Panasonic of North America 9TGWL13A Model 7260NGW Wireless Network Adapter User Manual DFQW5986ZAT FZ G1mk2 8 1Update OI M indb

Panasonic Corporation of North America Model 7260NGW Wireless Network Adapter DFQW5986ZAT FZ G1mk2 8 1Update OI M indb

User manual 2 of 2

ContentsOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTablet ComputerModel No. FZ-G1 seriesIntroduction ....................................................15Description of Parts .......................................17First-time Operation .......................................19Turning On / Turning Off ................................23Useful InformationHandling and Maintenance ............................24Installing Software .........................................30TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic) .................................35AppendixLIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT ........416SHFL¿FDWLRQV ................................................45LIMITED WARRANTY ...................................50Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendix Read Me FirstGetting StartedSafety Precautions .......................................... 2Regulatory Information .................................... 8Read Me FirstA2A1RAFTDRAIntroductioIntrodDescription ofDescription ofFirst-time Operat-time OperTurning On / TurningTurning On / TUseful InformationUseful InformationHandling and Maintenanceing and Maintenance....alling Softwarelling Software........................................ootingBasic)..........................GettiGett
2Read Me FirstSafety PrecautionsTo reduce the risk of injury, loss of life, elec-WULFVKRFN¿UHPDOIXQFWLRQDQGGDPDJHWRequipment or property, always observe the following safety precautions.Explanation of symbol word panelsThe following symbol word panels are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when the denotation is disregarded and improper use is performed. DANGERDenotes a potential hazard that will result in serious injury or death. WARNINGDenotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death. CAUTIONDenotes a hazard that could result in minor injury.NOTICEDenotes a hazard that could result in prop-erty damage.The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed.These symbols are used to alert users WRDVSHFL¿FRSHUDWLQJSURFHGXUHWKDWmust not be performed.This symbol is used to alert users to DVSHFL¿FRSHUDWLQJSURFHGXUHWKDWmust be followed in order to operate the unit safety. DANGERPrecautions on the Battery PackElectrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture of the Battery Pack may result. Do Not Throw the Battery Pack into a Fire or Expose It to Exces-sive Heat Do Not Deform, Disassemble, or Modify the Battery Pack Do Not Short the Positive (+) and Negative (-) Contacts ÖDo not place the battery pack together with articles such as necklaces or hairpins when carry-ing or storing. Do Not Apply Shocks to the Product by Dropping It, Applying Strong Pressure to It, etc. ÖIf this product is subjected to a strong impact, damaged or deformed, stop using it immedi-ately. Do Not Charge the Battery Using Methods Other Than Those Spec-L¿HG Do Not Use the Battery Pack with Any Other Product The battery pack is rechargeable DQGZDVLQWHQGHGIRUWKHVSHFL¿HGproduct. Do Not Use This Product with a Battery Pack Other Than the One 6SHFL¿HG Ö8VHRQO\WKHVSHFL¿HGEDWWHU\pack with your product. When the Battery Pack Has De-teriorated, Replace It With a New One ÖDo not continue to use a dam-aged battery pack. Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, in Direct Sunlight, for Ex-ample)TTDRAFTDDDRDANGERDANGEotes a potential hazard that otes a potential hazardrious injury or death.rious injury or death.DRDRRARAWARNINGWARNINGential hazard that could result  hazard that could resulor death.r deatRARARARARAAONNresult in minor esult in minor AAAAAAFAFDo Do MethoMethoL¿HGL¿HGDo Not Useot UseAny Other ProAny Other ProThe battery pacThe battery pacDQGDQZDVLQWHQGHGHQGHGproduct.Do Not Use This ProducThis ProduBattery Pack Other Thanack Other Than6SHFL¿HG¿HGÖ8VHRQO\WKHVSHFLVHRQO\pack with your ppack wthe Batd
3Read Me First DANGERPrecautions on the Built-in Bridge Battery (for disposal)<Only for model with Built-in Bridge Bat-tery>When disposing the battery, generation of heat, ignition or rupture of the Built-in Bridge Battery may result. (Î page @@)Handling This Computer Do Not Disassemble the Com-puter Except When DisposingHandling the Built-in Bridge Battery Do Not Short the Positive (+) and Negative (-) Contacts Do Not Throw the Battery into a Fire or Expose It to Excessive Heat Do Not Apply Shocks to the Built-in Bridge Battery by Dropping It, Applying Strong Pressure to It, etc. Do Not Charge Do Not Use Do Not Deform, Disassemble, or Modify the Built-in Bridge Battery   Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, in Direct Sunlight, for Ex-ample) WARNING<Only for model with Built-in Bridge Bat-tery>Generation of heat, ignition or rupture of the Built-in Bridge Battery may result. Do Not Throw This Product Into a Fire or Expose It to Excessive Heat Do Not Deform, Disassemble, or Modify This Product Do Not Apply Shocks to the Product by Dropping It, Applying Strong Pressure to It, etc. Do Not Charge the Battery Using Methods Other Than Those Spec-L¿HG Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, In Direct Sunlight, for Ex-ample) When the Battery Has Deteriorat-ed, Contact Your Technical Sup-SRUW2I¿FHWR5HSODFHWKH%DWWHU\DRAFTDRAAADhis Comhis ComDisassembleDisassemblr Except When Disr Except When Ddling the Built-in Bridgedling the Built-in BrDDo Not Short the Positive (+o Not Short the PosNegative (-) ContactsNegative (-) Contactso Not Throw the Battery into o Not Throw the Battery into re or Expose It to Excessive re or Expose It to Excessive pply Shocks to the Built-hocks to the Built-attery by Dropping It, tery by Dropping It, ng Pressure to It, ng Pressure to It, mble, or mble, or Battery BARARAASRU
4Read Me FirstSafety Precautions WARNINGFire or electric shock may result. Do Not Do Anything That May Damage the AC Cord, the AC Plug, or the AC Adaptor Do not damage or modify the cord, place it near hot tools, bend, twist, or pull it forcefully, place heavy objects on it, or bundle it tightly. ÖDo not continue to use a dam-aged AC cord, AC plug and AC adaptor. Contact your technical support RI¿FHIRUUHSDLU Do Not Connect the AC Adaptor to a Power Source Other Than a Standard Household AC Outlet ÖConnecting to a DC/AC converter (inverter) may damage the AC adaptor. On an airplane, only connect the AC adaptor/charger WRDQ$&RXWOHWVSHFL¿FDOO\DS-proved for such use. Do Not Pull or Insert the AC Plug If Your Hands Are Wet Do Not Disassemble This Prod-uct Do Not Touch This Product In a Thunderstorm If Connected with the AC Cable or Any Other Cables If a Malfunction or Trouble Oc-curs, Immediately Stop Use If the Following Malfunction Oc-curs, Immediately Unplug the AC Plug and the Battery Pack This product is damaged Foreign object inside this prod-uct Smoke emitted Unusual smell emitted Unusually hot ÖAfter the above procedure, con-WDFW\RXUWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWRI¿FHfor repair. Clean Dust and Other Debris of the AC Plug Regularly If dust or other debris accumu-lates on the plug, humidity, etc. may cause a defect in the insula-tion. Insert the AC Plug Completely ÖDo not use a damaged plug or loose AC outlet. Close the Connector Cover Tightly When Using This Product Where is a Lot of Water, Mois-ture, Steam, Dust, Oily Vapors, etc. ÖIf foreign matter has found its way inside, immediately turn the power off and unplug the AC cord, and then remove the battery pack. Then contact your WHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWRI¿FHDRAFTDRAheavyheavyndle it tightndle it tightÖÖDo not continueDo not continuaged AC agcord, AC ord, adaptor.Contact your technical suour technical sRI¿FHIRUUHSDLURUUHSDDDo Not Connect the AC Adapto Not Connect the AC Adapo a Power Source Other Than ao a Power Source Other Than ndard Household AC Outletousehold AC Outletnnecting to a DC/AC converter cting to a DC/AC convertter) may damage the AC er) may damage the AC On an airplane, only On an airplane, onle AC adaptor/charger daptHWVSHFL¿FDOO\DSSHFL¿FDOO\DS-h use.use.ert the AC Plug ert the AC Plugetetis Prod-nAFAFFFTWturetureetc.etc.ÖÖIf foreigf foreigway insidey insidthe power ofwer ofAC cord, and thAC cord, and thbattery pack. Thenbattery pack. TheWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWRI¿XSSRUWRI
5Read Me First WARNINGBurns or low-temperature burns may result. Do Not Use This Product in Close Contact With Your Body For a Long Period of Time ÖDo not use this product with its heat-emitting parts in close contact with your body for long periods of time. Low-temperature burns may re-sult. Do Not Expose Yourself or Other Persons to the Hot Wind from the Ventilation Hole (Exhaust) For a Long Period of Time Depending on the direction of the computer or the way you hold the computer, your hands and body will be more exposed to the hot wind. Covering the ventilation hole (exhaust) with your hand or other object can cause heat to build up inside, possibly resulting in burns. Do Not Touch The Surface of The AC Adaptor Continuously While Using/Charging Burns may result.Detrimental health effects on your body may result. Do Not Turn the Volume Up To Loud When Using Headphones Listening at high volumes that overstimulate the ear for long periods of time may result in loss of hearing. CAUTIONFire or electric shock may result. Do Not Move This Product While the AC Plug Is Connected ÖIf the AC cord is damaged, un-plug the AC plug immediately. Do Not Subject the AC Adaptor To Any Strong Impact ÖDo not continue to use the AC adaptor after a strong impact such as being dropped. ÖContact your technical support RI¿FHIRUUHSDLU<Only for model with LAN> Do Not Connect a Telephone Line, or a Network Cable Other Than the One Specified, Into the LAN Port ÖDo not connect to a network such as the ones listed below. Networks other than  100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T Phone lines (IP phone (Internet Protocol Telephone), Telephone lines, internal phone lines (on-premise switches), digital public phones, etc.) Do Not Leave This Product in High Temperature Environment for a Long Period of Time Leaving this product where it will be exposed to extremely high WHPSHUDWXUHVVXFKDVQHDU¿UHRUin direct sunlight may deform the cabinet and/or cause trouble in the internal parts. Do Not Block the Ventilation Hole (Exhaust/Intake) ÖDo not use this product wrapped in cloth or on top of bedding or a blanket.DRAFTRAttwith youwith yos of time.s of time.w-temperature burnw-temperature buult.ult.DDo Not Expose Yourself oro Not Expose YoursPersons to the Hot Wind fromPersons to the Hot Wind fromVentilation Hole (Exhaust) For aVentilation Hole (Exhaust) For ang Period of Timeng Period of Tiending on the direction of the ending on the direction of the ter or the way you hold the e way you h your hands and body ur hands and body exposed to the hot exposed to the hot ilation hole n holhand or other nd or other o build up o build up n burns.n burf The eRAAFAAFAFAAFAFAFAFAFAFPhProtolines, intes, inpremise swpremise swphones, etc.)phones, etc.)AFDDo Not Leave Thiso Not Leave ThHigh Temperature Engh Temperature Efor a Long Period of TimLong Period of TiLeaving this product wherct whebe exposed to extremely higxtremely higWHPSHUDWXUHVVXFKDVQHDU¿UVXFKDVQHDU¿Uin direct sunlight may deformnlight mbinet and/or cause trouand/or ternal parts.ernal ock the Vetake)
6Read Me FirstSafety Precautions CAUTIONFire or electric shock may result. Hold the Plug When Unplugging the AC Plug Use Only the Specified AC Adap-tor With This Product ÖDo not use an AC adaptor other than the one supplied (supplied with the unit or one sold sepa-rately as an accessory).This product may fall over or drop, result-ing in an injury. Do Not Place This Product on Unstable Surfaces Avoid StackingDetrimental health effects on your body may result. Take a Break Of 10-15 Minutes Every Hour Using this product for long peri-ods of time may have detrimen-tal health effects on the eyes or hands.Burns, low-temperature burns, or frost-bite may result. Do Not Expose the Skin To This Product When Using the Product In A Hot Or Cold Environment ÖWhen it is necessary to expose the skin to this product such as WRVFDQD¿QJHUSULQWSHUIRUPWKHoperation in the shortest time possible.NOTICEz  Do not place the computer near a televi-sion or radio receiver.z  Keep the computer away from magnets. 'DWDVWRUHGRQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\PD\EHlost.z  This computer is not intended for the dis-play of images for use in medical diagno-sis.z  This computer is not intended for a use with connection of medical equipment for the purpose of medical diagnosis.z  Panasonic shall not be liable for loss of data or other incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this product.z  Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The battery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.z  Do not expose the battery pack to water, or allow it to become wet.z  If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time (a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack until the remaining battery level becomes 30% to 40% and store it in a cool, dry place.z  This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by recharging only when the remaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity.z  The battery pack is not charged when the FRPSXWHULV¿UVWSXUFKDVHG%HVXUHWRFKDUJHLWEHIRUHXVLQJLWIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWhen the AC adaptor is connected to the computer, charging begins automatically.z 6KRXOGWKHEDWWHU\OHDNDQGWKHÀXLGJHWinto your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Im-PHGLDWHO\ÀXVK\RXUH\HVZLWKFOHDUZDWHUand see a doctor for medical treatment as soon as possible.DRAFTDRARADDADRDDRARARADDRARARAAAARAh the unh the uately as an aately as an oduct may fall over oduct may fall ovn an injury.n an inDDo Not Place This Produce This ProduUnstable SurfacesUnstable SurfaAAvoid Stackingvoid StackingAAAlth effects on your body th effects on your bodyOf 10-15 Minutes 0-15 for long peri-for long peri-detrimen-detrimeneyes or zoozzIf thlong pcharge oruntil the remthe rem30% to 40% an% to 40% compuThis cter prever prevthe battery by rechargithe battery by rechargremaining power is less thning power is less tof capacity.zThe battery pack is not chargednot chargeFRPSXWHULV¿UVWSXUFKDVHG%HVSXUFKDVHG%HVDUJHLWEHIRUHXVLQJLWIRUWKHUHXVLQJLWIRUWKHn the AC adaptor is conAC adaer, charging begin, chargEDWWHU\OHDNEs, do no
7Read Me First NOTE z  The battery pack may become warm dur-ing recharging or normal use. This is com-pletely normal.z  Recharging will not commence if internal temperature of the battery pack is outside of the allowable temperature range (0 °C to 50 °C {32 °F to 122 °F}). (Ä  Reference Manual “Battery Power”) Once the allow-DEOHUDQJHUHTXLUHPHQWLVVDWLV¿HGFKDUJ-ing begins automatically. Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the temperature is 10 °C {50 °F} or below.)z  If the temperature is low, the operating time is shortened. Only use the computer within the allowable temperature range.z  This computer has a high temperature mode function that prevents the degra-dation of the battery in high temperature environments. (Ä  Reference Manual “Battery Power”) A level corresponding to a 100% charge for high temperature mode is approximately equivalent to an 80% charge level for normal temperature mode.z  The battery pack is a consumable item. If the amount of time the computer can be run by using a particular battery pack becomes dramatically shorter and re-peated recharging does not restore its performance, the battery pack should be replaced with a new one.z  When transporting a spare battery inside a package, briefcase, etc., it is recommend-ed that it be placed in a plastic bag so that its contacts are protected.z  Always power off the computer when it is not in use. Leaving the computer on when the AC adaptor is not connected will ex-haust the remaining battery capacity.z <Only for model with Built-in Bridge Battery> To minimize deterioration of the built-in bridge battery, connect the computer to the AC adaptor and recharge it for approxi-mately 2 hours about once every year.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS, OR AS PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR-CRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*1, MEDICAL DEVICES OR ACCESSORIES*2, LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR OTHER EQUIPMENTS/DEVICES/SYSTEMS THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH ENSURING HUMAN LIFE OR SAFETY. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RE-SULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROD-UCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES. *1  AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Sys-tems and Class1 EFB Systems when used dur-LQJFULWLFDOSKDVHVRIÀLJKWHJGXULQJWDNHRIIand landing) and/or mounted on to the aircraft. Class1 EFB Systems and 2 EFB Systems are GH¿QHGE\)$$$&$GYLVRU\&LUFXODU$RU-$$-$$7*/7HPSRUDU\*XLGDQFH/HDÀHWVNo.36. *2$VGH¿QHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ0HGLFDO'HYLFHDirective (MDD) 93/42/EEC.3DQDVRQLFFDQQRWJXDUDQWHHDQ\VSHFL¿FD-tions, technologies, reliability, safety (e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Fre-quency Emission, etc) requirements related to aviation standards that exceed the speci-¿FDWLRQVRIRXU&276&RPPHUFLDO2II7KHShelf) products.DRAFTaticallyaticallye varies base varies basRecharging takesRecharging takeen the temperature is 10en the temperature isww.).)temperature is low, the operatintemperature is low, the operatin shortened. Only use the compute shortened. Only use the computee allowable temperature range.e allowable temperature range.ter has a high temperature ter has a high temperthat prevents the degra-ents the deery in high temperature n high temperatRReference ManualReference Manualel corresponding to onding toemperature mode atureto an 80% an 8ature mode.ature mode.e item. e item. an kRAFTRUNo.3*2$VGH¿Q$VGH¿QDirective (MDirectiv3DQDVRQLFFDQ3DQDVRtions, technologieons, Flammability/SmokeFlammability/Smokquency Emission, etc)quency Emission, etc)to aviation standards thatto aviation standards tha¿FDWLRQVRIRXU&276&RP¿FDWLRQVRIRXU&276&RPShelf) products.elf) products.
8Read Me FirstInformation to the User / Informations destinées aux utilisateurs<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>This product and your HealthThis product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product how-ever is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.Because this product operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we be-lieve this product is safe for use by consum-ers. These standards and recommendations UHÀHFWWKHFRQVHQVXVRIWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRP-munity and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature.In some situations or environments, the use of this product may be restricted by the propri-etor of the building or responsible represen-tatives of the organization. These situations PD\IRUH[DPSOHLQFOXGHz  Using this product on board of airplanes, orz  In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is SHUFHLYHGRULGHQWL¿HGDVKDUPIXOIf you are uncertain of the policy that applies RQWKHXVHRIZLUHOHVVGHYLFHVLQDVSHFL¿FRU-ganization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this product prior to turning on the product.Regulatory InformationWe are not responsible for any radio or tele-vision interference caused by unauthorized PRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKLVSURGXFW7KHFRUUHFWLRQof interference caused by such unauthorized PRGL¿FDWLRQZLOOEHWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHuser. We and its authorized resellers or dis-tributors are not liable for damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guidelines. 26-M-1<Uniquement pour les modèles avec réseau ORFDOVDQV¿OHWRX%OXHWRRWK!Ce produit et votre santéCe produit, comme tout autre appareil radio, émet de  l’énergie radioélectrique. Toutefois, la quantité d’énergie émise par ce produit est beaucoup moins importante que l’énergie radioélec-WULTXHpPLVHSDUGHVDSSDUHLOVVDQV¿OWHOVque les téléphones portables. L’utilisation de ce produit ne comporte aucun risque pour le consommateur du fait que cet appareil opère dans les limites des directives concernant les normes et les recommendations de sécu-rité sur les fréquences radio. Ces normes et UHFRPPDQGDWLRQVUHÀqWHQWOHFRQVHQVXVGHODFRPPXQDXWpVFLHQWL¿TXHHWUpVXOWHQWGHdélibérations de jurys et comités de scienti-¿TXHVTXLH[DPLQHQWHWLQWHUSUqWHQWFRQWLQXHO-lement les nouveautés de la vaste littérature sur les recherches effectuées. Dans certaines situations ou environnements, l’utilisation de ce produit peut être restreinte par le proprié-taire du bâtiment ou par les représentants responsables de l’organisation. Ces situations SHXYHQWrWUHOHVVXLYDQWHVSDUH[HPSOHz  A bord d’un avion, ouz  Dans tout autre environnement où les risques d’interférence sur d’autres appa-reils ou services sont perçus ou identi-¿DEOHVFRPPHGDQJHUHX[Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de la réglementation applicable à  O¶XWLOLVDWLRQG¶DSSDUHLOVVDQV¿OGDQVXQHRUJD-QL]DWLRQRXXQHQYLURQQHPHQWVSpFL¿TXHSDUexemple dans un aéroport) nous vous invitons à demander l’autorisation  d’utiliser ce produit avant sa mise en marche.Informations concernant la réglementationNous déclinons toute responsabilité pour toute interférence radio ou télévision causée SDUGHVPRGL¿FDWLRQVQRQDXWRULVpHVDSSRU-tées à ce produit. La correction  G¶LQWHUIpUHQFHVFDXVpHVSDUGHWHOOHVPRGL¿-cations non autorisées sera la seule respon-sabilité de son utilisateur. Nousmêmes, les UHYHQGHXUVRI¿FLHOVHWOHVGLVWULEXWHXUVQHsommes pas responsable de tout dégât ou de toute violation des règlements de l’État pou-vant découler du non-respect de ces direc-tives. 26-F-1Regulatory Informationin rain rrecommrecommduct is safe fduct is safe standards and rstandards and HFRQVHQVXVRIWKHVHFRQVHQVXVRIWKHy and result from deliberatiy and result from delib committees of scientists who c committees of scientistiew and interpret the extensive reiew and interpret the extensive reture.ture.e situations or environments, the ue situations or environments, the uoduct may be restricted by the propduct may be restricted by the prouilding or responsible represen-esponsible represen-organization. These situations zation. These situationsLQFOXGHQFOXGHuct on boaruct od of airplanes, of airplanement wwhere the risk of herevices or services is ces or services is VKDUPIXOKDUPIXOcy that applies cy that applies DVSHFL¿FRUDVSHFL¿FRU--ports), you uon to use e uct.OQL]DQL]Dexempexeà demanà dd’utiliser cedInformations cations cNous déclinons todéclinons totoute interférence rae interférence raSDUGHVPRGL¿FDWLRQVQSDUGHVPRGL¿FDWLRQVtées à ce produit. La corrtées à ce produit. La corrG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHVFDXVpHVSDUG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHVFDXVpHVSDcations non autorisées sera laon autorisées sera lasabilité de son utilisateur. Nousm. NousmHYHQGHXUVRI¿FLHOVHWOHVGLVWULEXWOHVGLVWULEXWmmes pas responsable de tout dénsable de tout déviolation des règlements de ls règlements de lppcouler du non-respect dedu non-
9Read Me FirstLithium Battery / Pile au lithiumLithium Battery!This computer contains a lithium battery to enable the date, time, and other data to be stored. The battery should only be exchanged by authorized service personnel.Warning!A risk of explosion from incorrect installation or misapplication may possibly occur. 15-E-1Pile au lithium!Le micro-ordinateur renferme une pile au lithium qui permet de sauvegarder certaines données, notamment la date et l’heure. La pile ne doit être remplacée que par un techni-FLHQTXDOL¿pDanger ! Risque d’explosion en cas de non respect de cette mise en garde! 15-F-1Information for Users on Collection and Disposal of Old Equip-ment and used BatteriesThese symbols are only valid in the European Union.If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authori-ties or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal. 53-M-1Safety Precautions<Only for model with wireless WAN>The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, ser-vice or repair of any Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manu-facture and intended use of the product. Panasonic assumes no liability for customer failure to comply with these precautions.  When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.   The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hear-ing aids can be affected by interference from Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem placed close to the device. If in doubt about po-tential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem away from the pace-maker, while it is on.  Switch off Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspen-sion or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both. For details on usage of this unit in aircrafts please consult and follow instruction pro-vided by the airline.DRAFTD for Useused BatteThese symThese symIf you wish to If you wish toties or dealer anor dealer anDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDRDRDDRAAN>N>ust be observed during all phases ust be observed during all phasester or Tablet Computer incorporatiter or Tablet Computer incorporate advised to convey the following  to convey the followingrporate these guidelines into all mthese guidelines into all mcautions violates safety standardsions violates safety standardsonic assumes no liability for custonic assumes no liability for custoy, observe the restrictions on the un the Computer incorporating wireless Wwireless Ws posted in sensitive areas. Medicve areas. Medicmedical equipment and hequipmomputer or Tablet Coputer ovice. If in doubt avice. Ie device tod to kea
10Read Me FirstRegulatory Information  Do not operate Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN PRGHPLQWKHSUHVHQFHRIÀDPPDEOHJDVHVRUIXPHV6ZLWFKRIIWKHFHOOXODUWHUPLQDOwhen you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting op-erations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.  Your Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem re-ceives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interfer-ence can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger. 5RDGVDIHW\FRPHV¿UVW'RQRWXVHD3HUVRQDO&RPSXWHURU7DEOHW&RPSXWHULQFRU-porating wireless WAN modem while driving a vehicle. Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area where it could cause personal injury to the driver or passengers. It is recommended to stow the unit in the boot or secure stowage area while driving.   Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area over an air bag or in the vicinity where an air bag may deploy.  $LUEDJVLQÀDWHZLWKJUHDWIRUFHDQGLIWKHFRPSXWHUZLWKZLUHOHVV:$1PRGHPLVSODFHGin the air bag deployment area may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle. IMPORTANT! Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem operate using radio signals and cellular networks cannot be guaranteed to connect in all condi-tions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.Remember, in order to make or receive calls, Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength.Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone IHDWXUHVDUHLQXVHHJORFNIXQFWLRQV¿[HGGLDOLQJHWF<RXPD\QHHGWRGHDFWLYDWHthose features before you can make an emergency call.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in Personal Computer or Tablet Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem.CAUTION:Risk of Explosion if Battery is replaced by an Incorrect Type. Dispose of Used Batteries According to the Instructions. 58-E-1ATTENTION:Il y a risque d’explosion si la batterie est remplacée par une batterie de type incorrect.Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions. 58-F-1Camera Light<For model with rear camera>CAUTION- The light from the LED is strong and can injure human eyes. Do not look directly at the LEDs    with naked eyes. 57-E-1DRAFTVDIHW\FVDIHW\rating wirelesrating wireleswireless WAN mowireless WAN mpassengers. It is recpassengers. It is while driving. whDo not place the computDo not place the the vicinity where an air bawhere an air ba$LUEDJVLQÀDWHZLWKJUHDWIRUF$LUEDJVLQÀDWHZLWKJUHDWIRUFin the air bag deployment area in the air bag deployment area injury to occupants of the vehicle.njury to occupants of the vehicle.ORTANT!T!nal Computer or Computer or Tablet Computer iTablet Comdio signals and cellular networks cio signals and cellular nefore, you should never rely solelyshould never rely solelyons, for example emergency calls.r example emergency callorder to make or receive calls, Perr to make or receive callsless WAN modem must be switchess WAN modem must begnal strength.nal strength.allow for emergency calls if certaallow for emergency calls if certaRFNIXQFWLRQV¿[HGGLDOLQJHWF<LRQV¿[HGGLDOLQJHWF<can make an emergency call.e an emergency call.a valid SIM card be properly inserted SIM card be properly insertg wireless WAN modem.wireless WAN moAFTTct Type. Dispose of Used Batteries Acct Type. Dispose of Used Batteries Actterie de type incorrect.e incorreons.T
11Read Me FirstFederal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement1RWH7KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQWHVWHGDQGfound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful in-terference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television re-ception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour-aged to try to correct the interference by one RUPRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJPHDVXUHVz  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.z  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.z  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.z  Consult the Panasonic Service Center or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WarningTo assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface cables when connecting to a computer or peripheral. Also, any changes RUPRGL¿FDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equip-ment.)&&5)([SRVXUH:DUQLQJz  This equipment is provided with PC Card slot that could be used with wireless trans-PLWWHUVZKLFKZLOOEHVSHFL¿FDOO\UHFRP-mended when they become available.Other third-party wireless transmitters have not been RF exposure evaluated for use with this computer and may not com-ply with FCC RF exposure requirements.<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>z  This equipment complies with FCC radia-tion exposure limits set forth for an uncon-trolled environment.z  This equipment may not be co-located or operated with any other antenna or trans-mitter.z  This device meets the government’s re-quirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for expo-sure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.z  The exposure standard for wireless device employs a unit of measurement known as WKH6SHFL¿F$EVRUSWLRQ5DWHRU6$57KHSAR limit set by the FCC is  1.6 W/kg.*  Tests for SAR are conducted using stan-dard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device transmitting at its KLJKHVWFHUWL¿HGSRZHUOHYHOLQDOOWHVWHGfrequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the KLJKHVWFHUWL¿HGSRZHUOHYHOWKHDFWXDOSAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz fre-quency range. FCC requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential for harm-ful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems. High power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35 GHz and 5.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage this product. 25-M-W-1This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following WZRFRQGLWLRQV(1) This device may not cause harmful inter-ference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.5HVSRQVLEOH3DUW\Panasonic Corporation of North AmericaTwo Riverfront PlazaNewark, NJ 071026XSSRUW&RQWDFWKWWSZZZSDQDVRQLFFRPFRQWDFWLQIR6-M-1For U.S.A.DRAFTuseusrgy andrgy anddance with tdance with tmful interference tmful interferenceHowever, there is no gHowever, there is nerence will not occur in a paerence will not occur inon. If this equipment does causeon. If this equipment does causenterference to radio or television rnterference to radio or television ich can be determined by turning ich can be determined by turning t off and on, the user is encour-t off and on, the user is encour-rrect the interference by one ect the interference by one RZLQJPHDVXUHVHDVXUHVte the rehe receiving antenna.ceiving antenna.tion between the tion between the rto an outlet on outleo which the hichCenter or Center or n for nftoto uto uthe nethe are to a arethe lower thth<Only for model wOnly for model wThis product is restriThis product is restrto its operation in the 5to its operation in the 5quency range. FCC reququency range. FCC reqube used indoors for the freqbe used indoors for the freto 5.25 5.25 GHzGHz to reduce the pot to reduce the poful interference to co-channel Mul interference to co-channel Msystems. High power radars are alsystems. High power radars are aprimary users of the 5.25 to 5.35to 5.35G.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radds. These racan cause interference with anderence with andhis product.mplies with Part 15 plies wiis subject to this sut cau
12Read Me FirstRegulatory InformationFCC RF Exposure Warning:z  This equipment is provided with external antenna connector(s) for connection to optional Car Mounter or Port Replicator for mobile external mounted antenna(s). External antenna(s) must be professionally installed and cannot exceed recommended maximum antenna gain as described in individual provided supplement instructions for wireless transmitters. The Car Mounter is provided with Radiall/Larsen WLAN whip antenna, type NMO5E2400BKTNC with 5dBi antenna gain. The maximum allow-able antenna gain for the external WWAN base whip antenna for the cellular band is 4 dBi, PCS band is 3 dBi, LTE Band 4 is 3 dBi, LTE Band 17 is 9 dBi and 10 dBi for LTE Band 13. Also, user must maintain minimum 20 cm spacing between external antenna(s) and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation. 32-M-186$2QO\'LVSRVDOPD\EHUHJXODWHGLQ\RXUcommunity due to environmental consider-ations. For disposal or recycling information, SOHDVHYLVLW3DQDVRQLFZHEVLWH KWWSZZZSDQDVRQLFFRPHQYLURQPHQWDO  or call 1-888-769-0149 65-M-2<For USA-California Only>This product contains a CR Coin Cell Lithium Battery which contains Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.See 38-M-1A lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have pur-chased.Please call  1-800-8-BATTERY  for information on how to recycle this battery.L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimen-té par une batterie au lithium-ion.Pour des renseigne-ments sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8-BATTERY.48-M-1DRAFTth Rth Rype NMO5ype NMO5tenna gain. Thetenna gain. Theantenna gain for the eantenna gain for thse whip antenna for the cese whip antenna for tis 4 dBi, PCS band is 3 dBi, LTEis 4 dBi, PCS band is 3 dBi, LTs 3 dBi, LTE Band 17 is 9 dBi ands 3 dBi, LTE Band 17 is 9 dBi andLTE Band 13. Also, user must maLTE Band 13. Also, user must maum 20 cm spacing between externum 20 cm spacing between exters) and all person’s body (excludingerson’s body (excludiof hands, wrist and feet) during nds, wrist and feet) duries of operation.s of operation.32-M-1RARARAAAAEHUHJXODWHGLQ\RXUHJXODWHGLQ\RXUental consider-ntal consider-g information, g information, PHQWDO  65-M-2-2Also, user must maintain minimum 20 cm spacing between external antenna(s) and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation.
13Read Me FirstFor CanadaCanadian ICES-003CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) 7-M-2<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>Industry CanadaThis product complies with RSS210 Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions;(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause un-desired operation of the device.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O!Industrie CanadaCet équipement est conforme à la norme CNR-210  d’Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement est VRXPLVDX[GHX[FRQGLWLRQVVXLYDQWHV(1) ce dispositif ne peut produire de brouillage, et(2) ce dispositif doit accepter le brouillage, y compris le brouillage pouvant entraîner le fonctionnement non désiré de l’appareil.30-Ca-1-1<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product (local network devices) for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or dam-age to LELAN devices.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH/$1VDQV¿O!Cet appareil (pour réseaux locaux radioé-lectriques) dans les bandes de fréquences 5150-5250 MHz est réservé à une utilization jO¶LQWpULHXUD¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHU-férence avec les systèmes satellites mobiles bicanaux.Les radars forte puissance sont désignés comme étant les premiers utilisateurs (c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont la priorité) des bandes de fré-quences 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz. Ces stations radars peuvent provoquer des interférences et/ou des dommages à ce péri-phérique. 30-Ca-2-1<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>z  This computer complies with Industry Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.z  This PC with WLAN and/or Bluetooth transmitters installed, has been approved for portable operation and does not require any minimum spacing be provided be-tween antennas and all person’s body.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O:$1VDQV¿O!z  Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements d’Industrie Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé.z  Ce PC avec émetteurs WLAN et/ou  %OXHWRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿QVG¶RSp-ration mobile; aucun espace minimum entre les antennes et le corps de l’utilisa-teur n’est requis.This device has been designed to operate with the Radiall/Larsen whip antenna, typeNMO5E2400BKTNC WLAN antenna having a maximum gain of 5dB. A WLAN Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec l’antenne-fouet Radiall/Larsen, type WLAN NMO5E2400BKTNC, ayant un gain maximum de 5 dB. Les règlements d’Industrie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WLAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.$¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHUD-dioélectrique aux autres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour as-surer la communication. 25-Ca-1-1DRAFTt cat cast accept anyst accept anerference that maerference that mperation of the device.peration of the deviplique qu’aux modèles avec teplique qu’aux modèles XHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O!XHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O!CanadaCanament est conforme à la norme ment est conforme à la norme da. Son fonctionnement est ctionnemRQGLWLRQVVXLYDQWHVQVVXLYDQWHVut produire de brouillage,produire de brouillage,ter le brouillage, y uillage, y vant entraîner le ntraîde l’appareil.’app30-Ca-1-1a-1-1>>for the for thage e to This dwith the h the NMO5E240NMO5E2a maximum ga maximhaving a higherving regulations of Indegulations of Indantenna impedanceantenna impedanceTo reduce potential radTo reduce potential rausers, the antenna type users, the antenna type be so chosen that the equibe so chosen that the equradiated power (EIRP) is not radiated power (EIRP) is notrequired for successful communquired for successful commuet appareil est conçu pour opérer aet appareil est conçu pour opérer enne-fouet Radiall/Larsen, type Wn, type WE2400BKTNC, ayant un gain maxt un gain maxLes règlements d’Industrie Canad’Industrie Canal’utilisation d’une antenne Wd’une antenne Werait supérieur à cette liupérieuavoir une impédancoir une TXHG¶LQWHes util
14Read Me FirstRegulatory InformationFor IndiaFor the purpose of recycling to facilitate effective utilization of resources, please return this product to a nearby authorized collection center, registered dismantler or recycler, or Panasonic service center when disposing of this product.Please see the Panasonic website for further information on collection centers, etc.KWWSZZZSDQDVRQLFFRLQZSVSRUWDOKRPH 68-M-1<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>*  This computer complies with Industry   Canada radiation exposure limits set forth   for an uncontrolled environment.*  This PC with WLAN and/or Bluetooth   transmitters installed, has been approved   for portable operation and does not require   any minimum spacing be provided between   antennas and all person’s body.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec tech-QRORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O:$1VDQV¿O!*  Cet équipement est conforme aux limites   d’exposition aux rayonnements d’Industrie   Canada établies pour un environnement non  contrôlé.*  Ce PC avec émetteurs WLAN et/ou  %OXHWRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿QV  d’opération mobile; aucun espace minimum   entre les antennes et le corps de l’utilisateur   n’est requis..This device has been designed to operate with the WWAN antenna having a maxi-mum gain of 4 dBi for Cellular band, 3 dBi for the PCS band and 5.5 dBi for LTE Band 4. WWAN Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.<Utilisation au Canada>Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec une DQWHQQH::$1UpVHDXpWHQGXVDQV¿OGRQWOHJDLQPD[LPXPHVW¿[pj>;@SRXUODEDQGHcellulaire et à 4 dBi pour la bande cellulaire, 3 dBi pour la bande PCS et 5.5 dBi pour la bande LTE Band 4. Les règlements d’Industrie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WWAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.$¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHUD-dioélectrique aux autres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour as-surer la communication. 32-Ca-1-1)2586(:,7+02'(/12&)$$%&328587,/,6(5$9(&02'Ê/(&)$$%&20-Ca-1DRAFTAFto facilitate effective utilization of litate effective utilization of rized collection center, registered dd collection center, registered n disposing of this product.n disposing of this pfor further information on collectiofor further information on collectioOKRPHKRPK/$K/$ent est coent est cn aux rayonnen aux rayonnétablies pour un eétablies pour un é.é.PC avec émetteurs WLAN PC avec émetteurs WOXHWRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿OXHWRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿opération mobile; aucun espace mopération mobile; aucun espace me les antennes et le corps de l’utile les antennes et le corps de l’utilequis..equis..Ahas been designed to operate designed to operate N antenna having a maxi-enna having a maxi-Bi for Cellular band, 3 dBi for Cellular band, 3 dBi nd 5.5 dBi for LTE Band nd 5.5 dBi for LTE Banaving a higher gain is ghegulations of Industry ons of Industry tenna impedance is nna impedance is AAA3232
15Getting StartedThank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.In these instructions, the names are referred as follows. indicates Windows® 8.1 Operating System. indicates Windows® 7 Operating System.  Terms and illustrations in these instructionsCAUTION  &RQGLWLRQVWKDWPD\UHVXOWLQPLQRURUPRGHUDWHLQMXU\NOTE  8VHIXODQGKHOSIXOLQIRUPDWLRQEnter 3UHVV>(QWHU@NH\Alt + Del 3UHVVDQGKROG>$OW@NH\DQGWKHQSUHVV>'HO@NH\Î 3DJHLQWKHVH2SHUDWLQJ,QVWUXFWLRQVRULQWKH5HIHUHQFH0DQXDO 5HIHUHQFHWRWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDOVDisplay “Charm”  Flick from right side to inside of the screen.7RXFK>&KDUP@  7KLVLOOXVWUDWLRQPHDQVWRWRXFK  (Settings) in the Charm menu.6WDUW>$OO3URJUDPV@ 7RXFK 6WDUWDQGWKHQWRXFK>$OO3URJUDPV@z 6RPHLOOXVWUDWLRQVDUHVLPSOL¿HGWRKHOS\RXUXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGPD\ORRNGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHactual unit.z  If you do not log on as an administrator, you cannot use some functions or cannot display some screens.z  Refer for the latest information about optional products to the catalogs, etc.z  In these instructions, the names and terms are referred as follows.y “Windows® 8.1 Update Pro 64-bit” as “Windows” or “Windows 8.1”y “Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit Service Pack 1” and “Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit  Service Pack 1” as “Windows” or “Windows 7”y DVD MULTI drive as “DVD drive”z  6FUHHQPHVVDJHVDUHH[SODLQHGLQ>(QJOLVK8QLWHG6WDWHV@ (Depending on the language preference, some screen messages in these instructions are dif-IHUHQWIURPWKHDFWXDOVFUHHQPHVVDJHV)RUH[DPSOH>)OLJKWPRGH@PD\EHGLVSOD\HGLQVWHDGRI>$LUSODQHPRGH@LQVRPHODQJXDJHSUHIHUHQFH Disclaimer &RPSXWHUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGPDQXDOVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH3DQDVRQLF&RUSRUD-tion assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or dis-crepancies between the computer and the manuals. TrademarksMicrosoft®, Windows®, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation of the United States and/or other countries.Intel, Core, Centrino and PROSet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corpo-ration.microSDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.      IntroductionDRAFTDR35HI5DDDDDDay “Charm”ay “ChFlick fromFlick from&KDUP@&KDUP7KLVLOOXVVLOOXVWUDWWUDWDO3URJUDPV@77RXFKRXF7776WDUWDQDUWDUHVLPSOL¿HGWRKHOS\RXUXQGHUVHVLPSOL¿HGWRKHOS\RXUXan administratoristra, you cannot use sot use sn about optional products about optional products to the c and terms are referredand terms are referred as followst” as “Windows” or “Windows 8.1”t” as “Windows” or “Windows 8.1”ervice Pack 1” and “Windowsck 1” and “Windows®® 7 P 7 P®®dows 7”7”WHG6WDWHV@HG6WDeen messages in these instructioneen messages in these instruction>)OLJKWPRGH@PD\EHGLVSOD\HGLGLVSOD\HGQRWLFH3DQDVRQLQRWLFHerrors, omiser
16Getting StartedIntroductionAdobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.Bluetooth® is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to  Panasonic Corporation.+'0,WKH+'0,/RJRDQG+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFHDUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGtrademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.Names of products, brands, etc., appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trade-marks of their respective own companies. On-screen ManualFor further information about the computer, you can refer to the on-screen manual.z Reference Manual  The Reference Manual contains the practical information to help you fully enjoy the comput-er’s performance.z Important Tips  The Important Tips will provide you with the battery information so that you can use the battery pack in the optimum condition to obtain longer operation time.To access the on-screen manuals, follow the steps below.2QWKH6WDUWVFUHHQWRXFKWKH>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@WLOHDQGVHOHFWWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDO'RXEOHWRXFK>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@RQWKHGHVNWRSVFUHHQDQGVHOHFWWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDOmatiomatioe Manuale Manualfereference Manual cnce Manualperformance.performmportant TmportaipsThe Important The ImTips will provide y will provide yack in the optimum condition to oback in the optimum condition to oess the on-screen manuals, followess the on-screen manuals, followDDDDVFUHHQWRXFKWKH>0DQXDO6HOHFWRRXFKWKH>0DQXDO6HOHXDO6HOHFWRU@RQWKHGHVNWRSVFUHHXDO6HOHFWRU@RQWKHGH
17Getting StartedDescription of PartsFront CameraÎ  Reference Manual “Camera” A: Camera IndicatorB: Camera LensC: MicrophoneD: Ambient Light Sensor  The ambient light sensor is equipped with an automatic brightness adjustment func-tion that adjusts the display screen.  (Î page 24)E: Security lock  A Kensington cable can be connected. For further information, read the manual that comes with the cable.F: DC-IN jackG: Tablet ButtonsÎ  Reference Manual “Tablet Buttons” H: LED Indicator  3RZHU,QGLFDWRU  2II3RZHURII+LEHUQDWLRQ*UHHQ3RZHURQ%OLQNLQJJUHHQ6OHHS%OLQNLQJJUHHQDQGRUDQJH&DQQRWpower on or resume due to low tem-perature.  'ULYHVWDWXV  %DWWHU\VWDWXVÎ page 24 “When the battery indica-tor does not light on”Î  Reference Manual “Battery Power”I: Power SwitchJ: USB3.0 PortÎ  Reference Manual “USB Devices” K: HDMI PortÎ   Reference Manual “External Dis-play”L: Headset Jack  A headset or headphone can be connect-ed.Front side㪙㪞㪜㪝㪟㪠㪘㪚㪛㪡㪢㪣Right sideaaence ManualM “Camera” “Camelcatorequipped with uipped with tment func-ment func-en.  en.  KÎppL:L:HeadsHeadAA headse heaAAed.ed.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD㪞㪟㪠㪟
18Getting StartedDescription of PartsA: Ventilation Hole (Intake)B: Ventilation Hole (Exhaust)C: Dust CoverÎ page 27 “To clean inside of the dust cover” D:  USB2.0 Port*1 / LAN Port*2 / Serial Port*3 / MicroSD Memory Card Slot*4*1 Only for model with USB2.0 portÎ   Reference Manual “USB Devices”*2 Only for model with LAN portÎ   Reference Manual “LAN”*3 Only for model with Serial portÎ   Reference Manual “Serial Port”*4 Only for model with microSD memory card slotÎ   Reference Manual “MicroSD Memo-ry Card”Rear Camera  <Only for model with Rear Camera>Î  Reference Manual “Camera” E: Camera IndicatorF: Camera LensG: Camera lightH: Battery PackI: Battery LatchÎ  Reference Manual “Battery Power”J:  Wireless LAN Antenna  <Only for model with wireless LAN>Î  Reference Manual “Wireless LAN”K: Wireless WAN Antenna  <Only for model with wireless WAN>Î  Reference Manual “Wireless WAN”L:  Smart Card Slot  <Only for model with Smart Card Slot>Î  Reference Manual “Smart Card”M: External Antenna ConnectorN: SIM Card Slot  <Only for model with wireless WAN>Î  Reference Manual “Wireless WAN” O: Expansion Bus ConnectorÎ  Reference Manual “Cradle”P:  Wireless LAN Antenna / Bluetooth An-tenna  <Only for model with wireless LAN>  <Only for model with Bluetooth>Î  Reference Manual “Wireless LAN” “Bluetooth”Q: SpeakerÎ  Reference Manual “Dashboard for Panasonic PC”R: Pen Holder㪩㪘㪙 㪛㪚㪝㪜㪟㪠㪞㪡㪢㪣㪦㪥㪧㪨㪤Rear sideDRAFTlation Hole (Intake)lation Hole (Intake)ion Hole (Exhaust)on Hole (ExhausterTo clean inside of the dust clean inside of the dust Port*22 / Serial Port / Serial Port*3 /  / d SlotSlot*42.0 port2.0 portB Devices”B Devices”ÎÎM:M:ExteN:NSIM Ca<Only for mfor mÎAFRefereRefereO:Expansion Bus Expansion BusÎÎAFReference Mnce MP:P:  Wireless LAN Antenneless LAN Antenntenna<Only for model with wirelwireleses<Only for model with Blueth Bluetooth>toothÎFTReference Manuale Man “WireleirelelBluetooth”herference Manufere PC”
19Getting Started PreparationA Check and identify the supplied accessories. ,I\RXGRQRW¿QGWKHGHVFULEHGDFFHVVRULHVFRQWDFW3DQDVRQLF7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW (Î page 50).$&$GDSWRU .. 10RGHO1R CF-AA64B3C$&&RUG .... 1 %DWWHU\3DFN  ..... 10RGHO1R)=9=688RU)=9=688'LJLWL]HUSHQ ...... 1Î    Reference Manual “Screen Input Operation”7HWKHU ......1 6RIW&ORWK ... 1Î  Reference Manual “Screen Input Operation”23(5$7,1*,16758&7,2167KLVERRN ................... 1B Read the LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT before breaking the seal on the comput-er’s packaging (Î page 41).1  Inserting the Battery Pack.  Turn over the computer and insert the battery pack until it touch to the secured position.z Make sure no foreign objects are under the computer. CAUTION z  Make sure the latch is securely locked. Otherwise the battery pack may fall when you carry the computer.z  Do not touch the terminals of the battery pack and the computer. Doing so can make the terminals dirty or damaged, and may cause malfunction of the battery pack and the computer. NOTE z  Note that the computer consumes electricity even when the com-puter power is off. If the battery pack is fully charged, the battery ZLOOIXOO\GLVFKDUJHLQWKHIROORZLQJSHULRGRIWLPHStatus Discharge period&)9=688 &)9=688When power is off Approx. @@ weeks Approx. @@ weeksIn sleep Approx. @@ days Approx. @@ daysIn hibernation Approx. @@ days  Approx. @@ days1ABFirst-time OperationAFTAFDRAF........11DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDR6R6DRDRDRDRDRDRDÎÎDRReference Meference 5$7,1*,16758&7,2167KLVE5$7,1*,16758&7,2167KLVEMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMEUSE LICENSE AGREE(ÎÎ page pag41).TTRAAFInserting the Battery PackInserting the Battery Packover the computer and insert the bcomputer and insert the ecured position.ositioure no foreign objeco foreign objects are under thts are under thch is securely locked. Otherwise this securely locked. Otherwise thou carry the computer.ou carry the coals of the battery pack and the comand the cominals dirty or damaged, and mamaged, and maery pack and the computer.d the coctricity even ctully chaW
20Getting StartedFirst-time Operation2  Attaching the pen (included) to the computer.A Pass one of the loops through the hole.㪈B Pass one of the loops through another loop.㪉C Thread the second loop on the tether through the hole as illustrated.㪊D Pass the pen and tether through the second loop.㪋 CAUTION z  Do not pull the tether with excessive force. The pen (included) may hit the computer, person’s body or other objects when re-leased.3  Connect your computer to a power outlet.  The battery charging starts automatically. CAUTION z 'RQRWGLVFRQQHFWWKH$&DGDSWRUXQWLOWKH¿UVWWLPHRSHUDWLRQprocedure is completed.z :KHQXVLQJWKHFRPSXWHUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHGRQRWFRQQHFWDQ\peripheral device  (including wired LAN cable) except the battery pack and AC adaptor.z  Handling the AC adaptory Problems such as sudden voltage drops may arise during pe-riods of thunder and lightning. Since this could adversely affect your computer, an uninterruptible power source (UPS) is highly recommended unless running from the battery pack alone.4  Turn on the computer.  Press and hold the power switch   (Î page 17) until the power indicator   (Î page 17) lights. CAUTION z  Do not press the power switch repeatedly or do not hold the power switch for four seconds or longer.㪈㪉3AFDRAFRARARARRRCAUTIONzzDo not pull the tether wDo not pull the tether wmay hit the computer, permay hit the computer, leased.ed.AFAFConnect your computer toect your computer tattery charging starts automaticallcharging starts automaticalQQHFWWKHHFWWKH$&DGDSWRUXQWLOWKH¿UVWDGDSWRUXQWLOWKH¿UVmpleted.mpRPSXWHUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHGRQRWFRGRQRWFcluding wired LAN cable) except tcable) except voltage drops may atage dSince this couSine power sthe
21Getting Started5 Setup Windows.Follow the on-screen instructions.z The computer restarts several times. Do not touch the screen or tablet buttons, and wait until the drive indicator   has turned off.z After the computer is turned on, the screen remains black or unchanged for a while, but this is not a malfunction. Wait for a moment until the Windows setup screen appears.z Setup of Windows will take approximately    5 minutes /   20 minutes.*RWRWKHQH[WVWHSFRQ¿UPLQJHDFKPHVVDJHRQWKHGLVSOD\z  Follow the steps below.A  When “Enable sensors” is displayed, touch>(QDEOHWKLVVHQVRU@B:KHQWKH>8VHU$FFRXQW&RQWURO@VFUHHQLVGLVSOD\HGtouch><HV@C$WWKH>'LVSOD\5RWDWLRQ7RRO@FRQ¿UPDWLRQVFUHHQWouch ><HV@The computer restarts automatically, and the setting is en-abled.z  You can set the Wireless Network after the setup of Windows is complete. If “Get online” is displayed, you can select “Skip this step”. “Join a wireless network” screen may not ap-pear. CAUTION z  You can change the user name, password, image and security setting after setup of Windows.z  Remember your password. If you forget the password, you can-not use Windows. Creating a password reset disk beforehand is recommended.z 'RQRWXVHWKHIROORZLQJZRUGVIRUXVHUQDPH&21351AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, @, &, space. In particular, if you create a user name (account name) that includes the “@” mark, a password will be requested at the log-on screen, even if no password has been set. If you try to log on without entering a password, “The user name or pass-word is incorrect.” may be displayed and you will not be able to  sign in /   log on to Windows  (Î page 38).6  Create the recovery disc.A recovery disc allows you to install OS and restore its factory default condition, in case, for example, the recovery partition RIWKHÀDVKPHPRU\LVGDPDJHG:HUHFRPPHQGFUHDWLQJDrecovery disc before you begin using the computer. Refer to Î  Reference Manual “Recovery Disc Creation Util-ity” about creating the disc.TTDRAFTAABtotoCC$WWK$WWK><HV@><HV@The computeThe computabled.azzYYou can set the Wou can set tYYYis complete.s completeRARARARARARARARARARARA If “Get ont onthis step”.thisRARARARARARARARARA “Join a wireless “Join a wirpear.pear.ONn change the user name, passworthe user name, passwoter setup of Windows.p of Windows.your passwordr password. If you forget the pa. If you forget the pws. Creating a password reset disws. Creating a password reset disZLQJZZLQJRUGVIRUXVHUQDPH&21UXVHUQDPH&21COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, @LPT9, @u create a user name (account na(account na a password will be requested atbe requested atsword has been set. If you tryeen set. If you tryord, “The user name or he useed and you will not and yoog on to Windog o
22Getting StartedFirst-time Operation NOTE z  PC Information Viewer 7KLVFRPSXWHUSHULRGLFDOO\UHFRUGVWKHPDQDJHPHQWLQIRUPDWLRQRIWKHÀDVKPHPRU\HWF7KHmaximum data volume for each record is 1024 bytes. 7KLVLQIRUPDWLRQLVRQO\XVHGIRUHVWLPDWLQJWKHFDXVHZKHQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\JRHVGRZQE\any possibility. They are never sent to outside via network nor used for any other purpose except for the purpose described the above. 7RGLVDEOHWKHIXQFWLRQDGGWKHFKHFNPDUNIRU>'LVDEOHWKHDXWRPDWLFVDYHIXQFWLRQIRUPDQDJHPHQWLQIRUPDWLRQKLVWRU\@LQ>+DUG'LVN6WDWXV@RI3&,QIRUPDWLRQ9LHZHUDQGWRXFK>2.@Then follow the on-screen instructions. (Î  Reference Manual “Checking the Computer’s Usage Status”)  Before using wireless functionA Display “Charm” and touch  >&KDQJH3&6HWWLQJV@>1HWZRUN@>$LUSODQHPRGH@  SHW>$LUSODQHPRGH@WR>2II@DQGWKHQ sHW>:L)L@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV/$1 sHW>0RELOHEURDGEDQG@ WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1 sHW>*36@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1 sHW>%OXHWRRWK@ WR>2Q@IRU%OXHWRRWKA Touch the Wireless Switch Utility icon to show the pop-up menu.B Select ON for the device you want to enable.  To change the partition structureYou can shrink a part of an existing partition to create unallocated disk space, from which you can create a new partition. In the default setting, you can use a single partition.A   Perform either of the following procedures.y Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top.  Touch   (Start) and touch and hold>&RPSXWHU@WKHQWouch>0DQDJH@z  A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.B Touch>'LVN0DQDJHPHQW@C Touch and hold the partition for Windows (“c” drive in the default setting), and touch>6KULQN9ROXPH@z 7KHSDUWLWLRQVL]HGHSHQGVRQWKHFRPSXWHUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVD ,QSXWWKHVL]HLQ>(QWHUWKHDPRXQWRIVSDFHWRVKULQNLQ0%@DQGWouch>6KULQN@z  You cannot input a larger number than the displayed size.z 7RVHOHFW>5einstall to the System and OS partitions.@LQLnstalling OS (Î page 32),  70 GB /   60 GBRUPRUHLVQHFHVVDU\IRU>7RWDOVL]HDIWHUVKULQNLQ0%@E Touch and hold>8QDOORFDWHG@WKHVKUXQNVSDFHLQWKHVWHSD) and touch>1HZ6LPSOH9ROXPH@F Follow the on-screen instructions to make the settings, and touch>)LQLVK@Wait until formatting is completed. NOTE z  You can create an additional partition using remaining unallocated space or newly creating unallocated space.z 7RGHOHWHDSDUWLWLRQWRXFKDQGKROGWKHSDUWLWLRQDQGWRXFK>'HOHWH9ROXPH@LQWKHVWHSC.DRAFTng wireng wireDDDDDplay “Charm” and tplay “Charm” andSSHW>$LUSODQHPRGH@WR>2HW>$LUSODQHPRGH@ssHW>:L)L@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHW>:L)L@WR>2Q@IRssHW>0RELOHEURDGEDQG@HW>0RELOHEURDGEDWR>2Q>2QssHW>*36@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:HW>*36@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:HW>%OXHWRRWK@HW>%OXHWRRWK@WR>2Q@IRU%OXHWRRWR>2Q@IRU%OXHWRRDDDDh the Wireless Switch Utility icon toess Switch Utility iconON for the device you want to enabthe device you want to e partition structuree partition structureof an existing partition to create usting partition to create un the default setting, you can use default setting, you can usollowing procedures.ollowing procedures.he bottom left corner of the Desktohe bottom left corner of the Deskthe Start screen to the top.creen to the top.old>&RPSXWHU@WKHQW&RPSXWHU@WKHQouch>0DQD>0DQDan administrator password.n administrator pass (“c” drive in the default setting), a(“c” drive in the default setting), HUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVVKULQNLQ0%@DQGWouchouch>6KULQN@>6KULQN@layed size.ns.@LQLnstalling OS (nstallingÎpVQHFHVVDU\IRU>7RWQHFHVVDD) and to
23Getting StartedTurning OnPress and hold the power switch   (Î page 17) until the power indicator   (Î page 17) lights. NOTE z  Do not press the power switch repeatedly.z  The computer will forcibly be turned off if you press and hold the power switch for four sec-onds or longer.z  Once you turn off the computer, wait for ten seconds or more before you turn on the computer again.z  Do not perform the following operation until the drive indicator   turns off.y Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptory Pressing the power switchy Touching the tablet buttons, screen or external mouse/keyboardTurning OffA Shut down the computer.   1. Display “Charm” and touch  . 2. Touch>3RZHU@>6KXW GRZQ@  Touch 6WDUW>6KXWGRZQ@ NOTE z To turn off the computer, proceed as follows.A Display “Charm” and touch   - >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFRYHU\@>5HFRYHU\@.B Touch>5HVWDUWQRZ@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´C Touch>7XUQRII\RXU3&@Precaution against Starting Up/Shutting Downz  Do not do the followingy Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptory Pressing the power switchy Touching the screen or external mouse/keyboard NOTE z  To conserve power, the following power saving methods are set at the time of purchase.y TKHVFUHHQDXWRPDWLFDOO\WXUQVRIIDIWHU  10 minutes (when AC adaptor is connected) of inactivity  5 minutes (when operating on battery power) of inactivityy The computer automatically enters sleep*1DIWHU  30 minutes /   20 minutes (when AC adaptor is connected) of inactivity  15 minutes (when operating on battery power) of inactivity*1 Refer to   Reference Manual “Sleep and Hibernation Functions” about resuming from sleep.Turning On / Turning OffAFTAFAFTTDRAFDDRRAe folloe follor disconnecr disconnehe power switchhe power switchg the tablet buttons, sg the tablet buttonsing Own the computer.wn the computer.DDarm” and touch touch ..>6KXWKXWGRZQ@GRZGRZQ@as follows.&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQ3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQFHGVWDUWXS´XS´utting Downt the time of pur the
24Useful InformationOperation environmentz 3ODFHWKHFRPSXWHURQDÀDWVWDEOHVXUIDFHQRWVXEMHFWWRVKRFNYLEUDWLRQDQGGDQJHURIdropping. Do not place the computer upright or turn it over. If the computer is exposed to an extremely strong impact, it may become damaged.z Operating environment 7HPSHUDWXUH2SHUDWLRQ°C to 50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F} (IEC60068-2-1, 2)*1   6WRUDJH°C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F} +XPLGLW\ 2SHUDWLRQ% to 80% RH (No condensation)  6WRUDJH% to 90% RH (No condensation)Even within the above temperature/humidity ranges, operation for a long time in extreme en-vironments, smoking nearby, or operation in places where oil is used or where there is a lot of dust will result in the product deterioration and will shorten the product life.*1  Do not expose the skin to this product when using the product in a hot or cold environment.  (Î page 3) If the computer is wet in temperatures of 0 °C {32 °F} or below, freeze damage may occur. Make sure to dry off the computer in such temperatures.z  Do not place the computer in the following areas, otherwise the computer may be damaged.y Near electronic equipment. Image distortion or noise may occur.y In extremely high or low temperature.z  As the computer can become hot during operation, keep it away from items that are sensitive to heat.Handling cautions7KLVFRPSXWHULVGHVLJQHGWRPLQLPL]HVKRFNWRSDUWVVXFKDVWKH/&'DQGWKHÀDVKPHPRU\drive, but no warranty is provided against any trouble caused by shock. Be extremely careful when handling the computer.z :KHQFDUU\LQJWKHFRPSXWHUy Turn off the computer.y Remove all external devices, cables, Smart Cards and other protruding objects.y Do not drop or hit the computer against solid objects.y Do not grip the display part.z  When you board an airplane, take the computer with you and never put it in your checked lug-gage. When using the computer on airplane, follow the airline’s instructions.z  When carrying a spare battery, put it in a plastic bag to protect its terminals.z  Avoid any harmful substances such as oil from getting into the touch pad. The pointer may not work correctly.z  Be careful not to get injured by dropping or getting hit when carrying the computer.z  Use only the included digitizer pen to touch the screen. Do not place any object on its surface and do not press down strongly with sharp-pointed or hard objects that may leave marks (e.g., nails, pencils and ball point pens).z Do not use the screen when dust or dirt (e.g., oil) is on the screen. Otherwise foreign particles on the screen/digitizer pen can scratch the screen surface or obstruct the digitizer pen operation.z  Use the digitizer pen only for touching the screen. Using it for any other purpose may damage the digitizer pen and result in scratches on the screen.z  The digitizer uses electromagnetic induction and may not work properly near strong electrical ¿HOGRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVXFKDVy Near AM radio base station or relay station antennasy1HDU&57GLVSOD\VWKDWJHQHUDWHVWURQJHOHFWURPDJQHWLF¿HOGQRLVH  Move the digitizer away from such locations so it will work properly.z  The pointer cannot follow the digitizer pen movement if you move the digitizer pen too quickly.Handling and MaintenanceDRAFTRAhe abhe a, smoking, smokingresult in the prresult in the pot expose the skin to ot expose the skin  page page3) If the computer is wet in temperIf the computer is wet in tempeMake sure to dry off the computerMake sure to dry off the computernot place the computer in the follonot place the computer in the follar electronic equipment. Image disar electronic equipment. Image disemely high or low temperature.or low temperature.puter can becocan become hot during opeme hot during GWRPLQLPL]HVKRFNWRSDUWVVXFKDRPLQLPL]HVKRFNWRSDUWVvided against any trouble caused bided against any troublees, Smart Cards and other protrudSmart Cards and other protrudnst solid solid objects.uter with you and never put it in youter with you and never put it in yollow the airline’s to protect its terminals.minals.g into the touch pad. The pointech pad. The pointen carrying the comparryingot place any obot placts that m
25Useful Information  When the battery indicator does not light on The battery indicator may not light on even if the AC adaptor and the battery pack are correctly connected to the computer, due to the following reasons.z  The AC adaptor’s protection function may be working. In this case, pull out the AC cord and wait for more than 1 minute before reconnecting the AC cord.z  When the battery is fully charged and the computer is not operating (i.e., it is turned off or in sleep mode), the power supply from the AC adaptor stops and power consumption is inhibited (except when the Wake Up from LAN or the Power On by LAN function is enabled). In this case, the indicator will light green upon connecting the AC adaptor, but only for a moment.  When using peripheral devicesFollow these instructions and the Reference Manual to avoid any damage to the devices. Care-fully read the instruction manuals of the peripheral devices.z 8VHWKHSHULSKHUDOGHYLFHVFRQIRUPLQJWRWKHFRPSXWHU¶VVSHFL¿FDWLRQVz  Connect to the connectors in the correct direction.z  If it is hard to insert, do not try forcibly but check the connector’s shape, direction, alignment of pins, etc.z  If screws are included, fasten them securely.z  Remove the cables when you carry the computer. Do not pull the cables forcibly.  Preventing your computer from unauthorized use via wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN>z Before using wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN, make the appropriate security settings such as data encryption. Battery Recalibrationz  The battery recalibration may take a long time due to the large battery capacity. This is not a malfunction.<When performing “Battery Recalibration” after shutting down Windows>y)XOOFKDUJH$SSUR[LPDWHO\##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHO\##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688y &RPSOHWHGLVFKDUJH$SSUR[LPDWHO\##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHO\##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688When performing “Battery Recalibration” without shutting down Windows, it may take more time to charge / discharge. SensorsThis computer is equipped with four sensors (acceleration sensor, gyro sensor, magnetic sensor, ambient light sensor), and you can use these sensors with any software that is compatible.As the accuracy of each sensor output is dependent on the operating environment and other con-ditions, the results should only be used as a reference.The acceleration sensor, gyro sensor, and magnetic sensor are located at the bottom left of the LCD. The detection results of each sensor may vary depending on how you are holding the com-puter, the application software you are using, and other factors.DRAFTpherpheructions and uctions and struction manualsstruction manuaHULSKHUDOGHYLFHVHULSKHUDOGHYLFHVFRQIRFRct to the connectors in the cct to the connectors ins hard to insert, do not try forciblys hard to insert, do not try included, fasare included, faten them securelthem securel cables when cables wyou carry the compuyou carry the compr computer from unauthorized umputer from unauthoriess LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WANBluetooth/Wireless WANN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN, make ttooth/Wireless WAN, maklong time due to the large battery due to the large battery after shutting down Windows>er shutting down Windows>K&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHO\#K&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHO\#ZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHOZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[LPDWHdown Windows, it may take more timay take more tio sensor, maoshat is con
26Useful InformationHandling and Maintenancez Automatic brightness adjustment  The computer is equipped with an automatic brightness adjustment function that adjusts the GLVSOD\VFUHHQEDVHGRQWKHDPELHQWOLJKWVHQVRU<RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHWKHDXWRPDWLFDGMXVWPHQWfunction as follows.  A  Display “Charm” and touch  >&KDQJH3&6HWWLQJV@>3&DQGGHYLFHV@>3RZHUDQGVOHHS@WKHQVHW>$GMXVWP\VFUHHQEULJKWQHVVDXWRPDWLFDOO\@WR>2Q@  A Touch  6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@>+DUGZDUHDQG6RXQG@>3RZHU2SWLRQ@ B 7RXFK>&KDQJHSODQVHWWLQJV@IRUWKHSRZHUSODQFXUUHQWO\XVHG C 7RXFK>&KDQJHDGYDQFHGSRZHUVHWWLQJV@DQGGRXEOHWRXFK>'LVSOD\@ D'RXEOHWRXFK>(QDEOHDGDSWLYHEULJKWQHVV@PDNHQHFHVVDU\VHWWLQJVDQGWRXFK>2.@  Set each item to ON, and the brightness of the screen display will adjust automatically.  The ambient light sensor is located at the top of LCD.  The ambient light cannot be detected properly if this area is obstructed or dirty.z Magnetic sensor  The magnetic sensor on the computer operates by detecting geomagnetism. Therefore, the magnetic sensor may not function properly and it readings may be inaccurate, especially in the following environments.y Inside or near steel structures such as buildings or bridgesy Inside or near automobiles, or near train power linesy Near metallic furniture or appliancesy When the AC adaptor or other peripheral devices are brought closer to the computery1HDUPDJQHWVVSHDNHUVRURWKHUREMHFWVZLWKVWURQJPDJQHWLF¿HOGV  The magnetic directions indicated by the magnetic sensor may not be accurate immediately DIWHUSXUFKDVHRULQHQYLURQPHQWVZLWKSRRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGV  In such cases, turn on the computer and move it as follows. A Hold the computer so that its screen side is facing upward and level. B While keeping the computer level, rotate it 90 degrees or more clockwise. C Return the computer to position A, and rotate it 90 degrees or more counterclockwise. D Return the computer to position A. E  Tilt the computer 90 degrees or more to the left so that the left side of the computer tilts down. F  Return the computer to position A, and tilt it 90 degrees or more to the right so that the right side of the computer tilts down. CAUTION Ɣ+ROGWKHFRPSXWHU¿UPO\ZKHQPRYLQJLW6WURQJVKRFNVIURPGURSSLQJWKHFRPSXWHUPD\result in damage.Ɣ  If the sensors do not works correctly, check the settings according to the follow-ing steps.  A Touch  6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@>+DUGZDUHDQG6RXQG@>/RFDWLRQDQG2WKHU6HQVRUV@ B Add the check mark for each check box. C 7RXFK>$SSO\@FTTDRAFTDQJHDQJHWWRXFK>(QRXFK>(Qach item to ON,ach item to ONmbienmbient light sensor iensoe ambiene ambt light cannot be nnoMagnetic sensorMagnetic sensore magnee magnetic sensor on the computetic sensor on the computeetic sensor may not function propeetic sensor may not function propewing environments.nments.near steel structures such as buildsteel structures such as ar automobiles, or near train power automobiles, or near traurniture or appliancesurniture or appliancesptor or other peripheral devices arother peripheral devices aNHUVRURWKHUREMHFWVZLWKVWURQJPVRURWKHUREMHFWVZLWKVWUndicated by the magnetic sensor ndicated by the magneticPHQWVZLWKSRRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVPHQWVZLWKSRRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVmputer and move it as folld move side is facing ude is facing upward and lpward and l, rotate it 90 degrees or more cloate it 90 degrees or more cloand rotate it 90 degrees or more cand rotate it 90 degrees or more he left so that the left side of the che left so that the left side of the c0 degrees or more to the right so to the right so URPGURSSLQJWKHFRPGURettings a
27Useful InformationMaintenanceIf drops of water or other stains get on the surface of the LCD panel, wipe them off immediately. Failure to do so may result in staining.To clean the LCD panelUse the soft cloth included with the computer. (For further information, refer to “Suggestions About Cleaning the LCD Surface” Î  Reference Manual “Screen Input Operation”.)To clean areas other than the LCD panelWipe with a soft dry cloth such as gauze. When using detergent, dip a soft cloth in water-diluted detergent and wring it thoroughly.  CAUTION z  Do not use benzene, thinner, or rubbing alcohol since it may adversely affect the surface caus-ing discoloration, etc. Do not use commercially-available household cleaners and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.z  Do not apply water or detergent directly to the computer, since liquid may enter inside of the computer and cause malfunction or damage.To clean inside of the dust coverApproximately once a month, clean up inside of the dust cover by the following procedure.A Turn off the computer and remove the AC adaptor.B Remove the battery pack.C Remove the screw (A) and dust cover as illustrated below.㪘D Clean up inside of the dust cover.E Set the dust cover, screw and battery pack.Dispose of Computer<Only for model with Built-in Bridge Battery><For Europe and U.S.A./Canada>Attention Customers Don't remove the battery by yourself. The battery must be removed by quali-¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOV:KHQGLVSRVLQJRIWKLVSURGXFWEHVXUHWRFRQWDFWTXDOL¿HGprofessionals to remove the battery. RAFTTDRADRDRDthit thoroit thorouse benzene, thinneruse benzene, thinner, or ru,iscoloration, etc. Do not use comiscoloration, etc. Do not use comey may contain components harmfey may contain components harmfpply water or detergent directly topply water or detergent directly tond cause malfunction or damage.nd cause malfunction or damagehe dust coverdust coveronth, clean up inside of the dust conth, clean up inside ond remove the AC thust cover as illustrated cover as illustrated belo
28Useful InformationHandling and Maintenance$WWHQWLRQ4XDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOVWRUHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\Dispose of this product correctly in accordance with the local regulations after removing the battery as shown in the following procedure.  Preparationz  Remove all peripherals (microSD memory card, etc.).z Erase the stored data. (Î   Reference Manual “Erasing Flash Memory Data”) CAUTION z  Never disassemble the computer except before disposal.z  Refer to page 3 for precautions when disposing of the computer. 1.  Turn off the computer, and disconnect the AC adaptor.2.  Turn over the computer, remove the battery pack, and wait for about 3 minutes.3.  Open up the whole hand strap.A  Remove the edge (A) of hand strap passing through the clip. (The illustration shows the top side of hand strap as an example.)B  Tip the clip (B) back to pull it out of the computer. (Do the same for the bottom side of hand strap.)C  Open up the whole hand strap.1A2B34.  Remove the screws (4) and turn over the cover (D).DDRAFTDee3 3off the computer, off the computerrn over the computer, rrn over the computeOpen up theOpen u whole hand strae haAARemove the edge (A) of hanRemove the edge (A) of hantop side of hand strap as an extop side of hand strap as an exTTip the clip (B) back to pull it out oip the clip (B) back to pull it out ond strap.)nd strap )n up the whole hand strap.whole handRRRRRRRRARRRAARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARAARARARARARARARARARARARARARARAAFAAFAFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARARARA2RABRARAAAAFAFver the cover (D).he cover (D).
29Useful Information5.  Pull back the sheet (E) in the cover, and then remove the black screws (4).E6.  Remove the connectors of the built-in bridge battery and remove the built-in bridge  battery (F).FInsulate the connectors on the built-in battery by covering them with plastic tape,  for example.AFTFTDRAFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDve the connectors of the bve the connectors of tery (F).ery (F)DRRRRRRDDRDRDRDRDRDRDDDDRRFFDDDDattery by covering them with plasty by covering them with plas
30Useful InformationInstalling software will return the computer to the default condition. When you install the soft-ZDUHWKHÀDVKPHPRU\GDWDZLOOEHHUDVHGBack up important data to other media or an external hard disk before installation. CAUTION z 'RQRWGHOHWHWKH5HFRYHU\3DUWLWLRQRQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\7KHGLVNVSDFHLQWKHSDUWLWLRQLVnot available to store data.To check the Recovery Partition, perform the following methods.A   Perform either of the following procedures.y Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top.   Touch   (Start) and touch and hold>&RPSXWHU@WKHQWouch>0DQDJH@ z A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.B7RXFK>'LVN0DQDJHPHQW@  Remove everything and reinstall WindowsPreparationz  <Only for model with TPM> Connect the external keyboard.z  Remove all peripherals.z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete.1  Perform “Remove everything and reinstall Windows”.A Display “Charm”, and touch  >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFRYHU\@>5HFRYHU\@B7RXFK>*HW6WDUWHG@XQGHU³5HPRYHHYHU\WKLQJDQGUHLQVWDOO:LQGRZV´C7RXFK>1H[W@D Select the option.y-XVWUHPRYHP\¿OHVPerform the reinstallation of the Windows in a few moments (Approximately 20 min-utes).y Fully clean the drive%\IXOO\FOHDQLQJWKHGHOHWHG¿OHVFDQQRWEHUHFRYHUHGHDVLO\DQGWKHVHFXULW\OHYHOwill be increased. The processing time will be longer (Approximately 140 minutes).Follow the on-screen instructions.After the reinstallation, the computer will restart.z  Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer or performing other operation.Otherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.2  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page @@). NOTE z The date and time, and the time zone may not be correct. Be sure to set them correctly.3  Perform Windows Update.  Installing SoftwareDRAFTDRnd hond hofrom the mfrom the mDDDDDDouch ouch  (Start) and touandzz A standard user needs t A standard user nBB7RXFK>'LVN0DQDJHPHQW@7RXFK>'LVN0DQDJHmove everything and reinstall Wimove everything and reinstall Winy for model with TPM> Connect thmodel with TPM> Connee all peripherals.all peripherals.he AC adaptor and do not remove he AC adaptor and do not remove ve everything and reinstall e everything and reid touch d touch >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@³5HPRYHHYHU\WKLQJDQGUHLQVWDOOHHYHU\WKLQJDQGUHLQVWDOndows in a few moments (Approxdows in a few moments (ApproxEHUHFRYHUHGHDVLO\DQGWKHVHFXO\DQGWKHVHFXlonger (Approximately 140 mproximately 140 mhe computer hem
31Useful Information4  <Only for model with TPM> Clear TPM.A Perform either of the following procedures.y Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top.B 7RXFK>5XQ@DQGLQSXW>WSPPVF@DQGWRXFK>2.@C 7RXFK>&OHDU730«@XQGHU³$FWLRQV´RQWKHULJKWRIWKH³7300DQDJHURQ/RFDO&RPputer” screen.D 7RXFK>5HVWDUW@RIWKH³0DQDJHWKH730VHFXULW\KDUGZDUH´VFUHHQThe computer will restart. E :KHQ³730FRQ¿JXUDWLRQFKDQJHZDVUHTXHVWHGWR´LVGLVSOD\HGSUHVVF12. F 7RXFKWKH'HVNWRSWLOHDQGZKHQ³730LVUHDG\´DSSHDUVWRXFK>&ORVH@  Hard disk (Flash memory) recoveryPreparationz  Remove all peripherals.z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete.You can reinstall the OS that was pre-installed at the time of purchase (Windows 8.1 or Windows 7). If reinstallation using the method described in “Remove everything and reinstall Windows” above is not successful, follow the steps below.1  Start the Setup Utility.A Display “Charm”, and touch  >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFRYHU\@>5HFRYHU\@B 7RXFK>5HVWDUWQRZ@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´C 7RXFK>7URXEOHVKRRW@>$GYDQFHGRSWLRQV@>8(),)LUPZDUH6HWWLQJV@>5HVWDUW@7XUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUDQGWRXFKWRSOHIWRIWKHVFUHHQZKLOH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVdisplayed.z ,IWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVQRWGLVSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUZKLOHWouching top left of the screen.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.2  Write down all of the contents of the Setup Utility and touch [Exit] and double-touch [Load Default Values].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@3  Check the [UEFI Boot] setting of the Setup Utility.>8(),%RRW@VKRXOGEHVHWWRDVIROORZV:KHQLQVWDOOLQJ:LQGRZV>(QDEOHG@:KHQLQVWDOOLQJ:LQGRZV >'LVDEOHG@4  Touch [Exit] and double-touch [Save Values and Reboot].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@Computer will restart.5  Touch top left of the screen while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.6  Touch [Exit] and double-touch [Recovery Partition].DRAFTHVNWRHVNWFlash memory)Flash memoryRemove all peripherals.Remove all peripheralsConnect the AC adaptor and dConnect the AC adaptor and dreinstall the OS that was pre-installreinstall the OS that was pre-installDD If reinstallation using the metho If reinstallation using the methove is not successful, follow the steve is not successful, follow the steSetup Utility.Utility.m”, and touch m”, and touch >&KDQJH3&VHW>&KD@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´HU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´>$GYDQFHGRSWLRQV@>8(),)LUPZ$GYDQFHGRSWLRQV@>8()FKWRSOHIWRIWKHVFUHHQZKLOH>3DQFKWRSOHIWRIWKHVFUHHQZKLOH>3DQQRWGLVSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXe Supervisor Password.Supervisor Passwthe Setup Utility and touch the Setup Utility and touchup Utility.Reboot].Reb
32Useful InformationInstalling Software7     Touch [Next] and touch [YES].    Touch [Reinstall Windows] and touch [Next].8  At the License Agreement screen, touch [Yes, I agree to the provisions above and wish to continue!] and touch [Next].9 Touch [Next].,IWKHRSWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGVHOHFWWKHVHWWLQJDQGWRXFK>1H[W@z >5HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKH6ystem'LVNWRIDFWRU\GHIDXOW@ Select this option when you want to install Windows to the factory default. After instal-lation, you can create a new partition. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Î page @@).z >5HLQVWDOOWRWKH26UHODWHGSDUWLWLRQV@*1 6HOHFWWKLVRSWLRQZKHQWKHÀash memory has already been divided into several partitions and you want to keep the partition structure. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Î page @@).*1 This does not appear if Windows cannot be installed to the recovery partition and the area usable by Windows.10  $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@11   Select OS (32-bit or 64-bit) and touch [OK]. $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@Installation starts according to the instructions on the screen. (It will take approximately  20 minutes.)z  Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer or performing other operation.Otherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.13  When Ending process screen is displayed, touch [OK] to turn off the computer.14  Turn on the computer.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.15  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page @@). NOTE z  The date and time, and the time zone may not be correct. Be sure to set them correctly.16  Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary.17  Perform Windows Update.18   <Only for model with TPM> Clear TPM  (Î page @@).  Using Recovery DiscUse the Recovery Disc in the following conditions.y  You have forgotten the administrator password.y ,QVWDOODWLRQLVQRWFRPSOHWH7KHUHFRYHU\SDUWLWLRQLQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\PD\EHEURNHQy  <Only for Windows 7 downgrade model> To change OS from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1, or vice versa.FTFTDRAFTFThishisyou cayou cnge the parnge the par5HLQVWDOOWR5HLQVWDOOWRWKH2WKH6HOHFWWKLVRSWLRQZK6HOHFWWKLVRSWLRQaand you want to keep tnd you want to kchange the partition strucchange the partiti*1This does not appear if Windonot appear if WindWindows.s.DRDDDDDDDD$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLR$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRDRDDDDD Select OS (32-bit or lect OS (32-bit oFRQ¿UPDWLR¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXQPHVVDJHstarts according to the instructionstarts according to the insupt installationallati, for example by turple by tuation may become unavailable as on may become screen is displayed, touss screen is displayed, touter the Supervisor the Supervisor Password.ation” (ation” (ÎÎ pageage@@).@time zone may not be correct. Be orrect. Be ttings as necTPM  (TPÎp
33Useful Information NOTE z  To change OS from 32-bit to 64-bit, or vice versa, install OS using the recovery SDUWLWLRQLQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\Preparationz 3UHSDUHWKHIROORZLQJLWHPV5HFRYHU\'LVFÎ  Reference Manual  “Recovery Disc Creation Utility”)86%'9'GULYHRSWLRQDOUHIHUWRUHFHQWFDWDORJVDQGRWKHUVRXUFHVIRULQIRUPDWLRQabout the products available)z  Remove all peripherals (except for the USB DVD drive).z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete. NOTE z  You can use the following buttons instead of the keyboard. )NH\'HIDXOWVHWWLQJ ĻNH\ ĹNH\ (QWHUNH\ 7DENH\Preparationz 3UHSDUHWKHIROORZLQJLWHPV5HFRYHU\'LVFÎ  Reference Manual  “Recovery Disc Creation Utility”)86%'9'GULYHRSWLRQDOUHIHUWRUHFHQWFDWDORJVDQGRWKHUVRXUFHVIRULQIRUPDWLRQabout the products available)z  Remove all peripherals (except for the USB DVD drive).z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete.1  Connect the DVD drive to the USB port.2  Start the Setup Utility.A Display “Charm”, and touch  >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFRYHU\@>5HFRY-HU\@B 7RXFK>5HVWDUWQRZ@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´C 7RXFK>7URXEOHVKRRW@>$GYDQFHGRSWLRQV@>8(),)LUPZDUH6HWWLQJV@>5HVWDUW@7XUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUDQGWRXFKWRSOHIWRIWKHVFUHHQZKLOH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVdisplayed.z ,IWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVQRWGLVSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUZKLOHWRXFKLQJWRSleft of the screen.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.3  Write down all of the contents of the Setup Utility and touch [Exit] and double-touch [Load Default Values].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@4  Check the [UEFI Boot] setting of the Setup Utility. >8(),%RRW@VKRXOGEHVHWWRDVIROORZV:KHQWKHUHFRYHU\GLVFIRU:LQGRZVLVXVHG>(QDEOHG@:KHQWKHUHFRYHU\GLVFIRU:LQGRZVLVXVHG>'LVDEOHG@DRAFTDDRAC ACe the following butte the following buH\'HIDXOWVHWWLQJH\'HIDXOWVHWWLQJNH\NH\ĹNH\ĹNH\QWHUNH\QWHUNHH\H\HIROORZLQJLWHPVORZLQJLWHPVVFVFÎÎRReference Manualference Ma  “RelHRSWLRQDOUHIHUWRUHFHQWFDWDOROUHIHUWRUHFHQWFDWDORJJs available)lables (except for the USB DVD drive)(except for the USB DVD and do not remove it until installatand do not remove it uno the USB port.o the USB portJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFJH3&VHWWLQJV@>8SGDWHDQGUHFS´S´(),)LUPZDUH6HWWLQJV@>5HVWDUW@>5HVWDUW@KLOH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQVRQLF@EFRPSXWHUZKLOHFRPS
34Useful InformationInstalling Software5  Set the Recovery Disc into the DVD drive.6  Touch [Exit] and double-touch [Save Values and Reboot].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@Computer will restart.7  Touch top left of the screen while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.8  Touch [Exit] and double-touch your DVD drive in [Boot Override].The computer will restart.9  Touch [Reinstall Windows] and touch [Next].10  $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@11  At the License Agreement screen, touch [Yes, I agree to the provisions above and wish to continue!] and touch [Next].12 Touch [Next].,IWKHRSWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGVHOHFWWKHVHWWLQJDQGWRXFK>1H[W@z >5HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKH6\VWHP'LVNWRIDFWRU\GHIDXOW@ Select this option when you want to install Windows to the factory default. After instal-lation, you can create a new partition. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Î page @@).z >5HLQVWDOOWRWKH26UHODWHGSDUWLWLRQV@*2 Select this option when the hard disk has already been divided into several partitions and you want to keep the partition structure. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Î page @@).*2 This does not appear if Windows cannot be installed to the recovery partition and the area usable by Windows. $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@Installation starts according to the instructions on the screen. (It will take approximately  30 - 45 minutes.)z  Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer.Otherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.14  When Ending process screen is displayed, remove the Recovery Disc and DVD Drive and then touch [OK].Follow the on-screen instructions.Some models may take approximately 40 minutes.15  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page @@).16  Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary.17  Perform Windows Update.18   <Only for model with TPM> Clear TPM (Î page @@).DRAFTputer wputer wch [Reinstach [ReinstaDDDDDDDDDD$WWKH$WWKAt the License At the License AgreeAabove and wish to conabove and wish to conTTouch [Next].ouch [Next].TTTWKHRSWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGVHOHFWWKHWKHRSWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGVHOHFWWKH5HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKH6\VWHP'HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKH6\VWHPect this option when you want to inoption when you want tyou can create a new partition. Fou can create a new partithe partition structure”he partition structure” ( (ÎÎ page@@RWKH26UHODWHGSDUWLWLRQV@UHODW*2ion when the hard disk has alreadyhen the hard disk has alreakeep the partition structure. For hoep the partition structure. Fn structure”n structure” ( (ÎÎpage@@@@).Windows cannot be installed to the recWindows cannot be installed to the recVVDJHWRXFK><(6@WRXFK><(6@instructions on the screen. (It will structions on the screen. (It wilmple by turning off the computer.ple by turning off the computer.available as Windows may not staavailable as Windows may not staayed, remove the Recovee the Recove@).
35TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic)Follow the instructions below when a problem has occurred. There is also an advanced trouble-shooting guide in the “Reference Manual”. For a software problem, refer to the software’s instruc-tion manual. If the problem persists, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Î page 50). You can also check the computer’s status in the PC Information Viewer  (Î  Reference Manual “Troubleshooting (Advanced)”). Starting UpCannot start up.The power indicator or battery indicator is not lit.z  Connect the AC adaptor.z  Insert a fully charged battery.z  If a device is connected to the USB port, disconnect the device, or VHW>86%3RUW@RU>/HJDF\86%6XSSRUW@WR>'LVDEOHG@LQWKH>$G-YDQFHG@PHQXRIWKH6HWXS8WLOLW\z  If a device is connected to the ExpressCard slot, disconnect the GHYLFHRUVHW>([SUHVV&DUG6ORW@WR>'LVDEOHG@LQWKH>$GYDQFHG@menu of the Setup Utility.z  Turn off the concealed mode (Î  Reference Manual “Setup Util-ity”).z &KHFNWKH>8(),%RRW@VHWWLQJRIWKH6HWXS8WLOLW\>8(),%RRW@should be set to  >(QDEOHG@ >'LVDEOHG@<Only for model with ÀDVKPHPRU\GULYH(SSD)>The power is turned on but “Warming up the system” appears.z  The computer is warming up before start up. Wait for the computer to start up (the maximum waiting time will be displayed on the screen). If, “Cannot warm up the system” is displayed, the computer failed to warm up and does not start. In this case, turn off the computer, leave it in an environment of 5 °C {41 °F} or higher temperature for about an hour, and then turn on the power again.Cannot turn on the com-puter.The computer does not resume from sleep.(The battery indicator blinks green and orange alternately.)z  Leave it in an environment of 5 °C {41 °F} or higher temperature for about an hour, then turn on the power again.You have forgotten the password.z 6XSHUYLVRU3DVVZRUGRU8VHU3DVVZRUG&RQWDFW3DQDVRQLF7HFKQLFDOSupport (Î page 50).z $GPLQLVWUDWRUSDVVZRUGy  If you have a password reset disk, you can reset the administrator password. Set the disk and enter any wrong password, then follow the on-screen instructions and set a new password.y  If you do not have a password reset disk, install (Î page 30) and set up Windows, and then set a new password.“Remove disks or other media. Press any key to restart” or a similar mes-sage appears.z $ÀRSS\GLVNLVLQWKHGULYHDQGLWGRHVQRWFRQWDLQV\VWHPVWDUWXSLQIRUPDWLRQ5HPRYHWKHÀRSS\GLVNDQGSUHVVDQ\NH\z  If a device is connected to the USB port, disconnect the device, or VHW>86%3RUW@RU>/HJDF\86%6XSSRUW@WR>'LVDEOHG@LQWKH>$G-YDQFHG@PHQXRIWKH6HWXS8WLOLW\z ,IWKHSUREOHPSHUVLVWVDIWHUUHPRYLQJWKHGLVNLWPD\EHDÀDVKPHP-ory failure. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Î page 50).TTAFTFTRAFRADRADRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRzzIf aIfGHYLFGHmenu omezzTTurn off theurn off thity”).itzz&KHFNWKH>8()HFNWKH>8()should be set to hould be set to RzzThe computer is warmiThe computer is warstart up (the maximum wastart up (the maximuIf, “Cannot warm up the systnot warm upwarm up and does not start. In up and does not start. In it in an environment of 5n environment of 5°C°C {41  {41 °Four, and then turn on the power aga, and then turn on the poweit in an environment it in an environment of 5 of°C {41 °F hour, then turn on the power again hour, then turn on the power againVHU3DVVZRUG&RQWDFW3DQDVRQLF7VRQLF7k, you can reset the administreset the administrny wrong password, thenng passnew password.w passwk, install (k, insÎpagword.DLQ V
36TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic) Starting UpWindows startup and operation is slow.z  Start the Setup Utility (Î  Reference Manual “Setup Utility”) to return the Setup Utility settings (excluding the passwords) to the de-fault values. Start the Setup Utility and make the settings again. (Note that the processing speed depends on the application software, so this procedure may not make Windows faster.)z  If you installed a resident software after purchase, turn off the resi-dence.The date and time are incorrect.z  Make the correct settings.A  Open the Control Panel.  1.  Perform either of the following procedures.y  Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y  Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top. 7RXFK>&RQWUROSDQHO@  Touch  6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@B 7RXFK>&ORFN/DQJXDJHDQG5HJLRQ@>'DWHDQG7LPH@z  If the problem persists, the internal clock battery may need to be re-placed. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Î page 50).z  When the computer is connected to LAN, check the date and time of the server.z  The 2100 A.D. or later year will not be correctly recognized on this computer.>([HFXWLQJ%DWWHU\5HFDOLEUDWLRQ@VFUHHQappears.z  The Battery Recalibration was canceled before Windows was shut down last time. To start up Windows, turn off the computer by the power switch, and then turn on.>(QWHU3DVVZRUG@GRHVnot appear when resum-ing from sleep/hiberna-tion.z 6HOHFW>(QDEOHG@LQ>3DVVZRUG2Q5HVXPH@LQWKH>6HFXULW\@PHQXRIthe Setup Utility (Î  Reference Manual “Setup Utility”).z  The Windows password can be used instead of the password set in the Setup Utility.A  Add a password.  1. Display “Charm” and touch  >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>$FFRXQWV@ 7RXFK>6LJQLQRSWLRQV@DQGWRXFK>$GG@XQGHU³3DVVZRUG´  1. Touch  6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@ 7RXFK>8VHU$FFRXQWVDQG)DPLO\6DIHW\@>$GGRUUHPRYHXVHUDFFRXQWV@B  Set up the following.  1. Open the Control Panel, touch>6\VWHPDQG6HFXULW\@>3RZHU2SWLRQV@>5HTXLUHDSDVVZRUGRQZDNHXS@ $GGDFKHFNPDUNIRU>5HTXLUHDSDVVZRUG@  1. TRXFK>&RQWURO3DQHO@>6\VWHPDQG6HFXULW\@>3RZHU2SWLRQ@>5HTXLUHDSDVVZRUGZKHQWKHFRPSXWHUZDNHV@DQGDGGDFKHFNPDUNIRU>5HTXLUHDSDVVZRUG@AFTAFDRADRDRDRRA77RRRRRTouch Touch BB 7RXFK>&ORFK>&ORzz  If the problem per  If the problem placed. Contact Panplaced. Contacz  When the computer is When the comthe server.he server.z  The 2100 A.D. or later year wThe 2100 A.D. or later yearcomputer.comThe Battery Recalibration was canThe Battery Recalibratioown last time. To start up Windows, own last time. To start up Windows,er switch, and then turn on.and then turn on.(QDEOHG@LQ>3DVVZRUG2Q5HVXPH@@LQ>3DVVZRUG2Q5HVXPH@Utility (y (ÎÎAFReference ManualReference Manual “Se “Sellpassword can be used instead of tpassword can be used instead of tddnd touch >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@3&VHWWLQJV@DQGWRXFK>$GG@XQGHU³3DVV>$GG@XDQHO@QHO@LO\6DIHW\@>$LO\
37Troubleshooting Starting UpCannot resume. z  One of the following operations may have been carried out. Press the power switch to turn on the computer. Data not saved will be lost.y  In sleep mode, the AC adaptor or battery pack was disconnected, or a peripheral was connected or disconnected.y  The power switch was pressed for four seconds or longer to forcibly turn off the computer.z  An error may occur when the computer automatically enters the sleep or hibernation mode while the screensaver is active. In this case, turn off the screensaver or change the pattern of the screensaver.Other startup problems. z  Start the Setup Utility (Î  Reference Manual “Setup Utility”) to re-turn the Setup Utility settings (excluding the passwords) to the default values. Start the Setup Utility and make the settings again.z  Remove all peripheral devices.z  Check to see if there was a disk error.A  Remove all peripheral devices including an external display.B   Perform either of the following procedures.y  Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y  Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top.  Touch  6WDUW>&RPSXWHU@C 7RXFK>)LOH([SORUHU@D  Touch and hold  >:LQGRZV&@ >/RFDO'LVN&@DQGWRXFK>3URSHUWLHV@E 7RXFK>7RROV@ >&KHFN@ >&KHFN1RZ@y  A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.F  Follow the on-screen instructions.z Connect the external keyboard and start the computer in Safe Mode, WKHQFKHFNWKHHUURUGHWDLOV:KHQWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQGLVappears*1 at startup, press and hold F8 until the Windows Advanced Options Menu is displayed. Select the Safe Mode and press Enter.*1 :KHQ>3DVVZRUGRQERRW@LVVHWWR>(QDEOHG@LQWKH>6HFXULW\@PHQXRIWKH6HWXS8WLOLW\>(QWHU3DVVZRUG@DSSHDUVDIWHUWKH>3DQDVRQLF@boot screen disappears. As soon as you enter the password and press Enter, press and hold F8. Entering PasswordEven after entering the password, password in-put screen is displayed again.<Only if the external keyboard is connected>z  The computer may be in ten-key mode.If the NumLk indicator   lights, press NumLk to disable the ten-key mode, and then input.z  The computer may be in Caps Lock mode.If the Caps Lock indicator   lights, press Caps Lock to disable the Caps Lock mode, and then input.TTDRAFTDRDDDDDDRDRDDDblems.zz  tutuvaluevaz RemovRez Check to ChAA Remove ove BDRDRDRRRRRRR Perform either  Perform eitheryy  Touch and hold  Touch and holscreen.scry  Flick from the middleFlick from the mRARRRARARARARARATouch uch 6WDUW>&RPSXWHUPSXWHUC 7RXFK>)LOH([SORUHU@RXFK>)LOH([SORUHU@Touch and hold Touch and hold RARARARAAAAAAAA>:LVN&@DQGWRXFK>3URSHUWLHV@LVN&@DQGWRXFK>3URSFK>7RROV@FK>7RRAFAAAAAFAFAFAFAFAFAF>&KHFN@FN@ndard user needs to enter an adminer needs to enter an admie on-screen instructions.en instructions.nal keyboard and start the computeal keyboard and start the computeGHWDLOV:KHQWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWGHWDLOV:KHQWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWess and hold ss anF88FTFT until the Windows  until the Windows. Select the Safe Mode and press press ETVHWWR>(QDEOHG@LQWKH>6HFXULW\@PH6HFXULW\@PHZRUG@DSSHDUVDIWHUWKH>3DQDVRQLFHUWKH>3DQDVRQLFas you enter the password andthe password andT
38TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic) Entering PasswordCannot log on to  Windows. (“The user name or password is incorrect.” is displayed.)z  The user name (account name) includes an “@” mark. ,IDQRWKHUXVHUDFFRXQWQDPHH[LVWV Log on to Windows using another user account name, and delete the account name that includes “@”. Then create a new account name.,IQRRWKHUDFFRXQWQDPHH[LVWV You need to reinstall Windows (Î page 30). Shutting downWindows does not shut down.z  Remove the USB device and the ExpressCard.z  Wait one or two minutes. It is not a malfunction. DisplayNo display. z  The external display is selected.A    Flick from right side to inside of the screen, and touch   -  .  Touch and holdWKHGHVNWRSDQGWKHQWRXFK>*raphics3URSHUWLHV@- >'LVSOD\@.B  Select the external display.z  When using an external display,y  Check the cable connection.y  Turn on the display.y  Check the settings of external display.z  The display is turned off by the power-saving function. Touch the screen.z  The computer entered sleep or hibernation by the power-saving func-tion. To resume, press the power switch.The screen is dark. z  The screen is darker when the AC adaptor is not connected. Open the Dashboard for Panasonic PC and adjust the brightness. As you in-crease the brightness, battery consumption increases.You can separately set the brightness for when the AC adaptor is con-nected and when not connected.z  Turn off the concealed mode (Î  Reference Manual “Setup Util-ity”).The screen is disor-dered.z  Changing the number of display colors and resolution may affect the screen. Restart the computer.z  Connecting/disconnecting an external display may affect the screen. Restart the computer. Under factory default settings, the brightness of the display screen will adjust automatically based on the ambient light detected by the ambient light sensor. You can adjust the settings for this sensor (Î page 25).FTTDRAFTDDDot DRDRDRAFDDDayayisplay.zzThA  RRFlick Flick RRRRRRTouch andch and>'LVSOD\@\@..BBSelect tSelect the externhe ezWhen usingWhen using an extern ayCheck the cable conneCheck theyyTTurn on the display.urn on the display.yyCheck the settings of externaCheck the settings of exThe display The display is turned off by the pois turned off ouch the screen.ouch the screencomputer entered sleepentered or hibernahibernao resume, press the power the power switch.n is darker when darker when the AC adaptor is nthe AC adaptor is or Panasonic PC and adjust the brigPanasonic PC and adjust the brigtness, battery consumption increasetness, battery consumption increasset the brightness for when the ACset the brightness for when the ACconnected.mode (ÎFTReference Manualnce Manual “S “Slly colors and resolution maand rel display may ldiault settiba
39Troubleshooting DisplayDuring Simultaneous display, one of the screens becomes disor-dered.z  When using the Extended Desktop, use the same display colors for the external display as those used by the LCD. If you continue to experi-ence problems, try changing the display.  Touch and hold on the desktop, and touch>*UDSKLFV3URSHUWLHV@>'LVSOD\@z  Simultaneous display cannot be used until Windows startup is com-plete (during Setup Utility, etc.).The external display does not work normally.z  If the external display does not support the power saving function, it may not work normally when the computer enters the power saving mode. Turn off the external display.Cannot rotate the dis-play.z  The application program currently running may not support the image rotation. Quit the program, and then try to rotate the image. This can ameliorate the status.z  When the automatic rotation is off, screen display does not rotate auto-matically. ScreenThe pointer does not work.z  When using the external mouse, connect it correctly.z  Restart the computer using the external keyboard/mouse. z  If the computer does not respond to external keyboard/mouse com-mands, read “No response” (Î page 40).Cannot point the cor-rect position using the included digitizer pen.z  Perform the screen calibration (Î  Reference Manual “Screen Input Operation” ).z  Use the included pen.z  On the Windows logon screen or the Welcome screen, you may not be able to point the correct position using the included digitizer pen. Use the external keyboard or the external mouse to log on.Cannot display “Charm” RUGLI¿FXOWWRGLVSOD\“Charm”.z  Delete the calibration data.A 6WDUW'DVKERDUGIRU3DQDVRQLF3&DQGWRXFK>%DVLF@>7RXFK&DOL-EUDWLRQ@B 7RXFK>5HVHW«@DQGIROORZWKHRQVFUHHQLQVWUXFWLRQV On-screen DocumentThe document of PDF format is not displayed.z Install Adobe Reader.A  Log on to Windows as an administrator.B Touch  (Start) and input “F?XWLO?UHDGHU?HQ?3LQVWDOOEDW´LQ>6HDUFK3URJUDPVDQG¿OHV@WKHQSUHVV Enter.C  Update Adobe Reader to its latest version. If your computer is connected to the internet, start up Adobe Read-er and touch>+HOS@>&KHFNIRU8SGDWHV@AFTAFFTDRAFDRDDDDDRDRDRDRDRly.he dis-zzTThrotatirotamelioramzWWhen the ahen the amatically.matically.DRDRDRDRDRDRRAzzWhen usingWhen us the externaextezzRestart the computer usinRestart the computezzIf the computer does not resomputer doemands, read “No response” s, read “No(Î pageage40).4rform the screen calibration (orm the screen calibration ÎAration” ).ration” ).e inclue included pen.ded pen.ndows logon scregon screen or the Welcome Welcomthe correct position using the includct position using the incluyboard or the external mouse to logd or the external mouse to logon data.on daRU3DQDVRRU3DQDVRQLF3&DQGWRXFK>%DVLF@3&DQGWRXFK>%DVLF@ORZWKHRQVFUHHQLQVWUXFWLRQVQVTtor.r.U?HQ?3LQVWDOOEU?H
40TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic) Others No response. z  Open Task Manager and close the software application that is not responding.z  An input screen (e.g., password input screen at startup) may be hid-den behind another window. Touch the application icons at the bottom of the screen to check.z  Press the power switch for four seconds or longer to shut down the computer, and then press the power switch to turn it on. If the applica-tion program does not work normally, uninstall and reinstall the pro-gram. To uninstall, A  Open the Control Panel.   Perform either of the following procedures.y  Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y  Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top.  Touch 6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@B 7RXFK>&RQWURO3DQHO@C Touch>3URJUDP@>8QLQVWDOODSURJUDP@The recovery disc for Windows 8.1 in not functioning.z 3HUIRUPUHFRYHU\XVLQJWKHUHFRYHU\GLVFIRU:LQGRZV¿UVWDQGWKHQperform recovery using the recovery disc for Windows 8.1.Cannot connect to a network.z 6HWWKHGHYLFH>:LUHOHVV/$1@>%OXHWRRWK@>:LUHOHVV:$1@RI>:LUHOHVV&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ@WR>(QDEOHG@LQWKH>$GYDQFHG@PHQXRIWKH6HWXS8WLOLW\:LUHOHVV&RQ¿JXUDWLRQz  Display “Charm”, and touch  >&KDQJH3&6HWWLQJV@>1HWZRUN@ Set >$LUSODQHPRGH@WR>2II@DQGWKHQVHW>:L)L@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV/$1VHW>0RELOHEURDGEDQG@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1sHW>*36@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1VHW>%OXHWRRWK@WR>2Q@IRU%OXHWRRWKFTDRAFDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRRRRARRyRRRTouchTouchBB7RXFK>&RFK>&RCC TouchT>3URJUD3URJsc for n nz 3HUIRUPUHFRYHU\XV3HUIRUPUHFRYHperform recovery usingerform recovz6HWWKHGHYLFH>:LUHOHVV/$16HWWKHGHYLFH>:LUHOHVV/OHVV&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ@WR>(QDEOHG@OHVV&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ@WR>(Q8WLOLW\:LUHOHVV&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ8WLOLW\:LUHOHVV&RQ¿JXAAAAAAAay “Charm”, and touch ”, and >&KDQJH>&KDQJHHPRGH@WR>2II@DQGWKHQWR>2II@DQGWKHQWR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV/$12Q@IRUZLUHOHVV/RDGEDQG@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1RDGEDQG@WR>2Q@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1@IRUZLUHOHVV:$1IRUZLUHOHVV:$12Q@IRU%OXHWRRWK2Q@ IRU %OXHWRRWK
41AppendixLIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENTTHE SOFTWARE PROGRAM(S) (“PROGRAMS”) FURNISHED WITH THIS PANASONIC PROD-UCT (“PRODUCT”) ARE LICENSED ONLY TO THE END-USER (“YOU”), AND MAY BE USED BY YOU ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LICENSE TERMS DESCRIBED BELOW. YOUR USE OF THE PROGRAMS SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE YOUR AC-CEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE.Panasonic Corporation has developed or otherwise obtained the Programs and hereby licenses their use to you. You assume sole responsibility for the selection of the Product (including the associated Programs) to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained therefrom.LICENSEA.  Panasonic Corporation hereby grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right and license to use the Programs in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement. You acknowledge that you are receiving only a LIMITED LICENSE TO USE the Programs and related documentation and that you shall obtain no title, ownership nor any other rights in or to the Programs and related documentation nor in or to the algorithms, con-cepts, designs and ideas represented by or incorporated in the Programs and related docu-mentation, all of which title, ownership and rights shall remain with Panasonic Corporation or its suppliers.B.  You may use the Programs only on the single Product which was accompanied by the Pro-grams.& <RXDQG\RXUHPSOR\HHVDQGDJHQWVDUHUHTXLUHGWRSURWHFWWKHFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\RIWKH3UR-grams. You may not distribute or otherwise make the Programs or related documentation available to any third party, by time-sharing or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Panasonic Corporation.D. You may not copy or reproduce, or permit to be copied or reproduced, the Programs or related documentation for any purpose, except that you may make one (1) copy of the Programs for backup purposes only in support of your use of the Programs on the single Product which was accompanied by the Programs. You shall not modify, or attempt to modify, the Programs.E.  You may transfer the Programs and license them to another party only in connection with your transfer of the single Product which was accompanied by the Programs to such other party. At the time of such a transfer, you must also transfer all copies, whether in printed or machine readable form, of every Program, and the related documentation, to the same party or destroy any such copies not so transferred.) <RXPD\QRWUHPRYHDQ\FRS\ULJKWWUDGHPDUNRURWKHUQRWLFHRUSURGXFWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQIURPWKH3URJUDPVDQG\RXPXVWUHSURGXFHDQGLQFOXGHDQ\VXFKQRWLFHRUSURGXFWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRQany copy of any Program.YOU MAY NOT REVERSE ASSEMBLE, REVERSE COMPILE, OR MECHANICALLY OR ELEC-TRONICALLY TRACE THE PROGRAMS, OR ANY COPY THEREOF, IN WHOLE OR IN PART.YOU MAY NOT USE, COPY, MODIFY, ALTER, OR TRANSFER THE PROGRAMS OR ANY COPY THEREOF, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THE LI-CENSE.IF YOU TRANSFER POSSESSION OF ANY COPY OF ANY PROGRAM TO ANOTHER PARTY, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN PARAGRAPH E ABOVE, YOUR LICENSE IS AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED.DRAFTrporation herrporation herense to use the Prense to use the Pement. You acknowledgement. You acknowlograms and related documenograms and related dor rights in or to the Programs and rights in or to the Programs and designs and ideas represented bydesigns and ideas represented by, all of which title, ownership and , all of which title, ownership and e Programs only on the single Prodrams only on the singleHVDQGDJHQWVDUHUHTXLUHGWRSURWHQWVDUHUHTXLUHGWRSURWbute or otherwise make the Prograor otherwise make the Proby time-sharing or otherwise, withotime-sharing or otherwisepermit to be copied or reproducedpermit to be copied or reproducedpt that you may make one (1) copyu may make one (1) copyuse of the Programs on the singleof the Programs on the singleot modify, or attempt to modify, themodify, or attempt to modify, them to another party only in connectto another party only in connecnied by the Programs to such othenied by the Programs to such otheall copies, whether in printed or minted or mmentation, to the same party or deme party or deRUSURGXFWLGHQWL¿FDWLRRGXFWLGRUSURGXFWLGHQWL¿U SURG
42AppendixLIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENTTERMThis license is effective only for so long as you own or lease the Product, unless earlier terminat-ed. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying, at your expense, the Programs and related documentation together with all copies thereof in any form. This license will also terminate effective immediately upon occurrence of the conditions thereof set forth elsewhere in this Agree-ment, or if you fail to comply with any term or condition contained herein. Upon any such termina-tion, you agree to destroy, at your expense, the Programs and related documentation together with all copies thereof in any form.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT IT IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN US, WHICH SUPERSEDES ANY PROPOSAL OR PRIOR AGREEMENT, ORAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN US, RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT.GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS.The Software is provided with “RESTRICTED RIGHTS.” Use duplication or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR52.227-14 and DFAR252. 227-7013 et seq. or their successors.Use of the Software by the government constitutes acknowledgement of Intel’s proprietary rights therein.Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052.RAFTRADRABOUBOUPLETE ANPLETE ANPERSEDES ANPERSEDES AHER COMMUNICATHER COMMUNICAAGREEMENT.AGREDOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGSoftware is provided with “RESTRSoftware is provided with “RESTRment is subject to restrictions as sement is subject to restrictions as seir by the government constituby the government conufacturer is Intel Corporation, 2200ufacturer is Intel Corpo
43AppendixContrat de licence d’usage limitéLe(s) logiciel(s) (les “Logiciels”) fournis avec ce produit Panasonic (le “Produit”) sont exclusive-ment concédés en licence à l’utilisateur ultime (“vous”), et ils ne peuvent être utilisés que confor-mément aux clauses contractuelles cidessous. En utilisant les logiciels, vous vous engagez de PDQLqUHGp¿QLWLYHjUHVSHFWHUOHVWHUPHVFODXVHVHWFRQGLWLRQVGHVSUpVHQWHVPanasonic Corporation a mis au point ou obtenu les Logiciels et vous en concède l’utilisation par les présentes. Vous assumez l’entière responsabilité du choix de ce Produit (y compris des Logiciels associés) pour obtenir les résultats escomptés, ainsi que de l’installation, de l’utilisation et des résultats obtenus.LicenceA.  Panasonic Corporation vous octroie par les présentes le droit et la licence personnels, non cessibles et non exclusifs d’utiliser les Logiciels conformément aux termes, clauses et condi-tions de ce contrat. Vous reconnaissez ne recevoir qu’un droit limité d’utiliser les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant et vous vous engagez à  n’obtenir aucun droit de titre, propriété ni aucun autre droit vis-à-vis des Logiciels et de la GRFXPHQWDWLRQOHVDFFRPSDJQDQWQLYLVjYLVGHVDOJRULWKPHVFRQFHSWVGHVVLQVFRQ¿JXUD-tions et idées représentés par ou incorporés dans les Logiciels et la documentation les ac-compagnant, dont les titres, propriété et droits resteront tous à  Panasonic Corporation ou à leurs propriétaires.B.  Vous ne pouvez utiliser les Logiciels que sur le Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels.& 9RXVHWYRVHPSOR\pVRXDJHQWVrWHVUHTXLVGHSURWpJHUODFRQ¿GHQWLDOLWpGHV/RJLFLHOV9RXVne pouvez ni distribuer ni mettre les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant à la disposition d’un tiers, par partage de temps ou de quelque autre manière que ce soit, sans l’autorisation écrite préalable de Panasonic Corporation.D. Vous ne pouvez ni copier ni reproduire ni permettre la copie ni la reproduction des Logiciels QLGHODGRFXPHQWDWLRQOHVDFFRPSDJQDQWSRXUTXHOTXH¿QTXHFHVRLWjO¶H[FHSWLRQG¶XQHFRSLHGHV/RJLFLHOVjGHV¿QVGHVDXYHJDUGHXQLTXHPHQWSRXUVRXWHQLUYRWUHXWLOLVDWLRQGHVLogiciels sur le Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels. Vous ne pouvez ni modi-¿HUQLWHQWHUGHPRGL¿HUOHV/RJLFLHOVE.  Vous ne pouvez céder les Logiciels et en octroyer la licence à une autre partie qu’en rapport avec votre cession du Produit unique qui est accompagné par les Logiciels à cette autre par-tie. Au moment de cette cession, vous devez céder également toutes les copies, que ce soit sous forme imprimée ou lisible par la machine, de tous les Logiciels ainsi que de la documen-tation les accompagnant, à la même partie ou détruire les copies non cédées.F.  Vous ne pouvez retirer aucune marque de droits d’auteur, marque de commerce ou autre ni DXFXQHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQGHSURGXLWGHV/RJLFLHOVHWYRXVGHYH]UHSURGXLUHHWLQFOXUHWRXWHVFHVQRWLFHVRXLGHQWL¿FDWLRQVGHSURGXLWVXUWRXWHVOHVFRSLHVGHV/RJLFLHOVVous ne pouvez assembler en sens inverse, compiler en sens inverse ni retracer les Logiciels ni aucune de leurs copies, de façon électronique ou mécanique, en tout ou en partie.9RXVQHSRXYH]XWLOLVHUFRSLHUPRGL¿HUDOWpUHUQLFpGHUOHV/RJLFLHOVQLDXFXQHGHOHXUVFRSLHVen tout ou en partie, à l’exception de ce qui est expressément stipulé dans ce contrat.Si vous cédez la possession de toute copie ou de tout Logiciel à une autre partie, à l’exception de ce qui est autorisé au paragraphe E ci-dessus, votre licence est automatiquement résiliée.DRAFTrporation vourporation vounon exclusifs d’utnon exclusifs d’uce contrat. Vous reconnce contrat. Vous recoumentation les accompagnanumentation les accompenir aucun droit de titre, propriétéenir aucun droit de titre, propriétéHQWDWLRQOHVDFFRPSDJQDQWQLYLVHQWDWLRQOHVDFFRPSDJQDQWQLYLVées représentés par ou incorporésées représentés par ou incorporé, dont les titres, propriété et droitsdont les titres, propriété et droitporation ou à leurs propriétaires.ou à leurs propriétaireliser les Logiciels que sur le Produser les Logiciels que sur DJHQWVrWHVUHTXLVGHSURWpJHUODWVrWHVUHTXLVGHSURWpJHUettre les Logiciels et la documentatre les Logiciels et la docuge de temps ou de quelque autre ge de temps ou de quelanasonic Corporation.anasonic Corporatie ni permettre la copie ni la reprodettre la copie ni la reprodQWSRXUTXHOTXH¿QTXHFHVRLWjO¶UTXHOTXH¿QTXHFHVRLWjOGHXQLTXHPHQWSRXUVRXWHQLUYRWUHXQLTXHPHQWSRXUVRXWHQLUYRWUHagné par les Logiciels. Vous ne poagné par les Logiciels. Vous ne plicence à une autre partie qu’en rae qu’en rané par les Logiciels à cette autre ps à cette autre ment toutes les copies, que ce s copies, que ce ogiciels ainsi que de la doainsi qus non cédées.non céde commercHWLQF
44AppendixContrat de licence d’usage limitéTermes, clauses et conditionsCette licence n’est effective que pour la durée de possession ou de crédit-bail du Produit, à moins d’une résiliation antérieure. Vous pouvez résilier cette licence à tout moment en détruisant, à vos frais, les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant avec toutes leurs copies, sous quelque forme que ce soit. Cette licence sera également résiliée, avec application immédiate, si OHVFRQGLWLRQVGHUpVLOLDWLRQGp¿QLHVDLOOHXUVGDQVFHFRQWUDWVHVRQWUpDOLVpHVRXVLYRXVQHUH-spectez pas les termes, clauses et conditions qui y sont contenues. Au moment de la résiliation, vous acceptez de détruire, à vos frais, les Logiciels et la documentation les accompagnant avec toutes leurs copies, sous quelque forme que ce soit.Vous reconnaissez avoir lu ce contrat, en avoir compris toute la substance et avoir accepté de respecter ses termes, clauses et conditions. Vous reconnaissez en outre qu’ils sont la description complète et exclusive du contrat conclu entre nous, contrat qui remplace et annule toute proposi-tion ou contrat précédent, écrit ou oral, et toute autre communication entre nous, relativement à l’objet du présent contrat.DRAFTissez avoiissez avoes termes, claues termes, claue et exclusive du cone et exclusive du cu contrat précédent, écrit ou contrat précédent, ébjet du présent contrat.bjet du présent contrat.
45Appendix6SHFL¿FDWLRQV7KLVSDJHSURYLGHVWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVIRUWKHEDVLFPRGHO 7KHPRGHOQXPEHULVGLIIHUHQWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHXQLWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQz 7RFKHFNWKHPRGHOQXPEHU Check the bottom of the computer or the box the computer came in at the time of purchase.z 7RFKHFN&38VSHHGPHPRU\VL]HDQGWKHÀDVKPHPRU\GULYHVL]H Run the Setup Utility (Î  Reference Manual³6HWXS8WLOLW\´DQGVHOHFW>,QIRUPDWLRQ@PHQX >3URFHVVRU6SHHG@&38VSHHG>0HPRU\6L]H@0HPRU\VL]H>+DUG'LVN@)ODVK0HPRU\drive size 0DLQ6SHFL¿FDWLRQVModel No. )=*)$+$;%0CPU Intel® Core™ i5-4310U Processor (3 MB*1 cache, up to 3 GHz) with Intel® Turbo Boost TechnologyChipset CPU embeddedVideo controller Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (Built-in CPU)Memory*1*2 8 GBVideo Memory*1*3  UMA @@@ MB Max. UMA <32-bit> @@@ MB Max. <64-bit> @@@ MBStorage*4 )ODVKPHPRU\GULYHGBApprox. @@ GB is used as a partition with HDD recovery tools. (Users cannot use this partition.)Approx. @@ GB is used as a partition with system tools. (Users cannot use this partition.) <Only for Windows 7 downgrade model>Approx. @@ GB is used as a partition with HDD recovery tools. (Users cannot use this partition.)Approx. @@ MB is used as a partition with system tools. (Users cannot use this partition.)Display Method 10.1 WUXGA typeInternal LCD*5 Max. 16,777,216 colors (1920 × 1200 dots)External Display (HDMI)*6 65,536/16,777,216 colors (1920 x 1200 dots Max.)Wireless LAN*7 Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 (Î page 47)Bluetooth*8 Î page 47Wireless WAN*9 (Optional) Sierra Wireless™ High-speed moduleLAN*10 IEEE 802.3 10Base-T/IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX/IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-TSound WAVE and MIDI playback, Intel®+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ$XGLRVXEV\VWHPVXS-port, Monaural speakerSecurity Chip TPM (TCG V1.2 compliant)*11Camera Front 1280 × 720 dots, 30 fps (Video), Monaural MicrophoneRear*12 1280 × 720 dots, 30 fps (Video) / 2592 × 1944 dots (Still)Sensor Ambient light sensorEquippedMagnetic sen-sorGyro sensorAcceleration sensorTTTTRAFTAFAFFTFTFTFTTDRADRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDRDRDDDDDDDRDRDDDRDRDRDDRDDRDRDRRRRRTCPUCtrollerIntelIn® HD®*1*28 8GBry*1*3DRDRDRDRDRRRRRRRDRDRRDRDRDRRRRR UMA UMA)ODVKPHPRU\GULYH)ODVKPHPRU\GULYHRARRRRARARARARARARAApprox. @@ x. @@ GBGB is used as cannot use this partition.)ot use thisApprox. @@ rox. GB is used as a pased as a puse this partition.)this partition.)RARRRRARARARARA <Only for Windows 7 dow <Only for Windoox. @@ ox. @@ GBGB is used as a partition w is used as a partition wuse this partition.)use this partition.)@@ MB is used as a partition with syused as a partition with stition.)ypeolors (1920 × 1200 dots)olors (1920 × 1200 dotors (1920 x 1200 dots Max.)rs (1920 x 1200 dotsAC 7260 (Î page47)speed module00Base-TX/IEEE 802.3ab TX/IEELWLRQ$XGLRVXELWLR
46Appendix6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 0DLQ6SHFL¿FDWLRQVCard Slot Smart Card Slot*13 x 1micro SD Memory Card Slot*14microSDXC compatibleSIM Card Slot*9 × 1Interface USB port 3.0 x 1, 2.0 x 1*15, Serial Port (Dsub 9-pin male)*16, LAN port (RJ-45)*10, HDMI Port (Type A)*17, Expansion Bus Connector, Headset 0LQLDWXUHMDFN',$+HDGSKRQH,PSHGDQFHȍ, Output Power 4 mWî6WHUHR0LFURSKRQH0RQDXUDO,QSXW*18Pointing Device 'LJLWL]HU0XOWLWRXFK&DSDFLWLYH$QWL5HÀHFWLRQ'LJLWL]HUSHQLQFOXG-ed) touch capable)Power Supply AC adaptor or Battery packAC Adaptor*19 ,QSXWV to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz2XWSXWV DC, 4.06 ABattery Pack Li-ion 10.8 V, 4400 mAh (typ.), 4100 mAhPLQZLWK&)9=688Li-ion 10.8 V, 9300 mAh (typ.), 8700 mAhPLQZLWK&)9=688Operating Time*20 $SSUR[##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[KRXUVZLWK&)9=688Charging Time*21 Power on $SSUR[KRXUVZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688Power off $SSUR[KRXUVZLWK&)9=688$SSUR[##KRXUVZLWK&)9=688Built-in bridge battery(not replaceable) (Optional) Li-Polymer 7.4 V, 500 mAh (typ.), 490 mAh (min.)Power Consumption*22 Approx. @@ W*23 / Approx. @@ W (maximum when recharging in the ON state) Physical Dimensions (W × D × H) 270 mm × 188 mm × 19 mm {10.6 " × 7.4 " × 0.75 "}Weight Approx. @@ kg {Approx. @@ lb`ZLWK&)9=688Approx. 1.3 kg {Approx. 2.87 lb`ZLWK&)9=688Envi-ron-mentOperat-ing Tempera-ture -10 °C to 50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F} (IEC60068-2-1, 2)*24Humidity 30% to 80% RH (No condensation)Storage Tempera-ture -20 °C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F}Humidity 30% to 90% RH (No condensation) SoftwareBase OS Windows® 8.1 Update Pro 64-bit Windows® 7 Profes-sional 32-bit Service Pack 1 / Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit  Service Pack 1DRAFTDRAFFTFTFTTTDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDRDRDDDDDDDDDDDRDRDDDRDRDRDDDDRDRDDRDRDRDRDRDRRRRRRRRRARRRRRRARRAAFiceSupplyAdapto,QSXery PaLi-ion 1Li-ion 1Li-ion 10.8Li-ion 10.8Time*20$SSUR[##K$SSUR[##K$SSUR[KRX$SSUR[Kwer on$SSUR[KRXUVZLWK$SSUR[KRX$SSUR[##KRXUVZLW$SSUR[##$SSUR[KRXUVZLWK&)$SSUR[KRXUVZLWK&)$SSUR[##KRXUVZLWK&)$SSUR[##KRXUVZLWK&(Optional) Li-Polymer 7.4 (Optional) Li-Polymer 7.4V, 500pprox. @@ pprox @@WW*23*2 / Approx. @@  / ApWWximum when recharging in the ON staen recharging in the ON st × 188 mmmm × 19 mmm {10.6 " × 7.4 " × {10.6 " × 7.4 " ×kgkg {Approx. @@  {Approx. @@ lblb`ZLWK&)9=68`ZLWK&)9=68Approx. 2.87 Approx. 2lbb`ZLWK&)9=688`ZLWK&)9=688°F°F to 122 °F} (IEC60068-2-1, 2)EC60068-2-1, 2)*24*24ensation)°F}
47Appendix SoftwareInstalled OS*25 Windows® 8.1 Update Pro 64-bit Windows® 7 Profes-sional 32-bit Service Pack 1 (downgraded to Windows® 7)*26 /  Windows® 7 Profes-sional 64-bit Service Pack 1 (downgraded to Windows® 7)*26Windows® 7 Profes-sional 32-bit Service Pack 1 / Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit  Service Pack 1Pre-installed Software*25 Adobe Reader, PC Information Viewer, Battery Recalibration Utility, Hand Writing Utility, Infineon TPM Professional Package*11 *27, Dashboard for Panasonic PC, Recovery Disc Creation Utility, Power Plan Extension Utility, Camera Utility, Camera Light Switch Utility*12*27, Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software, Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth® Technology, Microsoft Office Trial*28, Manual Selector, Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software, Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth® Technology, Microsoft Office Trial*24, Wireless Manager 6.0, Touch Operation Help Utility*23, Touch Screen Mode Setting Utility, Display Rotation Tool,  GPS Viewer*27Wireless Toolbox, Camera for Panasonic PCWireless Switch Utility, Wireless Connection Disable Utility*27, Quick Boot Manager, Software KeyboardAptio Setup Utility, PC-Diagnostic Utility, Hard Disk Data Erase Utility*31 Wireless LAN*7Data Transfer Rates*32 ,(((DMbps,(((EMbps,(((JMbps,(((Q+70ESV +70ESV,(((DF9+70ESV 9+70ESVStandards SupportedIEEE802.11a / IEEE802.11b / IEEE802.11g / IEEE802.11n / IEEE802.11acTransmission method OFDM system, DSSS systemWireless Channels Used ,(((DF,(((D,(((QChannels 36/40/44/48/52/56/60/64/100/104/108/112/116/120/124/128/132/136/140/149/153/157/161/165,(((E,(((J,(((Q&KDQQHOVWRRF Frequency Band 2.4 GHz%DQGGHz - 2.462 GHz5 GHz%DQGGHz - 5.32 GHz, 5.5 GHz - 5.7 GHz,   5.745 GHz - 5.825 GHz Bluetooth*8Bluetooth Version 4.0Classic mode / Low Energy modeTransmission method FHSS systemWireless Channels Used Channels 1 to 79 / Channels 0 to 39RF Frequency Band 2.402 GHz - 2.480 GHzDRRRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRRRAATeWireWTechnoTOperatioORotation TooRotation ToWireless Toolboeless ToolboCamera for PanasCamera for PanasPCPCAptio Setup Utility, PC-DAptio Setup Utility, PRRRAFAFTFTFTTRRRA,(((D(MbpsMbps(((E((EMbpsMbps(J(JMbpsMbQQ+70ESV+70+70ESV0DF9+70ESV0ESV9+70ESV0ESVEE802.11b / IEEE802.11g / IEEE802.1E802.11b / IEEE802.11g / IEEE802S systemS systemD,(((QD  ,((( els 36/40/44/48/52/56/60/64/100/104/00/10424/128/132/136/140/149/153/157/169/153/157/16(((Q&KDQQHOVWRQHOVWRGHz5.5 GHzz - 5.7  - 5.7 GHzG,  T
48Appendix6SHFL¿FDWLRQV*1 1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes/1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes*2  Memory size of the factory default depends on the model.*3  A segment of the main memory is allotted automatically depending on the computer’s operating status. The size of the Video Memory cannot be set by the user.*4 1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes / 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Your operating system or some application soft-ware will report as fewer GB.*5  Depending on the OS settings.*6 6HOHFWDEOHUHVROXWLRQGHSHQGVRQWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKHH[WHUQDOGLVSOD\'LVSOD\PD\EHLPSRVVLEOHusing some connected external displays.*7  Only for model with wireless LAN.*8  Only for model with Bluetooth.*9 2QO\IRUPRGHOZLWKZLUHOHVV:$17KHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVPD\GLIIHUGHSHQGLQJRQWKHPRGHOV The slot accepts SIM Cards. *10  Only for model with LAN.*11  Only for model with TPM.  For information on TPM,  RQWKH6WDUWVFUHHQWRXFKWKH>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@WLOHDQGVHOHFW“Installation Manual for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)” /  'RXEOHWRXFK>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@on the desktop, and select “Installation Manual for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)”.*12  Only for model with Rear Camera. 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQVRIWZDUHWKHIROORZLQJFDVHVPD\RFFXU,QWKHVHFDVHVselect a smaller resolution.y  Cannot select a large resolution.y  When selecting a large resolution, an error occurs.*13  Only for model with Smart Card slot.*14  Only for model with micro SD memory card slot. 2SHUDWLRQKDVEHHQWHVWHGDQGFRQ¿UPHGXVLQJ3DQDVRQLFPLFUR6'0HPRU\&DUGZLWKDFDSDFLW\RIXSto 2 GB and Panasonic micro SDHC Memory Card with a capacity of up to 32 GB.  Operation on other SD equipment is not guaranteed. *15  Does not guarantee operation of all USB-compatible peripherals. 86%SRUW2QO\IRUPRGHOZLWK86%SRUW*16 Only for model with serial port. To connect the serial device, the serial conversion cable (included) is necessary.*17  Does not guarantee operation of all HDMI-compatible peripherals.*18  Applicable plug for headsets are as follows.*19  <Only for North America> The AC adaptor is compatible with power sources up to 240 V AC adaptor. This computer is supplied with a 125 V AC compatible AC cord.            20-M-1-1*20 0HDVXUHGDW/&'EULJKWQHVVcd/m2  Varies depending on the usage conditions, or when an optional device is attached.*21  Varies depending on the usage conditions.*22 Approx. 0.5 W when the battery pack is fully charged (or not being charged) and the computer is OFF.   <When using with 115 V AC> Even when the AC adaptor is not connected to the computer, power is consumed (Max. 0.3 W) simply by having the AC adaptor plugged into an AC outlet.*23  Rated power consumption     23-E-1Headphone R GNDHeadphone L Mono MicDRAFTs SIs SIDDDDOnly for model with LAN.Only for model with LAN.Only for model with Only for model with TPM.TPM.r information on r information on TPM, TPMDRDRDRDRDRRRRRRRRlation Manual for Trusted Platform Molation Manual for Trusted Platform Moesktop, and select “Installation Manuaktop, and select “Installation Manudel with Rear CamRear Camera. eraWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQVRIWZDHVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQresolution.esoluarge resolution.tion.rge resolution, an error occurs.olution, an error Card slot.ard sSD memory card slot. D memory card slot. QGFRQ¿UPHGXVLQJ3DQDVRQLFPLFUR6GFRQ¿UPHGXVLQJ3DQDVDHC Memory Card with a capacity ofDHC Memory Card with a capacity ofis not guaranteed. ranteed.USB-compatible peripherals. patible peripherals. SRUWRUWe serial device, the serial conversion caserial device, the serial conversion compatible peripherals.ompatible peripherals.AC adaptor.ptor. attach
49Appendix*24  Do not expose the skin to this product when using the product in a hot or cold environment. (Î page 3)  When using in hot or cold environment, some peripherals and battery pack may fail to work properly. Check the operation environment of the peripherals.  Using this product continuously in a hot environment will shorten the product life. Avoid use in these types of environments.  When using in low temperature environment, startup may become slow or battery operation time may EHFRPHVKRUW7KHFRPSXWHUFRQVXPHVSRZHUZKHQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\LVZDUPLQJXSGXULQJVWDUWXSTherefore, if you are using battery power and the remaining power is low, the computer may not start up.*25  Operations of this computer are not guaranteed except for the pre-installed OS and the OS which is LQVWDOOHGE\XVLQJWKHÀDVKPHPRU\UHFRYHU\DQGWKHUHFRYHU\GLVF*26  This system is preinstalled with Windows® 7 Professional software and also comes with a license for Windows 8.1 Pro software. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version.*27  Must be installed before use.*28  To continue using this software after the end of the trial, purchase a license by following the on-screen instructions.*29  For information on Wireless Manager, refer to the supplementary instructions by the following procedure. A  Perform either of the following procedures.y  Touch and hold   at the bottom left corner of the Desktop screen.y  Flick from the middle of the Start screen to the top. B  7RXFK>5XQ@DQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOSUMFW?6XSSOHPHQWDU\,QVWUXFWLRQVSGI´WKHQWRXFK>2.@ Touch   6WDUWDQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOSUMFW?6XSSOHPHQWDU\,QVWUXFWLRQVSGI´LQ>6HDUFKSURJUDPVDQG¿OHV@DQGSUHVV Enter.*30  Only for model with GPS or wireless WAN.*31  Perform on the recovery disc.  $OWHUQDWLYHO\SHUIRUPRQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\UHFRYHU\*32  Maximum data transfer rates of wireless LAN standards.Actual speeds may differ.DRAFTl reql reqefore useefore usng this softwareng this softwaration on Wireless Managation on Wireless ManDDDDDDrform either of the following procedurform either of the following procedouch and hold ouch a at the bottom left coat the bottom left ck from the middle of the Start screen tk from the middle of the Start screen tXQ@DQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOSUMFW?6XSSOHPHQXQ@DQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOSUMFW?6XSSOHPHQTouch 6WDUWDQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOSDUWDQGLQSXW³F?XWLO?ZOQGSUHVVVEnterEnterDRR..GPS or wireless WAN.PS or wireless WAN.y disc. ydRARRRRRARARARA$OWHUQDWLYHO\SHU$OWHes of wireless LAN standards.eless
50AppendixFor U.S.A.Panasonic System Communications Company of North America (PSCNA)Computer Products - Worldwide WarrantiesSection 1: Limited Warranty - HardwarePSCNA, referred hereafter as “Panasonic” will repair the products listed below with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge in a Global Panasonic designated service location for the period specified below from the date of original purchase in the event of a defect in materials or workmanship. These warranties are extended solely to the original purchaser. A purchase receipt or other proof of date of original purchase will be required before warranty performance is rendered.  Laptop PC (CF-##) – 3 Years 7DEOHW3&)=±<HDUV Ultra-Mobile (CF-U#/CF-H# Series) – 3 Years PDRC - LCD & Keyboard Assembly  – 3 YearsBattery WarrantyBatteries supplied with the product are covered under the warranty for one (1) year from date of purchase, except as excluded in Section 3. Batteries purchased separately are covered under the warranty for one (1) year from the date of purchase. A replacement battery furnished under the product warranty is covered for the remaining period of the one year warranty on the original or purchased battery.Optional: Panasonic “Protection Plus” WarrantyAny unit for which the Panasonic “Protection Plus” warranty has been purchased will receive additional coverage for any failure that occurs due to accidental damage. All other terms and conditions of the standard warranty apply and this additional coverage will exist for the duration of the standard warranty period of the unit. If an extended Protection Plus warranty program is purchased, coverage is extended to the end of the last year of extended coverage purchased.This warranty does not cover failures or defects that are caused by fire, intentional acts, loss, theft, improper maintenance, modification or service by anyone other than the Panasonic National Service Center or a Panasonic Authorized Service Provider, or damage that is attributable to acts of God. Cosmetic damage that does not affect functionality is not covered. Cosmetic damage on units with hardware failures will be repaired in accordance with the warranty terms. This warranty is extended solely to the original purchaser on the unit serial number for which it was purchased. Complete unit replacement fulfills the full obligation and is at the discretion of Panasonic and is limited to once during the coverage term. Maximum benefit is limited to one replacement per coverage year of the Motherboard, LCD, Storage Drive, and Keyboard.Wireless Module WarrantyPanasonic approved wireless modems installed in Panasonic brand computers and integrated by Panasonic or an Authorized Panasonic Wireless Integrator are covered under the warranty for the remaining warranty period of the device in which the modem is installed. For devices with less than three (3) months remaining on the unit warranty, the wireless modem will be covered for a period of three (3) months from the date of installation of the modem, covering only modem replacement or modem installation related issues.All modems must be approved by the wireless carrier prior to use. Any use or attempted use of a wireless modem not approved and activated by the carrier for use on their network is strictly prohibited and is not sanctioned or warranted by Panasonic and may result in legal action. In addition, all modems must be approved by Panasonic as compatible with the device hardware before installation or use. Panasonic’s sole responsibility for the warranty or technical support of the software required to install or operate the modem is defined in Section 2 (Limited Software Warranty). Any attempted software installation by anyone other than a Panasonic Authorized Wireless Integrator is not covered under warranty and may result in service charges to re-image or replace the hard drive.Installation or attempted installation by any party other than Panasonic or an Authorized Panasonic Wireless Integrator is strictly not covered under the warranty and may void the computer warranty if damage results. Options and Accessories WarrantiesThe below listed Panasonic brand or supplied options and accessories are covered under this limited ZDUUDQW\IRUWKHSHULRGVSHFLILHGIURPWKHGDWHRISXUFKDVHRUDVVSHFLILFDOO\VWDWHGLIMITED WARRANTYDRAFThashasperformaperformap PC (CF-##) – 3 p PC (CF-##) – 3HW3&)=±<HDHW3&)=±<Hery Warrantyery Warteries supplied with the product are coteries supplied with the product are cot as excluded in Section 3. Batteries pt as excluded in Section 3. Batteries pm the date of purchase. A replacemenm the date of purchase. A replacemenng period of the one year warranty onng period of the one year warranty oasonic “Protection Plus” WarrantyProtection Plus” Warrahe Panasonic “Protection Plus” warrae Panasonic “Protection Plure that occurs due to accidental damare that occurs due to accand this additional coverage will exisadditional coverage will exisended Protection Plus warranty progrProtection Plus warranty proended coverage purchased.ded coverage purchased.ures or defects that are caused by fireures or defects that are cae by anyone other than the Panasonie by anyone other than the Panasoner, or damage that is attributable to acge that is attributable to acovered. Cosmetic damage on units witosmetic damage on units wirms. This warranty is extended solelyThis warranty is extended solelychased. Complete unit replacement fuased. Complete unit replacement fed to once during the coverage term. ed to once during the coverage term.e Motherboard, LCD, Storage Drive, aMotherboard, LCD, Storage Drive, ic brand computers and integrated by integrated bynder the warranty for the remaining wor the remaining wwith less than three (3) months n three (3) months d of three (3) months from ee (3) mm installation related installator attempted ortrictly pro,al
51Appendix AC Adaptor / Power Cord – 3 Years Memory Expansion Card (Panasonic Brand) – 3 Years  Car Mount - Docking Station PCB or Vehicle Docking Station – 3 Years Desktop Port Replicator, I-O Box, Docking Cradle (like CF-U1) – 3 Years Antenna Pass-through Cable – 3 Years Backlit or Full-sized keyboard - 3 Years or assumes warranty of the unit in which it is installed Integrated Panasonic supplied options and kits including, but not limited to Wireless Modems, Media Bay Drives (Floppy, CD, DVD, Combo), Camera, GPS, Bluetooth, Smartcard Reader, Magnetic Card Reader, Barcode Scanner, and Fingerprint Reader - 3 Years or assumes warranty period of the unit in which it is installed provided the integration was performed by Panasonic or an Authorized Integrator. Hard Drive / Solid State Drive (Internal) - 3 Years Separately purchased 2nd Hard Drive – 1 Year External USB Drives (CD / DVD / Floppy / Hard Drive) – 1 Year Optional Battery – 1 Year Battery Charger / Multi-Bay Battery Charger – 1 Year Stylus Pens, Digitizer & Standard - 90 Days (physical damage excluded)Section 2 - Limited Warranty - SoftwarePanasonic warrants to you only that the disk(s) or other media on which the Programs are furnished will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of delivery thereof to you, as evidenced by your purchase receipt..This is the only warranty Panasonic makes to you. Panasonic does not warrant that the functions contained in the Programs will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Programs will be uninterrupted or error free. Panasonic shall have no obligation for any defects in the disk(s) or other media on which the Programs are furnished resulting from your storage thereof, or for defects that have been caused by operation of the disk(s) or other mediaPanasonic’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this warranty shall be limited to the replacement, in the United States or other Panasonic designated location, of any defective disk or other media which is returned to Panasonic’s Authorized Service Center, together with a copy of the purchase receipt, within the aforesaid warranty period.Section 3 - Limited Warranty Exclusions - Specifically excluded from the warranty are: All consumable items; such as screen protection films, logo badges, labels, cleaning cloths, carry cases, manuals, cables, straps, belts, holsters, tethers, and harnesses and any other options and accessories not listed above or covered under a separate warranty. Failures related to the product operating system, hard drive or solid state drive image, software setup, software program, virus, other program(s) or file(s) on any drive or in any computer memory location.  Failures due to BIOS settings or changes, as well as any cosmetic or physical damage to the unit.  Any unit or device with a missing or altered model number or serial number label Cosmetic damage or any damage which occurs in shipment Failures which are caused by products not supplied by Panasonic  Failures which result from alteration, accident, misuse, introduction of liquid or other foreign matter into the unit, abuse, neglect, installation, maladjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance or modification, use not in accordance with product use instructions  Failures due to service by anyone other than a Panasonic Authorized Service Provider Failures caused by improper installation of options or accessories or due to integration by any company other than Panasonic or a Panasonic Authorized Integrator Damage, failure, or loss due to the unit being stolen, lost, misplaced, or used by anyone other than the original purchaser Damage that is attributable to acts of GodThis limited warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials or workmanship which occur during normal use. If a unit is sent to a Panasonic Authorized Service Center and no hardware failure is found, the customer will be billed for labor to correct a software issue or reimage the hard drive plus shipping and applicable administrative fees at the current rates set by the service provider.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS OR PART OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, DRAFTes (Ces (C– 1 – 1 YearYearer / Multi-Bay er / Multi-Bay s, Digitizer & Standas, Digitizer & Stand- Limited Warranty - Softw- Limited Warranty - c warrants to you only that the disk(s)c warrants to you only that the disk(s)defects in material and workmanshipdefects in material and workmanshipy thereof to you, as evidenced by youy thereof to you, as evidenced by youranty Panasonic makes to you. Panassonic makes to you. Paneet your requirements or that the opeour requirements or that theshall have no obligation for any defecthall have no obligation for aresulting from your storage thereof, oresulting from your storer mediar exclusive remedy under this warrantxclusive remedy under this wother Panasonic designated location, other Panasonic designatedAuthorized Service Center, together wAuthorized Service Center, together wd.dpecifically excluded from the warranlly excluded from the warraon films, logo badges, labels, cleaningn films, logo badges, labels, cleaningthers, and harnesses and any other others, and harnesses and any other oparate warrantyarate .drive or solid state drive image, softwdrive or solid state drive image, softwy drive or in any computer memory lomemory loosmetic or physical damage to the uniamage to the unserial number labelbelliquid or other foreigquid ors, improper masim Pro
52AppendixLIMITED WARRANTYAIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, OR AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*1. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*1  AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include class 2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Systems and Class 1 EFB Systems when used during critical phases of flight (e.g., during take-off and landing) and/or PRXQWHGRQWRWKHDLUFUDIW&ODVV()%6\VWHPVDQG()%6\VWHPVDUHGHILQHGE\)$$$&$GYLVRU\&LUFXODU$RU-$$-$$7*/7HPSRUDU\*XLGDQFH/HDIOHWV1ROther Limits and Exclusions: There are no other express warranties except as listed above.PANASONIC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF DATA OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. For technical support or to arrange for service on your Panasonic computer product, call our toll-free hotline at 1-855-PSC-TECH (855-772-8324).',$/72//)5((36&7(&+:HE6LWHZZZSDQDVRQLFFRPWRXJKERRNTHISTHISOF MERCOF MERCABLE WARRANABLE WARRAf incidental or consef incidental or consve limitations or exclusionsve limitations or excluss limited warranty gives you specifics limited warranty gives you specifice to state. e to stnical support or to arrange for service nical support or to arrange for service SC-TECH (855-772-8324).C-TECH (855-772-832DRDRRA',$/72//)5((36',$/72//)5((:HE6LWHZZZSDQDVRQHE6LWHZZ
53AppendixLIMITED WARRANTY (GARANTIE LIMITÉE)For CanadaPANASONIC COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS LIMITED WARRANTYCoverage±3DQDVRQLF&DQDGD,QF³3&,´ZDUUDQWVWR\RXWKH¿UVWHQGXVHUFXVWRPHUWKLVFRPSXWHUSURG-uct (excluding software media), when purchased from PCI or from a PCI authorized reseller, to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use, subject to the terms set forth below, during the SHULRGRIZDUUDQW\FRYHUDJHVSHFL¿HGScope of Coverage Period of Coverage Type of Failure Coveraget  Laptop Computers (except Battery) and AC Adaptort  Factory/PCI installed options including Wireless WAN, GPS, Bluetooth, Finger print reader, Backlit keyboard, Memory Card and Media Bay Drives (Floppy, CD/DVD)t  Mobile Wireless Display t  PDRC – LCD and Keyboard Assembliest Port ReplicatorThree (3) Years from Date of Original End User Customer Pur-chaseDefective Materials or Workmanshipt Hand-held Computerst Batteryt Battery chargert Auto Adaptort  External USB DrivesOne (1) Year from Date of Original End User Customer PurchaseDefective Materials or Workmanshipt  Digitizer pen or stylus Ninety (90) Days from Date of Original End User Customer Pur-chaseDefective Materials or Workmanshipt $OOFRQVXPDEOHLWHPVLQFOXGLQJSURWHFWLRQ¿OPFOHDQLQJcloth, carry case, tether and harness No CoverageRemedy – In the event of a warranty claim, contact PCI’s representatives within the applicable warranty SHULRGLGHQWLI\LQJWKHQDWXUHRIWKHGHIHFWFODLPHGDWEHWZHHQ$0DQG30(DVWHUQ7LPH=RQH0RQ±)ULH[FOXGLQJKROLGD\VIRULQVWUXFWLRQVRQKRZWRREWDLQVHUYLFH$SXUFKDVHreceipt or other proof of date of original purchase is required before warranty service is performed. Defective parts covered by this Limited Warranty will be repaired or replaced with new or comparable rebuilt parts on an exchange basis. Warranty replacement or repair is subject to the terms of this Limited Warranty for the balance of the original period of warranty coverage.No Coverage – This Limited Warranty does not cover products purchased outside Canada. Neither does it cover damage to, failure of, or defects in a product or accessory through mishandling, improper installa-tion, abnormal use, misuse, neglect, accident, introduction of liquid or other foreign matter into the product, alteration or servicing by anyone not authorized by PCI, or act of God.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS, OR AS PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, OR AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*2. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*2  AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Systems and &ODVV()%6\VWHPVZKHQXVHGGXULQJFULWLFDOSKDVHVRIÀLJKWHJGXULQJWDNHRIIDQGODQGLQJDQGRUPRXQWHGRQWRWKHDLUFUDIW&ODVV()%6\VWHPVDQG()%6\VWHPVDUHGH¿QHGE\)$$$&$GYLVRU\&LUFXODU$RU-$$-$$7*/7HPSRUDU\*XLGDQFH/HDÀHWV1RIF YOU SHIP THE PRODUCT FOR WARRANTY SERVICECarefully pack the product, preferably in the original carton. Include details of defect claimed and proof of date of original purchase. No liability is assumed for loss or damage to the product while in transit, if you chose your own transportation carrier.SOFTWARE MEDIA LIMITED WARRANTYCoverage±3&,ZDUUDQWVWR\RXWKH¿UVWHQGXVHUFXVWRPHUWKDWWKHGLVNVRURWKHUPHGLDRQZKLFKVRIW-ware program(s) is/are supplied will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use in Canada for a period of sixty (60) days from date of receipt as evidenced by your purchase receipt for your Panasonic Computer product.THIS IS THE ONLY WARRANTY THAT PCI MAKES RESPECTING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA. PCI does not warrant the software. Please refer to the software licensor’s written warranty (accompanying the copy of the software) for any software warranty claim.Claim Procedure – In the event of a defect in material or workmanship in the media during the sixty (60) day warranty period, and you return it, transportation costs prepaid, to Panasonic Canada Inc., Computer DRAFTDRRAAADAAARAAper prier prMedia BayMedia BaDisplay Displayand Keyboard and Keyboard AssAstortoreld Computerseld Comyyy chargery chargaptoraptorSB DrivesSB Drivesr stylusstyluscOXGLQJSURWHFWLRQ¿OPFOHDQLQJXGLQJSURWHFWLRQ¿OPFd harnesssNo Cnty claim, contact PCI’claim, contact PCI’s representativs represeGHIHFWFODLPHGDWEHWHIHFWFODLPHGDWGLQJKROLGD\VIRULQVWUXFWLRQVRQKRZLQJKROLGD\VIRULQVWUXFWLRurchase is required before warranty surchase is required before warranty sbe repaired or replaced with new or cd or replaced with new or crepair is subject to the terms of this Lubject to the terms of this Lage.over products purchased outside Canproducts purchased outside Canor accessory through mishandling, imor accessory through mishandling, imtion of liquid or other foreign matter intion of liquid or other foreign matter inor act of God.act of S PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/S PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENTCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTNT/SYSTTY RESULTING FROM THE USE OFTHE USE OElectrical Flight Bag (EFB) SystemBag (EFB) SystemJGXULQJWDNHRIDNHRIIDQGODQGLQJIDIIIDUHGH¿QHGE\)H¿QHGE$$$&)TERVICEEect clawh
55AppendixFor AustraliaPersonal / Notebook Computers - 36 Month Warranty from Date of Purchase1.  Subject to the conditions of this warranty Panasonic or it’s Authorised Service Centre will perform necessary service on the product without charge for parts or labour, if in the opinion of Panasonic, the product is found to be faulty within the warranty period.  2.  This warranty only applies to Panasonic products purchased in Australia and sold by Panasonic Australia or its Authorised Distributors or Dealers and only where the products are used and serviced within Australia or it's territories. Warranty cover only applies to service carried out by a Panasonic Authorised Service Centre and only if valid proof of purchase is presented when warranty service is requested.3.  This warranty only applies if the product has been installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations (as noted in the operating instructions) under normal use and reasonable care (in the opinion of Panasonic). The warranty covers normal domestic use only and does not cover damage, malfunction or failure resulting from use of incorrect voltages, incorrect installation, accident, misuse, neglect, build-up of dirt or dust, abuse, maladjustment of customer controls, mains supply problems, thunderstorm activity, infestation by insects or vermin, tampering or repair by unauthorised persons (including unauthorised alterations), exposure to abnormally corrosive conditions or any foreign object or matter having entered the product.4.  This warranty does not cover the following items unless the fault or defect existed at the time of SXUFKDVH6RIWZDUH5.  Warranty on Toughbook accessories (stylus, pens, AC charger, combo drive, etc) is 12 Months from the date of purchase & 3 months for batteries. 7RFODLPZDUUDQW\VHUYLFHZKHQUHTXLUHG\RXVKRXOG Check the Panasonic web site for latest warranty contact  KWWSZZZSDQDVRQLFFRPDXEXVLQHVVFRPSXWHUVWDEOHWVDQGSRVWRXJKERRNKWPO, use the Service Centre Locator and call the National Service Centre number indicated. Prepare purchase receipt as proof of purchase date and system serial number which will be required by the Authorised Service Centre.7.  The Warranty excludes 3 or less faulty pixels on screen.8.  The Warranty includes the repair or exchange of faulty parts within the product with items that are functionally equivalent to that as originally supplied or better – including new or refurbished parts or units – solely at Panasonic’s discretion.9.  It is the customer’s responsibility to backup all data from the hard disk drive before sending equipment for repair. If a problem is related to the hard disk drive, or the hard disk drive has to be replaced, Panasonic will only reload the factory pre-installed software for the product onto the replacement drive.10.  Panasonic will arrange free pick up and return for approved warranty repairs within 50 km of capital city locations. Please ensure your unit is properly packed for return to the service location.11.  The warranties hereby conferred do not extend to, and exclude, any costs associated with the installation, de-installation or re-installation of a product, including costs related to the mounting, demounting or remounting of any screen, (and any other ancillary activities), delivery, handling, freighting, transportation or insurance of the product or any part thereof or replacement of and do not extend to, and exclude, any damage or loss occurring by reason of, during, associated with, or related to such installation, de-installation, re-installation or transit.In addition to your rights under this warranty, Panasonic products come with consumer guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. If there is a major failure with the product, you can reject the product and elect to have a refund or to have the product replaced or if you wish you may elect to keep the goods and be compensated for the drop in value of the goods. You are also entitled to have the product repaired or replaced if the product fails to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.If there is a major failure in regard to the product which cannot be remedied then you must notify us within a reasonable period by contacting the Panasonic Customer Care Centre. If the failure in the product is not a major failure then Panasonic may choose to repair or replace the product and will do so in a reasonable period of time from receiving notice from you.DRAFTy applies iy applies recommendatirecommendatcare (in the opinion ocare (in the opiniondamage, malfunction or fdamage, malfunction nt, misuse, neglect, build-up ofnt, misuse, neglect, buildly problems, thunderstorm activity, ly problems, thunderstorm activity, thorised persons (including unauthoristhorised persons (including unauthorioreign object or matter having enteredoreign object or matter having enterenty does not cover the following itemsnty does not cover the following itemsIWZDUHDUHghbook accessories (stylus, pens, ACaccessories (stylus, pens3months for batteries.months for batterieLFHZKHQUHTXLUHG\RXVKRXOGFHZKHQUHTXLUHG\RXVb site for latest warranty contact  atest warranty contact  DXEXVLQHVVFRPSXWHUVWDEOHWVDQGSRQHVVFRPSXWHUVWDEOHWVDQGSational Service Centre number indicanal Service Centre number iof of purchase date and system seriaof of purchase date and systpixels on screen.pixels on screen.ange of faulty parts within the product ulty parts within the productupplied or better – including new or re or better – including new or rea from the hard disk drive before senda from the hard disk drive before sene, or the hard disk drive has to be rep or the hard disk drive has to be repware for the product onto the replacemware for the product onto the replaced warranty repairs within 500km of cakm of carn to the service location.ion.any costs associated with the ciated wcosts related to the mountinged to thtivities), deliverys), deliv, handlinor replacement of or replag, associated wga
56AppendixLIMITED WARRANTYTHIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS OR AS PART OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, OR AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*3. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*3  AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class 2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Systems and Class 1 EFB Systems when used during critical phases of flight (e.g., during take-off and landing) and/or PRXQWHGRQWRWKHDLUFUDIW&ODVV()%6\VWHPVDQG()%6\VWHPVDUHGHILQHGE\)$$$&$GYLVRU\&LUFXODU$RU-$$-$$7*/7HPSRUDU\*XLGDQFH/HDIOHWV1RTHIS WARRANTY CARD AND THE PURCHASE DOCKET (OR SIMILAR PROOF OF PURCHASE) SHOULD BE RETAINED BY THE CUSTOMER AT ALL TIMESIf you require assistance regarding warranty conditions or any other enquiries, please visit thePanasonic Australia website orcontact by phone on 1300 132 463Panasonic Australia Pty. LimitedACN 001 592 187 ABN 83 001 592 1871 Innovation Road, Macquarie Park NSW),VVXH 11-11-2011DRAFTuire assuire 001 Innovation Roawww.pH
Panasonic System Communications  Company of North AmericaTwo Riverfront Plaza,Newark NJ 07102Panasonic Australia Pty. LimitedACN 001 592 187 ABN 83 001 592 1871 Innovation Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113:HE6LWHKWWSSDQDVRQLFQHWPanasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga,Ontario L4W 2T3© Panasonic Corporation 2014Printed in TaiwanHS0514-0')4:=$7DRAFTTnasonic CanadnasonAmbler DrivAL4W 2

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