Performance Designed PL051014T Afterglow Fener PS4/PS3 Wireless Dongle User Manual AV6301 Datasheet Rev 0 4x

Performance Designed Products, LLC Afterglow Fener PS4/PS3 Wireless Dongle AV6301 Datasheet Rev 0 4x



  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  1  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA      General Description  The AV6301 / 6302 chipset is optimized for building wireless gaming headsets and point to multi-point audio distribution solutions such as rear speakers and subwoofers in home theater systems..The chipset is comprised of two ICs: AV6301 (sender) and AV6302 (client). These devices share the VMI RF Protocol and may be mixed and matched with other VMI chips (AAV6200, V6201, and AV6202). The AV6301 / 02 chipset achieves the goal of enabling a single core design to service multiple game platforms (PC or Console), External Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is also easily supported for all gaming platforms.  The chip set provides all functions necessary to complete a bidirectional wireless audio link with high quality voice and music performance. Operation in the worldwide 2.4 GHz spectrum addresses the need for global application. System / Chipset Features 9  Stereo audio path: >93 dB SNR, 20 kHz BW 9  Mono voice path: >70 dB SNR, 6.5 kHz voice  9  Sophisticated audio routing and mixing options to meet demands of multiple gaming headset platforms 9  Over-the-air (OTA) serial interface: >2 kbps, bi-directional, full duplex 9  Works within 3 inches of WIFI Client without impairment to Audio or WIFI throughput 9  Advanced forward error correction coding, error detection, and audio-specific error concealment 9  Diversity antenna support 9  Low and Fixed Latency: <16 ms,  9  Long Range: 15m (non-line-of-site) 9 Auto search/sync/standby/wake-up/shutdown 9  All Voltage Regulators on-chip 9  Interoperability with VMI (AV6201 / 02) Chipset AV6301 The AV6301 is a highly integrated, single-chip, wireless audio sender IC. It integrates the following: a complete 2.4 GHz RF transceiver, PHY & MAC, advanced power management hardware, audio DSP, USB 2.0 transceiver and a full complement of programmable digital interfaces to support a wide range of end-product user-interface requirements, including SPI and TWI interfaces. The device incorporates a complete USB 2.0 transceiver and enumerates as a USB Audio device as well as USB Human Interface Device (HID) without the need for external drivers, enabling true plug & play.  Additionally, the device makes available 3 independent I2S interfaces, allowing independent processing of non-USB audio sources. Simultaneous use of the USB and I2S ports is enhanced by additional audio processing capability, allowing for independent control and mixing of the different audio sources. AV6301 Features 9  Advanced Signal Routing Capability 9    USB Port Enumerates as Audio and / or Human interface device (HID) 9  Three available I2S ports 9  Simultaneous operation of USB and I2S ports 9  Expansive Digital I/O Capability 9  20 General Purpose Input / Output Pins 9  Master and Slave SPI and TWI interfaces 9  Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) I/O support 9  Straightforward  implementation of external EEPROM,  DSP, Audio Codec and Host uC for advanced applications  9  On-Chip One-Time-Programmable (OTP) Memory Applications PC Game Wireless Headset Game Console Wireless Headset I2S based Wireless Audio Wireless Rear Speakers Preliminary Datasheet    AV6301 Wireless Audio Sender IC
  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  2  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA   Packaging The AV6301 is packaged in a 7 x 7 mm, 48 pin QFN and is rated for operation over the commercial temperature range (0 to 70 degrees C)
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  3  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA Revision History Revision  Change Summary  Release Date 0.1 Preliminary release of datasheet  10/7/11 0.2  Add AV6xxx Selection Grid, Update Audio Routing, Block Diagram, Application Circuit, Pin Out and Pin Description. RF TX Electrical characteristics update. 10/27/11 0.3  Update Selector Grid  11/4/11 0.4  CORRECTION to I2S assignments to GPIO ports (stereo in, stereo out and mono out have all changed).I2S assignments reflected in Applications Diagram. Update of selection grid. 11/15/11
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  4  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA  Table of Contents General Description .............................................................................................................................................................. 1System / Chipset Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1AV6301................................................................................................................................................................................. 1AV6301 Features.................................................................................................................................................................. 1Applications .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1Packaging............................................................................................................................................................................. 2Revision History.................................................................................................................................................................... 3Table 0-1 AV6xxx Selection Grid .......................................................................................................................................... 61REFERENCE DIAGRAMS .......................................................................................................................................... 71.1Wireless Arbiter Solution Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 71.2Functional Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 81.3Audio Signal Routing Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 81.4Application Circuit – Wireless Universal Gaming Arbiter ........................................................................................ 92PIN INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................. 102.1Pin Diagram.......................................................................................................................................................... 102.2Pin Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 113ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 133.1Absolute Maximum Ratings.................................................................................................................................. 133.2DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 143.3Electrical Characteristics – Voltage Supervisory Circuit ....................................................................................... 143.4Electrical Characteristics – RF Receiver .............................................................................................................. 153.5Electrical Characteristics – RF Transmitter .......................................................................................................... 153.6Electrical Characteristics – End-to-end Audio Characteristics.............................................................................. 154PACKAGE INFORMATION....................................................................................................................................... 164.1Package Outline Drawing ..................................................................................................................................... 164.2Package Marking.................................................................................................................................................. 175CONTACT INFO & LEGAL DISCLAIMER................................................................................................................. 18 List of Tables Table 0-1 AV6xxx Selection Grid .......................................................................................................................................... 6Table 2-2-1 AV301 pin description...................................................................................................................................... 11Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................................ 13Table 3-2 AV6301 DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 14Table 3-3 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - Voltage Supervisory ................................................................................... 14Table 3-4 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - RF Receiver................................................................................................ 15Table 3-5 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - RF Transmitter............................................................................................ 15Table 3-6 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - End-to-End Audio Characteristics............................................................... 15 List of Figures Figure 1-1 AV6301 Wireless Arbiter Solution ....................................................................................................................... 7Figure 1-2 AV6301 Functional Diagram................................................................................................................................ 8Figure 1-3 AV6301 Audio Routing ........................................................................................................................................ 8Figure 1-4 AV6301 Application Circuit .................................................................................................................................. 9Figure 2-1 AV6301 Pin Diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 10Figure 4-1 AV6301 48 Pin QFN Outline Drawing ............................................................................................................... 16Figure 4-2 Package Marking Layout ................................................................................................................................... 17
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  6  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA Table 0-1 AV6xxx Selection Grid  Part Number  AV6200  AV6201  AV6301  AV6200  AV6202  AV6302 Role  Sender  Receiver  I2S IN  Stereo No  Stereo N/A Mono  Mono  I2S Out  N/A  No  Stereo Mono  Stereo Stereo  Stereo Mono USB Port  No  Audio / HID  Audio / HID  No  HID  HID  MIC Amp  No  No  No  No  Yes  Yes  Headphone Driver Amp  No  No  No  No  Yes  Yes  Battery Charger  No  No  No  No  Yes  Yes  General Purpose ADCs  0  0  0  0  0  3  Button Support  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Rotary Encoder Support No  No  No  No  Yes  Yes  LED Support  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  I2S Loop-Back (external DSP)  No  No  Yes  No  No  No  MIC path input to I2S out  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  No  Yes  MIC Side-tone Mix  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  Yes  Yes  Game / Chat Mix on TX  N/A  No  Yes  N/A  N/A  N/A  Game /  Chat Mix at RX  N/A  N/A  N/A  No  No  Yes
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  7  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 1 REFERENCE DIAGRAMS 1.1  Wireless Arbiter Solution Diagram  Figure 1-1 AV6301 Wireless Arbiter Solution
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  8  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 1.2 Functional Diagram  20PHY AudioProcMCU GPIOUSB DPDMGPIOV3P6VDCDSCP,DSCNSPI, I2CGPIO (Buttons, LEDs)I2SRFPRFNROMRAMOTP3.6VLDO VBGSUP REF DIGRegs3.3V REGUSBSpnd XTALRF/IF Transceiver Figure 1-2 AV6301 Functional Diagram  1.3  Audio Signal Routing Diagram  Figure 1-3 AV6301 Audio Routing
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  9  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 1.4  Application Circuit – Wireless Universal Gaming Arbiter   Figure 1-4 AV6301 Application Circuit
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  11  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA   2.2 Pin Description Table 2-2-1 AV301 pin description  Pin No.  Symbol  Pin Type  Description 1 GPIO1 DSCN DPA-EN Digital Output  GPIO port 1; Usage is programmable to GPIO OR to Antenna Diversity Switch – OR to Power Amplifier Enable  2 GPIO0  DSCP DSC Digital Output  GPIO port 0; Usage is programmable to GPIO OR to Antenna Diversity Switch + OR to Single Polarity Diversity Switch Control 3  XTALP  Analog input  External crystal input 4  XTALN  Analog input  External crystal input 5  VDDXO  Analog  Crystal oscillator regulator bypass pin 6,8,10-14, 16, 19,  20, 23 N/C  -  No connection – Leave unconnected – Do not Ground 7  IREF  Analog pin  Reference current setting resistor connection 9  BGOUT  Analog bypass  Bandgap reference bypass pin 15  VDDRXADC  Bypass  Bypass pin for Receiver Data Converter Supply 17  RFP  RF I/O  RF input/output positive 18  RFN  RF I/O  RF input/output negative 21  VDC  Supply pin  5V input supply voltage from USB 22  V3P6  Bypass  Bypass pin for 3.6V main regulator 24  RESETN  Digital input  RESET signal; active low 25 GPIO16 PWM2 Digital I/O  GPIO port 16, usage is programmable to GPIO OR to PWM resource #2 26 GPIO15 I2S MONO OUT PWM1 Digital I/O  GPIO port 15, usage is programmable to  GPIO OR to I2S port 2 MONO OUT Data PWM resource #1 27 GPIO14 I2S STEREO IN Digital I/O  GPIO port 14; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to I2S Port 1 STEREO IN  Data 28 GPIO13 I2S STEREO OUT Digital I/O  GPIO port 13; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to  I2S Port 0 STEREO OUT Data 29 GPIO12 WCLK Digital I/O  GPIO port 12; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to  I2S Word Clock  30 GPIO11 BCLK PWM1 Digital I/O  GPIO port 11; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to  I2S Bit Clock OR to  PWM resource #1 32  VDDIO  Supply  Supply bypass capacitor pin for digital I/O 31 GPIO10  MCLK PWM0 Digital I/O  GPIO port 10; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to  I2S Master Clock OR to  PWM resource #0 33 GPIO9  M_MISO (SPI Mater) M_SCL (TWI Master) SCL (TWI) Digital I/O  GPIO port 9; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to  M_MISO OR to  M_SCL OR to  SCL 34 GPIO8  M_MOSI (SPI Master) M_SDA (TWI Master) SDA (TWI) Digital I/O  GPIO port 8; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to M-MOSI OR to M_SDA OR to SDA 35 GPIO7  M_SCLK (SPI Master) PWM1 Digital I/O  GPIO port 7; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to M_SCLK OR to PWM resource #1 36 GPIO6  M_SSB (SPI Master) PWM0 Digital I/O  GPIO port 6; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to M-SSB OR to PWM resource #0 37  GPIO19  Digital I/O  GPIO port 19, usage is programmable to GPIO OR to
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  12  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA Pin No.  Symbol  Pin Type  Description PWM2  PWM resource #2 38  VDDDIG  Bypass   Bypass  capacitor pin for 1.35V digital core regulator  39  VDD18  Bypass  Bypass capacitor pin for 1.8V digital regulator (LDO) 40  VDDIO  Bypass  Bypass capacitor pin for 3.3V digital I/O regulator 41  DM  USB I/O  USB negative input 42  DP  USB I/O  USB positive input 43 GPIO18 PWM1   GPIO port 18, usage is programmable to GPIO OR to PWM resource #1 44 GPIO5  S_MISO (SPI Slave) S_SCL (TWI Slave) Digital I/O  GPIO port 5; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to S_MISO OR to S_SCL 45 GPIO4  S_MOSI (SPI Slave) S_SDA (TWI Slave) Digital I/O  GPIO port 4; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to S_MOSI OR to S_SDA 46 GPIO3  S_SCLK (SPI Slave) UART_RX PWM1 Digital I/O  GPIO port 3; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to S_SCLK OR to The UART Receiver OR to PWM resource #1 47 GPIO2  S_SSB (SPI Slave) UART_TX PWM0 Digital I/O  GPIO port 2; usage is programmable to GPIO OR to S_SSB OR to The UART Transmitter OR to PWM resource #0 48 GPIO17 PWM2 Digital I/O  GPIO port 17, usage is programmable to GPIO OR to PWM resource #2
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  13  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings The Absolute Maximum Rating (AMR) corresponds to the maximum value that can be applied without leading to instantaneous or very short-term unrecoverable hard failure (destructive breakdown). Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Permanent damage to the device may be caused by continuously operating at or beyond these limits. Device functional operating limits and guaranteed performance specifications are given under Electrical Characteristics at the test conditions specified. Table 3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings CONDITION MIN MAX Units Supply (relative to AGND and DGND)        VDC  -0.3  6.0  V Input Voltage Range – Digital Inputs  -0.3  3.6  V Input Voltage Range – Analog Inputs  -0.3  3.6  V Short circuit to GND (any pin)  --  continuous   Operating Temperature  -40  +85  ºC Storage Temperature  -40  +100  ºC Lead Temperature (10s)  --  +300  ºC Static Discharge Voltage – HBM (All pins )  3000    V Static Discharge Voltage – MM   300    V Note: 1)  HBM = ESD Human Body Model; C = 100pF, R = 1kΩ 2)  MM = ESD Machine Model; C = 100pF; R = 300Ω
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  14  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 3.2 DC Electrical Characteristics Operating Conditions: VDC = 4.4V to 5.5V, VDDIO = 3.3V, TA = 0ºC to +70 ºC; Typical specifications at TA = 25ºC, VDC = 5.0V.  Table 3-2 AV6301 DC Electrical Characteristics PARAMETER CONDITIONS  MIN TYP MAX UNIT VDC Supply Voltage Input    4.4  5.0  5.5  V V3P6  Internally regulated voltage    3.6    V VDDIO (Digital 3.3V I/O) Reg. Voltage  Internally regulated voltage    3.3    V VDDDIG (Digital Core) Reg. Voltage  Internally regulated voltage    1.35    V VDD1P8  Internally regulated voltage    1.8    V Supply Current (IVDC) – USB chip  Reset    TBD       USB Suspend Mode     1.0    mA   Arbiter Search Mode    TBD  TBD  mA   Arbiter Headset Link Mode    55  TBD  mA GPIO Source Current      4  TBD  mA CMOS I/O  Logic Levels – 3.3V I/O        Input Voltage Logic Low, VIL VVDDIO = 3.3V      0.8  V Input Voltage Logic High, VIH VVDDIO = 3.3V  2.0      V Output Voltage Logic Low, VOL VVDDIO = 3.3V ; ILOAD=1mA   0.4 V Output Voltage Logic High, VOH VVDDIO = 3.3V; ILOAD=1mA 2.9   V USB Interface        DP Logic Output High  refer to USB spec; voltage relative to VDDIO    0.8*VDDIO  V DM Logic Output Low  refer to USB spec; voltage relative to VDDIO    0.2*VDDIO  V DP Logic Input High  refer to USB spec; voltage relative to VDDIO    0.7*VDDIO  V DM Logic Input Low  refer to USB spec; voltage relative to VDDIO    0.3*VDDIO  V USB Differential Input Sensitivity    0.2      V USB Differential Common Mode    0.8  2.5    V USB Single Ended RX Threshold    0.8  2.0    V USB IO Pin Static Output (Low)  Rl=1.5k to 3.6V    0.3    V    3.3 Electrical Characteristics – Voltage Supervisory Circuit Operating Conditions: VDC = 4.4V to 5.5V, VDDIO = 3.3V, TA = 0ºC to +70 ºC; Typical specifications at TA = 25ºC, VDC = 5.0V.  Table 3-3 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - Voltage Supervisory PARAMETER CONDITIONS  MIN TYP MAX UNIT Voltage Monitor Low Thres. (assert reset)  Monitoring the voltage on V3P6    2.7    V Voltage Monitor High Thres. (de-assert reset)  Monitoring the voltage on V3P6    3.0    V Brownout bandwidth  Monitoring the voltage on V3P6    100    kHz Reset Threshold (assert)      2.2    V Reset Threshold (de-assert)      1.1    V RESETN Minimum Time   0.1uF external capacitor   11  ms
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  15  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 3.4 Electrical Characteristics – RF Receiver Operating Conditions: VDC = 4.4V to 5.5V, VDDIO = 3.3V, TA = 0ºC to +70 ºC; RF Channel Freq = 2403.35-2477.35MHz, measured at the single-ended input of the RF balun (with external impedance matching). Typical specifications at TA = 25ºC, VDC = 5.0V. Table 3-4 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - RF Receiver PARAMETER CONDITIONS  MIN TYP MAX UNIT RF Channel Frequency Range  LO frequency (driving the mixers) RF carrier frequency 2402 2403.35  2478 2479.35MHz MHz Modulated Signal Offset from LO      1.35    MHz Sensitivity (Note 1)  TA=25ºC, LNA = High gain mode; max IF gain    -89    dBm Max input signal (desired signal) (Note 1)  TA=25ºC, LNA = low gain mode; min IF gain    -5    dBm Input Blocker Level – High Gain mode  > 2MHz offset    -45    dBm Out-of-band blocker level  <2400 MHz; >2483.5 MHz    TBD    dBm Spurious RF outputs  <2400 MHz >2483.5 MHz   -75 -75   dBm dBm  Note 1:   Sensitivity and max signal level are defined as the onset of 0.2% Block Error Rate. )BLER)   3.5 Electrical Characteristics – RF Transmitter Operating Conditions: VDC = 4.4V to 5.5V, VDDIO = 3.3V, TA = 0ºC to +70 ºC; RF Channel Freq = 2403.35-2477.35MHz, measured at the single-ended input of the RF balun (with external impedance matching). Typical specifications at TA = 25ºC, VDC = 5.0V. Table 3-5 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - RF Transmitter PARAMETER CONDITIONS  MIN TYP MAX UNIT RF Channel Frequency Range  LO frequency (driving the mixers) RF carrier frequency 2402 2403.35  2478 2479.35MHz MHz Modulated Signal Offset from LO      1.35    MHz Modulated Signal Bandwidth   -10dB point    1.8    MHz Output Power  Pi/4 DQPSK modulated signal ACPR: Adj < -23dBc, Alt < -30dBc  +2   dBm Output harmonics  2nd harmonic, Pout = 0dBm 3rd harmonic, Pout = 0dBm  -52 -50  dBm dBm Out-of-band Spurious Output    RF < 2390MHz, > 2483.5MHz, 1MHz RBW    <-62    dBm Output Noise Floor  RF < 2390MHz, > 2483.5MHz, 1MHz RBW    <-62    dBm  3.6 Electrical Characteristics – End-to-end Audio Characteristics Operating Conditions: VDC = 4.4V to 5.5V or VIN = 3.2V to 4.3V, VDDIO = 3.3V, TA = 0ºC to +70 ºC; Typical specifications at TA = 25ºC, VDC = 5.0V. Table 3-6 AV6301 Electrical Characteristics - End-to-End Audio Characteristics PARAMETER CONDITIONS  MIN TYP MAX UNITS SNR   Forward stereo path    93    dB   Reverse mono path     68    dB Audio/Voice Bandwidth  End-to-end audio BW; 0.1dB point    20    kHz   End-to-end audio BW; 0.1dB point    6.5    kHz Audio Latency  AV6201 USB to AV6202 analog output AV6201 I2S to AV6202 I2S output   <16 <16   msec msec Voice Latency   AV6202 analog input to AV6201 USB  output    <16    msec
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  16  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 4 PACKAGE INFORMATION 4.1  Package Outline Drawing  Figure 4-1 AV6301 48 Pin QFN Outline Drawing
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  17  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 4.2  Package Marking   A V D D D D     C C Y Y W W X X   L L L L L  L T T A Figure 4-2 Package Marking Layout  Abbreviations: AVDDDD  Product number (i.e. AV6301) CC  Country Code (i.e. MY for Malaysia) YY  2 digit year code WW  2 digit work week  XX Production revision LLLLLL  Silicon Lot number TT  Wafer split (1 by default) A Assembly Lot
AV6301 Datasheet (Preliminary) revision 0.2  CONTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE  18  AVNERA PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL | PROVIDED UNDER NDA 5  CONTACT INFO & LEGAL DISCLAIMER  Avnera Corporation 16505 Bethany Court, Suite 100 Beaverton, Oregon 97006 U.S.A. Main: +1.503.718.4100 Fax: +1.503.718.4101  Avnera Corporation reserves the right to make changes without notice to the product to improve function, reliability, or performance. Avnera Corporation does not assume any liability arising from the application or use of the products or circuits described herein.

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