Pieps DSP02 Avalanche Beacon User Manual

Pieps GmbH Avalanche Beacon

user manual

Congratulations on having purchased a PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT. The PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT is a digital 3-antenna transceiver designed to be the easiest to use in a companion rescue. Equipped with DSP technology (Digital Signal Processing) and a triple-antenna-search system,  the  PIEPS  DSP PRO/DSP  SPORT  not  only offers  a  maximum circular range, but also simplies the rescue, especially in a case with multiple burials. The new functions of the Intelligent Transmitter also support the user in SEND-mode at a maximum – you will be found faster with your PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT! A  transceiver  cannot  protect  you  against  avalanches! Obtaining  the  proper  level of avalanche  education,  and  regular  practicing  with  all  avalanche rescue equipment is essential to carry out a safe, and effective rescue. The procedures and instructions described refer solely to specic applications in connection with PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT. The basic rules of conduct in case of an emergency – as dened in the relevant specialist publications and in training sessions – must be observed without fail.DEAR WINTER SPORTS ENTHUSIAST!71 13 3 161511109814131256 64 52 2PIEPS DSP PROPIEPS DSP SPORT1  LCD-Display (backlight)2  Main switch   OFF-SEND-SEARCH    3  Lock     4  SCAN Button *5  MARK Button6  Loudspeaker7  Direction Indicator8  Numeric Information9  Battery Level10  Display “SEND”11  Number of Burials12  Current Sending Antenna13  Meter-indication at SCAN *14   Frequency measurement *15  TX600-Mode *16   Inclinometer ** Only for DSP PRODEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ08/13 | 21
Carrying  recommendation:  PIEPS  recommends carrying  the  PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT  using  the supplied carrying harness. The neoprene-material  is water repellent, and the “Quick-pull-System” enables you to  access the PIEPS DSP  PRO/DSP SPORT very quickly in case of emergency.Step 1: Putting on the carrying harness, place the shoulder strap loop over head and shoulder. Lead the body strap around your back, x the quick fastener and adjust to the proper length.Step 2: Switch on the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT and wait for the results of the self-check.Step 3: Put the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT back into the carrying system and enjoy your tour.QUICKSTART IN 3 STEPSYour PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT is ready to use directly out of the box!There is also the option to carry the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT with the supplied hand loop in a securely closeable  trouser  pocket  without  a  protective  case. The hand loop can be xed around your wrist during the search to rule out losing the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT.„Quick-Pull-System“| 08/1322
BATTERIESThe battery compartment is located on the backside of the housing. The safety screw connection can be  easily  opened  and closed  using  a  coin. Only  use  battery  type LR03/AAA  and  always replace all 3 batteries with new ones of the same type. Never use rechargeable batteries and always change all batteries at the same time!The battery indication is based on measuring the actual battery voltage. Due to the temperature inuence the actual battery voltage may vary. A change from cold (outdoor) to warm (mountain hut) the battery capacity obviously recovers.IMPORTANT! During a  longer time of no use (e.g. summer) the  batteries have to  be taken out of  the  PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT.  Damages  because  of  leaked  batteries  are  not  included  in  the warranty.DSP PRO DSP SPORT3/3 lled       400–250 h SEND 200–120 h SEND2/3 lled       250–120 h SEND 120–60 h SEND1/3 lled       120–20 h   SEND 60–20 h   SENDempty 20 h SEND (+10°C) + 1 h SEARCH (-10°C)empty, ashing last reserve, transceiver can be switched off at anytimeElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and PIEPS Auto-Antenna-Switch: All beacons are very sensitive against electrical and magnetic interferences. Due to this, it’s a recommendation from all manufacturers that minimum distances should be maintained between avalanche beacons and  electronic, magnetic  or metallic inuences (like radios, mobile phones, MP3-players, bunch of keys)!PIEPS recommends: Minimum distance in SEND-mode: 20 cm | SEARCH-mode: 50 cmYour PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT has an Auto-Antenna-Switch included: If there is an external inuence the strongest antenna will begin transmitting. Further information can be found in the chapter “Intelligent Transmitter”.DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ08/13 | 23
SWITCHING ON   |  SELF-CHECKPress the main switch lock and push the main switch to the position “SEND“ or “SEARCH“. The PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT is now in SEND- or SEARCH-mode.During power-on, the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT will carry out a self-check. The transmitting frequency, all antennas, ampliers, and processors are tested and the latest rmware is displayed. During the self-check, a minimum distance of 5 meters should be maintained to other beacons, and any electronic or magnetic interference.If the self-check is successful, “OK“ is indicated on the display. In the event of a device warning, an  alert  signal  sounds  and  the  display  indicates  “E“  in  combination  with  a  warning-code (overview table in chapter warning-codes). If the warnings are still shown in an interference-free area the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT is not fully functional. Bring your PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT to a PIEPS authorized service center.IMPORTANT! In Addition to the complex self-check a beacon-group-check is strongly recommended before each tour!Display Firmware-VersionDisplay Self-check OKDisplay Self-check error| 08/1324
The Intelligent Transmitter – Gives maximum support in SEND-modeIn SEND-mode there are functions working in the background of PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT that help to be found faster and more efciently in case of an emergency.Auto-Antenna-SwitchThe maximum range where a rescuer can locate a PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT with another beacon depends strongly on the signal strength of the transmitting beacon. If the transmitting antenna is negatively inuenced through external devices (i.e. mobile phone), the range of receiving beacons is directly inuenced (reduction up to 30% and more).The PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT  is  always transmitting with the  strongest  antenna  for  the maximum range to the receiving beacon!iPROBE-SupportThe  PIEPS  iPROBE  ONE  is  an  electronic  probe  with  an  automatic  deactivating  function  and  an optical and acoustic target indicator. The PIEPS iPROBE ONE deactivates the strongest signal of all beacons with iPROBE ONE Support*. Signal overlap is eliminated and the next strongest signal is automatically shown on the display of the receiving beacon (without reduction of range!) The PIEPS iPROBE Support gives maximum assistance to multiple burial situations!*Beacons with  iPROBE ONE Support: PIEPS VECTOR, PIEPS  DSP PRO, PIEPS  DSP SPORT, PIEPS DSP (with Software version 5.0 or greater), PIEPS DSP Tour, PIEPS FREERIDEMore information can be found on www.pieps.com.SEND-MODEPress the main switch lock and push the main switch to the “SEND“ position.  The  display  indicates  the  SEND-symbol,  the  remaining battery capacity, and the transmitting antenna. Additionally an LED indicator light ashes simultaneous with the transmitter bit timing.When you  are  on a tour,  make sure the  “SEND“-mode  is  selected throughout.  The  PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT  will  transmit  a continuously dened signal (457kHz) that can be picked up from all other avalanche beacons (according EN300718).08/13 | 25DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
(6)   Dig: Start digging at a distance downhill   from the probe equal to the indicated depth   of burial. Dig over a large area.(7)   Rescue and rst aid: First clear the face and airways.   Watch out for any breathing cavity (air pocket) for the victim. Protect from cold.A victim has the best chance of being rescued if the largest possible number of companions in a given group have not been buried and work efciently as a team to search and rescue their companion.  In the event of  an accident, the most  important considerations are to: STAY CALM, BE OBSERVEANT, and RAISE THE ALARM.(1)  Determine the search area and last point seen:   How many victims are buried? Are there several companions ready to engage   in rescue? The most experienced person takes over assignment and management.(2)   Call emergency services: Dial 112 (EU) if this is possible without losing time.(3)   Establish search areas: Where are the probable burial locations?(4)   Visual Sweep Search: Search for the avalanche cone with your eyes and ears.(5)   Search with avalanche transceiver: Switch non-searching avalanche   transceivers in SEARCH-mode. The search is divided in the following search phases   (ICAR 2009): A Signal search, B Coarse search, C Fine search, D Pinpointing   (Check the search results with a probe. Leave probe in place.)IN CASE OF EMERGENCYA B C D| 08/1326
SEARCH-MODE  |  SIGNAL SEARCHPress the main switch lock and push the main switch to the “SEARCH“ position.Observe  the  course  of  the  avalanche  and  make  an  exact mental note  of  (1) where the  victim  was impacted by the avalanche, (2) the point of disappearance. (3) The extension of these points indicates the ow direction of the avalanche! The primary search area is to the left and right of this.1   Point of impact   2   Point of disappearance3   Flow directionYou are now beginning with the search for initial detection. The PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT has a circular receiving range and allows a direction and distance indication from the rst signal (no special method of operation necessary). All  signals  of  the  burials  that  are within  the maximum  receiving range are received at the same time. To nd the rst signal walk along the dened search area in the stated search-strip width quickly. The recommended search strip width is 60 m for PIEPS DSP PRO / 50 m for PIEPS DSP SPORT.IMPORTANT! All participants (including observers) must switch their devices to receiving (SEARCH) mode. Always make sure there are no electronic devices (e.g. mobiles, radios,) or solid metal items in the direct vicinity of the search.One rescuer with skis for signal searchOne rescuer by foot for signal searchMore rescuers for signal searchd = Search strip width13208/13 |27DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
(1) As soon as the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT picks up  signals,  the  approximate  distance  and  direction appear in the display. Matchstick men represent the number  of  burials  within  the  range  of  the  device. Using  the  arrow  and  distance  reading,  follow  the strongest of the received signals along the eld lines. (2)  Move  in  the  direction  indicated  by  the  PIEPS DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT. The  distance  reading  should become progressively smaller. If it gets larger, switch the  search  direction  by  180°,  i.e.  turn  round  and follow the opposite direction.COARSE SEARCHNumber of BurialsDirection IndicationIMPORTANT! When working in the SEARCH-mode, remain calm and concentrated, and avoid hasty movements!four or morethreetwoonemove STRAIGHT AHEAD        turn  RIGHTturn  LEFT12| 08/1328
FINE SEARCH When you are closer than 5 m to the burial, it is strongly recommended to reduce your moving speed (50 cm/sec). Keep the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT as close as possible to the surface of the snow to have the minimum distance to the transmitting beacon.To avoid confusion, the direction indication is suppressed at distances less than 2 m. Make an exact last direction correction before the directional arrows are suppressed.Reduce your moving  speed  again  (10  cm/sec). Continue in the last displayed direction. If the distance  reading starts increasing again, move back  to  the  point  with  the  lowest distance  reading.  At  this  point,  try  to  get  the  lowest  distance  reading,  using  cross-like movements (90°).  Repeat  the  cross-like approach as  long  as  no lower  distance  reading can be determined. Do not rotate your PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT during the cross-like movements. The PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT only shows one minimum pertaining to any orientation of the transmitting beacon.The dynamic acoustic signal supports the ne search: the nearer the faster pace/higher pitch.Important! Before the direction arrows are suppressed, the last distance correction has to be done exactly. You are then moving to  the  transmitting beacon in best coupling position and save time during the cross-like movements. In the case of a deep burial it could happen that the minimum direction indication is higher than 2 m!Important! It’s  strongly  re-commended  to  avoid  hasty  move-ments  (move  approx.  10  cm/sec) and avoid turning and rotating the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT. (1) (2) (3)08/13 | 29DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
The  optimized  multiple  burial  search  is  based  on  a  separation  of  signals  via  the  digital signal processor (DSP).MULTIPLE BURIALSNumber of possible marks:If there are multiple burials, this is clearly indicated by the number of matchstick men.By default, the PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT will automatically search for the strongest signal.Once the position of the rst burial has been located (see ne search), press the button MARK without moving away from this point. This signal is now suppressed. Once a signal has been successfully suppressed, an outline appears around the matchstick man.The PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT will automatically search for the next strongest signal.Now  continue  the  search  as  described  above,  and  repeat  the  procedures  until  all transmitters  are  located.  If  there  are  no  further  signals  within  the  receiving  range  the display indicates “No Signal”.(1) (2) (3) (4)(5) max. 5 transmitters, 3 are indicated on the display | 08/1330
Mark reset of single suppressed signals:To reset the MARK function for single signals, press the button MARK for 3 seconds. Mark reset of all suppressed signals:To reset the MARK function switch your PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT into SEND-mode and then back to SEARCH-mode. With the PIEPS DSP PRO you also have the possibility to reset MARK with the following described SCAN-function. All information from previously suppressed signals is now reset and you can start with MARK again.Old device mode:Older analog transceivers are transmitting  a  weak  continuous  signal  additional to  the  digital pulse signal that can have  an impact on the digital signal separation. In such cases, you may nd for a short time that more signals are indicated than actually exist – the display “number of burials” starts ashing (display of “old device mode”). To suppress (MARK) these transmitters keep a distance of more than 1 m.signal with continuous carriersignal without continuous carrierIMPORTANT! In the case of multiple burials, an overlapping of signals can occur and especially in small areas can have an impact on the digital signal separation. Results are longer operating times or a limited MARK-function. More information can be found on www.pieps.com.MULTIPLE BURIALS08/13 | 31DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS FOR PIEPS DSP PROThe following additional functions are only valid for PIEPS DSP PRO. The functions cannot be used or added with the PIEPS DSP SPORT.1. SCAN-FUNCTIONPress the SCAN button while in the SEARCH-mode. The PIEPS  DSP PRO  will begin  scanning the entire receiving range. During the scan, stand still and hold the device steady. This will give you an overview of all buried devices within the detectable range, classied according to three groups:Reading 1: Number of beacons within a distance of approx. 5mReading 2: Number of beacons within a distance of approx. 20 mReading 3: Number of beacons within a distance of approx. 50 mIMPORTANT! Once  you  have located  all  burials,  move  away  from their  locations  in  a  star  shape  and use  the  SCAN  function  to  check  the scenario  again.  That  way  you  can make  sure  you  haven’t  missed  any other burials.All  information  from  previously suppressed  (MARKED)  signals will  be  reset  and  you  can  start  the suppression again (MARK) or follow the  direction  indication  to  the  next strongest signal.Press the button SCAN again to stop the SCAN function.1   One beacon within 5 m2   One further beacon between 5 and 20 m3   Two or more further beacons between 20 and 50 m5 m20 m50 m| 08/1332
2. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTPress  the  SCAN  button  for  more  than  3  seconds  while  in the  SEARCH-mode.  The  PIEPS  DSP  PRO  uses  the  frequency measurement  to  check  the  frequency  of  all  other  beacons.  The frequency  of  the  strongest  (closest)  beacon  is  measured.  The deviation  from  the  standardized  frequency  457kHz  is  indicated. The shown number is the deviation in Hz and the arrows indicates +  (right)  or  –  (left).  The  frequency  measurement  ends  when  the button SCAN is not pressed any longer.IMPORTANT! Check the transmitting frequency of your partners on tour regularly. According the standard EN300718 a beacon must transmit within the range of 457 kHz +/- 80 Hz. Ideal and reasonable technical operation will have a maximum deviation of no more than +/- 30 Hz.3. TX600-SUPPORTThe PIEPS TX600 is a mini-transmitter for dogs and equipment that is transmitting out of the standard, EN300718 and can be received with every PIEPS DSP PRO.Press the MARK and SCAN buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds while  in  the  SEARCH-mode.  The  PIEPS  DSP  PRO  switches  into the  TX600-mode  (“TX”-indication  on  the  display)  and  indicates the direction and distance to the strongest TX600 signal. Also the functions MARK, SCAN and frequency measurement are available in TX600-mode. To activate the search according to the standard EN300718 again,  switch the PIEPS  DSP PRO to  the SEND-mode and then back to the SEARCH-mode.IMPORTANT! In  the  standard  SEARCH-mode  the  PIEPS  DSP PRO does not indicate the TX600. Active search operations are never inuenced. A detection of the TX600 without switching to a special mode is only possible in immediate vicinity (<1 m).Example: the frequency of the measured signal is 457 kHz + 10 Hz (=457.010 Hz)08/13 | 33DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
4. INCLINOMETERThe PIEPS DSP PRO has an integrated three dimensional inclinometer. You can check punctually the angle of a slope:1)  Put your ski pole in slope line at that point of the slope   you want to measure.2)  Press the button SCAN for 3 seconds while in SEND-mode.3)  Put your PIEPS DSP PRO next to the ski pole and the angle of the   slope is indicated. The display switches back into SEND-mode   automatically after 20 seconds.Important! During the measurement the PIEPS DSP PRO is transmitting. In case of an emergency the beacon can be lost. PIEPS recommends to make measurements in avalanche dangerous areas only in combination with the PIEPS BACKUP!The function  Auto-Search-to-Send switches  the  PIEPS  DSP  PRO  automatically  from SEARCH into SEND-mode when the beacon is not moving for a certain time (in case of a burial). By default, this function is deactivated! Registered user can activate/deactivate this function online on the PIEPS Service-Portal. Therefore the optional available DSP data cable is necessary. Or bring your beacon to a PIEPS Service Center.PIEPS  advises  that  the  function  Auto-Search-to-Send  does  not  help,  when  the  rescuer  has lost  his/her  beacon  in  the  case  of  a  secondary  avalanche.  Only  if  a  rescuer  wears  an  active transmitter, is the rescuer perfectly equipped in the case of a secondary avalanche.  PIEPS recommends to deactivate the  Auto-Search-to-Send function in every  beacon and instead use an emergency transmitter such as the PIEPS BACKUP.The  PIEPS  BACKUP  is  a  mini  emergency-transmitter  (frequency  457  kHz)  that  is  worn  in additional to  the  PIEPS DSP PRO directly on the body  and  only starts to transmit in case of an  emergency.  So  PIEPS  provides  the  rst  100%  solution  for  locating  in  case  of  a  possible secondary avalanche!SECONDARY AVALANCHE  | AUTO-SEARCH-TO-SEND | PIEPS BACKUP| 08/1334
TECHNICAL DATADevice designation PIEPS DSP PRO PIEPS DSP TOURTransmission frequency 457 kHz (EN 300718) 457 kHz (EN 300718)Power supply 3 batteries, Alkaline (AAA), IEC-LR03, 1.5V3 batteries, Alkaline (AAA), IEC-LR03, 1.5VBattery lifetime min. 400 h SEND min. 200 h SENDMaximum range60 m 50 mSearch strip width 60 m 50 mTemperature range -20°C to +45°C -20°C to +45°CWeight 198 g (incl. batteries) 198 g (incl. batteries)Dimensions (LxWxH) 115 x 74 x 27 mm 115 x 74 x 27 mmDIFFERENCES  DSP PRO DSP SPORT3 Receiving Antennas ✓ ✓Maximum Range 60 m 50 mSearch Strip Width 60 m 50 mCircular Receiving Shape✓ ✓Self-check ✓ ✓Intelligent Transmitter• Auto-Antenna-Switch• iProbe-Support✓ ✓MARK ✓ ✓SCAN ✓–Old Device Mode ✓ ✓Frequency Measurement ✓–TX600-Support ✓–Auto-Search-to-Send ✓–Inclinometer ✓–Motion Sensor ✓–Battery Lifetimemin. 400 hmin. 200 hErgonomic Shape ✓ ✓Hardened Display-Glass ✓ ✓Carrying Harness yellow printing     green printing    Hand Loop ✓ ✓Updating Possibility ✓ ✓08/13 | 35DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ
SOFTWARE UPDATEWARNING CODESEvery PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT  can be  tested  and  updated  with the  latest  PIEPS  rmware. With  your  safety in  mind  our R&D  team is  constantly  working  on  improving  the  rmware  to  reect  and incorporate  all  our  experiences  in  the  eld.  Every  new  rmware  is developed  to  be  compatible  with  any  PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT. You  can  have  your  PIEPS  DSP  PRO/DSP  SPORT  checked  and  its rmware updated at every PIEPS Service Center and PIEPS distributor or you can do it on your own online on the PIEPS Service-Portal (DSP update cable needed). How can you display your rmware?When you are switching the beacon on the latest rmware is indicated on the display. Further information about the PIEPS rmware can be found on www.pieps.comOptional available: PIEPS DSP-data cable for Firmware-Updates and Online-Function-CheckWarning code  Warning description Warning correctionNo indication on display Check batteries (polarity and voltage) and replace if required. If there is no indication again, bring beacon to your nearest autho-rized service center.E1 The beacon is not fully functional – stop your tour!Bring  beacon  to  your  nearest  authorized service centerE2E3E4The beacon is limited functional. The transmitting and receiving function is reduced.Repeat  the  process in  an  interference  free area (outdoor). Check your immediate envi-ronment due to external  interferences (f.e. transmitting beacons, mobile phones). If the warning is indicated again, bring beacon to your nearest authorized service center.E8The beacon is limited functional. The transmitting and receiving function is not reduced.Bring  beacon  to  your  nearest  authorized service center.| 08/1336
WARRANTY & SERVICECERTIFICATION AND CONFORMITYPIEPS warranty extension free of charge: Extend the  warranty of  your PIEPS DSP  PRO/DSP SPORT from 2 to 5 years: With the PIEPS warranty extension you have the possibility to extend the standard warranty of your PIEPS DSP PRO/DSP SPORT free of charge. Simply register online at www.pieps.com and  get  your  warranty  certicate  for  5  years  valid  from  the  date  of  purchase.  The  warranty  can  be extended within 3 months from the date of purchase.Warranty Conditions: The device is guaranteed  by  the  manufacturer against defects  in  material  and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to damage caused by incorrect use, dropping or dismantling  of the  device by  unauthorized persons.  Any further warranty  or  liability  for  consequential  damage  is  expressly  excluded.  •  Warranty  claims  should  be addressed - enclosing the receipt of purchase - to the relevant sales outlet.Service: To use the advantages of exclusive PIEPS services, you have to register on the PIEPS Service-Portal. Do Firmware Updates on your own. Make an extensive beacon check. Activate/deactivate the function  Auto-Search-to-Send.  You  get  a  competent  support  in  one  of  the  numerous  PIEPS  Service Center.  An  overview  of  the  PIEPS  Service  Center  can  be  found  on  www.pieps.com. If  there  are  any questions please contact support@pieps.com.Certication: Manufacturer: PIEPS GmbH; Country of manufacture: Austria; Model: PIEPS DSP02; The device complies  with the  Standard ETS  300718 WEEE  2002/96/EC; Canada:  IC: 7262A-DSP02; USA: FCC ID: REMDSP02; This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and IC RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Any  changes  or  modications  not  expressly approved  by  the  manufacturer, responsible  for compliance, could void the user’s authority to operate this device. On the device the certication codes and serial number can be found in the battery compartment.Conformity: PIEPS GmbH  declares hereby, that the product PIEPS DSP02 fulls all  requirements and regulations of directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity can be downloaded at the following source: http://www.pieps.com/certicationManufacturer, Sales & ServicePIEPS GmbH, Parkring 4, 8403 Lebring, Austria, ofce@pieps.com, www.pieps.comAll information supplied without liability. 8/2013DEENESFRITCZSKSLORUハ08/13 |37
HERSTELLER / MANUFACTURERPIEPS GmbH, Parkring 4, 8403 Lebring, Austriawww.pieps.com

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