Position Technology POSIPIN User Manual CR R885 S manual

Position Technology Inc CR R885 S manual


CR R885 S manual

PIN and Proximity ReaderStand-alone System(CR-R885-S and CR-R885-SB)Installation and Operating Instructions
PosiPin 1TABLE OF CONTENTSInstallation ..........................................................................2Mounting and Wiring  ................................................................2Mounting on Metal Surfaces .....................................................2Technical Specifications ...........................................................3Feedback ..................................................................................5Resetting to Default ..................................................................5Card Presentation Test  ............................................................5System Programming ........................................................6Section [001] Card/Code Options .............................................6Section [002] Door Lock Control  ..............................................7Section [003] Access Granted Options  ....................................7Section [004] Display on Card Read ........................................8Section [005] Keypad Lockout ..................................................9Section [101] Buzzer Setting ....................................................9Section [102] Face Light Intensity  ............................................9Section [103] Face Light Operation ..........................................9Section [104] Face Light Colour .............................................10Section [200] Changing the Installer Code .............................10Resetting the Installer and Master Codes to Default ..............10Master Programming  .......................................................11Sections [201] and [202] Changing the Master Codes ...........11Section [203] User Code Programming ..................................11Deleting a User Code .............................................................13Section [204] User Code Reset ..............................................14User Operation  .................................................................15User Access  ...........................................................................15Panic Alarm ............................................................................16User Code Table ...............................................................17Warranty ............................................................................19
2 Installation and Operating InstructionsINSTALLATIONTo select an installation site:• Avoid wiring the PosiPin cables in the same conduit as AC power cables,lock power or signal wiring.• Reader wiring must remain a minimum of 30cm (12in) away from otherwiring, such as wiring for AC power, computer data, telephones, electriclocks, etc.• Avoid sites within 1.1m (3.5ft) of computer monitors or CRTs.• Avoid sites near sources of broad spectrum EMI noise, such as motors,pumps, generators, DC to AC converters, AC switching relays, powersupplies and light dimmers.• Avoid sites near potential sources of RF signals, such as cellular phones,two-way radios, etc.MOUNTING AND WIRINGUse the mounting plate as a guide to drill two holes to secure the mountingplate and a hole for the cable 0.95cm to 2.54cm (0.375in to 1in) wide. Placea grommet around the edge of the hole for the cable. Prepare PosiPin’scable by cutting the cable jacket back 3.175cm (1.25in) and stripping thewires back 0.635cm (0.25in). Splice PosiPin’s wires with a recommendedcable wire (see page 5) and connect as shown in Figure 1 on page 4. MOUNTING ON METAL SURFACESAlthough the read range may decrease, PosiPin can be mounted on metal.However, do not box in or surround the card reader with any kind of metal.If the reader must be installed in a metal enclosure, ensure that the face ofthe card reader is not covered and that at least 1.6" (4cm) remain betweenthe card reader and the metal on all sides of the card reader.
PosiPin 3TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSInput Voltage: Typical: 13.8VDC, min.: 11.0VDC, max: 14.5VDCInput Current: Typical: 65mA @ 12.5VDC, with card: 105mAConsumption: Typical: 812mW @ 12.5VDC, with card 1.31mWFrequency: Exciter Field: 125KHz Pulse Modulated, receive low:12.500KHz, Receive high: 15.625KHzOperating Temp: -35°C (-31°F) to +65°C (+149°F)Cable Distance: 152.4m (500ft.)Suggested Cables: 22AWG, 0.8mm, Multi-conductor, Alpha 5196, 519818AWG, 1.2mm, Multi-conductor, Alpha 5386, 5388Belden 9553, 18AWG, 6-conductor, stranded w/overall shieldIndicators: Beeper, red LED and green LEDFor CR-R885-S: red and green Face LightFor CR-R885-SB: blue and green Face LightWeight: 280g (9.8 oz.)Material: Black, UV resistant, ABS plasticDimensions: 99.5mm (5.75in.) x 118.5mm (2in.) x 19.5mm (1in.)
4 Installation and Operating InstructionsFigure 1: Connection drawing
PosiPin 5FEEDBACKDepending on the programming mode chosen, the feedback will differ. Inthe section System Programming on page 6 and Master Programming onpage 11, the combinations of visual feedback and beep tones are specifiedstep by step.Visual Feedback: When information is entered on the reader’s keypad, thered and/or green LEDs will flash, remain constant or extinguish dependingon the step reached in programming.Confirmation Beep: When an operation is successfully entered, thereader emits a rapid series of beep tones (“beep-beep-beep-beep-beep”).Rejection Beep: When the system reverts to a previous status or anoperation is incorrectly entered, the reader emits one long beep tone(“beeeeeeeeeep”).RESETTING TO DEFAULTTo reset all sections to factory defaults, disconnect reader’s power supply.Press and hold the [1] and [2] keys simultaneously while re-connecting itspower supply. Sections are reset when the reader emits a confirmationbeep.CARD PRESENTATION TESTPlace the card parallel to the PosiPin reader (asshown in the figure) and move it toward thereader until the reader provides audio or visualfeedback.
6 Installation and Operating InstructionsSYSTEM PROGRAMMINGThe Installer code (default: 000000) can program a new Installer Code PINin section [200] and program all the system sections from [001] to [005]and [101] to [104]. SECTION [001] CARD/CODE OPTIONS PosiPin can function as a reader only, as a keypad only or as a combinedreader and keypad. Option [3] by default When a Card/Code option is set, it may require several seconds forthe system to update the programming. The reader emits aconfirmation beep once the modification is complete.To enter System Programming Mode:1. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a confirmation beep, the green LED illuminates andthe red LED extinguishes.2. Enter the [INSTALLER CODE] and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED flashes.3. Enter the 3-digit [SECTION] and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and green LED becomes constant.4. Enter the required [DATA] and press the [ENTER] key.The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED flashes.5. To program another section, repeat steps 2 and 3. To exit, pressand hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a rejection beep and the green LED extinguishes.Enter Description[0] Keypad and reader disabled. For programming only. [1] Reader only. Present valid card to the reader for Access Granted.[2] Keypad only. Enter valid code on the keypad for Access Granted.[3] Keypad and reader enabled. A user must present BOTH a valid card AND enter a valid code to receive an Access Granted.
PosiPin 7SECTION [002] DOOR LOCK CONTROLThe Door Lock Control determines the length of time the locking deviceremains unlatched after an Access Granted. When [0] is programmed, thelock is unlatched after an Access Granted and remains unlatched until itreceives a second Access Granted (functions like a key). When [1] to [5] isprogrammed, the lock remains unlatched for the defined time period.Option [2] by default. SECTION [003] ACCESS GRANTED OPTIONSThe Access Granted Options depend on the Card/Code Options set insection [001]. Option [0] by default.Single Access GrantedWhen [0] is programmed, one user can obtain Access Granted by using avalid card, code or both depending on the Card/Code Option set.Enter Description[0] Card/Code Controlled Free Access (Latched)[1] 1 second[2] 5 seconds[3] 10 seconds[4] 20 seconds[5] 60 secondsEnter Description[0] Single Access Granted[1] Dual Access Granted[2] Dual Access Granted with Dual Panic Disarm
8 Installation and Operating InstructionsDual Access GrantedWhen [1] is programmed, two users are required to obtain Access Granted.Each user must use a valid card, code or both depending on the Card/CodeOption set. Only one user is required to disarm a Panic Alarm.Example: When the reader and the keypad are enabled, User 1 mustpresent a valid card and enter a valid code and then User 2 must presenta valid card and enter a valid code for Access Granted.Dual Access Granted with Dual Panic DisarmWhen [2] is programmed, two users are required to obtain Access Granted(same as Dual Access Granted) and two users are required to disarm aPanic Alarm.For example, a Panic Alarm is triggered, User 1 must present a valid cardand enter a valid code and then User 2 must present a valid card and entera valid code to disarm the alarm. SECTION [004] DISPLAY ON CARD READThe visual feedback when a card is presented to the reader can beadjusted according to the installation’s requirements. Option [3] by default.Enter Description[0] Display on Card Read disabled[1] Red Status LED flashes[2] Green Status LED flashes[3] Red and green Status LEDs flash[4] Face Light flashes[5] Face Light and red Status LED flash[6] Face Light and green Status LED flash[7] Face Light and both Status LEDs flash
PosiPin 9SECTION [005] KEYPAD LOCKOUTWhen Keypad Lockout is enabled and the Installer Code is enteredincorrectly 3 consecutive times, the keypad ignores all entries for 60seconds. Option [0] by default.SECTION [101] BUZZER SETTINGThe number of beep tones emitted as a response to a card being presentedto the reader can be adjusted from 0 (disabled) to 7 (7 rapid beep tones).Option [3] by default.SECTION [102] FACE LIGHT INTENSITYThe Face Light’s illumination can be adjusted according to the installation’srequirements from 0 (extinguished) to 8 (brightest). Option [4] by default.SECTION [103] FACE LIGHT OPERATIONThe Face Light can be set to remain illuminated continually or can followthe state of the Status LEDs. Option [1] by default. Enter Description[0] Keypad Lockout disabled[1] Keypad Lockout enabledEnter Description[0] Face Light constant[1] Face Light follows Status LEDs
10 Installation and Operating InstructionsSECTION [104] FACE LIGHT COLOURThe Face Light’s colour can be modified as desired. Option [0] by default.This feature only applies when Face Light Operation programmed inSection [103] is set for Option [0]: Face Light constant. SECTION [200] CHANGING THE INSTALLER CODEThe Installer Code (000000 by default) is used to program all the system’ssections, but cannot program the Master and User Codes (see page 11).In section [200] enter six digits where each digit can be any value from 0 to9. RESETTING THE INSTALLER AND MASTER CODES TO DEFAULTTo reset the Installer Code, Master Code 1 and Master Code 2 to factorydefaults, disconnect the reader’s power supply. Press and hold the [3] and[4] keys simultaneously while re-connecting its power supply. InstallerCode, Master Code 1 and Master Code 2 are reset when the reader emitsa confirmation beep.Enter Description[0] Red (for CR-R885-S) or Blue (for CR-R885-SB) Face Light [1] Green Face Light
PosiPin 11MASTER PROGRAMMINGMaster Programming Mode is used to program Master and User Codes.SECTIONS [201] AND [202] CHANGING THE MASTER CODESMaster Code 1 (default: 111111) is used to program both Master Codes,  theUser Codes and the Section [002] Door Lock Control (see page 7). MasterCode 2 (default: 222222) can program the User Codes and change its ownPIN. Master Code 2 cannot program Master Code 1 or the Door LockControl. In the desired section enter the 6-digit personal identificationnumber (PIN) where each digit can be any value from 0 to 9. SECTION [203] USER CODE PROGRAMMING Master Code 1 and 2 can activate cards and program the personalidentification numbers (PIN) for the User Codes. PosiPin includes 1000User Codes. User Code 000 to 999 can be 1 to 8 digits in length whereTo change the Master Codes:1. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a confirmation beep, the green LED illuminates andthe red LED extinguishes.2. Enter [MASTER CODE 1 or MASTER CODE 2] and press the [ENTER] key. Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash simultaneously.3. Enter  [201] to change Master Code 1 or [202] to change MasterCode 2 and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED becomesconstant.4. Enter the new PIN and press the [ENTER] key.The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED flashes.5. To exit, press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a rejection beep and the green LED extinguishes.
12 Installation and Operating Instructionseach digit can be any value from 0 to 9. You can use the table on page 17to record the User Codes. When you press the [CLEAR] key in step 5:If the section is not programmed, PosiPin will exit the section andrevert to step 4. If a card was entered or a key was pressed, PosiPinwill delete the information and remain in the section. You can thenenter a new card or PIN.To program User Codes:1. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a confirmation beep, the green LED illuminates andthe red LED extinguishes.2. Enter [MASTER CODE 1 or MASTER CODE 2] and press the [ENTER] key. Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash simultaneously.3. Enter [203] and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash alternately.4. Enter the User Code number from 000 to 999. Press the [ENTER] key.The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED illuminates.If the red LED illuminates, the section is empty. If the red LED staysextinguished, a User Code is already programmed in the section. 5. Program the card and/or code depending on the Card/Code Optionselected (see page 6). If Reader Only or Keypad Only are enabled,present the card to the reader or enter the PIN. If Keypad and Readerare enabled, first present the card to the reader and then enter thePIN. Press the [ENTER] key.The reader emits a confirmation beep and advances to the nextsection.6. To program another section, repeat step 5. To exit, press and holdthe [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.
PosiPin 13DELETING A USER CODEUser Codes can be deleted individually. When the User Code is deleted, anew card and/or PIN can be programmed in the section.To delete User Codes:1. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a confirmation beep, the green LED illuminates andthe red LED extinguishes.2. Enter [MASTER CODE 1 or MASTER CODE 2] and press the [ENTER] key. Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash simultaneously.3. Enter [203] and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash alternately.4. Enter the section of the desired User Code. Press the [ENTER] key.The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green LED illuminates.If the red LED illuminates, the section is empty. If the red LEDremains extinguished, a User Code is already programmed in thesection.5. Press the [CLEAR] key.The red LED flashes. 6. Press the [ENTER] key to delete the section’s programming andadvance to the next section. Press the [CLEAR] key to exit the sectionwithout deleting the programming.7. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds to exit.
14 Installation and Operating InstructionsSECTION [204] USER CODE RESETUser Code Reset is used to delete all the User Codes (from User Code 000to 999). When the User Codes are reset, it may require several seconds forthe system to update the programming. The reader emits aconfirmation beep once the modification is complete.To reset all User Codes:1. Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 4 seconds.The reader emits a confirmation beep, the green LED illuminates andthe red LED extinguishes.2. Enter [MASTER CODE 1 or MASTER CODE 2] and press the [ENTER] key. Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash simultaneously.3. Enter [204] and press the [ENTER] key.Reader emits a confirmation beep and the red and the green LEDsflash alternately.4. Press the [1] key and then press the [ENTER] key to confirm the reset.The reader emits a confirmation beep when the User Codes aredeleted.
PosiPin 15USER OPERATIONUSER ACCESSAccess is granted according to the Card/Code Option (see page 6) and theAccess Granted Option set (see page 7). The second user’s card and/or User Code must be different from thefirst. Single Access Granted Dual Access GrantedReader Only1 user: user presents a valid card to the reader.2 users: each user presents a valid card to the reader.Keypad Only1 user: user enters a valid User Code on the keypad and presses the [ENTER] key.2 users: each user in turn enters a valid User Code on the keypad and presses the [ENTER] key.Reader and Keypad1 user: user presents a valid card to the reader. The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green Status LED flashes. User must enter a valid User Code on the keypad and press the [ENTER] key within 10 seconds.2 users: the first user presents a valid card to the reader. The reader emits a confirmation beep and the green Status LED flashes. The first user must enter a valid User Code on the keypad and press the [ENTER] key within 10 seconds. The reader will emit a Confirmation Beep and the red Status LED flashes slowly. The second user has 30 seconds to present a valid card to the reader and then enter a valid User Code.
16 Installation and Operating InstructionsPANIC ALARMA panic alarm can be generated by pressing and holding the [CLEAR] and[ENTER] keys for 2 seconds. The Panic Alarm will activate the panic output(see page 4). Access will not be granted to users until the Panic alarm isdisarmed. Disarming a Panic Alarm depends on the Card/Code Option(see page 6) and Access Granted Option (see page 7). To disarm a PanicAlarm:The second user’s card and/or User Code must be different from thefirst. Single AccessGranted Dual AccessGranted Dual Access Granted with Dual Panic DisarmReader Only present 1 valid card to the reader2 users: each user presents a valid card to the reader.Keypad Only enter 1 valid User Code andpress the [ENTER] key2 users: each user enters a valid User Code and presses the [ENTER] key.Reader and Keypad present 1 valid card to the reader then enter 1 valid User Code and press the [ENTER] key2 users: the first user presents a valid card to the reader. then must enter a valid User Code and press the [ENTER] key. The second user has 30 seconds to present a valid card to the reader and then enter a valid User Code.
PosiPin 17USER CODE TABLEUse this table to keep a record of the User Codes. If you require extrapages, photocopy this table. The PIN column is provided for yourconvenience, however, we recommend not using it for security reasons.UserCode Name CardNumber PIN(optional)For example:000 John Doe 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18 Installation and Operating InstructionsUserCode Name CardNumber PIN(optional)
WARRANTYThe Seller warrants its products to be free from defects in materials andworkmanship under normal use for a period of two years. Except asspecifically stated herein, all express or implied warranties whatsoever,statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied warrantyof merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expresslyexcluded. Because Seller does not install or connect the products andbecause the products may be used in conjunction with products notmanufactured by Seller, Seller cannot guarantee the performance of thesecurity system. Seller obligation and liability under this warranty isexpressly limited to repairing or replacing, at Seller's option, any productnot meeting the specifications. In no event shall the Seller be liable to thebuyer or any other person for any loss or damages whether direct orindirect, consequential or incidental, including without limitation anydamages for lost profits stolen goods or claims by any other partycaused by defective goods or otherwise arising from the improper,incorrect or otherwise faulty installation or use of the merchandise sold.
Printed in Canada  08/2001SPINEI-00

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