Ortovox Sportartikel ORTOVOXS1 Avalanche Transceiver User Manual 02 GAL s1 englisch

Ortovox Sportartikel GmbH Avalanche Transceiver 02 GAL s1 englisch

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

25Scanning the avalanche track for transmit-ters and locating each signal quickly andexactly are the decisive advantages of theORTOVOX avalanche transceiver S1. An im-mediate search with an avalanche transcei-ver and a rescue using avalanche shovels anda probe that is carried out by the tour parti-cipants themselves offers the best chance ofsurvival for an avalanche victim. When thirdparty help has to be called to the scene itusually arrives too late! Pay attention to theavalanche report and select safe routes. Al-ways take the avalanche transceiver S1 withyou together with the necessary ORTOVOXSAFETY PRODUCTS such as an avalancheshovel and a probe. Read the S1 operatinginstructions carefully and practice both thehandling of your avalanche transceiver S1and avalanche search procedures.Information on ORTOVOX products and safetynotices can be found on the ORTOVOX web-site at www.ortovox.comContact us by e-mail atortovox@ortovox.comORTOVOX wishes you wonderful, safe tours!CONTENTOperating elements 25Technical data  26EU Declaration of Conformity 26Quick reference 27Basic avalanche know-how 30Operating instructions 34Coarse, refined and pinpoint location 36Menue at a glance 39Daily function check 40Locating severalavalanche victims  40Acoustic emergency reception 41Interfernce 42Battery changes 42Protective case and wrist strap 42Guarantee/ service 43Service addresses 112www.ortovox.comCurrent avalanche warning service information!1ON/ OFF button (and MENU function button)2Screen with display of victim location3Sensor for back-lighting4Transmission indication lights5Loudspeaker6Bottons to release openENGLISHOPERATING ELEMENTS31210119876547‘Select’ button for menu and for flagging8Battery compartment (on rear)  649Protective case with carrying strap10 Quick lock11 Shoulder strap markings (SILVER)
2726TECHNICAL DATADEVICE DESIGNATION: ORTOVOX S1FUNCTION: digital with acoustic emergency operationCASING: ergonomic, waterproof, impact-resistantDIMENSIONS: 120 x 80 x 30 mm (closed); 215 x 80 x 30 mm (open)FREQUENCY Transmitting: 457 kHz +-80 Hz The S1 can receive signals from any standard avalanche transceiver with no limitationsDIGITAL RECEPTION RANGE: up to 65 mSEARCH STRIP WIDTH: up to 40 mTEMPERATURE RANGE: -20° C to +45° CPOWER SUPPLY:3 alkaline AAA Mignon 1.5 V LR 03 batteriesOPERATING TIMETRANSMITTING: about 250 hoursRECEIVING: about 10 hoursWEIGHT: approximately 260 g incl. batteries andwrist strap, carrying case approximately 120g The ORTOVOX S1 surpasses the high requirementsof European standard EN 300 718.EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYManufacturer: X-log Elektronik GmbHResponsible person: Johann Nowotny, Bahnhofstr. 95, D-82166 Gräfelfingdeclares that the product:Type: ORTOVOXModel: S1Intended Purpose: Searching for avalanche victimswhen used as intended satisfies thebasic requirements in accordancewith Article 3 of the R&TTE guide-lines, Directive 1999/5/EC, andthat the following standards havebeen applied:1. Health  (Article 3.1.a of the R&TTE guidelines)ETS 300 718 issue: 05/012. Safety (Article 3.1.a of the R&TTE guidelines)ETS 300 718 issue: 05/013. Electromagnetic compatibility(Article 3.1.b of the R&TTE guidelines)ETSI EN 300 718-1 issue: 05/014. Efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum(Article 3.2 of the R&TTE guidelines)ETSI EN 300 718-2 issue: 05/015. Electromagnetic compatibilityand radio spectrum matters(Article 3.3.e of the R&TTE guidelines)ETSI EN 300 718-3 issue 2004/02Gräfelfing, 04/24/2006(City/date of the Declaration of Conformity)p. p. Andrea Reintges(name)ENGLISHQUICK REFERENCE for the ORTOVOX S1 avalanche transceiverIMPORTANT NOTICE!Avalanche transceivers aredesigned to support the assi-stance offered by companionsin the event of avalanche bu-rial! Your presence in areaswhere avalanche hazards ex-ist is fraught with potentialrisk; only remain in such are-as in the company of experi-enced participants. Effectiveuse of an avalanche transcei-ver requires appropriate trai-ning and constant practice.Wear your avalanche transcei-ver close to your body underyour outer clothing. ORTOVOXstrongly recommends that youcarefully read the operatinginstructions provided with theavalanche transceiver. Alwaystake a shovel and a probewhen you go off-piste in areaswhere avalanche hazardsexist, and never tour alone.Give due consideration toworldwide, current avalanchesituation reports prior to plan-ning your off-piste activities:www.ortovox.com. Before youtravel in an area where an ava-lanche hazard exists, ensurethat all avalanche transceiversare functioning properly andthat all batteries are in goodoperating condition. The S1 fulfils the highestsafety requirements and ischaracterized by its clearand uniquely simple illustra-tion of the search situationon the graphic display!TO OPENTake the S1 from the protective case,press both release buttons (6) at the same time and thenopen the S1.SWITCH ONPress the ON/OFF button (1) to switch onthe S1and wait for theresult of the transceiverself-test. SWITCH OFFPress the ON/OFF button (1) for 5 seconds.TRANSCIEVER SELF-TEST ANDTRANSMISSIONFollowing a positivetransceiver self-test(symbols for transmissi-on, receive, additionalfunction and batterycapacity appear on thescreen and are markedas positive) close the S1.The S1will now transmitand the transmissionindication lights on theside (4) will flash.INFORMATION FOR THE USERChanges or modifications to this device not approved by ORTOVOX can void the users authority to operate the equipment.FCC ID KF5ORTOVOXS1This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) the device may not cause harmful interference and (2) the device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to com-ply with the limits for an intentional radiator pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gene-rates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encou-raged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
28 29ENGLISHPINPOINT LOCATION:The sensors, the 3 reception antennas and the paten-ted circular illustration on the S1 simplify pinpointlocation and make it more precise.The process of pinpoint location begins automatically at a distance of 3m. The search is approaching the victim: the arrows show towards the centre of the cir-cle. The closer he comes to the victim the faster theacoustic signal sounds. Hold the S1 steady in front of you. Do not turn, tip,or rotate the S1 during pinpoint location! The searcher is approaching the victim: the distance is 2m, the circle becomes smaller and the arrows are pointing to the centre of the circle.The searcher is moving away from the victim. The circle becomes larger, the arrows are pointing outwards as the distance increases.The previously achieved, closer position is stored and isreferenced by the inner, lighter circle shown on the screen.The searcher is once again approaching the victim. The circle is becoming smaller, the arrows are pointingto the centre and the distance to the victim is reducing. The victim has been buried at a depth of 0.9m. No smaller numbers and no smaller circles are visible.Use the select button (confirmation button) to mark the beacon. The first victim has been found and is marked using the confirmation button (“select”, 7). Now the search can begin for the second and third victims (at distances of 10m and 15m respectively). COARSE SEARCH:If there is no transmission signal being received then thescreen will automatically display instructions to carry outa coarse search. Search the avalanche track in searchstrips of 40m! REFINING LOCATION:At approximately 55 m distance from the victim the victim symbol will appear on the display screen (2) with the digital distance measurement “55”. The searcher aims the vertical line to the middle of the victim symbol and then moves towards the victim. The acoustic signal from the loudspeaker will soundfaster as the distance reduces and thus confirm themeasurement result. The S1 should be moved deliberately and precisely, the closer to the victim. The distance to the victim is now 20m. Two further victims are shown at distances of 25m and 30m.Press both release buttons (6) at the sametime and open the S1.The search situation willbe displayed automati-cally on the screen (2).RECEIVE = SEARCH:Hold the S1 in a horizontal (flat) position during the search! Do Not Rotate!ABCDEFABCDEF
30 31AVALANCHESFour fundamental fac-tors influence the avalan-che situation. Weather,terrain and snow coverare inseparably connec-ted - these factors in-fluence each other andmake an evaluation verycomplex. Man (Humanfactors) and his beha-vior represent thegreatest uncertainty fac-tor. The prerequisite forslab avalanches is cohe-sive snow (usually driftsnow) in conjunctionwith a weak layer that issensitive to interference,on a steep slope.Only man makes ava-lanche danger a risk!TERRAINSLOPE FORMTerrain forms influenceavalanche formationbecause they exert adeciding influence onwind direction andspeed, and thus thescope of snow loading.Thus terrain is the help-ful partner in evaluatingthe avalanche danger.Good visibility and a lotof experience are ne-cessary in order to makesuch an evaluation.Terrain forms influenceavalanche formation.ASPECTThe slope form (alsoreferred to as aspect)influences the tempera-ture of the snow coverand its structure. Onshaded slopes (directionNW to NE) the snowcover settles very slowlydue to low sun inci-dence. Existing dangersremain intact for alonger period and newdangers occur. 70% of all avalancheaccidents occur onnorth aspects (W via N to E).SLOPEThe steepness of a slopeis the essential prere-quisite for formation ofa snow slab. This factorplays a major role in theevaluation and the de-cision making process. When determining slopeincline, the steepestpoint of a slope shouldbe considered.If you do not go tosteep slopes, the risk of triggering an avalanche can be significantly reduced.WEATHERPRECIPITATIONThe amount of precipi-tation, (in conjunctionwith wind, temperature,and the existing oldsnow cover), is a cen-tral value to evaluateavalanche danger. Critical new snow accumulation (within the previous 1-3 days)10–20cm for unfavor-able conditions20–30cm for moderateconditions  BASIC AVALANCHE KNOW-HOWTerrain - Weather - Snow pack - Human factorsSNOW COVERDepending on the weather situation andthe stability of the ter-rain differences occur in the snow cover (snow slab prerequisitesare "cohesive snow" and "bed surface"). The following applies:• Stability on the specificslope can vary greatly.• Over so-called hotspots (very weak slopeareas, where there ispractically no connec-tion to the underlyinglayer), it is particularlyeasy for a skier totrigger the avalanche.In this case the ava-lanche can be triggeredby the added load onthe snow pack causedby one skier.Alarm signals are:Breaking noises in thesnow cover (“WUMPF”),tears in the snow cover,snow slabs that havealready been released.Alarm signals indicatesignificant avalanchedanger.HUMAN FACTORMan is the most decisi-ve avalanche factor.Experience, knowledge,personal skill, and beha-vior are also crucial cri-teria for avoiding avalan-ches. Conscientioustour planning, alertobservation and cons-cious, risk-reducing decisions are the indis-pensable components of any type of off-pisteactivity.The avalanche situationreport is available at www.lawinensicherheit.deand www.ortovox.comor via telephone.30–60cm for favorableconditionsNew snow accumula-tion is not the onlydeciding criterion; theconditions during andafter the snowfall arethe deciding criteria!TEMPERATURELow temperatures andwarm air incidence exerta massive influence on the transformation processes within thesnow cover, and thusthe avalanche situation.WINDWind is the master builder of an avalanche,because it ensures formation of snow slabsthrough snow loads. In this process particlesof snow are reduced in size, loaded, anddeposited as cohesivedrift snow. The stronger the wind,the greater the accu-mulation of drift snow.ENGLISH
32 33ENGLISHDecision-making stra-tegies are necessarywhen planning a tour.For more informationcontact the avalanchewarning services andAlpine organisations in each country.PROPER TOUR PLANNING REDUCES THE RISK!Average time needed to free a person from a snow depth of approximately 1m:The illustration shows theeffect of useful equipment in rescuing an avalanchevictim from a depth of 1m.You should check the emergency equipment onthe day before the tour to ensure that it is com-plete and functionall (e.g. avalanche transceivers).EVERY MEMBER OF THEGROUP SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING BASICEQUIPMENT:Avalanche transceiverMere possession of an ava-lanche transceiver does notsuffice. Each member ofthe group must be familiarwith his device and practisewith it regularly. (See www.lawinensicherheit.defor practice opportunities)Avalanche shovelRescuing avalanche victimsis only possible with a shovel.Avalanche probesA probe is required forfastest possible preciselocation with the pinpointsearch procedure.First-aid kitFor administration of first-aid to the injuredBivouac sackProtects against hypother-mia and can be used as atransport aid.Supplemental equipment for added safety:Mobile phone for organi-zing professional helpEach member of thegroup has an avalanchetransceiver on their person and a shovel andprobe in the backpack. Avalanche transceiver, probe + shovel11 minutesAvalanche transceiver + shovel25 minutesIllustration: Dominique StumpertOnly avalanche transceiver, hands, ski, snowboard1–2 hoursWhy and where …Natural avalanche very unlikely.Human triggered avalanchesunlikly. Generally stable snowwith isolated areas of instability.Natural avalanches unlikely.Human triggered avalanchespossible. Unstable slabs possi-ble on steep terrain.Natural avalanches possible.Human triggered avalanchesprobable. Unstable slabs proba-ble on steep terrain.Natural and human triggeredavalanches likely. Unstable slabslikely on a variety of aspectsand slope angles.Widespread natural and humantriggered avalanches certain.Extremely unstable slabs cer-tain on most aspects and slopeangles. Large destructive ava-lanches possible.What to do …Travel is generally safe, normal caution is advised.Use caution in steeper terrain on certain aspects.Be increasingly cautious on steeper terrain.Travel in avalanche terrain is notrecommended. Safest travel ison windward ridges of the lowerangle slopes without any steepterrain above.Travel in avalanche terrainshould be avoided and travelconfined to low angle terrainwell away from avalanche path run-outs.Level of Risk1LOW2MODERATE3CONSIDERABLE4HIGH5EXTREMEAVALANCHE HAZARD SCALE
1011934 35ENGLISHWEARING THE PROTECTIVE CASE Hold the shoulder strapon the protective caseby the silver-colouredapplication (11) with the label ‘shoulder’ andplace this over yourhead and shoulder. Pull the free end of thestrap around your backand connect to thecase using the snapbuckle (10).  TO OPEN Take the S1 from theprotective case, pressboth release buttons (6)at the same time andthen open the S1.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for the ORTOVOX S1    avalanche transceiverSWITCH ONPress the ON/OFF button (1) to switch onthe S1 and wait for the result of the equip-ment self-test. SWITCH offPress the ON/OFF button (1) for 5 seconds.EQUIPMENT SELF-TEST ANDTRANSMISSIONFollowing a positiveequipment self-test(symbols for transmit,receive, additionalfunction and batterycapacity appear on thescreen and are markedas positive) close the S1.The S1 will now trans-mit and the transmissionmonitoring lights on theside (4) will flash.TRANSMISSION ANDAUTOMATIC SAFETYSWITCH FOR TRANS-MISSION: If the S1 is closed whileswitched on the equip-ment will continue totransmit and the trans-mission monitoring lights will flash. If the S1 is not movedfor 90 seconds whileopen then the trans-mission mode will alsobe automatically activatedfrom every operationtype. In the event of asubsequent avalanchethe S1 switches totransmission after 90seconds (time can beset at between 30 and120 seconds).RECEIVE = SEARCH: Open the S1. Thesearch situation will bedisplayed automaticallyon the screen (2).
36 37ENGLISHREFINING LOCATION:Hold the S1 in a horizontal position during thesearch!If there is no transmission signal then the screenwill automatically display instructions to carry out a coarse search. Search the avalanche track insearch strips of 40m!At approximately 55 m distance from the victimthe victim symbol will appear on the display screen(2) with the digital distance measurement “55”. The searcher points the vertical line to the symboland moves towards the victim. The acoustic signalfrom the loudspeaker will sound faster as thedistance reduces and thus confirm the measure-ment result. The S1 should be moved deliberately and precisely, the closer the distance to the victim! The distance to the victim is now 20m. Two further victims are shown at distances of25m and 30m.Move through the presumedsearch area in strips with a width of 40m while ensu-ring 20m distance from theside edge of the avalanche. COURSE SEARCH (= search for first signal): Several searchers: The distance betweensearchers is 40 m.
39PINPOINT LOCATION:The sensors, the 3 reception antennas and the patentedcircular illustration on the S1 simplify pinpoint locationand make it more precise.The process of pinpoint location begins automatically at a distance of 3m. The searcher is approaching the victim:the arrows show towards the centre of the circle. The closer he comes to the victim the faster the acousticsignal sounds. Do not turn or tip the S1 during pinpointlocation! The searcher is approaching the victim: the distance is 2m, the circle becomes smaller and the arrows are pointing to the centre of the circle.The searcher is moving away from the victim. The circle becomes larger, the arrows are pointing outwards as the distance increases. The previously achieved, closer position is stored and is referenced by the inner, lighter circle shown on the screen.The searcher is once again approaching the victim. The circle is becoming smaller, the arrows are pointing to the centre and the distance to the victim is reducing. The victim is buried at a depth of 0.9m. No further andno smaller circles are visible. Use the select button tomark the position. The first victim has been found and is marked using the confirmation button (“select”, 7). Now the search can begin for the second and third victims (at distancesof 10m and 15m respectively).The reverse arrow signals that the searcher should turnaround and move in the opposite direction. MENU:In order to call up the menu of the S1 open the S1 while it is switched onand press the ON/OFF button (‘menue’). The following symbols will appear in the display. Search  (A) Switch off  (B) Temperature and slope angle (C) Compass (D) Tool (E) Acoustic search  (F) Fast group test (G) Demand to close the equipment (H)Using the ON/OFF button (‘menue’)it is possible to switch from onesymbol to the next. The function ofthe symbol is called up using the‘select’ button. (1) (7)ENGLISHABCDEFGABCDEFGABECFHGD
 The ORTOVOX emergencysafety setting allows anacoustic search whenbattery capacity is low.If batteries have beenallowed to run too low(remaining capacity lessthen 20%) the micro-processor and the dis-play will switch off auto-matically to conservethe battery power.  Now only acousticreception is available.Emergency acousticreception can, however,also be switched on viamenu item 6 (acousticsearch) for practicepurposes. Switching off emergencyacoustic reception: closethe S1 and open itagain or hold down bothbuttons for 5 seconds.If the battery capacity isvery low (less than 20%)the S1is automaticallyswitched to the highestACOUSTIC EMERGENCY RECEPTION (SAFETY SETTING)VolumeIncrease DeacreaseReceiver TransmitterSTART TARGETpossible reception levelfor emergency acousticreception. The ON/OFFbutton (‘menue’) is usedto reduce the signal.The ‘select’ button isused to increase thevolume level.After initial receptionthe loudspeaker willsound the transmissionsignal. TURN the S1 inorder to determine thedirection with the stron-gest reception. Now thesearcher will move inthis direction for 5 m,reducing the volume ifnecessary. Then thesearcher once againturns the S1 to thedirection with the highestvolume and again moves5 m in this direction. The volume increasesas the searcher movescloser to the avalanchevictim. During the pinpointingphase (= lowest recep-tion level) do not turn or tip the S1. Nowmark the point in thelongitudinal directionwith the loudest signal.A search is also madefor the loudest signal tothe right and left of thispoint. The avalanche victim is located at thepoint with the loudestsignal.40ENGLISHDAILY FUNCTION TEST BEFORE STARTING A TOUR! FAST GROUP TEST  The group leader sets his/her S1 to receive using menu item 7 (‘fast group test’). If the S1 receives an audible (via the loudspeaker) and visiblesignal (circle with 2 persons) from each individual avalanche trans-ceiver then the transmission function of the units to be tested andthe reception function of the group leader are in order.  In the event of discrepancies from the functions of the avalanche transceiveras described above please send the S1 directly to your ORTOVOX serviceoffice for inspection (see page 112).LOCATING SEVERAL AVALANCHE VICTIMS (SIGNAL SEPARATION): With the S1 signal separation is carried out by marking thefirst victim to be located. It is necessary to have a short pause between the signals. Itmay take slightly longer to be able to separate three or moresignals due to signal overlap. The receiver needs adequatetime to differentiate between each additional transmittedsignal.Thus it is practically impossible to separate more than 3-4 signals within a reasonable time and to show them on the display. The S1 thereforeautomatically reduces its range until the number of signals has been reducedto a quantity that can be displayed in a reasonable time. If there are morethan 3-4 avalanche victims we recommend repeating location from a greaterdistance (at least 20 m from left or right) after they have been located andmarked in the avalanche area. Before a re-start the previous signal separa-tion must, however, be deleted with the ‘select’ button. CAUTION:it is, of course, possible to get a bearing on signals that have already been located. The searcher shouldthen concentrate on signals that have not yet been marked in the avalanche area.41
IMPORTANT INFORMATION!Remove the batteries from the avalanche transceiver during the summermonths. The ORTOVOX factory guarantee is invalidated by damage due to battery leakage. Never use rechargeable batteries (rechargeable batteries such as Ni-Cd cells). Rechargeable batteries have significantly lower operating voltage,and thus lower range and limited service life.In addition defective rechargeable batteries cannot be detected immediately. Once they have been recharged they show full battery voltage, however theycan drop off to 0 after extremely short service (life threatening hazard!).If you delay changing batteries (capacity <20%), the micro-processor, thedistance display, and direction display will switch off. In such case, approxi-mately only twenty hours of emergency analog transmit operation and onehour of emergency receive operation are possible.42 43ENGLISHINTERFERENCE IN TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING PERFORMANCETransmitting and receiving performance can be interferred by lightnings, skilifts, power lines and plants, walkie-talkies, mobile phones and headlamps withvoltage regulators. When in use, we recommend switching off mobile phones and walkie-talkies.Minimum distance of 30 cm between two avalanche transceivers, metal, wal-kie-talkie, mobile phone, etc.Der erforderliche Neustart (RESET) wird durch Unterbrechung eines Batterie-kontaktes (10 Sekunden) erreicht.CHANGING BATTERIES (when the equipment is switched off)Remove the screw from the battery compartment (8) on the back of the S1and remove the batteries from the battery shaft using the strap. Replace threefresh AAA Alkaline batteries 1.5V LR 03 and make sure the positive and nega-tive poles are inserted correctly. Use only brand name batteries. Cheap batte-ries can be slightly slimmer and/or shorter and thus correct contact with thebattery poles cannot be ensured. No rechargerable batteries and no lithium batteries.SEPARATING THE PROTECTIVE CASE FROM THE AVALANCHE TRANSCIEVER AND ATTACHING THE WRIST STRAP The protective case can be separated from the avalanche transciever for cleaningpurposes. The wrist strap can be attached in place of the protective case.Open the battery compartment on the rear of the S1 and remove the fixing rodwith the rubber cord. Now replace the fixing rod for the wrist strap in the samespace and screw the battery compartment closed.For safety reasons, ORTOVOX only recommends using only the protectivesafety case that is supplied with the transceiver.
44STORAGEAfter the tour take offthe S1 and store it inits switched off statusin a well-ventilated drylocation. Most often,the well-designed casingprevents condensationfor the most part. Toensure that the devicewill function for severalyears we recommend a gentle drying of the carrying system and theavalanche transceiver,itself. If your transceivergets wet, do not usedirect heat, i.e. hairdryer, to dry it out.Heat applied in such adirect manner may causepermanent damage.Protect the avalanchetransceiver from exces-sive moisture or exces-sive heat. Protect thebatteries from cold temperatures.GUARANTEEWith the purchase of anew ORTOVOX avalanchetransceiver and submis-sion of the filled-out gua-rantee card (page 45) afull five-year factory gua-rantee starting from thedate of manufacture isprovided. The valid gua-rantee period is shownon the test seal in thebattery compartmentand on the device packa-ging. For example, if the symbols IV/11 are written on the test seal, it means that the factoryguarantee will expire atthe end of the 4th quar-ter 2011.Also, the seal is areminder of the timeperiod during which therecommended deviceinspection is free ofcharge. Within the gua-rantee period, faultyparts will be repaired orreplaced at no cost. Theexceptions are damagedue to improper hand-ling and normal wearand tear. The ORTOVOX factory guarantee isinvalidated if there isdamage due to batteryleakage. Any further per-formance guaranteesand subsequent  dama-ges are expressly exclu-ded. Guarantee servicesperformed neither causethe guarantee period tobe extended or restarted.112011In case of service please fill out this card and send it tothe responsible ORTOVOX service center (see page 112).IMPORTANT!Please hold insafe keepingGUARANTEE CARDMs/Mrs/MrStreetPostal code, City  E-mailTelephone    Model  ORTOVOX S1Serial number    (inside of battery compartment lid) Purchased at   Please provide below a detailed explanation and description of your unit`s faulty performance!!!! ✃www.ortovox.comSERVICEThe ORTOVOX S1  is arescue device. Its per-fect operation might becrucial for life. To ensureyour unit is functioningproperly, send the devicefor factory inspectionaccording to the datesshown on the test seal. Please use our inspec-tion service in the summer months, sothat your device will beready for operationwhen winter starts. For repair or factoryinspection please sendthe avalanche trans-ceiver directly to ourservice center (see page 112).

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