Otek TR1OO TR100 User Manual TR100JILA

Otek Corporation TR100 TR100JILA

User Information for the TR100

Model Description Price(1-9)EK100 ................Eval. Kit Set (2ea. TR100) for 3.3V, TTL/Cmos & OOK ........... $135EK101 .................... Eval. Kit Set (2ea TR101) for 5V,TTL/Cmos & OOK ...........$150*Kits Include:  Instructions & Typical µC InterfaceList Prices: TR100...$65 TR101...$701000 Pc.         TR100   $24.95 TR101   $29’s new TR100is designed specifically for OEMsto embed it in their systems & givethem competitive advantage in theWireless Market.  The TR100 is veryeconomical and effective intransceiving streams of data at highrates over a short distance with mini-mum power consumption lending it-self to battery operated products.The Licenseless ISM Band (FCCPart 15) , low power & cost lendsthe TR100 to many OEM productsfor Telemetry, SCADA, DCS, Se-curity, Transportation, Process Con-trol, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical,Paper and Pulp, Chemical and manymore (not authorized for life supportproducts).  Note: Changing the an-tenna on the TR100 will require FCC(or your country’s) approval of thesystem before you can offer it forsale. See FCC CFR47, Parts 2 &15.249). OTEK will supply you witha copy of its own FCC Approval File# for your reference.   The TR100 isavailable in kits or individual boards(also see the TR200) with serialRS232/485/TTL I/O or the TR300“Plug-N-Play” version housed in a“DB9” style case, ready to plug toyour PC.  The TR200, TR300 andTR400  include the PCs’ softwareat no charge.Operating Frequency ... 916.5MHz ±200KHzModulation ........................................... OOKData Rate ............................... OOK:19.2KBSleep Current ....................................... 25µAReceive Current.................................... 6mATransmit Current ................................. 12mAPeak Transmit Power ......................0.85mWIndoor/Outdoor Range ................. 100/300FTVoltage Input .................. 2.7-3.5 or 3.5-5.5V.................................. 10mVrms Max. RippleReceiver’s Gain ............................... 100dBmSize............ 0.15x0.85x1.85” (3.8x21.6x47m)Operating Temperature ............. -20 to =75ºC*Specifications & Prices Subject toChange Without Notice.SPECIFICATIONS @25ºC:OTEK offers several kits at a reasonable price for your evaluation andtest of your application.  The EK100 consists of 2 each TR100 ready foryou to apply power (3.3V) & signal from your own microprocessor or TTLSignal.  The EK101 is for 5VDC power.Above kits accept TTL/CMOS I/O.EVALUATION KITS:If you want to bypass the in-terface development, seethe TR200 data sheet formodels with serial I/O withRS-232C/485 or TTLASCII either 5VDC or 8-25VDC power input andeither PC pins or DB9 con-nector in the same small(1.85x0.85”x0.4”) package(plus DB9); or the TR300housed in a “DB9” plastichousing only 1.7x3x.8”,“Plug-N-Play” design.Ready to plug in your PC’sSerial Port.ORDERING INFORMATION (1-00)New!LLLLLowowowowow C C C C Costostostostost     WIRELESSWIRELESSWIRELESSWIRELESSWIRELESS (R.F (R.F (R.F (R.F (R.F.) TRANSCEIVER TTL I/O MODULE.) TRANSCEIVER TTL I/O MODULE.) TRANSCEIVER TTL I/O MODULE.) TRANSCEIVER TTL I/O MODULE.) TRANSCEIVER TTL I/O MODULE         FOR          FOR          FOR          FOR          FOR OEMSOEMSOEMSOEMSOEMS*916.5Mhz *19.2K Baud *Licenseless BandACTUAL SIZEIF YOUDON’T SEEIT, ASKFOR IT!4016 E. TENNESSEE ST.TUCSON, AZ. 85714 U.S.A.Tel: 520-748-7900  Fax: 520-790-2808Toll Free: 877-BAR-OTEK (227-6835)E-Mail:sales@otekcorp.comWeb:www.otekcorp.com Since 1974ModelTR100R.F.XCVRFax-Back:520-748-1539-8710Visa & Master Cards AcceptedJ1 J2Per Set
Operating Instructions for:TR100, EK1004016 E.Tennessee St., Tucson, AZ. 85714 USAToll Free: 1-877-BAR-OTEK (227-6835)Tel: 520-748-7900  Fax: 520-790-2808E-MAIL: sales@otekcorp.comWeb:http://www.otekcorp.comA) Required Items:1. 5VDC or 3.3VDC power supply with <10mVRMs noise2. TTL pulse generators (one for data TX & one for PTT pulse) >5MHzB) Set Up & Test: (In A Hurry? Try #6)Note:1. The TR100 is available with 3.3 or 5VDC power input. Check your model  before applying power and signal.2. “PTT” (push to talk [transmit] timing is important, see Fig 1.3. The PTT line should be always high (listening) except when ready to transmit and return high after end of  transmission.1. Solder the supplied antenna on the square Pad andconnect power and signal keeping the units 5+ feetapart (see Fig2).2. On unit “A” pulse PTT low (Pin 1) and apply 10 posi-tive pulses (at 1KHz) to “TX” (Pin4), unit “B” shouldoutput (negative) 10 negative pulses on its RX (Pin3).3. Repeat 2 above but using unit “B” as the transmitterand “A” as the receiver.4. If 2 & 3 OK, move units farther apart and repeat; ifnot, check your connections and scope time base.  The“TR100” will transmit at 916.5MHz  @ 19.2K baud datarate.5. If #4 above is OK, incoming test is completed andyou are ready to customize the “TR100”.  Fig.3 showsthe typical RS-232C to RF interface used on our own“TR200” model.  You are welcome to reproduce itand develop your own software to satisfy your needs,or buy the preprogrammed uC (Atmel P/NAT89C2051) our p/n 29-2051P-TR200.0 for $25.00ea. or buy the “TR200” (RF to RS232) transceiver orlicense the source code for the uC for $250.00 onetime plus $1.00 per unit sold.6. Simple Application & Test: Hz to Hz, Pulse to Pulse,Event to Event, Etc. Simply ground PTT (Pin 1) applyTTL Pulse(s) to TX (Pin 4) on “Transmitter”. Con-nect PTT (Pin 1) to +5V and your counter or measur-ing device to the RX (Pin 3) on the “Receiver” andfilter the 916.5MHz modulation..Contact OTEK for further details at :support@otekcorp.com.  Attn: Legal Dept3. Logic analyzer or storage oscilloscope >50MHz4. Two “TR100” Series Transceivers5. Or Just Your TTL I/O SignalsIf data is corrupted (RX), check your power supply(battery pack is preferred for low noise and portabil-ity) and pulse generator’s rise time (<50nS).Fig. 3

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