Piper Networks W955N ibeacon User Manual

Piper Networks, Inc. ibeacon

User manual

W1 2 3 4 5 6 7       W©WELLCORIntroduction1.1  Su1.2  iBParameter s2.1   Us2.2   Te2.3   Li2.4   Lo2.5   UU2.6   M2.7   M2.8   M2.9   De2.10  Tr2.11  Br2.12  Re2.13  BT2.14 DeDistance fun3.1  Test3.2  LocProduct cert4.1  ProElectrical ch5.1  Har5.2  Op5.3  Blu5.4  Wo5.5  MoUsing enviro6.1  Op6.2  Sto6.3  EnvProduct Spe7.1  MoWellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBean: ummarize  eacon technsetting:  sing range   esting softwaght blue introgin passworUID revise   ajor revise   inor revise   easured Powevice name rransmit Poweroadcast freqeset factory sT vendor ID eploy mode rnction: ting softwarecate iBeacon tification oduct Certificaracteristicsrdware versierating suppuetooth spec orking frequeodulation moonment: eration temporage tempervironment huecifications odel: W955NTechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91..................nical introdu...................are  ............roduction  ..rd and revise............ ..........................................wer revise  .revise  .......er revise  ...quency revisesettings  ....revise  ......revise  .......e .................using methocate.  .........s: ion ...............ply volage   . ................ency  .........ode ...............perature  ....ature  ........umidity.  ...N  ...............ogy Co., ll rights res1 SeriesCata...................uction  .................................... ............................e  ........................................................................................................................................e  ...............................................................................................od  .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ltd served             alogu........................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... …........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                   ue ................................................................................................................................................................................………………........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................         ................................................................................................................................................................................………………........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  http://w................................................................................................................................................................................……...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.wellc........................................................................ .................. ................... .................. .................. .................. ................  .................  ................................................................................ ................................................. …….................................................................................. .................................................................................................................... ore-tech.co  . 3 . 3  4  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11  12 . 13 . 14 15  15 . 16 17   18 . 17  17 17 17 . 17 19  19 19 19 om
W W©WELLCOR1 Produ1.1 su     iBtechnololack of   iBeacon distance specific determinserver hawithout can dow1.2 iB  iBeanotice ican rec  iBeaUniquestandarexamplnames,the recethe recmodule   As close (distancdistancnot sig1m apa        Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeauct intrummarizeBeacon is aogy that canpoor locatpositioningbetween thMAC addrne when thias access toany other iwnload requiBeacon tecacon broadcissued by a ceive the sigacon data me Identifier)rd 128-bit ile, stores ca, Minor beheiver refereceiver of the and calculMeasured (Immidiate)ce less thance, the distanificantly rart, so simpl         TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91roductioe a BLE (Blun be used inte for GPS ig is calculahe two, iBearess, UUID,s broadcasto the iBeaconformationired informachnical incast frame periodic fragnal. Annoumainly cons), Major, Midentifier. Man use UUIDhalf of a shoence receivehe referencelating iBeacPower, bec), 1m or len 1m, RSSI ance 1m in teduce fluctuly judged F         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Serieson: uetooth lowndoor positin the roomated by the acon continu, MAJOR, t informatioon broadcas, but accordation in relentroductiousing "annoame with Buncement frastituted by Minor, MeaMajor and MD name on bop name Meed signal stre RSSI basecon distanceause Appless (Near), value is suthe above, tuations. In ar.      IBeaLtd served             w energy) intioning, to am, but iBeacsignal strenuing transmMINOR, eton iBeacon lst area. iBeding to broaevant serveron ouncement BLE devicesame payloathe four kiasured PowMinor iBeacbehalf of theasured Powrength at 1 med on the ie. e's iOS is no1m or morubstantially the influencother wordacon Dat                   ntroduced ba certain exon is differngth receivmitting broadtc., when thlocation, bueacon send tadcast inforr. frame" (Ads (iBeacon),ad portion, ainds of infower. UUID con set by the head offiwer is iBeacm. (RSSI: Rintensity ofot careful inre (Far) froproportionce of the refs, when youa frame s         by Apple's xtent, be useent from GPved by the rdcast informhe phone reut also by Ato phone onrmation sendvertising) as long as tand writes thormation, nis defined the owner, ce, Major recon distanceReceived Sinf the receivn judging dom three kial to the reflected wavu can not bestructure   http://wBluetooth ed to compPS positionreceiver to mation whiceceives the APP mobile nly broadcant by iBeacoto send thethe supporthe data definamely, UUas ISO/IECis a 16-bit epresentative between thngnal Strenved signal tdistance, whinds of stateduction, a ves and the e inferred frwww.wellcapplicationpensate for ning principdetermine ch  containAPP You cclient tells ast informaton , the phoe message, t BLE termiined by AppUID (UniverC11578: 19identifier. Fves of regiohe module angth Indicatoto the receihile using otes. When more accurlike, RSSI bfrom the aboore-tech.co  n, a the le , the ns a can the ion one  the inal ple. rsal 996 For onal and or) , ver nly the rate but ove om
W 2      W©WELLCOR Techni2.1  U         RAn2.2  Te        S2.3  L        Obe figuseasettWellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeaical parUse PlatforReceiving edroid 4.3 orest SoftwaSoftware Naight blue Open the sofconnected ure, this timarch has betings, the usTechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91rameterrm end (mobiler above Appare ame: Light menu Intftware Lighto the slidime in the men successfser can modogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesr settinge) hardwarple IOS7.0 mblue, the sotroductiot blue, this ing screen menu Peripheful to the ddify Refer toLtd served             g: re must be more. oftware can n time will aurefresh Equerals Nearbdevice, the o Section 2.Figure 1                    Bluetooth be downloautomaticallyuipment, opby displayeddevice nam.9 to modify         4.0 or moraded free froy search outpen softward at WGX ime is WELy the method   http://wre, the softom the Apput iBeacon dre displays ibeacon It mLLCORE fd. www.wellctware requiple APP stordevice can athe followmeans that factory defaore-tech.co  ires re. also ing the ault  om
W   thca            W©WELLCOR    Click his menu hasapacity of 1Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeabelow (Figus all the info00% (3.0V)TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91ure 1) nameformation lis), power lowogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriese of the devisted ibeaconw than 2.0VLtd served             ice icon: Wn, Battery LV then showFigure 2                   WGX ibeaconLevel (100%w 0%. 2          n, then ente%)this indica  http://wer (Figure 2)ates that the www.wellc) interface, e current ore-tech.co  om
W 2.          W©WELLCOR.4  The l      AttmodifEnterREADAA14Modineed tModput inAC12finishFWellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBealogin passtention: Forfy Device Pring the pasD again.Cli40611,Prefixfy other parto enter the dify passwon. For exam23456, Prefihed. Figure 3  TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91sword andr the iBeacParameters. sword.Befock: Write nx AA mearameters, Itright password(Figure 5mple if yoix AC mean         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesd how to mcon we proThe originaore enteringnew value(Fans enter p means the word. 5 ): Only caou need to ns modify p        FLtd served             modify. ovide, the lal code is:1g the right pFigure 3 ),stpassword,Clpassword ian modify tmodify papassword,theFigure 4                     ogin passw40611,Pleaspassword, ittart to enterlick done ws wrong if yhe passworassword to e password                   word is neese see Figurt all shows the passwowhen finishyou can notrd when thebe : 12345can be 6-20           http://weded if wanre3-5 for th0(Figure 3 ord(Figure 4hed.now yot see the pae right passw56,then you0 letters.Cli Figure 5www.wellcnt to check he right way) on the Ic4 ), now Enou can Chearameters,Thword has beu Need Enck Done wh ore-tech.co  or y of on: nter eck hen een nter hen    om
W 2.  .               W©WELLCOR.5  UUID      UUDF FB48 D2 Clink Ddevicescan onof iBea         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeaD revise UID is a 16 B 48 D2 B0 B0 60 D0 FDone whens can not benly shows thacon TransmFigure 6 TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91digits (32 c60 D0 F5 AF5 A7 10 96n finished.Me searched ohe Registeremitter.          ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriescharacters)HA7 10 96 E6 E1,then wMeanwhile,,tout on Locaed device,so         Ltd served             HEX value E0,For examwrite Corresthe new setate ibeacon o you need Figure 7                    , the defaumple,modifyponding vat UUID shoafter finisheto add a mo                  ult value is (y UUID to blues on “Wows on the ed modify Uodified UUI           http://w(Figure 6): be: E2 C5 6Write new va“Read agaiUUID, As LUID device o  Figure www.wellcE2 C5 6D 6D B5 DF alue”(Figurein”,Notice:TLocate ibeacon the Optio8      ore-tech.co  B5 FB e 7), The con ons  om
W 2.                      W©WELLCOR.6  Majo    MajorMajor toDone wh         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeaor revise r is 2 digitso be : 8810hen finishedFigure 9 TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91s(4character0,Then writd. Meanwhi         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesrs)HEX valte Correspoile, the new         Ltd served             lue, defaultonding valuw set Major s Figure                    value is (Fues in the “Wshows on th10                 Figure 9):00Write new he Read aga           http://w000, For exvalue”(Figuain(Figure11  Figure www.wellcxample,modure 10), Cl1). 11 ore-tech.co  dify lick  om
W  2.                     W©WELLCOR.7  Mino     MinmodifyClick D         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeaor revise or is 2 digy Minor to bDone when  Figure 1TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91gits(4characbe: 8811,Thfinished.M2          ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriescters)HEXhen write Ceanwhile, th         Ltd served             value, defaCorrespondinhe new set M  Figure 1                   ault valueng values inMinor show13                 is (Figure n the “Writews on the Re            http://w12):0000, e new valueead again(F  Figure 1www.wellcFor exampe”( Figure 1igure14). 14 ore-tech.co  ple, 13),  om
W 2.                   W©WELLCOR.8  MeasMeasumodify M16), Clicagain(Fihas been         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeasured Powured PowerMeasured Pck Done whigure17).Non optimizedFigure 15 TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91wer reviser is a 1digit(Power to behen finishedotice Measud,It’s not rec          ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriese (2 character: C6,Then wd.Meanwhilured Power commended         Ltd served             rs)HEX valuwrite Correse, the new sis a ISSI whd modificati Figure 16                   ue, default vsponding vaset Measurehen the diston. 6                  value is(Figalues in the ed Power shance is 1 m            http://wgure15):C5,FWrite new hows on themeter.The de Figure 17www.wellcFor examplvalue(FigurRead fault value 7 ore-tech.co  le, re  om
W 2.                 W©WELLCOR.9  Devic      Devibeacocorrespexit. Avalue m18),Anre-sear         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeace name rvice Name on”(Figure ponding valAt this timemust be entnd change rch the deviFigure 18 TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91revise  is 1-15 18) Examlues in the e it displayetered in ASCto the entice again the         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriescharacters mple:Modifplace of "Wed a new DCII.So befotry mode oen it can dis         Ltd served             (ASCII Cfy the DWrite new vDevice Namore modifyinof“UTF-8”(splay the Ne  Figure 1                   Code), the Device namvalue"(Figurme in the“Rng,click the(Figure 19)ew Modifie19                 default dme is:“welre 19). AfteRead again”(e top right c). Please ped Device N           http://wdevice namllcore01”: er finished C(Figure 20)corner of thepay attentioName.      Figure 2www.wellcme is “WGWriting Click“Done), because te“Hex”(Figuon:You shou20 ore-tech.co  GX the e”to this ure uld  om
W  2.   po-1+4neMtrasi             W©WELLCOR.10 Trans     “Traower has 16db; ;"05"r4db.Examplew value"(FMeasured Poansmit powgnal transm         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeamit Poweansmit Powe9 grades."0represent -1le:Modify tFigure 22). ower in thewer accordinmission distaFigure 21 TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91er revise er”is a (2 c01"represen2db; ;"06"rthe TransmiAfter finishe place of "ng to the aance can up          ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesharacters) Hnt -40db;"0represent -8dit Power is hed Click“D"Read againactual needsto 100 met         Ltd served             HEX value,02"represendb; ;"07"rep01: WritingDone”to exn"  (Figures,"09 --- +4ters, but the   Figure 2                   , the defaulnt -30db; "present -4dbg the correspxit.At this tie 23). Pleas4db" corresbattery life22                 t value is 0"03" represb; ;"08"reprponding valime it can dse pay attensponds to the will be rela           http://w08(Figure 21sent -20dbresent 0db; lue in the pdisplay the ntion:You sthe maximuatively shor  Figure 2www.wellc1),the transm;"04"repres;"09"represplace of "Wrnew Transmshould modum power, rt. 23 ore-tech.co  mit sent sent rite mit dify the  om
W 2.              W©WELLCOR.11 Broad"BroadBroadcasseconds).Writting tthis time Please paBroadcasincreased          Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeadcast freqdcast Frequst Frequenc...... 0A (1sthe "05" in it can dispay attentionst Frequencyd.  Figure 2TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91uency revuency"is a y can be r); 64 (10 sthe place ofplay the nen:You shouly is small a4         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesvise (2 characteregulated freconds)  Ef "Write newew Broadcad modify thnd power c         Ltd served             ers) HEX rom 0.1secoExample:Mow value"(Fiast Frequenhe Broadcaconsumption  Figure 2                   value,the dond to 10 odify the Bigure 25). Ancy in the past Frequencn is also sm25                 default valuseconds: 0Broadcast FAfter finisheplace of "Rcy accordinmall.The batt           http://wue is 0A (1 (0.1 secoFrequency ised Click “DoRead againng to the actery life wil  Figure 2www.wellcFigure24).Tonds); 05 (s 0.5 seconone”to exit." (Figure 2ctual needs,ll be relativ26 ore-tech.co  The (0.5 nds:  At 26).  ,the vely  om
W 2.         W©WELLCOR.12 Reset      "Res"Write the fac         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeafactory sset factory snew value"tory setting         TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91ettings settings" is "(Figure 27)gs after pow         ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesa 1 byte (2 c). After finiwer off and th     FiguLtd served             characters) shed Click hen turnOnure 27                    HEX value“Done” to e the device.         e,A6.Writingexit. Note th     http://wg the "A6"Ihat you muswww.wellcIn the place st first resto ore-tech.co  of ore om
W2.2.W©WELLCOR.13  BT v" BT vID by thApple Co"Write neID in the .14  Dep" Deplmode:valmode:valthe place Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeavendor IDvendor ID " he Bluetoothorp is :004Cew value"(Fplace of "RFigure ploy modeloy mode lue 70(careflue 00 (can of "Write nTechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91D revise is a 2 byte h AssociatiC , ExampleFigure 29). ARead again" 28       e revise " is a 1 bful operatiobe modifienew value"(Figuogy Co., ll rights res1 Series(4 characteon of distrie:Modify theAfter finish(Figure 30)         byte (2 chaon, set up aed parameteFigure 31). ure 30    Ltd served             ers) HEX vribution come BT vendohed Click “D).  Figure 2aracters) Hafter the paers) , ExampAfter finish                            alue, the dempanies, suor ID is 005Done”to exi29        EX value,arameters caple:Modify hed Click “D       F         efault value uch as NOR9,Writting tt. At this tim         the defaulan not be mthe value iDone”to exiigure 31   http://wis 004C (FRDIC Corpthe "0059" me it can diFigure 3lt value is modified fois 70,Writtinxit.  www.wellcFigure28), Tp is :0059, in the placeisplay the n0 (00), Deporever),Normng the "70"ore-tech.co  This the e of new loy mal " in om
W 3         W©WELLCOR Distan3.1  T       Soch 3.2  T       1.               Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeance funcTest Softwoftware Namharge. The Use-mOpen the snext two ledevice.Suc  Figure TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91ction: ware me:Locate method ofsoftware “Levels of mech as UUID28        ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesibeacon .Yof Locate iLocate ibeacenu (Figure2D,Major ,Min         Ltd served             ou can dowiBeacon con” (Figur29,30) At thnor, ISSI,R   Figure                   wnload frome 28).Clickhis time yoange Inform29                m the iphone“Locate iBeu can see amation,etc.            http://we “APP STOeacons”youall the inform          Figure 3www.wellcORE”with fu can enter mations of 30 ore-tech.co  free the the  om
W  W©WELLCOR2, If you E2 C5 current32) ,W“SAVE         Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeahad modifi6D B5 DFt device in tWriting “NE”,(Figure 3  Figure TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91ied the presF FB 48 D2the place ofame”and “33) The inte31        ogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesent UUID:E2 B0 60 D0f  “Locate “UUID”,youerface indica         Ltd served             E2 C5 6D B0 F5 A7 10iBeacon”, yu needn't ates you has    Figure                                   B5 DF FB 40 96 E5 Atyou must adwrite the s been set ite 32               48 D2 B0 6t this time ydd an identiMajor,Minot successfull           http://w60 D0 F5 Ayou can't  ical device or. After fly.   Figure 3www.wellcA7 10 96 E0recognize UUID (Figufinished cl33 ore-tech.co  0 to the ure lick  om
W 4     W©WELLCOR Produ  4.1 FC                                    Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeact certCC ID: TechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W9 Sificatioogy Co., ll rights resSeries  on: CE,Ltd served              FCC ,RO                 OHS            http://wwww.wellcore-tech.co  om
W 56 7W©WELLCOR Electri5.1  Ha5.2  Op5.3  Bl5.4  Op5.5  Mo6 Use En6.1  Op6.2  Sto6.3  En 7 Produc7.1  M1  P       2  M3  W4  Bw5  P    Wellcore T© WELLCORRE○R iBeaical Parardware verperating Volluetooth:  Bperating Freodulation: nvironmperating temorage Tempnvironment ct SpecModel: WProduct pho         MechanicalWeight:   Battery typworking moProduct DesTechnoloRE 2011. Alacon W91rameterrsion:    Nltage:    1BLE V4.0 equency:  2 GFSK(Gament: mperature:  perature:   Humidity: ification955N  otos  Dimension230g e: ER34615ore than 10 yscription: wogy Co., ll rights res1 Seriesrs: Nordic NRF1.8-3.8V 2402-2480MHzaussian Freq -25~+65 -40~+75  5%~85ns ns:  L*W*H5(19000mAyears). with waterprLtd served             51822. M quency Shif5℃ 5℃ % : 100*68*5AH) (broadcroof function                   ft Keying)50mm cast frequenn, waterpro          ncy of 1 seof grade IP  http://wecond, the p67. www.wellcpower of 0ore-tech.co  0dB om
 FCC Caution: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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