Pioneer K031 Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT User Manual 15

Pioneer Corporation Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT 15

User Manual 15

Conditions likely to causenoticeable positioning errorsFor various reasons, such as the state of theroad you are traveling on and the receptionstatus of the GPS signal, the actual position ofyour vehicle may differ from the position dis-played on the map screen.!If you make a shallow turn.!If there is a parallel road.!If there is another road very nearby, suchas in the case of an elevated freeway.!If you take a recently opened road that isnot on the map.!If you drive in zigzags.!If the road has a series of hairpin bends.!If there is a loop or similar road configura-tion.!If you take a ferry.!If you are driving on a long, straight road ora gently curving road.En 201AppendixAppendixAppendix
!If you are on a steep mountain road withmany height changes.!If you enter or exit a multi-storey parking lotor similar structure using a spiral ramp.!If your vehicle is turned on a turntable or si-milar structure.!If your vehicle’s wheels spin, such as on agravel road or in snow.!If you put on chains, or change your tiresfor ones with a different size.!If trees or other obstacles block the GPSsignals for a considerable period.!If you drive very slowly, or in a start-and-stop manner, as in a traffic congestion.!If you join the road after driving around alarge parking lot.!When you drive around a traffic circle.!When starting driving immediately afterstarting the engine.En202AppendixAppendix
Route setting informationRoute search specificationsYour navigation system sets a route to yourdestination by applying certain built-in rules tothe map data. This section provides some use-ful information about how a route is set.CAUTIONWhen a route is calculated, the route and voiceguidance for the route are automatically set.Also, for day or time traffic regulations, only infor-mation about traffic regulations applicable at thetime when the route was calculated is consid-ered. One-way streets and street closures maynot be taken into consideration. For example, if astreet is open during the morning only, but youarrive later, it would be against the traffic regula-tions so you cannot drive along the set route.When driving, please follow the actual trafficsigns. Also, the system may not know some traf-fic regulations.!The calculated route is one example of theroute to your destination decided by the na-vigation system while taking the type ofstreets or traffic regulations into account. Itis not necessarily an optimum route. (Insome cases, you may not be able to set thestreets you want to take. If you need to takea certain street, set a waypoint on thatstreet.)!If the destination is too far, there may be in-stances where the route cannot be set. (Ifyou want to set a long-distance route goingacross several areas, set waypoints alongthe way.)!During voice guidance, turns and intersec-tions from the freeway are announced.However, if you pass intersections, turns,and other guidance points in rapid succes-sion, some may delay or not be announced.!It is possible that guidance may direct youoff a freeway and then back on again.!In some cases, the route may require youto travel in the opposite direction to yourcurrent heading. In such cases, you are in-structed to turn around, so please turnaround safely by following the actual trafficrules.!In some cases, a route may begin on theopposite side of a railway or river from youractual current location. If this happens,drive towards your destination for a while,and try route calculation again.!When there is a traffic congestion ahead, adetour route may not be suggested if driv-ing through the traffic congestion wouldstill be better than taking the detour.!There may be instances when the startingpoint, the waypoint and the destinationpoint are not on the highlighted route.!The number of traffic circle exits displayedon the screen may differ from the actualnumber of roads.Route highlighting!Once set, the route is highlighted in brightcolor on the map.!The immediate vicinity of your startingpoint and destination may not be high-lighted, and neither will areas with particu-larly complex road layouts. Consequently,the route may appear to be cut off on thedisplay, but voice guidance will continue.Auto reroute function!If you deviate from the set route, the systemwill re-calculate the route from that pointso that you remain on track to the destina-tion.!This function may not work under certainconditions.Handling and care of discsSome basic precautions are necessary whenhandling your discs.En 203AppendixAppendixAppendix
Built-in drive and care!Use only conventional, fully circular discs.Do not use shaped discs.!Do not use cracked, chipped, warped, orotherwise damaged discs as they may da-mage the built-in drive.!Do not touch the recorded surface of thediscs.!Store discs in their cases when not in use.!Avoid leaving discs in excessively hot envir-onments including under direct sunlight.!Do not attach labels, write on or apply che-micals to the surface of the discs.!To clean a disc, wipe it with a soft cloth,moving outward from the center.!Condensation may temporarily impair thebuilt-in drive’s performance. Leave it to ad-just to the warmer temperature for aboutone hour. Also, wipe any damp discs with asoft cloth.!Playback of discs may not be possible be-cause of disc characteristics, disc format,recorded application, playback environ-ment, storage conditions and so on.!Road shocks may interrupt disc playback.!Read the precautions for discs beforeusing them.Ambient conditions for playinga disc!At extremely high temperatures, a tempera-ture cutout protects this product by switch-ing it off automatically.!Despite our careful design of the product,small scratches that do not affect actualoperation may appear on the disc surfaceas a result of mechanical wear, ambientconditions for use or handling of the disc.This is not a sign of the malfunction of thisproduct. Consider it to be normal wear andtear.Playable discsDVD-Video and CDDVD and CD discs that display the logosshown below generally can be played on thisbuilt-in DVD drive.DVD-VideoCDpis a trademark of DVD Format/LogoLicensing Corporation.pIt is not possible to play DVD-Audio discs.This DVD drive may not be able to play alldiscs bearing the marks shown above.AVCHD recorded discsThis unit is not compatible with discs recordedin AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Defi-nition) format. Do not insert AVCHD discs. Ifinserted, the disc may not be ejected.En204AppendixAppendix
Playing DualDisc!DualDiscs are two-sided discs that have arecordable CD for audio on one side and arecordable DVD for video on the other.!Playback of the DVD side is possible withthis navigation system. However, since theCD side of DualDiscs is not physically com-patible with the general CD standard, itmay not be possible to play the CD sidewith this navigation system.!Frequent loading and ejecting of a Dual-Disc may result in scratches to the disc.!Serious scratches can lead to playback pro-blems on this navigation system. In somecases, a DualDisc may become stuck inthe disc loading slot and will not eject. Toprevent this, we recommend you refrainfrom using DualDisc with this navigationsystem.!Please refer to the manufacturer for moredetailed information about DualDiscs.Dolby DigitalThis product will down-mix Dolby Digital sig-nals internally and the sound will be output instereo.pManufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. “Dolby”and the double-Dsymbol are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories.DTS soundDTS audio format cannot be output, so selectan audio track other than DTS audio format.“DTS”is registered trademarks of DTS, Inc.Detailed information forplayable mediaCompatibilityCommon notes about disc compatibility!Certain functions of this product may notbe available for some discs.!Compatibility with all discs is not guaran-teed.!It is not possible to playback DVD-ROM/DVD-RAM discs.!Playback of discs may become impossiblewith direct exposure to sunlight, high tem-peratures, or depending on the storageconditions in the vehicle.DVD-Video discs!DVD-Video discs that have incompatible re-gion numbers cannot be played on thisDVD drive. The region number of the playercan be found on this product’s chassis.DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-R DL (DualLayer) discs!Unfinalized discs which have been re-corded with the Video format (video mode)cannot be played back.Discs which have been recorded with theVideo Recording format (VR mode) cannotbe played back.!DVD-R DL (Dual Layer) discs which havebeen recorded with Layer Jump recordingcannot be played back.!For detailed information about recordingmode, please contact the manufacturer ofmedia, recorders, or writing software.CD-R/CD-RW discs!Unfinalized discs cannot be played back.En 205AppendixAppendixAppendix
!It may not be possible to playback CD-R/CD-RW discs recorded on a music CD re-corder or a personal computer because ofdisc characteristics, scratches or dirt onthe disc, or dirt, scratches or condensationon the lens of the built-in drive.!Playback of discs recorded on a personalcomputer may not be possible, dependingon the recording device, writing software,their settings, and other environmental fac-tors.!Please record with the correct format. (Fordetails, please contact manufacturer ofmedia, recorders, or writing software.)!Titles and other text information recordedon a CD-R/CD-RW disc may not be dis-played by this product (in the case of audiodata (CD-DA)).!Read the precautions with CD-R/CD-RWdiscs before using them.Common notes about the externalstorage device (USB, SD)!Do not leave the external storage device(USB, SD) in any location with high tem-peratures.!Depending on the kind of the external sto-rage device (USB, SD) you use, this naviga-tion system may not recognize the storagedevice or files may not be played back prop-erly.!The text information of some audio andvideo files may not be correctly displayed.!File extensions must be used properly.!There may be a slight delay when startingplayback of files on an external storage de-vice (USB, SD) with complex folder hierar-chies.!Operations may vary depending on thekind of an external storage device (USB,SD).!It may not be possible to play some musicfiles from SD or USB because of file char-acteristics, file format, recorded applica-tion, playback environment, storageconditions, and so on.USB storage device compatibility=For details about USB storage device com-patibility with this navigation system, referto Specifications on page 224.Protocol: bulk!You cannot connect a USB storage deviceto this navigation system via a USB hub.!Partitioned USB memory is not compatiblewith this navigation system.!Firmly secure the USB storage device whendriving. Do not let the USB storage devicefall onto the floor, where it may becomejammed under the brake or gas pedal.!There may be a slight delay when startingplayback of audio files encoded with imagedata.!Some USB storage devices connected tothis navigation system may generate noiseon the radio.!Do not connect anything other than theUSB memory device.The sequence of audio files on USB mem-oryFor USB memory, the sequence is differentfrom that of USB memory device.SD memory card and SDHC memory card=For details about SD memory card compat-ibility with this navigation system, refer toSpecifications on page 224.Handling guidelines andsupplemental information!This system is not compatible with MultiMedia Card (MMC).!Copyright protected files cannot be playedback.Notes specific to DivX files!Only DivX files downloaded from DivX part-ner sites are guaranteed for proper opera-tion. Unauthorized DivX files may notoperate properly.!DRM rental files cannot be operated untilplaying back is started.En206AppendixAppendix
!The navigation system corresponds to aDivX file display of up to 1 590 minutes 43seconds. Search operations beyond thistime limit are prohibited.!DivX VOD file playback requires supplyingthe ID code of this navigation system to theDivX VOD provider. Regarding the ID code,refer to Displaying your DivX VOD registra-tion code on page 171.!Plays all versions of DivX video (includingDivX 6) with standard playback of DivXmedia files.!For more details about DivX, visit the follow-ing site: subtitle files!Srt format subtitle files with the extension“.srt”can be used.!Only one subtitle file can be used for eachDivX file. Multiple subtitle files cannot beassociated.!Subtitle files that are named with the samecharacter string as the DivX file before theextension are associated with the DivX file.The character strings before the extensionmust be exactly the same. However, if thereis only one DivX file and one subtitle file ina single folder, the files are associated evenif the file names are not the same.!The subtitle file must be stored in the samefolder as the DivX file.!Up to 255 subtitle files may be used. Anymore subtitle files will not be recognized.!Up to 64 characters can be used for thename of the subtitle file, including the ex-tension. If more than 64 characters areused for the file name, the subtitle file maynot be recognized.!The character code for the subtitle fileshould comply with ISO-8859-1. Using char-acters other than ISO-8859-1 may cause thecharacters to be displayed incorrectly.!The subtitles may not be displayed correctlyif the displayed characters in the subtitlefile include control code.!For materials that use a high transfer rate,the subtitles and video may not be comple-tely synchronized.!If multiple subtitles are programed to dis-play within a very short time frame, such as0.1 seconds, the subtitles may not be dis-played at the correct time.En 207AppendixAppendixAppendix
Media compatibility chartGeneralMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile systemISO9660 level 1,ISO9660 level 2,Romeo and JolietISO9660 level 1,ISO9660 level 2,Romeo, Jolietand UDF 1.02FAT16/FAT32Maximum number offolders 700 300Maximum number offiles 999 3 500 2 500Playable file types MP3, WMA, AAC, DivX MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, AVI, WMV,MPEG-4Note:Maximum playback time of audio file stored in the external storage device (USB, SD): 7.5 h (450 minutes)MP3 compatibilityMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile extension .mp3Bit rate 8 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR), VBRSampling frequency 16 kHz to 48 kHz (32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHzfor emphasis) 8 kHz to 48 kHzID3 tag ID3 tag Ver. 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3 ID3 tag Ver. 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Notes:!Ver. 2.x of ID3 tag is given priority when both Ver. 1.x and Ver. 2.x exist.!The navigation system is not compatible with the following:MP3i (MP3 interactive), mp3 PRO, m3u playlistEn208AppendixAppendix
WMA compatibilityMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile extension .wmaBit rate 5 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR), VBRSampling frequency 8 kHz to 48 kHzNote:The navigation system is not compatible with the following:Windows Media™Audio 9 Professional, Lossless, VoiceWAV compatibilityMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile extensionWAV files on the CD-R/-RW, DVD-R/-RW/-RDL cannot be played..wavFormat Linear PCM (LPCM), IMA-ADPCMSampling frequency LPCM: 16 kHz to 48 kHzIMA-ADPCM: 22.05 kHz and 44.1 kHzQuantization bits LPCM: 8 bits and 16 bitsMS ADPCM: 4 bitsNote:The sampling frequency shown in the display may be rounded.AAC compatibilityMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile extension .m4aBit rate 8 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR)Sampling frequency 8 kHz to 44.1 kHz 8 kHz to 48 kHzNote:The navigation system plays back AAC files encoded by iTunes.En 209AppendixAppendixAppendix
DivX compatibilityMedia CD-R/-RW DVD-R/-RW/-RDLUSB storage de-vice SD memory cardFile extension .avi/.divxDivX files on the external storage device(USB, SD) cannot be played.Profile (DivX version) Home Theater Ver. 3.11/Ver. 4.x/Ver. 5.x/Ver. 6.xCompatible audio codec MP3, Dolby DigitalBit rate (MP3) 8 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR), VBRSampling frequency(MP3)16 kHz to 48 kHz (32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHzfor emphasis)Maximum image size 720 pixels × 576 pixelsMaximum file size 4 GBNotes:!The navigation system is not compatible with the following:DivX Ultra format, DivX files without video data, DivX files encoded with LPCM (Linear PCM) audio codec!Depending on the file information composition, such as the number of audio streams, there may be a slightdelay in the start of playback on discs.!If a file contains more than 4 GB, playback stops before the end.!Some special operations may be prohibited because of the composition of DivX files.!Files with high transfer rates may not be played back correctly. The standard transfer rate is 4 Mbps for CDs and10.08 Mbps for DVDs.En210AppendixAppendix
Video files compatibility (USB, SD)File extension .avi .mp4, .m4v .wmvFormat MPEG-4 MPEG-4 H.264 WMVCompatible video codec MPEG-4 MPEG-4 H.264 WMVCompatible audio codecLinear PCM(LPCM), IMA-ADPCMMP3AAC AAC WMARecommendedvideo specifica-tionsImage size: QVGA(320 pixels x 240pixels)Bit rate:768 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:768 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:384 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:384 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsMaximum bit rate:Image size:WQVGA(400 pixels x 240pixels)Bit rate: 2 MbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate: 2 MbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate: 1 MbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:768 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsImage size: VGA(640 pixels x 480pixels)Bit rate: 1 MbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate: 1 MbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:576 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsBit rate:576 kbpsFrame rate:30 fpsMaximum file size 2 GBMaximum playback time 150 minutesCommon notes!The navigation system may not operate cor-rectly, depending on the application usedto encode WMA files.!Depending on the version of WindowsMedia™Player used to encode WMA files,album names and other text informationmay not be correctly displayed.!There may be a slight delay when startingplayback of audio files encoded with imagedata.!The navigation system is not compatiblewith packet write data transfer.!This navigation system can recognize up to32 characters, beginning with the first char-acter, including extension for the file andfolder name. Depending on the displayarea, the navigation system may try to dis-play them with a reduced font size. How-ever, the maximum number of thecharacters that you can display varies ac-cording to the width of each character, andof the display area.!Folder selection sequence or other opera-tions may be altered, depending on the en-coding or writing software.!Regardless of the length of blank sectionbetween the songs of original recording,compressed audio discs play with a shortpause between songs.En 211AppendixAppendixAppendix
Example of a hierarchyThe following figure is an example of the tierstructure in the disc. The numbers in the fig-ure indicate the order in which folder numbersare assigned and the order to be played back.: Folder:File123456Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Notes!This product assigns folder numbers. The usercannot assign folder numbers.!If there is a folder that does not contain anyplayable file, the folder itself will display in thefolder list but you cannot check any files inthe folder. (A blank list will appear.) Also,these folders will be skipped without display-ing the folder number.BluetoothBluetooth is a short-range wireless radio con-nectivity technology that is developed as acable replacement for cellular phones, hand-held PCs and other devices. Bluetooth oper-ates in 2.4 GHz frequency range and transmitsvoice and data at speeds up to 1 megabit persecond. Bluetooth was launched by a specialinterest group (SIG) comprising Ericsson Inc.,Intel Corp., Nokia Corp., Toshiba and IBM in1998, and it is currently developed by nearly2 000 companies worldwide.!The Bluetoothâword mark and logos are re-gistered trademarks owned by BluetoothSIG, Inc. and any use of such marks byPioneer Corporation is under license. Othertrademarks and trade names are those oftheir respective owners.About the SAT RADIOREADY LogoThe SAT RADIO READY logo indicates that theSatellite Radio Tuner for Pioneer (i. e., XMtuner and Sirius satellite tuner which are soldseparately) can be controlled by this naviga-tion system. Please inquire with your dealer ornearest authorized Pioneer service station re-garding the satellite radio tuner that can beconnected to this navigation system.Note:The system will use direct satellite-to-receiverbroadcasting technology to provide listenersin their cars and at home with crystal-clearsound seamlessly from coast to coast. Satel-lite radio will create and package over 100channels of digital- quality music, news,sports, talk and children’s programming.“SAT Radio”, the SAT Radio logo and all re-lated marks are trademarks of Sirius SatelliteRadio inc., and XM Satellite Radio Inc.HD Radio TechnologyHD Radio™and the HD and HD Radio Readylogos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Di-gital Corporation.En212AppendixAppendix
SD and SDHC logoSD Logo is a trademark.SDHC Logo is a trademark.microSD Logo is a trademark.microSDHC Logo is a trademark.WMA/WMVWindows Media™and the Windows logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries.DivXDivX is a compressed digital video format cre-ated by the DivX video codec from DivX, Inc.This unit can play DivX video files recorded onCD-R/RW/ROM and DVD-R/RW/ROM discs.Keeping the same terminology as DVD video,individual DivX video files are called “Titles”.When naming files/titles on a CD-R/RW or aDVD-R/RW disc prior to burning, keep in mindthat by default they will be played in alphabeti-cal order.For U.S.A.DivX®is a registered trademark of DivX, Inc.,and is used under license.For CanadaDivX™is a registered trademark of DivX, Inc.,and is used under license.ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX®is a digitalvideo format created by DivX, Inc. This is an of-ficial DivX Certified device that plays DivXvideo. Visit for more informa-tion and software tools to convert your filesinto DivX video.ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: ThisDivX®Certified device must be registered inorder to play DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD)content. To generate the registration code, lo-cate the DivX VOD section in Displaying yourDivX VOD registration code. Go to vod.divx.comwith this code to complete the registration pro-cess and learn more about DivX VOD.=For details, refer to Displaying your DivXVOD registration code on page 171.En 213AppendixAppendixAppendix
AACAAC is short for Advanced Audio Coding andrefers to an audio compression technologystandard used with MPEG-2 and MPEG-4. Sev-eral applications can be used to encode AACfiles, but file formats and extensions differ de-pending on the application which is used toencode. This unit plays back AAC files en-coded by iTunes version 7.7.Detailed informationregarding connectable iPodsCAUTION!Pioneer accepts no responsibility for data lostfrom an iPod, even if that data is lost whileusing the navigation system.!Do not leave the iPod in direct sunlight for ex-tended amounts of time. Extended exposureto direct sunlight can result in iPod malfunc-tion due to the resulting high temperature.!Do not leave the iPod in any location withhigh temperatures.!Firmly secure the iPod when driving. Do notlet the iPod fall onto the floor, where it may be-come jammed under the brake or gas pedal.For details, refer to the iPod’s manuals.iPod“Made for iPod”means that an electronic ac-cessory has been designed to connect specifi-cally to iPod and has been certified by thedeveloper to meet Apple performance stan-dards.Apple is not responsible for the operation ofthis device or its compliance with safety andregulatory standards.iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered inthe U.S. and other countries.iPhone“Works with iPhone”means that an electronicaccessory has been designed to connect spe-cifically to iPhone and has been certified bythe developer to meet Apple performancestandards.Apple is not responsible for the operation ofthis device or its compliance with safety andregulatory standards.iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.iTunesiTunes is a trademark of Apple Inc., registeredin the U.S. and other countries.Using the LCD screen correctlyHandling the LCD screen!When the LCD screen is subjected to directsunlight for a long period of time, it will be-come very hot, resulting in possible da-mage to the LCD screen. When not usingthis navigation system, avoid exposing it todirect sunlight as much as possible.!The LCD screen should be used within thetemperature ranges shown in Specifica-tions.En214AppendixAppendix
!Do not use the LCD screen at temperatureshigher or lower than the operating tem-perature range, because the LCD screenmay not operate normally and could be da-maged.!The LCD screen is exposed in order to in-crease its visibility within the vehicle.Please do not press strongly on it as thismay damage it.!Do not push the LCD screen with excessiveforce as this may scratch it.!Never touch the LCD screen with anythingbesides your finger when operating theTouch panel functions. The LCD screen canscratch easily.Liquid crystal display (LCD) screen!If the LCD screen is near the vent of an airconditioner, make sure that air from the airconditioner is not blowing on it. Heat fromthe heater may break the LCD screen, andcool air from the cooler may cause moist-ure to form inside the navigation unit, re-sulting in possible damage.!Small black dots or white dots (bright dots)may appear on the LCD screen. These aredue to the characteristics of the LCDscreen and do not indicate a malfunction.!The LCD screen will be difficult to see if it isexposed to direct sunlight.!When using a cellular phone, keep the an-tenna of the cellular phone away from theLCD screen to prevent disruption of thevideo in the form of disturbances such asspots or colored stripes.Maintaining the LCD screen!When removing dust from the LCD screenor cleaning it, first turn the system poweroff, then wipe with a soft dry cloth.!When wiping the LCD screen, take care notto scratch the surface. Do not use harsh orabrasive chemical cleaners.LED (light-emitting diode)backlightA light emitting diode is used inside the dis-play to illuminate the LCD screen.!At low temperatures, using the LED back-light may increase image lag and degradethe image quality because of the character-istics of the LCD screen. Image quality willimprove with an increase in temperature.!The product lifetime of the LED backlight ismore than 10 000 hours. However, it maydecrease if used in high temperatures.!If the LED backlight reaches the end of itsproduct lifetime, the screen will becomedimmer and the image will no longer bevisible. In that case, please consult yourdealer or the nearest authorized PioneerService Station.En 215AppendixAppendixAppendix
Display informationDestination MenuPageAddress 34Return Home 36POIGas Station36ATMCoffeeHotelSpell Name 37Near Me 37Near Destination 38Around City 38AVIC FEEDS 39Favorites 39, 46History 39, 49Cancel Route 45MSN Direct 50Coordinates 40Route Overview 42Phone MenuPageDial Pad 68Call Home 69Contacts 69Contacts Transfer 72Received Calls 69Dialed Calls 69Missed Calls 69GOOG-411 70En216AppendixAppendix
Settings MenuPageNavi Settings 148System Settings 161AV Settings 168AV Sound 171Map Settings 154Bluetooth Settings 73Setting Replicator 176Navi Settings menuPageConnection Status 1483D Calibration Status 149Gas Mileage 150Drive Log Settings 152Demo Mode 152Set Home 152Modify Current Location 153Eco Settings 153En 217AppendixAppendixAppendix
System Settings menuPageRegional SettingsProgram Language,Voice Lan-guage161Time 162km / mile 162Average Speed 162Volume 163Splash Screen 163Back Camera 164Screen Calibration 165Illumi Color 165Service Information 166Restore Factory Settings 188Map Settings menuPageDisplayed InfoClose Up View 154City Map 155City Map Barrier 155Show Traffic Incident 155Bluetooth Connected 156Current Street Name 156Favorites Icon 1563D Land Mark 156Show Maneuver 157MSN Direct 157Show Eco Meter 157Quick Access Selection 160Overlay POI 157View Mode 29Day/Night Display 159AV Guide Mode 160Road Color 159En218AppendixAppendix
AV System Settings menuPageAV1 Input 168AV2 Input 168Wide Mode 169Mute 170Mute Level 170Rear SP 169DivX VOD 171VR Catalog Menu 170AV Sound Settings menuPageFAD/BAL (Balance) 172EQ 172Loudness 174Sub Woofer 174HPF 175SLA 175Bass Booster 175Staging 175En 219AppendixAppendixAppendix
Bluetooth Settings menuPageConnection 66Registration 63Device Name 73Password 73Bluetooth On/Off 73Echo Cancel 74Auto Answer Preference 74Refuse All Calls 74Clear Memory 75Firmware update 75En220AppendixAppendix
GlossaryAACAAC is short for Advanced Audio Coding andrefers to an audio compression technologystandard used with MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.Aspect ratioThis is the width-to-height ratio of a TV screen.A regular display has an aspect ratio of 4:3.Wide screen displays have an aspect ratio of16:9, providing a bigger picture for exceptionalpresence and atmosphere.Bit rateThis expresses data volume per second, or bpsunits (bits per second). The higher the rate,the more information is available to reproducethe sound. Using the same encoding method(such as MP3), the higher the rate, the betterthe sound.Built-in sensorThe built-in sensor that enables the system toestimate your vehicle’s position.CD-DAThis stands for a general music CD (commer-cial-release audio CD). In this manual, thisword is sometime used for a distinction be-tween data CDs (which include compressedaudio files) and general music CDs.ChapterTitles of DVD-Video are in turn divided intochapters which are numbered in the sameway as the chapters of a book. With discs fea-turing chapters, you can quickly find a desiredscene with chapter search.Current locationThe present location of your vehicle; your cur-rent location is shown on the map by a red tri-angle mark.DestinationA location you choose as the end point of yourjourney.DivXDivX is a popular media technology created byDivX, Inc. DivX media files contain highly com-pressed video with high visual quality thatmaintains a relatively small file size. DivX filescan also include advanced media features likemenus, subtitles, and alternate audio tracks.Many DivX media files are available for down-load online, and you can create your ownusing your personal content and easy-to-usetools from CertifiedDivX Certified products are officially tested bythe creators of DivX and guaranteed to play allversions of DivX video, including DivX 6.FavoritesA frequently visited location (such as yourworkplace or a relative’s home) that you canregister to allow easy routing.GPSGlobal Positioning System. A network of satel-lites that provides navigation signals for a vari-ety of purposes.Guidance modeThe mode in which guidance is given as youdrive to your destination; the system automati-cally switches to this mode as soon as a routehas been set.Guidance pointThese are important landmarks along yourroute, generally intersections. The next gui-dance point along your route is indicated onthe map by the yellow flag icon.Home locationYour registered home location.En 221AppendixAppendixAppendix
ID3 tagThis is a method of embedding track-relatedinformation in an MP3 file. This embedded in-formation can include the track title, the ar-tist’s name, the album title, the music genre,the year of production, comments and otherdata. The contents can be freely edited usingsoftware with ID3 tag editing functions.Although the tags are restricted by the num-ber of characters, the information can beviewed when the track is played back.ISO 9660 formatThis is the international standard for the for-mat logic of DVD/CD-ROM folders and files.For the ISO9660 format, there are regulationsfor the following two levels:!Level 1:The file name is in 8.3 format (the nameconsists of up to eight characters, half-byteEnglish capital letters, half-byte numeralsand the “_”sign, with a file-extension ofthree characters).!Level 2:The file name can have up to 31 characters(including the separation mark “.”and a fileextension). Each folder contains less thaneight hierarchies.!Extended formatsJoliet:File names can have up to 64 characters.Romeo:File names can have up to 128 characters.JPEGThis stands for Joint Photographic ExpertsGroup, and is an international still image com-pression standard.MP3MP3 is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3. It is anaudio compression standard established by aworking group (MPEG) of the ISO (Interna-tional Organization for Standardization). MP3is able to compress audio data to about 1/10ththe size of a conventional disc.MPEGThis stands for Moving Pictures ExpertsGroup, and is an international video imagecompression standard.Multi-angleWith regular TV programs, although multiplecameras are used to simultaneously shootscenes, only images from one camera at atime are transmitted to your TV. Some DVDsfeature scenes shot from multiple angles, let-ting you choose your viewing angle as desired.Multi-audio (Multilingual dialog)Some videos feature dialog recorded in multi-ple languages or audio recorded in multipletracks. For example, dialog in up to eight lan-guages can be recorded on a single DVD-Vi-deo, letting you choose the language asdesired.Multi-sessionMulti-session is a recording method that al-lows additional data to be recorded later.When recording data on a CD-ROM, CD-R orCD-RW, etc., all data from beginning to end istreated as a single unit or session. Multi-ses-sion is a method of recording more than twosessions in one disc.Multi-subtitleFor example, subtitles in up to 32 languagescan be recorded on a single DVD-Video, lettingyou choose as desired.Packet writeThis is a general term for a method of writingindividual files to a CD-R, etc. whenever re-quired, just as is done with files on floppy orhard disks.En222AppendixAppendix
Parental lockSome DVD-Video discs with violent or adult-or-iented scenes feature parental lock which pre-vents children from viewing such scenes. Withthis kind of disc, if you set the unit’s parentallock level, playback of scenes inappropriate forchildren will be disabled, or these scenes willbe skipped.Phone bookAn address book on user’s phone is collec-tively referred to as “Phone book”. Dependingon the cellular phone, the phone book may becalled a name such as “Contacts”,“Businesscard”or something else.Point Of Interest (POI)Any of a range of locations stored in the data,such as railway stations, shops, restaurants,and amusement parks.Region numberDVD players and DVD discs feature regionnumbers indicating the area in which theywere purchased. Playback of a DVD is not pos-sible unless it features the same region num-ber as the DVD player.Route settingThe process of determining the ideal route to aspecific location; route setting is done auto-matically by the system when you specify adestination.Set routeThe route marked out by the system to yourdestination. It is highlighted in bright color onthe map.TitleDVD-Video discs have a high data capacity, en-abling recording of multiple videos on a sin-gle disc. If, for example, one disc containsthree separate videos, they are divided intotitle 1, title 2 and title 3. This lets you enjoy theconvenience of title search and other func-tions.Track logYour navigation system logs routes that you al-ready passed through if the track logger is ac-tivated. This recorded route is called a “tracklog”. It is handy when you want to check aroute traveled or if returning along a complexroute.VBRVBR is short for variable bit rate. Generallyspeaking, CBR (constant bit rate) is morewidely used. But by flexibly adjusting the bitrate according to the needs of audio compres-sion, it is possible to achieve compression-priority sound quality.Voice guidanceThe giving of directions by navigation voicewhile in guidance.WaypointA location that you choose to visit before yourdestination; a journey can be built up frommultiple waypoints and the destination.WMAWMA is short for Windows Media™Audio andrefers to an audio compression technologythat is developed by Microsoft Corporation.En 223AppendixAppendixAppendix
SpecificationsGeneralRated power source ............... 14.4 V DC(allowable voltage range:10.8 V to 15.1 V DC)Grounding system ................... Negative typeMaximum current consumption........................................... 10.0 ADimensions (W × H × D):AVIC-Z120BTChassis ..................... 178 mm × 100 mm ×165 mm(7 in. × 3-7/8 in. × 6-1/2 in.)Nose ........................... 170 mm × 96 mm × 17 mm(6-3/4 in. × 3-3/4 in. ×5/8 in.)AVIC-X920BTChassis ..................... 178 mm × 100 mm ×165 mm(7 in. × 3-7/8 in. × 6-1/2 in.)Nose ........................... 170 mm × 96 mm × 11 mm(6-3/4 in. × 3-3/4 in. ×3/8 in.)Weight:AVIC-Z120BT .................... 2.43 kg (5.3 lbs)AVIC-X920BT .................... 2.01 kg (4.4 lbs)NAND flash memory ............. 4GBNavigationGPS Receiver:System ................................ L1, C/Acode GPSSPS (Standard PositioningService)Reception system .......... 32-channel multi-channelreception systemReception frequency .... 1 575.42 MHzSensitivity .......................... –140 dBm (typ)Position update frequency........................................... Approx. once per secondGPS antenna:Antenna ............................. Micro strip flat antenna/right-handed helical polari-zationAntenna cable ................. 3.55 m (11 ft. 7 in.)Dimensions (W × H × D)........................................... 33 mm × 15 mm × 36 mm(1-1/4 in. × 5/8 in. ×1-3/8 in.)Weight ................................ 73.7 g (0.16 lbs)DisplayScreen size/aspect ratio:AVIC-Z120BT .................... 7 inch wide/16:9AVIC-X920BT .................... 6.1 inch wide/16:9Effective display area:AVIC-Z120BT .................... 159 mm × 84 mmAVIC-X920BT .................... 138 mm × 73 mmPixels ............................................. 384 000 (800 × 480)Display method ........................ TFT Active matrix drivingBacklight ..................................... LEDColor system .............................. NTSC compatibleTolerable temperature range:Power on ............................ +14 °F to +140 °FPower off ............................ –4 °F to +176 °FAngle adjustmentAVIC-Z120BT .................... 0° to 22°AVIC-X920BT .................... 0°AudioMaximum power output ....... 50 W × 450 W × 2 ch/4 W+70W×1 ch/2 W(for subwoofer)Continuous power output ... 22 W × 4 (50 Hz to 15 kHz,5 %THD, 4 WLOAD, BothChannels Driven)Load impedance ...................... 4W(4 Wto 8 W[2 Wfor 1 ch]allowable)Preout output level (max):AVIC-Z120BT .................... 4.0 VAVIC-X920BT .................... 2.2 VPreout impedance:AVIC-Z120BT .................... 100 ohmAVIC-X920BT .................... 1 kohmEqualizer (7-Band Graphic Equalizer):Frequency .......................... 50 Hz/125 Hz/315 Hz/800 Hz/2 kHz/5 kHz/12.5 kHzGain ...................................... ±12 dBLoudness contour:Low ....................................... +3.5 dB (100 Hz), +3 dB(10 kHz)Mid ....................................... +10 dB (100 Hz), +6.5 dB(10 kHz)High ..................................... +11 dB (100 Hz), +11 dB(10 kHz)(volume: –30 dB)HPF:Frequency .......................... 50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 HzSlope .................................... –12 dB/octSubwoofer:Frequency .......................... 50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 HzSlope .................................... –18 dB/octGain ...................................... –24/+6 dBPhase .................................. Normal/ReverseBass boost:Gain ...................................... 0dBto+12dBEn224AppendixAppendix
DVD DriveSystem .......................................... DVD-Video, CD, MP3, WMA,AAC, DivX systemUsable discs .............................. DVD-Video, DVD-R(DL),DVD-RW, CD-ROM, CD-DA,CD-R/RWRegion number ........................ 1Signal format:Sampling frequency ..... 44.1 kHz/48 kHz/96 kHzNumber of quantization bits........................................... 16 bit/20 bit/24 bit; linearFrequency response ............... 5 Hz to 44 000 Hz (with DVD,at sampling frequency96 kHz)Signal-to-noise ratio ............... 97 dB (1 kHz) (IEC-A net-work)(CD: 96 dB (1 kHz) (IEC-Anetwork))Dynamic range ......................... 95 dB (1 kHz) (CD: 94 dB(1 kHz))Distortion ..................................... 0.008 % (1 kHz)Output level:Video .................................... 1.0 Vp-p/75 W(±0.2 V)Audio ................................... 1.0 V (1 kHz, 0 dB)Number of channels .............. 2 (stereo)MP3 decoding format ........... MPEG-1 & 2 Audio Layer 3WMA decoding format ......... Ver.9.0 L3AAC decoding format ............ MPEG-4 AAC (only encodedby iTunes):.m4aDivX decoding format ............ Home Theater Ver.3.11,Ver.4.X, Ver.5.X, Ver.6.X :.avi, .divxUSBUSB standard spec. ............... USB 2.0 High SpeedMax current supply ................. 500 mAFile system .................................. FAT16, FAT32USB class .................................... Mass storage classDecoding format ...................... MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVE/H.264/MPEG4/WMVSD (AVIC-Z120BT)SD memory card, SDHC memory cardCompatible physical format........................................... Version 2.00Max memory capacity........................................... 16 GBFile system ........................ FAT16, FAT32Decoding format ............ MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVE/H.264/MPEG4/WMVSD (AVIC-X920BT)microSD card, microSDHC cardCompatible physical format........................................... Version 2.00Max memory capacity........................................... 16 GBFile system ........................ FAT16, FAT32Decoding format ............ MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVE/H.264/MPEG4/WMVBluetoothVersion .......................................... Bluetooth 2.0+EDROutput power ............................ +4 dBm Max.(Power class 2)FM tunerFrequency range ...................... 87.9 MHz to 107.9 MHzUsable sensitivity ..................... 9 dBf (0.8 µV/75 W, mono,S/N: 30 dB)Signal-to-noise ratio ............... 72 dB (IEC-A network)Distortion ..................................... 0.3 % (at 65 dBf, 1 kHz,stereo)0.1 % (at 65 dBf, 1 kHz,mono)Frequency response ............... 30 Hz to 15 000 Hz (±3 dB)Stereo separation .................... 45 dB (at 65 dBf, 1 kHz)AM tunerFrequency range ...................... 530 kHz to 1 710 kHz(10 kHz)Usable sensitivity ..................... 25 µV (S/N: 20 dB)Signal-to-noise ratio ............... 62 dB (IEC-A network)CEA2006 SpecificationsPower output ............................. 14 W RMS × 4 Channels(4 Wand ≦1 % THD+N)S/N ratio ....................................... 91 dBA (reference: 1 W into4W)NoteSpecifications and design are subject to possiblemodifications without notice due to im-provements.En 225AppendixAppendixAppendix
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PIONEER CORPORATION1-1, Shin-Ogura Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shiKanagawa-ken 212-0031, JAPANPIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC.P.O. Box 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.S.A.TEL: (800) 421-1404PIONEER EUROPE NVHaven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, Belgium/BelgiqueTEL: (0) 3/570.05.11PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD.253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936TEL: 65-6472-7555PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.178-184 Boundary Road, Braeside, Victoria 3195, AustraliaTEL: (03) 9586-6300PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC.300 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 0P2, CanadaTEL: 1-877-283-5901TEL: 905-479-4411PIONEER ELECTRONICS DE MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.Blvd.Manuel Avila Camacho 138 10 pisoCol.Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F. 11000TEL: 55-9178-4270先鋒股份有限公司總公司:台北市中山北路二段44號13樓電話: (02) 2521-3588先鋒電子(香港)有限公司香港九龍尖沙咀海港城世界商業中心9樓901-6室電話: (0852) 2848-6488Published by Pioneer Corporation.Copyright © 2010 by Pioneer Corporation.All rights reserved.<CRB3201-A> UC<KYTZX> <10A00000>

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