Palmer Environmental P3 Permalog 3 User Manual New manual

Palmer Environmental Ltd Permalog 3 New manual

User manual

1Permalog® Patroller User’s GuidePalmer EnvironmentalTy Coch HouseLlantarnam Park WayCwmbranNP44 3AWUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0) 1633 489479Fax: +44 (0) 1633 877857Email:® Patroller User’s GuidePPUG Issue 8   07/2002
2ContentsScope...............................................................................................................3Introduction ......................................................................................................3Safety warning .................................................................................................3Battery installation............................................................................................5Checking Battery voltage .................................................................................5Connections and interfaces to the Patroller .....................................................6Operating the Patroller.....................................................................................8On-Screen Menus............................................................................................9Specifications.................................................................................................16Fuse information ............................................................................................17Conditions of Use of Permalog® System ........................................................18Permalog 1 Deployment Instructions .............................................................19Redeployment................................................................................................19Permalog 2 Deployment Instructions .............................................................20Redeployment................................................................................................20Warranty ........................................................................................................21Patents...........................................................................................................21
3Permalog® Patroller User’s GuideScopeThis manual covers the use of the Permalog® Patroller in conjunction withPermalog® 1 and Permalog® 2 leak noise loggers.IntroductionPermalog® leak noise loggers are deployed throughout the water distributionsystem to provide continuous surveying of leakage.  Each Permalog® unitadapts itself automatically to its environment.  If no leak is present a signal istransmitted to indicate normal background conditions (NO LEAK).  However,as soon as a possible leak is detected, the Permalog® unit enters an alarmstate and transmits a signal to indicate a LEAK condition.Patroller used to survey an areaFollowing a rise in unaccounted-for water,or at standard intervals, a leakage patrol iscarried out in the area using the Permalog®Patroller module.  This module receives,analyses and “homes in” on signals toidentify the location of units in LEAK modeand thereby the approximate position ofthe leaks.  Information from the loggers is displayed on the LCD screen andheld in memory.  Data from loggers in LEAK mode can be downloaded to aPC or printed out directly.  The Permalog® Patroller may optionally beintegrated with GPS or GIS data to enhance the LEAK list with geographicalor system specific information.Safety warningThe Permalog® noise logger contains a high strength magnet and should notbe carried by anyone with a heart pacemaker.  This magnet can permanentlycorrupt magnetic storage media such as floppy discs, hard discs, tapes etc.  Itcan also damage TV and PC monitor screens and some watches.  See“Conditions of use”.Caution.The Patroller contains a lithium backup battery.  There is a danger ofexplosion if this battery is incorrectly replaced. It must only be replaced withthe same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Usedbatteries must be disposed of according to the manufacturers instructions.WarningWhen charging from a 12v vehicle supply, if the engine is switched off, theunit must be disconnected before restarting the vehicle; otherwise permanentdamage to the charge circuits may result. Once the engine is running, it safeto re-connect the Patroller.
4Patroller equipment suppliedThe Patroller is supplied with cables and accessories required for normaloperation. Patroller with magmount antenna with Patroller, carry strap and short     integral lead, carry strap and vehicle  antenna (used for surveying on foot).power supply/charge lead.The following equipment is supplied as standard:1  Patroller unit fitted with rechargeable battery pack1  12V DC power cable with vehicle lighter interface1  PC download cable1 Carry strap1  Small antenna for portable use1 Mag-mount antenna with integral co-axial lead1  Mains-powered charger unitThe following equipment is not supplied as standard but may be supplied asaccessories to the Patroller:-• Carry satchel• Replacement battery set• Portable printer with cable• Right-angled connector for antenna• Transit case
5Battery installationThe Patroller is powered by a rechargeable battery pack located in the back ofthe unit.  To install the battery pack, use a screwdriver to undo the two panelscrews a quarter turn.Remove the panel, insert the battery pack and clip the battery and Patrollerconnectors together.  Ensure the leads do not become trapped whenreplacing the panel.  Refit the panel and tighten the screws.WARNING:  DO NOT ALLOW ANY METAL OBJECT TO CONNECT THETWO BATTERY TERMINALS ON THE CONNECTOR.  This would cause ashort circuit and would rapidly generate intense heat in these specialbatteries.Checking Battery voltageTo check battery voltage, switch on the Patroller, then press ESC to accessthe main menu. Select Setup, then System Info to display battery voltage.Nominal battery voltage is 7.2V. When the battery voltage drops to 6.5V thePatroller will start to issue low battery warnings. When the voltage drops to6.0V the unit will power off automatically and can not be used until the batteryis recharged, or an external power supply is connected.  Even when thePatroller is powered off, the data is preserved.In the event of a battery failure, the data stored in the Patroller is maintainedby a small backup battery for up to one year.Battery panel coverRechargeablebattery packOn/Off buttonBack of Patroller unitSerial Number
6Connections and interfaces to the PatrollerThe various connections and interfaces of the Patroller unit are identified onthe diagram below:-Patroller unit: connections and interfacesCarry strap lugCommunicationsconnector to PC orprinterPower supply andcharger connectionBNC connection toantennaOn/Offbutton9 Way connector forGPS communicationsCarrystrap lugLCD displayBacklightingbutton forLCDdisplay
7Connections for in-vehicle usePlace the mag-mount antenna on the roof of the vehicle and connect theantenna lead to the connector on top of the Patroller. Connect the externalpower lead to the Patroller and plug into the cigar lighter socket of the vehicle.Connections for hand-held useConnect the short antenna to the top of the Patroller. Clip on the carry strap.Connection to a Printer (optional)The Patroller uses plain text printing and requires a printer that will supportthis. Most dot matrix, inkjet and laser printers will, but Windows PrintingSystem (WPS) printers will not. Check the printer specifications to see that itsupports printing from MS-DOS.Connect the printer lead to the Communications port. The lead supplied isterminated with a 9 pin serial connector suitable for most printers with a serialport. For printers with a parallel port, a serial-to-parallel converter is available.Connection to a PC (optional)Connect the PC lead to the Patroller Communications port, and then to one ofthe 9-way COM ports on the PC.
8Operating the PatrollerThe Patroller uses on-screen menus for most of its operational functions. Thekey required for each function is highlighted on the display in inverse video.ESC can be used to exit a function and return to the menu above. PressingESC several times will always return you to the Main Menu.Press the on-off button to switch the Patroller on. The unit will display thePalmer logo and firmware version number for 5 seconds then switchautomatically to Leak Patrol mode. During the 5 second period, pressing ENTtakes you directly to Leak Patrol mode and pressing any other key takes youto the Main Menu.The backlight for the display will remain on when switched on if the Patroller isconnected to a DC supply.  When powered by the Patroller only, the backlightwill switch off after 10 seconds to conserve power.Front view ofPatrollerHigh, Medium and Lowsensitivity ranges
9On-Screen MenusMain MenuPatroller Main Menu1. Leak Patrol2. Patrol Menu3. Deployment4. Communications5. SetupThis allows access to each of the Patroller’s modes of operation. These areas follows:-1.  Leak PatrolThis is the normal mode of operation in the field where data received fromPermalog® loggers is displayed on the screen. The Patrol Menu is normallyaccessed directly from Leak Patrol and offers a range of special functionswhilst a patrol is in progress.Leak PatrolSerial Lv Sp Time08990980 54 6 16:24 L08990127 44 22 16:27 L08994513 62 1 16:27 L08970655 46 14 16:27 L03984502 40 23 16:21 L05816442 44 21 16:26 W03991720 40 6 24Apr LLeakNoLkLeak Patrol DisplayDetails of loggersindicating leakDeploymentinformation forhighlighted logger(if entered)Scrolling cursorand LEAK/NOLEAK signalsreceived..Radio sensitivityrangeLow ,Medium orHigh
10The display shows :-• The serial number of loggers in leak mode• The noise level in dB from the logger; Lv• The noise spread in dB from the logger Sp• The time or date the data was received from the logger.  Thetime is shown for data received today.  If the data was receivedon a previous day AND more than 12 hours ago, then the date isdisplayed.• The characters on the right hand side of the display are L forleak and W for warning.  Statistically, the probability of a leakbeing present is greater for L than for W.  However, all loggerresults require further investigation to confirm a leak.All patrol activities are carried out from this screen. The Patroller is fitted withtwo sounders. A high pitched beep indicates no-leak and a low-pitched beepindicates a leak.  This information is also shown graphically on the lower partof the screen where a cursor scans across the screen over a period of 5seconds. A vertical bar marks each leak/no-leak event received, with theheight of the bar indicating the received signal strength. When full radio datais received (serial number, noise level and spread), the bar is marked with apennant.The main part of the screen shows a list of loggers whose full radio data havebeen received. One of these is highlighted with an inverting cursor and thedeployment details of the highlighted logger (if entered previously) are shownin the box below. Use the up and down arrows to move the cursor and selecta different logger.The number keys each have a specific function assigned. These functionscan be accessed directly by pressing the key in the Leak Patrol screen, or byfirst pressing ENT to show the Patrol Menu which lists these functions. TheENT key toggles between the Leak Patrol Screen and the Patrol Menuscreen.
112. Patrol menuPatrol Menu1. Max Range2. Mid Range3. Min Range4. Logger Details5. Closest Loggers6. Patrol Setup7. Clear Display8. Restore Display9. Print Results0.      Reset Logger EntryEnt Leak PatrolEsc Main Menu1.  High/Max rangeSets high sensitivity on the radio receiver to achieve maximum range,typically greater than 50 m.2.  Medium rangeSets medium sensitivity on the radio receiver for a range of typically 15 m.In an area where many loggers are in range, this can be used to limit thenumber of received signals.3.  Low/Minimum rangeSets low sensitivity on the radio receiver for a typical range of 5 m. Thismay be used to ‘home-in’ on one particular logger.4.  Logger DetailsPress 4, then enter a serial number and press Ent to view the storedresults for a given logger. The default serial number is the currentlyhighlighted logger. The display shows the level, spread and date receivedof the last 6 results, along with the deployment details.  Press Esc to returnto the Patrol menu.5.  Closest LoggersTo find the closest loggers to a particular logger, first select the LeakPatrol screen and check the appropriate logger is selected.  Alternatively,select the Patrol menu and press 4 to enter logger details.  Type in theserial number of the logger you are interested in and press Ent to searchfor it.  The selected logger details are displayed.  Press Esc to return tothe Patrol Menu.  Press 5
12The screen then shows the grid reference of the selected logger bydefault.  You may either use this grid reference or enter a different one.Press Ent to search for the closest loggers. The display then shows a listof loggers within 1000 m of this point. The list of loggers shows serialnumber, distance from the reference point (in metres), noise level andtime/date last received. From this list of loggers, the up and down arrowscan be used to move a highlight bar. Press ENT to view logger details andhistory for the highlighted logger.  (This feature will only work if the correctgrid reference has been entered for each logger).  Press Esc to return tothis list.6.  Patrol SetupPress 6 to go to the Patrol Setup screen.  Use the left/right arrows tochange the sounder options, allowing sound for both leak and no-leak,leak only, or neither (sound disabled).  Press Ent to return.7.  Clear DisplayThis option removes the highlighted logger and those below it from thedisplay (but not from the database) in order to keep only the most recentacquisitions. 8.  Restore displayUndoes the effect of Clear Display and restores all loggers to the display. 9.  Print ResultsSends the Leak Patrol results to a connected printer. There are 4 optionsto limit the number of loggers printed.a. Display only  – prints only those loggers in the display list.b. Today  – prints only results received today.c. Date Range  – prints only results received between the two datesspecified.d. All Loggers  – prints results from all loggers in the database.0.  Reset Logger EntryWhen a leak has been repaired and the logger switches back to no-leakmode (this happens automatically), it stops transmitting its serial numberinformation. This option is used to inform the Patroller that a particularlogger is no longer indicating leak mode. Press ESC to return to the mainmenu.NOTE: When no external power supply is connected, returning to the mainmenu will switch off the radio receiver to conserve battery power.
133. Deployment    DeploymentSerial 03997244G.Ref SK  4321 6542Area  DMA 1625Comment  OUTSIDE 27 PARK AVEEnt AcceptEsc CancelThis is used when deploying Permalog® loggers on the network. It allows thelocation details of each logger to be entered and stored in the internaldatabase. It also allows logger details to be edited or deleted from thedatabase.Enter the logger serial number.  Press Ent.If the same serial number is re-entered, then a Deployment Error Screen isdisplayed.  You can either delete the entry or confirm it.Enter the Grid reference of this logger.  The first two characters must beletters*.  These are followed by numbers for the rest of the grid reference.Press Ent.Then enter the area details, up to 8 numbers or characters*.Two seconds after entering a number, the cursor jumps along one digit.Alternatively you can use the left/right arrow keys.* To enter letters instead of numbers, press the relevant keypad buttontwice or more as required.  The numbers and letters step through in sequenceand return to the start point again.  For the area details the first character toappear is always a number.  In the Comments section, this is reversed so thatletters come up first.The system works as shown in this example:-Press button 2. The number 2 appears.Press button 2 again. The letter A appears.Press button 2 again. The letter B appears.Press button 2 again. The letter C appears.Press button 2 again. The number 2 reappears.To enter a space, press 0 (zero) twice.
144. CommunicationsThis menu enables the Patroller to download the logger database to a PC orto upload the database from a PC.  The screen will show the number ofpackets of data transmitted and the number of retries attempted if datatransmission was not completed.5. SetupThis configures the Patroller for the area of operation.Setup menu1. Set date & time2. LCD Contrast3. Power Saving4. Map Refs5. Language6. System Info7. Check database8. Delete databaseEsc  Return1.  Set date & timeSet date and time including daylight saving time option.2. LCD ContrastAdjust display contrast as required3. Power SavingAdjust the time to automatically power off the display back-light whennot used.4. Map RefsSelect map reference system required.5. LanguageThe default language is UK English.
156. System InfoThis gives battery status information, the firmware version, the numberof loggers on the database and the archive status.  If the screendisplays a message saying “Archive out of date”, this meansdata has been received from loggers since the database wastransmitted to a PC.  In other words, changes have been made thathave not been saved to a PC.7. Check databaseThis option checks the database is intact and will state if it has beencorrupted or not.8. Delete databaseThis option should be used when the Patroller is about to be used in adifferent area and the latest version of the existing database hasalready been downloaded to a PC.  This enables the user to make afresh start, knowing that all logger data entered is relevant to the latestsurvey.
16SpecificationsPermalog® leak noise logger specificationScope of supplyLogger unit with integral sensor, magnet and aerial (minimum quantity 10units)Dimensions Permalog 1  193mm x 60mm diameter (without antenna) Permalog 2  From bottom of magnet to top of logger 110mmFrom bottom of magnet to top of antenna 135mmDiameter 60mmAntenna length Permalog 1 70mm (standard) or 140mm (option for increased range)Permalog 2 55mmWeight (Permalog 1 and 2)1kg Power source (Permalog 1 and 2)Internal battery - up to 10 years' operation (guaranteed 5 years)Construction materials(Permalog 1)  Hostaform C2521 black case, Stainless steel sensor assembly(Permalog 2)  Hostaform C9021 black case , Stainless steel sensor assemblyEnvironmental Protection (Permalog 1 and 2)IP68Communications (Permalog 1 and 2)Signal LEAK/NO LEAK Visible LED indicator
17Patroller SpecificationScope of supplyPatroller unit including 12V DC power cable with vehicle lighter socketconnector, magnetic vehicle-mounted antenna and cable, short antenna, PCdownload cable and printer cable.Dimensions 290mm x 150mm x 82mmWeight 1.8kg Construction material ABS Environmental protection IP65Standard antennaMagnetically-attached vehicle mounting antenna with 3 metre connectioncableUser interface Membrane keypad with backlit LCDPower sourceRechargeable/replaceable battery 12V DC vehicle battery powerCommunicationsAudible LEAK and NO LEAK signals RS232 serial output to PC, printer Antenna input (optional) GPS receiver interfaceFuse informationSurface mount fuse  part no. FUS4040 1.0 Amp, 125 V (F)Standard accessories12V DC power cable with vehicle lighter interface PC download cable Carry strapSmall antenna for portable use Optional accessoriesCarry satchel Mains-powered charger unit Replacement battery set Portable printer
18Conditions of Use of Permalog® System1.  Deployment of Permalog® units should be carried out in accordance withPalmer Environmental document PDI(E) Issue 1.  Mishandling the loggercould result in damage to the antenna (if incorrectly used to lower or raisethe logger) or the sensor (connecting the logger to, or removing it from, thefitting).  Such damage is not covered by Palmer Environmental’s 3-yearwarranty and customers are warned that damage to the sensor inparticular is unlikely to be economic to repair.2.  During handling and transportation of Permalog® units from place to place,care must be taken not to bring the communications window into themagnetic field of a medium or strong strength magnet.  Continuousexposure to a magnetic field can result in variation in the Permalog®‘sinternal clock, which will lead to an increased possibility of false alarms.Particular care must be taken to avoid packing Permalog® units “head totail”.  Remedial work by Palmer Environmental required to correct loggersthat have been affected in this way is not covered by warranty and will becharged.3.  Due to the strength of the magnet used with Permalog®, large quantities ofPermalog® units should not be carried by staff with heart pacemakers.4.  The magnet keeper fitted to Permalog loggers should be left attached tothe magnet until the unit is ready to be placed in its logging position.  If theunit is to be moved for any reason the keeper should be refitted to themagnet.  All Permalog units should be transported with the keeperattached to the magnet.
19Permalog 1 Deployment InstructionsPermalog units have no user serviceable parts. The enclosure protects the user from electrical shockand other hazards.  Servicing must be referred to competent personnel. If any unit does not appear tofunction correctly then it must be returned to Palmer Environmental or an authorised Palmerrepresentative.  Caution:  Permalog units contain batteries.  There is a danger of explosion if they areincorrectly replaced.  They must only be replaced with the same or equivalent type recommended by themanufacturer.  Used batteries must be disposed of according to the manufacturers instructions.Redeployment• Ensure you have sufficient keepers for the magnets and pieces of card to put between thekeepers and the logger magnets.  Removing keepers from logger magnets takes some effort.Always insert a piece of thin card between the keeper and the magnet to make this job easier.• On retrieval, always grasp the main body of the logger.  Do not pull loggers by the aerials.• Ensure the magnet from one logger is kept more than 3 inches (8cms) away from the windowof the nearest logger.  If any magnet is held too close to the logger window, the logger willcontinually reset causing an incorrect internal clock setting.• An option during transport is to magnetically attach the loggers to a large piece of metal.  Thiswill act as a keeper and prevent the loggers from moving.1. Ensure that both the screw thread on the aerial and the screw hole on top of the Permalog are clean.3. Reset the Permalog by passing a magnet close to, and across, the communications window. (Fig 2).  Look into the communications window to see a faint red LED flash every 5 seconds.  If the LED does not flash, then pass the magnet across the window again and look into the window to verify.  4. Attach the Permalog to a metal pipe fitting using the magnet on the base.  Always ensure that the contact point is free from dirt so that the magnet makes a good contact.5. The Permalog must remain in an upright/ vertical position when installed.  The aerial is flexible and may be bent out of the way to refit a manhole cover. the aerial into the top of the Permalog firmly by hand.  Ensure that the rubber washer is fitted to make a watertight seal (Fig 1). Resetting the Permalog erases the internal memory. Should the logger be moved from one location to another, it must be reset to remove historical data.This is the only way to reset the unit - it cannot be switched off even if a magnet is passed over it many times.  Once reset, it will operate continuously for the life of the batteries. The guaranteed battery life is 5 years.  Any medium strength magnet will reset the Permalog; for convenience, the magnet on another Permalog may be used (Fig 2).Do not attempt to remove the magnet from the bottom of any Permalog - it is loctited on and should not be removed.Only aerials supplied by Palmer Environmental may be used.  Permalog units have no user serviceable parts.  If any unit does not appear to function correctly then it must be returned to Palmer Environmental or an authorised Palmer representative.2. ScrewPermalog is a permanently installed leak noise monitoring unit.  It transmits a short 1mW radio signal at 173MHz every 5 seconds.AERIALRUBBER WASHERCOMMUNICATIONS  WINDOWMAGNETFLASHING LEDFig 1Fig 2
20AerialRubber washerCommunications windowFig 1Fig 2MagnetFlashing LEDScrew thread for optional hookLower recessed screw thread for aerialPermalog 2 Deployment Instructions1. Ensure that both the screw thread on the aerialand the lower recessed screw hole in the Permalog areclean, then screw the aerial into the lower screw holefirmly by hand.  Ensure that the rubber washer is fitted tomake a watertight seal (Fig 1).  Remove the magnetkeeper and store for later use. 2. Start/Reset the Permalog by passing a magnetclose to, and across, the communications window. (Fig 2).Look into the communications window to see a faint redLED flash 5 consecutive times and then once every 5seconds.  If the LED does not flash, then pass the magnetacross the window again and look into the window toverify.  Resetting the Permalog erases the internal memory.Should the logger be moved from one location to another,it must be reset to remove historical data.This is the only way to reset the unit. Once reset, it willoperate continuously for the life of the batteries. It can onlybe switched off using a Permalog interrogator unit.  Theguaranteed battery life depends on factory settings.  Anymedium strength magnet will reset the Permalog; forconvenience, the magnet on another Permalog may beused (Fig 2).Do not attempt to remove the magnet from the bottom ofany Permalog - it is loctited on and should not be removed.3. Attach the Permalog to a metal pipe-fitting usingthe magnet on the base.  Always ensure that the contactpoint is free from dirt so that the magnet makes a goodcontact.  If an eye-hook (optional accessory) is used, thismust be screwed into the top of the logger.4. For best performance, it is recommended that thePermalog unit is deployed in a vertical/upright position.Only use aerials supplied by Palmer Environmental.  Aright angled connector (optional accessory) is available toenable horizontally positioned loggers to transmit signalsvertically.Permalog units have no user serviceable parts. Theenclosure protects the user from electrical shock and otherhazards.  Servicing must be referred to competentpersonnel. If any unit does not appear to function correctlythen it must be returned to Palmer Environmental or anauthorised Palmer representative.Caution:  Permalog units contain batteries.  There is a danger of explosion if they areincorrectly replaced.  They must only be replaced with the same or equivalent typerecommended by the manufacturer.  Used batteries must be disposed of according to themanufacturers instructions.RedeploymentEnsure you have sufficient keepers for the magnets.  Removing keepers from logger magnetstakes some effort.  Always insert a piece of thin card between the keeper and the magnet tomake this job easier.On retrieval, always grasp the main body of the logger.  Do not pull loggers by the aerials.Ensure the magnet from one logger is kept more than 3 inches (8cms) away from the windowof the nearest logger.  If any magnet is held too close to the logger window, the loggerwill continually reset causing an incorrect internal clock setting and subsequenterroneous results.An option during transport is to magnetically attach the loggers to a large piece of metal.  Thiswill act as a keeper and prevent the loggers from moving.
21WarrantyPermalog® loggers are warrantied 3 years.Permalog® Patrollers are warrantied 1 year.All equipment is warranted by Palmer Environmental Ltd to be free fromdefects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (unlessotherwise stated) from the date of shipment to the original customer.  Thiswarranty is only valid if the equipment has been installed and used in thecorrect manner as described in this manual.Repair or replacement (at Palmer Environmental’s option) will be madewithout charge provided the above conditions have been met.If any problems occur, notify Palmer Environmental Ltd or its authorisedrepresentative giving full details of the problem, and the model and serialnumber of the equipment.  You will receive technical advice and/or shippinginstructions depending upon the nature of the problem.PatentsThe Permalog® system is patented in the United Kingdom (GB2335041,GB2361062, GB2361319, GB2361540, GB2361541). Patents pending in Europe, United States, Hong Kong, Japan.Palmer Environmental LtdTy Coch HouseLlantarnam Park WayCwmbranNP44 3AWUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0) 1633 489479Fax: +44 (0) 1633

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