Pioneer K031 Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT User Manual 5

Pioneer Corporation Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT 5

User Manual 5

If you have an active subscription toMSN Direct service, you can check andbrowse various information on your navigationsystem, such as gas prices, movie times,weather conditions and traffic information.The information will be updated periodically.IMPORTANT:To receive MSN®Direct on an MSN Direct-ready device, you must be within an MSN Di-rect coverage area; see for current coverage maps. Cover-age areas are affected by reception limitationsof the FM network as well as other factors,which may affect the ability to receive FMbroadcasts. Coverage areas are subject tochange. Not all content is available in all cover-age areas.©2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights re-served. Microsoft, MSN, and the MSN logo aretrademarks of the Microsoft group of compa-nies.Notice about MSN DirectPioneer is not responsible for the accuracy ofthe MSN Direct content. The MSN Direct con-tent may not be current or available at times,and is subject to change without notice.Activating the serviceYou have to activate MSN Direct first.pA web-connected computer is required forthe online subscription.pIf you have difficulty in online subscription,please call toll-free 1-866-658-7032.General flow chart:1Check your product key.You have to know your product key for thesubscription.(Refer to Checking your product key on thispage.)j2Make an online subscription to MSN Directservice using your PC.(Refer to Subscribing to the MSN Direct ser-vice on the next page.)j3Activate the MSN Direct service on this pro-duct.(Refer to Activating the MSN Direct functionon the next page.)j4Activation is complete.Checking your product keyThe product key that you can find here is usedin the online subscription.1 Touch [Destination] on the “Top Menu”,and then touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.2 Touch [Status].3 Write your product key down in the fol-lowing box:En50Chapter10 Browsing information on MSN Direct
Subscribing to the MSN DirectserviceWithin two days of completing the subscription,execute Activating the MSN Direct function.1 Access the following URL and read thedescription. Be sure to check the coverage area andother availabilities of MSN Direct on theweb page.3 Go to the page for activation and enteryour product key.4 Follow the directions on the web pageto complete the subscription.Activating the MSN Direct functionAfter the online subscription, complete the ac-tivation so that the navigation system can re-ceive the information.This operation must be performed under thefollowing conditions:—You are currently in the coverage area ofMSN Direct.—The signal strength ( ) on the “MSN Di-rect Status”screen is not weak.1 Boot-up your navigation system.2 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.3 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.4 Touch [Status].5 Wait until the activation status changesto “Active”.It may take approximately 20 or 30 minutes tocomplete the activation.After activation is complete, the informationwill be available on each menu.Browsing gas pricesRecent gas prices of nearby gas stations aredisplayed in a list.Although the MSN Direct service regularly up-dates gas price information, the informationprovided may not necessarily correspond to ac-tual gas prices. Please refer to Notice aboutMSN Direct on the previous page.It may take up to 24 hours for all the data to be-come available under the following conditions:!When you use MSN Direct for the first time.!When you have not performed this functionpreviously around the current area.!After the navigation system has beenturned off for a few days.1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Gas Prices].The “Gas Prices”screen appears.4 Touch the desired tab to change thesort order.Available options:En 51Chapter10Browsing information on MSN DirectBrowsing information on MSN Direct
!Dist. (default):Sorts the items in the list in order by dis-tance from the vehicle position.!Name:Sorts the items in the list alphabetically.!Price:Sorts the items in the list by price.#Touch [Refresh].The information is updated.p[Refresh] appears when new gas prices in-formation is received.5 Touch on the item that you want toview in detail.2311Name:Indicates the names of gas stations.pIf there is no data, “Unknown”is dis-played.2Price:Red: indicates gas stations whose gasprices exceed average prices of all gas sta-tions that are received.Green: indicates gas stations whose gasprices go below average prices of all gasstations that are received.White: indicates gas stations with averageprices of all gas stations that are received.The information in ( ) shows how currentthe information is.pIf there is no data, “–––––”is displayed.3Dist.:Indicates the distance from the current lo-cation to the gas station.pTouching allows you to check the loca-tion on a map.6 Touch [OK].Location confirmation screen appears.=For details, refer to Setting a route to yourdestination on page 41.Browsing movie timesNearby theaters can be displayed on a list.Switching the screen allows you to see themovie title now showing.Although the MSN Direct service regularly up-dates movie information, the information pro-vided may not necessarily correspond to actualmovie information. Please refer to Noticeabout MSN Direct on page 50.It may take up to six hours for all the data tobecome available under the following condi-tions:!When you use MSN Direct for the first time.!When you have not performed this functionpreviously around the current area.!After the navigation system has beenturned off for a few days.Searching for a theater byselecting a movie title1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Movie Times].The “All Movie Theaters”screen appears.En52Chapter10 Browsing information on MSN Direct
4 Touch [All Movie Titles].The movie titles now showing are displayed.#Touch [Refresh].The information is updated.p[Refresh] appears when the new informa-tion is received.5 Touch the desired movie title.The theaters that are currently showing the se-lected movie are displayed.#Touch [Refresh].The information is updated.p[Refresh] appears when the new informa-tion is received.6 Touch the desired tab to change thesort order.Available options:!Dist. (default):Sorts the items in the list in order by dis-tance from the vehicle position.!Name:Sorts the items in the list alphabetically.7 Touch on the item that you want toview in detail.pTouching allows you to check the loca-tion on a map.8 Touch [OK].Location confirmation screen appears.=For details, refer to Setting a route to yourdestination on page 41.#Touch [Call].Enables you to call the position if a telephonenumber is available. (Pairing with cellular phonefeaturing Bluetooth wireless technology is re-quired.)Searching for a movie title byselecting a theater1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Movie Times].The “All Movie Theaters”screen appears.4 Touch the desired tab to change thesort order.Available options:!Dist. (default):Sorts the items in the list in order by dis-tance from the vehicle position.!Name:Sorts the items in the list alphabetically.5 Touch the desired theater.The movie titles currently shown on the se-lected theater are displayed.6 Touch on the item that you want toview in detail.pTouching allows you to check the loca-tion on a map.#Touch [Refresh].The information is updated.p[Refresh] appears when the new informa-tion is received.7 Touch [OK].Location confirmation screen appears.=For details, refer to Setting a route to yourdestination on page 41.#Touch [Call].En 53Chapter10Browsing information on MSN DirectBrowsing information on MSN Direct
Enables you to call the position if a telephonenumber is available. (Pairing with cellular phonefeaturing Bluetooth wireless technology is re-quired.)Browsing weatherinformationLocal weather information can be displayedon a list. Switching the screen allows you tosee worldwide weather conditions.Although the MSN Direct service regularly up-dates weather information, the informationprovided may not necessarily correspond to ac-tual weather conditions. Please refer to Noticeabout MSN Direct on page 50.Checking the local weatherinformation1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Weather].The local weather information is displayed.The city name, weather, temperature and winddirection are displayed in list format.pIf there is no information available, or“–––––”is displayed.4 Touch the desired area.Detailed information is displayed.#Touch [Forecast].Displays the weather forecasts for these threedays.Checking worldwide weatherconditions1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Weather].The local weather information is displayed.4 Touch [Worldwide].Worldwide weather conditions are displayed.The area names and weather conditions aredisplayed on the list. The list is sorted alphabe-tically by the area name.5 Touch the desired area.Detailed information is displayed.How to read MSN Directinformation on the mapMSN Direct icons can be displayed on themap.=For details, refer to Displaying the MSN Di-rect icons on page 157.pMSN Direct icons are not displayed whenthe map scale is 0.75 mile (1 kilometer) ormore.En54Chapter10 Browsing information on MSN Direct
MSN Direct iconThe following MSN Direct icons appear in themap screen.!Gas Prices: Indicates gas stations whose gas pricesexceed average prices of all gas stationsthat are received.: Indicates gas stations whose gas pricesequal or go below average prices of all gasstations that are received.: Indicates gas stations without any priceinformation.!Movie Times: Indicates the locations of movie thea-ters.!Local Events: Indicates the locations of music events.: Indicates the locations of performingarts events.: Indicates the locations of visual artsevents.: Indicates the locations of spectatorevents.: Indicates the locations of otherevents.Using traffic informationYou can view current traffic conditions and in-formation. When the navigation system re-ceives updated traffic information, it willoverlay the traffic information on your mapand also display detailed text informationwhen available.The navigation system takes into account traf-fic information and tries to avoid traffic con-gestion and suggests better routes. Also,when you are traveling along a route and thesystem finds a better route to avoid traffic con-gestion.The system acquires the traffic information upto 100 miles in radius from the vehicle posi-tion. (If there is a lot of traffic informationaround your vehicle, the radius will be shorterthan 100 miles.)The term “traffic congestion”in this section in-dicates the following types of traffic informa-tion: slow, queuing and stationary traffic andclosed/blocked roads. This information is al-ways taken into consideration when checkingyour route, and the information related withthese events cannot be turned off. If you selectother traffic information in “Traffic Settings”,the information can be displayed in a list or ona map.=For details, refer to Selecting traffic informa-tion to display on page 59.Checking all traffic informationTraffic information except traffic flow informa-tion is displayed onscreen in a list.Although the MSN Direct service regularly up-dates traffic information, the information pro-vided may not necessarily correspond to actualtraffic conditions. Please refer to Notice aboutMSN Direct on page 50.1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Traffic Events].The “Traffic Event List”screen appears.En 55Chapter10Browsing information on MSN DirectBrowsing information on MSN Direct
4 Select an incident you want to view indetail.The details of the selected incident are dis-played.pTouching an incident you want to see allowsyou to view the detailed information of theincident. If the information cannot be dis-played on one screen, touch or to viewthe remaining information.pTouching allows you to check the loca-tion on a map. (Traffic information withoutpositional information cannot be checkedon a map.)#Touch [Sort].You can sort the traffic information.Each time you touch the key changes that set-ting.!:You can sort the traffic information by dis-tance from your current position.For the list displayed when you touch [Traf-fic Events], the list will be sorted accordingto the linear distance from the vehicle posi-tion to the traffic information.For the list displayed when you touch [Traf-fic On Route], the list will be sorted accord-ing to the distance from the vehicle positionto the traffic information.!:You can sort the traffic information in alpha-betical order.!:You can sort the traffic information accord-ing to the incident.The list will be sorted in the order of closed/blocked roads, traffic congestion, acci-dents, road works and others.Current order is indicated on the upper right ofthe screen.#Touch [Refresh].When new traffic information is received, currentinformation is changed or old information hasbeen removed, the list is updated to reflect thenew situation.5 Touch .The previous screen returns.Checking traffic information onthe routeAll traffic information on the current route (in-cluding traffic flow information) is displayedonscreen in a list.1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Traffic On Route].The “Traffic On Route”screen appears.The method for checking the content dis-played on the screen is the same for Checkingall traffic information on the previous page.How to read traffic informationon the mapThe traffic event information displayed on themap is as follows.pA line is displayed only when the map scaleis 2.5 miles (5 km) or lower.pIcon appears only when the scale on themap is 10 miles (20 km) or lower. If thescale is changed, the icons are resized ac-cording to the selected scale.En56Chapter10 Browsing information on MSN Direct
Traffic event icon!with yellow line:Stop-and-go traffic!with red line:Stopped traffic!with black line:Closed/blocked roads!etc.:Accidents, constructions, etc.pFor meanings of other icons, check themthe “Traffic Type Settings”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Select-ing traffic information to display on page 59.Viewing the traffic flowAll traffic flow information is displayed onscreen in a list.1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Traffic Flow].A list with traffic flow information that hasbeen received is shown. The list is sorted bydistance from your current position.Places (street names) where incidents haveoccurred are displayed on the list.4 Select an incident you want to view indetail.The details of the selected incident are dis-played.pTouching an incident you want to see allowsyou to view the detailed information of theincident. If the information cannot be dis-played on one screen, touch or to viewthe remaining information.pTouching allows you to check the loca-tion on a map. (Traffic information withoutpositional information cannot be checkedon a map.)#Touch [Sort].You can sort the traffic information.Each time you touch the key changes that set-ting.!:You can sort the traffic information by thelinear distance from your current position.!:You can sort the traffic information in alpha-betical order.!:You can sort the traffic information by theaverage speed.The list will be sorted in the order of closed/blocked roads, traffic congestion, acci-dents, road works and others.Current order is indicated on the upper right ofthe screen.#Touch [Refresh].When new traffic information is received, currentinformation is changed or old information hasbeen removed, the list is updated to reflect thenew situation.#Touch .The traffic event information displayed on themap is as follows.Traffic flow icon and line!Red: average speed in this area is slowerthan 15 mph (24 km/h)!Yellow: average speed in this area is be-tween 15 mph to 45 mph (24 km/h to 72 km/h)En 57Chapter10Browsing information on MSN DirectBrowsing information on MSN Direct
!Green: average speed in this area is fasterthan 45 mph (72 km/h) (An icon without aline will be displayed)Setting an alternative route toavoid traffic congestionThe navigation system checks at regular inter-vals whether or not there is the traffic informa-tion on your route. If the navigation systemdetects any traffic congestion on your currentroute, the system tries to find a better route inthe background.pThe following types of traffic incidents onthe route will be checked: slow, back ups,stationary traffic, and closed/blocked roadsexcept for closed freeway exits/entrances.Checking for traffic congestionautomaticallyIf there is information about traffic congestionon your current route and if an alternativeroute can be found, the navigation system willrecommend a new alternative route automati-cally. In such a case, the following screen willappear.121Difference in distance and travel time betweenthe existing route and new route.2Distance from the current position of your ve-hicle to the point of entry into the new route.pThere is no action if the system cannot findany traffic congestion information on yourroute or the system cannot find an alterna-tive.1 Touch [New].The recommended route is displayed on thescreen.#Touch [Current].The current route is displayed on the screen.2 Touch [OK].The displayed route is set.pWhen no selection is made, the screen re-turns to the previous screen.Checking traffic information manuallyTouching the notification icon on the mapscreen allows you to check traffic informationon your route while the icon is displayed. Thenotification icon is only displayed on the navi-gation map screen if there is any traffic infor-mation on your route.pThe notification icon is not available if yourvehicle deviates from the route.1 Set [Show Traffic Incident] to “View”.=For details, refer to Displaying the traffic no-tification icon on page 155.2 Display the map screen.The icon appears when the system acquirestraffic information on the current route.3 Touch the icon while the icon is dis-played.Notification iconTraffic information on the current route is dis-played on the map screen.En58Chapter10 Browsing information on MSN Direct
4 Touch [Diversion] to search for an alter-native route.After touching [Diversion], the route is recal-culated taking all traffic congestion on yourcurrent route into account.p[Diversion] will be available only when thesystem can find traffic congestion.pNotification icon shows the nearest trafficinformation on the route. However, if youtouch [Diversion], the route is recalculatedby taking into account not only this infor-mation, but also all traffic congestion infor-mation on the route.For the subsequent operations, refer to Check-ing for traffic congestion automatically.=For details, refer to Checking for traffic con-gestion automatically on the previous page.#Touch [List].The “Traffic On Route”screen appears.#Touch .The message disappears, and the map screen re-turns.Selecting traffic information todisplayThere are different types of traffic informationthat can be received via the MSN Direct ser-vice, and you can select which types will be in-corporated and displayed on your navigationsystem.1 Display the “Destination Menu”screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Screenswitching overview on page 22.2 Touch [MSN Direct].The “MSN Direct”screen appears.3 Touch [Traffic Settings].The “Traffic Settings”screen appears.4 Touch [Displayed Traffic Information].The “Traffic Type Settings”screen appears.5 Touch the traffic information item todisplay.A check mark appears next to the selectedtraffic information.#Touch [All]or[None].Selects or deselects all entries.6 Touch [OK].The selected traffic information icon is addedto the screen.7 Touch [OK].Browsing local eventsThe nearby events to be held in the next fewdays are displayed on a list, and you can seethe detail event information.Although the MSN Direct service regularly up-dates local event information, the informationprovided may not necessarily correspond to ac-tual local event conditions. Please refer to No-tice about MSN Direct on page 50.En 59Chapter10Browsing information on MSN DirectBrowsing information on MSN Direct

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