Powerwave Technologies KRB1011108 Multi Carrier Power Amplifier User Manual MCPS Subsystem Manual

Powerwave Technologies, Inc. Multi Carrier Power Amplifier MCPS Subsystem Manual


QANKRB1011108 User Information

ERICSSON AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGIES INC.49 Wireless BoulevardHauppauge,  New York 11788(631) 357-8200MCPA SUBSYSTEMASSEMBLYProduct Number KRB 101 1108INSTALLATION OPERATION ANDMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSEricsson Amplifier Technologies Inc.Technical Publication SCARevision APREPAREDMay 29, 2001NOTICEPROPRIETARY AND PRIVATEThe information contained in this document is the property of EricssonAmplifier Technologies Inc., (Company) and shall be kept in strict confidence.Except with the written permission of the Company, such information shall notbe published, or disclosed to others, or used for manufacture or sale or forany other purpose. This document shall not be duplicated in whole or in part.Any recipient so agrees by acceptance of this document.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. iThe following symbols are used throughout this technical manual:WARNINGTHIS SYMBOL INDICATES IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT ISEMPHASIZED TO ALERT THE READER TO THE POTENTIAL RISK OFPERSONAL INJURY TO THE OPERATOR OR OTHER PERSONNEL.CAUTIONThis symbol indicates important information that is emphasized to alert   the reader to the potential risk of damage to the amplifier.NOTEThis symbol indicates information that is highlighted signifying anoperation or procedural step requiring additional emphasis.Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Incorporated, provides this technical manual “as is”without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.  Ericsson AmplifierTechnologies may make improvements or changes to the product and/or manual at anytime without notice.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this technicalmanual, however, it may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.Changes are made periodically to the information contained herein. These changes willbe incorporated into new editions of this technical manual.Ericsson Amplifier Technologies is interested in receiving comments from the users of thismanual in order to improve its usefulness.  All comments should be directed throughregular mail to the address listed on the title page of this manual.  Ericsson AmplifierTechnologies may use or distribute any of the information supplied in any way it believesappropriate, without incurring any obligations.All specifications are subject to change without notice.WARNINGTHE USE OF AN EARTH GROUND IS REQUIRED TOENSURE SAFETY.IF THE EQUIPMENT APPEARS TO BE DAMAGED IN ANYWAY, REMOVE ALL POWER TO THE UNIT, AND HAVE ITSERVICED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. iiWARRANTYUnless otherwise specified, Ericsson Amplifier Technologies provides a LimitedWarranty of 12 months from the date of original shipment unless otherwise agreed to inwriting.This warranty is void (1) if the equipment has been subject to unauthorized alteration,modification or repair or, (2) due to defects or failures resulting from improper handling,storage, operation, interconnection or installation; failure to continually provide asuitable installation and operational environment; or any other cause beyond the rangeof normal usage for the equipment (except, in all of the foregoing cases, when causedby Ericsson Amplifier Technologies).LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIn no event will Ericsson Amplifier Technologies be liable to customer or anyone elsefor special collateral, exemplar, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, loss ofgoodwill, loss of profits or revenues, loss of savings, loss of life, interruptions ofbusiness, and claims of customers, whether such damages occur prior or subsequentto or are alleged as a result of tortuous conduct, even if Ericsson AmplifierTechnologies has been advised of the possibility of such damages.COMMENTS ON FILTER FUNCTIONSTo fulfil the cellular standard (e.g. IS-138-A) it is necessary to use a  bandpass filter torestrict spurious emissions outside the TX-band.  This filter is included in the normalbase station structure.In order to fulfil §2.1051. Spurious emission at the antenna terminal a Low Pass FilterMUST be inserted between the subsystem output and the antennaThe filter attenuation must be greater or equal to:FrequencyRange (Mhz) Attenuation(dB)910 – 1788 451788 - 2700 20
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. iiiModifications to the subsystem, MCPA module or subrack shall not be made withoutwritten permission from Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. Unauthorizedmodifications may void the authority granted under Federal Communications Rulespermitting the operation of this device.In order not to violate the FCC certification for this device, a filter must be usedbetween the subsystem output and the antenna. The filter attenuation characteristicsmust be greater or equal to the filter performance shown above. When the subsystemis properly installed in its normal working environment the filter requirement isautomatically fulfilled.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. ivRETURN FOR REPAIRFIELD OPERATION SUMMARY SHEETPlease make a copy of this sheet, and complete the following questionnaire.  If necessary, attachadditional sheets.  This information will assist in expediting repairs to the equipment, and is used for faulttrend analyses and ongoing product improvement.FIELD TECH NAME:_______________________________  DATE: _____________________________EQUIPMENT LOCATION (CELL SITE NUMBER): ________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________MODEL NUMBER: ________________________________ ________________________________ ____SERIAL NUMBER: ________________________________ ________________________________ ____FREQUENCY OF OPERATION:  A:__________________________  B:  _________________________CARRIER POWER:________________________________ ________________________________ ____MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CARRIERS: ________________________________ _____________________LED INDICATOR STATUS:LED DESCRIPTION LED ONCheck þLED OFFCheck þDC ON: o oENABLE: o oFAN ALARM: o oLOOP ALARM: o oVSWR ALARM: o oPOWER SUPPLYALARM:o oTEMPERATURE ALARM: o oOVER POWER ALARM: o oMINOR: o oMAJOR: o oCRITICAL: o oALC: o o
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. vUNIT SURFACE TEMPERATURE: ________________________________ _______________________POWER SUPPLY MODEL OR CAPABILITY: ________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________OTHER DETAILS OF PROBLEM REPORTED:________________________________ ______________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. viTable of Contents1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................... 11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11.2 Related Publications ............................................................................................................... 11.3 General Description................................ ................................................................ ................. 11.4 Equipment Specifications.......................................................................................................32. INSTALLATION.....................................................................................................62.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 62.2 Electrical Service Recommendations..................................................................................... 62.3 Receiving, Unpacking and Inspection.................................................................................... 72.4 Repackaging for Shipment .....................................................................................................72.5 Environmental Limitations......................................................................................................72.6 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 82.7 Cable Interconnections .........................................................................................................112.7.1 TB1 – DC Power Terminal Block.......................................................................................122.7.2 J4 - I/O Connector ............................................................................................................142.7.3 J1, J10, J17 – RF Input, RF Output and RF Sample connectors .......................................142.8 Verify Connections................................................................................................................ 142.9 Verify DC Supply Voltage...................................................................................................... 153. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.............................................................................163.1 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................ 163.2 Controls and Indicators ........................................................................................................ 183.2.1 Local Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................183.2.2 Remote Control/Status Interface .......................................................................................193.3 Initial Turn On Procedure......................................................................................................193.4 Normal Operation.................................................................................................................. 203.5 Shut Down Procedure ................................................................ ........................................... 204. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION............................................................................214.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 214.2 RF Input Signal...................................................................................................................... 224.3 RF Output Load..................................................................................................................... 225. MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................245.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 245.2 Periodic Maintenance................................................................ ............................................ 245.2.1 Cleaning Air Inlets/Outlets ................................................................................................255.2.2 Test Equipment Required .................................................................................................255.2.3 Performance Tests ...........................................................................................................255.3 Troubleshooting Procedures................................................................................................ 26
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. viiList of Appendices    Appendix A - Ericsson MCPA Module Controls and Indicators.......................................29    Appendix B - Ericsson MCPA Module Power On/Off Sequence......................................32List of FiguresFigure 1. MCPA Subrack Assembly......................................................................................... 2Figure 2.  Recommended Circuit Breaker Configurations..................................................... 7Figure 3. Outline and Installation Drawing,Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA Subrack Assembly............................... 10Figure 4. Detail View, DC Power Terminal Block TB1 .......................................................... 13Figure 5. Detail View, MCPA Local Controls and Indicators ................................................18Figure 6. Power Saving Regions, MCPA Subrack Assembly ...............................................22Figure 7. Block Diagram, MCPA Subrack Assembly............................................................ 24Figure 8. Subrack Assembly Troubleshooting Flow Chart..................................................28List of TablesTable 1. Specifications for Ericsson MCPA Subrack Assembly ............................................3Table 2. Nominal Gain for Installed Configuration..................................................................5Table 3. Power Saving Operating Regions .............................................................................5Table 4. DC Power Consumption versus Operating Status................................................... 6Table 5. TB1 Power Terminal Block Connector....................................................................13Table 6. I/O Connector Wiring................................................................................................ 14Table 7. Subrack Assembly Local Controls and Indicators................................................. 18Table 8. Nominal Gain for Amplifier Installed Configuration................................................22Table 9. Periodic Maintenance Tasks................................ .................................................... 25Table 10. Test Equipment Required ...................................................................................... 26
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 11. GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1  IntroductionThis manual provides information for the installation, operation and maintenance ofEricsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA Subsystem.  The subrack is specificallydesigned for use with Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Multicarrier Power Amplifiers(MCPAs).  Refer to the separate Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Technical Manualthat accompanied the MCPA power amplifier, for specific installation, operation andmaintenance instructions for the MCPA(s).  In addition, refer to the specification limitscontained in Table 1.This manual is organized in 5 sections as follows:• Section 1. General Description of the subrack assembly• Section 2. Installation• Section 3. Operating Instructions• Section 4. Principles of Operation• Section 5. Maintenance1.2  Related PublicationsMulticarrier Power Amplifier MCPAInstallation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions.1.3  General DescriptionThe MCPA subrack (Figure 1) is a microprocessor-controlled RF amplifier subrackassembly that operates over the frequency range of 869 to 894 MHz.  It is specificallydesigned for use with up to four companion Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Multi-Carrier Power Amplifiers (MCPAs). The subrack assembly contains an active combiner,which automatically reconfigures itself to effectively combine the individual modules.The active combiner uses blind mate connectors, allowing MCPA installation andremoval as needed with the subrack power on.  The vertical subrack mounts in a 24-inch rack.User I/O is provided through the subrack assembly. The control and status of eachmodule is sent to the subrack assembly from the individual modules and converted intoa format suitable for the user.  Local operating status is provided via front panel LEDindicators.  The subrack assembly is powered by an external (customer supplied) 26-28VDC power supply.  A microprocessor board in the subrack assembly handles all thenecessary control between the individual modules, the subrack and the user. Thefirmware resident in all assemblies can be updated through the subrack RS-232 portusing custom software and a laptop.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 2Figure 1. MCPA Subsystem Assembly(Shown with four Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA’s installed)
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 31.4  Equipment SpecificationsTable 1 lists the specifications of the MCPA subsystem assembly.Table 1. Specificationsfor Ericsson MCPA Subsystem AssemblyPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSParameter SpecificationFrequency 869 – 894 MHzActive Combined RF Output Power,2-32 Carriers:Normal VIN=  26-28V:Exceptional VIN=  21-26V, 28-30V:(1x MCPA any combination) 100 Watts Minimum(2x MCPA any combination) 200 Watts Minimum(3x MCPA any combination) 300 Watts Minimum(4x MCPA any combination) 400 Watts Minimum(1x MCPA any combination) 50 Watts Minimum(2x MCPA any combination) 100 Watts Minimum(3x MCPA any combination) 150 Watts Minimum(4x MCPA any combination) 200 Watts MinimumIMD, 869-894MHz: -63 dBc minimumwhen measured with 50 random phase sets.Spurious: -63 dBc minimumwhen measured with 50 random phase sets.Pilot Tone Level: -20 dBm with 4 MCPAs installed.Harmonics: 2nd:40 dBc minimum3RD and higher: 60 dBc minimumNoise Receive Band: -35 dBm maximum / 30 kHz RBW per MCPA,-40 dBm typical / 30 kHz RBW at 824-849 MHzGain Flatness: ±0.5 dB maximum (all conditions)Gain Variation: ±0.5 dB over nominal operating rangewith respect to 25ºC and 27 volt operationGain: 54.5 dB nominal;Adjustable from 0 – 15 dB through front panel recessedmomentary switches.Gain is managed in the event of a problem with aninstalled MCPA, to reduce gain and permit continuedoperation at reduced output.  Gain is determined byoperating vs. non-operating MCPAs installed, as shownin Table 2.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 4Table 1.  (Continued)Specifications for Ericsson MCPA Subsystem AssemblyPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSParameter SpecificationInput VSWR: 1.5:1 maximumInput Power: 3 dBm maximum (over full attenuator range)Sample Port Coupling: 50 dB ±0.5 dB from main output levelOutput VSWR: 2:1 MaximumLoad Stability: VSWR   ∞ : 1,  all phasesDC Input; Normal Conditions:Exceptional Conditions:26 to 28 VDC, full operation without performancedegradation; 27V @ 200.0 A typical @ 400 W (Refer toTable 4)21-26VDC, 28-30VDC with degraded performance.Operating Temperature;Normal:Exceptional:+5° to +40°C5°C above and below normal limits,with degraded performance.Storage Temperature: -40° to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% RH, non-condensingOperating Altitude: 61 M below sea level to 3,000 M above sea level.Vibration: 1 G/Hz from 20 to 50 HzDimensions: 23” rack wide x 19” high x 18” deep58.42 cm rack wide x 48.26 cm high x 45.72 cm deepSubrack Main RF Input connector: J1, SMA femaleSubrack Main RF Output connector: J10, N femaleSubrack RF FWD Sample J17, SMA femaleSubrack DC PWR Interface 8 Position Terminal Block (see Table 5)Subrack I/O Interface 15 Pin D subminiature female connector (see Table 6);8-bit asynchronous serial bus, which complies with theEIA/TIA-422-A Standard for interfacing digital equipmentusing differential balanced voltages.LED Status Monitoring Low Power MCPA1 through MCPA4, and DC On
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 5Table 2. Nominal Gain for Installed ConfigurationOperationalModules lessNon-OperationalModules*1 moduleSystem 2 moduleSystem 3 moduleSystem 4 moduleSystem154.5 dB 51.5 dB 49.7 dB 48.5 dB2-54.5 dB 52.7 dB 51.5 dB3- - 54.5 dB 53.2 dB4---54.5 dB*Non-operational modules refer to modules which have been disabled due to alarms.Above values valid during normal operation (26-28VDC input).  Reduce above values by1 dB during exceptional operating conditions (21-26VDC, 28-30VDC input).Table 4. DC Power Consumption versus Operating StatusEricsson MCPA Subsytem AssemblyOperating Status DCLEDStatusEnableLEDStatusDC Power (W)@ 27V1 moduleDC Power (W)@ 27V2moduleDC Power (W)@ 27V3 moduleDC Power (W)@ 27V4 modulePrime Power AppliedInternal DC StatusOFFOFF OFF 15.0 typ17.3 max.30.0 typ.34.5 max.45.0 typ.51.8 max.60.0 typ.69.0 maxBias On(no RF)ON ON 615.0 typ.707.0 max.1230.0 typ.1415.0 max1845.0 typ.2122.0 max.2460.0 typ.2829.0 max.Forward Power 100 W ON ON 1350.0 typ.1553.0 max.Forward Power 200 W ON ON 2700.0 typ.3105.0 max.Forward Power 300 W ON ON 4050.0 typ.4660.0 max.Forward Power 400 W ON ON 5400.0 typ6210.0 max
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 62. INSTALLATION2.1  IntroductionThis section contains receiving, unpacking and installation recommendations for theEricsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA subrack assembly.  Carefully read and reviewall of the information contained in this section before attempting to install or operate thesubrack assembly.  In addition, read and review the operating instructions contained inSection 3 before operating the equipment.CAUTIONThe subrack assembly is specifically designed for use withEricsson Amplifier Technologies Multicarrier PowerAmplifiers (MCPAs).  Refer to the Installation, Operation andMaintenance instructions included with the companionMCPA before operating this equipment.  Improper operationof this equipment may cause damage to it, or to theequipment connected to it.2.2  Electrical Service RecommendationsIt is recommended that each 400-Watt subsystem power source be equipped with oneof the circuit breaker configurations shown in Figure 2, installed in a load center with amaster mains switch or breaker.  This arrangement permits service and maintenance ofthe subrack assembly without the necessity for removing power to the entire site, andensures continuous coverage in the event that one of the two circuit breakers shouldtrip.Figure 2.  Recommended Circuit Breaker Configurations75 A 75 A 75 A 75 A150 A300 A150 A
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 72.3  Receiving, Unpacking and InspectionThe subrack assembly has been tested and calibrated at the factory prior to shipment.No additional readjustment is required prior to installation.The subrack assembly is shipped in a single container.  Check the exterior of theshipping container for any visible signs of damage.  If possible, open the container inthe presence of the delivery agent.  Carefully unpack the subrack assembly and saveall packing material for possible reshipment.  After removal from the container, checkthe subrack assembly for physical damage such as scratched panels, damagedconnectors, etc. If damage is noted, immediately file claim with the delivery agent orfreight carrier.2.4  Repackaging for ShipmentShould it ever become necessary to return the subrack assembly for service or repair,the following procedure should be followed.a. Use the original container, if possible.b. Wrap the item in heavy paper or plastic before placing it in the shipping container.c. Use packing material around all sides of the item.d. Use a heavy cardboard box or a wooden container to house the item. Seal thecontainer with heavy-duty tape (Fiberglas) or strap the container with metal bands.e. Mark the container: "FRAGILE - DELICATE INSTRUMENT".2.5  Environmental LimitationsThe subrack assembly is designed to operate in an environment as noted in Table 1 ofthis manual.  The subrack assembly must be installed in an area where an adequateand unrestricted supply of air is available for cooling. Adequate clearance must beprovided to prevent obstruction of airflow.  Confirm that proper DC power is availablefor the equipment.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 82.6  InstallationThe subrack is designed for installation into a standard 24-inch rack or enclosure.Installation procedures vary based on site structure; however, it is recommended thatan open frame rack be used where possible.  This will ensure adequate airflow for theamplifier system.  Proceed to install the subrack as follows:WARNINGINSTALL RACK OR FRAME TO BE USED INACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER’SINSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS.  ENSURE THATTHE RACK OR FRAME HAS BEEN PROPERLY ANDSECURELY FASTENED TO PREVENT IT FROM FALLINGAS THE EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED.  PERSONALINJURY AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE CAN RESULT FROMIMPROPER RACK OR FRAME INSTALLATION.a.  Refer to the Outline and Installation drawing of Figure 3, and determine where thesubrack will be positioned in the rack or frame. Four mounting brackets are locatedat the sides of the assembly for securing to the rack or frame.b.  With the amplifier modules removed, lift the subrack to the desired location in therack or frame, aligning the eight cutouts with the screw holes of the rack.c.  Mount the subrack assembly to the rack through the eight mounting holes (two perbracket) using eight (8) ½-inch, 10-24 threaded screws with washers.  Hand tightenhardware; do not over tighten.d.  Install the individual MCPA amplifier modules into the subrack, beginning from theleft.  Use firm, but not excessive force when installing the MCPA amplifiers toensure a good connection is made.e.  Hand tighten the retaining screws on the front panels of the MCPAs.  Do not overtighten.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 9Front View, Subsystem Assembly                          Side View, Subsystem AssemblyFigure 3. Outline and Installation Drawing, Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPASubrack Assembly(Shown with four Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA’s Installed)(Sheet 1 of 2)
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 10Rear View of Subsystem AssemblyFigure 3. Outline and Installation Drawing, Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPASubrack Assembly(Shown with four Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA’s Installed)(Sheet 2 of 2)
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 112.7  Cable InterconnectionsWARNINGENSURE THAT ALL DC AND RF POWER TO THESYSTEM IS DISABLED BEFORE MAKING ANYCONNECTIONS.  OPERATOR INJURY AND/OREQUIPMENT DAMAGE CAN RESULT FROM CARELESSERRORS DURING WIRING.All DC cable interconnections are accomplished at the front of the subrack.  Affix theDC cable lugs onto the terminal block studs.  Note that the positive terminal blockshave 3/8” studs and the negative terminal blocks have ¼” studs.NOTEDC cables should be a minimum of 6 AWG.Using a 9/16” wrench for the positive connections and a 7/16” wrench for the groundconnections, tighten each nut until the DC cables are securely in place.  Note that themaximum torque rating for the positive (3/8” stud) blocks are 150 lb in and 80 lb in forthe negative (1/4” stud) blocks.  See Figure 4 and Table 5 for proper cable positioningon the terminal block.Connect the RF input to the SMA female connector located on the left of the frontplane.  Using a 5/16”, open ended wrench, tighten the connection until it is snug.Connect the RF output cable to the N female connector located to the right of the  RFinput connector.  Using a set of connector pliers, tighten the connection until it is snug.Connect the 15 pin male connector to the I/O interface located on the rear of thesubrack.  Using a small flat head screw driver, tighten the two retaining screws on thesides of the I/O connector.CAUTIONDo not connect dc power to the subrack assembly untilproper DC supply voltages have been verified.  Damageto the subrack assembly can occur if improper voltagesare applied.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 122.7.1  DC Power Terminal BlockThe DC interface is a single column of 8 terminal blocks, as shown in the detail view ofFigure 4.  TB1 through TB4 are the positive connections and TB5 through TB8 are theground connections.NOTEIt is recommended that each 400-Watt Sub-system powersource be equipped with two, 125 amp circuit breakers,installed in a load center with a master switch or breaker.This arrangement permits service and maintenance of thesubsystem without the necessity for removing power to theentire site, and ensures continuous coverage in the eventthat one of the two circuit breakers should tripUsing the appropriate wrench, tighten each of the terminals (TB1-TB8) making sure notto exceed the respective maximum torque rating of the blocks.  Connections are asshown in Figure 4 and Table 5.++++TB1TB2TB3TB4----TB5TB6TB7TB8
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 13Figure 4. Detail View, DC Power Terminal Blocks TB1-TB8Table 5. TB1-TB8 Power Terminal Block ConnectorsTERMINAL DC SUPPLY CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONTB1 125A CIRCUIT 1 + DC Power Input forAmplifier Module 1 andSubrack.TB2 125A CIRCUIT 2 + DC Power Input forAmplifier Module 2.TB3 125A CIRCUIT 3 + DC Power Input forAmplifier Module 3.TB4 125A CIRCUIT 4 + DC Power Input forAmplifier Module 4.TB5 CIRCUIT 1 RETURN - DC Power Return forAmplifier Module 1 andSubrack.TB6 CIRCUIT 2 RETURN - DC Power Return forAmplifier Module 2.TB7 CIRCUIT 3 RETURN - DC Power Return forAmplifier Module 3.TB8 CIRCUIT 4 RETURN - DC Power Return forAmplifier Module 4.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 142.7.2  J4 - I/O ConnectorThe I/O connector is a 15 Pin D subminiature female type.  The I/O Control and Statusinterface is detailed in Table 6.  Tighten the two retaining screws on the sides of the I/Oconnector at J4, using a small flat-head screwdriver.Table 6. I/O Connector WiringPin Interface Description SubrackI/O Electrical Protocol1Minor (Fan Failure) OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK2Minor common OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK4Major (Single MCPA Module failure) OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK5Major common OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK6Critical (All MCPA Module Failure) OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK7ALC Alarm OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK8ALC common OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK9Critical common OOpen = Alarm, Closed = OK10 Control (All modules On/Off) IOpen to Closed Edge = All modules OnClosed to Open Edge = All modules OffNote low current 5 vdc potential is on this pin11 Control common IGND Potential12 Pwr On OOpen = No DC Pwr, Closed = DC Pwr on13 Pwr On common OOpen = No DC Pwr, Closed = DC Pwr on2.7.3  J1, J10, J17 – RF Input, RF Output and RF Sample connectorsa.  Connect the system RF input cable to the subrack assembly at SMA connector J1.Tighten the connection using a 5/16”, open ended wrench until secure.b.  Connect the system RF output cable to the subrack assembly at type N connectorJ10.  Tighten the connection using connector pliers until secure.c.  Connect the system RF sample output to the subrack assembly at SMA connectorJ17. Tighten the connection using a 5/16”, open ended wrench until secure.  Thissample port is 50 ±1 dB below the main RF output at J10.2.8  Verify ConnectionsRecheck all connections.  Make certain that all connections are correct and secure.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 163. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS3.1  Safety PrecautionsDuring normal operation, personnel must be cognizant of the intrinsic hazards relatedto electronic equipment in general, and RF power amplifiers in particular. Thissubsystem processes high RF power (up to 400 watts) which is dangerous and cancause serious RF burns if contacted. Caution must be exercised when working with thissubrack assembly and related amplifier(s). While every practicable safety precautionhas been incorporated into this subrack assembly, the following rules must be strictlyobserved:WARNINGKEEP AWAY FROM LIVE CIRCUITSOperating personnel must observe all safety regulations atall times. Do not make adjustments inside equipment withhazardous voltages present. Do not operate the amplifierwithout proper RF termination.DO NOT SERVICE OR ADJUST ALONEUnder no circumstances should any person reach within orenter any enclosure for purposes of servicing or adjustmentwithout the immediate presence and assistance of anotherperson capable of rendering aid. Knowledge of first aid forelectrical shock and burns is necessary.PERSONNELOnly trained personnel are to service and adjust theamplifier. Personnel must be trained in the maintenance ofequipment with hazardous RF power, and must be familiarwith this amplifier. In addition, the following precautionsmust be observed during operation.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 17WARNINGMAINTAIN PROPER TERMINATION AT THE OUTPUTPORT OF THE SUBSYSTEM.  DO NOT REMOVE OREXCHANGE RF CABLES OF THE OUTPUT LOADCIRCUIT WHILE THE SUBSYSTEM IS IN OPERATION.DANGEROUS RF VOLTAGE MAY EXIST AT THEFOREMOST TERMINAL OF THE INTERRUPTED LOADCIRCUIT DURING OPERATION.CAUTIONAll interconnecting cables must be connected prior toapplication of RF power. Although the subsystem isdesigned to withstand all output load conditions includingopen and short circuit conditions, it is recommended toconnect an appropriate RF load to the output port of thesubsystem prior to application of RF power.CAUTIONMaintain proper RF input to the amplifier. Damage to theamplifier may occur if excessive RF input is applied.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 183.2  Controls and IndicatorsThe subrack assembly is equipped with a local DC ON/OFF control, and statusindicators on the front panel.  A rear panel I/O interface is provided for remote statusmonitoring and control.  The following paragraphs detail these features.3.2.1  Local Controls and IndicatorsFigure 5 is a detail view of the front panel of the subrack assembly, showing the localcontrols and indicators area.  Table 7 describes the controls and indicators.  Refer alsoto Appendix A, which contains a description of the controls and indicators provided onthe individual Ericsson MCPA amplifier modules.Figure 5.  Detail View, MCPA Subrack Local Controls and IndicatorsTable 7.Subrack Assembly Local Controls and IndicatorsCONTROL/INDICATOR FUNCTIONPOWER ON/OFF - Line switch (with switch cover guard) and integralgreen DC ON LED indicator, enables the high power+27V power supply circuitry.MCPA1 through MCPA4 -Yellow LED indicating a low power output conditionfrom the monitored MCPA.  The associated indicator isactivated when 1 or more MCPA outputs is 10 dB ormore below the others.LOW POWERMCPA1 MCPA2 MCPA3 MCPA4DC ONALARMSMINOR MAJOR CRITICAL ALC
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 193.2.2  Remote Control/Status InterfaceThe subrack assembly is equipped with a control input as well as built-in-test (BIT)status outputs at I/O Control and Status connector J4. The I/O Control and Statusinterface is detailed in Table 6.3.3  Initial Turn On ProcedureThe following procedure is intended to verify operation of the subrack assemblyfollowing installation, repair or replacement.  Refer to the companion MCPAInstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for additional instructions regardingMCPA turn on.WARNINGEQUIPMENT OPERATORS MUST BE FAMILIAR WITHALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS OUTLINED AT THEBEGINNING OF THIS SECTION PRIOR TO OPERATINGTHE SUBRACK. OPERATOR INJURY AND/OREQUIPMENT DAMAGE WILL RESULT FROM IMPROPEROPERATION.a. Verify that all connections to the subrack assembly have been properly made inaccordance with Section 2 of this manual, and the outline and installation drawing,Figure 3.b. With no RF applied to the subrack assembly, depress the POWER ON/OFF switch.Depress ON/OFF switch on each MCPA module.  The DC ON LED and ENABLE LEDwill be illuminated.c. Apply reduced RF input (-60 dBm) to the subrack assembly’s RF IN connector, J1within the 869-894 MHz frequency range.CAUTIONMaintain proper RF input level within the 869-894 MHzoperating band. Improper RF input may cause severesubrack assembly damage.d. Increase input level to between -15 and -11 dBm, and observe that only the DC ONand ENABLE LEDs are illuminated.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 203.4  Normal OperationThe subrack assembly requires minimum attention during normal operation. Monitoringof the BIT status outputs and RF sample output provides an overall indication ofsubrack assembly health.3.5  Shut Down Procedurea. Reduce RF input signal level to minimum (-60 dBm).b. Depress the ON/OFF switch to shut down the subrack assembly.  Depress theON/OFF switch of each MCPA module to turn each off.c. If maintenance or service is to be performed on the subrack assembly, or any of theMCPAs, deactivate prime dc power to the subrack assembly.WARNINGTHE DC ON/OFF SWITCH DOES NOT CONTROL THEMAIN +27 VDC FEED TO THE SUBRACK ASSEMBLY.  IFMAINTENANCE OR SERVICE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONTHE SUBRACK ASSEMBLY OR MCPAS, DEACTIVATEPRIME DC POWER AT ITS SOURCE.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 214. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION4.1  IntroductionThe subrack assembly and up to four individual Multicarrier Power Amplifier (MCPA)modules comprise the Ericsson Amplifier Technologies MCPA subsystem. Theresulting multicarrier amplifier subsystem is capable of linearly amplifying AMPS,TDMA and CDMA carriers at rated power. Extensive design and testing has beenaccomplished to ensure proper operation with all aspects of carrier count, carrier typeand downlink power control in all of the standards. Additional standards such as EDGEand GSM can be supported at lower power levels.This section contains a functional description of the subrack assembly.  Refer to theblock diagram of the subrack, Figure 7, located at the end of this section. The subrackassembly contains an active combiner, which automatically reconfigures to effectivelycombine the individual modules. Coupling the active combiner with blind mateconnectors allows the user to hot swap modules as needed. User I/O is providedthrough the subrack assembly. The control and status of each module is sent to thesubrack assembly from the individual modules, and is converted into a format suitablefor the user.  A microprocessor board in the subrack assembly handles all of thenecessary control between the individual modules, the subrack and the user. Thefirmware resident in all assemblies can be updated through the subrack RS-232 port,using custom software and a laptop.Table 8 shows how the gain varies with installed but non-operating modules. When theinstalled but non-operating module is replaced with an operational module, thesubsystem gain is restored to 54.5 dB.Table 8.Nominal Gain for Amplifier Installed ConfigurationOperationalAmplifiers 1 moduleSubsystem 2 moduleSubsystem 3 moduleSubsystem 4 moduleSubsystem147.5 dB 47.5 dB 47.5 dB 47.5 dB2-50.5 dB 50.5 dB 50.5 dB3- - 52.2 dB 52.2 dB4---53.5 dB
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 22User connections to the subsystem include:DC inputs for the subrack assemblyOne Subrack RF inputOne Subrack RF outputOne Subrack RF forward output sampleOne Subrack I/O interface4.2  RF Input SignalThe maximum input signal for all carrier frequencies should not exceed the limitsspecified in the electrical specifications.  The input VSWR should be 2:1 maximum (orbetter).4.3  RF Output LoadThe load impedance should be as close as possible to 50 ohms (VSWR of 1.5:1 orless) over the 869-894 MHz operating frequency band to ensure maximum RF powertransfer to the load.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 245. MAINTENANCE5.1  IntroductionThis section provides information for periodic maintenance of the subrack assembly, aswell as tests which are recommended in order to evaluate its performance.  Refer toparagraph 5.3 for troubleshooting procedures for the subrack assembly.CAUTIONDo not attempt to repair the subrack assembly.  Theequipment contains no user-serviceable components, withthe exception of the fuse.  Further damage will result fromimproper repairs.NOTEDo not break the seals on the equipment, as this will voidthe warranty.5.2  Periodic MaintenancePeriodic maintenance tasks and recommended intervals are listed in Table 9.Table 9. Periodic Maintenance TasksCATEGORY TASK RECOMMENDEDINTERVAL MAINTENANCE ACTIONCleaning AirInlets/Outlets 30 Days Inspect and clean in accordancewith paragraph 5.2.1.Inspection Cables andConnectors 12 Months Inspect all cables for any signs ofdamage or wear.  Check andverify that all connections aresecure.PerformanceTests 12 Months Perform tests as outlined inparagraph 5.2.3.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 255.2.1  Cleaning Air Inlets/OutletsThe air inlets and outlets are located at the front and rear of the unit.  Air is drawn infrom the front, and exhausted through the rear of the subrack.  These areas should becleaned at 30 day intervals, or sooner, if the equipment is operated in a severe dustenvironment.  Use dry, low-pressure compressed air, or a brush with soft bristles toloosen, remove and clean off any accumulated dust from the air inlet and outlet areas.5.2.2  Test Equipment RequiredTable 10 lists the test equipment required for evaluating the subrack performance.Suitable equivalents may be substituted.Table 10. Test Equipment RequiredNOMENCLATURE QTY MANUFACTURER MODELSignal Generator 1 H/P ESGAttenuator, 40 dB, 250 Watt 1 Weinschel S3-40-43Attenuator, 20 dB, 20 Watt 2 Weinschel AT20Spectrum Analyzer 1 H/P 8560EDirectional Coupler, 30 dB 1 RF Power DDC-901-931-R5-30Power Meter/Sensor 1 H/P 437B/8481APower Supply 1 H/P 6673A5.2.3  Performance TestsPerformance tests should be performed at 12-month intervals, or as directed by theresident maintenance authority, to ensure that the subrack assembly is functioningproperly and within expected specification limits.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 265.3  Troubleshooting ProceduresFigure 8 is the troubleshooting flow chart for the subrack assembly.CAUTIONDo not attempt to repair the subrack assembly.  Theequipment contains no user-serviceable components, withthe exception of the fuse.  Further damage will result fromimproper repairs.NOTEDo not break the seals on the equipment, as this will voidthe warranty
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 27Begin HereIs the DC ONLED illuminated Is the fuse on thefront panel blown?Replace fuse with another of exactly the same ratingso as to prevent further damage to equipment and  toensurew continued protection.YesNoNoVerify connections and DC power to the Surack. Ifsecure, return Subrack for repair.YesReset Power to the individual MCPAs. Refer toAppendix B to reset power to each MCPA.Are any of the LOWPOWER LEDs active? NoFollow path for Type of Alarm.YesMinor Alarm Major Alarm Critical Alarm ALC AlarmSee Sheet 2 See Sheet 3Figure:8 Subrack Troubleshooting Flow Chart.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 28Minor Alarm Major AlarmIdentify andReset FaultlyMCPAIdentify andReset FaultlyMCPA(s) ResetSubrackAlarm ClearedReturn to ServiceNoYesAlarm ClearedReturn to ServiceYesNoSHEET. 2From Sheet 1 From Sheet 1Replace MCPA andreturn for repair.Replace MCPA andreturn for repair.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 29Critical AlarmIdentify andReset FaultlyMCPAs ResetSubrackAlarm ClearedReturn to ServiceALC AlarmIdentify andReset FaultlyMCPAsReturn to ServiceAlarm Cleared NoYesNoAlarm ClearedNoYesVerify Drivelevel to subrack& VSWRAlarm Cleared YesYesAdjust Drivelevel or correctVSWR.Alarm ClearedYesReturn Subrack forrepairNoSheet 3From Sheet 1 From Sheet 1Replace MCPA(s) andreturn for repairIf MCPAs showOver Pwr alarm,check & adjust subrack drivelevelAlarm clearedReturn to serviceYesNoYesNoReplace MCPA(s) and returnfor repair.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 30APPENDIX AEricsson MCPA ModuleControls and Indicators
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 32MCPA Local Controls and IndicatorsCONTROL/INDICATOR FUNCTIONDC ON - Power Supply switch and integral DC ON green LED indicator, enablesthe external high power +27V power supply circuitry.ENABLE ON - Green LED indicates unit is ENABLED, biased on and the amplifier isready to amplify signals.FAN ALARM - Yellow LED indicating a blocked or non-functioning fan.LOOP ALARM(Steady On)- Steady (not blinking) Red LED indicating internal control loops can nolonger minimize IMD performance.  The sequence of disable andenable commands may be used to reset the loops to their normalconditions.LOOP ALARM –(Blinking On/Off, indicatesLocking Mode)Blinking red LED indicating Locking Mode has been entered.  Thelocking mode is used to indicate when the module is unable tominimize IMD performance and is attempting to adjust loopcoefficients. During this mode, IMD performance may not meetspecified values. The module will attempt to improve performance for1 minute. If unable to improve performance during this period, themodule will indicate a loop alarm and enter the shutdown mode, andwill require power to be reset in order to clear the fault.VSWR ALARM - Red LED indicating load VSWR is greater than 3.0:1. Amplifier willenter shutdown mode, and will require power to be reset in order toclear the fault.POWER SUPPLY ALARM - Red LED indicating a power supply generated voltage is out of range.Amplifier will enter shutdown mode, and will require power to be resetin order to clear the fault.TEMP WARNING/ALARM -Dual color (Yellow/Red) LED. TEMP WARNING: Yellow color indicates approach of excessiveoperating temperature of approximately +80°C as monitored on theheatsink.  Operation of the MCPA can continue uninterrupted duringthis warning condition.TEMP ALARM: Red color indicates excessive operating temperatureof approximately +90°C as monitored on the heatsink.  Operation ofthe MCPA is disabled until the heatsink has cooled to a safe operatingtemperature, at which point, operation will automatically resume.OVERPOWER ALARM - Red LED indicating that the RF output power from the MCPA is greaterthan 2 dB above nominal output power. Amplifier will enter shutdownmode, and will require power to be reset in order to clear the fault.NOTEActivation of the LOOP ALARM, VSWR ALARM, POWER SUPPLYALARM, TEMP ALARM or OVERPOWER ALARM will cause theAmplifier to enter shutdown mode.  The amplifier will attempt to autorecover up to three times within 24 hours.  If the alarm is still present, theamplifier will continue to shutdown.  The amplifier may also be manuallyreset using the front panel button.  Refer to Figure 4, which details theON/OFF sequence of the MCPA.
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 33APPENDIX BEricsson MCPA ModulePower On/Off Sequence
© 2001 – Ericsson Amplifier Technologies Inc. 34Power Amplifier Module Power ON/OFF SequenceInitial state.MCPA is shut down.Minimal current draw.Module bias isapplied.  MCPA isenabled as indicatedby front panelENABLE LED.Current drawapproximately 18amps.OFF OFF OFF DISABLEDDC ON LEDSTATUS ENABLE LEDSTATUSINTERNALPOWER SUPPLYSTATUSMCPASTATUSDC ON/OFFDEPRESSON ON ON ENABLEDDC ON LEDSTATUS ENABLE LEDSTATUSINTERNALPOWER SUPPLYSTATUSMCPASTATUSDC ON/OFFDEPRESSOPERATINGSTATUSOPERATINGSTATUSNOTE:If resetting power to the MCPA does not clear the fault condition, contact Ericsson Amplifier Technologies,or return MCPA for service.

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