Pelican Accessories BLDS01 X-Box Wireless Controller User Manual Revised Manual

Pelican Accessories X-Box Wireless Controller Revised Manual

Revised Manual

IMPORTANT NOTICEBlade 2.4 StreetFCC-ID: O7X-BLDS01FCC-ID: O7X-BLDS02Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufac-turer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause unde-sired operation.Pelican and its logo are registered trademarks.XBOX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.Xbox® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.This product is not designed, manufactured, sponsored orendorsed by Microsoft Corp,1
Table of ContentsConsole Protection Guarantee ..................3Product Layout........................................4-5Overview....................................................6Features/Benefits ....................................7Directions ..................................................9Trouble Shooting ......................................10Warranty/Customer Service ......................112
Pelican’sConsoleProtection Guarantee assures you of Pelican’s commit-ment to quality and customer satisfaction. The ProtectionGuarantee warrants the connection (the plug port of thevideo game console and the plug of the Pelican controller)between the controller and your video game console sys-tem., i.e., that with the proper use of our controller (seemanual) we agree to replace or repair your video gamesystem in the event that our controller directly causesdamage to your game console as a result of ourcontroller failing to perform properly. Circumstances thatmay cause our protection guarantee to take effect mightbe one of the following :the video game console does notacknowledge a controller which has been plugged in, orig-inal controller fails to operate after using a Pelican con-troller, other non-pad controllers fail to operate after usinga Pelican Controller. This protection warranty does notinclude the video game power supply, any part relating tothe CD/DVD load and read mechanism, internal operatingsystem, nor the cabinet of the video game system. Thiswarranty will not apply if the Pelican controller is not usedas directed in the product manual enclosed. For furtherinformation or help please contact us toll free at (800) 331-3844 or on line at http://www.pelicanperformance.com3Console Protection Guarantee
Product LayoutBlade 2.4 Street Controller4LEDLeftAnalogStickBackButton StartButtonWhite ButtonBlack ButtonAction ButtonsRelocated Black & White ButtonsDirectionalPad
5Connect ButtonSignal LEDReceiver/Transmitter UnitTop ViewSide View
OverviewWireless Blade 2.4 Street controller uses advanced 2.4GHz technology and Channel-Hopping which gives youthe ability to play without the limitations and hassles oftypical corded controllers and switch-dependentcontrollers. All of this gives you lightning fast control overyour favorite games without cords to trip over, channelsto set, or fears of outside interference disturbing playcontrol. There are a few buttons, LED’s (lights), andfeatures not found on your basic Xbox® Controller. Thefollowing is an explanation of these elements. Auto-Hopping This removes the hassle of setting chan-nels via a series of switches or having your connectioncorrupted by interference. Auto-hopping moves to thenearest, clearest channel for you, with no breaks in play,to make sure your signal never lags behind your com-mands. Simply press the CONNECT button on thereceiver, wait three seconds and press the BACKbutton on the controller to make a connection. Thisprograms the Host to connect to the Controller everytime it is used. 6
Features & BenefitsAuto On/Off:The controller will automatically go to sleep mode after 3mins. of no action. Holding the START button for 5 sec-onds also sends the controller to sleep. Touch any of thefour action buttons (A,B,X,Y), START, or BACK to powerup your new wireless controller.Hyper-Responsive Controls: Our controls are madeout of top quality components so that you lose nothing incontrol and response when you need it most over the lifeof your controller.Signal LED:If the LED light lights up green when pressing an actionbutton or moving the analog sticks, your 2.4 Street controller has a link and is working properly.Relocated Black and White Buttons:The Black and White buttons have been relocated to givethe user greater comfort and a much quicker reactiontime than other controllers.7
Battery Compartment:2.4 Street controller requires the use of two AAbatteries (not included). The batteries were placed inbetween the triggers making the 2.4 Street controller’sweight perfectly balanced. Double check and make surebatteries are inserted correctly.Power Save Mode:When not in use for 3 min the 2.4 Street controller auto-matically goes into a sleep mode to conserve batteries. Atouch of any action button puts the controller back intoplay mode. The Rumble Motors will automatically disablewhen the batteries are getting low. You can disable theRumble Motors manually by pressing the D-Pad Downand Back at the same time. You can restore the RumbleMotors by pressing the D-Pad Up and the Back button.8Please verify that all the batteries are inserted correctly. If they are inserted incorrectly, it may cause personal injuryas well as damage to your 2.4 Street Wireless Controller.WARNING
Directions1. Make sure your Xbox® is turned off.2. Remove the battery lid and place 2 AA batteries intothe 2.4 Street Wireless controller. Make sure the batteriesare inserted as shown in the battery compartment.3. Insert the receiver into the Xbox® controller slot ofyour choice and power up the Blade Street and then yourXbox®. Note: Press the Connect button on the Receiveronce (Signal LED will FLASH slowly). Then press theBack button on controller. This programs the Receiver toconnect to that Controller every time it is used. This oper-ation can be done again and again to connect to multiplecontrollers.4. Alternatively, if any problems should occur during play(due to low batteries, receiver disconnection from thesystem,etc.) you can turn the controller off and then on,check the control, and if you still do not have signal,press the connect button on the receiver, wait threeseconds and then press the Back button.Note: If you are using more than one 2.4 Streetcontroller, simply repeat the above steps and it shouldconnect exactly the same way on an available channel.5. Insert a game into your Xbox®..6. You are now ready to play.9
TroubleshootingIf you are having difficulties with your new 2.4 Street controller please refer below:My system turns on but I don’t see anything on the TV.1. Check to verify that your A/V cable is properlyconnected to your system.2. Check to verify that your A/V cable is properly pluggedinto your television set.My 2.4 Street Wireless Controller does not respond.1. Check to verify that your batteries are inserted correctly.2. Check to verify that the power is on. Check to verify thatthe signal LED is blinking.The power LED is on but my 2.4 Street does notrespond while in the system menu.1. Check to verify your Receiver / Transmitter unit is firmlyand properly plugged into controller port one through four(match the port with player controller selection).2. Check to verify that the receiver is firmly connected tothe system and the light is on. Then, press the connectbutton, wait three seconds and press Back on the con-troller in the corresponding slot. 10
Warranty CardPelican warrants to the original consumer purchaser that the prod-uct will be free from defects in materials and / or workmanship for aperiod of 5 years from the date of purchase.  If a defect covered bythis warranty occurs during this period, Pelican at its option willrepair or replace, at no charge, any part that Pelican determines tobe defective.To obtain warranty service during the warranty period, send thedefective product postage pre-paid, with a money order for $4.00 (inU.S. currency) to cover the return postage and handling, along withproof of purchase and the date of purchase to:Pelican Performance1840 East 27th StreetVernon, CA 90058This warranty shall not apply if the product has been damaged byabuse, misuses, negligence, accident, modification, tampering or byany other causes unrelated to defective materials and / or workman-ship.Repair or replacement as provided under this warranty is Pelican’sexclusive prerogative.  ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HERE BY LIMITEDTO 5 YEARS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE AN ARE SUB-JECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED WAR-RANTY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL PELICAN BE RESPONSIBLE FORANY INCIDENTAL DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM THEBREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES.  Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have otherlegal rights, which vary from state to state.11
For technical questions please visit or call us directly at:1-800-331-384412

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