Panasonic of North America 9TGWL11E 802.11n 2X2 PCIe MINICARD User Manual DFQW5516ZAT CF 31mk2 XP7 OI M indb

Panasonic Corporation of North America 802.11n 2X2 PCIe MINICARD DFQW5516ZAT CF 31mk2 XP7 OI M indb

Users Manual of Host device Part1of2

ContentsGetting StartedOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPersonal ComputerModel No. CF-31 seriesIntroduction ................................................................. 2Read Me First  ............................................................ 3(Precautions)Description of Parts .................................................. 11First-time Operation ..................................................14Useful InformationOn-screen Manual ....................................................18Handling and Maintenance .......................................19Reinstalling Software ................................................21TroubleshootingTroubleshooting (Basic) ............................................23AppendixLIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT ...................28Specications ...........................................................30LIMITED WARRANTY ..............................................34Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.For further information about the com-puter, you can refer to the on-screen manual.To access the on-screen manual  è page 18 “On-screen Manual”Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendix
2Getting StartedIntroductionThank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.n  Terms and illustrations in these instructionsCAUTION  :  Conditions that may result in minor or moderate injury.NOTE  :  Useful and helpful information.Enter :  Press [Enter] key.Fn + F5 :  Press and hold [Fn] key, and then press [F5] key. (Start) - [All Programs] :  Click   (Start), and then click [All Programs]. You may need to double-click in some cases.[start] - [Run] :  Click [start], and then click [Run]. You may need to double-click in some cases.è :  Page in these Operating Instructions or in the Reference Manual. :  Reference to the on-screen manuals.l   indicates Genuine Windows® 7 Professional Operating System.l   indicates Genuine Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Operating System.l Someillustrationsaresimpliedtohelpyourunderstandingandmaylookdifferentfromtheactualunit.l  If you do not log on as an administrator, you cannot use some functions or cannot display some screens.l  Refer for the latest information about optional products to the catalogs, etc.l  In these instructions, the names and terms are referred as follows. “Genuine Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit Service Pack 1” and “Genuine Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit Service Pack 1” as “Windows” or “Windows 7” “Genuine Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 3” as “Windows”, “Windows XP” or “Windows XP Professional” DVD MULTI drive as “CD/DVD drive” Circular media including DVD-ROM and CD-ROM as “discs”n  DisclaimerComputerspecicationsandmanualsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.PanasonicCorporationassumesnoli-ability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the computer and the manuals.n  TrademarksMicrosoft®, Windows®, the Windows logo, and IntelliMouse are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation of the United States and/or other countries.Intel, Core, Centrino and PROSet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation.SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC. Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorpo-rated in the United States and/or other countries.Bluetooth™ is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Panasonic Corporation.HDMI,theHDMILogoandHigh-DenitionMultimediaInterfacearetrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofHDMILicensing LLC in the United States and other countries.Names of products, brands, etc., appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective own companies.
3Getting StartedRead Me FirstModels for U.S.A.Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference StatementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential instal-lation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:l  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.l Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.l  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.l  Consult the Panasonic Service Center or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WarningTo assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface cables when connecting to a computer or peripheral.  Also, any changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC RF Exposure Warning:l  This equipment is provided with PC Card slot that could be usedwithwirelesstransmitters,whichwillbespecicallyrecommended when they become available.  Other third-party wireless transmitters have not been RF exposure evaluated for use with this computer and may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements.<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>l  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.l  This equipment has been approved for portable operation, and does not require any minimum spacing be provided between antennas and all person’s body.l  This equipment may not be co-located or operated with any other antenna or transmitter. 25-M-3<Only for model with wireless WAN>l  This PC with WWAN transmitter installed, has been ap-proved for mobile operation and to assure compliance with RF exposure requirements, a minimum of 20 cm (8 inches) must be maintained between the WWAN antenna located in top of LCD and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation.<Optional Car Mounter / Port Replicator>l  This equipment is provided with external antenna connector(s) for connection to optional Car Mounter or Port Replicator for mobile external mounted antenna(s).  External antenna(s) must be professionally installed and cannot exceed recommended maximum antenna gain as described in individual provided supplement instructions for wireless transmitters.  For WLAN, the Car Mounter should be used with Radi-all/Larsen WLAN whip antenna, type NMO5E2400BKTNC with 5dBi antenna gain or less. Also, user must maintain minimum 20 cm spacing between external antenna(s) and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation. 25-M-5<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range.FCC requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems. High power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35 GHz and 5.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage this product. 25-M-W-5Responsible Party:  Panasonic Corporation of North America  One Panasonic Way  Secaucus, NJ 07094  Tel No:1-800-LAPTOP5 (1-800-527-8675)6-M-1<Only for model with modem>FCC Regulation Notice for modem This equipment contains a FCC approved modem.1.  This equipment complies with CFR47 Part 68 rules.  On the computer is a label that contains, among other infor-mation, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If required, this informa-tion must be provided to the telephone company.2.  An FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment. This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant. See Installation Instructions for details.3. The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in re-sponse to an incoming call. In most, but not all area, the sum of RENsshouldnotexceedve(5.0).Tobecertainofthenumberof devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.4. If your telephone equipment cause harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advice that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advice notice isn’t practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soonaspossible.Also,youwillbeadvisedofyourrighttoleacomplaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.5. The telephone company may take changes in its facilities, equip-ment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modi-cationstomaintainuninterruptedservice.6. If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact Panasonic Corpora-tion of North America at DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-LAPTOP5 (1-800-527-8675). If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.7. There are no user serviceable parts contained in this equipment.8.  This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is sub-ject to state tariffs.9.  The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmit-tedpageorontherstpageofthetransmission,thedateandtimeitissentandanidenticationofthebusinessorotherentry,orother individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. In order to program this information into your fax software, you should refer to the manual of the Fax software being used.Model with Wireless LAN module (model: WL11E) does not  operate in 5GHz frequency band.<Only for model with wireless LAN>
4Getting StartedRead Me First10. According to the FCC’s electrical safety advisory, we recom-mend that you may install an AC surge arrestor in the AC outlet to which this equipment is connected. Telephone companies report that electrical surges, typically lightning transients, are very destructive to customer terminal equipment connected to AC power sources and that this is a major nationwide problem. “Caution:Toreducetheriskofre,useonlyNo.26AWGorlarger(e.g.,24AWG)ULlistedorCSAcertiedtelecommunica-tion line cord.” “ATTENTION : Pour réduire le risque d’incendie, utiliser unique-ment des conducteurs de télécommunications 26 AWG ou de sectionsupérieure(p.ex.24AWG)ULénumérésouCSAcertié.”16-M-1USA Only: Disposal may be regulated in your community due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recy-cling information, please visit Panasonic website: or call 1-888-769-0149 65-M-2<For USA-California Only>This product contains a Coin Cell Lithium Battery which contains Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.See for Canada<Only for model with modem>Industry Canada (IC) Notice for modemThis equipment contains an Industry Canada approved modem unit.TheIndustryCanadalabelisafxedonthemodemunit.EQUIPMENT ATTACHEMENT LIMITATIONS“NOTICE:TheIndustryCanadalabelidentiescertiedequip-ment.Thiscerticationmeansthattheequipmentmeetstele-communications network protective, operational and safety re-quirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecom-munications company. The equipment must also be installed us-ing an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.Repairstocertiedequipmentshouldbecoordinatedbyarep-resentative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.Users should ensure for their own protection that the electri-cal ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. Caution: Users should not attempt to make such con-nections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.”“NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum num-ber of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.”REN: See bottom of the computerRESTRICTIONS CONCERNANT LE RACCORDEMENT DE MATÉRIEL“AVIS:L’étiquetted’IndustrieCanadaidentielematérielhomo-logué.Cetteétiquettecertiequelematérielestconformeauxnormes de protection, d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de télécommunications, comme le prescrivent les documents concernant les exigences techniques relatives au matériel termi-nal. Le Ministère n’assure toutefois pas que le matériel fonction-nera à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur.Avant d’installer ce matériel, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’il est permis de le raccorder aux installations de l’entreprise locale de télécommunication. Le matériel doit également être installé en suivant une méthode acceptée de raccordement.L’abonné ne doit pas oublier qu’il est possible que la conformité aux conditions énoncées ci-dessus n’empêche pas la dégrada-tion du service dans certaines situations.Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent être coordon-nées par un représentant désigné par le fournisseur.L’entreprise de télécommunications peut demander à l’utilisa-teur de débrancher un appareil à la suite de réparations ou de modicationseffectuéesparl’utilisateurouàcausedemauvaisfonctionnement.Pour sa propre protection, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer que tous leslsdemiseàlaterredelasourced’énergieélectrique,deslignes téléphoniques et des canalisations d’eau métalliques, s’il y en a, sont raccordés ensemble. Cette précaution est particu-lièrement importante dans les régions rurales. Avertissement: L’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de faire ces raccordements lui-même; il doit avoir recours à un service d’inspection des instal-lations électriques, ou à un électricien, selon le cas.”“AVIS: L’indice d’équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) assigné à chaque dispositif terminal indique le nombre maximal de terminaux qui peuvent être raccordés à une interface. La ter-minaison d’une interface téléphonique peut consister en une combinaison de quelques dispositifs, à la seule condition que la somme d’indices d’équivalence de la sonnerie de touts les dispositifs n’excède pas 5.”IES: Voir sous le fond de l’ordinateur 17-Ca-1Canadian ICES-003This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. 7-M-2<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>Industry CanadaThis product complies with RSS210 Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions;(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interfer-ence that may cause undesired operation of the device.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèes avec technologie Bluetooth/LAN sansl/WANsansl>Industrie CanadaCet équipement est conforme à la norme CNR-210 d’ndustrie Canada. Son fonctionnement estsoumis aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) ce dispositif ne peut produire de brouillage, et(2) ce dispositif doit accepter le brouillage, y compris le brouil-lage pouvant entraîner le fonctionnement non désiré de l’ppareil. 30-Ca-1-1<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product (local network devices) for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful inter-ference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
5Getting Started<Nes’appliquequ’auxmodèesavectechnologieLANsansl>Cet appareil (pour réseaux locaux radioélectriques) dans les bandes de fréquences 5150-5250 MHz est réervéàune utilisa-tionàl’intéieuranderéuirelerisqued’interféenceaveclessystèmes satellites mobiles bicanaux.Les radars forte puissance sont désignés comme étant les pre-miers utilisateurs (c’st-à-dire qu’ls ont la priorité) des bandes de fréquences 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz. Ces stations ra-dars peuvent provoquer des interférences et/ou des dommages à ce périphérique. 30-Ca-2-1This device has been designed to operate with the Radiall/Larsen whip antenna, type NMO5E2400BKTNC WLAN an-tenna having a maximum gain of 5dB. A WLAN Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the an-tenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that re-quired for successful communication.Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec l’antenne-fouet Radiall/Larsen, type WLAN NMO5E2400BKTNC, ayant un gain maxi-mum de 5 dB. Les règlements d’Industrie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WLAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.Anderéduirelerisqued’interférenceradioélectriqueauxautres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour assurer la communication. 25-Ca-1-1Models for Europe<Only for model with a “CE” mark on the bottom of the computer>Declaration of Conformity (DoC)“Hereby, Panasonic declares that this Personal Computer is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.”Hint:If you want to get a copy of the original DoC of our above mentioned products,please contact our web address: Representative:Panasonic Testing CentrePanasonic Marketing Europe GmbHWinsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, GermanyNetwork connection of Wired Modem.The terminal equipment is intended for connection to the following public network;In all the countries of European Economical Area and Turkey;- Public Switched Telephony NetworksTechnical Features of Wired Modem.The terminal equipment includes the following features;- DTMF dialing- Maximum bitrate receiving mode: 56 kbit/s- Maximum bitrate sending mode: 33.6 kbit/s 18-E-1
6Getting StartedImportant Safety Instructions / Importantes Mesures De Sécurité<Only for model with modem>When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions shouldalwaysbefollowedtoreducetheriskofre,electricshock and injury to persons, including the following: 1.  Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet base-ment or near a swimming pool.2.  Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.3.  Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.4.  Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this man-ual.Donotdisposeofbatteriesinare.Theymayexplode.Check with local codes for possible special disposal instruc-tions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 19-E-1<Pour modèles avec modem uniquement>Certaines mesures de sécurité doivent être prises pendant l’utilisation dematérialtéléphoniqueanderéduirelesrisquesd’incendie,dechoc électrique et de blessures. En voici quelquesunes:1.  Ne pas utiliser l’appareil près de l’eau, p.ex., près d’une baignoire, d’un lavabo, d’un évier de cuisine, d’un bac à laver, dans un sous-sol humide ou près d’une piscine.2.  Éviter d’utiliser le téléphone (sauf s’il s’agit d’un appareil sansl)pendantunorageélectrique.Cecipeutprésenterun risque de choc électrique causé par la foudre.3.  Ne pas utiliser l’appareil téléphonique pour signaler une fuite de gaz s’il est situé près de la fuite.4.  Utiliser seulement le cordon d’alimentation et le type de piles indiqués dans ce manual. Ne pas jeter les piles dans le feu: elles peuvent exploser. Se conformer aux règlements perti-nents quant à l’élimination des piles.CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS 19-F-1<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>This product and your HealthThis product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product however is far much less than the electromagnetic ener-gy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.Because this product operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we believe this product is safe for use by consumers. These stan-dardsandrecommendationsreecttheconsensusofthesci-enticcommunityandresultfromdeliberationsofpanelsandcommittees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature.In some situations or environments, the use of this product may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representa-tives of the organization. These situations may for example include:l  Using this product on board of airplanes, orl In any other environment where the risk of interference to otherdevicesorservicesisperceivedoridentiedasharmful.If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wirelessdevicesinaspecicorganizationorenvironment(e.g.airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this product prior to turning on the product.Regulatory InformationWe are not responsible for any radio or television interference causedbyunauthorizedmodicationofthisproduct.Thecor-rectionofinterferencecausedbysuchunauthorizedmodica-tion will be the responsibility of the user. We and its authorized resellers or distributors are not liable for damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guidelines. 26-M-1Information to the User<Uniquementlesmodèlesavecréseaulocalsanslet/ouBluetooth>Ce produit et votre santéCe produit, comme tout autre appareil radio, émet de l’énergie radioélectrique. Toutefois, la quantité d’énergie émise par ce produit est beaucoup moins importante que l’énergie radioélec-triqueémisepardesappareilssansltelsquelestéléphonesportables. L’utilisation de ce produit ne comporte aucun risque pour le consommateur du fait que cet appareil opère dans les limites des directives concernant les normes et les recom-mendations de sécurité sur les fréquences radio. Ces normes etrecommandationsreètentleconsensusdelacommunautéscientiqueetrésultentdedélibérationsdejurysetcomitésdescientiquesquiexaminentetinterprètentcontinuellementlesnouveautés de la vaste littérature sur les recherches effectuées. Dans certaines situations ou environnements, l’utilisation de ce produit peut être restreinte par le propriétaire du bâtiment ou par les représentants responsables de l’organisation. Ces situa-tions peuvent être les suivantes par exemple :l  A bord d’un avion, oul  Dans tout autre environnement où les risques d’interférence surd’autresappareilsouservicessontperçusouidenti-ables comme dangereux.Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de la réglementation applicable à l’utilisationd’appareilssansldansuneorganizationouunenvironnementspécique,(parexempledansunaéroport)nous vous invitons à demander l’autorisation d’utiliser ce produit avant sa mise en marche.Informations concernant la réglementationNous déclinons toute responsabilité pour toute interférence radiooutélévisioncauséepardesmodicationsnonautoriséesapportées à ce produit. La correction d’interférences causées pardetellesmodicationsnonautoriséesseralaseulerespon-sabilitédesonutilisateur.Nousmêmes,lesrevendeursofcielset les distributeurs ne sommes pas responsable de tout dégât ou de toute violation des règlements de l’État pouvant découler du non-respect de ces directives. 26-F-1Informations destinées aux utilisateursRead Me First
7Getting StartedLithium Battery / Pile au lithiumLithium Battery!This computer contains a lithium battery to enable the date, time, and other data to be stored. The battery should only be exchanged by authorized service personnel.Warning!A risk of explosion from incorrect installation or misapplication may possibly occur. 15-E-1Pile au lithium!Le micro-ordinateur renferme une pile au lithium qui permet de sauvegarder certaines données, notamment la date et l’heure. Lapilenedoitêtreremplacéequeparuntechnicienqualié.Danger ! Risque d’explosion en cas de non respect de cette mise en garde! 15-F-1Safety Precautions<Only for model with wireless WAN>The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of any Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to con-vey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Panasonic assumes no liability for customer failure to comply with these precautions.  When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.   The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interfer-ence from Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem away from the pacemaker, while it is on.  Switch off Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both. DonotoperatePersonalComputerorHandheldComputerincorporatingwirelessWANmodeminthepresenceofam-mable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.  Your Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem receives and transmits radio fre-quency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off Personal Computer or Hand-held Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interfer-ence or danger. Roadsafetycomesrst!DonotuseaPersonalComputerorHandheldComputerincorporatingwirelessWANmodemwhile driving a vehicle. Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area where it could cause personal injury to the driver or passengers. It is recommended to stow the unit in the boot or secure stowage area while driving.   Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area over an air bag or in the vicinity where an air bag may deploy.  AirbagsinatewithgreatforceandifthecomputerwithwirelessWANmodemisplacedintheairbagdeploymentareamay be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle.  IMPORTANT! Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem operate using radio signals and cellular networks cannot be guaranteed to connect in all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.Remember, in order to make or receive calls, Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength.Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock func-tions,xeddialingetc.).Youmayneedtodeactivatethosefeaturesbeforeyoucanmakeanemergencycall.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorpo-rating wireless WAN modem. 27-1-2
8Getting StartedFor Used in Motor Vehicle /Pour L’utilisation Dans Un Véhicule MotoriséWarning: Notebook Computer may be installed in a motor vehicle and visible to the driver only if used to support vehicle related functions such as vehicle information, system control, rear or side observation and navigation. If used for entertain-ment purpose, such as television reception or video play, it must be installed to the rear of the driver’s seat where it will not be visible, directly or indirectly, to the operator of the motor vehicle. Check with individual state/provincial laws to determine lawful use of this product while operating within a motor vehicle.Avertissement : L’ordinateur bloc-notes peut être installé dans un véhicule motorisé et dans le champ de vision du conducteur uniquement en tant que dispositif d’aide aux fonctions du véhi-cule, comme par exemple pour fournir des informations sur le vé-hicule, comme dispositif de contrôle de système, pour l’observa-tion à l’arrière ou sur les côtés du véhicule, ainsi que pour fournir del’informationroutière.Pourtouteutilisationàndedivertisse-ment, comme par exemple pour regarder la télévision ou jouer à des jeux vidéo, il doit être installé à l’arrière du siège du con-ducteur, en un emplacement où il ne sera pas visible, ni directe-ment ni indirectement, pour le conducteur du véhicule motorisé. Vériezlesloisfédéralesetnationalesquirégissentl’utilisationlégale de cet appareil à l’intérieur d’un véhicule motorisé.35-M-1Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European UnionThese symbols are only valid in the European Union.If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal. 53-M-1CD/DVD Drive CautionCAUTION!THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER.USE OF CONTROLS, ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HERE-IN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE.DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAIR YOURSELF.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. 12-E-1Laser safety information is appropriate only when drive with laser is installed. 12-M-2-1AVERTISSEMENT!CET APPAREIL UTILISE UN LASER.L’UTILISATION DE COMMANDES OU DE RÉGLAGES OU L’EXÉCUTION DE PROCÉDURES AUTRES QUE CELLES SPÉCIFIÉES ICI PEUVENT PROVOQUER UNE EXPOSITION À DES RADIATIONS DANGEREUSES.NE PAS OUVRIR LES COUVERCLES NI ESSAYER DE RÉPARER SOIMÊME.CONFIER TOUT TRAVAIL D’ENTRETIEN À UN PERSONNEL QUALIFIÉ. 12-F-1Les mesures de sécurité relatives au laser ne s’appliquent que lors de l’installation d’une unité avec laser. 12-F-2-1External AntennaFCC RF Exposure Warning:  This equipment is provided with external antenna connector(s) for connection to optional Car Mounter or Port Replicator for mobile external mounted antenna(s). External antenna(s) must be professionally installed and cannot exceed recom-mended maximum antenna gain as described in individual provided supplement instructions for wireless transmitters.The maximum allowable antenna gain for the external WWAN base whip antenna for the cellular band is 7.0 dBi and PCS band is 3.5 dBi. Also, user must maintain minimum 20 cm spacing between external antenna(s) and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wire-less modes of operation. 32-M-1-1<For Canada>This device has been designed to operate with the WWAN antenna having a maximum gain of 7.0 dB for the cellular band and 3.5 dB for the PCS band. WWAN Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the an-tenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that re-quired for successful communication.<Utilisation au Canada>Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec une antenne WWAN (réseauétendusansl)dontlegainmaximumestxéà7.0pour la bande cellulaire et à 3.5 pour la bande de service de communications personnelles (PCS). Les règlements d’Indus-trie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WWAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.Anderéduirelerisqued’interférenceradioélectriqueauxautres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour assurer la communication. 32-Ca-1-1Read Me First
9Getting StartedTHIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS, OR AS PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*1, MEDICAL DEVICES OR ACCES-SORIES*2, LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR OTHER EQUIP-MENTS/DEVICES/SYSTEMS THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH ENSURING HUMAN LIFE OR SAFETY. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*1  AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Systems and Class1 EFB Systems whenusedduringcriticalphasesofight(e.g.,duringtake-off and landing) and/or mounted on to the aircraft. Class1 EFB Systemsand2EFBSystemsaredenedbyFAA:AC(Advi-sory Circular) 120-76A or JAA: JAA TGL (Temporary Guidance Leaets)No.36.*2 AsdenedbytheEuropeanMedicalDeviceDirective(MDD)93/42/EEC. Panasoniccannotguaranteeanyspecications,technolo-gies, reliability, safety (e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Frequency Emission, etc) requirements related to aviation standards and medical equipment standards that differ from thespecicationsofourCOTS(Commercial-Off-The-Shelf)products.Panasoniccannotguaranteeanyspecications,technolo-gies, reliability, safety (e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Frequency Emission, etc) requirements related to aviation standardsthatexceedthespecicationsofourCOTS(Com-mercial-Off-The-Shelf) products.This computer is not intended for use in medical equipment in-cludinglife-supportsystems,airtrafccontrolsystems,orotherequipment, devices or systems that are involved with ensuring human life or safety. Panasonic cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages or loss resulting from the use of this unit in these types of equipment, devices or systems, etc.The CF-31 was developed based on thorough research into the real-world portable computing environments. Exhaustive pursuit of usability and reliability under harsh conditions led to innova-tions such has the magnesium alloy exterior, vibration damped harddiskdriveandoppydiskdrive,exibleinternalconnec-tions. The CF-31’s outstanding engineering has been tested using the strict MIL-STD- 810F (for vibration and shock) and IP (for dust and water) based procedures.As with any portable computer device precautions should be taken to avoid any damage. The following usage and handling procedures are recommended. Before putting the computer away, be sure to wipe off any moisture.If a Malfunction or Trouble Occurs, Immediately Stop UseIf a Malfunction Occurs, Immediately Unplug the AC Plug and the Battery Pack  This product is damaged  Foreign object inside this product  Smoke emitted  Unusual smell emitted  Unusually hotContinuing to use this product while any of the above conditions arepresentmayresultinreorelectricshock.  If a malfunction or trouble occurs, immediately unplug the AC plug and remove the unit from this product. Then, contact yourtechnicalsupportofceforrepair.Do Not Touch This Product and Cable When It Starts Thun-deringElectric shock may result.Do Not Connect the AC Adaptor to a Power Source Other Than a Standard Household AC OutletOtherwise,areduetooverheatingmayresult.ConnectingtoaDC/AC converter (inverter) may damage the AC adaptor. On an airplane, only connect the AC adaptor/charger to an AC outlet specicallyapprovedforsuchuse.Do Not Do Anything That May Damage the AC Cord, the AC Plug, or the AC AdaptorDo not damage or modify the cord, place it near hot tools, bend, twist, or pull it forcefully, place heavy objects on it, or bundle it tightly.Continuingtouseadamagedcordmayresultinre,shortcir-cuit, or electric shock.Do Not Pull or Insert the AC Plug If Your Hands Are WetElectric shock may result.Clean Dust and Other Debris of the AC Plug RegularlyIf dust or other debris accumulates on the plug, humidity, etc. maycauseadefectintheinsulation,whichmayresultinare.  Pull the plug, and wipe it with a dry cloth. Pull the plug if the computer is not being used for a long pe-riod of time.Insert the AC Plug CompletelyIftheplugisnotinsertedcompletely,reduetooverheatingorelectric shock may result.  Do not use a damaged plug or loose AC outlet.Close the Connector Cover Tightly When Using This Prod-uct Where Is a Lot of Water, Moisture, Steam, Dust, Oily Vapors, etc.Theentryofforeignmattermaycauseareorelectricshocks.  If foreign matter has found its way inside, immediately turn the power off and unplug the AC cord, and then remove the batterypack.Thencontactyourtechnicalsupportofce.Do Not Disassemble This ProductThe high-voltage areas inside may give you an electric shock, orforeignmattermayenterandresultinare.Keep SD Memory Cards Away from Infants and Small Chil-drenAccidental swallowing will result in bodily injury. In the event of accidental swallowing, see a doctor imme-diately.Do Not Place This Product on Unstable SurfaceIf balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.Avoid StackingIf balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.Do Not Leave This Product in High Temperature Environ-ment for a Long Period of TimeLeaving this product where it will be exposed to extremely high temperaturessuchasnearreorindirectsunlightmaydeformthe cabinet and/or cause trouble in the internal parts. Continued use in such a resulting condition may lead to short-circuiting or insulationdefects,etc.whichmayinturnleadtoareorelectricshocks.Do Not Block the Ventilation Hole (Exhaust)Using this product wrapped in cloth or on top of bedding or a blanket can block the ventilation hole and cause heat to build up inside.Possiblyresultinginare.Hold the Plug When Unplugging the AC PlugPullingonthecordmaydamagethecord,resultinginareorelectric shock.Do Not Move This Product While the AC Plug Is ConnectedTheACcordmaybedamaged,resultinginreorelectricshock.  If the AC cord is damaged, unplug the AC plug immediately.Use Only the Specied AC Adaptor With This ProductUsing an AC adaptor other than the one supplied (supplied with the unitoronesoldseparatelyasanaccessory)mayresultinare.Do Not Subject the AC Adaptor to Any Strong ImpactUsing the AC adaptor after a strong impact such as being droppedmayresultinelectricshock,shortcircuit,orre.Precautions
10Getting StartedTake a Break of 10-15 Minutes Every HourUsing this product for long periods of time may have detrimental health effects on the eyes or hands.Do Not Turn the Volume Up To Loud When Using Head-phonesListening at high volumes that overstimulate the ear for long periods of time may result in loss of hearing.Do Not Connect a Telephone Line, or a Network Cable Other Than the One Specied, into the LAN PortIf the LAN port is connected to a network such as the ones listedright,areorelectricshockmayresult.  Networks other than 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or  10BASE-T  Phone lines (IP phone (Internet Protocol Telephone), Tele-phone lines, internal phone lines (on-premise switches), digital public phones, etc.)Precautions (Battery Pack)Do Not Use With Any Other ProductThe battery pack is rechargeable and was intended for the speciedproduct.Ifitisusedwithaproductotherthantheonefor which it was designed, electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Charge the Battery Using Methods Other Than Those SpeciedIfthebatteryisnotchargedusingoneofthespeciedmethods,electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Throw the Battery Pack Into a Fire or Expose It to Excessive HeatGeneration of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, In Direct Sunlight, for Example)Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Insert Sharp Objects Into the Battery Pack, Expose It to Bumps or Shocks, Disassemble, or Modify ItElectrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.  If this product is subjected to a strong impact, stop using it im-mediately.Do Not Short the Positive (+) and Negative (-) ContactsGeneration of heat, ignition or rupture may result.  Do not place the battery pack together with articles such as necklaces or hairpins when carrying or storing.Do Not Use This Product with a Battery Pack Other Than the One SpeciedUseonlythespeciedbatterypack(CF-VZSU46AU)withyourproduct. Use of battery packs other than those manufactured and supplied by Panasonic may present a safety hazard (gen-eration of heat, ignition or rupture).When the battery pack has become degraded, replace it with a new oneContinued use of a damaged battery pack may result in heat generation, ignition or battery rupture.l Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The battery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.l Do not expose the battery pack to water, or allow it to become wet.l If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time (a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack until the remain-ing battery level becomes 30% to 40% and store it in a cool, dry place.l This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by recharging only when the remaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity.l Thebatterypackisnotchargedwhenthecomputerisrstpurchased.Besuretochargeitbeforeusingitforthersttime.WhentheACadaptor is connected to the computer, charging begins automatically.l Shouldthebatteryleakandtheuidgetintoyoureyes,donotrubyoureyes.Immediatelyushyoureyeswithclearwaterandseeadoctor for medical treatment as soon as possible.Do Not Use With Exposing the Skin To This Product For a Long Period of TimeUsing this product with exposing the skin to the heat source of this product or AC adaptor for a long period of time can cause a low-temperature burn.Do Not Expose the Skin to This Product When Using the Product In a Hot or Cold EnvironmentBurns, low-temperature burns or frostbite may result. When it is necessary to expose the skin to this product such as to scanangerprint,performtheoperationintheshort-est time possible.<Only for model with modem>Use the Modem with a Regular Telephone LineConnection to an internal phone line (on-premise switches) of acompanyorbusinessofce,etc.ortoadigitalpublicphoneor use in a country or area not supported by the computer may resultinareorelectricshocks.l Do not place the computer near a television or radio receiver.l  Keep the computer away from magnets. Data stored on the hard disk may be lost.CAUTION:Risk of Explosion if Battery is replaced by an Incorrect Type. Dispose of Used Batteries According to the Instructions. 58-E-1ATTENTION:Il y a risque d’explosion si la batterie est remplacée par une batterie de type incorrect.Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions.58-F-1  NOTE l  The battery pack may become warm during recharging or normal use.  This is completely normal.l  Recharging will not commence if internal temperature of the battery pack is outside of the allowable temperature range (0 °C to 50 °C {32°F to 122 °F}).  (è   Reference Manual “Battery Power”) Once the allow-ablerangerequirementissatised,chargingbeginsauto-matically.  Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the temperature is  10 °C {50 °F} or below.)l  If the temperature is low, the operating time is shortened.  Only use the computer within the allowable temperature range.l  This computer has a high temperature mode function that prevents the degradation of the battery in high temperature environments. (è   Reference Manual “Battery Power”) A  level corresponding to a 100% charge for high temperature mode is approximately equivalent to an 80% charge level for normal temperature mode.l  The battery pack is a consumable item.  If the amount of time the computer can be run by using a particular battery pack becomes dramatically shorter and repeated recharging does not restore its performance, the battery pack should be replaced with a new one.l  When transporting a spare battery inside a package, brief-case, etc., it is recommended that it be placed in a plastic bag so that its contacts are protected.l  Always power off the computer when it is not in use. Leaving the computer on when the AC adaptor is not connected will exhaust the remaining battery capacity.Read Me First
11Getting StartedDescription of PartsA: Wireless LAN Antenna  <Only for model with wireless LAN>è   Reference Manual “Wireless LAN”B: Web Camera  <Only for model with Web Camera>  To use the Web Camera, the software corresponding to the web camera is needed.C: Wireless WAN Antenna  <Only for model with wireless WAN>D: GPS Antenna (Rear side)  <Only for model with GPS>E: LCDè   Reference Manual “Touchscreen” (Only for model with touchscreen)F:  Function Keyè   Reference Manual “Key Combinations”G: Bluetooth Antenna  <Only for model with Bluetooth>è   Reference Manual “Bluetooth”H: KeyboardI:  Touch PadJ:  LED Indicator   : SD Memory Card Indicator(Blinking: During access)è   Reference Manual “SD Memory Card”   : Wireless readyThis indicator lights when Wireless LAN, Blue-tooth, and/or Wireless WAN are connected and ready. It does not necessarily indicate the On/Off condition of the wireless connection.è   Reference Manual “Wireless LAN”, “Bluetooth”, “Disabling/Enabling Wireless Communication”   : Caps lock   : Numeric key (NumLk)   : Scroll lock (ScrLk)   : Hard disk drive status   : Multimedia pocket device status or the second battery status.   :  Battery statusè   Reference Manual “Battery Power”   :  Power status(Off: Power off/Hibernation, Green: Power on, Blinking green: Sleep( )/Standby  ( ), Blinking green rapidly: Cannot power on or resume due to low temperature.)K: Power SwitchL:  Carrying HandleM: Stylus HolderN: Fingerprint Reader  <Only for model with Fingerprint Reader> è   Reference Manual “Fingerprint Reader”O: ExpressCard Slot è   Reference Manual “PC Card / ExpressCard”P: PC Card Slotè   Reference Manual “PC Card / ExpressCard”Q: Multimedia Pocketè   Reference Manual “Multimedia Pocket”R: Wireless Switchè   Reference Manual “Disabling/Enabling Wireless Communication”S: Smart Card Slot  <Only for model with Smart Card slot>è   Reference Manual “Smart Card”T:  SD Memory Card Slotè   Reference Manual “SD Memory Card”U: Battery Pack SpeciedBatterypack:CF-VZSU46AUV:  Ventilation Hole (Exhaust)A lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased.Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on how to recycle this battery.L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimenté par une batterie au lithium-ion.Pour des renseignements sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8-BATTERY. 48-M-1DEMNAIJKLFGBCAHLeft sideOEX Q U VS TRPPC
12Getting StartedRight sideD HE*1 E*2 E*3F GA CB1394I J L M N O PKQR SRear side BottomA: Hard Disk Driveè   Reference Manual “Hard Disk Drive”B: HDMI Portè   Reference Manual “External Display”C: SIM Card Slot  <Only for model with wireless WAN>  Insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot with the contact side facing down and the cut corner facing forward.D: LAN Portè   Reference Manual “LAN”E: 2nd LAN Port*1 / Modem Port*2 / IEEE 1394 Interface Connector*3 *1 <Only for model with 2nd LAN>è   Reference Manual “LAN” *2 <Only for model with Modem>è   Reference Manual “Modem” *3 <Only for model with IEEE 1394>è   Reference Manual “IEEE 1394 Devices”F:  USB Portè   Reference Manual “USB Devices”G: USB Portè   Reference Manual “USB Devices”H: DC-IN JackI:  Security Lock  A Kensington cable can be connected.  For further information, read the manual that comes with the cable.J:  USB Portè   Reference Manual “USB Devices”K: External Antenna ConnectorL:  Expansion Bus Connectorè   Reference Manual “Port Replicator / Car  Mounter”M: External Display Port (VGA)è   Reference Manual “External Display”N: Headphone Jack Youcanconnectheadphonesorampliedspeakers.When they are connected, audio from the internal speakers is not heard.O: Microphone Jack  A condenser microphone can be used. If other types of microphones are used, audio input may not be pos-sible, or malfunctions may occur as a result. P: Serial PortQ: RAM Module Slotè   Reference Manual “RAM Module”R: Speakerè   Reference Manual “Key Combinations”S: Ventilation Hole (Intake)Description of Parts
13Getting StartedAttaching the stylus to the computer (only for model with touchscreen)Use the tether to attach the stylus to the computer so you will not lose it. There are holes (A) to attach it.1234l  This computer contains a magnet and magnetic products at the locations circled in the illustration at right. Avoid leaving metallic object or magnetic me-dia in contact with these areas.  CAUTION l  Do not pull the tether with excessive force. The stylus may hit the computer, person’s body or other objects when released.
14Getting Startedn  PreparationA Check and identify the supplied accessories. Ifyoudonotndthedescribedaccessories,contactPanasonicTechnicalSupport(è page 35).• AC Adaptor . . . . . 1Model No: CF-AA5713A• AC Cord . . . . . . . 1 • Battery Pack  . . .1Model No: CF-VZSU46AU<Only for model with touchscreen>• Soft Cloth . . . . . . 1 • Tether . . . . . . . . . 1 • Stylus . . . . . . . . . 1(è   Reference Manual “Touchscreen”)• Operating Instructions (This book) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1B Read the LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT before breaking the seal on the computer’s packaging  (è page 28).1  Inserting the Battery PackA Slide the latch (A) to the right to unlock the cover.B Slide the latch (A) down, and open the cover.CInsertthebatterypackuntilitsecurelytstheconnector.D Close the cover until it clicks.E Slide the latch (B) to the left to lock the cover.  CAUTION l  Make sure the latch is securely locked. Otherwise the battery pack may fall when you carry the computer.l  Do not touch the terminals of the battery pack and the computer. Doing so can make the terminals dirty or damaged, and may cause malfunction of the battery pack and the computer.  NOTE l  Note that the computer consumes electricity even when the computer power is off. If the battery pack is fully charged, the battery will fully discharge in the fol-lowing period of time: •  When power is off: Approx. 6 weeks •  In sleep ( )/standby ( ): Approx. 3 days*1 •  In hibernation: Approx. 6 days*1*1 If “Wake Up from wired LAN” is disabled, the period of time will be longer.2  Opening the DisplayA Push and hold the latch (A), and lift open the display.543121First-time Operation21
15Getting Started33  Connect your computer to a power outlet.  The battery charging starts automatically.  CAUTION l  Do not disconnect the AC adaptor and do not switch the wireless switch to on untiltherst-timeoperationprocedureiscompleted.l Whenusingthecomputerforthersttime,donotconnectanyperipheraldeviceexcept the battery pack and AC adaptor.l  Handling the AC adaptor Problems such as sudden voltage drops may arise during periods of thunder and lightning. Since this could adversely affect your computer, an uninter-ruptible power source (UPS) is highly recommended unless running from the battery pack alone.4  Turn on the computer.A Slide and hold the power switch   until the power indicator   lights.  CAUTION l  Do not slide the power switch repeatedly.l  The computer will forcibly be turned off if you slide and hold the power switch for 4 seconds or longer.l  Once you turn off the computer, wait for 10 seconds or more before you turn on the computer again.l Do not perform the following operation until the hard disk drive indicator   turns off. Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor Sliding the power switch Touching the keyboard, touch pad or touchscreen (only for model with touchscreen) Closing the display Turn on/off the wireless switchl  When the CPU temperature is high, the computer may not start up to prevent overheating of the CPU. Wait until the computer cools down, and then turn the power on again. If the computer does not power on even after cooling down, contact Panasonic Technical Support (è page 35).l  Any changes from the default setting of the Setup Utility must not be made until the First-time Operation is completed.5  Setup Windows.  Follow the on-screen instructions.l The computer restarts several times. Do not touch the keyboard or touch pad, and wait until the hard disk drive indicator   has turned off.l After the computer is turned on, the screen remains black or unchanged for a while. This is not a malfunction. Wait for a moment until the Windows setup screen appears.l During setup of Windows, use the touch pad and clicking to move the cursor and to click an item.l Setup of Windows will take approximately 20 minutes.Gotothenextstep,conrmingeachmessageonthedisplay.l “Join a wireless network” screen may not appear.You can set the Wireless Network after the setup of Windows is complete.  CAUTION l  You can change the user name, password, image and security setting after setup of Windows.l  Remember your password. If you forget the password, you cannot use Win-dows. Creating a password reset disk beforehand is recommended.l  Wait until the hard disk drive indicator   has turned off.41
16Getting Startedl  Do not use the following words for user name: CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, @. In particular, if you create a user name (ac-count name) that includes the “@” mark, a password will be requested at the log-on screen, even if no password has been set. If you try to log on without en-tering a password, “The user name or password is incorrect.” may be displayed and you will not be able to log on to Windows (è page 25).l  You cannot choose the following words for user name and password: CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9.l  When you set date/time/time zone and click [Next], the screen may not go to the next step for a few minutes. Do not touch the keyboard or touch pad, and wait until the screen changes.l  If “An unexpected error has occurred ...” (or a similar message) is displayed, click [OK]. This is not a malfunction.6  <Only for model with touchscreen>   Perform the touchscreen calibration.l  Before performing the calibration, close Tablet PC Input Panel.  NOTE l Atrst,logontoWindowsasanadministratorandperformthiscalibration.A Click   (Start) - [Control Panel] - [Hardware and Sound] - [Tablet PC Set-ting].B Click [Calibrate].C Using the stylus, touch each of the “+” target marks one by one, and then click [Yes].D Click [OK].  NOTE l  Perform the following calibration for each user.A Click   (Start) - [Control Panel] - [Hardware and Sound] - [Tablet PC Set-ting].B Click [Calibrate].C Using the stylus, touch each of the “+” target marks one by one, and then click [Yes].D Click [OK].l Perform the calibration for the orientation to be used.A Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Fujitsu Touch Panel (USB)] - [Touch Screen Calibration Utility].B Using the stylus, touch each of the 12 “+” target marks one by one until it blinks, and then press Enter.C Press Enter.First-time Operation
17Getting Started7  Create a new account. Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] - [Create a new account].  CAUTION l  Remember your password. If you forget the password, you cannot use the Win-dows operating system. Creating a password reset disk beforehand is recom-mended.  NOTE l  PC Information Viewer This computer periodically records the management information of the hard disk, etc. The maximum data volume for each record is 1024 bytes.  This information is only used for estimating the cause in the case when the hard disk goes down by any possibility. They are never sent to outside via network nor used for any other purpose except for the purpose described the above.  To disable the function, add the check mark for [Disable the automatic save function for management information history] in [Hard Disk Status] of PC Information Viewer, and click [OK].  (è   Reference Manual “Checking the Computer’s Usage Status”)n  Precaution against Starting Up/Shutting Downl  Do not do the following Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor Sliding the power switch Touching the keyboard, touch pad, touchscreen (only for model with touchscreen), or external mouse Closing the display Turn on/off the wireless switch  NOTE l  To conserve power, the following power saving methods are set at the time of purchase. The screen automatically turns off after 10*2 minutes of inactivity. The computer automatically enters sleep*3( )/standby*3( ) after 20 minutes of inactivity.*2 Windows XP :15 minutes*3 Refer to   Reference Manual “Sleep or Hibernation Functions” about resuming from sleep.n  To change the partition structureYou can shrink a part of an existing partition to create unallocated disk space, from which you can create a new parti-tion. This computer has a single partition as default setting.A Click   (Start) and right-click [Computer], then click [Manage].l  A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.B Click [Disk Management].C Right-click the partition for Windows (“c” drive in the default setting), and click [Shrink Volume].l Thepartitionsizedependsonthecomputerspecications.D Input the size in [Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB] and click [Shrink].l  You cannot input a larger number than the displayed size.l Toselect[Reinstalltotherst3partitions.]inreinstallingWindows7(è page 22), 30000 MB or more is nec-essary for [Total size after shrink in MB].E Right-click [Unallocated] (the shrunk space in the step D) and click [New Simple Volume].F Follow the on-screen instructions to make the settings, and click [Finish].Wait until formatting is completed.  NOTE l  You can create an additional partition using remaining unallocated space or newly creating unallocated space.l  To delete a partition, right-click the partition and click [Delete Volume] in step C.
18Useful InformationOn-screen ManualYou can access the Reference Manual and the Important Tips on the computer screen.WhenyouaccesstheReferenceManualandtheImportantTipsforthersttime,theLicenseAgreementoftheAdobeReader may be displayed. Read it carefully and select [Accept] to proceed.n  Reference Manual The Reference Manual contains the practical information to help you fully enjoy the computer’s performance.To access the Reference Manual: Double-click   on the desktop.l  Alternatively click   (Start) - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals] - [Reference Manual]. Click [start] - [Reference Manual].l  Alternatively click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals] - [Reference Manual].n  Important Tips The Important Tips will provide you with the battery information so that you can use the battery pack in the optimum condition to obtain longer operation time.To access the Important Tips: Double-click   on the desktop.l  Alternatively click   (Start) - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals] - [Important Tips]. Double-click   on the desktop.l  Alternatively click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals] - [Important Tips].  NOTE l  When Adobe Reader update notice is displayed, we recommend you follow the on-screen procedure and update. See for the latest version of Adobe Reader.  CAUTION l Donotremovethecheckmarkfor[IntelliMouseWheelmode]in[ScrollConguration]of[TouchPad]in[Mouse]of[Control Panel]. The Adobe Reader scrolling function may not work correctly.
19Useful InformationHandling and MaintenanceOperation environmentl Placethecomputeronaatstablesurface.Donotplacethecomputeruprightorturnitover.Ifthecomputerisexposed to an extremely strong impact, it may become damaged.l  Temperature: Operation : -10 °C to 50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F} (IEC60068-2-1, 2)*1    Storage : -20 °C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F}  Humidity:  Operation : 30% to 80% RH (No condensation)    Storage : 30% to 90% RH (No condensation)Even within the above temperature/humidity ranges, using for a long time in an extreme environment will result in the product deterioration and will shorten the product life.*1  Do not expose the skin to this product when using the product in a hot or cold environment. (è page 10) If the computer is wet in temperatures of 0 °C {32 °F} or below, freeze damage may occur. Make sure to dry off the computer in such temperatures.l  Do not place the computer in the following areas, otherwise the computer may be damaged. Near electronic equipment. Image distortion or noise may occur. In extremely high or low temperature.l  As the computer can become hot during operation, keep it away from items that are sensitive to heat.Handling cautionsThis computer is designed to minimize shock to parts such as the LCD and the hard disk drive and equipped with a drip-proof keyboard, but no warranty is provided against any trouble caused by shock. Be extremely careful when han-dling the computer.l  When carrying the computer: Turn off the computer. Remove all external devices, cables, PC Cards and other protruding objects. Remove a disc in the CD/DVD drive. Do not drop or hit the computer against solid objects. Do not leave the display open. Do not grip the display part.l  Do not put anything (e.g., a piece of paper) between the display and keyboard.l  When you board an airplane, take the computer with you and never put it in your checked luggage. When using the computer on airplane, follow the airline’s instructions.l  When carrying a spare battery, put it in a plastic bag to protect its terminals.l Thetouchpadisdesignedtobeusedbyngertip.Donotplaceanyobjectonitssurfaceanddonotpressdownstrongly with sharp-pointed or hard objects that may leave marks (e.g., nails, pencils and ball point pens).l  Avoid any harmful substances such as oil from getting into the touch pad. The cursor may not work correctly.l  Be careful not to get injured by dropping or getting hit when carrying the computer.<Only for model with touchscreen>l  Use only the included stylus to touch the touchscreen. Do not place any object on its surface and do not press down strongly with sharp-pointed or hard objects that may leave marks (e.g., nails, pencils and ball point pens).l  Do not use the touchscreen when dust or dirt (e.g., oil) is on the screen. Otherwise foreign particles on the screen/stylus can scratch the screen surface or obstruct the stylus operation.l  Use the stylus only for touching the screen. Using it for any other purpose may damage the stylus and result in scratches on the screen.n  When using peripheral devicesFollow these instructions and the Reference Manual to avoid any damage to the devices. Carefully read the instruction manuals of the peripheral devices.l Usetheperipheraldevicesconformingtothecomputer’sspecications.l  Connect to the connectors in the correct direction.l  If it is hard to insert, do not try forcibly but check the connector’s shape, direction, alignment of pins, etc.l  If screws are included, fasten them securely.l  Remove the cables when you carry the computer. Do not pull the cables forcibly.
20Useful Informationn  Preventing your computer from unauthorized use via wireless LAN/Bluetooth/wireless WAN<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth/wireless WAN>l  Before using wireless LAN/Bluetooth/wireless WAN, make the appropriate security settings such as data encryp-tion.MaintenanceTo clean the LCD panel<Only for model with touchscreen>Use the soft cloth included with the computer. (For further information, refer to “Suggestions About Cleaning the LCDSurface”. è   Reference Manual “Touchscreen”)<Only for model without touchscreen>Wipe with a soft dry cloth such as gauze.To clean areas other than the LCD panelWipe with a soft dry cloth such as gauze. When using detergent, dip a soft cloth in water-diluted detergent and wring it thoroughly.   CAUTION l  Do not use benzene, thinner, or rubbing alcohol since it may adversely affect the surface causing discoloration, etc. Do not use commercially-available household cleaners and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.l  Do not apply water or detergent directly to the computer, since liquid may enter inside of the computer and cause malfunction or damage.Handling and Maintenance

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