Panasonic of North America 9TGCF-741 Panasonic Toughbook w/ WLAN, CDMA & Bluetooth User Manual CF 74MK1 X E OI ZA
Panasonic Corporation of North America Panasonic Toughbook w/ WLAN, CDMA & Bluetooth CF 74MK1 X E OI ZA
- 1. Users Manual
- 2. Bluetooth Supplemental Users Manual
Users Manual

![2Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixIntroductionThank you for purchasing this Panasonic computer. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instruc-tions carefully.Terms and illustrations in these instructionszSome illustrations are simplified to help your understanding and may look different from the actual unit.zIf you do not log on as an administrator, you cannot use some functions or cannot display some screens.zRefer for the latest information about optional products to the catalogs, etc.zIn these instructions, the names and terms are referred as follows.• “Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies” as “Windows” or “Windows XP”• “WinDVD™ 5 (OEM Version)” as “WinDVD”• “B’s Recorder GOLD8 BASIC” as “B’s Recorder”• “B’s CLiP 6” as “B’s CLiP”• DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive, and DVD MULTI drive as “CD/DVD drive”• Circular media including DVD-ROM and CD-ROM as “discs”zThe display modes are referred as follows. ( ) indicates the terms in [Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Control-ler Properties] screen. To display the screen, select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Other Control Panel Options] - [Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 M].• Internal LCD (Notebook): The computer’s display• External display (Monitor): External display• Simultaneous display (Intel® Dual Display Clone): The same screen is displayed on the internal LCD and the external display.• Extended desktop: The extended working area across the internal LCD and the external display.CopyrightThis manual is copyrighted by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. with all rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.© 2006 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.DisclaimerComputer specifications and manuals are subject to change without notice. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the com-puter and the manuals.TrademarksMicrosoft®, Windows®, the Windows logo and IntelliMouse are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation of the United States and/or other countries.Intel, Core, Viiv, Centrino and PROSet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation.SD Logo is a trademark. Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorpo-rated in the United States and/or other countries.Bluetooth is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.WinDVD™ is a trademark of InterVideo, Inc.Panasonic® is a registered trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.Names of products, brands, etc., appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective own companies. : Conditions that may result in minor or moderate injury. : Useful and helpful information.Enter : Press [Enter] key.Fn + F5 : Press and hold [Fn] key, and then press [F5] key.[start] - [Run] : Click [start], and then click [Run]. You may need to double-click in some cases.Î : Page in these Operating Instructions or in the Reference Manual. : Reference to the on-screen manuals.CAUTIONNOTE](

![7Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixCAUTION!THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER.USE OF CONTROLS, ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE.DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAIR YOURSELF.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL.AVERTISSEMENT!CET APPAREIL UTILISE UN LASER.L’UTILISATION DE COMMANDES OU DE RÉGLAGES OU L’EXÉCUTION DE PROCÉDURES AUTRES QUE CELLES SPÉCIFIÉES ICI PEUVENT PROVOQUER UNE EXPOSITION À DES RADIATIONS DANGEREUSES.NE PAS OUVRIR LES COUVERCLES NI ESSAYER DE RÉPARER SOIMÊME.CONFIER TOUT TRAVAIL D’ENTRETIEN À UN PERSONNEL QUALIFIÉ.This computer has been designed so as to minimize shock to the LCD and hard disk drive, the leakage of liquid (e.g., water) on to the keyboard, etc., but no warranty is provided against such trouble. Therefore, as a precision instrument, be extremely careful in the handling.Usage Avoid Extreme Heat and ColdDo not store or use the computer in locations exposed to heat, direct sunlight, or extreme cold.Avoid moving the computer between locations with large temperature difference.Operation: 5 °C to 35 °C {41 °F to 95 °F}Storage: -20 °C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F}Avoid Direct Sunlight on the LCD PanelThe LCD panel should not be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light.Avoid Humidity, Liquids and DustDo not store or use the computer in locations exposed to high humidity, liquids (including rain) or dust.Prevent ShockAvoid subjecting the computer to severe vibra-tions or impact. Do not place the computer inside a car trunk.Avoid Radio Frequency InterferenceDo not place the computer near a television or radio receiver.Avoiding Low-temperature BurnsAvoid more than casual contact with any heat producing area of the notebook computer, AC adaptor, and any option or accessory you use with it. Even low heat, if warmer than body tem-perature, can cause a burn, if the skin is exposed to the heat source for a long enough period of time.Do Not Touch the Computer and Cable When it Starts ThunderingDo Not Connect a Telephone Line, or a Net-work Cable Other Than the One Specified, into the LAN PortIf the LAN port is connected to a network such as the ones listed below, a fire or electric shock may result.• Networks other than 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T.• Phone lines [Telephone lines, internal phone lines (on-premise switches), digital public phones, etc.]Do Not Connect the AC Adaptor to a Power Source Other Than a Standard Household AC Outlet.Connecting to a DC/AC converter (inverter) may damage the AC adaptor.On an airplane, only connect the AC adaptor/charger to an AC outlet specifically approved for such use.Keep SD Memory Cards Away From Infants and Small Children.Accidental swallowing will result in bodily injury. In the event of accidental swallowing, see a doctor immediately.HandlingAvoid Magnetic FieldsKeep the computer away from magnets.Data stored on the hard disk may be lost.Avoid StackingDo not place heavy objects on top of the com-puter.Keep Small Objects AwayDo not insert paper clips or other small objects into the computer.Do Not Disassemble the ComputerDo not attempt to disassemble your computer.Avoid Excessive Force on the DisplayDo not apply excessive downward force on the display when it is completely opened, espe-cially when plugs and/or cables are connected to the rear of the computer.CD/DVD Drive CautionLaser safety information is appropriate only when drive with laser is installed.Les mesures de sécurité relatives au laser ne s’appliquent que lors de l’installation d’une unité avec laser. BottomPrecautionsBefore putting the computer away, be sure to wipe off any moisture.](

![12Getting StartedFirst-time OperationAPull the carrying handle forward.BLift up the latch (A) and lift open the display.CPress and hold the power button for approximately one second until the power indicator lights.CAUTIONzDo not press the power button repeatedly.zThe computer will forcibly be turned off if you press and hold the power button for four seconds or longer.zOnce you turn off the computer, wait for ten seconds or more before you turn on the computer again.zDo not perform the following operation until the hard disk drive indicator turns off.• Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor• Pressing the power button• Touching the keyboard, touch pad, touchscreen (only for model with touch-screen) or external mouse• Closing the displayzWhen the CPU temperature is high, the computer may not start up to prevent overheating of the CPU. Wait until the computer cools down, and then turn the power on again. If the computer does not power on even after cooling down, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).AFollow the on-screen instructions.CAUTIONzWhen you set date/time/time zone and click [Next], the screen may not go to the next step for a few minutes. Do not touch the keyboard or touch pad, and wait until the screen changes.zIf “An unexpected error has occurred…” (or a similar message) is displayed, select [OK]. This is not a malfunction.zWait until the hard disk drive indicator has turned off.AClick [start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] - [Create a new account].CAUTIONzRemember your password. If you forget the password, you cannot use the Windows operation system. Creating a password reset disk beforehand is recommended.AClick [start] - [All programs] - [Fujitsu Touch Panel (USB)] - [Touch Screen Calibration Utility].BUsing the stylus, touch each of the 12 “+” target marks one by one until it blinks, and then click [Calibration].CClick [Save & Exit].NOTEzRegarding Windows XPYou can select the Classic view of Control Panel or the Classic Start menu. You can also change the way a user logs on or off. This manual explains using the Windows XP default setting (not Classic view or Classic Start menu etc.).zWindows UpdateYou can update to the latest patches and service packs for Windows with the following menus. [start] - [All Programs] - [Windows Update]Do not apply “Driver Updates” even if a message to update a driver appears. If a driver update is required, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).zIf the message “Your computer might be at risk” is displayedSelect (red icon) on the taskbar and make the appropriate settings. The Windows Security Center regularly gives you notice so that you can make the optimum settings. This is not an error message and you can use the com-puter. However, making appropriate measures is recommended to reduce the risk of virus and other attacks.A12333 Turn on the computer.4 Setup Windows.5 Create a new account.6 Perform the touchscreen calibration.](
![13Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixOn-screen ManualYou can access the Reference Manual and the Important Tips on the computer screen.When you access the Reference Manual and the Important Tips for the first time, the License Agreement of the Adobe Reader may be displayed. Read it carefully and select [Accept] to proceed.Reference Manual The Reference Manual contains the practical information to help you fully enjoy the computer’s performance.To access the Reference Manual:AClick [start] - [Reference Manual].Important Tips The Important Tips will provide you with the helpful information about the battery and touchscreen. Read to use the bat-tery pack in the optimum condition to obtain longer operation time.To access the Important Tips:ADouble-click on the desktop.zAlternatively click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals] - [Important Tips].ContentszKey CombinationszTouchscreenzStandby/Hibernation FunctionszSecurity MeasureszBattery PowerzMultimedia PocketzDVD-ROM & CD-R/RW DrivezWinDVDzB’s Recorder/B’s CLiPzPC Card / ExpressCardzSD Memory CardzSD SecurityzSmart CardzRAM ModulezMini Port ReplicatorzExternal DisplayzUSB DeviceszModemzLANzWireless Switch UtilityzWireless LANzBluetoothzHard Disk DrivezSetup UtilityzIcon EnlargerzLoupe UtilityzDMI ViewerzTechnical InformationzTroubleshooting (Advanced)](

![16Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixHard Disk Backup FunctionThe hard disk backup function creates a backup area (storage area) on the hard disk. This area is to back up (store) the hard disk data or to restore the backup data to their original locations.Using this function, you can protect your data when it is lost or corrupted by operational errors or other factors. You do not need other media or peripheral devices to back up or restore hard disk data on this computer.At purchase, the hard disk backup function is disabled. If you create a backup area, the hard disk backup function will be enabled and you can back up your data.CAUTIONzTo disable the backup function after it is enabled, you have to perform the reinstallation procedure (Îpage 20).zA backup area cannot be created if the hard disk is already divided into several partitions. Return the computer to one partition, and create the backup area.zIf the partition configuration is changed after the backup area is created (creating partitions, changing size, etc.), the backup function will be disabled. You need to return the computer to the original condition and create the backup area again.zDo not use the NTFS file system compression function. It may result in insufficient capacity of the backup area.zThe hard disk backup function does not accommodate dynamic disks. Do not convert the hard disk to a dynamic disk.NOTEzThe backup area requires at least half of the entire hard disk capacity. If the capacity is not sufficient, the backup area will not be created.zWhen the backup area is created, the usable hard disk capacity will be less than half of the original capacity.zThe backup area cannot be accessed from Windows. The backup data cannot be copied to CD-R or other remov-able disk media.zWhen the hard disk backup function is executed, data in the backup area will be overwritten and the data previously stored will be lost.PreparationzPrepare the following items:• The Product Recovery DVD-ROM (included)• Panasonic CD/DVD drive (included)zRemove all peripherals (except for the CD/DVD drive).zConnect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until hard disk backup is complete.1 Turn off the computer and insert the CD/DVD drive into the multimedia pocket (Î Reference Manual “Multimedia Pocket”).2 Turn on the computer, and press F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.zIf the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.3 Select the [Boot] menu and select [IDE MP], and then press F6 until [IDE MP] moves up to the top of the boot priority order.4 Select the [Security] menu and set [CD/DVD Operation] to [Enable].5 Set the Product Recovery DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD drive.The hard disk backup function cannot back up or restore data correctly if a hard disk problem occurs during data backup or restoring. If an error occurs due to an unexpected malfunction, incorrect operation, or other reason while data is being restored, the hard disk data (data before restoration) may be lost.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. will bear no responsibility for any damages suffered by the user (including loss of data) as a result of the use of this function.Creating the Backup Area](
![17Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendix6 Press F10.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.The computer restarts.zIf [Enter Password] is displayed during the following procedures, input the Supervisor Password or the User Password.7 Press 3 to execute [3. [Backup]].At the confirmation message, press Y.CAUTIONzWhen you divide the hard disk into partitions:Do not execute [1. [Recovery]] to divide the hard disk into partitions. The hard disk backup function cannot be enabled after the hard disk has been partitioned. Use step 8 to divide the hard disk.8 Select the setting.zTo create a backup area and enable the backup function without dividing the hard diskSelect [1].zTo create a backup area and divide hard disk into two partitions, for OS and dataSelect [2]. Enter the size of operating system partition and press Enter.• To cancel: press 0.(The size of data partition will be determined by subtracting the operating system partition size from the maximum size.)9 At the confirmation message, press Y.The backup area is then created.10 When the message [You must reboot in order to enable the Backup function.] appears, remove the Product Recovery DVD-ROM, and press any key to restart the computer.The computer restarts, then the backup process will begin.11 When the message [[Backup] is complete] appears, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart the computer.zDo not press Ctrl + Alt + Del before the message is displayed.zAfter logging on to Windows, a message will appear indicating that a new device has been installed and that the computer must be restarted to enable the settings.12 Select [Yes] to restart the computer.NOTEzThe [Boot] menu in the Setup Utility is now set to start up from the CD/DVD drive. Change it if necessary.zTo perform the backup/restore function next time; “Creating/Restoring the Backup Data” (Îbelow).zThe backup area cannot be accessed from windows.CAUTIONzBefore executing the backup function, execute a disk error check.zDo not interrupt the backup or restore functions. Do not turn off the power and do not press Ctrl + Alt + Del, otherwise Windows cannot start up, or the data may be lost and the backup and restore functions may not be completed.1 Turn on the computer, and press F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.zIf the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password or the User Password.2 Select the [Exit] menu and select [Hard Disk Backup / Restore], and then press Enter.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.Creating/Restoring the Backup Data](
![18Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixHard Disk Backup Function3 Select the setting.zTo back up hard disk contents to the backup areaAPress 1 to execute [1. [Backup]].• If the hard disk is divided into two partitions, select the backup method at the next screen.BAt the confirmation message, press Y.• The backup process starts.zTo restore backed up contents to the hard diskAPress 2 to execute [2. [Restore]].• When data is backed up in two partitions, select the restore method at the next screen.BAt the confirmation message, press Y.• The restore process starts.NOTEzThe required time to complete the backup or restore process depends on the data volume.4 When the message [[Backup] is complete] or [[Restore] is complete] is displayed, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart the computer.zIf the backup or restore process was interrupted before completion, execute the process again.zAfter logging on to Windows, a message will appear indicating that a new device has been installed and that the computer must be restarted to enable the settings. Select [Yes] to restart the computer.CAUTIONzWhen the hard disk backup function has been enabled, you cannot erase the backup data even when you erase all data from user accessible area by using a commercial data erasing utility or similar software. To erase all data on the hard disk including backed up data, use the hard disk data erase utility included in this computer (Îpage 19). Erase the data using the hard disk data erase utility before disposing of or transferring ownership of this computer.zDuring backup, the message [#1805 cannot write image file] may appear, and the backup function may be inter-rupted. In this case, execute the backup function again. If the backup function is completed normally, the hard disk has no problem.To disable the hard disk backup functionPerform the reinstallation procedure.CAUTIONzAll data in the backup area and hard disk will be erased.APerform steps 1-8 for “Reinstalling Software” (Îpage 20).BSelect [1] or [2] to execute the reinstallation at the screen for executing the reinstallation.• [1]: The hard disk backup function is disabled.• [2]: The hard disk backup function is disabled. However the hard disk backup function cannot be reenabled because the hard disk has been divided into partitions.• [3]: The hard disk backup function is not disabled.](
![19Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixHard Disk Data Erase UtilityWhen disposing the computer or transferring the ownership, erase all hard disk data in order to avoid data leakage. Even if you erase the data or initialize the hard disk using normal Windows commands, the data can be read with some special software. Use the hard disk data erase utility to erase the data completely.Note that transferring of the ownership without uninstalling the commercial software will be a violation of the software’s license agreement.CAUTIONzThe backup area and the backup data will be erased.NOTEzEven if hard disk data erase is performed, the number of times of DVD’s region code setting will not be reset.PreparationzPrepare the following items:• The Product Recovery DVD-ROM (included)• Panasonic CD/DVD drive (included)zRemove all peripherals (except for the CD/DVD drive).zConnect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until hard disk data erase is complete.1 Turn off the computer and insert the CD/DVD drive into the multimedia pocket (Î Reference Manual “Multimedia Pocket”).2 Turn on the computer, and press F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played. The Setup Utility starts up.zIf the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.3 Select the [Boot] menu, then select [IDE MP] and press F6 until [IDE MP] is at the top of the boot priority order.4 Select the [Security] menu and set [CD/DVD Operation] to [Enable].5 Set the Product Recovery DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD drive.6 Press F10.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.The computer restarts.zWhen the hard disk backup function has been enabled, the confirmation message appears to inform that the backup function will be disabled, and the backup area and data will be erased. Press Y to proceed.7 Press 2 to execute [2. [Erase HDD]].zTo cancel this operation, press 0.zWhen the hard disk backup function has been enabled, the confirmation message appears to inform that the backup function will be disabled, and the backup area and data will be erased. Press Y to proceed. If the reboot message appears, press R to proceed.8 At the confirmation message, press Y.9 When [<<< Start Menu >>>] is displayed, press Enter.The approximate time required for erasing data will be displayed.10 Press Space.At the confirmation message, press Enter. The hard disk erase process starts. When the operation is completed, the [Hard disk data has been deleted.] message will appear. If a problem has occurred during the operation, an error message will appear.zTo cancel partway, press Ctrl + C. The data erasure will be up to that point.11 Remove the Product Recovery DVD-ROM, and then press any key to turn off the com-puter.The hard disk data erase utility erases the data using overwriting method. If a malfunction or other operational error occurs during the erasing process, the data may not be completely erased. Also there may be special devices to read the erased data. To erase highly confidential data, ask a specialized company. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. will bear no responsibility for losses or damages suffered as a result of the use of this utility.](
![20Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixReinstalling SoftwarePreparationzPrepare the following items:• The Product Recovery DVD-ROM (included)• Panasonic CD/DVD drive (included)zRemove all peripherals (except for the CD/DVD drive).zConnect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until reinstallation is complete.NOTEzEven if reinstallation is performed, the number of times of DVD’s region code setting will not be reset.1 Turn off the computer and insert the CD/DVD drive into the multimedia pocket (Î Reference Manual “Multimedia Pocket”).2 Turn on the computer, and press F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.zIf the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.3 Write down all of the contents of the Setup Utility and press F9.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.4 Select the [Boot] menu, then select [IDE MP] and press F6 until [IDE MP] is at the top of the boot priority order.5 Select the [Security] menu and set [CD/DVD Operation] to [Enable].6 Set the Product Recovery DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD drive.7 Press F10.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.The computer will restart.zWhen the hard disk backup function has been enabled, the confirmation message appears to inform that the backup function will be disabled, and the backup area and data will be erased. Press Y to proceed.8 Press 1 to execute [1. [Recovery]].The License Agreement screen appears.zTo cancel partway, press 0.9 Press 1 to select [1. Yes, I agree to the provisions above and wish to continue!].10 Select the settings.z[2]: Enter the size of operating system partition and press Enter.You cannot create the hard disk backup area if you select [2].(The size of data partition will be determined by subtracting the operating system partition size from the maximum size.)[3]: Windows will be installed in the first partition. (The size of the first partition must be 20 GB or more. If smaller, installation will not be possible.)zWhen the hard disk backup function has been enabled, the confirmation message appears to inform that the backup function will be disabled, and the backup area and data will be erased. Press Y to proceed. If the reboot message appears, press R to proceed.At the confirmation message, press Y.Reinstallation starts automatically. (It will take approximately 20 minutes.)zDo not interrupt reinstallation, for example by turning off the computer or pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del. Other-wise reinstallation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.11 Remove the Product Recovery DVD-ROM, and then press any key to turn off the com-puter.When you reinstall the software, the hard disk data will be erased. Back up important data to other media or an exter-nal hard disk before reinstallation.Reinstalling software will return the computer to the default condition. The hard disk backup area and the backup data (Îpage 16) will be erased. (If you reinstall Windows in the first partition, the backup area and data will not be erased.) Even if the data is stored in partitions on the hard disk, it may be erased or corrupted.](
![21Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendix12 Turn on the computer, and press F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.zIf the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.13 Press F9.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and then press Enter.The Setup Utility settings excluding the password(s) will return to the default values.14 Select the [Exit] menu and then select [Save Current Values], then press Enter.At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter.15 Turn the computer off by using the power button.zIf additional instructions are included with the computer, be sure to read them. It may be necessary to perform additional operations during the following procedure.16 Perform the first-time operation (Îpage 11).17 Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary. To change the drive letter of hard disk or CD/DVD driveNOTEzDrive letters can be changed only when two or more partitions have been created on the hard disk drive. zThe name of the C: drive cannot be changed.zChange the drive letters before installing applications.AClick [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Administrative Tools], and double-click [Com-puter Management].BClick [Disk Management] from [Storage].CRight-click the hard disk partition or the CD/DVD drive name, and click [Change Drive Letter and Paths...].DClick [Change...].EClick [Assign the following drive letter] and the new drive letter, and then click [OK].At the confirmation message, click [Yes].](
![22Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixError Code/MessageFollow the instructions below when an error message or code appears. If the problem persists or if the error code/mes-sage is not shown here, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).To start the Setup UtilityARestart the computer.BPress F2 several times while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed.Error Code/Message Solution0211 Keyboard error zDisconnect external keyboard or mouse.0251 System CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration usedAn error has occurred in the memory of Setup Utility settings. This occurs when the memory content is changed by an unexpected program operation, etc. zStart the Setup Utility and return the settings to the default values, and then change the settings as necessary.zIf the problem persists, the internal clock battery may need to be replaced. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).0271 Check date and time settings The date and time settings are not correct.zStart the Setup Utility and set the correct date and time.zIf the problem persists, the internal clock battery may need to be replaced. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).0280 Previous boot incomplete - Default configuration usedStartup has failed repeatedly, so the Setup Utility settings have been returned to the default values to startup the computer.zStart the Setup Utility and return the settings to the default values, and then change the settings as necessary.Press <F2> to Setup zWrite down the error details and press F2 to start the Setup Utility. Change the settings if necessary.Operating System not foundThe operating system is not installed in the floppy disk or the hard disk that you are going to boot from.zIf using a floppy disk, change the disk to the one you can use for boot.zIf using the hard disk, check if the hard disk is recognized in [Information] menu of the Setup Utility. If the hard disk is recognized, perform the reinstallation (Îpage 20). If not, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).zIf a device is connected to the ExpressCard slot or the USB port, disconnect the device, or set [ExpressCard Slot], [USB Port] or [Legacy USB Support] to [Disable] in the [Advanced] menu of the Setup Utility.Extended RAM Module FailedWhen the extended RAM module is not inserted correctly or the extended RAM module is not conforming to the computer’s specifications, so a beep will sound and the “Extended RAM Module Failed” message will be displayed when you turn the power on. zPress the power button for four seconds or longer to turn off the computer, confirm that the extended RAM module conforms to the specifications, and reinsert it.](
![23Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixTroubleshooting (Basic)Follow the instructions below when a problem has occurred. There is also an advanced troubleshooting guide in the “Reference Manual”. For a software problem, refer to the software’s instruction manual. If the problem persists, contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30). You can also check the computer’s status in the PC Information Viewer (Î Reference Manual “Troubleshooting (Advanced)”).Starting UpCannot start up.The power indicator or bat-tery indicator is not lit.zConnect the AC adaptor.zInsert a fully charged battery.zRemove the battery pack and the AC adaptor, then connect them again. zIf a device is connected to the ExpressCard slot or the USB port, disconnect the device, or set [ExpressCard Slot], [USB Port] or [Legacy USB Support] to [Disable] in the [Advanced] menu of the Setup Utility.The power is turned on but “Warming up the system (up to 30 minutes)” appears.zThe computer is warming up before start up. Wait for the computer to start up (takes up to 30 minutes). If, “Cannot warm up the system” is displayed, the computer failed to warm up and does not start. In this case, turn off the computer, leave it in an environ-ment of 5 °C {41 °F} or higher temperature for about an hour, and then turn on the power again.Cannot turn on the computer.The computer does not resume from standby.(The power indicator blinks quickly in green.)zLeave it in an environment of 5 °C {41 °F} or higher temperature for about an hour, then turn on the power again.You have forgotten the password.zSupervisor Password or User Password: Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).zAdministrator password: • If you have a password reset disk, you can reset the administrator password. Set the disk and enter any wrong password, then follow the on-screen instructions and set a new password.• If you do not have a password reset disk, reinstall (Îpage 20) and set up Windows, and then set a new password.“Remove disks or other media. Press any key to restart” or a similar mes-sage appears.zA floppy disk is in the drive and it does not contain system startup information. Remove the floppy disk and press any key.zThis message may appear with some devices connected to the ExpressCard slot or the USB port. Remove the device, or set [ExpressCard Slot], [USB Port] or [Legacy USB Support] to [Disable] in the [Advanced] menu of the Setup Utility.zIf the problem persists after removing the disk, it may be a hard disk failure. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).Windows startup and opera-tion is slow.zPress F9 in the Setup Utility (Îpage 22 “To start the Setup Utility”) to return the Setup Utility settings (excluding the passwords) to the default values. Start the Setup Utility and make the settings again. (Note that the processing speed depends on the application software, so this procedure may not make Windows faster.)zIf you installed a resident software after purchase, turn off the residence.zDisable Indexing Service in the following menu.Click [start] - [Search] - [Change preferences] - [Without Indexing Service]The date and time are incor-rect.zMake the correct settings. Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options] - [Date and Time].zIf the problem persists, the internal clock battery may need to be replaced. Contact Panasonic Technical Support (Îpage 30).zWhen the computer is connected to LAN, check the date and time of the server.zThe 2100 A.D. or later year will not be correctly recognized on this computer.[Executing Battery Recalibration] screen appears.zThe Battery Recalibration was canceled before Windows was shut down last time. To start up Windows, turn off the computer by the power button, and then turn on.[Enter Password] does not appear when resuming from standby/hibernation.zTo display [Enter Password] at resuming, set the Windows password. The password you have set in the Setup Utility is not requested at resuming.AClick [start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] and select the account, and set the password.BClick [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Options] - [Advanced] and add a check mark for [Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby].](
![24Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixTroubleshooting (Basic)Cannot resume. zAn error may occur when the computer automatically enters the standby or hibernation mode while the screensaver is active. In this case, turn off the screensaver or change the pattern of the screensaver.Other startup problems. zPress F9 in the Setup Utility (Îpage 22 “To start the Setup Utility”) to return the Setup Utility settings (excluding the passwords) to the default values. Start the Setup Utility and make the settings again.zRemove all peripheral devices.zCheck to see if there was a disk error.AClick [start] - [My Computer] and right-click [Local Disk(C:)], and click [Properties].BClick [Tools] - [Check Now].CSelect the option in [Check disk options] and click [Start].zStart the computer in Safe Mode and check the error details. When the [Panasonic] boot screen disappears*1 at startup, press and hold F8 until the Windows Advanced Options Menu is displayed.*1 When [Password on boot] is set to [Enable] in the [Security] menu of the Setup Utility, [Enter Password] appears after the [Panasonic] boot screen disappears. As soon as you enter the password and press Enter, press and hold F8.Shutting downWindows does not shut down.zRemove the USB device and the ExpressCard.zWait one or two minutes. It is not a malfunction.DisplayNo display. zThe external display is selected. Press Fn + F3 to switch the display. Wait until the dis-play has been switched completely before pressing Fn + F3 again.zWhen using an external display,• Check the cable connection.• Turn on the display.• Check the settings of external display.zThe display is turned off by the power-saving function. To resume, do not press the direct selection keys, but press any other key like Ctrl.zThe computer entered standby or hibernation by the power-saving function. To resume, press the power button.The screen is dark. zThe screen is darker when the AC adapter is not connected. Press Fn + F2 and adjust the brightness. As you increase the brightness, battery consumption increases.You can separately set the brightness for when the AC adaptor is connected and when not connected.The LCD brightness changes a number of times when the AC adaptor is disconnected.zIntel(R) Display Power Saving Technology is active and automatically changes the LCD brightness. This is not a malfunction.Image colors are not repro-duced as expected when displaying photographs or other images.zRemove the check mark of [Intel(R) Display Power Saving Technology].ASelect [start] - [Control Panel] - [Other Control Panel Options] - [Intel(R) GMA Driver for Mobile].BSelect [Display Settings] - [Power Settings].The screen is disordered. zChanging the number of display colors and resolution may affect the screen. Restart the computer.zConnecting/disconnecting an external display may affect the screen. Restart the com-puter.zWhen using Simultaneous display, set the same display colors for the external display as those for the LCD.zWhen using Simultaneous display, do not press Fn +F3.zEnable or disable Simultaneous display, and soon restart the computer.Starting Up](
![25Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixDuring Simultaneous dis-play, one of the screens becomes disordered.zWhen using the Extended Desktop, use the same display colors for the external display as those used by the LCD.zIf you continue to experience problems, try changing the display by clicking [start] - [Con-trol Panel] - [Other Control Panel Options] - [Intel(R) GMA Driver for Mobile] - [Display Devices]zWhen the [Command Prompt] is set to “Full Screen” by pressing Alt + Enter, the pic-ture is displayed on one of the screens only. When the window display is restored by pressing Alt + Enter, the picture is displayed on both screens.zSimultaneous display cannot be used until Windows startup is complete (during Setup Utility, etc.).The external display does not work normally.zIf the external display does not support the power saving function, it may not work nor-mally when the computer enters the power saving mode. Turn off the external display.Touch Pad / Touchscreen (only for model with touchscreen)The cursor does not work. zWhen using the external mouse, connect it correctly.zRestart the computer using the keyboard. (Press , U, and R to select [Restart].)zIf the computer does not respond to keyboard commands, read “No response” (Îbelow).Cannot input using the touch pad.zSet [Touch Pad] to [Enable] in the [Main] menu of the Setup Utility.zThe drivers for some mice may disable the touch pad. Check your mouse’s operating instructions.Cannot input using the touchscreen.zWhen mouse drivers are installed (i.e. IntelliMouse), the touchscreen does not work. Reinstall the touchscreen driver.Cannot point the correct posi-tion using the included stylus.zPerform the touchscreen calibration (Îpage 12).Reference ManualThe Reference Manual is not displayed.zInstall Adobe Reader.ALog on to Windows as an administrator.BClick [start] - [Run], input [c:\util\reader\AdbeRdr70_enu_full.exe], then click [OK].CFollow the on-screen instructions.Reinstalling B’s Recorder/B’s CLiPA serial number is requested when reinstalling.zInput the following serial numberB’s Recorder: HT5PAA-AAAD-3775-4015B’s CLiP: HG5PAA-AAAC-2804-1478OthersNo response. zPress Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager and close the software application that is not responding.zAn input screen (e.g., password input screen at startup) may be hidden behind another window. Press Alt+Tab to check.zPress the power button for four seconds or longer to shut down the computer, and then press the power button to turn it on. If the application program does not work normally, uninstall and reinstall the program. To uninstall, click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Add or Remove Programs].Display](

![28Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingAppendixSpecificationsThis page provides the specifications for the basic model CF-74CCBAXBM/CF-74CCBADBM. The model number is dif-ferent according to the unit configuration.zTo check the model number:Check the bottom of the computer or the box the computer came in at the time of purchase.zTo check CPU speed, memory size and the hard disk drive (HDD) size:Run the Setup Utility (Î Reference Manual “Setup Utility”) and select [Information] menu.[CPU Speed]: CPU speed, [System Memory]: Memory size, [Hard Disk]: Hard disk drive sizeMain SpecificationsModel No. CF-74CCBAXBM / CF-74CCBADBMCPU Intel® Core™ Duo Processor T2400 (1.83 GHz, 2 MB*1 L2 cache, 667 MHz FSB)Chipset Intel® 945GMMemory*1 512 MB (1536 MB Max.)Video Memory*1*2 UMA (128 MB Max.)Hard Disk Drive*3 Approx. 80 GBCD/DVD Drive DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW DriveData Transfer Rate*4Reading*5 DVD-ROM: 8X (Max.), CD-ROM: 24X (Max.)Writing*6 CD-R: 4X/10X/7-16X/10-24XCD-RW: 4XHigh-Speed CD-RW: 4X/10XUltra-Speed CD-RW: 10X/10-24XSup-ported Discs/For-mat*3Reading DVD-ROM (4.7 GB, 8.5 GB, 9.4 GB, 17 GB), DVD-Video, DVD-R (1.4 GB, 3.95 GB, 4.7 GB), DVD-R DL (8.5 GB), DVD-RW*7 (1.4 GB, 2.8 GB, 4.7 GB, 9.4 GB), DVD-RAM*8 (1.4 GB, 2.8 GB, 2.6 GB, 5.2 GB, 4.7 GB, 9.4 GB), +R (4.7 GB), +R DL (8.5 GB), +RW (4.7 GB), CD-Audio, CD-ROM, CD-R, Photo CD, Video CD, CD-RW, CD TEXT, CD-EXTRAWriting CD-R, CD-RW, High-Speed CD-RW, Ultra-Speed CD-RWDisplay Method 13.3 type (TFT) with TouchscreenInternal LCD*9 65,536/16,777,216 colors (800 × 600 dots/1024 × 768 dots)External Display*10 65,536/16,777,216 colors (800 × 600 dots/1024 × 768 dots/1280 × 1024 dots/1600 × 1200 dots/2048 × 1536 dots)Wireless LAN*11 Îpage 29Bluetooth*12 Version 2.0+EDRLAN IEEE 802.3 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX, IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-TModem Data: 56 kbps (V.92) FAX: 14.4 kbpsSound WAVE and MIDI playback, Stereo speakerSecurity Chip TPM (TCG V1.2 compliant)Card Slot PC Card Type I or Type II x 1 (3.3 V: 400 mA, 5 V: 400 mA)ExpressCard ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54 x 1SD Memory Card*13 x 1, Data transfer rate = 8 MB per second*14Smart Card*15 x 1RAM Module Slot 200-pin, 1.8 V, SO-DIMM, DDR2 SDRAM, PC2-4200 CompliantInterface USB port (4-pin, USB 2.0) x 2, Serial Port (Dsub 9-pin male), Modem port (RJ-11), LAN port (RJ-45), External display port (Mini Dsub 15-pin female), Expansion Bus Connector (Dedicated 65-pin female), Microphone Jack (Miniature jack, 3.5 DIA, Stereo), Headphone Jack (Miniature jack, 3.5 DIA, Impedance 32 Ω, Output Power 4 mW × 2)Keyboard / Pointing Device 87 keys / Touch Pad / Touchscreen (Anti-Reflection, Stylus (included) touch capable)Power Supply AC adaptor or Battery packAC Adaptor*16 Input: 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz, Output: 15.6 V DC, 8.0 A](