitute the long modular cord for the short cord.
8SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT FEATURESThe Phone that can tell you who is callingThe Phone that can answer a call remotely (ClearVoice 100 and 200 only)The Phone that can get you emergency help with a press of a buttonTalking Caller ID* – allows user to hear # calling or nameRemote Pickup** (Clearvoice 100 and 200) – allows user to answer incoming call remotelyRemote Speakerphone** (ClearVoice 100 and 200) – allows user to speak hands-free remotely up to20 feetEmergency Help System (EHS) – with a press of a button on unit can call emergency #s you entered.Remote activation of Emergency Help System (EHS)***– CV112 pendant can activate the EHS froma distance of up to 100 feet depending upon structural and environmental conditionsLCD display – shows last 64 nos. called, time and date and prompts to simplify usageVoice Clarity (Amplified/tone control) – handset volume/tone adjust to improve clarity of call forhearing impairedAmplified Ringer – loud ringerPhone Book memory – holds up to 30 telephone numbers in phone book memory..for general/important#s and getting emergency help,Big Button keypad – for easy dialing (for easy dialing and for those having difficulty seeing or using thekeypad). Hear the telephone digits being entered.Easy to Use – Voice Prompts for easy programming.*Caller ID service required                         **CV111 or CV112 pendant required                         ***CV112 pendant required
9Please read this section prior to using the important features of your ClearVoice50,100 or 200.Symbols you should know:OK is also used for CALL BACKMENUis also used for EDITCLIP is also used for EXITSETTING UP TO USE ALL THE FEATURES OF YOUR UNITNote: Your unit has many VOICE PROMPTS to assist youThe following features can use Voice Prompts or prompts on the LCD display on your unitSetting the LCD contrastSetting the Time and DateSettings for Tone /Pulse operation- preset to toneSetting the Ringer Melody (select the type of sound of the Ringer)Setting the language (English or Spanish)-preset to EnglishSetting the Voice ON/OFF (preset to Voice)Ringer Volume ControlHandset Volume ControlLets get started:Important: In setting the following criteria, if there is a delay in programming a specific feature of morethan 60 seconds, your unit will reset. In that event please re-enter the section you are entering.Setting the languageNote: This unit has a voice menu as well as a prerecorded emergency message that can display and/orspeak its messages in English or Spanish. Your unit is set to English. Skip this section if you wish tocontinue usage in English by pressing EXIT button.This telephone is able to write on the LCD and to give you a voice guide in two different languages.  Byselecting the language the user will automatically select both the voice and the written LCD language.1. Press and release the MENU button until LANGUAGE is shown.2. Press the OK button, the display shows ENGLISH (for example)3. Select the desired language using the   or   and confirm with OK button. Unit will say Language.4. Press   (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.Setting the LCD contrast (If LCD contrast is OK, press Exit button)Depending on the viewing angle of the telephone, the user may want to adjust the LCD contrast:1. Press and release the MENU button. The display shows LCD CONTRAST.2. Press the OK button (located upper front left. The display shows the current contrast setting withvalues between 1 and 5.3. Press   or   (upper front right) and scroll until desired contrast to select the contrast level confirmwith OK button again.  Unit will say TIME/DATE4. Press   (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.
10Setting the TIME and DATE1. Press and release the MENU button until TIME/DATE is shown.2. Press the OK button. The display shows ENTER TIME and the hour digit is flashing.3. Select the current hour using the   or   and scroll to the present hour and confirm with OK button.The minutes will now flash in the display.4. Select the required minutes using the   or   and scroll to the present minutePress the OK button.The display now shows ENTER DATE and the month digit is flashing. .5. Select the current month using the   or    and scroll to the present month and confirm with OKbutton. The day will now flash in the display.6. Select the current day using the   or   and scroll to the present date. Confirm with OK button. Unitwill say STORE NO. TO PHONE BOOK7. Press   (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.Important: If you have subscribed to Caller ID service, please note that some telecom providers, whensending the Caller ID signal also send the time and date.  In this case the telephone will automaticallyset its internal clock.Setting the Tone/PulseImportant: Your unit is already preset to TONE. If you have a tone dialing phone and tone dialingservice, skip this step by pressing the Exit button.) If you have a rotary dialing system in your home,follow these instructions.1. Press and release the MENU button until TONE/PULSE is shown.2. Press the OK button, the display shows TONE.3. Select the TONE or PULSE by using the   or   and confirm with OK button. Unit will say TONE/PULSE4. Press   (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.Setting the Ringer ToneNote: Your unit is preset to a Ringer tone. (If you do not wish to change press the Exit Button)To change..follow these steps.1. Press and release the MENU button until RINGER TONE is shown.2. Press the OK button, the display shows 1.3. You can select ringer 1, 2, or 3 by using the   or   and confirm with OK button. Unit will sayLANGUAGE4. Press   (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.
11Setting the Voice ON/OFFThe telephone is factory preset with all voice features ON. (To exit, press Exit button)Note: The volume of the voice features is regulated thought the   slide switch located on the side ofunitIf the user does not wish to hear the voice prompts, this voice feature can be set to OFF.  We suggestthat while programming you keep this feature ON.1. Press and release the MENU button until VOICE is shown.2. Press the OK button.3. Using the   or   to select between VOICE ON or OFF and confirm with OK button. Unit will sayVOICE ON/OFF4. Press    (Exit) button to exit this set-up mode.Note: User can use MENU key (or press   or   key) to switch between the menu functions.User can press DELETE button to exit the set-up mode.Ringer Volume ControlThe ringer sound level can be adjusted by sliding the RINGER switch located on the side of the unit toselect high (HI), mid (MID) and low (LO) level.The red bright LED on front of unit will flash with all incoming calls.Handset Volume Control/Tone Receiving AdjustmentThe HANDSET volume control located under the handset enables user to adjust the amplification of thecall which will also result in a more comfortable listening level. To turn on this amplifier after you pick upthe handset…press   button on telephone for 1 second and release, LOUD LED display will now be lit.Move handset volume control to desired amplification. Move TONE level, located on side of unit todesired level. Your unit is now set to your desired level as long as the settings are kept. Each time youhang the handset up, the amplifier will go OFF. Each time you pick up the handset, simply press the button for 1 second to turn on the amplifier.  To turn off amplifier and tone level simply press   button for1 second. LOUD LED will also go OFF.
12USING THE TELEPHONEDialling a Call1. Pick up the handset or press SPEAKER button (the speaker LED will light) and wait for a dial tone.2. Press the keypad for the telephone numbers you wish to dial. The display will show the number thatyou dialed on the keypad. If you dial a number over 14 digits long, it will show the last 14 digits only.3. When you have completed your call, hang up the handset, or press SPEAKER button again.It is possible to switch from a handset conversation to a speakerphone conversation pressing theSPEAKER button and picking up or hanging up the handset accordingly.Pre Dialing a Call1. Dial on the keypad the telephone number. The telephone will voice the digits dialed (with voice optionON). To correct a number press the DELETE button for each incorrect digit2. Pick up the handset or press SPEAKER buttonReceiving a CallWhen you receive a call, the telephone rings, the Ringer LED flashes and the display shows the CALL#and the caller telephone number, and will state the name of the caller if the number matches with aname recorded in the phone book, if not, it will say the numbers of the calling party if available (Caller IDservice required)This feature allows you to decide to pick up the phone or not depending on who is calling.If you want to talk to the caller:1. Pick up the handset or press SPEAKER button to answer the call.2. At the end of the call, return the handset to the cradle or press SPEAKER button again to disconnect..Receiving a Call/Speakerphone remotely (Models 100 and 200)Picking up the handset will allow conversation to continue.simply press the red button on the CV111 or CV112 pendant for 1 second to connect the call andactivate its speakerphone if you hear the phone, but can’t get to the telephone.When you are near the speakerphone you can begin speaking to the caller without picking up thehandset.To terminate the call, press the red button again for 1 second.Note: A feature is include in this telephone to help protect you if you activated the speakerphone remotely(wireless pendant), and forgot to disconnect the phone. In this way, the speakerphone can turn OFF.After 15 minutes, the phone will beep for 7 seconds. If within these 7 seconds the called party pressesany numeric key on the phone, the unit will be kept in speakerphone mode conversation for 1 minutecontinuously. If no numeric key on the phone is pressed during the 7 seconds, the telephone will deactivatethe speakerphone and return to standby mode unless you pick up your handset on the ClearVoice 100or 200.This convenience feature is particularly useful if you are sitting on a couch, busy doing something else,can’t get to the phone on time and don’t want to miss the call.
13Speaker Volume ControlYou can adjust the speaker volume for a more comfortable listening level by sliding the   switch.  This will also adjust the volume of the voice driven features.  It is suggested to maintain the volume atmedium level.RedialNote: To redial the last number called1. Lift the handset or press SPEAKER button.2. Press the REDIAL button.Noted: The last number dialed (up to 32 digits long) can be redialed.PauseYou can insert a 3.6 seconds which will create a pause into dialing or storing a number into memory inorder to access custom services and possible short delays in getting dial tone.Press REDIAL button at the desired point in number. Press REDIAL button again if an additional 3.6seconds is needed.HoldTo place a call on hold, press HOLD button. The hold indicator will light. To return to the call, press theSPEAKER button (or lift the handset), the HOLD LED goes off.FlashMany special network services, such as Call Waiting, require a switch hook signal. The FLASH buttonprovides the electronic equivalent of a switch hook operation.For example, if you subscribe to Call Waiting*, you can use this feature to answer another call on thesame line by pressing the FLASH button followed by 2 on the keypad. Press the FLASH button andthen press 1 to return to the first call.• Please note that a subscription may be required to use these services.Hearing Aid CompatibilityThis unit is compatible with inductively coupled hearing aids.Important Features of your telephoneNote: The telephone has features that can be very important and convenient to use. This telephone hasfeatures that can be a substantial aid for those who are hearing and/or sight impaired, having the abilityto get help if there is an emergency in the home, letting you know who is calling, on incoming callsanswering and speaking to callers if desired, screening a call before answering, letting you know whocalled with the ability to call back easily if desired.
14PHONE BOOKNote: The phone book allows you to enter, display, record the persons name and specify if this atelephone no. that is to be called in the units Telemergency Emergency Help system.To use the phone book, press   button until the   icon is displayedStoring up to 30 telephone numbers in the phone book including emergency nos. to be called inan emergency.Note: It is important that up to 5 telephone nos. be reserved for the emergency function. See EmergencyFeatures in this User Manual. Therefore we suggest you enter up to 25 telephone numbers and namesin the General /Important Telephone Numbers.Entering up to 25 telephone numbers and names:Note: If you have a telephone system where it is beneficial to put a pause (P) before dialing a particulardigit press the REDIAL button and a 3.6 second pause will be created. This is also important if you areusing on a PABX or PBX where you insert a pause before and after entering 1,8 or 9,or other systemswhere outside line dial tone can be delayed.1. Press and release the MENU button until STORE NUMBER is shown.2. Press the OK button. The cursor will flash in the first position.3. Enter the required telephone number with a maximum of 22 digits using the number pad and confirmwith OK button, (both the erase feature and pause feature can be used when storing the telephonenumber), For nos. to be called in an emergency insert a pause(P) before entering the emergency no.4. Enter the required name with a maximum of 16 letters. Cursor shown as (I) is all the way on left side.See Table 1 for details5. Confirm with OK button. The display now shows EMERGENCY OFF.6. Press OK button.SAVED is shown and the unit announces “Name Recording for phone book”. That means the phonenumber is stored only for a general phone dial out, but not for emergency’s call dial out.To record voice (example ‘this is John’), hold down OK button, immediately speak clearly into microphoneafter a beep and “VOICE” icon is flashing on LCD display.. Release the button when you finished or theunit will stop recording after 3 seconds. The voice prompt will then be played automatically. [Recordingthe Voice is necessary for the personalized talking Caller ID and talking phone book feature].You can repeat step 2 to 6 to enter more numbers or press   (Exit) button to exit.How to enter names in the phone bookThe number buttons are also inscribed with letters for entering the name. By repeatedly pressing theappropriate button, upper case letters as well as numbers and special characters can be entered.Overview: Note: In entering a nameNote: The numeric keys 1 thru # can be used as shown in Table I1 space  +  &  -  /  12 A  B  C  23 D  E  F  34 G  H  I  45 J  K  L  56 M  N  O  67 P  Q  R  S  78T  U  V  89 W  X  Y  Z  90 ,  .  :  ;  ?  0* ‘  @  (  )  *# $  _  %  !  #
15Example:To enter the name JIM. Press 5 button until J is displayed…. ………..Wait 2 secondsPress 4 button until I is shown………………. Wait 2 secondsPress 6 button until M is shown……………….Wait 2 secondsTABLE INotes: Incorrect entries can be deleted with DELETE button. To do this, move the cursor the correctposition using   or   and then press DELETE button.If you wish to place a pause in a telephone number…press redial button and a P will displayTo review the Phone Book Memory1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Review the stored phone number by pressing   or  , or enter the initial letter of the name of theperson you wish to call using the number pad. After a short time, the display will show the first storedtelephone number with this initial letter, say the name and VOICE icon is shown if it was recorded, orvoice the telephone number. You can now search for further numbers under this letter by pressing  .Notes:• If no telephone number is stored, the display will show EMPTY.• After you view all the call in memory, the display will show END OF LIST.• If a reviewed number is shown with   icon on the LCD display.. that is one of the numbers that canbe dialed if the emergency help system (+) has been activated.To dial the displayed telephone number of Phone Book Memory:1. With the required telephone number showing on the display, press OK button, press OK again. Thetelephone dials out the displayed telephone number automatically in speakerphone mode.2. The display shows dialed out telephone number and counting timer.OR1. Pick up the handset or press SPEAKER button (the speaker LED will light) and wait for a dial tone.2. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.3. Review the stored phone number by pressing   or 4. Press OK button, press OK button againRecording / Editing / Deleting voice prompt of name of phone bookWith caller ID service activated, when an incoming call is received, the unit will display and announcethe caller’s phone number. If the caller’s phone number is stored in the phone book, and caller’s namewill be displayed too.If the voice prompt is recorded for this phone number, the unit will announce the voice prompt recordedinstead of the caller’s phone number.1. Press and release the MENU button until the “NAME RECORDING” is shown.2. Press the OK button. A list of the phone book entries will be display.3. Press   or   to select the list you like to record a voice or name for it.4. To record or edit the voice prompt, hold down OK button. Speak clearly into the microphone after abeep and “VOICE” icon is flashing. Release the button when you finished or the unit will stop recordingafter 3 seconds. The new voice prompt will then be played automatically.To delete the voice prompt recorded, press DELETE button during the voice prompt is playing.5. Repeat step 3 to 4 to edit or delete more entry or exit the set-up mode by pressing the   button.
16To Edit the Phone Book Memory1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Select the required location from the phone book by pressing   or  .3. Press and hold MENU button for two seconds. The display will show EDIT?.4. Press OK button, the first digit of the selected phone number will be flash.5. You can move the cursor to the required position by pressing   or  . To delete the digit, pressDELETE button, or press any numeric key to replace the digit and confirm with OK button. Then thedisplay shows the flashing first letter of the name.6. Move the cursor to the required position by pressing   or   To delete the letter, press DELETEbutton, or press any numeric key to replace the name, and confirm with OK button, “EMERGENCYON or OFF” is shown.7. If the display shows “EMERGENCY OFF”, and you want to change it as an emergency’s call dial out,select “EMERGENCY ON “ by pressing   or  , and confirm with OK button, now “LOCATION” isshown. Select the required location by pressing   or   and confirm with OK button, if the location isin use, now display shows OVERWRITE?, confirm with OK, “SAVED!” is shown.If you select “EMERGENCY OFF” and confirm with OK, “SAVED!” is shown.8. You can repeat step 2 to 7 to edit more numbers or press   to exit.To Delete the Phone Book Memory1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Select the required location from the phone book by pressing   or  .3.To delete single memory, press DELETE button once. The display will show the DELETE?. PressDELETE button for 2 seconds. The telephone number and name will be deleted and the display willnow show another number from the phone book.To delete all entire memory, press and hold DELETE button until the display shows DELETE ALL?.Press DELETE button for 2 seconds until EMPTY appears on the display.
17EMERGENCY FEATURESEMERGENCY HELP SYSTEMThis feature allows you to Call-4-Help from those people you would like called in an emergency.For the Emergency Help System to be activated and also dial out the emergency telephone numbersentered in the sequence you would like the telephone nos. called, requires that the telephone lineClearVoice 50, 100, or 200 is connected to is ON HOOK(hung up) and all instructions in setting up havebeen done.Emergency MessageTwo options are provided on the message:A. Use the pre-recorded message “This is an emergency call, to accept this call press zero”. Thismessage will be played unless you decide to record your own message.B. Your own recording (max. recording time 20 seconds).This can be any message of your choice, but must always end with the phrase “to accept this callpress zero”Example: There is a medical emergency at the home of John Smith at 123 Main Street, Apartment 4D,please come @ once. To accept this call press zero.To Record your own emergency message1. Press and release the MENU button until the RECORD MESSAGE is shown.2. Press and hold the OK button. Start your message directly after the signal tone and “VOICE” icon isflashing. While recording, keep at a distance of 15 cm from the telephone so that you can speakeasily into the microphone on the upper side.3. Release the OK button after you have finished your emergency message.The message will now be played back automatically.To Check the emergency messageYou can check the emergency message at any time.1. Press and release the MENU button until the CHECK MESSAGE is shown.2. Then press the OK button to play back the message.To Delete your own emergency message and revert to the pre-recorded messageIf you have recorded your own message, you can delete this and by doing so revert to the pre-recordingmessage.1. Press and release the MENU button until the CHECK MESSAGE is shown.2. Then press the OK button to play back the message.3. During the playback, press DELETE button. Your own message will be deleted and you will be usingthe pre-recorded greeting.
18PHONE BOOK (Emergency Nos.)IMPORTANT:  We suggest you enter up to 5 telephone nos. you would like to have called in an emergencywith just one (1) press of a button.Note: The phone book allows you to enter, display, record the persons name and specify if this atelephone no. that is to be called in the units Emergency Help System as well as the sequence in whichthe telephone numbers will be calledTo use the phone book and enter the telephone numbers to be called and the sequence of calling,press   button until the   icon is displayedStoring up to 5 telephone numbers in the phone book including emergency nos. to be called inan emergency. (You may enter more or less. The total phone book allows you up to 30 telephonenumbers for convenient/Important and Emergency calling numbers)Note: It is important that up to 5 or more telephone nos. be reserved for the emergency function. Youmay want to duplicate the calling of 1 or more of the entered emergency nos. in the event a called no. isbusy or cannot be reached.Entering up to 5 telephone numbers names and location (entering location 1 means that is the 1stno. to be called,2 the 2nd etc.). Important: Enter telephone #'s, exactly as you would from where installed.Note: You may have a telephone system where it is beneficial to put a pause (P) before dialing aparticular digit. Pressing the REDIAL button will create a 3.6 second pause (P).This is important if youare using on a PABX or PBX system where you should put a pause(P) before and  after entering 1,8 or9, or using the Emergency Help System of this unit.For PBX or PABX users, enter a pause(P) before and after entering a 1, 8 or 9 to get outside dial tone.1. Press and release the MENU button until STORE NUMBER is shown.2. Press the OK button. The cursor will flash in the first position.3. Enter the required telephone number starting with a pause(P).   Press REDIAL button to create apause(P) followed with a maximum of 21 digits using the number pad and confirm with OK button,(both the erase feature and pause feature can be used when storing the telephone number)4. Enter the required name with a maximum of 16 letters. Cursor shown as (I) is all the way on left sideof the LCD display.See Table 1 for details5. Confirm with OK button. The display now shows EMERGENCY OFF.6. Scroll the   or   button to EMERGENCY ON7. Press OK button to confirm.Now “LOCATION” is shown. Select the required location by pressing   or   and confirm with OKbutton, if the location you chose is in use, LCD display will show OVERWRITE?, confirm with OK orselect another location with   or   .  Press the OK button and “SAVED!” is shown.Note: Any telephone # entered that is to be used for emergency calling should be entered in the orderthose phone numbers are to be called.Selecting the correct location is very important because this feature determines in case of emergencythe sequence of the telephone numbers that will be dialed in the emergency feature.  Location 1 willbe dialed first, then 2, then 3 etc.]Important:: if you choose to overwrite a location, the previously stored number will be erased]The unit announces “Name Recording for Phone book”,   icon on LCD display is shown. Thatmeans the phone number is stored for a general phone as well as a number that can be called in theEmergency Help System.
19To record the voice (example: John), hold down OK button, speak clearly into microphone after abeep and “VOICE” icon is flashing. Release the button when you are finished, the unit will stoprecording after 3 seconds. The recorded name will then be played automatically.  [Recording theVoice is necessary for the personalized talking Caller ID and talking phone book feature]8. Repeat  step 2 to 6  to enter more emergency no,  or press    (Exit) button to exit.How to enter names in the phone bookThe number buttons are also inscribed with letters for entering the name. By repeatedly pressing theappropriate button, upper case letters as well as numbers and special characters can be entered.Overview: Note: In entering a nameNote: The numeric keys 1 thru # can be used as shown in Table I1 space  +  &  -  /  12 A  B  C  23 D  E  F  34 G  H  I  45 J  K  L  56 M  N  O  67 P  Q  R  S  78T  U  V  89 W  X  Y  Z  90 ,  .  :  ;  ?  0* ‘  @  (  )  *# $  _  %  !  #Example:To enter the name JIM. Press 5 button until J is displayed…. ………..Wait 2 secondsPress 4 button until I is shown………………. Wait 2 secondsPress 6 button until M is shown……………….Wait 2 secondsTABLE INotes: Incorrect entries can be deleted with DELETE button. To do this, move the cursor by scrolling or   and then press DELETE button.When you place a pause in a telephone number…press redial button and a P will display.To review the Phone Book Memory (All telephone nos. including Emergency Nos.and their location)1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Review the stored phone number by pressing   or  , or enter the initial letter of the name of theperson you wish to call using the number pad. After a short time, the display will show the first storedtelephone number with this initial letter, say the name and VOICE icon is shown if it was recorded, orvoice the telephone number. You can now search for further numbers under this letter by pressing  .Notes:• If no telephone number is stored, the display will show EMPTY.• After you view all the call in memory, the display will show END OF LIST.• If you review a number shown with   icon on the LCD display, that means the number can be anemergency’s call dial out.If no key is pressed for 60 seconds, the telephone will return to standby Caller ID mode.
20To dial and check a displayed emergency telephone number from the PhoneBook Memory:1. With the required display telephone number showing with the   icon on the LCD on the display,press OK button, press OK button again. The telephone dials out the displayed telephone numberautomatically in speakerphone mode.2. The display shows dialed out telephone number and counting timer.OR1. Pick up the handset or press SPEAKER button (the speaker LED will light) and wait for a dial tone.2. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.3. Review the stored   icon on the LCD phone number by pressing   or 4. Press OK button, press OK button again5. If you desire you can speak to called party and explain that you are adding their telephone number toyour Telemergency Emergency Help System.IMPORTANT: Follow all Cautions below if Emergency Help System is to be activated. If you are usingthe Emergency Help System and wish to call “911” or other emergency services which have a dispatcher,the following procedures should be followed.  Note: Check with your local “911” and/or other emergencyservices and verify the use of their no. in your area.WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS TOEMERGENCY NUMBERS:1. Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.2. Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evenings.Caution - To ensure proper operation, this equipment must be installed according to the enclosedinstallation instructions. To verify that the equipment is operating properly and can successfully reportan alarm, this equipment must be tested immediately after installation, and periodically thereafter,according to the enclosed test instructions.Caution - This equipment cannot report an alarm when other equipment (telephone, answering system,computer modem, etc.) connected to the same phone line is in use.Recording / Editing / Deleting voice prompt of name of phone bookWith caller ID service activated, when an incoming call is received, the unit will display and announcethe caller’s phone number. If the caller’s phone number is stored in the phone book, and caller’s namewill be displayed too.If the voice prompt is recorded for this phone number, the unit will announce the voice prompt recordedinstead of the caller’s phone number.1. Press and release the MENU button until the “NAME RECORDING” is shown.2. Press the OK button. A list of the phone book entries will be display.3. Press   or   to select the list you like to record a voice or name for it.4. To record or edit the voice prompt, hold down OK button. Speak clearly into the microphone after abeep and “VOICE” icon is flashing. Release the button when you finished or the unit will stop recordingafter 3 seconds. The new voice prompt will then be played automatically.To delete the voice prompt recorded, press DELETE button during the voice prompt is playing.5. Repeat step 3 to 4 to edit or delete more entry or exit the set-up mode by pressing the   button.
21To Edit the Phone Book Memory1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Select the required location from the phone book by pressing   or  .3. Press and hold MENU button for two seconds. The display will show EDIT?.4. Press OK button, the first digit of the selected phone number will be flash.5. You can move the cursor to the required position by pressing   or  . To delete the digit, pressDELETE button, or press any numeric key to replace the digit and confirm with OK button. Then thedisplay shows the flashing first letter of the name.6. Move the cursor to the required position by pressing   or  . To delete the letter, press DELETEbutton, or press any numeric key to replace the name, and confirm with OK button, “EMERGENCYON or OFF” is shown.7. If the display shows “EMERGENCY OFF”, and you want to change it as an emergency’s call dial out,select “EMERGENCY ON “ by pressing   or  , and confirm with OK button, now “LOCATION” isshown. Select the required location by pressing   or   and confirm with OK button, if the location isin use, now display shows OVERWRITE?, confirm with OK, “SAVED!” is shown.´If you select “EMERGENCY OFF” and confirm with OK, “SAVED!” is shown.8. You can repeat step 2 to 7 to edit more numbers or press   to exit.To Delete the Phone Book Memory1. Press and release   button,   icon is shown.2. Select the required location from the phone book by pressing   or  .3.To delete single memory, press DELETE button once. The display will show the DELETE?. PressDELETE button for 2 seconds. The telephone number and name will be deleted and the display willnow show another number from the phone book.To delete all entire memory, press and hold DELETE button until the display shows DELETE ALL?.Press DELETE button for 2 seconds until EMPTY appears on the display.To Store Numbers hotkey   and   (User programmable)The phone is equipped with two emergency hot keys.  They can be programmed with the telephonenumber of the police or the fire department or any other emergency number for each of these buttons.These two buttons are not part of the phone book. They are quick dial telephone numbers that simplydial the telephone number you pressed with just the press of that button.1. Press and release the MENU button until the STORE NUMBER is shown.2. Press the OK button. The cursor will flash in the first position.3. Enter the required telephone number with a maximum of 22 digits using the number pad and confirmwith OK button.4. Press   or .5. Confirm with OK button. The number has now been saved and display show SAVED!.6. Repeat step 2 to 5 to store other numbers for other memory buttons or press DELETE button to exit.To dial the numbers in the emergency MEMORY Buttons, simply pick up the handset or press SPEAKERbutton and press   or .Note:  The numbers stored in these 2 memory buttons are for manual dialing only and will not be dialedin the emergency feature unless they are also entered in the phone book and when entered areprogrammed in as an emergency no. and a specific location.
22To activate the Emergency Help System:IMPORTANT:  For the Emergency Help System to activate and also dial out the emergency telephonenumbers entered in the desired sequence, as entered, requires that the telephone line ClearVoice 50,100, or 200 is connected to is ON HOOK(hung up), and all instructions in setting up this importantfeature have been cofirmed.1. Press and hold the   button on the telephone is pressed for 3 seconds, the NEW CALL LED on thetelephone will blink for 15 seconds. The telephone local alarm sounds for 15 seconds. The telephonewill then dial out the entered emergency help system numbers automatically in speakerphone mode.Using the dual wireless pendandant (CV112).If you are activating the Emergency Help System withthe dual pendant (CV112) press and hold down the red button on the pendant for 3 seconds until thependant LED will begin flashing. The pendant will flash for approximately 15 seconds.  This willactivate the Emergency Help System if user is within the operating range of the unit. Note: If userholds the red pendant button for 8 seconds or more and is in the operating range of the unit, theEmergency Help System wll turn off and reset. The LED on pendant should stop flashing and its LEDto remain lit for approximately 5 seconds. User must be in operating range of unit.Note:  To turn off the Emergency Help System if activated, simply press the Speakerphone button.and note that the speakerphone LED will turn off or pick up handset of unit to turn off EmergencyHelp System and speak to called party, if on the line. Then hang up telephone (ON HOOK) to reset.Important: If during this local alarm period or at any other time the Emergency Help System is on, ofthe emergency procedure simply press the speakerphone button You will note that the LED button inthe speakerphone button will turn off.  You may also stop the emergency process by simply turning offthe Emergency Help System by picking up the handset of the ClearVoice 2002. The telephone dials out the first emergency number (stored in the phone book emergency (location1) in speakerphone mode, and then begins playing the emergency message .If during the 60 seconds the emergency message is played and if available to the called party (telephone number, and they acknowledge the call by pressing 0, the telephone will be put inspeakerphone conversation for 1 minute. After 1 minute, the phone beeps loudly for 7 seconds.Ifwithin these 7 seconds, the called party presses any key on the phone, the unit will be kept inspeakerphone mode conversation for an additional 1 minute continuously without stopping.  If anynumeric key on the phone is not pressed during 7 seconds, the call to the called party is disconnected.Note: If 0 is not pressed during the 60 seconds message is played, the next emergency number in thesequence to be called, will be dialled automatically in speakerphone mode.Important Information about ClearVoice Emergency Help System:1. If NO emergency numbers have been entered, the telephone will not dial any no. and just beep loudlyfor 15 seconds continuously when the emergency ( ) button on the telephone, is pressed and andheld for more than 3 seconds or on the red button on CV112 dual pendant (standard on the ClearVoice200™) is pressed for 3 seconds. If red pendant button is pressed and held for 8 seconds or morecontinuously, the emergency process will stop and reset and reset2. It is important that the CV 112 pendant must be within the range of the telephone to activate theemergency feature.
233. When the red key on the optional pendant (standard on the ClearVoice 200™) is pressed and heldfor 3-5 seconds, the LED on the pendant will begin flashing and if the pendant is pressed for 8seconds the LED will simply stay ON for approximately five (5) seconds letting user know that theEmergency Help System has been turned off and reset.To activate the Emergency Help system is simple.  Simply press and hold down red button until  LEDflashes on the pendant. Then release button. This LED will stay lit for 15 seconds.4. To stop the already activated emergency help system, turn off speakerphone by pressing thespeakerphone button or if using the dual  pendant (CV112). Press the red button on pendant for formore than 8 seconds. LED will stop flashing and remain on for approximately 5 seconds5. If a called party presses 0 after hearing the emergency message, the emergency speakerphonefeature will be activated allowing the called party to speak to the caller, and the caller can respond (ifable) for up to 1 minute if in the speakerphone of the ClearVoice 200. After  minute, beeps will beheard for 7 seconds and to continue either party can press any key on their numeric keypad for thecall to continue for another minute.6. The emergency help system will automatically stop dialing the entered emergency numbers ifall the emergency nos. have been dialed or if any person who has received the emergency callpresses 1 then 2 on their tone dialing phones numeric keypad after the 0 key has been pressed.7. Do not pick up handset of ClearVoice 200 if the Emergency Help System has been activated, thespeakerphone is active. Lifting the handset will deactivate the Emergency Help System.8. There is an optional CV112 dual pendant that can be purchased for the ClearVoice 50 or 100 models(standard on the ClearVoice 200™). This feature is important for those who are concerned withfalling or are concerned that they can’t get to the telephone in an emergency. For more our Consumer Helpline 1-888-558-7420.Checking the Range of the Dual Wireless Help Pendant (CV112)Note: The typical range can operate up to 100 feet line of sight. This range may be reduced by structuralor environmental conditions.Follow all installation instructions. Before checking the range remove the telephone line cord where it ismarked TEL.LINE located at the back of the unit.Press and hold the red button on the pendant until the LED on pendant begins flashing (from thefarthest place you will be using the pendant within the above criteria). If within range, The EmergencyHelp System will be activated and you will hear the local alarm from unit. To stop the unit from dialingemergency numbers.Press and hold the red button for 8 seconds until the LED stops flashing and remains steady ON forapproximately 5 seconds. The CV112 pendant should be used at a reduced range .Note: If you are out of range of the unit, move closer and follow the directions.IMPORTANT: Install the telephone line cord to where it is marked TEL.LINE located at the back of theunit.To verify you reconnected the telephone line cord.. press speakerphone button until you hear dial tone,then press speakerphone button again to turn off.
24THE CALLER IDAt each incoming call with available Caller ID, the telephone will ring and announce the caller with theirname (if a name was recorded associated with a telephone number in the phone book) or with thevoiced telephone number.Important: When using the Caller ID features, please note it is only available at Caller ID mode(CLIP icon turns on). If the CLIP icon is off, press   button once.Please note that all Caller ID features are strictly related to the service provided by the providerof your telephone services. It is necessary to subscribe to the caller id service supplying serviceto your home to have the features of who is calling or telephone 3s on incoming calls. Even ifyou don’t have Caller ID service you can enjoy the many features, since if you have an answeringmachine, you can hear who is calling and decide to pick up call if you desireIf the telephone is connected to a PABX the caller ID features depend on the PABX.The Caller ID feature is only possible with the unit powered by the 120V AC power supplied to your unitthrough the AC Adaptor enclosed with your unit or by the backup batteries in case of power failure(s) fora total time of up to 12 hours of power failure time.Receiving a Call (the telephone can store up to 64 calls)• If only the caller’s phone number is received, the display shows the caller’s phone number with thetime and date it was received. The NEW icon turns on and NEW CALL LED blinks.Notes:1. CALL#01 means this data is stored in Caller ID memory location #01.2. The calling time and date are immediately recorded from the real-time clock.• If both the caller’s name and phone number are received, the display shows the caller’s name andphone number, with the time and date it was received. The “NEW” icon turns on and NEW CALL LEDblinks.Note: If the caller’s name has more than 16 characters, only the first 16 characters will be displayed.• If the name and number are not available due to the caller’s restriction, the display shows -PRIVATECALL- with the time and date received. The NEW icon turns on and NEW CALL LED blinks.• If the name and number are not available, the display will show -OUT OF AREA- with the call’s timeand date. The NEW icon turns on and NEW CALL LED blinks.• If a long distance call message is received, the display will show -LONG DISTANCE- with the callstime and date. The NEW icon turns on and NEW CALL LED blinks.• If an incorrect, invalid or incomplete Caller ID signal is received, the display shows -NO NUMBER-.NOTES:1. If the Caller ID memory is full, the oldest data will be removed on a first-in/first-out basis.2. If the Caller ID information received duplicates another call in memory, the time/date will be updatedand the “REPEAT” icon will be lit.3. If no key is pressed within 60 seconds, the display will display the total call counter, new call counter,current time and date.
25Viewing the Caller ID MemoryPress and scroll   to review more recent calls. The CALL# will increase.After you view the most recent data in memory, the display will show END OF LIST.Press and scroll   to review older calls. The CALL# will decrease.After you view the oldest data in memory, the display will show END OF LIST.If the data in memory is being reviewed for the first time, the NEW icon will be lit.The NEW CALL LED will turn off if you review the data.If no key is pressed within 20 seconds, the display will display the total call counter, new call counter,current time and date.Erase the Caller ID Memory1. Select the required Caller ID memory location by scrolling the   or   button.2.To delete single memory, press DELETE button once. The display will show the DELETE?. PressDELETE button for 2 seconds. The data for that call will be erased, and the CALL# and Caller IDinformation will be updated.To delete all entire memory, press and hold DELETE button until the display shows DELETE ALL?.Press DELETE for 2 seconds until NO CALLS appears on the display. Both the total call and new callcounters will become zero, and the current time and date will be displayed.Call Back (Redial) from the Caller ID MemoryWith the ClearVoice 50,100 or 200 hung up (ON HOOK) Select the required Caller ID memory locationby scrolling   or  .Press OK button two times, the speakerphone will turn on automatically and dial the selected number.ORWith the handset picked up, select the required Caller ID memory location by pressing   or  , thenpress OK button, press OK again.Note: If the Caller ID number is 10 digits, press OK button once, the unit will insert “1” before the CallerID number automatically. You can press   to select insert “1” or not. Press OK again, the speakerphonewill turn on automatically and dial the display number.Copy from the Caller ID to the Phone BookYou can copy Caller ID information to the phone book while you are reviewing the Caller ID information.1. Select the required Caller ID memory location by pressing   or  .2. Press and hold MENU button for two seconds, display will show COPY TO MEMORY?.2. Press OK button, display will show SAVED!.IMPORTANT REVIEWDO NOT:• Connect to coin operated telephone systems• Connect to party line telephone systems• Connect to electronic key telephone systems
26ACTIONModify the LCD contrast setting (see paragraph)Check your telephone line connectionCheck your mains power supply connectionReplace the 4 AA alkaline batteries in the unit.Batteries  in the pendant might require replacingMove closer to unit. Also, when checking the range ofthe pendant, if the LED display is weaker or the rangehas been reduced, replace the batteries in the pendant.It is necessary to move closer to the telephone andspeak in the direction of the telephone.You might have programmed VOICE OFF in the menu.Change the setting to Voice ONThe speaker volume is too low.  Increase the speakervolume Check that the caller id service is being provided byyour telephone operatorFor the talking caller ID it is necessary to have VOICEON in the programming.Reset the unit by removing the power supply, thebatteries and the telephone line for 20 minutes andthen power on again.This procedure will not erase any of the numbers inmemory or of the user recorded messages.SITUATIONThe LCD can not be seen clearlyThe telephone does not dialThe telephone can not perform any ofthe featuresThe optional pendant(CV100) does notpick up an incoming callThe pendant can not activate theemergency feature (CV200)The optional CV200 pendant doesn’tactivate the Emergency Help SystemThe called party can not hear wellduring speakerphone conversation orduring the speakerphone emergencycallThe automatic voice feature does notworkTalking Caller ID does not workReset procedureIN CASE OF DIFFICULTY
LIMITED NINETY-DAY WARRANTYThis product is warranted by Telemergency, Ltd. against manufacturing defects in material andworkmanship under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. EXCEPT AS PROVIDEDHEREIN, TELEMERGENCY, LTD. MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITEDWARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, TELEMERGENCY, LTD.SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON ORENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACHOF THIS WARRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROMINCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF TELEMERGENCY, LTD. HASBEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion ofincidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations, or exclusions may not apply to you. Inthe event of a product defect during the warranty period, contact Telemergency, Ltd. For a ReturnedMerchandise Authorization. Telemergency, Ltd. will, at its option, unless otherwise provided by law: (a)correct the defect by product repair without charge for parts and labor; (b) replace the product with oneof the same or similar design; or (c) refund the purchase price. All replaced parts and products on whicha refund is made, become the property of Telemergency, Ltd. New or reconditioned parts and productsmay be used in the performance of warranty service.Repaired or replaced parts and products are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.You will be charged for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of the warrantyperiod.This warranty does not cover: (a) damage or failure caused by or attributable to acts of God, abuse,accident, misuse, improper or abnormal usage, failure to follow instructions, improper installation ormaintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (b) any repairs otherthan those provided by Telemergency, Ltd; (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosmeticdamage; (e) transportation, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation, set-up service adjustment or reinstallation.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from stateto state.Telemergency Ltd., Customer Relations, Dep't. R, 200 13th Avenue, Suite 16B2, Ronkonkoma, NewYork 11779© Telemergency Ltd.LIBB37YY

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