Pioneer K031 Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT User Manual 10

Pioneer Corporation Multi-Media AVN Navigation Server System with BT 10

User Manual 10

4Selects a song to playScrolling the keys up or down displays songs,and tapping a song starts playback.Tapping the lower key during shuffle playbackskips to the next song. Tapping the upper keyonce skip to the start of the current song. Tap-ping it again will skip to the previous song.When the song with chapters played, chaptercan be skipped back and forward.5Displays the genre list6Displays the top category menuTouching the key displays the top category forsong playback.Displays the previous selected listIf you select the song from the list to play aftertouching , touching the key displays the pre-vious list.7Recalls equalizer curves=For details, refer to Using the equalizeron page 172.8Displays the “Function”menu=For details, refer to Using the“Function”menu on page 124.9Playback and PauseTouching [f] switches between playbackand pause.aDisplays the song listbDisplays the album listcDisplays the artist listdSwitches the operation screenTapping this key displays the touch panel key([Video]or[Music]) to switch between thescreen to operate video files and the screen tooperate music files.=For details of the operation, refer toStarting the video playback on the nextpage.pThis touch panel key is available onlywhen there are both audio and video filein your iPod.pIf iPod fifth generation is connected, thefollowing settings are automaticallychanged when the operation screen isswitched to the screen to operate videofiles.!“Repeat”is set to “All”.!“Shuffle”is set to “Off”.pTouching [Video]or[Music] on the listscreens enables you to perform theequivalent operation.Displays the top category menuTouching the key displays the top categorymenu for song or video playback.eSkips back or forward to another videoTouching [p] skips to the start of the nextvideo. Touching [o] once skips to the startof the current video. Touching again will skipto the previous video. When the video withchapters played, chapter can be skipped backand forward.Fast reverse or forwardTouch and hold [o]or[p] to fast reverseor fast forward.If you touch and hold [o]or[p] for fiveseconds, fast reverse/fast forward continueseven if you release either of these keys. To re-sume playback at a desired point, touch[f], [o]or[p].pYou can also perform these operationsby using the TRK button.fHides the touch panel keys and informa-tion of the current videoTouching [Hide] shows only the current video.To display the touch panel keys and informa-tion of the current video, touch the screen.gDisplays the top category menu for videoTouching the key displays the top category forvideo playback.Displays the previous selected listIf you select the video from the list to playafter touching , touching the key displaysthe previous list.En 121Chapter24Using an iPod (iPod)Using an iPod (iPod)
Starting the video playbackThis navigation system can play video if aniPod with video capabilities is connected.1 Touch [iPod] on the left edge of thescreen to display the touch panel key toswitch to a video source.2 Tap [Music].A list of videos by category appears.3 Tap one of the categories in that con-tains the video you want to play.4 Tap your desired item on the list to nar-row down them until the video list ap-pears.=For details, refer to Narrowing down a songor video with the list on this page.5 On the video list, tap the video youwant to play.Video playback will start.6 Touch the screen to display the touchpanel keys.=For details of the operation, refer to Usingthe touch panel keys on page 120.Narrowing down a song orvideo with the listTapping an item on list allows you to searchfor a song or video and play it in your iPod.1 Display a list screen.=For details, refer to Displays the genre liston the previous page.=For details, refer to Displays the song liston the previous page.=For details, refer to Displays the albumlist on the previous page.=For details, refer to Displays the artist liston the previous page.#Touch to display the top category menuscreen, and then tap the category you want.2 Scroll by dragging tabs up or down todisplay the character that you want to re-fine.Alphabet tabs3 Tap the tab to select the character anddisplay the page which includes applicableoptions.pAn article listed below and space at the be-ginning of the artist name will be ignoredand the next character will be taken into ac-count for searching.—“A”or “a”En122Chapter24 Using an iPod (iPod)
—“AN”,“An”,or“an”—“THE”,“The”,or“the”4 Scroll by dragging items up or down,and display the item you want to select.Refine the item until the song title (episode) isdisplayed on the list.pTapping [All] on the list includes all optionsin the current list. For example, if you tap[All] after tapping [Artists], you can pro-ceed to the next screen with all artists inthe list selected.pAfter you select Artists,Albums,orGenres, go on to tap one of the list to startplaying the first song in the selected listand display the next hierarchy.5 On the song (episode) or video list, tapthe song (episode) or video you want toplay.pAfter you select the song (episode) or videousing this function, touching displaysthe list previously selected.Operating the functionsfrom your iPodYou can control the functions by using iPod it-self while iPod is connected to the navigationsystem. Sound can be heard from the car’sspeakers, and operation can be conductedfrom your iPod.Even if “Change Control Mode”is set to“iPod”, following functions are available fromthis navigation system.!Playback and Pause!Fast reverse or forward!Skip forward or backward!Adjusting the volume=For details, refer to Sets iPod controlmode on page 125.En 123Chapter24Using an iPod (iPod)Using an iPod (iPod)
Playing MusicSphereYou can play playlists created with the PC ap-plication (MusicSphere) using an exciting gra-phic interface.pPC application (MusicSphere) will be avail-able on our website.Reading the screen5412131Playlist name indicatorShows the name of the playlist currently se-lected.2Current time3Category nameShows the category name in the playlist.4Song title indicatorShows six songs including the first songplayed after selecting the playlist.5Category name and total number of songsShows the category name and the total num-ber of playable songs in the playlist currentlyselected.Using the touch panel keys211Plays the playlistTapping a key moves the playlist to the centerof the screen, and tapping the center keystarts playback.pTo change the playlist to be displayed,rotate the sphere by dragging the keysup, down, left, or right.2Switches to the AV operation screenUsing the “Function”menupIf “Change Control Mode”is set to “iPod”,only the setting of “Change ControlMode”is available.%Touch on the “iPod”screen.The “Function”menu appears.1 2 3 4651Sets repeat playThere are two repeat play types for play-back.Each touch of [Repeat] changes the settingas follows:!All: Repeats all songs in the selectedlist.!One: Repeats just the current song.2Sets the shuffle play for musicThis function shuffles songs or albums andplays them in random order.Each touch of [Shuffle] changes the settingas follows:!Off: Does not shuffle.!Songs: Plays back songs in randomorder within the selected list.!Albums: Selects an album randomly,and then plays back all songs in thatalbum in order.En124Chapter24 Using an iPod (iPod)
3Sets the audiobook play speedWhile listening to an audiobook on iPod,playback speed can be changed.Each touch of [Audio Book] changes thesetting as follows:!Normal: Playback in normal speed!Faster: Playback faster than normalspeed!Slower: Playback slower than normalspeed4Plays video in wide screen modeIf the video is compatible with wide screenformat, set “Widescreen”to “On”in orderto view the video image in the wide screen.Each touch of [Widescreen] changes thesetting as follows:!On: Outputs the wide-screen video fromiPod.!Off: Outputs the normal-sized videofrom iPod.pDisplay size is changed after youchange “Widescreen”setting and selectthe video to play.pThis setting is available only during thevideo operation.5Plays songs related to the currentlyplaying songYou can play songs related to the currentlyplaying song, using of the following lists.!Link Artists: Songs related to the cur-rently playing artist will be played in thealbum order.!Link Albums: Songs related to the cur-rently playing album will be played.!Link Genre: Songs related to the cur-rently playing genre will be played in theartist order.6Sets iPod control modeWhile the control mode is set to “iPod”, youcan operate iPod function from the con-nected iPod.Each touch of [Change Control Mode]changes the setting as follows:!Navi: Allows you to control the iPodfunctions from the navigation system.!iPod: Allows you to control the iPodfunctions from the connected iPod.En 125Chapter24Using an iPod (iPod)Using an iPod (iPod)
IMPORTANT:Requirements to access the Pandora music ser-vice using the Pioneer navigation system:!Apple iPhone (first generation), iPhone 3G, oriPhone 3GS, with firmware version 3.0 or later.!Latest version of the Pandora application forthe iPhone, downloaded to your device.(Search Apple iTunes App Store for “Pan-dora”).!Current Pandora account (Free account andpaid accounts available from Pandora; createa free account online at or throughthe Pandora application for the iPhone).!iPhone Data Plan.Note: if the Data Plan for your iPhone doesnot provide for unlimited data usage, addi-tional charges from AT&T may apply for acces-sing the Pandora service via AT&T’s 3G and/orEDGE networks.!Connection to the Internet via 3G, EDGE orWiFi network.!Optional Pioneer adapter cable connectingyour iPhone to the Pioneer navigation system.Limitations:!Access to the Pandora service will depend onthe availability of a cellular and/or WiFi net-work for purposes of allowing your iPhone toconnect to the Internet.!Pandora’s service is currently only available inthe U.S.!Ability of the Pioneer navigation system to ac-cess the Pandora service is subject to changewithout notice and could be affected by any ofthe following: compatibility issues with futurefirmware versions of iPhones; compatibility is-sues with future firmware versions of the Pan-dora application for the iPhone; changes tothe Pandora music service by Pandora; dis-continuation of the Pandora music service byPandora.!Certain functionality of the Pandora service isnot available when accessing the servicethrough the Pioneer navigation system, in-cluding, but not limited to, creating new sta-tions, deleting stations, emailing currentstations, buying songs from iTunes, viewingadditional text information, logging in to Pan-dora, and adjusting Cell Network Audio Qual-ity.Pandora Internet radio is a music service not af-filiated with Pioneer. More information is avail-able at is a registered trademark of PandoraMedia, Inc.You can play the Pandora by connecting youriPod which was installed the Pandora applica-tion.Starting procedure1 Display the AV operation screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Dis-playing the AV operation screen on page 77.2 Connect your iPod.The source changes and then playback willstart.=For details, refer to Connecting your iPod onpage 19.pIf the iPod is already connected, tap [Pan-dora] on the left edge of the screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Dis-playing the AV operation screen on page 77.pWhen an iPod is connected to the naviga-tion system while the Pandora applicationis running, the “Pandora”screen appearsafter the “iPod”screen. Music may also beplayed back in the “iPod”screen.3 Start up the Pandora application in-stalled on the iPod.4 Tap [Pandora] on the left end of thescreen to display “Pandora”screen.5 Use the touch panel keys on the screento control the Pandora.=For details, refer to Using the touch panelkeys on page 128.En126Chapter25 Using Pandora®
Reading the screen41231Current song information!Station name indicatorShows the Pandora station name thetuner is currently tuned in.!:Artist nameShows the artist name currently playing.!:Album titleShows the title of the album for the cur-rent song.!:Song titleShows the title of the current song.!Play time indicatorShows the elapsed playing time withinthe current song.p“-------”is displayed if there is no corre-sponding information.2Current time3Album artworkAlbum art of the current song is displayed if itis available.4Source iconShows which source has been selected.En 127Chapter25Using Pandora®Using Pandora®
Using the touch panel keys1654 231Selects a Pandora station from the listTouching the key displays the list of your Pan-dora stations to select one of them to play.=For details, refer to Operating list screens(e.g. iPod list screen) on page 77.Scroll by dragging items up or down, and dis-play the item you want to select.pTouching [QuickMix] plays only onesong at a time from shuffled several sta-tions.pEach time you touch [List] changes thesort order.Current order is indicated on the upperright of the screen.!:You can sort the items in the list al-phabetically.!:You can sort the items in the list inorder of dates the items were cre-ated.2Thumbs UpTouching the key gives “Thumbs Up”to thesong currently playing.3Thumbs DownTouching the key gives “Thumbs Down”to thesong currently playing and skip to the nextsong.4BookmarkTouching the key displays the screen whichlets you select the artist or song to add book-marks.5Recalls equalizer curves=For details, refer to Using the equalizeron page 172.6Playback and PauseTouching [f] switches between playbackand pause.En128Chapter25 Using Pandora®
You can control the Bluetooth audio playerfeaturing Bluetooth wireless technology.pBefore using the Bluetooth audio player,you need to register and connect the deviceto this navigation system.=For details, refer to Registering your Blue-tooth devices on page 63.pDepending on the Bluetooth audio playerconnected to this navigation system, theavailable operations with this navigationsystem are limited to the following two le-vels:—A2DP profile (Advanced Audio Distribu-tion Profile): Only playing back songs onyour audio player is possible.—A2DP profile and AVRCP profile (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile): Playingback, pausing, selecting songs, etc., arepossible.pSince there are a number of Bluetoothaudio players available on the market, op-erations with your Bluetooth audio playerusing this navigation system vary greatly inrange. Please refer to the instruction man-ual that came with your Bluetooth audioplayer as well as this manual while operat-ing your player on this navigation system.pWhile you are listening to songs on yourBluetooth audio player, please refrain fromoperating your cellular phone as much aspossible. If you try operating on your cellu-lar phone, the signal from your cellularphone may cause a noise on the song play-back.pEven if you switch to another source whilelistening to a song on your Bluetooth audioplayer, the playback of song continues toelapse.pDepending on the Bluetooth audio playeryou connected to this navigation system,operations on this navigation system tocontrol the player may differ from those ex-plained in this manual.pWhen you are talking on a cellular phoneconnected to this unit via Bluetooth wire-less technology, song playback from yourBluetooth audio player connected to thisunit is paused.Starting procedure1 Display the AV operation screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Dis-playing the AV operation screen on page 77.2 Tap [Audio] on the left edge of thescreen to display the “Audio”screen.3 Use the touch panel keys on the screento control the Bluetooth audio player.=For details, refer to Using the touch panelkeys on page 131.Reading the screen6543121Playback condition indicatorIndicates the current playback condition if theconnected Bluetooth audio player featuresAVRCP 1.3.!Playing files in random orderIndicator: MeaningDoes not play files in randomorder.Plays all audio files in the cur-rent repeat play range in ran-dom order.!Setting a repeat play rangeEn 129Chapter26Using the Bluetooth audio playerUsing the Bluetooth audio player
Indicator: MeaningDoes not repeat.Repeats just the current file.Repeats all audio files in theBluetooth audio player.2Current file informationIf the connected Bluetooth audio player fea-tures AVRCP 1.3, the following file informationwill be displayed.!:Artist nameShows the artist name currently playing(when available).!:Album titleShows the title of the album for the cur-rent file (when available).!:Track titleShows the title of the track currentlyplaying (when available).!Play time indicatorShows the elapsed playing time withinthe current file.!File number indicatorShows the file number currently playing(when available).pIn the following cases, file informationwill only be displayed after a file startsor resumes playing:—You connect the Bluetooth audioplayer compatible with AVRCP1.3,and operate the player to start play-ing.—You select another file when play-back is paused.3Current time4Connection status indicatorShows whether the device featuring Bluetoothtechnology is connected or not.5Device name indicator6Source iconShows which source has been selected.En130Chapter26 Using the Bluetooth audio player
Using the touch panel keys1254631Plays files in random orderAll of the files within the repeat play rangecan be played at random by touching only onekey.pThis function is available only when theconnected Bluetooth audio player fea-tures AVRCP 1.3.=For details, refer to Plays files in ran-dom order on the next page.2Sets a repeat play rangeThe repeat play range can be changed bytouching only one key.pThis function is available only when theconnected Bluetooth audio player fea-tures AVRCP 1.3.=For details, refer to Changes the repeatrange on this page.3Playback and PauseTouching [d]or[e] switches between play-back and pause.4Connects the Bluetooth audio playerTouching [Connect] displays the connectionstandby screen and the navigation systemwaits for the Bluetooth wireless connection re-quest.5Recalls equalizer curves=For details, refer to Using the equalizeron page 172.6Displays the “Function”menu=For details, refer to Using the“Function”menu on this page.Using the “Function”menupThis menu is available only when the con-nected Bluetooth audio player featuresAVRCP 1.3.%Touch on the “Audio”screen.The “Function”menu appears.1 21Changes the repeat rangeEn 131Chapter26Using the Bluetooth audio playerUsing the Bluetooth audio player
Each touch of [Repeat] changes the settingas follows:!All Repeat: Repeats all audio files in theBluetooth audio player.!Track Repeat: Repeats just the currentfile.!Off: Does not repeat.pIf you skip the file forward or backwardwhen the repeat play range in “Track Re-peat”, the repeat play range changes to“All Repeat”.2Plays files in random orderRandom play lets you playback files in ran-dom order within the current repeat range.Each touch of [Random] turns it on oroff.En132Chapter26 Using the Bluetooth audio player
You can use the navigation system to controlan XM satellite digital tuner, which is sold se-parately.For details concerning operation, refer to theXM tuner’s operation manuals. This sectionprovides information on XM operations withthe navigation system which differs from thatdescribed in the XM tuner’s operation man-ual.The following XM satellite digital tuner unitscannot be connected:GEX-P900XM, GEX-P910XMStarting procedure1 Display the AV operation screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Dis-playing the AV operation screen on page 77.2 Tap [XM] on the left edge of the screento display the “XM”screen.3 Use the touch panel keys on the screento control the XM tuner.=For details, refer to Using the touch panelkeys on page 135.Reading the screenAll CH Mode127345Category Mode1627345About the logo for channel nameOnly the logo data that is contained in the na-vigation system can be displayed for eachchannel. The logo of a newly established chan-nel that is not contained cannot be displayed.When a logo is not available, the followingsubstitute icon is displayed.Substitute iconpThe icon of each broadcast station is con-tained in the NAND flash memory basedon the data provided by XM Satellite Radioas of September 2009.pAny changes made by XM Satellite Radioin the lineup or icon of the broadcast sta-tion in the future may not be supported bythe navigation system, and may cause theunit to display incorrect icons.1Source iconShows which source has been selected.2XM band indicatorShows the XM band that has been selected.3Current XM station informationShows the detailed information of the broad-cast channel currently being received.!XM channel numberShows the XM channel number thetuner is currently tuned to.!:XM station nameShows the XM broadcast station namethe tuner is currently tuned in.!:Artist (performer) nameEn 133Chapter27Using the XM tunerUsing the XM tuner
Shows the artist (performer) name cur-rently playing (when available).!:Song title (program name)Shows the title of the current song (pro-gram).p“-------”is displayed if there is no corre-sponding information.4Current time5XM station information!XM station name logo!XM channel number!Preset numberShows what preset item has been se-lected.6XM channel categoryShows the category of broadcast channel.7XM channel select mode indicatorShows what channel select mode has beenselected. You can select a channel from allchannels in All CH Mode, and select a chan-nel from selected category inCategory Mode.En134Chapter27 Using the XM tuner
Using the touch panel keysAll CH Modecab9867453211Category Modecab98674e532dd1Performs manual tuningThe channels move up or down one at a time.pIf you keep touching [o]or[p] youcan skip the broadcasting channels.2Switches between the AV operationscreen and the preset list displayYou can switch the screen display accordingto your preference.=For details of the operation, refer toSwitching between the AV operationscreen and the list screen on page 77.3Memorizes the current songEn 135Chapter27Using the XM tunerUsing the XM tuner
=For details, refer to Memorizing the songon the next page.4Recalls channels from the presetOnce you have stored broadcast channels,you can easily recall preset channels frommemory with a tap of a key.=For details, refer to Storing and recallingbroadcast stations on this page.5Selects an XM channel directly=For details, refer to Selecting an XMchannel directly on this page.6Recalls equalizer curves=For details, refer to Using the equalizeron page 172.7Displays the “Function”menu=For details, refer to Using the“Function”menu on page 138.8Switches the XM channel select modeYou can switch the mode between the twomethods for selecting and listing the channel.All CH Mode :You can select a channel from all channelswhen you operate this function.Category Mode:You can select a channel within a selected ca-tegory that you operate this function.9Switches to the list display of song titles=For details, refer to Selecting a channelfrom the list on the next page.aSwitches to the list display of artistnames=For details, refer to Selecting a channelfrom the list on the next page.bSwitches to the list display of XM stationnames=For details, refer to Selecting a channelfrom the list on the next page.cSelects an XM bandTapping the key repeatedly switches betweenthe following XM bands: XM 1,XM 2,orXM 3.pThis function is convenient for preparingdifferent preset lists for each band.dPerforms manual tuningThe channels move up or down one at a timewithin a selected category.pIf you keep touching [o]or[p] youcan skip the broadcasting channels.eSwitches the channel categoryTouch [c]or[d] to select the desired cate-gory.Selecting an XM channel directlyYou can select an XM channel directly by en-tering the desired channel number.1 Touch [Direct].2 Touch [0] to [9] to input the desiredchannel number.To cancel the input numbers one by one,touch . Touching and holding allows youto delete all input numbers.3 While the input number is displayed,touch [Enter].The XM channel that was entered is selected.4 Touch .You return to the previous display.Displaying the Radio IDIf you select CH: 000, the Radio ID is dis-played.1 Touch [Direct].2 Input [000] and then touch [Enter].pIf you select another channel, display of theRadio ID is canceled.3 Touch .You return to the previous display.4 Wait until the Radio ID is displayed.Storing and recalling broadcaststationsWith a tap of any of the preset tuning keys(“P1”to “P6”), you can easily store up to sixbroadcast channels for later recall (also withthe tap of a key).En136Chapter27 Using the XM tuner
1 Select the channel that you want tostore in memory.2 Display the preset channel list.=For details, refer to Switches between theAV operation screen and the preset listdisplay on page 135.3 Keep touching a preset tuning key [P1]to [P6].The selected station has been stored in mem-ory.The next time you tap the same preset tuningkey “P1”to “P6”, the station is recalled frommemory.pUp to 18 stations, six for each of three XMbands can be stored in memory.Selecting a channel from the listThe list content can be switched so you cansearch for the song you want to listen to notonly by the channel name but also by the artistname or song title.pThe channel list shows all channels duringAll CH Mode, and the channels includedin the selected category duringCategory Mode.1 Display a list screen.=For details, refer to Switches to the listdisplay of song titles on the previouspage.=For details, refer to Switches to the listdisplay of artist names on the previouspage.=For details, refer to Switches to the listdisplay of XM station names on the pre-vious page.2 Touch [List].XM channel list appears in the display.Each touch of [List] changes the screen as fol-lows:CH Name List (Channel name) —Song Title List (Song title) —Artist Name List (Artist name)3 Tap the desired channel that you wantto listen to.=For details, refer to Operating list screens (e.g. iPod list screen) on page 77.pDuring Category Mode, touch [c]or[d]to switch to another category.Using “My Mix”function“My Mix”function memorizes the song titleand artist name of the song currently being re-ceived. When the song that matches the mem-orized song title and artist name is beingbroadcast on a station other than the one youare listening to, you will be alerted, and youcan switch the station to listen to that song.pA track itself is NOT downloaded. ONLY thesong title and the artist name are memor-ized.Memorizing the songThe song title and artist name of the song youare listening to can be memorized to “My Mix”.%Touch and hold [Memo].The song title and artist name of current songyou are listening to are memorized, and a con-firmation message appears.pThe song title and artist name of up to 12songs can be memorized. Trying to savemore than 12 songs will result in older onesbeing overwritten.pYou cannot memorize the song title or theartist name when “––––––––”is dis-played on the title information.pThis function is invalid for the channel“000”.En 137Chapter27Using the XM tunerUsing the XM tuner
pThe memorized title may not be displayedcorrectly depending on the conditions.pYou can customize the setting for the mem-orized songs later.=For more details concerning the opera-tion, refer to Setting the memorizedsongs on this page.When the memorized song is broadcastA beep sounds, and a message is displayed.Touch [Yes] to switch to that station and listento that track.pIf the memorized song is not checked orwhen [Off] is selected on [Alert]on“Memo Edit”screen, no alert will be pro-vided.=Refer to Setting the memorized songs onthis page.pNotification may not be provided depend-ing on the status of the navigation system.pIf there is even a slight difference betweenthe memorized title and the title of thesong being broadcast, no notification willbe provided even though they are the samesong.Using the “Function”menu%Touch on the “XM”screen.The “Function”menu appears.11Sets the memorized songsSetting the memorized songsSelecting the songs to alertThe list of song titles memorized for the MyMixFunction (MyMix list) is displayed. You canchange the notification setting when the songis broadcast again. You can enable or disablenotification for each song.1 Touch [Memo Edit].2 Touch the song title that you want todisable notification for.The check mark is removed, and the notifica-tion setting of the song is deactivated.Changing the alert settingYou can enable or disable alerts for all items atthe same time. This function is useful whenyou want to turn alerts off temporarily withoutchanging each memorized song.1 Touch [Memo Edit].2 Touch [Alert].Each touch of [Alert] turns it on or off.Deleting the memorized songsYou can delete each one of the memorizedsongs from the song title list.1 Touch [Memo Edit].2 Touch and hold the song you want todelete.pTo delete all songs that are memorized,touch [Delete All].3 Touch [Yes].En138Chapter27 Using the XM tuner
You can use the navigation system to control aPioneer Sirius Satellite Radio tuner, which issold separately.For details concerning operation, refer to theSIRIUS tuner’s operation manuals. This sec-tion provides information on SIRIUS opera-tions with navigation system which differsfrom that described in the SIRIUS tuner’s op-eration manual.pWhen you use the SiriusConnect universaltuner (sold separately) with this navigationsystem, Pioneer SIRIUS BUS INTERFACE isrequired. For details concerning operation,refer to the owner’s manual of Pioneer SIR-IUS BUS INTERFACE and SiriusConnectuniversal tuner.Starting procedure1 Display the AV operation screen.=For details of the operations, refer to Dis-playing the AV operation screen on page 77.2 Tap [SIRIUS] on the left edge of thescreen to display the “SIRIUS”screen.3 Use the touch panel keys on the screento control the SIRIUS tuner.=For details, refer to Using the touch panelkeys on the next page.Reading the screenAll CH Mode1726345Category Mode17263451Source iconShows which source has been selected.2SIRIUS band indicatorShows the SIRIUS band that has been se-lected.3SIRIUS channel number indicatorShows the SIRIUS channel number that thetuner is tuned to.4Current time5Preset number indicatorShows what preset item has been selected.6SIRIUS channel select mode indicatorShows what channel select mode has beenselected. You can select a channel from allchannels in All CH Mode, and select a chan-nel from the selected category inCategory Mode.=For details concerning operations, referto Switches the SIRIUS channel se-lect mode on page 141.7Variable information areaShows various information about the broad-cast channel currently being received.=For more details about the displayed in-formation, refer to Switches the SIR-IUS display on page 141.En 139Chapter28Using the SIRIUS tunerUsing the SIRIUS tuner
Using the touch panel keysAll CH Modeba9785642 31Category Modeba9785c642 311Switches the SIRIUS Instant replay mode=For details, refer to Using the “InstantReplay”function on page 142.2Performs manual tuningThe channels move up or down one at a time.pIf you keep touching [o]or[p] youcan skip the broadcasting channels.3Selects a SIRIUS channel directly=For details, refer to Selecting a SIRIUSchannel directly on the next page.4Memorizes the current songEn140Chapter28 Using the SIRIUS tuner

Navigation menu