Parker Hannifin MSLINK0005 Wireless Accelerometer Node User Manual My

Lord Corporation Wireless Accelerometer Node My

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

LORDQUICKSTARTGUIDEG-Link®-200®Ruggedized High-Speed Triaxial Accelerometer NodeThe G- Link- 200 wireless accelerometer node features an on- board triaxialaccelerometer that allows high-resolution data acquisition at noise levels as lowas 25 µg√Hz, lossless data transmission and node- to- node synchronizedsampling at ±50 microseconds. The G-Link-200 can output continuous waveformdata, or one of four derived channels, including Velocity RMS, Acceleration RMS,Acceleration p- p, and Crest Factor, allowing long- term monitoring of keyperformance indicators while maximizing battery life.To acquire sensor data, the G-Link-200 is used with a LORD Sensing datagateway such as the WSDA-101 or WSDA-1500 Base. G-Link-200 sensor nodescome with the following components.Item Description QuantityAG-Link-200 Wireless Accelerometer Node 1B½ AA, 3.6 V Lithium Batteries 3Table 1 - G-Link-200 Components ListFigure 1 - Interface and IndicatorsIndicator Behavior Node StatusDevicestatusindicatorOFF Node is OFFRapid green flashingon start-up Node is booting up1 (slow) green pulse persecond Node is idle and waiting for a command1 green blink every 2seconds Node is samplingBlue LED during sampling Node is resynchronizingRed LED Error or low batteryTable 2 - Indicator BehaviorsWireless Simplicity, Hardwired Reliability™
SYSTEM OPERATIONSensor nodes have three operational modes:active,sleep, andidle. When thenode is sampling, it is in active mode. When sampling stops, the node is switchedinto idle mode, which is used for configuring node settings, and allows togglingbetween sampling and sleeping modes. The node will automatically go into theultra low-power sleep mode after a user-determined period of inactivity. Thenode will not go into sleep mode while sampling.Figure 2 - Node Operational Modes1. Install SoftwareInstall the SensorConnect software on the host computer before connecting anyhardware. The SensorConnect software is available on the LORD Sensingwebsite for free download: Establish Gateway CommunicationThe WSDA-101-Base USB gateway is used in this example. For information onhow to use other gateways, refer to the gateway or SensorConnect user manual.Drivers for the USB gateways are included the SensorConnect softwareinstallation. With the software installed, the USB gateway will be detectedautomatically whenever the gateway is plugged in.1. Power is applied to the gateway through the USB connection. Verifythe gateway status indicator is illuminated, showing the gateway isconnected and powered on.2. Open the SensorConnect software.3. The gateway should appear in the Controller window automaticallywith a communication port assignment. If the gateway is notautomatically discovered, verify the port is active on the hostcomputer, and then remove and re-insert the USB connector.Figure 3 - USB Gateway Communication2G-Link-200 Wireless Accelerometer Node Quick Start Guide
3. Connect to NodesThe node can be connected with the automatic node discovery feature and bymanually entering the node address and then searching for it on the currentgateway communication frequency.1. If the base and node are on the same operating frequency, the nodewill populate below the Base Station listing when powering on theG-Link-200.Figure 4 - Automatic Node Discovery2. If a red circle with a number appears next to Base Station, the nodeis operating on a separate radio channel. Select the Base Stationand then select the Nodes on Other Frequencies tile.Figure 5 - Nodes On Other Frequencies3. Highlight the new node being added. Select Move Node toFrequency (#).Figure 6 - Move Node4. When manually entering the node address, select Manual AddNode, enter Node Address, last known Frequency (factory default is15), and select Add Node.Figure 7 - Adding a Node by Address3G-Link-200 Wireless Accelerometer Node Quick Start Guide
4. Configure NodeNode settings are stored to non-volatile memory and may be configured usingSensorConnect. For details related to node configuration, see Wireless SensorConfiguration on page 1.For this example, the G- Link- 200 is using the default settings found underConfigure > Hardware (Figure 8 - Node Configuration).Input Range: ± 2 G's (acceleration)Low Pass Filter: 1,000 HzHigh Pass Filter: DisabledFigure 8 - Node Configuration5. Configure Sampling Setting and Start Data Acquisition1. Left click on the Base Station > Sampling, and indicate the nodes to besampled by checking the box to the left of each node.2. Under 3 Channels, select Raw Channels, ch1, ch2 and ch3 from thedrop down menu.3. Under Sampling, select Sample Rate from the drop down menu, selectContinuously to sample indefinitely.Figure 9 - Sampling Setting4. Select Apply and Start Network.5. Select Create QuickView Dashboard in the pop up window immediatelyto create a dashboard of the new data.Figure 10 - Quick View Dashboard6. Replacing Batteries4G-Link-200 Wireless Accelerometer Node Quick Start Guide
1. Remove the cap from the G-Link-200.2. Remove the three ½ AA batteries from the G-Link-200.3. Insert three new ½ AA batteries (Saft LS14250 recommended),observing the correct polarity orientation. The positive polarities areindicated on the batteries and the node by a "+" symbol.4. Replace the cap.7. Battery HazardsLithium batteries contain toxic chemicals that areharmful to humans and the environment. Disposal issubject to federal and local laws. Do not discard thebattery or the node in the trash. Follow proper batterydisposal protocol, or contact LORD Sensing TechnicalSupport for information on extracting the battery orreturning the product for proper recycling and disposal.8. Regulatory Compliance InformationFCC ID: XJQMSLINK0005IC ID: 8505A-MSLINK0005G-Link-200Ruggedized High-Speed Triaxial Accelerometer NodeThis device complies with Part 15 of the United States FCC Rules, and Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not causeinterference, and 2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device. Changes or modifications, including antenna changes notexpressly approved by LORD Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Cet appareil est conforme à la Partie 15 des Règles de la FCC des États-Unis et aux RSSS exemptsde licence d'Industrie Canada. Le fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) Cetappareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences et 2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, ycompris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnement indésirable de l'appareil. Leschangements ou modifications, y compris les changements d'antenne non expressément approuvéspar LORD Corporation, pourraient annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur d'utiliser l'équipement.5G-Link-200 Wireless Accelerometer Node Quick Start Guide

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